republic act 6657

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  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    June 10, 1988






    Preliminary Chapter

    SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be kn!n as the C"#$ehensi%e A&$a$ian Re'$"

    La! ' 1()).

    SECTION *. Declaration of Principles and Policies . It is the #lic+ ' the State t

    #,$s,e a C"#$ehensi%e A&$a$ian Re'$" P$&$a" -CARP. The !el'a$e ' the lan/less 'a$"e$s an/

    'a$"!$ke$s !ill $ecei%e the hi&hest cnsi/e$atin t #$"te scial 0,stice an/ t "%e the natin

    t!a$/ s,n/ $,$al /e%el#"ent an/ in/,st$ialiatin2 an/ the establish"ent ' !ne$ c,lti%at$shi# '

    ecn"ic3sie 'a$"s as the basis ' Phili##ine a&$ic,lt,$e. aisa /c

    T this en/2 a "$e e4,itable /ist$ib,tin an/ !ne$shi# ' lan/2 !ith /,e $e&a$/ t the $i&hts

    ' lan/!ne$s t 0,st c"#ensatin an/ t the ecl&ical nee/s ' the natin2 shall be ,n/e$taken t

    #$%i/e 'a$"e$s an/ 'a$"!$ke$s !ith the ##$t,nit+ t enhance thei$ /i&nit+ an/ i"#$%e the 4,alit+

    ' thei$ li%es th$,&h &$eate$ #$/,cti%it+ ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s.

    The a&$a$ian $e'$" #$&$a" is ',n/e/ n the $i&ht ' 'a$"e$s an/ $e&,la$ 'a$"!$ke$s2 !h

    a$e lan/less2 t !n /i$ectl+ $ cllecti%el+ the lan/s the+ till $2 in the case ' the$ 'a$" !$ke$s2 t

    $ecei%e a 0,st sha$e ' the '$,its the$e'. T this en/2 the State shall enc,$a&e an/ ,n/e$take the 0,st

    /ist$ib,tin ' all a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s2 s,b0ect t the #$i$ities an/ $etentin li"its set '$th in this Act2

    ha%in& taken int acc,nt ecl&ical2 /e%el#"ental2 an/ e4,it+ cnsi/e$atins2 an/ s,b0ect t the

    #a+"ent ' 0,st c"#ensatin. The State shall $es#ect the $i&ht ' s"all lan/!ne$s2 an/ shall #$%i/eincenti%es '$ %l,nta$+ lan/3sha$in&.

    The State shall $ec&nie the $i&ht ' 'a$"e$s2 'a$"!$ke$s an/ lan/!ne$s2 as !ell as

    c#e$ati%es an/ the$ in/e#en/ent 'a$"e$s $&aniatins2 t #a$tici#ate in the #lannin&2 $&aniatin2

    an/ "ana&e"ent ' the #$&$a"2 an/ shall #$%i/e s,##$t t a&$ic,lt,$e th$,&h a##$#$iate

    technl&+ an/ $esea$ch2 an/ a/e4,ate 'inancial #$/,ctin2 "a$ketin& an/ the$ s,##$t se$%ices.

    The State shall a##l+ the #$inci#les ' a&$a$ian $e'$"2 $ ste!a$/shi#2 !hene%e$ a##licable2

    in acc$/ance !ith la!2 in the /is#sitin $ ,tiliatin ' the$ nat,$al $es,$ces2 incl,/in& lan/s '

    the #,blic /"ain2 ,n/e$ lease $ cncessin2 s,itable t a&$ic,lt,$e2 s,b0ect t #$i$ $i&hts2 h"estea/

    $i&hts ' s"all settle$s an/ the $i&hts ' in/i&en,s c"",nities t thei$ ancest$al lan/s.

    The State "a+ $esettle lan/less 'a$"e$s an/ 'a$"!$ke$s in its !n a&$ic,lt,$al estates2 !hich

    shall be /ist$ib,te/ t the" in the "anne$ #$%i/e/ b+ la!.

    B+ "eans ' a##$#$iate incenti%es2 the State shall enc,$a&e the '$"atin an/ "aintenance

    ' ecn"ic3sie 'a"il+ 'a$"s t be cnstit,te/ b+ in/i%i/,al bene'icia$ies an/ s"all lan/!ne$s.

    The State shall #$tect the $i&hts ' s,bsistence 'ishe$"en2 es#eciall+ ' lcal c"",nities2 tthe #$e'e$ential ,se ' c"",nal "a$ine an/ 'ishin& $es,$ces2 bth inlan/ an/ ''sh$e. It shall

    #$%i/e s,##$t t s,ch 'ishe$"en th$,&h a##$#$ia te technl&+ an/ $esea$ch2 a/e4,a te 'inancial2

    #$/,ctin an/ "a$ketin& assistance an/ the$ se$%ices. The State shall a ls #$tect2 /e%el# an/

    cnse$%e s,ch $es,$ces. The #$tectin shall eten/ t ''sh$e 'ishin& &$,n/s ' s,bsistence

    'ishe$"en a&ainst '$ei&n int$,sin. ish!$ke$s shall $ecei%e a 0,st sha$e '$" thei$ lab$ in the

    ,tiliatin ' "a$ine an/ 'ishin& $es,$ces.

    The State shall be &,i/e/ b+ the #$inci#les that lan/ has a scial ',nctin an/ lan/ !ne

    has a scial $es#nsibilit+. O!ne$s ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s ha%e the bli&atin t c,lti%ate /i$ectl+

    th$,&h lab$ a/"inist$atin the lan/s the+ !n an/ the$eb+ "ake the lan/ #$/,cti%e.

    The State shall #$%i/e incenti%es t lan/!ne$s t in%est the #$cee/s ' the a&$a$ian

    #$&$a" t #$"te in/,st$ialiatin2 e"#l+"ent an/ #$i%atiatin ' #,blic sect$ ente$#$ises

    inancial inst$,"ents ,se/ as #a+"ent '$ lan/s shall cntain 'eat,$es that shall enhance ne&tia

    an/ acce#tabilit+ in the "a$ket#lace.

    The State "a+ lease ,n/e%el#e/ lan/s ' the #,blic /"ain t 4,ali'ie/ entities '$ th

    /e%el#"ent ' ca#ital3intensi%e 'a$"s2 an/ t$a/itinal an/ #inee$in& c$#s es#eciall+ thse '$

    e#$ts s,b0ect t the #$i$ $i&hts ' the bene'icia$ies ,n/e$ this Act.

    SECTION 8. Definitions. $ the #,$#se ' this Act2 ,nless the cntet in/ic


    -a A&$a$ian Re'$" "eans $e/ist$ib,tin ' lan/s2 $e&a$/less ' c$#s $ '$,its #$/,ce/2 t

    'a$"e$s an/ $e&,la$ 'a$"!$ke$s !h a$e lan/less2 i$$es#ecti%e ' ten,$ial a$$an&e"ent2 t incl,

    ttalit+ ' 'act$s an/ s,##$t se$%ices /esi&ne/ t li't the ecn"ic stat,s ' the bene'icia$ies a

    the$ a$$an&e"ents alte$nati%e t the #h+sical $e/ist$ib,tin ' lan/s2 s,ch as #$/,ctin $ #$'

    sha$in&2 lab$ a/"inist$atin2 an/ the /ist$ib,tin ' sha$es ' stcks2 !hich !ill all! bene'icia

    $ecei%e a 0,st sha$e ' the '$,its ' the lan/s the+ !$k. c/asia

    -b A&$ic,lt,$e2 A&$ic,lt,$al Ente$#$ise $ A&$ic,lt,$al Acti%it+ "eans the c,lti%atin ' the

    #lantin& ' c$#s2 &$!in& ' '$,it t$ees2 $ai sin& ' li%estck2 #,lt$+ $ 'ish2 incl,/in& the ha$%e

    ' s,ch 'a$" #$/,cts2 an/ the$ 'a$" acti%ities an/ #$actices #e$'$"e/ b+ a 'a$"e$ in cn0,nct

    !ith s,ch 'a$"in& #e$atins /ne b+ #e$sn !hethe$ nat,$al $ 0,$i/ical.

    -c A&$ic,lt,$al Lan/ $e'e$s t lan/ /e%te/ t a&$ic,lt,$al acti%it+ as /e'ine/ in this Act an/

    classi'ie/ as "ine$al2 '$est2 $esi/ential2 c""e$cial $ in/,st$ial lan/.

    -/ A&$a$ian :is#,te $e'e$s t an+ cnt$%e$s+ $elatin& t ten,$ial a$$an&e"ents2 !hethe$ lea

    tenanc+2 ste!a$/shi# $ the$!ise2 %e$ lan/s /e%te/ t a&$ic,lt,$e2 incl,/in& /is#,tes cnce$n'a$"!$ke$s assciatins $ $e#$esentatin ' #e$sns in ne&tiatin&2 'iin&2 "aintainin&2 chan&

    seekin& t a$$an&e te$"s $ cn/itins ' s,ch ten,$ial a$$an&e"ents.

    It incl,/es an+ cnt$%e$s+ $elatin& t c"#ensatin ' lan/s ac4,i$e/ ,n/e$ this Act an/ the$ t

    an/ cn/itins ' t$ans'e$ ' !ne$shi# '$" lan/!ne$s t 'a$"!$ke$s2 tenants an/ the$ a&$a

    $e'$" bene'icia$ies2 !hethe$ the /is#,tants stan/ in the #$i"ate $elatin ' 'a$" #e$at$ an/

    bene'icia$+2 lan/!ne$ an/ tenant2 $ less$ an/ lessee.

    -e I/le $ Aban/ne/ Lan/ $e'e$s t an+ a&$ic,lt,$al lan/ nt c,lti%ate/2 tille/ $ /e%el#e/

    #$/,ce an+ c$# n$ /e%te/ t an+ s#ec i'ic ecn"ic #,$#se cntin,,sl+ '$ a #e $i/ ' th$

    +ea$s i""e/iatel+ #$i$ t the $ecei#t ' ntice ' ac4,isitin b+ the &%e$n"ent as #$%i/e/ ,n

    Act2 b,t /es nt incl,/e lan/ that has bec"e #e$"anentl+ $ $e&,la$l+ /e%te/ t nn3a&$ic,lt

    #,$#ses. It /es nt incl,/e lan/ !hich has bec"e ,n#$/,cti%e b+ $easn ' force majeure

    the$ '$t,it,s e%ent2 #$%i/e/ that #$i$ t s,ch e%ent2 s,ch lan/ !as #$e%i,sl+ ,se/ '$ a&$ic

    $ the$ ecn"ic #,$#se.

    -' a$"e$ $e'e$s t a nat,$al #e$sn !hse #$i"a$+ li%elih/ is c,lti%atin ' lan/ $ the#$/,ctin ' a&$ic,lt,$al c$#s2 e ithe$ b+ hi"sel'2 $ #$i"a$il+ !ith the assistance ' his i""e/

    'a$" h,sehl/2 !hethe$ the lan/ is !ne/ b+ hi"2 $ b+ anthe$ #e$sn ,n/e$ a leasehl/ $ sh

    tenanc+ a&$ee"ent $ a$$an&e"ent !ith the !ne$ the$e'.

    -& a$"!$ke$ is a nat,$al #e$sn !h $en/e$s se$%ice '$ %al,e as an e"#l+ee $ lab$e$

    a&$ic,lt,$al ente$#$ise $ 'a$" $e&a$/less ' !hethe$ his c"#ensatin is #ai/ n a /ail+2 !eekl+

    "nthl+ $ ;#ak+a!; basis. The te$" incl,/es an in/i%i/,al !hse !$k has cease/ as a cnse4

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    '2 $ in cnnectin !ith2 a #en/in& a&$a$ian /is#,te an/ !h has nt btaine/ a s,bstantiall+

    e4,i%alent an/ $e&,la$ 'a$" e"#l+"ent.

    -h Re&,la$ a$"!$ke$ is a nat,$al #e$sn !h is e"#l+e/ n a #e$"anent basis b+ an

    a&$ic,lt,$al ente$#$ise $ 'a$".

    -i Seasnal a$"!$ke$ is a nat,$al #e$sn !h is e"#l+e/ n a $ec,$$ent2 #e$i/ic $

    inte$"ittent basis b+ an a&$ic,lt,$al ente$#$ise $ 'a$"2 !hethe$ as a #e$"anent $ a nn3#e$"anent

    lab$e$2 s,ch as ;/,"aan;2 ;saca/a;2 an/ the like.

    -0 Othe$ a$"!$ke$ is a 'a$"!$ke$ !h /es nt 'all ,n/e$ #a$a&$a#hs -&2 -h an/ -i.

    -k C#e$ati%es shall $e'e$ t $&aniatins c"#se/ #$i"a$il+ ' s"all a&$ic,lt,$al #$/,ce$s2

    'a$"e$s2 'a$"!$ke$s2 $ the$ a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies !h %l,nta$il+ $&anie the"sel%es '$

    the #,$#se ' #lin& lan/2 h,"an2 technl&ical2 'inancial $ the$ ecn"ic $es,$ces2 an/ #e$ate/

    n the #$inci#le ' ne "e"be$2 ne %te. A 0,$i/ical #e$sn "a+ be a "e"be$ ' a c#e$ati%e2 !ith

    the sa"e $i&hts an/ /,ties as a nat,$al #e$sn.




    the$ lan/s !ne/ b+ the &%e$n"ent /e%te/ t $ s,itable '$ a&$ic,lt,$e2 !hich shall be ac4,

    an/ /ist$ib,te/ i""e/iatel+ ,#n the e''ecti%it+ ' this Act2 !ith the i"#le"entatin t be c"!ithin a #e$i/ ' nt "$e than ',$ -

    All alienable an/ /is#sable #,blic a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s> all a$able #,blic a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s ,n/e$ a&$

    '$est2 #ast,$e an/ a&$ic,lt,$al leases al$ea/+ c,lti%ate/ an/ #lante/ t c$#s in acc$/ance !ith

    Sectin 62 A$ticle III ' the Cnstit,tin> all #,blic a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s !hich a$e t be #ene/ '

    /e%el#"ent an/ $esettle"ent> an/ all #$i%ate a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s in ecess ' 'i't+ -5@ hecta$es2

    as the ecess hecta$a&e is cnce$ne/2 t i"#le"ent #$inci#all+ the $i&hts ' 'a$"e$s an/ $e&,la$

    'a$"!$ke$s2 !h a$e the lan/less2 t !n /i$ectl+ $ cllecti%el+ the lan/s the+ till2 !hich shall

    /ist$ib,te/ i""e/iatel+ ,#n the e''ecti%it+ ' this Act2 !ith the i"#le"entatin t be c"#lete

    !ithin a #e$i/ ' nt "$e than ',$ -

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    cnsi/e$atin the 'll!in&> the nee/ t /ist$ib,te lan/ t the tille$s at the ea$liest #$acticable ti"e> the

    nee/ t enhance a&$ic,lt,$al #$/,cti%it+> an/ the a%ailabilit+ ' ',n/s an/ $es,$ces t i"#le"ent an/

    s,##$t the #$&$a".

    In an+ case2 the PARC2 ,#n $ec""en/atin b+ the P$%incial A&$a$ian Re'$"

    C$/inatin& C""ittee -PARCCO=2 "a+ /ecla$e ce$tain #$%inces $ $e&in as #$i$it+ lan/

    $e'$" a$eas2 in !hich the ac4,isitin an/ /ist$ib,tin ' #$i%ate a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s the$ein "a+ be

    i"#le"ente/ ahea/ ' the ab%e sche/,les.

    In e''ectin& the t$ans'e$ !ithin these &,i/elines2 #$i$it+ ",st be &i%en t lan/s that a$e


    The PARC shall establish &,i/elines t i"#le"ent the ab%e #$i$ities an/ /ist$ib,tin

    sche"e2 incl,/in& the /ete$"inatin ' !h a$e 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies9 Provided2 That an !ne$3tille$

    "a+ be a bene'icia$+ ' the lan/ he /es nt !n b,t is act,all+ c,lti%atin& t the etent ' the

    /i''e$ence bet!een the a$ea ' the lan/ he !ns an/ the a!a$/ ceilin& ' th$ee -8 hecta$es.

    SECTION ). ultinational Corporations . All lan/s ' the #,blic /"ain lease/2

    hel/ $ #ssesse/ b+ ",ltinatinal c$#$atins $ assciatins2 an/ the$ lan/s !ne/ b+ the

    &%e$n"ent $ b+ &%e$n"ent3!ne/ $ cnt$lle/ c$#$atins2 assciatins2 instit,tins2 $ entities2

    /e%te/ t eistin& an/ #e$atinal a&$i3b,siness $ a&$3in/,st$ial ente$#$ises2 #e$ate/ b+

    ",ltinatinal c$#$atins an/ assciatins2 shall be #$&$a""e/ '$ ac4,isitin an/ /ist$ib,tin

    i""e/iatel+ ,#n the e''ecti%it+ ' this Act2 !ith the i"#le"entatin t be c"#lete/ !ithin th$ee -8


    Lan/s c%e$e/ b+ the #a$a&$a#h i""e/iatel+ #$ece/in&2 ,n/e$ lease2 "ana&e"ent2 &$!e$ $

    se$%ice cnt$acts2 an/ the like2 shall be /is#se/ ' as 'll!s9

    -a Lease2 "ana&e"ent2 &$!e$ $ se$%ice cnt$acts c%e$in& s,ch lan/s c%e$in& an a&&$e&ate a$ea

    in ecess ' 12@@@ hecta$es2 lease/ $ hel/ b+ '$ei&n in/i%i/,als in ecess ' 5@@ hecta$es a$e /ee"e/

    a"en/e/ t cn'$" !ith the li"its set '$th in Sectin 8 ' A$ticle II ' the Cnstit,tin.

    -b Cnt$acts c%e$in& a$eas nt in ecess ' 12@@@ hecta$es in the case ' s,ch c$#$atins an/assciatins2 an/ 5@@ hecta$es2 in the case ' s,ch in/i%i/,als2 shall be all!e/ t cntin,e ,n/e$ thei$

    $i&inal te$"s an/ cn/itins b,t nt be+n/ A,&,st *(2 1((*2 $ thei$ %ali/ te$"inatin2 !hiche%e$

    c"es sne$2 a'te$ !hich2 s,ch a&$ee"ents shall cntin,e nl+ !hen cn'i$"e/ b+ the a##$#$iate

    &%e$n"ent a&enc+. S,ch cnt$acts shall like!ise cntin,e e%en a'te$ the lan/s has been t$ans'e$$e/ t

    bene'icia$ies $ a!a$/ees the$e'2 !hich t$ans'e$ shall be i""e/iatel+ c""ence/ an/ i"#le"ente/

    an/ c"#lete/ !ithin the #e$i/ ' th$ee -8 +ea$s "entine/ in the 'i$st #a$a&$a#h he$e'.

    -c In n case !ill s,ch leases an/ the$ a&$ee"ents n! bein& i"#le"ente/ eten/ be+n/

    A,&,st *(2 1((*2 !hen all lan/s s,b0ect he$e' shall ha%e been /ist$ib,te/ c"#letel+ t 4,ali'ie/

    bene'icia$ies $ a!a$/ees.

    S,ch a&$ee"ents can cntin,e the$ea'te$ nl+ ,n/e$ a ne! cnt$act bet!een the &%e$n"ent

    $ 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies $ a!a$/ees2 n the ne han/2 an/ sai/ ente$#$ises2 n the the$.

    Lan/s lease/2 hel/ $ #ssesse/ b+ ",ltinatinal c$#$atins2 !ne/ b+ #$i%ate in/i%i/,als

    an/ #$i%ate nn3&%e$n"ental c$#$atins2 assciatins2 instit,tins an/ entities2 citiens ' the

    Phili##ines2 shall be s,b0ect t i""e/iate c"#,ls$+ ac4,isitin an/ /ist$ib,tin ,#n the e#i$atin' the a##licable lease2 "ana&e"ent2 &$!e$ $ se$%ice cnt$act in e''ect as ' A,&,st *(2 1()72 $

    the$!ise2 ,#n its %ali/ te$"inatin2 !hiche%e$ c"es sne$2 b,t nt late$ than a'te$ ten -1@ +ea$s

    'll!in& the e''ecti%it+ ' the Act. !e%e$ /,$in& the sai/ #e$i/ ' e''ecti%it+2 the &%e$n"ent

    shall take ste#s t ac4,i$e these lan/s '$ i""e/iate /ist$ib,tin the$ea'te$.

    In &ene$al2 lan/s shall be /ist$ib,te/ /i$ectl+ t the in/i%i/,al !$ke$3bene'icia$ies. In case it

    is nt ecn"icall+ 'easible an/ s,n/ t /i%i/e the lan/2 then the+ shall '$" a !$ke$s c#e$ati%e

    $ assciatin !hich !ill /eal !ith the c$#$atin $ b,siness assciatin $ an+ the$ #$#e$ #

    the #,$#se ' ente$in& int a lease $ &$!e$s a&$ee"ent an/ '$ all the$ le&iti"ate #,$#ses. U

    ne! a&$ee"ent is ente$e/ int b+ an/ bet!een the !$ke$s c#e$ati%e $ assciatin an/ the

    c$#$atin $ b,siness assciatin $ an+ the$ #$#e$ #a$t+2 an+ a&$ee"ent eistin& at the ti"e

    Act takes e''ect bet!een the '$"e$ an/ the #$e%i,s lan/!ne$ shall be $es#ecte/ b+ bth the !

    c#e$ati%e $ assciatin an/ the c$#$atin2 b,siness2 assciatin $ s,ch the$ #$#e$ #a$t+.

    case shall the i"#le"entatin $ a##licatin ' this Act 0,sti'+ $ $es,lt in the $e/,ctin ' stat,s

    /i"in,tin ' an+ bene'its $ecei%e/ $ en0+e/ b+ the !$ke$3bene'icia$ies2 $ in !hich the+ "a

    a %este/ $i&ht2 at the ti"e this Act bec"es e''ecti%e2.

    The #$%isins ' Sectin 8* ' this Act2 !ith $e&a$/ t #$/,ctin an/ inc"e3sha$in&

    a##l+ t 'a$"s #e$ate/ b+ ",ltinatinal c$#$atins.

    :,$in& the t$ansitin #e$i/2 the ne! !ne$s shall be assiste/ in thei$ e''$ts t lea$n "

    technl&+ in #$/,ctin. Ente$#$ises !hich sh! a !illin&ness an/ c""it"ent an/ &/3'ait

    e''$ts t i"#a$t %l,nta$il+ s,ch a/%ance/ technl&+ !ill be &i%en #$e'e$ential t$eat"ent !he$


    In n case shall a '$ei&n c$#$atin2 assciatin2 entit+ $ in/i%i/,al en0+ an+ $i&hts

    #$i%ile&es bette$ than thse en0+e/ b+ a /"estic c$#$atin2 assciatin2 entit+ $ in/i%i/,al.

    SECTION (. !ncestral Lands. $ #,$#ses ' this Act2 ancest$al lan/s ' ea

    in/i&en,s c,lt,$al c"",nit+ shall incl,/e2 b,t nt be li"ite/ t2 lan/s in the act,al2 cntin,,

    #en #ssessin an/ cc,#atin ' the c"",nit+ an/ its "e"be$s9 Provided2 That the T$$ens

    S+ste"s shall be $es#ecte/.

    The $i&ht ' these c"",nities t thei$ ancest$al lan/s shall be #$tecte/ t ens,$e thei

    ecn"ic2 scial an/ c,lt,$al !ell3bein&. In line !ith the #$inci#les ' sel'3/ete$"inatin an/

    a,tn"+2 the s+ste"s ' lan/ !ne$shi#2 lan/ ,se2 an/ the "/es ' settlin& lan/ /is#,tes ' al

    c"",nities ",st be $ec&nie/ an/ $es#ecte/.

    An+ #$%isin ' la! t the cnt$a$+ nt!ithstan/in&2 the PARC "a+ s,s#en/ thei"#le"entatin ' this Act !ith $es#ect t ancest$al lan/s '$ the #,$#se ' i/enti'+in& an/

    /elineatin& s,ch lan/s9Provided2 That in the a,tn",s $e&ins2 the $es#ecti%e le&islat,$es "a

    enact thei$ !n la!s n ancest$al /"ain s,b0ect t the #$%isins ' the Cnstit,tin an/ the

    #$inci#les en,nciate/ in th is Act an/ the$ natinal la!s.

    SECTION 1@. "#emptions and "#clusions. Lan/s act,all+2 /i$ectl+ an/ ecl,s

    ,se/ an/ ',n/ t be necessa$+ '$ #a$ks2 !il/li'e2 '$est $ese$%es2 $e'$estatin2 'ish sanct,a$ies

    b$ee/in& &$,n/s2 !ate$she/s2 an/ "an&$%es2 natinal /e'ense2 schl sites an/ ca"#,ses incl,

    e#e$i"ental 'a$" statins #e$ate/ b+ #,blic $ #$i%ate schls '$ e/,catinal #,$#ses2 see/s

    see/lin&s $esea$ch an/ #ilt #$/,ctin cente$s2 ch,$ch sites an/ cn%ents a##,$tenant the$et2 "

    sites an/ Isla"ic cente$s a##,$tenant the$et2 c"",nal b,$ial &$,n/s an/ ce"ete$ies2 #enal c

    an/ #enal 'a$"s act,all+ !$ke/ b+ the in"ates2 &%e$n"ent an/ #$i%ate $esea$ch an/ 4,a$antin

    cente$s an/ all lan/s !ith ei&hteen #e$cent -1) sl#e an/ %e$2 ece#t thse al$ea/+ /e%el#e

    be ee"#t '$" the c%e$a&e ' the Act.

    SECTION 11. Commercial $arming. C""e$cial 'a$"s2 !hich a$e #$i%atea&$ic,lt,$al lan/s /e%te/ t c""e$cial li%estck2 #,lt$+ an/ s!ine $aisin&2 an/ a4,ac,lt,$e

    incl,/in& saltbe/s2 'ish#n/s an/ #$a!n #n/s2 '$,it 'a$"s2 $cha$/s2 %e&etable an/ c,t3'l!e$ '

    an/ caca2 c''ee an/ $,bbe$ #lantatins2 shall be s,b0ect t i""e/iate c"#,ls$+ ac4,isitin a

    /ist$ib,tin a'te$ -1@ +ea$s '$" the e''ecti%it+ ' the Act. In the case ' ne! 'a$"s2 the ten3+ea$

    #e$i/ shall be&in '$" the 'i$st +ea$ ' c""e$cial #$/,ctin an/ #e$atin2 as /ete$"ine/ b+

    :AR. :,$in& the ten3+ea$ #e$i/2 the &%e$n"ent shall initiate the ste#s necessa$+ t ac4,i$e th

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    lan/s2 ,#n #a+"ent ' 0,st c"#ensatin '$ the lan/ an/ the i"#$%e"ents the$en2 #$e'e$abl+ in

    'a%$ ' $&anie/ c#e$ati%es $ assciatins2 !hich shall he$ea'te$ "ana&e the sai/ lan/s '$ the


    I' the :AR /ete$"ines that the #,$#ses '$ !hich this /e'e$"ent is &$ante/ n ln&e$ eist2

    s,ch a$eas shall a,t"aticall+ be s,b0ect t $e/ist$ib,tin.

    The #$%isins ' Sectin 8* ' the Act2 !ith $e&a$/ t #$/,ctin3an/ inc"e3sha$in&2 shall

    a##l+ t c""e$cial 'a$"s.


    Improvement of Tenurial and La%or Relations

    SECTION 1*. Determination of Lease Rentals . In $/e$ t #$tect an/ i"#$%e the

    ten,$ial an/ ecn"ic stat,s ' the 'a$"e$s in tenante/ lan/s ,n/e$ the $etentin li"it an/ lan/s nt +et

    ac4,i$e/ ,n/e$ this Act2 the :AR is "an/ate/ t /ete$"ine an/ 'i i""e/iatel+ the lease

    $entals the$e' in acc$/ance !ith Sectin 8< ' Re#,blic Act N. 8)

    -b the a%e$a&e &$ss inc"e '$" the #$#e$t+ '$ at least th$ee -8 +ea$s>

    -c the na"es ' all tenants an/ 'a$"!$ke$s the$ein> c/a

    -/ the c$#s #lante/ in the #$#e$t+ an/ the a$ea c%e$e/ b+ each c$# as ' ,ne 12 1()7>

    -e the te$"s ' "$t&a&es2 lease2 an/ "ana&e"ent cnt$acts s,bsistin& as ' ,ne 12 1()72 an/

    -' the latest /ecla$e/ "a$ket %al,e ' the lan/ as /ete$"ine/ b+ the cit+ $ #$%incial assess$.

    SECTION 15. Registration of 'eneficiaries . The :AR in c$/inatin !ith theBa$an&a+ A&$a$ian Re'$" C""ittee -BARC as $&anie/ in this Act2 shall $e&iste$ all a&$ic,lt,$al

    lessees2 tenants an/ 'a$"!$ke$s !h a$e 4,ali'ie/ t be bene'icia$ies ' the CARP. These #tential

    bene'icia$ies !ith the assistance ' the BARC an/ the :AR shall #$%i/e the 'll!in& /ata9

    -a na"es an/ "e"be$s ' thei$ i""e/iate 'a$" h,sehl/>

    -b !ne$s $ a/"inist$at$s ' the lan/s the+ !$k n an/ the len&th ' ten,$ial $elatinshi#>

    -c lcatin an/ a$ea ' the lan/ the+ !$k>

    -/ c$#s #lante/> an/

    -e thei$ sha$e in the ha$%est $ a",nt ' $ental #ai/ $ !a&es $ecei%e/.

    A c#+ ' the $e&ist$+ $ list ' all #tential CARP bene'icia$ies in the ba$an&a+ shall b

    #ste/ in the ba$an&a+ hall2 schl $ the$ #,blic b,il/in&s in the ba$an&a+ !he$e it shall be #

    ins#ectin b+ the #,blic at all $easnable h,$s.


    Land !c(uisition

    SECTION 16. Procedure for !c(uisition of Private Lands. $ #,$#ses '

    ac4,isitin ' #$i%ate lan/s2 the 'll!in& #$ce/,$es shall be 'll!e/9

    -a A'te$ ha%in& i/enti'ie/ the lan/2 the lan/!ne$s an/ the bene'icia$ies2 the :AR shall sen

    ntice t ac4,i$e the lan/ t the !ne$s the$e'2 b+ #e$snal /eli%e$+ $ $e&iste$e/ "ail2 an/ #s

    sa"e in a cns#ic,,s #lace in the ",nici#al b,il/in& an/ ba$an&a+ hall ' the #lace !he$e the

    #$#e$t+ is lcate/. Sai/ ntice shall cntain the ''e$ ' the :AR t #a+ a c$$es#n/in& %al,e

    acc$/ance !ith the %al,atin set '$th in Sectins 172 1)2 an/ the$ #e$tinent #$%isins he$e'

    -b Dithin thi$t+ -8@ /a+s '$" the /ate ' $ecei#t ' !$itten ntice b+ #e$snal /eli%e$+ $

    $e&iste$e/ "ail2 the lan/!ne$2 his a/"inist$at$ $ $e#$esentati%e shall in'$" the :AR ' his

    acce#tance $ $e0ectin ' the ''e$.

    -c I' the lan/!ne$ acce#ts the ''e$ ' the :AR2 the Lan/ Bank ' the Phili##ines -LBP s

    #a+ the lan/!ne$ the #,$chase #$ice ' the lan/ !ithin thi$t+ -8@ /a+s a't e$ he eec,tes an/ /e

    a /ee/ ' t$ans'e$ in 'a%$ ' the &%e$n"ent an/ s,$$en/e$s the Ce$ti'icate ' Title an/ the$

    ",ni"ents ' title.

    -/ In case ' $e0ectin $ 'ail,$e t $e#l+2 the :AR shall cn/,ct s,""a$+ a/"inist$ati%e

    #$cee/in&s t /ete$"ine the c"#ensatin '$ the lan/ $e4,i$in& the lan/!ne$2 the LBP an/

    inte$este/ #a$ties t s,b"it e%i/ence as t the 0,st c"#ensatin '$ the lan/2 !ithin 'i'teen -15

    '$" the $ecei#t ' the ntice. A'te$ the e#i$atin ' the ab%e #e$i/2 the "atte$ is /ee"e/ s,b"

    '$ /ecisin. The :AR shall /eci/e the case !ithin thi$t+ -8@ /a+s a'te$ it is s,b"itte/ '$ /ecis-e U#n $ecei#t b+ the lan/!ne$ ' the c$$es#n/in& #a+"ent $2 in case ' $e0ectin $ n

    $es#nse '$" the lan/!ne$2 ,#n the /e#sit !ith an accessible bank /esi&nate/ b+ the :AR

    c"#ensatin in cash $ in LBP bn/s in acc$/ance !ith this Act2 the :AR shall take i""e/ia

    #ssessin ' the lan/ an/ shall $e4,est the #$#e$ Re&iste$ ' :ee/s t iss,e a T$ans'e$ Ce$ti 'ic

    Title -TCT in the na"e ' the Re#,blic ' the Phili##ines. The :AR shall the$ea'te$ #$cee/ !

    $e/ist$ib,tin ' the lan/ t the 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies.

    -' An+ #a$t+ !h /isa&$ees !ith the /ecisin "a+ b$in& the "atte$ t the c,$t ' #$#e$

    0,$is/ictin '$ 'inal /ete$"inatin ' 0,st c"#ensatin.



    SECTION 17. Determination of )ust Compensation . In /ete$"inin& 0,st

    c"#ensatin2 the cst ' ac4,isitin ' the lan/2 the c,$$ent %al,e ' the like #$#e$ties2 its nat,

    act,al ,se an/ inc"e2 the s!$n %al,atin b+ the !ne$2 the ta /ecla$atins2 an/ the assess"en

    "a/e b+ &%e$n"ent assess$s shall be cnsi/e$e/. The scial an/ ecn"ic bene'its cnt$ib,tethe 'a$"e$s an/ the 'a$"!$ke$s an/ b+ the ?%e$n"ent t the #$#e$t+ as !ell as the nn3#a+"

    taes $ lans sec,$e/ '$" an+ &%e$n"ent 'inancin& instit,tin n the sai/ lan/ shall be cnsi/

    as a//itinal 'act$s t /ete$"ine its %al,atin.

    SECTION 1). *aluation and ode of Compensation . The LBP shall c"#ens

    lan/!ne$ in s,ch a",nts as "a+ be a&$ee/ ,#n b+ the lan/!ne$ an/ the :AR an/ the LBP2

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    acc$/ance !ith the c$ite$ia #$%i/e/ '$ in Sectins 16 an/ 172 an/ the$ #e$tinent #$%isins he$e'2

    $ as "a+ be 'inall+ /ete$"ine/ b+ the c,$t2 as the 0,st c"#ensatin '$ the lan/.

    The c"#ensatin shall be #ai/ n ne ' the 'll!in& "/es2 at the #tin ' the


    -1 Cash #a+"ent2 ,n/e$ the 'll!in& te$"s an/ cn/itins>

    -a $ lan/s ab%e T!ent+3'i%e #e$cent

    'i't+ -5@ hecta$es2 ins'a$ -*5 cash2 the balance t

    as the ecess hecta$a&e is be #ai/ in &%e$n"ent

    cnce$ne/. 'inancial inst$,"ents

    ne&tiable at an+ ti"e.

    -b $ lan/s ab%e Thi$t+ #e$cent -8@ cash2

    t!ent+3',$ -* c/t

    -8 Ta c$e/its !hich can be ,se/ a&ainst an+ ta liabilit+>


    -ii Ac4,isitin ' sha$es ' stck ' &%e$n"ent3!ne/ $ 3cnt$lle/ c$#$atins $ sha$es '

    stcks !ne/ b+ the &%e$n"ent in #$i%ate c$#$atins>

    -iii S,bstit,tin '$ s,$et+ $ bail bn/s '$ the #$%isinal $elease ' acc,se/ #e$sns2 $

    #e$'$"ance bn/s>

    -i% Sec,$it+ '$ lans !ith an+ &%e$n"ent 'inancial instit,tin2 #$%i/e/ the #$cee/s ' the lansshall be in%este/ in an ecn"ic ente$#$ise2 #$e'e$abl+ in a s"all3an/ "e/i,"3scale in/,st$+2 in the

    sa"e #$%ince $ $e&in as the lan/ '$ !hich the bn/s a$e #ai/>

    -% Pa+"ent '$ %a$i,s taes an/ 'ees t &%e$n"ent>Provided2 That the ,se ' these bn/s '$

    these #,$#ses !ill be li"ite/ t a ce$tain #e$centa&e ' the ,tstan/in& balance ' the 'inancial

    inst$,"ents9Provided, further2 That the PARC shall /ete$"ine the #e$centa&e "entine/ ab%e>

    -%i Pa+"ent '$ t,itin 'ees ' the i""e/iate 'a"il+ ' the $i&inal bn/hl/e$ in &%e$n"e

    ,ni%e$sities2 clle&es2 t$a/e schls2 an/ the$ instit,tins>

    -%ii Pa+"ent '$ 'ees ' the i""e/iate 'a"il+ ' the $i&inal bn/hl/e$ in &%e$n"ent hs#


    -%iii S,ch the$ ,ses as the PARC "a+ '$" ti"e t ti"e all!.

    In case ' et$a$/ina$+ in'latin2 the PARC shall take a##$#$iate "eas,$es t #$tect


    SECTION 1(. Incentives for *oluntary +ffers for Sales . Lan/!ne$s2 the$ th

    banks an/ the$ 'inancial instit,tins2 !h %l,nta$il+ ''e$ thei$ lan/s '$ sale shall be entitle/

    a//itinal 'i%e #e$cent -5 cash #a+"ent.

    SECTION *@. *oluntary Land Transfer. Lan/!ne$s ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s s,b

    ac4,isitin ,n/e$ this Act "a+ ente$ int a %l,nta$+ a$$an&e"ent '$ /i$ect t$ans'e$ ' thei$ lan/

    4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies s,b0ect t the 'll!in& &,i/elines9

    -a All ntices '$ %l,nta$+ lan/ t$ans'e$ ",st be s,b"itte/ t the :AR !ithin the 'i$st +ea

    i"#le"entatin ' the CARP. Ne&tiatins bet!een the lan/!ne$s an/ 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies

    c%e$in& an+ %l,nta$+ lan/ t$ans'e$ !hich $e"ain ,n$esl%e/ a'te$ ne -1 +ea$ shall nt be

    $ec&nie/ an/ s,ch lan/ shall instea/ be ac4,i$e/ b+ the &%e$n"ent an/ t$ans'e$$e/ #,$s,ant


    -b The te$"s an/ cn/itins ' s,ch t$ans'e$ shall nt be less 'a%$able t the t$ans'e$ee tha

    ' the &%e$n"ents stan/in& ''e$ t #,$chase '$" the lan/!ne$ an/ t $esell t the bene'icia$

    s,ch ''e$s ha%e been "a/e an/ a$e ',ll+ kn!n t bth #a$ties.

    -c The %l,nta$+ a&$ee"ent shall incl,/e sanctins '$ nn3c"#liance b+ eithe$ #a$t+ an/

    be /,l+ $ec$/e/ an/ its i"#le"entatin "nit$e/ b+ the :AR.

    SECTION *1. Payment of Compensation %y 'eneficiaries nder *oluntary Land

    Transfer. :i$ect #a+"ents in cash $ in kin/ "a+ be b+ the 'a$"e$3bene'icia$+ t the lan/!n

    ,n/e$ te$"s t be ",t,all+ a&$ee/ ,#n b+ bth #a$ties2 !hich shall be bin/in& ,#n the"2 ,#n$e&ist$atin !ith the a##$%al b+ the :AR. Sai/ a##$%al shall be cnsi/e$e/ &i%en2 ,nless ntic

    /isa##$%al is $ecei%e/ b+ the 'a$"e$3bene'icia$+ !ithin thi$t+ -8@ /a+s '$" the /ate ' $e&ist$

    In the e%ent the+ cannt a&$ee n the #$ice ' lan/2 the #$ce/,$e '$ c"#,ls$+ ac4,is

    as #$%i/e/ in Sectin 16 shall a##l+. The LBP shall eten/ 'inancin& t the bene'icia$ies '$ #,

    ' ac4,i$in& the lan/.


    Land Redistri%ution

    SECTION **. -ualified 'eneficiaries. The lan/s c%e$e/ b+ the CARP shall b

    /ist$ib,te/ as ",ch as #ssible t lan/less $esi/ents ' the sa"e ba$an&a+2 $ in the absence the$

    lan/less $esi/ents ' the sa"e ",nici#alit+ in the 'll!in& $/e$ ' #$i$it+9 c/tai

    -a a&$ic,lt,$al lessees an/ sha$e tenants>

    -b $e&,la$ 'a$"!$ke$s>

    -c seasnal 'a$"!$ke$s>

    -/ the$ 'a$"!$ke$s>-e act,al tille$s $ cc,#ants ' #,blic lan/s>

    -' cllecti%es $ c#e$ati%es ' the ab%e bene'icia$ies> an/

    -& the$s /i$ectl+ !$kin& n the lan/.

    Provided, however2 That the chil/$en ' lan/!ne$s !h a$e 4,ali'ie/ ,n/e$ Sectin 6

    Act shall be &i%en #$e'e$ence in the /ist$ib,tin ' the lan/ ' thei$ #a$ents9 an/Provided, furth

    That act,al tenant3tille$s in the lan/hl/in&s shall nt be e0ecte/ $ $e"%e/ the$e'$".

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    Bene'icia$ies ,n/e$ P$esi/ential :ec$ee N. *7 !h ha%e c,l#abl+ sl/2 /is#se/ '2 $

    aban/ne/ thei$ lan/ a$e /is4,ali'ie/ t bec"e bene'icia$ies ,n/e$ this P$&$a".

    A basic 4,ali'icatin ' a bene'icia$+ shall be his !illin&ness2 a#tit,/e2 an/ abilit+ t c,lti%ate

    an/ "ake the lan/ as #$/,cti%e as #ssible. The :AR shall a/#t a s+ste" ' "nit$in& the $ec$/

    $ #e$'$"ance ' each bene'icia$+2 s that an+ bene'icia$+ &,ilt+ ' ne&li&ence $ "is,se ' the lan/

    $ an+ s,##$t eten/e/ t hi" shall '$'eit his $i&ht t cntin,e as s,ch bene'icia$+. The :AR shall

    s,b"it #e$i/ic $e#$ts n the #e$'$"ance ' the bene'icia$ies t the PARC.

    I'2 /,e t the lan/!ne$s $etentin $i&hts $ t the n,"be$ ' tenants2 lessees2 $ !$ke$s n

    the lan/2 the$e is nt en,&h lan/ t acc""/ate an+ $ s"e ' the"2 the+ "a+ be &$ante/

    !ne$shi# ' the$ lan/s a%ailable '$ /ist$ib,tin ,n/e$ this Act2 at the #tin ' the bene'icia$ies.

    a$"e$s al$ea/+ in #lace an/ thse nt acc""/ate/ in the /ist$ib,tin ' #$i%atel+3!ne/

    lan/s !ill be &i%en #$e'e$ential $i&hts in the /ist$ib,tin ' lan/s '$" the #,blic /"ain.SECTION *8. Distri%ution Limit. N 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$+ "a+ !n "$e than th$ee

    -8 hecta$es ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/.

    SECTION * an/this "$t&a&e "a+ be '$eclse/ b+ the LBP '$ nn3#a+"ent ' an a&&$e&ate ' th$ee -8 ann,al

    a"$tiatins. The LBP shall a/%ise the :AR ' s,ch #$cee/in&s an/ the latte$ shall s,bse4,entl+

    a!a$/ the '$'eite/ lan/hl/in&s t the$ 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies. A bene'icia$+ !hse lan/2 as

    #$%i/e/ he$ein2 has been '$eclse/ shall the$ea'te$ be #e$"anentl+ /is4,ali'ie/ '$" bec"in& a

    bene'icia$+ ,n/e$ this Act. c/

    SECTION *7. Transfera%ility of !warded Lands. Lan/s ac4,i$e/ b+ bene'icia

    ,n/e$ this Act "a+ nt be sl/2 t$ans'e$$e/ $ cn%e+e/ ece#t th$,&h he$e/ita$+ s,ccessin2 $

    &%e$n"ent2 $ the LBP2 $ t the$ 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies '$ a #e$i/ ' ten -1@ +ea$s9Provid

    however2 That the chil/$en $ the s#,se ' the t$ans'e$$ shall ha%e a $i&ht t $e#,$chase the lan

    the &%e$n"ent $ LBP !ithin a #e$i/ ' t! -* +ea$s. :,e ntice ' the a%ailabilit+ ' the lan

    be &i%en b+ the LBP t the Ba$an&a+ A&$a$ian Re'$" C""ittee -BARC ' the ba$an&a+ !he

    lan/ is sit,ate/. The P$%incial A&$a$ian Re'$" C$/inatin& C""ittee -PARCCO= as he$e

    #$%i/e/2 shall2 in t,$n2 be &i%en /,e ntice the$e' b+ the BARC.

    I' the lan/ has nt +et been ',ll+ #ai/ b+ the bene'icia$+2 the $i&hts t the lan/ "a+ be

    t$ans'e$$e/ $ cn%e+e/2 !ith #$i$ a##$%al ' the :AR2 t an+ hei$ ' the bene'icia$+ $ t an+

    bene'icia$+ !h2 as a cn/itin '$ s,ch t$ans'e$ $ cn%e+ance2 shall c,lt i%ate the lan/ hi"sel'.

    ailin& c"#liance he$e!ith2 the lan/ shall be t$ans'e$$e/ t the LBP !hich shall &i%e /,e ntica%ailabilit+ ' the lan/ in the "anne$ s#eci'ie/ in the i""e/iatel+ #$ece/in& #a$a&$a#h.

    In the e%ent ' s,ch t$ans'e$ t the LBP2 the latte$ shall c"#ensate the bene'icia$+ in

    l,"# s," '$ the a",nts the latte$ has al$ea/+ #ai/2 t&ethe$ !ith the %al,e ' i"#$%e"ents h

    "a/e n the lan/.

    SECTION *). Standing Crops at the Time of !c(uisition . The lan/!ne$ shal

    his sha$e ' an+ stan/in& c$#s ,nha$%este/ at the ti"e the :AR shall take #ssessin ' the lan/

    Sectin 16 ' the Act2 an/ shall be &i%en a $easnable ti"e t ha$%est the sa"e.


    Corporate $arms

    SECTION *(. $arms +wned or +perated %y Corporations or +ther 'usiness

    !ssociations. In the case ' 'a$"s !ne/ $ #e$ate/ b+ c$#$atins $ the$ b,siness assci

    the 'll!in& $,les shall be bse$%e/ b+ the PARC9

    In &ene$al2 lan/s shall be /ist$ib,te/ /i$ectl+ t the in/i%i/,al !$ke$3bene'icia$ies.

    In case it is nt ecn"icall+ 'easible an/ s,n/ t /i%i/e the lan/2 then it shall be !ne/ cllecb+ the !$ke$s c#e$ati%e $ assciatin !hich !ill /eal !ith the c$#$atin $ b,siness ass

    Until a ne! a&$ee"ent is ente$e/ int b+ an/ bet!een the !$ke$s c#e$ati%e $ assciatin an

    c$#$atin $ b,siness assciatin2 an+ a&$ee"ent eistin& at the ti"e this Act takes e''ect bet!

    the '$"e$ an/ the #$e%i,s lan/!ne$ shall be $es#ecte/ b+ bth the !$ke$s c#e$ati%e $

    assciatin an/ the c$#$atin $ b,siness assciatin.

    SECTION 8@. .omelots and $armlots for em%ers of Cooperatives . The in/

    "e"be$s ' the c#e$ati%es $ c$#$atins "entine/ in the #$ece/in& sectin shall be #$%i/

    h"elts an/ s"all 'a$"lts '$ thei$ 'a"il+ ,se2 t be taken '$" the lan/ !ne/ b+ the c#e$

    $ c$#$atin.

    SECTION 81. Corporate Landowners. C$#$ate lan/!ne$s "a+ %l,nta$il+

    t$ans'e$ !ne$shi# %e$ thei$ a&$ic,lt,$al lan/hl/in&s t the Re#,blic ' the Phili##ines #,$s,a

    Sectin *@ he$e' $ t 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies2 ,n/e$ s,ch te$"s an/ cn/itins2 cnsistent !ith

    Act2 as the+ "a+ a&$ee ,#n2 s,b0ect t cn'i$"atin b+ the :AR.

    U#n ce$ti'icatin b+ the :AR2 c$#$atins !nin& a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s "a+ &i%e thei$4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies the $i&ht t #,$chase s,ch #$#$tin ' the ca#ital stck ' the c$#$ati

    the a&$ic,lt,$al lan/2 act,all+ /e%te/ t a&$ic,lt,$al acti%ities2 bea$s in $elatin t the c"#an+

    assets2 ,n/e$ s,ch te$"s an/ cn/itins as "a+ be a&$ee/ ,#n b+ the". In n case shall the

    c"#ensatin $ecei%e/ b+ the !$ke$s at the ti"e the sha$es ' stcks a$e /ist$ib,te/ be $e/,ce/

    sa"e #$inci#le shall be a##lie/ t assciatins2 !ith $es#ect t thei$ e4,it+ $ #a$tici#atin.

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    C$#$atins $ assciatins !hich %l,nta$il+ /i%est a #$#$tin ' thei$ ca#ital stck2

    e4,it+ $ #a$tici#atin in 'a%$ ' thei$ !$ke$s $ the$ 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies ,n/e$ this sectin shall

    be /ee"e/ t ha%e c"#lie/ !ith the #$%isins ' the Act9Provided2 That the 'll!in& cn/itins

    a$e c"#lie/ !ith9

    a In $/e$ t sa'e&,a$/ the $i&ht ' bene'icia$ies !h !n sha$es ' stcks t /i%i/en/s an/ the$

    'inancial bene'its2 the bks ' the c$#$atin $ assciatin shall be s,b0ect t #e$i/ic a,/it b+

    ce$ti'ie/ #,blic acc,ntants chsen b+ the bene'icia$ies>

    b I$$es#ecti%e ' the %al,e ' thei$ e4,it+ in the c$#$atin $ assciatin2 the bene'icia$ies shall

    be ass,$e/ ' at least ne -1 $e#$esenta ti%e in the ba$/ ' /i$ect$s2 $ in a "ana&e"ent $ eec,ti%e

    c""ittee2 i' ne eists2 ' the c$#$atin $ assciatin> an/

    c An+ sha$es ac4,i$e/ b+ s,ch !$ke$s an/ bene'icia$ies shall ha%e the sa"e $i&hts an/ 'eat,$es

    as all the$ sha$es./ An+ t$ans'e$ ' sha$es ' stcks b+ the $i&inal bene'icia$ies shall be %i/ a% initio,nless sai/

    t$ansactin is in 'a%$ ' a 4,ali'ie/ an/ $e&iste$e/ bene'icia$+ !ithin the sa"e c$#$atin.

    I' !ithin t! -* +ea$s '$" the a##$%al ' this Act2 the lan/ $ stck t$ans'e$ en%isine/

    ab%e is nt "a/e $ $ealie/ $ the #lan '$ s,ch stck /ist$ib,tin a##$%e/ b+ the PARC !ithin the

    sa"e #e$i/2 the a&$ic,lt,$al lan/ ' the c$#$ate !ne$s $ c$#$atin shall be s,b0ect t the

    c"#,ls$+ c%e$a&e ' this Act. ac/

    SECTION 8*. Production&Sharing. Pen/in& 'inal lan/ t$ans'e$2 in/i%i/,als $ entities

    !nin&2 $ #e$atin& ,n/e$ lease $ "ana&e"ent cnt$act2 a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s a$e he$eb+ "an/ate/ t

    eec,te a #$/,ctin3sha$in& #lan !ith thei$ 'a$" !$ke$s $ 'a$"!$ke$s $e$&aniatin2 i' an+2

    !he$eb+ th$ee #e$cent -8 ' the &$ss sales '$" the #$/,ctin ' s,ch lan/s a$e /ist$ib,te/ !ithin

    sit+ -6@ /a+s ' the en/ ' the 'iscal +ea$ as c"#ensatin t $e&,la$ an/ the$ 'a$"!$ke$s in s,ch

    lan/s %e$ an/ ab%e the c"#ensatin the+ c,$$entl+ $ecei%e9Provided2 That these in/i%i/,als $

    entities $ealie &$ss sales in ecess ' 'i%e "illin #ess #e$ ann," ,nless the :AR2 ,#n #$#e$

    a##licatin2 /ete$"ines a l!e$ ceilin&.In the e%ent that the in/i%i/,al $ entit+ $ealies a #$'it2 an a//itinal ten #e$cent -1@ '

    the net #$'it a'te$ ta shall be /ist$ib,te/ t sai/ $e&,la$ an/ the$ 'a$"!$ke$s !ithin ninet+ -(@

    /a+s ' the en/ ' the 'iscal +ea$.

    T '$estall an+ /is$,#tin in the n$"al #e$atin ' lan/s t be t,$ne/ %e$ t the

    'a$"!$ke$3bene'icia$ies "entine/ ab%e2 a t$ansit$+ #e$i/2 the len&th ' !hich shall be

    /ete$"ine/ b+ the :AR2 shall be establishe/.

    :,$in& this t$ansit$+ #e$i/2 at least ne #e$cent -1 ' the &$ss sales ' the entit+ shall be

    /ist$ib,te/ t the "ana&e$ial2 s,#e$%is$+ an/ technical &$,# in #lace at the ti"e ' the e''ecti%it+ '

    this Act2 as c"#ensatin '$ s,ch t$ansit$+ "ana&e$ial an/ technical ',nctins as it !ill #e$'$"2

    #,$s,ant t an a&$ee"ent that the 'a$"!$ke$3bene'icia$ies an/ the "ana&e$ial2 s,#e$%is$+ an/

    technical &$,# "a+ cncl,/e2 s,b0ect t the a##$%al ' the :AR.

    SECTION 88. Payment of Shares of Cooperative or !ssociation . Sha$es ' a

    c#e$ati%e $ assciatin ac4,i$e/ b+ 'a$"e$s3bene'icia$ies $ !$ke$s3bene'icia$ies shall be ',ll+

    #ai/ '$ in an a",nt c$$es#n/in& t the %al,atin as /ete$"ine/ in the i""e/iatel+ s,ccee/in&sectin. The lan/!ne$ an/ the LBP shall assist the 'a$"e$s3bene'icia$ies an/ !$ke$s3bene'icia$ies in

    the #a+"ent '$ sai/ sha$es b+ #$%i/in& c$e/it 'inancin&.


    8 ?%e$n"ent s,bsi/ies '$ the ,se ' i$$i&atin 'acilities>

    -b Libe$alie/ te$"s n c$e/it 'acilities an/ #$/,ctin lans>

    -c Etensin se$%ices b+ !a+ ' #lantin&2 c$##in&2 #$/,ctin an/ #st3ha$%est technl&+

    t$ans'e$2 as !ell as "a$ketin& an/ "ana&e"ent assistance an/ s,##$t t c#e$ati%es an/ 'a$"e


    -/ In'$ast$,ct,$e s,ch as access t$ails2 "ini3/a"s2 #,blic ,tilities2 "a$ketin& an/ st$a&e 'ac


  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    -e Resea$ch2 #$/,ctin an/ ,se ' $&anic 'e$tilie$s an/ the$ lcal s,bstances necessa$+ in

    'a$"in& an/ c,lti%atin.

    The PARC shall '$",late #licies t ens,$e that s,##$t se$%ices t 'a$"e$3bene'icia$ies

    shall be #$%i/e/ at all sta&es ' lan/ $e'$".

    The'agong /ilusang /a%uhayan sa /aunlaran -BFFF Sec$eta$iat shall be t$ans'e$$e/ an/

    attache/ t the LBP2 '$ its s,#e$%isin incl,/in& all its a##licable an/ eistin& ',n/s2 #e$snnel2

    #$#e$ties2 e4,i#"ent an/ $ec$/s.

    =is,se $ /i%e$sin ' the 'inancial an/ s,##$t se$%ices he$ein #$%i/e/ shall $es,lt in

    sanctins a&ainst the bene'icia$+ &,ilt+ the$e'2 incl,/in& the '$'eit,$e ' the lan/ t$ans'e$$e/ t hi"

    $ lesse$ sanctins as "a+ be #$%i/e/ b+ the PARC2 !ith,t #$e0,/ice t c$i"inal #$sec,tin.

    SECTION 8). Support Services to Landowners. The PARC !ith the assistance '

    s,ch the$ &%e$n"ent a&encies an/ inst$,"entalities as it "a+ /i$ect2 shall #$%i/e lan/!ne$sa''ecte/ b+ the CARP an/ #$i$ a&$a$ian $e'$" #$&$a"s !ith the 'll!in& se$%ices9

    -a In%est"ent in'$"atin 'inancial an/ c,nselin& assistance>

    -b acilities2 #$&$a"s an/ sche"es '$ the cn%e$sin $ echan&e ' bn/s iss,e/ '$ #a+"ent

    ' the lan/s ac4,i$e/ !ith stcks an/ bn/s iss,e/ b+ the Natinal ?%e$n"ent2 the Cent$al Bank an/

    the$ &%e$n"ent instit,tins an/ inst$,"entalities>

    -c =a$ketin& ' LBP bn/s2 as !ell as #$"tin& the "a$ketabilit+ ' sai/ bn/s in t$a/itinal an/

    nn3t$a/itinal 'inancial "a$kets an/ stck echan&es> an/

    -/ Othe$ se$%ices /esi&ne/ t ,tilie #$/,cti%el+ the #$cee/s ' the sale ' s,ch lan/s '$ $,$al


    A lan/!ne$ !h in%ests in $,$al3base/ in/,st$ies shall be entitle/ t the incenti%es &$ante/ t

    a $e&iste$e/ ente$#$ise en&a&e/ in a #inee$ $ #$e'e$$e/ a$ea ' in%est"ent as #$%i/e/ '$ in the

    O"nib,s In%est"ent C/e ' 1()72 $ t s,ch the$ incenti%es as the PARC2 the LBP2 $ the$

    &%e$n"ent 'inancial instit,tins "a+ #$%i/e.

    The LBP shall $e/ee" a lan/!ne$s LBP bn/s at 'ace %al,e2 #$%i/e/ that the #$cee/sthe$e' shall be in%este/ in a BOI3$e&iste$e/ c"#an+ $ in an+ a&$i3b,siness $ a&$3in/,st$ial

    ente$#$ise in the $e&in !he$e the lan/!ne$ has #$e%i,sl+ "a/e in%est"ents2 t the etent ' thi$t+

    #e$cent -8@ ' the 'ace %a l,e ' sai/ LBP bn/s2 s,b0ect t &,i/elines that shall be iss,e/ b+ the


    SECTION 8(. Land Consolidation. The :AR shall ca$$+ ,t lan/ cnsli/atin

    #$0ects t #$"te e4,al /ist$ib,tin ' lan/hl/in&s2 t #$%i/e the nee/e/ in'$ast$,ct,$es in

    a&$ic,lt,$e2 an/ t cnse$%e sil 'e$tilit+ an/ #$e%ent e$sin.


    Special !reas of Concern

    SECTION P$esi/ent2 Lan/ Bank

    Phili##ines> A/"inist$at$2 Natinal I$$i&atin A/"inist$atin> an/ th$ee -8 $e#$esentati%es ' a

    lan/!ne$s t $e#$esent L,n2 Gisa+as an/ =in/ana> si -6 $e#$esentati%es ' a&$a$ian $e'$"

    bene'icia$ies2 t! -* each '$" L,n2 Gisa+as an/ =in/ana2 #$%i/e/ that ne ' the" shall

    '$" the c,lt,$al c"",nities.


  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    The Sec$eta$iat shall be hea/e/ b+ the Sec$eta$+ ' A&$a$ian Re'$" !h shall be assiste/ b+

    an Un/e$sec$eta$+ an/ s,##$te/ b+ a sta'' !hse c"#sitin shall be /ete$"ine/ b+ the PARC

    Eec,ti%e C""ittee an/ !hse c"#ensatin shall be cha$&eable a&ainst the A&$a$ian Re'$" ,n/.

    All ''ice$s an/ e"#l+ees ' the Sec$eta$iat shall be a##inte/ b+ the Sec$eta$+ ' A&$a$ian Re'$".


    -/ Assist 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies in btainin& c$e/it '$" len/in& instit,tins>

    -e Assist in the initial /ete$"inatin ' the %al,e ' the lan/>

    -' Assist the :AR $e#$esentati%es in the #$e#a$atin ' #e$i/ic $e#$ts n the CARP

    i"#le"entatin '$ s,b"issin t the :AR>

    -& C$/inate the /eli%e$+ ' s,##$t se$%ices t bene'icia$ies> an/

    -h Pe$'$" s,ch the$ ',nctins as "a+ be assi&ne/ b+ the :AR.

    -* The BARC shall en/ea%$ t "e/iate2 cnciliate an/ settle a&$a$ian /is#,tes l/&e/be'$e it !ithin thi$t+ -8@ /a+s '$" it s takin& c&niance the$e'. I' a't e$ the la#se ' the thi$t+ /a+

    #e$i/2 it is ,nable t settl e the /is#,te2 it shall iss,e a ce$ti'i cate ' its #$cee/in&s an/ shall ',$nish a

    c#+ the$e' ,#n the #a$ties !ithin se%en -7 /a+s a'te$ the e#i$atin ' the thi$t+3/a+ #e$i/.


  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    A##eals b+ ce$ti$a$i ece#t as the$!ise #$%i/e/ in this Act !ithin 'i'teen -15 /a+s '$" the $ecei#t

    ' a c#+ the$e'.

    The 'in/in&s ' 'act ' the :AR shall be 'inal an/ cncl,si%e i' base/ n s,bstantial e%i/ence.

    SECTION 55. 4o Restraining +rder or Preliminary Injunction . N c,$t in the

    Phili##ines shall ha%e 0,$is/ictin t iss,e an+ $est$ainin& $/e$ $ !$it ' #$eli"ina$+ in0,nctin

    a&ainst the PARC $ an+ ' its /,l+ a,th$ie/ $ /esi&nate/ a&encies in an+ case2 /is#,te $

    cnt$%e$s+ a$isin& '$"2 necessa$+ t2 $ in cnnectin !ith the a##licatin2 i"#le"entatin2

    en'$ce"ent2 $ inte$#$etatin ' this Act an/ the$ #e$tinent la!s n a&$a$ian $e'$".

    SECTION 56. Special !grarian Court. The S,#$e"e C,$t shall /esi&nate at least

    ne -1 b$anch ' the Re&inal T$ial C,$t -RTC !ithin each #$%ince t act as a S#ecial A&$a$ian


    The S,#$e"e C,$t "a+ /esi&nate "$e b$anches t cnstit,te s,ch a//itinal S#ecialA&$a$ian C,$ts as "a+ be necessa$+ t c#e !ith the n,"be$ ' a&$a$ian cases in each #$%ince. In

    the /esi&natin2 the S,#$e"e C,$t shall &i%e #$e'e$ence t the Re&inal T$ial C,$ts !hich ha%e been

    assi&ne/ t han/le a&$a$ian cases $ !hse #$esi/in& 0,/&es !e$e '$"e$ 0,/&es ' the /e',nct C,$t

    ' A&$a$ian Relatins.

    The Re&inal T$ial C,$t -RTC 0,/&es assi&ne/ t sai/ c,$ts shall ee$cise sai/ s#ecial

    0,$is/ictin in a//itin t the $e&,la$ 0,$is/ictin ' thei$ $es#ec ti%e c,$ts.

    The S#ecial A&$a$ian C,$ts shall ha%e the #!e$s an/ #$e$&ati%es inhe$ent in $ beln&in&

    t the Re&inal T$ial C,$ts.

    SECTION 57. Special )urisdiction. The S#ecial A&$a$ian C,$ts shall ha%e $i&inal

    an/ ecl,si%e 0,$is/ictin %e$ all #etitins '$ the /ete$"inatin ' 0,st c"#ensatin t lan/!ne$s2

    an/ the #$sec,tin ' all c$i"inal ''enses ,n/e$ this Act. The R,les ' C,$t shall a##l+ t all

    #$cee/in&s be'$e the S#ecial A&$a$ian C,$ts2 ,nless "/i'ie/ b+ this Act.

    The S#ecial A&$a$ian C,$ts shall /eci/e all a##$#$iate cases ,n/e$ thei$ s#ecial 0,$is/ictin

    !ithin thi$t+ -8@ /a+s '$" s,b"issin ' the case '$ /ecisin.SECTION 5). !ppointment of Commissioners. The S#ecial A&$a$ian C,$ts2 ,#n

    thei$ !n initiati%e $ at the instance ' an+ ' the #a$ties2 "a+ a##int ne $ "$e c""issine$s t

    ea"ine2 in%esti&ate an/ asce$tain 'acts $ele%ant t the /is#,te incl,/in& the %al,atin ' #$#e$ties2

    an/ t 'ile a !$itten $e#$t the$e' !ith the c,$t.

    SECTION 5(. +rders of the Special !grarian Courts. N $/e$ ' the S#ecial

    A&$a$ian C,$ts n an+ iss,e2 4,estin2 "atte$ $ inci/ent $aise/ be'$e the" shall be ele%ate/ t the

    a##ellate c,$ts ,ntil the hea$in& shall ha%e been te$"inate/ an/ the case /eci/e/ n the "e$its.

    SECTION 6@. !ppeals. An a##eal "a+ be taken '$" the /ecisin ' the S#ecial

    A&$a$ian C,$ts b+ 'ilin& a #etitin '$ $e%ie! !ith the C,$t ' A##eals !ithin 'i'teen -15 /a+s

    $ecei#t ' ntice ' the /ecisin> the$!ise2 the /ecisin shall bec"e 'inal.

    An a##eal '$" the /ecisin ' the C,$t ' A##eals2 $ '$" an+ $/e$2 $,lin& $ /ecisin '

    the :AR2 as the case "a+ be2 shall be b+ a #etitin '$ $e%ie! !ith the S,#$e"e C,$t !ithin a nn3

    eten/ible #e$i/ ' 'i'teen -15 /a+s '$" $ecei#t ' a c#+ ' sai/ /ecisin.

    SECTION 61. Procedure on Review. Re%ie! b+ the C,$t ' A##eals $ theS,#$e"e C,$t2 as the case "a+ be2 shall be &%e$ne/ b+ the R,les ' C,$t. The C,$t ' A##eals2

    h!e%e$2 "a+ $e4,i$e the #a$ties t 'ile si",ltane,s "e"$an/a !ithin a #e$i/ ' 'i'teen -15 /a+s

    '$" ntice2 a'te$ !hich the case is /ee"e/ s,b"itte/ '$ /ecisin.

    SECTION 6*. Preferential !ttention in Courts . All c,$ts in the Phili##ines2 bth

    t$ial an/ a##ellate2 shall &i%e #$e'e$ential attentin t all cases a$isin& '$" $ in cnnectin !ith the

    i"#le"entatin ' the #$%isins ' this Act.

    All cases #en/in& in c,$t a$isin& '$" $ in cnnectin !ith the i"#le"entatin ' this

    shall cntin,e t be hea$/2 t$ie/ an/ /eci/e/ int thei$ 'inalit+2 nt!ithstan/in& the e#i$atin '

    ten3+ea$ #e$i/ "entine/ in Sectin 5 he$e'.



    SECTION 68. $unding Source. The initial a",nt nee/e/ t i"#le"ent this A

    the #e$i/ ' ten -1@ +ea$s ,#n a##$%al he$e' shall be ',n/e/ '$" the A&$a$ian Re'$" ,n

    c$eate/ ,n/e$ Sectins *@ an/ *1 ' Eec,ti%e O$/e$ N. **(.

    A//itinal a",nts a$e he$eb+ a,th$ie/ t be a##$#$iate/ as an/ !hen nee/e/ t a,

    the A&$a$ian Re'$" ,n/ in $/e$ t ',ll+ i"#le"ent the #$%isins ' this Act.

    S,$ces ' ',n/in& $ a##$#$iatins shall incl,/e the 'll!in&9

    a P$cee/s ' the sales ' the Assets P$i%atiatin T$,st>b All $ecei#ts '$" assets $ec%e$e/ an/ '$" sales ' ill 3&tten !ealth $ec%e$e/ th$,&h

    P$esi/ential C""issin n ?/ ?%e$n"ent>

    c P$cee/s ' the /is#sitin ' the #$#e$ties ' the ?%e$n"ent in '$ei&n c,nt$ies>

    / P$tin ' a",nts acc$,in& t the Phili##ines '$" all s,$ces ' ''icial '$ei&n &$ants

    cncessinal 'inancin& '$" all c,nt$ies2 t be ,se/ '$ the s#eci'ic #,$#ses ' 'inancin& #$/

    c$e/its2 in'$ast$,ct,$es2 an/ the$ s,##$t se$%ices $e4,i$e/ b+ this Act> c/t

    -e Othe$ &%e$n"ent ',n/s nt the$!ise a##$#$iate/.

    All ',n/s a##$#$iate/ t i"#le"ent the #$%isins ' this Act shall be cnsi/e$e/ cnt

    a##$#$iatins /,$in& the #e$i/ ' its i"#le"entatin.

    SECTION 6Provided2 That all a$$ea$a&es in $eal #$#e$t+ taes2 !ith,t #enalt+ $ inte$est2 shall be

    /e/,ctible '$" the c"#ensatin t !hich the !ne$ "a+ be entitle/.

    SECTION 67. $ree Registration of Patents and Titles. All Re&iste$s ' :ee/s

    he$eb+ /i$ecte/ t $e&iste$2 '$ee '$" #a+"ent ' all 'ees an/ the$ cha$&es2 #atents2 titles an//c,"ents $e4,i$e/ '$ the i"#le"entatin ' the CARP.

    SECTION 6). Immunity of 1overnment !gencies from ndue Interference . N

    in0,nctin2 $est$ainin& $/e$2 #$hibitin $mandamusshall be iss,e/ b+ the l!e$ c,$ts a&ains

    :e#a$t"ent ' A&$a$ian Re'$" -:AR2 the :e#a$t"ent ' A&$ic,lt,$e -:A2 the :e#a$t"ent

    En%i$n"ent an/ Nat,$al Res,$ces -:ENR2 an/ the :e#a$t"ent ' ,stice -:O in thei$

    i"#le"entatin ' the #$&$a".

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    SECTION 6(. !ssistance of +ther 1overnment "ntities . The PARC2 in the ee$cise

    ' its ',nctins2 is he$eb+ a,th$ie/ t call ,#n the assistance an/ s,##$t ' the$ &%e$n"ent

    a&encies2 b,$ea,s an/ ''ices2 incl,/in& &%e$n"ent3!ne/ $ 3cnt$lle/ c$#$atins.

    SECTION 7@. Disposition of Private !gricultural Lands . The sale $ /is#sitin '

    a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s $etaine/ b+ a lan/!ne$ as a cnse4,ence ' Sectin 6 he$e' shall be %ali/ as ln&

    as the ttal lan/hl/in&s that shall be !ne/ b+ the t$ans'e$ee the$e' incl,si%e ' the lan/ t be

    ac4,i$e/ shall nt ecee/ the lan/hl/in& ceilin&s #$%i/e/ '$ in this Act.

    An+ sale $ /is#sitin ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s a'te$ the e''ecti%it+ ' this Act ',n/ t be

    cnt$a$+ t the #$%isins he$e' shall be n,ll an/ %i/.

    T$ans'e$ees ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s shall ',$nish the a##$#$iate Re&iste$ ' :ee/s an/ the

    BARC an a''i/a%it attestin& that his ttal lan/hl/in&s as a $es,lt ' the sai/ ac4,isitin / nt ecee/

    the lan/hl/in& ceilin&. The Re&iste$ ' :ee/s shall nt $e&iste$ the t$ans'e$ ' an+ a&$ic,lt,$al lan/!ith,t the s,b"issin ' this s!$n state"ent t&ethe$ !ith #$' ' se$%ice ' a c#+ the$e' t the


    SECTION 71. 'an5 ortgages. Banks an/ the$ 'inancial instit,tins all!e/ b+

    la! t hl/ "$t&a&e $i&hts $ sec,$it+ inte$ests in a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s t sec,$e lans an/ the$

    bli&atins ' b$$!e$s2 "a+ ac4,i$e title t these "$t&a&e/ #$#e$ties2 $e&a$/less ' a$ea2 s,b0ect t

    eistin& la!s n c"#,ls$+ t$ans'e$ ' '$eclse/ assets an/ ac4,isitin as #$esc$ibe/ ,n/e$ Sectin

    18 ' this Act. ac/

    SECTION 7*. Lease, anagement, 1rower or Service Contracts, ortgages and +ther

    Claims. Lan/s c%e$e/ b+ this Act ,n/e$ lease2 "ana&e"ent2 &$!e$ $ se$%ice cnt$acts2 an/ the

    like shall be /is#se/ ' as 'll!s9

    -a Lease2 "ana&e"ent2 &$!e$ $ se$%ice cnt$acts c%e$in& #$i%ate lan/s "a+ cntin,e ,n/e$

    thei$ $i&inal te$"s an/ cn/itins ,ntil the e#i$atin ' the sa"e e%en i' s,ch lan/ has2 in the

    "eanti"e2 been t$ans'e$$e/ t 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies.

    -b =$t&a&es an/ the$ clai"s $e&iste$e/ !ith the Re&iste$ ' :ee/s shall be ass,"e/ b+ the&%e$n"ent ,# t an a",nt e4,i%alent t the lan/!ne$s c"#ensatin %al,e as #$%i/e/ in this Act.

    SECTION 78. Prohi%ited !cts and +missions. The 'll!in& a$e #$hibite/9

    -a The !ne$shi# $ #ssessin2 '$ the #,$#se ' ci$c,"%entin& the #$%isins ' this Act2 '

    a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s in ecess ' the ttal $etentin li"its $ a!a$/ ceilin&s b+ an+ #e$sn2 nat,$al $

    0,$i/ical2 ece#t thse ,n/e$ cllecti%e !ne$shi# b+ 'a$"e$3bene'icia$ies.

    -b The '$cible ent$+ $ ille&al /etaine$ b+ #e$sns !h a$e nt 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies ,n/e$ this

    Act t a%ail the"sel%es ' the $i&hts an/ bene'its ' the A&$a$ian Re'$" P$&$a".

    -c The cn%e$sin b+ an+ lan/!ne$ ' his a&$ic,lt,$al lan/ int an+ nn3a&$ic,lt,$al ,se !ith

    intent t a%i/ the a##licatin ' this Act t his lan/hl/in&s an/ t /is#ssess his tenant 'a$"e$s ' the

    lan/ tille/ b+ the".

    -/ The !ill',l #$e%entin $ bst$,ctin b+ an+ #e$sn2 assciatin $ entit+ ' the i"#le"entatin

    ' the CARP.

    -e The sale2 t$ans'e$2 cn%e+ance $ chan&e ' the nat,$e ' lan/s ,tsi/e ' ,$ban cente$s an/ cit+

    li"its eithe$ in !hle $ in #a$t a'te$ the e''ecti%it+ ' this Act. The /ate ' the $e&ist$atin ' the /ee/' cn%e+ance in the Re&iste$ ' :ee/s !ith $es#ect t title/ lan/s an/ the /ate ' the iss,ance ' the

    ta /ecla$atin t the t$ans'e$ee ' the #$#e$t+ !ith $es#ect t ,n$e&iste$e/ lan/s2 as the case "a+ be2

    shall be cncl,si%e '$ the #,$#se ' this Act.

    -' The sale2 t$ans'e$ $ cn%e+ance b+ a bene'icia$+ ' the $i&ht t ,se $ an+ the$ ,s,'$,ct,a$+

    $i&ht %e$ the lan/ he ac4,i$e/ b+ %i$t,e ' bein& a bene'icia$+2 in $/e$ t ci$c,"%ent the #$%isins

    ' this Act.


  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    ;In cases !he$e the 'ish#n/s $ #$a!n 'a$"s ha%e been s,b0ecte/ t the C"#$ehensi%e A&$a$ian

    Re'$" La!2 b+ %l,nta$+ ''e$ t sell2 $ c""e$cial 'a$"s /e'e$"ent $ ntices ' c"#,ls$+

    ac4,isitin2 a si"#le an/ absl,te "a0$it+ ' the act,al $e&,la$ !$ke$s $ tenants ",st cnsent t the

    ee"#tin !ithin ne -1 +ea$ '$" the e''ecti%it+ ' this Act. Dhen the !$ke$s $ tenants / nt

    a&$ee t this ee"#tin2 the 'ish#n/s $ #$a!n 'a$"s shall be /ist$ib,te/ cllecti%el+ t the !$ke$3

    bene'icia$ies $ tenants !h shal l '$" a c#e$ati%e $ assciatin t "ana&e the sa"e.

    ;In cases !he$e the 'ish#n/s $ #$a!n 'a$"s ha%e nt been s,b0ecte/ t the C"#$ehensi%e A&$a$ian

    Re'$" La!2 the cnsent ' the 'a$" !$ke$s shall n ln&e$ be necessa$+2 h!e%e$2 the #$%isin '

    Sectin 8*3A he$e' n incenti%es shall a##l+.; aisa /c

    ;c Lan/s act,all+2 /i$ectl+ an/ ecl,si%el+ ,se/ an/ ',n/ t be necessa$+ '$ natinal /e'ense2

    schl sites an/ ca"#,ses2 incl,/in& e#e$i"ental 'a$" statins #e$ate/ b+ #,blic $ #$i%ate schls

    '$ e/,catinal #,$#ses2 see/s an/ see/lin& $esea$ch an/ #ilt #$/,ctin cente$2 ch,$ch sites an/cn%ents a##,$tenant the$et2 "s4,e sites an/ Isla"ic cente$s a##,$tenant the$et2 c"",nal b,$ial

    &$,n/s an/ ce"ete$ies2 #enal clnies an/ #enal 'a$"s act,all+ !$ke/ b+ the in"ates2 &%e$n"ent

    an/ #$i%ate $esea$ch an/ 4,a$antine cente$s an/ all lan/s !ith ei&hteen #e$cent -1) sl#e an/ %e$2

    ece#t thse al$ea/+ /e%el#e/2 shall be ee"#t '$" the c%e$a&e ' this Act.;

    SECTION 8. Sectin 11 Pa$a&$a#h 1 is he$eb+ a"en/e/ t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;Sec. 11. Commercial $arming. C""e$cial 'a$"s2 !hich a$e #$i%ate a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s /e%te/

    t saltbe/s2 '$,it 'a$"s2 $cha$/s2 %e&etable an/ c,t3'l!e$ 'a$"s2 an/ caca2 c''ee an/ $,bbe$

    #lantatins2 shall be s,b0ect t i""e/iate c"#,ls$+ ac4,isitin an/ /ist$ib,t in a'te$ ten -1@ +ea$s

    '$" the e''ecti%it+ ' this Act. In the case ' ne! 'a$"s2 the ten3+ea$ #e$i/ shall be&in '$" the 'i$st

    +ea$ ' c""e$cial #$/,ctin an/ #e$atin2 as /ete$"ine/ b+ the :AR. :,$in& the ten3+ea$ #e$i/2

    the ?%e$n"ent shall initiate ste#s necessa$+ t ac4,i$e these lan/s2 ,#n #a+"ent ' 0,st

    c"#ensatin '$ the lan/ an/ the i"#$%e"ents the$en2 #$e'e$abl+ in 'a%$ ' $&anie/ c#e$ati%es

    $ assciatins !hich shall the$ea'te$ "ana&e the sai/ lan/s '$ the !$ke$s3bene'icia$ies.;


  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    cn%e+ance is "a/e necessa$+ as a $es,lt ' a banks '$ecls,$e ' the "$t&a&e/ lan/ is he$eb+

    #e$"itte/.; ac/

    SECTION 7. Separa%ility Clause. I' '$ an+ $easn2 an+ sectin $ #$%isin ' this

    Act is /ecla$e/ n,ll an/ %i/2 n the$ sectin #$%isin $ #a$t the$e' shall be a''ecte/ an/ the sa"e

    shall $e"ain in ',ll '$ce an/ e''ect.

    SECTION ). "ffectivity Clause . This Act shall take e''ect 'i'teen -15 /a+s a'te$ its

    #,blicatin in at least t! -* ne!s#a#e$s ' &ene$al ci$c,latin.

    A##$%e/9 eb$,a$+ *@2 1((5

    Febu!" #*, 199$




    SECTION 1. Sectin 85 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 the$!ise kn!n as the

    ;C"#$ehensi%e A&$a$ian Re'$" La! ' 1());2 is he$eb+ a"en/e/ t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;Sec. 85. Creation of Support Services +ffice. The$e is he$eb+ c$eate/ the O''ice ' S,##$t

    Se$%ices ,n/e$ the :AR t be hea/e/ b+ an Un/e$sec$eta$+.

    ;The O''ice shall #$%i/e &ene$al s,##$t an/ c$/inati%e se$%ices in the i"#le"entatin ' the

    #$&$a"2 #a$tic,la$l+ in ca$$+in& ,t the #$%isins ' the 'll!in& se$%ices t 'a$"e$ bene'icia$ies

    an/ a''ecte/ lan/!ne$s9 c/a

    ;1 I$$i&atin 'acilities2 es#eciall+ secn/ c$# $ /$+ seasn i$$i&atin 'acilities>

    ;* In'$ast$,ct,$e /e%el#"ent an/ #,blic !$ks #$0ects in a$eas an/ settle"ents that c"e ,n/e$

    a&$a$ian $e'$"2 an/ '$ this #,$#se2 the #$e#a$atin ' the #h+sical /e%el#"ent #lan ' s,ch

    settle"ents #$%i/in& s,itable ba$an&a+ sites2 #table !ate$ an/ #!e$ $es,$ces2 i$$i&atin s+ste"s2see/s an/ see/lin& banks2 #st ha$%est 'acilities2 an/ the$ 'acilities '$ a s,n/ a&$ic,lt,$al

    /e%el#"ent #lan. $ the #,$#se ' #$%i/in& the a'$ecite/ in'$ast$,ct,$e an/ 'acilities2 the :AR is

    a,th$ie/ t ente$ int cnt$acts !ith inte$este/ #$i%ate #a$ties n ln& te$" basis $ th$,&h 0int3

    %ent,$e a&$ee"ents $ b,il/3#e$ate3t$ans'e$ sche"e>

    ;8 ?%e$n"ent s,bsi/ies '$ the ,se ' i$$i&atin 'acilities>


    ;1* C$eate a c$e/it &,a$antee ',n/ '$ a&$ic,lt,$al lan/!ne$s that !ill enhance the cllate$al

    ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s that a$e a''ecte/ $ !ill be a''ecte/ b+ c%e$a&e ,n/e$ the a&$a$ian $e'$"

    #$&$a"> an/

    ;18 A/"inist$atin2 #e$atin2 "ana&e"ent an/ ',n/in& ' s,##$t se$%ices #$&$a"s an/ #$

    incl,/in& #ilt #$0ects an/ "/els $elate/ t a&$a$ian $e'$" as /e%el#e/ b+ the :AR.;

    SECTION *. Sectin 86 ' the sa"e la! is he$eb+ a"en/e/ t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;Sec. 86. $unding for Support Services. In $/e$ t c%e$ the e#enses an/ cst ' s,##$

    se$%ices2 at least t!ent+3'i%e #e$cent -*5 ' all a##$#$iatins '$ a&$a$ian $e'$" shall be

    i""e/iatel+ set asi/e an/ "a/e a%ailable '$ this #,$#se9Provided2 That '$ the net 'i%e -5 +

    "ini"," ' ne -1 A&$a$ian Re'$" C"",nit+ -ARC shall be establishe/ b+ the :AR2 in

    c$/inatin !ith the lcal &%e$n"ent ,nits2 nn3&%e$n"ental $&aniatins an/ #e#le

    $&aniatins in each le&islati%e /ist$ict !ith a #$e/"inant a&$ic,lt,$al ##,latin9Provided, fThat the a$eas in !hich the ARCs a$e t be establishe/ shall ha%e been ',ll+ s,b0ecte/ ,n/e$ this

    ;$ this #,$#se2 an A&$a$ian Re'$" C"",nit+ shall be /e'ine/ as a ba$an&a+ $ a cl,ste$ '

    ba$an&a+s #$i"a$il+ c"#se/ an/ "ana&e/ b+ A&$a$ian Re'$" Bene'icia$ies !h shall be !i

    be $&anie/ an/ ,n/e$take the inte&$ate/ /e%el#"ent ' an a$ea an/H$ thei$

    $&aniatinsHc#e$ati%e. In each c"",nit+2 the :AR2 t&ethe$ !ith the a&encies an/ $&ani

    ab%e"entine/2 shall i/enti'+ the 'a$"e$s assciatin2 c#e$ati%e $ thei$ $es#ecti%e 'e/e$atin

    a##$%e/ b+ the 'a$"e$s3bene'icia$ies that shall take the lea/ in the a&$ic,lt,$al /e%el#"ent '

    a$ea. In a//itin2 the :AR shall be a,th$ie/ t #acka&e #$#sals an/ $ecei%e &$ants2 ai/ an/

    '$"s ' 'inancial assistance '$" an+ s,$ce.;

    SECTION 8. Sectin

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    shall be eli&ible t b$$! '$" the LBP an a",nt e4,al t ei&ht+3'i%e #e$cent -)5 ' the sellin&

    #$ice ' the lan/ that the+ ha%e ac4,i$e/>

    ;8 Cntin,,s #$cessin& ' a##licatins '$ lease back a$$an&e"ents2 0int3%ent,$e a&$ee"ents an/

    the$ sche"es that !ill #ti"ie the #e$atin& sie '$ a&$ic,lt,$al #$/,ctin an/ als #$"te bth

    sec,$it+ ' ten,$e an/ sec,$it+ ' inc"e t 'a$"e$ bene'icia$ies9Provided2 That lease back

    a$$an&e"ents sh,l/ be the last $es$t.; c/asia


    ;& Othe$ &%e$n"ent ',n/s nt the$!ise a##$#$iate/.;

    SECTION *. This Act shall take e''ect !ithin 'i'teen -15 /a+s 'll!in& the

    c"#letin ' its #,blicatin in at least t! -* ne!s#a#e$s ' &ene$al ci$c,latin. c/le

    A##$%e/9 eb$,a$+ *82 1(()

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    Auu2 (, #009








    SECTION 1. Sectin * ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 the$!ise kn!n as the

    C"#$ehensi%e A&$a$ian Re'$" La! ' 1())2 is he$eb+ ',$the$ a"en/e/ t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. *. Declaration of Principles and Polic ies6 It is the #lic+ ' the State t #,$s,e aC"#$ehensi%e A&$a$ian Re'$" P$&$a" -CARP. The !el'a$e ' the lan/less 'a$"e$s an/

    'a$"!$ke$s !ill $ecei%e the hi&hest cnsi/e$atin t #$"te scial 0,stice an/ t "%e the natin

    t!a$/ s,n/ $,$al /e%el#"ent an/ in/,st$ialiatin2 an/ the establish"ent ' !ne$ c,lti%at$shi# '

    ecn"ic3sie 'a$"s as the basis ' Phili##ine a&$ic,lt,$e.

    ;The State shall #$"te in/,st$ialiatin an/ ',ll e"#l+"ent base/ n s,n/ a&$ic,lt,$al

    /e%el#"ent an/ a&$a$ian $e'$"2 th$,&h in/,st$ies that "ake ',ll an/ e''icient ,se ' h,"an an/

    nat,$al $es,$ces2 an/ !hich a$e c"#etiti%e in bth /"estic an/ '$ei&n "a$kets9Provided,That the

    cn%e$sin ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s int in/,st$ial2 c""e$cial $ $esi/ential lan/s shall take int acc,nt2

    tille$s $i&hts an/ natinal '/ sec,$it+. ,$the$2 the State shall #$tect ili#in ente$#$ises a&ainst

    ,n'ai$ '$ei&n c"#etitin an/ t$a/e #$actices. ACcIa

    ;The State $ec&nies that the$e is nt en,&h a&$ic,lt,$al lan/ t be /i%i/e/ an/ /ist$ib,te/

    t each 'a$"e$ an/ $e&,la$ 'a$"!$ke$ s that each ne can !n hisHhe$ ecn"ic3sie 'a"il+ 'a$".

    This bein& the case2 a "eanin&',l a&$a$ian $e'$" #$&$a" t ,#li't the li%es an/ ecn"ic stat,s '

    the 'a$"e$ an/ hisHhe$ chil/$en can nl+ be achie%e/ th$,&h si",ltane,s in/,st$ialiatin ai"e/ at/e%el#in& a sel'3$eliant an/ in/e#en/ent natinal ecn"+ e''ecti%el+ cnt$lle/ b+ ili#ins.

    ;T this en/2 the State "a+2 in the inte$est ' natinal !el'a$e $ /e'ense2 establish an/

    #e$ate %ital in/,st$ies.

    ;A "$e e4,itable /ist$ib,tin an/ !ne$shi# ' lan/2 !ith /,e $e&a$/ t the $i&hts '

    lan/!ne$s t 0,st c"#ensatin2 $etentin $i&hts ,n/e$ Sectin 6 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as

    a"en/e/2 an/ t the ecl&ical nee/s ' the natin2 shall be ,n/e$taken t #$%i/e 'a$"e$s an/

    'a$"!$ke$s !ith the ##$t,nit+ t enhance thei$ /i&nit+ an/ i"#$%e the 4,alit+ ' thei$ li%es

    th$,&h &$eate$ #$/,cti%it+ ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s.

    ;The a&$a$ian $e'$" #$&$a" is ',n/e/ n the $i&ht ' 'a$"e$s an/ $e&,la$ 'a$"!$ke$s2

    !h a$e lan/less2 t !n /i$ectl+ $ cllecti%el+ the lan/s the+ ti ll $2 in the case ' the$ 'a$"!$ke$s2

    t $ecei%e a 0,st sha$e ' the '$,its the$e'. T this en/2 the State shall enc,$a&e an/ ,n/e$take the 0,st

    /ist$ib,tin ' all a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s2 s,b0ect t the #$i$ities an/ $etentin li"its set '$th in this Act2

    takin& int acc,nt ecl&ical2 /e%el#"ental2 an/ e4,it+ cnsi/e$atins2 an/ s,b0ect t the #a+"ent

    ' 0,st c"#ensatin. The State shall $es#ect the $i&ht ' s"all lan/!ne$s2 an/ shall #$%i/e incenti%e

    '$ %l,nta$+ lan/3sha$in&.

    ;As ",ch as #$acticable2 the i"#le"entatin ' the #$&$a" shall be c"",nit+3base/ t

    ass,$e2 a"n& the$s2 that the 'a$"e$s shall ha%e &$eate$ cnt$l ' 'a$"&ate #$ices2 an/ easie$ access

    t c$e/it. :CIAST

    ;The State shall $ec&nie the $i&ht ' 'a$"e$s2 'a$"!$ke$s an/ lan/!ne$s2 as !ell as

    c#e$ati%es an/ the$ in/e#en/ent 'a$"e$s $&aniatins2 t #a$tici#ate in the #lannin&2 $&aniatin2

    an/ "ana&e"ent ' the #$&$a"2 an/ shall #$%i/e s,##$t t a&$ic,lt,$e th$,&h a##

    technl&+ an/ $esea$ch2 an/ a/e4,ate 'inancial2 #$/,ctin2 "a$ketin& an/ the$ s,##$t se$%ic

    ;The State shall $ec&nie an/ en'$ce2 cnsistent !ith eistin& la!s2 the $i&hts

    !"en t !n an/ cnt$l lan/2 takin& int cnsi/e$atin the s,bstanti%e e4,alit+ bet!een "

    !"en as 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies2 t $ecei%e a 0,st sha$e ' the '$,its the$e'2 an/ t be $e#$ese

    a/%is$+ $ a##$#$iate /ecisin3"akin& b/ies. These $i&hts shall be in/e#en/ent ' the

    $elati%es an/ ' thei$ ci%il stat,s.

    ;The State shall a##l+ the #$inci#les ' a&$a$ian $e'$"2 $ ste!a$/shi#2 !hene%e$ a##

    in acc$/ance !ith la!2 in the /is#sitin $ ,tiliatin ' the$ nat,$al $es,$ces2 incl,/in& l

    the #,blic /"ain2 ,n/e$ lease $ cncessin2 s,itable t a&$ic,lt,$e2 s,b0ect t #$i$ $i&hts2 h"

    $i&hts ' s"all settle$s an/ the $i&hts ' in/i&en,s c"",nities t thei$ ancest$al lan/s.

    ;The State "a+ $esettle lan/less 'a$"e$s an/ 'a$"!$ke$s in its !n a&$ic,lt,$al !hich shall be /ist$ib,te/ t the" in the "anne$ #$%i/e/ b+ la!. cA:EI

    ;B+ "eans ' a##$#$iate incenti%es2 the State shall enc,$a&e the '$"atin an/ "ain

    ' ecn"ic3sie 'a"il+ 'a$"s t be cnstit,te/ b+ in/i%i/,al bene'icia$ies an/ s"all lan/!ne

    ;The State shall #$tect the $i&hts ' s,bsistence 'ishe$"en2 es#eciall+ ' lcal c""

    t the #$e'e$ential ,se ' c"",nal "a$ine an/ 'ishin& $es,$ces2 bth inlan/ an/ ''sh$e.

    #$%i/e s,##$t t s,ch 'ishe$"en th$,&h a##$#$iate technl&+ an/ $esea$ch2 a/e4,ate 'i

    #$/,ctin an/ "a$ketin& assistance an/ the$ se$%ices. The State shall als #$tect2 /e%el

    cnse$%e s,ch $es,$ces. The #$tectin shall eten/ t ''sh$e 'ishin& &$,n/s ' s,b

    'ishe$"en a&ainst '$ei&n int$,sin. ish!$ke$s shall $ecei%e a 0,st sha$e '$" thei$ lab$

    ,tiliatin ' "a$ine an/ 'ishin& $es,$ces.

    ;The State shall be &,i/e/ b+ the #$inci#les that lan/ has a scial ',nctin an/ lan/ !

    has a scial $es#nsibilit+. O!ne$s ' a&$ic,lt,$al lan/ ha%e the bli&atin t c,lti%ate /i$e

    th$,&h lab$ a/"inist$atin the lan/s the+ !n an/ the$eb+ "ake the lan/ #$/,cti%e.

    ;The State shall #$%i/e incenti%es t lan/!ne$s t in%est the #$cee/s ' the a$e'$" #$&$a" t #$"te in/,st$ialiatin2 e"#l+"ent an/ #$i%atiatin ' #,blic

    ente$#$ises. inancial inst$,"ents ,se/ as #a+"ent '$ lan/s shall cntain 'eat,$es that shall e

    ne&tiabilit+ an/ acce#tabilit+ in the "a$ket#lace. S:cIT

    ;The State "a+ lease ,n/e%el#e/ lan/s ' the #,blic /"ain t 4,ali'ie/ entities

    /e%el#"ent ' ca#ital3intensi%e 'a$"s2 an/ t$a/itinal an/ #inee$in& c$#s es#eciall+ th

    e#$ts s,b0ect t the #$i$ $i&hts ' the bene'icia$ies ,n/e$ this Act.;

    SECTION *. Sectin 8 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 is he$eb+ ',$the$ a"e

    $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. 8. Definitions6 $ the #,$#se ' this Act2 ,nless the cntet in



    ;-' a$"e$ $e'e$s t a nat,$al #e$sn !hse #$i"a$+ li%elih/ is c,lti%atin ' lan

    #$/,ctin ' a&$ic,lt,$al c$#s2 li%estck an/H$ 'ishe$ies eithe$ b+ hi"sel'Hhe$sel'2 $ #$i"a$

    the assistance ' hisHhe$ i""e/iate 'a$" h,sehl/2 !hethe$ the lan/ is !ne/ b+ hi"Hhe$

    anthe$ #e$sn ,n/e$ a leasehl/ $ sha$e tenanc+ a&$ee"ent $ a$$an&e"ent !ith the !ne$ the


    ;-l R,$al !"en $e'e$ t !"en !h a$e en&a&e/ /i$ectl+ $ in/i$ectl+ in 'a$"in&

    'ishin& as thei$ s,$ce ' li%elih/2 !hethe$ #ai/ $ ,n#ai/2 $e&,la$ $ seasnal2 $

    #$e#a$atin2 "ana&in& the h,sehl/2 ca$in& '$ the chil/$en2 an/ the$ si"ila $ acti%ities.;

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    'a$"lan/ !ne$shi#> the /ist$ib,tin ' lan/s t the tille$s at the ea$liest #$acticable ti"e> the

    enhance"ent ' a&$ic,lt,$al #$/,cti%it+> an/ the a%ailabilit+ ' ',n/s an/ $es,$ces t i"#le"ent an/

    s,##$t the #$&$a"9Provided,That the PARC shall /esi&n an/ cn/,ct se"ina$s2 s+"#sia2

    in'$"atin ca"#ai&ns2 an/ the$ si"ila$ #$&$a"s '$ 'a$"e$s !h a$e nt $&anie/ $ nt c%e$e/

    b+ an+ lan/hl/in&s. C"#letin b+ these 'a$"e$s ' the a'$e"entine/ se"ina$s2 s+"#sia2 an/

    the$ si"ila$ #$&$a"s shall be enc,$a&e/ in the i"#le"entatin ' this Act #a$tic,la$l+ the

    #$%isins ' this Sectin.

    ;Lan/ ac4,isitin an/ /ist$ib,tin shall be c"#lete/ b+ ,ne 8@2 *@1< n a #$%ince3b+3

    #$%ince basis. In an+ case2 the PARC $ the PARC Eec,ti%e C""ittee -PARC ECO=2 ,#n

    $ec""en/atin b+ the P$%incial A&$a$ian Re'$" C$/inatin& C""ittee -PARCCO=2 "a+

    /ecla$e ce$tain #$%inces as #$i$it+ lan/ $e'$" a$eas2 in !hich case the ac4,isitin an/ /ist$ib,tin '

    #$i%ate a&$ic,lt,$al lan/s the$ein ,n/e$ a/%ance/ #hases "a+ be i"#le"ente/ ahea/ ' the ab%esche/,les n the cn/itin that #$i$ #hases in these #$%inces ha%e been c"#lete/9Provided,That

    nt!ithstan/in& the ab%e sche/,les2 #hase th$ee -b shall nt be i"#le"ente/ in a #a$tic,la$ #$%ince

    ,ntil at least ninet+ #e$cent -(@ ' the #$%incial balance ' that #a$tic,la$ #$%ince as ' an,a$+ 12

    *@@( ,n/e$ Phase One2 Phase T! -a2 Phase T! -b2 an/ Phase Th$ee -a2 ecl,/in& lan/s ,n/e$ the

    0,$is/ictin ' the :e#a$t"ent ' En%i$n"ent an/ Nat,$al Res,$ces -:ENR2 ha%e been s,ccess',ll+


    ;The PARC shall establish &,i/elines t i"#le"ent the ab%e #$i$ities an/ /ist$ib,tin

    sche"e2 incl,/in& the /ete$"inatin ' !h a$e 4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies9 Provided,That an !ne$3tille$

    "a+ be a bene'icia$+ ' the lan/ heHshe /es nt !n b,t is act,all+ c,lti%atin& t the etent ' the

    /i''e$ence bet!een the a$ea ' the lan/ heHshe !ns an/ the a!a$/ ceilin& ' th$ee -8

    hecta$es9Provided, further,That cllecti%e !ne$shi# b+ the 'a$"e$ bene'icia$ies shall be s,b0ect t

    Sectin *5 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/9 Provided, furthermore,That $,$al !"en shall be

    &i%en the ##$t,nit+ t #a$tici#ate in the /e%el#"ent #lannin& an/ i"#le"entatin ' this

    Act9Provided, finally,That in n case sh,l/ the a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies se2 ecn"ic2$eli&i,s2 scial2 c,lt,$al an/ #litical att$ib,tes a/%e$sel+ a''ect the /ist$ib,tin ' lan/s.;

    SECTION 6. The title ' Sectin 16 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 is he$eb+ ',$the$

    a"en/e/ t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. 16. Procedure for !c(uisition and Distri%ution of Private Lands6 ;

    SECTION 7. Sectin 17 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 is he$eb+ ',$the$ a"en/e/ t

    $ea/ as 'll!s9 CSTEI

    ;SEC. 17. Determination of )ust Compensation6 In /ete$"inin& 0,st c"#ensatin2 the

    cst ' ac4,isitin ' the lan/2 the %al,e ' the stan/in& c$#2 the c,$$ent %al,e ' like #$#e$ties2 its

    nat,$e2 act,al ,se an/ inc"e2 the s!$n %al,atin b+ the !ne$2 the ta /ecla$atins2 the assess"ent

    "a/e b+ &%e$n"ent assess$s2 an/ se%ent+ #e$cent -7@ ' the nal %al,atin ' the B,$ea, '

    Inte$nal Re%en,e -BIR2 t$anslate/ int a basic '$",la b+ the :AR shall be cnsi/e$e/2 s,b0ect t the

    'inal /ecisin ' the #$#e$ c,$t. The scial an/ ecn"ic bene'its cnt$ib,te/ b+ the 'a$"e$s an/ the

    'a$"!$ke$s an/ b+ the ?%e$n"ent t the #$#e$t+ as !ell as the nn#a+"ent ' taes $ lans

    sec,$e/ '$" an+ &%e$n"ent 'inancin& instit,tin n the sai/ lan/ shall be cnsi/e$e/ as a//itinal

    'act$s t /ete$"ine its %al,atin.;

    SECTION ). The$e shall be inc$#$ate/ a'te$ Sectin ** ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as

    a"en/e/2 a ne! sectin t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. **3A. +rder of Priority6 A lan/hl/in& ' a lan/!ne$ shall be /ist$ib,te/ 'i$st t

    4,ali'ie/ bene'icia$ies ,n/e$ Sectin **2 s,b#a$a&$a#hs -a an/ -b ' that sa"e lan/hl/in& ,# t a

    "ai"," ' th$ee -8 hecta$es each. Onl+ !hen these bene'icia$ies ha%e all $ecei%e/ th$ee -8 hecta$es

    each2 shall the $e"ainin& #$tin ' the lan/hl/in&2 i' an+2 be /ist$ib,te/ t the$ bene'icia$ie

    Sectin **2 s,b#a$a&$a#hs -c2 -/2 -e2 -'2 an/ -&.;

    SECTION (. Sectin *< ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 is he$eb+ ',$the$ a"e

    $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. *

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    ;$ this #,$#se2 an A&$a$ian Re'$" C"",nit+ is c"#se/ an/ "ana&e/ b+ a&$a$ian

    $e'$" bene'icia$ies !h shall be !illin& t be $&anie/ an/ t ,n/e$take the inte&$ate/ /e%el#"ent

    ' an a$ea an/H$ thei$ $&aniatinsHc#e$ati%es. In each c"",nit+2 the :AR2 t&ethe$ !ith the

    a&encies an/ $&aniatins ab%e"entine/2 shall i/enti'+ the 'a$"e$s assciatin2 c#e$ati%e $ thei$

    $es#ecti%e 'e/e$atins a##$%e/ b+ the 'a$"e$s3bene'icia$ies that shall take the lea/ in the a&$ic,lt,$al

    /e%el#"ent ' the a$ea. In a//itin2 the :AR2 in clse c$/inatin !ith the cn&$essinal %e$si&ht

    c""ittee c$eate/ he$ein2 !ith /,e ntice t the cnce$ne/ $e#$esentati%e ' the le&islati%e /ist$ict

    #$i$ t i"#le"entatin shall be a,th$ie/ t #acka&e #$#sals an/ $ecei%e &$ants2 ai/s an/ the$

    '$"s ' 'inancial assistance '$" an+ s,$ce.;


    ;Thi$t+ #e$cent -8@ ' all a##$#$iatins '$ s,##$t se$%ices $e'e$$e/ t in Sectin 86 '

    Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 shall be i""e/iatel+ set asi/e an/ "a/e a%ailable '$ a&$ic,lt,$al

    c$e/it 'acilities9Provided,That ne3thi$/ -1H8 ' this se&$e&ate/ a##$#$iatin shall be s#eci'icall+

    allcate/ '$ s,bsi/ies t s,##$t the initial ca#italiatin '$ a&$ic,lt,$al #$/,ctin t ne! a&$a$ian

    $e'$" bene'icia$ies ,#n the a!a$/in& ' the e"anci#atin #atent $ the ce$ti'icate ' lan/ !ne$shi#

    a!a$/ an/ the $e"ainin& t!3thi$/s -*H8 shall be allcate/ t #$%i/e access t scialie/ c$e/it t

    eistin& a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies2 incl,/in& the leasehl/e$s9 Provided, further, the LBP an/ the$

    cnce$ne/ &%e$n"ent 'inancial instit,tins2 acc$e/ite/ sa%in&s an/ c$e/it c#e$ati%es2 'inancialse$%ice c#e$ati%es an/ acc$e/ite/ c#e$ati%e banks shall #$%i/e the /eli%e$+ s+ste" '$

    /isb,$se"ent ' the ab%e 'inancial assistance t in/i%i/,al a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies2 hl/e$s '

    cllecti%e titles an/ c#e$ati%es. IEAcC

    ;$ this #,$#se2 all 'inancin& instit,tins "a+ acce#t as cllate$al '$ lans the #,$chase

    $/e$s2 "a$ketin& a&$ee"ents $ e#ecte/ ha$%ests9 Provided,That lans btaine/ shall be ,se/ in the

    i"#$%e"ent $ /e%el#"ent ' the 'a$"hl/in& ' the a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$+ $ the

    establish"ent ' 'acilities !hich shall enhance #$/,ctin $ "a$ketin& ' a&$ic,lt,$al #$/,cts $

    inc$ease 'a$" inc"e the$e'$"9Provided, further, That ' the $e"ainin& se%ent+ #e$cent -7@ '$

    the s,##$t se$%ices2 'i'teen #e$cent -15 shall be ea$"a$ke/ '$ 'a$" in#,ts as $e4,este/ b+ the /,l+

    acc$e/ite/ a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies $&aniatins2 s,ch as2 b,t nt li"ite/ t9 -1 see/s2 see/lin&s

    an/H$ #lantin& "ate$ials> -* $&anic 'e$tilie$s> -8 #estici/es> - an/ -5 'a$" ani"als2

    i"#le"entsH"achine$ies> an/ 'i%e #e$cent -5 '$ se"ina$s2 t$ainin&s an/ the like t hel# e"#!e$

    a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies.

    ;-c Etensin se$%ices b+ !a+ ' #lantin&2 c$##in&2 #$/,ctin an/ #st3ha$%est

    technl&+ t$ans'e$2 as !ell as "a$ketin& an/ "ana&e"ent assistance an/ s,##$t t c#e$ati%es an/

    'a$"e$s $&aniatins>

    ;-/ In'$ast$,ct,$e s,ch as2 b,t nt li"ite/ t2 access t$ails2 "ini3/a"s2 #,blic ,tilities2

    "a$ketin& an/ st$a&e 'acilities>

    ;-e Resea$ch2 #$/,ctin an/ ,se ' $&anic 'e$tilie$s an/ the$ lcal s,bstances necessa$+

    in 'a$"in& an/ c,lti%atin> an/

    ;-' :i$ect an/ acti%e :AR assistance in the e/,catin an/ $&aniatin ' act

    #tential a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies2 at the ba$an&a+2 ",nici#al2 cit+2 #$%incial2 an/ natinal

    t!a$/s hel#in& the" ,n/e$stan/ thei$ $i&hts an/ $es#nsibilities as !ne$3c,lti%at$s /e%

    'a$"3$elate/ t$,st $elatinshi#s a"n& the"sel%es an/ thei$ nei&hb$s2 an/ inc$easin& 'a$" #$

    an/ #$'itabilit+ !ith the ,lti"ate en/ ' e"#!e$in& the" t cha$t thei$ !n /estin

    $e#$esentati%es ' the a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies t the PARC shall be chsen '$" the n"i

    the /,l+ acc$e/ite/ a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies $&aniatins2 $ in its absence2 '$" $&ani

    ' act,al an/ #tential a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies as '$!a$/e/ t an/ #$cesse/ b+ the

    ECO=. :AEaT

    ;The PARC shall '$",late #licies t ens,$e that s,##$t se$%ices '$ a&$a$ian

    bene'icia$ies shall be #$%i/e/ at al l sta&es ' the #$&$a" i"#le"entatin !ith the cnc,$$enc

    cnce$ne/ a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies.;The PARC shall like!ise a/#t2 i"#le"ent2 an/ "nit$ #licies an/ #$&$a"s t ens

    ',n/a"ental e4,alit+ ' !"en an/ "en in the a&$a$ian $e'$" #$&$a" as !ell as $es#ect

    h,"an $i&hts2 scial #$tectin2 an/ /ecent !$kin& cn/itins ' bth #ai/ an/ ,n#ai/ "

    !"en 'a$"e$3bene'icia$ies.

    ;The'agong /ilusang /a%uhayan sa /aunlaran -BFFF Sec$eta$iat shall be t$ans'e$

    attache/ t the LBP2 '$ its s,#e$%isin incl,/in& all its a##licable an/ eistin& ',n/s2 #e$

    #$#e$ties2 e4,i#"ent an/ $ec$/s.

    ;=is,se $ /i%e$sin ' the 'inancial an/ s,##$t se$%ices he$ein #$%i/e/ shall $

    sanctins a&ainst the bene'icia$+ &,ilt+ the$e'2 incl,/in& the '$'eit,$e ' the lan/ t$ans'e

    hi"Hhe$ $ lesse$ sanctins as "a+ be #$%i/e/ b+ the PARC2 !ith,t #$e0,/ice t c


    SECTION 15. The$e shall be inc$#$ate/ a'te$ Sectin 87 ' Re#,blic Act N. 6

    a"en/e/2 a ne! sectin t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. 873A."(ual Support Services for Rural 0omen6 S,##$t se$%ices shall be ee4,all+ t !"en an/ "en a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$ies. cESA:

    ;The PARC shall ens,$e that these s,##$t se$%ices2 as #$%i/e/ '$ in this Act2 inte&

    s#eci'ic nee/s an/ !ell3bein& ' !"en 'a$"e$3bene'icia$ies takin& int acc,nt the

    $e4,i$e"ents ' 'e"ale 'a"il+ "e"be$s ' 'a$"e$3bene'icia$ies.

    ;The PARC shall als ens,$e that $,$al !"en !ill be able t #a$tici#ate in all c"

    acti%ities. T this e''ect2 $,$al !"en a$e entitle/ t sel'3$&aniatin in $/e$ t btain e4,al ac

    ecn"ic ##$t,nities an/ t ha%e access t a&$ic,lt,$al c$e/it an/ lans2 "a$ketin& 'acilit

    technl&+2 an/ the$ s,##$t se$%ices2 an/ e4,al t$eat"ent in lan/ $e'$" an/ $esettle"ent sche

    ;The :AR shall establish an/ "aintain a !"ens /esk2 !hich !ill be #$i"a$il+ $es#

    '$ '$",latin& an/ i"#le"entin& #$&$a"s an/ acti%ities $elate/ t the #$tectin an/ #$"

    !"ens $i&hts2 as !ell as #$%i/in& an a%en,e !he$e !"en can $e&iste$ thei$ c"#lain

    &$ie%ances #$inci#all+ $elate/ t thei$ $,$al acti%ities.;

    SECTION 16. Sectin 8) ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 is he$eb+ ',$the$ a

    t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. 8). Support Services for Landowners6 The PARC2 !ith the assistance

    the$ &%e$n"ent a&encies an/ inst$,"entalities as it "a+ /i$ect2 shall #$%i/e lan/!ne$s a''e

    the CARP an/ #$i$ a&$a$ian $e'$" #$&$a"s !ith the 'll!in& se$%ices9

    ;-a In%est"ent in'$"atin2 'inancial an/ c,nselin& assistance2 #a$tic,la$l+ in%

    in'$"atin n &%e$n"ent3!ne/ an/H$ 3cnt$lle/ c$#$atins an/ /is#sable assets

    &%e$n"ent in #,$s,it ' natinal in/,st$ialiatin an/ ecn"ic in/e#en/ence9

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    ;SEC. 68. $unding Source6 The a",nt nee/e/ t ',$the$ i"#le"ent the CARP as

    #$%i/e/ in this Act2 ,ntil ,ne 8@2 *@1

    ;-/ All inc"e an/ cllectins ' !hate%e$ '$" an/ nat,$e a$isin& '$" the a&$a$ian

    $e'$" #e$atins2 #$0ects an/ #$&$a"s ' the :AR an/ the$ CARP i"#le"entin& a&encies>

    ;-e P$tin ' a",nts acc$,in& t the Phili##ines '$" all s,$ces ' ''icial '$ei&n ai/

    &$ants an/ cncessinal 'inancin& '$" all c,nt$ies2 t be ,se/ '$ the s#eci'ic #,$#ses ' 'inancin&

    #$/,ctins2 c$e/its2 in'$ast$,ct,$es2 an/ the$ s,##$t se$%ices $e4,i$e/ b+ this Act>

    ;-' ea$l+ a##$#$iatins ' n less than i%e billin #ess -P52@@@2@@@2@@@.@@ '$" the

    ?ene$al A##$#$iatins Act>

    ;-& ?$at,it,s 'inancial assistance '$" le&iti"ate s,$ces> an/

    -h Othe$ &%e$n"ent ',n/s nt the$!ise a##$#$iate/.

    ;All ',n/s a##$#$iate/ t i"#le"ent the #$%isins ' this Act shall be cnsi/e$e/

    cntin,in& a##$#$iatins /,$in& the #e$i/ ' its i"#le"entatin9Provided,That i' the nee/ a$ises2

    s#eci'ic a",nts '$ bn/ $e/e"#tins2 inte$est #a+"ents an/ the$ eistin& bli&atins a$isin& '$"

    the i"#le"entatin ' the #$&$a" shall be incl,/e/ in the ann,al ?ene$al A##$#$iatins

    Act9Provided, further, That all 0,st c"#ensatin #a+"ents t lan/!ne$s2 incl,/in& eec,tin '

    0,/&"ents the$e'$2 shall nl+ be s,$ce/ '$" the A&$a$ian Re'$" ,n/9Provided, however, That

    0,st c"#ensatin #a+"ents that cannt be c%e$e/ !ithin the a##$%e/ ann,a l b,/&et ' the #$&$a"

    shall be cha$&eable a&ainst the /ebt se$%ice #$&$a" ' the natinal &%e$n"ent2 $ an+ ,n#$&$a""e/

    ite" in the ?ene$al A##$#$iatins Act9Provided, finally, That a'te$ the c"#letin ' the lan/

    ac4,isitin an/ /ist$ib,tin c"#nent ' the CARP2 the +ea$l+ a##$#$iatin shall be allcate/ ',ll+

    t s,##$t se$%ices2 a&$a$ian 0,stice /eli%e$+ an/ #e$atinal $e4,i$e"ents ' the :AR an/ the the$

    CARP i"#le"entin& a&encies.; IaAE:

    SECTION **. Sectin 65 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 is he$eb+ ',$the$ a"en/e/

    t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. 65. Conversion of Lands6 A'te$ the la#se ' 'i%e -5 +ea$s '$" its a!a$/2 !hen

    the lan/ ceases t be ecn"icall+ 'easible an/ s,n/ '$ a&$ic,lt,$al #,$#ses2 $ the lcalit+ has

    bec"e ,$banie/ an/ the lan/ !ill ha%e a &$eate$ ecn"ic %al,e '$ $esi/ential2 c""e$cial $in/,st$ial #,$#ses2 the :AR2 ,#n a##licatin ' the bene'icia$+ $ the lan/!ne$ !ith $es#ect nl+ t

    hisHhe$ $etaine/ a$ea !hich is tenante/2 !ith /,e ntice t the a''ecte/ #a$ties2 an/ s,b0ect t eistin&

    la!s2 "a+ a,th$ie the $eclassi'icatin $ cn%e$sin ' the lan/ an/ its /is#sitin9 Provided, That i'

    the a##licant is a bene'icia$+ ,n/e$ a&$a$ian la!s an/ the lan/ s,&ht t be cn%e$te/ is the lan/

    a!a$/e/ t hi"Hhe$ $ an+ #$tin the$e'2 the a##licant2 a'te$ the cn%e$sin is &$ante/2 shall in%est at

    least ten #e$cent -1@ ' the #$cee/s c"in& '$" the cn%e$sin in &%e

    sec,$ities9 Provided, further, That the a##licant ,#n cn%e$sin shall ',ll+ #a+ the #$ice

    lan/9Provided, furthermore, That i$$i&ate/ an/ i$$i&able lan/s2 shall nt be s,b0

    cn%e$sin9Provided, finally, That the Natinal I$$i&atin A/"inist$atin shall s,b"it a cns

    /ata n the lcatin natin!i/e ' all i$$i&able lan/s !ithin ne -1 +ea$ '$" the e''ecti%it+


    ;ail,$e t i"#le"ent the cn%e$sin #lan !ithin 'i%e -5 +ea$s '$" the a##$%al

    cn%e$sin #lan $ an+ %ilatin ' the cn/itins ' the cn%e$sin $/e$ /,e t the 'a,l

    a##licant shall ca,se the lan/ t a,t"aticall+ be c%e$e/ b+ CARP.;

    SECTION *8. Sectin 6) ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 is he$eb+ ',$the$ a

    t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. 6). Immunity of 1overnment !gencies from ndue Interference6 In case!ithin thei$ 0,$is/ictin2 n in0,nctin2 $est$ainin& $/e$2 #$hibitin $ mandamusshall be is

    the $e&inal t$ial c,$ts2 ",nici#al t$ial c,$ts2 ",nici#al ci$c,it t$ial c,$ts2 an/ "et$#lit

    c,$ts a&ainst the :AR2 the :A2 the :ENR2 an/ the :e#a$t"ent ' ,stice in thei$ i"#le"ent

    the P$&$a".;


    ;-b The '$cible ent$+ $ ille&al /etaine$ b+ #e$sns !h a$e nt 4,ali'ie/ bene'

    ,n/e$ this Act t a%ail the"sel%es ' the $i&hts an/ bene'its ' the A&$a$ian Re'$" P$&$a">

    ;-c An+ cn%e$sin b+ an+ lan/!ne$ ' hisHhe$ a&$ic,lt,$al lan/ int an+ nn3a&$i

    ,se !ith intent t a%i/ the a##licatin ' this Act t hisHhe$ lan/hl/in&s an/ t /is#ssess

    bna'i/e tenant 'a$"e$s>

    ;-/ The "alici,s an/ !ill',l #$e%entin $ bst$,ctin b+ an+ #e$sn2 assciatin

    ' the i"#le"entatin ' the CARP>

    ;-e The sale2 t$ans'e$2 cn%e+ance $ chan&e ' the nat,$e ' lan/s ,tsi/e ' ,$ban

    an/ cit+ li"its eithe$ in !hle $ in #a$t a'te$ the e''ecti%it+ ' this Act2 ece#t a'te$ 'inal c"#l

    the a##$#$iate cn%e$sin ,n/e$ Sectin 65 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/. The /at

    $e&ist$atin ' the /ee/ ' cn%e+ance in the Re&iste$ ' :ee/s !ith $es#ect t title/ lan/s an/ t

    ' the iss,ance ' the ta /ecla$atin t the t$ans'e$ee ' the #$#e$t+ !ith $es#ect t ,n$e&

    lan/s2 as the case "a+ be2 shall be cncl,si%e '$ the #,$#se ' this Act>

    ;-' The sale2 t$ans'e$ $ cn%e+ance b+ a bene'icia$+ ' the $i&ht t ,se $ an

    ,s,'$,ct,a$+ $i&ht %e$ the lan/ heHshe ac4,i$e/ b+ %i$t,e ' bein& a bene'icia$+2 in

    ci$c,"%ent the #$%isins ' this Act> acETI

    ;-& The ,n0,sti'ie/2 !ill',l2 an/ "alici,s act b+ a $es#nsible ''ice$ $ ''ice$

    &%e$n"ent th$,&h the 'll!in&9

    ;-1 The /enial ' ntice an/H$ $e#l+ t lan/!ne$s>;-* The /e#$i%atin ' $etentin $i&hts>

    ;-8 The ,n/,e $ in$/inate /ela+ in the #$e#a$atin ' clai" 'l/e$s> $


    ;-h The ,n/,e /ela+ $ ,n0,sti'ie/ 'ail,$e ' the :AR2 the LBP2 the PAR

    PARCCO=2 an/ an+ cnce$ne/ &%e$n"ent a&enc+ $ an+ &%e$n"ent ''icial $ e"#l+ee t

  • 8/10/2019 Republic Act 6657


    the $e4,i$e/ $e#$t2 /ata an/H$ the$ ''icial /c,"ent in%l%in& the i"#le"entatin ' the #$%isins

    ' this Act2 as $e4,i$e/ b+ the #a$ties $ the &%e$n"ent2 incl,/in& the ,se ' Re#$esentati%es an/

    the Senate ' the Phili##ines as !ell as thei$ $es#ecti%e c""ittees2 an/ the cn&$essinal %e$si&ht

    c""ittee c$eate/ he$ein>

    ;-i The ,n/,e /ela+ in the c"#liance !ith the bli&atin t ce$ti'+ $ attest an/H$

    'alsi'icatin ' the ce$ti'icatin $ attestatin as $e4,i$e/ ,n/e$ Sectin 7 ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as

    a"en/e/> an/

    ;-0 An+ the$ c,l#able ne&lect $ !ill',l %ilatins ' the #$%isins ' this Act. TCaEIc

    ;In the case ' &%e$n"ent ''icials an/ e"#l+ees2 a cn%ictin ,n/e$ this Act is !ith,t

    #$e0,/ice t an+ ci%il case an/H$ a##$#$iate a/"inist$ati%e #$cee/in&s ,n/e$ ci%il se$%ice la!2 $,les

    an/ $e&,latins.

    ;An+ #e$sn cn%icte/ ,n/e$ this Act shall nt be entitle/ t an+ bene'it #$%i/e/ '$ in an+a&$a$ian $e'$" la! $ #$&$a".;

    SECTION *5. Sectin 7< ' Re#,blic Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/2 is he$eb+ ',$the$ a"en/e/

    t $ea/ as 'll!s9

    ;SEC. 7

    -c Sec,$e '$" an+ /e#a$t"ent2 b,$ea,2 ''ice $ inst$,"entalit+ ' the &%e$n"ent s,ch

    assistance as "a+ be nee/e/2 incl,/in& technical in'$"atin2 #$e#a$atin an/ #$/,ctin ' $e#

    an/ s,b"issin ' $ec""en/atins $ #lans as it "a+ $e4,i$e2 #a$tic,la$l+ a +ea$l+ $e#$t ' the

    $ec$/ $ #e$'$"ance ' each a&$a$ian $e'$" bene'icia$+ as #$%i/e/ ,n/e$ Sectin ** ' Re#

    Act N. 66572 as a"en/e/>

    -/ Sec,$e '$" the :AR $ the LBP in'$"atin n the a",nt ' 0,st c"#ensatin /ete$"

    t be #ai/ $ !hich has been #ai/ t an+ lan/!ne$>-e Sec,$e '$" the :AR $ the LBP 4,a$te$l+ $e#$ts n the /isb,$se"ent ' ',n/s '$ the

    a&$a$ian $e'$" #$&$a">

    -' O%e$see an/ "nit$2 in s,ch a "anne$ as it "a