republic of botswana an overview of the birdlife-swedbio project sustaining biodiversity to sustain...

Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

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Page 1: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Republic of Botswana

An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project

Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Page 2: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

About the Project


Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

To enhance the conservation of three Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and their associated biodiversity while improving rural livelihoods in the surrounding areas

In simple terms, the GOAL is:

Page 3: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Overall Objective

To assist three Site Support Groups (SSGs) to develop replicable pilot projects that will

motivate and empower their communities to take action for conserving biodiversity through

the protection of their Important Bird Areas (IBAs)

pilot projects





biodiversity improvement

Page 4: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Site 1: Lake Ngami

The map shows the location of Lake Ngami in the northern part of Botswana (marked with a red circle)

The slide shows an aerial view of Lake Ngami

Page 5: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Site 1: Lake Ngami

Lake Ngami was chosen as one of the IBAs because it is completely unprotected

It currently includes the whole of Controlled Hunting Area NG 38, which has not been gazetted for any particular land use

The Site Support Group at Lake Ngami is:


The community from which its members are drawn is relatively small; therefore the benefits from a well-organised and marketed avi-tourism project will make a significant contribution to poverty alleviation. Most members are rural poor with limited participation in decision-making.

Page 6: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Trained bird guides at the lake

Bosele Lake Ngami Conservation Trust Committee

Site 1: Lake Ngami

Community members at a kgotla meeting discussing the project

Page 7: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Site 2: Makgadikgadi Pans

The map shows the location of the pan in the central part of Botswana (marked with a green circle)

The slide shows an aerial view of the Pans with flamingoes – it is an important breeding site for these birds

Page 8: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Site 2: Makgadikgadi Pans

The Makgadikgadi Pans IBA was chosen as one of the areas because it is partially protected (only the western part is national park). The remaining areas are unprotected, except for the Nata Sanctuary

The Site Support Group in this area is:


Its members are from different areas and backgrounds, but the common denominator is their proximity to the pans and dependence on the biodiversity of the area, realised through tourism.

Page 9: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Nata Sanctuary members visiting the site

Site 2: Makgadikgadi Pans

Constructing tourist accommodation at the site

Bird Guide training course at Nata Sanctuary

Page 10: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Site 3: Mannyelanong Hill

The slide shows a Cape Vulture flying around Mannyelanong Hill where the species breeds.

The map shows the location of the hill in the eastern part of Botswana (marked with a brown circle)

Page 11: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Site 3: Mannyelanong Hill

Mannyelanong Hill was chosen as one of the IBAs because it is completely protected (it is a game reserve under the Wildlife Department). It thus contrasts with the other two areas.

The Site Support Group in this area is:


The club is formed by a very active youth group from Otse Village that is registered under the Association of Environmental Clubs of Botswana.

They are committed to conserve the environment, with a focus on the Cape Vulture.

Page 12: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Official opening of the office

Site 3: Mannyelanong Hill

Strategy Planning Workshop

Socio-Economic Baseline Survey

Page 13: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

Implemented Activities

Lake Ngami

Makgadikgadi Pans

Mannyelanong Hill

Policy Perspective

- Advocacy & Communication Strategies

- National Conservation Forums

Livelihood Perspective

- Bird Guide Training

- Avi-Tourism

Capacity Building

- Exchange Visits

- Advertisement Campaigns

Bio-Diversity Gains

- Baseline survey

- Bird monitoring

- Encouragement of Area Protection

Page 14: Republic of Botswana An overview of the BirdLife-SwedBio project Sustaining Biodiversity to Sustain Livelihoods in Rural Botswana

• Income is being generated for rural families

AchievementsPolicy Perspective

• Development and implementation of advocacy & communication strategies for all 3 SSGs

• Members participated in national conservation forums and commemorated different conservation days

Livelihood Perspective

• Socio-economic baseline surveys conducted (these will be repeated later to measure progress)

• Bird guide training courses held

• Promotion of avi-tourism through trained guides

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• Exchange visit for all three Site Support Groups held in December 2007 – sharing experiences

AchievementsCapacity Building

• Capacity needs assessment done for all 3 SSGs• Production of scientific and popular articles to share

the project’s experience• SSGs web pages linked to BirdLife Botswana website• Office furniture and equipment donated to SSGs• Banners produced to advertise the Nata Sanctuary to self-drive tourists • Brochures developed for Nata Sanctuary and Cape Vulture Environmental Club

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• Encouragement to take action for site protection


Community bird monitoring Bird monitoring training

Biodiversity Gains

• SSG members trained to undertake bird monitoring

• Biodiversity baseline surveys conducted at all 3 sites

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- International avi-tourism market exists


All sites

- Government interested to protect IBAs as biodiversity rich areas

- Socio-economic activities (avi-tourism) have the potential to generate community and other stakeholders interest while giving a value to birds

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- There are still delays in the updating of management plans for all three sites


All sites

- Advocacy results will take some time to materialise- Promoting avi-tourism while minimizing disturbances to breeding birds remains a challenge- Human/wildlife conflicts are still current

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Lessons Learnt

- Community ownership speeds up project progress and increases chances of success

- Local communities are very keen to work with the conservation of their resources inside and outside the IBAs

- Communication and collaboration between SSGs and village-based stakeholders is key to project success

- Village-level initiatives lead to improvements in the standards of livelihoods of village members

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“Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success - together for birds and people”

This project is just like this very young Blacksmith Lapwing chick which, in time, will mature into a fully-fledged adult. The Site Support Groups are still at an early stage but as time passes they will grow into strong and active SSGs.