republican prices steadily the markets jntntjsiastic · republican clubs is sew-jersey....

REPUBLICAN CLUBS IS SEW-JERSEY. jNTntJSIASTIC WARD AND TOWNSHIP WORK- AWAITING TIIF, LIQUOR DECISION. Trenton, tt. J.. July 2D -The organisation of the ¦pcpiite'.i'* s of RssNjerssg has pssesssad erttt reaasth af*_? ra. .'1'r-"; .'¦d enthusiasm. It h:'*- 8SSS ward ant wwaahty era* for the mssl rac aaa ass *"'berr t ha ¦^n BBdSr tho ("lrec:|o;i of the Mate Republlcai letiur a:.d bs energetic prc-iil^nt. The nub (on .-....r. at Asbury l*ark will bc an In<pli1iln: hlaT". T,:'' deJegates alone will probably numb.* ajOO, *r.d cxcun-lons are being arrai.gel that wll probably double the number of visitors. The oxton 0f th* Influence of the convention wlU hardly tx ro*] tee! at once, but lt will bc great. Thc Court ot Appeals will make public Its | on rue It |an law on Tue«day. It ha* been some w)iIf denied Hist anybody has the |.-as ih'- court's Btiara The general tcli-f | that the I BBB!J option will suffer The high lens, f-eatsres are pretty certainly beyond danger, even fron that strange and Incomprehensible constitution ot New The county boards of assessors throughout the fitati have just completed their valuations for taxing pur poses and mosl of them shex corr ddera Ms increase The agrle allaral coi.nties -not advance as a mle t< __y considerable extent, but tho wealth of the elfie aa_\ towns grows -read.';.- greater In MO New jerry had tba Tire- snr.: of ri,lot per capita, on thi r<:lir;:iie of total wraith, and about f.MKt per caplt. on aaaeaaed valuation. Betta have grown since then fte wanl In Hie city o' Newark ha- an avera;e aaeeBSS raluatien of near!;. Bl.SOO te, a_rh inhabitant. "t Elisabeth and Rahway expect to Ix | | all embarrassment fiom thep debt before thi tli*- vear. ami will then resume the ordinal*] routine of city govrrnmcBta Th" act petmittini them to manage tlnir affals-s without interference o tuc creditors pending a s-'tlement wlU probably thoi be repealed, lt has long been looked upon with dis fsyur _ J.Y EARLY CAMPAIOS IN COSNECTICUT. rOI. REPUBLICAN' CONVF.VTION TO BE HELD BE¬ FORE TIIEi USUAL. TIME. ..<w *"l7-rtford. July 29 -The Republican State Commit¬ tee ! as called the (;ubernatorlal Convention foi gagas) 14 and IB, on» month earlier than In Ir-ait a, -e wi*ek earlie.- tiian In l-Ri. This action waa lalfn :n view of the remarkable Interest the voters cf the party tnan^*st early In the campaign. There will ie practically no opposition to tho nomination ol i;. Balbabsy, °f this city, for t;ov- and lr looto much now as if he would be nomi- Bate . by acclamation. Creely, of New- Haven, can ban the second place, lt tho Republicans n-k lt for him. by the Catling Gun Company ol rn Ik* bodily transferred to England ls un 1 tn have- bee*n managed by F. C. Penfield. ourant" of this city. Mr. Ret li, li i London with Consul General Waller a_ Vlei He has interested himself la Barton UBtoal taesattssa, and ls said to have made 00. Mr Rn held ls a Massachusetts " Yan koo," v turned thirty years of a**e, and always haa,' a knack at money making. ra a iingressman (.ranger, of the IVth District, sa- I trtS| tba taking of the vote on the Mills bill B what many of the Democrats would like to know. .hould bc the nominee of the Democrats foi er. a record on ihat bill would not be a good ro have. There ls little probability that the :.-*> will tte booond, however, as the Democrata ¦ ,i determined effort to crowd the nomlna- on Editor A. E- butt, of *' The Hartford Times,» re of hl*> protests that he does not want political Guard ls tbo flrst marching cara- tl li c:ry lt ls composed ol men. all voters, under thirty, the greater pan louring to the military organization-- ol li numbers IBO, and will probably UH up ...--. u : s ,,t such a character in tts makc- enUttod to tho right ol thc lino lu th K< publk an procossloas. AS AGED HEIRESS WHO CANNOT BB POr.VD. i M >*i]w*'l!. th" lawyer, of No. Ill Broadway, .:; acive search to discover Mlsi Catherine .* hr-n'her has Just died In Chicago, lcav- rune of SK'O.OCO. Miss Gafii'-y was formerly th BtHwol] family as nui-se, and durfnc -.v-ll's father recelveel a pon- I- a iii-'-t- wan afterward made lo get other. Rai rick Henry, to contribute to h**r ;pi.or:. but t '.ever res-ended to the appeals. Miss wa- last h-ard of in a charitable Institution, ut no ber can now bo found. Mr. btllwell's .mella Stilwell oddtogtoo, i- etoo talung .i tin- etfeart to find her old nurse. rse was highly re-ported by th- family, and ,"*i. a few years asa, was frequently iiibd by c.em. Bba ls abeiut sixty years of age. MOURT CALENDARS-TO-DAY. ¦fut e ornT.Cn vMHfRa.Before X'an Brunt, J..Xoa. .1 Bl "7-0. IBO, 142. 106, 175, 2<'"V C.. J **.-.-_''..,2 ". *J31. _.('_. 2-_, 2.4, 235. SSC, 241 vL Term.Pabt L.Before In c -. ,t c ilene ir :-i:eiore Ransom. S.Probate of tlie e-i h i'.'iii-ar, Frits Jagaa Kreatania Wang- Nirhola* li. Van Alstvne, Samuel Oir.'.U'-r. in. Francis (.'. Johnston. August Kanenbiey. ll am.; 1 ti "ir M. 'he.-nm-iri. .1 88 ii- tn. .os OOCBT.erBClAI, TSKB-Eefore Icgraham. J.. a :_r i mm t vvr ts hvt.cixl TsaM.Before Van lloeien, J. ._fs cay ur. THE PETROLEUM MARKET. BEWS FRe-'M TnE FIF.LD AND RANGK OF TRTCES. ir: .rude petrolemn wns dull ail the week. -lined to professional*, and no a.gris of any Irir-n-at being taken by saunders .i. Tia" narkal opened on Monday dull and i a- ... I'S, nnd -"11 ste.dily up to 85, the Bf *he wo»'k. late in tho day'* transactions, I staadOy Bod toed throughout, until on v the lowest, Bgwn, t'J 3-S. was rea-.-heed. The ii through were conflnol to narrow limit*, "m.- figure* emir shewing a rance of .. .*>-8 points. baaBaarei prices all through the »»'k whenever a sdvaaes ind r**en aecord'sl The I -i» to-.a ulace ^n Friday afternoon, whon th.:re ¦Bl ¦ BrlVS in tiie ia*t two hour* of the transactions, to »nl"h prion Bemm, on'y Tlell«d 1 1-2 cents. There ie or no news from the fields of eiifllclont lm- ..¦.. rhe operators, but the dlspiteho*. . gh meagre, ware generally sf an encounglna tone. ewe whleta waa Basseted of bett.-.- pnassata from "'¦nu., did not arrive, although lt ii stated Si-WCtehea are dally expertod from thut rlet On" axSMflMlf unod f'-utnre of the general OB f_.-t .-.*-.*. ......r? 1* a gtsrat demand for !n AmilBBB perts, whkh have been thoroughly sa for th» export of oil to All arftfls th- aalleoS for the future read, toa 1 arepeea Benet* all reporting i.-i^t we..,, fur th" a.rion prmtoot ¦¦¦¦-: tram E*BgM during the BBBk. Mr. Gibson, elsa, .--...1 to trie r.,reign i Upon inouiry i find that Hm -taaatea pregaeen ito* their Illuminating and labrleettag * ,-_<t, bu* -.t the Blaadvsatags thai be Brltlah BHLka anv shaaca, and i__ thay an I nu article, they preta lt Baaall in fivur of le panSaaa and retail it, la la lnerea«lng. The present pri-ce of ,. and e,f Reissian 5 nene ani or ssy 12 cents agaln*t 10 1-2 cent*, stated ¦**'..: I um infornied that Ruglan oil ha* "ii here wl'h a profit »t fiv,: ftmU mtradaatlee it RaiBiaa reaiiy tbe niatier of transportation. reaavag, Tha Bia Sf-umMiip .-¦ h.* now a hulk naamer caii«*d the Era, whisk I few bring about 100.COO barrel* nf ItslM ¦Seay is imaWIBllMaa . new s--«;imer "Kra. vthieh viii .roU-,t>ly carry I this nw. Th" S-aui-a-d oil Company appear* l" **. '. ' e ea.r- e,.rioml-,i working. I hear tha- ther have far-iu-d a -r..,,.,v i..r.. ,-^ir I tba Arigl.>- ^ Oil Company, with i capfal K ggOB 080, whleta . I, te, edo BWBS w-h middle rn, n. Na_Hd brakera, ahlp tawBaM h, have made meir Barssaun on all oil Qom* Rri'aJn. Thia will naturally en_',.* .¦-.-,.. _ t.ur a-i passta with whasi I hav- eeaswneB ¦88 lt a, t.-,e pdo, .. A. c-ude ly Imo the hand- ,.. Th' I a a'^.v. I.r dr,.,, nnt ._m |n * ubr on thu Hale jn ge:, j a v eal time, i* mamh la "_e.«s 0f ±_. :h* wr::*. I ti ul mg .' i ; r as long as 'he* i>r'-v,ni * -. but as soe.n ae the market hTCaBtBB the*- _\ llu Ooubt ilia*, piton Big advaii'-a, provided thai th" dimanda il, ri marketa continue aa al BBB-BBS and there ta I doubt fron. the BBttoeS that tiny will be more l i.'v.nir to 'he v ef teeni,rege. .anta-e e,f price ind the total di-a.'ng* In National ousel -dated Sto-*t and ii. Ks change for tne coi-Capond-M treehB for three * - Juir 31 1R.-S0. July SO. 1887. July 2S. 1588. ST 8-8 A3 12 ... (V, il I .7 7-8 85 hibi 79 3-8 ¦fina. U, 7-8 57 1-4 SO 1-8 Ban barrell 22.840.COO 10.04...OOO 4,8R8,rv)0 w_s firm througho'ii the week al 7 1-2 cenu .. Abel te«u at ail point* .nv '.rrr r'enn.. Jnlr 'ld -National Tr*n*it 'Wrtinesiaa **«t at ism highnat. BBS le,weet 7l»Sl trio*-*!. «0. .at*. T47BO0 iwrrei* eiaai«n.-ea 8,870.888 Semis i .(i tr- UM. ttlJin OmU aiiiiitiieata. 7i,S2) uarrela run.. 49 Hoo ''.-,. tenn Julv *.J f'-trolen n eloaad ateadr Pj*loaal rrana:t enif!' t_» opeaeat at Ho. eloM.1 al eO1. W|ii-at. n<| ,owe_r J ¦-. JUAttt'i in Pftaau. Jaly -*<-- Nation a: Transit Certlftcj»ras BmU ai -U-. aiaeadMSBw, uigu-st. aOn,; toMSbWv. *****»'**»oaa. 760 "00 oarraU. ^JJJ-sn_ri,i»ei.ii Juir 28-WaBonal Traoilt lertfloaiei 'omac.Kit.u ui^acst, isO^j toaeatj 78^ oiosaii, sa PRICES STEADILY HARDEN. SOME RESULTS OP A DULL WEEK, (JAINS AND LOSSES OF TIIE NATIONAL Tl-I-ASIRY Sunday. July 29.p. m. The I'nlted Sr-'tcs crcnsuret Inst w-ok received iftom customs |4p«gl,4»5, and from internal revenue, f -..'1-7,671 total from both, |7.01 9,1 (iii, agsfasl tv.Mis,jr,r> tot the preceding week. Yes- llerdays trens-iry statement shows a net gain of 8,8SS, 14o to its cash, bj* nn accumulation in its raaha cf IS,780,084, less ¦ reduction of $16i.r,4.i in its dspssHs ,n .ian-cs. Tlc .ncrcas'- of 11,007,047 in net .g ,1(1 was made up by nn accumulation of fl,830,1 74 coin and bullion, plus a reduction of ¦S246.8I7 in amount of outstanding certificates. The increase of $1,21 7,1 6 in net legal tenders maa mad© by an accumulation of $1,04-7.10 notes, plus a reduction of fl 70.000 in outstanding certificates and the gain of $100.1 09 in net silver iras made by an accumulation of $810,4 82 builion, mnus an Ins of f404.2*:i certificates. The liability for surrendered National bank note circulation was PSdaosd 11)50.001. ao that the surplus was in¬ creased $44,216,131. Subjoined are the rc»ulu of rsaterdar'i lUtement eom- psr-ed with thlt of the statement of Joly 21. e. ._ ,Julr kt, 18aS. July 2.. 1B88. Differences. Gold coin ind bul. lesi certineite* . nd SloO.000.000 reacrve .... 800.000,449 OT-.474.0t-_ Inc. 81.807,047 T S natal lesi ecrtiflcitoi . 88.023,461 39 MO Gio Inc 1,817.108 ?.tu b*_'*,.*,ot*\. ¦'.920.074 B,159,T19 Inc. 889,044 Silver dui rs ind bullion leia cor. Ullcatea . . . 6-...-.3.848 58.300,047 Inc. 400.199 Caah In Treasury 81H0.10I.43" 8198.884,123 Inc. ¦*.. 71 Deposit* In Na¬ tional hank* ->t.4P2..r>0 .14.ai7.54-l Dec. 104,040 Total *_I4,5.0,C_0 tM..l__ 00. Inc. 83,805,440 Deduct for fun li h. ld to reel. »m Nat. b'nk not'*. Iii' iuiiing lia- I Der cent fund 97.674,..24 97.__-.93.. Dec. BB0.881 Net ivallablo balance . ti4n.712.i02 SlB0.-tt.28S lae. tM.210.131 BANK 00NDITTON8 COMPARED. I>V the operations of the Sub-Treasury in the week endnd l_=t Friday evening the New-York banks lost 81,714.808 cash A week ago in re- rtoW-Bg the st::tenient of July 21 we said: I'rob- ably the cash reported as th" Bvetage f>f ethe week closely approximates the actual amount h H al the close of the week. Yesterday's statement shows a gain of 9133,000 cash, whicb shews that* the loss to the Sul)-Tri-asur*r was sboal offset by receipt, from the interior, and that the average for last week as reported does not vary BlBtfTially from the aetaa] hol'lings at til" close of business Friday. The feature of tho Statement is a decline in deposits of $--,207,500 while the other chaagn cftll for a dceline of only $1 00,000. The statement results in a gnin to the surplus reserve of 1675,778, and leaves it at 127,118,178, against 88,130,878 July 30, 1887. and 812,878,728 July 31, 1888. The changes in the week of 1 8? 7 wan as follows Loans increased. $4.">,onO; ens1-: decreased, $1,012.- 800; deposit* decreased. 83,585,800 and surplus reserve decreased, $366,350. The changes for the week of 1880 were: Loans increa^d, $333,400; cash decreased, fl.C68.TOO; deposits decreased, $1,108,900 and surplus tcauie decreased, 1,381,- 4T5. The changes for the week of 18S1 Loans decreased, $..2,100; cash decreased, $2'-- 200; deposits decreased. $t)80,900, and surplus metes decreased, $4 7,*_7_. Tho statement compares with those of correspond; ni; dates of 1887 and 1..1 is telloirs: July 80, 1881. July .to. 18S7 <_* 1 *.-««. I_nans . . . . $_4_.l_..i00 *.(S- 2'.,4.800 .37.1 s 9 « 0 ... 81.-J48.40e) 7_.C4-.WX) 91.11..200 Legal tenders , . 10.931,¦*"'> 22.92*1 '¦¦ 0 Deposits . . 881.777.B_0 801.70--.700 41., Circulation . . 19.212.'.'00 B, 105.100 : The following show* the relation between the - nerve and ths total d'*po*it* il thi StV-le .... Legal-tenders . . Total re»erve Beaarve against deposits Eurnlus Rino of reserva to deposits per cent . . . . f-i nf |(M1 1- **fil.11?,200 10.'.'31.-"*.' _.- 280,400 897.-73.200 198,57 87,944.475 B0.44_.42S 103.2JT.42-, Sl0.030.725 83,140,075 837,11 2785 27.25 31.67 Following is Saturday's statement in detail: Banka Ix)ana Specie. I. ¦.- ll ten.'.ara. 12,431 .OOo 10.04!'.ooo t).'JS7 KOO* 7.9-':!.OOO 18,267,000 3,690,. 9.HM.-O0 8,6 i 1.000 19,21.1. KOO S, 203,700 S.flTl..DO 1.898,000 Kew. Vork_ Man bat comp. MeroUanta'_ Mee h. au lea'.... Ataenaa._ I'lit-nis. Wty. 1 ru *'. saudi 1... 1. MardtoaBta* Ex. Gu.ult.ll l.utirs .t Prov Mr,-li .t Trad'a. tiree «ich.I» Laaiiiar Man. . 3,.o ,i «. \_: i.373.200 fatmeuf N-Yk ;).6*y,-Uo Ana ncau Ex.. 14,891.000 toiiirnerc-s.. '«!".- Hre.ft.iwar. 8.881.800 Men anula_ 8.338,300 Purine . 2.6 ..KOO hepuhiic. ;*.7t;7.;o" Cti_.t!i_t_.._ 4.648.400 I'eoi'le's . 1.878,-00 No America.. X.ibt.VX, Hanover.1 12,436,000 Irving 3,m_ U00 ci tuena'.; 2. ss., soo Naieaiu. 8,-4U,70')i Mamet.! 4.1fi5,V0O St Nichol***.... I.TS-.000 _>ho- e* Leather 3.051.0001 Corn Kxclianr*! 6..191.9U0* Ointment*..... 4.e7ii,-_00' Oriental.'¦. -,108.000* I>tpdt Traders 2u,ftM*i. .110 Park.., 18.883 ,800 Karta River...: Laat River Fourth >at. - * 5,_4 J, IOO 8.000.800 .. 8.800 _;* '...oa 3,489.700 Central Nat. fcecu-uil Nat... Mtilb Nat... -int Nat.. Third Nat. NV Natta... Bowery. NV (fluritr Ger Amoncan. Ch*-*. Firth Avenue Uerman Iii neraiania. Cnited nistM. -Jnooln.j 8.S8A.4001 (iarlleiel.j 2.44'_.7'I'J, FlfU Nat. 1..VU.BOO Metroi>oIli.I 8.771.O0O' Welt UMe. i.963.000* nrmlioar.i. ..2ul,l_l)l S)XUi Nat_. 1.71O.1O0 Woalern Nat lo._tf4._oo. ..ila "001 17,Xl. .'.tOO h.iKI-l.lMIO' 3,» 20,1100. 4..U,-00 .il.e.ll.Mm S.'-'Vi.iiOO -,606.8 "i 2,184.700 8,:i8.,4()0i 8.788.800 7.1)78.400 - 8. .100,6110| 2.470. lOOJ 4 -_---.7.-)0 :-,¦:« 1.850.000* 13,730.000 1.6-7.000 674.0O0 R.S71 "O'1 h.lSH.lUO Hie'. 100 7 I'-" "'eel ..721,000 97t.i OU .80,80(1 ni.,"' ia. j t .i.wiu C9H.100 14--soo ii. J, OO*; ia' TeMI ¦Iro.lOU 0 S.17 (MK) li 'l.n.tS.loo 8,173.900 l8,l7H,SOU H64 7" ..749.J4NI 1^44.400 I.1.0I.IO - itt. 100 i-i a ". -e.O .'.71,600 l)),921,o)K) 6o5,7imi 6.Oi'.1 soo 880,700 l.CAU.ivo iii- - '" 4,100,300 14.ihi.600 -_j*,.oi'*) 1.871.0-0 843,900 475,000 209.1-0 lo'. .100 :iot'.ooe) 818.000" M tT.OOO tli.OQtr 34,478,000 2,637,100 ' hi 33.421.800 174.30O ;.«()a)ei 8.-62.HOO luej.sui 106.100 1.604.70U 2.7i!S.«iMi k,Mi too 17.817,800 1,1145,001) 1, VU I.OOO *.e._H i.OOO 4461.Oo e7b.CO<> 4..4G,'),'0 1.848.3001 ml. -100 6.67",100 4.OO3.300 l.S-.'U.lOO SI. 104.200 1,831,'JOO --5,-00 .'.t)13,:*00 168.700 lt)_.,100 98,3001 14 1.700; '.'.IV. .100* 7H4.HK) 408,300 :i.'..-.e-oel 1 .* .:.;* toil 308,700 -07.000 u4i',4lK) -. \a.Mio- 40*).Tie) iiO. loeli lOi. soo 3,390.0 »o i. l.SS.OeX) 2,438,1. 1.334. 8.397.9IMI 1X14.100 *UA . L123.30. 009. BOO 1.13,0 io 146.800 888 "ito 614.ODO "l.,*i .l.paS.Hoo 1.049.700 3> 400 774.008 3,7e'i.5'>" 71i).Uti'J 77-,'.'"" -(_3.o()i' 894,300 318.1001 9"l.KOe) 1,294,900 0 tn. soo 115.500 6,6:i.!,loo 2,9J 1,500 4,0] 1.100 1.867.700 8.5 '4.ui"* 6.362.200 6.44C.7U0 'J.(HO. IO') 372.30' 7Vi.lO() 755.100 898.800 1,607.800 V-4.80H 261.3QU 220.400 _,0_3.90»l T'lV.DlK!' 3'* a 4 "I 4()e,40l) lltiT.'j'i" 889,400 35.). loo :.iart.«oo ...tsi*."Oo 8.471,-4)0 3.084.800 2,888.800 8.888,-00 3. »!.*). le'O aS7e.too 8,883.500 ».*. 4. ."" 8.177^00 S,B80.a00 1.HOW.300 4,884,600 ._.205.7ye) 3.04 -i. .Ol 2.050,100 . The bank exrliange* it the New-York Clearing BOBBI and thc stock* eold at the Hesr-Tark Sleek Exchange fur tho ww-k rif three yi'ira*- a* MIowb: Week "ii-ling- Julv _:. ISBS /air 80, IflST. Jn!y 2H. 18S8 Kxchaieg"* 8489.117.5-9 8551.871.502 8509,887.780 No. shares sold Li iA.a'Ai 1 430..'.37 1.231.095 THE HONETABT SITCATION. ihe local money mark'*t psasalaed unchanged durintr hist irBSk, call loons rulinjj al 11-2 per cent, or lower, and time ni' rn y l"-in_; ;n sbaadeBl supply Bl 8 per cent for ninety days and 1 pet cent tot six months on pledge of good market;*.Me sie-un- tiee. These rates are about as low SS they have hern at say time, although the season is spgroael-* iri: srhea K Ib icgsss-Bbls ls expsei somewhat Ugber rates, baeaase of the u.sual grcaU'r activity in iius;- n<«8. But it is not to be expe.-tcd that anything like stringency can prevail during the coining au¬ tumn. First, Mint Ihrector kimball's re|x).-T r-- ferr.-d to lust week, shows thal tin- expaa_BO_i of leoral money in circulation during lin* twelve months was $8.' As tnv Kew Yuk banks now hold only $32,000,000 more toga! BBOOej than they h'-I'l one- yei,r sgSk it follows that |51,000,* ooo of th-- c.\),)M!:!,:on is sent tere-'I ebewbere Ihroagb the eoaat-T. Tbarefore the ssnal sntastaal eiram upon New-Tork for funds arith winch ls move the grown..' sops may saf-ly ba sxpssssd ts bo mue|) less .11 funner year**. Seosadlr, a smaUer interior demana iu vitna tiie banks ol New- York are unusually well fortified to meet ss ea- traordinarT demand. J heir Burpttta leeerve bow ia 818,000,000 greater thaa al this dato ot 1887, $14,300,000 thaa at this dale el 1808, and $17,- 000,000 than at this dale of ISSI. Thirdly, with the Blighteel astivitg IB money Si even 1 [kt cent snore present rat-en it is not aareasonable tee p_. jx-(t thal tlie $ to 18,000,000 govern- nit-tit lionels now e-arrnd at 1 2a 1 fier cent swall nig. BSlsB to the Tr'-Hsury at figures only fnirtions aliove the Beesatagy'i pnasat idea* will ba dis placed and ssU lt, the naasaig at whatever then may l>e us parefaastng BgaSCS, and with the op¬ portunity to place money at latter than thc going rote-,. tL«re probably would ba larsr offerings at least of the 4 1-2 per oent* which are now held for iiivt-Minout in moneyed institutions. The foreijrn aBehaagsa ruled weak, and thc rites we rc reduced twloc during the week, and slosed heavy on the bania sf $4 fer> 7-8 anil M at 8-8 re- ipi 1 ralg for h.og arel short sterling. Thc ten- deaey ia downward, aad as tha soitsa BBBSSB ap- lereioe-hes ani as tlie demand for mir BBBBBIb rn liecea-mine more iiriieiat it ie psabahle that rut^s wu hm the next thirty .lays will touch the gnld-im- porting point BBless ehssksd by ft return Bf Ani'-ri'-un set uritii s, wfaish does not seem at all probable. The indications are that, tlie small amount of gold wbtch has l»ecn c_nK>_ted within tho last few nionti.s will be returned to us early rn 'ii't.eber, an*! additional amonnts lat r ia t. season, bbIcss the lolitical situation of Euroi*- nw- tcrially ebaagss fron Ita pn i- useful tim; GENERAL siii'AiiMN. Hie week*! '!. nearly ni! on th" side of encournj*"*ri'nt The fa Ott polit] l growing elearer and nmr* aatiafactory. 'ii-,'* psosssets for th.* gnrwiafl crops, when ged, were toward bnprovrmeBto. On thi other hand, tin- sdvioes received concerning thc European erop>. parrie alarly "f Bi Bilah anti and German rye-, were Indicative "I fattbei damage and imaller yields than earlier r*!"* i'i"i)i-il. The truth of iii leeswaseri' dene* *) br ih eel. buj [ni ¦: t for el -*"rt at 1 o e*enfs lusher rhnr: th'- ru',in_ pricea "f a y There- are indications of a better demand and bet¬ ter priers for iron, ihe business 'if th- last s:\ months, bowever, exeepl aa ralatisg to the prices obtained for th'- pri«liii*r. canr. led BS smntiafactory, Th" official reporta thew that fr< m Janna.v i to June 80 the prodnetioti of pig irem iras I igainsl ::,41 .*.. Jl 0 toni for the same [.triad of 1807, n decrease of only 88,307 tens, while th'- s'e ck rn band rerminina unsold at tlie end of ..'uri'- was 401 tons, which is BISBed lo be less than a three weeks' supply. " The F.ngineerintf and Mining Journal" r apoa th' ae Meares: " It is SBS3 'o see how suddenly tho tnnrket mtv change, and how (iiiickly a boom in prices would follow a very mude rnr«* inereaaa ts the demanel. Mantifacriirers are all carrying very light Stocks." Ii a l>'in & Co's w*ek!->* circular s.ivs: " Re- I>ort* of do*nestie trad'- are- i'linost imifeirml.v cn- ooaragiag. Though dntnesa yet pn-v.iU, improve¬ ment appi-ars at many poll RAILROAD EARSH-I6& Tlie reports of mir* sd gran earnings for the third week in July are making meir- favorable r;si-'tis with the r-tiirr-s ol a rear agu that did tin-"-- for the iir**t two weaka ut thc month. Tun haa printed t;. iiiri.s of forty-one give nn average net gain on the wt "i 7 7- i-e-r cent.the sum*- eninpari-'s in week of IBB7 ret - of over 12 pei D the week of lr--H. Of the whole ti thirty-one eompaniea return gains aad toa eith'-r*- rcturn Wa have prlnt.'l the returns of sixty**!* oom- inriies. or systems i"*- the second wa July, giving an aggregate ol $4,144,372, against s*4.1 Ol 73" lor the eh - -'.. a gntB ol a nt .the week cl 1887 re* .-nins cn that of 1 186 of about 14 per cent. S.*\e nty-seven eompaniea or aystemt bare ni ide their -' I¦¦ enta foi the mom of May. The net earnings average n decline ol 5.31 pei from those f May. nt' earnlnga ol Mav. 188", return gains '*. of about 'j.*. [>er rent J lo- foi l itementa and the Ogun i ol the subjoin nol include tl e Quincy and the Atchise -I. 'I ineka id Santa Fe. Twenty-eight eompaniea or systems bare Blade their fiill stat- monta for the l turning an aggregate ol Bet earnings of $S 480, Bgninst $5,180,807 for J'tu-. 1--7.a -:i, or 4.05 i»-r- cut. The net earninga fur .lune, 1887 sn ImproTemenl ol over 20 iht e-ent on Jun", 1888. The* fe,Ile.wing tablet divide tho aggregates ol th" companies showing ¦rona tliose showing gains: OB0BS EARNUIGto Seeead weak to Jeir. 18B7 1BBB nitrne-*. rr .ct - ... 81-908.'V8H 82.194.51 dine. S280.830 11.75 .'¦l-l ( n's .... i 8-81 TetaL 60 Co.'a IM.KO.737 f4.141 372 Ice. B4...035 LOB Third w*ek In Ju.v . Sic., s2.4SB.4BB S2.7S1.100 Ina. 8297.870 12.94 10 Cu.'s .... 886,320 488.780 Dee Tr'.nl 41 Co.'* 12.00* (J59 *,-* Kel HM) Inc. 423: 200 t ta NIT EARN I-f OS. Mnnth of Mar. 1887. 1--- P'.Tnc's. Pr e\ 48 Co.'B . 84.263.919 .4.C.-.9.W. Inc 1394 -.... 8.180.004 7, 1.197 D-' Tatt Ti BT_-.4B1.98SBil 771 1 Ol 5.31 £1 ('n's .... 84.293 a*'- *t HOI 21.1 Inc. #29-. 877 ".98 7 Co.'s .... 806 -.':¦ .ul* 00 Total, fis Cc.'I 85.189 S97 S3.1W9.430 Inc | THE stock EXCTl INGE MARKETS- Tli- gi ri' ral market.* for bonds and stocks last week srere sol ol s booming character. There ..var. a .-. de¬ noting both a growth of the securities sought h;ti-r. For rame ol the low-prii -1 mortgage and li rp ad- vonccs m n the higher nd. the demand was n iii.- ¦¦. n Mi- restricted hy small t the curr "¦live, but, as in pre- t waa fluctual th a si tend ler plane of values Every dar witnessed i's reactions of l-2al per nnel somel times a day. Following the reactions, there in¬ variably was a short period 61 dulnesa lhere wen* iio sharp upward bk during the «.k that were boi the Immediate followers of s reduction, ami thc inter movements carried inly fractions above the plane from whieu tin- decline had i»-'-n made. It is theae frequent fluctuations, every "ne of which si I time waa culled ria* beginning of a rea.-rion, which keep rh" market In a satisfactory condition. From thc prices of June 13 these luis been aa aging ii**!!, .(.- to twelve pomis for tl '* i: ind pa] ks. But do [k rie.ei there have beea st le-asr* ten r g from 1 l-'-' to 2 1-2 [et- cent t onsider¬ ing iii-- large declinn which mosl of tl (Tared during tbe last tweh e . advance of cen r; pa oeni intial reactiona should furnish no rear o whi the up¬ ward movement should not continue. It is now known thal the dechnca whloh have occurred wera forced, and war" made without a substantial basis. It is known that the traffic eluri' last twelve months h.-is bren larger than it ever was before, sad thst arith two or three "\-e*i>- ti'ip.-s. like Burlington an'l Quincy, snd At- Topeka sad Sonia Fa the decline in railway net earninga luis bma exceedingly small. .Many of the comiwinies could tooses from their net, Incomes than Tliey have dorie during Ibe tote wan of th-ir managers nnd not affc llity to par divi¬ dends such as they have been paving ix For Instance, tho Chicago snd Sorthwestern company could reduce it.- net earnings 25 per cent an'l still pay from them 8 snd 7 pei respectively on Ito common snd preferred stocks Evan St. ran] might h,-.* fj oer "-nt from it,-, net earnings ss of 1887 and -till nay 5 per et I its nammon stock. St i '.I a :rmg the hst months.tlw si.v mont. n never earns anything fur its stock . liss probably lost 8 pet nat. Hm in view of the prospects of the eropa ju its country, nnd the bett.r undemand¬ ing existing between the railroads ol that section, lt is not un-*.i-, Hallie to expect tint duri: remainder of rhe year the los*,.**, of the bal si. month? will be fully recovered. Stocks steadily declined for twelve* months in expects! ion of something which baa n Barred, exeepl ia a few special Instances. In the meauUm**. Europe has ber. an munens.- purchft.s'T of American securities. The Govern¬ ment report of ri.- oonmerce of the United States last Friday, taken in cot;- the report tor the preceding y"ar, shows thai the .ountry's foreign indeh Slid Special mot--incur '.¦ alis i.*:iele-a| aaa 841.482.400. An eatimal fl] a year for I;- Indel to foreign bottoms for the ean and forth, of 11,418,. ol meKhandi-ie and upward- of 81 OO.i cf i in-l 1 lion lt > small ..?.! rhis gii b an accrued ind-¦ ncaa against the country durini the two yean of 8280.01 '. 0 In addition to ii. ipond- M.t remlndi us That wa have omitted U uno the ealcnlatie n the Inl dividends irhich luring that time -foreign holden of Americas arcuriti -. The point is wall I we have no meant of est,!, what, thal ann.ant may ie*. I */.-*. l,a\e gj per, aad the condil ,_,. f( reign i% | I . :he fad that Europa lias been s purchsat \mericiin liemls bi tn m amount which have' rea t.ik>n in oon- jectien wit I bat un*!* .orption of sec.ntl'.- bj home capita] thst ia Bot represented among th 'iaI apron] tcoounta for th*- iroit* of ai ii" markel aad explains why, although then lias .x-en a steady d'-- ,:i.,- in ii temi.! te, suddenly * n prion ami au activity that would - rmit of a scoop have proved abs If th-re- Hf arv tuch n the Street now as bull eliqaea, no "ti- ean point heir liiii'-r Bl them, 'lhere ar", of '«.iir***-. now md .then, combinations "i two or I tessi operaton for s torn of two or thr* *ent on tin- market .isrhatrs the- comhiaatii sash 10,000 or 20,000 -hares e.f -r.*.-k. One of base bobtail i>oe,i.s in the tir-r h.-.'ir of Frid iy noiiiiii,.' disposed of their hold In to Lung, maile a temporary decline of l-.-ai-i pet ont. The stocks were- taken, nml the eomhion¬ ion was utterly dr gii-t. e| that, pricea J: vening ihould elna al.emt l per anica -"eatardajr thc combination Itself as s bess on * ind during be last half-hear, and In bu extremely dull mar- eeode '1 in dbi to about, or nmething below, prion which they had r'-ali/'-l arly Friaay morning and wen much elated arith he'success of the man; i>n lat ion. The sequel Of ls vt to be tobi. The market has n..t yet roadetied to sn. ii un - steal thal the trading mounts to M.00B sbarn or upward s dav. ut it* has materially broadened, and then is oar-cell a broker who iwretofon was m t ea- a%*"el in iWe buying ami Bellin - !or a few refcations-* whoa, buain ai baa sol sion than oubleel from wnai it *.c* si\ weeks aga Then ow is less of the prof'sm,,mil and more* of thc ..rn ral busiaen arhlch mahn ap i;" 1,331 095 liam aa th ¦¦ week'a aalea e.f aH Btoeka Toe week eloard arith bb undertom f llrmness m the apecalstkm, with sdvaaen for to w< . ic a ci aging about i |**r oral Subjoined is our usual table, giving the nunile ,- f sharer sold of all stock-., th" highest, lowest, ad tinal linen of the week, together with thc final prices rf n, week ago, prefixed by the avcragi prie>s of July BO, 1887: .str.Kt.T ittsiifc. fTOeKi. a IfA_ Ri! Juir So. lilith f 7. ts BB Air': Tof | I 1 AH .t- Picnic.I Ht NV Al. orr.! li ltA I'itu i.ref, CanS'lsfSuutti-rn l .1 I- a e'e'e BS UV.i Cedar Kell* Cen Iowa 1 tl ml e'.'i '-tal a»-al p.|..l Osatral ut \ J.J ( ..alli, l-»i iflr .,1 I A Ohio icu l*t lar. RB * utii.i ..I pr in.- A Norlbw ( hi-J Marta pr Chi Ml. I era w .v st *,r; t Pun... (li Bl LAP prt. Hi) l ll -I f M at M ' Cli B * (4. I*).*, ll. rani . .. uris ion Chic A Ind Coal.| tb A ,<' ..ii t.rer (lo I Bl LA Oh. e ,o W A rt. . cv a Baret... CCC At. (",IIV*T_ 24 Ch A K 111 pref. I I) t. tn *. 1X8*4 IIS 14 I -1 117 lt» si- est. Ssl, ."¦, 9 9 101 101 Ss1*, 9* 521 HM .sus .17 t ii *_s HJ 88 12 11 ID .r.s. Final --I JulT| rtnal 11 Jul.'. 1B-JS: 1 _J_ ioi mo 9*% 97 Vi Sl'si 5U-. 67*, 4 B.-M 88% HS il HT, bl 4 "el 7 si HA-, Sj 13 ll i-i IV'S ll.M lld |4S Ul to** Hov,' io: lovs tat. iii| 12% l«7% 107<i in lia usv liidu lue ivm\ ¦I .. I; ¦-. AV lit H-. 1'-"s llln, UO uu HS 73% ro l'W :-.**, Billi 87% lue H'l 7«% il -4 6 Sl-i 34 S 91%, M 76 a s ,." ¦lin, 9o*. 90 7', *e* 5 50 24 % 91% IS. 134V, U»s Itel A II. 100% 11-M 11-SV IMS I Pin, 27 121 % 1 ia Ab tl its w Ii A HU.. .I it eta aft, S7 ET VA ',. ll', do lit t rf. ela M pref.I SI t-TAIIST AW.. Ft WA hen.. ib tit Ilaj W ASIP; Hms A Tel....| . Central.. ,:ei leased I,ur.', Iud Blum A Wei r.n.| I. ike Kne at W..J I VV prl; .re SS a I. » A I Matilialt-in 'ni HS u iiearli, HS -T.- ...| Men A Char.... Mes i-n-r- Miebtsaa aai'i m La * w. 7 -i m. i. - a w ir.- ,lei ei ar* M.nn * r.t I,_ jir-r Mi*. Kan I Ter Miss ian )'n me¬ in., iile I Kurru - M.. '.A*, i. N. T. caatrai N V s | * HIL Dil .. .ref .i NV i.i. a .-- Y-.l-i A***. sr. Y. A X. I NY Nil A il... N V I. A A NY ont AW NY Bas AW N BA VI Nut ax \V.4t.... NarAW pr:.._ .I doprt N V ._ Nor pre! ll Mi 30 lt lal)l_ It'll 1N 107 .' Wl US' 3o 43*% 4* H 71% sn s' 88% 2r HS: ii *\ 91 1.1 \ -(% 1-.. 4"-. '.el ms 41 s .? H 91 48 1!'. -I- \u : io ita MS 107 la*. - ill IH 47% io. . **3*a, 27 tl'.[ I* USS l-.os HsS »s 18% 9 its 47 92% 40-1 l-l 47 14-,' 18 17% IDS' .¦--. tit] BBS BIS ns' 14 13 .i.i si 4«:.| 921 61) TS lo I ns 17s 47 Si IO*.! 70 *. 28 86 H%! liJ te 92% _._ 1!. 8. I'll SIS ts tos ms lo 91 nd 4 |J Ills1 T-l £0 nisi nt '.'. w IO i:tS 141% 14 u.i HOS 84% i'e.i IM l"(a". 13% 1.'. '..¦_ ., SM ei.1 SSS 25 -e: 45S! e re- ec ia Cu rr»f. Ors I'.r A Nar.. 9_ C'n-Tiin.j 2*»%! ur Bhort Line J 2" Pea DacAEvaai .Tait v it-_.!:ii_ rittsHWati tie Pnilma:. .-¦ ¦' I t Bleb A W Para*. Hume, Wat ar e.., St I, Ark A Tei' stL aa ru... et A S F. Bl I- S BF pref.. ale. le- St PA I'uiiith... '.- [,rl sal 1- M A M. Boothera r*citic '! *xas I'm.--.tlc_ rt" land ir. T'nmn 9* flail (>.( _ ¦ Wabaehpfa...... 2j pref.! ¦i leL ... 72 At im« Kxure-i '.I'S ._«s vi', l:b I ¦'' % '.* 31 S las 11 ss .ll 12'4 27 SS '. 80S 4 IS lo*.)'- loss . irv, 181 140 SI 89 sis IAS! nos! fid 113 "4 .00Sti I'll HS 107% .7% . ns 828 .io :os '.. I: ¦. 19 81 .-"'4 A'S 23*. WM 13 SI 84 81 10.". lot 84% :"-* 2-% SSS 2(r Si 88% 21 s 31% .4% Cl% (i4% 152 I,',', *.. lt'.SI 1*>3 lriS% lils, ir)..». io. SS 24*1 25«| 74'. TIS 73 B_M HS 43 S lii% BIM IB Ul Sf 8«% SI 33% 12 %. 63 -j Ul ¦1 '* -'- . 16S| ;i 31% IB Mi% .id ~t SSS ii !'.% ¦BiS 94% 2.S. SI I 63 94 S HS 4f 34 S 7 '". 11.1 M IBS 78% 9( l'.'Si 44--j SI '."' r.2S 26 2ti 24*. 2! bah ll ipa, . 7 S- Hts. Vlf ns 44 S 34 7.*'. LIB 81 lol loo 10. -. 1-5N 10 e.*. lu 6-S Cs HOS 21% 23 SI '- -. 21 '- 34% S. 79 118 38% in* 24 67»4i Si l.i% ass 70S HTS I6%i 88% 22% a* '. Hs 24 S 65 78% US io_'. Jin. .ai aol,I. IK __i Ba nut H.:u. 40( 10! 10( 6.6(K ¦i.i SI SK If -.'51 Sl.:;4-. Bil 188.3a e.bii l.OiK one 3.t<4( 1.121 -.os: 6. .'.) I'M KM. 4»r in i"( LJO' 1.1!'*. _..8." 134..Ill US .ie; 4"' 4,J0i l.-'.e 4..'..'., 1CX 1.3711 2,*.'2" LSS4 ll ia". ia r,H( 4.74! 2...-,'. 37.4-st I.To 3,t«« 101 DO' 4U(. ._e|e 7, Sdt 404i 15* LOU Set) 10.201 llb.044 181 SOU .?:-:>.', 1.04' 4**-. UM ie* 84,.'.0( LB4V! 1 I iii Vii: Cs7( 4.-*.2.' XIS! a.ia: p.trt-1 3S.234 1.10( COM lo. sst 1.4**" 11.02.1 4 ... 2.695 292.4.0 lofl S.S77 63. Blt 8.71! 21T 9C ,r."U 8.410 80S sol 3,37(1 .mi.*, 14..4S ','20 80,07: ililli 4811 3 i*se 13. IM 84,826 4: isa 647 I -tprt-ai. liWS 1," '"- 1"' ir SS TT TB TT T'i ero 1 138 140 187% .:'-% 1S8 * TS 7-«S tn T- TTS' Kail 3- *!>.¦«. 88% SS ii',**, Con Os- "Si T8% 78 T Tl-* 1 smM 86%; SHS ea',. LAI.. 3e> SSS 21S 2-JS 21S 1 ses .14% se 2' ¦ ll IS M| Tennfoal .. 3.' SSS if, i-t _*.. ;i : 1 % 1111 11 ill 31 81 BM ll Si 10% IPS, 11%._ Miae far tte wees. 1,331,093 . 20 per cent asietim-nt aBBsB. I.l'l'l 3,**2'.l IBU 1.871 3. icu ion -.Tn* 35. sen Ltnn) The folloi-rtns were Ss'-nrt-ij'i quotations for unlisted aacartaea RIA Ailed L N A and Chlo lit Ssc A1 atv 100 105 Mencao .National SI Bl 8 24 Std. Alk-d flee It A E new .tacit. % i. Bi'iaiiavn K'.eWl's 3-*> e lal 9a* *¦? Chle-aii) t A tua lt r--a-ei 6 Pn.ntn. i-o --here ani Atlantic... Do prel f.denn. VaaadOa umuin -it'll S % Iio nre'-rre-l_ S S Flint A l-.-r^ -Mar- ejuette 39 ) I K.tllw'7 A Nar Ca. % De, Preferred_ .- a RC Kanawhi miii Chlo oa. il* Ural - Do I rust Ksc'ts Da iiu-trt;ctlon e'nmnanv. 32 ..: 37 96 BB biri .un National New 1«' '-a N Y anet r». :: woad r.a»-a l«t Da Sit. Nor Cu- KB a (Paod d-Orellle dive lit m ii prc 104 OreaL etaamatua o. lit L-rur't'el 103 ro V,iiier 1st 7 90 Du 21 Ti 09 88 IP¬ OS MS BS N i ».,-linera N V w B ami H.. N*--^ r-ort New. A M las ''aiiey Co. C -nrral. hi St I. A Chi pre... \nn Amor aad Neirih Mick. Te " P aria a \*a '».!ern. -- A Me- rWiaa . lui I'Ti'terreMt ... Vi nt uria::, a-utrsl Iopref. 3bS Arr. A V.t-t Peak 1st Ol.Id Cal l'»c lit mor 4 193 Ho 2.1 raur f nar IOU Flor B'S as'f Nar cnn sold bnneta Geaeiri-ie, PiClIlllllt N 40 103 100 78 47 80 17 S 9t I-ouia and Chi- 15 cairo 1st ruortVe 1. 1816 ... 2S .**t i" Kastend i; r Ut els, .'ir.''l Ot TS M. L B sad 'Vu iToiiMt'., 1'i-ona A 24 WsBtsn lal 4i ft 11 Ceet'l 1st Hs Vicksburg A Me. r:el:an. S De '.'.1 mein S Moule OltT rom* . 14 l.onls 40* American It.-mlc .. 0 an pany 20 'Anie*r:e-an >>r 10a cu trust cert. IT [CB u-afoiiaa Treat e.o Ei|iinauie % and UM ¦ S Continent-ii Const .. and .till Oe ... De tru.teeai at'k Keely Maleer Co.. 'Lehl-h A Wllkei- I08 barra coal co HO Stm-k. 18 Ml D-eleTt a Ka»t 33 ! Sh're I. co St 3 12S 3 87% Y Mutual Tel.. 98 31% .ll3. N -¦' -' % MS 40 ¦1 44 fl 18 nn.r'iraK" 6«.107% 103 Nerth RWer Const lin 2d Iticomee.. EanaiThaanil Ohio 1st (ia. 72 K la im. Pern lat mer. 105 P»neare,l» and At¬ lantic. 5 Co scrip. 8 The Na:l_n': Tran Blt Ca. Pipe L certin._ate«.. RC Western National Hoax. 93 SS 80S 95 CLOSING P-UCES OF BOSTO.I 6TOCK3. Bojton, July 2<i. 1888. reetei ur A Toe.A lit 7_ Iff .1.. I- 0 Te.... IIB A A d>e H. P.... SH*, I n«'..» Maine... 210 t tl.' Buriuif B UninflT. Hi1, Cia -in t e'ieT. 2l* Fae-.em lill ... >:__tfrr. RP. 8a. Flint « I'ere M.. F.inr t i- .1 i-I HU A Blnts7l.... Mi-i on rm.. «lei:ran eurral las a or k.i..1 .N Y A N Knsl.. 120 1.2 1.2 120 4*S 67% 4 '. 12-'. Ok"' S I. ham phau, saai_ n>\ n.* e.,.mr . lCa\ Rolland rom_ j Keitianet ni 3" Teo-dir- reit-nlay.To-iar 122 wu cant R a HS com. eSS an feat K tl 310 pfd. 3 A lionel Muli. 118 I mewl. 31 S Csin-ii't A ilecli 130 Catalpa. Franklin.. Huron _. (.)S'*».-,a. PfwiiiiCineW).. Uuine* r. 14% Ball CelepMne. Iti.itop ljin 1_ 07'4 Weter rower... 42«. rainaracs. 185 122-4 Vta«4 Uaai. 20 San D L Ca.. 9% Weet Knd Land IC- Lam sro ae'co 133 40', 101 120 17 S 17% 37 3% 201 'll'S 4S 21 BS 72% 231 7 SS l«:t SOS 82*, o.3% BS 18 IS 31% 3 79 833 0% 24 S 61% 61% Bf ErROPEAN FINA Ne TAI. MAREPiT J awnay, Jnly tfl..1 n. m..Con»o!«. DOSforborh aioaejr and Ihe ><c.:oeint Allantlc an-titreat Western Bret tn-.rt. gat" trnite.-e' Certiflcatei. AHn,. ..ri-, 38% Ba, BSOeaB -. loee',, "enan Ordinary. 47; St. Pant. Common, 74 '. ltea.tiux, 48% Mexican (,'oir.r.ii tint mortlake bone!., 1 he rate of eiieeonnt lethe opaa market for three months' billi ts 1%S 1 ll-lil oerceuL M.ney .. t, |M,r ceeet. Pule aSviesa qtieitf 7 t>er nent rentei at H3 franei 17% eaetlaias (ur the m-onm and Eie.ieanire on London at 25 ir mc- .t"-i eaatiaMS lerabaeaa liar e.iver ls quote*! at 42 S per ounce. COTTON MARKET8-BY TSLEORAPR. LrntHroriL. Jnlr ts .I o. m..rutton-The sales of the Jarinda ul « 0 (nie* Aniencan. Fntnres:loeedeteaitT. CpaiuK lenw Mi.t-.llnc Staoaa, July deliver*. 5 3_._4'L buyers JnlT and Aiumt Iel r^rv. j 8SA4S, bururi Anoint plant bar e'.ei:»-ry, ft 38-Std barara -**"^iemti«r and <>, :,ii.-*r itelivnrT, 3 is.old. »eiler«. Octulier ao Noveni'ier delivery.! 12 04 1. Suvere; Ni>T,*oit,^r an,i l'e.*^mt>«rdelt»erT. 14, s^l.ot* I" e -..oar ami January del'Tirr. 6 In till. Mlleri, Janitiiry arni F-uruarT ceuTcry. 510-«>4«t eellere. .-a-r .ltri.v.-rr. 6 Js.rtii tm- OiLvisTo*.. Julr -.IS..Cotna."Steady. Mlddllnr. 9%: I^iw Maldllin. '.'%: eirutnary. Ht; net in 1 inn. rec. mia, 27 ua.n tioct. ntl balee. OLS. July 3H.-( "ttou .btoalf Ml'ldllnfc 10 5.ll'.: net an'l atomtomotpta, 1-, hales eiouru to the Cominan*. i oe balee j cu*et»i_~. 1ST Oalrs «_!_», l.U Uales it*- _, » CBABtasTOa Iair 2** -'-utron.Vamlnal. Mlddllnr. 9%: net .itietaraesi receipt-, tefl -a e., e\,i.,r[« eoaitwiea 673 bole*: iii-., ftalaa, Mei k, Taff balee. I k- i*es*H. Julr 2«* e-utr.en -uina<1r and firm. Mlddllnr, lo. Low Midellmr. us, Oovl oretinary. » net and *n>e« rei--* 1111% n Ins exuurls ooaatwis., 2i)e. pales , aalee, d bile* stock. Ani baiei. Nk'v.eiiujtAKs. Jalr 2S.-<oston-Staaelf. Mletdllna. 10i Lo» -fidlliuir D% aiat.,.1 Orllnsry. 8S net aid croea San biles, ex:-.-rte lo meat ltntain, 7H3 balae, ooaatwiia, .1, bales sale., -"jo balee, stuuk, 27.489 balea. WOOL 8AI.F.8. AsTwrnr. July 2H. THrrr was a fair attendance at tha «s to d ir amt the etemetid wae HM There wa* Bales eef wheu were iou 1.17.) balee ot Sae oe * rsi «, 1,1 at from 7f tai 1*1 fraue** t,»r KHi kims. aa 780 Bales al MootoTideo at rroi.. 75 to 200 traocs per loo kiioi. fspntiTS nf* TQkrBSTTBE in eiTO**i. JnlT 21 -TurpenUoe flrm at 33a. H-Vas.xah. July Ja.Tnrpenlion Arni at _3%r. v .__i..,. s, july -.-.-T_.peuu_.e Ona st S3 So. THE MARKETS TOTAL r.F/T.IFTS OF FIU-DCni fer North Liver. Vessels and A«'in«, n|ri .!0 Ma!_hn»'.... 2-.""I r-rk. oisriT] 230 Beana, bun. IHo Oatmeal bbl* -'. P«/s... 1'15 ba i 21 iiimi. .*<-.' 188 CaoaaaiBeai Wll Coner, i.bii iso uraai e«ej *. »«i 8e7 Driel Fruit. bars.- 3°° Lard.tors... pan | tiiie., baise SSA buller, pleat 4448 F. irs. I,-ii... 92--.|lopes.b_l*s.. Mil Cheese, turi l.iWS lars, roam.. 2 ;i I l.e*-'. p*.r*.. LOS! Kice. prs... 35 rionr. pk.-i.. 12..1TH Lealiie-Ste'I o..'...->;-.¦ I". :...«. Sal < Meal. bli*. 2'.o soints tara Htarch.p«rSi fSO C Meal --_. 52.1 bbla .. 881 Callow. [.kr« 138 ¦uah lt 2*e0 Rosin, bhi* . f.33'. I .eeaeea, adi 4.4 Com. ouaiu. 2I..95' |.ks 349l W),iasy.*>*)li b'» ('its. brun.. 72 ""(I a).««>iii»rrarins WmoI, e...v. o* Bye bash., 56(*| pk^i..._50 lar, bbl 126 GENERAL MARKET REPOHT- COFTKE. tor H.-a.ll Hylea her'r waa BS movement, and valuta v..*r*_ i'n-!ia.y i._nunal Thu ipi.der SI ifcre dull and casv Bales. 1.44S oae* I tx i'h Hade lp his. and*' bugs Marlcalba, baals ot l-4« for (uaeiii. "(.non tridiiei v a-s dall, and >vltii easier a 1*. lees from Ibrosd the fa.*,in* was easier, closing fi? lin? a decitu*.- of Oalo points fur the day. sa,**.*, 18.740 butts. CU Mns prices. Hilliest Deweit 6*l»a Mireh .... B.&58 :> 90 990 9.90 250 July .... Hov. 1120 11.20 H _o liiiin) Aurus» .... lo.oo- io -J) l' 88 io oo e. Mo fte-L,-..uiber . . 10-OOwlO. 10 moo lo. ot) 5oO October . . *' 0.70 8 TB '¦. 88 T.v) N .ember . . . 8.004 9 0. 8-84 :.'.'. 1.000 December ... I 19.04 970 905 2.ioo COTtOB.Pries fur ipal 1. ts were ad\an-*-d .*-1 »lc. aad the) market closed linn. with ealee of 1 .15 balee, including 1445 bel«i fur aaa. sumption and 70 bales on speculative account. The p.irt receipts v-sti*rd_y aggr*udir\ 1.2tJO balee, comparing with -73 bu. ill »eek ant *2l."> bales f' .- tn*; e-trreipnndins- day ls**t year. Since Sepiomber I itn** be¬ ginning of tbs crap ...-.-i- th- reeslats have agsregaied 6,492,-87 I ii". against 0.194,030 bllei for the anding lime last. Ma_eA Quotations baaed on tbe American standard ot cln»!6_s- tlon are C;.ir.a_ ont Ordinary. 8 1-4 Strict Ordinary. « 3-4 5.1*?. i,..,l Ol I.nary. B 11-10 8 13 IB rdlnary . ... 10 3-10 10 ''i'i I..,.*, MJ lil ina ...... 10 y- i'i 10 11-10 sn.-t I...a- .Middling .... 1013-Hl lol#lu .ii ._ jj i-f. idling.' 3-10 H 7-10 diddling .... ll 8-18 11 11-ltt Fair.ll 18-18 13 1-18 rail . -M :i-lo 12 iii'; RT Al." lil). Cnod Ordinary . 8 3 lo le, a Ml-ld'.n? . 9 13-16 I Good 9 Mid Ulna ... r> 1,,--. - irreaalar. lnltiui : .1 adavnce of n n" , ai ito ut* crop mouths. r: aaa Montha. - niftiest r-T-reat. Sale* Jail .... 10.97S10.0B 10.07 1"9T I*1*! Aaguat. . . . ¦- 10.99 10.B8 31..loo iber . . . 9.71* 9 "3 B.7.' 9.74 . . -a 584 '.' 54 0 ¦'. 9 32 2.2' 0 Nov. taber ... 8.48 9.44 D.44 9 IS 2 700 D-rember . . . 0-488 9-44 8.44 'J Al 4.800 ... U.i-.'fl 8-60 '.' SO IM* ..t . . . '¦. 3*8 9 57 B-M 9 M B 8 '.' 'si. '.I >.! . . '-Tlr '.' 73 9.72 909 1.300 May .... 9Tj* fl -' FLOUR AND MEAL-FLOCK-I'-'ileJ (tNBfftfe ""SS dlspla. : owing '... che rls.' a si.^-ia sdvaaet aaa rei rule pr) ss sr.* a e l-.-iiKut y ry BWderataly md Jobbers' wants werei eainp.irj- i -lu. fcal-**, ls DOO bbla, li, Illino, l.ootj b-le Caty Mill Kxtra. ti 85* - latter in new package*; bUs Fina, ti\, ..ri tb. s.w iiMs bup-ri.. .2 96; 1,1 Oo bois Low Extra, tl* 75a .ii 2. 4,400 Ula Winter Whe-at Kxtra, 82 75686; md T.'iOO bola Minnesota l.xtr.i, SB 764*88. Quotations: Fine, 8210882 76: BnperflBe, 82 40*02 95; City Hill Cxtra, Weat ladlee, B4 864S4 00; Patents, ct- *r 16, Low Extras, 82 76-S88S6; Winter Wh-ai, Low itm-iiia, 12 Tiil3 25; Fair to Fancy, 43 3"&$4 7 j; Patents, ( umnjon to Fan.j, $4 30at_, Mui- i. Low Kutra**, *2 7..r*43 25; Clear, l.l AbatA 3b Rye mixtures, |3 3..-S4 20 Btraig-i*, . -C__.tO-, Ta tenta. C-n.muu to Fancy, 44 tbaAA- .Mar- -'. i firm. Including 8,900 bois tor e_port....-.uL'-H- .' I-..N ii,"! :. ..- 'loin?. mainly io arrive. 82 sba! *:; -ju (ranj to Choice do. »au tb i'a:*'L'_ is, lo f* r . Iiv_; PLO UH.Firm, bu- aalet 5-.i>,. ait, b..s Supertiii". -ii ubai'A 50. latter Fsmry. COB. Mi: U_. quiet. Yellow Waatern tiuoi-d at 42 sii/tJ 2i, and iirjnij- .3 40. CRAIN-WIIF.AT-The general market had a decidedly atraiiigcr look to-day, arni | ... nla DB i-,<. lots "f SS lc. Shippen -*'k tipn_r«i ,,t bmbali iu the * tts advance, bul IBs han," treBt leftised to pay DI w-rc quite SCtiva, eily closing. btronger cu bia: advices uI- tnt sales wars ih sae.. afterward tta short side* lea Han lo t furUie*.- rani .rf l'_ - iir-m i*. bales, 7,312;OOO buabeli funire, ldo »pot, InclndlBil Nix 1 Hs 1 j-, '.es'-. a :i 1'. .,: . tarnuk q-i<.r.*d ai H'Vutii^i I'ngraded Ki*d, HihdOSh; No. 2 Red 2 July. 91Vi92%, 'rinsing at Ul-. Jo tugi ai. _1 . Hg at '.el * e7'J2'«. ie.'.a.mtwr, ;.-_'.'.-. e..'»ing at lo Msy, 9T"v_-.i-%, clusiiig ai, ... RTF.Dull ai.d nonlnil. HAKLKY AM. BARLE- MALT.Doll ind numinaiiv qnchJur**d TV.Wa- . ifl ¦.'. by the decided strength In whait. Options se, ward .-..ri* 1 1 !_..-«... with fr-e buying, later deeUned 1-1.1 eioaed tirm, siter a mooarate ipecttlatlva bualnaia, Cash uiat, I*'!- v-'-v Dm ly i'.l. Shippers took 32."i'") litislisilei. balee, 1.818,000 l.usliejls futun-, 2f.'j*.-i bukheli *nnr. lucludlng ung ided mixed at 68 1-27541-2; Nu. 2, .103-4 dellver-d, .',112*54 3-4 to arri livered; N* 2. .1. nominal: do Angus-. B4S .'.4 1-1 ,1 1.4, ci'islnif ai 54. da October, bia bi An. mosing ai ba 3-, : do Ko¬ ki .'.3 1-2. closing at ember, Triuio l-l, closing st BO 1-4. . OATS. li - no d-*c'.de*d cha-iff'. * l-SSl-lc higher un Seo- rn -- ¦- modersto. -.-* BOO bushels future, 49,000 pot. In- v 2. Tib 3-4 tf 30c elevator, 37e N 1 White. 44, *. lo August, ..- a-, 50 l-2e da Beptember, 29 14,/'20 .! 8c doling ar _a taber, 29 3-4:, elostn . le; i. Whit* July. 3'.i \4tt 'An 1-2c, eloatng a- rto l-3c; d'a September, closing ar, 31 l-Be. FEED.Steady and q hay and BTE tW.Then is no movement ot Impertaa a and leer remain as f,.- ioma Bay-Choice Timothy, uer 100 It), 95*41: No. 1, b..<r'--c Na 2, 75«(We; clover, m.xed, C5^T5c; clover, .r,-,aii.", <*n:p|.lni.-. eiOea'i.V Straw-Long rye, 90a-95c *. 45dfi0a BOPS irket continues dull, but previous quota- tatlooj ., 11 of l-uT, beat, Ile: du medium, -., .*:*. 1, common, Pacific Case, rna 1137. balOc; do 1380. >. IT, lie.; 2 MOLA nr slock ls dull and nominal. NAVAL BTOR1 - Fi plrlts turpanttaa tts marker, ls a tlrm one on Ur' ia Ab l--_i- f*jr me: OILafi -. but no changes of Imivrra IS Summer 1 :. 1ms, iru IQ l-2c sum- m--r White, 471-Xe; Cocoanut, Ceylon, 61-4c; liochln. 8 l-Se/O l-4e: Cod. domestic, 82c; foreign, 38c; Lii.eieed. rai-, elty. 53c; I.-ird, pr:me presnit Batta, 88s; Mmhadai - BA%nd 25c Light praaaad, SBe; bleached win-ar, 32*: bleached '^r:1:. lie Sperm, crud*. 85c; r.arurai iv:;.ter, 88*70c; hleache.1 Wlater, T3_TRc; bleached stiring. R7»70e Whal-'. Tilde. Northern, 3H'& 39c. natural winter, 41c; bie-n-had w'-nrer, 48':; extra lil-aehe'l. ssc; Sea ilephant, L.e.*a*-h"d winter, 54c; Red Biala. BSaBSc saponlfli-d. per Tn 1 l-2a. OCEAN FIIEIOHTS-Taksa altogether, quite a good titted bm ratei lndle-n'»d ao important ... ic KTH B-NUACEMENTS.To London, steam, hene-c. 24.000 t.u-heU grain. 3d, N''«-e*a.sUe, it-*ani, t-,000 bushels grain. prtvato terms; Ceintl- n»nt. beoee, 24.000 bushel* grain (Aug'ie* **n !arr;enti. urtvate terms: London, steam, heneo, e.0i)v alts, 10s. a 12*. Od.; 200 tuns utl-e-ake. a*, ltd. u'.Os. 2.(X!') b<exc« cheese, 23* ad. : Mg lb hence, l.3uo -us nour, 8-. __.-'.- 1.800 boxas ehisae, 30s. Antwerp, Kearn, benee, . . Boar, lo*.uiis. 3d.; Liverpool, steam, lieiu-e. 100 tons oil-cake Oh. Al. at*, dd. ; 4.000 boxes cheeee, -."-.,.*_.'.- GRAIN CHARTERS. Cork, ¦ ere, a British steamer, 9,00i 4a . . l-i.'lT.-ii.F.I'M CHAKTKK.S-Hrrr.-n. ur Han.- b';.-L-, hence, the* e.ertnun hark Ceorge Washington, 4.500 B tlc. I mee the Nur»'glnn st, Carl Konow, 2.500 I i nfl led, ind the Korwefftsn steam- eri It::', ai. and linen-, 3.000 bblH r»",r;s 1 aiu'ii. all at sar Berg *,000 bbl* ¦ts: Imnkirk fruin I'hiladelphln. rhe bark I.eiil-u, 41 Ol. MISCELLANEOUS ( HA RTERS.United Ki I 'mriiie'i. fMm St. John, N. IL. the Iiallan barks PrabO- and Pasquallr.o, a2s. Od. the current berth rates to Culled Klng- dom ports are : Liverpool. I^iO'lon. eilasgow. UrlitoL i. el a, il. i. il. a. il drain . Oil 03 01% 8 SS Flour. IS 13 1 « 1 rt Ftoar.iaeki. 12 8 a v 11 3 J-U.ou . ll) 0 12 (i 20 0 13 'J Lan. rieree* . fl '-» 12 « If tl IS 9 Lar.i. small nk_e.. 15 o 15 0 BS " IO ') - ami haitter. 2 o S3 0 SS 0 SS 0 . 1 9 li 0 1" o ]_ -j hm. 1 9 3 3 3 0 12 9 . Il IS 2 t 2 0 saitfur. TB .9 8 9 10 0 Walnut Loge ana Lom- ber. . 12 0 15 0 20 0 13 Rosin.' 1 <> I* 1 1 13 A ¦ .: 2 8 2 8 3 0 2 tl -. TO 9 0 io o :.) Hsneilei ac.. 12 U ll 3 17 4 I 15 Wbeal -t.i. ii. 13 8 lil 17 0 lo Light Meesars-eeat.. ta o lo 0 l'. 8 If 8 Caoiie.1 (! 7 4 10 0 al 0 lil « PROVISION'S.FORK.Firm, and without BM and emly a modi - -. 250 New Meas, tl',- -;"¦> .'. Short Clear, 815 754 -,i,je., Prime Mesa, «i ne i o -V>, and Family .Meas. 41*;a*lrJ. BEEF nv ..xtr:*, India .M's. In ile- r-;. 14. li. Instances fancy city brands ri barrel* I" * r7 5 i; Packe. per 1-anei and t_2c*12oO In 17 50SS7 70 Family. 49 50 Btir.l'' DAMS. ki k.d Quat.-al mib fio«/*i') bera iud *14 btra-tlT, tai 1 here.". CUT MEATS- Ulve I trill ilenuii'd, aa! ;f,-H* r\:,e<l nm., ejijut-ad. l- » ed Baillea 12 lb average, Bc; Pickled lim,* ar..* quuted at 12 l-2e; Plel I rs 7 l-2e eli., fl I MB 12 Mi Hi' 11 -' M I'D I. .-..-- Dull nd iii : i' II a,.-- In iiirht sui.piN an'l Bm Itj ru ivy to Uti fl :1 **.- '? "r pira. 8 8-40. LARD.Mad* anotli-*r g*-n ".' 3 to 4 points to-day, ind cloaed ll-:n In -vnipaibr n!t.h 'he Weet, HpecuUtlon »a* un -ne rut.'ii ictivs Cnm wm ..ui-t bet dna Quoted ar. »* 92 Zia. '¦'> Si term* 1 aim* lois Icid at 9*-. Citv Ma'am ls again but i»i'h emly a limited tra'la s4. .vt h-k, Refiaed qa laOaeat, 10c Beatt Amer '¦"o wi Aaoaat s.s7_m.S9e. cioainr a- iaaSSOe, ciosinc st SBOe: 5<hi tea .'..- . ..- si 8 Mfle- December clealng a'. 7.87c .riler; the year closing ar 7.87c not vined In imrti.-iiiar. with a light movement. Fun-v >to-;k bald .- Cnalasry, *20_21*- haif flrKin nih.. :.#!:. u h runs ItrliV dAlry tubs, 14 1 2rl6 1 2c Wen_»rn Creamery, li-20- Imit»ti'*n Cnamorr, li* 17 12... Dairv, IMlBl F-vr-nrv IfSlSe; Dairy and - u 1 1 -.*¦ HREBE se 'i.ii.s-a.l ruling aboits steady, with a llrht demand. fats'e ;-. t^ti Lae Including Fancy Whit*'. 9«\ and Culuie S 1 fe Skins, BBTS; Okie Ha-. 7«H I-4c.FMC.s. A trlTe i-ta-adler In prlc, with a *i"W Inquiry .'-tall¬ and l'ennsTH.iili. 19cl8 1-2o; Wi-wtem. l't«10 12c Cunada IT 2_ ISc BUOAR The market was dull |n all positions. Quo'*- tieen- fe-.r riw st.cK esere neat e-linnged r.-ntn 4 1 lt.; 1 a* for -. 5 3 10 for Mi lest Muscovado, and 8 |.8c fair -Tm) ntrirugaJ. Keflned dull r.nd linehans-*'! Quel a Cut Loaf, H l-4c: Crushed, n la,- .4. u,., (.nnuUted. T 3-4*6 T.*lc Mould " A." 7 3 4c Cenrectleinor--. "A.* 7 H-IOB7 3-4.-. SUndard \" 7 l-4c Off ** A," ITwic. White JUUa -C.. B.OIHIB8-40- titra "_". 6 1 I.6 5-8; "CL" 8 7 18; Teilow. 8.31S8 3-8c BTSAJ-IltB-Ia light demand. City lie; Weilrra. 10 Bel "i.-'imari-srlne, rt 12'-. TALLOW.Firm iud unchanged. Prime City quoted at 4 1 5c. hale*. 50 !_hd* at 4 ldc. LIVE STOCK MARKTT. New-Tork. BetarBsy, July 2.**. RF.KVF.8-Receipt* w«ra 40 -, - ,1 753 irs at 6otb«t. fe,.- Mr. Eastman, and 16 cara ,i I y "f wbldi 12 cara wet*-* tor ex- port and 3 cars for be* mar. '. No eales. F-eliat dulL shipments as repairtel yesterday. CALV 8.1 -" . I '"is'*" of ateek held over show. t - meat in prices, but tte ton* of tha lite better. Sain Ii II irrii.g...n 10 nu'.remllk Calves, 165 TO avrage. at 3,- par B ei Mne*d d". 171 Tb. at 3 :i-4e; 8 do, to, 125 Mill 2- IB Neala, 12ft ft, at 6 l-4c 28 d,, ISo ft. at 6 1-SB , 43 do. 143 ft, at «c. BHEEP AND LAU BS -Receipt* wer» n |-2 cars ot lad.10 ear- ¦'¦' and 1 1-2 can at 00th- st.. and 2o carlua-ts we-" ca rr:.-1 over yesterday. Trade **» duli bal steady and the f.-e;ing a little better '.han yaaterday, -ming to thc itnpr>.v-m-n'. in tlie weather. Pmin-l (O ft.*-' ,-\---|l Si*il lt *4 tt0 b 1 -"> Ol' T 100 31 I ind ordinary to Primo Ls Mba al 85*48 62 1-2. Tba pea* ware n-r r!'***ed. S»ie*~J. N. Pld, ock: 240 Ohio Sh.H»p, 75 ID sverags, lt 44 40 per ino Th; 170 KaaUekJ itt, ill Tb. at 8 101 ,-:t!a I_in,-.s. 54 R, a* ti 5..; 90 do. ft,* ft. at tb. 220 da, Rs 1 2 ft. lt 46 75: UM du. 0.1-2 ft. ll ,irglnls do. 59 12 ft. st S8 25: Bff y do. OT ft. a: |.*> 75; 121 do. t'> 1-2 ft. at BS 25. M Collins: 78 Virginia Shep, 78 ft, St 84 12 1 2 20| Ohio di. 70 R at Sdi li", do, 77 ft. St 84 ti. 188 Virginia Lamb*, o', r. at efl **.*,. .unn A Culver: 173 Ker-vicky Sh*ep. 110 12 M. at 14 37 12; 81 Virginia do, TS Tl. at 44 401 230 Vlr- gtnli Lamb., 03 ». at 48. 22- Kentucky do. 70 ft. il 86 ,V>. J. F Sadler A Co.: 30 Kentucky Sheep. 104 ft. lt S4 21". Wistari do. S3 ft, at 14 3-5. 211 Kentucky Lamb* 02 ft. a' I". IS: 257 du. nc tn. ir ai 02 fl N-wton lr (Mlle**: CM Marvlaiid Lsmbe. Oe ft, at tA. J'ldl 4 Buckingham: 242 Oho bheup. 78 1-2 ft. at 84 RO. Itiillenberk % ITo'lls 240 Texas Sheeep. TO ft. Bt 04 25; 78 West.-ru ia, 77 ft ar 44 50 99 do, 107 ft, at 45 15; 223 Tennessee I_imb**. 47 ft at so 210 Kentucky do. 85 th, at B8_28 23*1 do. 08 12 ft. at BO f,2 1-2 18 Bucks. 128 ft. at 43. Ii Harrington: 185 Ohio Sheep, 82 ft. st S4 80; 178 1«. -e."! R .1- HOGS.Reaetlpta were 4 ears of 540 hold. No aalee i on live weight. Nominally needy at 85 40* 45 05 per IOO ft. ITV*. STOC-lt M IRKKTS BT TRT.BOaAPR. Brr. alo. July VS.."true.P.ecinti Ult 24 hour* S.878 head. Fatal Dar weet thus far 1X73.'. berni. Fer unit tine* laat ween 12,141 eiesat. e;_ns:_:. .,! thiuurh 1. 0 car* 157 of which to New-York , 27 carloads on aale, sll o'er-.tigs tak-n. .s.te-D.Recolor* laat 24 hoar* were 3,SOO heart. Tetal foe tli,- week thu* tar 33.200 Ya'.. Fur samo limo laat weak 4.'a -*[).i bead. CuDsign-'l through 16 car*, a at whick in Mew-York. Oe «*la 8 cara Mmark-t q-r-t. Med. um to Oood j*.! 7'.*«.-*,i Pair to Oood Lambe 84 6S#S8 BS, Hiat. K-ceion -**t iv noir* T.SSf baal Tout for tha we. k tri'is lar ¦»', 86 h>*.*iL Fur samo time laat week sd. oas .ried t .rough 67 ravi, 88 ot whick to New-Yark; rt car!**«is -in sale, prie e. artTanced Saide. Yorker* t'i 103 et 85: tnlacted .Mualium weight* i. bj it') 461 Rough f.', SSS .5 601 (HI' -A'i.i. Cn nu ¦Kt.-k Yard*. JalT m-Tie, Trm-erf Journal reports CBffU RaostpH 2,0 >0 nna.1, ihlpmenu 400 head market slow and uaetiangied Reeve* «'' <>. .; '_.',* --fers ft BOS6 *eei; Ktocser. and Fe.ter* tin. Cowa Kulla ami Mixed 81 45.483 50: Texae Cattle S2 OOtt*i 60. B*m Bseatpts 8,008 head; shipment! 7,(^0 aisrkei strung. Miie.t 86 SOBS 40 Heavy IO 05 Jd 50; Lighl 86 BB 40; Fklpsfl 2-</ % 'A<l. SKetp.Receryts 1,000 head: shlnmenr* 200; markes areartv. NattTes, Inferior to I'rinre, f.i e)t>*84 50 We**era w.o ed fi! ionii 05. Texaua shorn S3 i*-B4 00, Laaibi 45 00SIG 25. o> THE STATE OF TRADE. RAr-rmoas. Ju'.t 2*..Cotton qmet. steady: Middling m-Ve. Flour Brm, unchanged. Howard street and aVeetern Mn pern ne 83 50aB3 88. Extra do Si Oo# -5 Fa uiit .lu s* '>'* 84 60. Cltv Milli (Superfine «'.. f.i.i,.* *y Extra .1* fl 35 S3 76. (io p.ioBrant* *4'Wei iii Pasaeeaa Family ti 15. emsa- perlatire Patent 85 jo. Wheat.8o ut bern active, higher. Falls «_<*.¦>..*. Loiigbirrv n.*i*'.ioc. Weatern h:gher No. i Winter Ked ipot BO'sBM?^ lu for Anguit *(7a»rtTieO. do September «s*'.hi«c; Deceiuear 91c. bul. lorn- BoaVSeia dull. eas:er; WhlU 5S*«ic Yellow 57<.i**e. Western 'nil and Armer Mixa.1 ipot 5*-»..-"«c Augnat A'_at3>*c: 'eototuber &J4a.',_« Year 4'*4e*c. oat* qnii*t and, J»en«heru 4.r*47o. Pennsylvania l.l<»4Tc Weatern White tSatte Mesiern Mixed 41 .r 12c. Rv* waa quiet; Prim* at t!l*e3c. Hay iteadv Prim* to Choir* weatera tis 5o»iy on. i*r*vi»iams active and tlru-ei; Mew* Pork fl! ftei. Balkrneata. *>:ioul.1era an' Clear Rib Sletes packed 7",»8*.c Bacon.Whuniler* aiat. Clear Rib ¦sidea IJ-..-. flam* 1.)ellie. Lard reflnen at t*tn, batter Brmi Western iac««i li»lrtc; creamery isa.Oe. Krr* ie. wer ll .cl Ac. 1'ertroleum nominal Ketlne.1 "-.e*. < tea elull Rio cargo-*. lair, at 14V- sugar t)rm -A" eof» t\r. Coppe«r rertaed steady .15 .»16',4C Whiaror e]nlet ai tl 2'iStl Ba Freirhts to LlTerpoel p«r steamer Arni; tctton 5.33d, Flour ner ton 1"* drain S'-_*'. Receipts. Flour l'.VOOO bbla. Wheat 65.0U0 bn»ii. Cora I.oin) boan. Oau 9.000 bosh. Rye-tun bush. Slitpments. Wheat ltf.OOO bu.Iu ."ales | W-ieat 450.1.100 btuh. Cara IT.SSS bosh. ROSTtrt. Jnly 2iS..Marketa quiet, nnchanged. Flour itoady. Com steaaiT. --earner Yellow at OOHm. Oata itaadv; Na B While B4 87a -.horte unchanged. I'rovtsi.jna iteartr. Pork quiet »n,' sreadv. New Mess $15 75*16 (N> 0*.e| Me.a *15 OOail Jj Lard qniet and auadT at S*.a9'.'- itatm in steady d-mind ami tiru at Sll io A Vi 75. iiurt-r steady, in fair lisiinit West4«rn titra e.'reamery Eastern Kxtra Creamery at Baa e'beeae staa-ty; Mew-York aii.t V'erateal Kum Ba, Errs ito».ly. in light demanel Kastern Extra* isai'a: Mlchiean' F.xtras al lac Receipt*-Fiour ..",.000 bbla sad s.000 Meka tors 15.000 bush. Oau 12.000 bus!_ Shoru 10 ton*. r-rrrA_o. Jnlr 2s-Wheat-No. I Bard ac-ire* ant higher at lianne orer Chicaro Atiruit asked. No. 1 Northern hieb'-r tales ol 5.000 hiish. at BBe, Bl oTer aske.1. Wasnburn Na 1 Nortberi a',r over. Winter. n*» offering* escapt No I White Oregon at 94 ,t.ti. Ceirndri1. N*>. 2 Yeli..w ar ej-'sc eiTer Chleuro Aurnsr. tta, I Y»;. iuw br i,T-r, ce No. 3 here. e>.;a dull and unsettle-! ; Ne>. 2 White 39>*a39-*c. Na I Whit* at flSSi No. 2 Mixe.1 ;U .3T34-.C Nu Rve offered. Flemr Arm; Bes! Paten .-spri'iK *4 75a..;,o.i Baal Wlatar S4 S6R4 5". HUI. feed Arni: Hinter Hran fl5»lrt in), fprinr .lo SH S6R flt tb. lorntaaal steady. Oatmeal ite»,!r. 'anal freight* .toady 1 wheat 2*4'*. Cara '.'*.¦ "its 1*40. Recipt* . Flour 7.00(1 bbis. Wh***t 3.(.e"" bush, mhipmenu uv Hail . Flour 3».0e)O bhla. \t beat l'.ooo bn*b. Corn 4-.'.ooi| bush. Oats -x.Oito bush. Laiaal Smpuienu-Wheat 7-.0U0 SasS, Corn 17.000 bnai. cu. a -j. J.i.y 2_..Th* fntar** ranged aa follow*. witrrAT xo. 3. Openinj. lligiost. Lowest. Closing. Jnly.- -'-''. «3v, air, atv* Af.gnst. RI* . 80S «3 September. 81 *-h 811 ».!%, VHlOhm. 81 *e H'i't Din, 834 coas BO. 2. Juir . 45»» 46"* 45V f Mirnst. Un, 40 44** 44*» September. -15 45* 44-* 4i_ October. AVn U_ 44 44 OATS SO. 2. Jnly. SS '4 30 29>» 29), Aiirust. 84<| 24-*i 24-e 34-, Stopteinber. -t's 24 2.!S '.'i!1* uctober. 84 24>« 24 24 mks* rusk, rm nut. August. 14 2D 14 <5 14 20 14 271, Sent-mber. 1438 14 45 14 25 14.t7-j October. H -ia 1440 1425 l437w, Jnuiury. l.!'.)7>i USS 1.(074 13 25 Lam-, rsa ISO "3- An.n*r . e77*j BBS K77>, 877", Baptamber. tHSSj BBS «83i* H»1Y October. e77sj BBS a ti B7T«b January. 5 70 . 7 75 7 To SUORT RUM riR i>)> a. August. B36 4S8 P22*. 8 27 4 September. fl 11 h .**' I ¦ Octui/er. C SS -1 I jg J M January.. «72sj 6 724 ti 724 6 72*a Flour daQ, nnctiangeel. Cash gu >tatiou* **r» a* Mll.iws.N*e». 1 Wn-irtr Wheal -. S «.-.e. No. 3 Soring WHeat oominrvl. No. 2 R*«1 at Bl*c Nu. 2 corn at 45 s.e. No. 2 Oau 29 '. »30e. Na 2 Ry* at 45c Na 2 Barley at H2e:. No. I Flax r*eert a*: $1 io. Prone Tnuotny -eel at 42 40 Mell Peirs at 814 25 411 >*i per bbl. i-Ard at *" so per IiVij tb. Bhort Rib* .Mee loose at S* 30. Drv salte-t Shoaldera boxeel 47 2". At 40. rthors Clear Site* b-)i".l S*i 75*19. Whiskoy..Iistiiiers- f.nisliel r*>o.1s SI BB per gal. fiugare- CutLoal-'sci uranuUtod _c, htaanUril '-A-' Tafi. ArtUltt Renell**, Shipment*. Wheat bush. 50.008 155,00(1 ( urn. bash . 10*.(HM l'.S.KOi] Oat*, bush. 07.000 ,29<>.'>n<l Rv*, bush. b.OOi) l.OOd -S»riey. bash. 1-900 On the Prodi*-" Kt.* .air*' lasts* fie Banal market wa* aaiet Creauiory n*lo4c Dairy 13*10* Eggi dull at ll-sela*"-. MrxiKAPOLis. Jn'y 2S.-Wheat.Raeetpt* wer* 1«3 can. .!ipai--uu til ean. r;osmr quot.»ttois Ma 1 Itarei Julv h4e elo Auru*; S4i,ci on traek 88a >ei. 1 Northern JiilyS.r, alai .-.u_*ast "O'sc. tin track.Na 1 Hard Hiv. No. 1 Northern s'2<;. Ne>. 2 Northern 79c Flour steady PaiLAi'ELi-uiA. July 2S.-Fioue-Market ftrm la sTtnpa- tpy wun the ad vane a m wheat. Otfennn moderate, bal not mtitii 'lemxnc. Western aod Pe-mirtvanla fluoerO a* Pl .'mil'.' 76 dodo Cxtra* 42 7 5 »S_ ))". Na 2 Winter Fatally S335SSS &*>. Pennivivama Family at 83 75a PeniMirlvaoii Re»i:er P-ooi* SI 10*84 25. Obn Clear Bi IO St BB. Sa *'. 1 isrurh; 44 4 **4 00. Induna 1110*133 1 >*.'¦.:-* it tl 40*4 d'). St. Loni* and Smlhern flilnois c'les.r *l lu* I !5: An do straight St 50# 8*55. Winter Patent r*ir tu re *i'ia»4 ml Minnesota Clear al 75*4 15: do str.xir'itst 2a *4 sii. MinnesoU Pat¬ ents rei'Xl to cioino. *l '.5*4 90 do eta fair *4 7 *6 ¦"). Rye Ploar qaut land weak at 8-1 50f*r Choiee. Wheat- Prie-ei a_Taiei;ed 4*1-- under goo! export inquirr amt lr .uer re'.iorts from other rrnin entres fair d*m*inl riom uni,er., put v.rr little eti*pu*itlon to trad* on i;ie. u.a- . T-* 14 anal . e- reo in ex*<irt eleTator air, steamer NS. 1 I'enosriTaola lt**-, iu rra 11 .leoot S7c Na fl Delaware Red m expo." elevator 'slr. Na 1 Red dei WV Old Na 7 he«l grain depot I'-.'sjc. new No 1 Red in export e.e. stol *<s. Nu 2 Red Jnlv S^a^sitc. do tor Augei.t *7».<r--. rt,, for rseptomber 87S4*r484c: du for october s*sJ'*, Corn.Ste* iv. *t>ot lotsduilat late elerlin*. Na 1 Mtx-d 66c **o. 2 Htg'i Mx~l .lo'.c sn. -.' Mixe.1 for Jnlv 3.o**53 4c da for Angust 68t*a6laB to tor Septemb«i 5i,4*54'sC: (lo furOi-lo'ier 54 '. .r "..". .*--. Oau.Sieady and nrm. ilomand light. Na I M:x.*d 37 4't; l'ngr*rt*<t Whlta 40*>»*4!1iC: Na 3 WHIM 40-V: No. 2 Whit* 41»,c future* were itea-1y and* tnem July, wb'.cb waa 4o loT.r No 2 White 41*41 'sC; do for A nm st S»V*i34c; eM fer september di nt a M**. 1 do for Oetooer S2S933o. 1'irtatoes dull. White potatoes.Jersey, 35 .toe ner *. hms. souiriern New Rose, ctiole e, ner bb:.. 81 7. e#42 00 seuth- ..¦u New Rose .' Prime 4100»15i\ souUiern New linen, (ul'.s. >b!.. 40SSOC: *-.euthern Chill Heda. Chaia-e r,si. pi 50*2 00. PriTisione stesdr. tn fair -lemand. R.ef City. Farailv. O'" bi., t-t IOaSS )i it* to Packet* 17 tOaSOOi suii)k»*t lie-*r li elir. Beet liam* Sid 50* SIT txi Pora Mes*, tlrt do. do Prime Mas*. new 814 ," 'lo Fauiiiv ii" _')<.ti7. Ham*. SmokM nor a. 124B He* do **. P. cured in tlern-as. ll*12o da -io da In silt. 9*o. -ide* Cl*ar P.b'iet smoked leiei.i.., -s. ,n ''rr salt am fulir core.1 T-S47SA: do. do. muk-d. 7'teis,*. SMonlelerA olokie enreet. av,c \ di. dev *'..ok»et. 9-1*100. Belli*!, la otaaie. 94* Ma: elo Bre*kfa*t Ii*<!.in 10<_*i;4c Lard Arni-City R.Aned 19 ()*'<» *' '" lu steam »H s'.*s 4T«s. H'ltoner** lo-Mia *S 26SH natur rtu,i.Pennsylvania creamery F.xtra at."*-.' Western ''reameiv Kxtra at 20c. lt C ml V Y. Creamsrr Ki irs at lTo aV.-stern FactorT 1141'..* P.urxiur ii'i'ter lillie. K;rs»i-e!v Arm PennsviTania Br*U IS^SleS; Weiurn Arau 154*lrtc Che*** steadr dnoiaod fair; New York Kuli cream 9*9^0 Ohu Plats.* B4ei do Pair m Primo tat\e Snrar. Rnanwl weaker. Pow lere-l He OcknalaM-l Tl.0. Fe*et n-mi Winur Bran SIS l'*S'.T '. u-r iain. p*tr*t*am '> * um test in tibia Ty. Receipt*. Floor I.him bbl*. Wh-at 12,300 rms-. Corn : l,J"0 buih. nea* 1.;!'(» bush. BhiDioeu-s-Wheat baa-. Caira 7.*0t| bu*-, oau SBL4US busa. EVBOPEAN PRODCCB M VRKETS. r.rvsBr^"). Julv 2*.-3:30 n. m. .Reef-Hoblers offer freely. Pork. Holders offer mnd-.-r*t*iy. Ham*. Holder* effor mai. eraiolv Lacon-Holders oiTer aparlur v Cnmberlan cut Arm at 44* 6d short nb Arm st 47*0*. (Ifeeaaa llol-iars offer froelr Tallow- rtul-ers offer moderately Spinu of Turiienlane-Hal lera orT-r moderately. Rosin .Holder* offer mo'ter*leiT Lar.t-Spot and tutur** Holater* o.7«r iparlngty; puree Western. ipot an* July Brm at ISsBd. ela August m.: siplsmiiir. Arm at 4a Oat Wheal.Hoi.leer* offer ep*f. IB_ r. u*w N-v 2 WlnUT steadT at Ot 7d new Nu. -J aprinr sieady at tl" *t Flour-Hobler* offer moderately. corn spot ao'. Fu!ur«w. Hobler* offer m*,ler»t«ly mix*l Weatera.«pot ilaatiy at 4a S*«d, do. Juir alaaar at 4* 8%4.| dei Au;ust steady at la 6>»»t da september ateody at 4a'.'4<t. nop* at London: New-York Bute Hoi lei* uffor nioatersteT a *: 1 mk hi-. Joly 2 s. Wilcox a lard cloaod at yo franca .11 cm-1 ne* par 1st" kilo*. AXTWRsr. Jun* 2*s -Petroleum Fine pal* AmaTtcaa, 1* trance 36 centimee paul and 1*! franca 26 oenumea sealer*. -i.-asi. J uiy 2a,-P*uuliu2_t, 7 .tiki m pUojla*,

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AWAITING TIIF, LIQUOR DECISION.Trenton, tt. J.. July 2D -The organisation of the

¦pcpiite'.i'* s of RssNjerssg has pssesssad erttt reaasthaf*_? ra. .'1'r-"; .'¦d enthusiasm. It h:'*- 8SSS ward ant

wwaahty era* for the mssl rac aaaass *"'berr t ha

¦^n BBdSr tho ("lrec:|o;i of the Mate Republlcailetiur a:.d bs energetic prc-iil^nt. The nub (on

.-....r. at Asbury l*ark will bc an In<pli1iln:hlaT". T,:'' deJegates alone will probably numb.*

ajOO, *r.d cxcun-lons are being arrai.gel that wll

probably double the number of visitors. The oxton

0f th* Influence of the convention wlU hardly tx

ro*] tee! at once, but lt will bc great.Thc Court ot Appeals will make public Its |

on rue It |an law on Tue«day. It ha* been some

w)iIf denied Hist anybody has the |.-asih'- court's Btiara The general tcli-f |

that the I BBB!J option will suffer The high lens,f-eatsres are pretty certainly beyond danger, even fronthat strange and Incomprehensible constitution ot New

The county boards of assessors throughout the fitatihave just completed their valuations for taxing purposes and mosl of them shex corr dderaMs increaseThe agrleallaral coi.nties d« -not advance as a mle t<

__y considerable extent, but tho wealth of the elfieaa_\ towns grows -read.';.- greater In MO Newjerry had tba Tire- snr.: of ri,lot per capita, on thir<:lir;:iie of total wraith, and about f.MKt per caplt.on aaaeaaed valuation. Betta have grown since thenfte wanl In Hie city o' Newark ha- an avera;e aaeeBSSraluatien of near!;. Bl.SOO te, a_rh inhabitant.

"t Elisabeth and Rahway expect to Ix| | all embarrassment fiom thep debt before thi

tli*- vear. ami will then resume the ordinal*]routine of city govrrnmcBta Th" act petmittinithem to manage tlnir affals-s without interference o

tuc creditors pending a s-'tlement wlU probably thoibe repealed, lt has long been looked upon with disfsyur




*"l7-rtford. July 29 -The Republican State Commit¬tee ! as called the (;ubernatorlal Convention foigagas) 14 and IB, on» month earlier than In Ir-aita, -e wi*ek earlie.- tiian In l-Ri. This action waa

lalfn :n view of the remarkable Interest the voterscf the party tnan^*st early In the campaign. Therewill ie practically no opposition to tho nomination ol

i;. Balbabsy, °f this city, for t;ov-

and lr looto much now as if he would be nomi-

Bate . by acclamation. Creely, of New-Haven, can ban the second place, lt tho Republicans

n-k lt for the Catling Gun Company ol

rn Ik* bodily transferred to England ls un

1 tn have- bee*n managed by F. C. Penfield.ourant" of this city. Mr. Ret li, li

i London with Consul General Waller a_ VleiHe has interested himself la Barton

UBtoal taesattssa, and ls said to have made00. Mr Rn held ls a Massachusetts " Yan koo,"v turned thirty years of a**e, and always haa,'

a knack at money making.ra a iingressman (.ranger, of the IVth District,

sa- I trtS| tba taking of the vote on the Mills billB what many of the Democrats would like to know.

.hould bc the nominee of the Democrats foier. a record on ihat bill would not be a good

ro have. There ls little probability that the:.-*> will tte booond, however, as the Democrata

¦ ,i determined effort to crowd the nomlna-on Editor A. E- butt, of *' The Hartford Times,»

re of hl*> protests that he does not want Guard ls tbo flrst marching cara-

tl li c:ry lt ls composed olmen. all voters, under thirty, the greater pan

louring to the military organization-- olli numbers IBO, and will probably UH up

...--. u : s ,,t such a character in tts makc-enUttod to tho right ol thc lino lu

th K< publk an procossloas.

AS AGED HEIRESS WHO CANNOT BB POr.VD.i M >*i]w*'l!. th" lawyer, of No. Ill Broadway,

.:; acive search to discover Mlsi Catherine.* hr-n'her has Just died In Chicago, lcav-

rune of SK'O.OCO. Miss Gafii'-y was formerlyth BtHwol] family as nui-se, and durfnc

-.v-ll's father recelveel a pon-I- a iii-'-t- wan afterward made lo getother. Rai rick Henry, to contribute to h**r

;pi.or:. but t '.ever res-ended to the appeals. Misswa- last h-ard of in a charitable Institution,

ut no ber can now bo found. Mr. btllwell's.mella Stilwell oddtogtoo, i- etoo talung

.i tin- etfeart to find her old nurse.rse was highly re-ported by th- family, and

,"*i. a few years asa, was frequentlyiiibd by c.em. Bba ls abeiut sixty years of age.

MOURT CALENDARS-TO-DAY.¦fut e ornT.Cn vMHfRa.Before X'an Brunt, J..Xoa.

.1 Bl "7-0. IBO, 142. 106, 175, 2<'"VC.. J **.-.-_''..,2 ". *J31. _.('_. 2-_, 2.4, 235. SSC,

241vL Term.Pabt L.Before In

c -. ,t c ilene ir:-i:eiore Ransom. S.Probate of tlie

e-i h i'.'iii-ar, Frits Jagaa Kreatania Wang-Nirhola* li. Van Alstvne, Samuel Oir.'.U'-r.

in. Francis (.'. Johnston. August Kanenbiey. ll am.;1 ti "ir M. 'he.-nm-iri. .1 88 ii- tn.

.os OOCBT.erBClAI, TSKB-Eefore Icgraham. J..a :_r

i mm t vvr ts hvt.cixl TsaM.Before Van lloeien, J.._fs cay ur.


BEWS FRe-'M TnE FIF.LD AND RANGK OF .rude petrolemn wns dull ail the week.

-lined to professional*, andno a.gris of any Irir-n-at being taken by saunders

.i. Tia" narkal opened on Monday dull andi a- ... I'S, nnd -"11 ste.dily up to 85, the

Bf *he wo»'k. late in tho day'* transactions,I staadOy Bodtoed throughout, until on

v the lowest, Bgwn, t'J 3-S. was rea-.-heed. Theii through were conflnol to narrow limit*,

"m.- figure* emir shewing a rance of .. .*>-8 points.baaBaarei prices all through the

»»'k whenever a sdvaaes ind r**en aecord'sl TheI -i» to-.a ulace ^n Friday afternoon, whon th.:re

¦Bl ¦ BrlVS in tiie ia*t two hour* of the transactions, to»nl"h prion Bemm, on'y Tlell«d 1 1-2 cents. There

ie or no news from the fields of eiifllclont lm-..¦.. rhe operators, but the dlspiteho*.

. gh meagre, ware generally sf an encounglna tone.ewe whleta waa Basseted of bett.-.- pnassata from

"'¦nu., did not arrive, although lt ii statedSi-WCtehea are dally expertod from thut

rlet On" axSMflMlf unod f'-utnre of the generalOB f_.-t .-.*-.*. ......r? 1* a gtsrat demand for

!n AmilBBB perts, whkh have been thoroughlysa for th» export of oil to All

arftfls th- aalleoS for the futureread, toa 1 arepeea Benet* all reporting

i.-i^t we..,, fur th" a.rion prmtoot¦¦¦¦-: tram E*BgM during the BBBk. Mr. Gibson,

elsa, .--...1 to trie r.,reign iUpon inouiry i find that Hm -taaatea pregaeen

ito* their Illuminating and labrleettag* ,-_<t, bu* -.t the Blaadvsatags thai be Brltlah

BHLka anv shaaca, and i__ thay anI nu article, they preta lt Baaall

in fivur ofle panSaaa and retail it,

la la lnerea«lng. The present pri-ce of,. and e,f Reissian 5 nene ani

or ssy 12 cents agaln*t 10 1-2 cent*, stated¦**'..: I um infornied that Ruglan oil ha*

"ii here wl'h a profit »t fiv,: ftmUmtradaatlee it RaiBiaa

*« reaiiy tbe niatier of transportation.reaavag, Tha Bia Sf-umMiip

.-¦ h.* now a hulk naamer caii«*d the Era, whiskI few bring about 100.COO barrel* nf ItslM

¦Seay is imaWIBllMaa . new s--«;imer"Kra. vthieh viii .roU-,t>ly carry I

this nw. Th" S-aui-a-d oil Company appear*l" **. '. ' e ea.r- e,.rioml-,i working. I heartha- ther have far-iu-d a -r..,,.,v i..r.. ,-^ir I tba Arigl.>-

^ Oil Company, with i capfal K ggOB 080, whleta. I,

te, edo BWBS w-h middle rn, n. Na_Hd brakera, ahlp tawBaMh, have made meir Barssaun on all oilQom* Rri'aJn. Thia will naturally en_',.*


t.ur a-i passta with whasi I hav- eeaswneB¦88 lt a, t.-,e pdo, .. A.

c-ude ly Imo the hand- ,..

Th' I a a'^.v. I.r dr,.,, nnt ._m |n* ubr on thu Hale jn ge:,

j a v

eal time, i* mamh la "_e.«s 0f ±_.:h* wr::*. I ti ulmg .'

i ; r as long as 'he* i>r'-v,ni *

-. but as soe.n ae the market hTCaBtBB the*- _\ lluOoubt ilia*, piton Big advaii'-a, provided thai th" dimanda

il, ri marketa continue aa al BBB-BBS and there taI doubt fron. the BBttoeS that tiny will be more

l i.'v.nir to 'he v ef teeni,rege..anta-e e,f price ind the total di-a.'ng* In National

ousel -dated Sto-*t andii. Ks change for tne coi-Capond-M treehB for three

* -

Juir 31 1R.-S0. July SO. 1887. July 2S. 1588.ST 8-8 A3 12

... (V, il I .7 7-8 85hibi 79 3-8

¦fina. U, 7-8 57 1-4 SO 1-8Ban barrell 22.840.COO 10.04...OOO 4,8R8,rv)0

w_s firm througho'ii the week al 7 1-2 cenu.. Abel te«u at ail point*

.nv '.rrr r'enn.. Jnlr 'ld -National Tr*n*it 'Wrtinesiaa**«t at ism highnat. BBS le,weet 7l»Sl trio*-*!. «*. T47BO0 iwrrei* eiaai«n.-ea 8,870.888 Semis i .(i tr-UM. ttlJin OmU aiiiiitiieata. 7i,S2) uarrela run.. 49 Hoo

''.-,. tenn Julv *.J f'-trolen n eloaad ateadrPj*loaal rrana:t enif!' t_» opeaeat at Ho. eloM.1 al eO1.W|ii-at. n<| ,owe_r J ¦-.

JUAttt'i in Pftaau. Jaly -*<-- Nation a: Transit Certlftcj»rasBmU ai -U-. aiaeadMSBw, uigu-st. aOn,; toMSbWv.*****»'**»oaa. 760 "00 oarraU.

^JJJ-sn_ri,i»ei.ii Juir 28-WaBonal Traoilt lertfloaiei'omac.Kit.u ui^acst, isO^j toaeatj 78^ oiosaii, sa



Sunday. July 29.p. m.The I'nlted Sr-'tcs crcnsuret Inst w-ok received

iftom customs |4p«gl,4»5, and from internalrevenue, f -..'1-7,671 total from both, |7.01 9,1 (iii,agsfasl tv.Mis,jr,r> tot the preceding week. Yes-llerdays trens-iry statement shows a net gain of8,8SS, 14o to its cash, bj* nn accumulation in itsraaha cf IS,780,084, less ¦ reduction of $16i.r,4.iin its dspssHs ,n .ian-cs. Tlc .ncrcas'- of 11,007,047in net .g ,1(1 was made up by nn accumulation offl,830,1 74 coin and bullion, plus a reduction of¦S246.8I7 in amount of outstanding certificates.The increase of $1,21 7,1 6 in net legal tenders maamad© by an accumulation of $1,04-7.10 notes, plusa reduction of fl 70.000 in outstanding certificatesand the gain of $100.1 09 in net silver iras madeby an accumulation of $810,4 82 builion, mnus an

Ins of f404.2*:i certificates. The liability forsurrendered National bank note circulation wasPSdaosd 11)50.001. ao that the surplus was in¬creased $44,216,131.

Subjoined are the rc»ulu of rsaterdar'i lUtement eom-psr-ed with thlt of the statement of Joly 21.e. ._ ,Julr kt, 18aS. July 2.. 1B88. Differences.Gold coin ind bul.

lesi certineite*. nd SloO.000.000reacrve .... 800.000,449 OT-.474.0t-_ Inc. 81.807,047T S natal lesiecrtiflcitoi . 88.023,461 39 MO Gio Inc 1,817.108?.tu b*_'*,.*,ot*\. ¦'.920.074 B,159,T19 Inc. 889,044Silver dui rs indbullion leia cor.Ullcatea . . . 6-...-.3.848 58.300,047 Inc. 400.199

Caah In Treasury 81H0.10I.43" 8198.884,123 Inc. ¦*.. 71Deposit* In Na¬tional hank* ->t.4P2..r>0 .14.ai7.54-l Dec. 104,040Total *_I4,5.0,C_0 tM..l__ 00. Inc. 83,805,440Deduct for fun lih. ld to reel. »mNat. b'nk not'*.Iii' iuiiing lia- IDer cent fund 97.674,..24 97.__-.93.. Dec. BB0.881

Net ivallablobalance . ti4n.712.i02 SlB0.-tt.28S lae. tM.210.131

BANK 00NDITTON8 COMPARED.I>V the operations of the Sub-Treasury in the

week endnd l_=t Friday evening the New-Yorkbanks lost 81,714.808 cash A week ago in re-

rtoW-Bg the st::tenient of July 21 we said: I'rob-ably the cash reported as th" Bvetage f>f ethe weekclosely approximates the actual amount h H althe close of the week. Yesterday's statementshows a gain of 9133,000 cash, whicb shews that*the loss to the Sul)-Tri-asur*r was sboal offset byreceipt, from the interior, and that the average forlast week as reported does not vary BlBtfTiallyfrom the aetaa] hol'lings at til" close of businessFriday. The feature of tho Statement is a declinein deposits of $--,207,500 while the other chaagncftll for a dceline of only $1 00,000. The statementresults in a gnin to the surplus reserve of 1675,778,and leaves it at 127,118,178, against 88,130,878July 30, 1887. and 812,878,728 July 31, 1888.The changes in the week of 1 8? 7 wan as follows

Loans increased. $4.">,onO; ens1-: decreased, $1,012.-800; deposit* decreased. 83,585,800 and surplusreserve decreased, $366,350. The changes for theweek of 1880 were: Loans increa^d, $333,400;cash decreased, fl.C68.TOO; deposits decreased,$1,108,900 and surplus tcauie decreased, 1,381,-4T5. The changes for the week of 18S1Loans decreased, $..2,100; cash decreased, $2'--200; deposits decreased. $t)80,900, and surplusmetes decreased, $4 7,*_7_.

Tho statement compares with those of correspond; ni;dates of 1887 and 1..1 is telloirs:

July 80, 1881. July .to. 18S7 <_* 1 *.-««.I_nans . . . . $_4_.l_..i00 *.(S- 2'.,4.800 .37.1 s 9 « 0

... 81.-J48.40e) 7_.C4-.WX) 91.11..200Legal tenders , . 10.931,¦*"'> 22.92*1 '¦¦ 0Deposits . . 881.777.B_0 801.70--.700 41.,Circulation . . 19.212.'.'00 B,105.100 :

The following show* the relation between the -

nerve and ths total d'*po*it* il thiStV-le ....Legal-tenders . .

Total re»erveBeaarveagainst deposits

EurnlusRino of reservato deposits percent . . . .

f-i nf |(M1 1- **fil.11?,20010.'.'31.-"*.' _.- 280,400

897.-73.200 198,5787,944.475 B0.44_.42S 103.2JT.42-,

Sl0.030.725 83,140,075 837,11

2785 27.25 31.67

Following is Saturday's statement in detail:

Banka Ix)ana Specie.I. ¦.- ll


12,431 .OOo10.04!'.ooot).'JS7 KOO*7.9-':!.OOO

18,267,0003,690,.9.HM.-O08,6 i 1.000

19,21.1. KOOS,203,700S.flTl..DO1.898,000

Kew. Vork_Man bat comp.MeroUanta'_Mee h. au lea'....Ataenaa._I'lit-nis.Wty.1 ru *'. saudi 1...


MardtoaBta* Ex.Gu.ult.lll.utirs .t ProvMr,-li .t Trad'a.tiree «ich.I»Laaiiiar Man. . 3,.o ,i «.

\_: i.373.200fatmeuf N-Yk ;).6*y,-UoAna ncau Ex.. 14,891.000toiiirnerc-s.. '«!".-Hre.ft.iwar. 8.881.800Men anula_ 8.338,300Purine. 2.6 ..KOOhepuhiic. ;*.7t;7.;o"Cti_.t!i_t_.._ 4.648.400I'eoi'le's. 1.878,-00No America.. X.ibt.VX,Hanover.1 12,436,000Irving 3,m_ U00cituena'.; 2. ss., sooNaieaiu. 8,-4U,70')iMamet.! 4.1fi5,V0OSt Nichol***.... I.TS-.000_>ho- e* Leather 3.051.0001Corn Kxclianr*! 6..191.9U0*Ointment*..... 4.e7ii,-_00'Oriental.'¦. -,108.000*I>tpdt Traders 2u,ftM*i. .110Park.., 18.883 ,800Karta River...: RiverFourth >at.

- *

5,_4 J, IOO8.000.800.. 8.800_;* '...oa


Central Nat.fcecu-uil Nat...Mtilb Nat...-int Nat..Third Nat.NV Natta...Bowery.NV (fluritrGer Amoncan.Ch*-*.Firth AvenueUerman Iiineraiania.Cnited nistM.-Jnooln.j 8.S8A.4001(iarlleiel.j 2.44'_.7'I'J,FlfU Nat. 1..VU.BOOMetroi>oIli.I 8.771.O0O'Welt UMe. i.963.000*nrmlioar.i. ..2ul,l_l)lS)XUi Nat_. 1.71O.1O0Woalern Nat lo._tf4._oo.

..ila "00117,Xl. .'.tOOh.iKI-l.lMIO'3,»20,1100.4..U,-00

.il.e.ll.MmS.'-'Vi.iiOO-,606.8 "i



8. .100,6110|2.470. lOOJ4 -_---.7.-)0

:-,¦:«1.850.000* 13,730.000

1.6-7.000 674.0O0 R.S71 "O' h.lSH.lUOHie'. 100 7 I'-" "'eel

..721,00097t.i OU,80(1ni.,"' ia.j ii.ooot .i.wiuC9H.10014--sooii. J, OO*;ia' TeMI

¦Iro.lOU'¦ 0 S.17 (MK) li'l.n.tS.loo 8,173.900 l8,l7H,SOU

H64 7" ..749.J4NI1^44.400 I.1.0I.IO -

itt. 100 i-i a ". -e.O.'.71,600 l)),921,o)K)6o5,7imi 6.Oi'.1 soo880,700 l.CAU.ivoiii- - '" 4,100, 14.ihi.600-_j*,.oi'*) 1.871.0-0843,900475,000209.1-0lo'. .100:iot'.ooe)"M tT.OOOtli.OQtr 34,478,000

2,637,100 ' hi 33.421.800174.30O ;.«()a)ei 8.-62.HOOluej.sui 106.100 1.604.70U

2.7i!S.«iMi k,Mi too 17.817,8001,1145,001) 1, VU I.OOO *.e._H i.OOO4461.Oo e7b.CO<> 4..4G,'),'0

1.848.3001 ml. -100 6.67",1004.OO3.300 l.S-.'U.lOO SI. 104.2001,831,'JOO --5,-00 .'.t)13,:*00


14 1.700;'.'.IV. .100*7H4.HK)408,300:i.'..-.e-oel1 .*;* toil308,700-07.000u4i',4lK)-. \a.Mio-40*).Tie)iiO. loelilOi. soo

3,390.0 »oi. l.SS.OeX)2,438,1.1.334.8.397.9IMI1X14.100*UA .

L123.30.009.BOO1.13,0 io146.800888 "ito614.ODO"l.,*i

.l.paS.Hoo1.049.7003> 400774.008


1,294,9000tn. soo115.500


2,9J 1,5004,0] 1.1001.867.7008.5 '4.ui"*6.362.2006.44C.7U0'J.(HO. IO')



_,0_3.90»lT'lV.DlK!'3'* a 4 "I

4()e,40l)lltiT.'j'i"889,40035.). loo


...tsi*."Oo8.471,-4)03.084.8002,888.8008.888,-003. »!.*). le'OaS7e.too8,883.500».*. 4. .""

8.177^00S,B80.a001.HOW.3004,884,600._.205.7ye)3.04 -i. .Ol2.050,100


The bank exrliange* it the New-York Clearing BOBBIand thc stock* eold at the Hesr-Tark Sleek Exchange furtho ww-k rif three yi'ira*- a* MIowb:Week "ii-ling- Julv _:. ISBS /air 80, IflST. Jn!y 2H. 18S8Kxchaieg"* 8489.117.5-9 8551.871.502 8509,887.780No. shares sold Li iA.a'Ai 1 430..'.37 1.231.095

THE HONETABT SITCATION.ihe local money mark'*t psasalaed unchanged

durintr hist irBSk, call loons rulinjj al 11-2 per cent,

or lower, and time ni' rn y l"-in_; ;n sbaadeBl supplyBl 8 per cent for ninety days and 1 pet cent totsix months on pledge of good market;*.Me sie-un-

tiee. These rates are about as low SS they havehern at say time, although the season is spgroael-*iri: srhea K Ib icgsss-Bbls ls expsei somewhat Ugberrates, baeaase of the u.sual grcaU'r activity in iius;-

n<«8. But it is not to be expe.-tcd that anythinglike stringency can prevail during the coining au¬

tumn. First, Mint Ihrector kimball's re|x).-T r--

ferr.-d to lust week, shows thal tin- expaa_BO_i ofleoral money in circulation during lin* twelvemonths was $8.' As tnv Kew Yuk banksnow hold only $32,000,000 more toga! BBOOej than

they h'-I'l one- yei,r sgSk it follows that |51,000,*ooo of th-- c.\),)M!:!,:on is sent tere-'I ebewbere Ihroagbthe eoaat-T. Tbarefore the ssnal sntastaal eiram

upon New-Tork for funds arith winch ls move the

grown..' sops may saf-ly ba sxpssssd ts bo mue|)less .11 funner year**. Seosadlr, asmaUer interior demana iu vitna tiie banks ol New-York are unusually well fortified to meet ss ea-traordinarT demand. J heir Burpttta leeerve bow ia818,000,000 greater thaa al this dato ot 1887,$14,300,000 thaa at this dale el 1808, and $17,-000,000 than at this dale of ISSI. Thirdly, withthe Blighteel astivitg IB money Si even 1 [kt centsnore present rat-en it is not aareasonable tee p_.jx-(t thal tlie $ to 18,000,000 govern-nit-tit lionels now e-arrnd at 1 2a 1 fier cent swallnig. BSlsB to the Tr'-Hsury at figures only fnirtionsaliove the Beesatagy'i pnasat idea* will ba displaced and ssU lt, the naasaig at whatever thenmay l>e us parefaastng BgaSCS, and with the op¬portunity to place money at latter than thc goingrote-,. tL«re probably would ba larsr offerings atleast of the 4 1-2 per oent* which are now held foriiivt-Minout in moneyed institutions.The foreijrn aBehaagsa ruled weak, and thc rites

we rc reduced twloc during the week, and slosedheavy on the bania sf $4 fer> 7-8 anil M at 8-8 re-

ipi 1 ralg for h.og arel short sterling. Thc ten-deaey ia downward, aad as tha soitsa BBBSSB ap-lereioe-hes ani as tlie demand for mir BBBBBIb rn

liecea-mine more iiriieiat it ie psabahle that rut^swu hm the next thirty .lays will touch the gnld-im-porting point BBless ehssksd by ft return BfAni'-ri'-un set uritii s, wfaish does not seem at allprobable. The indications are that, tlie smallamount of gold wbtch has l»ecn c_nK>_ted within

tho last few nionti.s will be returned to us earlyrn 'ii't.eber, an*! additional amonnts lat r ia t.

season, bbIcss the lolitical situation of Euroi*- nw-

tcrially ebaagss fron Ita pn i- usefultim; GENERAL siii'AiiMN.

Hie week*! '!. nearly ni! on th"side of encournj*"*ri'nt The fa Ott polit] l

growing elearer and nmr* aatiafactory.'ii-,'* psosssets for th.* gnrwiafl crops, when

ged, were toward bnprovrmeBto. On thiother hand, tin- sdvioes received concerning thcEuropean erop>. parrie alarly "f Bi Bilah and German rye-, were Indicative "I fattbeidamage and imaller yields than earlier r*!"*i'i"i)i-il. The truth of iii leeswaseri'dene* *) br ih eel. buj [ni ¦: t for el -*"rt at1 o e*enfs lusher rhnr: th'- ru',in_ pricea "f a yThere- are indications of a better demand and bet¬ter priers for iron, ihe business 'if th- last s:\

months, bowever, exeepl aa ralatisg to the pricesobtained for th'- pri«liii*r. canr. led BSsmntiafactory, Th" official reporta thew thatfr< m Janna.v i to June 80 the prodnetioti of pigirem iras I igainsl ::,41 .*.. Jl 0 tonifor the same [.triad of 1807, n decrease of only88,307 tens, while th'- s'e ck rn band rermininaunsold at tlie end of ..'uri'- was 401 tons, whichis BISBed lo be less than a three weeks' supply." The F.ngineerintf and Mining Journal" r

apoa th' ae Meares:" It is SBS3 'o see how suddenly tho tnnrket mtv

change, and how (iiiickly a boom in prices wouldfollow a very mude rnr«* inereaaa ts the demanel.Mantifacriirers are all carrying very light Stocks."Ii a l>'in & Co's w*ek!->* circular s.ivs:

" Re-I>ort* of do*nestie trad'- are- i'linost imifeirml.v cn-

ooaragiag. Though dntnesa yet pn-v.iU, improve¬ment appi-ars at many poll

RAILROAD EARSH-I6&Tlie reports of mir* sd gran earnings for the

third week in July are making meir- favorabler;si-'tis with the r-tiirr-s ol a rear agu that

did tin-"-- for the iir**t two weaka ut thcmonth. Tun haa printed t;.iiiri.s of forty-one

give nn average net gain on the wt"i 7 7- i-e-r cent.the sum*- eninpari-'s in

week of IBB7 ret - of over 12 peiD the week of lr--H. Of the whole ti

thirty-one eompaniea return gains aad toa eith'-r*-rcturnWa have prlnt.'l the returns of sixty**!* oom-

inriies. or systems i"*- the second waJuly, giving an aggregate ol $4,144,372, againsts*4.1 Ol 73" lor the .¦ eh - -'.. a gntB ol

a nt .the week cl 1887 re*.-nins cn that of 1 186 of about 14 per cent.

S.*\e nty-seven eompaniea or aystemt bare ni idetheir -' I¦¦ enta foi the mom of May. Thenet earnings average n decline ol 5.31 peifrom those f May. nt' earnlnga olMav. 188", return gains '*. of about'j.*. [>er rent J lo- foi l itementa and theOgun i ol the subjoin nol include tl e

Quincy and theAtchise -I. 'I ineka id Santa Fe.

Twenty-eight eompaniea or systems bare Bladetheir fiill stat- monta for the lturning an aggregate ol Bet earnings of $S480, Bgninst $5,180,807 for J'tu-. 1--7.a

-:i, or 4.05 i»-r- cut. The net earninga fur.lune, 1887 sn ImproTemenl ol over 20iht e-ent on Jun", 1888. The* fe,Ile.wing tabletdivide tho aggregates ol th" companies showing

¦rona tliose showing gains:OB0BS EARNUIGto

Seeead weak to Jeir. 18B7 1BBB nitrne-*. rr .ct- ... 81-908.'V8H 82.194.51 dine. S280.830 11.75

.'¦l-l ( n's ....i 8-81

TetaL 60 Co.'a IM.KO.737 f4.141 372 Ice. B4...035 LOBThird w*ek In Ju.v.Sic., .« s2.4SB.4BB S2.7S1.100 Ina. 8297.870 12.9410 Cu.'s .... 886,320 488.780 Dee

Tr'.nl 41 Co.'* 12.00* (J59 *,-* Kel HM) Inc. 423: 200 t taNIT EARN I-fOS.

Mnnth of Mar. 1887. 1--- P'.Tnc's. Pr e\

48 Co.'B . 84.263.919 .4.C.-.9.W. Inc 1394-.... 8.180.004 7, 1.197 D-'

Tatt Ti .« BT_-.4B1.98SBil 771 1 Ol 5.31

£1 ('n's .... 84.293 a*'- *t HOI 21.1 Inc. #29-. 877 ".987 Co.'s .... 806 -.':¦ .ul* 00

Total, fis Cc.'I 85.189 S97 S3.1W9.430 Inc |THE stock EXCTl INGE MARKETS-

Tli- gi ri' ral market.* for bonds and stocks lastweek srere sol ol s booming character. There..var. a .-. de¬noting both a growthof the securities sought h;ti-r. For rame ol thelow-prii -1 mortgage and li rp ad-vonccs m


the higher nd. the demand was niii.- ¦¦. n Mi- restricted hy small

t the curr"¦live, but, as in pre-

t waa fluctual th a sitend ler plane of values Every

dar witnessed i's reactions of l-2al pernnel someltimes a day. Following the reactions, there in¬

variably was a short period 61 dulnesa lherewen* iio sharp upward bk during the«.k that were boi the Immediate followers of sreduction, ami thc inter movements carriedinly fractions above the plane from whieu tin-decline had i»-'-n made. It is theaefrequent fluctuations, every "ne of which si Itime waa culled ria* beginning of a rea.-rion, whichkeep rh" market In a satisfactory condition.From thc prices of June 13 these luis been aa

aging ii**!!, .(.- to twelve pomis fortl '* i: ind pa] ks. But do[k rie.ei there have beea st le-asr* ten r

g from 1 l-'-' to 2 1-2 [et- cent t onsider¬ing iii-- large declinn which mosl of tl

(Tared during tbe last tweh e .

advance of cen r; pa oeni intialreactiona should furnish no rear o whi the up¬ward movement should not continue. It is nowknown thal the dechnca whloh have occurredwera forced, and war" made without a substantialbasis. It is known that the traffic eluri'last twelve months h.-is bren larger than it everwas before, sad thst arith two or three "\-e*i>-ti'ip.-s. like Burlington an'l Quincy, snd At-Topeka sad Sonia Fa the decline in railway netearninga luis bma exceedingly small. .Many ofthe comiwinies couldtooses from their net, Incomes thanTliey have dorie during Ibe tote wan of th-irmanagers nnd not affc llity to par divi¬dends such as they have been paving ixFor Instance, tho Chicago snd Sorthwesterncompany could reduce it.- net earnings 25 percent an'l still pay from them 8 snd 7 peirespectively on Ito common snd preferred stocksEvan St. ran] might h,-.* fj oer "-nt from it,-, netearnings ss of 1887 and -till nay 5 per et Iits nammon stock. St i '.I a :rmg the hstmonths.tlw si.v mont. n never earnsanything fur its stock. liss probably lost8 pet nat. Hm in view of the prospects of theeropa ju its country, nnd the bett.r undemand¬ing existing between the railroads ol that section,lt is not un-*.i-, Hallie to expect tint duri:remainder of rhe year the los*,.**, of the bal si.month? will be fully recovered.

Stocks steadily declined for twelve* monthsin expects! ion of something which baa nBarred, exeepl ia a few special Instances. Inthe meauUm**. Europe has ber. an munens.-purchft.s'T of American securities. The Govern¬ment report of ri.- oonmerce of the United States

last Friday, taken in cot;- thereport tor the preceding y"ar, shows thai the.ountry's foreign indehSlid Special mot--incur '.¦ alis i.*:iele-a|

aaa 841.482.400. An eatimalfl] a year for I;- Indelto foreign bottoms for the ean andforth, of 11,418,. ol meKhandi-ie andupward- of 81 OO.i cf i in-l 1 lion lt> small ..?.! rhis gii b an accrued ind-¦ .¦

ncaa against the country durini the two yean of8280.01 '. 0 In addition to ii. ipond-M.t remlndi us That wa have omitted Uuno the ealcnlatie n the Inl dividendsirhich luring that time-foreign holden of Americas arcuriti -. The pointis wall I we have no meant of est,!,what, thal ann.ant may ie*. I*/.-*. l,a\e gj per, aad the condil,_,. f( reign i% | I .

:he fad that Europa lias been s purchsat\mericiin liemls bi tn m amount which

have' rea t.ik>n in oon-jectien wit I bat un*!*.orption of sec.ntl'.- bj home capita] thst ia Botrepresented among th 'iaI apron]tcoounta for th*- iroit* of aiii" markel aad explains why, although then lias.x-en a steady d'-- ,:i.,- inii temi.! te, suddenly *

n prion ami au activity that would- rmit of a scoop have proved abs

If th-re- Hf arv tuchn the Street now as bull eliqaea, no "ti- ean pointheir liiii'-r Bl them, 'lhere ar", of '«.iir***-. nowmd .then, combinations "i two or Itessi operaton for s torn of two or thr**ent on tin- market .isrhatrs the- comhiaatiisash 10,000 or 20,000 -hares e.f -r.*.-k. One ofbase bobtail i>oe,i.s in the tir-r h.-.'ir of Frid iynoiiiiii,.' disposed of their hold In toLung, maile a temporary decline of l-.-ai-i petont. The stocks were- taken, nml the eomhion¬ion was utterly dr gii-t. e| that, pricea J:vening ihould elna al.emt l per

anica -"eatardajr thc combinationItself as s bess on * ind during

be last half-hear, and In bu extremely dull mar-eeode '1 in dbi to about, or

nmething below, prion which they had r'-ali/'-larly Friaay morning and wen much elated arithhe'success of the man; i>n lat ion. The sequel Of

ls vt to be tobi. The market has n..t yetroadetied to sn. ii un - steal thal the tradingmounts to M.00B sbarn or upward s dav.ut it* has materially broadened, and then isoar-cell a broker who iwretofon was m t ea-a%*"el in iWe buying ami Bellin - !or a fewrefcations-* whoa, buain ai baa sol sion thanoubleel from wnai it *.c* si\ weeks aga Thenow is less of the prof'sm,,mil and more* of thc..rn ral busiaen arhlch mahn ap i;" 1,331 095liam aa th ¦¦ week'a aalea e.faH Btoeka Toe week eloard arith bb undertomf llrmness m the apecalstkm, with sdvaaen forto w< . ic a ci aging about i |**r oralSubjoined is our usual table, giving the nunile ,-

f sharer sold of all stock-., th" highest, lowest,ad tinal linen of the week, together with thc

final prices rf n, week ago, prefixed by the avcragiprie>s of July BO, 1887:

.str.Kt.T ittsiifc.


a IfA_ Ri!JuirSo. lilithf 7.


Air': Tof | I 1AH .t- Picnic.IHt NV Al. orr.!li ltA I'itu i.ref,CanS'lsfSuutti-rnl .1 I- a

e'e'e BS UV.iCedar Kell*Cen Iowa 1 tl ml

e'.'i '-tal a»-al p.|..lOsatral ut \ J.J( ..alli, l-»i iflr .,1

I A Ohio icul*t lar.

RB * utii.i ..I prin.- A Norlbw

( hi-J Marta prChi Ml. Iera w .v st *,r;

t Pun...(li Bl LAP prt. Hi)l ll -I f M at M


Cli B * (4. I*).*, ll.rani . .. uris ionChic A Ind Coal.| tbA ,<' ..ii t.rer

(lo I Bl LA Oh.e ,o W A rt. .cv a Baret...CCCAt.(",IIV*T_ 24Ch A K 111 pref. II) t. tn *. 1X8*4

IIS14 I-1117lt»

si- est.

Ssl, ."¦,9 9

101 101Ss1*, 9*521






.r.s. Final--I JulT|rtnal 11Jul.'. 1B-JS:

1 _J_ioi mo9*% 97 ViSl'si 5U-.67*,4


HT,bl4 "el7


HA-,Sj13ll i-iIV'Sll.M lld|4S Ul

to**Hov,' io: lovstat. iii| 12%

l«7% 107<iin lia usvliidu lue ivm\¦I ..

I; ¦-.AV


llln, UOuu HS73% ro



il -4

6Sl-i34 S91%,



907', *e*

55024 %91%

IS. 134V, U»sItel A II. 100% 11-M 11-SV IMS I Pin,

27121 % 1

iaAb tlitsw

Ii A HU.. .I iteta aft, S7ET VA ',. ll',do lit t rf.ela M pref.I SI

t-TAIIST AW..Ft WA hen.. ibtit Ilaj W ASIP;Hms A Tel....|

. Central..,:ei leased I,ur.',

Iud Blum A Weir.n.|

I. ike Kne at W..JI VV prl;.re SS


I. » A IMatilialt-in 'ni HS

u iiearli, HS-T.- ...|

Men A Char....Mes i-n-r-Miebtsaa aai'im La * w. 7 -im. i. - a w ir.-

,lei ei ar*M.nn * r.t I,_

jir-rMi*. Kan I TerMiss ian )'n me¬in., iile IKurru -

M.. '.A*, i.N. T. caatraiN V s |

* HIL Dil ..

.ref .iNV i.i. a

.-- Y-.l-i A***.sr. Y. A X. INY Nil A il...N V I. A ANY ont AWNY Bas AWN BA VINut ax \V.4t....NarAW pr:.._.Idoprt

N V ._ Nor pre!ll





.' WlUS'3o


4*H71%sn s'88%2rHS:ii*\

911.1 \-(%1-..4"-.'.elms41s .?H91481!'.-I-









USS l-.os HsS»s18%





13.i.i si4«:.|92161)TS



17s47 SiIO*.!70 *.





91 nd4 |J






u.iHOS 84%

i'e.i IM l"(a".13% 1.'.'..¦_ .,



SSS25 -e:

45S!e re- ec iaCu rr»f.

Ors I'.r A Nar.. 9_C'n-Tiin.j 2*»%!ur Bhort Line J 2"Pea DacAEvaai.Tait v it-_.!:ii_rittsHWati tiePnilma:. .-¦

¦' I tBlebA W Para*.Hume, Wat ar e..,St I, Ark A Tei'stL aa A S F.Bl I- S BF pref..

ale. le-St PA I'uiiith...

'.- [,rlsal 1- M A M.Boothera r*citic'! *xas I'm.--.tlc_

rt" land ir.T'nmn 9*flail (>.( _


Wabaehpfa...... 2jpref.!¦i leL ... 72

At im« Kxure-i '.I'S



I ¦'' %'.*

31 Slas11ss.ll



'.80S4 IS

lo*.)'- loss




.00Sti I'llHS 107%


'..I: ¦.

1981.-"'4A'S23*.WM13 SI84 81

10.". lot84% :"-*2-% SSS2(r Si88% 21 s 31%.4% Cl% (i4%

152 I,',', *.. lt'.SI 1*>3lriS% lils, ir)..». io.SS 24*1 25«|74'. TIS 73


lii%BIMIBUlSf8«%SI33%12 %.63 -j

Ul¦1 '*-'- .

16S|; ~tSSSii!'.%¦BiS


2.S.SI I63

94 SHS4f34 S7 '".







7 S-Hts.

Vlfns44 S347.*'.LIB81

lol loo10. -. 1-5N 10



21%23 SI'- -.




I6%i88%22%a* '.

Hs24 S6578%USio_'.



6.6(K¦i.i SISKIf-.'51



3.t<4(1.121-.os:6. .'.)









7, Sdt404i15*






84,.'.0(LB4V!1 Iiii




1.4**"11.02.14 ...



63. Blt8.71!21T9C






3 i*se13. IM84,826


I -tprt-ai. liWS 1," '"- 1"'ir SS TT TB TT T'iero 1 138 140 187% .:'-% 1S8

* TS 7-«S tn T- TTS'Kail 3- *!>.¦«. 88% SS ii',**,

Con Os- "Si T8% 78 T Tl-*1 smM 86%; SHS ea',.

LAI.. 3e> SSS 21S 2-JS 21S1 ses .14% se 2' ¦

ll IS M|Tennfoal .. 3.' SSS if, i-t _*..

;i : 1 % 1111 11ill 31 81

BM ll Si 10% IPS, 11%._Miae far ttewees. 1,331,093

. 20 per cent asietim-nt aBBsB.


IBU1.8713. icu



The folloi-rtns were Ss'-nrt-ij'i quotations for unlistedaacartaea

RIA AiledL N A and Chlolit Ssc A1 atv 100 105

Mencao .National




Std. Alk-dflee It A E new.tacit. % i.

Bi'iaiiavn K'.eWl's 3-*>e lal 9a* *¦?Chle-aii) t Atua

lt r--a-ei '» 6Pn.ntn. i-o --hereani Atlantic...Do prel

f.denn. VaaadOaumuin -it'll S %

Iio nre'-rre-l_ S SFlint A l-.-r^ -Mar-ejuette 39

) I K.tllw'7 ANar Ca. %De, Preferred_

.- a RCKanawhi miii Chlo* Ural -

Do I rust Ksc'tsDa iiu-trt;ctlone'nmnanv. 32

..: 37



biri .un NationalNew 1«' '-a

N Y anet r». ::woad r.a»-a l«tDa Sit.

Nor Cu- KB a

(Paod d-Orellledive lit m ii prc 104

OreaL etaamatuao. lit L-rur't'el 103ro V,iiier 1st 7 90

Du 21 Ti 09





N i ».,-lineraN V w B ami H..N*--^ r-ort New. AM las ''aiiey Co.

C -nrral.hi

St I. A Chi pre...\nn Amor

aad Neirih Mick.Te " P aria a

\*a'».!ern.-- A Me-

rWiaa .lui I'Ti'terreMt ...

Vi nt uria::, a-utrslIopref. 3bS

Arr. A V.t-tPeak 1st Ol.Id

Cal l'»c lit mor 4 S» 193Ho 2.1 raur fnar IOU

Flor B'S as'fNarcnn sold bnneta

Geaeiri-ie, PiClIlllllt








S 9t I-ouia and Chi-15 cairo 1st ruortVe

1. 1816 ...

2S .**t i" Kastend i; rUt els, .'ir.''l Ot

TS M. L B sad 'VuiToiiMt'., 1'i-ona A

24 WsBtsn lal 4ift 11 Ceet'l 1st HsVicksburg A Me.

r:el:an.S De '.'.1 meinS Moule OltT rom*

. 14 l.onls40* American It.-mlc

.. 0 anpany20 'Anie*r:e-an >>r 10a

cu trust cert.IT [CB u-afoiiaa Treat

e.o Ei|iinauie% and UM ¦

S Continent-ii Const.. and .till Oe... De tru.teeai at'k

Keely Maleer Co..'Lehl-h A Wllkei-

I08 barra coal coHO Stm-k. 18

Ml D-eleTt a Ka»t33 ! Sh're I. co St 3 12S 3 87%

Y Mutual Tel.. 98



-¦' -' %MS




nn.r'iraK" 6«.107% 103 Nerth RWer Constlin 2d Iticomee..

EanaiThaanil Ohio1st (ia. 72

K la im. Pern latmer. 105

P»neare,l» and At¬lantic. 5

Co scrip. 8The Na:l_n': Tran

Blt Ca. Pipe Lcertin._ate«.. RC

Western NationalHoax. 93




CLOSING P-UCES OF BOSTO.I 6TOCK3.Bojton, July 2<i. 1888.

reetei urA Toe.A lit 7_ Iff

.1.. I- 0 Te.... IIBA A d>e H. P.... SH*,I n«'..» Maine... 210t tl.' Buriuif BUninflT. Hi1,

Cia -in t e'ieT. 2l*Fae-.em lill ...

>:__tfrr. RP. 8a.Flint « I'ere M..F.inr t i- .1 i-I

HU ABlnts7l....

Mi-i on rm..«lei:ran eurrallasaor k.i..1

.N Y A N Knsl..




67%4 '.12-'.

Ok"' S I. hamphau, saai_ n>\

n.* e.,.mr . lCa\Rolland rom_ jKeitianet ni 3"

Teo-dir- reit-nlay.To-iar122 wu cant R aHS com.eSS an feat K tl

310 pfd. 3A lionel Muli.

118 I mewl.31 S Csin-ii't A ilecli130 Catalpa.

Franklin..Huron _.(.)S'*».-,a.PfwiiiiCineW)..Uuine* r.

14% Ball CelepMne.Iti.itop ljin 1_

07'4 Weter rower...42«. rainaracs. 185

122-4 Vta«4 Uaai. 20San D L Ca..

9% Weet Knd LandIC- Lam sro ae'co



17 S 17%37










24 S61% 61%


ErROPEAN FINA Ne TAI. MAREPiTJ awnay, Jnly tfl..1 n. m..Con»o!«. DOSforborh aioaejr

and Ihe ><c.:oeint Allantlc an-titreat Western Bret tn-.rt.gat" trnite.-e' Certiflcatei. AHn,. ..ri-, 38% Ba, BSOeaB

-. loee',, "enan Ordinary. 47; St. Pant. Common,74 '. ltea.tiux, 48% Mexican (,'oir.r.ii tint mortlake bone!.,

1 he rate of eiieeonnt lethe opaa market for three months'billi ts 1%S 1 ll-lil oerceuLM.ney .. t, |M,r ceeet.Pule aSviesa qtieitf 7 t>er nent rentei at H3 franei 17%

eaetlaias (ur the m-onm and Eie.ieanire on London at 25ir mc- .t"-i eaatiaMS lerabaeaa

liar e.iver ls quote*! at 42 S per ounce.

COTTON MARKET8-BY TSLEORAPR.LrntHroriL. Jnlr ts .I o. m..rutton-The sales of the

Jarinda ul « 0 (nie* Aniencan. Fntnres:loeedeteaitT.CpaiuK lenw Mi.t-.llnc Staoaa, July deliver*. 5 3_._4'Lbuyers JnlT and Aiumt Iel r^rv. j 8SA4S, bururi Anoint

plant bar e'.ei:»-ry, ft 38-Std barara -**"^iemti«r and<>, :,ii.-*r itelivnrT, 3 is.old. »eiler«. Octulier ao Noveni'ierdelivery.! 12 04 1. Suvere; Ni>T,*oit,^r an,i l'e.*^mt>«rdelt»erT.

14, s^l.ot* I" e -..oar ami January del'Tirr. 6 In till.Mlleri, Janitiiry arni F-uruarT ceuTcry. 510-«>4«t eellere.

.-a-r .ltri.v.-rr. 6 Js.rtii tm-

OiLvisTo*.. Julr -.IS..Cotna."Steady. Mlddllnr. 9%:I^iw Maldllin. '.'%: eirutnary. Ht; net in 1 inn.rec. mia, 27 ua.n tioct. ntl balee.

OLS. July 3H.-( "ttou .btoalf Ml'ldllnfc 10 5.ll'.:net an'l atomtomotpta, 1-, hales eiouru to the Cominan*.i oe balee j cu*et»i_~. 1ST Oalrs «_!_», l.U Uales it*- _,


CBABtasTOa Iair 2** -'-utron.Vamlnal. Mlddllnr. 9%:net .itietaraesi receipt-, tefl -a e., e\,i.,r[« eoaitwiea 673 bole*:iii-., ftalaa, Mei k, Taff balee.

I k- i*es*H. Julr 2«* e-utr.en -uina<1r and firm. Mlddllnr,lo. Low Midellmr. us, Oovl oretinary. » net and *n>e«rei--* 1111% n Ins exuurls ooaatwis., 2i)e. pales , aalee, dbile* stock. Ani baiei.Nk'v.eiiujtAKs. Jalr 2S.-<oston-Staaelf. Mletdllna. 10i

Lo» -fidlliuir D% aiat.,.1 Orllnsry. 8S net aid croeaSan biles, ex:-.-rte lo meat ltntain, 7H3 balae,

ooaatwiia, .1, bales sale., -"jo balee, stuuk, 27.489 balea.

WOOL 8AI.F.8.AsTwrnr. July 2H.THrrr was a fair attendance at tha

«s to d ir amt the etemetid wae HM There wa*Bales eef wheu were iou 1.17.) balee ot

Sae oe * rsi «, 1,1 at from 7f tai 1*1 fraue** t,»r KHi kims.aa 780 Bales al MootoTideo at rroi.. 75 to 200 traocs perloo kiioi.

fspntiTS nf* TQkrBSTTBEin eiTO**i. JnlT 21 -TurpenUoe flrm at 33a.

H-Vas.xah. July Ja.Tnrpenlion Arni at _3%r.v .__i..,. s, july -.-.-T_.peuu_.e Ona st S3 So.

THE MARKETSTOTAL r.F/T.IFTS OF FIU-DCnifer North Liver. Vessels and

A«'in«, n|ri .!0 Ma!_hn»'.... 2-.""I r-rk. oisriT] 230Beana, bun. IHo Oatmeal bbl* -'. P«/s... 1'15

ba i 21 iiimi. .*<-.' 188 CaoaaaiBeai WllConer, i.bii iso uraai e«ej *. »«i 8e7Driel Fruit. bars.- 3°° Lard.tors...pan | tiiie., baise SSA buller, pleat 4448

F. irs. I,-ii... 92--.|lopes.b_l*s.. Mil Cheese, turi l.iWSlars, roam.. 2 ;i I l.e*-'. p*.r*.. LOS! Kice. prs... 35rionr. pk.-i.. 12..1TH Lealiie-Ste'I o..'...->;-.¦ I". :...«. Sal< Meal. bli*. 2'.o soints tara Htarch.p«rSi fSOC Meal --_. 52.1 bbla .. 881 Callow. [.kr« 138

¦uah lt 2*e0 Rosin, bhi* . f.33'. I .eeaeea, adi 4.4Com. ouaiu. 2I..95' |.ks 349l W),iasy.*>*)li b'»('its. brun.. 72 ""(I a).««>iii»rrarins WmoI, e...v. o*

Bye bash., 56(*| pk^i..._50 lar, bbl 126

GENERAL MARKET REPOHT-COFTKE. tor H.-a.ll Hylea her'r waa BS movement,

and valuta v..*r*_ i'n-!ia.y i._nunal Thu ipi.der SIifcre dull and casv Bales. 1.44S oae* I tx

i'hHadelp his. and*' bugs Marlcalba, baals ot l-4« for(uaeiii. "(.non tridiiei v a-s dall, and >vltii easier a 1*. leesfrom Ibrosd the fa.*,in* was easier, closing fi?lin? a decitu*.- of Oalo points fur the day. sa,**.*, 18.740butts.

CU Mnsprices. Hilliest Deweit 6*l»a

Mireh .... B.&58 :> 90 990 9.90 250July .... Hov. 1120 11.20 H _o liiiin)Aurus» .... lo.oo- io -J) l' 88 io oo e. Mofte-L,-..uiber . . 10-OOwlO. 10 moo lo. ot) 5oOOctober . .

*' 0.70 8 TB '¦. 88 T.v)N .ember . . . 8.004 9 0. 8-84 :.'.'. 1.000December ... I 19.04 970 905 2.iooCOTtOB.Pries fur ipal 1. ts were ad\an-*-d .*-1 »lc. aad

the) market closed linn. with ealee of1 .15 balee, including 1445 bel«i fur aaa.

sumption and 70 bales on speculative account. The p.irtreceipts v-sti*rd_y aggr*udir\ 1.2tJO balee, comparingwith -73 bu. ill »eek ant *2l."> bales f' .- tn*;

e-trreipnndins- day ls**t year. Since Sepiomber I itn** be¬ginning of tbs crap ...-.-i- th- reeslats have agsregaied6,492,-87 I ii". against 0.194,030 bllei for the

anding lime last. Ma_eAQuotations baaed on tbe American standard ot cln»!6_s-

tlon are C;.ir.a_ ont

Ordinary. 8 1-4Strict Ordinary. « 3-4 5.1*?.i,..,l Ol I.nary. B 11-108 13 IB

rdlnary . ... 10 3-10 10 ''i'iI..,.*, MJ lil ina ...... 10 y- i'i 10 11-10sn.-t I...a- .Middling .... 1013-Hl lol#lu

.ii ._ jj i-f.idling.' 3-10 H 7-10diddling .... ll 8-18 11 11-ltt

Fair.ll 18-18 13 1-18rail . -M :i-lo 12 iii';

RT Al." lil).Cnod Ordinary . 8 3 lo le, a Ml-ld'.n? .

9 13-16I Good 9 Mid Ulna ... r>

1,,--.- irreaalar.

lnltiui : .1 adavnce of n n"

, ai ito ut* crop mouths.

r: aaaMontha. - niftiest r-T-reat. Sale*

Jail .... 10.97S10.0B 10.07 1"9T I*1*!Aaguat. . . .

¦- 10.99 10.B8 31..looiber . . . 9.71* 9 "3 B.7.' 9.74

. . -a 584 '.' 54 0 ¦'. 9 32 2.2' 0Nov. taber ... 8.48 9.44 D.44 9 IS 2 700D-rember . . . 0-488 9-44 8.44 'J Al 4.800

... U.i-.'fl 8-60 '.' SO IM*..t . . . '¦. 3*8 9 57 B-M 9 M B 8

'.' 'si. '.I >.!. . '-Tlr '.' 73 9.72 909 1.300

May .... 9Tj* fl -'


dlspla. : owing '... che rls.'a si.^-ia sdvaaet aaa rei

rule pr) ss sr.* a e

l-.-iiKut y ry BWderataly md Jobbers' wants werei eainp.irj-i -lu. fcal-**, ls DOO bbla, li, Illino, l.ootj b-le

Caty Mill Kxtra. ti 85* - latterin new package*; bUs Fina, ti\, ..ri tb. s.wiiMs bup-ri.. .2 96; 1,1 Oo bois Low Extra,tl* 75a .ii 2. 4,400 Ula Winter Whe-at Kxtra, 82 75686;md T.'iOO bola Minnesota l.xtr.i, SB 764*88. Quotations:Fine, 8210882 76: BnperflBe, 82 40*02 95; City HillCxtra, Weat ladlee, B4 864S4 00; Patents, ct- *r

16, Low Extras, 82 76-S88S6; Winter Wh-ai, Low itm-iiia,12 Tiil3 25; Fair to Fancy, 43 3"&$4 7 j;Patents, ( umnjon to Fan.j, $4 30at_, Mui-

i. Low Kutra**, *2 7..r*43 25; Clear,l.l AbatA 3b Rye mixtures, |3 3..-S4 20 Btraig-i*,.-C__.tO-, Ta tenta. C-n.muu to Fancy, 44 tbaAA- .Mar-

-'. i firm. Including 8,900 bois tor e_port....-.uL'-H-.' I-..N ii,"! :. ..- 'loin?. mainly io arrive.

82 sba!*:; -ju (ranj to Choice do. »au tb i'a:*'L'_ is, lo f* r

. Iiv_; PLOUH.Firm, bu- aalet 5-.i>,. ait, b..sSupertiii". -ii ubai'A 50. latter Fsmry. COB. Mi: U_.quiet. Yellow Waatern tiuoi-d at 42 sii/tJ 2i, and iirjnij-

.3 40.CRAIN-WIIF.AT-The general market had a decidedly

atraiiigcr look to-day, arni | ... nla DB i-,<. lots "fSS lc. Shippen -*'k tipn_r«i ,,t bmbali iu the

* tts advance, bul IBs han," treBt leftised to payDI w-rc quite SCtiva,

eily closing. btronger cu bia: advicesuI- tnt

sales wars ih sae.. afterward tta short side*lea Han lo t furUie*.- rani .rf l'_ -

iir-m i*. bales, 7,312;OOO buabelifunire, ldo »pot, InclndlBil Nix 1 Hs 1 j-,'.es'-. a :i 1'. .,:.

tarnuk q-i<.r.*d ai H'Vutii^i I'ngraded Ki*d, HihdOSh; No.2 Red2 July. 91Vi92%, 'rinsing at Ul-. Jo tugi ai. _1 .

Hg at '.el *

e7'J2'«. ie.'.a.mtwr, ;.-_'.'.-. e..'»ing atlo Msy, 9T"v_-.i-%, clusiiig ai, ...

RTF.Dull ai.d nonlnil. HAKLKY AM.BARLE- MALT.Doll ind numinaiiv qnchJur**dTV.Wa- . ifl ¦.'. by the decided strength In

whait. Options se, ward .-..ri* 11 !_..-«... with fr-e buying, later deeUned 1-1.1eioaed tirm, siter a mooarate ipecttlatlva bualnaia, Cash

uiat, I*'!- v-'-v Dm ly i'.l. Shippers took 32."i'")litislisilei. balee, 1.818,000 l.usliejls futun-, 2f.'j*.-ibukheli *nnr. lucludlng ung ided mixed at 68 1-27541-2;Nu. 2, .103-4 dellver-d, .',112*54 3-4 to arrilivered; N* 2. .1. nominal: do Angus-. B4S

.'.4 1-1 ,1 1.4, ci'islnifai 54. da October, bia bi An. mosing ai ba 3-, : do Ko¬

ki .'.3 1-2. closing atember, Triuio l-l, closing st BO 1-4. . OATS.

li- no d-*c'.de*d cha-iff'.* l-SSl-lc higher un Seo-

rn -- ¦- modersto.-.-* BOO bushels future, 49,000 pot. In-

v 2. Tib 3-4 tf 30celevator, 37e N 1 White. 44,


lo August, ..- a-, 50 l-2eda Beptember, 29 14,/'20 .! 8c doling ar _ataber, 29 3-4:, elostn . le; i. Whit* July. 3'.i \4tt'An 1-2c, eloatng a- rto l-3c; d'a September, closing ar,31 l-Be. FEED.Steady and qhay and BTE tW.Then is no movement ot Impertaa a

and leer remain as f,.- iomaBay-Choice Timothy, uer 100 It), 95*41: No. 1,b..<r'--c Na 2, 75«(We; clover, m.xed, C5^T5c; clover,.r,-,aii.", <*n:p|.lni.-. eiOea'i.V Straw-Long rye, 90a-95c

*. 45dfi0aBOPS irket continues dull, but previous quota-

tatlooj ., 11 of l-uT,beat, Ile: du medium, -., .*:*. 1, common,

Pacific Case, rna 1137. balOc; do 1380. >.IT, lie.; 2

MOLA nr slock ls dull and nominal.NAVAL BTOR1 - Fi plrlts turpanttaa tts marker,

ls a tlrm one on Ur' ia Ab l--_i- f*jr me:

OILafi -. but no changes ofImivrra

IS Summer 1 :. 1ms, iru IQ l-2c sum-m--r White, 471-Xe; Cocoanut, Ceylon, 61-4c;liochln. 8 l-Se/O l-4e: Cod. domestic, 82c; foreign, 38c;Lii.eieed. rai-, elty. 53c; I.-ird, pr:me presnit Batta, 88s;Mmhadai - BA%nd 25c Light praaaad, SBe; bleachedwin-ar, 32*: bleached '^r:1:. lie Sperm, crud*. 85c;r.arurai iv:;.ter, 88*70c; hleache.1 Wlater, T3_TRc;bleached stiring. R7»70e Whal-'. Tilde. Northern, 3H'&39c. natural winter, 41c; bie-n-had w'-nrer, 48':; extralil-aehe'l. ssc; Sea ilephant, L.e.*a*-h"d winter, 54c; RedBiala. BSaBSc saponlfli-d. per Tn 1 l-2a.OCEAN FIIEIOHTS-Taksa altogether, quite a good

titted bm ratei lndle-n'»d ao important... ic KTH B-NUACEMENTS.To London,

steam, hene-c. 24.000 t.u-heU grain. 3d, N''«-e*a.sUe, it-*ani,t-,000 bushels grain. prtvato terms; Ceintl-n»nt. beoee, 24.000 bushel* grain (Aug'ie***n !arr;enti. urtvate terms: London, steam, heneo, e.0i)valts, 10s. a 12*. Od.; 200 tuns utl-e-ake. a*, ltd. u'.Os.2.(X!') b<exc« cheese, 23* ad. : Mg lb hence,l.3uo -us nour, 8-. __.-'.- 1.800 boxas ehisae, 30s.Antwerp, Kearn, benee, .

. Boar, lo*.uiis. 3d.;Liverpool, steam, lieiu-e. 100 tons oil-cake Oh. Al. at*, dd. ;4.000 boxes cheeee, -."-.,.*_.'.- GRAIN CHARTERS.Cork, ¦ ere, a British steamer, 9,00i4a . . l-i.'lT.-ii.F.I'M CHAKTKK.S-Hrrr.-n. ur Han.-b';.-L-, hence, the* e.ertnun hark Ceorge Washington, 4.500

B tlc. I mee the Nur»'glnn st, Konow, 2.500 I i nfl led, ind the Korwefftsn steam-eri It::', ai. and linen-, 3.000 bblH r»",r;s 1 aiu'ii. all at

sar Berg *,000 bbl*¦ts: Imnkirk fruin I'hiladelphln. rhe bark I.eiil-u,


'mriiie'i. fMmSt. John, N. IL. the Iiallan barks PrabO- and Pasquallr.o,

a2s. Od. the current berth rates to Culled Klng-dom ports are :

Liverpool. I^iO'lon. eilasgow. UrlitoL

i. el a, il. i. il. a. ildrain . Oil 03 01% 8 SSFlour. IS 13 1 « 1 rtFtoar.iaeki. 12 8 a v 11 3J-U.ou . ll) 0 12 (i 20 0 13 'JLan. rieree* . fl '-» 12 « If tl IS 9Lar.i. small nk_e.. 15 o 15 0 BS " IO ')

- ami haitter. 2 o S3 0 SS 0 SS 0. 1 9 li 0 1" o ]_ -j

hm. 1 9 3 3 3 0 12 9. Il IS 2 t 2 0

saitfur. TB .9 8 9 10 0Walnut Loge ana Lom-ber. . 12 0 15 0 20 0 13Rosin.' 1 <> I* 1 1 13A ¦ .: 2 8 2 8 3 0 2 tl-. TO 9 0 io o :.)

Hsneilei ac.. 12 U ll 3 17 4 I 15Wbeal -t.i. ii. 13 8 lil 17 0 loLight Meesars-eeat.. ta o lo 0 l'. 8 If 8Caoiie.1 (! 7 4 10 0 al 0 lil «

PROVISION'S.FORK.Firm, and without BMand emly a modi - -. 250

New Meas, tl',- -;"¦> .'. Short Clear, 815 754-,i,je., Prime Mesa, «i ne io -V>,

and Family .Meas. 41*;a*lrJ. BEEFnv ..xtr:*, India .M's.

In ile- r-;. 14. li. Instances fancy city brandsri barrel* I" * r7 5 i;

Packe. per 1-anei and t_2c*12oO In17 50SS7 70 Family. 49 50 Btir.l'' DAMS.

ki k.d Quat.-al mib fio«/*i') beraiud *14 btra-tlT, tai 1 here.". CUT MEATS-Ulve I trill ilenuii'd, aa! ;f,-H* r\:,e<l nm., ejijut-ad.l- » ed Baillea 12 lb average, Bc; Pickled lim,* ar..*

quuted at 12 l-2e; Plel I rs 7 l-2eeli., fl I MB 12 Mi Hi' 11 -' M I'D I. .-..--Dull nd iii : i' II a,.-- Iniiirht sui.piN an'l Bm Itj ru ivy to Uti fl :1 **.- '? "r

pira. 8 8-40. LARD.Mad* anotli-*r g*-n ".' 3 to 4

points to-day, ind cloaed ll-:n In -vnipaibr n!t.h 'he Weet,HpecuUtlon »a* un -ne rut.'ii ictivs Cnm wm ..ui-t betdna Quoted ar. »* 92 Zia. '¦'> Siterm* 1 aim* lois Icid at 9*-. Citv Ma'am ls again

but i»i'h emly a limited tra'la s4. .vt h-k,Refiaed qa laOaeat, 10c Beatt Amer

'¦"o wi Aaoaat s.s7_m.S9e. cioainr a-

iaaSSOe, ciosinc st SBOe: 5<hi tea .'..-. ..- si 8 Mfle- December clealng a'. 7.87c

.riler; the year closing ar 7.87c notvined In imrti.-iiiar. with a light movement. Fun-v >to-;k

bald .- Cnalasry, *20_21*- haif flrKin nih..:.#!:. u h runs ItrliV dAlry tubs, 14 1 2rl6 1 2cWen_»rn Creamery, li-20- Imit»ti'*n Cnamorr, li*17 12... Dairv, IMlBl F-vr-nrv IfSlSe; Dairy and

- u 1 1 -.*¦ HREBE se 'i.ii.s-a.lruling aboits steady, with a llrht demand. fats'e ;-.t^ti Lae Including Fancy Whit*'. 9«\ and CuluieS 1 fe Skins, BBTS; Okie Ha-. 7«H I-4c.FMC.s.A trlTe i-ta-adler In prlc, with a *i"W Inquiry .'-tall¬and l'ennsTH.iili. 19cl8 1-2o; Wi-wtem. l't«10 12cCunada IT 2_ IScBUOAR The market was dull |n all positions. Quo'*-

tieen- fe-.r riw st.cK esere neat e-linnged r.-ntn 4 1 lt.; 1 a* for-. 5 3 10 for Mi lest Muscovado, and 8 |.8c fair -Tm)ntrirugaJ. Keflned dull r.nd linehans-*'! Quel a

Cut Loaf, H l-4c: Crushed, n la,- .4. u,.,(.nnuUted. T 3-4*6 T.*lc Mould " A." 7 3 4c Cenrectleinor--."A.* 7 H-IOB7 3-4.-. SUndard \" 7 l-4c Off ** A,"ITwic. White JUUa -C.. B.OIHIB8-40- titra "_".

6 1 I.6 5-8; "CL" 8 7 18; Teilow. 8.31S8 3-8cBTSAJ-IltB-Ia light demand. City lie; Weilrra.

10 Bel "i.-'imari-srlne, rt 12'-.TALLOW.Firm iud unchanged. Prime City quoted

at 4 1 5c. hale*. 50 !_hd* at 4 ldc.

LIVE STOCK MARKTT.New-Tork. BetarBsy, July 2.**. RF.KVF.8-Receipt* w«ra

40 -, - ,1 753 irs at 6otb«t. fe,.- Mr. Eastman,and 16 cara ,i I y "f wbldi 12 cara wet*-* tor ex-

port and 3 cars for be* mar. '. No eales. F-eliat dulLshipments as repairtel yesterday.CALV 8.1 -" . I '"is'*" of ateek held over

show. t - meat in prices, but tte ton* of thalite better.

Sain Ii II irrii.g...n 10 nu'.remllk Calves, 165 TOavrage. at 3,- par B ei Mne*d d". 171 Tb. at 3 :i-4e; 8 do,

to, 125 Mill 2- IB Neala, 12ft ft,at 6 l-4c 28 d,, ISo ft. at 6 1-SB , 43 do. 143 ft, at «c.BHEEP AND LAU BS -Receipt* wer» n |-2 cars ot

lad.10 ear- ¦'¦' and 1 1-2 can at 00th-st.. and 2o carlua-ts we-" ca rr:.-1 over yesterday. Trade**» duli bal steady and the f.-e;ing a little better'.han yaaterday, -ming to thc itnpr>.v-m-n'. in tlie weather.

Pmin-l (O ft.*-' ,-\---|l Si*il lt * 4 tt0 b 1 -"> Ol' T 100 31 Iind ordinary to Primo LsMba al 85*48 62 1-2. Tbapea* ware n-r r!'***ed.

S»ie*~J. N. Pld, ock: 240 Ohio Sh.H»p, 75 ID sverags,lt 44 40 per ino Th; 170 KaaUekJ itt, ill Tb. at 8 101

,-:t!a I_in,-.s. 54 R, a* ti 5..; 90 do. ft,* ft. attb. 220 da, Rs 1 2 ft. lt 46 75: UM du. 0.1-2 ft. ll

,irglnls do. 59 12 ft. st S8 25: Bffy do. OT ft. a: |.*> 75; 121 do. t'> 1-2 ft. at BS 25.

M Collins: 78 Virginia Shep, 78 ft, St 84 12 1 220| Ohio di. 70 R at Sdi li", do, 77 ft. St 84 ti. 188Virginia Lamb*, o', r. at efl **.*,.

.unn A Culver: 173 Ker-vicky Sh*ep. 110 12 14 37 12; 81 Virginia do, TS Tl. at 44 401 230 Vlr-gtnli Lamb., 03 ». at 48. 22- Kentucky do. 70 ft. il86 ,V>.

J. F Sadler A Co.: 30 Kentucky Sheep. 104 ft. ltS4 21". Wistari do. S3 ft, at 14 3-5. 211 KentuckyLamb* 02 ft. a' I". IS: 257 du. nc tn. ir ai 02 fl

N-wton lr (Mlle**: CM Marvlaiid Lsmbe. Oe ft, at tA.J'ldl 4 Buckingham: 242 Oho bheup. 78 1-2 ft. at

84 RO.Itiillenberk % ITo'lls 240 Texas Sheeep. TO ft. Bt 04 25;

78 West.-ru ia, 77 ft ar 44 50 99 do, 107 ft, at 45 15;223 Tennessee I_imb**. 47 ft at so 210 Kentucky do.85 th, at B8_28 23*1 do. 08 12 ft. at BO f,2 1-2 18 Bucks.128 ft. at 43.

Ii Harrington: 185 Ohio Sheep, 82 ft. st S4 80; 1781«. -e."! R .1-

HOGS.Reaetlpta were 4 ears of 540 hold. No aaleei on live weight. Nominally needy at 85 40*

45 05 per IOO ft.

ITV*. STOC-lt M IRKKTS BT TRT.BOaAPR.Brr. alo. July VS.."true.P.ecinti Ult 24 hour* S.878

head. Fatal Dar weet thus far 1X73.'. berni. Fer unit tine*laat ween 12,141 eiesat. e;_ns:_:. .,! thiuurh 1. 0 car* 157of which to New-York , 27 carloads on aale, sll o'er-.tigstak-n..s.te-D.Recolor* laat 24 hoar* were 3,SOO heart. Tetal foe

tli,- week thu* tar 33.200 Ya'.. Fur samo limo laat weak4.'a -*[).i bead. CuDsign-'l through 16 car*, a at whick inMew-York. Oe «*la 8 cara Mmark-t q-r-t. toOood j*.! 7'.*«.-*,i Pair to Oood Lambe 84 6S#S8 BS,Hiat.K-ceion -**t iv noir* T.SSf baal Tout for tha

we. k tri'is lar ¦»', 86 h>*.*iL Fur samo time laat weeksd. oas .ried t .rough 67 ravi, 88 ot whick to

New-Yark; rt car!**«is -in sale, prie e. artTanced Saide.Yorker* t'i 103 et 85: tnlacted .Mualium weight*

i. bj it') 461 Rough f.', SSS .5 601(HI' -A'i.i. Cn nu ¦Kt.-k Yard*. JalT m-Tie, Trm-erf

Journal reports CBffU RaostpH 2,0 >0 nna.1, ihlpmenu400 head market slow and uaetiangied Reeve*«'' <>. .; '_.',* --fers ft BOS6 *eei; Ktocser. and Fe.ter*

tin. Cowa Kulla ami Mixed 81 45.483 50: TexaeCattle S2 OOtt*i 60.B*m Bseatpts 8,008 head; shipment! 7,(^0 aisrkei

strung. Miie.t 86 SOBS 40 Heavy IO 05 Jd 50; Lighl86 BB 40; Fklpsfl 2-</ % 'A<l.SKetp.Receryts 1,000 head: shlnmenr* 200; markes

areartv. NattTes, Inferior to I'rinre, f.i e)t>*84 50 We**eraw.o ed fi! ionii 05. Texaua shorn S3 i*-B4 00, Laaibi45 00SIG 25.



RAr-rmoas. Ju'.t 2*..Cotton qmet. steady: Middling m-Ve.Flour Brm, unchanged. Howard street and aVeetern Mn pern ne83 50aB3 88. Extra do Si Oo# -5 Fa uiit .lu s* '>'*84 60. Cltv Milli (Superfine «'.. f.i.i,.* *y Extra .1* fl 35 S3 76.(io p.ioBrant* *4'Wei iii Pasaeeaa Family ti 15. emsa-perlatire Patent 85 jo. Wheat.8outbern active, higher.Falls «_<*.¦>..*. Loiigbirrv n.*i*'.ioc. Weatern h:gher No.i Winter Ked ipot BO'sBM?^ lu for Anguit *(7a»rtTieO. doSeptember «s*'.hi«c; Deceiuear 91c. bul. lorn- BoaVSeiadull. eas:er; WhlU 5S*«ic Yellow 57<.i**e. Western'nil and Armer Mixa.1 ipot 5*-»..-"«c Augnat A'_at3>*c:'eototuber &J4a.',_« Year 4'*4e*c. oat* qnii*t, J»en«heru 4.r*47o. Pennsylvania l.l<»4Tc WeaternWhite tSatte Mesiern Mixed 41 .r 12c. Rv* waaquiet; Prim* at t!l*e3c. Hay iteadv Prim* to Choir*weatera tis 5o»iy on. i*r*vi»iams active and tlru-ei;Mew* Pork fl! ftei. Balkrneata. *>:ioul.1era an' Clear RibSletes packed 7",»8*.c Bacon.Whuniler* aiat. Clear Rib¦sidea IJ-..-. flam* 1.)ellie. Lard reflnen at t*tn, batterBrmi Western iac««i li»lrtc; creamery isa.Oe. Krr*ie. wer ll .cl Ac. 1'ertroleum nominal Ketlne.1 "-.e*. < teaelull Rio cargo-*. lair, at 14V- sugar t)rm -A" eof»t\r. Coppe«r rertaed steady .15 .»16',4C Whiaror e]nlet aitl 2'iStl Ba Freirhts to LlTerpoel p«r steamer Arni;tctton 5.33d, Flour ner ton 1"* drain S'-_*'. Receipts.Flour l'.VOOO bbla. Wheat 65.0U0 bn»ii. Cora I.oin) boan.Oau 9.000 bosh. Rye-tun bush. Slitpments. Wheat ltf.OOObu.Iu ."ales | W-ieat 450.1.100 btuh. Cara IT.SSS bosh.

ROSTtrt. Jnly 2iS..Marketa quiet, nnchanged. Flour itoady.Com steaaiT. --earner Yellow at OOHm. Oata itaadv;Na B While B4 87a -.horte unchanged. I'rovtsi.jna iteartr.Pork quiet »n,' sreadv. New Mess $15 75*16 (N> 0*.e|Me.a *15 OOail Jj Lard qniet and auadT at S*.a9'.'-itatm in steady d-mind ami tiru at Sll io A Vi 75.iiurt-r steady, in fair lisiinit West4«rn titra e.'reamery

Eastern Kxtra Creamery at Baa e'beeae staa-ty;Mew-York aii.t V'erateal Kum Ba, Errs ito».ly. in lightdemanel Kastern Extra* isai'a: Mlchiean' F.xtras allac Receipt*-Fiour ..",.000 bbla sad s.000 Meka tors15.000 bush. Oau 12.000 bus!_ Shoru 10 ton*.r-rrrA_o. Jnlr 2s-Wheat-No. I Bard ac-ire* ant

higher at lianne orer Chicaro Atiruit asked. No. 1Northern hieb'-r tales ol 5.000 hiish. at BBe, Bl oTeraske.1. Wasnburn Na 1 Nortberi a',r over. Winter. n*»offering* escapt No I White Oregon at 94 ,t.ti. Ceirndri1.N*>. 2 Yeli..w ar ej-'sc eiTer Chleuro Aurnsr. tta, I Y»;.iuw br i,T-r, ce No. 3 here. e>.;a dull and unsettle-! ;Ne>. 2 White 39>*a39-*c. Na I Whit* at flSSi No.2 Mixe.1 ;U .3T34-.C Nu Rve offered. Flemr Arm; Bes!Paten .-spri'iK *4 75a..;,o.i Baal Wlatar S4 S6R4 5". HUI.feed Arni: Hinter Hran fl5»lrt in), fprinr .lo SH S6Rflt tb. lorntaaal steady. Oatmeal ite»,!r. 'anal freight*.toady 1 wheat 2*4'*. Cara '.'*.¦ "its 1*40. Recipt*. Flour 7.00(1 bbis. Wh***t 3.(.e"" bush, mhipmenu uvHail . Flour 3».0e)O bhla. \t beat l'.ooo bn*b. Corn 4-.'.ooi|bush. Oats -x.Oito bush. Laiaal Smpuienu-Wheat 7-.0U0SasS, Corn 17.000 a -j. J.i.y 2_..Th* fntar** ranged aa

follow*.witrrAT xo. 3.

Openinj. lligiost. Lowest. Closing.Jnly.- -'-''. «3v, air, atv*

Af.gnst. RI* . 80S «3September. 81 *-h 811 ».!%,VHlOhm. 81 *e H'i't Din, 834

coas BO. 2.Juir . 45»» 46"* 45V fMirnst. Un, 40 44** 44*»September. -15 45* 44-* 4i_October. AVn U_ 44 44

OATS SO. 2.Jnly.SS '4 30 29>» 29),

Aiirust. 84<| 24-*i 24-e 34-,Stopteinber. -t's 24 2.!S '.'i!1*uctober. 84 24>« 2424

mks* rusk, rm nut.August. 14 2D 14 <5 14 20 14 271,Sent-mber. 1438 14 45 14 25 14.t7-jOctober. H -ia 1440 1425 l437w,Jnuiury. l.!'.)7>i USS 1.(074 13 25

Lam-, rsa ISO "3-An.n*r . e77*j BBS K77>, 877",Baptamber. tHSSj BBS «83i* H»1YOctober. e77sj BBS a ti B7T«bJanuary. 5 70 . 7 75 7 To

SUORT RUM riR i>)> a.August. B36 4S8 P22*. 8 27 4September. fl 11 h .**' I ¦Octui/er. C SS -1I jgJMJanuary.. «72sj 6 724 ti 724 6 72*aFlour daQ, nnctiangeel.Cash gu >tatiou* **r» a* Mll.iws.N*e». 1 Wn-irtr Wheal

-. S «.-.e. No. 3 Soring WHeat oominrvl. No. 2 R*«1 atBl*c Nu. 2 corn at 45 s.e. No. 2 Oau 29 '. »30e. Na 2 Ry*at 45c Na 2 Barley at H2e:. No. I Flax r*eert a*:

$1 io. Prone Tnuotny -eel at 42 40 Mell Peirs at814 25 411 >*i per bbl. i-Ard at *" so per IiVij tb.Bhort Rib* .Mee loose at S* 30. Drv salte-t Shoalderaboxeel 47 2". At 40. rthors Clear Site* b-)i".l S*i 75*19.Whiskoy..Iistiiiers- f.nisliel r*>o.1s SI BB per gal. fiugare-CutLoal-'sci uranuUtod _c, htaanUril '-A-' Tafi.

ArtUltt Renell**, Shipment*.Wheat bush. 50.008 155,00(1( urn.bash . 10*.(HM l'.S.KOi]Oat*, bush. 07.000 ,29<>.'>n<lRv*, bush. b.OOi) l.OOd-S»riey. bash. 1-900On the Prodi*-" Kt.* .air*' lasts* fie Banal market wa*

aaiet Creauiory n*lo4c Dairy 13*10* Eggi dullat ll-sela*"-.MrxiKAPOLis. Jn'y 2S.-Wheat.Raeetpt* wer* 1«3 can.

.!ipai--uu til ean. r;osmr quot.»ttois Ma 1 Itarei Julvh4e elo Auru*; S4i,ci on traek 88a >ei. 1 NorthernJiilyS.r, alai .-.u_*ast "O'sc. tin track.Na 1 Hard Hiv.No. 1 Northern s'2<;. Ne>. 2 Northern 79c Flour steady

PaiLAi'ELi-uiA. July 2S.-Fioue-Market ftrm la sTtnpa-tpy wun the ad vane a m wheat. Otfennn moderate, balnot mtitii 'lemxnc. Western aod Pe-mirtvanla fluoerO a*

Pl .'mil'.' 76 dodo Cxtra* 42 7 5 »S_ ))". Na 2 WinterFatally S335SSS &*>. Pennivivama Family at 83 75a

PeniMirlvaoii Re»i:er P-ooi* SI 10*84 25. ObnClear Bi IOSt BB. Sa *'. 1 isrurh; 44 4 **4 00. Induna

1110*133 1 >*.'¦.:-* it tl 40*4 d'). St. Loni* andSmlhern flilnois c'les.r *l lu* I !5: An do straight St 50#8*55. Winter Patent r*ir tu re *i'ia»4 ml MinnesotaClear al 75*4 15: do str.xir'itst 2a *4 sii. MinnesoU Pat¬ents rei'Xl to cioino. *l '.5*4 90 do eta fair *4 7 *6 ¦").

Rye Ploar qaut land weak at 8-1 50f*r Choiee. Wheat-Prie-ei a_Taiei;ed 4*1-- under goo! export inquirr amtlr .uer re'.iorts from other rrnin entres fair d*m*inlriom uni,er., put v.rr little eti*pu*itlon to trad* on i;ie. u.a-. T-* 14 anal . e- reo in ex*<irt eleTator air, steamer

NS. 1 I'enosriTaola lt**-, iu rra 11 .leoot S7c Na fl DelawareRed m expo." elevator 'slr. Na 1 Red deiWV Old Na 7he«l grain depot I'-.'sjc. new No 1 Red in export e.e. stol*<s. Nu 2 Red Jnlv S^a^sitc. do tor Augei.t *7».<r--.rt,, for rseptomber 87S4*r484c: du for october s*sJ'*,Corn.Ste* iv. *t>ot lotsduilat late elerlin*. Na 1 Mtx-d66c **o. 2 Htg'i Mx~l .lo'.c sn. -.' Mixe.1 for Jnlv3.o**53 4c da for Angust 68t*a6laB to tor Septemb«i5i,4*54'sC: (lo furOi-lo'ier 54 '. .r "..". .*--. Oau.Sieady andnrm. ilomand light. Na I M:x.*d 37 4't; l'ngr*rt*<tWhlta 40*>»*4!1iC: Na 3 WHIM 40-V: No. 2 Whit*41»,c future* were itea-1y and* tnem July, wb'.cb waa 4oloT.r No 2 White 41*41 'sC; do for Anm st S»V*i34c;eM fer september di nt a M**. 1 do for Oetooer S2S933o.1'irtatoes dull. White potatoes.Jersey, 35 .toe ner *. hms.souiriern New Rose, ctiole e, ner bb:.. 81 7. e#42 00 seuth-..¦u New Rose .' Prime 4100»15i\ souUiernNew linen, (ul'.s. >b!.. 40SSOC: *-.euthern Chill Heda.Chaia-e r,si. pi 50*2 00. PriTisione stesdr. tn fair -lemand.R.ef City. Farailv. O'" bi., t-t IOaSS )i it* to Packet*17 tOaSOOi suii)k»*t lie-*r li elir. Beet liam* Sid 50*SIT txi Pora Mes*, tlrt do. do Prime Mas*. new

814 ," 'lo Fauiiiv ii" _')<.ti7. Ham*. SmokM nor a. 124BHe* do **. P. cured in tlern-as. ll*12o da -io daIn silt. 9*o. -ide* Cl*ar P.b'iet smoked leiei.i..,

-s. ,n ''rr salt am fulir core.1 T-S47SA: muk-d. 7'teis,*. SMonlelerA olokie enreet. av,c \

di. dev *'..ok»et. 9-1*100. Belli*!, la otaaie. 94*Ma: elo Bre*kfa*t Ii*<!.in 10<_*i;4c Lard Arni-CityR.Aned 19 ()*'<» *' '" lu steam »H s'.*s 4T«s. H'ltoner** lo-Mia*S 26SH natur rtu,i.Pennsylvania creamery F.xtraat."*-.' Western ''reameiv Kxtra at 20c. lt C ml VY. Creamsrr Ki irs at lTo aV.-stern FactorT 1141'..*P.urxiur ii'i'ter lillie. K;rs»i-e!v Arm PennsviTaniaBr*U IS^SleS; Weiurn Arau 154*lrtc Che*** steadrdnoiaod fair; New York Kuli cream 9*9^0 OhuPlats.* B4ei do Pair m Primo tat\e Snrar.Rnanwl weaker. Pow lere-l He OcknalaM-l Tl.0. Fe*etn-mi Winur Bran SIS l'*S'.T '. u-r iain. p*tr*t*am

'> * um test in tibia Ty. Receipt*.Floor I.himbbl*. Wh-at 12,300 rms-. Corn : l,J"0 buih. nea* 1.;!'(»bush. BhiDioeu-s-Wheat baa-. Caira 7.*0t| bu*-,oau SBL4US busa.

EVBOPEAN PRODCCB M VRKETS.r.rvsBr^"). Julv 2*.-3:30 n. m. .Reef-Hoblers offer freely.

Pork. Holders offer mnd-.-r*t*iy. Ham*. Holder* effor mai.eraiolv Lacon-Holders oiTer aparlur v Cnmberlan cutArm at 44* 6d short nb Arm st 47*0*. (Ifeeaaa llol-iarsoffer froelr Tallow- rtul-ers offer moderately Spinu ofTuriienlane-Hal lera orT-r moderately. Rosin .Holder* offermo'ter*leiT Lar.t-Spot and tutur** Holater* o.7«r iparlngty;puree Western.ipot an* July Brm at ISsBd. ela Augustm.: siplsmiiir. Arm at 4a Oat Wheal.Hoi.leer* offer ep*f.IB_ r. u*w N-v 2 WlnUT steadT at Ot 7d new Nu. -Japrinr sieady at tl" *t Flour-Hobler* offer moderately.corn spot ao'. Fu!ur«w. Hobler* offer m*,ler»t«ly mix*lWeatera.«pot ilaatiy at 4a S*«d, do. Juir alaaar at 4* 8%4.|dei Au;ust steady at la 6>»»t da september ateody at4a'.'4<t. nop* at London: New-York Bute Hoi lei* uffornioatersteTa *: 1 mk hi-. Joly 2 s. Wilcox a lard cloaod at yo franca

.11 cm-1 ne* par 1st" kilo*.AXTWRsr. Jun* 2*s -Petroleum Fine pal* AmaTtcaa, 1*

trance 36 centimee paul and 1*! franca 26 oenumea sealer*.-i.-asi. J uiy 2a,-P*uuliu2_t, 7 .tiki m pUojla*,