requirement elicitation techniques.doc

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  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    Requirement Elicitation


    Presented to Dr. Vicki Sauter

    Produced by: Ying Chen

    Date: 11-08-12

    Requirements engineering is branch of software Engineering concerned with the

    real world goals, for Functions of and constraints on software systems. It is also

    concerned with the relationship of these factors to precise specifications of software

    behavior, and to their evolution over time and across software families [3]

    Contents Background


    Four Methods of ommunication

    on!ersational Methods

    "#ser!ational Methods$

    %nal&tic Methods$

    '&nthetic Methods$

    %d!antage and (isad!antage of Requirement Elicitation onclusion

  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc



    )o*ada&s the usage of com+uter a++lications and soft*are is increasing da& #&

    da& and these s&stems +la& a !ital role in the management of #usiness e,isting

    toda&- Most of the soft*are +roducts de!elo+ed toda& is to e,tend the e,isting

    s&stem functionalities- (ue to the toda&.s commercial on the shelf +roducts

    de!elo+ment the !ast range of fields that uses the com+uter to da&[/0] 1 different

    ser!ices are e,+ected #& stakeholders1 *hich make it difficult to de!elo+ soft*are

    that fulfills the e,+ectations of the users- 'ince the /24.s the de!elo+ment of

    com+uters #ased s&stem has faced man& +ro#lems [/2] that leaded to too man&

    +ro5ects #eing dela&ed and o!er #udget- The s&stems that *ere deli!ered also did

    not meet the requirements1 or satisf& the intended +ur+ose *hich resulted in the

    dissatisfaction of the users- The main reason that could #e stated for this +ro#lem is

    difficulties faced in the gathering of requirements1 as requirements engineering is

    the first ste+ in the soft*are de!elo+ments- 6hene!er the requirements engineers

    lack the kno*ledge of the +erformance and characteristics of the different

    elicitation methods1 the acti!ities related to requirements *ill fail1 thus leading to

    *rong gathering of requirements that makes the *rong s+ecification documentne!er meets the stakeholder. e,+ectations and intended ser!ices- Moreo!er1 the

    change in the requirements in the middle of the +ro5ect de!elo+ments +hase *ill

    lead to dela& and increased cost-

    Back to To+

    ntroduction% ma5or goal of Requirements Elicitation is to a!oid the confusions #et*een

    stakeholders and anal&sts- This *ill often in!ol!e +utting significant sort into

    requirements elicitation- 7nfortunatel&1 Requirements Engineering is an immature

    disci+line1 +erha+s not entirel& unfairl& characteri8ed as a #attlefield occu+ied #&
  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    com+eting commercial methods1 firing com+eting claims at each other1 and lea!ing

    the consumers *ear& and confused[ /]-

    The goal of this +a+er is to anal&8e and com+are of the different methods of the

    requirements elicitation +rocess1 *hich *ill #e useful to com+are the different

    characteristics and the +erformance of the different elicitation methods- 9ence1 all

    the requirement elicitation techniques are !er& hand& for e,tracting the

    requirements and different organi8ations1 *hich can use different requirement

    elicitation techniques according to organi8ational culture and needs-

    %s requirements elicitation is a +rocess in *hich intensi!e interaction #et*een

    stakeholders and the anal&sts1 so for finding the interaction #et*een stakeholders

    and anal&sts *ill #e eas& for im+ro!ing the qualit& of e,tracted requirements- It is

    im+ortant to distinguish different elicitation methods according to the four methods

    of communication [:/]$

    /- on!ersational

    :- "#ser!ational

    3- %nal&tic

    ;- '&nthetic

    Each categor& +resents a s+ecific interaction model #et*een anal&sts and

    stakeholders- 7nderstanding the method categor& hel+s engineers understand

    different elicitation methods and guides them to select a++ro+riate method for

    requirements elicitation-

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    !our "ethods o# Co$$unication

    Conversational Methods
  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    The con!ersational method +ro!ides a means of !er#al communication #et*een

    stakeholders and %nal&sts- %s con!ersation is a natural *a& of communication and

    an effecti!e mean of e,+ressing needs and ideas1 and the con!ersational methods

    are used massi!el& to understand the +ro#lems and to elicit generic +roduct

    requirements- The on!ersational Methods are also kno*n as !er#al methods []1

    such as Inter!ie*s1

  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    "rainstorming #$$%Brainstorming is another con!ersation method- It has some

    similarities *ith *orksho+s and focus grou+s as in Brainstorming stakeholders are

    gather together for a short time +eriod #ut in this short time +eriod the& de!elo+ a

    large and #road list of ideas- In this meeting out >of>the>#o, thinking a++roach is

    encouraged- The #rainstorming in!ol!es #oth idea generation and idea reduction-

    on!ersation is one of the most +re!alent &et in!isi#le forms of social interaction-

    ?eo+le are usuall& ha++& to descri#e their *ork and difficulties the& face- The

    !er#all& e,+ressi!e demands1 needs and constraints are often called non>tacit

    requirements [13]-on!ersational methods are !er& commonl& used in requirements

    de!elo+ment- 9o*e!er1 the& are la#or intensi!e [5]$ meeting setu+ and transcri+t+roducing and anal&8ing from records of a li!e interaction take time-

    Back to To+

    &bservational Methods

    The o#ser!ational method +ro!ides means to de!elo+ a #etter understanding a#out

    domain of %++lication- "#ser!ation methods *ork #& o#ser!ing human acti!ities at

    en!ironment *here s&stem is e,+ected to #e de+lo&ed- In addition to state a#le

    requirements1 some requirements are a++arent to stakeholders1 #ut stakeholders

    find it !er& hard to !er#ali8e-

    The o#ser!ation methods come into +la& *here @er#al communication #ecomes

    hel+less for collecting tacit requirements- Therefore1 o#ser!ing ho* +eo+le carr&

    out their routine *ork forms a means of acquisition of information *hich are hard to

    !er#ali8e- The o#ser!ational methods a++ear to #e *ell suited *hen stakeholders

    find it difficult to state their needs and *hen anal&sts are looking for a #etter

    understanding of the conte,t in *hich the desired +roduct is e,+ected to #e used-

    "#ser!ational methods is including1 'ocial anal&sis1 "#ser!ation1 Ethnogra+hic

    stud&1 and +rotocol anal&sis-
  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    'ocial analysis, &bservation, Ethnographic study#$(% %n o#ser!er s+ends some

    time in a societ& or culture for making detailed o#ser!ation of all their +ractices-

    This +ractice gi!es the initial understanding of s&stem1 *ork flo* and organi8ational


    )rotocol analysis#13]:In +rotocol anal&sis a stakeholder is o#ser!ed *hen he is

    engaged in some task1 and concurrentl& s+eaks out loud and e,+lains his thought-

    6ith the +rotocol anal&sis it is eas& to identif& Interaction +ro#lems in e,isting

    s&stems and it gi!es #etter and closer understanding of 6ork conte,t and *ork


    For "#ser!ational methods1 the o#ser!er must #e acce+ted #& the +eo+le #eingstudied and the +eo+le #eing studied should carr& on *ith their normal acti!ities as

    if the o#ser!er is not there-

    In #oth on!ersational and "#ser!ation methods1 requirement elicitation is done #&

    stud&ing some indi!iduals #ut a !ariet& of documentation ma& +ro!e out to #e

    hand& for e,tracting the requirements of the desired +roduct- The documentation

    ma& include +ro#lem anal&sis1 organi8ational charts1 standards1 user manuals of

    e,isting s&stems1 sur!e& re+ort of com+etiti!e s&stems in market1 and so on- B&

    stud&ing these documents1 engineers ca+ture the information a#out the a++lication

    domain1 the *orkflo*1 the +roduct features1 and ma+ it to the requirements


    Back to To+

    *nalytic Methods

    on!ersational or "#ser!ational methods are used to directl& e,tracted

    requirements from +eo+le.s #eha!ior and their !er#ali8ed thought- But still there is

    a lot of kno*ledge that is not directl& e,+ressed1 for e,am+le e,+ert.s kno*ledge1

    information a#out regulation and legac& +roducts are some e,am+les of such
  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    sources- %ll the stated sources +ro!ide engineers rich information in relation to the

    +roduct- %nal&tic methods +ro!ide *a&s to e,+lore the e,isting documentation or

    kno*ledge and acquire requirements from a series of deductions-it *ill include

    Requirement reuse1 documentation studies1 laddering1 and re+ertor& grid [/]

    Requirement reuseIn this technique1 glossaries and s+ecification of legac& s&stems

    or s&stems *ithin the same +roduct famil& is used to identif& requirements of the

    desired s&stem-

    It has #een o#ser!ed that man& requirements in a ne* s&stem are more or less

    same as the& *ere in a legac& s&stem.s requirement- 'o it is not a #ad idea to

    reuse the details of requirements of an earlier s&stem in a ne* s&stem-

    +ocumentation studies #%In this technique different a!aila#le documents Ae-g-

    "rgani8ational +olicies1 standards1 legislation1 Market information1 '+ecification of

    legac& s&stems are read and studied to find the content that can +ro!e out to #e

    rele!ant useful for the requirements elicitation tasks-

    -adderingThis technique can #e di!ided in 3 +arts$ creation1 re!ie*ing and

    modification- Caddering method is a form of structured inter!ie* that is *idel& used

    in the field of kno*ledge elicitation acti!ities to elicit stakeholder.s goals1 aims and

    !alues %nal&st used laddering method to create1 re!ie* and modif& the hierarchical

    contents of e,+ert.s kno*ledge in the form of tree diagram- It *as first introduced

    #& the clinical +s&chologists in /24 to understand the +eo+le score !alues and

    #eliefs [0-] Its success in the fields of +s&cholog& allo*s other researchers in the

    industries to ada+t it in their fields- '+ecificall& soft*are de!elo+ers ha!e ada+ted

    the laddering techniques for gather the com+le, user tacit requirements-

    Repertory grid'takeholder is asked for attri#utes a++lica#le to a set of entities

    and !alues for cells in entit& >attri#ute matri,- [/;]

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    In general1 the anal&tic methods are not !ital to requirements elicitation1 since

    requirements are ca+tured indirectl& from other sources1 rather than end users and

    customers- 9o*e!er1 the& form com+lementar& ones to im+ro!e the efficienc& and

    effecti!eness of requirements elicitation1 es+eciall& *hen the information from

    legac& or related +roducts is reusa#le-

    Back to To+

    'ynthetic Methods

    'o far1 *e ha!e discussed on!ersational1 "#ser!ational and %nal&tic methods- It is

    a++arent that )o single method is sufficient enough to de!elo+ all the requirementof a s&stem- %ll these methods are good and !er& hand& in some certain conte,t

    and circumstances- It is often a good idea to com#ine different elicitation methods

    for de!elo+ing requirement- The com#ination hel+s the engineer unco!er the #asic

    as+ects and gain a generic kno*ledge of the a++lication domain- Instead of

    com#ining different of indi!idual methods1 the s&nthetic method forms a coherent

    *hole #& s&stematicall& com#ining con!ersation1 o#ser!ation1 and anal&sis into

    single methods- %nal&sts and stakeholder re+resentati!es communicate and

    coordinate in different *a&s to reach a common understanding of the desired

    +roduct- '&nthetic methods are kno*n as colla#orati!e methods as the& are

    colla#oration of multi+le requirement elicitation methods- Requirement elicitation

    techniques of '&nthetic methods are including scenarios1 +assi!e storoards1

    +rotot&+ing1 interacti!e storoards1 D%(R%( sessions1 and onte,tual inquir& []-

    'cenarios, passive storyboardsIt is an interaction session- In this session a

    sequence of actions and e!ents descri#ed for e,ecuting some generic task *hich

    the s&stem is intended to accom+lish- 6ith the hel+ of this technique1 clear

    requirement related to +rocedure and data flo* can #e achie!ed- 6ith this

    technique initial set of requirement can #e +re+ared in lesser cost-
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    )rototyping, Interactive storyboardsIn this technique1 a concrete #ut +artial s&stem

    is discussed *ith stakeholders- This concrete #ut +artial s&stem is e,+ected to #e

    deli!ered at the end of +ro5ect- The +ur+ose of sho*ing this s&stem to stakeholders

    is to elicit and !alidate functional requirement- The +

    *+/R*+ sessions #$0%It stands for Doint %++lication (e!elo+mentRa+id %++lication

    (e!elo+ment and em+hasi8es user in!ol!ement through grou+ sessions *ith

    un#iased facilitator- D%( is conducted in the same manner as #rainstorming1 e,ce+t

    that the stakeholders and the users are also allo*ed to +artici+ate and discuss on

    the design of the +ro+osed s&stem- The discussion *ith the stakeholders and the

    users continues until the final requirements are gathered-

    Conte1tual inquiry#(%this technique is a com#ination of o+en>ended inter!ie*1

    *ork+lace o#ser!ation1 and +rotot&+ing- This method used for interacti!e s&stems

    design *here user interface design is critical-

    %ll four requirement elicitation methods are commonl& used #ut the selection of

    requirement elicitation method entirel& de+ends on the needs and organi8ational

    structure- )o matter *hat de!elo+ment +ro5ect is1 requirements de!elo+ment

    nearl& al*a&s takes +lace in the conte,t of a human acti!it& s&stem1 and +ro#lem

    o*ners are +eo+le [16]- It is essential for requirements engineers to stud& ho*

    +eo+le +ercei!e1 understand1 and e,+ress the +ro#lem domain1 ho* the& interact

    *ith the desired +roduct1 and ho* the +h&sical and cultural en!ironments affect

    their actions-

    The con!ersational methods +ro!ide a direct contact channel #et*een engineers

    and stakeholders1 and the requirements are mainl& no tacit- The o#ser!ational

    methods +ro!ide an indirect channel #& o#ser!ing user.s interaction *ith his *ork

    setting and conte,t1 and the requirements fall into tacit kno*ledge- The anal&tic

    methods form one com+lementar& indirect contact channel to e,tract requirements

    +roacti!el&- The s&nthetic methods focus more on collecti!e effort on clarif&ing the

  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    features of desired +roducts1 and the communication channel is therefore a mi, of

    direct contact and indirect contact- Each t&+e of techniques has trade>offs- In

    realit&1 of course1 the #oundar& #et*een different t&+es of method is #lurred-

    Back to To+

    %d&antage and Disad&antage o# 'e(uire$ent )*icitation

    %fter the discussion the different of the four grou+ of requirement elicitation

    method- In order to understand the each Requirement elicitation Methods and

    effecti!e use them in the real case 1*e ha!e to focus on the ad!antages and

    disad!antages of different requirement elicitation methods$ on!ersational1

    "#ser!ational1 %nal&tic and '&nthetic one #& one-

    / %s con!ersation is a natural and effecti!e *a& of communication1 that.s *h& the

    con!ersational methods are used massi!el&- on!ersational methods include

    techniques such as$ inter!ie*s1

  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    requirements- E,+erts no*ledge and "+inion +la&s an im+ortant role in

    requirement maturit&- Moreo!er1 reuse of alread& a!aila#le information sa!es

    time and cost- %nal&tical methods ha!e hierarchical flo* of information as


    (isad!antages of %nal&tical Methods$ %long ad!antages1 %nal&tical methods

    ha!e certain disad!antages as *ell- The #iggest disad!antage is that an

    anal&tical method requires some em+irical data1 documentation or e,+ert.s

    o+inions *ithout these it is difficult to elicit +ro+er requirements- 'imilarl&

    anal&tical methods can narro* the !ision of +roduct- %s anal&tical methods

    deal *ith some earlier kno*ledge so +ossi#ilit& of error re+lication is aserious and constant threat- %nal&tical methods are ne!er a good choice

    *hen &ou are going to de!elo+ an altogether ne* s&stem- [/:]

    Back to To+


    Requirements elicitation is a critical ste+ in the requirements de!elo+ment +rocess-

    It is consequentl& im+erati!e that requirements engineers a++l& a++ro+riate

    methods to +erform the +rocess sufficientl&- Based on *hich a +ractical guideline

    for method selection is suggested1 *e ha!e attem+ted to +resent meaningful

    insights into the feature of different t&+es of requirements elicitation techniques-

    The classification of requirements elicitation methods is #ased on the nature of the

    techniques- It re!eals the different communication channels for the anal&sts to elicit

    requirements1 and +ro!ides the conte,tual situation for method selection-

    It is *orth outlining that the techniques discussed in this +a+er are #ased on the

    im+licit assum+tion that the human stakeholders and the requirements anal&sts are

    coo+erati!e and sincere- The stakeholders are *illing to share kno*ledge *ith the

    anal&sts and the anal&sts +re+ared carefull& #efore conducting an elicitation
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    session- Requirements engineering is a com+le, social interaction +rocess1 the

    techniques discussed in our +a+er +ro!ide anal&sts a +ro+er and conte,tual means

    to +erform the +rocess- Besides1 the anal&sts should +ossess inter+ersonal skills to

    hel+ #uild consensus #et*een heterogeneous grou+s of stakeholders- 'uch social

    skills are as im+ortant as the techniques used in the engineering +rocess-

  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc



    /- Master thesis in com+uter

    science htt+$***-ukessa&s-comessa&scom+uter>sciencemaster>thesis>


    :- Requirements =athering and (etermination



    3- Bashar )usei#eh1 'te!e Easter#rook Requirements Engineering$ %

    Roadma+ htt+$***-doc-ic-ac-ukG#an+u#ssotar-re-+df

    ;- B&rd1 T-%-1 ossick1 -C- and Jmud1 R-6- % '&nthesis of Research on

    Requirements %nal&sis and no*ledge %cquisition Techniques- MI'


    'oft*are Technolog& 'u++ortenter A'T'

    K- =um+1 F-1 :4421 Requirement Elicitation Techniques



    0- 9a*le&1 M-1 :4421 Caddering$ % Research Inter!ie* Technique for

    7nco!ering ore @alues



    2- 9olt8#latt1 - and Be&er1 9- Making customer>centered design *ork for

    teams- omm- %M1 3 A/4- 23 L /43

  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    /4- 9udlicka1 E-1 Requirements elicitation *ith indirect kno*ledge elicitation

    techniques$ com+arison of three methods- in Requirements Engineering1

    Aolorado '+rings1 "1 /221 ; L //

    //- Ceffing*ell1 (- and 6idrig1 (- Managing 'oft*are Requirements > % 7ser

    ase %++roach1 :nd Ed- %ddison>6esle&1 :443-

    /:- Clo&d1 6-D-1 Rosson1 M-B- and %rthur1 D-(-1 Effecti!eness of elicitation

    techniques in distri#uted requirements engineering- in IEEE Doint International

    onference on Requirements Engineering1 A:44:1 3// L 3/0

    /3- Maiden1 )-%-M- and Rugg1 =- %RE$ 'electing Methods for Requirements

    %cquisition- 'oft*are Engineering Dournal1 // A3- /03 L /2:

    /;- )an )iu1 'te!e Easter#rook (isco!ering %s+ects in Requirements *ith

    Re+ertor& =rid htt+$trese-cs-ut*ente-nl*orksho+searl&>as+ects>


    /H- )ielsen1 (-1 :442a1 Requirements =athering > hoosing the Right Tools


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    /- )usei#eh1 B- and Easter#rook1 '-1 Requirements engineering$ a

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    /K- Roel 6ieringa1 ?ractical Requirements Engineering 'olute


    /0- Rottmann1 (-1 :4421 Doint %++lication (e!elo+ment



    'te+hen @iller 1Ian 'ommer!ille 'ocial anal&sis in the requirementsengineering +rocess$ from ethnogra+h& to method htt+$archi!e-cs-st>

    andre*s-ac-uk'T'E 9and#ook?a+ers'ocial%nal&sisRE?rocess>@iller-+df

    :4- 'u8anne Ro#ertson1 Dames Ro!ertsonions$ Mastering the requirements


  • 8/14/2019 Requirement Elicitation Techniques.doc


    :/- 6ai>hing CeungQ ho* to design questionnaire- 7ni!ersit& of East %nglia


    ::- Jhang1 J-1 :44K1 Effecti!e Requirements (e!elo+ment > % om+arison of

    Requirements Elicitation techniques1 Tam+ere1 Finland