requirements document - csci222 assignment 1

Fadi Boufarhat 3626283 Huzeifa Karachiwala 3544436 Haris Jaliawala CSCI222 - Systems Assignment 1 SubEazy v1.0 Beta Page 1 of 7

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Assignment 1 of Systems Development Course. Its a Requirements Document.Basic documentation techniques applied.


Page 1: Requirements Document - CSCi222 Assignment 1

Fadi Boufarhat 3626283Huzeifa Karachiwala 3544436

Haris Jaliawala

CSCI222 - SystemsAssignment 1

SubEazy v1.0 Beta

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Page 2: Requirements Document - CSCi222 Assignment 1

Fadi Boufarhat 3626283Huzeifa Karachiwala 3544436

Haris Jaliawala

Requirements Document

Table of Contents

1. Project Preliminaries

1 .1 Purpose and Scope of the Product1 .2 Business Context1 .3 Stakeholders1 .4 Ideas for Solutions1 .5 Document Overview

2. System Services

2 .1 The Scope of the System2 .2 Function Requirements2 .3 Data Requirements

3. System Constraints3 .1 Interface Requirements3 .2 Performance Requirements3 .3 Security Requirements3 .4 Operational Requirements3 .5 Political and Legal Requirements3 .6 Other Constraints

4. Project Matters4 .1 Open Issues4 .2 Preliminary Schedule4 .3 Preliminary Budget

AppendicesGlossaryBusiness Documents and FormsReferences

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Page 3: Requirements Document - CSCi222 Assignment 1

Fadi Boufarhat 3626283Huzeifa Karachiwala 3544436

Haris Jaliawala

1) Project Preliminaries

The main aim of this project is to develop an application that will enable every subject in the current semester to be allocated to a faculty member through an automated software solution that will help create a scheduled course timetable. The course schedule will be created based on various statistics such as faculty member’s qualification, and the number of available hours he/she has.Based on the following statistics, it will provide options to the subject allocator on which lecturer should be appointed for the subject. It will also display the number of hours required for each subject inclusive of all lectures, labs and tutorials.

1.1) Purpose and the Scope of the product

The purpose and scope of the product allows the user and the faculty member to enter information into the system which performs the required functions and processes, to allocate the subject to a suitable teacher by notifying him through SubEazy.

1.2) Business Context

SubEazy is mainly used to allocate subjects to every faculty member of the department. Once the system is successfully executed in this university, intellectual property rights can be put into place. Later, the system can be packaged and sold to various other universities and other institutions that would benefit from using the system. The sales will create an extra income and help cover the development cost.

1.3) Stakeholders

The stakeholders of this system are the University Academic Director, the Dean, the Professors and the Administration Department.It will help the IT Staff and all the other departments to keep a well versed, clash-free subject timetable for the teachers.Developers of this system will implement this system on all the required machines.

1.4) Ideas for Solutions

SubEazy will be developed in Visual Studio (Win32 Console Application) in C++.The database system which will be used to hold the entire Faculty member’s data and the student reviews for each teacher will be Microsoft Access.

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Page 4: Requirements Document - CSCi222 Assignment 1

Fadi Boufarhat 3626283Huzeifa Karachiwala 3544436

Haris Jaliawala

The system will have an intuitive design interface which will be user-friendly and will have a small learning curve.

1.5) Document Overview

2. System Services

2.1) Scope of the System:

The Context Diagram shown here, describes the scope of SubEazy.It shows the specific users needed, their required data inputs and the final output.The system will take the input from the User and the Teacher, and using the information entered, will output by notifying the teacher about his allocated subject.Each subject should have at least one teacher.

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Page 5: Requirements Document - CSCi222 Assignment 1

Fadi Boufarhat 3626283Huzeifa Karachiwala 3544436

Haris Jaliawala

2.2) Function Requirements:

The functional requirements of the system are the ones which will have to be entered by the generic user. The generic users in this case are the User, and the Teacher.The User is in charge of entering the subject ID’s of the subjects being offered in the current semester, and the number of hours each subject requires.The Teacher is supposed to enter his qualification and the number of hours he is available to teach. These are the major functional inputs required from the user. Without them, the subject allocator will not be able to function correctly.

2.3) Data Requirements:

The functional requirements discussed above, contains the data to be inputted. The main data entry required for the system by the user are the Subject Codes which are alphanumeric and the number of hours required for each subject, which is a number.The teacher has to enter his qualification in terms of which level of subject is he qualified to teach, so the input will be a number. Also, he will input the number of hours he is available to teach the subject, which will also be a number.Therefore, the amount of data entry required for SubEazy to function is minimal.

Task 4:

Use Case Document:

One of the major Use Cases in the System UML is Teacher Name.This Use Case requires the teachers ID, his/her qualification and his/her available hours. All of these data entries are of integer type and require a direct input from the faculty member.

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