
Evaluation designOn basis of timing of evaluation they are categorised to 3 Types of evaluation Concurrent evaluation Periodic evaluation Terminal evaluation

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research methedology(evaluation design)


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Evaluation design…On basis of timing of evaluation

they are categorised to 3

Types of evaluation




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Concurrent evaluation

This study moves at par with the implementation of projects or

programs and it is a continuous process.these are helpful in

evaluating the quality of implementation and they do serve as feedback mechanism for improving


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An entrepreneur will aways cocurrently analyse the change in market system to gain familiarity with situation

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India's Janani Suraksha Yojana, a conditional cash transfer programme to increase births in health facilities: an impact evaluation

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Periodic evaluation

As name suggest ,this study is undertaken after definite interval or completion of distinct phase of programme.periodic intervals may also used In case of continous projects

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Evaluation after completing phases

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Terminal evaluation

Study is undertaken only after completion of project or program.this study helps to asses the extent to which the aim of project stands achieved.cost benefit is also feature of this study

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Analysing amount of electricity production of nuclear plant

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Casual design

Casual design attemt to test hypothesis about cause effect relationships.this design is concerned with the stydy cause and effect relationship between real world variables and and events are under study

Simply it states that independent variable can cause change in dependent variable.

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Definitions and Concepts

Independent variables are variables or alternatives that are manipulated and whose effects are measured and compared, e.g., price levels.

Test units are individuals, organizations, or other entities whose response to the independent variables or treatments is being examined, e.g., consumers or stores.

Dependent variables are the variables which measure the effect of the independent variables on the test units, e.g., sales, profits, and market shares.

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Evidence of Concomitant Variation betweenPurchase of Fashion Clothing and Education


High Low

363 (73%) 137 (27%)

322 (64%) 178 (36%)

Purchase of Fashion Clothing, Y

500 (100%)

500 (100%)Low




, X

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Cross sectional design

A cross sectional study is concerned with the behaviour of sample of elements with in given population.they are of 2 type. field study and survey

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Field study

There are in-depth studies of real life situation like communities and such target groups.since,these studies are based on natural response of respondents rather than an artificial environment

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Sureys are elaborate study of universe takes has wider scope than field study,there exist outright data collection tactics.possibilityof much more generalisation make this very precise method

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Experimental design

Experimentation is a research process in which the experimenter manipulate one or more variables under consideration.the variables so manipulated are independent variables and those influenced by manipulated variables are dependent variable

Set of dependent variable will left free from manipulation which form controled group.experimentation involve controling factors that are related to or may affect variables under investigation so that efect of variable may be measured

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Definitions and Concepts

Independent variables are variables or alternatives that are manipulated and whose effects are measured and compared, e.g., price levels.

Test units are individuals, organizations, or other entities whose response to the independent variables or treatments is being examined, e.g., consumers or stores.

Dependent variables are the variables which measure the effect of the independent variables on the test units, e.g., sales, profits, and market shares.

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An investigator wants to evaluate whether a new technique to teach math to elementary school students is more effective than the standard teaching method. Using an experimental design, the investigator divides the class randomly (by chance) into two groups and calls them “group A” and “group B.” The students cannot choose their own group. The random assignment process results in two groups that should share equal characteristics at the beginning of the experiment. In group A, the teacher uses a new teaching method to teach the math lesson. In group B, the teacher uses a standard teaching method to teach the math lesson. The investigator compares test scores at the end of the semester to evaluate the success of the new teaching method compared to the standard teaching method.  At the end of the study, the results indicated that the students in the new teaching method group scored significantly higher on their final exam than the students in the standard teaching group.

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Selected experimentation design After only without control group

designThis simplest formal design of

experimentation is of much use in visualising an experiment in simplified an experimental variable.the measure of dependent varible(sale turnover,brand preference) before experimentation is based on an estimate and is implicit.this shall compared with explicit measure of variable

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Effect of experiment is =explicit measure-implicit measure

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After only with control group The most common design of this

type takes to account two identical group of respondents with equal size and one group wil subjected to experimentation and other will maintained as it is

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effect of experimentation=measure of dependent variable after expeimental group-measure of dependent variable after experimentation

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A researcher wants to discover the effects of a new teaching method. A class is selected and randomly divided into two groups, one of which is taught by the conventional method and one by the new method. Both groups are then measured with a standard ability test.

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Before after without control group design

Here the design a single test grouup or area is selected and dependent variables are measured before expeimentation.the same is after measured after experimentation and effect of treatmen would be equql to measure before and after experimentation