research and questionnaire analysis pro forma

Research and Questionnaire Analysis Richard & Robyn

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Post on 14-May-2015




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Page 1: Research and questionnaire analysis pro forma

Research and Questionnaire Analysis

Richard & Robyn

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Summary of audience research

To gain knowledge of our audience, we had to do some research. We did this is two different ways: survey & interviews. We used a mix of questions to find out what our target audience should be when producing our recipe cards. We asked questions such as ‘Would you eat Quorn as a meat substitute’ and the more obvious question ‘Which of the following are you?’ with the options of five different answers including Vegan, Vegetarian and Pescetarian. From this, we can work hard to incorporate recipes without meat for every type of food group. Overall, we found that the response we got was enough to gain information on who we want to target our recipe cards at.

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Question: What is your age?

•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?What this tells us is that the majority of participants are between the ages of 16 to 19. We have concluded that this is down to the access of the questionnaire as it was posted on Facebook & Twitter.

•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audience?We can use this to make a comparison with the other answers we got from the the three other age groups. Although they are majorly smaller, we can still make a slight comparisons between the age groups and how they answered the questions. We could use the answers we were given to target our product at a specific age group.

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Further analysis

We found that 84% of the people that answered our survey were aged 14 to 19 = 16 out of the 19 participants. 5.26% were between the ages 26-30, 31-39 & 55+. By looking at this data would we conclude that we should target our products at someone in this age bracket. There are other reasons why we believe that this would be a positive audience to target. Although you would assume that this age bracket would not have a strong opinion of this matter, we have found they do.

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Question: What is your gender?

•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?This tells us that the majority of people that answered our survey were female.

•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audienceWe could use this information to find out what a female audience wants to find in a recipe card and cater to that audience. We can also see a comparison between male & female.

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Further analysis

Looking at these results further, we should target our product at the female market as we have more data on them which we can look back on. Although we did get male responses, we found that 3 of the responses were from the older generations (not 14-19) which is not going to be useful to us when producing the products. We will look further into what this gender wants to find in a recipe card on later slides.

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Question: Which of the following are you?

• What does this tell you about your research and your audience?We found that there were to major different types of people: meat eaters &

non-meat eaters. Whilst 10 people claimed they ate meat, we found 9 people did not (including the Pescetarian). This generally tells us that an equal amount of meat-eaters & non-meat eaters answered the questionnaire.

• How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audience? What this tells us is that we could in fact target our product at a non-meat eater & find an audience that is the same size as a meat-eater audience.

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Further analysis

Looking at our data further, we found that 6/12 females we asked are vegetarians. This is a slightly larger percentage overall from the data we got from the male participants. This gives us another reason to target our recipe cards at females. Within this percentage, we found one vegan & one Pescetarian. We could also target our recipe cards at this audience.

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Question: How often do you use a recipe?

•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?This raw data tells us that more than half of the people asked use a recipe between sometimes & all the time.

•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audience

Although this data does not allow us to know how often someone uses a recipe card specifically, we would assume that they would want to use one if they had access to one.

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Further analysis

Analysing the data further, we found that 50% of the females we asked would use a recipe card from sometimes-all the time. This fits in with our data about using Quorn as a meat substitute. This allows us to narrow down further who we want to target our recipe cards at. Although it would have been better to have a larger percentage of females using recipes to produce meals, we can still find an audience so we still can. This links in with the idea/stereotype that females are the ones that cook in a family.

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Question: Would you use Quorn as a meat substitute?

•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?We asked this question specifically to find out if we could get meat-eaters to use the recipe cards, as well as the non-meat eaters.

•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audience?When we look at the data further, we can find out if meat-eaters would be up for using a vegetarian recipe card.

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Further analysis

Looking further into the analysis, we found that 7/12 females would use Quorn as a meat substitute. This number is useful to know because we really can target our recipe cards at this audience now (females who eat/want to eat Quorn). This is larger than how many males would use Quorn as a meat substitute, which was only 4 people.

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Question: If you’re not a vegetarian or vegan, would you consider either as a lifestyle choice?

•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?

This question was made for people that are not vegetarians or vegans, but some non-meat eaters answered the question.

•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audience?

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Further analysis

Looking at this data further I have found that 5/6 females that are not already non-meat eaters would consider a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. This is very useful to know as we could then further target these recipe cards at females that are thinking about becoming vegetarian/would consider it as a lifestyle. To help these females, it would be useful to use Quorn in the recipes.

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Question: What is your favourite meal?

•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?This part of the questionnaire told us what kind of favourite foods/meals.•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audienceWe can use this to appeal to the audience by producing replicates of the kind of food they would want to make. We could use the recipes to make a theme e.g. all around the world.

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Further analysis

Looking further into this, we have found that we could assign one recipe card to one of the favourite meals. Food taste is generally gender neutral, so it should not matter whether a male or female is eating the food. It is stereotypical that the women in a family cooks, although this is not strictly true.

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•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?Everyone who answered the questionnaire said that they would associate the colour green with vegetarianism.

•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audience?This allows us to know that we should use for colours on our recipe cards.

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Further analysis

Although we had already done research & found that green is used often on recipe cards, we just wanted to make sure that green would be the right colour choice for our recipe cards. We wanted to make sure that the audience knew what colours to look out for when looking for a vegetarian recipe card. This also helps us to know what colours we need to incorporate into our recipes once we make the food.

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Question: What would entice you to purchase/use a recipe card?

•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?Looking at the answers we got to the this question, we have found that imagery is the most important aspect a person looks at when choosing a recipe/recipe card.

•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audience?This can help us by making sure we pay special attention to some aspects, possibly more than others. But knowing the fact that an audience believes that imagery is the most significant means we need to make these extra special.

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Further analysis

Looking further into this, we've found that all aspects are important & have to work well together. Although imagery did come out with the highest percentage at 53%, simple cooking instructions also got a high percentage at 48%. We then found variety of meals to be at 42% & design (colour) at 26%. This also tells us that some people find other aspects more important than others. When producing our recipe cards, we need to make sure all of these aspects are done well so we can access and reach as many people as possible, preferably our target audience.

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Question: Where would you most likely find a recipe?

•What does this tell you about your research and your audience?

A lot of our audience find recipes/recipe cards from doing internet searches. This suggests that recipe cards are not as prolific as they used to be & possibly not needed for the younger demographic that we are targeting at

•How can you use this to make your product appeal to this audience?Although we have clearly been asked to produce recipe cards, it would also be recommended to the client that these recipes can be accessed online, as that is where the majority of people find their recipes.

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Further analysis

Looking at the numbers, over 70% of people said that they would find recipes online. That got us thinking that an online version would be of significant importance to our audience & to the company. We would highly recommend this happen, alongside the obvious recipe cards that should be featured in specialist magazines & as hand outs in supermarkets. Although it states in this research that only 5% of people use supermarkets for recipes, through secondary research, we found that supermarkets often produce their own recipe cards for their customers to access. It would be useful if we produced recipe cards to feature in a supermarket.

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ConclusionsOverall, we have found that younger people, particularly females, would be interested in using something such as our recipe cards. This is what we have concluded from primary research. Due to it being primary research, we found that we did not get a lot of responses although we tried to get it out there as much as possible by tweeting it to Quorn, posting it on Facebook & sending it to numerous friends of ours. We were able to come to a conclusion from our results though, although this may change during secondary research. If we were to change anything, we would probably add a few more questions e.g. ‘Would you be interested in a themed set of recipe cards?’ Or ‘Do you cook your own meals or does someone do that for you?’. That would have allowed us to further our knowledge of our audience. This research will help us because we now know what an audience expects from something like a recipe card. The question ‘What would entice you to purchase/use a recipe card?’ was helpful for us to know what we need to focus on when making our recipe cards. During interviews & the answers we got from the questionnaire, we found that females are more likely to use recipe cards & use Quorn as a meat substitute. Although that could be seen as the target audience, the cards are not exclusively for them. There is not much gender difference when it comes to recipes. Our aim is not to shun out a particular group of people. We add that we cannot justify our decisions entirely from this primary data as there were only 19 respondents at the time of writing, secondary data is needed.