research into target audience

Research into Target Audience Jack Cox

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Research into Target Audience

Jack Cox

Research into similar products

The Kerrang Magazine is a very popular magazine and has a wide range of an audience. The graph above shows the range of audiences that buy and read the magazine. Kerrang is a rock magazine that is presented as loud and messy. This obviously appeals to a younger audience due to the results above. With this information I want to be able to know how I can design my magazine for my set target audience.

The Mojo magazine is ‘the world’s largest UK music magazine’. It is issued monthly and covers news about different genres of music. This magazine is presented as more classy and neat which appeals to a larger audience and also a male audience according to the graph above. With this information I want to be able to know how I can design my magazine for my set target audience.

What Am I going to do with the results of my questionnaire? (Q1)

In question 1 I asked if the people answering were male or female. From the results from the graph I have learned that the majority of people taking my survey were male. I have done this so I know the majority of people that will read my magazine will be male however, a big fraction of my audience will be female.

What Am I going to do with the results of my questionnaire? (Q2)

In question 2 I asked the age of the people who were doing my survey. The majority of people taking my survey were aged between 15-19 years of age. From doing this question I have decided to make my target audience 15-19 year olds, however if anybody younger or older wants to read my magazine then they can although it’s not aimed at them.

What Am I going to do with the results of my questionnaire? (Q3)

For question 3, I asked if people read music magazines. I asked this because if the people taking my survey didn’t read them then there wouldn’t be much point in the survey as I am trying to find out about my audience.

What Am I going to do with the results of my questionnaire? (Q4)

In question 4 I asked what music magazines people like to read. A lot of people said rock magazines which is good as I am doing a rock magazine. This means I have an audience that would be interested in my magazine. The people that skipped this question is because they don’t read magazines.

What Am I going to do with the results of my questionnaire? (Q5)

After doing this question I wasn’t sure with how I worded the answers although people seem to know what I was on about. I asked what a typical rock magazine may look like and the majority of people said ‘messy but easy to navigate’. This show that when I make my magazine, it should be messy e.g. title and pictures; but it is still easy to read.

What Am I going to do with the results of my questionnaire? (Q6)

Next for question 6, I had to learn how much money people were willing to pay for a weekly magazine. I asked this so I would know how much I was going to charge for may magazine. After finding out my results I am going to set the price for my magazine as £1-£1.99. this is because it is a weekly magazine with little content and isn’t worth much money, also it is a new magazine that people may not want to spend a lot of money on as they don’t know what is inside.

What Am I going to do with the results of my questionnaire? (Q7)

For question 7, I asked what people would expect to see in a rock magazine. I asked this so I would know what interests my audience. I wanted to know what to include in my magazine that people would like to read. The results I received all said information about bands and artists, some of them had a little extra that said new releases and songs. From these results I know that people want to read information about bands and artists and also upcoming bands and artists.