research lo3 redone

INDEX Press junkets Trailer Posters Merchandising Viral campaign

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INDEXPress junkets




Viral campaign

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PRESS JUNKETS I plan to include the discussed press junket groups as they are a prime example of the target

audience that would be drawn in by this production. As well as getting the information of this movie out to other people who would appeal from this product, it’ll also help to create a good write up for the new movie considering pros and cons of both the storyline and cast.

Location – For the purpose of my Bond film I wanted to have a location which fitted in with look and style of the Bond series. After a thorough amount of research was undertaken, looking into a suitable location I eventually decided to work with Mayfair hotel in London as this has been used in the past for many film and media related events such as the BFI film festival and London fashion week as well as having partnerships with the Olivier awards. To help with these sorts of events, the hotel contains a screening room which is capable of holding up to 201 seats in front of an 8m screen and stage, available with optional speaker podiums with THX quality as well as providing an energising and inspiring platform for multimedia presentations allowing me to be able to present my work thus far for my ne Bond production whilst ensuring that there will be plenty of spacing for both cameras and lighting crew as well as the attending press conference.

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Attending television channels and newspapers – In order to draw in the appropriate target audience I plan to have a press junket that will consist of suitable representatives. To achieve this I intend on having Presses such as the Daily telegraph, the Times Empire and Film magazine as they will allow for a good write up of the cons and opinions given out by the cast and crew who attend the event.

As well as this I also wish to have television conservatives including BBC news and SKY news since they will also help to provide a suitable representation of the target audience during the press.

EON productions - The press conference for nearly all of the Bond film was hosted by EON productions who were also responsible to much of the work going into Skyfall such as equipment and marketing. The intention was to try and capture the publics attention about the event in the hope of capturing more peoples interests for when the final cut of the film is released in October.

Their latest conference was hosted at the Mayfair hotel for the for SKYFALL 007 where by the cast and director were all interviewed, giving their own opinions on the working title. It was quoted during this conference by co-chairman Gary Barber and Chief executive officer Roger Birnbaum “it is fitting that with SKYFALL marking the 50th Anniversary of the James Bond franchise, we celebrate in epic style and what could be more larger-than-life than IMAX joining the festivities”.

By incorporating IMAX into my working Bond title I believe that it would assist in helping to make the premiering of both the film and the conference itself more extreme for both the press along with the viewing target audience as it’ll help to gather up more interest of the people who benefit from the Bond films.

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TRAILER What many media productions have realised is that the best way to approach

methods of advertising a film is to utilise the trailers in an environment where they would be most appreciated by the viewer. Locations like these include cinema, theatre and television.

For my Bond film I plan to have it advertised on both television and cinema, either between programs or before feature films in order to help make people more aware of the film, appealing to an appropriate target audience ranging from 13-50. For this reason I have chosen to give my Bond film a 12 certificate.

TV advertising slots – By showing the advert for my Bond film between showings of certain programs that relate to my film I believe that it will help to capture the interests and appeals of people that share an interest in the same genre as the programs that they watch. Programs such as Silent witness, The Sweeney and Grimm, all of which follow a similar genre to that of James Bond will mean that the right target audience will be drawn in towards my Bond film and therefore will find themselves more interested in seeing it.

Movie advertising slots – By advertising my new Bond film before other major motion pictures that relate in plot or genre, I believe that it’ll help to create a more interested audience. Films that follow in style and plot such as Mission impossible, The Hunger games and Salt will be best to advertise my Bond film with as these films have mixed target audiences which like my film also vary around the same age groups. However despite a wide range of people wanting to see these films, each one specialises in a specific age group, Hunger games aiming towards the more younger age group of around 13-22, mission impossible aiming at around 23-39 and Salt aiming at around 40-50 which means that by advertising my Bond film before these films, I am ensured that I will be able to draw in the appropriate target audience for such a film.

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POSTERS Probably one of the most effective and yet simplest ways towards advertising the film is

with large scale posters which can be placed within well visited areas such as underground stations as well as popular locations in order to try and grasp the audiences attention such as the Sherlock Holmes billboard outside of the Arc light Hollywood cinema in L.A. and Deathly hallows part 1 poster below shown on Broadway in New York, which in the end received a worldwide gross of $956,399,711.

In largely populated areas such as London as well as surrounding areas, between 5,000 and 15,000 are erected each year and are viewed normally by around 150,000 people per hour.

In an attempt to ensure that my new Bond film is easily advertised to the public I will be sure to use simple techniques including Posters and billboards as they can be placed in rather populated and busy areas such as underground stations, alongside motorways and along the sides of buildings.

By following the simple techniques that are achieved with other major motion pictures, I’m certain that my James bond posters will succeed in attracting the right target audience for my new bond film.

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MERCHANDISING One of the main problems with trying to produce merchandise for all who fit into

the target audience of my Bond film is that many forms of merchandise today are ither not appropriate for all age groups or only appeal to one age group. Many people usually purchase merchandise such as posters as this is quite often seen as a simple and cheap way in which people express their interest in certain films. This usually appeals to older target audience members but for younger target audience members they tend to look towards merchandise such as James Bond video games, which normally relate strongly to the original storyline of the film that the game is based off of whilst adding a twist that allows for interactive game play to take place. During early releases of Previous James Bond films the popularity of Bond video games did not really take off, however, until 1997's GoldenEye 007, a Nintendo 64 game developed by Rare based on the film with the same name, received the BAFTA Interactive Entertainment games award and widely considered one of the best games ever produced. IGN journalists placed it at number17 in their top 100 Video Games list which helped to boost most marketed merchandise for Bond games.

For the purpose of my Bond film though I plan to follow suit in attempting to manage merchandise that is suitable for all age groups, ranging from posters that can be purchased cheaply online at sites such as Amazon UK and shops such as HMV to video games that are as interactive and extreme as GoldenEye 1997, in the hope of capturing the young generation also and bringing them into the experience that my Bond film can provide to them.

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VIRAL CAMPAIGN Film banners are often used in order to advertise these campaigns on popular

social websites such as Facebook and Twitter in order to allow people to view pieces of uploaded footage as well as being able to keep up to date with what information is being given. With this much information being given out it is easy for people to decide on whether or not the film would be suitable for them for they have easy access to all of the necessary information needed about the film such as the genre, characters, plot etc.

To assist with the production and viral campaign for my new Bond film, I intend on utilising similar approaches toward advertising my product. By doing this, it allows for the younger generation to be drawn in much more easily as many people around the ages of 11-18 utilise social websites such as the ones mentioned earlier, usually spending almost 18-22 hours a week on average on computers, browsing webpages. However this technique unfortunately won’t have the same affect towards the older target audience as many do not use social websites as much. To overcome this I intend on producing a webpage dedicated to the new Bond film, displaying various facts such as interviews with cast and crew members as well as allowing people to keep up to date with the work that has been going on within the makings of my new Bond film.

This technique has proven to have worked as it has been used in previous Bond movies such as Quantum of Solace which also includes exclusive interviews with many of the actors working on the production, each stating their own opinion on the progress of the film along with commentary from the director himself discussing aspects such as locations, effects and certain hints towards the final plot.