research methodology design & sampling


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Page 1: Research methodology  design & sampling
Page 2: Research methodology  design & sampling

What is Research?Research is a systematic and scientific search for new facts or ideas in any branch of knowledge --

to find something new to establish well believed thoughts and facts

Research is a systematic method of defining a problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solutions of the problem or generalization of some theoretical formula.

Search for knowledge Scientific investigation Gaining New Knowledge Visiting Known to Unknown world

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Objectives of Research-----------------1) To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to get new insight into it2) To portray accurately the character of an individual or an object or

situation or a group3) To determine the intensity of matters through frequency which is

associated with something else4) To test the hypothesis of casual relationship between the variables

1) Null Hypothesis2) Alternative Hypothesis

5) To relate findings to managerial decisions: Policies, objectives are interactive elements and feedbacks are necessary in

decision making Problem must be described and the decision must be given Managers must know how to solve problems Given the alternatives, managers must narrow down to most possible

course of action.

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Why is Research Necessary?1. Desire to upgrade the life and goal to the unsolved problems

of the society

2. To face the new challenges

3. Desire to get intellectual joy by creating new ideas

4. Desire to involve at works and contribute to the society

5. Desire to get respect and distinction

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Basic Characteristics of a Scientific Method1. It relies on empirical evidence2. It utilizes relevant concepts3. It is committed to only objective consideration4. It pre-supposes ethical neutrality5. It results into probability’s prediction6. It’s methodology is made known to all concerned for

critical scrutiny and for use in testing the conclusions through replications

7. It aims at formulating most general axioms or what can be done as scientific theories

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Ideal Research Steps 1. To formulate or design the research problem2. To do extensive literature survey3. To develop Hypothesis4. To prepare the research design5. To determine the sample design6. To determine methods of collecting data7. To analyze data properly8. Test the hypothesis9. Interpret the Results10. Prepare the report and follow through

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Types of Research

1. Descriptive Research Vs. Analytical Research

2. Applied Research Vs. Fundamental Research

3. Quantitative Research Vs. Qualitative Research

4. Conceptual Research Vs. Empirical Research

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Criteria of Good Research The purpose of research should be clearly defined The research procedures should be described in detail so that other

researcher can repeat the research for further advancement, keeping the continuity of what has already been done

Research design should be carefully planned to yield objective results The procedural limitation should be mentioned The analysis of data should be sufficiently adequate to reveal its

significance and methods of analysis should be appropriate The validity and reliability of data should be checked carefully. Validity

must be measured what it is suppose to measure. Reliability is consistency of results in repeated studies

Conclusion should be based only on collected information It’s presentation should be logical and systematic Should be empirical and replicable

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Steps in Good Research Defining the problem

Identifying data needs and research design

Communication methods (that will be applied for collecting data)

Source of data and sampling procedure : sampling plan from

which data to be collected

Data gathering and processing

Analysis and interpretation

Presentation and flow through with findings

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Defining Research Problem

Research problem refers to the difficulty that a researcher

experiences in the context of theoretical or practical

situation and wants to obtain a solution for it

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Defining the Research Problem: Conditions

1. There must be an individual or a group that has some problem

2. There must be some objectives to be attained

3. There must be alternative means of attaining the objectives

4. There must remain some doubt in the mind of the researcher

regarding the alternatives

5. There must be some environment to which the difficulty pertains.

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Techniques involved in defining Problem

1. Statement of the problem in a general way

2. Understanding the nature of the problem

3. Surveying the available literature

4. Developing the idea through discussion

5. Rephrasing the research problem

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Research Design

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What is Research Design

A research design is the pattern of an outline of a research projects workings. It is a statement of only the essential elements of a study that will provide the basic guidelines for the details of the project.

It comprises a series of prior decisions that taken together to provide a master plan.

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Decision Area of a Research Design

Contents of Research

Types of Designing

Important Features of Research Design

Factors that must be considered for a Research Design

Benefits of Research Design

Major Types of Research Design

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Contents of Research?

What is the study about? Why is the study important? Where should be the area of operation? What type of data would be required? Where can be required data be found? Cost of project? Period of Time Sample Design Techniques of Data Collection Methods of Data Analysis Way of preparing the Report?

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Types of Research Design

1. The Sample Design

2. Observational Design (Condition under which observation are to be made)

3. Statistical Design (How many times are to be observed ad how data are analyzed)

4. Operational Design (How the procedure that has been specified in the above should be carried out)

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Important Features of a Research Design

1. It must include a plan :The plan will specify the sources and types of information relevant to the research problem

2. It must include a Strategy :It will specify that the approach can be used for gathering and analyzing data.

3. It must include the time and cost budget :Time and cost budget must be included since most studies are done under these constraints.

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Factors that must be considered for Research Development

1. The objectives of the problems to be studied

2. The nature of the problem to be studied

3. The availability and skills of the researcher and his staff

4. The means of obtaining the information

5. The availability of time and money for the research work

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Benefits of a research Design …………………………………….

1. It serves as bridge between research objectives and course of action to be taken to attain objectives

2. It works as research light of research work : May have foggy notions All things cannot be memorized Sequence of action may be disrupted

3. It provides specific details of research works: What data are needed Whether there is any confusion irrelevancy in data or findings

4. It provides linkage between expectations and findings of the study (on the basis of hypothesis)

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Major Types of Research Design ……………………………….

1. Descriptive Research Designa. Cross Sectionalb. Focus Group

2. Experimental Research Design

3. Quasi Experimental Research Designa. One shot Case Studyb. One group pre test and post test designc. Longitudinal Designd. Static Group Comparison Designe. Simulation Design

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Sampling Design

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from the sampling frame. It refers to the techniques or procedures the researcher would adopt in selecting some samples from which inferences about the population is drawn

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Characteristics of a good sampling design1. It must result in a truly representative sample

2. It must lead to a small sampling errors

3. It must be supported by the available time & funds for research

4. It must control systematic bias in a better way

5. It should be selected in a way that the results can be applied in

general for the universe with a reasonable level of confidence

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Steps in Sampling Design

1. To decide about the type of universe (finite/infinite / heterogeneous/ homogeneous etc.)

2. To decide the sampling units (household/ union/village etc.)

3. To decide the sampling frame (source list)

4. To decide the size of sample

5. To decide the parameters of interests

6. To decide the budgetary constraints

7. To decide the specific sampling procedures

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Types of Sampling Design

1. Purposive or biased sampling

2. Probability or random sampling

I. Pure Random Sampling

II. Restricted Random Samplinga) Stratified samplingb) Cluster Samplingc) Multi-stage samplingd) Systematic sampling

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Sampling Error :It is the random variation in the sample estimates around the true population parameters

Non-sampling Error :Any error that may result from the sampling procedure itself or from the sample survey, other that the sampling error is called non-sampling error

How to reduce it:1. To keep sample survey as easy to execute as

possible2. To use smallest sample size consistent with the

objectives of the study.3. To restrict the questionnaire to data that are

essential to the main issue4. To pretest the questionnaire5. To make sure that no question is asked to the

respondent that s/he cannot answer6. To train up investigators7. To use alternative methods of testing8. To be careful while editing the coding of data9. To use appropriate statistical techniques to

analyze data

Causes of Non-sampling errors:

1. In appropriate sampling frame2. Defective measures device3. Indeterminacy principles (test with/

without informing)4. Natural bias in reporting data5. Actual lying by the respondents6. Poor sampling design7. Misinterpretation of questions due to

ambiguous wording8. In complete answers9. Coding errors10. Editing errors

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Advantages of Sample Survey Compare to Census Survey

1. It saves time

2. It saves money and other resources

3. It is useful in statistical quality control4. It is only means to obtain information when size of

population is infinite or unknown

5. It is more reliable than population survey6. It is highly useful in case of destructive and highly

expensive testes

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How do you Collect your Primary Data?

1. Questionnaire

2. Interview

3. Observation

4. Mechanical or Electronic Means

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How to Prepare the Questionnaire1. There should be as few question as possible in the questionnaire2. Questionnaire should be prepared in a means so that answers can be given easily3. There should not be any biasness in the questions of the questionnaire4. There should not be any leading question in the questionnaire5. There should be sufficient check and balance in the questionnaire6. There should not have any double barreled question in the questionnaire7. There should be sufficient check and balance in the questionnaire8. The questions in a questionnaire must be presented in a systematic and logical manner9. The overall design of the questionnaire should be attractive10. Every questionnaire must have a forwarding letter

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