research methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 bonus question: 2,500 pts


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Page 1: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts
Page 2: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

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Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Page 3: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 1: 200What is the leading cause of death in old age as of 2011?A.Alzheimer’sB.strokeC.heart diseaseD.cancerE.pneumonia

Page 4: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 1: 400In a famous series of experiments conducted by Harry Harlow, infant monkeys were separated from their mothers at birth. The infants were then given two surrogate mothers (a terry-cloth "mother" and a wire "mother"), each of which alternately had a nursing bottle that provided food to the infants. The experimental results showed that in frightening situations the infant monkeysA.were more likely to become aggressive toward the wire mother than toward the terry-cloth motherB.failed to seek out either of the mothers because of their lack of experience in seeking contact comfortC.preferred the wire mother, even when the terry-cloth mother had the nursing bottle.D.Preferred the terry-cloth mother, even when the wire mother had the nursing bottleE.Would run and cling to whichever mother had the nursing bottle

Page 5: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 1: 600• The most well-adjusted and socially competent

children tend to come from homes where parents employ which of the following parental styles?

A.Minimal supervision B.Authoritarian C. Authoritative D.Indulgent E. Permissive

Page 6: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 1: 800Object permanence isA.the belief that all objects have life just like humans do B.the idea that gender does not change by putting on the clothes of the opposite sex C.the understanding that a tall beaker and a short beaker can hold the same amount of water D.a belief that all objects in the world, including mountains and streams, are man made E.the understanding that things can continue to exist even when they are out of sight

Page 7: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 1: 1000According to Erikson, a major conflict in the first year of life is that vs. mistrust B.autonomy vs. shame and doubt C.integrity vs. despair D.initiative vs. guilt E.relatedness vs. isolation

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Topic 2: 200According to Erikson, failure to resolve the tasks of middle adulthood leads to a sense of __________ involving a concern for one's own needs and comforts only.A.apathy B.self-absorption C.despair D.stagnation

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Topic 2: 400According to __________, we face a specific psychosocial dilemma at each stage of life.A.Lawrence Kohlberg B.Erik Erikson C.Sigmund Freud D.James Coleman E.Noam Chomsky

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Topic 2: 600A child who is just starting school, trying to learn good habits and to do well, is in Erikson's stage of development calledA.intiative vs. guilt B.industry vs. inferiority C.generativity vs. stagnation D.integrity vs. despair vs. ignorance

Page 11: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 2: 800Which represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?A.sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational, postoperational B.preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational, sensorimotor C.sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational D.preoperational, informal operational, formal operational, postoperational E.sensorimotor, formal operational, middle conventional, abstract operational

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Topic 2: 1000During the formal operations stage, children begin toA.cannot accurately use concepts of time, space, and number. B.think primarily about concrete objects or situations. C.develop the concept of object permanency. D.think in terms of abstract principles and hypothetical possibilities. E.develop the concept of reversibility

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Topic 3: 200A child is largely nonverbal, is learning to coordinate purposeful movements with sense information, and is developing the concept of object permanence. The child is in Piaget's __________ stage.A.conventional B.preoperational C.sensorimotor D.formal operational E.concrete operational

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Topic 3: 400Piaget is mainly known for studyingA.cognitive development B.moral development C.biological maturation development E.sexual development

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Topic 3: 600"I demand that you obey" is to authoritarian as "Do your own thing, don’t bother me" is toA.authoritative B.strict C.uninvolved D.overprotective E.complementary

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Topic 3: 800________________________conducted the Strange Situation Experiment to test children's ATTACHMENT to caregiver in a novel setting (scientific lab). Researcher measured amount of exploration while mother was there and reaction when mother left and returned. Securely attached children explored, were upset when their mother left, and were happy to see their mothers return. Insecure attached children were anxious to explore and angry when mom returns.A.Harry HarlowB.Mary AinsworthC.Lawrence KohlbergD.Martin SeligmanE.Eleanor Gibson

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Topic 3: 1000Keisha was able to roll over at two months, at five months she crawled, and walked at ten months. This sequence of development is most likely dueA.egocentrism context C.maturation D.attachment E.assimilation

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Topic 4: 200A schema can be described as _________________ and is part of ____________________\'s theory of cognitive outer layer of the eye; Hemholtz B.a mental concept; Piaget C.a fissure between lobes of the brain; Piaget optical illusion; Kohlberg E.a fixed response to a particular stimulus; Skinner

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Topic 4: 400A baby looks under the sofa for a ball that has just rolled underneath it. According to Jean Piaget, the baby's action shows development ofA.conservation of massB.reversibilityC.object permanenceD.logical thinkingE.metacognition

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Topic 4: 600The rooting reflex is a newborn tendency its mouth and turn its head when touched on the cheekB.throw out its arms and legs and quickly retract them when startledC.explore the world through sucking objectsD.look longer at round shapes that look like faces than square shapes that do notE.grasp nearby objects

Page 21: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 4: 800A critical period is a stage in development whenA.A specific timeframe during which learning a skill is most effective.B.Children are resistant to any kind of discipline by their parents C.New learning is prevented by older learning D.Bonding between the child and parents that first takes place E.The child first enters elementary school and needs positive reinforcement

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Topic 4: 1000Harlow's experiment with the rhesus monkeys and surrogate mothers emphasized the importance comfortB.feedingC.aesthetic needsD.incentive theoryE.gender schema

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Topic 5: 200In the nature versus nurture controversy, "nature" refers toA.heredityB.plants and animalsC.all living things we interact withD.constituents of the problemE.the environment

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Topic 5: 400According to Kubler-Ross, the most common order of emotional reactions in preparing for death isA.anger, depression, bargaining, denial, acceptance.B.denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptanceC.anger, depression, denial, bargaining, acceptance.D.depression, anger, denial, bargaining, acceptance.E.acceptance,. depression, denial, anger, bargaining

Page 25: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 5: 600Behaviors in society that are acceptable for men versus those that are acceptable for women areA.gender identityB.gender rolesC.sexualityD.sexual identityE.gender awareness

Page 26: Research Methods 12345 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 2,500 pts

Topic 5: 800The fact that boys born with male genitalia and raised as girls eventually develop a masculine gender identity suggests that (think nature vs. nurture)A.the environment is a strong influence on gender identityB.there is a natural tendency to develop a male gender identity C.there are strong biological influences on gender identityD.gender identity is not influenced by biologyE.gender identity is neither a result of nature or nurture

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Topic 5: 1000When incorporate new knowledge into existing schema (when we can fit new information into an existing folder), Piaget called thisA.assimilationB.accommodationC.prototypingD.schemingE.conservation

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