research paper

Manila Science High School Taft Avenue Corner Padre Faura Street, Ermita, City of Manila NEODYMIUM MAGNET IN WOOD AS CELL PHONE SIGNAL BLOCKER Shania Chier A. Andrade Fatima Asadil Ma. Patricia B. Mendoza Elisha Antinero

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grade 8


Manila Science High School

Taft Avenue Corner Padre Faura Street, Ermita, City of Manila



Shania Chier A. AndradeFatima Asadil

Ma. Patricia B. MendozaElisha AntineroCyrruzz Cacal

Marion Emmanuel Paguia


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Cell phones, nowadays, have become a very important tool that people use every day.

Cell phones or mobile phones are portable devices that can basically make and receive calls and

text messages over radio waves. It makes use of cellular network technology and can thus

operate on wide geographic areas.

Everywhere, people can be seen with their phones. They play games, capture photos and

videos, use a wide variety of applications, browse the internet, listen to music, watch videos, go

to social networking sites and text and call other people with it. Cell phones have become a vital

instrument for communication.

Using cell phones have become a big advantage; it helped us greatly by making tasks

simpler. Like other devices, using cell phones have also posed some problems. Using cell phones

in places such as concert halls, theatres, movie houses, and many others are banned since they

may disrupt important operations.

People are highly encouraged to turn off their phones or refrain from using it in these

certain places. In places where sound systems are required, cell phone signals may disrupt the

signals of the system and cause signal jams, thus it may also disturb performances.

Statement of the Problem

There is a need for a device that can prevent radio waves to pass through. There is a need

for alternative materials that can block cellphone signals. Neodymium Magnets in wood has not

yet been explored to block radio waves. One reason is the lack of method in testing the

prevention of absorption of radio waves. This study tries to look at the possibility of the

prevention of the absorption of radio waves so that it won’t cause signal jams or it won’t

interrupt the performances in theatres, concert halls and movie houses.

Significance of the Study

In order to prevent interruptions in the above-mentioned places, materials that prevent

radio waves should be used. Radio waves are made up of electromagnetic radiation and are

responsible for sending encoded signal. Electromagnetic radiation behaves as waves and

particles. It is made up of waves of electric and magnetic energy which propagates at the speed

of light.

Normal wood will let radio waves pass. Wood with neodymium magnet particles, on the

other hand, wouldn’t since it would counter or absorb the magnetic waves. Neodymium (60Nd) is

a soft, silvery rare earth metal. Neodymium magnets (Nd2Fe14B) are strong permanent magnets

which are strong enough to lift a thousand times their own weight.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to make a device that can prevent the absorption of radio waves or block

cellphone signals. The main objective can be subdivided further:

1) Test whether the thickness of the materials will affect the strength of the magnet to block


2) Test whether the quantity of sources will affect the strength of the magnet to block


3) Test whether the magnet is an effective tool for blocking signals.

Scope, Limitations and Delimitations

The researchers will only be testing one type of magnet and will not compare this magnet to

others. One type of wood will also be used. Different cell phones will be used in testing the

experiment and several other tests will be run such as, but are not limited to: the distance of the

source to the walls, the quantity of sources, the thickness of the materials, etc.

Chapter 2


Alternatives to Cell Phone Jamming

While the law plainly denies utilizing a gadget to effectively upset a PDA signals, there are no principles against inactive cell blocking. That implies utilizing things like wallpaper or building materials installed with metal sections to anticipate mobile phone signals from arriving at inside

or outside the room. A few structures have outlines that square radio flags unintentionally because of thick solid dividers or a steel skeleton.

Organizations are dealing with gadgets that control a mobile phone yet don't" "stick the sign." One gadget sends approaching calls to voice message and squares cordial calls. The contention is that the telephone still works, so it is in fact not being stuck. It is a legitimate hazy area that has not been administered on by the FCC as of April 2005.

Wireless alerters are accessible that show the vicinity of a PDA signal. These have been utilized as a part of healing facilities where mobile phone signs could meddle with touchy restorative gear. At the point when a sign is identified, clients are asked to turn off their telephones.

For a less specialized arrangement, Coudal Partners, an outline firm in Chicago, has dispatched the SHHH, the Society for Handheld Hushing. At its Web website, you can download a note to hand to individuals directing irritating mobile phone discussions, communicating your absence of enthusiasm toward what they're discussing.

Neodymium Magnet

Neodymium Iron Boron is the strongest commercial magnet material presently delivered. Dura Magnetics can supply Neodymium Magnets in stock shapes and sizes including plates, rings, and pieces, custom, made-to-request Neodymium Magnets, or we can support in creating an answer particularly for your application.

Accessible Grades of Neo:

Numerous evaluations of Neodymium exist to help a mixed bag of mechanical and business applications. The scope of Neo evaluations is ordinarily 33 to 52 Meoe. These extents consider adjusting expense, attractive execution, and operational temperature safety.

Consumption Resistance:

Neodymium magnets have poor imperviousness to consumption and they can likewise consume from the back to front if fitting pretreatment procedures are not emulated. Frequently a multi-layer Nickel-Copper-Nickel plating is connected, however this may not be sufficient for all applications.

Temperature Effects:

Neo magnets are extremely vulnerable to raised working temperatures and the application necessities ought to be considered before selecting a specific evaluation of Neo.

Polarization Options:

Albeit most business magnets are anistropic, which implies they have a favored bearing of charge, different shaft arrangements can be accomplished without clashing without clashing with a Neodymium Magnet's introduction.

How cell phone jammers works?

Cell phones are everywhere nowadays. As per the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association, very nearly 195 million individuals in the United States had phone benefit in October 2005. Also PDAs are significantly more pervasive in Europe.

It's incredible to have the capacity to call anybody at whenever. Sadly, restaurants, film theaters, shows, shopping centers and places of worship all experience the ill effects of the spread of mobile phones in light of the fact that not all phone clients know when to quit talking. Who hasn't fumed through one side of a discussion about an inconceivably individual circumstance as the talker shares close subtle elements with his companion and additionally other people in the zone?

While the majority of us simply protest and proceed onward, some individuals are really going to extremes to counter. Mobile phones are essentially handheld two-way radios. Furthermore like any radio, the sign can be disturbed, or stuck.

In this article, you'll perceive how phone jammers function and research the legitimateness of their utilization.

Chapter 3


Experimental Design


How Does It Work?

- Neodymium magnets also contain Iron and Boron, making them some of the strongest magnets in the world. Magnets of all types create a magnetic field, with both a north and south pole. The magnetic field created by the neodymium magnets is so strong, it will line up to match the magnetic north and south of the earth. It makes a great compass! On a more serious note, the large magnets are so strong that they may even be dangerous if not handled properly. A pair of these magnets will leap into a deadly embrace from over 6 inches apart and may knock chips off themselves from the force of the impact. You’ll be amazed at the super strength of the magnets, but we must warn you to be careful. Any type of magnetic media will be history in the presence of one of these large neodymium magnets.

The following procedures and materials are for our experiment only. It is just a prototype to test the range and time it takes for the signal to be blocked.



0 Neodymium Magnet

0 3 pairs of Plywood

0 Glue Gun

0 Glue Stick


0 First, step cut the wood into smaller pieces,

0 Second, cut the Neodymium into halves,

0 Third, after measuring the distances of the Neodymium glue it using the glue gun,

0 Then seal the other wood by placing another wood on top, and

0 Last press hard the wood to stick it together.

Chapter 4

Research Findings

and Discussion


This chapter presents, analyses and discusses the research findings from the observation of this

study. This chapter deals with the range of the signal blocker and the time the cellphone signal is

completely blocked.

Data/ Observation

This data shows the time per signal bar is blocked based on the distance of the signal blocker

from the smart phone/ cellphone.


Range/ Distance (inch) Time (minute)

1 0-1

2 1-2

3 3-5

4 6-8

5 9-10


Range/ Distance (inch) Time (minute)

1 1-3

2 4-5

3 6-8

4 9-12

5 13-15


Range/ Distance (inch) Time (minute)

1 3-5

2 6-8

3 9-10

4 11-13

5 14-17



Variable Association1st Variable- Amount of Neodymium Magnet2nd Variable- The strength of the signal in the place

The amount of neodymium magnets attached in the wood is related to the strength of the signal in the place . The amount of neodymium magnets depends in the strength of the signal. We need to know the strength of the signal of the place to know the amount of neodymium magnet that will be used for it to be effective. Also, the time it will take for the signal blocker to be completely block the signal will be faster.


0 We observed that the cell phone signal is easily blocked in the Mentoring Room because

the signal there is weak. The signal in Amadome is strong so it is hard to block but it will

be easily blocked if we used more magnets.

0 The result of the experiment depends on the amount of neodymium magnet used and the

strength of the signal in that place.

Chapter 5



We therefore conclude, that neodymium magnet is a magnet that helps us block signals through radio waves. Even though neodymium magnets can be a signal blocker, it has advantages and disadvantages. It’s advantage is to block the signal through radio waves and it helps places that prohibits the use of phones. But, it also has it’s disadvantages. If you don’t handle the magnet properly it can be dangerous and can destroy your due to the exposure from the radiowaves. In other words, neodymium magnets are safe to use as a cellphone signal blocker but you should learn how to handle the magnets properly so that it won’t destroy your cellphone.