research repor t 133 mapping drought patterns · a normal part of the climate of all world regions,...

Nishadi Eriyagama, Vladimir Smakhtin and Nilantha Gamage Mapping Drought Patterns and Impacts: A Global Perspective 133 RESEARCH IWMI REPORT International Water Management Institute Biophysical Vulnerability Index 0 - 20 Annual River Discharge (1,000 m 3 per person) 0 - 0.001 0.001 - 1 1 - 10 10 - 100 100 - 1,000 1,000 - 10,000 10,000-100,000 >100,000 low population no data

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Page 1: RESEARCH REPOR T 133 Mapping Drought Patterns · a normal part of the climate of all world regions, regardless of how arid or humid they are. Droughts develop slowly, are difficult

Nishadi Eriyagama, Vladimir Smakhtin and Nilantha Gamage

Mapping Drought Patterns and Impacts: A Global Perspective




Postal AddressP O Box 2075ColomboSri Lanka

Location127, Sunil MawathaPelawattaBattaramullaSri Lanka



[email protected]

I n t e r n a t i o n a lWater ManagementI n s t i t u t e ISBN: 978-92-9090-711-4

ISSN: 1026-0862I n t e r n a t i o n a lWater ManagementI n s t i t u t e


0 - 2020 - 3030 - 4040 - 5050 - 6060 - 7070 - 8080 - 99water bodiesno datano agriculture

Annual RiverDischarge(1,000 m3 per person)

0 - 0.0010.001 - 11 - 1010 - 100100 - 1,0001,000 - 10,00010,000-100,000>100,000low populationno data

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Page 2: RESEARCH REPOR T 133 Mapping Drought Patterns · a normal part of the climate of all world regions, regardless of how arid or humid they are. Droughts develop slowly, are difficult

Research Reports

The publications in this series cover a wide range of subjects—from computermodeling to experience with water user associations—and vary in content fromdirectly applicable research to more basic studies, on which applied work ultimatelydepends. Some research reports are narrowly focused, analytical and detailedempirical studies; others are wide-ranging and synthetic overviews of genericproblems.

Although most of the reports are published by IWMI staff and their collaborators,we welcome contributions from others. Each report is reviewed internally by IWMIstaff, and by external reviewers. The reports are published and distributed both inhard copy and electronically ( and where possible all data and analyseswill be available as separate downloadable files. Reports may be copied freely andcited with due acknowledgment.

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Page 3: RESEARCH REPOR T 133 Mapping Drought Patterns · a normal part of the climate of all world regions, regardless of how arid or humid they are. Droughts develop slowly, are difficult


International Water Management InstituteP O Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka

IWMI Research Report 133

Mapping Drought Patterns and Impacts:A Global Perspective

Nishadi Eriyagama, Vladimir Smakhtin and NilanthaGamage

Page 4: RESEARCH REPOR T 133 Mapping Drought Patterns · a normal part of the climate of all world regions, regardless of how arid or humid they are. Droughts develop slowly, are difficult


The authors: Nishadi Eriyagama is a Water Resources Engineer (email:[email protected]); Vladimir Smakhtin is Theme Leader – Water Availability andAccess (email: [email protected]); and Nilantha Gamage is a Remote Sensing/GISSpecialist (email: [email protected]), all at the International Water Management Institute(IWMI) in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Eriyagama, N.; Smakhtin, V.; Gamage, N. 2009. Mapping drought patterns and impacts:a global perspective. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute. 31p.(IWMI Research Report 133)

/ drought / impact assessment / indicators / mapping / climate change / river basins /dams / water scarcity / disasters / risks / precipitation / runoff / soil degradation /

ISSN 1026-0862ISBN 978-92-9090-711-4

Copyright © 2009, by IWMI. All rights reserved. IWMI encourages the use of its materialprovided that the organization is acknowledged and kept informed in all such instances.

Cover photograph shows women walking to collect water in India, 2004 (Source: Ms.Mamta Borgoyary, Winrock International, India).

Please send inquiries and comments to: [email protected]

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Page 5: RESEARCH REPOR T 133 Mapping Drought Patterns · a normal part of the climate of all world regions, regardless of how arid or humid they are. Droughts develop slowly, are difficult



This study was supported by IWMI core funds as part of the broader drought-related research. Mrs.Prasanna Sambandamurthy (Head of the Library, IWMI, Colombo) conducted a literature search forthis study. We are grateful to Dr. Robyn Johnston (IWMI) and an anonymous external reviewer fortheir constructive comments on this manuscript.


This research study was conducted as part of the IWMI Drought Assessment Project, which wascarried out from January 2006 to December 2008.


This project was funded from the core funds of IWMI during 2007-2008, which consisted ofcontributions from the following countries and organizations:

Australia JapanCanada NetherlandsChina NorwayDenmark South AfricaFrance SwedenGermany SwitzerlandIndia UK (DFID)Ireland USA (USAID)Israel World Bank

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Acronyms and Abbreviations vi

Summary vii

Introduction 1

Data and Methods 4

Discussion 16

Conclusions 19

References 20

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

ATEAM Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GIS Geographic Information System

IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

ILRI International Livestock Research Institute

MCM Million cubic meters

START global change SysTem for Analysis, Research, and Training

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

WB World Bank

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loss of river flow occurs in areas that do notnormally experience climate–driven water scarcity.It also illustrates that the African continent islagging behind the rest of the world on manyindicators related to drought preparedness and thatagricultural economies, overall, are much morevulnerable to adverse societal impacts ofmeteorological droughts. Regions with an unreliableand vulnerable nature of river discharge, and havingthe largest drought deficits and durations arehighlighted, pointing to the danger of focusing ondrought mitigation measures on river flows alone.The ability of various countries to satisfy their waterneeds during drought conditions is examined usingstorage-related indices.


This study examines the global patterns andimpacts of droughts through the mapping of severaldrought-related characteristics – either at a countrylevel or at regular grid scales. Characteristics covervarious aspects of droughts – from globaldistribution of meteorological and hydrologicaldrought risks to social vulnerability and indicesrelated to water infrastructure. The maps areproduced by integrating a number of publiclyavailable global datasets. The subsequentdiscussion of maps allows a number of policy-relevant messages to be extracted. It appears thatarid and semi-arid areas also tend to have a higherprobability of drought occurrence. The report pointsout that in drought years, the highest per capita

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Mapping Drought Patterns and Impacts: A GlobalPerspective

Nishadi Eriyagama, Vladimir Smakhtin and Nilantha Gamage


Drought can be generally defined as a temporarymeteorological event, which stems from adeficiency of precipitation over an extended periodof time compared to some long-term averageconditions. Drought always starts with a shortageof precipitation (compared to normal or averageamounts), but may (or may not, depending on howlong and severe it is) affect streams, soil moisture,groundwater, etc. It is a recurring natural event anda normal part of the climate of all world regions,regardless of how arid or humid they are. Droughtsdevelop slowly, are difficult to detect and havemany facets in any single region. It is, thus, oneof the most complex natural phenomena, that ishard to quantify and manage, and has multiple andsevere social and economic impacts. Themagnitude of these impacts is determined by thelevel of development, population density andstructure, demands on water and other naturalresources, government policies and institutionalcapacity, technology, and the political system.These points of departure set the scene and scopefor this study.

Droughts continue to have significant impactsin both developed and developing countries. Thelatter still suffer from droughts the most. Ever-increasing exploitation of water resources andassociated water scarcity coupled with the growingconcern that future climate change will exacerbatethe frequency, severity, and duration of droughtevents and associated impacts explains theincreasing attention that individual countries arepaying to drought-related issues (Wilhite 2005).Since drought is a global phenomenon, it is useful,

from a global development perspective, tounderstand the pattern of various drought-relatedcharacteristics and impacts worldwide. Suchcharacteristics should reflect multiple aspects ofdrought, ranging from quantification of droughthazard and vulnerability of water resourcessystems - to measures of preparedness to facefuture droughts. One good way of presentingdiverse materials related to droughts is throughmapping, whereby various drought-related indicatorscan be plotted at a country resolution, river basinor a regular grid – depending on the type ofindicator and information available.

Despite significant drought research, studiesthat deal with the global picture of drought patternsand impacts are limited. Even fewer studies dealwith global mapping of drought-related indicators.Peel et al. (2004, 2005) conducted an analysis ofprecipitation and runoff periods (runs) ofconsecutive years below the median for 3,863precipitation and 1,236 runoff stations worldwide.Run lengths were found to be similar across allcontinents and climates except North Africa, whichshowed a tendency towards longer run lengths.Run lengths for precipitation and runoff at the samelocation were found to be similar. Run magnitudefor both precipitation and runoff was found to berelated to inter-annual variability, and run magnitudeof runoff was larger than that of precipitation due toa higher coefficient of variability of runoff. Severityof drought events (a total of negative deviationsfrom the median for a run) was found to beindependent of run length but strongly related tomagnitude. These studies, thus, highlighted the

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importance of accurately reproducing the inter-annual variability in global climate models if futurelong-term droughts affected by climate change areto be adequately predicted. Fleig et al. (2006)carried out similar research using daily flow timeseries data from 16 selected river basins worldwide.The above studies were conducted using observeddata, which is useful in examining geographicaldifferences in the statistical nature of droughts butare constrained by limited observation points.

Sheffield and Wood (2007a) used a monthlydrought index based on simulated soil moisturedata for the period 1950-2000 to identify thelocations most prone to short, medium and long-term droughts and to examine severe past droughtevents on a regional basis. Dai et al. (2004) havedeveloped a global monthly dataset of the well-known Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) for1870-2002 using historical data on precipitation andtemperature on a 2.5o x 2.5o grid and establishedthat, globally, very dry areas had more thandoubled since the 1970s. Below et al. (2007) haveundertaken a comprehensive review of 807 droughtand 76 famine entries from 1900 to 2004 in theEM-DAT database (Emergency Events and revised estimates of globaldrought-related deaths. Dettinger and Diaz (2000)have used monthly streamflow series from 1,345sites around the world to characterize and mapgeographic differences in the seasonality andannual variability of streamflow. The Climate Impacton Agriculture (CLIMPAG) project of the FAO hascarried out an analysis of rainfall variability anddrought for the period 1961-2002 and presentedresults through time series maps, which areavailable at Regionally, Lloyd-Hughes andSaunders (2002) have developed a grid-based (0.5o

resolution) climatology for Europe, which provides- for a given location or region in Europe - the timeseries of drought strength, the number, the meanduration and the maximum duration of droughts ofa given intensity and the trend in droughtincidence in the twentieth century, based on thewell-known Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI).Another regional example is the software,Electronic Atlas for Visualisation of Streamflow

Drought (ElectrA), produced by the ARIDE(Assessment of the Regional Impact of Droughts inEurope) project, which is capable of displaying on-screen images of streamflow conditions overWestern and Central Europe for several droughtevents that occurred within the last 30 years(Zaidman et al. 2000).

Other relevant mapping projects are carried outprimarily by a few international organizations/projects, although they are not normally focusingon droughts per se. UNEP’s World Atlas ofDesertification shows the global extent and severityof desertification (Middleton 1997; UNEP 1992). Itincludes several maps derived from the GlobalAssessment of Human-induced Soil Degradation(GLASOD - described elsewhere in this paper;ISRIC 1990) as well as other maps and informationrelated to global climate and vegetation such asGlobal Humidity Index, Mean Annual Precipitation,Change in Humidity Index and Mean AnnualTemperature (between two 30-year time periods),and Mean Annual Potential Evapotranspiration(PET). Also mapped are the socioeconomics(population estimates, impact on migration andrefugees) of the areas at risk of desertification. Thestudy on drylands, people, and ecosystem goodsand services by the World Resources Institute(WRI) examines, through the use of maps, theworld’s drylands from a human livelihoodsperspective and how these livelihoods areintegrated with dryland ecosystem goods andservices (White and Nackoney 2003).

The UNDP’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention andRecovery (BCPR) developed an individual DisasterRisk Index (DRI) for four types of natural disasters(earthquakes, tropical cyclones, floods anddroughts) as well as a multi-hazard DRI (UNDP2004). The risk was expressed in terms of thenumber of people killed and was viewed as afunction of physical exposure and vulnerability. Theexercise was based on global data from 1980 to2000. Global maps depicting physical exposure(people exposed per year) and relative vulnerabilityto each type of disaster (people killed per millionexposed per year) were also produced. However,the BCPR acknowledges that the drought DRI thatwas produced may not necessarily represent

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actual drought risk given the uncertaintiesassociated with the risk model itself as well as theindirect association of death with drought.

Similarly, The Natural Disaster Hotspotsproject of the World Bank has assessed the globalrisks of two disaster-related outcomes - mortalityand economic losses - on a 2.5' x 2.5' grid byconsidering physical exposure and historical lossrates (Dilley et al. 2005). This project also producedglobal maps of disaster-related mortality risk, riskof total economic losses and risk of economiclosses expressed as a proportion of the GDP (pergrid cell) for six major natural hazards:earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, floods, drought,and cyclones as well as for all hazards combined.The Americas program (led by the Institute ofEnvironmental Studies (IDEA) of the NationalUniversity of Colombia, for the Inter–AmericanDevelopment Bank (IDB)) (Cardona 2007), and theEuropean Environment Agency (2003) haveundertaken two regional mapping projects related tovarious aspects of disaster risk for Latin Americaand Europe, respectively.

The Global Water System Project (GWSP)examines global water assessment indicators withlinks to poverty and food security, such as theWater Wealth Index (WWI) (Sullivan et al. 2006).Global Rapid Indicator Mapping System for WaterCycle and Water Resource Assessment (Global–RIMS), a web-based integrated monitoring tooldeveloped by the Water Systems Analysis Groupof the University of New Hampshire (with 130global datasets facilitating indicator calculation andmapping) has been used for mapping WWI andother indicators.

Most of the attention in the recent mappingexercises was paid to various social andenvironmental impacts of climate change. Thesestudies are relevant to understanding and mappingglobal drought patterns and impacts becauseclimate change is likely to exacerbate droughtseverity in many parts of the world. The Atlas ofClimate Change by the Stockholm EnvironmentInstitute (Dow 2006) examines possible globalimpacts of climate change including warningsignals, vulnerable populations, and health impacts.Cramer et al. (2001) have studied the global

response of terrestrial ecosystem processes toclimate change using dynamic global vegetationmodels. The recent ‘Africa: Atlas of Our ChangingEnvironment’ (UNEP 2008) and the ‘Impacts ofEurope’s Changing Climate: An indicator-basedassessment’ (European Environment Agency 2004)are examples of regional climate change mappingprojects. A few other projects by IIASA (Fischer etal. 2002a, 2002b), START (Adejuwon 2006;Snidvongs 2006), ATEAM (Schröter et al. 2004)and ILRI (Thornton et al. 2002) have focusedspecifically on climate change impacts onagriculture and did not explicitly highlight droughts.Studies to predict future development of droughtand changes in the occurrence and intensity ofdrought have been carried out by Sheffield (2008),Sheffield and Wood (2007b) and Wood et al. (2003)using climate models and future projections of soilmoisture. Burke et al. (2006) found that at presentclimate conditions, on average, 20% of the landsurface is in drought at any given time while theproportion of land surface in extreme drought ispredicted to increase from 1% at present to 30%by the end of the twenty-first century. A fewregional studies spell out the impact of climatechange on European droughts with accompanyingmaps (Kilsby 2001; Lehner et al. 2001; Lehner etal. 2006).

The above review suggests that while theresearch and mapping of disaster risks, waterscarcity, climate change and related subjects hasbeen significant, there has been little, if any,attempt to date to comprehensively describe andmap various aspects and impacts of a drought asan individual natural disaster and as a global multi-faceted phenomenon. The aim of this study is,therefore, to start filling this niche. It is importantto emphasize the word ‘start’, because the numberof drought-related characteristics, as well asassociated maps, is potentially quite large. Thisstudy shall not, therefore, be seen as exhaustive,but rather as a starting point for global mapping ofdrought patterns. A limited set of maps which isdesigned and analyzed in this study may, withsubsequent contributions from other researchgroups, develop into a comprehensive globaldrought indicators’ ‘atlas’ in the future.

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Data and Methods


The study used a number of publicly availabledatasets ranging from demographics andsocioeconomics to natural resources and climate.The datasets are briefly described below.

Gridded Population of the World, version 3(GPWv3) - produced by the Center forInternational Earth Science Information Network(CIESIN) of the Earth Institute at ColumbiaUniversity, USA ( dataset depicts population (in absolutenumbers) and density estimates by 2.5 arcminute geo-referenced quadrilateral grids for 232countries. Data is available for every fifth year from1995 to 2015. The product is also available inother resolutions - 0.25, 0.5 and 1 degree.Population estimates for each grid cell are basedon national or sub-national population data for arange of reference years. The reference yearsspan the period from 1979 to 2003, depending ondata availability for each country. Populationdensity estimates and population (in absolutenumbers) for 2000 at 0.5 degree resolution wereused in this study.

World Water Development Report II (WWDRII)database ( is part of thecompendium of databases developed by the WaterSystems Analysis Group of the University of NewHampshire (UNH), USA, describing the currentstatus of global water resources and associatedhuman interactions and pressures. The themescovered include major water balance components(precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, etc.),dams, lakes and reservoirs, population, majorwetlands and floodplains, irrigated lands andirrigation water withdrawals, water pollutionindicators, digitized river networks and climatemoisture indices. Four datasets from this databasewere used in the present study:

Annual precipitation (mm/year per grid cell) - aglobal gridded dataset (0.5o spatial resolution)of long-term average (1950-2000) annualprecipitation per grid cell computed frommonthly precipitation fields (Mitchell et al.

2004). The monthly gridded precipitationdataset (CRU TS 2.0) (Mitchell et al. 2004) isbased on a set of observational databases heldat the University of East Anglia, UK.

Annual runoff (mm/year per grid cell) – a 0.5o

resolution global gridded dataset of long-termaverage (1950-2000) annual runoff per grid cellcomputed by Water Balance Model (WBM)(Vorosmarty et al. 1998) using CRU TS 2.0(Mitchell et al. 2004) as precipitation input.

Annual river discharge (blended, km3/year pergrid cell) - computed as long-term average(1950-2000) flow accumulated runoff along a0.5o resolution digital river network (STN-30p)developed at the UNH. Blended river flowrepresents a composite of observed (fromGlobal Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) dataarchive) and (WBM) modeled river flow.

Dams, lakes and reservoirs database containsboth vector as well as raster (0.5o) GIS data ondams, lakes and reservoirs of the world. Thedams and reservoirs point dataset, which ispart of this database, is a global data bank of668 large impoundments with attributes suchas geographic location, dam name and type,reservoir capacity and so forth. This datasetwas used in the study along with other damdatasets held by AQUASTAT (FAO’s globalinformation system on water and agriculture)and the International Commission on LargeDams (ICOLD) (see the sections onAQUASTAT and the World Register of Damsbelow).

UNH Monthly Runoff and River Discharge TimeSeries grids - represent the output (runoff) of theabove WBM (spatial resolution - 0.5o) along withblended river flow – both for a standard period of1901 to 2000 (100 years).

World Development Indicators (WDI)( is the World Bank’s premierannual compilation of data about development. Itincludes some 800 indicators (in 2008) oneconomic output, welfare, status of the environmentand the quality of governance - for some 209 (in

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2008) countries in the world. WDI online data onrural access and access to improved watersources, for the most recent available year, wereused for construction of infrastructure maps in thisstudy.

Global Assessment of Human-induced SoilDegradation (GLASOD) ( b o u t + I S R I C / P r o j e c t s / T r a c k + R e c o r d /GLASOD.htm) project of the International SoilReference and Information Centre (ISRIC),Wageningen, the Netherlands (commissioned bythe UNEP), produced a global map of human-induced soil degradation in 1990 at an averagescale of 1:10,000,000. The initial GLASOD maphad loosely defined physiographic units(polygons), and the degradation status (type,extent, degree, rate and cause) for individualpolygons was mapped based on qualitative expertjudgment of a large number of soil scientiststhroughout the world. GLASOD has paved theway for more detailed assessments of soildegradation, such as the Assessment of SoilDegradation in South and Southeast Asia(ASSOD) (1:5,000,000). The results of theseassessments have been used to update theGLASOD regional coverage, and additionalupdates are also in progress. The data areavailable for download in digital format from theISRIC website (ISRIC 1990).

Global Land Use Dataset ( held by the Center for Sustainability andthe Global Environment (SAGE), University ofWisconsin-Madison, USA, describe the geographicpatterns of the world’s croplands, grazing lands,urban areas, and natural vegetation. Data areavailable in both tabular format (for countries,states, etc., of the world) as well as in map form.The 0.5o resolution grid dataset illustrating globalcropland area in 1992 (as fraction of grid cell)(Ramankutty and Foley 1998) was used in mappingthe Agricultural Water Crowding Indices.

FAO Digital Media Series ( includes global thematic

maps such as main soils of the world, soil productionindex, soil drainage class, effective soil depth, etc. Theglobal map of effective soil depth, which has a spatialresolution of 0.5o, was used in this study.

AQUASTAT ( is a global database on water andagriculture developed by the Land and WaterDivision of the FAO which holds data on the globalstatus of land and water resources on a countrybasis. This study used country datasets on annualrenewable water quantities, annual waterwithdrawals and dam capacities.

ProdSTAT ( maintained by the FAO contains detailedagricultural production data, area/stock and yielddata on a country basis starting from 1961.Cropped area data for seven types of crops wereused in calculating the Socioeconomic DroughtVulnerability index in this study.

World Register of Dams compiled by theInternational Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)( is a reference to large dams(height - greater than or equal to 15 meters (m)) ofthe world providing information such as dam type,height, capacity and purpose. The 1998 version ofthe World Register of Dams, which contains dataon 25,410 large dams of the world, was used inmapping storage related indices in this study withsupplemental information from AQUASTAT and theDams and Reservoirs dataset of the WWDRIIdatabase.

In addition to the above, other data sources onfreshwater resources of the world such as theEarthtrends Searchable Database( maintained by theWorld Resources Institute (WRI), USA, the World’sWater database ( maintainedby the Pacific Institute, USA, the State of Waterdatabase ( by the Water Environment Partnership inAsia (WEPA), Japan, as well as Malik et al. (2000)and White (2005) were also used to inform mappingof storage-related indices.

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Drought Characteristics and Indices

This section briefly describes the indices andcharacteristics presented and mapped in this study– primarily focusing on the origin of indices andrationale for mapping. Some of them are drought-related indices, which were either used locallyrather than globally, or used out of the context with

drought studies. Some others are existing indices,which although designed for a different purposeoriginally, carry useful drought-related information ifused either as is or with certain modifications.

Long-term Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP)(Figure 1(a)), its Coefficient of Variation (CV)(Figure 1(b)), and Probability (%) of AnnualPrecipitation in any year being less than 75% of its

FIGURE 1. (a) Global distribution of long-term Mean Annual Precipitation, (b) its Coefficient of Variation, and(c) Probability (%) of annual precipitation in any year being less than 75% of its long-term mean.




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Long-term Mean (Figure 1(c)) were calculated andmapped globally on a 0.5o grid. Since drought isgenerally defined in relation to a long-term averagecondition, it is worth identifying a global pattern ofsuch conditions - in this case MAP (Figure 1(a))and its inter-annual variability (Figure 1(b)). Theprobability of annual precipitation in any year beingless than 75% of MAP (Figure 1(c)) can point toregional differences in the frequency of occurrenceof annual droughts and links the pattern of thesedroughts with MAP and CV. A threshold of 75% ofMAP, while somewhat arbitrary, is often acceptedas an identifier of a meteorological drought. Thesemaps were produced using annual precipitationdata from the University of East Anglia(

Per capita Mean Annual River Discharge(Figure 2) reflects population pressure on river flowwithin a 0.5° grid cell, which is exacerbated in timesof drought. A similar indicator, per capita MeanAnnual Surface Runoff, only considers runoffgenerated internally within a grid cell. Since manyrivers in the world are transboundary in nature, thesecond indicator pictures a hypothetical situationwhen every country has to rely on its own runoffalone. The pattern of both indicators was, however,

found to be broadly similar and, hence, only thefirst is presented here. The map was producedusing population data from CIESIN( and annual riverdischarge data from UNH (

A more ‘agriculture-focused’ index isAgricultural Water Crowding (Sullivan et al. 2006).It was designed to measure population numbersper one volumetric unit of precipitation falling oncroplands, but has not been applied globally. Theoriginal index measured crowding with respect toprecipitation only. In this study, we made use oftwo variations of this index (AW1 and AW2) byconsidering both MAP and mean annual riverdischarge MAR:



⋅= (1)



⋅= (2)

where: P = population (number of people) per gridcell; MAP = mean annual precipitation per grid cell

FIGURE 2. Per capita Mean Annual River Discharge by 0.50 grid cell.

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(km3); MAR = mean annual river discharge per gridcell (km3); and CF = crop area as a fraction of cellarea. Water (either precipitation or river discharge)available within a 0.5o grid cell may be split intoagricultural water and non–agricultural water inproportion to the cropped and non-cropped areas inthat unit. Agricultural Water Crowding is a measureof the number of people who have to shareagricultural water in a grid cell. By mapping itglobally (Figures 3(a) and 4), it is possible toidentify “agricultural water-stressed” areas, whichare becoming even more stressed in times of adrought (Figure 3(b) - produced with an assumptionthat an average drought (mean precipitation minusmean precipitation deficit) occurs simultaneouslyover the globe). The variations of the same indexrelate to different aspects of availability of water

from the two distinct sources. Agricultural watercrowding maps were produced using populationdata from CIESIN (,MAR and MAP data from UNH (, and percentage cropped area fromSAGE (

An Infrastructure Vulnerability Index, similar tothe one developed by the World Travel and TourismCouncil ( leases /Press_Re leases_2004 /New_Statistics_launched/), was used to reflectadaptive capacity of a country to a drought. Similarindices, although much more complex andinclusive of a large number of indicators (10 to 50),are well known (e.g., O’Brien et al. 2004; The indexused in this study only includes two proxy

FIGURE 3. Agricultural Water Crowding (population sharing one cubic kilometer of precipitation falling on croplandswithin 0.50 grid cell) with respect to (a) mean annual precipitation, and (b) under drought conditions.



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indicators - the WB’s Rural Access Index (RA) andthe percentage of population with access to animproved water source (IDW). The data for bothcomponents are available for a large number ofcountries ( Both componentsdetermine the adaptive capacity of agriculture andrural communities to current climate variability andassociated droughts. The composite InfrastructureVulnerability Index (IFI) was constructed in a similarmanner to UNDP’s Human Development Index(UNDP 2006), in which the values of eachcomponent indicator were normalized to the rangeof values in the dataset:



+= (3)



actual ⋅−−−=





actual ⋅−−−=



where: =Ra World Bank’s Rural Access Index -percentage of rural people who live within 2kilometers (km) (typically equivalent to a walk of 20

minutes) of an all-season road as a proportion of thetotal rural population; and =Idw Percentage ofpeople having access to (able to obtain at least 20liters per person per day from a source within 1 kmof a dwelling) an improved water source (householdconnection, public standpipe, protected well orspring, etc.). The index has a score of 0-100 with100 implying maximum vulnerability (Figure 5).

The Biophysical Vulnerability Index of O’ Brienet al. (2004) applied to India at the resolution ofindividual states, consists of three sub-indices:Depth of Soil Cover Index (DS), Soil DegradationSeverity Index (SD) and Groundwater ScarcityIndex (GWS). A similar Biophysical VulnerabilityIndex (BVI) (Figure 6) was constructed in thisstudy by adding a fourth dimension: Surface Water(Runoff) Scarcity Index (SWS).



+++= (6)



actual ⋅−−−=





actual ⋅−−=



FIGURE 4. Agricultural Water Crowding with respect to mean annual river discharge (population sharingone cubic kilometer of river water available for croplands within 0.50 grid cell).

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where: =DS Depth of Soil Cover Index; =SD Soil

Degradation Severity Index; =GWS Groundwater

Scarcity Index; =SWS Surface Runoff Scarcity

Index; =Ds Depth of Soil Cover; =Sd Soil

Degradation Severity; =Gr Annual Groundwater

Recharge; and =MAS Mean Annual SurfaceRunoff. The final composite index was mapped at0.5o resolution. Data for proxy variables Ds, Sdand MAS are available at that resolution (e.g., Ds– from FAO Digital Media Series (; Sd – from ISRIC(; and MAS from UNH( Since highresolution global groundwater data are not availablein the public domain, country-scale groundwater

FIGURE 5. Infrastructure Vulnerability Index based on the percentage of people having access to an improvedwater source and general accessibility of rural areas through the road network.

FIGURE 6. Biophysical Vulnerability Index based on mean annual surface runoff, mean annual groundwater recharge,soil depth and soil degradation severity within 0.50 grid cell.











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Socioeconomic Drought Vulnerability Index. IDI andEDI use World Bank Indicators ( percentage contribution from agriculture tonational GDP (Av), and percentage employed inagriculture (% of total employment) (Ea),respectively, as proxy variables. The proxy variablein CDI is the Crops Diversity Index (Ci) suggestedby Jülich (2006). A weight of 0.4 is assigned toeach of IDI and EDI, while a weight of 0.2 isassigned to CDI in the composite index. The latteris done to emphasize that the importance of cropsdiversity in a country depends on how large acontribution is made by the agricultural sector tothe country’s economy. SDI has a score of 0-100with 100 implying maximum vulnerability.

CDI20EDI40IDI40SDI ... ++= (11)


recharge data from WRI ( were converted into 0.5o resolution griddata - for mapping purposes. The index may beseen as a measure of sensitivity of agriculture todroughts. It has a score of 0-100 with 100 implyingmaximum vulnerability. Areas with higherbiophysical vulnerability are those which are mostvulnerable to agricultural drought whenevermeteorological drought occurs.

The Socioeconomic Drought Vulnerability Index(SDI) (Figure 7) measures the vulnerability ofindividual countries to socioeconomic drought. It isformulated on the consideration that higher GDPcontributions from non-agricultural sectors, lowerpercentage employment in the agricultural sectorand higher crops diversity will collectively lower acountry’s chances of developing socioeconomicdrought when meteorological drought occurs. Threesub-indices, namely, the Income Diversity Index(IDI), Employment Diversity Index (EDI) and theCrop Range Index (CDI), make up the composite

FIGURE 7. Socioeconomic Drought Vulnerability Index based on the crop diversity of individual countries and theirdependence on agriculture for income and employment generation.






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where: =IDI Income Diversity Index;

=EDI Employment Diversity Index; =CDI Crop

Range Index; =Av percentage contribution from

agriculture to national GDP; =Ea percentage

employed in agriculture (% of total employment);

=Ci Crops diversity Index suggested by Jülich

(2006); and =P Fractional cropped area out of

total cropped area for each type of crop. Croppedarea data for seven types of crops (cereals,vegetables, fruits and nuts, oil crops, roots andtubers, pulses, and fibers) in FAO’s ProdSTATdatabase ( were

used in calculating Ci . Smaller Ci values indicate

higher crops diversity.A number of indices are proposed in literature,

which measure the performance of water resourcessystems in terms of reliability, resilience andvulnerability of water resources (e.g., Hashimoto etal. 1982). Reliability in essence is a probability thatmonthly precipitation (or discharge) is larger thanits long-term monthly mean value. Vulnerability, inthis context, refers to the likely magnitude of afailure (maximum drought intensity) if one occurs.Relative vulnerability is the vulnerability divided bythe expected threshold value (Hashimoto et al.1982; McMahon et al. 2006): in this study - long-term monthly mean precipitation or discharge.Resilience may be interpreted as a measure ofhow quickly a system is likely to recover fromfailure once failure has occurred. Vulnerability andResilience are, hence, effectively complementary.Some of these measures were mapped before forcertain geographical regions (e.g., parts of Europe

- Bernardino and Corte Real 2004), but notglobally. Some authors attempted to combinethese measures to derive composite Drought RiskIndices (Zongxue et al. 1998; Loucks 1997;McMahon et al. 2006). This study attempted tomap several such indices. Two maps of droughtrisks are presented here to avoid showing toomany maps (which are often similar). Drought RiskIndex (DRI) is calculated as:




REL1DRI +−= (16)

where: N

NsREL = ;


VRV = ;






Im; =V Vulnerability; axIm =

Maximum drought intensity (maximum individual

deficit per time step) in each drought run; =ND

Number of drought runs; =RV Relative Vulnerability;

=MMP Mean Monthly Precipitation or Mean

Monthly River Discharge; =Ns number of intervals

(months) that the target demand (Mean MonthlyPrecipitation or Mean Monthly River Discharge) was

fully met; and =N total number of intervals

(months). The DRI was mapped at 0.5o resolution forboth monthly precipitation (Figure 8) and monthlyriver discharge (Figure 9). Regardless of its seeminglycomplex formulation, the DRI in essence is anintegrated index which shows the combined droughtrisk at any given location in terms of precipitation/riverdischarge reliability and vulnerability. It ranges from 0-1. Higher DRI values imply that the area has lessreliable precipitation/discharge. The datasets used forcalculating drought risk indices are monthlyprecipitation and monthly river discharge from theUniversity of East Anglia ( and UNH (, respectively.












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Drought Duration is another importantcharacteristic which varies globally verysignificantly. It is possible to distinguish betweenthe actual duration of a drought (which can lastmore than a year – a drought ‘run’) and theduration of an annual drought (i.e., how long cana drought last in a single year). The latter caserefers to a number of dry months within a yearand cannot be more than 12 months, while the

actual duration can. Figure 10 shows thedistribution of the mean drought run durationbased on monthly river discharge (sum ofdurations of all indentified drought runs divided bynumber of runs). This map was produced using0.5° resolution monthly river discharge grids fromUNH ( distribution of annual drought duration isbroadly similar.

FIGURE 8. Drought Risk Index with respect to Monthly Precipitation based on the frequency of meteorological (precipitation)drought occurrence and drought intensity (deficit below long-term mean).

FIGURE 9. Drought Risk Index with respect to Monthly River Discharge based on the frequency of hydrological (riverdischarge) drought occurrence and drought intensity (deficit below long-term mean).

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A few indices were mapped, which aim tocapture the adequacy of water storage capacity ina country or other spatial unit to meet its annualwater withdrawals in the event of a drought.Storage Capacity (SC) as a proportion of TotalAnnual Renewable Freshwater Resources (ARW)within a country (Figure 11) is an indicator of theextent of exploitation of national water resources ina country. Total annual renewable freshwaterresources include both surface water as well asgroundwater. White (2005) has calculated this ratiofor a few countries with reservoir storage in excessof half the total annual freshwater resources.


SCSCI = (17)

where: =SCI Storage Capacity Index;

=SC Storage Capacity; and =ARW Total AnnualRenewable Freshwater Resources within a country.

The Storage–Drought Duration (length) Index(SLI) is the ratio between the duration (in months)that the storage capacity in a country (SC) is ableto satisfy national water needs (based on monthlysurface water withdrawals (SW)), and annualhydrological drought duration (DDM) (in months),

FIGURE 10. Mean Drought Run Duration based on monthly river discharge (sum of durations of all identifieddrought runs divided by the number of runs).

FIGURE 11. Storage as a Proportion of a Country’s Total Annual Renewable Freshwater Resources.

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calculated relative to an arbitrary drought threshold(long-term mean monthly river discharge). TheStorage–Drought Deficit Index (SDI) is an indicatorof how much of the annual (hydrological) droughtdeficit (MAD) (relative to long-term mean) issatisfied by the existing storage capacity (SC) ina county.


SCSLI = (18)


SCSDI = (19)

where: =SLI Storage–Drought Duration Index;

=SDI Storage–Drought Deficit Index; SC =

Storage Capacity; SW = monthly surface waterwithdrawals; DDM = annual hydrological droughtduration (months); and MAD = annual(hydrological) drought deficit relative to long-termmean.

Monthly river discharge grids (0.5o resolution)from UNH ( were used in calculating bothindices. Only grid cells with MAR > 0.01 MCMwere considered. The annual drought duration,and the annual drought deficit were initiallycalculated at a 0.5o resolution and averagedacross each country, while storage capacity,MAR and water withdrawal data were available ona country scale. Finally, SLI and SDI weremapped at a country scale (Figures 12 and 13).For mapping the three storage related indices,Storage Capacity data were obtained from theWorld Register of Dams, ICOLD (, AQUASTAT ( and the dams,lakes and reservoirs database of UNH( Total AnnualRenewable Freshwater Resources data wereobtained mainly from AQUASTAT, EarthtrendsSearchable Database of WRI ( and World’s Water database of thePacific Institute (

FIGURE 12. Storage–Drought Duration (Length) Index - ratio between i) the duration (in months) that the storagecapacity in a country is able to satisfy national water needs, and ii) annual hydrological drought duration, calculated

relative to the long-term mean monthly river discharge.

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The maps presented in Figure 1 effectively describethe natural availability of water resources in anyspecific region. This availability certainly determineswhether droughts are seen as a severe problem ornot. In arid areas, there may even be a lack ofdistinction between drought and aridity (Smakhtinand Schipper 2008). Aridity is a measure of howdry/wet a region is on average over the long term;it is a permanent climatic characteristic of anarea. Drought is a deviation from this long-termmean (which is different in different physiographicareas). Thus, droughts come and go, but aridity inan area remains. In arid areas, however, the intra-annual variability of precipitation is generally higherthan in humid areas. Figure 1 illustrates this point.Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show the distribution of meanannual precipitation on a global scale and thedistribution of the coefficient of variation (CV) ofmean annual precipitation, respectively. Figure 1(c)shows the probability that annual rainfall in an areawill fall below the threshold of 75% of the long-termmean annual precipitation. The latter threshold isused here as an arbitrary limit, below which a yearcan be considered a ‘drought year’. It appears, that

areas which are naturally arid or semi-arid (e.g.,receiving less rainfall over the long term) also tendto have higher CV of mean annual precipitationand, consequently, higher probability of droughtoccurrence - at least in the case of an ‘annual’drought. This partially explains the occasionalconfusion between drought and aridity and alsosuggests, that management measures taken in aridareas to alleviate unreliable water supplies, whetherin a drought or not, are similar.

More insights may be inferred if population isadded to the picture. Per capita availability of meanannual river discharge (Figure 2) allows areas ofboth ‘climate-driven’ and ‘population- driven’ waterscarcity to be identified (Falkenmark et al. 2007).For example, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan,which together occupy a comparable land area(3,193,340 square kilometres (km2)) with India(3,287,260 km2), collectively generate only some20% of India’s MAR of 1,858 cubic kilometres(km3). However, India on one hand and the otherthree countries (on average) on another, have closeper capita MAR (1,613 cubic meters (m3) and 1,300m3, respectively). Due to India’s higher population

FIGURE 13. Storage–Drought Deficit Index (how much of the long-term annual hydrological drought deficit is satisfied by theexisting storage capacity in a country).

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density, this observation may be interpreted as‘population-driven’ water scarcity in India asopposed to ‘climate-driven’ water scarcity in theother three countries. Southeastern China, Thailandand East Africa are other areas more likely to beexperiencing population–driven water scarcity,although they are some of the wettest parts of theworld (Figure 1). Australia, Southwest and CentralAsia, North Africa, northern China, Mongolia,southern Africa, western United States, LatinAmerica and southern American countries such asArgentina and Paraguay are, on the other hand,more likely to experience “climate–driven” waterscarcity being in arid or semi-arid environments. Atthe same time, almost all of them are alsocategorized as having or approaching “demand-driven” scarcity (Comprehensive Assessment ofWater Management in Agriculture 2007). In droughtyears, per capita water availability drops. Theoverall distribution pattern remains the same, butregions with limited per capita flow availabilityincreases. In the earlier example, if a globaldrought year is defined as a year when annual riverdischarge is 75% of long-term MAR, then India’sper capita river discharge drops by 402 m3 whilethat of the other three countries (Afghanistan, Iranand Pakistan) drops by only 325 m3. In a ‘global’drought year, the highest per capita water lossesoccur not so much in the driest regions, but ratherin regions which are not normally water scarce dueto climate.

The two maps of agricultural water crowding(Figures 3(a) and 4) illustrate much higher values ofcrowding with respect to river discharge than withrespect to precipitation. The obvious reason for thisis that annual precipitation is higher than annualrunoff in any part of the world due to various losseson the ground. According to the ComprehensiveAssessment of Water Management in Agriculture(2007), globally, about 39% of rain contributes toriver discharge and groundwater collectively. Only ina few countries of the Middle East; South, East,and Central Asia; and Northern and Western Africain Figure 3(a), the cropped areas appear to beunder Chronic Agricultural Water Scarcity(Falkenmark 1989; FAO 2000), i.e., where watercrowding is greater than 1,000,000 people per 1

km3 of water. Figure 4 presents a completelydifferent picture with more than half of the croppedareas of the world under the same condition (theonly exception being major river corridors). A closerlook at South and Southeast Asia, or the Murray–Darling Basin in Australia, suggests that if meanprecipitation is considered a measure to calculatewater crowding, then most of the cropped areasare not under agricultural water stress (AgriculturalWater Crowding is less than or equal to 600,000people per 1 km3 of water) (Figure 3(a)). Figure 4,on the contrary, points to escalated water crowdingif river flow is used as a measure. In a drought year(Figure 3(b)), agricultural water crowding increases,depending on the severity of a drought. In Figure3(b), a drought year in a grid cell is defined as ayear when precipitation is less than its long-termmean value by the long-term mean annualprecipitation deficit. However, agricultural watercrowding levels in Figure 3(b) are still much lowerthan those in Figure 4, suggesting that even in adrought year precipitation water availability ishigher than that of river discharge under long-term(normal) conditions, which is also true in areaswhich rely heavily on river water for agriculture.Therefore, there may be a potential for rainwateruse in agriculture that can be tapped by enhancedrainwater harvesting. This is yet another argumentin support of frequent calls to view rainfall as theultimate source of water (ComprehensiveAssessment of Water Management in Agriculture2007; Falkenmark et al. 2007), instead of focusingonly on river flow/groundwater. According to theearlier definition of a drought year (which is equallyapplicable to river discharge), the number of peopleliving under Falkenmark’s chronic (agricultural) riverwater scarcity (1,000,000 people per km3) mayreach 3.3 billion, of which over 2 billion would bein areas with an extreme crowding of 2,000,000people per km3. While a similar dry year could nothappen simultaneously over the entire planet, theestimates above point to the danger of droughts invarious parts of the world.

Infrastructure development of any countrydetermines, amongst others, the level of itspreparedness to drought. The availability ofimproved drinking water and general accessibility of

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rural areas (where most of the world’s poor reside)through the road network are two important factorsdetermining a country’s anti-drought copingcapacity. The countries most vulnerable to adversesocietal impacts due to drought are those whichalready have low MAP and high CV (thus havinghigher probability of occurrence of drought – seeFigure 1). They often score similarly low ininfrastructure development terms and have lowerinstitutional capacity to respond effectively ormitigate the effects of drought. It is evident that theAfrican continent is lagging behind the rest of theworld (Figure 5) in this context. European countriessuch as UK, Spain, France and the Netherlandsscore the lowest on the Infrastructure VulnerabilityIndex (higher infrastructure development) whileEthiopia, Somalia, Chad, Mali and Mozambique, aswell as Afghanistan in Asia score the highest.

According to Figure 6, the arid and semi-aridareas of the world, especially the Sahel, SouthernAfrica, Southwest Asia, parts of China and LatinAmerica show higher biophysical vulnerability.Comparison of Figures 1(a), 6 and 10 illustratesthat the above areas are also subject to prolongeddroughts and low MAP, which often results in lowcrop yields.

Socioeconomic Drought Vulnerability (Figure 7)is generally higher throughout Africa and Asiasince many African and Asian countries are largelyagricultural economies. In contrast, North andSouth America, Australia and Europe display muchlower socioeconomic drought vulnerability. This isnot surprising considering the fact that percentageemployment in agricultural endeavors is as high as93% in Bhutan and 92% in Burkina Faso while itis as low as 1% in the United Kingdom and 2% inthe United States. African Countries such asGuinea-Bissau, Ethiopia and Niger, and Asiancountries Lao PDR, Afghanistan and Cambodiascore the highest on this index (i.e., mostvulnerable), while Hong Kong, Macau andSingapore score the lowest. Agricultural economiesare much more vulnerable to adverse societalimpacts due to meteorological drought. The morecomplex economies of developed countriesinsolate the population to fluctuations in agriculturalproductivity due to drought.

Figures 8 and 9 illustrate that the riverdischarge Drought Risk Index is higher than theprecipitation Drought Risk Index throughout theworld, except for a few pockets in South America,Africa and Southeast Asia. This comparisonhighlights the unreliable and vulnerable nature ofriver discharge, and further confirms the widelyvoiced dangers of relying on river water alone. Ingeneral, the arid and semi-arid areas have a higherdrought risk index than the rest of the worldimplying frequent drought occurrence and higherdrought intensity (deficit below long-term mean)when drought does occur. Europe is ‘better-off’ interms of this index and Africa is the worst case.

Figure 10 shows how average hydrologicaldrought duration (run length) varies across theglobe. A large part of Africa, South, Southwestand Central Asia and northern Australia (all aridand semi-arid regions) are more prone to multi-year hydrological droughts. An analysis of annualdrought durations (not mapped here), suggestedthat these areas also experience longer annualdroughts (how long a drought can last in a singleyear). Long-term droughts coupled with highinfrastructural (Figure 5) and socioeconomic(Figure 7) vulnerability contribute to poor soilquality, food shortage, malnutrition, disease,conflict and famine in Africa. However, large partsof South and North America and most of Europeappear to be less prone to multi-year hydrologicaldroughts, while they also have shorter annualdrought durations.

The Storage–Drought Duration (Length) Index(Figure 12) indicates the fraction of the annualdrought duration in any country that its presentstorage capacity is able to satisfy based on itsmonthly surface water demand. An index value of 1implies that the country’s present storage capacityis satisfactory in comparison to its surface waterdemand and mean annual drought duration. Out ofall the areas having comparatively longer drought rundurations (Figure 10), southern Africa, Australia,most of South and Central America and the UnitedStates seem to be able to satisfy most of theirneeds with the current storage facilities, unlikesome countries in Central and South Asia, wherethis index is lower than 0.5. Overall, Africa appears

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to be more ‘drought-ready’ than South Asia withrespect to reservoir storage. The worst casesinclude Saudi Arabia, Oman, Madagascar, Somalia,Kuwait, Syria, Slovakia, Hungary and Nepal. A lookat Figure 11, which maps the present storagecapacity as a percentage of total available annualfreshwater resources, reveals that many of thecountries which score low on this index (especiallythose in Asia) have no apparent hydrological barriersfor increasing storage in the future except perhapsLibya which is already storing 05-0.75% of itsannual freshwater resources.

Only a few countries score high on Storage–Drought Deficit Index (Figure 13). They are Egypt,Morocco, Ghana, Cote-d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso,Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Burundi, South Africa,China, Uzbekistan, Kyrghystan, Tajikistan, Iraq,Turkey, Azerbaijan, Romania and Spain. They arealso the countries “performing satisfactorily” onboth storage indices (Figures 12 and 13) whilehaving the highest ratios of storage to totalavailable freshwater resources (Figure 11). A low

value of Storage–Drought Deficit Index does notnecessarily mean that a particular country isunable to meet its freshwater demands duringdrought. Australia, for example, has enoughstorage to last twice as long as the annualdrought duration when compared with its monthlywater withdrawal or monthly demand (Figure 12).However, according to Figure 13, its storagevolume is 0.25-0.5 of the annual drought deficit(with respect to long-term mean), which impliesthat its annual demand is much less than theannual deficit. Therefore, those countries whichscore high on the Storage–Drought Duration(length) Index can be reasonably assumed topossess satisfactory storage to meet theirfreshwater demands during drought. On the otherhand, those countries which score high onStorage-Drought Deficit Index are also often theones which are more susceptible to riverfragmentation and over–exploitation of freshwaterresources (e.g., China, Egypt, South Africa)(Revenga et al. 2000).


This study reviewed all previous known attempts toapproach the issue of drought analysis at theglobal scale as well as attempts to map disasterrisks, water scarcity, climate change and relatedsubjects. The review showed that there has beenlittle, if any, attempt to date to comprehensivelydescribe and map various aspects and impacts ofa drought as an individual natural disaster and asa global multi-faceted phenomenon. Hence, thestudy aimed to start filling this niche by producinga set of global maps of various drought-relatedcharacteristics. These characteristics reflect variousaspects of drought patterns and impacts rangingfrom global distribution of meteorological andhydrological drought risks to social vulnerability andindices related to water infrastructure. The maps -either at a country level or regular grid scale - have

been produced by integrating a number of publiclyavailable global datasets.

This study should not be seen as exhaustive,but rather as a starting point for global analysis ofdrought patterns, impacts and preparedness. Thelimited set of maps designed and analyzed in thisstudy may, with subsequent contributions fromother research groups, develop with time into acomprehensive global drought indicators’ ‘atlas’.There are many possibilities on this avenue. At thesame time, it is critically important to note that theoccurrence of a drought and a specific location’svulnerability to drought is the result of acombination of many local factors. This study givesa rather general, ‘global’ illustration of variousdrought-related factors, and should not be used tomake sweeping generalizations at the local scale.

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The present study used monthly rainfall andflow data as they are the only globally availablehydrological data so far. Impacts and responseoptions for short-term droughts (weeks to months)and long-term droughts (years to decades) may bedifferent. Future research should examine thedifferences between short-term (e.g., dry spells)and long-term droughts more closely. However, forthe former, daily precipitation and flow time seriesare needed at the global scale – these arecurrently not available or are not reliable.

Quantifying and indexing vulnerability todroughts represents another challenge andresearch niche. A number of attempts are made toquantify vulnerability to climate change and naturaldisasters (e.g., Downing et al. 2001;;;; Vulnerability indices can helpidentify and target vulnerable regions or populations,raise awareness, and form part of a monitoring andadaptation strategy. However, vulnerabilitydefinitions vary a lot between various sectors anddisciplines. Vulnerability to agricultural drought

(low, moderate, high) can be quantified bycombining GIS coverages of individualmeteorological and basin parameters (e.g., soilroot zone available holding capacity, land-use type,etc). Such vulnerability coverage can provideinformation on which crops are better in whichparts of the state/country. Vulnerability indicescould be based on damage incurred, populationaffected, number of droughts relative to land area,etc. It should be possible to map droughtvulnerability at smaller administrative subdivisionswithin countries. But similarly important is toevaluate it at the local level and at the level ofhouseholds, where different indicators are needed.

Drought indicator mapping eventually feedsinto development of a scientific knowledge base foroperational drought tools such as droughtmonitoring, drought early warning systems, which,in turn, should form part of national droughtpreparedness plans. It is also necessary to note,that since droughts are projected to become moresevere, longer or frequent in many parts of theworld in the future (e.g., Bates et al. 2008),understanding and quantifying drought patterns andanticipated impacts is becoming a matter of ever-increasing importance.

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IWMI Research Reports

133. Mapping Drought Patterns and Impacts: A Global Perspective. Nishadi Eriyagama,Vladimir Smakhtin and Nilantha Gamage. 2009.

132. Malaria Transmission in the Vicinity of Impounded Water: Evidence from theKoka Reservoir, Ethiopia. Solomon Kibret, Matthew McCartney, Jonathan Lautzeand Gayathree Jayasinghe. 2009.

131. Implementing Integrated River Basin Management: Lessons from the Red RiverBasin, Vietnam. François Molle and Chu Thai Hoanh. 2009.

130. Economic Gains of Improving Soil Fertility and Water Holding Capacity with ClayApplication: The Impact of Soil Remediation Research in Northeast Thailand.Rathinasamy Maria Saleth, Arlene Inocencio, Andrew Noble and SawaengRuaysoongnern. 2009.

129. Adaptive Water Resource Management in the South Indian Lower Bhavani ProjectCommand Area. Mats Lannerstad and David Molden. 2009.

128. Importance of Irrigated Agriculture to the Ethiopian Economy: Capturing the DirectNet Benefits of Irrigation. Fitsum Hagos, Godswill Makombe, Regassa E. Namaraand Seleshi Bekele Awulachew. 2009.

127. Drivers and Characteristics of Wastewater Agriculture in Developing Countries:Results from a Global Assessment. Liqa Raschid-Sally and Priyantha Jayakody.2008.

126. Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology and Water Resources of the Upper BlueRiver Basin, Ethiopia. Ungtae Kim, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi and Vladimir U.Smakhtin. 2008.

125. The Lower Krishna Basin Trajectory: Relationships between Basin Developmentand Downstream Environmental Degradation. Jean-Philippe Venot, Bharat R.Sharma and Kamineni V. G. K. Rao. 2008.

124. Institutions, Impact Synergies and Food Security: A Methodology with Resultsfrom the Kala Oya Basin, Sri Lanka. Rathinasamy Maria Saleth, Ariel Dinar,Susanne Neubert, Bandi Kamaiah, Seenithamby Manoharan, SarathAbayawardana, Ranjith Ariyaratne and Shyamalie de Silva. 2007.

123. India’s Water Future to 2025–2050: Business-as-Usual Scenario and Deviations.Upali A. Amarasinghe, Tushaar Shah, Hugh Turral and B. K. Anand. 2007.

Page 36: RESEARCH REPOR T 133 Mapping Drought Patterns · a normal part of the climate of all world regions, regardless of how arid or humid they are. Droughts develop slowly, are difficult

Nishadi Eriyagama, Vladimir Smakhtin and Nilantha Gamage

Mapping Drought Patterns and Impacts: A Global Perspective




Postal AddressP O Box 2075ColomboSri Lanka

Location127, Sunil MawathaPelawattaBattaramullaSri Lanka



[email protected]

I n t e r n a t i o n a lWater ManagementI n s t i t u t e ISBN: 978-92-9090-711-4

ISSN: 1026-0862I n t e r n a t i o n a lWater ManagementI n s t i t u t e


0 - 2020 - 3030 - 4040 - 5050 - 6060 - 7070 - 8080 - 99water bodiesno datano agriculture

Annual RiverDischarge(1,000 m3 per person)

0 - 0.0010.001 - 11 - 1010 - 100100 - 1,0001,000 - 10,00010,000-100,000>100,000low populationno data

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