research techniques and poster analysis

PR 1: Research Techniques Quantitative research is when you collect data from numbers like statistics for example 95% people in the world have at least seen one film. Quantitative research is a more logical and data-led approach which provides a measure of what people thinks from a statistical point of view. Qualitative research involves words for example the question will be what your name so written answers is. Qualitative research is the type of research people use to gain insight into a problem or issue. It uses in-depth studies of small groups of people or giant groups to guide and support the construction of hypotheses. The results of qualitative research are descriptive rather than predictive. Primary research is when you collect your own data and information from people, for example like questionnaires and surveys. Secondary research is information you collect from other existing data for example google is the most used one. Others include books, newspaper, adverts and any other data that already exists. This is the biggest method to collect information by people today. Types of audience: Mainstream-Mainstream audience is for a very wide and broad targeted to people with a wide range of age and genre. So the product is accepted by the largest amount of people in the world, for example for a film star wars the force awakens or Fast and furious very big films popular to all different types of people. (Heavily marketed) Alternative- Alternative audience is a product targeted to a particular type of audience who interested in opposite products to mainstream but still can be very popular such as death rock which is the opposite to a one direction pop song. For movies Tim burton’s movies are great example of alternative audience movies.

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Page 1: Research Techniques and Poster Analysis

PR 1: Research Techniques

Quantitative research is when you collect data from numbers like statistics for example 95% people in the world have at least seen one film. Quantitative research is a more logical and data-led approach which provides a measure of what people thinks from a statistical point of view.

Qualitative research involves words for example the question will be what your name so written answers is. Qualitative research is the type of research people use to gain insight into a problem or issue. It uses in-depth studies of small groups of people or giant groups to guide and support the construction of hypotheses. The results of qualitative research are descriptive rather than predictive.

Primary research is when you collect your own data and information from people, for example like questionnaires and surveys.

Secondary research is information you collect from other existing data for example google is the most used one. Others include books, newspaper, adverts and any other data that already exists. This is the biggest method to collect information by people today.

Types of audience:

Mainstream-Mainstream audience is for a very wide and broad targeted to people with a wide range of age and genre. So the product is accepted by the largest amount of people in the world, for example for a film star wars the force awakens or Fast and furious very big films popular to all different types of people. (Heavily marketed)

Alternative- Alternative audience is a product targeted to a particular type of audience who interested in opposite products to mainstream but still can be very popular such as death rock which is the opposite to a one direction pop song. For movies Tim burton’s movies are great example of alternative audience movies.

Niche- Niche is a small group of people that is effected by a product so only targeted to a certain amount of people. For example of a niche movie is PELE which is a new movie and based on a popular celebrity but not in the world of cinema where only certain groups of people will watch it.

Audience Profiling:

Gender- Most media products are targeted to men or women, a good example of that are magazines which you could clearly see they are dividing into men or women. Most products have a target audience so they make the product more relatable to the gender, for example Alcohol adverts always make it manly by adding sports or men at the pub in the background. Even the colour

Page 2: Research Techniques and Poster Analysis

PR 1: Research Techniques

Age- Age is important as some products can only be shown or brought to certain age groups. For example, kitchen knives are not for children but most likely to Adults and which gender is most likely to buy it are women. Media products are targeted to either men or women.

Demographics- Demographics studies of a population based on factors such as age, race, sex, economic status, level of education, income level and employment, among others. So like age, gender, and class.

Social Class- Social class is often determined by a person’s income, which can be important for advertisers. A social class is a group of people of similar status, commonly sharing comparable levels of power and wealth.

Psychograph- This is the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. Because this area of research focuses on interests, attitudes, and opinions. So we see which personality fits the best.

Geodemographic- The study and grouping of the people in a geographical area according to socioeconomic criteria. Seeing where people live and what type of area is that.

Gutenberg Design Theory:

Primary Optical AreaIn the main area where our eyes go to straight away we have the strapline of this movie as well as the title which has the main character name in

it. Also having the actresses name to show who the movie star is.

Strong Fallow Area In the strong fallow area, we continue the actors name and title of the film.

Terminal Area In the terminal area we see the actors themselves to see who’s in the movie as well as a prop to show more of the personality of our character in the middle of the poster.

We can also see some modes of address her like the main character looking directly towards is direct address where it tells you the person looking that your coming on this adventure with us getting them involved. Also you can get a strong idea on what kind film this is from the colours and font seeing what genre it is from the bright pink and purple colours.

In the area we don’t have much at really because our eyes automatically fall diagonally to the bottom right and we eventually see the title of film which people will just get it straight away. It’s a sequel of a franchise and they know it’s a horror film. Especially the colour of the background is red instead of the tradition white. Red indicating blood and danger and also the symbol in the middle kind of look like a person but also telling us the movie has religious symbols in it.

Anchorage - How the juxtaposition of images and text or sound help to define meaning for the audience.

Page 3: Research Techniques and Poster Analysis

PR 1: Research Techniques

Poster Analysis:

The main colours in this movie poster is different shades of black from the shadow. The sky is blue with green grass fading away from the sunset. Revealing the title of the movie making it stand out more from the showdown. The colours indicate it’s a family film and the colour scheme sends the message that the film is going to fun and happy, family film. We also sense the theme of fantasy. We see the theme of fantasy, adventure, drama and maybe comedy. We also see the the dark colours more than the bright indicating a more gothic and dark feeling that has more meaning than just a simple happy story from the director of Tim burton tells us more. The unusual setting of giant word made out wood, as well as the font of the title is very funky and goofy which sets the theme of fantasy more. The words BIG FISH is portrayed as being almost tree like in their size and this is emphasized in the font choice. It gives the words a very dominant presence in the poster, they have a very overpowering feel. The main figure of the poster is clearly title but also in the middle of those two words you can see a silhouette

of a man which tells us that maybe he is the main charter of this film and that he’s going on a journey. The size comparison is of the person compared to the words is big and considering the poster space the words BIG fish cover most of it, maybe saying that this journey he’s going on is larger than life. This might reference the fact maybe this person has big dreams or a big personality that will shape the film. The feeling you get the most looking at the poster is a feeling of mystery as we see no other characters and a unusual setting, maybe telling us that this might be a personal journey as he is also walking through the words, seeming to symbolize the character crossing some kind of threshold and strolling off into the sunset. The font has very curly style used and this shows a lighthearted tone. Also branches are sprouting out the top of the letters which connects strong associations with the natural world but also provides a beautiful feel to the poster. We think of fairy's and giants and magical things, so this tree like font defiantly shows elements of fairy tales and stories.