réservation system for hotel

Iana N.K. Fevriere Cardiff Metropolitan University,2013 The development of An Online Hotel Reservation System (Using a Php framework) A report in partial fulfilment of a BSc in Computing

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Iana N.K. Fevriere Cardiff Metropolitan University,2013

The development of An Online Hotel

Reservation System (Using a Php framework)

A report in partial fulfilment of a BSc in Computing

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Iana N.K. Fevriere Cardiff Metropolitan University,2013


To God above, I give my sincere gratitude, for without him all things are not possible. I thank him for his abundant mercies and blessings he has bestowed upon me.

I thank my parents for guiding me and giving me the financial assistance to undertake these studies, and for their continued mentoring and guidance throughout this time

I thank my module supervisor, Mr Nigel Kermode for his continued guidance and supervision throughout the course of this module.

All my family members, I give heartfelt gratitude for their support of my academic endeavours and for always being there.

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This project aimed to create an Online Reservation System for a small Hotel. The hotel is a

Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) in Saint Lucia, West Indies named Paradise Hotel.

This new system enables guests to make reservations from anywhere around the world and is

accessible via the Internet. This system fulfils some basic functionality including; gathering

customers details, example; number of people in party, contact number, address, duration of

stay, date of arrival and departure, email address, room booked and number of children in

party, if any. The system is implemented to replace the current, error-prone manual filing

system used by Paradise Hotel.

With the introduction of the World Wide Web, online transactions are now very popular and

prove to be more reliable than the traditional manual file systems in that it speeds up the

booking process and reduces the problems of duplicate bookings. An online reservation

system is an example of an Internet Booking Engine (IBE), which assists travel and tourism

industry support reservations through the internet.

Due to the ubiquity of web servers, web applications are very popular and using a web

browser as a client is very convenient to businesses and attracts the attention of many

commercial entities. The travel and tourism industry in particular is very popular with regard

to making online reservations for hotel rooms, airline seats, etc.

The system’s interface is the point of contact between the hotel and the customer.

Developing software systems is becoming more common today and developers are always

searching for ways to develop systems faster and to eliminate the problem of repetitive code

in the development process.(Terrance,2010) This can be achieved by using application

frameworks. Application frameworks are collections of abstract classes that are adapted and

extended to create application systems. These help by reducing the amount of code to be

written when developing an application system. Frameworks take all the complexities of

interacting with the operating system and simplify them for the user. The PHP framework,

CodeIgniter, was used to develop this Online Reservation System. CodeIgniter provides the

basic structure for which this system was built.

The architecture of this system is similar to that of most application systems today. The final

product is a web based application developed using Wamp (Windows, Apache, MySql and

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Php) program package. The basic structure of the system illustrates the flow of information

throughout the system components.

Architecture of Paradise Online Reservation System

The purpose of this report is to explain, justify and evaluate all the necessary information

regarding the development of this Online Hotel Reservation System using a PHP framework.

This report focuses on learning the various steps, processes and methodologies to build this

software system.

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ContentsChapter 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................7

1.1 Introduction to Paradise hotel................................................................................................7

1.2 About SME’s...........................................................................................................................7

1.3 Problem Statement................................................................................................................8

1.4 Aim........................................................................................................................................9

1.5 Objectives..............................................................................................................................9

1.6 Significance............................................................................................................................9

Chapter 2 Background......................................................................................................................10

2.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................10

2.2 Real Time Booking..............................................................................................................12

2.3 Incorporating the calendar component into real time systems...........................................12

2.3.1 Why was Wamp Chosen?.............................................................................................13

2.3.2 Apache Version 2.2.22.................................................................................................14

2.3.3 MySQL- Version 5.4.3...................................................................................................14

2.3.4 Php Version 5.5.24.......................................................................................................14

2.3.5 Netbeans IDE...............................................................................................................14

2.3.6 Why was Netbeans chosen for this system?................................................................15

Chapter 3 Literature Review.............................................................................................................16

3.1 The Internet and Information Systems.................................................................................16

3.2 Tools and Technologies.......................................................................................................17

3.3 Web Applications................................................................................................................18

3.4 Web Architecture.................................................................................................................18

3.5 Php Frameworks..................................................................................................................18

3.6 Related Project Works.........................................................................................................18

Chapter 4 System Design..................................................................................................................19

4.1 System Requirements..........................................................................................................19

4.1.1 Functional Requirements.............................................................................................19

4.1.2 Non Functional Requirements......................................................................................19

4.2 The use of Php Frameworks on my system..........................................................................23

4.3 CodeIgniter..........................................................................................................................23

4.4 Why was CodeIgniter Chosen for this system?....................................................................24

Chapter 5 Methodology...................................................................................................................25

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5.1 Unified Process Model-.......................................................................................................25

5.2 Phase 1-Inception.................................................................................................................25

5.3 Phase 2-Elaboration.............................................................................................................26

5.4 Phase 3-Construction...........................................................................................................26

Chapter 6 System Coding.................................................................................................................30

Chapter 7 References.......................................................................................................................41

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Paradise hotelParadise Hotel is a small hotel in Saint Lucia with a total number of fifteen rooms available to guests

for temporary accommodation. Saint Lucia is a small Caribbean island which is a popular vacation

spot for many tourists all over the globe. Tourism is the main income generator for this island. The

biggest tourist markets to Saint Lucia are the United States and the United Kingdom. Paradise Hotel

has two ‘sister’ hotels in different locations on the island that are operated by the same management


The rooms at Paradise Hotel are divided into three main categories which are; Marina View, Sea View

and poolside rooms. The pricing of these rooms vary according to the category. Children under twelve

years of age are not allowed to stay in poolside rooms. The hotel’s reception staff assists in check-in

and check-out of arrivals and need daily summaries of all guests checking in and out of the hotel.

Hotel staff also cancel

reservations for guests

who request to do so.

When guests arrive at

the hotel, they are greeted by hotel staff and ushered to their rooms.

In the drive to cut costs and eliminate human errors in the reservation process, this new online

reservation system (Paradise Hotel Reservation System) is being implemented.

Category Price No. of Rooms Available

Marina View £220 per night 5Sea View £250 per night 5Poolside Rooms £300 per night 5

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1.2 About SME’sThe definition of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) vary according to country or region. In the

United Kingdom, a small enterprise is a business with a headcount of less than fifty employees and a

medium enterprise is a business with a headcount of fewer than two hundred and fifty employees. A

business with a headcount of fewer than ten is called microbusiness.

In Saint Lucia, however, a small to medium enterprise is any privately owned business or company

with less than 75 employees (Peter, 2010). There are a number of small businesses in Saint Lucia,

most of which offer various products and services to the large number of tourists who visit the island.

These small and medium businesses are collectively large income generators for the island and

provide employment throughout the country.

The incorporation of online systems into SME’s around the world has become very popular. Small

and medium businesses have recognized the value and the income that this venture generates. Online

systems enable SMEs to reach a wider geographical market at little cost to the company. This also

helps the company to cut costs generated by human errors in manual systems. This is especially

important for the hospitality businesses, especially hotels in that large amount of funds are wasted

when human errors are made in reservations.

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1.3 Problem StatementCurrently, Paradise Hotel uses a manual filing system to manage guest reservations. Guests who want

to reserve rooms can either book through a travel agent or call the hotel to check availability and book

the room/ rooms of their choice. This form of conducting reservations is time consuming and there are

many inconsistencies in the final reservation made.

Paradise Hotel Manual Reservation Process

The implementation of an Online reservation system is designed to eliminate the problems

faced by the current manual system. This system will enable guests to reserve the room of

their choice via the internet. Errors of inconsistencies with reservations will no longer be

made since

In building online reservation systems however, the developer faces a number of problems.

Suitable tools and technologies must be researched and chosen in order to create a functioning

system. The main documented error in developing an online reservation system is the

calendar. The calendar needs to enable guests to accurately book a room so that the room is

reserved in the hotels database and can’t be double booked. For this system a considerable

amount of time was spent of developing codes for the calendar component.

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1.4 AimTo design and implement an online reservation system to replace the current error-prone manual filing

system at Paradise Hotel.

1.5 Objectives1) To design and develop a reservation system for Paradise Hotel by using appropriate

available software

2) To create a standard ‘real time’ booking calendar which is the main component of this

system(This component eliminates the error of duplicate bookings)

3) To analyse existing reservation systems and establish main areas of difficulty in the

creation of such systems

4) To review appropriate literature about online reservation systems and compare the

software packages and languages that are available for developing these systems

1.6 SignificanceA business’ website serves as a 24/7 office.(Zhou,2004). In the fierce competition for

dominance over the web, the site that can not only attract visitors but can make them loyal

customers will have a competitive advantage.

This web application not only markets Paradise Hotel worldwide, but also allows a guest to

book/reserve a room from anywhere at any time.

The incorporation of this system into the business of Paradise Hotel will introduce e-

commerce activities into the overall business processes of the hotel. This will cut costs for the

business and also bring in more revenue for the company thus increasing tourism in Saint


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1.7 The Internet and Online SystemsThe role of the internet as an emerging force in hospitality and tourism, information

technology and commerce industries is quite profound. The internet has revolutionized the

way we communicate, expanded the horizon of our thinking and presented countless

opportunities for various human activities that include e-commerce.(Zhou, 2004) With the

introduction of the World Wide Web, online web applications allow people to navigate web

pages and carry out transactions from remote locations. E-marketing and online information

distribution and online transaction processing are keys to future industry success in any

business today.

Online systems are any form of electronic systems which provide information to users via

computers or telecommunication devices. The very first documented online system was

SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment). This system was an air defence project which

was developed by the United States Air Military and became available for commercial use in


An online reservation system however, can be defined as ‘a computerized system used to

store and retrieve information and conduct transactions related to the system.’ (Goff,1999).

Reservation systems specifically refer to online systems that allow users to make transactions.

An online reservation system is an example of an Internet Booking Engine (IBE), which came

into existence after legacy systems were not able to accommodate the large number of

shopping transactions and the speed of development required to satisfy customers. IBE’s were

initially used by airline companies to reserve seats.

The very first documented online reservation system was SABRE, which stands for Semi

Automated Business Research Environment. This system was developed by American

Airlines and was created to automate the reservation process of booking airline seats. This

reservation system contained basic features that are still present in reservation systems today.

SABRE system has now been customized and is being sold to many businesses around the

globe. It connects more than 30,000 travel agents and 3 million registered online consumers

with more than 400 airlines.(Goff,1999)

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The components of an online reservation system include, the database used to store

information about the resources available for use, the web pages used to present this

information, and the software that connects the web pages to the database. In order to

successfully build this reservation system, a combination of database, web development and

middleware software has been selected. WAMP, which stands for Windows, Apache, MySql

and Php is very well suited to develop this system.

The main features common to most online reservation systems are;

1) Enables efficient management of guest bookings

2) Minimize the time involved in the whole booking process

3) Has the ability to store and manipulate data

4) Has a comprehensive database

5) Supports a large amount of data

6) Real Time Booking

7) Visual Calendar

8) ‘Book Now’ button

All these above features are features of the new Paradise Hotel reservation system.

Developing online reservations systems for the hospitality industry is quite a common venture

and final year project topic for students. The difficulty in creation of this system however is

underestimated in that the sheer importance of the calendar is not taken into consideration.

Developing code for the reservation of a room per night can be a tedious task, and must

enable accurate real time booking.

A few online reservation systems are;

SABRE(Semi-Automated Business Related Environment) Reservation system- This was the very

first documented reservation system built in 1960. This reservation system had the basic features of all

reservation systems today and is still in existence and used widely by many travel and tourism

business around the world.  Sabre today is roughly the same system the team built between 1960 and

1962(Goff, 1999).

Sirvoy Hotel Reservation System- This is a booking system software that can be used for

hotels, lodges, and guesthouses. This system has been in existence for a number of years and

is widely used by many hotels around the world.( http://www.sirvoy.co.uk/)

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Chapter 2 Background

2.1 IntroductionThis Chapter focuses on the necessary background information regarding this project, which

will enable readers to fully understand and appreciate the rest of this project. Section 2.1

assesses Real Time Systems and their significance to making reservations. Section 2.2

analyses similar project works of reservation systems from the first documented system to

reservation systems developed today. The main areas of noted difficulty in developing

reservation systems are also analysed.

2.2 Similar Reservation System ProjectsWhen the very first reservation system was developed by American Airlines in 1960 (Goff,

1999), the main idea of the development was to automate the reservation process, therefore

making the process faster and error free.

It is becoming more popular however for businesses to incorporate their reservation systems

into their websites. Such web applications are very convenient in that they market the

business and enable transactions to be carried out. Web pages which allow transactions to be

carried out are called dynamic web pages. A number of popular hotels, today have

incorporated their reservation systems into their websites which enable guests to reserve

rooms and check availability from remote locations.

Such hotels are;

Hilton Resorts (www.hilton.com/resorts)

Premier Inn (www.premierinn.com/)

Holiday Inn (www.ihg.com/holidayinn/)

Radisson Blu (www.radissonblu.co.uk)

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2.3 Real Time BookingBooking systems are complex and must cope with booking requests from different sources at

the same time. A good booking system therefore should manage all these bookings without

making any duplicate bookings. In order to do this, booking systems must incorporate the

concept of real time systems. In a real time booking system, user input is processed

instantaneously, so that the resulting output is ready before the new input is processed.

(Copley 1999)

In real time booking, when a booking/reservation request arrives, the previous booking has

already been processed. This process is what prevents double booking.

Example; If two people are using Paradise Hotel reservation system at the same time, and

both try to book the same rooms at the same time, one request will be received before the

other since requests come through the system in a queue. This is a fundamental concept in

developing reservation systems, since real time booking is what accurately states the room

availability and prevents double booking.

Diagram showing how real time systems work

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2.4 Incorporating the calendar component into real time systemsIn the real time system of Paradise Hotel, the calendar plays a major role. Since guests are

required to book rooms per night, for a period of time (one night or more), the system needs

the precise year, month, day and duration for the process of room reservation to function


Diagram showing Paradise Hotel Reservation Calendar

Rooms Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Double Room SV2 Double Room SV3 Single Room MV 1 Single Room MV 2 Double Room PS 1 Double Room PS 2

The above diagram illustrates how the calendar component will be designed. Weeks begin

from one to 52 and days begin from 1 to 365. In this way an SQL command can enable a

room to be booked accurately. The green shaded regions represent the reserved days.

2.5 UNIX TimestampIn order to accurately calculate the number of nights from the arrival and departure dates, the Unix Timestamp was used. UNIX time is used to represent instants in time. It is defined by the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time, January 1970.

How Unix Timestamp Works

‘Returns the current time as a Unix timestamp, referenced either to your server's local time or GMT, based on the "time reference" setting in your config file’ (CodeIgniter Tutorial Guide)

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2.6 PHP Frameworks

What is a PHP framework?

PHP frameworks are a relatively new phenomenon which can be used to develop projects

written in PHP. A php framework was chosen to develop this this system to remove the

problem of writing repetitive. Also, this relatively new process of building application

systems using a php framework is quite appealing.

PHP frameworks streamline the development of web applications written in PHP by

providing a basic structure for which to build the web applications. In other words, PHP

frameworks help to promote rapid application development (RAD), which saves time, helps

build more stable applications, and reduces the amount of repetitive coding for developers.

Frameworks can also help beginners to build more stable apps by ensuring proper database

interaction and coding on the presentation layer. This allows the developer to spend more

time creating the actual web application, instead of spending time writing repetitive code.

Questions to ask when choosing a Framework

1) What is needed from the framework?

2) Is there a level of consistency?

3) Is there documentation available? Is the documentation clear and easy to understand?

Source: Boronczyk 2013

2.7 The use of Php Frameworks on this system

2.8 CodeIgniterCodeIgniter is the Php framework which was used in the development of this system.

CodeIgniter was compared to a number of other available PHP frameworks before it was

finally chosen. Since CodeIgniter is backed by a company, EllisLab, it is highly documented

and offers a comprehensive tutorial guide. CI is also easy to write new libraries, change the

behaviour of existing libraries and just change the overall behaviour of the framework with

little effort. (Monnat, 2008).

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Features of CodeIgniter

1) Easy to understand and extend

2) All the tools you need in one package

3) Built-in security tools

4) Database abstraction

5) Large and active user community

The general idea behind the workings of CodeIgnter PHP framework is referred to as Model

View Controller (MVC). MVC is an architectural pattern in programming that isolates

business logic from the UI (User Interface), allowing one to be modified separately from the

other. With MVC, Model refers to data, View refers to the presentation layer, and Controller

to the application or business logic. Basically, MVC breaks up the development process of an

application, so the developer can work on individual elements while others are unaffected.

Essentially, this makes coding in PHP faster and less complicated.

Diagram showing how MVC works

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A diagram showing how CodeIgniter works.

Other Frameworks Available;

Yii Framework

Cake Php

Symphony Php

2.9 Why was CodeIgniter Chosen for this system?As mentioned earlier, CodeIgniter is a php framework used for developing software systems

written in PHP. For this project a number of frameworks were compared and contrasted

before one was finally chosen.

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Chapter 3 Literature ReviewThe scope of this review is largely focused on similar project works in developing reservation systems

using similar software. Section 3.1 reviews literature on the use and importance of the internet,

information and online systems and the impact of the incorporation of e-commerce in the tourism and

hospitality industry. Section 3.2 examines the features, pros and cons of the tools and technologies

used in developing this reservation system. Section 3.3 focuses on features and a characteristic of web

applications. An assessment of the suitability of those software tools from different viewpoints is

carried out. A literature review on the different works carried out using Php frameworks and

CodeIgniter is done.

3.1 The Internet and Information SystemsThe internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, expanded the horizon of our

thinking and presented countless opportunities for various human activities that include e-

commerce. E-commerce is not an option that we can safely predict but a necessity of life for

every business in the coming years. Integrating e-commerce technologies into the daily

operations of hospitality and tourism businesses is a fundamental step in migrating from a

manual file based system to a computer based reservation system. (Zhou Z, 2004)

Information systems are necessary for a business' survival and an effective computerized

information system has been known as a vital business advantage. O’Brien and Marakas,

2010 state that information systems can be any organized combination of people, hardware,

software, communications networks, data resources, and policies and procedures that stores,

retrieves, transforms and disseminates information in an organization.

Geraldene et al, 1999 state that online systems differ in two fundamental ways. One way is

that it provides remote access to consumers, meaning that the file and the searcher do not

have to be in the same geographical location. Another way is that, when the search is

conducted online, it progresses in an interactive fashion while producing clear, fast results.

This proves that the concept of online systems as being 24/7 offices is quite advantageous to a

medium sized company like Paradise Hotel. This will help the company maximize profits by

hiring less staff to assign and book reservations for guests.

The incorporation of an internet based system into the business of Paradise Hotel will

undoubtedly help to broaden the hotel’s market. This online system is a form of e-commerce,

since it involves buying and selling online. In keeping with the changes in time and practices of

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consumers today, this form of commerce will help Paradise hotel remain up-to-date with its global


3.2 Tools and Technologies Laurie et al, 2003, state that Apache web server is a versatile package and becoming more

versatile every day. After developing similar projects using Apache web server, Laurie et al,

2003 stated that the hardest stage of learning how to use Apache in a real life context is right

at the beginning, where the novice webmaster often has to get Apache, a scripting language

and a database manager to collaborate.

Bulger 2004, state that almost all of the work of web applications take place on the server. In

this project, a combination package of Windows, Apache, MySql and PHP (Wamp) was

installed. This was free software which was installed in minutes. The problem faced by Laurie

et al, of obtaining Apache and a database manager to collaborate was not faced in the

development of this project due to the availability of this Wamp package. Apache proved to

be a reliable server in the development of this system and no problems were faced throughout.

Now more than ever the web is a major vehicle for corporate and personal communications.

The core PHP language features powerful string and array handling facilities as well as

support for object oriented programming. With the use of standard and optional extension

modules, a PHP application can interact with a database such as MySql, draw graphs and

parse Xml files. Php was designed to create dynamic web content and is still best suited for

that task. Php can be used in three primary ways, server-side scripting, command line

scripting and client-side GUI applications. (Lerdorf and Tatroe ,2002). Features of Php; it is

fast and easy, its cross platform, its constantly being improved, its free. (Bulger ,2002)

In the development of this system, Php was challenging to learn, but the basic concepts of this

scripting language became familiar after about three months. Php was used as the serverside

scripting language which transports information from the database to the web pages. Php was

chosen in the development of this system over other scripting languages because of its core

features, like, its fast and easy, its constantly being improved and its free.

MySql is quick and powerful, cost effective, improving all the time

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3.3 Web ApplicationsAccording to Nations 2012, a web application is any application that uses a web browser as a

client. Web applications commonly use a combination of server-side script e.g PHP and

client-side script e.g HTML to develop the application.

3.4 Web ArchitectureThe development of web applications relies on a three tier web architecture design.

In designing reservation systems, it is concluded that a three-tier architecture is best suited for

this application. Gavrilova and Gervasi, 2007 state that a three tier client system is the best

option for such systems, as customers will use a web

3.5 PHP FrameworksTerrance 2010, state that when using PHP frameworks, the developer should look for features

and characteristics such as community and database support and easily comprehensible

documentation. When developing projects using PHP frameworks, Monnat, 2010 state that

PHP frameworks reduce the time spent on coding and promote Rapid Application

Development. (RAD)

CodeIgniter uses the Model View Controller (MVC). Monnat, 2010 state that the MVC way

of doing things offers nice code separation and keep things clean. While some frameworks

force you to do things by the books, CodeIgniter lets you use MVC in a way that is suitable to


In developing applications with CodeIgniter, Monnat, 2010 state that CodeIgniter is the most

effective PHP framework and is more reliable than Cake PHP and Zend Framework which

are two other PHP frameworks. Monnat states that CodeIgniter was relatively easy to start up

and was up and in running in minutes.

CodeIgniter was the chosen PHP framework used to develop this reservation system. This

particular framework was chosen mainly because of its excellent documentation. CodeIgiter’s

tutorial guide is a standard guide book to using this framework.(See Appendix, Figure 5 for

CodeIgniter Tutorial Guide) Comprehensive information regarding libraries and plug-ins is

readily available. Another reason why CodeIgniter was chosen for this development was

because of the ease of use with the Interactive Development Environment (IDE) used.

CodeIgniter was easily used with Netbeans IDE (See Chapter 2.1) for this development. The

other significant features of CodeIgniter which made CodeIgniter efficient for the

development of this system was the easy installation and database abstraction tools.

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CodeIgniter was installed quickly with no noted problems. CodeIgniter also worked quite

well with the Wamp package.

3.6 Related Project WorksRelated project works have been carried out and are continually being carried out over the

years which have tried to establish better ways and more efficient software to

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Chapter 4 System Design

4.1 System RequirementsThis system must fulfil some basic functionality including; gathering customers details,

example, number of people in party, contact number, address, duration of stay, date of arrival

and departure, email address, room booked and number of children in party, if any.

The resulting product has a web -based client server/architecture and the main goal of the

system is to efficiently book hotel rooms quickly and easily without the hassle of visiting

travel agencies.

4.1.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are statements of services that the system should provide. This may

also state what the system should do.

Functional requirements of System

1) The system should accept guest bookings and make the necessary adjustments in the

database (in real time)

2) A user should be able to browse rooms and check availability of rooms

3) The system should allow quick retrieval of information

4) The system should enable updates of reservations

4.1.2 Non Functional Requirements

Non- functional requirements are very critical to the system in that if they don’t work then the

whole system may be useless. Non-functional requirements affect the entire system as

opposed to single components.

Non- functional requirements of System

1) Reliability- The system must be reliable in that it should perform tasks in good time

2) Scalability- The system should be able to handle increased workload increasing the

processing time significantly

3) Compatibility- This web application should be compatible with most standard web

browsers e.g Google Chrome, Internet Explorer

4) Availability- The system should be available online 24/7 to be accessible to guests and

hotel staff.

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Activity diagrams are graphical representations of step-by-step activities and actions. These help to clearly establish what happens in the system and when. The order of activities is clearly defined in an activity diagram.

Activity Diagram showing Guest interaction with the system

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Use Case Diagram

The system use case diagram shows the different types of users for Paradise Online Reservation system and how they interact with the system.

This Online reservation system allows a guest to browse rooms, select rooms, make reservations and cancel bookings at a later date if they wish to do so. In order to select rooms, the guest has to login on the system.

A potential guest can only check availability, browse rooms and register for an account. Potential guests are not permitted to select rooms or make a reservation.

Hotel staff is able to manage reservations, which includes cancelling and updating bookings. In order to manage reservations, hotel staff have to login to the system.

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Class Diagram

Class Diagram Explained:

1) Each guest can make none or more than one reservation2) Each reservation can only be made by one guest3)4) Each room can only be allocated to one reservation5) Each reservation can be for one or more rooms

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Chapter 5 MethodologyUndertaking the development of a software project requires the developer to follow a particular

process model. Process models help developers to follow a number of steps which help in the

successful completion of their project. Process models are chosen with regard to the nature of the

project being developed, for example, the waterfall model is ideally suited for manufacturing and

construction projects because of its sequential design.

Some software models are:

Waterfall Model

Spiral Model

The Unified software process model was chosen for the development of this system because it uses an

iterative and incremental approach. This approach facilitates learning and is highly documented.

5.1 Unified Process Model- The reason for implementing Iterative and Incremental strategies in creating this system was to allow

for the writer’s inevitable mistakes to be discovered relatively early and repaired in a timely manner.

This eliminated the occurrence of major software development errors in earlier stages of the

development process. The general concept of this model is to build a software system through

repeated cycles (iterative), and in small portions at a time (incremental).

This software process model has 4 phases which are; Inception, Elaboration, Construction and

Transition. In the development of this software system, each of the phases was divided into one or

more iterations. Each phase is divided into Requirements, Analysis and Design, Implementation,

Testing and Deployment.

5.2 Phase 1-InceptionIn this phase.


5.3 Technologies and Tools UsedThis section focuses on the different resources which were used in the successful completion

of this project. Some of the areas discussed here are; WAMP, Apache, MySQL, Php,

Netbeans IDE, and HTML.

WampServer 2.2

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WAMPs are packages of independently created programs installed on computers that use a

Microsoft Windows operating system.

WAMP is an acronym formed from the initials of the operating system Microsoft Windows

and the principal components of the package: Apache, MySQL and one of PHP. Apache is a

web server. MySQL is an open-source database. PHP is a scripting language that can

manipulate information held in a database and generate web pages dynamically each time

content is requested by a browser. Other programs may also be included in a package, such as

phpMyAdmin which provides a graphical user interface for the MySQL database manager.

The advantage of Wamp is that it is easily configurable with the built-in tools.

In this project Apache- represents the front end of the website, whereas MySQL is the

database used to store the information, and Php is the middleware server side scripting

language that moves data between the database and the web pages.

5.3.1 Why was Wamp Chosen?Wamp was chosen for the development of this system because it is free, open source software

and is available to anyone who wishes to use it. Wamp is also ideally suited for the

development of this system because of the efficiency of the entire package of Apache,

MySQL and Php. Another reason why Wamp was chosen, was because of the ease of use of

transferring documents between platforms.

5.3.2 Apache Version 2.2.22Apache is a web server application which is used for both static and dynamic web content

running on a large number of servers around the world. Apache is used where content needs

to be available in a reliable and a secure way.

An arbitrary file in Apache document root can be shared if Apache is installed in the

computer. Programmers use a locally installed version of Apache to preview and test the

codes before publishing the web content.

5.3.3 MySQL- Version 5.4.3MySQL database server allows to process, access and add date which is stored in the

computer database. It is RDMS (Relational Database Management System) which stores data

in different tables instead of storing all data in a massive storage. The data stores in a different

table in order to increase speed and flexibility. To use relational database, it is not necessary

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to understand relation theory but it is necessary to learn some basic concept of database. SQL

(Structured Query Language) is a well-known standardized language to access database.

5.3.4 Php Version 5.5.24PHP is a server side scripting language and is designed particularly for the web. PHP code

can be embedded in an HTML page which will execute every time the page is accessed.

PHP code translates to the web server and it generates the HTML or other outputs which the

visitor will see. PHP is simple to learn because the syntax is based on other programming

languages such as C++ and Java. Additionally, it connects to several database systems. With a

few lines of code, PHP can generate Portable Document Format (PDF) document, connects to

network services and web services, and also send emails. PHP is available for Windows,

Apple Mac, Linux and other Operating Systems (OS). PHP uses open source servers and

MySQL database and the service is effective.

5.3.5 Netbeans IDENetBeans is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing with programming

languages such as Java PHP, C/C++, and HTML5. It is also an application platform

framework for Java desktop applications and others. The NetBeans IDE is written in Java and

can run on Windows, OS X, Linux, Solaris and other platforms. The NetBeans Platform

allows applications to be developed from a set of modular software components called

modules. Applications based on the NetBeans Platform (including the NetBeans IDE itself)

can be extended by third party developers. Netbeans can be compared with similar platforms

such as Eclipse which performs the same basic functionality.

5.3.6 Why was Netbeans chosen for this system?Netbeans was chosen against any other IDE because after research, it’s believed that

Netbeans is a very efficient Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for novices.

Netbeans is also free to download off the internet and accessible by anyone with internet

access. Netbeans is compatible with both Wamp and CodeIgniter software. Netbeans is also a

powerful Graphical User Interface (GUI) builder.

Html (Hypertext Mark-up Language) The coding for the web pages of this online system was

written in Html. Html is a is the set of mark-up symbols or codes inserted in a file intended

for display on browser page via the World Wide Web.

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Css (Cascading Style Sheets)- This is used to style and present html. Css was used in the presentation layout of this system.

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Date Start Time End Time Duration Activities17/07/2013 16:00 18:00 2 hours Worked on coding for calendar19/07/2013 18:00 22:00 4 hours Worked on coding for calendar22/07/2013 13:00 14:00 1 hour Worked on project documentation25/07/2013 18:00 21:00 3 hours Worked on coding for system27/07/2013 15:00 18:00 3 hours Worked on project documentation28/07/2013 19:00 20:00 1 hour Did system testing30/07/2013 17:00 21:00 4 hours Worked on system coding31/07/2013 15:00 18:00 2 hours Did system testing01/08/2013 08:00 12:00 4 hours Worked on system coding02/08/2013 08:00 10:00 2 hours Worked on project documentation05/08/2013 10:00 12:00 2 hours Did system testing10/08/2013 11:00 13:00 2 hours Worked on project documentation13/08/2013 16:00 20:00 4 hours Worked on project diagrams14/08/2013 14:00 17:15 3 hours Attended project supervision classes15/08/2013 20:00 22:00 2 hours Worked on system coding18/08/2013 16:00 20:00 4 hours Worked on system coding and documentation19/08/2013 21:00 22:00 1 hour Did system testing20/08/2013 14:00 17:00 3 hours Attended project supervision classes22/08/2013 20:00 22:00 2 hours Did system testing

Activity Log

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5.4 Phase 2-Elaboration

5.5 Phase 3-Construction

This is the first page of the booking process

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Prompting guest that checkin date

should be later than today

Calendar enabling guests to choose dates

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The number of nights is calculated using unix time stamp

Message saying room has been successfully selected

Total price of all the rooms selected is calculated

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Guest then clicks reserve

Guest information is entered

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Chapter 6 System CodingHTML System Coding

<article id="content">

<div class="box1">

<div class="wrapper">

<div id="form1">

<form method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" action="<?php echo $action; ?>" id="form1">

<div id="notification"><?php echo validation_errors(); ?></div>

<h2>Book a Room</h2>



<td><label for="select_hotel">Select your hotel:</label></td>

<td><select name="select_hotel">

<option value="1">Paradise</option>

<option value="2">Heaven</option>




<td><label for="check_in">Check-in Date (from):</label></td>

<td><input type="text" name="check_in" value="<?php echo set_value('check_in'); ?>" id="check-in" /></td>



<td><label for="check_out">Check-out Date (to):</label></td>

<td><input type="text" name="check_out" value="<?php echo set_value('check_out'); ?>" id="check-out" /></td>



<td><label for="adults">Adults:</label></td>

<td><select name="adults">

<option value="1">1</option>

<option value="2">2</option>

<option value="3">3</option>

<option value="4">4</option>

<option value="5">5</option>

<option value="6">6</option>

<option value="7">7</option>

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<option value="8">8</option>

<option value="9">9</option>

<option value="10">10</option>




<td><label for="children">Children:</label></td>

<td><select name="children">

<option value="1">1</option>

<option value="2">2</option>

<option value="3">3</option>

<option value="4">4</option>

<option value="5">5</option>

<option value="6">6</option>

<option value="7">7</option>

<option value="8">8</option>

<option value="9">9</option>

<option value="10">10</option>





<tr class="buttons">


<td class="right"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="SEARCH" class="" /></td>





<div class="kwicks-wrapper marg_bot1">

<ul class="kwicks horizontal">

<li><img src="<?php echo base_url("assets/images/img1.jpg"); ?>" alt=""></li>

<li><img src="<?php echo base_url("assets/images/img2.jpg"); ?>" alt=""></li>

<li><img src="<?php echo base_url("assets/images/img3.jpg"); ?>" alt=""></li>

<li><img src="<?php echo base_url("assets/images/img4.jpg"); ?>" alt=""></li>



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<div class="pad">

<div class="line1">

<div class="wrapper line2">

<div class="col1">

<h2><img src="<?php echo base_url("assets/images/title_marker1.jpg"); ?>" alt="">Best Rates</h2>

<p class="pad_bot1">Lounge Hotel is one of free website templates created by TemplateMonster.com team. This website template is optimized for 1280X1024 screen resolution. It is also XHTML &amp; CSS valid.</p>

<a href="#" class="color1">Read More</a>


<div class="col1 pad_left1">

<h2><img src="<?php echo base_url("assets/images/title_marker2.jpg"); ?>" alt="">Hotel Guide</h2>

<p class="pad_bot1">Lounge Hotel Template goes with 2 packages. PSD source files are available for free for the registered members of Templates.com. Basic package is available for anyone without registration.</p>

<a href="#" class="color1">Read More</a>


<div class="col1 pad_left1">

<h2><img src="<?php echo base_url("assets/images/title_marker3.jpg"); ?>" alt="">Packages</h2>

<p class="pad_bot1">T: <a href="index.html">About Us</a>, <a href="services.html">Services</a>, <a href="booking.html">Booking</a>, <a href="rooms.html">Our Rooms</a>, <a href="locations.html">Contact Us</a> ..</p>

<a href="#" class="color1">Read More</a>






<div class="pad">

<div class="wrapper line3">

<div class="col2">

<h2>Welcome to Our Hotel!</h2>

<p class="pad_bot1"><strong class="color2">paradise hotels </strong><br>

. </p>

<p class="pad_bot2"> Paradise hotelswelcome message</p>

<a href="#" class="button1">Read More</a>


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<div class="col1 pad_left1">

<h2>About Us</h2>

<div class="wrapper">

<figure class="left marg_right1"><img src="<?php echo base_url("assets/images/page1_img1.jpg"); ?>" alt=""></figure>

<p class="pad_bot1"><strong class="color2">10.10.2011</strong></p>

<p class="pad_bot2">.</p>


<a href="#" class="button1">Read More</a> </div>




<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url("assets/javascripts/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js"); ?>"></script>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--

$(document).ready(function() {

$('#check-in, #check-out').datepicker({

dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',

showButtonPanel: false





<!--<?php echo print_r($rooms); ?>-->

<div class="right-section">

<div class="search-data">


<li><b>Selected Hotel:</b>

<?php foreach($hotels as $hotel) { ?>

<?php if($hotel['hotel_id'] === $select_hotel) { ?>

<?php echo $hotel['hotel_name']; ?>

<?php } ?>

<?php } ?>


<li><b>Check-in:</b> <?php echo $check_in; ?><li>

<li><b>Check-out:</b> <?php echo $check_out; ?><li>

<li><b>Adults:</b> <?php echo $adults; ?><li>

<li><b>Children:</b> <?php echo $children; ?><li>

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<li><b>Number of Nights:</b> <?php echo $nights; ?><li>



<div id="cart-box"></div>


<article id="content">

<div class="form-container">

<?php echo form_open(current_url()); ?>

<h2>Enter Guest Information</h2>

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">




<td class="label">Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss):</td>

<td class="field"><select name="title">

<option value="Mr">Mr</option>

<option value="Mrs">Mrs</option>

<option value="Miss">Miss</option>




<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">First Name:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="first_name"></td>



<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">Last Name:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="last_name"></td>



<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">Address Line 1:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="address[address_1]"></td>


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<td class="label">Address Line 2:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="address[address_2]"></td>




<td class="label">Address Line 3:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="address[address_3]"></td>



<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">City:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="address[city]"></td>




<td class="label">State/Province:</td>

<td class="field"><select style="width:235px;" name="address[states]">

<option selected="selected" value="">Choose...</option>

<option value="US AA">AA Armed Forces</option>

<option value="US AE">AE Armed Forces</option>

//other states listed




<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">Zip/Postal Code:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="address[postal_code]"></td>



<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">Country:</td>

<td class="field"><select style="width:235px;"name="address[country]">

<option value="">Select a Country</option>

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<option value="US">United States</opt




<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">Phone:</td>

<td align="field"><input type="text" value="" name="telephone" ></td>



<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">Your Email Address:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="email_address"></td>



<td class="required">*</td>

<td class="label">Verify Email Address:</td>

<td class="field"><input type="text" value="" size="40" name="itineraryForm.activeGuestInfoForm.confirmEmailAddress"></td>





<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Complete Reservation"></td>







<script type="text/javascript"><!--

$(document).ready(function() {

$('#cart-box').load('<?php echo site_url("select_rooms/cart"); ?> #cart > *');




<!--<?php echo print_r($rooms); ?>-->

<div class="right-section">

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<div class="search-data">


<li><b>Selected Hotel:</b>

<?php foreach($hotels as $hotel) { ?>

<?php if($hotel['hotel_id'] === $select_hotel) { ?>

<?php echo $hotel['hotel_name']; ?>

<?php } ?>

<?php } ?>


<li><b>Check-in:</b> <?php echo $check_in; ?><li>

<li><b>Check-out:</b> <?php echo $check_out; ?><li>

<li><b>Adults:</b> <?php echo $adults; ?><li>

<li><b>Children:</b> <?php echo $children; ?><li>

<li><b>Number of Nights:</b> <?php echo $nights; ?><li>



<div id="cart-box"></div>

<div class="buttons">

<div class="left"><a href="<?php echo $back; ?>">Check Again</a></div>

<div class="right"><a href="<?php echo $continue; ?>">Reserve</a></div>



<article id="content">

<div id="notification"></div>

<div class="form-container">

<table class="room-lists" width="100%">

<?php if ($rooms) { ?>


<th>Room Image</th>

<th>Room Name</th>

<th>Room Price</th>

<th>Room Type</th>

<th>Room Qty</th>


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<?php foreach($rooms as $room) { ?>

<tr id="<?php echo $room['room_id']; ?>" align="center">

<td><img src="../assets/images/<?php echo $room['room_image']; ?>" width="100" height="100"></td>

<td><?php echo $room['room_name']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $room['room_price']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $room['room_type_name']; ?></td>

<td><select name="room_qty[<?php echo $room['room_id']; ?>]">

<option value="0">0</option>

<option value="1">1</option>

<option value="2">2</option>

<option value="3">3</option>

<option value="4">4</option>

<option value="5">5</option>

<option value="6">6</option>

<option value="7">7</option>

<option value="8">8</option>

<option value="9">9</option>

<option value="10">10</option>


<td align="center"><button class="cart" onclick="selectRoom('<?php echo $room['room_id']; ?>');">Select</button></td>


<?php } ?>


<td colspan="6" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>


<?php } else { ?>


<td>There are no rooms available.</td>


<?php } ?>




<script type="text/javascript"><!--

$(document).ready(function() {

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$('#cart-box').load('<?php echo site_url("select_rooms/cart"); ?> #cart > *');




<div id="cart">

<h3>Selected Rooms</h3>

<?php if ($cart_items) {?>

<div class="cart-info">

<?php foreach ($cart_items as $cart_item) { ?>

<table id="<?php echo $cart_item['key']; ?>" width="100%" height="auto" class="list">


<td><b>Room Name:</b></td>

<td><?php echo $cart_item['room_name']; ?></td>


<tr id="<?php echo $cart_item['key']; ?>">

<td><b>Room Type:</b></td>

<td><?php echo $cart_item['room_name']; ?></td>



<td><b>Room Price</b></td>

<td><?php echo $cart_item['room_price']; ?></td>



<td><b>Room Qty</b></td>

<td><?php echo $cart_item['quantity_value']; ?></td>



<td><?php echo $cart_item['sub_total']; ?></td>




<?php } ?>


<div class="cart-total">

<table width="100%" height="auto" class="list">


<td class="right"><b>Order Total:</b> <?php echo $total; ?></td>

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<?php } else { ?>

<p><?php echo $text_no_cart_items; ?></p>

<?php } ?>


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Coding for Administration Login


class Admin_login extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct() {




public function index() {

$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); //remove later

if ($this->session->flashdata('alert')) {

$data['alert'] = $this->session->flashdata('alert'); // retrieve session flashdata variable if available

} else {

$data['alert'] = '';


$data['heading'] = 'Staff Login';

if (($this->input->post('user')) || ($this->input->post('password'))) {

$username = $this->input->post('user');

$password = $this->input->post('password');

if (!$this->Admin_model->login($username, $password)) {

$this->session->set_flashdata('alert', '<p class="error">Invalid Username and Password!</p>');


} else {




$this->load->view('admin_header', $data);

$this->load->view('admin_login', $data);




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Php Coding for Home Page


class Pages extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct() {



public function index() {

$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); //remove later

if ($this->session->flashdata('alert')) {

$data['alert'] = $this->session->flashdata('alert');

} else {

$data['alert'] = '';


$data['action'] = $this->config->site_url('pages');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('select_hotel', 'Select your hotel', 'trim|required|integer');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('check_in', 'Check-in', 'trim|required|callback_validate_check_in');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('check_out', 'Check-out', 'trim|required|callback_validate_check_in');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('adults', 'Adults', 'trim|required|integer');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('children', 'Children', 'trim|required|integer');

if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) {

$select_hotel = $this->input->post('select_hotel');

$check_in = $this->input->post('check_in');

$check_out = $this->input->post('check_out');

$adults = $this->input->post('adults');

$children = $this->input->post('children');

$session_data['search_data'] = array(

'select_hotel' => $select_hotel,

'check_in' => $check_in,

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'check_out' => $check_out,

'adults' => $adults,

'children' => $children




} else {










$this->load->view('header', $data);

$this->load->view('home', $data);



public function validate_check_in($str) {

$datestring = "%Y-%m-%d";

$time = time();

$current_date = mdate($datestring, $time);

if (strtotime($str) <= strtotime($current_date)) {

$this->form_validation->set_message('validate_check_in', 'Checkin date must be later than today!');

return FALSE;

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} else {

return TRUE;



public function validate_check_out($str) {

$check_in = $this->input->post('check_in');

if (strtotime($str) <= strtotime($check_in)) {

$this->form_validation->set_message('validate_check_out', 'Checkout date must be greater than checkin date!');

return FALSE;

} else {

return TRUE;



public function select() {


$json = array();

$room_id = (int)$this->input->post('room_id');

if ( ! $json && $this->input->is_ajax_request()) {

if ($this->input->post('quantity') > 0) {

$quantity = (int)$this->input->post('quantity');

$room_data = $this->Main_model->get_room($room_id);

$cart_data = array(

'id' => $room_id,

'name' => $room_data['room_name'],

'qty' => $quantity,

'price' => $room_data['room_price'],

'type' => $room_data['room_type_name'],

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$added_data = $this->cart->insert($cart_data);


if (isset($added_data)) {

$json['success'] = 'Success: Room has been selected.';

} else {

$json['error'] = 'Error: Please select your room quantity';




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Php Coding for to Book Reservation


class Reservation extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct() {


$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); //remove later



public function index() {

if ( ! $this->cart->contents()) {

$this->session->set_flashdata('alert', 'Please, select room(s) before you reserve!');



if ($this->session->flashdata('alert')) {

$data['alert'] = $this->session->flashdata('alert');

} else {

$data['alert'] = '';


if ($this->session->flashdata('success')) {


$data['success'] = $this->session->flashdata('success');

} else {

$data['success'] = '';


$data['back'] = $this->config->site_url('pages');

$data['continue'] = $this->config->site_url('reservation');

if ($this->session->userdata('search_data')) {

$search_data = $this->session->userdata('search_data');

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$data['select_hotel'] = $search_data['select_hotel'];

$data['check_in'] = $search_data['check_in'];

$data['check_out'] = $search_data['check_out'];

$data['adults'] = $search_data['adults'];

$check_in = strtotime($data['check_in']);

$check_out = strtotime($data['check_out']);

$data['nights'] = ceil(abs($check_in - $check_out) / 86400);


$data['hotels'] = $this->Main_model->get_hotels();

$data['rooms'] = $this->Main_model->get_rooms();

if ($this->input->post() && $this->_addReservation() === TRUE) {



$this->load->view('header', $data);

$this->load->view('reservation', $data);



public function _addReservation() {

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[first_name]', 'First Name', 'trim|required|min_length[2]|max_length[32]');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[last_name]', 'Last Name', 'trim|required|min_length[2]|max_length[32]');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[email]', 'Email Address', 'trim|required|valid_email|max_length[96]'); //is_unique[guests.email]

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[telephone]', 'Telephone', 'trim|required|alpha_dash');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[address_1]', 'Address 1', 'trim|required');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[address_2]', 'Address 2', 'trim');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[address_3]', 'Address 3', 'trim');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[city]', 'City', 'trim|required');

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$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[state]', 'State', 'trim');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[postcode]', 'Postal Code', 'trim|required');

$this->form_validation->set_rules('guest[country]', 'Country', 'trim|required');

if ($this->session->userdata('search_data') && $this->form_validation->run() === TRUE) {

$add = array();

/*$add['first_name'] = $this->input->post('first_name');

$add['last_name'] = $this->input->post('last_name');

$add['email_address'] = $this->input->post('email_address');

$add['telephone'] = $this->input->post('telephone');*/

$add['guest'] = $this->input->post('guest');

$add['room_details'] = serialize($this->cart->contents());

$add['total'] = $this->cart->total();

$search_data = $this->session->userdata('search_data');

$add['hotel_id'] = $search_data['select_hotel'];

$add['check_in'] = $search_data['check_in'];

$add['check_out'] = $search_data['check_out'];

$add['no_of_adults'] = $search_data['adults'];

$data['no_of_nights'] = ceil(abs($search_data['check_in'] - $search_data['check_out']) / 86400);

if ($this->Main_model->addReservation($add)) {


$this->session->set_flashdata('success', '<p> Reservation Received.. </p><p> You will receive a confirmation email shortly with details of your reservation. </p>');

return TRUE;

} else {

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Php Coding to Select Rooms


class Select_rooms extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct() {




public function index() {

$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); //remove later

if ($this->session->flashdata('alert')) {

$data['alert'] = $this->session->flashdata('alert');

} else {

$data['alert'] = '';


if ($this->session->userdata('search_data')) {

$search_data = $this->session->userdata('search_data');

$data['select_hotel'] = $search_data['select_hotel'];

$data['check_in'] = $search_data['check_in'];

$data['check_out'] = $search_data['check_out'];

$data['adults'] = $search_data['adults'];

$check_in = strtotime($data['check_in']);

$check_out = strtotime($data['check_out']);

$data['nights'] = ceil(abs($check_in - $check_out) / 86400);

} else {



$data['hotels'] = $this->Main_model->get_hotels();

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$data['rooms'] = $this->Main_model->get_rooms();

$data['back'] = $this->config->site_url('pages');

$data['continue'] = $this->config->site_url('reservation');

if ($this->input->post('room_qty')) {

$room_qty[] = $this->input->post('room_qty');

$room_data = array();

foreach ($room_qty as $key => $value) {

if ($value > 0) {

$room_qty = $value;


$room_data[$key] = $room_qty;


$reserve_data = array_merge($search_data, $room_data);




$this->load->view('header', $data);

$this->load->view('select_rooms', $data);



public function cart() {

$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); //remove later

$data['heading'] = 'Selected Rooms';

$data['text_no_cart_items'] = 'There are no rooms selected.';

$data['cart_items'] = array();

if ($this->cart->contents()) {

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foreach ($this->cart->contents() as $cart_results) {

$data['cart_items'][] = array(

'key' => $cart_results['rowid'],

'id' => $cart_results['id'],

'room_name' => $cart_results['name'],

'quantity_value' => $cart_results['qty'],

'room_price' => $this->cart->format_number($cart_results['price']),

'sub_total' => $this->cart->format_number($cart_results['subtotal'])



$data['total'] = $this->cart->format_number($this->cart->total());



$this->load->view('selected_rooms', $data);



public function select() {


$json = array();

$room_id = (int)$this->input->post('room_id');

if ( ! $json && $this->input->is_ajax_request()) {

if ($this->input->post('quantity') > 0) {

$quantity = (int)$this->input->post('quantity');

$room_data = $this->Main_model->get_room($room_id);

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$cart_data = array(

'id' => $room_id,

'name' => $room_data['room_name'],

'qty' => $quantity,

'price' => $room_data['room_price'],

'type' => $room_data['room_type_name'],


$added_data = $this->cart->insert($cart_data);


if (isset($added_data)) {

$json['success'] = 'Success: Room has been selected.';

} else {

$json['error'] = 'Error: Please select your room quantity';






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Php Coding for Administration To Check Bookings


class Admin_bookings extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct() {




public function index() {

$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); //remove later

if ($this->session->flashdata('alert')) {

$data['alert'] = $this->session->flashdata('alert'); // retrieve session flashdata variable if available

} else {

$data['alert'] = '';


$data['heading'] = 'View Bookings';

$results = $this->Admin_model->getReservations();

if ($results) {

foreach ($results as $result) {

$room_details = unserialize($result['room_details']);

$data['reservations'][] = array(

'reservation_id' => $result['reservation_id'],

'hotel_name' => $result['hotel_name'],

'guest_name' => $result['first_name'] .' '. $result['last_name'],

'room_type' => '',

//'no_of_rooms' => $result['no_of_rooms'],

'check_in' => $result['check_in'],

'check_out' => $result['check_out'],

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'no_of_nights' => $result['no_of_nights'],

'no_of_adults' => $result['no_of_adults'],

'edit' => $this->config->site_url('admin_bookings/edit/' . $result['reservation_id'])




$this->load->view('admin_header', $data);

$this->load->view('admin_bookings', $data);




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Php Coding for Administration Home Page


class Admin_home extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct() {



public function index() {

$this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); //remove later

if ($this->session->flashdata('alert')) {

$data['alert'] = $this->session->flashdata('alert');

} else {

$data['alert'] = '';


$this->load->view('admin_header', $data);

$this->load->view('admin_home', $data);




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Chapter 7 ReferencesO’Brien and Marakas,2010, Introduction to Information Systems, 15th Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition

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