resin kits

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  • 8/13/2019 Resin Kits


    Getting Startedwith

    Resin Kits

    hat is a Garage kit? Do you fondly remember all the monsters in your favorite ScienceFiction and Horror movies? Have you ever longed to build a model of the evil aliens from

    Invasion of the Saucermen or the creature creations of master animator Ray Harryhausen?

    Well, thanks to modern molding and casting materials and a group of industrious individuals

    from all corners of the world, there are kits available of more aliens, monsters and creatures

    than you may have ever imagined!

    Garage Kits were essentially resin castings of sculptures created and molded in the garages orbasements of talented fans of Science Fiction and Horror films. However, in recent years

    Garage Kits have gone from being an interesting modeling phenomenon to a full-fledged

    industry with companies like Horizon, Screamin' and Geometric producing an astounding

    array of subjects in resin and vinyl. Today, the term Garage Kit encompasses everything from

    high-quality kits from large manufacturers to the individually produced, very limited edition

    resin kits from the guy down the street. Often it will be the individual producer that provides

    the more obscure and interesting characters.

    I'll be covering the pitfalls and pleasures of those kits produced by amateurs because of their

    interest in their subjects, rather than for the money they can make. Although the accuracy or

    quality of these kits may be slightly lacking, the challenge and anticipation of crafting that

    creature that haunted your childhood dreams can go a long way in overcoming thesedistractions. Of course, this will be a "worst case scenario" with many different problems

    cropping up in one kit. Most kits are not quite this challenging, but it's best to know

    everything you might face and be prepared to correct it.

    Kit Preparation

    While the large manufacturers of vinyl and resin kits have become experts in quality control,

    the small, home based kit producers can offer product that varies widely in quality from

    creator to creator and even from kit to kit. It pays to inspect any kit you plan on buying very

    carefully, since the quality of the casting will not only affect your final piece, but how much

    time you will spend in correcting flaws and details. However, inspection isn't always an

    option since many kits are only available by mail. Many garage kits don't come in nice boxes

    with interesting art either, they have been known to come in a plastic bag with no instruction

    sheet and it's up to you to figure out how all the parts go together. So, a bit of knowledge

    about your subject and some modeling knowledge will come in handy.

    Cleaning up

    The best way to start your project is with a bath. Using a mild soap and warm water, carefully

    wash off all parts to eliminate any mold release agent (and there could be quite a bit). Handle

    thin, fragile looking parts with extreme care since the resin can be brittle and break easily.Because of the manual nature of casting garage kits, there can be excessive amounts of flash,

  • 8/13/2019 Resin Kits


    but be careful in removing it. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between what is

    flash and what is intended to be detail. This is where knowledge of your subject will serve

    you well.

    1A. Right out of the box. These are

    all the parts for the resin Ymir as they

    came. Note the flash on several of

    the parts. Depending upon the quality

    of the resin used for casting, it can

    be brittle, so handle it with care.

    1B. Many flaws show up as bubbles

    and pinholes which are caused by

    air bubbles trapped n the resin

    during the curing process. Someflaws can also be caused by a casting

    made from a mold that is deterioration.

  • 8/13/2019 Resin Kits


  • 8/13/2019 Resin Kits


    2A. Gap-filling super glue is applied to

    larger holes using a needle eye applicator.

    2B. An alternative method of hole filling,

    using Squadron putty, thinned 50% with lacquerthinner and applied with a brush. This covers

    larger areas of small flaws and doesn't obscure

    the detail.

    2C. Often, large areas can be lost during

    casting due to air pockets in the mold.

    2D. Milliput is very useful in restoring

    lost areas and rebuilding details.

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    2E. Smaller details, such as claws and

    teeth can be lost in casting as well.

    2F. Claws are replaced with Milliput.

    2G. Missing teeth have been replaced

    with the tips of straight pins.

    Air trapped in a resin casting can cause other problems that don't become visible until you

    begin to sand rough areas. Bubbles that were below the surface of the resin as it hardened

    cause a honeycomb effect beneath the skin of your model. Sanding can often reveal these

    flaws which are easily repaired with thinned putty. Many times you can spot these problem

    areas before sanding by holding parts up in front of a bright light and looking for thin spots.If the depth of the flaw is too great, you can clean out the honeycomb with a motor tool and

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    fill the resulting hole with Milliput A+B epoxy putty. Using Milliput will also give you a

    chance to resculpt any surface detail that was lost.

    Reference materials play an important part in this pre-assembly stage as well. Although most

    garage kits build up into good representations of their subjects, there are often some details

    missing. If complete or at least near complete accuracy is important to you, then back issuesof Science Fiction and Monster movie magazines will become an important part of your

    modeling reference library.


    More than with most standard kits, dry fitting parts on a garage kit is essential. You will often

    find that surfaces that are supposed to mate, don't exactly match. You will have to sand and

    shape mating surfaces to match each other. This is a result of the "non-professional" nature of

    the casting process in garage kits. Most casters do their absolute best to deliver an accurate

    kit, but every part doesn't always match up. Test fitting and shaping are the best way to assureproper fit.

    3A. Draw an "X" on the mating surface

    part to be joined to determine the

    center of the surface. Drill locating

    hole for pin at the center of the "X".

    3B. Holding the part in place, use the overlapping

    of the "X" to mark corresponding points on the second

    part. Use these points to make a duplicate "X" on

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    the second part.

    3C. Super glue the pin, in this case

    a section of a paper clip, into the

    hole in the center of the "X".

    3D. Locate the pin in the hold drilled in the mating part.

    3E. Even after sanding and shaping, gaps can

    remain between assembled parts.

    Since most mating surfaces are smooth and without male/female locators, pinning parts

    together for strength is another important part of assembly. The trick to pinning accurately is

    finding the center of both parts in order to locate the pins. After you have shaped both matingsurfaces so they match up to your satisfaction, draw an "X" on the mating surface of one of

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    the parts. Be sure that the "X" overlaps the mating surface so you can see its outer legs when

    the parts are placed together. When you place the two parts together, mark the location of the

    legs on the second part. Now you have reference markings to make a second "X" on the

    mating surface of the that part. When you drill holes at the center of the two "Xs", the holes

    should line up with each other. Using super glue, affix a small piece of wire (a piece of paper

    clip works well here) into one hole. After it is dry and secure, test fit again before finallygluing the part in place.

    Of course, super glue is an absolute necessity for assembling any resin kit, but 5 minute

    epoxy can come in handy for attaching parts that still have gaps even after all the sanding and

    shaping is done. The epoxy helps to fill the gaps from within and provides a strong joint. Any

    remaining gaps can be handled with gap filling super glue or model putty. However if the

    surface you're filling needs detailing to match surrounding areas, Milliput Epoxy Putty

    becomes indispensable. As the two-part putty sets up, you can detail it and blend the edges

    into a seamless surface. It also comes in handy for replacing details that have been lost in

    casting or filling the larger holes caused by large bubbles in the resin. Milliput is very user

    friendly, it is easily worked and smoothed with water and it holds detail well.

    4A,4B. Front and back views of assembled Ymir show areas

    where Milliput was used to fill gaps and replace lost detail.

    Naturally, all these problems won't appear in every kit and as casting materials and

    techniques improve, so will the quality of these small-run kits. Once you've assembled your

    garage kit, you're ready to move on to the most rewarding part of the process, the painting.


    Resin kits accept nearly any kind of paint you'd use on a styrene kit; enamels, acrylics,

    lacquers or oils, or any combination. On the other hand, vinyl kits can be very picky about

    paint and it's best to stick with the water-based acrylics since enamels and oils won't fully dry

    on a vinyl surface. Once your figure is primed, you can test nearly every painting technique

    you know. A monster's surface practically cries out for washes, dry brushing, blending and

    shading or any other tricks you can think of. It's all up to you.

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    4C. The finished, painted creature standing with

    reference material xeroxed from books and magazines.

    Reference material is important to restoring lost

    details and assuring the accuracy of the final piece.

    Bases and Dioramas

    Although there is a new trend toward including "Aurora" style bases in recent garage kits,

    many kits come as "stand alone" figures. Depending upon how much space you have to

    display your creations, you may want to create your own base or create a diorama to show off

    your creature. Bases can range from a simple stained wooden plaque to a landscaped, themed

    base that reflects your creation's environment. Of course, dioramas for these creatures will let

    your imagination run wild.

    5A. The elements of a simple diorama.

    Styrofoam blocks, shaped into columns

    with sand paper will be covered with

    plaster to duplicate a stone surface.

    Airfix multi-pose soldiers used in the

    scene help provide scale to the creature

    and add detail to the base.

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    5B. The final piece based on a scene from the

    movie 20,000,000 Miles To Earth where the Ymir

    smashes the pillars in the Temple of Saturn in

    Rome during a confrontation with soldiers.

    If you're ready to take the plunge into the world of garage kits, you are now prepared to take

    your Science Fiction and Horror dreams and nightmares and build them into a reality.