resource augmentation capabilities karvy analytics

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Resource Augmentation

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Karvy Analytics is a BI & Analytics Service Provider


• 30+ Data Scientists from top education institutes of ISB/IIT/IIM

• 15+ Visualization expert team with technology agnostic experience

• 10+ Data management resources across variety of technologies

• 250+ years of Industry experience across the team

• Presence over India & North America and serving customers across variety of domains and functions

• In-house learning center “Karvy Advance Analytics Academy” (KAAA) with strong delivery expertise

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Key OEM partnerships


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Big data

We are Technology Agnostic Analytics company & support multiple technologies


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Resource capabilities offered

Data Management Analytics Visualization

1. Data Extraction

2. Data Integration

• Metadata management

• Preprocessing

• Transformation

• Data Cleaning

• Data Quality

• Matching and consolidation

• Data Loading

3. Master data management

• Data Warehousing

• Data Marts

1. Machine Learning

2. AI & Deep Learning

3. Forecasting models

4. Simulation models

5. Decision models

6. Optimization models

1. BI Dashboard development

2. KPIs – Metrics & visualization

3. Standard reports

4. Adhoc reports

5. Score cards

6. Slice and Dice dashboards


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Descriptive Analytics“Insight into the Past”

Predictive Analytics“Understanding the Future”

Prescriptive Analytics“Advise on possible outcomes”

1. Segmentation and Cohort Analysis

2. What-If and Scenario Analysis

3. Time-Series analysis

4. Geocoding analysis

5. Clustering

6. Outlier treatment

1. Consumer behavior and Marketing Analytics

2. Churn Prediction models

3. Cross sell/ Upsell Models

4. Digital analytics

5. Distributor performance analytics

6. Persistency models

7. OCR/ICR solutions

8. Readmission Analytics

9. Survey Analytics

10. Sales Forecasting

11. Channel Mix modeling

Experience in solutions development

1. Optimization models

2. Prognostic models

3. Recommendation model

4. Simulation models


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Data Scientist - sample profile

Strong data mining and machine learning experience with experience designing analytical solutions across multiple industries.

Specialized projects• Performed Multiple Regression Analysis using R to create an ‘Academic performance Index’ for different schools within California

school districts • Conducted Revenue Optimization for the Hospitality Industry to forecast price value of future bookings and to get estimate of number

of rooms that can be booked with the price • Persistency modeling project using various regression based techniques to create and figure out patterns of lapsation for a life

insurance client • Healthcare project – predicted member performance and trends. Used Machine learning tools in R, along with Tableau for dashboard


Technical Skills: • Languages (Proficient): R, SPSS (Academia) Languages (Basic knowledge) : Python, C, C++, JAVA • Analytical Skills - Descriptive/Predictive Analytics, Text Mining, Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning• Tools: RStudio, Eclipse, MS Excel, Tableau• Domain Knowledge: E-Commerce, Retail, Entertainment, Insurance, Hospitality • Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 7 etc.

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Visualization expert – sample profile

Tableau developer with extensive experience in delivering visual analytics, excel reports and developing dashboards

• Specialized in building visual layers and performance tuning of dashboards.

• Seasoned professionals in developing real time dashboards with several mapping layers on to distributed environments, integration of visualization tools (Tableau, QlikView and D3.js) with statistical language supporting tools(R and python) to enable the application of statistical models

• Experience in converting semi-structured data(JSON, XML) into structured by using HIVE and then pulling all the data from multiple platforms like HIVE, Excel, Oracle into one single database as a part of data consolidation towards building up optimized reports.

• Experience in creating workflow to decode the shape files using Alteryx tool and excel data extraction

Technical skills :• Languages (Proficient): : VBA, SQL• Languages (Basic Knowledge): Java script• Data visualization tools: : Tableau and Qlikview • Domain Knowledge : Online media

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Why Karvy Analytics

• Strong domain expertise

• Certified data scientists hired from top universities

• Flexible engagement models

• High data security and robust processes

• Dynamic resource pool and sizeable pipeline of experienced candidates skilled in various technologies

• Flexibility to deliver the resources in short time.

• Resource level ramp up


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Dynamic resource pool

Sizeable pipeline of experienced candidates skilled in various technologies

Flexibility to deliver the resources in short time

Resource level ramp up for any additional resources

In house training from Karvy Advance Analytics Academy on latest tools & technologies

Karvy Strengths

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