resources and supplying our energy needs

Resources Supplying Our Energy Needs & By T- 1-855-694-8886 Email- [email protected]

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Page 1: Resources and supplying our energy needs


Supplying Our Energy Needs



T- 1-855-694-8886Email- [email protected]

Page 2: Resources and supplying our energy needs

Supplying Our Energy Needs

Electricity is made in a power plant.

Most power plants burn fossil fuels (natural resources like coal, oil, or natural gas) to produce heat.

Page 3: Resources and supplying our energy needs

Next, this heat is used to boil water.

The steam from the boiling water turns a turbine.

The turbine turns a generator which produces electricity.

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Supplying Our Energy Needs

Page 4: Resources and supplying our energy needs

Electricity from Fossil fuels

A nonrenewable resource is not replaced as it is used.

Because it takes so long for these resources to form, someday we will not have enough fossil fuels to produce the electricity we need.

The three major fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas.

Natural GasOilCoal

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Electricity from Nuclear energy

The main advantage of using nuclear energy to produce electricity is that it doesn’t pollute the air like fossil fuel power plants do.

Storage of nuclear waste has always been a major disadvantage of nuclear power plants.

Coal Power plant

Uranium fuel from the reactor stays dangerously radioactive for a long time.

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Electricity from Renewable


A renewable resource can be replaced naturally in a relatively short period of time.

The Sun and wind are renewable resources that can be used as energy sources.

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Electricity from Renewable


It is also possible to use:

Moving water (hydroelectric)

Hot spots near Earth’s surface (geothermal)

Fuels made from once-living things like wood or corn (called biomass) or

Tides to produce electricity.

Hydroelectric Power plant Geothermal Power Plant Biomass power Plant

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Transportation & Energy

Americans use about 375 million gallons of gasoline every day.

The U.S. does not produce enough crude oil to make all of the gasoline used by American motorists.

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Transportation and energy

If a machine is efficient, the machine is able to use most of its energy source to do a job.

Only about 20% of the gasoline energy in a car is converted to motion.

Almost 80% the energy is lost as unusable heat.

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