respect portfolio doc

After rising to my father’s challenge on that earlier occasion, I still hear his words when I consider anything I've done. The experience of studying at Rochester Institute of Technology and learning from the late/great master architectural photographer Terry Bollman was grueling and mind blowing. Then, after a few years of striving for excellence with Getty Images, the incredibly talented masters of the world of imagery accepted me as a peer and pushed me into developing the Ewasko Style. Over time, I’ve come to love rubbing elbows with the greatest of the great. There's the late Henry Wolf, who gave the world new ways to experience photography and design, the constant creative force and inspiration Pete Turner, the zany and ever innovative Mitchell Funk... and a long list of others to whom I am constantly aiming to prove myself worthy. To that commitment, I am very proud to sign my name. Sincerely, Respect Preparation Diligence Persistence Perseverance Collaboration E arlier in my life, my father once asked me, "Would you sign that, Tommy? Are you proud enough to say that you gave it your all?" Thanks to both of my parents, Respect has always been very important to me, and that has paid a lot of dividends. My father is undoubtedly responsible for the development of my innovative thinking process. A commitment to Preparation before taking on even the smallest projects is another thing I give him credit for; through his guidance, it became an integral part of my creative process. In my world, Diligence, and 150% efforts, are standard. Settling only for Excellence requires Persistence, and the ability to make that top-notch effort consistently requires constant Perseverance to achieve the goal at hand. And finally, when it comes to Collaboration, there are many dedicated individuals who have contributed to the creations you'll find in these pages and on my website. The imagery would not have been possible without the sometimes painstaking efforts of many teammates. I tip my hat and give heartfelt thanks to all, particularly Michael Ewasko, the resident digital expert of E Studio who designed, concepted and executed this book.

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Post on 22-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Respect Portfolio Doc

After rising to my father’s challenge on that earlier occasion, I still hear his words when I consideranything I've done.

The experience of studying at Rochester Instituteof Technology and learning from the late/greatmaster architectural photographer Terry Bollmanwas grueling and mind blowing. Then, after a fewyears of striving for excellence with Getty Images,the incredibly talented masters of the world ofimagery accepted me as a peer and pushed meinto developing the Ewasko Style. Over time, I’vecome to love rubbing elbows with the greatest ofthe great. There's the late Henry Wolf, who gavethe world new ways to experience photographyand design, the constant creative force and inspiration Pete Turner, the zany and ever innovativeMitchell Funk... and a long list of others to whom Iam constantly aiming to prove myself worthy.

To that commitment, I am very proud to sign myname.


Respect Preparation Diligence Persistence Perseverance Collaboration

Earlier in my life, my father once asked me,"Would you sign that, Tommy? Are you proudenough to say that you gave it your all?"

Thanks to both of my parents, Respect hasalways been very important to me, and that haspaid a lot of dividends. My father is undoubtedly responsible for the development of my innovativethinking process. A commitment to Preparationbefore taking on even the smallest projects is another thing I give him credit for; through his guidance, it became an integral part of my creative process. In my world, Diligence, and 150%efforts, are standard. Settling only for Excellencerequires Persistence, and the ability to make thattop-notch effort consistently requires constantPerseverance to achieve the goal at hand. Andfinally, when it comes to Collaboration, there aremany dedicated individuals who have contributedto the creations you'll find in these pages and on mywebsite. The imagery would not have been possible without the sometimes painstaking efforts ofmany teammates. I tip my hat and give heartfeltthanks to all, particularly Michael Ewasko, the resident digital expert of E Studio who designed,concepted and executed this book.