responsibilities/ job expectations-1

EJCHS Media Specialist/ Instructional  T echn olog ist  Job Expectations and Responsibilities : Online Run 3 platfors for !nline Education: Edunuit"# e$"naics# %rad &oint 'ith (arious classes running si Custoi)e Edgenuit" classes *all freshen coputer classes ha(e to be hand touched+ ,ll target dates ha(e to be indi(iduall " entered ,ll Classes added anuall" to 3 platfors Man" classes run siultaneousl" during each period- Resets at night %rade hundreds of papers on e$"naics Created a &rogra of Stud" that e.uates online classes to state course code# using C,&S site fro %a$!E- Responsible for looing at student transcripts to help deterine 'hich electi(e# CR/0R class students need- BYOT 12 !T/ I4I chec bo xes in IC- *5666 hand touches+  Then all tho se naes and s tudent nuber ha(e to be lis ted and sent to Rita- 1 2!T does not 'or until this process is coplete-  T eaching T eacher ebpages and Edgenuit" tr ainer Social Media School ebpage# 4aceboo# T'itter *been instructed to pro(ide training to Cind" and 7isha+ 8ios T raining EJCHS 1lueboard eeper of the calendars Professional Development Re.uired to pro(ide 5 sta9 de(elopents per onth after school

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Page 1: Responsibilities/ Job Expectations-1

7/23/2019 Responsibilities/ Job Expectations-1 1/3

EJCHS Media Specialist/ Instructional Technologist

 Job Expectations and Responsibilities:


Run 3 platfors for !nline Education: Edunuit"# e$"naics# %rad &oint 'ith (arious

classes running si Custoi)e Edgenuit" classes *all freshen coputer classes

ha(e to be hand touched+

,ll target dates ha(e to be indi(iduall" entered

,ll Classes added anuall" to 3 platfors

Man" classes run siultaneousl" during each period-

Resets at night

%rade hundreds of papers on e$"naics

Created a &rogra of Stud" that e.uates online classes to state course code# using

C,&S site fro %a$!E-

Responsible for looing at student transcripts to help deterine 'hich electi(e#

CR/0R class students need-


12!T/ I4I chec boxes in IC- *5666 hand touches+

 Then all those naes and student nuber ha(e to be listed and sent to Rita- 12!T

does not 'or until this process is coplete-

 Teaching Teacher ebpages and Edgenuit" trainer

Social Media

School ebpage# 4aceboo# T'itter *been instructed to pro(ide training to Cind" and


8ios Training

EJCHS 1lueboard eeper of the calendars

Professional Development

Re.uired to pro(ide 5 sta9 de(elopents per onth after school

Page 2: Responsibilities/ Job Expectations-1

7/23/2019 Responsibilities/ Job Expectations-1 2/3

Achievement Series

,chie(eent Series# add all ne' accounts and run all scantrons

Media Specialist

Media Center duties for grades ;<5 *5 libraries in one+


&oster Maing

&aper Carts

0ploads for $estin"

 Ticets for coputers that is not 'oring

Ring Ceremony

In charge of Ring Cereon"

Innite Camp!s"#ovell

&arent In=nite Capus issues# 8ids pass'ord reset issues

8ids >o(ell login resets


 Then 'e ha(e stu9 that hits us# lie ?I need to no' about >earpod b" noon on



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