responsive marketing // are you ready for 2016?

RESPONSIVE MARKETING WORKSHOP // 10.8.15 © Dee Heffernan, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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WORKSHOP // 10.8.15© Dee Heffernan, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Our Capabilities Specialities

Helping them stand out

Understanding what sets our clients apart

Implementing exceptional design with every initiative

Taking market or client data and converting it

into actionable insights

Maximizing the use of established internal resources

Setting clear expectations and following-through

Making the most out of their current marketing ecosystem

Managing all the moving parts so that clients don’t have to

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“Responsive marketing is all about making it easy for

potential customers to find, learn about, and engage

with you. It’s about leveraging your website, your social

media, your email, and every part of your marketing

ecosystem toward ensuring a healthy ROI.”

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• How to leverage your website to attract, engage, and convert potential customers

• How to be relevant and efficient on social media

• What mobile-friendly means and why it matters

• How to audit your brand ecosystem for gaps and opportunities

• What you can do today to market your business responsively (and profitably)

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Integrate Evolve


Your Inspiration is your greatest asset


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Imagine if…

You were only allowed to talk about your WHY.

What would you say?

Let’s introduce ourselves to the group.

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Responsive Marketing begins with PURPOSE.

Here are some tools we can use to develop that purpose.

Developing an actionable brand purpose is both Art & Science

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Customer Journeys


“Mommy my leg hurts”

Symptoms often occur abruptly, and can be confused for common childhood aches & pains as children bounce back to play/activity after short episodes of pain or discomfort.

“…and then 5 minutes later she'd be running around on it like a crazy person again. Kids are always saying this or that hurts and unless it seems like something really hurts, you just kind of let it go.’”


“At first, I didn’t freak out. But

when they said I couldn’t go to

school, every tear in my eyes came out.”

Patient goes through first round of chemotherapy, with the first month spent in the hospital for intense treatments (including intrathecal therapy)

“All you can do is put your head down and plough onwards, taking the only path open to you. No time for reflection really. You don’t assess much. You just keep going.”

• The treatment phase requires significant logistical support (financial, transportation, lodging)

• Middle-income families tend to experience most financial hardship and may turn to crowd funding when they don’t qualify for traditional assistance.

• Tools to help organize information they’ve collected over time, as well as financial roadmaps prove valuable early on.

COMPLETE REMISSION Success rate >95%

"I'm hoping they will let

me go home. I just want to

go home.”

Bone marrow testing reveals that the patient presents <5% blasts and normal hematopoiesis. The first part of the battle is over.

“You feel a little bit of relief, but you don’t ever stop worrying that the other shoe will drop.”

Caregiver focus groups highlight top caregiver needs that occur throughout treatment:

• Access to information without medical jargon

• 24-hour hotline

• Access to info on all tech platforms, esp. phone

• Online peer-to-peer support (i.e. forums & chat)

REFRACTORY Occurs in < 5%

Patient does not respond to Induction Therapy.

CONSOLIDATION DURATION: 2-9 months (depends on risk factor)

“If you have cancer, don’t

worry. I have cancer and I’m brave.”

Consolidation is an intensified treatment protocol that occurs right after remission is achieved. Designed to eradicate the remainder of cancer cells. Intrathecal therapy is continued.

“You feel a little bit of relief, but you don’t ever stop worrying that the other shoe will drop.”

• Caregivers and patients begin thinking about the future, and start falling back into the old rhythm of things

• Finances become an increasing focus as medical bills commonly reach the hundreds of thousands of dollars

• Parents spend time on the internet talking about programs, doctors and treatments.


“It would be nice if there was a blog

where kids could communicate

with each other.”

Maintenance is much less intensive than previous treatments and (usually) consists mostly of oral medications given at home. There are also intermittent intravenous and intrathecal medications throughout this phase.

“This was a time of welcome, but difficult, transition. It was then that the phrases “long term effects” and “secondary cancer” really started to take on meaning for us. Current treatments for ALL are long, and highly toxic to the body. There is a price to be paid for surviving.”

• It is not uncommon for caregivers to quit or lose their jobs during this period, adding more strain to family life.

• Hospital support groups exist for parents, but often go underutilized.

STEM-CELL TRANSPLANT Certain high-risk patients may be eligible.


RELAPSE Can happen at any time after remission. Occurs in 15-20% of cases.

Treatment protocols vary for relapse ALL, leaving families with less confidence in outcomes. Depending on risk level patients may cycle back through INDUCTION CHEMO, or start on completely different set of drugs.

“Initial diagnosis is now. Relapse is forever.”

• With the first diagnosis, everyone rallies together. But at relapse, a lot of people who were around to support families aren’t there any more.

• Parents can show signs of PTSD after relapse

• With initial diagnosis, families are often intact; but as they go through treatment, families don’t always remain this way.

• Siblings are often the forgotten group that suffers silently to keep the peace.

Patients are eligible for Blincyto after 2nd relapse.



"Mommy make it go away, it hurts so bad I can't breath.”

Symptoms may escalate dramatically within just a few weeks, resulting in a visit to the PCP or ER. After initial blood tests, the medical team will act quickly to refer the patient to a specialist for same-day confirmation.

“Finally, a team of doctors came down and were introduced to us as ‘the pediatric oncology team.’ Oncology......that word resounded in my head - it was seriously like what you see on TV - slow motion and the world stopped. It was at that moment I knew my worst nightmare had come true.”

• The early stages are the most emotionally charged, as well as the most confusing.

• Parents seek books/resources tailored to helping child understand what’s happening.

• Emotions make it hard for parents to process logistics.

• Communicating “palliative care” options as early as possible is a current gap in most HCP protocols.

* Some children with ALL experience significant adverse effects during induction chemo. Toxicity can result from the chemotherapeutic agents or from the rapid elimination of a large tumor burden (ie, tumor lysis syndrome).

* Life-threatening adverse effects of induction therapy include tumor lysis syndrome, thrombosis, bleeding, and infection. Other acute side effects include mucositis, pancreatitis, and hyperglycemia.

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Market Personas

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“Every four days, we had to sterilize the place where the catheter went into his body. The hole for the catheter was right beside his heart. Infection there would kill him quickly. We were shown how to clean the catheter site within the first few days of his diagnosis. One of our nurses demonstrated using a plastic toddler

doll. But the doll didn’t squirm. The doll didn’t feel any pain. As I watched her, I knew our experience was going to be a whole different story…”

Caregiver of a Young Child

Monica, 34 Mom

During the next several hours, numerous people came in and out of the room. They all talked to me in a tone that seemed like they knew something was very wrong. Like the evidence was so strong but they just needed to confirm it. But confirm what? What was going on???? Kyle eventually made it to the hospital from Richmond and we waited for hours in the ER to see the doctor. Finally, a team of doctors came down and were introduced to us as "the pediatric oncology team." Oncology......that word resounded in my head - it was seriously like what you see on tv - slow motion and the world stopped. It was at that moment I knew my worst nightmare had come true. They sent the oncology team because they thought my sweet, innocent, baby girl had cancer.

And so it began. The moment no parent should ever have to endure and certainly no innocent child. The moment I hope you never have to experience. The moment I realized I didn't have my life full of sunshine anymore. The end of the "fairy tale." For now, anyway. This moment began what will be a very long road into a plethora of uncertainties. The kind of uncertainties that cause you to look in the mirror and wonder if you had a second chance, would you have done things differently.

Nurse in training

Logistics Engineer

Spirit Raiser+ + + Life


Acute Stress Disorder

40% dads ; >50% moms


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Experience Arcs

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Brand Purpose / Brand Fight Why you exist. Your benefit to humanity / What you’re against

Human Behavior Change

from: ____________________________________ to: _____________________________________

Customer Journey (Phases)

Current Mindsets/Attitudes

Current Behaviors

Desired Behaviors

Barriers to Desired Behaviors

Brand Experience

KPIS/Success Metrics

Experience Arc

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Brand Ecosystem

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Ecosystem A community of channels functioning as a whole to build relationships with consumers.

company website


partner/affiliate websites

CRM (Email Marketing)


welcome wagon

local print ads


Customer Journey Waiting of “Someday” I Need a Change I Have Options Leap of Faith Under Construction New & Improved


confused about how to get started toward goal

fed up hesitant

inspired overwhelmed

anxiously optimistic inspired

fatigued stressed proud


PPC and targeted blog advertising

In-Person Promotion

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Let’s put it all together now.

List out all the elements of your marketing ecosystem with regard to your customer’s journey :

What seem to be the main key barriers?

5 Minutes

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1. Gain local awareness2. Differentiate3. Convert Lead

1. Local SEO + PPC2. Social Media 3. Email Marketing4. Brand Identity Re-Fresh5. Website6. Content Creation & Distribution7. Print Advertising

Approach: One-Off vs. Integration

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31. Increase your reach to tablet and mobile audiences

2. Increase sales and conversion rates

3. Increase your visibility in search engines

Advantages of Responsive Web Design

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Keeping mobile visitors engaged

When done poorlyWhen done right

said they would be likely to return to the

site in the future


said they’re more likely to buy a site’s product or service


said that if they didn’t find what they were looking for immediately,

they’d quickly move to another site.


said that a bad mobile experience made them less

likely to engage with a company


Source: Research study from Google, Sterling Research and SmithGeiger, 2012© Dee Heffernan, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Responsive Design = Google Approved

"The mobile-friendly update will boost the rankings of mobile-friendly pages... in mobile search results worldwide. Conversely, pages designed for only large screens may see a significant decrease in rankings in mobile search results.” - Google



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1. Work on articulating (and testing) your human purpose 2. Audit your ecosystem for opportunities to be more responsive 3. Start planning today for 2016

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Thank you!

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