ress p eminary - · vladimir lossky was one of the most influential orthodox thinkers...

q winter catalog 2011 - 2012 S t Vladimir’s S eminary Press

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a new translationpopular patristics series

numbers 44a & 44b

On the IncarnationSaint athanasius

Translated by John Behr • Introduction by C. S. Lewis

By any standard, this is a classic of Christian theology. Composed bySt Athanasius in the fourth century, it expounds with simplicity the

theological vision defended at the Councils of Nicaea and Constan-tinople: that the Son of God himself became fully human, so that we

might become god. Its influence on all Christian theology thereafter, East and West, ensures itsplace as one of the few “must read” books for all who want to know more about the Christian faith.

“When I first opened his De Incarnatione I soon discovered I was reading a masterpiece … foronly a master mind could have written so deeply on a subject with such classical simplicity.”

— C.S. Lewis, from the Introduction.

We are pleased to offer this new translation, with a full introduction, in two formats: in English or with the Greek text presented on the facing page.

AVAILABLEDecember 2011

English/Greek (44a)


5 x 7.25 / paper

174 pp


English only (44b)


5 x 7.25 / paper

112 pp


2to place an order call 1-800-204-2665

popular patristics series number 43

Works on the Spiritathanasius the great and didymus the blind

Translated by Mark DelCogliano,Andrew Radde-Gallwitz & Lewis Ayres

In the second half of the fourth century the mystery of the HolySpirit was the subject of fierce debate. Those who fought against theNicene creed opposed the idea that the Spirit was God. Even some ofthose willing to accept the equality of Father and Son saw the Spiritas more angelic than divine.

The first great testament to the Spirit’s divinity—showing how the Spirit creates and saves inseparably with Father and Son—is Athanasius’s Letters to Serapion. Only a few years later, Didymusthe Blind penned his own On the Holy Spirit, which is here translatedinto English for the first time. For Didymus, the Spirit transformsChristians by drawing them into the divine life itself, and musttherefore be one with Father and Son.

This volume offers new translations of two of the most powerful Patristic reflections on the workand nature of the Holy Spirit.

3 visit our website:

Mark DelCogliano teaches at the University of St Thomas in St Paul, Minnesota.

Andrew Radde-Gallwitz teaches at Loyola University, Chicago.

Lewis Ayres teaches at Durham University in the United Kingdom.

The V. Rev. Dr John Behr is theDean of St Vladimir’s Orthodox

Theological Seminary, Professor of Patristics, the editor of the PopularPatristic Series, and the author of Way to Nicaea and Nicene Faith.

AVAILABLE December 2011


5 x 7.25 / paper

240 pp









the translators

the translator

Our popular patristics seriesprovides readable and accurate translations of a wide rangeof early Christian literature to a wide audience—studentsof Christian history to lay Christians reading for spiritualbenefit. Recognized scholars in their fields provide shortbut comprehensive and clear introductions to the material.








orthodox profiles series, vol 1

Reflections on a Spiritual Journey

jonah paffhausen

This book brings together a short biography of Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen) with a

collection of his teachings on Christian life. Headdresses topics such as: forgiveness and recon-

ciliation; becoming our true selves; shame; thevalue of suffering; the vision, vocation, and

identity of the Orthodox Church in America;creativity and tradition; episcopacy, primacy and

the mother churches; and thoughts on a time of crisis and opportunity for the church.

Metropolitan Jonah’s words proved inspiring tothe All American Council that elected him Pri-

mate in 2009. We hope that this collection of hisreflections will prove a blessing to the reader.



5.5 x 8.5 / paper

207 pp


Seven DaysAVAILABLE January 2012


5.5 × 8.5 / paper

114 pp


BashirAVAILABLE February 2012


5.5 × 8.5 / paper

224 pp

$20.00His Beatitude Jonah Paffhausen is Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America.

Vladimir Lossky was one of the most influential Orthodox thinkers and writers of the twentieth century. • Michael Donley is an expert in French literature.

Economos Constantine Nasr, the ninth generation in his family to be ordained to the priesthood in the Orthodox Church, was personally acquainted with Metropolitan Antony Bashir. He is a noted pastor, author, and lecturer.

the authors

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The o rt hod ox p rof i l e s s e r i e s introduces Orthodox leaders in various ministries and callings that build up the Body of Christ. Most of those featured remain active in the Church, while the influence of those fallen asleep in the Lord remains strong and is worthy of historical record.

orthodox profiles series, vol 2

Seven Days on the Roads of Francevladimir lossky • translated by Michael Donley

This book follows Vladimir Lossky’s attempt to enlist in the Frencharmy after the Nazi invasion of France in 1940. It records his reflectionson suffering; the true nature of Christian or Western civilization; therightness or otherwise of war; the problematic relationship betweenChurch and State; what we mean by a ‘nation’; and secularization. Suchissues are mulled over, not as arid abstractions, but by someone who, ashe walks across an increasingly war-torn landscape, quite literally hashis feet on the ground.

A revelation to those who know only Lossky’s more scholarly works—

here one discovers his rounded personality, his warm humanity, and hislove not only of Christian France but of the West in general.

orthodox profiles series, vol 3

Antony Bashir–Metropolitan & Missionaryconstantine nasr

Antony Bashir was a man of action and vision, opening churches andestablishing the framework for the expansion and growth of today’sAntiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. This biography is a fascinating look behind the scenes at an important period of history in the establishment of the Orthodox faith in America. The complex personality of Antony Bashir and the events that surrounded his episcopacy reveal his frailty, humanity, and his ability to lead withstrength and love. The history of the faith cannot be written withoutunderstanding the contributions that Antony Bashir made to the foundation and framework of the Orthodox faith in America.

7 visit our website:

The Mystery of FaithAn Introduction to the Teaching andSpirituality of the Orthodox Churchhilarion alfeyev

With an Introduction by Kallistos Ware

Orthodox theology is a living entity today no less than hundreds ofyears ago. The same questions have always confronted us: What istruth? How can one find joy and peace of heart? What is the way tosalvation? Christianity does not aim to dot all the “i”s by answeringevery question the human spirit asks. But it does open up anotherreality which transcends all that surrounds us in this earthly life.

In this work Hilarion Alfeyev comments on the teaching of theOrthodox Church, its historical development and relationship tothe spiritual life. Drawing on ancient texts and contemporarysources, he provides a clear exposition of the central doctrines ofthe Church with an exploration of their meaning for today.

6to place an order call 1-800-204-2665

Mystery of FaithNOW AVAILABLE


6 x 9 / paper

268 pp


Orthodox Christianity


6 x 9 / paper

350 pp


Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, Chairman of the MoscowPatriarchate’s Department of External Church Relations,

has authored works on theology & church history, and is a composer of liturgical music.

the author

FatherGabriel Bunge

possesses a thorough knowledge of patristicliterature and is known worldwide for hiswritings on contemplative prayer.

DespondencyThe Spiritual Teaching of

Evagrius of Pontusgabriel bunge

Translated by Anthony P. Gythiel

This ultimately joyful work is one of the few books available in English to deal exclusively with the problem of despondency, and

how it can be overcome. Bunge analyzes the views of Evagrius Ponticus, the famous “philosopher in the desert,” on the dangers of

acedia, or “despondency.” Acedia belongs to the list of eight “evilthoughts,” which includes not only vices of the body, but also vicesof the soul—such as sadness and anger. These vices are opposed to“eight virtues”—including moderation, poverty, joy, and patience.

Evagrius develops a sophisticated psychology which remains beneficial to us today. Indeed, this 4th-century Desert Father writes

for Christians everywhere: for those in modern deserts—the city—

and for those subject to silent despair. A companion volume to Dragon’s Wine and Angel’s Bread (SVS Press, 2009).

Other books by Gabriel BungeDragon’s Wine and Angel’s Bread

The Rublev Trinity

AVAILABLE January 2012


5.5 x 8.5 / paper

156 pp


the author

Anthony P. Gythiel is Professor of MedievalHistory at the University of Wichita.

the translator

volume one

Orthodox Christianity The History & Canonical Structure of the Orthodox Church

hilarion alfeyev

The first volume of a systematic exposition of the history, canonical structure, doctrine, moral & social teaching, liturgicalservices, and spiritual life of the Orthodox Church.















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Michael Breck is a translator & publisher focused on theological texts. He resides near Charleston,SC, where he directs a collaborative publishing venture.

the translator

Fr Boris Bobrinskoy, one of the towering figures of 20th-century

Orthodox theology, recently retired from St Sergius Institute inParis, the Institut Supérieur des Études Oecuméniques, and as rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Paris.

John McGuckin is Professor of Early ChurchHistory at Union theological Seminary in New

York, Professor of Byzantine christian Studies at Columbia University, and author of two previous SVS Press books.

the author

the author

The Ascent of Christian Law

Patristic & Byzantine Formulations ofa New Civilization

john mcguckin

This work asks the question: “What did Christianity do to build a civilization?” In the present age, law has been used

energetically to micro-manage human societies, values and aspira-tions. But did law work that way in antiquity? Of course, the lawsof ancient societies were not as codified as modern law; but even

so, could law be a window to the greater question of how theChristians first conceived of civilization, and how they set about

managing the changes they wished to bring to it?

This little book is some form of answer. It is a book on law and legal thought as it emerged in formative ages of the Christian past; it asks what the ancient writers and theorists did with

law and legal thought. It is part history, part philosophy, and more than anything else an introduction to issues of law and legal adjudication in the Patristic and Byzantine eras.

The Mystery of the ChurchA Course in Orthodox Dogmatic Theolog y

boris bobrinskoy

Translated by Michael Breck

In this sweeping survey the author traces the Church’shistory from her Old Testament roots through her formal establishment under the New Covenant, from theGreat Councils to the present. In his enduring devotionto the Orthodox understanding of the work of Christand the Holy Spirit as “the two hands of the Father,” Fr Bobrinskoy brings his considerable knowledge andexperience to bear in witnessing to the One, Holy,Catholic and Apostolic Church as the instrument ofGod’s saving grace for all mankind.

In this work, Fr Bobrinskoy has achieved an uncommonbalance of exacting scholarship, spiritual depth, andaccessibility from which readers at every level are boundto reap great benefit.

Other books by John McGuckinCyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy

St Gregory of Nazianzus: An Intellectual BiographyAlso by Boris BobrinskoyThe Mystery of the Trinity • The Compassion of the Father

AVAILABLE January 2012


6 x 9 / paper

340 pp


February 2012


6 x 9 / paper

380 pp
















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Saint George and the Dragon

jim forestvladislav andrejev, illustrator

The story of St George, embellished from generation to generation, has a larger-than-life hero at its center. He is recognized as the knight who battled a dragon to save a

princess, but history paints a more modest picture. Born in the third century, St George was a martyr of the early

Church who courageously proclaimed his faith during a period of fierce persecution. Early iconographic art

depicts him simply as a solider, holding the cross of martyrdom.

Over time his icon began to alsoinclude a dragon, a white horse,

and lance topped by a cross. Through word and image St George becameknown as a dragon slayer—the hero of a princess and her townspeople.Thus, seeds based in history blossomed into lessons in Christian virtue.

What better way to depict courage than a knight on a white horse facingcertain death? What better way to depict good overcoming evil than

by the Cross of Christ piercing a fire-breathing dragon?

This book beautifully illustrates a beloved tradition, with an Afterword about the interplay between history and hagiography. Using brilliant iconographic images, it carries us into a world of dragons and heroes, and of courageous, victorious love.

Jim Forest is secretary of the Orthodox PeaceFellowship and editor of its journal and

website, In Communion. He is a recipient of the Peacemaker Awardfrom Notre Dame University’s Institute for International Peace Studies.

Vladislav Andrejev is an accomplished iconographer, teacher of iconography, and

illustrator of award-winning books manifesting his work as a continuation of the ancientByzantine-Russian tradition. He works in his private studio in Upstate New York.

the author

the illustrator



8.5 x 11 / hardcover

32 pp


Other childrens books by Jim Forest

Silent as a Stone: Mother Mariaof Paris and the Trash Can Rescue

Illustrated by Dasha Pancheshnaya















The artwork on thecover of this catalog

is also taken from the illustrations in

St George and the Dragon.

Becoming Icons of Christmother raphaela

Becoming Icons of Christ, the third in a series of collections of talks andessays by Mother Raphaela, continues the practical and plain-spokenadvice on life and growth in Christ introduced and developed in thefirst two volumes.

“When we find ourselves in our own times of passion, or when we arefaced with the passion of others, we have only one way open to us torespond appropriately…we ask Christ to enter our lives, to teach us topray, and Himself to come, live, and pray within us.

“This way of entering into the life and Passion of Christ is the only wayto His Resurrection—our own personal transfiguration by the life ofGod. And only as we are thus transfigured will we become icons—noticons of our own righteousness and suffering, nor of our own strength,virtue, truth, and courage, but icons of the love, the power, and thepeace of God.”

AVAILABLE January 2012


5 x 7.25 / paper

112 pp


Other books by Mother RaphaelaLiving in Christ

Growing in Christ

Mother Raphaela is abbess of Holy MyrrhbearersMonastery in Otego, New York.

the author

13 visit our website: www.svspress.com12to place an order call 1-800-204-2665

Harp of Glory — Enzira Sebhatpopular patristics series number 39

Translated by John A. McGuckin

The Harp of Glory is a major hymn sounding the praises of the Theotokos,from the heart of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in its Golden Age. It is atext hardly known in the Orthodox or Western churches, even though it istruly a religious and literary treasure of world significance. It approachesclosely to the character and genius of the Byzantine Akathist to the Motherof God (which it seems to know in part) but is so profoundly rooted in adifferent indigenous experience that it surely deserves the title of “AnAfrican Akathist.”

On the Holy Spiritpopular patristics series number 42

Translated by Stephen M. Hildebrand

On the Holy Spirit is a classic expression of the Church’sfaith in the Spirit and a lasting testimony to St Basil’sChristian erudition. In the words of St Gregory the Theologian, St Basil’s treatise was “written by a pen borrowed from the Spirit’s store.”

This work sets forth the distinction of the divine Per-sons, and their perpetual communion and conjunction.It talks also about the nature of theological language,

and the theological significance of the Church’s tradition of worship and proclamation.Although the book was written for St Basil’s fourth-century contemporaries, its message isvalid for all ages.

Harp of Glory


5 x 7.25 / paper

160 pp


Holy Spirit


5 x 7.25 / paper

128 pp


Our popular patristics series provides readable and accurate translations of a widerange of early Christian literature to a wide audience—students of Christian history to lay Christians readingfor spiritual benefit. Recognized scholars in their fields provide short but comprehensive and clear introduc-tions to the material.












nt r



15 visit our website: www.svspress.com14to place an order call 1-800-204-2665

On the Two WaysLife or Death, Light or Darkness: Foundational Texts from the Traditionpopular patristics series number 41

Translated by Alistair Stewart

In the early years of Judaism and Christianity their adherentssaw that life presents us with a choice between two ways: good-ness or evil. This book contains presentations of these two waysacross the centuries. Each version is accompanied by an intro-duction, placing each motif in its historical and literary context.

Divine ErosHymns of St Symeon the New Theologianpopular patristics series number 40

Translated by Daniel Griggs

These Hymns are spiritual reading at its best: an interpretationof life and the relationship with God in the light of Scriptureand the Fathers. Symeon makes the doctrines of the Fathers rel-evant to the individual, all themore so for the poetic beautywith which they are written.

ByzantineLiturgical Reform

orthodox liturgy series, book two

thomas pott

Thomas Pott demonstrates that deliberate liturgical reform, as distinguished from the organic development of liturgical tradition,is nothing new in the Byzantine rite. He examines four examples ofreform, focusing on the theological rationale underlying each case.

The Epistle of Saint James • Introduction by Rod Dreher

This pastoral commentary on the Epistle of St James offers readers a clear explanation of theSaint’s influential letter. It is appropriate for personal and group biblical study, spiritual guid-ance, and serves as a useful aid to pastors in teaching and preparation of homilies.

St Paul’s Epistle to the RomansWritten with the average lay reader in mind, this pastoral commentary on Romans offers aclear explanation of the Apostle’s influential and controversial letter. Quotations from churchfathers parallel Scripture to create a methodology consistent with Orthodox tradition.

The Epistle to the HebrewsThis commentary is for anyone seeking an Orthodox perspective on the Epistle. Frequentmention is made of the readings in the Church’s liturgical celebrations, and therefore thework is particularly useful for those responsible for preaching and teaching in the Church.

On Two Ways


5 x 7.25 / paper

160 pp


Divine Eros


5 x 7.25 / paper

424 pp


Byzantine Liturgical


5.5 × 8.5 / paper

296 pp


Epistle of Saint James


5 x 7.25 / paper

152 pp


Epistle to the Romans


6 x 9 / paper

415 pp


Epistle to the Hebrews


5 x 7.25 / paper

254 pp


The Miracles of Christ


5 x 7.25 / paper

146 pp


The Kingdom of God


5 x 7.25 / paper

128 pp


The Parables


5 x 7.25 / paper

144 pp









His Eminence Dmitri Royster,retired Archbishop of Dallasand the South (OCA), andauthor of six SVS Press titles,fell asleep in the Lord on 28 August 2011.

the author Other titles by Archbishop Dmitri Royster

books by archbishop dmitri royster





nt r



17 visit our website: www.svspress.com16to place an order call 1-800-204-2665

Woman and the Salvation of the World paul evdokimov

In this daring and speculative work, Evdokimov challenges contemporary Christianity to face upto its androcentrism. He sees the solution in a rediscovery of an authentic Christian anthropol-ogy, one that sees males and females as complementary, yet with distinct charisms and vocations.

The Life in Christ nicholas Cabasilas

This work is a remarkable product of Byzantium’s last great flowering of theology. At a time whensecular humanism was increasingly asserting man’s complete autonomy, Cabasilas proclaimedthat man’s true life lies not in himself, but in Christ.

Liturg y and Tradition alexander schmemann

This collection of essays by the preeminent Orthodox theologian is intended as a companion vol-ume to his Introduction to Liturgical Theology. Here can be traced the development of his thought,particularly his increasingly precise articulation of the nature and method of liturgical theology.

Unseen Warfare nicodemus of the holy mountain

Rich in its references to the teachings of the saints and Fathers, Unseen Warfare combines theinsights of West and East on that spiritual combat which is the road to perfection and the strippingaway of all that militates against it.

The Bible and the Holy Fathers Johanna Manley, editor

Based on the sequence of daily scriptural readings (NKJV) from the liturgical calendar of theOrthodox Christian Church, this resource includes comments from the church fathers on eachEpistle and Gospel passage. Sections of the Old Testament are also included to support the churchlectionary for major feast days, Great Lent, and Holy Week. Additionally, writings fromcontemporary Orthodox theologians and scholars are included.

Woman & Salvation978-0-88141-872-9

6 x 9 / paper285 pp$40.00

Life in Christ978-0-913836-12-5

5.5 x 8.5 / paper229 pp$18.00

Liturgy & Tradition978-0-88141-082-2

5.5 x 8.5 / paper138 pp$14.00

Unseen Warfare978-0-913836-52-1

5.5 x 8.5 / paper280 pp$22.00

Bible & Holy Fathers978-0-9622536-0-7

6 x 9 / hardcover1132 pp$60.00

Living Orthodoxy in the Modern Worldandrew walker & Costa Carras, eds.Preface by Patriarch BartholomewDistinguished contributors include MetropolitanAnthony Bloom, Bishop Kallistos Ware, AndrewLouth, Metropolitan John Zizioulas, GillianCrow, Sister Magdalen, & Dr Jamie Moran.

Christ in Eastern Christian Thoughtjohn meyendorffThis major study of Byzantine Christology is at the same time a study of the Orthodoxunderstanding of man and his salvation.Meyendorff states that “man is truly man when he participates in divine life.”

Sacrament of Lovepaul evdokimovA unique reflection on marriage and celibacy. This work places the relationship of man andwoman within the context of the Trinitariancommunion between the Divine Persons.

Living Orthodoxy978-0-88141-864-4 5.5 x 8.5 / paper232 pp$24.00

Christ in EasternChristian Thought978-0-88141-867-55.5 x 8.5 / paper248 pp$29.00

Sacrament of Love978–0–88141–397–76 x 9 / paper192 pp$18.00

ba c k i n p r i n t

Feminism in ChristianityAn Orthodox Christian Responsedeborah malacky belonick

First published in 1983, this little bookis by a modern woman who investi-gates a modern phenomenon—TheWomen’s Movement—and its effectson religious thought. The authorexplores how feminist thought gavebirth to feminist theology, and thencontrasts the religious tenets embracedby feminist theologians with thoseheld by Orthodox Christians.

978-0-86642-045-75 x 7.25 / paper 64 pp $12.00

c o n t e m p o r a ry l i f es e r i e s , b o o k 5














19 visit our website: www.svspress.com18to place an order call 1-800-204-2665

For the Sick and the Suffering978-0-86642-021-148 pp • $4.00

We Pray to God 978-0-86642-050-1 24 pp • $3.00

We Return to God 978-0-86642-063-1 32 pp • $3.00

If We Confess our Sins978-0-86642-040-278 pp • $6.00

Feast of Palms—The Services ofLazarus Saturdayand Palm Sunday978-0-86642-028-099 pp • $5.00

The BridegroomServices of Holy Week978-0-86642-030-3128 pp • $6.00

Holy FridayMatins with the Passion Gospels and Royal Hours978-0-86642-031-0136 pp • $7.00

Vespers of Holy Friday978-0-86642-032-755 pp • $4.00

Matins of HolySaturday with the Praises &Psalm 119978-0-86642-023-5101 pp • $7.00

Great & HolySaturday: Vespers& Divine Liturg y 978-0-86642-034-188 pp • $6.00

Paschal Service978-0-86642-033-472 pp • $5.00

Vespers of Pascha978-0-86642-035-824 pp • $3.00

Vespers ofPentecost978-0-86642-036-554 pp • $5.00

The DivineLiturg y978-0-86642-038-939 pp • $3.00

Holy Matrimony978-0-86642-039-639 pp • $4.00

Baptism978-0-86642-037-271 pp • $5.00

The Services of Christmas978-0-86642-019-8118 pp • $7.00

ForgivenessSunday Vespers978-0-86642-026-627 pp • $3.00

Liturg y of thePresanctified Gifts978-0-88141-342-762 pp • $4.00

p o c k e t s e rv i c e b o o k s

On the Mother of God jacob of Serug

Jacob, “flute of the Holy spirit and harp of the faithful church,” has a great love fo r the Mother of God. In this volume, four homilies have been chosen from the Syriac texts. The poetry is typological and rooted in Scripture.

On the Lord’s Prayer tertullian, Cyprian, & Origen

These are the only three existing ante-Nicene treatises on the Lord’s Prayer. Candidates for baptism in the ancient Church were trained in prayer, a practice that gave rise to a tradition ofcommentary on the Lord’s Prayer. These classic texts became the starting points for many other commentaries.

On God and Christ St gregory of nazianzus

These five sermons, probably delivered as a series at the small chapel of the Resurrection in Constantinople, where Gregory was the bishop in charge of loyal “Nicenes,” contain Gregory’spenetrating teaching. The English translation aims to capture for the something of the atmos-phere of intellectual excitement and spiritual exhilaration experienced by his first listeners.

Hymns on Paradise St ephrem the Syrian

St Ephrem the Syrian’s cycle of 15 Hymns on Paradise offers a fine example of Christian poetry, inwhich the author weaves a profound theological synthesis around a particular Biblical narrative.

On Social Justice St basil the great

St Basil’s homilies on the subject of wealth and poverty, although delivered in the fourth century,remain utterly fresh and contemporary. Whether you possess great wealth or have modest means,at the heart of Basil’s message stands the maxim: Simplify your life, so you have something toshare with others.

Mother of God978-0-88141-184-3 5 x 7.25 / paper106 pp$16.00

Lord’s Prayer978-0-88141-261-15 x 7.25 / paper214 pp$18.00

God and Christ978-0-88141-240-65 x 7.25 / paper144 pp$17.00

Hymns on Paradise978-0-88141-076-1 5 x 7.25 / paper240 pp$18.00

Social Justice978-0-88141-053-2 5 x 7.25 / paper111 pp$15.00

ba c k i n p r i n t reprints from our Popular Patristics Seriessv

s p




r ca



St Vladimir’s Seminary Press publishesand distributes all materials from theOrthodox Christian Publications Center.All available OCPC materials are listedon our web site:

English-language booklets to encourage participation by the congregation.Convenient size: 4 inches x 6 inches, paperback.







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pps 22Hippolytus, On the Apostolic Tradition

pps 23St Gregory of Nazianzus, On God & Christ

pps 24John of Damascus Three Treatises on the Divine Images

pps 25Maximus the Confessor On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ

pps 26Barsanuphius and John Letters from the Desert

pps 27Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt,Macarius of Alexandria; Four Desert Fathers

pps 28Macarius the Spiritbearer, Coptic Texts

pps 29Tertullian, Cyprian, & OrigenOn the Lord’s Prayer

pps 30Basil the Great, On the Human Condition

pps 31John Chrysostom, The Cult of the Saints

pps 32Cyprian, Select Treatises on the Church

pps 33Cyprian of CarthageS e le ct L etters o n the Church

pps 34Gregory the Great, The Book of Pastoral Rule

pps 35Wider than Heaven: Eighth Century Homilies on the Mother of God

pps 36Gregory of Nazianzus, Festal Orations

North StarSt Herman of Alaska

Dorrie Papademetriou

Author and illustrator Dor-rie Papademetriou capturesthe divine spark that shonein the monk Herman andreflects it across the pages.

The Woman and the WheatJane G. Meyer Ned Gannon, illus.

A rhythmical story of a farmer as she grows thewheat and bakes the breadthat she will offer back toher Creator in Eucharisticcelebration.

The Man and the VineJane G. Meyer Ned Gannon, illus.

The joy of a farmer and hislittle daughter as they worktheir vineyard and offer thefruit of the vine back totheir Creator in Eucharisticcelebration.

The Blackbird’s NestSt Kevin of Ireland

Jenny Schroedel Doug Montross, illus.

The story of Kevin’s transformation into one ofIreland’s best-loved saints (ad †618), revered in manyChristian traditions.

Prepare O BethlehemThe Feast of the Nativity

Niko Chocheli

The Orthodox Church’shymns of the Nativity proclaim the joy of theincarnation. These belovedtexts, so wonderfully illustrated by Niko Chocheli, are filled withbeauty and power.

North Star

978-0-88141-223-98.5 x 11 / hardcover

32 pp • $18.00

Woman & Wheat978-0-88141-059-4

8.5 x 8.5 / hardcover32 pp • $18.00

Man & Vine978-0-88141-315-1

8.5 x 8.5 / hardcover32 pp • $18.00

Blackbird’s Nest978-0-88141-258-1

8.5 x 11 / hardcover32 pp • $18.00

Prepare O Bethlehem978-0-88141-208-6 9 x 12 / hardcover

32 pp • $18.00

Kindle digital books now available from SVS Press c h i l d r e n s b o o k s

pps 37Mark the Monk, Counsels on the Spiritual Life

pps 38Basil the Great, On Social Justice

pps 39Harp of Glory: An African Akathist

pps 40Hymns of Symeon the New TheologianDivine Eros

pps 41On the Two Ways: Life or Death, Light or Darkness

pps 42Basil the Great, On the Holy Spirit

a l s o ava i l a b l e f o r k i n d l e f o r m at

Alexander SchmemannFor the Life of the World

Father Arseny 1893–1973: Priest, Prisoner, and Spiritual FatherVera Bouteneff, trans.








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Orthodox Hymns of Christmas (Mixed Chorus)

david drillock, DirectorThe St Vladimir’s Seminary Chorale heralds Christ’s Incarnation in these magnificent English-language selections from the liturgical cycle of the Nativity feast. Christmas carols of various eth-nic traditions in foreign languages conclude this glorious collection.

Vigil Selections from the All-Night Vigil of the Orthodox Church (Mixed Chorus

& Men’s Choir) • kevin smith, Director / mark bailey, Associate DirectorArranged for English-language liturgical use in North America, these jubilant antiphonal andresponsorial settings of psalmody, chants, and anthems include both centuries-old and contem-porary compositions.

O Champion Leader St Vladimir’s Seminary Octect ’95Sergius halvorsen, DirectorFeatures twenty-one hymns drawn from the diverse musical traditions that have emerged in thelife of the seminary chapel, all sung in English.

The Divine Liturg y Composed by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyevaleksei puzakov, Director • The Choir of the State Tretyakov GalleryRecorded live in Moscow at the Church of St Nicholas on the Three Mountains, this 21st-centurycomposition is marked by peaceful, bright melodies that are simple and memorable, a reminis-cent of the best chant tradition. Twenty-six tracks; in Church Slavonic.

All Saints of North America Selections from Vespers & Matinsdavid drillock, DirectorSelections from the Vigil for All Saints of North America, sung by the students of the OCA’s three seminaries.

Orthodox Hymns of Christmas



O Champion LeaderCD-255$17.00

The Divine Liturgy


All Saints of North America


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Inside English texts relate to the Nativity of Christ.

PK-12 Iconographic Card assorted sets only

16 full-color cards / envelopes $15.00

Christmas Cardsi c o n o g r a p h i c c h r i s t m a s c a r d s

Charcoal Christmas CardsLuminous charcoal pencil renderings of Nativity scenesInside text: “Christ is Born! Glorify Him!”

8 black & white cards with envelopes

$4.00 assortment set

4 ¾ x 6 ¼


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