rest, the internet as a database?

REST, het web als database? Ron van Weverwijk Andrej Koelewijn

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: REST, the internet as a database?

REST, het web als database?

Ron van WeverwijkAndrej Koelewijn

Page 2: REST, the internet as a database?



// The Java class will be hosted at the URI path "/helloworld"@Path("/helloworld")public class HelloWorldResource {

// The Java method will process HTTP GET requests @GET // The Java method will produce content // identified by the MIME Media-type "text/plain" @Produces("text/plain") public String getClichedMessage() { // Return some cliched textual content return "Hello World"; }}

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Wat is REST?

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Rest Eigenschappen

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1. Geef alles een ID

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2. Link naar je afhankelijkheden

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3. Gebruik de standaard HTTP Methoden

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4. Stel je data in verschillende formaten beschikbaar

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5. Communiceer zonder status

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Architectuur Impact

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Page 31: REST, the internet as a database?
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Page 34: REST, the internet as a database?
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<h2>About Dries</h2><div class="content"> <div about="#me" typeof="foaf:Person"> <a href="" rel="foaf:img"> <img src="" alt="Avatar of Dries Buytaert" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" /> </a> <p> <span property="foaf:name">Dries Buytaert</span>is passionate about the <span property="foaf:interest">web</span>, <span property="foaf:interest">open source</span>and <span property="foaf:interest">photography</span>. He is the original creator and project lead of <a href="" rel="foaf:currentProject">Drupal</a>, an open source social publishing system. He is co-founder and chief technology officer of <a href="" rel="foaf:workplaceHomepage">Acquia</a>, a venture-backed software company that offers products and services for Drupal. Dries is also working on <a href="" rel="foaf:workplaceHomepage">Mollom</a>, a service that helps you identify content quality and that stops website spam. People often laugh at his hair but he is cool with that. <a href="/resume">More about Dries ...</a></p> </div></div>

Page 49: REST, the internet as a database?

<h2>About Dries</h2><div class="content"> <div about="#me" typeof="foaf:Person"> <a href="" rel="foaf:img"> <img src="" alt="Avatar of Dries Buytaert" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" /> </a> <p> <span property="foaf:name">Dries Buytaert</span>is passionate about the <span property="foaf:interest">web</span>, <span property="foaf:interest">open source</span>and <span property="foaf:interest">photography</span>. He is the original creator and project lead of <a href="" rel="foaf:currentProject">Drupal</a>, an open source social publishing system. He is co-founder and chief technology officer of <a href="" rel="foaf:workplaceHomepage">Acquia</a>, a venture-backed software company that offers products and services for Drupal. Dries is also working on <a href="" rel="foaf:workplaceHomepage">Mollom</a>, a service that helps you identify content quality and that stops website spam. People often laugh at his hair but he is cool with that. <a href="/resume">More about Dries ...</a></p> </div></div>

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Query Engines

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Page 54: REST, the internet as a database?
Page 55: REST, the internet as a database?
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let $images := doc("jdbc:mysql:localhost:localuser:images"),

$kw := doc("rdf.xml")

for $item in $rdf/triplets[relation = "locname"]


$item/value = "Tower of London"

and some $image in $images satisfies (

$image/uri = $item/uri

and $image/width = 1024 and $image/height = 768




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REST, het web als database?

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