results of meeting

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  • 7/24/2019 Results of Meeting


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    SOUTH WALES, 2000

    IN ATTENDANCE: Present were members set out on the attached attendanceregister.

    CHAIRMAN: Mr Graham Bradley, Chairman of Directors, acted asChairman of the meeting.


    The Chairman advised attendees that the requisite notice ofmeeting had been given and that a quorum was present. Hethen declared the meeting open.


    The Chairman addressed the meeting. A copy of his addresswas disclosed to the ASX prior to the commencement of themeeting.


    The Managing Director addressed the meeting. A copy of hisaddress was disclosed to the ASX prior to the commencementof the meeting.

    RESOLUTION 1:Financial Statements and

    Report for the year ended 30June 2013

    The Annual Financial Report, including the Directors Reportand Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2013,

    together with the Auditors Report, were received.

    RESOLUTION 2:Approval of 2013Remuneration Report

    The meeting RESOLVED, as an ordinary resolution of theCompany, on a poll, that the Companys Remuneration Reportfor the financial year ended 30 June 2013 be approved.

    Votes Total number of votes cast Fortheresolution:


    Total number of votes castAgains tthe resolution:


    Total number of votesAbstain ingon the resolution: 26,572,240

    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote Forthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


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    Minutes of Annual General Meeting29 October 2013

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    Total number of proxies where theproxy may vote at the proxysdiscretion:


    RESOLUTION 3:Grant of Performance Rightsto Managing Director: 2013Remuneration

    The meeting RESOLVED, as separate ordinary resolutions ofthe Company and the Trust, on a show of hands, thatapproval is given for all purposes, including under theCorporations Act and the Listing Rules of ASX Limited, for:

    (a) the participation in the Stockland Performance RightsPlan by Mr M Steinert, Managing Director as to528,000 performance rights as part of his 2013financial year remuneration; and

    (b) the issue to and acquisition by Mr M Steinert of thoseperformance rights and, in consequence of vesting ofthose performance rights, of Stockland Stapled

    Securities,in accordance with the Stockland Performance Rights PlanRules as amended from time to time and on the basisdescribed in the Explanatory Notes on Items of Businessaccompanying the Notice of Meetings convening thesemeetings.

    Proxies Held Total number of proxies tovote For the resolution:


    Total number of proxies tovoteAgainst the resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


    Total number of proxieswhere the proxy may vote atthe proxys discretion:


    RESOLUTION 4:Grant of Performance Rightsto Managing Director: 2014Remuneration

    The meeting RESOLVED, as separate ordinary resolutions ofthe Company and the Trust, on a show of hands, that approvalis given for all purposes, including under the Corporations Actand the Listing Rules of ASX Limited, for:

    (a) the participation in the Stockland Performance RightsPlan by Mr M Steinert, Managing Director as to915,000 performance rights as part of his 2014financial year remuneration; and

    (b) the issue to and acquisition by Mr M Steinert of thoseperformance rights and, in consequence of vesting ofthose performance rights, of Stockland StapledSecurities,

    in accordance with the Stockland Performance Rights PlanRules as amended from time to time and on the basis

    described in the Explanatory Notes on Items of Businessaccompanying the Notice of Meetings convening these

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    Minutes of Annual General Meeting29 October 2013

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    Proxies Held Total number of proxies tovote Forthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies tovoteAgainst the resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


    Total number of proxieswhere the proxy may vote atthe proxys discretion:


    RESOLUTION 5:Re-election of Director

    Ms Carol Schwartz

    The meeting RESOLVED,as an ordinary resolution of theCompany, on a show of hands, that Ms Carol Schwartz, whoretires in accordance with the Companys Constitution and,

    being eligible and having offered herself for re-election, is re-elected as a Director of the Company.

    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote For theresolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on theresolution:


    Total number of proxies where the proxymay vote at the proxys discretion:


    RESOLUTION 6:Re-Election of Director Mr D Boyle

    The meeting RESOLVED, as an ordinary resolution of theCompany, on a show of hands, that Mr Duncan Boyle, whoretires in accordance with the Companys Constitution and,being eligible and having offered himself for re-election, is re-elected as a Director of the Company.

    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote For theresolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on theresolution:


    Total number of proxies where the proxymay vote at the proxys discretion:


    RESOLUTION 7:Re-Election of Director Mr B Neil

    The meeting RESOLVED, as an ordinary resolution of theCompany, on a show of hands, that Mr Barry Neil, who retiresin accordance with the Companys Constitution and, beingeligible and having offered himself for re-election, is re-electedas a Director of the Company.

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    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote Fortheresolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on theresolution:


    Total number of proxies where the proxymay vote at the proxys discretion:


    RESOLUTION 8:Re-Election of Director Mr G Bradley

    The meeting RESOLVED, as an ordinary resolution of theCompany, on a show of hands, that Mr Graham Bradley, whoretires in accordance with the Companys Constitution and,being eligible and having offered himself for re-election, is re-elected as a Director of the Company.

    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote Forthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


    Total number of proxies where theproxy may vote at the proxysdiscretion:


    RESOLUTION 9.1:Amendment to CompanyConstitut ion to enablecapital reallocations fromthe Trust to the Company

    The meeting RESOLVED, as a special resolution of theCompany, on a poll, that the constitution of StocklandCorporation Limited is amended with effect on and from theclose of this meeting by inserting the following as a new article10A:

    10A Capital Reallocation

    If, at any time, the responsible entity of the Stapled Trustmakes a distribution of capital of the Stapled Trust to theholders of Stapled Units on terms that the amount to be

    distributed in respect of each Stapled Unit (CapitalReallocation Amount) is to be paid at the direction of theholder of the Stapled Unit to the Company as an additionalcapital payment in respect of the Share to which that StapledUnit is stapled, then the holder of that Stapled Unit, as a holderof a Stapled Security (comprising the Stapled Unit and theShare to which that Stapled Unit is Stapled), is:

    (a) taken to have directed the Company to accept theCapital Reallocation Amount as an additional capitalpayment in respect of the Share to which that StapledUnit is stapled; and

    (b) deemed to have appointed the Company as its attorneyand agent to do all things the Company considers

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    Minutes of Annual General Meeting29 October 2013

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    necessary to give effect to the receipt of the CapitalReallocation Amount by the Company,

    and the Company shall be deemed to receive the CapitalReallocation Amount as an additional payment in respect ofthe Share to which that Stapled Unit is Stapled.

    Votes Total number of votes cast Fortheresolution:


    Total number of votes castAgains tthe resolution:


    Total number of votesAbstain ingon the resolution:


    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote For

    the resolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


    Total number of proxies where theproxy may vote at the proxysdiscretion:



    Amendment to TrustConstitut ion to enablecapital reallocations fromthe Trust to the Company

    The meeting RESOLVED, as a special resolution of the Trust,on a poll, that the constitution of Stockland Trust be amendedto enable capital reallocations to be made from Stockland Trustto Stockland Corporation Limited in accordance with theprovisions of the Supplemental Deed in the form tabled at themeeting and initialled by the Chairman of the meeting for thepurpose of identification, and that Stockland TrustManagement Limited is authorised to execute theSupplemental Deed and lodge it with the Australian Securitiesand Investments Commission to give effect to theseamendments to the constitution of the Stockland Trust.

    Votes Total number of votes cast Fortheresolution:


    Total number of votes castAgains tthe resolution:


    Total number of votesAbstain ingon the resolution:


    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote Forthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution: $7,105,178

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    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


    Total number of proxies where theproxy may vote at the proxysdiscretion:


    RESOLUTION 10.1Capital Reallocation Distribut ion of Capital byStockland Trust:

    The meeting RESOLVED, as an ordinary resolution of theTrust, on a poll, that, subject to resolutions 9.1 and 9.2 in theNotice of Meeting convening this Meeting each being approvedand the amendments to the constitution of the Stockland Trustreferred to in resolution 9.2 taking effect, at any time prior to 31December 2013, Stockland Trust Management Limited isauthorised to make a distribution of capital of the StocklandTrust under clause 9A in the amount of up to $0.22 perStockland Trust unit, being a total amount of up to $510 million,which is to be applied by Stockland Trust Management Limited

    as agent for and on behalf of the holders of units in StocklandTrust by paying that amount at the direction of each holder ofunits in Stockland Trust to Stockland Corporation Limited as anadditional capital payment in respect of the Share in StocklandCorporation Limited already issued to which that unit inStockland Trust is stapled.

    Votes Total number of votes cast Fortheresolution:


    Total number of votes castAgains tthe resolution:


    Total number of votesAbstain ingon the resolution:


    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote Forthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


    Total number of proxies where theproxy may vote at the proxysdiscretion:


    RESOLUTION 10.2Capital ReallocationAcceptance ofDistributionof Capital from Stock landTrust by StocklandCorporation Limited:

    The meeting RESOLVED, as an ordinary resolution of theCompany, on a poll, that, subject to resolutions 9.1, 9.2 and10.1 in the Notice of Meeting convening this Meeting eachbeing approved and the amendments to the constitution ofStockland Trust referred to in the resolution 9.2 taking effect, if,at any time prior to 31 December 2013, Stockland Trust

    Management Limited makes a distribution of capital of theStockland Trust in the amount of up to $0.22 per unit in theStockland Trust (Capital Reallocation Amount), being a total

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    amount of up to $510 million, which is applied as an additionalcapital payment in respect of each Share in StocklandCorporation Limited to which a unit in Stockland Trust isstapled, then Stockland Corporation Limited will receive andaccept the Capital Reallocation Amount in accordance withclause 10A of the constitution of Stockland CorporationLimited.

    Votes Total number of votes cast Fortheresolution:


    Total number of votes castAgains tthe resolution:


    Total number of votesAbstain ingon the resolution:


    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote Forthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


    Total number of proxies where theproxy may vote at the proxysdiscretion:


    RESOLUTION 11Amendments to CompanyConstitution:

    The meeting RESOLVED, as a special resolution of theCompany, on a poll, that the constitution of StocklandCorporation Limited is amended with effect on and from theclose of this meeting by making the amendments contained inthe amended Constitution tabled at the meeting and signed bythe Chairman of the meeting for the purpose of identification.

    Votes Total number of votes cast Fortheresolution:


    Total number of votes castAgains tthe resolution:


    Total number of votesAbstain ingon the resolution:


    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote Forthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


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    Total number of proxies where theproxy may vote at the proxysdiscretion:


    RESOLUTION 12Amendments to TrustConstitution:

    The meeting RESOLVED, as a special resolution of the Trust,on a poll, that the constitution of Stockland Trust be amendedto provide greater flexibility in the setting of the issue price ofinterests, allow for direct voting and certain other amendmentsin accordance with the provisions of the Supplemental Deed inthe form tabled at the meeting and initialled by the Chairman ofthe meeting for the purpose of identification, and that StocklandTrust Management Limited is authorised to execute theSupplemental Deed and lodge it with the Australian Securitiesand Investments Commission to give effect to theseamendments to the constitution of the Stockland Trust.

    Votes Total number of votes cast Fortheresolution: $6,020,106,091

    Total number of votes castAgains tthe resolution:


    Total number of votesAbstain ingon the resolution:


    Proxies Held Total number of proxies to vote Forthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies to voteAgainstthe resolution:


    Total number of proxies toAbstain on the resolution:


    Total number of proxies where theproxy may vote at the proxysdiscretion:


    There being no further business, the Chairman declared themeeting closed at 4.00pm.