results summary - scottish parliament · web viewshe will leave school this year without the full...

Subject choice - parents 1. Has your child/have your children been able to take all the subjects they wanted to at school? Respons e Percent Respons e Total 1 Yes 24.07% 91 2 No 75.93% 287 Analys is Mean: 1.7 6 Std. Deviation: 0.4 3 Satisfaction Rate: 75.9 3 Varianc e: 0.1 8 Std. Error: 0.0 2 answere d 378 skipped 3 2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)? Response Percent Response Total 1 Open-Ended Question 100.00% 302 1 06/02/2019 09:3 5 AM ID: 106847691 Higher French, Higher Chemistry Both options clashed with other subjects in the columns she had to use to pick her subjects. She ended up having to do PE (compulsory), which she hates, instead of one of the subjects and was torn between higher Music and the other subject. 2 06/02/2019 10:1 0 AM ID: 106852598 Classics at Nat 5. Music at Nat 5. 3 06/02/2019 12:2 5 PM ID: 106874190 Gaelic, at any level 4 06/02/2019 12:5 9 PM ID: 106880442 Higher 5 06/02/2019 13:3 3 PM ID: 106885568 My child will be completing N5 next academic year and his choices fall into the category of ‘core curriculum’. 6 06/02/2019 14:0 9 PM ID: 106892053 Photography (Higher) 7 06/02/2019 14:4 5 PM ID: 106898343 Spanish national 4

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Subject choice - parents

1. Has your child/have your children been able to take all the subjects they wanted to at school?

  Response Percent

Response Total

1 Yes   24.07% 91

2 No   75.93% 287


Mean: 1.76 Std. Deviation: 0.43 Satisfaction Rate: 75.93Variance: 0.18 Std. Error: 0.02  

answered 378

skipped 3

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

1 Open-Ended Question 100.00% 302

1 06/02/2019 09:35 AMID: 106847691

Higher French, Higher Chemistry

Both options clashed with other subjects in the columns she had to use to pick her subjects.

She ended up having to do PE (compulsory), which she hates, instead of one of the subjects and was torn between higher Music and the other subject.

2 06/02/2019 10:10 AMID: 106852598

Classics at Nat 5. Music at Nat 5.

3 06/02/2019 12:25 PMID: 106874190

Gaelic, at any level

4 06/02/2019 12:59 PMID: 106880442


5 06/02/2019 13:33 PMID: 106885568

My child will be completing N5 next academic year and his choices fall into the category of ‘core curriculum’.

6 06/02/2019 14:09 PMID: 106892053

Photography (Higher)

7 06/02/2019 14:45 PMID: 106898343

Spanish national 4

8 06/02/2019 14:56 PMID: 106899899

Sociology AH,English AHPolitics AH

9 06/02/2019 15:51 PMID: 106908898

In S6 - H politics &/or H sociology, also couldn’t take AH Chemistry due to column choice. In S4 - only get choice of 6 Nat 5s not 7.

10 06/02/2019 16:16 PMID: 106913464

German higher

11 06/02/2019 16:37 PMID: 106916372

Nat 5 geography and grade 8 Lamda

12 06/02/2019 16:42 PMID: 106916798

French Nat 5Modern Studies Ad HigherModern Studies Nat 5

13 06/02/2019 16:55 PM NAT 5 fashion and textiles

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 106919958 NAT 5 geography

14 06/02/2019 17:52 PMID: 106930306

Food technology Nat5Maths Nat 5Music technology Nat5

15 06/02/2019 19:10 PMID: 106940362

Computing N5 and Foundation apprenticeship No subjects at any level in CDT, graphic communication.

16 06/02/2019 19:44 PMID: 106944375

National RMPS

17 06/02/2019 19:52 PMID: 106945199

Nat 5 French

18 06/02/2019 21:03 PMID: 106951616

Engineering Science

19 06/02/2019 21:24 PMID: 106952904

Advanced Higher Computer Science

20 06/02/2019 21:33 PMID: 106953715

Nat 5 media

21 06/02/2019 21:36 PMID: 106953851

Any DramaHome Ec beyond Nat 2Science beyond Nat 2music beyond Nat 2At special school but should have been mainstream- lack of transport

22 06/02/2019 21:55 PMID: 106955430

Three Sciences at all levels

23 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106955862

Law, any levelComputing Science Advanced Higher

24 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106956266

Law, any levelComputing Science Advanced Higher

25 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106956279

Law, any levelComputing Science Advanced Higher

26 06/02/2019 22:24 PMID: 106957606

Nat 4 5 danceNat 4 5 music clashes with drama and art

27 06/02/2019 22:30 PMID: 106957735

1. Higher Philosophy

2. In Midlothian from next year Nat 5 Music

28 06/02/2019 22:45 PMID: 106958712

Geography, Nat 5

29 06/02/2019 23:14 PMID: 106959801

In order for our son to study National 5 biology next year (he is planning to do higher maths and chemistry but has only recently studied biology as he hopes to study dentistry) he now cannot study higher Drama or German. The only options were PE Business or Geography which are all useless to him

30 06/02/2019 23:21 PMID: 106959760

Maritime Studies Foundation ApprenticeshipPhysics N5

31 06/02/2019 23:36 PMID: 106960906

They were only able to take 6 Nat 5 courses in S4.

32 06/02/2019 23:39 PMID: 106960941

National 5 history National 5 chemistry

33 06/02/2019 23:51 PM Nat 4, there was a lot of choices in the same boxes and wasn’t able to take the

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 106961355 subjects that she wanted to and also in higher geography and history in the main 2

34 07/02/2019 00:03 AMID: 106961590


35 07/02/2019 00:05 AMID: 106961570

Higher FrenchHigher Spanish

36 07/02/2019 00:40 AMID: 106962345

Modern studies and classical studies Highers

37 07/02/2019 01:11 AMID: 106962813

Higher music

38 07/02/2019 05:47 AMID: 106967246

N4/5 Geog and Higher Geog, Adavanced Higher Geog

39 07/02/2019 05:49 AMID: 106967282

German N5

40 07/02/2019 06:48 AMID: 106969470

National 5 Modern StudiesNational 5 RMPSHigher Modern Studies

41 07/02/2019 06:52 AMID: 106969582

NAT 5 - administration and information technology

42 07/02/2019 06:59 AMID: 106969790

Higher Economics.Higher Business Administration.

43 07/02/2019 07:10 AMID: 106970368

Music tech Nat 4 or 5

44 07/02/2019 07:15 AMID: 106970152

Higher Economics.Higher Business Administration.

45 07/02/2019 07:20 AMID: 106971153

At national 5 not allowed 3 science subjects, had to choose 2 only. Also choice columns very limited so could not choose for higher combinations would have liked.Subjects like economics/ drama not available at all

46 07/02/2019 07:20 AMID: 106971479

At national 5 not allowed 3 science subjects, had to choose 2 only. Also choice columns very limited so could not choose for higher combinations would have liked.Subjects like economics/ drama not available at all

47 07/02/2019 07:36 AMID: 106972374

Advanced higher art

48 07/02/2019 07:56 AMID: 106972884

Accounting at Nat 4 and 5 and higher.

49 07/02/2019 08:19 AMID: 106975149

PhotographyHome economicsGraphic CommunicationCraft and design

50 07/02/2019 08:21 AMID: 106975343

Spanish geography and music nat 5

51 07/02/2019 08:22 AMID: 106975360

Nat 5 home economics Nat 5 / higher des tech subjects

52 07/02/2019 08:34 AMID: 106976605

Cannot take Gaidhlig (her first language and language of instruction) and another modern language at Nat 4 or Nat 5.

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

53 07/02/2019 08:51 AMID: 106978228

Nat 5 drama nat 5 modern studies and nat 5 economics

54 07/02/2019 09:00 AMID: 106978614

Currently making choices for moving to S4 (Nat 5) next year. Subject choices had to be made across 4 columns - 1 column had no subjects which they want to choose, and another had 3 subjects they want to choose.Ended up choosing geography when they would have much preferred modern studies & hopefully can pick up Engineering Science in S5.

55 07/02/2019 09:17 AMID: 106982176

Music nat 5Chemistry and biology Nat 5

56 07/02/2019 09:19 AMID: 106982324

German not available as a choice for S2-3 so curtailing option for Nat5 and beyond.

57 07/02/2019 09:28 AMID: 106982929

My daughter would love to sit more than 6 Nat 5s and has had a hard time deciding what she will drop. She will not find out if she will get what she wants for another few stressful weeks. She understands she may have to take a subject she has no interest in but isn’t happy about that thought.

58 07/02/2019 09:35 AMID: 106984675

Nat 5

59 07/02/2019 09:39 AMID: 106984317

My daughter wished to take drama and German. Neither of these are available in her school. Now they are saying they will take away all music tuition. So my daughter will effectively not have a route to studying performance art at college level. In the country that has the biggest Arts festival in the world.

German outside English is the most important language in Europe.

I am bitterly disappointed with education in Scotland. I think the schools and teachers do well, but they have their hands tied by cuts.

60 07/02/2019 09:49 AMID: 106986284


61 07/02/2019 09:54 AMID: 106984879

Was capable of being accesssed at National 5 level in s3 but couldn’t be assessed

62 07/02/2019 10:02 AMID: 106988227

Nat 5

63 07/02/2019 10:18 AMID: 106990690

Nat 5, higher, advanced higher Music

64 07/02/2019 10:29 AMID: 106991893

Nat 5 Music Technology Nat 5 Photography Nat 5 Media

65 07/02/2019 10:32 AMID: 106991935


66 07/02/2019 10:39 AMID: 106993436

Two of mine were experimental when the changes first came out and were not give the choice for any 5 they were pushed to higher and the materials were not taught as they were not written before the changes were made!

67 07/02/2019 11:01 AMID: 106996523

My child has had 11 of the 30 periods she’s at school covered by supply teachers. I say covered loosely as the supply teachers were not qualified in the relevant disciplines and she has been given no work. I’m s3 this is obviously affecting the subjects she will be able to sit at nat5 as she will not be at the relevant standard. She is also picking subjects based on which ones she thinks will have teachers. This is wrong!!!! Our children are being failed badly

68 07/02/2019 11:10 AMID: 106999737

Nat 5 Spanish

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

69 07/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 107011756

Spanish Nat 5

70 07/02/2019 13:31 PMID: 107019169

Music nat4/NAT 5

71 07/02/2019 13:46 PMID: 107019098

My son does his advanced higher Geography at a different school in the town. The subject was not on offer at his own school. However, our school is one of three or four facing massive cuts from the Council and inevitably this will narrow subject choices.

72 07/02/2019 16:05 PMID: 107042997

Could not take both music and PE so both children had to drop music

73 07/02/2019 16:16 PMID: 107045094

Higher Drama

74 07/02/2019 17:10 PMID: 107052309

My son is only 6, but he would like to learn other languages other than French.

75 07/02/2019 17:26 PMID: 107052143

Nat 5 Computing Science was cancelled with a weeks notice. Had to drop Nat 5 Music as lack of teachers in dept at time. Still taking Nat 5 Maths but only has a maths teacher 1 day per week.

76 07/02/2019 17:26 PMID: 107053689

Higher Computer Sciences

77 07/02/2019 17:40 PMID: 107055285

German Nat 5

78 07/02/2019 17:40 PMID: 107055190

N5 physics

79 07/02/2019 17:41 PMID: 107054989

Nat 5 German Nat 4 BiologyNat 5 MusicAH Computing

80 07/02/2019 17:49 PMID: 107056266

They couldn’t fit both Music and Modern Studies in due to the way it was done. My child had to choose one instead of being able to take both. Also, it was impossible to take all 3 science subjects - which is completely ridiculous.

81 07/02/2019 17:52 PMID: 107056912

He wanted to take 3 sciences at Nat 5 but was only able to take 2.

82 07/02/2019 18:52 PMID: 107060738

A variety.

83 07/02/2019 18:58 PMID: 107063475

Languages. Not offered enough choice to include a language and definitely no chance to do two

84 07/02/2019 19:19 PMID: 107060091

German - N5. My child studied very hard for German during S2/S3 with the intention of taking it at N5 and Higher levels along with English, History, Philosophy and Music. She had expressed an interest in doing history with German at University. Without warning we discovered during the school S3 evening for S4 options, that German wasn't going to be taught at N5 and Higher (we were given no prior warning when she chose her options for S2/3 that it may not be a subject she could take forward). I have since discovered that other children have been left in difficult situations previously (with the school dropping German after N5 - leaving children floundering to crash an alternative Higher). Although she does well in other subjects, she is not particularly maths/science minded and has found the subjects stressful as taught. Her school only offers to teach 6 N5s in S4, and has now chosen biology N5, as I am a PhD in molecular biology and tutor High school biology so can help her through. We are now trying to privately fund tuition so that she can sit the N5 German exam.

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

85 07/02/2019 19:35 PMID: 107067157

National 5

86 07/02/2019 19:44 PMID: 107068106

Higher Spanish

87 07/02/2019 19:54 PMID: 107068681

Higher dance and coaching

88 07/02/2019 20:03 PMID: 107069236

Drama Higher

89 07/02/2019 20:04 PMID: 107069650

Computing Nat4, nat 5 or higher

90 07/02/2019 20:13 PMID: 107069716

National 5 Philosophy Higher German Higher economics

91 07/02/2019 20:30 PMID: 107070810

Nat 5 GermanNat 5 Business

92 07/02/2019 20:39 PMID: 107071338

German N5 or Higher

93 07/02/2019 21:03 PMID: 107072889

Higher spanish

94 07/02/2019 21:40 PMID: 107075073


95 07/02/2019 22:10 PMID: 107073442

Nat 5 Computing - was not available last year in school due to lack of staffA-Higher Engineering not available in any schools in Scotland

96 07/02/2019 22:17 PMID: 107075840

Third science at HigherNo more that 6 subjects in S4

97 07/02/2019 22:17 PMID: 107076436

NAT 5 ChemistryNAT 5 SpanishNAT 5 Biology

98 07/02/2019 22:26 PMID: 107076914

Advanced higher English due to undertaking foundation apprenticeship and the second year of course meant she would loose 2 periods a week whilst on work placement. Over and above that the local authority didn’t offer the advances higher English in any other column other than the same once as the Foundation apprenticeship

99 07/02/2019 22:28 PMID: 107076408

She would like to take Nat 5 music however this is dependant on her being able to continue the flute lessons that she currently receives at school. It is currently proposed that instrumental lessons will be stopped in Midlothian and without these lessons in school she will not reach the standard required to sit a Nat 5 in music. Flute lessons are very hard to access out with school .

100 07/02/2019 22:28 PMID: 107076947

Nat 5

101 07/02/2019 22:41 PMID: 107077493

My son was unable to take Nat5 Art this year due to teacher shortage and my daughter is unable to choose Advanced Higher Human Biology and Advanced Higher History in her 6th year as the school does not offer them.

102 07/02/2019 22:42 PMID: 107077411

Advanced higher English

103 07/02/2019 22:45 PMID: 107077733

Administration Nat 5

104 07/02/2019 23:00 PM Nat 5 admin

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 107078314

105 08/02/2019 03:45 AMID: 107082557

Geography national 4

106 08/02/2019 04:25 AMID: 107082901

National 5 and Higher

107 08/02/2019 06:58 AMID: 107085485

Music NAT 5

108 08/02/2019 07:31 AMID: 107086903

psychology nat5 , higher

109 08/02/2019 07:34 AMID: 107086754

So far they have however Iv you scrap music tuitions then this will change

110 08/02/2019 07:46 AMID: 107087670

Higher German

111 08/02/2019 08:37 AMID: 107090854

Music nat5 , higher

112 08/02/2019 08:46 AMID: 107091514

The subject will be Nat4/5 Music.

113 08/02/2019 09:24 AMID: 107096558

Maths n5

Music n5

114 08/02/2019 09:27 AMID: 107096048

My child is currently in S2 and selecting subject choices for S3. At this stage he is only losing a small number of subjects from his timetable, however our council only allows children to sit 6 N5s so at this time next year he will more or less choosing what subjects he wants to do at higher level. I know some councils allow children to sit 8 N5s which gives them much better choices for S5 and even S6.

115 08/02/2019 09:28 AMID: 107097185

Nat 5 DanceBrass Tuition

116 08/02/2019 09:41 AMID: 107099444

Nat 5 and also higher

117 08/02/2019 11:04 AMID: 107111676

German Nat 5 then onto Higher.Several as they were only allowed to take 6 and I have twins. Restricted higher choice

118 08/02/2019 12:22 PMID: 107123558

P.E. Nat 5History Nat 5

119 08/02/2019 12:41 PMID: 107127603

French and Spanish national 5

120 08/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 107125451

Music N5/H

121 08/02/2019 12:45 PMID: 107127912

Nat 5

122 08/02/2019 13:41 PMID: 107134345

Advanced Higher Music Graphic CommunicationArt & Design

123 08/02/2019 13:49 PMID: 107138383

Higher Biology

124 08/02/2019 14:07 PM Nat 5

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 107141335

125 08/02/2019 15:05 PMID: 107152972

N4 Physics

126 08/02/2019 15:25 PMID: 107156242

Modern studies through Gaelic

127 08/02/2019 15:25 PMID: 107146009

Higher GermanHigher Statistics moduleAdvanced Higher StatisticsScottish Baccalaureate (Science)Nat5 French

128 08/02/2019 16:52 PMID: 107130668

Nat 5 ArtHas Nat 5 business management dropped as well so couldn’t take that.

129 08/02/2019 18:56 PMID: 107181932

Music at Nat 5 and potentially Higher and AH.

130 08/02/2019 19:41 PMID: 107187669

National 5 and Highers

131 08/02/2019 20:43 PMID: 107193124

Nat 5 Chemistry and Nat 5 Spanish

132 08/02/2019 20:44 PMID: 107193250

Drama Modern studies

133 08/02/2019 21:09 PMID: 107195873

Music, instrument lessons.

134 08/02/2019 22:03 PMID: 107198956

Biology N5

135 09/02/2019 06:33 AMID: 107209980

Advanced highers- offered within Aberdeen city but not at actual schoolbut this meant an hour long public bus journey each way twice a week meaning some kids missed school bus and my daughter had work after school which she couldn't get to in time. Languages not always available either at all levels

136 09/02/2019 09:16 AMID: 107217632

Nat 5

137 09/02/2019 11:07 AMID: 107224622

Nat 5 Art and music

138 09/02/2019 11:09 AMID: 107159523

Biology (Higher)Graphic Design (Higher)

139 09/02/2019 11:20 AMID: 107224119

Nat5 - only permitted to undertake 6 by local authority, so could not take their choice of music or Modern Studies or Biology. Restricting the curriculum does not take into account pupils’ individual abilities. This has resulted an an extremely narrow curriculum, particularly compared to pupils from other local authorities in Scotland who are permitted to take more subjects, and also in comparison to the breadth of subjects 16 year olds are examined in, in other parts of the U.K. and Europe.

Going from 6 Nat 5s to 5 Highers results in an extremely narrow general knowledge base, particularly when there is no requirement to take a Modern Foreign Language beyond the BGE (at best. My children can drop languages for good in S1!).

140 09/02/2019 12:49 PMID: 107230978

Nat 5 physics couldn’t be taken as well as engineering science

141 09/02/2019 14:20 PM Nat 5, Higher & Advanced Higher

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 107237201

142 09/02/2019 15:23 PMID: 107241655

Modern Studies (all levels)Drama (all levels)

With the situation regarding instrumental tuition in Midlothian - my daughter won't be able to continue Music into Higher and advanced higher

143 09/02/2019 17:13 PMID: 107249090

French in S1-3 due to having to choose between Gaelic or French, but she was in a GME class in primary where she also received weekly French lessons for 3 years as part of the 1+2

144 09/02/2019 17:45 PMID: 107251578


145 09/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 107264896

Music National 5

146 09/02/2019 22:20 PMID: 107267272

Lack of choice at n5 (6 subjects only) meant higher choice in s6 very limited, unless crashing a subject taken in s2 or 3. Need 2 year course s3/4 with more subjects to increase greater breadth of choice at a deeper level. This would prevent narrowing of subjects at too early an age when kids don't really understand the choices and/or where their interests really lie. Also has a detrimental impact on the child as a whole especially for academic pupils like my son and daughter who also like art, music, creative subjects but were not able to choose them as they took 6 academic' subjects. (To allow them to have higher choices in s6.)

147 10/02/2019 00:48 AMID: 107270730

Nat 5 music and art

148 10/02/2019 01:35 AMID: 107271193

Nat 5 maths Higher modern studies Advanced higher history Computing all levels

149 10/02/2019 08:53 AMID: 107280034

Modern studies all levels, drama at all levels, dance all levels, accounting all levels, RMPS higher, maths Nat 5

150 10/02/2019 09:07 AMID: 107280784

Music national 5

151 10/02/2019 09:13 AMID: 107281083

All levels by the SQA

152 10/02/2019 10:04 AMID: 107283990

A social subject/ language

153 10/02/2019 10:37 AMID: 107285202

Expressive art subjects at all levels

154 10/02/2019 10:49 AMID: 107286786


155 10/02/2019 11:11 AMID: 107287691

Nat 5 German

156 10/02/2019 12:55 PMID: 107295498

Advanced Higher Geography Higher sociology

157 10/02/2019 20:42 PMID: 107336176

Nat 5 Music

158 10/02/2019 21:29 PMID: 107340124

Daughter is currently looking at Nat 5 choices and she is going to have to drop a subject she loves and do something completely different to her current classes because of the limited choice on offer

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

159 10/02/2019 22:27 PMID: 107342771

Nat 4 Mod studies and Nat 4 French

160 10/02/2019 23:19 PMID: 107344490

Digital art at Nat 4 and Nat 5 only traditional art options available,Also no higher environmental science option available for the children.

161 10/02/2019 23:33 PMID: 107344881

Business admin national 5

162 11/02/2019 00:25 AMID: 107345903

Nat 5 administration - not enough pupils wanting to take it

My daughter had to choose between Higher Art and Higher Computing science as they were in same column

Advanced Higher Computing dont offer it at their school

163 11/02/2019 03:05 AMID: 107347635

Nat 5 physics, although it was offered it worked out that he would have had to drop another science subject

164 11/02/2019 07:55 AMID: 107355267

He want to study science and technology subjects as this is my child's career aspirations are, it's also where the jobs are but were told they must not narrow options so was made select from limited options from columns. Ended up studying 2 subjects he didn't want to do.

165 11/02/2019 13:33 PMID: 107407060

It was cut from 6 to 5

166 11/02/2019 13:55 PMID: 107410128

Any language at N5 and Higher

167 11/02/2019 17:48 PMID: 107446555

Mathematics Nat 5English Nat 5

168 11/02/2019 18:36 PMID: 107451206

Nat 5 Computing due to limiting choices to six at S4.

169 11/02/2019 19:03 PMID: 107451885

Advanced Higher History

170 11/02/2019 19:14 PMID: 107454735

Accounting at Nat 5

171 11/02/2019 19:31 PMID: 107456228

Advanced Higher Business management Nat5 accounting

172 11/02/2019 19:32 PMID: 107456687

Business managment BGE Has to choose between music and drama BGE

173 11/02/2019 19:47 PMID: 107458189

Nat 5 History

174 11/02/2019 19:50 PMID: 107458026

Spanish - Nat 4/5

175 11/02/2019 20:00 PMID: 107459538

Physics Nat 5

176 11/02/2019 20:26 PMID: 107459462

Higher RE

177 11/02/2019 21:07 PMID: 107465252

Nat5 physic

178 11/02/2019 21:38 PMID: 107466717

So far my son (currently S5) has been able to take all of the subjects he wanted to take, but considering the disastrous financial situation in our local authority, it is very likely that this will not be the case for my daughter-- currently P7. She is a

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

very capable student, with the potential to excel academically. However, she is also an excellent musician and dancer. It is very likely that she will want to pursue either music or dance through high school, but this opportunity will not be open to her. The local authority is currently proposing to eliminate all creative arts tuition from schools below Nat 5 level, which will effectively rule future years out from studying these subjects at exam level. I also worry that her high school will rationalise its provision of advanced higher subjects, and that certain academic subjects will not be open to her. Our local secondary schools are also proposing to reduce the number of higher subjects they will be allowed to take and to reduce the length of the school day. The proposal to cluster subjects by school, creating so-called 'Centres of Excellence', will mean that pupils may have to travel to other schools to take certain subjects. This might be acceptable if transportation was provided, but it won't be. Given the inadequacy of public transportation, it is simply not viable for young people to spend half of a school day on the bus for one or two subjects. This is a threat to the very idea of comprehensive public education.

179 11/02/2019 22:04 PMID: 107468724

Maths Higher

180 11/02/2019 23:21 PMID: 107472056

Nat 5 Mandarin

181 12/02/2019 04:12 AMID: 107476113

Art class in Primary school

182 12/02/2019 06:26 AMID: 107478516

All not available at all in my sons school even in first year Computing studiesHome economicsGaelic

183 12/02/2019 19:26 PMID: 107579418

Couldn’t take the variety of subjects wanted as they were all in the same column choices.

184 12/02/2019 22:55 PMID: 107596354

Music lessons for piano - a waiting list for over two years. S1 onwards.

Drama - was cancelled and no subject available now. Nat 4&5

Home economics - no teachers available so removed from timetables. Nat 4&5

Also the columns are problematic due to clumping subjects together if your child knows what they want to do and needs particular subjects but can’t get the correct balance due to ‘broad education’ timetabling. - Nat 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

185 12/02/2019 23:34 PMID: 107597852

Nat 5 computing and Nat 5 design and manufacture

186 13/02/2019 07:21 AMID: 107606886

Computing was only available in "one column" the same column that choosing an extra science was in. Therefore could not pick Nat 5 computing and an extra Nat 5 science.

187 13/02/2019 13:35 PMID: 107655513

Maths Nat 5

188 13/02/2019 15:00 PMID: 107668841

Geography higher

189 13/02/2019 15:39 PMID: 107673938

Geography HigherMusic Higher

190 13/02/2019 19:17 PMID: 107701058

Physics Nat 5

191 13/02/2019 20:28 PMID: 107707504

Advanced Higher GeographyAdvanced Higher Italian

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

192 13/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 107710200

Nat 5 French

193 13/02/2019 21:32 PMID: 107713023

He’s not in a year where he has to make choices but I am aware there are restrictions and would like an insight into what choices he may have in the future.

194 15/02/2019 14:32 PMID: 107896937

Nat 5

195 16/02/2019 08:51 AMID: 107953632

French - Higher

196 16/02/2019 15:57 PMID: 107980278

Unable to take Nat 5 RMPS

197 16/02/2019 21:24 PMID: 108001537

Nat 5 - graphic communications

198 17/02/2019 10:57 AMID: 108028555

Nat 5 Metalwork

199 17/02/2019 17:12 PMID: 108050625

see below - eldest daughter in S3 going into S4 next year and will take 7 Nat 5 exams.until her cohort, the school had been narrowing pupil choice to 6 options only in S4, so we are glad the school listened to feedback and made a change.

however - the disparity in offerings across the city is unfair. The Council have spent years telling us every school offers same opportunities - they don't. Some still offer 8 subjects as the norm in S4, others limit to 6.

there is something very wrong in defining a child's ability, opportunities and ambitions by postcode....although of course I understand things need to be workable in terms of a timetable, staff on offer, logistics....but in the very city where private schools take 25% of the senior intake, I'm afraid this hierarchy of exam offerings and options just reinforces that the postcode defines how much you can aspire to.

200 17/02/2019 21:04 PMID: 108069154

Graphic design higher

201 19/02/2019 01:18 AMID: 108189098

He studied 6 Nat 5 and achieved all. ( Eng, Maths ,Physics, Chemistry, Eng Science,Geography

Geography and Chemistry were not made available in the final column at Higher Level.Therefore , only 4 Higher's are being studied and nothing else available as he was not allowed to crash Higher music which he could have achieved at Higher .

Reason being that the class had 20 students and no extras would be allowed.

202 19/02/2019 01:18 AMID: 108189847

He studied 6 Nat 5 and achieved all. ( Eng, Maths ,Physics, Chemistry, Eng Science,Geography

Geography and Chemistry were not made available in the final column at Higher Level.Therefore , only 4 Higher's are being studied and nothing else available as he was not allowed to crash Higher music which he could have achieved at Higher .

Reason being that the class had 20 students and no extras would be allowed.

203 20/02/2019 09:02 AMID: 108314704

Higher Physics

204 20/02/2019 09:05 AMID: 108314531

I want my primary school age children to be able to study music at Nat 4 and above. To do this, they will need to be able to play two musical instruments. Learning to play a musical instrument is complex. It takes several years to reach

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

a good standard that would ensure a child is ready for exams. My husband and I both work but we cannot afford the tuition fees. Did you know that music is currently the fifth most popular subject in Scottish schools, after Maths, English and the three sciences?

205 20/02/2019 09:50 AMID: 108319943

Computing - no teacher available at S3 and above. (Nat4, 5 , Higher all affected)

206 20/02/2019 10:46 AMID: 108327619

Nat 5

207 20/02/2019 10:49 AMID: 108327839

Advanced Higher Business ManagementHigher Economics

208 20/02/2019 11:53 AMID: 108336921

My own child has not been able to attend school. There is no adequate provision for very cognitively able autistic children. However I’m aware that my son will not be able to study N5 or Higher Psychology at his local school. This is a real omission.

209 20/02/2019 12:39 PMID: 108342656

Nat 5 - unable to fit first choice subjects into columns so took Business instead of 2nd social subject or science.

210 20/02/2019 13:34 PMID: 108349956

Advanced higher modern studies

211 20/02/2019 16:51 PMID: 108376591

GCSE LatinGCSE Classical CivilisationGCSE Spanish Language

212 20/02/2019 17:35 PMID: 108381502

Hospitality is in question as they have no available teacher in the school apparently.

213 20/02/2019 19:26 PMID: 108392367

Advanced Higher

214 20/02/2019 19:54 PMID: 108393988

Higher RMPS

215 20/02/2019 20:44 PMID: 108399383

Spanish or Italian Nat5

216 20/02/2019 22:37 PMID: 108406090

N5 physics

217 21/02/2019 02:10 AMID: 108410348

Nat 5

218 21/02/2019 09:03 AMID: 108425140

Higher Graphic Communication

219 21/02/2019 14:47 PMID: 108479301

Foundation apprenticeship in Childcare / Higher French. This is still being decided but as things stand she cannot choose both of these due to the limited column choices.

220 21/02/2019 15:56 PMID: 108489887

N5 Spanish

221 21/02/2019 17:25 PMID: 108502931

Music national 5Pupils only allowed to take 7 into s4 at Bishopbriggs academy - an absolute disgrace since private schools and East Renfrewshire schools can take 9!!!!!!

222 21/02/2019 18:54 PMID: 108509376

My child has been able to choose all subjects they wanted to because I chose to educate privately -specifically to ensure they have a wide range of subject choices (10) from a range of GCSE and N5 choices available to age 16 and will only need to narrow the subject choice at age 17 when they have a better understanding of themselves, their ability and the direction they want to take in future.

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

223 21/02/2019 19:01 PMID: 108513784

My child has been able to choose all subjects they wanted to because I chose to educate privately -specifically to ensure they have a wide range of subject choices (10) from a range of GCSE and N5 choices available to age 16 and will only need to narrow the subject choice at age 17 when they have a better understanding of themselves, their ability and the direction they want to take in future.

224 21/02/2019 19:01 PMID: 108514274

Drama at N5 and Higher

225 22/02/2019 12:04 PMID: 108594468

Physics Nat 5 and German Nat 5 in S4

226 22/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 108605322

National 5 musicNational 5 Spanish

227 22/02/2019 19:50 PMID: 108698772

Nat 5 Biology

228 22/02/2019 20:19 PMID: 108700955

Psychology BGE level Home Economics BGE level

229 22/02/2019 20:21 PMID: 108700954

Advanced Higher German

Advanced Higher Statistics

230 22/02/2019 21:11 PMID: 108703874

National 5 Graphic Communication or Design and Manufacture

231 24/02/2019 21:47 PMID: 108863291

Biology higher

232 25/02/2019 08:24 AMID: 108880981

Biology N5-H

233 25/02/2019 08:29 AMID: 108881378

Nat 5 & Higher

234 25/02/2019 14:24 PMID: 108935866

My child is being limited by having to drop a subject going from S3 to S4. I think that its is a crazy system where pupils pick 8 subjects at the end of 2nd year to take forward and then spend a year working towards attaining a qualification only to be told that they have to choose one to drop. I have a very intelligent chid who is currently unsure about what path she wishes to take in the future and excels in all areas. She would like to be able to take a range of National 5 exams that will allow her the choice of highers rather than being limited at such an early stage nd having to focus on career options so early in her school pathway. This is crazy when other authorities that are a very short distance away pupils can take up to 9 subjects at National level. Surely we should be encouraging our children to study as wide a variety of subjects to allow them to make a mature and sensible choice later on in school. Limiting them when they are too immature to choose and then finding they require another subject later on is surely detrimental. We should be encouraging them to choose subjects they enjoy and are therefore likely to excel in rather than taking choice away from them.

235 25/02/2019 14:54 PMID: 108945770

Higher admin and it

236 25/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 109002241

Nat 5. RMPSHigher Politics Higher Sociology

237 25/02/2019 22:24 PMID: 109012956

Nat 5

238 25/02/2019 23:49 PMID: 109017670

Foundation Apprenticeship Alongside other highers

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

239 26/02/2019 08:54 AMID: 109041367

Nat 5 FrenchNat 5 Drama

240 26/02/2019 12:14 PMID: 109073008

Limited due to the number of subjects allowed to sit at Nat 5/S4 to six subjects which then further restricts their choice at Higher level

241 26/02/2019 17:51 PMID: 109138498

Couldn’t take Geography at Nat5 cos only 4 subjects to choose as Maths and English are compulsory

242 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140724

Creative PE national 5

243 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140538


244 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140465

Spanish, mandarin , mountain biking

245 26/02/2019 18:14 PMID: 109141797

Nat 5 Modern Studies and higher politics

246 26/02/2019 18:14 PMID: 109141889


247 26/02/2019 18:17 PMID: 109142495

Chemistry Nat 4

248 26/02/2019 18:18 PMID: 109142143

Choices for higher

249 26/02/2019 18:19 PMID: 109141657

Spanish Nat 5

250 26/02/2019 18:23 PMID: 109142528

Choosing National 4 subjects Ellon Academy makes it impossible to take 3 sciences.

251 26/02/2019 18:33 PMID: 109144459

Higher home economics

252 26/02/2019 18:35 PMID: 109144749

Nat 4 or 5 spanish independently of French or german

253 26/02/2019 18:57 PMID: 109147880


254 26/02/2019 19:02 PMID: 109147572

Computing at S3Business at S3Biology at S3

255 26/02/2019 19:15 PMID: 109149899

Would of liked to take Spanish instead of French

256 26/02/2019 19:31 PMID: 109152651

Media studies higher

257 26/02/2019 19:36 PMID: 109153491


258 26/02/2019 19:42 PMID: 109153922

Health and food technology - Higher

259 26/02/2019 19:46 PMID: 109154770

Higher Geography

260 26/02/2019 19:48 PMID: 109154977

3 sciences at Nat 5 level. Only allowed 2.

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

261 26/02/2019 20:02 PMID: 109155824

science subjects were not available had to choose between them. History and geography are important but not both if you pick technical subjects ect..I find it a narrow education at a young age

262 26/02/2019 20:15 PMID: 109158250

Psychology Higher, Media Higher and Business Management Higher

263 26/02/2019 20:32 PMID: 109160456

N5 Biology

264 26/02/2019 21:28 PMID: 109166548

Some difficulty depending on which "columns" two subjects were in, and having to choose between two.

265 26/02/2019 22:26 PMID: 109171156

Physics NAT 5

266 27/02/2019 06:07 AMID: 109186151

Mostly- we arrived from Scotland mid year into S1 therefore she was unable to join French or german so sat in enrichment for 3 months as there was no other option of another language.

267 27/02/2019 08:09 AMID: 109200363

Spanish NAT 5

268 27/02/2019 08:41 AMID: 109205298

Nat 5 Spanish beginnersNat 5 French beginners

She is going into 5th year

269 27/02/2019 08:53 AMID: 109206686

Creative PE and Nat 4 biology

270 27/02/2019 09:08 AMID: 109206667

Unable to pick three sciences as well as art and product design.

271 27/02/2019 09:43 AMID: 109216563

Nat 5 Admin which clashed in her higher modern language columns

272 27/02/2019 09:46 AMID: 109216942


273 27/02/2019 10:42 AMID: 109228003

Music at HigherArt at HigherMusic nat 5

274 27/02/2019 10:52 AMID: 109223384

Physics Higher

Engineering Science Advanced Higher

Art Higher

275 27/02/2019 12:27 PMID: 109247248

Nat5 metalwork

276 27/02/2019 15:05 PMID: 109277346

Nat 5 maths

277 27/02/2019 15:08 PMID: 109238145

My son hasn't been attending school so he hasn't made any subject choices. He says it is too confusing when he is at school and he is unsure how to fill the form out.

278 27/02/2019 16:04 PMID: 109290541

National 5 Geography

279 27/02/2019 17:47 PMID: 109304754

National 5 foreign languages. With such limited choices (6 N5's) simply not possible to choose 3 sciences, a social science and still do a foreign language.

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

Some N5 foreign language choices have now been dropped by school as a result of lower uptake eg German. There has also been a knock on impact on Higher and Advanced Higher options as the school then can't even offer full range of foreign languages. This has been confirmed to me by the school Head of Languages.

We paid for our children to do french outside school but not everyone can afford to do that. This is hardly a way of reducing the attainment gap.

Would also like to have done a "fun' subject such as PE or art but again no scope for that with so few choices.

280 27/02/2019 19:16 PMID: 109324912

. The issue has been they can only choose 6 subjects and would prefer tohave a wider range of subjects.

281 27/02/2019 19:24 PMID: 109328375

Nat 5 French

282 27/02/2019 21:36 PMID: 109345474

A language- particularly Spanish Nat 5

283 27/02/2019 22:11 PMID: 109348425

Physics and French at N5 level, but only because her school only allows four choices plus English and Maths in S4

284 27/02/2019 22:46 PMID: 109349715

Physics Nat 5

285 28/02/2019 11:08 AMID: 109398156

Gàidhlig Higher

286 28/02/2019 13:07 PMID: 109418278

My son wanted to pick up N5 French along with Maths, English,Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Art. Unfortunately there are only the 6 columns so this could not be accommodated.

287 28/02/2019 20:56 PMID: 109491307

AH Physical EducationAH Geography

288 01/03/2019 09:26 AMID: 109525582

Advanced higher rmps

289 01/03/2019 11:57 AMID: 109548583

Due to the limit of 6 Nat 5's, after compulsory English and Maths this left 4. My son was keen to take 2 Sciences and a Modern Language so this left only one available subject. He selected Accounting but would also have liked the option to do Business Management or Computing Science or potentially even a subject he would have found to have a less academic slant for greater enjoyment such as Music technology. Therefore it wasn't the lack of subject options, just the number of choices he could select.

290 01/03/2019 22:36 PMID: 109654485


291 02/03/2019 19:23 PMID: 109736768

Music nat 5

292 02/03/2019 19:44 PMID: 109739220

Physics , graph com and geography cant be taken together at higher level .

293 02/03/2019 19:58 PMID: 109737313

They only have a choice of 4 options at Nat5 level after maths and English. My daughter would like to have taken a language and an art-based subject at the same time as her other 6 Nat5s.

294 02/03/2019 21:41 PMID: 109747395

nat 5 physicsmusic nat 5

295 03/03/2019 00:55 AM NAT 5

2. If not what was the subject and what was the qualification level (e.g Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher)?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 109753983 only allowed to do x6 in her high school school.she wanted to do x8 and was capable .

296 03/03/2019 08:46 AMID: 109769225

Wanted to take another social subject in S4 - not a language.At S5 level couldn’t take a n5 science and a desired higher science

297 03/03/2019 19:04 PMID: 109829064

NAT 5Higher

298 03/03/2019 23:30 PMID: 109849897

It was choosing subjects for S4/5 and economics was unavailable due to insufficient staff. Also the way the options are structured is restrictive. Subjects are blocked together (eg all the sciences are in 2 blocks) so you can’t do 3 sciences, same with humanities subjects.Now choosing advanced higher subjects subjects my child wants to take are not available because the timetable is set up in blocks, and the two subjects my child wants are in the same block so they can only choose one of them.

299 04/03/2019 12:11 PMID: 109903321

Higher Spanish

300 04/03/2019 17:09 PMID: 109954090


301 04/03/2019 22:26 PMID: 110001361

Since the enforcement of 6 subject max at N5 in Highland, two of my children have been unable to study a language to N5, and have has to drop a science. My older girls studied 3 sciences to N5.

302 05/03/2019 19:29 PMID: 110135661

Computing. National 5 and Higher

 answered 302

skipped 79

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

1 Open-Ended Question 100.00% 303

1 06/02/2019 09:35 AMID: 106847691

They were available, but she was unable to select one due to compulsory PE and was torn between two subjects that shared the same column in the selection grid.

2 06/02/2019 10:10 AMID: 106852598

Classics not enough students to run the class. Music limited to only being able to take 7 subjects at Nat 5.

3 06/02/2019 12:25 PMID: 106874190

Insufficient government funding and interest to make it available to all Scottish students

4 06/02/2019 12:59 PMID: 106880442

Insufficient demand

5 06/02/2019 13:33 PMID: 106885568

Have recently attended meeting at school about how the school is going to manage the reduction in its budget, it has become apparent that some choices at higher and adavan Ed higher will only be available if thee are sufficient numbers to run a course. In the past, the school still ran some of these under subscribed courses but now no longer have the luxury to do this due to staffing cuts.

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

Also inability to recruit teachers for certain subjects is going to have an impact in the near future (home economics)

6 06/02/2019 14:09 PMID: 106892053

Lack of funding from the school

7 06/02/2019 14:45 PMID: 106898343

Not enough teachers was only available to upper school

8 06/02/2019 14:56 PMID: 106899899

Sociology and Politics have been cut due to funding. English because it is in a column with another subject

9 06/02/2019 15:51 PMID: 106908898

The school having to cut £350,000

10 06/02/2019 16:16 PMID: 106913464

Only one option offer for German, potentially not enough pupils opting for subject or not enough teachers to provide subject. No explanation offered.

11 06/02/2019 16:37 PMID: 106916372

My daughter attended a specialist provision which sadly was shut down. The local authority decided she was only allowed to sit one out of three subjects she wanted a qualification in

12 06/02/2019 16:42 PMID: 106916798

The school restricts choice to six Nat 5s and, even then, timetabling (for our 4.5 day school week) means you don’t get the full choice. Both my children were forced to study French Nat 5 outside of school in their own time. This is, of course, an extra financial burden on the family.

13 06/02/2019 16:55 PMID: 106919958

One class was under subscribed the other was over subscribed.

14 06/02/2019 17:52 PMID: 106930306

Food technology was stopped after 8 weeks with no explanation.Music technology not enough interestMaths was told he may not pass it so not getting to sit it

15 06/02/2019 19:10 PMID: 106940362

Teacher shortage in a rural school

16 06/02/2019 19:44 PMID: 106944375


17 06/02/2019 19:52 PMID: 106945199

No idea!! That’s the problem

18 06/02/2019 21:03 PMID: 106951616

No idea

19 06/02/2019 21:24 PMID: 106952904

Not enough pupils to make a class.

20 06/02/2019 21:33 PMID: 106953715

No one to teach it

21 06/02/2019 21:36 PMID: 106953851

Lack of staffLow expectations in relation to peers attainment

22 06/02/2019 21:45 PMID: 106954601

In Inverclyde pupils in S4 can only sit a maximum of 6 National 5 exams. Under Standard a Grade they could sit 8 or 9.

23 06/02/2019 21:55 PMID: 106955430

Schools being told pupils need a balanced curriculum, so forced to take subjects which they are not interested in and are not so good at. This led to son having to do a ‘crash’ higher in S6 which meant a lot of stress. Yes universities say ‘ three Sciences not required’ but in a competitive situation they prefer it. Pupils from state schools disadvantaged. Poor show and no sense in making pupils take a tech subject if they would rather do 3 Sciences which are actually more technical than some subjects in the columns eg food technology!?!

24 06/02/2019 22:01 PM No teacher in post

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 106955862 Low aspirations by school

25 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106956266

No teacher in postLow aspirations by school

26 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106956279

No teacher in postLow aspirations by school

27 06/02/2019 22:24 PMID: 106957606

Timetable clash and not qualified teacher for dance

28 06/02/2019 22:30 PMID: 106957735

1. The teacher left and there was no one to replace them

2. The Council will no longer provide tuition for Nat 5 music students therefore the chances of my child passing the practical exam is virtually zero

29 06/02/2019 22:45 PMID: 106958712

There wasn’t enough room on the timetable

30 06/02/2019 23:14 PMID: 106959801

The collumns don’t have a varied choice on them, there aren’t enough teachers at the school anymore, kids aren’t getting enough support, teachers aren’t getting enough support, it’s a vicious cycle

31 06/02/2019 23:21 PMID: 106959760

All the subjects my son wished to take seemed to be loaded into one column.

32 06/02/2019 23:36 PMID: 106960906

School policy.

33 06/02/2019 23:39 PMID: 106960941

No staffing for 5th year class

34 06/02/2019 23:51 PMID: 106961355

Not enough teachers to teach them

35 07/02/2019 00:03 AMID: 106961590

Not sure - My Daughter Achieved Nat 5 passes at B (5 of them, including English) but her school refused to allow her to take English higher as it had taken 2 years for her to achieve Nat 5 - r Private St. Andrews Lecturer in English Literature, who tutored her, said the standard of teaching she had recieved at school was Abominable. She was more than capable.

36 07/02/2019 00:05 AMID: 106961570

Lack of funding, subject choices are constantly being reduced.

37 07/02/2019 00:40 AMID: 106962345

The columns couldn't fit modern studies and the school don't offer classical studies

38 07/02/2019 01:11 AMID: 106962813

Money cuts

39 07/02/2019 05:47 AMID: 106967246

Class size, clashes with timetabling

40 07/02/2019 05:49 AMID: 106967282

Clashed with art which was more important for her career interests

41 07/02/2019 06:48 AMID: 106969470

Her high school does not teach Modern Studies. Timetable clashes meant she could not take National 5 RMPS.

42 07/02/2019 06:52 AMID: 106969582

Lack of funding and teachers to teach subject choices in column choices

43 07/02/2019 06:59 AMID: 106969790

Economics- lack of a teacher. NAT 5 was offered but not higher.Business Administration- the subject choice columns did not allow her to choose it.

44 07/02/2019 07:10 AM Staffing or funding presumably

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 106970368

45 07/02/2019 07:15 AMID: 106970152

Economics- lack of a teacher. NAT 5 was offered but not higher.Business Administration- the subject choice columns did not allow her to choose it.

46 07/02/2019 07:20 AMID: 106971153

For science too many children at same time , also meant science had too many pupils while other subjects not selected.

47 07/02/2019 07:20 AMID: 106971479

For science too many children at same time , also meant science had too many pupils while other subjects not selected.

48 07/02/2019 07:36 AMID: 106972374

Lack of staff training

49 07/02/2019 07:56 AMID: 106972884

Less than 10 students picked it so the class didn't happen.

50 07/02/2019 08:19 AMID: 106975149

There was more focus on what are deemed traditional academic subjects

51 07/02/2019 08:21 AMID: 106975343

THey are only allowed to choose 4 subjects after maths and english in our school

52 07/02/2019 08:22 AMID: 106975360

No teachers

53 07/02/2019 08:34 AMID: 106976605

All in the same column, so had to choose between them.

54 07/02/2019 08:51 AMID: 106978228

No teachers at school trained to teach them

55 07/02/2019 09:00 AMID: 106978614

Inflexibility, due to timetable & staffing constraints I guess.Some subject choices are no longer being offered this year due to lack of teaching staff.

56 07/02/2019 09:17 AMID: 106982176

Removal of music tuition in authority

2 sciences in one timetable column so can’t take

57 07/02/2019 09:19 AMID: 106982324

Staffing limitations.

58 07/02/2019 09:28 AMID: 106982929

Main problem is subjects not fitting into columns. That and a shortage of teachers.

59 07/02/2019 09:35 AMID: 106984675

They are restricted to 6 subjects at National 5

60 07/02/2019 09:39 AMID: 106984317

Lack of numbers, lack of teacher, lack of understanding importance of subjects

61 07/02/2019 09:49 AMID: 106986284

Timetable clash as only one class was running and it clashed with another one she was doing.

62 07/02/2019 09:54 AMID: 106984879

At a disadvantage because of their age

63 07/02/2019 10:02 AMID: 106988227

They were in the same columns

64 07/02/2019 10:18 AMID: 106990690

Council cuts

65 07/02/2019 10:29 AMID: 106991893

Timetabling issues

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

66 07/02/2019 10:32 AMID: 106991935

The subjects are available but only 6 NAT are allowed to be taken in S4

67 07/02/2019 10:39 AMID: 106993436

The school were ill prepared and the teachers were stressed with the changes which they advised wouldn’t work! The children lost out on opportunities to gain relevant awards in a variety of subject and there’s for were completely disadvantaged!

68 07/02/2019 11:01 AMID: 106996523

HE - teacher shortage - getting PE insteadPhysics - teacher shortage Craft - teacher - long term - however same issue last year. She moved to craft from drama as that had no teacherAdmin - teacher shortage

69 07/02/2019 11:10 AMID: 106999737

Not enough teachers and the available classes were full

70 07/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 107011756

As he needs to do physics which was the same column, restricted to choosing 6 subjects whic included Maths and English as core. The High School have made it clear that there is no flexibility to allow him to do both.

71 07/02/2019 13:31 PMID: 107019169

My daughter has taken the clarsach since primary six (this last year we have had to part fund this) however the council are proposing to cancel all music tuition for specialist subjects like this apart from at higher level. As my daughter is in second year she won't be able to take her chosen instrument for her choice of natural 4/5 music in third year and by the time she reaches fifth year her talent and love of this beautiful instrument will be lost, along with so many other talented young people's opportunities

72 07/02/2019 13:46 PMID: 107019098

Not enough staff in the Geography department. It was poorly taught at higher level so few pupils wanted to continue with it. Some others did want to continue but because it is not offered in our own school they have not travelled to another school to do this. Our son was determined to manage to do advanced higher Geography as he wants to study Geography at university.

73 07/02/2019 16:05 PMID: 107042997

They were in the same column so as they wanted to do 3 sciences they were allowed only 1 choice from each colum so both had to pick 2 subjects that they were not interested in from other colums.

74 07/02/2019 16:16 PMID: 107045094

Both Higher French and Higher Drama are in the same column - we've been told it's a resource issue. Both subjects appear only in one column.

75 07/02/2019 17:26 PMID: 107052143

I know it was all due to lack of staff as we were informed by school.

76 07/02/2019 17:26 PMID: 107053689

We were told there was not enough interest although we knew 9 pupils had asked to take it.

77 07/02/2019 17:40 PMID: 107055285

Limited option choices. Only four subject choices after English and Maths.

78 07/02/2019 17:40 PMID: 107055190

Didn't fit columns. Could take 3 sciences if willing to forfeit foreign language. Social subject is compulsory. Many pupils feel this really restricts them.

79 07/02/2019 17:41 PMID: 107054989

These were different subjects for two of my children. German and Biology have just been removed from the choice sheet because SBC has instructed all of its schools to. Make savings. Courses with low uptake are being scrapped. With music, my son decided not to take it, because students in his school are limited to only 6 N5s. Two have to be Maths and English. He effectively chose his Highers at the end of S3.Next year, my son cannot do AH computing. It is not offered in our school.

80 07/02/2019 17:49 PMID: 107056266

They were available, just not able to be chosen.

81 07/02/2019 17:52 PM Timetable issues

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 107056912

82 07/02/2019 18:52 PMID: 107060738

- STEM subjects prioritised- low number of subjects can be picked, not really "personalisation and choice"- have to sit N5 PE- pupils guided towards picking subjects they are good at rather than what they like, in order to improve attainment and the school's overall results- classes "full" so pupils turned away rather than making two smaller classes

83 07/02/2019 18:58 PMID: 107063475

Poor timetabling too much emphasis on STEM subjects. Too many think they have to choose all the sciences to have a chance of good job

84 07/02/2019 19:19 PMID: 107060091

The reasons we have been given by the teachers, the Rector and the Depute Rector is that they look at how many children want to take the subject and look at the grades form the previous year. If they think there wont be a decent number (I don't know what the cutoff is) then they consider it not financially viable (the school is under terrific pressure from continuing cuts.), and if the previous grades were not high then they do not deem the subject worthwhile (I guess from a results stats/league table perspective). They have cut support for learning staff and no longer have a school librarian (our daughter took out books on a regular basis and got a lot from chatting about books to the librarian but since the loss of the librarian has not taken out a single book from the school library), but I hadn't realised that the budget cuts meant that a school could pull a subject from children who had already been working on it for a couple of years.

85 07/02/2019 19:35 PMID: 107067157


86 07/02/2019 19:44 PMID: 107068106

Restrictions imposed with Spanish only available in one ‘column’

87 07/02/2019 19:54 PMID: 107068681

Because they are on a column where other subjects she takes are in

88 07/02/2019 20:03 PMID: 107069236

Clashed with other topics. School was unable to support 6 highers in one sitting. The school does not nurture high achievers and discriminates against non STEM academia

89 07/02/2019 20:04 PMID: 107069650

No teacher

90 07/02/2019 20:13 PMID: 107069716

Philosophy was oversubscribed German not enough numbers and not enough teachers as one retired Higher economics not taught in school

91 07/02/2019 20:30 PMID: 107070810

German: She was told there was not sufficient numbers to make a class. Business: there were too many in the class

92 07/02/2019 20:39 PMID: 107071338

Lack of will from HT/Faculty Head - there is a teacher who can teach German but German isn’t offered as a choice.

93 07/02/2019 21:03 PMID: 107072889

Column choice was not very good. Couldn't take 2 languages french/spanish or french and biology as they are in the same column or french and business

94 07/02/2019 21:40 PMID: 107075073

No funding

95 07/02/2019 22:10 PMID: 107073442

Nat 5 Computing - was not available last year in school due to lack of staffColumn choices/timings meant that A-Higher Engineering not available in any schools locally - not sure if this is available at all.

96 07/02/2019 22:17 PMID: 107075840

Not available in column choiceNew curriculum structure with CfE - BGE S1 - S3 followed by Senior Phase S4 - S6Narrowing of choices far too early from 8 in S3 to 6 in S4

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

Not able to commence National courses until S4National courses of 190 hours require more that 3 periods per week and HAVE to be done in S4 rather than starting them in S3.

97 07/02/2019 22:17 PMID: 107076436

She was limited to 6 Nat 5s and was therefore unable to take all of the subjects she wished to.

98 07/02/2019 22:26 PMID: 107076914

As described above due to foundations apprenticeship commitment

99 07/02/2019 22:28 PMID: 107076408

Potential cutting of musical instrument tuition in Midlothian schools.

100 07/02/2019 22:28 PMID: 107076947

Our local authority only allows S4 students to sit 6 national qualifications, although some schools within the authority seem to follow different rules.

101 07/02/2019 22:41 PMID: 107077493

As above, teacher shortage and not offered at the school

102 07/02/2019 22:42 PMID: 107077411

School unable to recruit English teacher

103 07/02/2019 22:45 PMID: 107077733

In wrong column

104 07/02/2019 23:00 PMID: 107078314

Teacher unable to control class therefore my child has been held back a year until the troublemakers leave . Not an ideal situation. Waste of a year in that class.

105 08/02/2019 03:45 AMID: 107082557

Because they were made to take an expressive art instead!

106 08/02/2019 04:25 AMID: 107082901

Only appear on one column- clashes with another subject they need

107 08/02/2019 06:58 AMID: 107085485

Only able to choose 6 subjects (2 of which are English and Maths)Move to nationals from standard grade has resulted in a real lack of choice.Bad as breadth was a hall mark of Scottish educationPicking 5 highers will be nearly impossible.I picked 8 standard grade / highers

108 08/02/2019 07:31 AMID: 107086903

no teachers

109 08/02/2019 07:34 AMID: 107086754

Potentially music tuition because of budget cuts

110 08/02/2019 07:46 AMID: 107087670

Not enough staffing, focus on french and Mandarin only

111 08/02/2019 08:37 AMID: 107090854

Staffing issues, money

112 08/02/2019 08:46 AMID: 107091514

Midlothian Council are planning to stop all music tuition for pupils. Without the music tuition, it will be impossible for a student to sit the exam as they need to attain Grade 3 in their chosen instrument.

113 08/02/2019 09:24 AMID: 107096558

Limited choice and column structure

114 08/02/2019 09:28 AMID: 107097185

Limited timetable To expensive

115 08/02/2019 09:41 AMID: 107099444

Not enough columns, Edinburgh schools get to take 8 subjects (including maths and English) whereas in Greenock they only got to take 6 (including maths and English)

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

116 08/02/2019 11:04 AMID: 107111676

Not enough interest for a class.

117 08/02/2019 12:22 PMID: 107123558

Pupils restricted to choosing a maximum of 6 Nat 5s

118 08/02/2019 12:41 PMID: 107127603

Available but not enough choices

119 08/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 107125451

They are available however the school don’t timetable effectively. Priorities are STEM subjects

120 08/02/2019 12:45 PMID: 107127912

lack of qualified staffTeachers leaving smaller secondaries as they do not go up to higher so do not have a full week's teaching in one school.

121 08/02/2019 13:41 PMID: 107134345

The option timetable given was limiting. If a students preferred choices did not align with the column options, then simply, they didn't get to do a higher or Nat 5 and there was no flexibility with this. This meant my sons had to opt for subject choices they didn't want or may be as successful having been forced to narrow options. At times they were offered to do a subject choice in 6th year but this is not ideal because it only allowed for one shot (year) at a higher for the desired success for tertiary education.

122 08/02/2019 13:49 PMID: 107138383

Didn't fit into choice form

123 08/02/2019 14:07 PMID: 107141335

Available but as there is still limited choice because everyone has to do a social scoence and a science they can tchoose freely

124 08/02/2019 15:05 PMID: 107152972

Because it is a different course from N5 and the school can’t afford to run two classes.

125 08/02/2019 15:25 PMID: 107156242

Staffing priorities

126 08/02/2019 15:25 PMID: 107146009

Higher German- from the day the option columns were published, modern language options were put directly against sciences. We were told in S3 that to study 3 sciences and 2 languages was ‘old fashioned’ which resulted in a choice between French and German being made at that stage. So for all the years that my daughter studied French she has no qualification to show for it. If we then fast forward a couple of years at most of the Uni open days modern languages was actively promoted as optional subjects for students studying STEM subjects. I would suggest it is ‘old fashioned’ to suggest that students study Science, Arts, Languages or humanities as if they are separate entities. Statistics is not significantly covered in the Higher and AH syllabus. My daughter was applying to study Maths at uni, school even suggested that she take this module/course, but when it came to it withdrew support. Apparently they didn’t hold the licence for some computer software required for the statistics project. That is unfortunate, particularly as the software for most of those packages is free to use, and my daughter was already familiar with one. We were told, eventually, that there was no teacher in the whole of the area who could support her through any statistics course, even with us employing a private tutor, which we were prepared to do.As for the Scottish Baccalaureate, she met the criteria and only needed to complete The multidisciplinary project. The school again were not keen to support her and I was told by a senior member of staff that the Scottish Baccalaureate was failing, that there had only been a handful of passes nationally and that it was about to be discontinued. The evidence from the SQA would suggest that we were lied to.

127 08/02/2019 16:52 PMID: 107130668

Business - lack of teachers to teachArt - had to take other subjects and it clashed with other subjects so had to chose to drop

128 08/02/2019 18:56 PM My son’s HS limited pupils to six subjects at Nat 5 which effectively meant my

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 107181932 son, as a potential science student, had no space for an expressive arts subject.

129 08/02/2019 19:41 PMID: 107187669

subjects were in same columns

130 08/02/2019 20:43 PMID: 107193124

As the council has reduced the number of Nat 5’s that a student can study in 4thyear from 8 to 6.

131 08/02/2019 20:44 PMID: 107193250

Because our high school gets nothing funding of an endless pot gets handed to others

132 08/02/2019 21:09 PMID: 107195873

Uncertainty as Midlothian council planning to cut these lessons.

133 08/02/2019 22:03 PMID: 107198956

Decision to have s4 doing 6 subjects in fourth year by council. Instead of wider choice over s3 and 4

134 09/02/2019 06:33 AMID: 107209980

Not enough teachers? Not enough kids wishing to do subject

135 09/02/2019 09:16 AMID: 107217632

Both in same column and in no other

136 09/02/2019 11:07 AMID: 107224622

Only allowed to do 6 subjects in S4.

137 09/02/2019 11:09 AMID: 107159523

They decided to only run Human Biology. They did not have the equipment to facilitate a full class for Graphic Design.

138 09/02/2019 11:20 AMID: 107224119

Because the Local Authority restricts pupils in Aberdeen to take 6 subjects. Full stop. This is a postcode lottery, and means there is an attainment gap decided upon by how the SQA rules are interpreted by local authorities, and not by academic merit. So, though they wanted to take these subjects, they had to be dropped as only 6 subjects were allowed.

Other Scottish cities allow 7 or even 8 subjects at Nat5, which informs subsequent Higher choices. The local independent schools all offer 8 National 5s.

8 subjects at Standard Grade, differentiated into credit/general, was a much, much fairer system.

139 09/02/2019 12:49 PMID: 107230978

Not enough timetable flexibility and also not enough subject choices. Our local authority only allows 6 subjects, compared to others where they take 7. The flexibility of level is problematic as very early in the year children are being told they aren’t sitting n5 level. This lowers aspiration. My son was told he wasn’t going to do nat 5 history in November with no parental discussion or communication at the time. I persuaded the school to let him try the prelim which he passed. Attainment should not be based on parents having the confidence and wherewithal to make a complaint.

140 09/02/2019 14:20 PMID: 107237201

Limited by only allowed to take 6 Nat 5s, so only had option to drop 1 subject for Higher.Also at AH combination English, Modern studies & Maths not available. So had to pick another AH from remaining 2 Higher passes.Choosing Nat 5s at S4 = deciding on your future at 15

141 09/02/2019 15:23 PMID: 107241655

Lack of teacher? Lack of funding?

142 09/02/2019 17:13 PMID: 107249090

Timetable clashes

143 09/02/2019 17:45 PMID: 107251578

Because the school claim the goveinsist on French. I honestly think this is a total waste of a subject.

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

144 09/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 107264896

Only allowed to take 6 subjects and if they were allowed to take 6 or 8 as before would have most certainly taken music.

145 09/02/2019 22:20 PMID: 107267272

Structure of school curriculum. Choosing in s2 for one year, then again in s3 for one year, then again in s4. Rushed courses with lack of time for good consolidation work. Manic pace and kids stressed.

146 10/02/2019 00:48 AMID: 107270730

Column clashes and limit of 6 subjects in s4 in my daughters school even though she’s more than able to cope with more.

147 10/02/2019 01:35 AMID: 107271193

According to school lack of teaching staff

148 10/02/2019 08:53 AMID: 107280034

Some not available and maths they keep dropping the kids to National 4

149 10/02/2019 09:07 AMID: 107280784

Was only in 1 column, and that column also had one-columb subjects. Also they’ve combined national and higher classes this year so space is an issue.

150 10/02/2019 09:13 AMID: 107281083

Psychology - teacher had to drop her subject because of staff shortages and train to work in a different subject. Was not optional.

Art and design - the subject was unable in the selected column and I could not take it elsewhere despite the course still running some classes.

Modern studies - was denied to do it as a higher in school despite the course available I was made to travel 30 minutes to another school which was then cancelled.

151 10/02/2019 10:04 AMID: 107283990

Our high school limits the children to 6 Nat 5s

152 10/02/2019 10:37 AMID: 107285202

Timetable for three sciences in upper school in options no free choice. Limited instrumental music lesson spaces for those who can afford to pay in primary - s3 No equity.

153 10/02/2019 10:49 AMID: 107286786

Was told had to do Nat 5 before sitting higher

154 10/02/2019 11:11 AMID: 107287691

Lack of funding, keeping teachers on part-time, temporary contracts that can be reduced if class sizes are deemed not to be viable.

155 10/02/2019 12:55 PMID: 107295498

The school couldn't be bothered to put a class in place

156 10/02/2019 20:42 PMID: 107336176

He wasn’t offered the tuition he needed on a second instrument, having taught himself his first one (keyboard).

157 10/02/2019 21:29 PMID: 107340124

Available teachers

158 10/02/2019 22:27 PMID: 107342771

The choice was reduced from eight subjects to six

159 10/02/2019 23:19 PMID: 107344490

Environmental science is still a news class so not viable currently.Digital art would need funding and our area has very little dude to incompetent council.

160 10/02/2019 23:33 PMID: 107344881

Shortage of teaching staff in that field.Pupils doing highers were given priority so the subject was completely cancelled.

161 11/02/2019 00:25 AMID: 107345903

not enough pupils taking the subject to make up a class

162 11/02/2019 03:05 AMID: 107347635

See above

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

163 11/02/2019 07:55 AMID: 107355267

It was available but school made restrictions early on in school had to study certain subjects making it difficult to pick up later on. Having a broad range of subjects is fine but should support career aspirations.

164 11/02/2019 13:33 PMID: 107407060

165 11/02/2019 13:55 PMID: 107410128

Because they are severely restricted as to how many subject/options they can take regardless of their capabilities

166 11/02/2019 17:48 PMID: 107446555

He took both exams in S4 and because he failed them and on his English exam he had a Migraine they, told him he could take these lessons again in S5. and they would prefer that he leave school and go to college.

167 11/02/2019 18:36 PMID: 107451206

Restriction S4 subjects to six

168 11/02/2019 19:03 PMID: 107451885

Lack of cooperation on the part of the school’s senior management to make suitable arrangements to facilitate for my child to study history at advanced higher as well as a lack of other students wanting to take the subject.

169 11/02/2019 19:14 PMID: 107454735

Not available in school although the school is the largest in the LEA. No travel allowed either.

170 11/02/2019 19:31 PMID: 107456228

Not enough staff/ money to fund the course

171 11/02/2019 19:32 PMID: 107456687

They are, but in the same column as something else she is wanting to take.

172 11/02/2019 19:47 PMID: 107458189

Only in one column

173 11/02/2019 19:50 PMID: 107458026

French is compulsory and it wouldn’t be my daughters first choice. She could have taken a 2nd language but that’s not what she wanted to do and she would have had to sacrifice another subject she wanted to do this. One options column in particular didn’t have anything she really wanted to do therefore as well as not getting the language she wants she also has a subject she otherwise would not have chosen!

174 11/02/2019 20:00 PMID: 107459538

Due to the columns he couldn’t do biology & physics - he had to do chemistry with biology.

175 11/02/2019 20:26 PMID: 107459462

Was never given an answer. There where 5 kids who wanted to do this class. My hunch is the real reason was that 3 of them had additional needs in one way or another(my own son has dyslexia and asd) so they didn't want to give additional staff.

176 11/02/2019 21:07 PMID: 107465252

Was told was not aloud

177 11/02/2019 21:38 PMID: 107466717

Lack of funds and lack of teachers. Schools that are way over capacity. Rampant housing development without sufficient investment in education. Insufficient funding to local authorities.

178 11/02/2019 22:04 PMID: 107468724

Timetable clash with higher drama

179 11/02/2019 23:21 PMID: 107472056

At both primary and secondary students are given some mandarin instruction but as a subject choice it is only available at one school in the authority. It is telling that it is only available at the top performing school in the most affluent area of the authority as is the case, I believe, with human anatomy.

180 12/02/2019 04:12 AMID: 107476113

No teacher

181 12/02/2019 06:26 AM No teachers

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 107478516

182 12/02/2019 19:26 PMID: 107579418

No teachers

183 12/02/2019 22:55 PMID: 107596354

No teachers available for subject. Subject not seen as important. Timetabling columns reduce choice.

184 12/02/2019 23:34 PMID: 107597852

They were in the same column so unable to both be chosen

185 13/02/2019 07:21 AMID: 107606886

Lack of teachers. It’s widely known the achool struggles with staff. Sometimes my children have a teacher of another subject, teaching them.

186 13/02/2019 13:35 PMID: 107655513

We were told they were not in the correct column with no other explanation. Assuming lack of staff

187 13/02/2019 15:00 PMID: 107668841

Wrong column in choices form

188 13/02/2019 15:39 PMID: 107673938

They were not available within the timetabling of my child's school

189 13/02/2019 19:17 PMID: 107701058

Due to lack of teachers

190 13/02/2019 20:28 PMID: 107707504

Time tabling restrictions and classes too small to be considered viable

191 13/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 107710200

Subject is available but due to all subjects being either/or and only 1 subject choice per column there is no scope for individually tailored study.

192 13/02/2019 21:32 PMID: 107713023

Going by models I have seen the subjects are probably grouped in the on,y way they can be but leaves some children not being able to chose the subjects they would like and they have to settle for 2nd best.

193 15/02/2019 14:32 PMID: 107896937

Little choice or flexibility within the columns.

194 16/02/2019 08:51 AMID: 107953632

Subject is available, the school are stopping my child from taking it wanting her to crash Higher Modern Studies instead. My daughter does not want to take Modern Studies, has no interest in it and it is not a subject requirement for her uni application.

195 16/02/2019 15:57 PMID: 107980278

in RC school because not enough specialist staff!

196 16/02/2019 21:24 PMID: 108001537

Changes made to the allocation due to apparent low numbers of interest, however, this survey was taken prior to parents evening and not representative of many

197 17/02/2019 10:57 AMID: 108028555

Apparently the number of pupils wishing to take the subject was not large enough in his school. We enquired as to whether he could take the subject at a nearby school (less than 10 minutes walk away) and were told this was not an option in S5 but may be in S6.

198 17/02/2019 17:12 PMID: 108050625

home economics no longer available at our secondary school. both kids were timetabled for this, but never really got any teaching due to prolonged staff absence/lack specialist supply.

difficult to re-write timetables but a waste of a lot of education time in S1-2 for them and others - similar experience music, for similar reasons. they could have been studying something else!

199 17/02/2019 21:04 PMID: 108069154

Inflexible attitudes and timetabling. Failure to follow promises in CfE, whereby the whole upper school would be scheduled together.

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

Lack of funding

200 19/02/2019 01:18 AMID: 108189098 EXTREMELY poor timetabling.

Choices were restricted due to only 6 nat 5's.

Long before the summer break , it was known by the school that music was oversubscribedyet no steps were taken to accommodate and he was informed during Nat 5 exam time thathe would need to find something else .School closed 3 weeks later and nothing else was done during the holidays whilst other students commenced Higher classes.

201 19/02/2019 01:18 AMID: 108189847 EXTREMELY poor timetabling.

Choices were restricted due to only 6 nat 5's.

Long before the summer break , it was known by the school that music was oversubscribedyet no steps were taken to accommodate and he was informed during Nat 5 exam time thathe would need to find something else .School closed 3 weeks later and nothing else was done during the holidays whilst other students commenced Higher classes.

202 20/02/2019 09:02 AMID: 108314704

Column conflict with another subject.

203 20/02/2019 09:05 AMID: 108314531

Music is not properly understood as a subject in the curriculum anymore. If it were properly understood, we would not have allowed fees for lessons. It seems to me that we used to know this, but we have let it slip. We managed to provide free lessons during previous very tough decades, so why are fees tolerated now?

204 20/02/2019 09:50 AMID: 108319943

No teacher

205 20/02/2019 10:46 AMID: 108327619

Clashes of column

206 20/02/2019 10:49 AMID: 108327839

Not offered by department.

207 20/02/2019 11:53 AMID: 108336921

Lack of funds to employ a dedicated teacher.

208 20/02/2019 12:39 PMID: 108342656

Limited scope for creative subjects

209 20/02/2019 13:34 PMID: 108349956

Timetabling issues, too few students.

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

210 20/02/2019 16:51 PMID: 108376591

Not known, just not available

211 20/02/2019 17:35 PMID: 108381502

Apparently lack of staff.

212 20/02/2019 19:26 PMID: 108392367

Wanted to take another subject within that column.

213 20/02/2019 19:54 PMID: 108393988

Timetabling. School had almost pre decided the combination of subjects pupils could or would take rather than basing timetable on demand. To be fair to them they changed the process the following year following many complaints.

214 20/02/2019 20:44 PMID: 108399383

The school only does the "traditional" French/German option.

215 20/02/2019 22:37 PMID: 108406090

Combination of subjects not possible. Too many compulsory subjects preventing choice?

216 21/02/2019 02:10 AMID: 108410348

They’re being told they can only change one of their subjects moving from Nat 4 to Nat 5. At this age young people try things out and decide if it’s for them. If you’ve taken two sciences and decide it’s really not for you then tough, you have to keep them and no movement for any other changes. This is shocking.

We’ve also not been able to access music tuition. The cost is outrageous but willing to make the sacrifice but a huge waiting list.

Drama was also not an option which is great for confidence building and awful it’s not an option.

Home Economics is also delivered, after no provision for a long time by the local college, who are not equipped to work with young people of this age group. Telling young people their ‘fat’ because of ‘poor life choices’ in an area of deprivation, not suitable.

217 21/02/2019 09:03 AMID: 108425140

Timetable restricition

218 21/02/2019 14:47 PMID: 108479301

Both choices are in the same column and timetabling and staffing restrictions (particularly lack of modern languages teachers who speak french and spanish).

219 21/02/2019 15:56 PMID: 108489887

He wanted to take 7 N5 courses, but was only allowed to choose 6

220 21/02/2019 17:25 PMID: 108502931

Have not got a clue - because it makes the school results look better?

221 21/02/2019 18:54 PMID: 108509376

CFE is simply a cost saving exercise which limits the options available to children , narrows their future options at an age where they don’t yet know what they want to do or what their strengths are .It also pushes schools to limit STEM subjects required by industry due to the higher costs involved in teaching these.

222 21/02/2019 19:01 PMID: 108513784

CFE is simply a cost saving exercise which limits the options available to children , narrows their future options at an age where they don’t yet know what they want to do or what their strengths are .It also pushes schools to limit STEM subjects required by industry due to the higher costs involved in teaching these.

223 21/02/2019 19:01 PMID: 108514274

No teachers

224 22/02/2019 12:04 PMID: 108594468

Restricted subject choice - only six available which must include English and Mathematics

225 22/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 108605322

Limited to 6 subjects in S4 (previously 8 subjects)

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

226 22/02/2019 19:50 PMID: 108698772

Restricted access to sciences. Forced to take either art or music instead neither or which he has any aptitude for.

227 22/02/2019 20:19 PMID: 108700955

The school does not prioritise these areas despite their practical importance.

228 22/02/2019 20:21 PMID: 108700954

Lack of teachers? Resources?

Neither subject offered anywhere in the state system in the city

229 22/02/2019 21:11 PMID: 108703874

My daughter's school has put subject options for National 5s into two boxes and they had to chose 3 from one box and 2 from another (as well as Maths and English). The subjects were put into the two boxes based on a questionnaire the children had filled in previously.

230 24/02/2019 21:47 PMID: 108863291

Only able to take 6 subjects in S4 - then needed Highers. School advised vocational subject as well. So did not do Nat 5 Bio until S6. Discovered really enjoyed but ran out of time. Daughter had 6A grades at Nat 5 was more than capable of more subjects. Not broad enough choice at this level. Older siblings had done 8-10 Intermediate 2 at this age so had broader choice of Highers.

231 25/02/2019 08:24 AMID: 108880981

Restrictions on timetable in S3 and S4.

232 25/02/2019 08:29 AMID: 108881378

Did not 'fit in' with timetable offered

233 25/02/2019 14:24 PMID: 108935866

The BGE system doesn't work but schools feel forced to follow the government guidelines set out by beurocrats that don't understand education, children or the time taken to deliver courses, which leads to schools feeling they have to just teach to level 4 outcomes by the end of 3rd year even though pupils have chosen their subjects and coud easily be working towards a national qualification over two years and therefore there would not be the need to drop a subject. It used to work with standard grade and Int 1 and 2 so I'm unsure why it doesn't seem to work anymore. Surely this is putting more pressure on children and there mental health as they have to achieve more highly in the lower number of subjects in order to be able to take them on at a higher level. What happens when they don't do well and they have a limited choice moving forward?

234 25/02/2019 14:54 PMID: 108945770

Because he only got a B in the prelim and an A because his teacher said A only passes for higher

235 25/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 109002241

Budgets cut. Rector of our child’s school was open and frank about it.RMPS was because there was not enough to populate a class as 15 pupils were required. However, her Dance class was deemed viable with 9.My wife and I believe this is a school decision and not based on pupil choice.

236 25/02/2019 22:24 PMID: 109012956

Have to narrow choices too much, means missing out on opportunity to take some subjects

237 25/02/2019 23:49 PMID: 109017670

Poor and restrictive timetabling and lack of creativity in the senior phase offer. Very old fashioned and suited to meet needs of those following 5 higher pathway rather than any other pathway.

238 26/02/2019 08:54 AMID: 109041367

Bad construction of choice sheet from S3 to S4. All subjects they wished were split between 2 columns leaving no columns not containing any relevant choice

239 26/02/2019 12:14 PMID: 109073008

As 2 above; lack of teachers; rural location; lack of vision to use technology/sharing teacher resources

240 26/02/2019 17:51 PMID: 109138498

They are available just that he hasn’t the capacity of subjects to allow it

241 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140724

Was available but not along with the other subjects chosen

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

242 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140538

The biggest stumbling block is fitting everything into a timetable.

243 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140465

No idea!

244 26/02/2019 18:12 PMID: 109141685

N/ a s1 student

245 26/02/2019 18:14 PMID: 109141797

Nat 5 bit available as it clashes with history and no politics teacher

246 26/02/2019 18:14 PMID: 109141889

Shortage of staff is a problem in terms of giving pupils the certificated subjects they want.

247 26/02/2019 18:17 PMID: 109142495

It was on the same column as another subject she wanted to do

248 26/02/2019 18:18 PMID: 109142143

There is clash in timetabling and French and Admin only offered in one column

249 26/02/2019 18:19 PMID: 109141657

The subject choices were in columns forcing the children to pick a subject which effectively led to a waste of a subject year. My daughter is academically minded and ended up having to take a subject such as home economics which whilst enjoyable had stopped her from taking a subject more appropriate to her wishes and ambitions.

250 26/02/2019 18:23 PMID: 109142528

They seem to think it narrows subject choice but if they looked at other countries around the world 3 sciences are available to most pupils at this stage. I could understand it if there were no other creative or social studies options but this is not the case and could prove detrimental to those wishing to pursue a high entry requirement field like veterinarian medicine or any medical profession.

251 26/02/2019 18:33 PMID: 109144459

Column choices

252 26/02/2019 18:35 PMID: 109144749

Children must choise French or German and then add another class of spanish in 3rd year

253 26/02/2019 18:57 PMID: 109147880

Not enough people taking the course.

254 26/02/2019 19:02 PMID: 109147572

No teacher to deliver the subject in their school (computing)Insufficient pupils chose Business so it will not run.Biology only in 1 column and clashed with another subject.

255 26/02/2019 19:06 PMID: 109142410

N/ a s1 student

256 26/02/2019 19:15 PMID: 109149899

It was available but only as a second language

257 26/02/2019 19:31 PMID: 109152651

Were on same timetable time as another they wised to take

258 26/02/2019 19:36 PMID: 109153491

Was same with fourth year just so badly planned

259 26/02/2019 19:42 PMID: 109153922

As there may not be enough people to take the subject or the school isn’t doing that course

260 26/02/2019 19:46 PMID: 109154770

Timetabling issue in the school

261 26/02/2019 19:48 PMID: 109154977

We were told at parent meetings that only 2 sciences maximum could be chosen

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

262 26/02/2019 20:02 PMID: 109155824

As above

263 26/02/2019 20:15 PMID: 109158250

No teachers at her school

264 26/02/2019 20:32 PMID: 109160456

The school he attends blocks the subjects in S3 and then only allows 6 subjects in S4.

265 26/02/2019 22:26 PMID: 109171156

Unable to take all 3 sciences

266 27/02/2019 06:07 AMID: 109186151

No other pathway in S1 other than French or german.

267 27/02/2019 08:09 AMID: 109200363

The continued approach that French and German are the main focus of foreign languages is dated

268 27/02/2019 08:41 AMID: 109205298

Because there wasn’t beginner classes

269 27/02/2019 08:53 AMID: 109206686

Choices fairly straightforward for those on traditional academic trajectory but for less academic course eg music, HE, PE options very limited and often appeared in same column

270 27/02/2019 09:08 AMID: 109206667

Due to the requirement that a language and social science must be chosen.

271 27/02/2019 09:43 AMID: 109216563

the school has only recently in the last 2 years added a 2nd foreign language which has not been accounted for when given the 'column' choices as I see all sciences are covered over all 5 columns.

272 27/02/2019 09:46 AMID: 109216942

No flexibility, colums are set and the school makes them choose at end of second year with no room for changing at end of 3rd year

273 27/02/2019 10:42 AMID: 109228003

Timetable clashesAlso insistance on broad general education in third year which meant their choice of nat 5s were restricted.

274 27/02/2019 10:52 AMID: 109223384

Physics- would not fit into the columns given other subject choices

Advanced Higher Engineering Science - no teacher qualified to teach / school struggling to attract Technocal teachers

Art - offered as a subject by the school but experience of lack of teachers in previous exam year resulted in parental advice provided to child not to take the subject due to concern of lack of appropriate teaching support.

275 27/02/2019 12:27 PMID: 109247248

Lack of resources - teachers

276 27/02/2019 15:05 PMID: 109277346

Couldn’t fit around the columns

277 27/02/2019 15:08 PMID: 109238145

N/A - He hasn't made any choices

278 27/02/2019 16:04 PMID: 109290541

There is a column dedicated to technology subjects.She is not interested in any of these but has been forced to take administration as there is nothing else in that column that would be of any use to her!

279 27/02/2019 17:47 PMID: 109304754

Direct consequence of only 6 subjects at N5.

280 27/02/2019 18:50 PMID: 109322794

Subject choices messed up .

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

281 27/02/2019 19:16 PMID: 109324912

Again they could access the courses they wanted in the school but were restricted to 6 due to how hard N5s areand the time taken to cover the course would not allow them to take extra N5s

282 27/02/2019 19:24 PMID: 109328375

Limited to 6 subjects per child

283 27/02/2019 21:36 PMID: 109345474

Only allowed 6 subjects - 7 if willing to do one in 2 periods a week . He could have done french but studied Spanish in S3.

284 27/02/2019 22:11 PMID: 109348425

As noted above, it was not that subjects were unavailable, but the restriction on numbers of subjects taken in S4 meant that she could only continue four subjects plus English and Maths

285 27/02/2019 22:46 PMID: 109349715

Physics was not available to my son because of the way the subjects were organised into the columns. It was in the same columns as 2 of the other subjects he wanted to take. Those subjects (History and RMPS) were not available in any other columns. If History had been offered in 3 columns, as Geography was, then my son could have taken Physics.

286 28/02/2019 11:08 AMID: 109398156

Insufficient choices to allow a language option once the 'essential' subjects are chosen. Music and the arts are also suffering as a result.

287 28/02/2019 13:07 PMID: 109418278

It is available but just clashed.

288 28/02/2019 20:56 PMID: 109491307

Not available at the school plus incompatibility of timetable and full classes

289 01/03/2019 09:26 AMID: 109525582

Cuts to staff funding lack of choice in collumns

290 01/03/2019 11:57 AMID: 109548583

See above, the subjects were available, he was limited by how many he could select given only 6 Nat 5's

291 01/03/2019 22:36 PMID: 109654485


292 02/03/2019 19:23 PMID: 109736768

They are in the same collum

293 02/03/2019 19:44 PMID: 109739220

They are available but the Colums font allow the choices

294 02/03/2019 19:58 PMID: 109737313

There are a number of reasons but the policy of the High School is to restrict Nat5 subjects in S4 to 6. This issue has been raised a number of times by the parent council (which I am on) but the school management team has strongly resisted any change. Other schools in East Lothian offer 8 Nat5 subjects so there is no consistency across the authority.

The school claims it does not want to put additional strain on students at this stage to take more subjects - these, they say, can be ‘crashed’ in later years. They also claim they do not have sufficient teaching hours to teach more than 6 subjects and would not be able to timetable some more able students doing more subjects.

In my opinion there are 2 other key reasons the school does not want to offer more subjects at Nat5: (1) Financial - they would need to employ more teachers to cover a wider range of subjects (2) Results - they believe they get better results by students taking fewer subjects. The latter is true when result tables appear to ignore the number and breadth of learning beyond 5 or 6 subjects.

295 02/03/2019 21:41 PMID: 109747395

school has chosen to only allow children to study for 6 nat 5 subjects.

296 03/03/2019 00:55 AM school decided to only allow all pupils to do only do x6 subjectsnat5 .

3. Why do you think the subject(s) they wanted to take were not available?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 109753983

297 03/03/2019 08:46 AMID: 109769225

I’d imagine staffing availability but I don’t agree S4 should have to take a language if it’s not a government requirement. I agree it’s a good skill to have but shouldn’t be compulsory. Other schools don’t have this. It’s great they can do 7 subjects but 5 should be their choice

298 03/03/2019 19:04 PMID: 109829064

Teacher shortageBig focus on the sciences

299 03/03/2019 23:30 PMID: 109849897

It was choosing subjects for S4/5 and economics was unavailable due to insufficient staff. Also the way the options are structured is restrictive. Subjects are blocked together (eg all the sciences are in 2 blocks) so you can’t do 3 sciences, same with humanities subjects.Now choosing advanced higher subjects subjects my child wants to take are not available because the timetable is set up in blocks, and the two subjects my child wants are in the same block so they can only choose one of them.

300 04/03/2019 12:11 PMID: 109903321

Unsure whether timetabling or limited numbers wanting to study at Higher

301 04/03/2019 17:09 PMID: 109954090


302 04/03/2019 22:26 PMID: 110001361

The were not allowed to study more than 6 subjects, despite be able and wanting to.

303 05/03/2019 19:29 PMID: 110135661

Clash of subject choices in column for N5No teacher for level at Higher. Open learning option only available to S6 and timetabled in column with English for S5 so constructively prevented from taking it.

 answered 303

skipped 78

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

1 Open-Ended Question 100.00% 296

1 06/02/2019 09:35 AMID: 106847691

She will leave school this year without the full suite of subjects that she had an interest in. She became very dissolusioned with school when she discovered she had to sacrifice 2 subjects that she really enjoyed.

2 06/02/2019 10:10 AMID: 106852598

Has done music outside of school. Full impact will be seen when applying to Universities as has only 7 qualifications Vs English system counterparts who have 9.

3 06/02/2019 12:25 PMID: 106874190

Anger, a feeling of disconnect with Scottish culture

4 06/02/2019 12:59 PMID: 106880442

YAAS Programme provided as an alternative.

5 06/02/2019 13:33 PMID: 106885568

Too early to say

6 06/02/2019 14:09 PMID: 106892053

Loss of interest in pursuing professional photography

7 06/02/2019 14:45 PMID: 106898343

Child has to take a language in which they have absolutely no interest due to modern languages being a core subject

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

8 06/02/2019 14:56 PMID: 106899899

My son is now having to do his third or fourth choice subjects

9 06/02/2019 15:51 PMID: 106908898

S5 - Harder to choose & fit in subtexts from a narrower choice.S6 - less relevant subjects now taken.

10 06/02/2019 16:16 PMID: 106913464

Had to take an alternative Higher, not what they wanted to do. Forced into taking only option available to them. Will now potentially have to take a year out of subject and take in 6th year as higher.

Limiting potential university course.

11 06/02/2019 16:37 PMID: 106916372

My daughter has been left very upset. She has additional support needs and these exams meant everything to her

12 06/02/2019 16:42 PMID: 106916798

Financial burden on the family - securing tutors to support childrens’ study of French Nat 5 outside of school.

Stress for my younger child when they couldn’t continue with Modern Studies to Nat 5 and had to crash Geography Nat 5 in S4, a subject they hadn't studied since S2.

13 06/02/2019 16:55 PMID: 106919958

Having to pick up two new subjects in your exam year and being expected to just catch up with all the third year work missed has obviously had a knock on effect in other subjects as well as meaning at least one of the new subjects is having to be sat at a lower level. Who knows what future impact these results will have on my child's future.

14 06/02/2019 17:52 PMID: 106930306

Had to pick up another subject 8 weeks into term. He feels he has failed as he hasn't been given the opportunity to sit nat5

15 06/02/2019 19:10 PMID: 106940362

Having to look at relocating as my son wants to be an architect

16 06/02/2019 19:44 PMID: 106944375

Their choice is limited because schools have had to move to. 6 subject model so limited their choices thus narrowing their career choices earlier than needed.

17 06/02/2019 19:52 PMID: 106945199

Will affect degree choices

18 06/02/2019 21:03 PMID: 106951616

Sub optimal university prospects

19 06/02/2019 21:24 PMID: 106952904

My son left school after fifth year and went straight to university to study Computer Science.

20 06/02/2019 21:33 PMID: 106953715

It's a subject that is needed for what they would like to do in the future after school

21 06/02/2019 21:36 PMID: 106953851

Severely limit college or work opportunities

22 06/02/2019 21:45 PMID: 106954601

Means pupils in S5 and S6 have very limited choice of Highers. It also means they have fewer qualifications than children in other Authorities.The new National system is very

23 06/02/2019 21:55 PMID: 106955430

See above

24 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106955862

Limited course choiceTeacher appointed half way through the one year course detrimentally affecting the learning of the pupils

25 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106956266

Limited course choiceTeacher appointed half way through the one year course detrimentally affecting the learning of the pupils

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

26 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106956279

Limited course choiceTeacher appointed half way through the one year course detrimentally affecting the learning of the pupils

27 06/02/2019 22:24 PMID: 106957606

Missed opportunity expensive dance classes outwith achool

28 06/02/2019 22:30 PMID: 106957735

1. Subject had to be changed to a less desirable one.

2. Devastating!

29 06/02/2019 22:45 PMID: 106958712

Missing out on learning experience

30 06/02/2019 23:14 PMID: 106959801

Our son actually cried.

If he had been able to take music, German or drama they would have benefited him more. He studies really hard and now 5th year will be a difficult year for him as he is being forced to take a subject he doesn’t enjoy or need for his chosen career

It doesn’t benefit the teacher who will be leading his class either

31 06/02/2019 23:21 PMID: 106959760

Not especially keen on school in the first place, this led to him half-heartedly picking subjects in other coumns that he was not interested in.

32 06/02/2019 23:36 PMID: 106960906

Luckily they were both taught French out of school and presented for examination by the school, which gave them both 7 A's at Nat 5.

33 06/02/2019 23:39 PMID: 106960941

Wasting the year taking subjects he’s not interested in and has no talent in which is harming his chances of getting into college

34 06/02/2019 23:51 PMID: 106961355

She will be staying on till Sixth year to achieve this

35 07/02/2019 00:03 AMID: 106961590

My Daughter had huge hopes to be a Teacher, but left as there was no further encouragement, she felt she had been set up to 'Fail'. She is now unemployed and a Single mum.

36 07/02/2019 00:05 AMID: 106961570

End up taking subjects they are not interested in and therefore they are not as keen to learn or study for the subject. It can also affect there choices for further education.

37 07/02/2019 00:40 AMID: 106962345

Limited choice restricting career choices

38 07/02/2019 01:11 AMID: 106962813

Not able to go to uni after school



Lack of confidence

39 07/02/2019 05:47 AMID: 106967246

anxiety and stressPoor grades

40 07/02/2019 05:49 AMID: 106967282

Doesn’t think she can pick it back up as too much time passed and will now not study any modern languages.

41 07/02/2019 06:48 AMID: 106969470

Taking subjects she was less keen on. Taking "crash" Highers in S5.

42 07/02/2019 06:52 AMID: 106969582

Studying a subject you don't want or need for 2yrs. Stress. Outcome may not help you in career pathway.

43 07/02/2019 06:59 AM My daughter had to crash two subjects at higher which led too increased pressure

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 106969790 and stress.

44 07/02/2019 07:10 AMID: 106970368

She had her heart set on this course, was offered it, and on the day she started term they told her it wasn't a course anymore and put in her graphics, which she has no interest in and will fail according to her teachers.

45 07/02/2019 07:15 AMID: 106970152

My daughter had to crash two subjects at higher which led too increased pressure and stress.

46 07/02/2019 07:20 AMID: 106971153

Proper reislts / less motivation

47 07/02/2019 07:20 AMID: 106971479

Proper reislts / less motivation

48 07/02/2019 07:36 AMID: 106972374

My daughter will have to travel to another school 15 miles away in order to be able to do this.

49 07/02/2019 07:56 AMID: 106972884

Took a social subject instead, but now it is subject choice time for S6 and accounting is on the list available, but he won't choose it as he is certain it won't run even though he would like to go for it at higher.

50 07/02/2019 08:19 AMID: 106975149

My sons are dyslexic and may have been able to achieve berter results in subjects which were of a more hands on practical nature

51 07/02/2019 08:21 AMID: 106975343

They have had to make early - my son wasn't clear as to which subjects to choose and he's had to go down a path very early without being equipped with knowledge of the subjects in advance (their learning up to S3 is very superficial) This has impacted his higher and eventually FE courses. A huge fault in the CfE

52 07/02/2019 08:22 AMID: 106975360

Child not expanding life skills or for an autistic child not trying new food or experimenting in cooking it.

More experience in a subject child interested in doing when leaving school

53 07/02/2019 08:34 AMID: 106976605

has not been able to play to her strengths.

54 07/02/2019 08:51 AMID: 106978228

I paid thousands for private drama tuition at RCS

55 07/02/2019 09:00 AMID: 106978614

They have ended up having to choose "random" subjects which are not particularly relevant to achieving qualifications which will be useful for their chosen pathway for a career.

56 07/02/2019 09:17 AMID: 106982176

Different career choices

57 07/02/2019 09:19 AMID: 106982324

German was key language choice due to family links.

58 07/02/2019 09:28 AMID: 106982929

She hasn’t found out yet but she will be devastated if she doesn’t get her first choice.

59 07/02/2019 09:35 AMID: 106984675

To choose 5 Highers from 6 National 5s is very restrictive and not delivering a breadth of curriculum to allow choice. Unless the child is certain on their career choice or field at a young age, there is no room to keep options open. Languages, arts and music suffer partciularly

60 07/02/2019 09:39 AMID: 106984317

My daughter won't be able to study what she wanted at college. She is autistic and this would have been the best path for her to follow. She gets extremely stressed at school and drama could have helped her.

61 07/02/2019 09:49 AMID: 106986284

She had to change her subjects

62 07/02/2019 09:54 AM Instead of achieving a subject at a high level at an early age, at times their

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 106984879 interest will demolish as boredom will set in. Repatition of material will scunner them. If kids are capable of passing national 5 at S 3 and teachers are commenting that on school reports then the system needs to be flexible enough to allow children not to be held back.

I have another child in s5 going into s6 who experienced the same. With him, due to a lack of clear communication from school he now can’t undertake a foundation apprenticeship in s6 as we were unaware they are 2 year courses.

In s5 his time table has been empty, he has become disengaged. So muchbunstructured ‘study’ time where he is just left in a room reading. He is BORED ! So much time wasted. He’s a bright kid, he needs challenge. He also needs support to structure and prioritise his learning time. Instead we arranged him to be out of school volunteering, that’s been great but he can’t use ‘school time’ towards a volunteering award as it’s classed as ‘work experience’ ( such nonsense) Don’t we want to reward those efforts? Is he really better sitting around doing nothing??!

Both of these boys are on the autistic spectrum, they are high functioning. School make no effort to adapt curriculum for them, alternative choices such as not taking a foreign language are not ever discussed or covered at parents nights. You have to fight for information! In some cases you find out too late about alternatives.

CFE maybe heading in the right direction with regards to more flexibility but unless it is properly resourced with well paid, and willing teachers who are well trained to support ALL children and have enough class assistance to help ALL children thrive then kids like mine will slip through the cracks.

There is not a member of staff in that school who is specifically trained to support a kid with dyscalculia? The impact this is having us huge. He is discounting careers in engineering etc as he lacks confidence in maths! With the adequate and sufficient support he could thrive !

63 07/02/2019 10:02 AMID: 106988227

They had to then choose subjects they weren't wanting to study and this impacted on the results.

64 07/02/2019 10:18 AMID: 106990690


65 07/02/2019 10:29 AMID: 106991893

Less chances of doing chosen courses in further education and therefore impacting on future career.

66 07/02/2019 10:39 AMID: 106993436

The confidence was shattered, the career choice was ruined and had to be rethought, and the opportunities were not available due to limited exam results!

67 07/02/2019 11:01 AMID: 106996523

My child asked to move school this will involve two hours each day by bus.She got lower marks than anticipated as some subjects she’s not had for several months

68 07/02/2019 11:10 AMID: 106999737

She was being forced to take a subject she did not want to.

69 07/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 107011756

He can maybe pick it up again next year if it’s still on offer, I feel it would have better to carry it on as it will be like starting again having a gap year, which he may feel is too much. It would enhance job opportunities to have a language.

70 07/02/2019 13:31 PMID: 107019169

See number three

71 07/02/2019 13:46 PMID: 107019098

The local high schools have still not managed to co-ordinate timetables so our son misses classes in other subjects in order to go to the other high school. All his teachers at both schools have been very supportive regarding this, but there has been little help or support from the school management. We had to find out details and make arrangements ourselves.

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

I find it has been a good experience for him to do this and a good way of enabling more subjects at advanced higher level but others have missed out because the options were not supported. If this is a valid option (and I believe it can be) it needs the schools to work together a bit more.

72 07/02/2019 16:05 PMID: 107042997

My daughter would have done very well at N5 music but is only an N4 student in the 2 subjects she "had to pick"

73 07/02/2019 16:16 PMID: 107045094

Fewer choices of Highers for a pupil who wants to study Law at University and needs as many as possible

74 07/02/2019 17:26 PMID: 107052143

Had to take subjects that she didn't want to as they were not her strongest subjects/met previous expectations.

75 07/02/2019 17:26 PMID: 107053689

He might not get into university to study the subject he wants to study (computing) and had to crash a Higher in a subject he wasn't interested in instead because the school only allowed you to take 6 National 5 subjects in S4.

76 07/02/2019 17:40 PMID: 107055285

Must seek alternative route for this qualification

77 07/02/2019 17:40 PMID: 107055190

Well, who knows? Son is interested in science/engineering and we thought physics would be essential. Can 'crash' it in s6 but not ideal.

78 07/02/2019 17:41 PMID: 107054989

Limiting of choice early on often means languages and exprestive arts are dropped. This does not make for a well-rounded education. Languages are dying in our school.

79 07/02/2019 17:49 PMID: 107056266

It means my child has had to rethink their education path.

80 07/02/2019 17:52 PMID: 107056912

He didn't take Biology and had to take art instead.

81 07/02/2019 18:52 PMID: 107060738

- Pupils demotivated- Pick the subjects up in S6 and "crash" it, difficult after not studying it for two years- forced to study subjects they don't want- impact on others in the class when some pupils don't want to be there- harder to apply to uni if subjects aren't those that they needed

82 07/02/2019 18:58 PMID: 107063475

Options narrowed too much

83 07/02/2019 19:19 PMID: 107060091

Our daughter has been left really shaken that this can happen. She is worried about other subjects being unavailable after she has completed her N5s. In the immediate aftermath of finding out German had been cut she was very upset and didn't want to go to school the next day. Now that she has chosen her options and she knows that we are trying to organise private German lessons she is feeling happier, but has been left with a distrust of the school.

84 07/02/2019 19:35 PMID: 107067157

Delayed to S5/6

85 07/02/2019 19:44 PMID: 107068106

Wondering about why return for S5 when career path can’t be joined.

86 07/02/2019 19:54 PMID: 107068681

She's had to take a subject she doesn't want to take which is just nat 4

87 07/02/2019 20:03 PMID: 107069236

May disadvantage in placements in doing Law with 6xAs at higher compared to other schools.

88 07/02/2019 20:04 PMID: 107069650

This was his strenth and wanted to pursue a careet in IT

89 07/02/2019 20:13 PM Had to take other subjects that not enjoyed so much

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 107069716 Daughter has ended up doing three science advanced higher when would have liked a language

90 07/02/2019 20:30 PMID: 107070810

She studied German in S2 & S3 and did well and really enjoyed it. Then in S4 she was told she could not take it any more and had to choose an alternative subject which she was not that keen on for N5. Obviously this has meant the end to her German language learning with no option to carry on.

She had the opposite problem with business and missed out again, being forced to choose something she was not so keen on in order to have a full timetable.So two out of four subjects for N5 (plus of course English and Maths) are not her first choice...

91 07/02/2019 20:39 PMID: 107071338

Disappointment, attempts to find alternative ways of learning it.

Ultimately affects higher education e.g. a uni has closed its German dept and it’s no longer possible to learn business & German at uni in Scotland, as this situation is being replicated over the country thanks to secondaries having to follow what the primary feeder schools choose to teach under 1+2 guidelines, and German is being dumped in favour of Spanish even though we do far more trading with Germany and there are better job opportunities etc.

92 07/02/2019 21:03 PMID: 107072889

Having to now do the same selection of highers over 2 years. Will probably forget spanish over a year and be more difficult to pick up again.

93 07/02/2019 21:40 PMID: 107075073

Mental wellbeing

94 07/02/2019 22:10 PMID: 107073442

Had to choose an alternative Nat 5 in 4th year, but this meant that he limited his choice for highers in 5th year. He is capable of doing 5 highers, but ended up doing 4 highers and 1 Nat 5 in 5th year.Lack of options for Advanced higher engineering means that he is not keen to stay on at school for 6th year. He is obliged to take 4 subjects and being pushed to do them all at higher or advanced higher. However, he is limited by the lack of advanced higher in the one subject he enjoys and is good at and restricted by earlier choices in 4th/5th year

95 07/02/2019 22:17 PMID: 107075840

Narrowing of choice or having to 'crash' a course not seen since S1 or S2 further up the schoolNew system is not fair to pupils or staffWith Standard Grades, pupils were able to be presented for 2 levels (F/G or G/C). They could aim for the higher level yet have the safety net of at least achieving something. Now pupils have to be presented for ONE level. N4 has become the new 'foundation' course, not rated by parents or pupils because there is no final exam. Pupils who start N5 courses with parental pressure are NOT able to simply drop back to N4 in many subjects because the subject content is so completely different.Now with the removal of internal units as part of the course, schools are having to choose how to present pupils by the end of February. Units only or final exam. Pupils become disheartened when told that to be safe, they have to now compete unit assessments and forget about the final exam. What a mess you have made.

96 07/02/2019 22:17 PMID: 107076436

Limited in the number of Higher grades she could achieve as well as limiting her choice of FE study. She considered Medicine or Dentistry but was unable to pursue these options.

97 07/02/2019 22:26 PMID: 107076914

Has lost the opportunity to showcase her talent in English and made for a change in her preferred profession.

98 07/02/2019 22:28 PMID: 107076408

Music is probably her strongest subject and the one where she would achieve her highest grade so not having music as an option will have a negative impact on her potential exam marks.

99 07/02/2019 22:28 PMID: 107076947

To date there has been no impact.

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

100 07/02/2019 22:41 PMID: 107077493

My son has been placed in a class he doesn't want to be in for a subject he has no interest in which has led to a significant drop in his attendance and my daughter's advancement to University for her chosen career path is not secure enough for her.

101 07/02/2019 22:42 PMID: 107077411

Eventually he was able to do this at a local school. This has meant extra travel several days per week and missing lessons in other subjects regularly, it's been really detrimental both academically and personally. The local authority feel there is nothing wrong with doing subjects at 2 schools but he has found many negatives in reality .

102 07/02/2019 22:45 PMID: 107077733

Having to do it in S6 so Higher not possible

103 07/02/2019 23:00 PMID: 107078314

She is a year behind and will need to pick this subject up in fifth year

104 08/02/2019 03:45 AMID: 107082557

Low confidence Low mood

105 08/02/2019 04:25 AMID: 107082901

Disappointed - limit choices later

106 08/02/2019 06:58 AMID: 107085485

Disengagement with learning and schoolUnhappiness at schoolPotentially making wrong choices at only 14 years old!Too much stress and pressureAll the opposite of what CFE was meant to achieveYour child should not have mental health problems and be so unhappy at this ageWorse now than when my son picked choices 4 years previouslyAll head teachers care about is 5 at 5

107 08/02/2019 07:31 AMID: 107086903

it woukd have been a good help as that is what she wanted to do in uni

108 08/02/2019 07:34 AMID: 107086754

Potentially unable to take nat 5 and higher music as I won’t have the time to learn the instruments required

109 08/02/2019 07:46 AMID: 107087670

Less chance of meeting requirements for desired course at Uni

110 08/02/2019 08:37 AMID: 107090854

Ended up giving up instrument as they couldn't see the point any more. I feel she has lost a valuable life-long skill

111 08/02/2019 08:46 AMID: 107091514

My son has had music tuition since Primary 5, and in the last year we had to pay the council £205 for tuition.

With this option now removed, we have not only wasted money, but my son has put a lot of time and effort into a subject that has now been removed.

112 08/02/2019 09:24 AMID: 107096558

Would have taken music but others took priority

113 08/02/2019 09:28 AMID: 107097185

Having to take a subject they hate and not wanting to go to. Giving up playing an instrument she’s played for 6 years even though we purchased thd instrument

114 08/02/2019 09:41 AMID: 107099444

They left school after 4th year, without any highers

115 08/02/2019 11:04 AMID: 107111676

They sat 6 Nat 5s, got all 5 highers which meant limited choice for 6th year to do crash highers particularly as not sure what they wanted to do afterwards.

116 08/02/2019 12:22 PMID: 107123558

Narrowing down of future optionsIncreased pressure to be successful in 5 out of 6 Nat 5s to enable progression to Highers

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

Narrower options so if decided don’t enjoy or struggle at Nat 5 with one of the six then restricted what you can do at Higher level in 5th yearNarrower choice difficult if pupils are still unsure of future career choice - what happened to Curriculum of Excellence broadening choices!!

117 08/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 107125451

Poor overall holistic education

118 08/02/2019 12:45 PMID: 107127912

Less motivation to studyprobably poorer results

119 08/02/2019 13:41 PMID: 107134345

As above Q3. No option to do a higher over two years to build subject knowledge depth and best possible opportunity for success in exams.

120 08/02/2019 13:49 PMID: 107138383

Didn't get into university course

121 08/02/2019 14:07 PMID: 107141335

Being stuck dont 1 or 2 classes they didnt particularly want

122 08/02/2019 15:05 PMID: 107152972

It has diminished opportunities for leaving

123 08/02/2019 15:25 PMID: 107156242

He has chosen different subject

124 08/02/2019 15:25 PMID: 107146009

In terms of modern languages, my daughter has maintained her interest through evening classes. Due to her degree, she has not had the option of further study at University. But it would have been useful as she is contemplating options of summer internships in either Switzerland or Austria.Not being able to study statistics at school has had a greater impact. She is currently studying for joint honours in Mathematics and Biology. The majority of students taking Mathematics in her year did A levels, many studying Further Maths and Statistics at that level. The basic probability and statistics taught in the Scottish curriculum left her at a significant disadvantage, as there were concepts which she had not come across. Had she been able to do just the Higher Statistics module, I believe she would have faired better in the University Probability module.

125 08/02/2019 16:52 PMID: 107130668

Lost interest in Art - would have been better mix Business management - had to then take another subject that they didn’t want to take but couldn’t swap

126 08/02/2019 18:56 PMID: 107181932

Narrowing of subject choice at 14 curtailed developing skills in music at a crucial age and stage.

127 08/02/2019 19:41 PMID: 107187669

Different subjects had to be chosen which were not first or even second choice

128 08/02/2019 20:43 PMID: 107193124

Doesn’t allow a wide spread of subjects at Nat 5 level and therefore reducing the number of highers that they can continue with in both 5th & 6th year. Pupils now have to think more in-depth about what they want to do when the leave school and due to only 6 Nat 5 subjects there is less room for change.

129 08/02/2019 20:44 PMID: 107193250

Dream of Drama higher non existent

130 08/02/2019 21:09 PMID: 107195873

Not being able to learn an instrument, potentially not being able to get to a high degree of proficiency in music

131 08/02/2019 22:03 PMID: 107198956

Limited choice in s5 and disadvantage of daughter getting more n5 gualifications compared to children in other council areas

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

132 09/02/2019 06:33 AMID: 107209980

Daughter dropped advanced highee which was disappointing

133 09/02/2019 09:16 AMID: 107217632

Daughter worried abt picking up at higher level

134 09/02/2019 11:07 AMID: 107224622

Too much specialisation too soon. Nonsensical idea that everything they do has to be directly related to future work. A broad education is the best preparation for life.

135 09/02/2019 11:09 AMID: 107159523

My daughter will have to go to an adult learning centre to complete the Highers she needs post 18 years of age.

136 09/02/2019 11:20 AMID: 107224119

A restricted curriculum, and a lack of broad general knowledge, means today’s Scottish educated children will not have the same educational opportunities and knowledge base as their international peers, and will be disadvantaged in the future when competing for employment opportunities as they will lack general knowledge.

(As a Nat5 comparitor, see e.g. the breadth of subjects examined at GCSE.)

137 09/02/2019 12:49 PMID: 107230978

Impact on motivation and frustration that can’t take the subject. Will eventually limit choices for next steps.

138 09/02/2019 14:20 PMID: 107237201

Choosing Nat 5s at S4 = deciding on your future at 15, limits choice later on.

139 09/02/2019 15:23 PMID: 107241655

Having to pursue it outside school with time and money being an issue

140 09/02/2019 17:13 PMID: 107249090

Limiting her opportunities to acquire more languages and to make use of her natural language skills and abilities which were developed very successfully during primary school within the GME class

141 09/02/2019 17:45 PMID: 107251578

Stuck in a class she has no interest instead of reaching full potential in a class she loves

142 09/02/2019 22:20 PMID: 107267272

Wanted to change course at uni but couldn't as hadn't taken third science at n5 in school.

143 10/02/2019 00:48 AMID: 107270730

Limiting her options for University.

144 10/02/2019 01:35 AMID: 107271193

My eldest daughters conditional university offer is at risk without advanced higher history so if the school don’t offer it I will have to pay for her to do it privately.Middle daughter was told she was being dropped from Nat 5 maths 3 days before the exam- no reason given and no grounds for appeal. Youngest sons IEP completely ignored and he hasn’t been allowed to attend any classes since October 2018. Despite still being on school registry. His year mates are choosing their subjects for next year and my son is sat at home with zero educational prospects or future

145 10/02/2019 08:53 AMID: 107280034

Not being able to go to Universityas they would like to

146 10/02/2019 09:07 AMID: 107280784

Been forced to take subjects they don’t like.

147 10/02/2019 09:13 AMID: 107281083

Will have to do them in college/ elsewhere in my own time due to the fact that some I needed for requirement to certain courses.

148 10/02/2019 10:04 AMID: 107283990

My daughter wanted to be a vet so needed 5 academic higher. She also really enjoyed art so wanted to do 1 subject that she really enjoyed. This year she has totally changed her mind to what she wants to do and needs a language. She needs to start again in s6. My son has just chose subjects for S4 and again has struggled. If he could choose 7 he would be able to study everything he wants to

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

149 10/02/2019 10:37 AMID: 107285202

left School, college to do long route gaining qualifications to be able to study a degree a uni.

150 10/02/2019 10:49 AMID: 107286786

Will be leaving school with Nat 5 not higher that would gave been achievable

151 10/02/2019 11:11 AMID: 107287691

My daughter has effectively wasted 3 years studying a subject she cannot take to Nat 5. Employers are unlikely to recognise an S3 certificate of achievement, which is all she has.

152 10/02/2019 12:55 PMID: 107295498

They were unhappy and failed by the education system as school and education should be an enjoyable and helpful experience anf they were forced to take subjects that were of no interest to them, this will not help them in further education and will hinder their opportunities to do what they love

153 10/02/2019 20:42 PMID: 107336176

He had to take a different subject he wasn’t so interested or talented in.

154 10/02/2019 21:29 PMID: 107340124

Daughter wants to drop her physics in favour of another subject, this will limit her uni course choices

155 10/02/2019 22:27 PMID: 107342771

The narrowing of choices at higher has impacted on choices for further education. At fourth year decisions for further education narrowed can impact on life decisions.

156 10/02/2019 23:19 PMID: 107344490

My son had to give up his art classes as his skill were in the digital form and therefore we could not study.He could not pursue environmental science further as it was not an opinion.He has had rethink which classes to study at higher levels.

157 10/02/2019 23:33 PMID: 107344881

My child does not use a computer in any lesson at school at all. In this day and age it should be a mandatory subject as computer literacy is expected in most careers.

158 11/02/2019 00:25 AMID: 107345903

Chosen career path --- having to do subject in another year eg 6th year

159 11/02/2019 03:05 AMID: 107347635

Hes hoping to cram it during his sixth year. He wants to study veterinary medicine so it would help to have physics

160 11/02/2019 07:55 AMID: 107355267

Some subjects doesn't support his career aspirations, will need to crash subjects.

161 11/02/2019 13:33 PMID: 107407060

New time table chances from Scottish government

162 11/02/2019 13:55 PMID: 107410128

None of my children will ever learn a language st school so long as these restrictions are in place

163 11/02/2019 17:48 PMID: 107446555

he has now failed his exams, he has gone back to school in S5, and is taking subjects that has changed his life, he was look to follow a career in the RAF. now because he hasn't been able to take England and Maths again, he is now looking at game keeping

164 11/02/2019 18:36 PMID: 107451206

Not allowing them to further their interest in a particular subject. Making them choose very early and limiting their choices for uni.

165 11/02/2019 19:03 PMID: 107451885

My child believes that when he begins history at university in September he will be disadvantaged due to the fact it is a very popular advanced higher which other students will have sat and he wasn’t able to study any social science at the advanced higher level. He has also became disaffected with his studies in S6 due to the fact his subjects lack real relevance to his future studies.

166 11/02/2019 19:14 PMID: 107454735

Could not do 5 Highers in 5 best subjects.

167 11/02/2019 19:31 PM Risk of not getting into Uni

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 107456228 Having to take subjects they don’t want! Risk of getting lower grade as had to take classes they didn’t want to Unhappiness because they didn’t get wide variety of subjects which helps on uni applications.

168 11/02/2019 19:32 PMID: 107456687

As above

169 11/02/2019 19:47 PMID: 107458189

Had to wait til S6

170 11/02/2019 19:50 PMID: 107458026

That’s impossible to answer at this stage but it doesn’t induce enthusiasm when you don’t have the subjects you want. It can cause a lack of interest, impact on commitment and in turn affect exam results and potentially university aspirations.

171 11/02/2019 20:00 PMID: 107459538

He is not liking chemistry - partly due to the standard of the teaching. And I am currently paying for a tutor.

172 11/02/2019 20:26 PMID: 107459462

My son was not given an alternative class option so on his new timetable it was listed as a base period(ie double period is the asn base, three times a week). Unfortunately the base proved too busy for my son and there was no structure he was merely to use it as self study time. By October he had walked out of school, refused to go back and spent the next 6 months with clinical depression.

173 11/02/2019 21:07 PMID: 107465252

Not enjoyed the subject was given

174 11/02/2019 21:38 PMID: 107466717

For my children, the impact of not being able to take their chosen subjects will be loss of interest in school, loss of any joy to be found in the school day, boredom, under-achievement and poorer mental health. For my household, it means a higher percentage of our (below national average) income spent on activities such as music that are no longer available through school.

175 11/02/2019 22:04 PMID: 107468724

Had to take RMPS - teacher lacked experience of higher syllabus. Impacted on results did better in chosen subjects.

176 11/02/2019 23:21 PMID: 107472056

He doesn’t particularly enjoy French, feels Mandarin would be more useful and was far more interested in learning Mandarin than French.

177 12/02/2019 06:26 AMID: 107478516

Cannot pursue computing studies as a career, which is his interestNot speaking Gaelic means being unable to apply for some local jobs Home economics impacts on life skills for independence

178 12/02/2019 19:26 PMID: 107579418

Now lacking enthusiasm as don’t like all the subjects they’ve been forced to taje

179 12/02/2019 22:55 PMID: 107596354

This is hugely problematic of your child knows what career path they want to take and needs for University but also in taking subjects they are talented in and unable to do so. There’s definitely class discrimination going on. We’re in an area of deprivation and aspiration is frowned upon in the arts.

180 12/02/2019 23:34 PMID: 107597852

Looking for a career in engineering these would have been far more beneficial subject choices than history which he is now forced to take

181 13/02/2019 07:21 AMID: 107606886

I would like to think he will be able to pick up a second science in s5 Nat 5 and take the higher in s6. Column choices pending....

182 13/02/2019 13:35 PMID: 107655513

Having to possibly study nat 5 maths at college as necessary to gain entry on to desired university course pushing back education time

183 13/02/2019 15:00 PMID: 107668841

Forced into taking higher human biology to fill timetable. Not particularly interested in this subject and not required for choice of further education therefore struggling badly with it and likely to fail the higher.

184 13/02/2019 15:39 PMID: 107673938

By not having access to Higher music my child did not have a complete timetable in 6th year as the alternatives were not an option for her in the school's column. This removed the creative element of her education in her final year and also

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

restricted her subject choice at University as she may have carried on doing a science plus music for example - which might have helped if for example she wishes to take up teaching in future.

185 13/02/2019 19:17 PMID: 107701058

Reduced choice going forward to Higher

186 13/02/2019 20:28 PMID: 107707504

He wanted to study Geography at university and in his first year he feels at a disadvantage particularly as many of the other students have done A Levels and he has had a year of not being able to study his chosen field. Staying for a sixth year at school also now seems a waste if time as he was not able to do subjects he had an interest in.

187 13/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 107710200

It means my child is having to drop all foreign languages from the end of S2.

188 13/02/2019 21:32 PMID: 107713023

It is disheartening to want to take a subject but find it’s not possible as it’s grouped with another subject choice. They are then left having to choose between much wanted subjects.

189 15/02/2019 14:32 PMID: 107896937

Instead of their opportunities increasing, they are decreased. They cannot learn as many subjects. Surely, this is not how CfE should be?

190 16/02/2019 08:51 AMID: 107953632

Apprehension, massive decline in motivation, frustration, huge disappointment.

191 16/02/2019 15:57 PMID: 107980278

Had to do crash higher in S5 and due to undiagnosed dislexia was unable to make jump to Higher

192 16/02/2019 21:24 PMID: 108001537

Learners keen on Persuing a career in the engineering field are now unable to take this subject as it impacts on secondary science subjects

193 17/02/2019 10:57 AMID: 108028555

This restricted his options quite considerably due to the fact that he is taking a vocational Higher at a local college and many of the remaining options in the other 'columns' were not available to him due to his options in S4 (or were just not following his interests).

194 17/02/2019 17:12 PMID: 108050625

daughter would have preferred to study more discrete subjects for longer before making exam choice in S1-2 apart from alleged "electives" a period a week. eg 3 sciences and 3 social subjects for a bit subjects were split so one term of eg history in S1 and again in S2.....hence by S3 had to decide which of the discrete subjects to take despite only having had effectively 2 terms of each social subject (geography, modern studies, history).

195 17/02/2019 21:04 PMID: 108069154

Hard to say right now, but limits options in future choices

196 19/02/2019 01:18 AMID: 108189098

He is only studying 4 Highers . ( English, Maths , Physics and Engineering Science )Only has classes half day Wednesday and No classes till 10.30 Friday and free periods.

Now approaching 6th Year he is unable to study Advanced Higher Engineering as the only Engineering teacher school is teaching Nat 5 and Higher Engineering / Woodwork and PS.

Potentially leaving school with 6 Nat 5 , 4 Highers and 2 Advanced Highers.Not enough for Marine Engineering if grades are not achieved.

197 19/02/2019 01:18 AMID: 108189847

He is only studying 4 Highers . ( English, Maths , Physics and Engineering Science )Only has classes half day Wednesday and No classes till 10.30 Friday and free periods.

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

Now approaching 6th Year he is unable to study Advanced Higher Engineering as the only Engineering teacher school is teaching Nat 5 and Higher Engineering / Woodwork and PS.

Potentially leaving school with 6 Nat 5 , 4 Highers and 2 Advanced Highers.Not enough for Marine Engineering if grades are not achieved.

198 20/02/2019 09:02 AMID: 108314704

He had to try to obtain the Higher at college after school.

199 20/02/2019 09:05 AMID: 108314531

If a child cannot have access to a subject that interests them, that child might very well underperform at school in other subjects. In my experience as a parent, confident children can achieve anything. A broad choice is very important, as all children are different, and I suspect that all children achieve more when they have a broader curriculum.

200 20/02/2019 09:50 AMID: 108319943

A core part of current learning is missing. A subject that we have been prepping our child for including summer camps externally that he has shown great promise is being denied .

201 20/02/2019 10:46 AMID: 108327619

Missed out

202 20/02/2019 10:49 AMID: 108327839

Having to study in own time out of school. Less directly relevant preparation for intended university study.

203 20/02/2019 11:53 AMID: 108336921

The impact of subjects not being available limits career options and future study, as well as the option of studying life enriching subjects while still at school.

204 20/02/2019 12:39 PMID: 108342656

Took a subject at Nat 5 that they wouldn't have considered.

Have been able to take first choice of subjects at Higher level

205 20/02/2019 13:34 PMID: 108349956

He took something else that he hasn’t enjoyed as much

206 20/02/2019 16:51 PMID: 108376591

My daughters will have to take additional study most likely through personal expense to study these subjects for entry onto university courses of their choice

207 20/02/2019 17:35 PMID: 108381502

They’ll be spending time on something they don’t want to learn.

208 20/02/2019 19:26 PMID: 108392367

Had little impact as ended up changing his subject choice after disappointing exam results in S5.

209 20/02/2019 19:54 PMID: 108393988

Was a struggle to keep hermotivated in 5th year as she had to take a subject she didn't want to as her 5th higher. It added pressure to the already high pressure of getting the grades she needed for university.

210 20/02/2019 20:44 PMID: 108399383

Loss of interest in learning a foreign language.

211 20/02/2019 22:37 PMID: 108406090

Who knows? Son has strong interest in stem subjects but not sure as yet of future study. Biochemistry or engineering? Lack of physics at this point may narrow options. Social subjects are compulsory but my son has no interest whatsoever in them.

212 21/02/2019 02:10 AMID: 108410348

Having a dyslexic child who would prefer creative subjects as that’s where their natural talent and flair lie is heartbreaking. This is limiting their life chances and confidence building.

213 21/02/2019 09:03 AMID: 108425140

Did not receive an unconditional offer at the end of S5

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

214 21/02/2019 14:47 PMID: 108479301

My daughter may be forced to take a subject she dosen't want to do at Higher. There are no suitable alternatives that she is interested in.

215 21/02/2019 15:56 PMID: 108489887

He will have to pick up N5 Spanish in S5 or S6

216 21/02/2019 17:25 PMID: 108502931

My child will now be doing 7 highly academic subjects - sciences maths language and social subject and not be able to do an extra subject which he really enjoys!

217 21/02/2019 18:54 PMID: 108509376

Had they not been able to make choices from the full range of Stem ( two or three sciences ), MFL ,Social Scienc and Arts plus English and Maths at a recognised examination level, it is unlikely they would be able to succeed in the global employment market they need to enter in the future.

218 21/02/2019 19:01 PMID: 108513784

Had they not been able to make choices from the full range of Stem ( two or three sciences ), MFL ,Social Scienc and Arts plus English and Maths at a recognised examination level, it is unlikely they would be able to succeed in the global employment market they need to enter in the future.

219 21/02/2019 19:01 PMID: 108514274

That is my sons chosen career we had to move him.

220 22/02/2019 12:04 PMID: 108594468

Narrowed choice / focus at quite an early stage. My son had to take Higher Physics in S6 without having completed Nat 5 (crash Higher) and had to complete Nat 5 German in S6 without having studied any German whatsoever (crash National 5). We were fortunate in that he had an excellent work ethic and was supported by an excellent teaching staff (average age 50 plus!!) and he was able to attain 16 A and A band 1 grades across National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. He was aware that with a restricted choice every grade mattered.

221 22/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 108605322

My son is very fortunate to enjoy school and is achieving well. He is frustrated as he is keen on creative subjects such as Art and Music, and also enjoys languages. As much as he will probably pursue sciences or engineering, he is unhappy at having to give up his other passions.

I am concerned that he is not experiencing the broad education that my older children experienced. They were able to study 8 subjects in S4 and followed a much broader curriculum. They didn't have to specialise until S5 whereas my youngest son is effectively having to specialise much earlier. That he doesn't get to pursue subjects such as languages and music is a real tragedy. I am fortunate that I can afford tuition for my son to allow him to continue his passion for music. This is one of the ironies of the CfE changes: children from poorer backgrounds are now even more disadvantaged as they do not get the rich experiences of studying a breadth of subjects all the way through to S4. Suggesting that the BGE provides this is nonsense. You need the rigour of working towards S4 qualifications to really develop a broad understanding. So much of the S1-S3 BGE is superficial. It's almost like S1 and S2 have been spread over three years. Fortunately, my son has wise teachers who are starting NQs in S3 to allow for proper study.

222 22/02/2019 19:50 PMID: 108698772

Wasted time sitting in a class he knows he's dropping

223 22/02/2019 20:19 PMID: 108700955

Life skills. My son and his peers would greatly benefit from an understanding of psychology, as this can help them to understand emotions and resilience, and to understand and avoid peer pressure and prejudice. It is clear that there is a lot of prejudice and discrimination including sectarianism, sadly, at his school.

Home Economics also provides practical life skills.

224 22/02/2019 20:21 PMID: 108700954

Language learning has suffered significantly - a language needs to be maintained to keep at a good level

Lack of AH Stats has impacted on preparation for university course - especially

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

so in comparison to independent school peers on the same course who have all taken AH Stats

225 22/02/2019 21:11 PMID: 108703874

My daughter is good at sciences but also very creative so had chosen Physics, Biology, Art and Geography. She really enjoys bring in the technical department and wanted to do Graphic Communication or Design and Manufacture as this was a possible career path for her, as well as environmental conservation or something art related. However, because if the restrictions in subject availability in the two boxes, she will not be able to do Graphic Communication or Design and Manufacture. My daughter is 13 and is good at all the subjects at school but she is unsure what she wants to do and is disappointed that this one career path is now unlikely to be an option. Thirteen is a very young age to have your career path limited.I am also disappointed as I know there is a big drive to get girls interested in technical department subjects and, though my daughter is interested, she will not be able to take it to the next level.

226 24/02/2019 21:47 PMID: 108863291

Some career options not easily available.

227 25/02/2019 08:24 AMID: 108880981

Now doing Arts degree when interested in Science.

228 25/02/2019 08:29 AMID: 108881378

encouraged to take alternative qualification that was not 1st choice

229 25/02/2019 14:24 PMID: 108935866

Not having the results at the end of S4 means that she will be limited in choice for highers if she has made her decision on a career path at that point but this is putting added pressure to try to choose a career path too early in my opinion. She should be allowed to have a broad choice to the end of 4th year and then narrow it down based on her results and and her choices as she nears adulthood rather than when she is still very much a child.

230 25/02/2019 14:54 PMID: 108945770

Knocked his confidence and he wants to leave school,

231 25/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 109002241

Drop in interest in school. Struggling for motivation for things she does not want to do.She sees no meaningful career at the end of school that enables her to pursue her interests.

232 25/02/2019 22:24 PMID: 109012956

Restricted choice, frustration and lack of future opportunity due to restriction

233 25/02/2019 23:49 PMID: 109017670

Frustration and unsettling nature of "maybe" break no able to do it in S6 over 1 year instead of the 2 year approach to an FA. No guarantees this will actually work with other commitments in S6. Not given the equitable approach - as in those following this pathway deserve just as much support as those following a 5 higher pathway. Using terms like "the more vocational pupil" and the "more academic pupil" is inappropriate.

234 26/02/2019 08:54 AMID: 109041367

Having to 'crash' another subject that was not chosen by them. Potentially having to 'crash' required subjects at Higher level

235 26/02/2019 12:14 PMID: 109073008

Impacts on university options. Some universities do not appear to have accepted/embraced the S4-S6 model of a three year senior phase. Their insistence on 5 highers in one sitting, excluding many creative Highers such as art, music, design & manufacture, means that some children who may well be academic are not able to achieve the necessary entry qualifications through no fault of their own.

236 26/02/2019 17:51 PMID: 109138498

Really narrow when he comes to S5 and needs 5 Highers - he’s got one subject he can drop. What if he’s found he’s not so good at a couple?? Impacts on grades for University etc

237 26/02/2019 18:06 PM Taking a new subject in S4

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

ID: 109140724

238 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140538


239 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140465

Limited them to study abroad or go for research abroad. Stopped my child from having a great opportunity in further life

240 26/02/2019 18:12 PMID: 109141685

As above n/a

241 26/02/2019 18:14 PMID: 109141797

not engaging with the other subjects

242 26/02/2019 18:17 PMID: 109142495

Forced to do another subject she is not interested in

243 26/02/2019 18:18 PMID: 109142143

My daughter might consider leaving at end of S5 to go to uni but will need to stay to S6 and she will only be able to take Admin in S6 we think. This is a possible career path for her so very disappointing

244 26/02/2019 18:19 PMID: 109141657

Waste of an opportunity to learn a subject appropriate to her wishes and ambitions

245 26/02/2019 18:23 PMID: 109142528

My son is now stressed about the next few years and how he will cope ‘crashing’ a subject in order to get the qualification he needs.

246 26/02/2019 18:33 PMID: 109144459

Has had to take random subjects that of no advantage / interest

247 26/02/2019 18:35 PMID: 109144749

No impact but would of much rather taken spanish from first year

248 26/02/2019 18:57 PMID: 109147880

She had to take subjects that she didn't want.

249 26/02/2019 19:02 PMID: 109147572

Child anxious that they won't be able to take subjects which they need for their future career in S4-6.Student studying subjects they find difficult or not stimulating.

250 26/02/2019 19:06 PMID: 109142410

As above n/a

251 26/02/2019 19:15 PMID: 109149899

Disappointed that French has to be kept on as don’t really see the purpose of this language for what they want to do

252 26/02/2019 19:31 PMID: 109152651

They have got all the subjects they wanted to do and would have given them the chance to go to Uni this year

253 26/02/2019 19:36 PMID: 109153491

A lot because she had to rake a subject she knows she will fail as there no options left

254 26/02/2019 19:42 PMID: 109153922

They were not pleased as they had to change their subjects on the sheet

255 26/02/2019 19:46 PMID: 109154770

My child has been left with no choice but to take a crash higher in a new subject. He wanted to go advanced higher Geography but this is now not possible.

256 26/02/2019 19:48 PMID: 109154977

Put my daughter at a disadvantage in first year at university at Herriot Watt as her subject required the 3 sciences and she spent the first year highly stressed catching up with extra tuition.

257 26/02/2019 20:15 PMID: 109158250

She had to move school for S6

258 26/02/2019 20:32 PMID: 109160456

Having to take a subject in S6 to compensate and take subjects he will automatically drop when in S4.

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

259 26/02/2019 22:26 PMID: 109171156

He will have to do Nat 5 physics in S5

260 27/02/2019 06:07 AMID: 109186151

She has picked up Spanish in her third year instead.

261 27/02/2019 08:41 AMID: 109205298

Very upsetting as she would like to become a modern languages teacher and wanted to take as many languages as possible in 5th and 6th year, before doing a teaching degree

262 27/02/2019 08:53 AMID: 109206686

Unknown as yet - creative PE may be an option - but will have to take traditional PE as alternative but she is not really interested in the sports available in traditional PE. Only other alternative is to take a subject like geography which she is not interested in at all.She would have preferred to take Nat 4 biology (although teacher believes with hard work she can manage nat 5) but again this wasnt available due to other choices in the same column

263 27/02/2019 09:08 AMID: 109206667

Quite major really. She was leaning towards either a career in architecture or medicine but at the very young age of 13 had to make the choice of one or the other. I strongly feel that this is too young to have to make that choice. We would have been much happier for her to discontinue learning her language after S2 in order to keep both of these doors open for her.

264 27/02/2019 09:43 AMID: 109216563

The columns need to re-assessed to include the 2nd language and adjusted according as my daughter can only take 4 subjects in S5 and has to now try and find a college course or work related course which happens to be only option in 1 of the columns

265 27/02/2019 09:46 AMID: 109216942

Stuck studying subjects in 4th year that she would not have necessarily chosen, struggling with 2 of them

266 27/02/2019 10:42 AMID: 109228003

Lost opportunities.

267 27/02/2019 10:52 AMID: 109223384

Stress of finding alternative routes to appropriate University courses.

Not able to apply to one of the university courses identified due to alternative subjects taken not acceptable to this specific university.

268 27/02/2019 12:27 PMID: 109247248

Being forced into a subject that he does not like, lack of interest, disruptive dehaviour

269 27/02/2019 15:05 PMID: 109277346

Could not improve grade therefore restiction for certain universities

270 27/02/2019 15:08 PMID: 109238145

At the moment it looks like we will be writing off our son's time in 3rd year. If he doesn't start attending school soon it won't be worth him sitting any exams. At the moment I think it will be difficult getting any work when he leaves school as he is not attending and learning. It looks as though he will just become a drain on society.

271 27/02/2019 16:04 PMID: 109290541

This limits her choices of higher in S5. (she is hoping to get to university)Social Subjects is her strong point and she is being forced to drop one of her best subjects due to column structure. This will obviously have an impact on attainment as she is taking a subject that she has no real interest in and no real need for.

272 27/02/2019 17:47 PMID: 109304754

It has cost us money to make up what would otherwise have been the lack of a foreign language.

Pupils are having to decide very early on (to an extent half way through S1 which is their first choice point but certainly early on in S3) what they might want to do for the rest of their lives. I wouldn't describe this as making the system more of a "broad general education". They may subsequently decide they have chosen the wrong subjects. Even though the theory behind the "senior phase" is that they

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

can do them in S5 or S6 this then reduces chance of doing 5 Highers in one sitting (which is what most universities are looking for despite Scottish Government claims to the contrary) or of doing Advanced Highers which non-Scottish Universities are looking for.

273 27/02/2019 18:50 PMID: 109322794

Having to take subjects that’s no interest or use to her .

274 27/02/2019 19:16 PMID: 109324912

Narrowed their college / university optionsHaving to be certain what career you want in S3!!! crazy.

275 27/02/2019 19:24 PMID: 109328375

no major impact for Higher but S4 is a vey intense year with high concentration on a few subjects.

276 27/02/2019 21:36 PMID: 109345474

He now has no language in his curriculum.

277 27/02/2019 22:11 PMID: 109348425

She decided to drop Physics, which is likely to mean she will not be able to apply to study Veterinary medicine or Medicine - both of which she was considering.

278 27/02/2019 22:46 PMID: 109349715

My son will take Biology instead of Physics. He probably won't use either science in the future (he wants to study History) but it is annoying for him that he cannot choose the science subject he prefers.

279 28/02/2019 11:08 AMID: 109398156

Failure to develop fluency in Gàidhlig

280 28/02/2019 13:07 PMID: 109418278

Nothing, he'll pick it up later. Lifelong learning!!

281 28/02/2019 20:56 PMID: 109491307

My child has had to take subjects they were not especially keen on and as a result motivation has been a problem. It has been a struggle to keep them at school.

282 01/03/2019 09:26 AMID: 109525582

My son can't pick subjects he is interested in and for one who was very academic and enthusiastic is now dissilusioned and wanting to leave school.

283 01/03/2019 11:57 AMID: 109548583

Made him less competitive for university places or in the eyes of employers. Narrowed his choices going into Highers and Advanced Highers.Not stretched him as much as he is capable of to maximise his potential.

284 01/03/2019 22:36 PMID: 109654485


285 02/03/2019 19:23 PMID: 109736768

Probably going to have to do an extra year at school to get the qualification

286 02/03/2019 19:44 PMID: 109739220

Choosing something he didn’t want to take

287 02/03/2019 19:58 PMID: 109737313

The breadth of learning is severely limited at Nat5 which is in conflict with the principles of CfE and the long held traditions of education in Scotland.Also it limits choices at Higher and means students have to specialise much earlier. Their ability to change direction when picking Highers is therefore limited which can have major implications in terms of career options.

288 02/03/2019 21:41 PMID: 109747395

her breadth of experience in science has been restricted.her breadth of wider experience has been restricted by dropping music earlier than she would have liked.

289 03/03/2019 00:55 AMID: 109753983

having to narrow subject choices ....have had to not take a modern language, music, drama, CDT

4. What has been the impact of not being able to take all the subjects they wanted?

  Response Percent

Response Total

felt emphasis is on STEM and Expressive ARTS gets pushed out too soon.Young people need to do creative subjects as well as STEMalso has created unnecessary anxiety about thug to decide what carer/subject do when leave as having to narrow choice down so quickly.

290 03/03/2019 08:46 AMID: 109769225

Narrowing of options at next years choices

291 03/03/2019 19:04 PMID: 109829064

Crash 1 year nat5Crash higher subject with no nat5 background.

292 03/03/2019 23:30 PMID: 109849897

If the options are not available, for university choice, then will be changing school or homeschooled.

293 04/03/2019 12:11 PMID: 109903321

Career options limited by no foreign language at higher k

294 04/03/2019 17:09 PMID: 109954090


295 04/03/2019 22:26 PMID: 110001361

My daughter will crash Higher French in sixth year, with no N5 French which will not be easy. My son has had to crash Chemistry in fifth year, again no preparation from doing N5 chemistry.

296 05/03/2019 19:29 PMID: 110135661

Doing a 5th higher they don't really want to.Had planned on leaving school after S5, results allowing but may have to stay on to do it on S6 or look at 1 year college options.

 answered 296

skipped 85

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

  Response Percent

Response Total

1 Open-Ended Question 100.00% 247

1 06/02/2019 09:35 AMID: 106847691

You need to drop the mandatory choice for PE in 5th year. Kids like my daughter who have no interest in it are just wasting their time.You must also find a way to accommodate choices that kids want rather than forcing them to choose between different subjects

2 06/02/2019 09:41 AMID: 106848522

My son was diagnosed in 2nd yr of high school with discalculia. He has suffered throughout his education from being made to feel stupid - by teachers who failed to see his problem as his high IQ verbally masked his problem. He was so depressed by school that at 15 he started anti depressants. His 5 th year started with Maths every day but Friday and his depression increased. Finally his head teacher has allowed him to drop Maths and suddenly I have a different boy. One who goes happily to school for the first time since primary one. He was let down throughout primary where his problem was not picked up and he was punished for crying at sums. One teacher told him to get the crayons out. As a parent I have also been blamed and suspected. Finally they acted in his interests and he’s on course for a career in journalism. Making maths compulsory throughout school is failing to see the nuances in every child.

3 06/02/2019 10:10 AMID: 106852598

Curriculum for Excellence has good aspirations but is badly letting children down. For a system that was meant to open up access to study it seems to have the opposite effect and standards are tumbling as shown by how far Scotland is falling down international league tables. Need to do better. Suggest switching to International Baccalaureate.

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

  Response Percent

Response Total

4 06/02/2019 12:25 PMID: 106874190

Provide Gaelic for everyone

5 06/02/2019 12:59 PMID: 106880442

School did their very best but it's hard to believe there is insufficient demand for computer science.

6 06/02/2019 13:33 PMID: 106885568

Schools are having to manage their resources to provide the best they can for the majority as a result of the strain on local authority budgets

7 06/02/2019 14:45 PMID: 106898343

More than one language should be available in all schools if it is a core subject. There are many more languages that would be beneficial than french

8 06/02/2019 14:56 PMID: 106899899

I understand that cuts need to be paid but very sad that it is impacting on young people's future

9 06/02/2019 15:54 PMID: 106909835

The subjects they choose aren't always what they remain interested in. Building flexibility into the system so changes can still be made after the 2nd term of studies might help.

10 06/02/2019 16:16 PMID: 106913464

Feel child forced into taking subject they did not want to take.

11 06/02/2019 16:37 PMID: 106916372

Due to late diagnosis of my daughters additional support needs a lot of damage was done while the local authority forced her to attend mainstream schools, the specialist provision she attended was the first place she felt safe. The school was closed suddenly so they were not able to transition her into college so currently she does not feel she could cope in that environment

12 06/02/2019 16:42 PMID: 106916798

It is grossly unfair that some children within our local state school area get to choose 8 subjects they can study in S4 (Nat 5), and some are restricted to just 6 - and this has nothing to do with ability, it is an imposed cap: on aspirations. This cap has immediate implications for their career choices, they have to choose at 13 whether to study sciences or not as there is no possibility to study both at Nat5. This is clearly ridiculous. It is also a postcode lottery where some children benefit from a broader education and higher aspirations than others, simply based on where they live.

13 06/02/2019 17:52 PMID: 106930306

I was hoping the school would help him to sit nat5 still in discussions with school but hAve been told they think he has reached his potential but after passing nat 4 maths he is know getting to do nat5 units

14 06/02/2019 19:10 PMID: 106940362

Current system is not fit for purpose. Teachers are on their knees and drowning in the constant changes. No wonder there is a shortage, only the most dedicated teachers remain in the profession. Can only see this getting worse

15 06/02/2019 19:52 PMID: 106945199

I understand the constraints but core subjects such as modern languages should surely be available

16 06/02/2019 21:24 PMID: 106952904

My son would have been more confident in Advanced Higher Maths level at university if he could have stayed on in sixth year and studied both Computer Science and Maths. Pure Maths was then a struggle for a year and a half at university and he employed a tutor to cover what he could have done in sixth year had the school offered Computer Science.

17 06/02/2019 21:33 PMID: 106953715

Budget cuts in school mean there is no teacher. Government investing huge amounts of money in early years but cutting money into high school education. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. It's a disgrace all children should be entitled to a good education these days

18 06/02/2019 21:36 PMID: 106953851

Attainment important for those with ASN too and support and subject choice key to enabling a positive future developing all potential

19 06/02/2019 21:45 PMID: 106954601

The new system is very divisive. Some children sit in a class where the majority are sitting the Nat 5 exam but they are not. At least under Standard Grade every child, more or less, sat an exam and achieved a qualification.

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

  Response Percent

Response Total

20 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106955862

I think our school should make the SQA aware that AH Computing Science candidates did not hace a teacher for the first half if the year. This may be determined to be detrimental to the pupils. School is reluctant to contact SQA.

21 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106956266

I think our school should make the SQA aware that AH Computing Science candidates did not hace a teacher for the first half if the year. This may be determined to be detrimental to the pupils. School is reluctant to contact SQA.

22 06/02/2019 22:01 PMID: 106956279

I think our school should make the SQA aware that AH Computing Science candidates did not hace a teacher for the first half if the year. This may be determined to be detrimental to the pupils. School is reluctant to contact SQA.

23 06/02/2019 22:24 PMID: 106957606

Let kids go to different schools for part day

24 06/02/2019 22:30 PMID: 106957735

The Scottish Government should make music tuition statutory in all schools as part of the Education Act.

25 06/02/2019 22:45 PMID: 106958712

Kids go to school all day and they can’t even get enough subjects in to do all the subjects they want

26 06/02/2019 23:14 PMID: 106959801

We have four young adults at home and are slowly seeing their education being disregarded

Between teachers being long term sick, teachers not offering the right teaching methods and giving wrong answer, violence in the classrooms which isn’t addressed because ‘ restorative action works’ (there’s no deterrent for repeat offenders, they know that they are the ones in control) it saddens us to see our education system failing young learners

We see evidence of ‘students’ who are only in school so that they are able to be paid their allowances. This disrupts genuine cases where other studious children actually want to learn at school

27 06/02/2019 23:21 PMID: 106959760

There is a disparity in our authority. Another school provides the option of 7 choices but in our school it's 6 which has left some parents feeling that our children are disadvantaged.

I am unsure of the difference it makes really as the school is struggling to find teachers to deliver the courses for the six columns. And with the national shortage of teachers and the ever present threat of further financial cuts it seems as though the school is scrabbling to get by and any talk of choice is really not genuine.

28 06/02/2019 23:36 PMID: 106960906

I feel very strongly that the number of Nat 5s pupils are able to sit should be uniform across Scotland, thus giving all pupils the same opportunities.

29 06/02/2019 23:39 PMID: 106960941

Staffing and budget cuts are reducing subject choices for pupils not conforming to the educational norm ie Nat 5 in 4th year. What is the point in changing the national qualification structure to broaden attainment if the choices aren’t there for pupils to continue subjects into Nat 5 in 5th year. Forcing pupils into subjects they have no desire to learn sets them up to fail. The system is designed for high achievers and is failing those who need the extra step despite the claims that this would broaden achievement.

30 06/02/2019 23:51 PMID: 106961355

I have three children on all three wanted to take Spanish as a language other option wasn’t available as there is no Spanish-speaking teachers , French and German aren’t even in the top 10 Spoken languages

31 07/02/2019 00:05 AMID: 106961570

Yes. S6 has become a complete waste of time for young people. This year my son is taking 4 advanced highers which he does not need. This has put him under extreme pressure to maintain this level of education and is certainly not making S6's just very stressful and unnecessary! He is forced to take 4 subjects but the choice is very limited. I have been advised that far more cuts will mean even less choice next year. Thank goodness he will have left school by then but this year really has been torture..... I would have happily given my email address

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below however your link to the privacy policy does not work and I'm not prepared to sign up without reading it first!

32 07/02/2019 00:40 AMID: 106962345

I'm absolutely furious as it seems this is a postcode lottery

33 07/02/2019 01:11 AMID: 106962813

Support music education. Councils cutting it or adding charges is not good enough

34 07/02/2019 05:47 AMID: 106967246

Why when the staffing is available, resources in school are available that children can’t take subjects they want to do? Surely as educators we want them to be successful and not force students down certain routes

35 07/02/2019 05:49 AMID: 106967282

I think the N5 course should be over 2 years

36 07/02/2019 06:48 AMID: 106969470


37 07/02/2019 06:59 AMID: 106969790

I feel the schools should be more flexible in accommodating students first choices.I also fe l if a subject is offered at National 5 then it should also be offered at Higher to allow progression.

38 07/02/2019 07:10 AMID: 106970368

Really unfair offering the kids classes which has a link to what they want to continue doing as school leavers, to have it snatched away with no notice and pushed into a class they have no interest in.

39 07/02/2019 07:15 AMID: 106970152

I feel the schools should be more flexible in accommodating students first choices.I also fe l if a subject is offered at National 5 then it should also be offered at Higher to allow progression.

40 07/02/2019 07:56 AMID: 106972884

School only allowed 6 subjects for S5, which is having a much bigger impact. My son dropped his best subject for higher and is hoping to pick it up in S6 instead. He has felt very restricted for his options for advanced higher subjects.

41 07/02/2019 08:21 AMID: 106975343

See above. Limiting kids choices so early is entirely detrimental.

42 07/02/2019 08:22 AMID: 106975360

Children's education is suffering massively as the opportunity to learn and expand their own skills as no longer available. Schools are only giving subjects that's avaliable

43 07/02/2019 08:34 AMID: 106976605

In the 40 years since I was at this stage in school, choice is down (same area, same school). This cannot be progress.

44 07/02/2019 08:51 AMID: 106978228

All schools should offer modern studies and economics

45 07/02/2019 09:17 AMID: 106982176

There needs to be more availability for young people to take the subjects they know they need for particular career choices.

46 07/02/2019 09:19 AMID: 106982324

Also concerned about future of music provision in school given cuts creeping in to other Council areas. We must maintain this as an option for all children.

47 07/02/2019 09:25 AMID: 106983553

There has always been a really good choice of subjects - sometimes the column layouts meant a bit of switching about but it always worked out in the end.

48 07/02/2019 09:28 AMID: 106982929

My daughter is a very able student but suffers with anxiety. She did start to refuse school at the beginning of S3. The school have been very helpful and supportive through this. We fear as parents that if she is forced to sit a subject she doesn’t want to next year we will be back to square 1 with her missing days to avoid those subjects. Some of her friends just now have been told they will have to take a subject they don’t want to at Nat 5 which is completely pointless and a waste of their time. If the columns stay the same in 3 years we know we will have problems with our

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son who will refuse to take anything from one particular column.

49 07/02/2019 09:49 AMID: 106986284

I am very worried about the future availability of music as a choice here in Midlothian as the council are now charging the school the tuition fees for all pupils coursed into music. Headteachers won't continue coursing kids into this at great expense. My children will all want to take music as they are all very musical.

50 07/02/2019 09:54 AMID: 106984879

Education needs more direct action. I am and SNP member and voter but education is failing and this may well be SNP’s downfall.

Mr sweeney just does not listen. #notincludedNotengagedNotinvolved

51 07/02/2019 10:02 AMID: 106988227

The column system needs overhauled

52 07/02/2019 10:18 AMID: 106990690

Support and fund free music tuition in state schools as the Scottish Government state is its policy

53 07/02/2019 10:29 AMID: 106991893

There should be a much higher ratio of teachers to students - there should be no more than 15 in any class, not just practical subjects. If there are more teachers, this allows for much more flexible timetabling in the Senior phase.

54 07/02/2019 10:32 AMID: 106991935

Both my children have been able to find subjects to take in S3 but struggle in deciding on what subjects to drop in S4 I think dropping to 6 N5 has a big impact, and nothing to show for the subjects dropped at the end of S3.

55 07/02/2019 10:39 AMID: 106993436

The education system shouldn’t have been changed as it has taken away valuable opportunities for young adults and they are now coming out with less of a variety of exam results to carry forward to continue with career...

56 07/02/2019 11:01 AMID: 106996523

Please stop messing with the system. We can’t offer more subjects in schools if we are currently unable to provide teachers for these we do run.

Scotland previously had a good education system - not anymore.

If I could afford I’d send my child private as I currently believe it’s the only way to get a full education in Scotland

57 07/02/2019 13:31 PMID: 107019169

Ensure that Midlothian (and other councils) do not cancel music tuition especially as it goes against Scottish government recommendation

58 07/02/2019 13:46 PMID: 107019098

We were pleased to have 7 subjects at Nat5 level. Fewere would have led to difficult choices later. Flexibility to suit schools is good but also to suit pupils. Our school has always managed to provide options and flexibility. We are worried that that is decreasing due to significant cuts to the school budget and a different management style.

59 07/02/2019 16:05 PMID: 107042997

More flexibility in subject choice no compulsory language for those with no aptitude in languages. My daughter has now done french since P1 and is still unable to speak or understand basic french, she struggles in English too as she is dyslexic so language to N4 instead of music to N5 has been a waste of everyones time.

60 07/02/2019 16:16 PMID: 107045094

The modern language and expressive arts departments are being seriously under funded, usually in preference to the STEM subjects. There should be an equality of funding and opportunity for all subject areas

61 07/02/2019 17:10 PMID: 107052309

My son is only 6, but he would like to learn other languages other than French.

62 07/02/2019 17:26 PMID: 107052143

I am very concerned as I have 3 children in secondary school education and the standard of teaching and resulting high motivation to learn has declined sharply over the past 2 years. We and a lot of other parents have raised our concerns to be told that teachers are not available and job advertisements are not receiving

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applicants and the problem is the same in all schools across our area. We were offered a place on a college course for our daughter however all information given was for S5 and S6 pupils, she was S3 going into S4. There was no exact information on where the course would be(college or other high schools) , transportation, measures taken to ensure she kept up in classes she'd miss because she was out of school for 2 afternoons. We declined the course because I felt the lack of information gave me concerns about safeguarding as she was under 16 and unaccompanied. I know this year Computing Science is still not on offer in school and a few depts are still understaffed.

63 07/02/2019 17:40 PMID: 107055285

Not all children are able to crash a subject at post-16 level. More option choices in S3 and S4 can help the majority of children.

64 07/02/2019 17:40 PMID: 107055190

Choices of compulsory subjects in schools seems to be random to a degree, not based on any directive from the Scottish government. Personalisation and choice which we are told is a key element is an absolute joke. Very disappointed but not surprised. School run like a business and pupils are just statistics in waiting.

65 07/02/2019 17:41 PMID: 107054989

For schools in a region to state that they can offer a 'campus system' for some subjects, usually Advanced Highers is laughable. Geography makes this impossible.

I am a teacher I a secondary school too, so I see what goes on from.inside the system.

66 07/02/2019 17:49 PMID: 107056266

Please ensure that all schools offer all 3 sciences to be available to be taken together. Also, a little more flexibility when choosing subjects so they can take exactly the ones they want to do.

67 07/02/2019 18:52 PMID: 107060738

Stop focusing on STEM. Or at least inform pupils about the need for languages when competing in a global job market against candidates who speak English plus their own language.

68 07/02/2019 18:58 PMID: 107063475

There has to be more balance worth the push on STEM and more value in languages

69 07/02/2019 19:19 PMID: 107060091

It is not good that children have to worry about whether a school will cut a subject that they are in the midst of studying, and the uncertainty of whether they will be able to complete a course to Higher level. They need to be able to focus on their learning.

70 07/02/2019 19:35 PMID: 107067157

There’s as much impact in subject choice at specialisation as there is by the senior phase.

71 07/02/2019 19:54 PMID: 107068681

Choices should be up to pupils not columns the school puts them in. Pupils should be able to take subjects they enjoy

72 07/02/2019 20:03 PMID: 107069236

Offering of opportunities (eg higher in S4, 6 highers) are not fair in school never mind nationally

73 07/02/2019 20:13 PMID: 107069716

It is very restrictive having to choose six subjects for nat5, then only drop one for highers if they want to do five highers. The flexibility that was promised eg sitting Nat 5 early for able children or take two years for higher has not happened. Also sixth year is far too focussed on a full timetable achieving more exams rather than encouraging students to become ready for the world and life skills.

74 07/02/2019 20:30 PMID: 107070810

Numbers studying languages in Scottish schools are falling off a cliff. Pupils who are interested/show an aptitude should be encouraged.

75 07/02/2019 20:39 PMID: 107071338

Just the waste of public money going on the 1+2 programme, leading to a lack of foreign language assistants as no money for them.

Disappointment that there’s no guidance from the Scottish government on the importance of multiple languages considering Brexit and all potential ramifications.

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76 07/02/2019 21:03 PMID: 107072889

Lack of funding for schools is leading to a lack of teachers in schools. With national qualifications there is not the same choice as with standard grades. I did 8 standard grades at school and my child is only able to do 6 nationals plus pe.

77 07/02/2019 21:40 PMID: 107075073

Appalling that no music tuition available in school and unable to pay privately.

78 07/02/2019 22:10 PMID: 107076426

Instrumental Music should be viewed as a core part of the Scottish Curriculum.

79 07/02/2019 22:10 PMID: 107073442

Please note that the above comments are based from 2016 - present (ie choices made for 4th and 5th year and now choosing for 6th)

In addition to the above my younger son is in 2nd year, choosing his pathway for 3rd year. Because these pathways are so specific, I feel that we are already limiting his choices. There does not seem to a pathway for someone who may prefer languages and social subjects - it's science OR technologies OR Arts. And the only language available is French. .

The one thing that strikes me as a real issue with the (lack of) subject choices is the lack of teachers available in the schools. Funding needs to be allocated to recruiting, training and keeping teachers - and perhaps recruiting more non-teaching staff who could take on some of the extra pressures of paperwork / marking etc.

- Issues are that subjects are offered in 2nd year but then the teacher leaves, no replacement found and the subject is then dropped - meaning that the pupils have to start afresh in 3rd year. - Courses may be offered in another school / college and this works for the older and/or more confident pupils, but pupils in 4th year are often nervous about setting off to a different school on their own and where there is probably some rivalry between the schools. - the option to attend college for subjects is great for the older ones to give them some experience outwith school. But it does add a significant amount of time for travel etc. -

80 07/02/2019 22:17 PMID: 107075840

See above.BGE to S3/Senior Phase needs to be re-thoughtNational qualifications should be started in S3 in 8 subjects giving pupils the freedom to choose a wide variety of curriculum areas and enhance self development.

I am sure these thoughts are not new and these views are shared by manyHowever, noone appears to be listeningMore and more Education continues to be what is DONE to pupils rather that what CfE was meant to do - encourage pupils to have a love of life-long learning. The current structure does not allow this to happen.

81 07/02/2019 22:17 PMID: 107076436

The Scottish Government recommendation that schools allow 6 Nat 5s in 3rd/ 4th year with the follow on assumption that Higher grades would be achieved over 2 years, severely limits the opportunities for the very able student. Furthermore, the guidance that universities are aware of this and will make offers with no penalty to children is untrue and serves only to reduce the gap from the top down rather than the bottom up.

82 07/02/2019 22:26 PMID: 107076914

The Foundation Apprenticeship although in theory is a great opportunity however the time away from school particularly in their final year means that they are very limited in all of the choices they can take to ensure they are able to attend every class that is available for the subject.

83 07/02/2019 22:28 PMID: 107076408

My oldest daughter may be ok to sit Nat 5 and higher music since she is currently in S3 so would probably still have her music lesson funded under the current proposed system ( only funding lessons for pupils undertaking Nat 5 or higher exams. ) However my younger daughter who is in Primary 6 would not have this

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opportunity. She has had viola lessons for the last year . If these lessons are withdrawn, as proposed, then there is no way she will progress to the required standard on an instrument to sit a Nat 5 music exam. The impact of this cut will be fully seen in 2-3 years time when there will be very few children reaching S3 with the required level of skill on an instrument to sit Nat 5 music. Before long music will longer be feasible as an exam subject in Midlothian. Music will become an elitist subject and even the pupils whose parents afford to pay the money and time for private lessons will not have the opportunity to sit music as an exam in school because the lack of general uptake will mean the subject is cut in comprehensive schools. A sorry state of affairs

84 07/02/2019 22:28 PMID: 107076947

I believe there should be a standardised national ruling on how many qualifications can be offered and parents and students should be guided by the schools on what is relevant and achievable for individuals.

Employers will not care that applicant A lived in a 6 qualification authority and applicant B lived in a 7 qualification authority, individual applicants achievements will be a strong factor in selection for progression and different authorities own standards are putting their students future at risk!

85 07/02/2019 22:41 PMID: 107077493

I find there too much red tape and not enough flexibility offered to cater for young students these days. I also feel both my children are disadvantaged at their local school due to these issues. If they attended a school out with their catchment area their choices would be catered for.

86 07/02/2019 22:42 PMID: 107077411

English is a core subject, it should be available as an option in all schools at every level. Ambition for our children not mediocrity! My son got an A in his higher but could not advance on this in his own school, we feel badly let down.

87 08/02/2019 03:45 AMID: 107082557

It is ridiculous to make children take expressive art when some are simply not interested!

88 08/02/2019 04:25 AMID: 107082901

Languages are more important than ever before yet are being sqeezed out of the curriculum

89 08/02/2019 06:58 AMID: 107085485

The system is fundamentally brokenWe need a rethink.shes been bored out of her brain in S3 and now wants to leave school her school has failed herSo sad because she used to love learning

90 08/02/2019 07:34 AMID: 107086754

Midlothian children will de disadvantaged and discriminated against if you remove their music tuition

91 08/02/2019 08:37 AMID: 107090854

Staffing in schools and lack of finance is having a detrimental impact on our young people. Staff are cut to the minimum and are forced to attract big numbers into classes or risk their subjects being axed. This is unfair on staff and pupils.

92 08/02/2019 08:46 AMID: 107091514

If the Scottish Government think that Music Tuition is a core requirement, then how can they allow a council to remove it.

Why should my son be denied an opportunity to study a subject that every other pupil in alternative council areas are given.

We should have a national education provision, that is fair for every child. Not have an education that is based on your postcode.

93 08/02/2019 09:24 AMID: 107096558

Allow schools to have 7 plus choices at n5 level

94 08/02/2019 09:41 AMID: 107099444

Give every child equal opportunities, my child is now less employable because of an unfair curriculum & left school out of frustration and hopelessness.

95 08/02/2019 11:04 AMID: 107111676

Not sitting 8 Nat 5 restricted higher choice. 6 Nat 5s ok if you know what you want to do when you leave school. Both my girls are now going to have to go college to do HNDs to get into uni despite inevitably having 8 highers (mostly a and b grades) and 1 advanced higher each

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96 08/02/2019 12:22 PMID: 107123558

I am extremely disappointed for my own 2 children that they are faced with this issue. They are able children and could cope with doing extra subjects at Nat 5 to keep their options open. Unfortunately they will not be given this opportunity.

97 08/02/2019 12:41 PMID: 107127603

Kids need to be able to take more subjects and schools need to be mire flexible with timetables

98 08/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 107125451

Needs to be more focus on the Arts and the value of these. In particular how these subjects develop young people and help with overall attainment.

99 08/02/2019 12:45 PMID: 107127912

We need to invest more money in our children, they are the future.I also think the standard grade model was better than what we have now.

100 08/02/2019 13:41 PMID: 107134345

I am glad this is being looked at because I have found it very frustrating, my sons have found it frustrating as LA's and secondary schools were not able to help or it would have possibly meant transferring to another school or travelling to another school which would impact on the school day timetable.

101 08/02/2019 13:49 PMID: 107138383

Reducing the number of subjects studied in S4 has reduced options for young people and often adversely effects their success in sqa exams. Students have a limited number of subjects and if they do less well in one the number of options for the following year at Higher is significantly reduced.

102 08/02/2019 14:07 PMID: 107141335

Rmps being part of the curriculum 1 period a week is a waste if tine for the childrwn who do not enjoy the class. The benefits (morals and values) could be taught through other classes with less emphasis on the religious teaching. My daughyer hates the class i feel she gains nothing from it and the time would be better spent as study time for the classes she is aiming to nat 5 and highers in or even as an additional nat 3/4 s3 course - hospitality or accounting etc

103 08/02/2019 15:05 PMID: 107152972

Being an engineer and looking at N4 and N5 Physics I am looking at the content and understand why they can’t be taught in the same class as they are so different. Why can’t it be like general credit? Seems a bit bizarre to me.

104 08/02/2019 15:25 PMID: 107146009

I think my daughter was relatively lucky, in that she studied 8 subjects at Nat 5. Subsequently, our school has only offered 6 subjects at National 5. Personally I feel that this approach is wrong. The school have tried to justify the move by increased attainment in the subsequent years, but the increase in grades and percentage of passes is relatively small, and I doubt it would be statistically significant. And how can a definitive judgement be made after only a couple of years; there is bound to be some variation from cohort to cohort. Statements of more students getting their first choice of subject is laughable- of course it is easier to timetable when there are fewer permutations offered. But it is too limiting, and makes a mockery of Broad Education. Another thing which we came across is our school expected most students to take Higher English. We were told it was ‘expected’ and highly unusual not to do so. In fact a friend’s daughter was told she would not get into University without a pass in English at Higher! This attitude limits students further. And of course is untrue.Studying 8 subjects may not be right for all students, but it is for many. My experience is with a bright child who is focussed and knew where and what she wanted to study. However, Scottish Students are in direct competition for uni places with some of the best students from the rest of Europe, and for those who are able, we should be offering further opportunities at school. Surely we want these students to study in Scotland, and ultimately work here? Currently, partic in STEM subjects employers struggle to recruit; my husband leads a highly regarded biomedical research team, but he currently employs only two Scottish graduates, because we do not produce enough home grown graduates with the skills he needs. Locally, I felt our schools concentrate on the results of the cohort, rather than the individual and what they might require. Hence subject choices are limited, resources concentrated, working to the average, ie overall more A-C passes. I fear that the individual needs of students has been forgotten in the restriction of choice, both in the subjects offered and in the number they are allowed to study.

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105 08/02/2019 16:52 PMID: 107130668

Very very limited subject choice - if most degrees require at least 5 highers as entry criteria and you can only take 6 nat 5 it really limits progression - more choice at nat 5 would allow choice and if you dislike something you can drop it. With only 1 available to drop the pressure mounts at Nat 5 choices to be sure of the future career direction

106 08/02/2019 18:56 PMID: 107181932

My son is currently in his first year at university and still sorry that BGE limited his development in the expressive arts and social subjects that he was actually interested in. He was forced to carry on with subjects into S3 that he had no aptitude for at the cost of developing reasonable skills in other areas, particularly music.

107 08/02/2019 19:41 PMID: 107187669

Smaller secondary schools with only one teacher per subject means pupils having to study national 5 and highers in the same class at same time. Not conducive to a good learning experience for anyone

108 08/02/2019 20:43 PMID: 107193124

I would like my council to reconsider the number of subjects pupils study, if they felt 8 was too many to provide good results then even 7 rather than 6 would benefit the students. One point to note, as far as I can see at our school attainment levels are lower now than when the pupils studied 8 Nat 5 over the 3rd & 4th year of their studies.

109 08/02/2019 20:44 PMID: 107193250

Yes is apalling that Midlothian council are withdrawing music tuition from the curriculum. My daughter is about to sit her Higher music and has had tuition throughout PS to HS it has raised her attainment, she has performed at the Usher hall 3 times with Midlothian schools " let the children play" so angry that a council has the power to do this without consulting the young people or parents, 11500 signatures and flash mob on tbe 12th February not to mention numerous musicians to keep our childrens tuition !

110 08/02/2019 21:09 PMID: 107195873

Also, plans to cut Active school sports, very unhappy child who can't understand why something she has loves to do for 3 years is being taken away.

111 08/02/2019 22:03 PMID: 107198956

This problem has been created by curriculum for excellence, local councils, educationalists and head teachers who call themselves leaders but fail to stand up for their pupils. The problem has been around for the last few years and it’s laughable that this survey is now taking place as if it’s something that just materialised. You really couldn’t make it up - I’m more than sure that those who are now saying this is terrible are the same spineless people who promoted the 6 subjects. No doubt to further their career.

112 09/02/2019 11:07 AMID: 107224622

CfE has been a disaster.

113 09/02/2019 11:09 AMID: 107159523

Our school could really benefit from additional funding and support allocating finances wisely within the school. Multiple departments are struggling with a lack of suitable equipment - science classes find experiments difficult due to lack of beakers and other basic equipment; the hospitality/cookery department has unreliable ovens, no way to prevent over-heating in the classroom (which leads to failure of whipped cream/icing etc as food melts and cooling times fail!) and a significant lack of basic equipment. Many of the problems at this school could be solved with money and guidance/freedom to use it where it is needed.

114 09/02/2019 11:20 AMID: 107224119

My children only get one chance at school - secondary school in particular passes very quickly. I feel it’s deeply unfair that there is a lack of consistency in how education in Scotland is delivered.

Their school is fantastic, supportive, with engaged and motivating teachers, who are working with endless curricular updates, and are delivering a good education despite the system.

But it’s deeply unfair that my children’s attainment in S4 is less than they could

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have achieved if they had attended secondary school in e,g., Stirling, Glasgow or Edinburgh, or even south of the border in England.

115 09/02/2019 12:49 PMID: 107230978

The complexity which has resulted from the flexibility is creating a system which is ambiguous, difficult to understand and ultimately is leading to kids limiting their choices later on without being aware of the impact at the time.

116 09/02/2019 14:20 PMID: 107237201

Previous to C4E 8 subjects was better in 3rd & 4th year, limiting subjects to 6, has a direct impact on school subject choices in S5&6 and also later in career when applying for training and competing with other UK & Scottish students who have more subject passes.

117 09/02/2019 15:23 PMID: 107241655

With the situation regarding instrumental tuition in Midlothian - my daughter won't be able to continue Music into Higher and advanced higher

118 09/02/2019 17:45 PMID: 107251578

I think children should be allied to opt out of languages (other than English obviously) our school has no choice at all it's French and that is it.The children are there own future but have no say in it?Not fair or moral at all.

119 10/02/2019 00:48 AMID: 107270730

Why are some schools allowing pupils to do 7 or 8 subjects in s4 when others only allow 6. Very unfair system. Should be on the pupils ability. Why are we still using the column method to choose subjects?

120 10/02/2019 01:35 AMID: 107271193

Public private partnership high school has zero computer department due to no staff, only one history teacher, history geography and modern studies lumped together and taught as one class- social subjects. kids studying for Nat 5 maths were told a week before prelim that they were being dropped from the class and not allowed to sit the exam - with no reason given and no appeal, parents not notified - a year or in some cases 2 years of study wasted and too late to switch subjects. Couldn’t offer computing or Cdt, Nat 5 or higher modern studies and it’s doubtful if they can offer advanced higher history this year.low staffing levels throughout the whole school with high staff turnover, consistently ignore IEP’s and expulsion rates of additional needs students are higher than any other school in the area Poor course options are indicative of far deeper problems and I am not the only parent with these issues. I would hope the school will come under scrutiny but as I and at least 7 other parents have already lodged official complaints and involved Enqire and The Govan Law office I don’t have high hopes and zero faith in the Scottish government.

121 10/02/2019 10:04 AMID: 107283990

Making schools sit the same amount of exams would mean that kids could all sit the same amount of exams

122 10/02/2019 10:37 AMID: 107285202

Allow free choice in subjects. New nationals and Higher qualifications removal of units to lessen pupil/ teacher workload are a disgrace. They do neither and only serve to punish pupils who cannot recall large amounts of information in exams. Create room for vocational and creative options for pupils. Standard Grade met the needs of pupils better. The introduction CFE introduced without enough time for teachers to fully feedback to SQA resulted in my child being a victim of narrow choices, not wider, over worked staff with at times openly admitting they had not enough time to create resources. Excessive pressure then passed on to pupils. The extended exams and assessable units show horned on as a knee jerk reaction are no better. Children are currently being failed in Scotland.

123 10/02/2019 11:11 AMID: 107287691

The impact of the long term under-funding of schools is evident not just in lack of subject choices. Children, including my own, are not receiving the support they require in terms of HWB, staffing levels are low with many support staff having hours cut or contract not renewed and the fabric of their school is in a poor condition.

124 10/02/2019 12:55 PMID: 107295498

The schools are a mess.

125 10/02/2019 20:42 PM Please do not allow Midlothian Council to stop all music tuition except at Higher

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ID: 107336176 level. How are students supposed to reach that standard without lessons. It should not only be a subject open and available to students whose families can afford to pay. It’s bad enough that Midlothian is charging for lessons at the moment without them being withdrawn altogether. Please step in and do not allow them to do this.

126 10/02/2019 21:29 PMID: 107340124

If the schools budget cannot provide the breadth of choice to allow young adults to study the courses why cannot the schools join with colleges or offer distance learning class rooms so that the pupils can study with others from other schools

127 10/02/2019 22:27 PMID: 107342771

I think that it is not fair that the decisions are not equal across Scotland, this impacting on inequality across young people in Scotland

128 10/02/2019 23:19 PMID: 107344490

The continued cut back of funding from schools does not just mean cut classes but also impacts on the most vulnerable students who may lose support in classes as those members of staff are cut first, art subject also get cut first given that not every student thrives in science and maths it's incredibly shortsighted to lose art subjects at these lead to so many jobs in the future.

129 11/02/2019 00:25 AMID: 107345903

could do mixed classes eg Higher and Nat5

130 11/02/2019 03:05 AMID: 107347635

Its a rural school and only has 700 kids so obviously that limits them

131 11/02/2019 07:55 AMID: 107355267

Career aspirations and job prospects should be considered when looking at subjects from early on in the school.

132 11/02/2019 13:33 PMID: 107407060

More Scottish study’s and more realistic qualities based on jobs ect should be added more non teaching staff like youth workers and psa based on schools to help pupils

133 11/02/2019 13:55 PMID: 107410128

Let children reasonably do as many subjects as they like instead of wasting time on irrelevant nonsense like RE/Sociology, PE (if they are not interested in either of these subjects)

134 11/02/2019 17:48 PMID: 107446555

My son's school was told that he may be dyslexic and that he should be tested in S2, but they disagreed and said that they would monitor him, which they never did, therefore he has struggled all through school.

135 11/02/2019 18:36 PMID: 107451206

Would prefer allowing up to 8 Nat 5's for S4 students.

136 11/02/2019 18:47 PMID: 107452324

Spanish would be a better language to teach fromS1 rather than French

137 11/02/2019 19:03 PMID: 107451885

I would heavily criticise the senior management of my son’s school for showing no real willingness or flexibility to the idea of my son studying the subject. There are multiple teachers at my son’s school who were more than willing to work out arrangements where my son could have sat the subject; whether that be in the teacher’s free periods, allowing my son to sit in with the higher class to do the work or otherwise.

As one of the teachers at my son’s school is the only advanced higher history marker in the local authority it would have also made sense that were there to be a single class for the entire authority that it should have been in my son’s school. The senior management at my son’s school did not find any other school in the authority where my son would have been able to sit the course which was very disappointing.

138 11/02/2019 19:14 PMID: 107454735

Given that the school is the largest in the LEA it would’ve expected that a greater number of subjects could be available including Drama as a creative option. Dropping a subject at the end of S3 seems to have been a wasted year having gained nothing from this. Most schools begin Nationals at the start of S3 to allow a thorough and in depth experience- all authorities offer something different disadvantaging pupils!

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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139 11/02/2019 19:31 PMID: 107456228

SORT THE EDUCATION SYSTEM OUT!!!!! Pupils at Scottish schools no longer receive a quality education. This puts children in Scotland at a MAJOR disadvantage compared to the rest of the world as Scottish education is becoming a joke.


140 11/02/2019 19:50 PMID: 107458026

I would note that this isn’t the case in alllocal schools and it’s jnfai that some children can have those choices that my child doesn’t have. She’ll undoubtedly have to work harder at a later date to gain the knowledge of the language she would prefer to have chosen.

141 11/02/2019 20:26 PMID: 107459462

I know my sons case resulted in the most severe case but it all started when he was refused higher RE even although he had stated at every careers interview since 3rd year that he wanted to be an RE teacher so the school knew how important this course was to him. The school up the hill did offer higher RE but this was not given as an alternative to our kids. They were either placed in the base or given an alternative class.

142 11/02/2019 21:07 PMID: 107465252

The school my daughter goes to defiantly does not have many subject to choose from

143 11/02/2019 21:38 PMID: 107466717

If you want a healthy, vibrant, successful, ambitious, successful Scotland, you need to invest in our young people. This means ensuring that they have equal educational opportunities no matter where they live, and no matter their household incomes. Education should not be a postcode lottery but in Scotland it is, more and more every year.

144 11/02/2019 22:04 PMID: 107468724

The following year first choice subjects were available. My daughter understandably thought this was unfair and negatively impacted upon her results. Knock on effect on choice within university choices

145 11/02/2019 23:21 PMID: 107472056

I find it odd that students have exposure to Mandarin but are unable to take it as a subject due to choices made by the local authority to limit its provision. It was galling to see the successes of students from the one school it is available as a subject choice lauded in social media when no other students are able to access the course.

146 12/02/2019 06:26 AMID: 107478516

147 12/02/2019 19:26 PMID: 107579418

Students should be able to take all the subjects they want too and are interested in.

148 12/02/2019 22:55 PMID: 107596354

Yes, you are failing our children. I’m heartbroken at the destination of what was once a world leading education system. It’s all geared towards ‘jobs’ with no room for education for educations sake in the development of well rounded, critical thinking creative people. Also strategies and support for dyslexia and additional support is appealing. Our failure to take the arts seriously is creating machines with parts missing.

149 13/02/2019 15:00 PMID: 107668841

Seems to make no sense to have children choosing -particularly higher - subjects which require a lot of effort that are not required and will possibly compromise the more essential subjects for future university study

150 13/02/2019 15:39 PMID: 107673938

School timetabling favours english, maths and the 3 sciences to get pupils into the professions of doctor, vet etc it does not accommodate the social sciences, the arts and music and other subjects which are viewed as peripheral.

151 13/02/2019 19:17 PMID: 107701058

Restriction to 6 Nat 5 Subjects is too little to choose from

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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152 13/02/2019 20:28 PMID: 107707504

The restrictions on subjects that can be studied at the senior phase in some local authorities (Ie 5, 6, 7 or 8) is creating a postcode lottery for pupils and restricting the depth of choice they can be offered and also not providing enough versatility. Pupils often don't know in S3 what they really want to do in the future and in some areas they are being disadvantaged.

153 13/02/2019 21:32 PMID: 107713023

I worry that my son who is very talented at guitar and music in general but also loves Art will be unable to take 2 subjects that are close to his heart.

154 14/02/2019 17:57 PMID: 107811988

Shouldn’t be forced to do Nat 4/5 PE

155 15/02/2019 14:32 PMID: 107896937

The previous system of 2+2+2 was much more efficient and open. It allowed pupils a greater variety of subjects and opportunities. Not least Gaelic not suffering!

156 16/02/2019 08:51 AMID: 107953632

I cannot understand why this is happening when there is a higher French class running in the school. The promoted teacher that declined my child’s subject choice happens to be a Modern Studies teacher so I’m guessing she’s promoting her subject when she should be taking into account the child’s needs and wishes. My daughter wishes to study international business at university and believes a second language, although not a requirement, would be beneficial to her and is definitely a subject that she’s interested in studying. I will be taking this up with the school tomorrow but discovered your survey today and thought it relevant. Hugely frustrating and extremely disappointing.

157 16/02/2019 21:24 PMID: 108001537

Process is too restrictive

158 17/02/2019 10:57 AMID: 108028555

My son, who is dyslexic, is now struggling with Higher English which he did not wish to take in the first place - apparently after the prelim a teacher said to him that his result was so poor he should consider dropping to Nat 5 to 'improve his grade' - he got a B which he is very pleased with. I had one very demoralised son that evening.

159 17/02/2019 17:12 PMID: 108050625

I still feel the Scottish system offers huge strengths in allowing pupils to continue a range of subjects, rather than choose early to be "science and maths" or "social subjects and arts". I like that kids can blend levels across senior phase eg Nat 5 and highers in 5th or 6th year, AH for those who want more challenge. It is something to be proud of internationally.

I would welcome the opportunity to give more feedback on my experience as a parent of CFE (having 3 kids age 14,12 and 7 ) at primary and secondary. In particular, I have some feedback relating to literacy and English, and also wider aspects relating to repetition of topics, knowledge gaps etc.

160 19/02/2019 01:18 AMID: 108189098

Local Council to date have not responded adequately. Roseanna Cunningham and John Swinney are well aware of the situation.What happened to GIRFEC ???

By all means have 6 Nat 5's but it is every child's right to have an equal opportunity based education within the same school as students who also sat 6 nat 5's , FAILED some yet still are being offered 5 Highers.

I am appalled at the situation and the fact that certain students within the school have been allowed to sit 7 Nat 5's and guaranteed to have a larger pool of subjects to choose at Highers.

Sit 6 Nat 5 but you should be offered 5 Highers to achieve and not 4.

161 19/02/2019 01:18 AMID: 108189847 Local Council to date have not responded adequately.

Roseanna Cunningham and John Swinney are well aware of the situation.What happened to GIRFEC ???

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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By all means have 6 Nat 5's but it is every child's right to have an equal opportunity based education within the same school as students who also sat 6 nat 5's , FAILED some yet still are being offered 5 Highers.

I am appalled at the situation and the fact that certain students within the school have been allowed to sit 7 Nat 5's and guaranteed to have a larger pool of subjects to choose at Highers.

Sit 6 Nat 5 but you should be offered 5 Highers to achieve and not 4.

162 20/02/2019 09:02 AMID: 108314704

We really need 21st century education provision in Scotland. What we have is fit for the early 20th century.

163 20/02/2019 09:05 AMID: 108314531

I believe the curriculum for excellence promotes: 1. Knowing. 2. Doing. If it could also promote "Being" and "Being Together" then we might find it easier to recognise the importance of the arts in education.

164 20/02/2019 09:16 AMID: 108315288

Our local school offer a fantastic range of subjects and are extremely flexible. They bend over backwards to try to accommodate the subject choices of every pupil. The range and flexibility is so much better than when I attended school in the 1980s. I like their policy of pupils selecting 10 subjects in S3 and then narrowing down to 7 subjects for S4.

In general, I think parents need more information about the significance of subject choices and how choices can expand or limit opportunities for young people in the future (see research from Professor Cristina Iannelli at the University of Edinburgh)

165 20/02/2019 09:50 AMID: 108319943

Our school has tried to recruit 3 times for a teacher but no candidates available as business pays so much more.

166 20/02/2019 17:20 PMID: 108379882

Every independent school has the autonomy to tailor subject provision (and extra-curricular offer) to individual pupils.

That is done with no state support and a more detailed public benefit test than anywhere else (and the curious decision to then single schools out over business rates).

There is much that all in education could learn from each other - the Parliament would do well to help break down any barrier - in either direction - to use every idea, facility, and resorce that might support the education of Scotland's young people. Children do not need to have choices made on ideology.

167 20/02/2019 17:35 PMID: 108381502

I think it’s unfair that the subjects you can take are dependent on the school you go to.

168 20/02/2019 19:26 PMID: 108392367

He was offered to take this subject in a neighbouring school but different timetabling meant he would miss other important classes.

169 20/02/2019 19:54 PMID: 108393988

I would be interested to know whether subjects such as languages and creative arts have experienced a decline in uptake at national 5 level due to the new limitations on number of subjects children can take. Anecdotal evidence from friends suggests this is the case as parents who perhaps don't see the value of these subjects encourage children to take more mainstream subjects. Would be a huge loss to Scotland if this did turn out to be an unintended consequence of curriculum reform.

An unrelated point is that the extension of BgE into S3 meant undifferentiated classes for another year. With a 2+2+2 system pupils naturally divided into more academic and less academic groups earlier. I think streaming should be considered for more than just maths and English now. The nice theory about

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children working at different levels in the same class is rubbish in my experience. Brighter children are definitely held back so as not to demotivate others. My children were told as much by teachers.

170 20/02/2019 22:37 PMID: 108406090

My postcode doesn't reflect where my son goes to school. He has a placing request in a school in neighbouring authority.

171 21/02/2019 02:10 AMID: 108410348

French and languages is not suitable for those with additional learning needs and suitable alternatives should be available rather than being sent to a class that is for young people with behavioural issues. Being dyslexic is not a behavioural issue with stigma issues being magnified.

172 21/02/2019 02:25 AMID: 108410486

My son is at an Independent school where he is able to choose 8 Nat 5 subjects and will be able to take 5 highest in one sitting (possible 6th).

I am a Primary School Headteacher in the state sector and I removed my son from state education because there was no guarantees or certainty offered to me that my son would be able to choose 8 subjects and it was suggest he may only be able to choose 5.

Limiting the child’s interests, subject areas of learning, opportunities to apply knowledge and skills across several different subjects and narrowing his ability to focus on subjects he had become more interested in- and ultimately making his academic journey more challenging is an absolute disgrace.

State sector secondary education in Scotland low balls our children and is dumbing the country down on the quiet by forcing children to take less exams so that there is a false "rise" in attainment are recorded.

173 21/02/2019 09:03 AMID: 108425140

My children's course choices are severely restricted compared to previous years

174 21/02/2019 14:47 PMID: 108479301

Choice in school subjects is based around young people fitting in to the system. The system should adapt more to the interests and choices of young people. Current system is NOT learner centred.

175 21/02/2019 15:56 PMID: 108489887

This situation does not occur in other schools where there are seven choices of subject in S4. Whilst these decisions are made at a local level, there should be equality of opportunity for all pupils in all schools.

176 21/02/2019 17:25 PMID: 108502931

I am absolutely disgusted with the state of education in Scotland - it’s results and finance driven and sucks the passion out of our young people

177 21/02/2019 18:54 PMID: 108509376

Education should not be funded by local councils, but by a centrally funded body operating with input from education professionals , parents, industry and employers. There should be a long term plan with little input or control from politicians other than to agree funding . The subjects on offer should reflect the needs of all aspects of society ,different educational ability reflecting the future needs of a country which wants to create leaders with global influence.

178 21/02/2019 19:01 PMID: 108513784

Education should not be funded by local councils, but by a centrally funded body operating with input from education professionals , parents, industry and employers. There should be a long term plan with little input or control from politicians other than to agree funding . The subjects on offer should reflect the needs of all aspects of society ,different educational ability reflecting the future needs of a country which wants to create leaders with global influence.

179 21/02/2019 19:01 PMID: 108514274

The school was unsympathetic and it put me off the education system altogether. I think that Curriculum for Excrament is a joke.

180 22/02/2019 12:04 PMID: 108594468

I and my son would much prefer that students were able to take 8 subjects over two year (S3/S4) rather than 6 subjects in S4. My son moved from England in S3. He had been studying 10 subjects which had to drop to 8 in S3 then had to drop a further 2 in S4. His opinion was that most of his S3 cohort considered S3 to be a

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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'kick back' year as it 'did not matter' in the scheme of things and a quarter of the subjects were going to be dropped anyway.

181 22/02/2019 12:42 PMID: 108605322

I am very frustrated with Curriculum for Excellence. I have many teacher and headteacher friends who tell me that the change to S1-S3 is one of the biggest disasters of CfE as it now means that many children are not challenged in S3. Children follow a variety of courses and electives which lead to interesting experiences but do not allow children to develop any depth. This at a time when they could be really building up sufficient knowledge to help them be creative and understand the world. The farce is that almost all schools recognise this and are now starting to begin NQ work in S3. This allows them to avoid the one term dash to Nationals (again, an irony given that we were worried about the one term dash to Higher and have simply moved this to S4). The only realistic way to provide 7 or 8 Nationals by the end of S4 is to start them in S3. I accept that my own son will not get this opportunity. I hope that by submitting this evidence the committee will look at this for future generations. My older children got a much better deal through the Standard Grade programme. I accept that content will always have to be refreshed but I do not accept that we should restrict our children's learning by limiting them to the superficial work they currently do in S1-S3 and the restrictions placed by only allowing children to follow 6 NQs in S4.

182 22/02/2019 20:19 PMID: 108700955

My son is in S1 but Psychology and Home Economics are also not offered at N5/Higher currently, which seems unfair as many schools do have them. In both of these cases, we need to remember that CfE was not originally all about literacy, numeracy and STEM. It's also about people understanding themselves, becoming critical thinkers, and gaining skills for life.

183 22/02/2019 20:21 PMID: 108700954

I understand that resources will impact upon subject choice availability at AH level but I feel it puts state school pupils in disadvantageous position compared to independent school peers

184 22/02/2019 21:11 PMID: 108703874

I am delighted that this inquiry is being held. However, it does feel like the wrong time of year. The children have only now had forms asking them to chose subjects for next year and we will not find out for some time if they will be allowed to study the subjects they have chosen.My son is going in to S5 and we have been warned that some of the subjects they chose may not run as they may not be viable. Due to budget cuts, the school will have to ensure that each subject has enough pupils in the classes. If this is really the case, will this not severely limit the children's choice of subjects.

185 24/02/2019 21:47 PMID: 108863291

Many students ready to start exams in S3 - waiting too long and repeating stuff. Needs to be more flexible to needs students and allow for earlier start to exam subjects if applicable and hence broader range.

186 25/02/2019 08:24 AMID: 108880981

My daughter described school as:Primary...once I'd learned to read, write and count I wasted years doing stupid projects and presentations including spending half a year on an 'X-Factor IDL Project' that was used as a carry on by all my friends for 4 months.

Secondary....S1-3....unchallenging, lots of group work (ie one or two of us work, the rest copy), projects (you need more colour in your poster/brochure/leaflet). Not enough challenge and preparation for exams. S4...mental rush which could have been spread out into S3 to make it more enjoyable and sensible. S5....same as S4. S6....recovery year. She and many of her friends called themselves the Propanolol Kids due to the anti depressant they were all on.

187 25/02/2019 08:29 AMID: 108881378

Yes - I also feel that young people are still being encouraged to take very traditional routes into career pathways - there is still a huge focus on achieving exam results - and this does not always come across as putting the needs of my kids first.

Yes - I also received this survey via my work & not via the local authority or school.

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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Response Total

188 25/02/2019 14:24 PMID: 108935866

Surely when the goverment are trying to improve attainment then they should be encouraging pupils to be achieving to the best of their ability and not limiting their choices at an early age. A flexible learning route should be available to those that either need more support or those who are excelling. Are we Getting It Right For Every Child???

189 25/02/2019 14:54 PMID: 108945770

Kids are not encouraged to stay on for 6th year, they are pushed out of school it's right and not fair,

Deffinately discrimination plays apart they are only interested in students who pass with high marks

190 25/02/2019 20:57 PMID: 109002241

BGE has fallen far short of what we were told it would be.The courses are shallow, restricted and far from broad. There is constant pressure to do stem subjects and not what pupils want.

191 25/02/2019 22:24 PMID: 109012956

Once english, maths, two sciences taken there is little opportunity to pursue other areas of study which in turn restricts number of highers that can be taken

192 25/02/2019 23:49 PMID: 109017670

The lack of actually looking at the young persons needs and requirements is worrying. There is scope to be far more creative and flexible in a Schools approach but the fear factor of accountability for statistics of exam passes holds this up. That combined with an archaic model of our senior leaders being shown how to timetable is limiting the range of subjects in offer to our young people.

193 26/02/2019 08:54 AMID: 109041367

CfE choice sheets very limited with the pupils only being able to choose 6 subjects (including English & Maths) in S4.

194 26/02/2019 12:14 PMID: 109073008

The need to make choices and limited choices (6 subjects in S4) so early in their school career makes it very difficult for many pupils who do not know what they want to be doing 5 years down the line. This effectively means their career choices/university options are reduced without them even realising it - this is depriving some pupils of university education and also meaning universities are losing out on a lot of potential.

195 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140672

My sons have both found it hard to narrow down their subject choices when they are enjoying the wider curriculum but all their subject choices have been available and had teachers to offer them.

196 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140538

Seems to be quite a drawn out process to select & be told if you have been sucessful in your subject choice.

197 26/02/2019 18:06 PMID: 109140465

Focus always been too much on English and maths. Kids missing out on sporting opportunities and international student exchanges

198 26/02/2019 18:12 PMID: 109141685

Not at present

199 26/02/2019 18:14 PMID: 109140755

So far my child has been able to take the subjects they wanted, but he cannot take Advanced Higher Engineering Science in 6th year as there are no teachers qualified to that level. This is disappointing.

200 26/02/2019 18:14 PMID: 109141889

My son is only in S1, but continued staff shortages gives me great cause for concern. His school is making the best of a bad situation but this should not be ‘the norm’.

201 26/02/2019 18:17 PMID: 109142495

This could impact on her career as was interested in nursing or something to do with sciences

202 26/02/2019 18:18 PMID: 109142143

Lack of staff in some areas of the curriculum, technical, business education, posts being vacant for long periods. Many schools seriously short of staff in North East of Scotland.

203 26/02/2019 18:21 PM I know many pupils who have not been able to study their chosen subject due to

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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ID: 109143001 lack of teacher. Yet the school keep offering the subject which just leads to disappointment and failure

204 26/02/2019 18:23 PMID: 109142528

The school seems to think that highers can be done in stages across years and this is acceptable, when actually competition for places in medical schools across the country is such that they need 5 highers in one sitting. I understand needing flexible pathways but we surely need a fastrack pathway for those who need it?

205 26/02/2019 18:33 PMID: 109144459

Better guidance from school re subject choices / career guidance

206 26/02/2019 18:53 PMID: 109147350

I think there is a wide varied choice for subjects.

207 26/02/2019 19:02 PMID: 109147572

Choice is very limited in the small school in our area. I don't like the fact that some pupils in Scotland will be starting National 5 in S3 while in other schools they only do National 5 in S4. There should be one curriculum structure for the whole of Scotland to make it a fairer experience for all.

208 26/02/2019 19:06 PMID: 109142410

Not at present

209 26/02/2019 19:15 PMID: 109149899


210 26/02/2019 19:36 PMID: 109153491

Really needs looked at better

211 26/02/2019 19:46 PMID: 109154770

This has been upsetting and demotivating for my son.

212 26/02/2019 20:02 PMID: 109155824

General knowledge base of a S3 pupil is small and narrow . Future generations will be very ignorant

213 26/02/2019 20:15 PMID: 109158250

Difficult for daughter to move school in S6 but she did, she passed Psychology with A at higher and was successful in getting into her first choice of uni.

214 26/02/2019 20:21 PMID: 109159345

We have not yet been advised whether she can or cannot take her first choice subjects so how can we complete this survey....?!

215 26/02/2019 20:32 PMID: 109160456

It is grossly unfair that some schools are sticking to the letter of the law when it comes to BGE but some authorities are choosing to do their own thing

216 27/02/2019 06:07 AMID: 109186151

Why was Spanish not available in S1.

217 27/02/2019 08:53 AMID: 109206686

Not enough time and effort given to making students aware of alternative subjects that are available in S4 - school should be doing taster classes/workshops to fire up interest and not just including them on the curriculum as a tick box exercise - eg media, creative industries.

218 27/02/2019 09:08 AMID: 109206667

I am aware that different school are offering different numbers of subjects at S4/ N5 level. Ranging from a maximum of 6 to 8. This should be fixed across the country (within ability bands obviously) i.e. a very able pupils should be taking the same number of subjects in S4 regardless of which school they go to. This is not currently happening.

219 27/02/2019 09:43 AMID: 109216563

Hopefully these needs will be addressed soonest

220 27/02/2019 09:46 AMID: 109216942

I think all the schools should be offering the same amount of Nat 5s. Also the pupils should be choosing the Nat5 subjects at the same time -end of 3rd year as the curriculum suggests not 2nd.

221 27/02/2019 10:42 AMID: 109228003

C for E is unworkable unless additional teaching resources in place. Emphasis on broad general education wastes time. Nat 5 was supposed to bea bridge to higher but there is still a huge gap between the two.

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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222 27/02/2019 10:52 AMID: 109223384

Ongoing concerns around teacher shortages means that parents are regularly worrying about whether pupils are being provided an adequate level of teacher support to attain their potential.

Schools in some parts of the country appear to be able to attract appropriate levels and competence of teaching staff. In other areas, a pulse and appropriate certificates is all that can be hoped for ... ideally with a qualification in a relevant subject. There are still some fabulous teachers in local schools but those who are not cannot be appropriately managed due to fears of losing staff to other local schools who are desperate for teachers and the resultant pressures on other staff and difficulties in replacing teachers. This is perceived be a geographical lottery and does not fit well with the target of equity.

Variations in numbers of nat 5s taken in fourth year - between 5 and 8 - is dependant on how many a local council deems appropriate and is imposed on all children- irrelevant of ability. This has an impact on children and their access to a suitable choice of highers and advanced highers. The nat 5 is an important stepping stone toward higher awards. Being forced into considering crash highers is not always conducive to high levels of attainment.

Many private schools appear to have an agreement that the route should be 8 nat 5s followed by 5 highers and then an appropriate sixth year. They also still tend to use the 2:2:2 approach rather than 3:3. If this is generally agreed by the privately schools, and appears to be delivering continual improvements in attainment, why do state schools insist on the endless variation in what they offer the generally less well off pupils whose parents either cannot afford private education or have decided against it. Furthermore, there are some state schools that also choose 2:2:2, while parents in other schools are told that this is not possible - or allowed by CFE.

223 27/02/2019 15:05 PMID: 109277346

Should be more flexibility in accommodating subjects, especially in 6th year where pupils are committed to staying on in order to maximise their potential!

224 27/02/2019 15:08 PMID: 109238145

It is unfortunate that our son has not made subject choices. He sits at him mums house on the PlayStation all day and this is not healthy for him. Choosing subjects that interest him might help in S4 however doing Nat 3 and Nat 4 is a waste of time. As an employer I would be looking at Nat 5 and highers if I was taking on staff.

225 27/02/2019 16:04 PMID: 109290541

I would like to see a "Free Choice" for students where they get to list the subjects that they would like to do and be of most use to them (usually the ones that they are best at). The school can then build the timetable round pupil need and wants.There seems to be lesser emphasis on "academic" subjects and more choice for vocational subjects which disadvantages more able pupils.-i believe this is NOT conducive to raising attainment.

226 27/02/2019 17:47 PMID: 109304754

I have 3 children at varying stages of the new CfE system, one who was in the first "guinea pig" year, one in S6 and one in S3.

My husband and I both sat exams under the English system. I passed 11 O levels so only doing 6 at a similar age seems very restricted. Some schools are, I believe, allowing pupils to sit 7 or 8 perhaps but starting earlier. This seems very sensible and far less limiting in terms of pupils' future options. Perhaps if league tables reflected this more schools might be encouraged to allow this.

My two older children were very focussed on the sciences and so have broadly been able to do what was needed. They are academically very able and so would have been capable of doing an eighth subject. Their attainment has therefore been limited by Government policy.

My youngest son is less convinced on what path he wishes to follow but has just chosen his N5 subjects and has to gamble on what he might want to do in future. Although he has more of a natural linguistic ability he has chosen sciences as he cannot do both - especially since there can be no guarantee that all languages would be available to him by the time he gets to S6.

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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It is ironic that one of the supposed benefits of CfE is a broader education when in fact the precise opposite is achieved.

227 27/02/2019 19:16 PMID: 109324912

Firstly it is crazy to do a 3+3 format.Students should be allowed to start the N5 course in S3 even if they elect to drop it in S4. Mental health of students is at an all time low trying to cram this into one year compared to standard grades and now S4 is one of the most stressful years.S5 is a rush - N5s were supposed to make the jump to Higher easier - not true these exams just got harder! The number of added value assessments right after prelims puts students under incredible pressure - students in future will be able to sue authorities as this stress goes on into uni starting younger and younger - losing economy billions in lost days at work .N4s are meaningless - in old (credit - foundation etc ) standard grades this allowed equal access to recognisable qualifications that employers understood - children from lower affluence are being directed to N4s which is just not fair. They mean nothing and N5s are too big a jump .Stress is rife in schools so many children with depression - GIrfec was supposed to recognise this instead kids pushed into apprenticeships which are not regulated or monitored so a gamble if you get an employer who is just looking for cheap labour ( as happened to my daughter )- kids expected to take annual leave for studying and exams !! This is Scottish Govt trying to find a cheap way to stop kids getting to colleges . It’s crazy we are paying for students from other countries fees and our kids places at college or uni are capped or cut. We welcome people from all over the work but my cousins child from England has to pay and s child from France etc gets fees paid!!

228 27/02/2019 19:24 PMID: 109328375

I do not agree with limiting subjects to only 6 in S4. Also our school makes their first set of choices in Feb of S1. This is far too early and it impacts on their future choices.

229 27/02/2019 22:11 PMID: 109348425

I feel sad that children are so restricted so early on in their school life. I took 10 subjects at O level, giving me a much broader education and also greater options as I entered sixth form. The Scottish system used to be far broader and was more similar to the Baccalaureate, and I am sad to see it narrowing so much.

230 27/02/2019 22:46 PMID: 109349715

Offering only 6 subjects at Nat 5 is very limiting. I thought children were supposed to get a broad, general education in Scotland. It seems that that is only until S3. Since there are no exams taken then, children do not receive any qualifications to reflect a broad general education. Instead, they have to narrow their education. Bizarrely, they have to take 5 Highers and 1 Nat 5 in S5. Surely, it would make more sense to take 7 or 8 Nat 5s in S4, leaving more time to focus on Highers in S5? I think it is unfair that some schools offer 7 or 8 Nat 5s in S4. It depends what local authority you live in. I feel that going to school in our local authority puts pupils at a disadvantage. I feel as though there is a general lack of emphasis on academic choices and that the system does not do all it could to meet the needs of pupils who wish to pursue an academic path.

231 28/02/2019 11:08 AMID: 109398156

The current set up is stifling languages in particular and with Gàdihlig's precarious position, and a dearth of higher level subjects available in the language this is bordering on crisis.

232 28/02/2019 15:23 PMID: 109443610

It might have been more beneficial to the children if they had a wider choice of college courses

233 28/02/2019 20:56 PMID: 109491307

Subject choices for the next year are obviously made early so that numbers can be gauged and staffing organised but often this leaves too little flexibility for changes once pupils get their results.

5. Do you have any further comments on this that you would like to share with us?

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234 01/03/2019 09:26 AMID: 109525582

The cuts to staff are having a huge impact. Teachers teaching subjects that are not the ones they are qualified for. Even exam classes not having enthusiastic qualified subject teachers. This is all leading to narrowing options for students. They should be able to pick more than 5 subjects. Also many subjects were in two or more collumns now only one where it often clashes with other subject my son wants to take. Being pushed to take certain subjects by teachers is also a problem and missing time travelling to other schools and colleges if thir school can't accommodate it. Lack of behaviour and learning support in younger classes also had an impact on my son as the teachers were so busy dealing with that they had no time for my child. Very angry about the state of education. I voted SNP and am hugely disappointed in this area of life. Getting it wrong for every child. Invest in teachers and children not fancy new buildings that have already got problems.

235 01/03/2019 11:57 AMID: 109548583

I also understand that the advantages of the CfE and the approach of the senior phase being a 3 year process to gain a range of qualifications. This has also enabled more choices such as college and modern apprenticeships which has been a positive.

The options selected for S3 are more important under the 3+3 model and that then limits change for S4 as it would be more difficult to change to a different subject in S4 and not make use of the knowledge gained in S3 (eg changing from French to German).

In general pupils who take the same subjects in S4 as S3 are potentially more capable of handling more than 6 subjects than those who have changed.

Whilst broadening pupils experience and knowledge I question RMPS being compulsory given the restriction on the number of other subjects.

Whilst these are our experiences I understand there are other views, as a Parent Council Chairman, I have encouraged parents to put their views and experience forward from the school

236 01/03/2019 17:23 PMID: 109615497

I think that having to take a language restricts choice. Both of my teenagers would rather have chosen another science or social subject instead of a language. French and German are not widely spoken languages so I feel the should not be compulsory.

237 01/03/2019 22:36 PMID: 109654485

Why is Computer Science not taught/offered? Programming is a vital life skill and should be a core element in the CfE...

238 02/03/2019 19:58 PMID: 109737313

I qualified as a (50 year old) probationary teacher and taught for 3 months. One reason I decided to terminate my probationary year was the lack of geography teaching opportunities in my local area. I am severely concerned about the potential for geography as a subject and the drop in number of students taking the subject. I believe this is largely due to the widespread policy of moving to 6 Nat5 subjects.

239 02/03/2019 21:41 PMID: 109747395

I feel there is an effect over some years of reducing the number of teachers in subjects which may not be considered as core subjects - such as music, art, history, Is this effect being monitored at a wider/national level?

Reduction of stress for teenagers has been a driver for the school in pursuing this course of action, however there is now a wide discrepancy across the country of the number of nat 5's offered to children - a bit of a postcode lottery. Was this the political intention?

240 03/03/2019 00:55 AMID: 109753983

yes I am VERY Very concerned at the narrowing Scottish education and the emphasis on STEM.I am a Scientist myself..but think we need to encourage a wide experience at school. Expresive Arts , modern studies , modern languages are vital to our society and also to give our young folk a broad education.

It has been scientifically proven that Music and foreign language exposure

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developed our brains in a different way.

I very very concerned about the postcode lottery of where you are influence how many subjects you take. Plus also whether you have pay for instrumental tuition.I do not think local authorities should have the choice choice whether to provide this for free.I think this should be mandatory for all Scottish children.I think this is a slow erosion of music in Scottish education and that it is vital that children are given the chance to pursue learning an instrument outwith class lessons.I feel that some authorities value music more highly than others .this is unfair .

241 03/03/2019 08:46 AMID: 109769225

Other schools use ‘free choice’ rather than columns. Could that be looked into?

242 03/03/2019 19:04 PMID: 109829064

So far, rather unhappy with choices my child has had to make.Eg Creative PE in only 1 column but about 3 sciences in all columns.

243 03/03/2019 23:30 PMID: 109849897

Realise that the schools have to manage the staff they have available and also need to manage timetable so expect some limitations.

244 04/03/2019 15:26 PMID: 109935773

Although my child was able to take the subjects that they wanted they were disadvantaged in that there was only provision for taking 6 N5 subjects in S4. This means that if they go on to achieve 5 higher subjects in fifth year they are then faced with advanced highers or having to 'crash' a Higher which they may not have studied since S3.If 7 or 8 N5 subjects were taken in S4 then they would have a much better choice going into S5 and they could pick up extra highers in S6 which they would have already sat an N5 in. (only studying 6 subjects at N5 effectively means that they are choosing their highers at the end of third year as there is only one subject being dropped from N5 into Higher).

245 04/03/2019 17:09 PMID: 109954090


246 04/03/2019 22:26 PMID: 110001361

I feel pupils are forced at a much earlier age to narrow their choices. The then have to choose Highers from just 6 subjects.

Able pupils are not allowed to study the full range of subjects that they would like, and have t crash them later on.

247 05/03/2019 19:29 PMID: 110135661

Staff cuts and patchy recruitment in particular subjects have contributed to this situation. Tried resolution with college day release but would mean missing to much of timetabled subjects on that day.

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