resume + cover letter building...justin pritchard, career coach where do i start? experiences...

Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding professional development week justin pritchard, career coach

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Page 1: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLdingprofessional development weekjustin pritchard, career coach

Page 2: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

where do I start?

Page 3: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education




Page 4: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education





Page 5: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education





student groups

job shadowing










Page 6: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

YouR skiLLsactivity: mapping out your skills

Page 7: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education
Page 8: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

JustinCareer Coach

Curriculum Development

In-Person Coaching

Group Facilitation

Develop instructionalmaterials

Research and analyzecareer-related content

Collaborate with contentspecialists

Research activities for groupsessions

Research instructionaltechnologies

Search online for othercareer centre's resources

Read articles about worksearching

Organize bi-weekly meetingsto report progress

Brainstorm innovativemethods for instruction

Record notes from meetingand use for further research

Use mind mappingtechniques

Think out-louds

Send follow up emails withsynthesized notes

Prepare 2–3 minutepresentation for team

Scholarly sources

Read blogs from careerspecialists

LinkedIn group discussions

Online blogs

Scholarly articles

Career specialist websites

UAlberta Libraries

Google Scholar





Test activities

Focus groups

Staff feedback

Delivering workshops oncareer exploration and work


Resume and cover letterbuilding


Interview prep


Creating a welcominglearning envionrment

Design room forcollaborative discussion

Provide time forintroductions

Creating a working alliancewith clients

Set goals together

Set tasks together

Create a positive bond withclients

Goals related to careerdecision making

Task related to careerexploration and work search

Ex. experiential learningsuch as info interviews or

job shadowing opportunities

Chaos Theory of CareerDevelopment

Recognizing influence ofplanned happenstance

Complexity, change, andchance

guide clients towardsresiliency-based mindset

By being proactive, oneincreases that frequency of

luck in their life

"The harder you work, theluckier you are"

Let them share their multiplenarratives

Give background related tocareer development






Occasional humour

Ability to admit when notunderstanding client

Accept client feedback

Empathetic towards clients'well-being

Page 9: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

identifying skills

classifying skills




indentiFYing skiLLswhat skills have I developed?

Page 10: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

indentiFYing skiLLsaligning and targeting your skills

start at the job as a sourceCan be identity within a job posting or profile

skills as “action verbs” from postingapplicant tracking service (ATS) systems

recruiters skim for 10 seconds maximum

Page 11: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

indentiFYing skiLLsfor the applicant tracking system

Page 12: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume tARgetinghighlighting words and phrases

ABC Training

Page 13: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Question to ConsideRwhat should you do if the job posting isn’t

very thorough or detailed?

Page 14: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

verbal communication


organizational skills

customer service


employer top 5 response

top skiLLstransferable skills

Page 15: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education


reliability/work ethic




employer top 5 response

top skiLLspersonal skills

Page 16: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume BuiLding

Page 17: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

what is the purpose of a


Page 18: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education


Content - qualify info- quantify info- target content

FoRmAtting- section title- sequence section- resume type

pResentAtion- readability- hierarchy of info- 2 pages

WoRding- action verbs- relevant words/skills- range of words/skills

Page 19: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education


Content - qualify info- quantify info- target content

FoRmAtting- section title- sequence section- resume type

pResentAtion- readability- hierarchy of info- 2 pages

WoRding- action verbs- relevant words/skills- range of words/skills

Page 20: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume FoRmAttypes of formats


PHIL  HANSEN      Edmonton,  AB  �  (780)  414-­‐5821  �  [email protected]  



• 3  years  of  experience  in  conducting  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  on  resumes  and  cover  letters,    and  interview  preparation  with  clients  who  have  diverse  educational  backgrounds  

• Delivered  variety  of  career  related  workshops,  seminars,  and  presentations,  such  as    4.0  Resumes  for  Education  Students,  to  groups  of  students  ranging  from  2  to  80  attendees  

• Applied  various  career  and  work  search  strategies,  including  networking  action  plans,  to  career  advising  consultation  with  clients  who  face  employment  barriers    

• Connected  more  than  150  clients  on  the  Distress  Line  with  a  variety  of  community  resources  available  to  the  public    


Bachelor  of  Arts,  Film  Studies  and  English                                Aug.  20XX  –  June  20XX    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB              

• Completed  a  4-­‐month  study  abroad  program  in  Ghana,  Africa  • Relevant  coursework:  Theories  of  Career  Development,  Career  Development  Resources,    Social  Psychology  of  Adult  Development,  Professional  Ethics  


Career  Peer  Educator                                      Aug.  20XX  –  June  20XX  CAPS:  Your  UofA  Career  Centre,  Edmonton  AB              


• Formulated  career  and  work  search  strategies  through  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  in  order  to  help  international  students  overcome  employment  barriers  

• Encouraged  clients  to  take  part  in  experiential  learning  activities  such  as  internships,  mentorships    and  job  shadow  opportunities  to  help  them  gain  a  deeper  self-­‐awareness  

• Co-­‐facilitated  presentations  for  the  International  Student  Work  Study  Program  to  help  students  further  develop  their  communication  skills  as  well  as  create  targeted  work  search  packages  

• Initiated  the  design  of  CAPS  in-­‐service  workshop  for  25-­‐30  co-­‐workers  to  help  them  understand  the  use  of  social  media  as  a  valuable  work  search  resource  


Distress  Line  Volunteer                                      Sept.  20XX  –  July  20XX    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB              


• Counselled  clients  in  crisis  at  the  Distress  Centre  by  de-­‐escalating  personal  issues  and    providing  appropriate  resources  within  the  community  of  Edmonton  

• Led  and  participated  in  team  building,  service  development  and  improvement  activities    which  helped  create  a  healthy  workplace  environment  

• Completed  professional  ethics  in-­‐service  course  and  abided  by  the  ethic  guidelines  to  ensure    client  confidentiality  and  safety    

• Initiated  and  organized  a  workplace  workshop  that  promoted  self-­‐care  techniques  including  mindfulness  meditation  and  other  various  deep  breathing  exercises    


PHIL  HANSEN      Edmonton,  AB  �  (780)  414-­‐5821  �  [email protected]  



• 3  years  of  experience  in  conducting  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  on  resumes  and  cover  letters,    and  interview  preparation  with  clients  who  have  diverse  educational  backgrounds  

• Delivered  variety  of  career  related  workshops,  seminars  and  presentations,  such  as    4.0  Resumes  for  Education  Students,  to  groups  of  students  ranging  from  2  to  80  attendees  

• Applied  various  career  and  work  search  strategies,  including  networking  action  plans,  to  career  advising  consultation  with  clients  who  face  employment  barriers    

• Connected  more  than  150  clients  on  the  Distress  Line  with  a  variety  of  community  resources  available  to  the  public  

• Strong  intercultural  awareness  developed  by  studying  abroad  in  Ghana,  Africa  and  by    leading  35  to  40  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultation  with  international  students    


Bachelor  of  Arts,  Film  Studies  and  English                                Aug.  20XX  –  June  20XX    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB              

• Completed  a  4-­‐month  study  abroad  program  in  Ghana,  Africa  • Relevant  coursework:  Theories  of  Career  Development,  Career  Development  Resources,    

Social  Psychology  of  Adult  Development,  Professional  Ethics    KEY  COMPETENCIES    

Cultural  Awareness    

• Formulated  career  and  work  search  strategies  through  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  for  international  students  in  order  to  overcome  employment  barriers  

• Developed  career  tip  sheet  titled  "Finding  Work  on  Campus  for  International  Students"  to  highlight  work  search  strategies  such  as  how  to  identify  personal  skills  and  effectively  network  on  campus  

• Exercised  adaptability  to  different  cultures  and  ability  to  cope  with  unfamiliarity  in  Ghana,  Africa  while  collaboratively  engaging  with  locals  to  create  a  social  campaign    

• Co-­‐facilitated  presentations  for  the  International  Student  Work  Study  Program  to  help  students  further  develop  their  communication  skills  as  well  as  create  targeted  work  search  packages  


Client-­‐Focused  Advising    

• Counselled  clients  in  crisis  at  the  Distress  Centre  by  de-­‐escalating  personal  issues  and    providing  appropriate  resources  within  the  community  of  Edmonton  

• Mentored  students  with  diverse  educational  backgrounds  through  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  in  order  to  strengthen  their  resumes,  cover  letters,  and  interview  skills  

• Conducted  research  for  MEd  University  coursework  which  examined  how  advisors  use  reflecting  listening  skills  to  create  strong  working  alliances  with  their  clients  

• Encouraged  clients  to  take  part  in  experiential  learning  activities  such  as  internships,  mentorships,    and  job  shadow  opportunities  to  help  them  gain  a  deeper  self-­‐awareness  


front page: chronological format front page: functional format

Page 21: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume FoRmAttypes of formats


PHIL  HANSEN      Edmonton,  AB  �  (780)  414-­‐5821  �  [email protected]  



• 3  years  of  experience  in  conducting  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  on  resumes  and  cover  letters,    and  interview  preparation  with  clients  who  have  diverse  educational  backgrounds  

• Delivered  variety  of  career  related  workshops,  seminars,  and  presentations,  such  as    4.0  Resumes  for  Education  Students,  to  groups  of  students  ranging  from  2  to  80  attendees  

• Applied  various  career  and  work  search  strategies,  including  networking  action  plans,  to  career  advising  consultation  with  clients  who  face  employment  barriers    

• Connected  more  than  150  clients  on  the  Distress  Line  with  a  variety  of  community  resources  available  to  the  public    


Bachelor  of  Arts,  Film  Studies  and  English                                Aug.  20XX  –  June  20XX    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB              

• Completed  a  4-­‐month  study  abroad  program  in  Ghana,  Africa  • Relevant  coursework:  Theories  of  Career  Development,  Career  Development  Resources,    Social  Psychology  of  Adult  Development,  Professional  Ethics  


Career  Peer  Educator                                      Aug.  20XX  –  June  20XX  CAPS:  Your  UofA  Career  Centre,  Edmonton  AB              


• Formulated  career  and  work  search  strategies  through  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  in  order  to  help  international  students  overcome  employment  barriers  

• Encouraged  clients  to  take  part  in  experiential  learning  activities  such  as  internships,  mentorships    and  job  shadow  opportunities  to  help  them  gain  a  deeper  self-­‐awareness  

• Co-­‐facilitated  presentations  for  the  International  Student  Work  Study  Program  to  help  students  further  develop  their  communication  skills  as  well  as  create  targeted  work  search  packages  

• Initiated  the  design  of  CAPS  in-­‐service  workshop  for  25-­‐30  co-­‐workers  to  help  them  understand  the  use  of  social  media  as  a  valuable  work  search  resource  


Distress  Line  Volunteer                                      Sept.  20XX  –  July  20XX    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB              


• Counselled  clients  in  crisis  at  the  Distress  Centre  by  de-­‐escalating  personal  issues  and    providing  appropriate  resources  within  the  community  of  Edmonton  

• Led  and  participated  in  team  building,  service  development  and  improvement  activities    which  helped  create  a  healthy  workplace  environment  

• Completed  professional  ethics  in-­‐service  course  and  abided  by  the  ethic  guidelines  to  ensure    client  confidentiality  and  safety    

• Initiated  and  organized  a  workplace  workshop  that  promoted  self-­‐care  techniques  including  mindfulness  meditation  and  other  various  deep  breathing  exercises    


PHIL  HANSEN      Edmonton,  AB  �  (780)  414-­‐5821  �  [email protected]  



• 3  years  of  experience  in  conducting  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  on  resumes  and  cover  letters,    and  interview  preparation  with  clients  who  have  diverse  educational  backgrounds  

• Delivered  variety  of  career  related  workshops,  seminars  and  presentations,  such  as    4.0  Resumes  for  Education  Students,  to  groups  of  students  ranging  from  2  to  80  attendees  

• Applied  various  career  and  work  search  strategies,  including  networking  action  plans,  to  career  advising  consultation  with  clients  who  face  employment  barriers    

• Connected  more  than  150  clients  on  the  Distress  Line  with  a  variety  of  community  resources  available  to  the  public  

• Strong  intercultural  awareness  developed  by  studying  abroad  in  Ghana,  Africa  and  by    leading  35  to  40  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultation  with  international  students    


Bachelor  of  Arts,  Film  Studies  and  English                                Aug.  20XX  –  June  20XX    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB              

• Completed  a  4-­‐month  study  abroad  program  in  Ghana,  Africa  • Relevant  coursework:  Theories  of  Career  Development,  Career  Development  Resources,    

Social  Psychology  of  Adult  Development,  Professional  Ethics    KEY  COMPETENCIES    

Cultural  Awareness    

• Formulated  career  and  work  search  strategies  through  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  for  international  students  in  order  to  overcome  employment  barriers  

• Developed  career  tip  sheet  titled  "Finding  Work  on  Campus  for  International  Students"  to  highlight  work  search  strategies  such  as  how  to  identify  personal  skills  and  effectively  network  on  campus  

• Exercised  adaptability  to  different  cultures  and  ability  to  cope  with  unfamiliarity  in  Ghana,  Africa  while  collaboratively  engaging  with  locals  to  create  a  social  campaign    

• Co-­‐facilitated  presentations  for  the  International  Student  Work  Study  Program  to  help  students  further  develop  their  communication  skills  as  well  as  create  targeted  work  search  packages  


Client-­‐Focused  Advising    

• Counselled  clients  in  crisis  at  the  Distress  Centre  by  de-­‐escalating  personal  issues  and    providing  appropriate  resources  within  the  community  of  Edmonton  

• Mentored  students  with  diverse  educational  backgrounds  through  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  in  order  to  strengthen  their  resumes,  cover  letters,  and  interview  skills  

• Conducted  research  for  MEd  University  coursework  which  examined  how  advisors  use  reflecting  listening  skills  to  create  strong  working  alliances  with  their  clients  

• Encouraged  clients  to  take  part  in  experiential  learning  activities  such  as  internships,  mentorships,    and  job  shadow  opportunities  to  help  them  gain  a  deeper  self-­‐awareness  


front page: chronological format front page: functional format

Page 22: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume FoRmAtchronological format



[email protected]  |  780-­‐555-­‐5555  Edmonton,  Alberta  


 •  8  years  of  statistical  research  and  analysis  experience  polished  through  the  completion  of  a  Masters  

thesis,  PhD  dissertation  and  employment  as  a  Research  Analyst  •  Advanced  technical  skills  using  statistical  programs  including  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB    

and  Mathematica  •  Experienced  in  project  management  and  model  development,  including  trend  and  forecasting  models  •  Demonstrated  strong  teamwork  skills  by  collaborating  with  6  instructors  while  co-­‐creating  two  

undergraduate  statistic  courses  and  innovating  team-­‐based  activities  for  learners  •  Trained  10–15  colleagues  at  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre  by  demonstrating  various    

methods  on  how  to  input  statistical  data  into  a  complex  corporate  database  system    

 EDUCATION      PhD  in  Mathematical  and  Statistical  Sciences                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB    MSc  in  Statistical  Sciences                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto  ON  

•  Thesis  description:  Case  study  analysis  of  consumer  statistical  data  in  a  retail  sector      BSc  in  Applied  Mathematics  and  Statistics                                                                                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Minor:  Computer  Science      

 RELEVANT  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Research  Analyst                                                            April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre,  Vineland  ON  

•  Analyzed  large  amounts  of  sensory  and  consumer  data  collected  by  the  consumer  science  team  and  evaluating  findings  from  over  500+  surveys  and  20  focus  groups  

•  Demonstrated  excellent  teamwork  skills  by  working  as  a  member  of  an  interdisciplinary  team  with  the  Research  Director  and  scientists  to  ensure  that  experiments  were  appropriately  conducted      

•  Wrote  12  reports  based  on  individual  data  collection  and  analysis  for  internal  and  external  parties  •  Created  analysis  models  and  designed  sets  to  ensure  each  met  the  appropriate  standards  and  guidelines  

for  the  given  data  collection  and  analysis  process    Summer  Research  Analyst                                                        April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Ontario  Natural  Gas  Alliance,  Toronto  ON  

•  Prepared  daily  reports  on  natural  gas  supply  and  demand  for  distribution  throughout  the  trade  floor,  which  were  reviewed  by  the  Senior  Research  Analyst  for  accuracy  

•  Collected  market  information  and  intelligence  to  track  key  infrastructure  changes  within  Ontario  •  Polished  communication  skills  by  collaborating  in  a  team  of  45–50  employees,  while  working  together    

to  meet  strict  deadlines    •  Managed  the  data  from  a  unified  platform,  including  data  integration  and  data  quality    


Undergraduate  Research  Assistant                                                        Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Assisted  in  the  Research  Statistical  Lab  by  accurately  collecting  data  and  maintaining  4  different  databases    •  Organized  and  analyzed  quantitative  data  within  the  given  model  and  research  design  •  Reported  findings  directly  to  the  Research  Supervisor  and  ensured  that  the  final  reports  were  effectively  

communicated  and  comprehensive    •  Conducted  independent  research  on  database  systems  for  corporate  retail  sectors  while  working  with    

11  industry-­‐based  research  participants    

 ADDITIONAL  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Course  Instructor                                                                                                  Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB  

•  Presented  STATS  101  course  material  to  first  and  second  year  undergraduate  students  in  classes    ranging  from  40–100  students    

•  Designed  course  syllabi  and  requirements  which  received  official  approval  from  department  •  Developed  creative  instruction  for  students  by  creating  weekly  team-­‐based  activities  for  the  classroom  •  Answered  questions  and  concerns  of  students,  provided  viable  solutions  to  individual  problems  and    

held  office  hours  to  be  accessible  to  students  outside  of  the  classroom  on  a  weekly  basis      Course  Instructor    and  Instructional  Designer   `                                                      Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX    NorQuest  College,  Edmonton  AB    

•  Constructed  and  implemented  STATS  101  online  course  by  integrating  adult  education  principles  •  Monitored  student  activity  and  group  discussions  to  ensure  students  understood  the  course  material    

in  addition  to  the  course  requirements  •  Led  weekly  lectures  that  were  accompanied  by  interactive  videos  and  online  forum  discussions  •  Maintained  statistical  database  and  created  reports  to  submit  to  the  department  in  order  to  accurately  

gauge  course  success        

   SELECTED  ACHIEVEMENTS      Dissertation  Fellowship                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sept  20XX  –  Present  University  of  Alberta  ($22,000)              

•  Awarded  to  outstanding  doctoral  students  who  bring  fresh  and  constructive  perspectives            to  the  department  through  creative  graduate  studies  research  

 NSERC  –  Postgraduate  Doctorate  Scholarship                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  National  Sciences  and  Engineering  Research  Council  of  Canada  ($35,000)  

•  Received  for  high  scholarly  achievement  and  publishing  two  research  papers  in  first  year  of  PhD    Ontario  Graduate  Scholarship  (OGS)                                                          Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX  Awarded  for  three  consecutive  terms  ($15,000)    

•  Awarded  for  high  academic  achievement  GPA  4.0/4.0      


 •  Computer  programming:  laTeX,  C  and  C++,  Java  •  Statistical  programs:  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB,  Mathematica  •  Microsoft  Office  Suite:  Outlook,  Word,  Excel,  PowerPoint,  Access  •  Languages:  Fluent  at  English,  French,  Spanish,  and  Portuguese      


Page 23: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume FoRmAtincluding a highlights section



[email protected]  |  780-­‐555-­‐5555  Edmonton,  Alberta  


 •  8  years  of  statistical  research  and  analysis  experience  polished  through  the  completion  of  a  Masters  

thesis,  PhD  dissertation  and  employment  as  a  Research  Analyst  •  Advanced  technical  skills  using  statistical  programs  including  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB    

and  Mathematica  •  Experienced  in  project  management  and  model  development,  including  trend  and  forecasting  models  •  Demonstrated  strong  teamwork  skills  by  collaborating  with  6  instructors  while  co-­‐creating  two  

undergraduate  statistic  courses  and  innovating  team-­‐based  activities  for  learners  •  Trained  10–15  colleagues  at  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre  by  demonstrating  various    

methods  on  how  to  input  statistical  data  into  a  complex  corporate  database  system    

 EDUCATION      PhD  in  Mathematical  and  Statistical  Sciences                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB    MSc  in  Statistical  Sciences                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto  ON  

•  Thesis  description:  Case  study  analysis  of  consumer  statistical  data  in  a  retail  sector      BSc  in  Applied  Mathematics  and  Statistics                                                                                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Minor:  Computer  Science      

 RELEVANT  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Research  Analyst                                                            April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre,  Vineland  ON  

•  Analyzed  large  amounts  of  sensory  and  consumer  data  collected  by  the  consumer  science  team  and  evaluating  findings  from  over  500+  surveys  and  20  focus  groups  

•  Demonstrated  excellent  teamwork  skills  by  working  as  a  member  of  an  interdisciplinary  team  with  the  Research  Director  and  scientists  to  ensure  that  experiments  were  appropriately  conducted      

•  Wrote  12  reports  based  on  individual  data  collection  and  analysis  for  internal  and  external  parties  •  Created  analysis  models  and  designed  sets  to  ensure  each  met  the  appropriate  standards  and  guidelines  

for  the  given  data  collection  and  analysis  process    Summer  Research  Analyst                                                        April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Ontario  Natural  Gas  Alliance,  Toronto  ON  

•  Prepared  daily  reports  on  natural  gas  supply  and  demand  for  distribution  throughout  the  trade  floor,  which  were  reviewed  by  the  Senior  Research  Analyst  for  accuracy  

•  Collected  market  information  and  intelligence  to  track  key  infrastructure  changes  within  Ontario  •  Polished  communication  skills  by  collaborating  in  a  team  of  45–50  employees,  while  working  together    

to  meet  strict  deadlines    •  Managed  the  data  from  a  unified  platform,  including  data  integration  and  data  quality  

Page 24: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Question to ConsideRhow do I figure out the sequencing of my

sections? Is there a template?

Page 25: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume FoRmAtsequencing sections



[email protected]  |  780-­‐555-­‐5555  Edmonton,  Alberta  


 •  8  years  of  statistical  research  and  analysis  experience  polished  through  the  completion  of  a  Masters  

thesis,  PhD  dissertation  and  employment  as  a  Research  Analyst  •  Advanced  technical  skills  using  statistical  programs  including  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB    

and  Mathematica  •  Experienced  in  project  management  and  model  development,  including  trend  and  forecasting  models  •  Demonstrated  strong  teamwork  skills  by  collaborating  with  6  instructors  while  co-­‐creating  two  

undergraduate  statistic  courses  and  innovating  team-­‐based  activities  for  learners  •  Trained  10–15  colleagues  at  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre  by  demonstrating  various    

methods  on  how  to  input  statistical  data  into  a  complex  corporate  database  system    

 EDUCATION      PhD  in  Mathematical  and  Statistical  Sciences                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB    MSc  in  Statistical  Sciences                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto  ON  

•  Thesis  description:  Case  study  analysis  of  consumer  statistical  data  in  a  retail  sector      BSc  in  Applied  Mathematics  and  Statistics                                                                                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Minor:  Computer  Science      

 RELEVANT  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Research  Analyst                                                            April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre,  Vineland  ON  

•  Analyzed  large  amounts  of  sensory  and  consumer  data  collected  by  the  consumer  science  team  and  evaluating  findings  from  over  500+  surveys  and  20  focus  groups  

•  Demonstrated  excellent  teamwork  skills  by  working  as  a  member  of  an  interdisciplinary  team  with  the  Research  Director  and  scientists  to  ensure  that  experiments  were  appropriately  conducted      

•  Wrote  12  reports  based  on  individual  data  collection  and  analysis  for  internal  and  external  parties  •  Created  analysis  models  and  designed  sets  to  ensure  each  met  the  appropriate  standards  and  guidelines  

for  the  given  data  collection  and  analysis  process    Summer  Research  Analyst                                                        April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Ontario  Natural  Gas  Alliance,  Toronto  ON  

•  Prepared  daily  reports  on  natural  gas  supply  and  demand  for  distribution  throughout  the  trade  floor,  which  were  reviewed  by  the  Senior  Research  Analyst  for  accuracy  

•  Collected  market  information  and  intelligence  to  track  key  infrastructure  changes  within  Ontario  •  Polished  communication  skills  by  collaborating  in  a  team  of  45–50  employees,  while  working  together    

to  meet  strict  deadlines    •  Managed  the  data  from  a  unified  platform,  including  data  integration  and  data  quality    


Undergraduate  Research  Assistant                                                        Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Assisted  in  the  Research  Statistical  Lab  by  accurately  collecting  data  and  maintaining  4  different  databases    •  Organized  and  analyzed  quantitative  data  within  the  given  model  and  research  design  •  Reported  findings  directly  to  the  Research  Supervisor  and  ensured  that  the  final  reports  were  effectively  

communicated  and  comprehensive    •  Conducted  independent  research  on  database  systems  for  corporate  retail  sectors  while  working  with    

11  industry-­‐based  research  participants    

 ADDITIONAL  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Course  Instructor                                                                                                  Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB  

•  Presented  STATS  101  course  material  to  first  and  second  year  undergraduate  students  in  classes    ranging  from  40–100  students    

•  Designed  course  syllabi  and  requirements  which  received  official  approval  from  department  •  Developed  creative  instruction  for  students  by  creating  weekly  team-­‐based  activities  for  the  classroom  •  Answered  questions  and  concerns  of  students,  provided  viable  solutions  to  individual  problems  and    

held  office  hours  to  be  accessible  to  students  outside  of  the  classroom  on  a  weekly  basis      Course  Instructor    and  Instructional  Designer   `                                                      Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX    NorQuest  College,  Edmonton  AB    

•  Constructed  and  implemented  STATS  101  online  course  by  integrating  adult  education  principles  •  Monitored  student  activity  and  group  discussions  to  ensure  students  understood  the  course  material    

in  addition  to  the  course  requirements  •  Led  weekly  lectures  that  were  accompanied  by  interactive  videos  and  online  forum  discussions  •  Maintained  statistical  database  and  created  reports  to  submit  to  the  department  in  order  to  accurately  

gauge  course  success        

   SELECTED  ACHIEVEMENTS      Dissertation  Fellowship                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sept  20XX  –  Present  University  of  Alberta  ($22,000)              

•  Awarded  to  outstanding  doctoral  students  who  bring  fresh  and  constructive  perspectives            to  the  department  through  creative  graduate  studies  research  

 NSERC  –  Postgraduate  Doctorate  Scholarship                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  National  Sciences  and  Engineering  Research  Council  of  Canada  ($35,000)  

•  Received  for  high  scholarly  achievement  and  publishing  two  research  papers  in  first  year  of  PhD    Ontario  Graduate  Scholarship  (OGS)                                                          Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX  Awarded  for  three  consecutive  terms  ($15,000)    

•  Awarded  for  high  academic  achievement  GPA  4.0/4.0      


 •  Computer  programming:  laTeX,  C  and  C++,  Java  •  Statistical  programs:  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB,  Mathematica  •  Microsoft  Office  Suite:  Outlook,  Word,  Excel,  PowerPoint,  Access  •  Languages:  Fluent  at  English,  French,  Spanish,  and  Portuguese      


Page 26: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume WoRdingincorporating action verbs

ReLevAnt expeRienCe Career Peer Educator University of Alberta, Edmonton AB•Formulated career and work search strategies through…

• Initiated the design of CAPS in-service workshop for…

•Encouraged clients to take part in experiential learning activities such as…

•Co-facilitated presentations for the International Work Program to help…


PHIL  HANSEN      Edmonton,  AB  �  (780)  414-­‐5821  �  [email protected]  



• 3  years  of  experience  in  conducting  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  on  resumes  and  cover  letters,    and  interview  preparation  with  clients  who  have  diverse  educational  backgrounds  

• Delivered  variety  of  career  related  workshops,  seminars,  and  presentations,  such  as    4.0  Resumes  for  Education  Students,  to  groups  of  students  ranging  from  2  to  80  attendees  

• Applied  various  career  and  work  search  strategies,  including  networking  action  plans,  to  career  advising  consultation  with  clients  who  face  employment  barriers    

• Connected  more  than  150  clients  on  the  Distress  Line  with  a  variety  of  community  resources  available  to  the  public    


Master  of  Education,  Psychological  Studies  in  Education                              June  20XX  –  Feb.  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB  

• Thesis:  Psychological  Implications  of  Career  Decision  Making  in  Education        

Bachelor  of  Arts,  Film  Studies  and  English                                Aug.  20XX  –  June  20XX    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB              

• Completed  a  4-­‐month  study  abroad  program  in  Ghana,  Africa    WORK  EXPERIENCE    

Career  Peer  Educator                                      Aug.  20XX  –  June  20XX  CAPS:  Your  UofA  Career  Centre,  Edmonton  AB              


• Formulated  career  and  work  search  strategies  through  one-­‐on-­‐one  consultations  in  order  to  help  international  students  overcome  employment  barriers  

• Encouraged  clients  to  take  part  in  experiential  learning  activities  such  as  internships,  mentorships    and  job  shadow  opportunities  to  help  them  gain  a  deeper  self-­‐awareness  

• Co-­‐facilitated  presentations  for  the  International  Student  Work  Study  Program  to  help  students  further  develop  their  communication  skills  as  well  as  create  targeted  work  search  packages  

• Initiated  the  design  of  CAPS  in-­‐service  workshop  for  25-­‐30  co-­‐workers  to  help  them  understand  the  use  of  social  media  as  a  valuable  work  search  resource  


Distress  Line  Volunteer                                      Sept.  20XX  –  July  20XX    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB              


• Counselled  clients  in  crisis  at  the  Distress  Centre  by  de-­‐escalating  personal  issues  and    providing  appropriate  resources  within  the  community  of  Edmonton  

• Led  and  participated  in  team  building,  service  development  and  improvement  activities    which  helped  create  a  healthy  workplace  environment  

• Completed  professional  ethics  in-­‐service  course  and  abided  by  the  ethic  guidelines  to  ensure    client  confidentiality  and  safety    

• Initiated  and  organized  a  workplace  workshop  that  promoted  self-­‐care  techniques  including  mindfulness  meditation  and  other  various  deep  breathing  exercises  

Page 27: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

ReLevAnt expeRienCe Career Peer Educator University of Alberta, Edmonton AB•Formulated career and work search strategies through…

• Initiated the design of CAPS in-service workshop for…

•Encouraged clients to take part in experiential learning activities such as…

•Co-facilitated presentations for the International Work Program to help…

choosing connector wordsResume Content

Page 28: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

qualifying your statements

Career Peer EducatorUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, AB•Formulated career and work search strategies through one-on-one

consultations in order to help international students overcome

employment barriers

•Initiated the design of CAPS in-service workshop for

25–30 co-workers to help them understand the use of social media

as a valuable work search resource

Page 29: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

qualifying your statements

•Initiated the design of CAPS in-service workshop for

25–30 co-workers to help them understand the use of social

media as a valuable work search resource

•Initiated the design of CAPS in-service workshop for

25–30 co-workers to help them understand the use of social

media as a valuable work search resource

•Initiated the design of CAPS in-service workshop for

25–30 co-workers to help them understand the use of social

media as a valuable work search resource

Resume Content

Page 30: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

more qualifying


Undergraduate  Research  Assistant                                                        Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Assisted  in  the  Research  Statistical  Lab  by  accurately  collecting  data  and  maintaining  4  different  databases    •  Organized  and  analyzed  quantitative  data  within  the  given  model  and  research  design  •  Reported  findings  directly  to  the  Research  Supervisor  and  ensured  that  the  final  reports  were  effectively  

communicated  and  comprehensive    •  Conducted  independent  research  on  database  systems  for  corporate  retail  sectors  while  working  with    

11  industry-­‐based  research  participants    

 ADDITIONAL  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Course  Instructor                                                                                                  Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB  

•  Presented  STATS  101  course  material  to  first  and  second  year  undergraduate  students  in  classes    ranging  from  40–100  students    

•  Designed  course  syllabi  and  requirements  which  received  official  approval  from  department  •  Developed  creative  instruction  for  students  by  creating  weekly  team-­‐based  activities  for  the  classroom  •  Answered  questions  and  concerns  of  students,  provided  viable  solutions  to  individual  problems  and    

held  office  hours  to  be  accessible  to  students  outside  of  the  classroom  on  a  weekly  basis      Course  Instructor    and  Instructional  Designer   `                                                      Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX    NorQuest  College,  Edmonton  AB    

•  Constructed  and  implemented  STATS  101  online  course  by  integrating  adult  education  principles  •  Monitored  student  activity  and  group  discussions  to  ensure  students  understood  the  course  material    

in  addition  to  the  course  requirements  •  Led  weekly  lectures  that  were  accompanied  by  interactive  videos  and  online  forum  discussions  •  Maintained  statistical  database  and  created  reports  to  submit  to  the  department  in  order  to  accurately  

gauge  course  success        

   SELECTED  ACHIEVEMENTS      Dissertation  Fellowship                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sept  20XX  –  Present  University  of  Alberta  ($22,000)              

•  Awarded  to  outstanding  doctoral  students  who  bring  fresh  and  constructive  perspectives            to  the  department  through  creative  graduate  studies  research  

 NSERC  –  Postgraduate  Doctorate  Scholarship                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  National  Sciences  and  Engineering  Research  Council  of  Canada  ($35,000)  

•  Received  for  high  scholarly  achievement  and  publishing  two  research  papers  in  first  year  of  PhD    Ontario  Graduate  Scholarship  (OGS)                                                          Sept  20XX  –  Aug  20XX  Awarded  for  three  consecutive  terms  ($15,000)    

•  Awarded  for  high  academic  achievement  GPA  4.0/4.0      


 •  Computer  programming:  laTeX,  C  and  C++,  Java  •  Statistical  programs:  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB,  Mathematica  •  Microsoft  Office  Suite:  Outlook,  Word,  Excel,  PowerPoint,  Access  •  Languages:  Fluent  at  English,  French,  Spanish,  and  Portuguese      


Resume Content

Page 31: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

quantifying your statements

ReLevAnt expeRienCe Career Peer Educator University of Alberta, Edmonton AB

• Initiated the design of CAPS in-service workshop for

25–30 co-workers to help them understand the use of social

media as a valuable work search resource

Resume Content

Page 32: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education


Content - qualify info- quantify info- target content

FoRmAtting- section title- sequence section- resume type

pResentAtion- readability- hierarchy of info- 2 pages

WoRding- action verbs- relevant words/skills- range of words/skills

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Content - qualify info- quantify info- target content

FoRmAtting- section title- sequence section- resume type

pResentAtion- readability- hierarchy of info- 2 pages

WoRding- action verbs- relevant words/skills- range of words/skills

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Resume pResentAtionwhy is more white space better?



[email protected]  |  780-­‐555-­‐5555  Edmonton,  Alberta  


 •  8  years  of  statistical  research  and  analysis  experience  polished  through  the  completion  of  a  Masters  

thesis,  PhD  dissertation  and  employment  as  a  Research  Analyst  •  Advanced  technical  skills  using  statistical  programs  including  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB    

and  Mathematica  •  Experienced  in  project  management  and  model  development,  including  trend  and  forecasting  models  •  Demonstrated  strong  teamwork  skills  by  collaborating  with  6  instructors  while  co-­‐creating  two  

undergraduate  statistic  courses  and  innovating  team-­‐based  activities  for  learners  •  Trained  10–15  colleagues  at  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre  by  demonstrating  various    

methods  on  how  to  input  statistical  data  into  a  complex  corporate  database  system    

 EDUCATION      PhD  in  Mathematical  and  Statistical  Sciences                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB    MSc  in  Statistical  Sciences                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto  ON  

•  Thesis  description:  Case  study  analysis  of  consumer  statistical  data  in  a  retail  sector      BSc  in  Applied  Mathematics  and  Statistics                                                                                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Minor:  Computer  Science      

 RELEVANT  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Research  Analyst                                                            April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre,  Vineland  ON  

•  Analyzed  large  amounts  of  sensory  and  consumer  data  collected  by  the  consumer  science  team  and  evaluating  findings  from  over  500+  surveys  and  20  focus  groups  

•  Demonstrated  excellent  teamwork  skills  by  working  as  a  member  of  an  interdisciplinary  team  with  the  Research  Director  and  scientists  to  ensure  that  experiments  were  appropriately  conducted      

•  Wrote  12  reports  based  on  individual  data  collection  and  analysis  for  internal  and  external  parties  •  Created  analysis  models  and  designed  sets  to  ensure  each  met  the  appropriate  standards  and  guidelines  

for  the  given  data  collection  and  analysis  process    Summer  Research  Analyst                                                        April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Ontario  Natural  Gas  Alliance,  Toronto  ON  

•  Prepared  daily  reports  on  natural  gas  supply  and  demand  for  distribution  throughout  the  trade  floor,  which  were  reviewed  by  the  Senior  Research  Analyst  for  accuracy  

•  Collected  market  information  and  intelligence  to  track  key  infrastructure  changes  within  Ontario  •  Polished  communication  skills  by  collaborating  in  a  team  of  45–50  employees,  while  working  together    

to  meet  strict  deadlines    •  Managed  the  data  from  a  unified  platform,  including  data  integration  and  data  quality  



[email protected]  |  780-­‐555-­‐5555  Edmonton,  Alberta  


 •  8  years  of  statistical  research  and  analysis  experience  polished  through  the  completion  of  a  Masters  

thesis,  PhD  dissertation  and  employment  as  a  Research  Analyst  •  Advanced  technical  skills  using  statistical  programs  including  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB    

and  Mathematica  •  Experienced  in  project  management  and  model  development,  including  trend  and  forecasting  models  •  Demonstrated  strong  teamwork  skills  by  collaborating  with  6  instructors  while  co-­‐creating  two  

undergraduate  statistic  courses  and  innovating  team-­‐based  activities  for  learners  •  Trained  10–15  colleagues  at  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre  by  demonstrating  various    

methods  on  how  to  input  statistical  data  into  a  complex  corporate  database  system    

 EDUCATION      PhD  in  Mathematical  and  Statistical  Sciences                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB    MSc  in  Statistical  Sciences                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto  ON  

•  Thesis  description:  Case  study  analysis  of  consumer  statistical  data  in  a  retail  sector      BSc  in  Applied  Mathematics  and  Statistics                                                                                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Minor:  Computer  Science      

 RELEVANT  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Research  Analyst                                                            April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre,  Vineland  ON  

•  Analyzed  large  amounts  of  sensory  and  consumer  data  collected  by  the  consumer  science  team  and  evaluating  findings  from  over  500+  surveys  and  20  focus  groups  

•  Demonstrated  excellent  teamwork  skills  by  working  as  a  member  of  an  interdisciplinary  team  with  the  Research  Director  and  scientists  to  ensure  that  experiments  were  appropriately  conducted      

•  Wrote  12  reports  based  on  individual  data  collection  and  analysis  for  internal  and  external  parties  •  Created  analysis  models  and  designed  sets  to  ensure  each  met  the  appropriate  standards  and  guidelines  

for  the  given  data  collection  and  analysis  process    Summer  Research  Analyst                                                        April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Ontario  Natural  Gas  Alliance,  Toronto  ON  

•  Prepared  daily  reports  on  natural  gas  supply  and  demand  for  distribution  throughout  the  trade  floor,  which  were  reviewed  by  the  Senior  Research  Analyst  for  accuracy  

•  Collected  market  information  and  intelligence  to  track  key  infrastructure  changes  within  Ontario  •  Polished  communication  skills  by  collaborating  in  a  team  of  45–50  employees,  while  working  together    

to  meet  strict  deadlines    •  Managed  the  data  from  a  unified  platform,  including  data  integration  and  data  quality  

x √

Page 35: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume pResentAtionreadability: line length (50 to 70 characters)



[email protected]  |  780-­‐555-­‐5555  Edmonton,  Alberta  


 •  8  years  of  statistical  research  and  analysis  experience  polished  through  the  completion  of  a  Masters  

thesis,  PhD  dissertation  and  employment  as  a  Research  Analyst  •  Advanced  technical  skills  using  statistical  programs  including  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB    

and  Mathematica  •  Experienced  in  project  management  and  model  development,  including  trend  and  forecasting  models  •  Demonstrated  strong  teamwork  skills  by  collaborating  with  6  instructors  while  co-­‐creating  two  

undergraduate  statistic  courses  and  innovating  team-­‐based  activities  for  learners  •  Trained  10–15  colleagues  at  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre  by  demonstrating  various    

methods  on  how  to  input  statistical  data  into  a  complex  corporate  database  system    

 EDUCATION      PhD  in  Mathematical  and  Statistical  Sciences                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB    MSc  in  Statistical  Sciences                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto  ON  

•  Thesis  description:  Case  study  analysis  of  consumer  statistical  data  in  a  retail  sector      BSc  in  Applied  Mathematics  and  Statistics                                                                                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Minor:  Computer  Science      

 RELEVANT  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Research  Analyst                                                            April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre,  Vineland  ON  

•  Analyzed  large  amounts  of  sensory  and  consumer  data  collected  by  the  consumer  science  team  and  evaluating  findings  from  over  500+  surveys  and  20  focus  groups  

•  Demonstrated  excellent  teamwork  skills  by  working  as  a  member  of  an  interdisciplinary  team  with  the  Research  Director  and  scientists  to  ensure  that  experiments  were  appropriately  conducted      

•  Wrote  12  reports  based  on  individual  data  collection  and  analysis  for  internal  and  external  parties  •  Created  analysis  models  and  designed  sets  to  ensure  each  met  the  appropriate  standards  and  guidelines  

for  the  given  data  collection  and  analysis  process    Summer  Research  Analyst                                                        April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Ontario  Natural  Gas  Alliance,  Toronto  ON  

•  Prepared  daily  reports  on  natural  gas  supply  and  demand  for  distribution  throughout  the  trade  floor,  which  were  reviewed  by  the  Senior  Research  Analyst  for  accuracy  

•  Collected  market  information  and  intelligence  to  track  key  infrastructure  changes  within  Ontario  •  Polished  communication  skills  by  collaborating  in  a  team  of  45–50  employees,  while  working  together    

to  meet  strict  deadlines    •  Managed  the  data  from  a  unified  platform,  including  data  integration  and  data  quality  



[email protected]  |  780-­‐555-­‐5555  Edmonton,  Alberta  


 •  8  years  of  statistical  research  and  analysis  experience  polished  through  the  completion  of  a  Masters  

thesis,  PhD  dissertation  and  employment  as  a  Research  Analyst  •  Advanced  technical  skills  using  statistical  programs  including  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB    

and  Mathematica  •  Experienced  in  project  management  and  model  development,  including  trend  and  forecasting  models  •  Demonstrated  strong  teamwork  skills  by  collaborating  with  6  instructors  while  co-­‐creating  two  

undergraduate  statistic  courses  and  innovating  team-­‐based  activities  for  learners  •  Trained  10–15  colleagues  at  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre  by  demonstrating  various    

methods  on  how  to  input  statistical  data  into  a  complex  corporate  database  system    

 EDUCATION      PhD  in  Mathematical  and  Statistical  Sciences                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB    MSc  in  Statistical  Sciences                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto  ON  

•  Thesis  description:  Case  study  analysis  of  consumer  statistical  data  in  a  retail  sector      BSc  in  Applied  Mathematics  and  Statistics                                                                                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Minor:  Computer  Science      

 RELEVANT  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Research  Analyst                                                            April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre,  Vineland  ON  

•  Analyzed  large  amounts  of  sensory  and  consumer  data  collected  by  the  consumer  science  team  and  evaluating  findings  from  over  500+  surveys  and  20  focus  groups  

•  Demonstrated  excellent  teamwork  skills  by  working  as  a  member  of  an  interdisciplinary  team  with  the  Research  Director  and  scientists  to  ensure  that  experiments  were  appropriately  conducted      

•  Wrote  12  reports  based  on  individual  data  collection  and  analysis  for  internal  and  external  parties  •  Created  analysis  models  and  designed  sets  to  ensure  each  met  the  appropriate  standards  and  guidelines  

for  the  given  data  collection  and  analysis  process    Summer  Research  Analyst                                                        April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Ontario  Natural  Gas  Alliance,  Toronto  ON  

•  Prepared  daily  reports  on  natural  gas  supply  and  demand  for  distribution  throughout  the  trade  floor,  which  were  reviewed  by  the  Senior  Research  Analyst  for  accuracy  

•  Collected  market  information  and  intelligence  to  track  key  infrastructure  changes  within  Ontario  •  Polished  communication  skills  by  collaborating  in  a  team  of  45–50  employees,  while  working  together    

to  meet  strict  deadlines    •  Managed  the  data  from  a  unified  platform,  including  data  integration  and  data  quality  

x √

Page 36: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume pResentAtionreadability: hierarchy of information



[email protected]  |  780-­‐555-­‐5555  Edmonton,  Alberta  


 •  8  years  of  statistical  research  and  analysis  experience  polished  through  the  completion  of  a  Masters  

thesis,  PhD  dissertation  and  employment  as  a  Research  Analyst  •  Advanced  technical  skills  using  statistical  programs  including  SAS,  R,  Stata,  Statistica,  Maple,  MATLAB    

and  Mathematica  •  Experienced  in  project  management  and  model  development,  including  trend  and  forecasting  models  •  Demonstrated  strong  teamwork  skills  by  collaborating  with  6  instructors  while  co-­‐creating  two  

undergraduate  statistic  courses  and  innovating  team-­‐based  activities  for  learners  •  Trained  10–15  colleagues  at  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre  by  demonstrating  various    

methods  on  how  to  input  statistical  data  into  a  complex  corporate  database  system    

 EDUCATION      PhD  in  Mathematical  and  Statistical  Sciences                      Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton  AB    MSc  in  Statistical  Sciences                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto  ON  

•  Thesis  description:  Case  study  analysis  of  consumer  statistical  data  in  a  retail  sector      BSc  in  Applied  Mathematics  and  Statistics                                                                                                                              Sept  20XX  –  April  20XX  University  of  Western  Ontario,  London  ON  

•  Minor:  Computer  Science      

 RELEVANT  WORK  EXPERIENCE      Research  Analyst                                                            April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Vineland  Research  and  Innovation  Centre,  Vineland  ON  

•  Analyzed  large  amounts  of  sensory  and  consumer  data  collected  by  the  consumer  science  team  and  evaluating  findings  from  over  500+  surveys  and  20  focus  groups  

•  Demonstrated  excellent  teamwork  skills  by  working  as  a  member  of  an  interdisciplinary  team  with  the  Research  Director  and  scientists  to  ensure  that  experiments  were  appropriately  conducted      

•  Wrote  12  reports  based  on  individual  data  collection  and  analysis  for  internal  and  external  parties  •  Created  analysis  models  and  designed  sets  to  ensure  each  met  the  appropriate  standards  and  guidelines  

for  the  given  data  collection  and  analysis  process    Summer  Research  Analyst                                                        April  20XX  –  Sept  20XX  Ontario  Natural  Gas  Alliance,  Toronto  ON  

•  Prepared  daily  reports  on  natural  gas  supply  and  demand  for  distribution  throughout  the  trade  floor,  which  were  reviewed  by  the  Senior  Research  Analyst  for  accuracy  

•  Collected  market  information  and  intelligence  to  track  key  infrastructure  changes  within  Ontario  •  Polished  communication  skills  by  collaborating  in  a  team  of  45–50  employees,  while  working  together    

to  meet  strict  deadlines    •  Managed  the  data  from  a  unified  platform,  including  data  integration  and  data  quality  

Page 37: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume pResentAtioncolour in your resume

EDUC ATIONMaster of Design, research focus on Design EducationDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Sep 2013 – Present

Bachelor of Design, Visual Communications & Social SciencesDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Sep 2009 – Apr 2013

Diploma, Fashion Design, Merchandising & MarketingLethbridge College, Sep 2005 – Apr 2007

ADDITIONAL TR AININGCertificate, Graduate Teaching and Learning ProgramFaculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Jan 2014 – Present

Certificate of Completion, Adult Educator Seminar SeriesMount Royal University, Aug 2012

Certificate of Completion, Train the Trainer SeriesSouthern Alberta Institute of Technology, Jan – Mar 2012

REsEARCh ExpERIENCEMaster of Design Thesis ResearchDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, In-progress

» Research project title: Ideation, Creativity, and Mindfulness: An Investigation of Mindfulness Practice in Design Education

» Conducting research by leading an exploratory study with design students and interviewing design educators, practitioners, and educational developers

Research AssistantDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Apr – Aug 2014

» Collaborated with the project supervisor, Bonnie Sadler Takach, to create an innovative pedological framework for community-based design projects

» Conducted secondary research by investigating various teaching models and by creating an extensive annotated bibliography

Creative Design & Research InternPropellus (Volunteer Calgary), May – Oct 2012

» Interviewed the Community and Service Learning Coordinator about the CSL program in order to design an information design tool and the CSL annual report

JUsTIN [email protected]

Page 1

Edmonton, Alberta780–862–9357

Awarded over $45,000 in scholarships, grants,

bursaries, fellowships, and awards between 2005 – 2015.

Achievements based on academic excellence, research potential,

professional development,leadership, creativity,

alternative thinking, and/or design abilities.

Please review the application word document for more details

on awards and scholarships.

Page 38: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

EDUC ATIONMaster of Design, research focus on Design EducationDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Sep 2013 – Present

Bachelor of Design, Visual Communications & Social SciencesDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Sep 2009 – Apr 2013

Diploma, Fashion Design, Merchandising & MarketingLethbridge College, Sep 2005 – Apr 2007

ADDITIONAL TR AININGCertificate, Graduate Teaching and Learning ProgramFaculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Jan 2014 – Present

Certificate of Completion, Adult Educator Seminar SeriesMount Royal University, Aug 2012

Certificate of Completion, Train the Trainer SeriesSouthern Alberta Institute of Technology, Jan – Mar 2012

REsEARCh ExpERIENCEMaster of Design Thesis ResearchDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, In-progress

» Research project title: Ideation, Creativity, and Mindfulness: An Investigation of Mindfulness Practice in Design Education

» Conducting research by leading an exploratory study with design students and interviewing design educators, practitioners, and educational developers

Research AssistantDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Apr – Aug 2014

» Collaborated with the project supervisor, Bonnie Sadler Takach, to create an innovative pedological framework for community-based design projects

» Conducted secondary research by investigating various teaching models and by creating an extensive annotated bibliography

Creative Design & Research InternPropellus (Volunteer Calgary), May – Oct 2012

» Interviewed the Community and Service Learning Coordinator about the CSL program in order to design an information design tool and the CSL annual report

JUsTIN [email protected]

Page 1

Edmonton, Alberta780–862–9357

Awarded over $45,000 in scholarships, grants,

bursaries, fellowships, and awards between 2005 – 2015.

Achievements based on academic excellence, research potential,

professional development,leadership, creativity,

alternative thinking, and/or design abilities.

Please review the application word document for more details

on awards and scholarships.

Question to ConsideRcan I use hyperlinks in my resume?

Page 39: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

EDUC ATIONMaster of Design, research focus on Design EducationDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Sep 2013 – Present

Bachelor of Design, Visual Communications & Social SciencesDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Sep 2009 – Apr 2013

Diploma, Fashion Design, Merchandising & MarketingLethbridge College, Sep 2005 – Apr 2007

ADDITIONAL TR AININGCertificate, Graduate Teaching and Learning ProgramFaculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Jan 2014 – Present

Certificate of Completion, Adult Educator Seminar SeriesMount Royal University, Aug 2012

Certificate of Completion, Train the Trainer SeriesSouthern Alberta Institute of Technology, Jan – Mar 2012

REsEARCh ExpERIENCEMaster of Design Thesis ResearchDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, In-progress

» Research project title: Ideation, Creativity, and Mindfulness: An Investigation of Mindfulness Practice in Design Education

» Conducting research by leading an exploratory study with design students and interviewing design educators, practitioners, and educational developers

Research AssistantDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity of Alberta, Apr – Aug 2014

» Collaborated with the project supervisor, Bonnie Sadler Takach, to create an innovative pedological framework for community-based design projects

» Conducted secondary research by investigating various teaching models and by creating an extensive annotated bibliography

Creative Design & Research InternPropellus (Volunteer Calgary), May – Oct 2012

» Interviewed the Community and Service Learning Coordinator about the CSL program in order to design an information design tool and the CSL annual report

JUsTIN [email protected]

Page 1

Edmonton, Alberta780–862–9357

Awarded over $45,000 in scholarships, grants,

bursaries, fellowships, and awards between 2005 – 2015.

Achievements based on academic excellence, research potential,

professional development,leadership, creativity,

alternative thinking, and/or design abilities.

Please review the application word document for more details

on awards and scholarships.

Question to ConsideRcan I use hyperlinks in my resume?

- supervisor

- department

- thesis project

- presentation

- portfolio/project

- linkedin

Page 40: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume sAmpLevisit our website:

Page 41: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume sAmpLevisit our website:

Page 42: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume summARYkey considerations

target your resume

find the “links”

identify the type and sections

target your content points

use action verbs

optimize readability

Page 43: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume summARYkey considerations

target your resume

find the “links”

identify the type and sections

target your content points

use action verbs

optimize readability

Page 44: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume summARYkey considerations

target your resume

find the “links”

identify the type and sections

target your content points

use action verbs

optimize readability

Page 45: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume summARYkey considerations

target your resume

find the “links”

identify the type and sections

target your content points

use action verbs

optimize readability

Page 46: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume summARYkey considerations

target your resume

find the “links”

identify the type and sections

target your content points

use action verbs

optimize readability

Page 47: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Resume summARYkey considerations

target your resume

find the “links”

identify the type and sections

target your content points

use action verbs

optimize readability

Page 48: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

side notekeep track of your questions, as

there will be time for them at the end

Page 49: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CoveR LetteRBuiLding

Page 50: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

what is the purpose of a cover letter?

Page 51: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education







Page 52: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CoveR LetteR BuiLdingagain, applicant tracking system

the applicant tracking system (ATS) is a software

application that filters through online job

applications to facilitate the recruitment process

for employers.

Page 53: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL WoRding + Contenttargetting your paragraphs

2015-03-01, 3:57 PMMethods Analyst I - Curriculum Designer

Page 1 of 2

Job Description

The Edmonton Police Service has an opportunity for a Curriculum Designer in our Continuing Education Unit. This position would be responsible for the following: • Designing and developing classroom, eLearning and blended learning courses. Courses developed must employ instructional techniques and evaluation methods that are grounded in the principles ofadult education. • Conducting needs assessments, formulating project plans, researching course content, and designing instructional techniques and evaluation methods. • Collaborating with instructors, subject matter experts and other curriculum designers on the coordination, research and development of curriculum packages (course manuals detailing course overviewinformation, lesson plans, course training standards and evaluation methods). • Maintaining partnerships with external agencies and training institutions in creating educational opportunities for Edmonton Police Service members. • Arranging for and conducting coaching and advisory sessions with subject matter experts to discuss expectations and standards in the development of CTS and course material. Providerecommendations on the design and delivery methods of courses as a curriculum design specialist. • Preparing information such as course outlines and learning objectives for external training institutions for the assessment of transfer credit eligibilities. • Designing and preparing instructional aids, such as training manuals, handouts, and PowerPoint presentations for courses. • Other related duties. QualificationsJob Level:

• University graduation from a recognized program in education, such as a Bachelor of Education Degree. • Minimum of two (2) years experience working in the field of adult education and/or developing course curriculum. • Experience with development of web material would be beneficial. • Strong skills with Microsoft Office are required. • Strong skills with Adobe Suite would be an asset. • Strong interpersonal skills are required. • Strong communication skills are required. • Must be able to work independently and in collaboration with others and as part of a team. • Applicants may be tested. • Samples of work may be requested.

Opportunity Concept Level

• University graduation from a recognized program in education, such as a Bachelor of Education Degree. • Experience with development of web material would be beneficial. • Strong skills with Microsoft Office are required. • Strong skills with Adobe Suite would be an asset. • Strong interpersonal skills are required. • Strong communication skills are required. • Must be able to work independently and in collaboration with others and as part of a team. • Applicants may be tested. • Samples of work may be requested. THE EDMONTON POLICE SERVICE WILL CONDUCT AN ENHANCED SECURITY CLEARANCE ON THOSE CANDIDATES WHO HAVE BEEN SHORT-LISTED.

Hours of Work: 8 hours per day, Monday -Friday. Hours of work may be subject to the terms and conditions of variable hours of work program.

Salary Range:

Job Level: 21B, Grade 024: $32.16 - $40.18 (Hourly), $2,573.40 - $3,215.00 (Bi-Weekly), $67,164.70 - $83,910.46 (Annually). The rates quoted are in accordance with a collective agreement betweenthe Union and the City of Edmonton that expired on December 28, 2013.

Opportunity Concept Level: 21C, Grade: 019, $26.80 - $30.58 (Hourly), $2,144.40 - $2,447.10 (Bi-Weekly), $55,968.84 - $63,869.83 (Annually) The rates quoted are in accordance with a collectiveagreement between the Union and the City of Edmonton that expired on December 28, 2013.

General: • Civic Service Union 52 members are asked to send a copy of their application to the union office. • The City of Edmonton thanks applicants for their interest in this opportunity. Candidates considered for the position will be contacted. • We are an equal opportunity employer. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all qualified individuals.

The Province of Alberta is a party to the Federal Agreement on Internal Trade, the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility with British Columbia and the New West Partnership Trade Agreement withBritish Columbia and Saskatchewan. All of these agreements promote labour mobility between the Provinces. Applicants may obtain information regarding recognition of extra provincial credentials

HR Consultant: DZ Classification Title: Methods Analyst IPosting Date Feb 12, 2015Closing Date Mar 5, 2015Number of Openings (up to) 1 - Permanent Full-timeUnion : CSU 52Department Training BranchWork Location(s) Edmonton T5J 0L4

Methods Analyst I - Curriculum DesignerJob Number 21333

Talent Hub FAQ

Leon Miller, BEd [email protected] | 780-000-0000

Edmonton, Alberta T0T 0T0

March 10, 20XX

EPS Training Centre

10173 - 97 Street

Edmonton, AB T5J 0L4

Dear Hiring Manager:

I am applying for the Methods Analyst I - Curriculum Designer position (job number: 21333) that was recently posted

on the City of Edmonton website. With 2 years of work experience in the field of Adult Education, I have exercised

various instructional techniques that are necessary for developing and delivering classroom, eLearning and blended

learning courses. I have also explored the principles of adult education through my studies in Education at the

University of Edmonton and past consultancy work as an Instructional Designer.

In my last year of the Bachelor of Education degree program, I undertook a special topics research course that was

predominately self-directed. As part of my final project, I conducted primary research and designed creative

instructional aids for students with Attention Deficient Disorder. I created these aids by using a variety of computer

programs such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and the Adobe Suite. This research and development experience has

enhanced my ability to think creatively and work independently and, as a result I was awarded the Excellence in

Undergraduate Research Scholarship which recognizes students, like myself, who have demonstrated significant

and innovative research in their area of study.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Education in 20XX, I began working as an independent eLearning Consultant

and in this role I managed 6 major training projects for two different corporate organizations. As a consultant, I

conducted needs assessments, formulated project plans, researched course content, and designed instructional

techniques and evaluation methods in order to enhance new organizational effectiveness initiatives. There were

many complex and dynamic issues that I problem-solved, including the development of online course manuals that

could be used for employees who had visual impairments. As part of the development process, I collaborated with

various subject matter experts and designers in order to understand and resolve the complexities of the project. In

turn, I assimilated the corporate goals and objectives and created a tool that is now being used in the corporation’s

main training and development department.

As a creative facilitator with a passion for curriculum design, I feel that this position seems like a great match for the

Edmonton Police Service and myself. I have attached my resume and samples of my work to demonstrate some of

my recently completed curriculum design projects. I look forward to hearing from you to set up an opportunity to

further discuss my skills and qualifications in person. I can be reached on my cell at 780-000-0000 or by email at

[email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Leon Miller

Page 54: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL FoRmAttingparagraph vs. bullet point format

Leon Miller, BEd [email protected] | 780-000-0000

Edmonton, Alberta T0T 0T0

March 10, 20XX

EPS Training Centre

10173 - 97 Street

Edmonton, AB T5J 0L4

Dear Hiring Manager:

I am applying for the Methods Analyst I - Curriculum Designer position (job number: 21333) that was recently posted

on the City of Edmonton website. With 2 years of work experience in the field of Adult Education, I have exercised

various instructional techniques that are necessary for developing and delivering classroom, eLearning and blended

learning courses. I have also explored the principles of adult education through my studies in Education at the

University of Edmonton and past consultancy work as an Instructional Designer.

In my last year of the Bachelor of Education degree program, I undertook a special topics research course that was

predominately self-directed. As part of my final project, I conducted primary research and designed creative

instructional aids for students with Attention Deficient Disorder. I created these aids by using a variety of computer

programs such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and the Adobe Suite. This research and development experience has

enhanced my ability to think creatively and work independently and, as a result I was awarded the Excellence in

Undergraduate Research Scholarship which recognizes students, like myself, who have demonstrated significant

and innovative research in their area of study.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Education in 20XX, I began working as an independent eLearning Consultant

and in this role I managed 6 major training projects for two different corporate organizations. As a consultant, I

conducted needs assessments, formulated project plans, researched course content, and designed instructional

techniques and evaluation methods in order to enhance new organizational effectiveness initiatives. There were

many complex and dynamic issues that I problem-solved, including the development of online course manuals that

could be used for employees who had visual impairments. As part of the development process, I collaborated with

various subject matter experts and designers in order to understand and resolve the complexities of the project. In

turn, I assimilated the corporate goals and objectives and created a tool that is now being used in the corporation’s

main training and development department.

As a creative facilitator with a passion for curriculum design, I feel that this position seems like a great match for the

Edmonton Police Service and myself. I have attached my resume and samples of my work to demonstrate some of

my recently completed curriculum design projects. I look forward to hearing from you to set up an opportunity to

further discuss my skills and qualifications in person. I can be reached on my cell at 780-000-0000 or by email at

[email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Leon Miller

Leon Miller, BEd [email protected] | 780-000-0000

Edmonton, Alberta T0T- 0T0

March 10, 20XX

EPS Training Centre 10173 - 97 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 0L4 Dear Hiring Manager: I am applying for the Methods Analyst I - Curriculum Designer position (job number: 21333) that was recently posted on the City of Edmonton website. With 2 years of work experience in the field of Adult Education, I have exercised various instructional techniques that are necessary for developing and delivering classroom, eLearning and blended learning courses. I have also explored the principles of adult education through my studies in Education at the University of Edmonton and past consultancy work as an Instructional Designer. Below is an brief outline of some of my relevant work experience. Conducted primary research and designed creative instructional aids for students with

Attention Deficient Disorder Created these aids by using a variety of computer programs such as PowerPoint, Microsoft

Word and the Adobe Suite Awarded the Excellence in Undergraduate Research Scholarship which recognizes students

who have demonstrated significant and innovative research in their area of study. Managed 6 major training projects for corporate organizations as an eLearning Consultant Conducted needs assessments, formulated project plans, researched course content

and designed instructional techniques and evaluation methods Solved complex and dynamic issues including the development of online course manuals

that could be used for employees who had visual impairments. Collaborated with various subject matter experts and designers in order to understand

and resolve the complexities of the project Assimilated the corporate goals and objectives and created a tool that is now being used

in the corporation’s main training and development department As a creative facilitator with a passion for curriculum design, I feel that this position seems like a great match for the Edmonton Police Service and myself. I have attached my resume and samples of my work to demonstrate some of my recently completed curriculum design projects. I look forward to hearing from you to set up an opportunity to further discuss my skills and qualifications in person. I can be reached on my cell at 780-000-0000 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Leon Miller

Page 55: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL WoRding + Contenttargeting your paragraphs

The middle paragraphs or bullet points should show the relevance of 1 to 3 of the following to the job and/or organization:

•Your education•Your skills and abilities•Your interests•Your values•Your experiences

(work, volunteer, other)

Page 56: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL pResentAtionenhancing readability + visual sophistication

Leon Miller, BEd [email protected] | 780-000-0000

Edmonton, Alberta T0T 0T0

March 10, 20XX

EPS Training Centre

10173 - 97 Street

Edmonton, AB T5J 0L4

Dear Hiring Manager:

I am applying for the Methods Analyst I - Curriculum Designer position (job number: 21333) that was recently posted

on the City of Edmonton website. With 2 years of work experience in the field of Adult Education, I have exercised

various instructional techniques that are necessary for developing and delivering classroom, eLearning and blended

learning courses. I have also explored the principles of adult education through my studies in Education at the

University of Edmonton and past consultancy work as an Instructional Designer.

In my last year of the Bachelor of Education degree program, I undertook a special topics research course that was

predominately self-directed. As part of my final project, I conducted primary research and designed creative

instructional aids for students with Attention Deficient Disorder. I created these aids by using a variety of computer

programs such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and the Adobe Suite. This research and development experience has

enhanced my ability to think creatively and work independently and, as a result I was awarded the Excellence in

Undergraduate Research Scholarship which recognizes students, like myself, who have demonstrated significant

and innovative research in their area of study.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Education in 20XX, I began working as an independent eLearning Consultant

and in this role I managed 6 major training projects for two different corporate organizations. As a consultant, I

conducted needs assessments, formulated project plans, researched course content, and designed instructional

techniques and evaluation methods in order to enhance new organizational effectiveness initiatives. There were

many complex and dynamic issues that I problem-solved, including the development of online course manuals that

could be used for employees who had visual impairments. As part of the development process, I collaborated with

various subject matter experts and designers in order to understand and resolve the complexities of the project. In

turn, I assimilated the corporate goals and objectives and created a tool that is now being used in the corporation’s

main training and development department.

As a creative facilitator with a passion for curriculum design, I feel that this position seems like a great match for the

Edmonton Police Service and myself. I have attached my resume and samples of my work to demonstrate some of

my recently completed curriculum design projects. I look forward to hearing from you to set up an opportunity to

further discuss my skills and qualifications in person. I can be reached on my cell at 780-000-0000 or by email at

[email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Leon Miller

Leon Miller, BEd [email protected] | 780-000-0000

Edmonton, Alberta T0T 0T0 March 10, 20XX

EPS Training Centre 10173 - 97 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 0L4 Dear Hiring Manager: I am applying for the Methods Analyst I - Curriculum Designer position (job number: 21333) that was recently posted on the City of Edmonton website. With 2 years of work experience in the field of Adult Education, I have exercised various instructional techniques that are necessary for developing and delivering classroom, eLearning and blended learning courses. I have also explored the principles of adult education through my studies in Education at the University of Edmonton and past consultancy work as an Instructional Designer. In my last year of the Bachelor of Education degree program, I undertook a special topics research course that was predominately self-directed. As part of my final project, I conducted primary research and designed creative instructional aids for students with Attention Deficient Disorder. I created these aids by using a variety of computer programs such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and the Adobe Suite. This research and development experience has enhanced my ability to think creatively and work independently and, as a result I was awarded the Excellence in Undergraduate Research Scholarship which recognizes students, like myself, who have demonstrated significant and innovative research in their area of study. After graduating with a Bachelor of Education in 20XX, I began working as an independent eLearning Consultant and in this role I managed 6 major training projects for two different corporate organizations. As a consultant, I conducted needs assessments, formulated project plans, researched course content, and designed instructional techniques and evaluation methods in order to enhance new organizational effectiveness initiatives. There were many complex and dynamic issues that I problem-solved, including the development of online course manuals that could be used for employees who had visual impairments. As part of the development process, I collaborated with various subject matter experts and designers in order to understand and resolve the complexities of the project. In turn, I assimilated the corporate goals and objectives and created a tool that is now being used in the corporation’s main training and development department. As a creative facilitator with a passion for curriculum design, I feel that this position seems like a great match for the Edmonton Police Service and myself. I have attached my resume and samples of my work to demonstrate some of my recently completed curriculum design projects. I look forward to hearing from you to set up an opportunity to further discuss my skills and qualifications in person. I can be reached on my cell at 780-000-0000 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Leon Miller

Page 57: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL summARYkey considerations

target your cover letter

find the "links"

create a targeted middle section

incorporate action verbs

optimize readability

Page 58: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL summARYkey considerations

target your cover letter

find the "links"

create a targeted middle section

incorporate action verbs

optimize readability

Page 59: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL summARYkey considerations

target your cover letter

find the "links"

create a targeted middle section

incorporate action verbs

optimize readability

Page 60: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL summARYkey considerations

target your cover letter

find the "links"

create a targeted middle section

incorporate action verbs

optimize readability

Page 61: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

CL summARYkey considerations

target your cover letter

find the "links"

create a targeted middle section

incorporate action verbs

optimize readability

Page 62: Resume + CoveR LetteR BuiLding...justin pritchard, career coach where do I start? expeRienCes AttRiButes You work You skills expeRienCes AttRiButes work volunteer projects education

Best oF LuCk!