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Chapter 14 RESUSCITATING REAL BUSINESS CYCLES * ROBERT G. KING University of Virginia and NBER SERGIO T. REBELO Northwestern University and NBER Contents Abstract 928 Keywords 928 1. Introduction 929 2. Stylized facts of aggregate activity 931 2.1. Measuring business cycles with the HP filter 932 2.2. Some stylized facts of US business cycles 934 2.3. Some stylized facts of economic growth 941 2.4. Implications of stylized facts 941 3. The basic neoclassical model 942 3.1. The structure 942 3.2. Steady-state growth and transforming the economy 944 3.3. Optimal capital accumulation 946 3.4. The nature of the steady state 947 3.5. Transitional dynamics 948 3.6. The (Un)importance of capital formation 950 3.7. Constructing dynamic stochastic models 951 4. The Real Business Cycle shock 952 4.1. The driving process 952 4.2. Calibrating and solving the model 953 4.3. Business cycle moments 956 4.3.1. Simulations of US business cycles 958 4.4. The importance of capital accumulation 960 4.5. Early successes and criticisms 960 * We benefited from the comments of the editors as well as from those of Rui Albuquerque, Robert Barro, Marianne Baxter, Satyajit Chatterjee, Aubhik Khan, Daniele Coen Pirani, Henry Siu, Julia Thomas, and Michelle Zaharchuk. Dorsey Farr provided detailed comments and excellent research assistance. Support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. Handbook of Macroeconomics, Volume 1, Edited by J.B. Taylor and M. Woodford © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved 927

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  • Chapter 14



    University of Virginia and NBER


    Northwestern University and NBER


    Abst rac t 928

    Keywords 928

    1. Introduct ion 929

    2. Styl ized facts o f aggregate act ivi ty 931

    2.1. Measuring business cycles with the HP filter 932

    2.2. Some stylized facts of US business cycles 934

    2.3. Some stylized facts of economic growth 941

    2.4. Implications of stylized facts 941

    3. The basic neoclass ica l m o d e l 942

    3.1. The structure 942

    3.2. Steady-state growth and transforming the economy 944

    3.3. Optimal capital accumulation 946

    3.4. The nature of the steady state 947

    3.5. Transitional dynamics 948

    3.6. The (Un)importance of capital formation 950

    3.7. Constructing dynamic stochastic models 951

    4. The Real Business Cyc le shock 952

    4.1. The driving process 952

    4.2. Calibrating and solving the model 953

    4.3. Business cycle moments 956

    4.3.1. Simulations of US business cycles 958

    4.4. The importance of capital accumulation 960

    4.5. Early successes and criticisms 960

    * We benefited from the comments of the editors as well as from those of Rui Albuquerque, Robert Barro, Marianne Baxter, Satyajit Chatterjee, Aubhik Khan, Daniele Coen Pirani, Henry Siu, Julia Thomas, and Michelle Zaharchuk. Dorsey Farr provided detailed comments and excellent research assistance. Support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.

    Handbook of Macroeconomics, Volume 1, Edited by J.B. Taylor and M. Woodford © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved


  • 928 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    5. The central role o f productivity shocks 5.1. Productivity shocks must be large and persistent 5.2. The influence of productivity persistence 5.3. Why not other shocks?

    6. Extensions o f the basic neoclassical model 6.1. The supply of labor

    6.1.1. Estimated and assumed labor supply elasticities 6.1.2. Implications of varying the aggregate labor supply elasticity 6.1.3. Modeling the extensive margin

    6.2. Capacity utilization 7. Remeasuring productivity shocks 8. Business cycles in a high substitution economy

    8.1. Specification and calibration 8.2. Simulating the high substitution economy 8.3. How does the high substitution economy work? 8.4. What are the properties of the shocks? 8.5. How sensitive are the results?

    9. Conclusions Appendix A. Dynamic theory

    A.1. Assumptions on preferences and technology A.2. The dynamic social planning problem A.3. A dynamic competitive equilibrium interpretation A.4. The welfare theorems


    963 963 969 973 974 974 975 975 976 980 982 984 984 986 986 988 990 993 995 995 997 999

    1001 1002


    The Real Business Cycle (RBC) research program has grown spectacularly over the last decade, as its concepts and methods have diffused into mainstream macroeconomics. Yet, there is increasing skepticism that technology shocks are a major source o f business fluctuations. This chapter exposits the basic RBC model and shows that it requires large technology shocks to produce realistic business cycles. While Solow residuals are sufficiently volatile, these imply frequent technological regress. Produc- tivity studies permitting unobserved factor variation find much smaller technology shocks, suggesting the imminent demise o f real business cycles. However, we show that greater factor variation also dramatically amplifies shocks: a RBC model with varying capital utilization yields realistic business cycles from small, nounegative changes in technology.


    macroeconomics, business cycles

    JEL class~cation: El0, E32

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 929

    1. Introduction

    Business cycle research studies the causes and consequences of the recurrent expansions and contractions in aggregate economic activity that occur in most industrialized countries. Over the last century, exploration of real business cycles - the idea that economic fluctuations are caused primarily by real factors - has itself undergone periods of intense activity and relative dormancy. In the 1920s, real theories played a leading role: economists sought to use new microeconomic tools to learn about the aggregate consequences of shifts in demand and supply of goods and productive factors. However, the Great Depression of the 1930s had a dramatic effect on business cycle research. Economists began to believe that microeconomic theory was an inadequate basis for understanding business cycles. Real factors came to be less stressed, with greater weight given to monetary conditions and the psychology of households and firms. Government management of the economy came to be seen as not only desirable but essential.

    The rise of Keynesian macroeconomics to a position of orthodoxy in aggregate economics meant that it took half a century for a revival of interest in equilibrium business cycle models. The breakdown in the performance of macroeconometric models in the 1970s and the associated rational expectations revolution pioneered by Lucas (1976) set the stage for a vigorous recovery, since the logic of rational expectations ultimately required general equilibrium analysis 1 . Kydland and Prescott (1982) and Long and Plosser (1983) first strikingly illustrated the promise of this approach, suggesting that one could build a successful business cycle model that involved market clearing, no monetary factors and no rationale for macroeconomic management. It is now perhaps hard to recall that this idea was met with surprise and disbelief.

    By the end of the 1980s there was a central and controversial finding of real business cycle (RBC) research, as this line of work came to be called. Simple equilibrium models, when driven by shifts in total factor productivity measured using Solow's (1957) growth accounting approach, could generate time series with the same complex patterns of persistence, comovement and volatility as those of actual economies. Writing a survey of RBC research at that time, it was difficult to find sufficient material so we settled for expositing the basic model and forecasting future developments 2. A decade later, our task in this chapter is substantially different: it is time to take stock of a decade of research, to assess criticisms, and to evaluate the health of the research program.

    The first observation is that it has been a decade of spectacular growth: so many theoretical and empirical articles use the RBC approach that a full bibliography would

    Sargent (1982). 2 King, Plosser and Rebelo (1988a,b) surveyed this area when a single conference program could include most participants in the RBC research program.

  • 930 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    likely exhaust the generous page constraint on our contribution to this volume. 3 Real business cycle analysis now occupies a major position in the core curriculum of nearly every graduate program. 4 At a recent NBER conference, a prominent Cambridge economist of the New Keynesian school described the RBC approach as the new orthodoxy of macroeconomics, without raising a challenge from the audience.

    Continuing on the positive side of the ledger, the methods of the RBC research program are now commonly applied, being used in work in monetary economics, international economics, public finance, labor economics, asset pricing and so on. In contrast to early RBC studies, many of these model economies involve substantial market failure, so that government intervention is desirable. In others the business cycle is driven by shocks to the monetary sector or by exogenous shifts in beliefs. The dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model is firmly established as the laboratory in which modern macroeconomic analysis is conducted.

    At the same time, there has been increasing concern about the mechanism at the core of standard RBC models: the idea that business cycles are driven mainly by large and cyclically volatile shocks to productivity, which in turn are well represented by Solow residuals as in the provocative study of Prescott (1986). A key difficulty is that typical estimates of Solow residuals imply a probability of technical regress on the order of 40%, which seems implausible to most economists. Recent studies have corrected the Solow residual for mismeasurement of inputs - notably, unobserved effort and capacity utilization - and inappropriate assumptions about market structure. These remeasurements have produced technology shocks with more plausible properties: notably, productivity growth is much less likely to be negative. In effect, these studies have caused productivity shocks to grow smaller and less cyclically volatile by introducing elements which respond sympathetically to economic activity [see, for example, Burnside, Eichenbaum and Rebelo (1996)].

    Since the standard RBC model requires large and volatile productivity shocks, this remeasurement research is typically interpreted as indicating that our chapter should be a first draft of the obituary of the RBC research program. In fact, most of our survey does read like a chronicle of the life and death of RBC models. We begin in Section 2 by discussing the measurement of the business cycle as well as reviewing facts about growth and business cycles that have motivated the construction of aggregate models. We next turn in Section 3 to the basic neoclassical model of capital accumulation, as initially developed by Solow (1956) and others for the purpose of studying economic growth but now used more widely in the study of aggregate economic activity. We then celebrate the early victories of the RBC program in Section 4 and discuss early criticisms.

    3 One valuable monitor of this ever-expanding literature is provided by Christian Zimmermann's web page (http : //ideas. uqam. ca/QMRBC/index, html). 4 One manifestation of the breadth of this intellectual impact is that Hall (1999) cites Berkeley's David Romer (1996) and Harvard's John Campbell (1994) for authoritative presentations of the basic RBC model.

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 931

    There has been a substantial amomlt of research on real business cycles, but we organize our discussion around three main points in the next three sections. The central role of large and persistent productivity shocks in the basic model is discussed in Section 5. Important improvements to the basic RBC framework are highlighted in Section 6. The remeasurement of productivity shocks, which has fostered concern about the health of real business cycles, is reviewed in Section 7.

    In Section 8 we argue that the incipient demise of the real business cycle is hardly as likely as suggested by conventional wisdom. In fact, rather than weaken the case for a real theory of the cycle, our view is that the recent remeasurement of productivity actually strengthens it. To make this point, Section 8 describes a very simple variant of the basic RBC model, but one that is different on two key dimensions. The economy has indivisible labor, which is one of the key improvements reviewed in Section 6, and has costly variation in capital utilization, which is one of the structural features that makes the standard Solow residual depart from productivity. There is a substantial remeasurement of productivity shocks mandated by this economy: when we do the necessary correction, the standard deviation of productivity growth drops to less than one-fifth of the standard deviation of the growth rate of the Solow residual. Productivity regress occurs in less than 1% of the post- war quarterly observations, even though the measured Solow residual shrinks 37% of the time. Yet these small shocks can generate empirically reasonable business cycles because our model features substantial amplification of productivity shocks: readily variable capital utilization and a highly elastic labor supply lead small changes in productivity to have major effects on macroeconomic activity. When we drive our model with such small measured productivity shocks, there is a remarkable coincidence between actual US business cycles and simulated time paths of output, consumption, investment, and labor input. The same structural features that lead the Solow residual to dramatically overstate productivity fluctuations also lead the economy to greatly amplify productivity shocks.

    2. Stylized facts of aggregate activity

    In the 1930s, Burns and Mitchell began to document the existence of a remarkable set of business cycle regularities. This research program culminated in their 1946 treatise on Measuring Business Cycles. Burns and Mitchell's arcane methodology led many economists to view their findings with skepticism [see e.g. Koopmans (1947)] and their methods fell into disuse 5. But when Hodrick and Prescott (1980) employed modern time series tools to re-examine the empirical regularities of the business cycle, they

    s However, there is some recent interest in these methods. Watson (1994) uses the Burns and Mitchell methodology to contrast inter-war and post-war US business cycles. Simkins (1994) and King and Plosser (1994) show that RBC models produce artificial data that the Burns and Mitchell methods would recognize as having similar characteristics to US data.

  • 932 R. (7. King and S.T. Rebeto

    found the Burns-Mitchell facts intact, lurking underneath almost half a century of accumulated dust. As stressed by Lucas (1977), the finding that "business cycles are all alike" suggested that the nature o f macroeconomic fluctuations does not hinge on institutional factors or country-specific idiosyncrasies, so that one can hope to construct a unified theory of the business cycle.

    2.1. M e a s u r i n g business cycles with the H P f i l t e r

    Most real quantities, such as US real national output in the top panel o f Figure 1, grow through time. Hence, the statistical measurement o f business cycles necessarily involves some way of making the series stationary, which is most commonly done by the removal o f a secular trend. In their study o f quarterly post-war US data, Hodrick and Prescott (1980) detrended their variables using a procedure now widely known as the HP filter. In essence, this method involves defining cyclical output y~ as current output Yt less a measure o f trend output yg, with trend output being a weighted average o f past, current and future observations:


    Y; = Yt - Yg = Yt - Z ajyt4. j = - j


    Figure 1 displays how cyclical output is constructed. In the first panel, the logarithm of current output is the more variable series and trend output is the smoother series. The HP cyclical component o f output is the dotted line in the second panel, defined from the elements o f the first panel as y~ = Yt - Y t g except that we have multiplied by 100 so that cyclical output is a percentage 6. Aggregate output displays business cycles in that there are alternating periods o f high and low output, but these episodes are of unequal duration and amplitude.

    To see how the cyclical output measure produced by the HP filter compares with those from other detrending methods, we can look at the second and third panels of

    6 The HP filter is derived by solving the following minimization problem:

    min t = l g o c

    {y, },=0

    {(Yt _yg)2 + it [(yg+, yg)_ (yg _ygl)]2}.

    For quarterly data, the standard value chosen for the smoothing parameter it is 1600. When it = oo the solution to this problem is a linear trend, while with it = 0 the trend coincides with the original series. In a finite sample context, the weights aj in Equation (2.1) depend on the length of the sample, so that the text expression is a simplification. King and Rebelo (1993) discuss additional properties of this detrending procedure, including derivation of filter weights and frequency response fimctions for the case in which the sample is infinitely large. They establish that the HP filter has strong detrending properties, in the sense that it can make stationary series up through four orders of integration.

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles

    8.8 - O u t p u t a n d H P T r e n d

    8 . 6 -

    8 . 4 -


    o, ............... O u t p u t

    o H P T r e n d 7 . 8 -

    7 . 6 -

    7 . 4 -

    f 7 . 2 I I I I I I I : : ', : 1 1 : : ', : I : : 1 l l ~ l I ~ I I 1 I I I I I I I I

    47 52 57 62 67 7 2 77 82 87 92



    6 .

    4 -

    2 -

    ~. - 2 .

    - 4 .

    - 6 -

    - 8 ,

    4 7

    H P a n d B a n d P a s s ( 6 , 3 2 ) C y c l i c a l C o m p o n e n t s

    i.J ,.~ ~' ~'~ . . . . . . . H P

    ', ', ', ', : ', ', ', ', l ', ', ', ', ', ', ', ~ I 1 I 1 ~ t ~ ~ ', ', ', i ', ', ', ', 1 ', ', ', ', 5 2 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92


    H P G r o w t h C o m p o n e n t a n d L i n e a r T r e n d R e s i d u a l 15

    / ' ~ ...... O u t p u t [~ss L i nea r T r e n d ~

    -10 ~- ~ / - - - - - - H P T r e n d less L inear T r e n d

    t -15 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I l I I ', ', ', ', ', ', ', ', ', : : ', ', ', ', ', ', ', ', ',

    47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92


    Fig. 1. Trend and business cycle in US real output. Sample period is 1947:1-1996:4.

  • 934 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    Figure 1. First, if we simply subtract a linear trend from the log o f output, the resulting business cycle component would be the solid line in the third panel o f Figure 1. This alternative measure o f cyclical output is much more persistent than the HP measure: for example, output is high relative to its linear trend during most o f the 1960s and 1970s. The dashed line in the third panel is the gap between the HP trend and a linear trend, thus indicating that the HP filter extracts much more low frequency information than a simple linear trend.

    It is also useful to compare the HP cyclical component with the business cycle measures resulting from the band-pass (BP) filter procedure developed by Baxter and King (1995), since such measures are presented by Stock and Watson (1999) in their extensive compilation o f business cycle facts elsewhere in this volume 7. In the second panel o f Figure 1, the HP measure o f cyclical output is accompanied by a BP measure o f cyclical output: this procedure makes the cyclical component mainly those parts o f output with periodicities between 6 and 32 quarters. For series like output, which contain relatively little high frequency variation, Figure 1 shows that there is a minor difference between these alternative cyclical measures.

    There has been some controversy about the suitability of the HP filter for business cycle research. Prescott (1986) notes that the HP filter resembles an approximate high- pass filter designed to eliminate stochastic components with periodicities greater than thirty-two quarters. Adopting that perspective, we are simply defining the business cycle in a fairly conventional way: it is those fluctuations in economic time series that have periodicity o f eight years or less s. At the same time, the third panel o f Figure 1 reminds us that there are slow-moving stochastic components o f economic time series omitted by this definition, which may have substantial positive and normative significance.

    2.2. Some stylized facts of US business cycles

    Making some selections from the data set that Stock and Watson (1999) investigate more extensively, we apply the HP filter to produce cyclical components for key US macroeconomic variables 9. Figures 2, 3 and 4 provide graphs of the HP business cycle components o f major US aggregates. We use the cyclical component of output as a reference variable, placing it in each panel of each figure, so as to allow the reader to

    7 Since an exact bandpass filter contains an infinite number of moving average terms, a practical bandpass filter cannot be produced exactly but involves approximations. Baxter and King (1995) derive the relevant formulas, imposing the constraint that the sum of the filterweights must be zero; they also compare the BP filter to several other detrending methods including the HP filter. 8 Eight years corresponds to the longest reference cycle that Burns and Mitchell (1946) tmcovered using very different methods. Stock and Watson (1999) adopt an alternative view of the interesting business cycle periodicities (six to twenty four quarters), but this is a difference of degree rather than kind. 9 This data set covers the period 1947 (first quarter) to 1996 (fourth quarter).

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles

    N o n d u r a b l e s C o n s u m p t i o n a n d O u t p u t

    2 | i , i . ~ ~':" ¢i~" ' sD !X in! ~, ..

    . , I ' ii "d( k i t ~i~ 7 v x j . . . . Output

    - - - Consumption (ND) ~6

    - 8 , : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92



    30 D u r a b l e s C o n s u m p t i o n a n d O u t p u t

    20 . . . . Output 15 .L I ~ - - - c . . . . . pt~on ( D )

    Z o [ ~ t / . p , ( ~ , ! / \ . ! , k ! , l A j ~ . < , h , , ~ , ~ / , / i ' ~ . . . . 7 " " ~ .... ft, i ' l . I J l l~NY' t \ f:4't,.,.~,~ p l , l ' , # i { i "~,"J 1/.1 " / i . q " I" " " i t , , ? i 7 . j ~ i ' J . \ f I ' " \ -;d" "

    -5 I J I J l ' I / I J I t" e l J

    i ? . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92




    5 -


    ~ -5-

    - 1 0 -


    -20 -

    I n v e s t m e n t a n d O u t p u t

    z J I ,,N~¢ I if'

  • 936 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    6 T o t a l H o u r s a n d O u t p u t

    4 .

    2. "<

    -.. !f '!d -; ;--~ °2',,?'.o°~ -6 - ~ I

    - 8 , : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ', : : ', : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92



    :t 'ii


    C a p i t a l a n d O u t p u t

    p ~ A i~ ~! . i i t i '

    ! ! i ~ , :.,: v : / " I V i: " V ~ I !, i ............. pu,

    lJ i/ V . . . . . . . . . . i

    : : : : ', ; : ; : : : : : : : : : I I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I 52 57 82 67 72 77 82 87 92



    5 -

    -lO -

    - 15 ,

    C a p i t a l U t i l i z a t i o n a n d O u t p u t

    J ' , ~ :'~,,~ fl, h :%2 . D / j l m .... - -" " : ,

    ! ~' t ; i i , ! i t "v'~e 4 \ , - / '~ .t h f ~V' "~,..d u " t I ~'4 t'l VI W 7 W / '~ ~,, t '~ u

    ; I ~ I II I / J I , ~ I Out ut

    I - - - - - - Capital UtilizaSon "~1 ~l ~,

    52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92


    i ! 4 P r o d u c t i v i t y ( S o l o w r e s i d u a l ) a n d O u t p u t

    I 1.',J i " ~ / ~ / .o ,t ' ( . , '~Lt / b / a I * : ' ~ /

    | ~ v [J " 7 ? ! ~, ; ............. o = ° , J . ~- i t ~ ~ ~" - - - - - - Productivity

    47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92


    Fig. 3. Cyclical component of US factors of production. Sample period is 1947:1-1996:4. All variables are detrended using the Hodrick-Prescott filter.

  • Ch. 14." Resuscitating Real Business Cycles

    Hours per Worker and Output

    tY i, i t ~ P ~.i < I s , " v "

    o ~ ~ t ~ , ~" . _ , ~ , , i . ~ ,ok. , . A ! , , , x . < , ~ ~ . ~ ^ ] ~ ,1 iv; [ . , ; .,,, ~ ,, ;~" I \ f t I '~ 7 " ~, i / I > ........................ Output ~ i; t; \ - - - - - - Hours per Worker



    Employment and Ouput

    ,~', . . iY (;

    : - V v i 7 ' "," kV' o.o., -4 ~ . ij V ---- Employment

    - 6 !

    47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92


    Average Product and Output

    , P. /

    , , h,, >, 2 , " ,j,, ) , ,:, ~ l \ w . , ~ v . , ~ , A .D ],k{"~ . , w t~ ,.~,h: i l;~ .ACd~,..."~_, h~..- .,

    t / , ~ : i, i i - - - A,e, .g . P,odoot

    7 -8 I I I : : : ; : ; ; ~ ; I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

    47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92


    6 • Real Wages and Output

    V'U I ~"," W " i"'"v',d'".'hv ' - 'v" '..~; '4,;',41 ~ v.>.-/'- ~.~'>,",-./" ~.-2. i! t/ "i'/ ~ / / ," .4

    • , t i t~ / ) i t 7 {/ 7 " ~ ......... Output

    4 - / i I ' V \,J -- - - - Rea Wages I}

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 52 57 62 6 ] I i 7 712 . . . . . . . 77 8 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 7 I I I 9 1 2 1 1 1


    Fig. 4. Cyclical component of US labor market measures. Sample period is 1947:1-1996:4. All variables are detrended using the Hodrick-Prescott filter.

  • 938

    Table 1 Business cycle statistics for the US Economy

    R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    Standard deviation Relative standard First-order Contemporaneous deviation autocorrelation correlation with output

    Y 1.81 1.00 0.84 1.00

    C 1.35 0.74 0.80 0.88

    I 5.30 2.93 0.87 0.80

    N 1.79 0.99 0.88 0.88

    Y/N 1.02 0.56 0.74 0.55

    w 0.68 0.38 0.66 0.12

    r 0.30 0.16 0.60 -0.35

    A 0.98 0.54 0.74 0.78

    a All variables are in logarithms (with the exception of the real interest rate) and have been detrended with the HP filter. Data sources are described in Stock and Watson (1999), who created the real rate using VAR inflation expectations. Our notation in this table corresponds to that in the text, so that Y is per capita output, C is per capita consumption, I is per capita investment, N is per capita hours, w is the real wage (compensation per hour), r is the real interest rate, and A is total factor productivity.

    easily gauge the relative volati l i ty o f the series in ques t ion and its comovement with output. S u m m a r y statistics for selected series are provided in Table 1 10

    Volatility: Economis ts have long been interested in unders tanding the economic mechan i sms that underl ie the different volatil i t ies o f key macroeconomic aggregates. The facts are as follows, working sequential ly wi th in each figure and us ing the notat ion panel 2-1 to denote panel 1 of Figure 2 and so forth: • Consumpt ion of non-durables is less volatile than output (panel 2-1); • C o n s u m e r durables purchases are more volati le than output (pane l 2-2); • Inves tment is three t imes more volati le than output (pane l 2-3); • Gove rnmen t expenditures are less volati le than output (panel 2-4); • Total hours worked has about the same volat i l i ty as output (panel 3-1); • Capital is much less volatile than output, bu t capital ut i l ization in manufac tu r ing is

    more volati le than output (panels 3-2 and 3-3)11;

    • Employmen t is as volatile as output, while hours per worker are much less volati le than output (panels 4-1 and 4-2), so that most o f the cyclical variat ion in total hours

    worked stems from changes in employment ; • Labor product ivi ty (output per man-hour) is less volati le than output (pane l 4-3);

    10 For a discussion of open economy stylized facts see Baxter and Stockman (1989), Back-us and Kehoe (1992) and Baxter (1995). 1~ This measure of capacity utilization, constructed by the Federal Reserve System, is subject to substantial measurement errol, see Shapiro (1989).

  • Ch. 14.. Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 939

    • The real wage rate is much less volatile than output (panel 4-4). Comovement: Figures 2 through 4 show that most macroeconomic series are

    procyclical, that is, they exhibit a positive contemporaneous correlation with output. The high degree of comovement between total hours worked and aggregate output, displayed in panel 3-1, is particularly striking. Three series are essentially acyclical - wages, government expenditures, and the capital stock - in the sense that their correlation with output is close to zero 12.

    Persistence: All macroeconomic aggregates display substantial persistence; the first- order serial correlation for most detrended quarterly variables is on the order of 0.9. This high serial correlation is the reason why there is some predictability to the

    business cycle. In presenting these business cycle facts, we are focusing on a small number of

    empirical features that have been extensively discussed in recent work on real business cycles. For example, in the interest of brevity, we have not discussed the lead-lag relations between our variables. In choosing the series to study, we have also left out nominal variables, whose cyclical behavior is at the heart of many controversies over the nature of business cycles 13. However, we do report the cyclical behavior of a measure of the expected real rate of interest from Stock and Watson (1999) in Table 1. This real interest rate is constructed by subtracting a forecast of inflation from the nominal interest rate on US treasury bills. There is a negative correlation of the real interest rate with real output contemporaneously and, indeed, this negative relationship is even stronger between real output and lagged real interest rates. Many modern macroeconomic models, including real business cycle models, have difficulty matching this feature of business cycles ~4

    12 The observation that the real wage is not tightly related to the business cycle goes back to Dunlop (1938) and Tarshis (1939) who stressed that this was at odds with Keynesian models. This finding is somewhat dependent on precisely how the real wage is constructed, depending on whether the numerator (the wage) includes various compensation items and on the index in the denominator (the price level). Two particular features of wage measurement that affect its cyclical behavior are as follows. First, firms pay for overtime hours in an expansion and layoff regular hours in a recession. Second, there is a cyclical composition bias in the labor force lower quality workers are hired in expansions - which suggests that the real wage per efficiency unit of labor effort is procyclical. 13 See Stock and Watson (1999, Sections 3.4, 3.6, and 4.1) for a discussion of literature and empirical results. 14 King and Watson (1996) find this negative "leading indicator" relationship between the real interest rate and real activity, using BP filtered data. They also show that a number of modem macroeconomic models, including the basic RBC model, are unable to match this fact even when driven by complicated forcing processes that allow them to match most other features of the business cycle. However, while this result is provocative, it is important to stress that the behavior of this real interest rate involves assuming that the inflation forecasting equation is temporally stable and that agents know this forecasting structure in advance.

  • 940 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    0.6. Labor 's Share of O u t p u t


    s', / t

    0.65 • k / ' ,,~ . / ~j/ > ?

    0.525- ~i "W < ' j i~ ; =~ " j i l t • !j b!

    . . . . "2 ' D . . . . . 7~ ' " ' '2 ' " ' ' ' 47 62 67 92 Date

    0.25 -


    0.15 -


    0.o5 -

    o i 47

    I n v e s t m e n t - O u t p u t Ra t io

    ' ' D ' "~ ' D ' "2 ' 7, ' "2 ' 6', 72 ' 52 Daia






    C o n s u m p t i o n - Output Ra t io

    \ J ' l t .

    J , , . # J

    o% , . . . . '2 ' D ' ' ' 7, . . . . "2 ' 52 57 72 82 87 Date

    11oo Hours per Person





    / i ~ j ~

    / ~J l

    < j i \ /


    . . . . . , . , , , . , , , , . , , , . ,

    47 52 62 72 77 67


    Fig. 5. Growth facts: great ratios and hours per person.

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 941

    2.3. Some stylized facts of economic growth

    While the US time series for many aggregates grow overtime, there are many '~great ratios" that appear to be relatively constant, suggesting that there are a small number of common forces which give rise :to trend growth. As with the systematic patterns of business cycles, this finding :is also consistent across many countries and .time periods, suggesting that there may be a coherent theoretical explanation of its origin. These stylized facts of economic growth were uncovered as applied researchers such as Kuznets (1973)assembled long time series on economic growth. 'They are sometimes called the "Kaldor facts" of growth because Kaldor (1957) drew attention to them: in addition to the constancy o f great ratios, he stressed that the growth-process seemed to involve growth rates and interest rates that were stationary'even'though the'level of economic aggregates were not.

    The great ratios. Panels 1-3 of Figure 5 illustrate that the .process ,of:sustained growth appears to leave many of the shares of income components and output components relatively unaffected 15. The ratios of investment to output and labor income to output appear to fluctuate around constant means. The ratio of consumption to output does increase from 1952 onwards, but there is nothing like the 'large trend that we saw in output in Figure 1. Stability of the great ratios implies that most ~series have a similar ra te o f growth, .so that there is no deterministic trend in the ratios, and that factors causing permanent changes in the 'level of economic activity do so in a way that makes their effects proportional across series.

    Labor and growth. During long-term economic growth, which most economists believe occurs mainly due to population growth and technical progress, measures 'of labor input per person are also relatively constant asdocumented inpanel 4 of Figure 5. This relative constancy of hours per capita is remarkable given the rise in real wages that accompanies economic growth. Over our sample period, the real wage measure previously studied in panel 4 of Figure 4 grew at 1.76% per year, but there is little evidence of a trend in hours worked per person.

    2.4. Implications of stylized facts

    Some of the facts just described have been influential .in shaping the views of economists about of how the economy operates. In terms of the business cycle facts, the high volatility of investment no doubt underlies Keynes' famous assertion that investors have "animal spirits". At the same time, the low cyclical volatility of capital is often taken to imply that one can safely abstract from movements in capital in constructing a theory of economic fluctuations. The remarkably high correlation

    15 Klein and Kosobud (1961) produced an early test of the stability of the "great ratios" in the USA. More recently, King, Plosser, Stock and Watson (1991) drew attention to how the constancy of these great ratios was a cointegration implication about the logarithms of the variables, which they tested for the USA. Evidence on cointegration for other OECD countries is contained in Neusser (1991).

  • 942 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    between hours worked and aggregate output has led some economists to believe that understanding the labor market is key to understanding business fluctuations. Finally, the relatively small variability of real wages and the lack of a close correspondence of wages with aggregate output, has led some economists to conclude that the wage rate is not an important allocative signal in the business cycle. The growth facts suggest the importance of building models that feature a common trend in most real aggregates.

    3. The basic neoclassical model

    In the 1950s and 1960s, aggregate economic activity was analyzed with two very different types of dynamic macroeconomic models. The trend components of aggregate economic activity were studied with "growth models" that stressed three sources of dynamics: population growth, productivity growth and capital formation. The business-cycle components were studied with Keynesian macroeconomic models, which stressed the interaction of consumption and investment but downplayed the importance of capital accumulation and productivity growth. While there were attempts to synthesize these developments towards the end of this period, the study of growth and business cycles most frequently involved very disparate models. Relative to this traditional macroeconomic approach, the real business cycle literature took a very different point of view. Its core is a neoclassical growth model of the form developed by Solow (1956), Cass (1965) and Koopmans (1965). It then follows Brock and Mirman (1972) in making this growth model stochastic, by positing that the production technology is buffeted by random aggregate shocks to productivity.

    Our introduction to RBC analysis thus naturally begins by reviewing the "basic neoclassical model", which has implications for both growth and business cycles. In this section, we focus on the structure of the model, trace some of its implications for capital accumulation, and discuss Solow's work on productivity measurement. In the next section, we discuss its business cycle properties.

    3.1. The structure

    The basic neoclassical model is built on assumptions about preferences, endowments and technology that are designed to capture key features of growth and business cycles, while building a model economy that is readily amenable to economic analysis.

    Preferences: The economy is populated by a large number of infinitely lived agents whose expected utility is defined as

    O 0, (3.1) t=O

    where b denotes the discount factor, Ct represents consumption and Lt leisure. The symbol E0 denotes the expectation of future values of C and L based on the information

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 943

    available at t ime zero 16. The infinite horizon assumption, which greatly simplifies the mathematical analysis o f economic growth and business cycles, is usually justified by appealing to the presence o f altruistic links across generations [Barro (1974)]. However, it can be viewed as an approximation to an economy with many long-lived agents 17. In our exposition o f this model, we treat the population as constant for simplicity, although we discuss the consequences of relaxing this assumption at various points below.

    The momentary utility function u(Ct, Lt) in Equation (3.1) is assumed concave and obeys regularity conditions discussed in the Appendix. It implies a preference for smooth profiles o f consumption and leisure. It also implies a willingness to substitute across time if interest rates and wage rates imply differing costs o f consumption and leisure at different dates. Thus, the neoclassical model imbeds a form of the permanent income hypothesis of Friedman (1957).

    Endowments: The fundamental endowment that individuals have is their time, which can be split between work (Nt) and leisure activities (Lt). Normalizing the total amount o f time in each period to one, the time constraint is:

    Nt + Lt = 1. (3.2)

    We abstract from other endowments of resources since the production from unimproved land and from nonrenewable resources is a small fraction o f output in most developed countries.

    Technology: The output o f the economy is assumed to depend on a production function that combines labor and capital inputs. To capture the upward trend in output per capita that is shown in Figure 1, the basic neoclassical model incorporates secular improvement in factor productivity. In particular, output (lit) depends on the amounts o f capital (Kt) and labor (Nt) according to a constant returns to scale production function which satisfies regularity conditions discussed in the Appendix.

    Yt = AtF(Kt, NtXt), (3.3)

    where At is a random "productivity shock" variable, whose law of motion will be described further below, and Xt represents the deterministic component o f productivity. This latter component of productivity is assumed to expand at a constant rate,

    Xt+ 1 = yXt, y > 1. (3.4)

    16 TO simplify, we adopt a dating convention that does not distinguish between "planning time" for the individual and "calendar time" for the economy. Alternative presentations that emphasize this distinction would write the objective as E t }-~)~o bJu(Ct+j,Lt+j), where t is calendar time andj is planning time. 17 Rios-Rull (1994) finds that an overlapping generations model calibrated to the age structure of the US population has business cycle properties that are similar to an infinite horizon model.

  • 944 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    The output o f the economycan be used for consumption or investment (It) so that an additional resource constraint is:

    I1, = c , + 1,1 (3.5)

    This equation corresponds to the basic national income accounting identity for a closed economy with no government. The stock of capital evolves according to:

    Kt+ l = It + (1 - 6)Kt, (3.6)

    where 6 is the rate o f depreciation. This formula coincides with the one used in practice to estimate the stock of capital according to the "perpetual inventory method ''18.

    The form o f the production function (3.3) is motivated by the growth facts and was widely employed in growth models after Phelps (1966) showed that steady-state growth - a situation in which all variables grow at a constant rate - required that the deterministic component o f technology be expressible in labor augmenting form in economies with Equations (3.5) and (3.6) 19~ In fact, in the feasible steady states of this model consumption, investment, output and capital all grow at the same rate - the rate o f trend technical progress - so that the great ratios are stationary.

    Initial conditions: The economy starts out with a capital stock K0 > 0. It also begins with a level o f the technology trend X0 > 0, which we set equal to unity for convenience, and an initial productivity shock A0 > 0.

    3.2. Steady-state growth and transforming the economy

    Our assumptions on the production side o f the. model ensure that a steady-state path is feasible in the face o f the trend productivity expansion in X~. However, additional assumptions are necessary to make such a steady state desirable. In the standard fixed labor version o f the basic neoclassical model momentary utility has to take the form

    1 1-o u(C) = ~-L-~[C - 1], (3.7)

    where cr > 0. This utility function insures that the marginal rate o f substitution between consumption at dates t and t + 1 depends only on the growth rate o f consumption.

    18 In practice the perpetual inventory method allows the depreciation rate to vary through time according to empirical measures of economic depreciation schedules. Ambler and Paquet (1994) study a RBC model with depreciation shocks. 19 Three types of technical progress frequently discussed in the literature can be represented in a general production function:

    Yt = X y F ( Kt XK, NtX,).

    The variable X't H represents total factor augmenting (Hicks-neutral) technical, progress, Yt K capital augmenting technical progress, and Xt labor augmenting (Harrod-neutral) technical progress,. When the production fimction is Cobb-Douglas these different forms of technical progress are interchangeable and, hence, they are all consistent with balanced growth. For all other production functions, the only form of technical progress consistent with steady-state growth is labor augmenting,

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 945

    In the basic neoclassical model of growth and business cycles, which features endogenous labor supply, a steady state also requires that hours per person be invariant to the level of productivity. King, Plosser and Rebelo (1988a,b) show that the momentary utility function must be expressible as

    b/(C, L) = ~ { [Cv(L) ] 1-g _ 1 }, (3.8)

    which also implies exactly offsetting income and substitution effects of wage changes on labor supply 2°. The function v(.) satisfies regularity conditions discussed in the Appendix.

    When these restrictions are imposed, it is possible to transform the economy - so that steady-state growth is eliminated - by scaling all of the trending variables by the initial level of X: Using lower case letters to denote these ratios, for example y t = Y t /X t , we can then write the optimal growth problem as maximizing the transformed utility fimction:

    C ~

    ~ - ~ / 3 t u ( c t , L t ) (3.9/ t=0

    with/3 = by 1-~ being a modified discount factor satisfying 0 < /3 < 1. Utility is maximized subject to the transformed constraints:

    Nt = 1 - L t , (3.1 O)

    Yt = A t F ( k t , N t ) , (3.11)

    Yt = Ct + it, (3,12)

    yk t+ l = it ÷ (1 - 6)k t . (3.13)

    Relative to an economy in which there is no growth due to X, this transformed economy involves an altered discount factor and a slight modification of the capital accumulation equation. Given this close correspondence, RBC analyses sometimes omit growth all together or simply start with the transformed economy 21 .

    20 That is, suppose that Equation (3.8) is maximized subject tothe static budget constraint C

  • 946 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    Constraints (3.11), (3.12), and (3.13) can be summarized by the equation

    ct + ykt + ~ = A tF(k t ,N t ) + (1 - 6)kt. (3.14)

    3.3. Opt imal capital accumulation

    The optimal path of capital accumulation can be obtained by choosing sequences for consumption {ct}~0, leisure {Lt}~0, labor {Nt}~-0 and the capital stock {kt+ l}~0 to maximize Equation (3.9) subject to conditions (3.10) and (3.14). For this purpose, we form the "Lagrangian"


  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 947

    a solution for optimal capital accumulation involves specifying sequences for all three of these variables. Second, the requirement that the optimal decisions must respect the resource constraints of the economy is signalled by the shadow prices (cot and )~t). An optimal capital accumulation plan thus also involves specification of sequences of these prices. Third, if these shadow prices were market prices for individual households, then they would similarly signal these agents to supply and demand the optimal quantities. That is, there is an equivalence between the optimal quantities chosen by the social planner and those in a dynamic competitive general equilibrium in the basic neoclassical model. We will thus move between optimal and market outcomes in our discussion of the basic model as it seems useful in the next several sections. We will return later to discuss how work on real business cycles relates to other developments in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modeling.

    3.4. The nature of the steady state

    There is a unique stationary state that occurs in the transformed economy when At = A for all t. The first-order conditions can be used to describe this stationary state in a recursive manner. First, the capital accumulation efficiency condition implies that

    AD1F(k, N) = (r + 6), (3.19)

    where r = ~ - 1 is the stationary state real interest rate and r + 0 is the stationary state rental price of capital. Given that the production function is constant returns-

    k rather to-scale, the marginal product of capital depends on the capital-labor ratio than on the levels of the factors. Accordingly, Equation (3.19) determines the capital- labor ratio as a function of productivity and the rental rate. Second, given this capital- labor ratio and the level of A, the marginal product of labor is also determined, since ADzF(k, N) = ADzF(~, 1). Thus, there is a real wage rate w = co/;. that is determined independently of the total quantity of labor:

    w = ~ = A D 2 F ( k , 1 ) .

    Third, there are unique levels of work, consumption and the shadow price of consumption that satisfy the remaining equations.

    We know that the variables in the original, untransformed economy are related to those of the transformed economy by a simple scaling procedure, Yt = ytXt, etc. Hence, if the transformed economy is in a stationary state, then the original economy will be in a steady state with many variables - including, consumption, capital output and real wages - growing at the same rate. Other variables will be constant, notably work effort and the real interest rate.

  • 948

    0 .

    - 0 . 2 .

    - 0 . 4 .

    ~ - 0 . 6 .

    -0 .0 •

    - t . 2 ,




    ~ 0.8 ~ O.6

    0 , 4

    0 . 2 ,

    Cap i ta l

    ~ ' ~ . . . . . . .

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~7 ,18 19 20


    I n v e s t m e n t a n d L a b o r

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 14 15 ~6 17 18 19 20



    - 0 . 0 5 ' -

    -0 .1 -

    -0.15 - E

    ,o.25 -

    -0.3 -

    - 0 . 3 5 1


    • 0 ,1 .

    - 0 . 2 -

    i ~0.3 •

    ~ - 0 , 4 .

    4 / . 5


    - O . 7 .

    R.G. King and S, T. Rebelo

    O u t p u t

    ~=~o ~ j

    : ; : : ; ', : : : : : : : : ; : : : :

    2 0 4 5 0 ? 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 0 2 0


    C o n s u m p t i o n

    . . . . c , "" ~

    2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




    ~ 8 i

    O ~

    R e a l In te res t R a t e 0 R e a l W a g e

    . . . . -0.05 I . -0.1

    ~ -0.15

    ~ , ~ " ~ - 0 . 2

    I I I I I I I I ! I I I ; : : ; : ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


    2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


    Fig. 6. Transitional dynamics: Basic RBC model (stars); fixed labor model (circles); dashes in mid left-hand panel represent labor response.

    3.5. Transitional dynamics

    Transitional dynamics arise whenever the intitial capital stock is different from its steady-state value 22. For stationary versions of the fixed labor model, Cass (1965) and Koopmans (1965) established that it is always optimal for the economy's capital stock to move monotonically toward the stationary level from any positive initial level o f

    22 In the transformed economy, this is the movement from an initial level of capital k 0 to the stationary level k.

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 949

    capital. Working to establish this stability theorem, Cass and Koopmans were hampered by the absence of an explicit solution to the model, which stemmed from the presence of many interdependent choices for consumption and capital at different dates. Thus, they were able to establish the stability property, rather than ascertaining how the pace of the transition process depended on the underlying preferences and technology.

    More precise descriptions required the detailed specification of preferences and technology, with near steady-state linear approximations sometimes being used to evaluate the nature of the global transitional dynamics. Figure 6 illustrates the nature of these local transitional dynamics of capital, as well as the related movements in output, investment and consumption. There are two sets of paths in each of the panels: the 'o ' path describes the fixed-labor model used by Cass and Koopmans and the ' . ' path describes the variable-labor model used in RBC analysis. In these panels, all variables are displayed as percentage deviations from their corresponding stationary values. For both models, the economy is assumed to start off with a capital stock that is one percent lower than its stationary value, so that both of the paths in the upper left panel have an entry o f - 1 at the first date.

    Looking first at the 'o ' paths that describe the transitional dynamics of the Cass- Koopmans model, we see that capital accumulates through time toward its stationary level, i.e., the (negative) deviation from the stationary level becomes smaller in magnitude through time. Since capital is low relative to the steady state, the second panel shows that output is also low relative to the stationary state. Capital is built up through time by individuals postponing consumption. In a market economy, a high real rate of return is the allocative signal that makes the postponement of consumption occur, with the rate of return given by rt = [ A D 1 F ( k t + I , N ) - 6] in the fixed labor economy. Using the preference specification (3.7), in fact, one can show that the growth rate of consumption is given by

    l o g ( O r + ' ) - 1 ( ~ t l ) 1 \ ct j - - ~ log ~ - ~ [ r t - r ] , (3.20)

    so that a high real interest rate fosters consumption growth along the transition path 23. The initial level of consumption is set by the wealth of individuals or, equivalently, so that the efficient path of consumption will ultimately be at the stationary level. In general, as the economy saves to accumulate the new higher stationary level of capital, net investment it - 6kt is positive along the transition path. In this figure gross investment is also higher than its stationary level during the process of capital accumulation.

    23 In fact, the value of cr used in constructing Figure 6 is one, so that consumption growth and the rate of return are equal. The time unit of these graphs is a quarter of a year, however, and the interest rate is expressed at an annual rate, so that the slope of the consumption path is one fourth of the annualized interest rate shown in the next to last panel. A basis point is one hundredth of a percentage point, so that an annual interest rate that is 0.10 percentage points above the steady-state level causes consumption to grow from about -0.600 to about -0.575 in the second panel.

  • 950 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    When work effort is endogenous, as in the ' , ' path of Figure 6, these transitional dynamics change significantly, although there is still a period of capital accumulation toward the stationary level. The extra margin matters for the speed of the transition. When capital is initially low individuals work harder and produce more output that is used for capital accumulation. This extra effort occurs despite the fact that the real wage (wt = AD~F(kt,Nt)) is low relative to its stationary level. Again, the allocative signal is a high rate of return that makes it desirable to forgo leisure (as well as consumption) during the transition process. In fact, there is a subtle general equilibrium channel that enhances the magnitude of the effect on the rate of return. With more future effort anticipated, the rate of return rt = [ADtF(kt+I, Nt+ 1) - 6] is higher than in the fixed labor case, because additional effort raises the marginal product of capital. Further, this higher rate of return stimulates current work effort. On net, variable effort raises the speed of transition and mitigates the effects of initially low capital on output and consumption, while enhancing the investment response.

    3.6. The (Un)importance o f capital formation

    The capital accumulation mechanism at the heart of the basic neoclassical model is sometimes viewed as relatively unimportant for growth and business cycles. In the growth area, Solow followed his (fixed saving rate) growth model (1956) with a celebrated demonstration that productivity was much more important to economic growth than was capital formation. It is easiest to exposit this result if we assume that the production function is Cobb-Douglas:

    Yt = AtK~t-a(NtXt) a, (3.21)

    with the parameter a being measurable as labor's share of national output (an idea which we discuss more below) and thus being constrained to be between zero and one 24. Then, using time series for output, labor and capital, we can compute the Solow residual as:

    logSRt = log Yt - a logNt - (1 - a) log Kt. (3.22)

    Abstracting from measurement error in outputs or inputs, the Solow residual can be used to uncover the economy's underlying productivity process,

    log SRt = log(At) + a log(Xt). (3.23)

    To evaluate the importance of capital accumulation to economic growth, Solow (1957) looked at how the average growth rate of output per unit of labor input

    24 Our depiction of Solow's (1957) procedure is impressionistic rather than literal. Solow worked in changes rather than levels and incorporated time varying, rather than constant factor shares. Moreover, in ways which anticipate recent developments, he also sought to correct for changes in the utilization of capital.

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 951

    (the average of log(Yt/Nt) - log(Yt 1/Nt-l)) was divided between growth in productivity (the average of log(SRt) - log(SRt_l)) and growth in capital per unit of labor input (the average of log(KJNt) - log(Kt i/Nt 1)). The result was a surprising one and must also have been disappointing in view of his just completed work on the dynamics of capital accumulation [Solow (1956)]: capital accumulation accounted for only one eighth of the total, with the remainder attributable to growth in productivity. Thus, the transitional dynamics of capital formation turned out to be not too important for understanding economic growth.

    Moreover, the transitional dynamics of Figure 6 do not display the positive comovement of output, consumption, investment and work effort that take place during business cycles. Labor and investment are higher than in the steady state when capital is low while consumption and output are below the steady state. Further, consumption is much more responsive to a low capital stock than either labor or output, which is inconsistent with the evidence on relative volatilities reviewed earlier.

    Sometimes these results are interpreted as indicating that one should construct macroeconomic models which abstract from capital and growth, since the introduction of these features complicates the analysis without helping to understand business cycle dynamics. However, real business cycle analysis suggests that this conclusion is unwarranted: the process of investment and capital accumulation can be very important for how the economy responds to shocks.

    3.7. Constructing dynamic stochastic models

    In this section, we have concentrated on describing the steady state and the transitional dynamics of the basic neoclassical model, as an example of the type of dynamic general equilibrium model now used in RBC analysis and other areas of macroeconomics. There is now a rich tool kit for studying the theoretical properties of stochastic equilibrium in these models, such as the advances described by Stokey, Lucas and Prescott (1989). A systematic analysis of the Brock and Mirman (1972) stochastic growth model, modified to include variable labor supply as above, calls for the application of these methods. We review these developments in the Appendix, using the basic RBC framework to highlight two important issues. First, we characterize the optimal decision rules for consumption, capital, output, investment and labor using dynamic programming. Second, we demonstrate that the outcomes of the optimal growth model are the same as the outcomes of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, in which firms and workers trade goods and factors in competitive markets. This equivalence requires that firms and workers have rational expectations about future economic conditions. Another notable result for this stochastic model, first established by Brock and Mirman (1972), is that the stationary state is replaced by a stationary distribution, in which the economy fluctuates in response to shocks.

    We have also discussed the local transitional dynamics of the basic neoclassical model illustrated in Figure 6. The development of real business cycle models and dynamic stochastic general equilibrium theory has also heightened interest in methods

  • 952 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    for solving and simulating dynamic equilibrium models. In this survey, we rely on now-standard loglinear approximation methods for solving the various real business cycle models that we construct 25. These methods have been shown to be highly accurate for the basic RBC model 26. The application of these methods contains essentially two steps. First, it is necessary for us to specify the utility function, the production fixnction, the depreciation rate and so forth so that we can solve for the steady state of the model economy, working much as we did in Section 3A. Second, we take loglinear approximations to the resource constraints (3.10)-(3.13) and the efficiency conditions (3.15)-(3.18). We then assume that these approximate equations hold in expected value - a certainty equivalence assumption - and solve the resulting expectational linear difference equation system. This yields a system of linear difference equations forced by random shocks, f r o m which moments and simulations can be easily computed.

    4. The Real Business Cycle shock

    The stark simplicity of the analysis of Prescott (1986) provided a dramatic demon- stration of the empirical power of RBC models. His results were surprising because the neoclassical model - even with stochastic productivity - was widely viewed as suitable for long-run analysis, but not for the study of business cycles. In particular, Prescott (1986) showed that a simulated version of the basic neoclassical model could generate business cycle statistics like those in Table 1 when driven by productivity shocks. To make these shocks "realistic", Prescott required that they have the same statistical properties as the actual residuals from an aggregate production function computed using the method of Solow (1957). Building on this idea, Plosser (1989) showed that empirical Solow residuals constructed from post-war US data produced model time series for macroeconomic activity that appeared visually close to the actual business cycle fluctuations on a period-by-period basis. In this section, we display these moment and time-path results as an introduction to real business cycles.

    4.1. The drioing process

    The crucial assumption in RBC analysis is that the stochastic component of productivity can be extracted from the empirical Solow residual using Equation (3.23), log(SRt) = log(At) + a log(Xt). Then, assuming that log(At) follows an AR(1) process,

    log(At) = p log(At-O + et, (4.1)

    and exploiting the fact that log(Xt) = log(Xt_l)+ log(y), it is possible to estimate the stochastic process for productivity and, in particular, the persistence parameter p and

    25 There are versions of the basic RBC model that can be solved analytically but require restrictive assumptions on preferences and technology. See, e.g., Radner (1966), Long and Plosser (1983), Devereux, Gregory and Smith (1992), and Rebelo and Xie (1999). 26 See, e.g., Danthine, Donaldson and Mehra (1989), Christiano (1990), and Dotsey and Mao (1992).

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 953

    the standard deviation of the innovation et. Todo this, one fits a linear trend to logSRt in order to compute y. Then, one uses the residuals from this regression to estimate p and standard deviation of~t. For our quarterly data set, the resulting point estimates are 0.979 for p and .0072 for the Standard deviation o f et. The high estimated value of p reflects the substantial serial correlation in panel 4 of Figure 3, where the variable described as productivity is the Solow residual.

    4.2. :Calibrating and solving the model

    The work of Kydland and Prescott (1982) and Long and Plosser (1983) illustrated the value of exploring the workings of stochastic dynamic models by using a "reasonable" set of parameter values. Following the methodological recommendations of Lucas (1980) in his influential "Methods and Problems in Business Cycle Theory," Kydland and Prescott relied on microeconomic empirical studies and on the long-run properties of the economy to choose parameter values. To explore the operation of their multiple sector business cycle model, Long and Plosser (1983) drew parameters from input- output tables for the US economy. This new approach, which came to be known as "calibration" has at times been controversial. This partly reflects the fact that most research in macroeconomics followed one of two other routes prior to the rational expectations revolution 27. First, many authors explored qualitative features of theoretical models and compared them informally with empirical evidence. Second, many researchers formally estimated and tested models.

    To see how the calibration approach works, let us apply it to our basic neoclassical model. There are broadly two parts of calibration. One must begin by choosing functional forms which imply that certain parameters are important and then one must assign parameter values.

    The great ratios in the steady state: From our discussion in Section 3.4 above, we know that the production side of the model determines nearly everything about the steady State. We choose the discount factor so that the steady-state real interest rate coincides with the average return to capital in the economy. This is 6.5% per annum, if we equate it with the average return on the Standard and Poor 500 Index over the period 1948-1986. Since we are interested in a quarterly model, we choose the discount factor b so that the quarterly real interest rate is 0.065/4. In the Cobb-Douglas production function (3.21), there are three parameters a , X and A. We set a equal to

    27 This calibration approach is commonly associated solely with the RBC program, but it was also used in the early 1980s by researchers studying the effects of nominal contracting on economic fluctuation, such as Blanchard and Taylor. The calibration approach had been previously used in other areas of economics, such as public finance and international trade, which employed complicated, though static, general equilibrium models. Calibration is now routine in a wide range of macroeconomic areas, although it was controversial in the late 1980s because of Kydland and Prescott's (1991) insistence that it should be used instead of standard econometric methodology. A nontechnical review of the interaction between the quantitative theory approach and econometrics is provided by King (1995).

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    two-thirds which is a standard value for the long run US labor income share 28. Both X0 (the initial level o f technical progress) and the mean value o f A are parameters which affect only the scale o f the economy, and hence can be normalized to one. The growth rate o f technical progress is chosen to coincide with the average growth rate o f per capita output in the U S A during the post war period (1.6% per annum), which implies a quarterly gross growth rate o f technical progress o f 7 = 1.004 29. The rate o f depreciation is chosen to be 10% per annum (6 = 0.025) 3°. Taking all o f this information together, we can solve for the capi ta l - labor ratio k/N, using the requirement that r + 6 = A D 1 F ( k , N ) . In the Cobb-Doug las case we obtain:

    k _

    N [ r + 6 ] "

    In turn, this implies that the steady-state value o f the capital-output ratio is k/y = ( k / N ) / ( y / N ) since the average product o f labor y / N = A ( k / N ) l-a. We also thus compute the steady-state ratios i/y = ( y - 1 + 6 ) (k / y ) and c/y = 1 - (i/y), as well as the steady-state real wage rate w = aA(k/N) l-a.

    P a r a m e t e r i z i n g utility: The constant elasticity class o f utility functions (3.8) is motivated by having steady-state growth in product ivi ty lead to steady-state growth in consumption and a constant average level o f hours per person. In our discussion of this basic model, we use the momentary utility function

    u ( c t , L t ) = log(ct )+ 1 _ - ~ 0 (L~ - r l - 1), (4.2)

    Once we specify the parameter which governs the labor supply elasticity (r/) we choose 0 to match steady state N, which is about 20% of the available time in the USA in the postwar period 31 . The studies o f Prescott (1986) and Plosser (1989) used the " log- log" case, which makes utility u(Ct , Lt ) = log(Ct )+ 0 log(Ll), motivating this form by arguing that a range o f microeconomic and asset-pricing evidence suggests a coefficient o f risk aversion o f ~r = 132. We begin with this case (in which ~/= 1) and then consider some alternative values in Section 6 below.

    28 This is higher than the value of a = 0.58 used in King, Plosser and Rebelo (1988a,b). This number is somewhat sensitive to the treatment of the government sector and of proprietor's income. See Cooley and Prescott (1995) for a discussion. 29 Many calibration studies ignore growth all together, as we ignore growth in population. Incorporating population growth would raise the appropriate value of 7 to 1.008. 30 Here we use a conventional value for 6, but there is some evidence that it should be lower. The ratio of capital consumption allowances to the capital stock (excluding consumer durables and government capital) for the USA in the post war period takes values of the order of 6 percent [see Stokey and Rebelo (1995, Appendix B)]. The average investment share is very sensitive to y and 6, but the near steady-state dynamics are not.

    D2u(c,L) = Oc implies that a = -~ - ON c 3~ That is, the condition w = Dlu(c.r) ~ ~ ; , which can be solved for 0.

    32 There is substantial uncertainty about ~r, which tends to be estimated with a very large standard error, see Koeherlakota (1996).

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles

    Table 2 Calibration of baseline model


    ~r b 0 ~/ ~ a 6 P ge

    1 0.984 3.48 1 1.004 0.667 0.025 0.979 0.0072

    Collecting these results, we have Table 2 listing the parameters that are used in the baseline model in the remainder of this section.

    Loglinearizing the model economy: The next step in solving the model is to approximate its various equations, which is most frequently done so as to produce log-linear relations. Sometimes, as with the utility specification (4.2), it happens that the relations o f interest are exactly log-linear to start. For example, the consumption efficiency condition (3.15) is At = DlU(Ct,Lt) = (ct) -I and the leisure efficiency

    condition (3.16) is cot = ~twt = D2u(ct,Lt) = L t ~, so that:

    - c t = • , (4.3)

    - t /Lt = (~t + ~t). (4.4)

    In these expressions, a circumflex ("hat") over a variable represents proportionate deviations of that variable from its steady-state level, ~t = log(ct/c), etc.

    The Cobb-Douglas production function also implies that the efficiency condition (3.17) - which can be rewritten as an equality between the real wage rate and the marginal product of labor - is exactly loglinear,

    wt = At + (1 - a ) (L - N t ) , (4.5)

    i.e., the real wage is raised by productivity and by increases in the capital labor ratio. Other equations of the model are not exactly log-linear and so must be approximated.

    The time constraint is Nt + Lt = 1 so that small changes in labor and leisure satisfy dNt dNt + dLt = 0 and thus ) v d N ' + L @ = 1. Since log(-~) ~ ~ - , we conclude33:

    ~" N

    (N)Nt + (L)Lt = 0. (4.6)

    33 An alternative derivation of this and other results involves assuming that the behavioral equation depends on A/t = log(Nt/N) etc. and then taking a linear approximation in the hatted variables. For example, the time constraint is

    N exp()~,) + L exp(I,t) = 1,

    so tha~t is approximately Equation (4.6), given that a first-order Taylor series approximation to exp(~t) about N t = 0 is Nt.

  • 956 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    = A 1.( 1 a) 7tra Since the constraint on uses of goods takes the form ct + it ~ t ' ~ t ~ ' t so that a mixture of the two methods used above yields


    Other equations such as (3.6) and (3.18), which contain variables at different dates, can be similarly approximated. The result is a loglinear dynamic system that can be solved numerically.

    Interpreting aspects o f the model economy: One benefit of this solution strategy is that the researcher maybe able to interpret certain aspects of the model economy prior to obtaining its numerical solution. For one example; Equation (4.5) can be interpreted as a description of "labOr demand", so as to discuss the influence of productivity, the real wage rate and the stock of capital on the quantity of labor. For another, combining Equations (4.4) and (4.6), we arrive at a "labor supply schedule" that relates the quantity of labor to the real wage and the shadow price of goods, Le.,


    so that a higher value of r/ lowers the labor supply elasticity. Individually, these equations describing "labor supply" and "labor demand" can be used to evaluate the consistency of the macroeconomic model with microeconomic evidence. Taken together, they provide an explanation of how the quantity of labor and the real wage rate respond to variations in productivity, the capital stock, and the shadow price.

    4.3. Business cycle moments

    One way of evaluating the predictions of the basic RBC model is to compare moments that summarize the actual experience of an economy with similar moments from the model. On the basis of such a moment comparison, Prescott (1986) argued that the basic RBC model predicts the observed "large fluctuations in output and employment" and, more specifically, that "standard theory. . , correctly predicts the amplitude o f . . . fluctuations, their serial correlation properties, and the fact that investment is about six times as volatile as consumption."

    Table 3 reports summary statistics on HP cyclical components of key variables for simulations of the basic neoclassical model driven by productivity shocks. These statistics are comparable to those reported in Table 1 for the US economy.

    Volatility o f output and its components: Productivity shocks produce a model economy that is nearly as volatile as the actual US economy. More specifically, comparing the ratio of model and empirical standard deviations, Kydland and Prescott (1991) have argued that the real business cycle model explains the dominant part

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles

    Table 3 Business cycle statistics for basic RBC model a,b


    Standard deviation Relative standard First-order Contemporaneous deviation autocorrelation correlation with output

    Y 1.39 1.00 0.72 1.00

    C 0.61 0:44 0.79 0.94

    I 4.09 2.95 0.71 0.99

    N 0.67 0.48 0.71 0.97

    Y/N 0.75 0.54 0.76 0.98

    w 0.75 0.54 0.76 0.98

    r 0,05 0.04 0.71 0.95

    A 0.94 0.68 0.72 1.00

    a All variables have been logged (with the exception of the real interest rate) and detrended with the HP tilter. b The moments in this table are population moments computed from the solution of the model. Prescott (1986) produced multiple simulations, each with the same number of observations available in the data, and reported the average HP-filtered moments across these simulations.

    o f business cycles 34. For the numbers in Tables 1 and 3, the Kydland-Prescot t variance ratio is 0.77 = (1.39/1.81) 2, suggesting that the RBC model explains 77% of business fluctuations. Using a variation on the basic model which introduces costs o f moving labor out o f the business sector, Kydland and Prescott (1991) argued that "technology shocks account for 70 percent of business cycle fluctuations". Using a slightly different version o f the model Prescott (1986) had previously attributed 75% o f output fluctuations to productivity shocks.

    The real business cycle model is consistent with the observed large variability o f investment relative to output, as indicated by the relative standard deviations reported in the second columns o f Tables 1 and 3. In particular, investment is about three times more volatile than output in both the actual economy (where the ratio o f standard deviations is 5.30/1.81=2.93) and the model economy (where the ratio o f standard deviations is 2.95). Consumption is substantially smoother than output in both the model and actual economies. In our basic model, however, consumption is only about one-third as volatile as output while it is over two thirds as volatile as output in the US economy. We return to discussion o f this feature o f the economy in Section 6 below.

    Persistence and comovement with output. Business cycles are persistently high or low levels of economic activity: one measure o f this persistence is the first-order serial correlation coefficient. Table 3 shows that the persistence generated by the basic model

    34 See Eichenbaum (1991) for a criticism of this interpretation of the variance ratio.

  • 958 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    is high, but weaker than in the data (see Table 1). The relative standard deviations also provide a measure of the limited extent to which the basic RBC model amplifies productivity shocks: in terms of its business cycle behavior, output is 1.48 times as volatile as productivity.

    Business cycles also involve substantial comovement of aggregate output with inputs (such as labor) and the components of output (such as consumption and investment). Accordingly, Table 3 reports the contemporaneous correlation of output with the other four measures. All of these correlations are quite high, indicating the basic RBC model captures the general pattern of comovement in the data. However, the empirical correlations of output with labor, investment and productivity are substantially smaller than their model counterparts.

    From this battery of statistics, we can see that the RBC model produces a surprisingly good account of US economic activity. However, there are also evident discrepancies. Notably, consumption and labor input in the basic model are each much less volatile than in the data. Further, the basic RBC model produces a strongly procyclical real wage and real interest rate, which does not accord well with the US experience summarized in Table 1.

    4.3.1. Simulations o f US business cycles

    Figure 7 depicts US data together time series generated by simulating the model with the innovations to the actual US Solow residual. On the basis of results similar to those in this figure, Plosser (1989) argued that "the simple (RBC) model appears to replicate a significant portion of the behavior of the economy during recessions and during other periods" 35. Indeed, looking at the first panel of Figure 7, it is clear that the basic RBC model gives quite a good account of the quarter-to-quarter variation in the output time series. The correlation between these series is 0.79; the model also works well in all major recession and expansion episodes.

    Turning to the individual components of output, the performance of the RBC model is also surprisingly good for such a simple model. Consumption in the model and the data are strongly positively associated (the contemporaneous correlation is 0.76), although the model's series in the bottom panel of Figure 7 is much less volatile than the actual experience, as suggested by the previous discussion of moments above.

    Investment in the model and the data also move together in the third panel of Figure 7, although model investment appears to lead actual investment by one to two quarters. One measure of this lead is that the contemporaneous correlation of model and actual investment is 0.63 and the correlation between actual investment and past model investment is 0.73 at one lag and 0.69 at two lags. While the volatility of labor is

    35 This section uses a model that is essentially the same as that in Plosser (1989), but our simulated time series are slightly different due to (i) differences in data; and (ii) differences in filtering. Plosser's use of the first-difference filter emphasizes higher frequency components of time series relative to our use of the HP filter.

  • Ch. 14." Resuscitating Real Business Cycles

    6 - Outpu t


    51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96





    ~ - 2 g.




    Labor Inpu t

    ^ ~ J A

    l' l V 1 - i t f "I / " " V V" v ___~2~o, , ; , , , , o , , , , , , , o , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 6 1 76 81 86 91 96


    Inves tment

    2,; t , . . . . .

    -15 ~- I

    51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96


    6 -

    5 -

    4 ,

    3i 2 -

    7 , - ~- o

    - 1 -

    - 2 -

    -3 i

    Consump t i on


    I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ] I I I I I I I I I I I I : ', ', : : ; ', ', ', ', : : 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96


    Fig. 7. Basic model: simulated business cycles. Sample period is 1947:2-1996:4. All variables are detrended using the Hodrick-Prescott filter.

  • 960 R.G. King and S.T. Rebelo

    broadly similar in the data and in the model, there is much less of a period-to-period correspondence between labor and output in the simulations in the second panel of Figure 7 than there is in the US economy.

    4.4. The importance of capital accumulation

    The process of capital accumulation is central to business cycles in the RBC framework. To highlight this importance, consider the effect of a positive productivity shock under the assumption that investment is zero at all dates. Then, higher productivity would raise the level of the production function and the marginal product of labor schedule, with each increasing proportionately. From the standpoint o f the representative individual, this would work just like a secular rise in the real wage rate, with exactly offsetting wealth and substitution effects on labor. Thus, hours per worker would be invariant to productivity, with consumption moving one-for-one with output 36. By contrast, in the RBC framework, investment increases in response to a positive productivity shock, i.e., the representative household optimally saves some fraction of the higher current output. Thus, it is also efficient to lower consumption and raise work effort relative to the fixed investment case, producing the cyclical comovements that we see in the actual economy.

    However, the introduction of capital as a factor of production in the basic model tends to make it difficult to match the behavior of output and labor input that we saw in the first panel of Figure 3, where labor is nearly as volatile as output. Fundamentally, this reflects the fact that capital is not particularly variable over the business cycle (see the second^panelof Figure 3). More specifically, the Solow decomposition indicates that 33t = At + aNt + (1 a)tct, so that we expect a one percent change in labor to produce an a = ~ per cent change in output. It also works to mitigate the volatility of labor input, since it makes the marginal product of labor decline with the quantity of labor, given that the capital stock is essentially fixed over the business cycle. That is, despite substantial business cycle changes in investment, these do not have a large effect on the capital stock.

    4.5. Early successes and criticisms

    The results of Table 3 and Figure 7 illustrate why the last decade has witnessed an explosion of research on real business cycles. The basic RBC model holds the promise of being a coherent framework that integrates growth and business cycles. At the same time, there were clear areas in which the model needed to be improved, so that there

    36 With a total factor productivity shock, this exact offset requires that there be a Cobb-Douglas production function, although it holds for any production function if the shock is labor augmenting. While it clearly holds if there is no capital, it also holds if capital is present, as may readily be verified using the line of argument in footnote 20. A key part of this more general result is that capital income increases with the productivity shock.

  • Ch. 14: Resuscitating Real Business Cycles 961

    clearly was important additional work to done. Prescott (1986) summarizes moment implications as indicating that "the match between theory and observation is excellent, but far from perfect". Plosser ('1989) summarizes the model simulations as indicating that "the whole idea that such a simple model with no government, no market failures of any kind, rational expectations, no adjustment costs could replicate actual experience this well is very surprising". Rogoff (1986) warns of the potential power of the RBC model: "The . . . real business cycle results.. , are certainly productive. It has been said that a brilliant theory is one which at first seems ridiculous and later seems obvious. There are many that feel that (RBC) research has passed the first test. But they should recognize the definite possibility that it may someday pass the second test as well."

    One notable part of the RBC program is its insistence on the construction of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models, which is now the accepted approach to macroeconomic analysis across a wide range of research areas and perspectives. Even those who are skeptical of the central role of productivity shocks have accepted the idea that "the basic methodological approach .. . (is) ... relevant to models in which monetary disturbances play a greater role" as Rogoff (1986) forecasted that they would.

    But it is the other component of the RBC approach that was immediately controversial and remains so to this day: that technology shocks are the dominant source of fluctuations. The striking performance of the basic RBC model drew a strong critical reaction from macroeconomists working in the Keynesian tradition [Summers (1986), Mankiw (1989)]. Their criticisms focused on three main points. First, they questioned some of the parameter values used in the calibration of the model. In particular, they stressed that the model's performance required an empirically unreasonable degree of intertemporal substitution in labor supply. Second, they emphasized the model's counterfactual implications for some relative and absolute prices. The critics observed that the strongly procyclical character of the model's real wage rate was inconsistent with the findings of numerous empirical studies. They also pointed to Mehra and Prescott's (1985) earlier finding that standard preferences, such as Equation (4.2), are incompatible with the equity premium, i.e. the difference between the average rate of return to equities and the risk free rate. 37 In addition, they suggested that a productivity shock theory of the cycle should imply a strongly countercyclical price level. Third, they argued that the use of the Solow residual was highly problematic, leading to excessively volatile productivity shocks.

    In retrospect, the first two criticisms of RBC analysis had a small impact on the RBC program. Rather than being fragile, the model's performance is surprisingly resilient to variations in its parameters. Much of the model's performance is anchored on three single ingredients: a highly persistent technology shock that is sufficiently volatile, a sufficiently elastic labor supply, and empirically reasonable steady-state shares of

    37 See John Campbell (1999) for a detailed discussion.

  • 962 R.G. King and S. T Rebelo

    consumption and investment in output 38. The RBC model does not need to rely on a high degree of intertemporal substitution in labor choice. In fact some RBC models [e.g. Greenwood, Hercowitz and Huffman (1988)] assume that this elasticity is zero. However, either intertemporal or intratemporal substitution must be strong