retail buying


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Page 1: Retail buying


Page 2: Retail buying

Structure uniqueness of Textile

Complicated stock keeping units (SKU) estimation

Strong effect of Fashion Domination of textile supplier and retail

buyers over manufacturers Difference of product ordering procedure

Page 3: Retail buying

But the Biggest challenge is to

“ Integrate qualitative data and theory to quantitative demand forecasting ”

This most of the time leads to Intuition based Decision .

Page 4: Retail buying

To reduce possible Fatal-loss from an uncertain demand prediction retail buyers use :-

1)Quick response (QR) system

2)Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

3)Point of sale (POS) system

4)Management Information System (MIS)

Implementation of these helps in

1)Effective order-reorder schedule

2)Inventory cost management

3)Faster sourcing strategy

4)Improvement of Assortment planning

Page 5: Retail buying


Planning policies Buying in Budgeting Planning model stock Contacting Vendors Planning Promotions


Page 6: Retail buying

Merchandise planning

Assortment planning

Actual buying & rearrangement


Page 7: Retail buying

For realistic Merchandise planning retail buyer must consider:-

1)Target market demand

2)Local retail competition

3)Physical expansion needed in the store

4)Planned promotional efforts

5)Trend analysis

6)Seasonal consumer demand

7)Economic condition

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Merchandise Planning

Page 8: Retail buying

Merchandise planning may require fashion forecast , sales forecast .

Objective of Fashion Forecast in merchandise planning:-

1)Studying market condition consumer buying


2)Evaluating up to date fashion trend


3)Noting street fashion of target consumer.

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Merchandise Planning

Page 9: Retail buying

Objective of sales forecast in merchandise planning :-

1)Trend analysis

2)Effective order in term of quantity decisions of specific style ,colors, size.

3)To develop efficient and effective inventory control plan.

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Merchandise Planning

Page 10: Retail buying

Two approach used for sales forecast:-


2)Bottom-up 4 Steps of top-down forecasting process :-

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Merchandise Planning

1• Planning sales goal

2 • Planning stock level for company & each store

3• Planning assortment plan

4• Making a sales forecast report

Page 11: Retail buying

3 steps of Bottom-up forecasting process:-

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Merchandise Planning

1• Determining sales potential for individual item

2 • Planning total sales & stock level by adding

4• Making a sales forecast report

• If item proportion in assortment plan is positively correlated BOTTOM-UP approach is used .

• If item proportion in assortment plan is negatively correlated TOP-DOWN approach is used.

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UNIT PLAN:- It most often refer to qualitative decision

DOLLAR PLAN :- It is quantitative result of assortment planning

Page 13: Retail buying

Retail buyer looks for new product. Vendor evaluation on following criteria :-

1)Quality of goods

2)Good delivery

3)Product fashion-ability

4)Fair price



7)Selling history

8)Steady source of supply.

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Actual buying and rearrangement plan with


Page 14: Retail buying

1• Psychological world of individuals involved

2• Rapid & joint buying decision making


• Conflicts and its resolution among decision makers.

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Organizational Buying Behavior

Organizational Buying Behavior involves three aspects

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RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Assortment - planning process

Page 16: Retail buying


It is perceived gap or discrepancy between current state and desired state of company /store.

Two Major problem with which this step begins :-

1) Change in desired state for a store .

2) Change in current store assortment .

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Assortment planning process


Page 17: Retail buying

Internal source of Information :- Store records , merchandise plan reports , sales people opinion.

External Source of Information :-

a)Customer panel

b)Consumer magazine & trade publication

c)Vendor opinion

d)Trade associations


f)Fashion forecast magazine .

g) Reporting bureaus.

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Assortment planning process

2.Information Search

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Qualitative Evaluation :- Important aspect in evaluation is desired

solution to a problem, establishing criteria of evaluation.

Fiorito`s product specific criteria :- Quality Color Position on the fashion cycle Styling Distinctiveness

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Assortment planning process

3.Product Evaluation(a)

Kang found in her research that retail

buyers and their target customer have

similar variance of criteria importance and product specific

perceived risk

Page 19: Retail buying

Quantitative Evaluation :-

Its component are following :- Initial markup for period Planned net sales Planned BOM(Beginning of month) Planned ending inventory (EOM) Planned reduction Planned purchases at retail.

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Assortment planning process

3.Product Evaluation(b)

Page 20: Retail buying

Forecasting Style Selection Forecasting Color Selection Forecasting Size Selection

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Assortment planning process

4.Forecasting product selection and sales.

Forecasting methods for Assortment -planning :-

1. Decomposition2. Product life cycle analysis3. Exponential Smoothing4. Regression Analysis5. Jury of Executives.6. Fashion Diffusion Curve Analysis

Page 21: Retail buying

Decomposition :- It is a sales forecast which split total sales forecast for individual forecast of each product line and SKU level by importance rating.

Regression Analysis :- It is a forecast that estimate relationship between sales and external variables.

Exponential Smoothing :- It is a weighted moving average of past sales with considering irregular component.

Jury of executive opinion :- It is a sales forecast based on cross section of a smaller expert group .

RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Assortment planning process

4.Forecasting product selection and sales.

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RETAIL BUYING PROCESS Assortment planning process

5. Rules for Product Selection

1. Compensatory Rule :-It includes calculation of an importance weight and attribute rating for each attribute & then arrive at total product satisfaction score by adding them.

2. Lexicographic Rule :- It requires to rank the attributes according to importance & then select brand that is superior on most important attribute.

3. Conjunctive Rule :- Minimum standard is set for each attribute and then fast and simple elimination is used for selection of best alternatives.