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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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We are a technology provider.Our software enables you to

dramatically increase the effectiveness of your email marketing and content


02Who is RetentionGrid?

Of personalization technology & dynamic content research, development, testing and proven commercial use

2 years

Of real-time predictive models, machine learning and open-time technology


Brands & many major verticals in 55 countries


10,000,000 Consumers in 128 countries

Since 2007...

03The problem

Consumers in 128 countries


Email open rates declined by:

Email click-through rates declined by:

In 2014,the average subscriber

received 416 commercial emails per month.

Sources: Wall Street Journal, Movable Ink, Return Path

Use Case Examples

04Why Personalize?

Fashion & Apparel

8.67% 12.89%

Lift: 49% .

Overall lift in CTOR for brands using RetentionGrid Dynamic Content73%

Industry CTOR RetentionGrid CTOR Industry CTOR RetentionGrid CTOR Industry CTOR RetentionGrid CTOR

Industry CTOR RetentionGrid CTORIndustry CTOR RetentionGrid CTORIndustry CTOR RetentionGrid CTOR

Electronics & Gadgets

11.5% 44.0%

Lift: 283% .

Food & Beverage

4.04% 20.18%

Lift: 399% .

Health & Beauty

3.37% 13.35%

Lift: 296% .

Jewelry & Crafts

13.37% 20.11%

Lift: 50% .

Sports & Recreation

7.06% 25.74%

Lift: 265% .

Fashion & Apparel RetentionGrid has extensive experience

working in the Fashion & Apparel category & outperforms industry


05Case Study

Lift in CTOR with RG Dynamic Content as compared to the industry average CTOR for Fashion & Apparel49%

Customer Results

RetentionGrid CTOR:


13% Static Campaign CTOR:

43% Lift in CTOR:

Health & Beauty RetentionGrid has extensive experience

working in the Health & Beauty category & outperforms industry


Case Study

Lift in CTR with RG Dynamic Content as compared to the industry average CTOR for Health & Beauty296%

Customer Results

RetentionGrid CTOR:


11% Static Campaign CTOR:

27% Lift in CTOR:


Food & Beverage RetentionGrid has extensive experience

working in the Food & Beverage category & outperforms industry


07Case Study

Lift in CTR with RG Dynamic Content as compared to the industry average CTOR for Food & Beverage399%

Customer Results

RetentionGrid CTOR:


16% Static Campaign CTOR:

24% Lift in CTOR:


What is Open Time Dynamic Content?

08What isOpen Time?

email content that reacts to changing market conditions within seconds - even when you’

ve already sent the email.

Our algorithm calculates the best recommendations and content, every time

an email is OPENED.


Product recommendations are instantly updated, directly in the email, so recipients who open that campaign you sent yesterday only see products they can actually buy right now.

Out of stock?

-- and the recommendations in the email you already sent are updated -- based on my browsing, clicking, and purchase behavior.

I look at your site

Live social feeds -- drive engagement. Recipients engage with the conversation that’s going on right now.

09Dynamic content types

Dynamic Lifecycle Offers

Predictive Product Recommendations

Embedded Social Feeds

Discounts, gifts, or offers based on a recency/ frequency segmentation


Based on historical purchase data AND onsite behavior

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Wanelo, Polyvore, blogs special RSS feeds, APIs and


34% Lift on CTOR 14% Lift on CTOR 33% Lift on CTOR

10How it works

RG Mapper RG Foresight RG Syncro

The RetentionGrid Predictive Recommendation Engine with Open-Time Personalization Technology

Seamless IntegrationsWith Google, all major email service providers and marketing automation systems, and any eCommerce platform

Captures visitor behavior on site & securely transmits this data into the recommendation engine. Historical data import (.csv) also possible.

Our proprietary predictive model generates content recommendations for every individual. Engagement is tracked and continuously optimized with machine learning.

Instantaneously delivers device-optimized, personalized predictive content at open-time, and is refreshed with every open. It’s faster than the blink of an eye.


Joanna Lamb eCommerce Email Marketing Specialist [email protected]

+1 678 608 2735


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Talk to us.

We’ll answer your questions and help you get started.

Make a list of all the emails you send out.

This should include your regular campaigns, triggered email, and transactional emails as well.

Build your dynamic content blocks, drop the HTML into the appropriate emails, and click send!

Next Steps

Newsletters Announcements Promotions Transactional Community

Appendix● What is CTOR?

CTOR is the Most Telling Measurement of Content Effectiveness

What it tells you is simply this: Of the subscribers who opened the email, how many clicked?

# of clicks = % CTOR # of opens

If you have good content, your CTOR rates will go up. If CTOR goes up, you are driving more actions from recipients, and therefore your emails are more effective.

Interactive Advertising Bureau: Experience Council: Land: Digital Agency:

CTOR is a content-specific metric. Industry average is 8%.