retinal surgery chicago il

Why Select An Experienced Chicago Lasik Surgeon? Thanks to the rapid technological advancement in the field of the Lasik eye surgery, the surgery has been becomemuch safer today. But still many patients do experience some sort of post surgical temporary side-effects such as the redness or dry eyes. But if you take proper care before the Chicago Lasik surgery, your surgery can become successful. The success of the surgery depends mainly on the surgeon and how he/she evaluates you. The factor of the type of professional experience you have at the clinic and during the consultations, the protocol and the cost of the procedure. Your surgeon should be skilled and well experienced in having performed a number of successful Chicago Lasik surgeries. Your surgeon needs to be licensed, insured and affiliated with different eye and surgerydirectories. You need to be sure that the surgeon has merit certifications, fellowship and is professionally affiliated to the accredited associations. Pre-Operative Information The surgeon should be conscientious so that he/she chooses only the right candidate for the surgery. There are various parameters that you as a candidate should fulfill to become eligible for the successful surgery. When you go for the Chicago Lasik surgery consultation, the doctor will need a detailed history of your health. It is very important that you provide the right information about your past and present medical conditions, the drug prescriptions if you are on any and most importantly if you are allergic to anything. Do not restrict yourself to only your ocular health. Do keep in mind that any misinformation or hiding any fact could put you at very high risk of failed surgery and even permanent eye damage. During the consultation, your ophthalmologist would be conducting detailed ocular examination and depending upon the results, you will be informed of the Chicago Lasik surgical procedural options that could be suitable for your eyes. If you are dreaming about freedom for lends and glasses, this is the only option you have. It is important to discuss the pros and the cons as well as the cost of each procedure with your surgeon and all the various doubts you may have regarding the procedure. Please do not keep any doubt in mind and no query is small or trivial before any surgery.Follow all the pre-operative instructions religiously and any problems report to your ophthalmologist. After the Chicago Lasik surgical procedure, you surgeon would be prescribing some medicines and the eye-drops that you have to use as per the instructions given. Have post operative regular follow-up visits as you have been advised. Additionally, adhere to all of the post-operative care tips that have been given by the doctor. This helps in proper monitoring of the healing process of your eyes. Do not do any strenuous work and other related work for the number of days as advised by your surgeon.

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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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Kraff Eye Institute 25 E Washington St Chicago, IL 60602 (312) 444-1111 At the Kraff Eye Institute, our patients receive the precision and care of the most experienced laser vision correction doctors in the Midwest. Our Board-certified physicians have performed tens of thousands of Lasik procedures with the highest levels of safety and patient satisfaction, utilizing the latest and most sophisticated instruments and techniques. The Kraff experts, who have been performing Laser Vision Correction since 1991, offer the kind of knowledge, comfort, and experience that you can trust your eyes with.


Page 1: Retinal Surgery Chicago IL

Why Select An Experienced Chicago Lasik Surgeon?

Thanks to the rapid technological advancement in the field of the Lasik eye surgery, the

surgery has been becomemuch safer today. But still many patients do experience some sort

of post surgical temporary side-effects such as the redness or dry eyes. But if you take

proper care before the Chicago Lasik surgery, your surgery can become successful.

The success of the surgery depends mainly on the surgeon and how he/she evaluates you.

The factor of the type of professional experience you have at the clinic and during the

consultations, the protocol and the cost of the procedure.

Your surgeon should be skilled and well experienced in having performed a number of

successful Chicago Lasik surgeries. Your surgeon needs to be licensed, insured and affiliated

with different eye and surgerydirectories. You need to be sure that the surgeon has merit

certifications, fellowship and is professionally affiliated to the accredited associations.

Pre-Operative Information

The surgeon should be conscientious so that he/she chooses only the right candidate for the

surgery. There are various parameters that you as a candidate should fulfill to become

eligible for the successful surgery.

When you go for the Chicago Lasik surgery consultation, the doctor will need a detailed

history of your health. It is very important that you provide the right information about your

past and present medical conditions, the drug prescriptions if you are on any and most

importantly if you are allergic to anything. Do not restrict yourself to only your ocular

health. Do keep in mind that any misinformation or hiding any fact could put you at very

high risk of failed surgery and even permanent eye damage.

During the consultation, your ophthalmologist would be conducting detailed ocular

examination and depending upon the results, you will be informed of the Chicago Lasik

surgical procedural options that could be suitable for your eyes. If you are dreaming about

freedom for lends and glasses, this is the only option you have.

It is important to discuss the pros and the cons as well as the cost of each procedure with

your surgeon and all the various doubts you may have regarding the procedure. Please do

not keep any doubt in mind and no query is small or trivial before any surgery.Follow all the

pre-operative instructions religiously and any problems report to your ophthalmologist.

After the Chicago Lasik surgical procedure, you surgeon would be prescribing some

medicines and the eye-drops that you have to use as per the instructions given. Have post

operative regular follow-up visits as you have been advised. Additionally, adhere to all of

the post-operative care tips that have been given by the doctor. This helps in proper

monitoring of the healing process of your eyes. Do not do any strenuous work and other

related work for the number of days as advised by your surgeon.

Page 2: Retinal Surgery Chicago IL

Laser Eye Surgery Chicago, Best Lasik Chicago

The laser eye surgery is a surgical procedure in which the laser beam is used to reshape the

cornea, to change the focusing power of the eye. The cornea is a transparent layer that

covers the front part of the eye. This procedure is used to correct the refractive errors such

as astigmatism, myopia (short-sightedness) orhypermetropia (long-sightedness) where the

curvature of the eye is uneven.If you are planning to go in for the Laser Eye Surgery in

Chicago, then you should be aware of the few commonly performed procedures. All these

laser procedures use the same type of special laser known as the ‘excimer’ laser for the

reshaping of the cornea. Your ophthalmologist would conduct a proper Lasik related as well

as specific eye related examination to determine which procedure would be most suitable

for you and would give you the best results. The commonly seen Laser Eye Surgery in

Chicago procedures are:

Corneal Inlays/Outlays: In the corneal inlays and the outlays procedures, the optical

devices such as tiny lenses are inserted inside the cornea in such a way that the front

surface is reshaped so as to improve the vision. This is a very useful procedure for

improving the near vision and when combined with LASIK can be used for correcting all

types of refractive errors.

Custom Wavefront LASIK: Custom Wavefront LASIK surgery is also known as the

wavefront LASIK and is a procedure in which 3D measurements are taken of the way your

eye is able to process the images and these measurements then guide the Laser to reshape

the cornea. This is an exceptionally precise and individualized vision correction procedure

that is not possible with the other procedures.

Epi-LASIK: In this procedure, special cutting tool is used for separating the outer layer of

cornea and is the combination of LASIK and LASEK.

LASEK: LASEK procedure is a variation of the PRK procedure as it is a combination of the

PRK and the LASIK procedures. This procedure is specially recommended for those who do

not qualify for the LASIK procedure and can be used to correct all types of refractive errors.

PresbyLASIK: This procedure is the advanced type of the laser surgery for vision

correction in which the shape of the cornea is so changed that it creates different power

zones that help in seeing objects at different and varying distances.

PRK: This procedure is also known as the predecessor for the LASIK treatment and is used

for the correction of refractive errors.

All the above stated procedures have variations in specifics, the recovery time that is

required, the surgical instruments that are used and most important your eligibility. Trust

your Best Lasik in Chicago ophthalmologist to suggest you the procedure that is best for

your eye. However, they will only be able to select the procedure after you have cleared

intensive eye examinations that allow them an insight about your specific vision


Page 3: Retinal Surgery Chicago IL

When Is The Time To Schedule Retina Surgery In Chicago?

There may be a time when you may be feeling completely normal with no discomfort of any

sort in your eyes or your vision, but still you may be suffering from some sort of underlying

retinal disease. If you are suffering from any medical conditions such as diabetes, it would

be always advisable for you to get a detailed dilated examination of your retina. If anything

is suspected, you will be required to get special tests like OCT scanning as well as

fluorescein angiography done. These tests can help in detecting of there is any problem in

the retina.Till now, for many patients undergoing timey laser Retinal Surgery in Chicagohas

helped in preserving or prevent loss of vision. This procedure is commonly used in the treatment of the following eye conditions:

Diabetic Retinopathy: With increase in the number of population suffering from diabetes,

the incidence of people suffering from diabetic retinopathy has increased manifold. In

patients suffering from diabetes, the retinal blood vessels may leak and cause the retina to

swell and cause a condition known as diabetic macular edema. In this the vision gets

affected especially when the central vision area gets swollen. Laser Retinal Surgery Chicago

can help in sealing the leaks and prevent further loss of vision.Another diabetic related

retinal condition commonly seen in the proliferative diabetic retinopathy in which there is

proliferation of new blood vessels causing scarring and bleeding. LaserRetinal Surgery in Chicago treatment can prevent vision loss by getting these new vessels to disappear.

Retinal Detachment, Tears or Holes: This is an emergency eye condition and may occur

due to aging, cataract surgery, medical condition and even trauma to the eye. Patients

experience seeing light flashes or cobweb like floaters when the retina tears or detaches.

Due to the tear or hole, the liquid known as vitreous can leak beneath it and cause the

retina to detach. Laser Retinal Surgery in Chicago treatment seals together the layers of the

retina and also welds to the underlying wall of the eye and prevents the retinal detachment.

Retinal Vein Occlusion: Sometimes as part of the aging process, the small veins may get

blocked especially in the patients suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure. This causes swelling in the retina with blood and fluid and blurring of the vision.

Macular Degeneration: Some people may experience changes in the macula due to aging.

If the changes are of dry type, then it is less harmful, but the wet type causes swelling in

the macula with blood and fluid causing distorted or blurred vision. These people require

urgent laser Retinal Surgery in Chicago treatment to prevent loss of vision. Vision is a gift

and it is essential sense that you cannot do without. If you have been having issues with

your vision, it is time to seek an appointment with a retina specialist. They would be able to

evaluate the condition and treatment.