retrievals of chlorine chemistry kinetic parameters from ...s. kremser et al.: retrievals of...

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5183–5193, 2011 doi:10.5194/acp-11-5183-2011 © Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Retrievals of chlorine chemistry kinetic parameters from Antarctic ClO microwave radiometer measurements S. Kremser 1,8 , R. Schofield 2 , G. E. Bodeker 1,* , B. J. Connor 3 , M. Rex 2 , J. Barret 4 , T. Mooney 4 , R. J. Salawitch 5 , T. Canty 5 , K. Frieler 6 , M. P. Chipperfield 7 , U. Langematz 8 , and W. Feng 7 1 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Lauder, New Zealand 2 Stiftung Alfred-Wegener Institut (AWI), Forschungsstelle Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany 3 BC Consulting Ltd., Alexandra, New Zealand 4 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA 5 Department Atmosphere & Ocean Science, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA 6 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany 7 Institute for Climate & Atmospheric Science, School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 8 Freie Universit¨ at Berlin, Berlin, Germany * now at: Bodeker Scientific, Alexandra, New Zealand Received: 10 September 2010 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 4 November 2010 Revised: 13 May 2011 – Accepted: 17 May 2011 – Published: 1 June 2011 Abstract. Key kinetic parameters governing the partition- ing of chlorine species in the Antarctic polar stratosphere were retrieved from 28 days of chlorine monoxide (ClO) mi- crowave radiometer measurements made during the late win- ter/early spring of 2005 at Scott Base (77.85 S, 166.75 E). During day-time the loss of the ClO dimer chlorine perox- ide (ClOOCl) occurs mainly by photolysis. Some time after sunrise, a photochemical equilibrium is established and the ClO/ClOOCl partitioning is determined by the ratio of the photolysis frequency, J , and the dimer formation rate, k f . The values of J and k f from laboratory studies remain uncer- tain to a considerable extent, and as a complement to these ongoing studies, the goal of this work is to provide a con- straint on that uncertainty based on observations of ClO pro- files in the Antarctic. First an optimal estimation technique was used to derive J/k f ratios for a range of K eq values. The optimal estimation forward model was a photochemical box model that takes J , k f , and K eq as inputs, together with a pri- ori profiles of activated chlorine (ClO x = ClO+2×ClOOCl), profiles of ozone, temperature, and pressure. JPL06 kinet- ics are used as a priori in the optimal estimation and for all other chemistry in the forward model. Using the more recent JPL09 kinetics results in insignificant differences in the re- trieved value of J/k f . A complementary approach was used Correspondence to: S. Kremser ([email protected]) to derive the optimal kinetic parameters; the full parameter space of J , k f , K eq and ClO x was sampled to find the min- imum in differences between measured and modelled ClO profiles. Furthermore, values of K eq up to 2.0 times larger than recommended by JPL06 were explored to test the sensi- tivity of the J/k f ratio to changes in K eq . The results show that the retrieved J/k f ratios bracket the range of 1.23 to 1.97 times the J/k f value recommended by JPL06 over the range of K eq values considered. The retrieved J/k f ratios lie in the lower half of the large uncertainty range of J/k f rec- ommended by JPL06 and towards the upper portion of the smaller uncertainty range recommended by JPL09. 1 Introduction The photochemistry of the chlorine monoxide dimer, chlo- rine peroxide (ClOOCl; hereafter “the dimer”) in the po- lar stratosphere is central to quantitatively describing polar ozone depletion and hence the Antarctic ozone hole. The for- mation and photolysis of ClOOCl, known as the ClO dimer cycle (Molina and Molina, 1987), is typically responsible for 55% to 70% of the spring-time ozone depletion in the Antarc- tic stratosphere (Frieler et al., 2006; SPARC, 2009). When high chlorine monoxide (ClO) concentrations are present in the polar stratosphere, the ClO dimer cycle: Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Page 1: Retrievals of chlorine chemistry kinetic parameters from ...S. Kremser et al.: Retrievals of chlorine chemistry kinetic parameters 5185 viable kinetic parameters consistent with the

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5183–5193,© Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License.


and Physics

Retrievals of chlorine chemistry kinetic parameters from AntarcticClO microwave radiometer measurements

S. Kremser1,8, R. Schofield2, G. E. Bodeker1,*, B. J. Connor3, M. Rex2, J. Barret4, T. Mooney4, R. J. Salawitch5,T. Canty5, K. Frieler 6, M. P. Chipperfield7, U. Langematz8, and W. Feng7

1National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Lauder, New Zealand2Stiftung Alfred-Wegener Institut (AWI), Forschungsstelle Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany3BC Consulting Ltd., Alexandra, New Zealand4Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA5Department Atmosphere & Ocean Science, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA6Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany7Institute for Climate & Atmospheric Science, School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK8Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany* now at: Bodeker Scientific, Alexandra, New Zealand

Received: 10 September 2010 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 4 November 2010Revised: 13 May 2011 – Accepted: 17 May 2011 – Published: 1 June 2011

Abstract. Key kinetic parameters governing the partition-ing of chlorine species in the Antarctic polar stratospherewere retrieved from 28 days of chlorine monoxide (ClO) mi-crowave radiometer measurements made during the late win-ter/early spring of 2005 at Scott Base (77.85◦ S, 166.75◦ E).During day-time the loss of the ClO dimer chlorine perox-ide (ClOOCl) occurs mainly by photolysis. Some time aftersunrise, a photochemical equilibrium is established and theClO/ClOOCl partitioning is determined by the ratio of thephotolysis frequency,J , and the dimer formation rate,kf .The values ofJ andkf from laboratory studies remain uncer-tain to a considerable extent, and as a complement to theseongoing studies, the goal of this work is to provide a con-straint on that uncertainty based on observations of ClO pro-files in the Antarctic. First an optimal estimation techniquewas used to deriveJ/kf ratios for a range ofKeq values. Theoptimal estimation forward model was a photochemical boxmodel that takesJ , kf , andKeq as inputs, together with a pri-ori profiles of activated chlorine (ClOx = ClO+2×ClOOCl),profiles of ozone, temperature, and pressure. JPL06 kinet-ics are used as a priori in the optimal estimation and for allother chemistry in the forward model. Using the more recentJPL09 kinetics results in insignificant differences in the re-trieved value ofJ/kf . A complementary approach was used

Correspondence to:S. Kremser([email protected])

to derive the optimal kinetic parameters; the full parameterspace ofJ , kf , Keq and ClOx was sampled to find the min-imum in differences between measured and modelled ClOprofiles. Furthermore, values ofKeq up to 2.0 times largerthan recommended by JPL06 were explored to test the sensi-tivity of the J/kf ratio to changes inKeq. The results showthat the retrievedJ/kf ratios bracket the range of 1.23 to 1.97times theJ/kf value recommended by JPL06 over the rangeof Keq values considered. The retrievedJ/kf ratios lie inthe lower half of the large uncertainty range ofJ/kf rec-ommended by JPL06 and towards the upper portion of thesmaller uncertainty range recommended by JPL09.

1 Introduction

The photochemistry of the chlorine monoxide dimer, chlo-rine peroxide (ClOOCl; hereafter “the dimer”) in the po-lar stratosphere is central to quantitatively describing polarozone depletion and hence the Antarctic ozone hole. The for-mation and photolysis of ClOOCl, known as the ClO dimercycle (Molina and Molina, 1987), is typically responsible for55% to 70% of the spring-time ozone depletion in the Antarc-tic stratosphere (Frieler et al., 2006; SPARC, 2009). Whenhigh chlorine monoxide (ClO) concentrations are present inthe polar stratosphere, the ClO dimer cycle:

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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ClOOCl+M (R1)

ClOOCl+hνJ→ Cl+ClOO (R2)

ClOO+M → Cl+O2+M (R3)

2×[Cl+O3 → ClO+O2] (R4)

Net: 2O3+hν → 3O2

becomes an extremely efficient ozone loss process. Thetermskf and kr refer to the reaction rate constants for theformation and the thermal dissociation of the dimer, respec-tively. M represents any molecule to remove excess energyandJ is the photolysis frequency of the dimer, which is di-rectly related to the dimer absorption cross-section. Reac-tions (R2) and (R3) are the most important for ozone destruc-tion since they release chlorine (Cl) atoms that then reactwith ozone (Reaction R4). Reaction (R2) is the rate limit-ing step for loss of ozone in the cycle.

If ClOOCl decomposes thermally (Reaction R1) ratherthan being photolysed (Reaction R2), or if the photolysisreaction produces ClO, a null cycle results that leads tono change in ozone. During day-time ClOOCl loss occursmainly by photolysis and the partitioning between ClO andClOOCl, as well as the overall rate of the catalytic cycle,are controlled by the dimer formation rate (kf) and photol-ysis frequency (J ). When sufficient time has passed aftersunrise, the reaction system reaches a photochemical steadystate, and the partitioning between ClO and ClOOCl is givenby the expression:





During night-time the temperature dependent thermal equi-librium constantKeq governs the partitioning between ClOand ClOOCl:





Uncertainties in these kinetic parameters (J , kf andKeq) con-tribute to differences between measured and modelled po-lar stratospheric ClO (e.g.,Stimpfle et al., 2004), affect ourability to accurately describe polar ozone destruction (e.g.,Frieler et al., 2006; von Hobe et al., 2007), and our abil-ity to confidently project the response of polar ozone to fu-ture changes in stratospheric chlorine loading (e.g.,SPARC,2009).

Models of polar ozone photochemistry have traditionallyused values of the ClOOCl absorption cross-section andkfrecommended either by the JPL data panel (e.g.,Sanderet al., 2003, 2006, 2009) or the IUPAC Subcommittee on GasKinetic Data Evaluation panel (Atkinson et al., 2007). Val-ues of the ClOOCl cross-section recommended by the var-ious panels typically fell between laboratory measurementsby Huder and DeMore(1995) (low range in photolytically

active region) andBurkholder et al.(1990) (high range).In 2007, Pope et al. published ClOOCl absorption cross-sections that were considerably lower than either theSanderet al.(2006) (hereafter: JPL06) orAtkinson et al.(2007) rec-ommendations. This lower photolysis frequency would makeit impossible to quantitatively explain observed ozone losswith known chemistry, suggesting that as yet unknown pro-cesses were active. More recent laboratory studies byvonHobe et al.(2009), Chen et al.(2009), Papanastasiou et al.(2009), andWilmouth et al.(2009) concluded that the cor-rection applied byPope et account for Cl2 contamina-tion in their ClOOCl sample may have been too large. Thisin turn would lead to cross-sections which are too small inthe atmospherically important wavelength region (>300nm).That said, these studies published in 2009 do not agree onthe absorption cross-sections for the dimer, and so there re-mains uncertainty on the photolysis frequency for the ClOdimer. Comparisons between measured and modelled ClO(von Hobe et al., 2007; Schofield et al., 2008) concluded thatno combination ofkf andKeq was compatible with the ab-sorption cross-sections measured byPope et al.(2007).

Furthermore, field measurements of ClO and ClOOCl byvon Hobe et al.(2007) andStimpfle et al.(2004) and satel-lite measurements of ClO bySantee et al.(2010) indicatediscrepancies in the equilibrium constantKeq for ClOOClcompared to the JPL06 recommendation, and the more re-cent JPL09 recommendation. Therefore, there is a need toreduce the uncertainties in these reaction kinetic parameters,and thereby reduce uncertainties in modelled polar ozoneloss.

In this study, two methods, both using ClO microwaveradiometer measurements from Scott Base (78.85◦ S,166.75◦ E), Antarctica, during the late winter and earlyspring of 2005 (described in Sect. 2), are used to constrainthe kinetic parameters governing ClO chemistry in the polarstratosphere, viz.:

1. An optimal estimation approach (Sect. 3), using a pho-tochemical box model as a forward model, is used toderive optimalJ/kf ratios consistent with the measuredClO profiles.

2. An exploration of the J , kf , Keq and ClOx(ClOx = ClO+2×ClOOCl, i.e. active chlorine) param-eter space, within physically plausible limits, to findwhere the minimum of measurement-model differencesoccurs.

The first approach is significantly faster than the second andprovides statistical uncertainties on the derived parameters.The second, in addition to showing which set of parametersminimizes the measurement-model difference, also showsthe regions within the 4D-space (4 dimensions, i.e.J , kf ,Keq, and ClOx) where differences of a similar magnitude areobtained. The second method also shows whether there arelocal minima in the 4-D-space that might provide a set of

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viable kinetic parameters consistent with the field observa-tions. The results obtained are presented and compared withpreviously published results in Sect. 4. These results are dis-cussed in Sect. 5, followed by the conclusion of this study inSect. 6.

2 Observations and model data

2.1 Observations

Stony Brook University and National Institute of Waterand Atmospheric research (NIWA) have jointly operateda ground-based ClO microwave radiometer at Scott Base,Antarctica, since February 1996. The instrument and the ClOmeasurements are described in more detail inSolomon et al.(2000) andConnor et al.(2007). Briefly, the microwave ra-diometer measures the thermally-excited emission of ClO at278.6 GHz within a frequency band of 506 MHz. As the ClOmolecule has a very weak line amplitude, it is necessary tointegrate the measured signals over some time period. There-fore, to generate the day-time and night-time ClO spectra,the individual ClO spectra, measured in 20 min time inter-vals, are averaged over the day-time and night-time period,respectively. Day-time is defined as 3 h after sunrise until1 h before sunset at 20 km altitude, while night-time is de-fined as 4 h after sunset until 1 h before sunrise at 20 km alti-tude. The sunset and sunrise at 20 km altitude is defined bya solar zenith angle of 94.5◦. An ozone line within the ClOmicrowave emission band interferes with the measurement.To eliminate this interference, and instrumental artefacts, theday minus night ClO spectrum is obtained by subtracting themean night-time spectrum from the mean day-time spectrum.At night, Reaction (R1) dominates Reaction (R2), leading tomost ClOx being in the form of ClOOCl and, as a result, de-pending on the day of the year, night-time ClO is less than∼ 20% of day-time ClO. The day minus night subtraction isessential for the analysis of the measured spectra to removethe ozone line and artefacts. The day minus night definitionswere determined by detailed examination of spectra intensityrelative to sunrise and sunset and the definition for day andnight was chosen so that periods where ClO changes rapidlywere avoided (Solomon et al., 2002).

ClO profiles from 10 to 56 km are derived from the ClOday minus night spectra. It should be noted that althoughthe vertical resolution of the retrieved ClO profile is about10 km, the location of the peak in the ClO mixing ratio canbe determined to an accuracy of 1 to 2 km (Solomon et al.,2000, 2006). Retrieved concentrations of ClO on 20 altitudelevels from 11 to 30 km are used in this analysis because ClOreaches its maximum abundance within this range of altitude.Twenty-eight days of ClO profiles, made during the periodfrom 21 August to 20 September 2005 (Fig. 1), are used inthis study, as 2005 offered the most comprehensive dataset.Due to bad weather conditions there were no ClO measure-



















0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12ppbv

Day of Year



















(a) ClO measurements - 21 Aug to 20 Sept 2005 (b) ClO measurements uncertainty

(c) corresponding temperatures - 21 Aug to 20 Sept 2005



Fig. 1. Measured ClO concentrations in ppbv (panela), the cor-responding errors (panelb) and the coincident temperatures in K(panelc) plotted as a function of altitude and day of the year in2005. The blue and organge/red colours in panel(a) depict lowClO concentrations (below 0.2 ppbv) and high ClO concentrations(above 1.6 ppbv), respectively. In panel(c), low temperatures (be-low 210 K) are indicated by the blue colour range, while high tem-peratures (above 225 K) are shown in the yellow to red colour scale.There are no ClO measurements available for the period of 14–16September 2005 (day 257 to 259) due to bad weather conditions(white bar).

ments available from 14–16 September 2005 and thereforethese days are not considered in this study. At the begin-ning of the season (late August) the peak ClO mixing ratiooccurs at around 22 km. In early September the peak ClOmixing ratio shifts downwards, occurring at 20–21 km. Themaximum ClO mixing ratio increases from 1.2 parts per bil-lion by volume (ppbv) to 2.3 ppbv within the 28 day period.Between 17 and 23 km the temperatures reach their seasonalminimum (<190 K) during this time period, as also shown inFig. 1. The atmospheric temperatures shown in Fig. 1 wereextracted for the location of Scott Base from the NationalCenters for Environmental Prediction, NCEP (Kalnay et al.,1996) reanalyses using bilinear interpolation. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5183–5193, 2011

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2.2 Model output – SLIMCAT 3-D CTM

Output from the SLIMCAT 3-D off-line chemical trans-port model was used to provide estimates of the abun-dance of active chlorine (ClOx = ClO+2×ClOOCl), ac-tive bromine (BrOx = BrO+BrCl), and ozone over Antarc-tica. The model is described in detail inChipperfield(1999,2006). Briefly, SLIMCAT contains a detailed stratosphericchemistry scheme, including heterogeneous reactions of liq-uid and solid polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). The modeluses a limited number of small families in the chemistrymodule. Chlorine (Cl), ClO and ClOOCl form a family andthe partitioning between these species is found assuming in-stantaneous photochemical equilibrium. All other inorganicchlorine species (e.g. chlorine dioxide (OClO), hypochlor-ous acid (HOCl) etc.) are integrated separately. Similarlybromine (Br) and bromine monoxide (BrO) are solved asa family while all other inorganic bromine species are in-tegrated separately (e.g. bromine monochloride (BrCl)).

For this study output was taken from the SLIMCAT 3-D CTM. The run used here (for reference, run 509) hasa resolution of 5.6◦ × 5.6◦ with 32 levels from the surfaceto about 60 km and was started on 1 January 1977. Therun was forced using European Centre for Medium-RangeWeather Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses (ERA-Interim after1989). Daily profile output from the model run was storedfor the location of Scott Base. The run included a sourceof bromine from very short-lived species, which contributedabout 6 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) to total strato-spheric inorganic bromine (Bry) in 2005 (Feng et al., 2007).

3 Retrieval algorithm/optimal estimation

An optimal estimation (OE) approach (Rodgers, 2000) isused to retrieve the kinetic parameters that optimize theagreement between the measured ClO profiles and profilesgenerated by the OE forward model. The quantities to beretrieved,J/kf and ClOx, from the ClO measurements (Y )are represented, together withKeq and a dataset of 28 a pri-ori ClOx profiles, by the state vector (X). The resulting statevector has 563 elements, 3 kinetic parameters plus 28 days× 20 altitudes for a priori ClOx. Rather than working withJ/kf andKeq explicitly, they are specified as scalings (mul-tiplicative factors) relative to the JPL06 recommendations.Hereafter, all quantities subscripted with scale refer to scal-ing with respect to JPL06. JPL06 kinetics are the point ofreference for this study because these kinetic parameters aremost commonly used in recently published studies of po-lar ozone photochemistry. In some cases, results are alsocompared with the more recent JPL09 recommendation. TheJPL09Keq value is∼ 70% of the JPL06 value, whileJ/kffor JPL09 shows essentially no difference from JPL06, ex-cept for a reduction of the uncertainties.

The relationship between the ClO measurements (Y ) andthe state vector is described by a forward model (F ) that cal-culates ClO as a function of the state vectorX and other pa-rameters,b, which include BrOx, ozone, temperature, andpressure profiles:

Y =F (X,b)+ε (3)

whereε is the measurement error. The error analysis for theAntarctic ClO measurements used in this study is describedin depth inSolomon et al.(2000). The forward model (F )is a photochemical steady state box model, based on polarozone photochemistry and described in detail bySalawitchet al. (1993). The Salawitch et al. box model is used tocalculate ClO at 30 min resolution for the 28 day period con-sidered, for various specifications of the kinetic parameters,which are set to JPL06 values if not otherwise noted. Dailyday minus night ClO profiles, hereafter modelled ClO (Y ),are calculated from the 30 min time resolution output of thebox model using the same definition of day and night-time asfor the analysis of the ClO measurements, to provide compat-ibility with the measured ClO profiles. Forb, the daily BrOxprofiles were obtained from the SLIMCAT 3-D CTM (seeSect. 2.2). Because vertical ozone profiles from ozoneson-des were not available for each day of the analysis period,ozone profiles were extracted from the SLIMCAT simula-tion. Linearly interpolated differences between measuredand modelled ozone profiles were added to the SLIMCATprofiles so that they matched the ozonesonde measurements(taken fromHassler et al., 2008) on the days when measure-ments were available and provided best-estimates of ozoneprofiles on intervening days. Similar to the temperature pro-files (Sect. 2.1), the pressure profiles for the analysis periodwere extracted from the NCEP reanalyses.

The inverse of Eq. (3) producesX as an output for a givenY . There is an infinite set of such state vectorsX that couldform solutions to Eq. (3), reproducing the prescribed mea-surements. The retrieval problem is said to be under con-strained, as there are more elements in the state vector thanthere are measurements. Given an a priori state vector (Xa),uncertainties on the elements ofXa (the covariance matrixSa) and the measurement error, the OE retrieves an optimalstate vector (X) that minimizes the difference between mea-sured and modelled ClO.Xa constrains the OE algorithm.The iterative equation for the solution of the inverse of Eq. (3)is:

Xi+1 = Xa +(S−1a +KT

i S−1e K i)

−1KTi S−1

e · [ Y −F (Xi) (4)

+ K i(Xi −Xa) ]

whereK is the weighting function matrix, with each elementrepresenting the partial derivative of the modelled ClO withrespect to a state vector element; i.e.K ij =dF i(X)/dXj . Assuch, the weighting functions describe the sensitivity of themodelled ClO to variations in the state vector and were de-termined by consecutively perturbing each state vector quan-tity and recalculating ClO using the forward model.Se in

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Fig. 2. The retrieved scale factors and 1σ uncertainties for J/kf and Keq from all OE runs. Verticalbars along the Y-Axis: Results from earlier studies for Jscale/kfscale at 190K. Blue symbols along theX-axis: Keqscale relative to JPL06 determined from earlier studies (190<T<210K). Light grey area:JPL06 uncertainty range on Keq and J/kf . Smaller rectangular hatched area towards the bottom left:JPL09 uncertainty range on Keq and J/kf (for more details see text).


Fig. 2. The retrieved scale factors and 1σ uncertainties forJ/kf andKeq from all OE runs. Vertical bars along the y-Axis: Results fromearlier studies forJscale/kf scale at 190 K. Blue symbols along the X-axis:Keq scalerelative to JPL06 determined from earlier studies(190<T <210 K). Light grey area: JPL06 uncertainty range onKeq andJ/kf . Smaller rectangular hatched area towards the bottom left:JPL09 uncertainty range onKeq andJ/kf (for more details see text).

Eq. (4) is the covariance matrix of the measurement errors(Fig. 1b), constructed by placing the ClO measurement er-rors along the diagonal, and set to zero everywhere else.Xa

was constructed by inserting values forkf scale, Keq scaleandJscale, all set to 1.0 so that the a priori for the kinetics are theJPL06 recommendations. A set of 28 a priori ClOx profiles,corresponding to each day of measurement, is provided as arequired input to the forward model.

The uncertainties on the elements ofXa are expressedalong the diagonal of a covariance matrixSa , which is else-where set to zero. Selection of theSa settings requires somesubjective judgement, noting that if excessively small valuesare chosen, the retrieval will be constrained too tightly. Inthis case the retrieval will make little use of the informationprovided by the measurements and will differ little from theprescribed a prioriXa . On the other hand, if excessivelylarge values forSa are chosen, this results in an unrealisticretrieval where the measurement noise is interpreted as in-formation. Here theSa values forkf scale, Jscaleand the a pri-ori ClOx profiles were numerically determined as describedin Schofield et al.(2004) and are set toσkf scale= 0.043 andσJscale= 0.173. TheSa values for the a priori ClOx were setto 20 % of the daily maximum ClOx value, individually foreach day, also as done bySchofield et al.(2004).

During day-time the partitioning of ClO and its dimeris governed byJ/kf (see Eq. 1). Keq becomes impor-tant primarily for the night-time partitioning of ClOx. Be-cause the night-time spectrum was subtracted from the day-

time spectrum to obtain a daily measured ClO profile, theClO measurements mostly give information onJ/kf , andonly very little information on these parameters individu-ally. Furthermore, the measurements are only weakly sen-sitive to Keq. Therefore, with the OE approach we retrieveJscale/kf scale and make no attempt to retrieveKeq. Rather,to test the sensitivity of our results to the choice ofKeq scale,OE is done 19 times, varyingKeq scalefrom 0.2×Keq JPL06to2.0×Keq JPL06in steps of 0.1×Keq JPL06.

Complementary to the OE approach, a second method wasused to derive the kinetic parameters of the ClO dimer cycle.In this approach the full parameter space was explored byvarying the values of theJ , kf andKeq scalefactors withinphysically plausible ranges. Furthermore, to estimate the de-pendence of the retrieved kinetic parameters on changes inthe prescribed ClOx profile, the ClOx profile was scaled be-tween 0.5 and 1.0 times the a priori ClOx profile used in theOE approach, in steps of 0.1 times the a priori ClOx pro-file (scalings above 1.0 were not used since this resulted inClOx occasionally exceeding the total stratospheric inorganicchlorine (Cly) loading). The photochemical model describedabove in Sect. 3 was also used here, with the same input vari-ables (i.e. BrOx, ozone) to calculate day minus night profilesof ClO (again, to be compatible with the ClO measurements).The kinetic values that give the smallest difference betweenthe modelled and the measured ClO are compared to the re-sults from the OE and previous publications. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5183–5193, 2011

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4 Results

4.1 Retrieved kinetic parameters from optimalestimation

The measurements were well described by the forward modelfor each OE run, with root mean square (RMS) differencesbetween measured and modelled ClO ranging from 0.063to 0.066 ppbv, which is smaller than the maximum error ofthe ClO measurements (0.11 ppbv). The results from the re-trievals performed as outlined in Sect. 3, expressed as scalefactors relative to the kinetic parameters recommended byJPL06, are shown together with 1σ uncertainties in Fig. 2.In addition to prescribingJ and kf from JPL06 as a pri-ori in the forward model, JPL06 kinetics were used for allother chemistry in the forward model. The derived RMS val-ues for the 19 OE runs do not vary much (only by∼ 5%),but the change in the retrievedJ/kf ratios over the pre-scribedKeq range (0.2 to 2.0) is significant. The ratio re-trieved by prescribingKeq scale= 2.0 is about a factor of 1.6smaller than theJscale/kf scaleratio retrieved for the smallestKeq scale= 0.2 used in this study. Tests using JPL09 kinet-ics showed only very slightly (∼ 2%) larger values for theJscale/kf scaleratio, which is an insignificant difference givenother sources of uncertainty. AJscale/kf scale value of 1.0refers to the JPL06 recommendations, where the photolysisfrequency of the dimer (J ) is calculated using the absorp-tion cross-sections recommended JPL06.Jscale/kf scale val-ues relative to JPL06 determined in earlier studies are indi-cated with vertical bars along the Y-axis in Fig. 2. The salientfeatures of Fig. 2 and their causes are:

– Negative slope: When prescribingKeq, according toEq. (2), the night-time partitioning between ClO andits dimer and therefore night-time ClO concentrationsare prescribed in the forward model, with largerKeqmeaning lower night-time ClO concentrations. As a re-sult, depending on the choice ofKeq, different modellednight-time ClO concentrations were subtracted from themodelled day-time ClO concentrations to calculate theday minus night profile, which is compared to the ClOobservations. When trying to minimize the differencesbetween modelled and observed profiles, optimal esti-mation compensates for the differences in the modelledday minus night ClO profiles resulting from differentchoices ofKeq scaleby varyingJscale/kf scale. Therefore,optimal estimation increasesJscale/kf scale for smallerKeq scale, resulting in more ClO during the day (see Re-actions R1, R2).

– Asymptotic behaviour ofJscale/kf scaleat highKeq scale:At Keq values greater than 1.2×Keq JPL06 night-timeClO concentrations become almost negligible so thatthe modelled day minus night ClO profiles are rathersimilar and the retrieved optimalJscale/kf scalevalues donot vary significantly.

Due to the lack of ClO night-time measurements it is notpossible to determine the exactKeq that corresponds to theAntarctic ClO measurements made during the analysis pe-riod. Therefore, in this study, a single value forJ/kf that bestreproduces the measurements also cannot be determined, butrather a range ofJ/kf values is provided depending on thechoice ofKeq.

TheJscale/kf scaleratio of 1.39 interpolated to theKeq pre-scribed bySolomon et al.(2000) (Keq scale= 0.86) agreesvery well with theirJscale/kf scale ratio (see Fig. 2).Solomonet al. used measurements from the same ClO microwave ra-diometer at the same site. The measurements they used weretaken from a different period (late winter/early spring 1996–2000) when when stratospheric temperatures were, on aver-age, 4 K lower than in the analysis period our study focuseson, i.e. the period from 21 August to 20 September 2005(Fig. 1c). The formation rate of the dimer and the equilib-rium constant are both known to be temperature dependent.A decrease in temperature leads to an increase in the dimerformation ratekf , which in turn leads to a decrease in theJ/kf ratio. However,Solomon et al.used the JPL97 func-tional form for the temperature dependence ofkf , which isdifferent from the JPL06 expression used here. The differ-ence between JPL97 and JPL06 then partially offsets the ef-fect of the temperature difference between the two studies.

The retrievedJscale/kf scale ratios from all 19 OE runs liewithin the lower half of the large uncertainty range given byJPL06, within the upper half of the smaller uncertainty rangegiven by JPL09, and with most of theJscale/kf scale ratiosdetermined in previous studies (Fig. 2). The results suggestthat to explain the ClO measurements measurements fromScott Base, Antarctica, made from August to September in2005,J/kf is unlikely to be smaller than the JPL06/09 rec-ommendations. This result would exclude the lower uncer-tainty limit onJ/kf for both JPL06 and JPL09.

The best fit to the ClO measurements, i.e. the smallestRMS of the difference between modelled and measured ClO,is obtained atKeq scale= 2.0. In this caseJscale/kf scale is1.23±0.11. In contrast to previous studies, our results sug-gest that to best represent the ClO measurements,Keq scalemust lie towards the upper end of the prescribed range (0.2to 2.0), in agreement with the recent laboratory study ofFer-racci and Rowley(2010). However, the derivedKeq valuesin Ferracci and Rowleywere obtained at higher temperaturesthan in this study. To explain the ClO measurements, the re-sults presented in this study (Fig. 2) do not preclude higherKeq values than currently recommended. That said, the de-crease in RMS fromKeq scale= 0.2 to 2.0 is small (5 %), sug-gesting thatKeq is not well constrained by the measurementsof ClO and therefore a robust evaluation ofKeq is difficult(see Sect. 3).

The RMS values obtained from the OE are elevated as a re-sult of the inclusion of two days of measurements. Between7 September (day 250) and 8 September 2005 (day 251),ClO dropped from∼2.2 ppbv to∼0.8 ppbv before increasing

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back to∼2 ppbv two days later (see Fig. 1a). The suppressedvalues of ClO over this two day period are caused by dynam-ical variability of the polar vortex. While SLIMCAT showssome reduction in ClOx over this period, the reduction is notcommensurate with the observed reduction in ClO, as is ap-parent in the disagreement between measured and SLIMCATmodelled ClO profiles on these days (not shown). With thegiven resolution of the SLIMCAT run (see Sect. 2.2), themodel cannot capture the observed strong gradients at theedge of the vortex. Therefore, the a priori ClOx profiles pro-vided by SLIMCAT are too high on those two days. Thevalue of Jscale/kf scale is determined by the partitioning ofClO and ClOOCl on all days and is not determined sepa-rately for every day. The amount of ClOx, on the other hand,can vary for every day independently within the given un-certainty range, which is determined by the set up of thea priori uncertainty (Sa). The selection of the magnitudeof the elements ofSa determines the freedom of the OE,i.e. how well constrained is the OE. The selected uncertain-ties on the a priori ClOx profile (see Sect. 3) are likely tobe too small for the two days and therefore the OE is con-strained too tightly. The retrieval does not have enough free-dom to modulate ClOx, for the givenJscale/kf scale, to repro-duce the measurements. The combination ofJscale/kf scalewith a higher amount of ClOx leads to more ClO than ob-served and thereby contributes to the higher RMS values.While excluding the two days from the analysis reduces theRMS such that it is smaller than the measurement uncertaintyat every altitude level, the retrievedJscale/kf scale increasesslightly, from 1.35±0.14× (J/kf)JPL06 (all data points) to1.44±0.18× (J/kf)JPL06 (8 and 9 September excluded), ifKeq=Keq JPL06. The difference between the two calculationsis not statistically significant. This result shows the sensitiv-ity of the applied OE method to the a priori ClOx informa-tion. Since there is no valid scientific reason for excludingthese two days in question, and because they have only asmall effect on the retrieved value ofJscale/kf scale, these twodays were retained in the prior results of this section as wellas in the OE analyses discussed further in Sect. 5.

4.2 Exploring the full parameter space

In contrast to the OE approach, thekf scale, Jscale, andKeq scaleparameter space was explored to derive the opti-mal ClO dimer cycle kinetic parameters required to explainthe measured ClO. The study bySantee et al.(2010) re-ported that SLIMCAT overestimates the ClOx concentrationby about 25% in the Antarctic. Since the ClOx values ob-tained from SLIMCAT may be uncertain, sensitivity to ClOxwas also explored by scaling ClOx from 0.5 to 1.0. Scalingsabove 1.0 were not considered since this resulted in ClOx oc-casionally exceeding Cly. Jscalewas varied between 0.1 and2.5, whilekf scalewas varied between 0.4 and 1.6. An upperbound ofKeq scale= 1.6 was used since JPL09 and most otherstudies (with the notable exceptions ofNickolaisen et al.

(1994); Ferracci and Rowley(2010)) suggestKeq scale≤0.7.Within this space, the kinetic values that give the smallestRMS of the difference between modelled and measured ClOwere determined.

The results from exploring the full parameter space wouldbe best represented in a 4-D plot. However, a 4-D plot isfar too complex and impossible to show on 2-D paper andfor the purpose of this study it is sufficient and necessary todisplay the results in two dimensions. From the number ofavailable 2-D plots (i.e. 90 figures could be drawn showingthe evolution ofJ andkf with changingKeq and ClOx), 15plots were generated where the minimum RMS values forevery combination ofJ andkf corresponding to one of the6 ClOx scalings were determined for everyKeq separately.The minimum RMS values (from the 6 ClOx scalings) areshown for each combination ofJscale and kf scale and for aselected number ofKeq scale(Keq= 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6) inFig. 3. In all cases the lowest RMS values are found forClOx scale= 1.0 (unshaded regions in Fig. 3) and the absoluteminimum RMS for the highestKeq scale(Fig. 3d), in agree-ment with the results obtained from OE. While lower RMSvalues might have been found for ClOx scale>1.0, this wouldbe physically unrealistic for the reasons detailed above. Thecalculated minimum RMS in theJscale-kf scaleplane, for eachKeq scale, shows little dependence onKeq scale, confirmingagain that our measurements do not provide a strong con-straint onKeq.

The RMS values define a “valley” of minima in eachJscale-kf scale plane. According to Eq. (1) a given ClOx andobserved ClO concentration constrain the [ClO]2/[ClOOCl]ratio andJscale and kf scale must essentially increase or de-crease together. This explains the orientation of the valleyof minimum RMS values seen in Fig. 3. The angle thatthis valley makes with the X-axis decreases slightly withincreasingKeq scale, indicating a decrease inJscale/kf scalewith increasingKeq scale, which is in agreement with the re-sults from the 19 OE runs described in Sect. 4.1. The ClOmeasurements mostly give information onJ/kf and containvery little information on these parameters individually (seeSect. 3). Therefore, theJ/kf ratio that best explains theClO measurements can be derived from the orientation ofthe valley with an uncertainty constrained by the width ofthe valley. For higherKeq scalevalues (panels b-d in Fig. 3),the orientation of the valley suggests aJscale/kf scale ratiosmaller than 1, which would disagree with the OE result.However, taking the absolute minimum RMS in each panelleads toJscale/kf scale of ∼1.66 for Keq scale= 0.4, 0.8, and1.2, andJscale/kf scale= 1.25 forKeq scale= 1.6 (at the abso-lute minimum RMS). This independently derived result isin good agreement with the retrieved ratios of 1.62±0.24,1.40±0.16, 1.32±0.13 and 1.27±0.28 from OE, forKeq scaleprescribed at 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6, respectively. However,the resulting valley of RMS minima usingJscale/kf scale ra-tios of 1.66 and 1.25 would require ClOx scalevalues smallerthan 1. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5183–5193, 2011

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Fig. 3. Scale factors for J and kf with the corresponding RMS minimum derived from exploring theparameter space by varying kf scale, Jscale, Keqscale, and ClOxscale. The derived RMS minimum valuesare shown for prescribed Keqscale of 0.4 (a), Keqscale of 0.8 (b), Keqscale of 1.2 (c), and Keqscale of 1.6(d). The blue colour scale indicates the smallest RMS values (below 0.168), while RMS values greaterthan 0.2 are shown in orange/red colours. The dark, hatched area towards the top left of the panels showsthe RMS values where the ClOx scale factor was not equal to 1 (for details see text).


Fig. 3. Scale factors forJ andkf with the corresponding RMS minimum derived from exploring the parameter space by varyingkf scale,Jscale, Keq scale, and ClOx scale. The derived RMS minimum values are shown for prescribedKeq scaleof 0.4 (a), Keq scaleof 0.8 (b),Keq scaleof 1.2 (c), andKeq scaleof 1.6 (d). The blue colour scale indicates the smallest RMS values (below 0.168), while RMS valuesgreater than 0.2 are shown in orange/red colours. The dark, hatched area towards the top left of the panels shows the RMS values where theClOx scale factor was not equal to 1 (for details see text).

The RMS values obtained from exploring the whole pa-rameter space are more than twice as large as those resultingfrom OE. Therefore, the results from the OE approach leadto a better fit to the ClO measurements than the results fromexploring the whole parameter space. Contrary to the OEapproach, the sampling of the whole parameter space doesnot readily permit changing the ClOx value from day to dayor from one altitude level to another. The parameter spaceexploration scales ClOx values on all days and at all levelsequally. This most likely explains the higher RMS values forthe parameter space exploration.

5 Discussion

The retrieved kinetic parameters from the optimal estima-tion runs (Sect. 4.1) and the results derived by exploringthe whole parameter space (Sect. 4.2) agree very well withinthe given uncertainties of optimal estimation. The retrievedJscale/kf scale ratios for variousKeq scalereflect a range ofcombinations ofJ , kf , andKeq values which are consistentwith the Antarctic ClO measurements, i.e. there is not onlyone optimal combination ofJ , kf , andKeq. The possiblecombinations of kinetic parameters derived in previous fieldand laboratory studies and values recommended by JPL thatcan be used to explain the ClO observations are discussedbelow.

In agreement withStimpfle et al.(2004), using aJJPL06value together with a smallerkf value relative to JPL06(Trolier et al., 1990) was found to reproduce the ClO mea-surements. Furthermore,Stimpfle et al. concluded thatthe laboratory measurement ofKeq from Cox and Hay-man (1988) agrees best with ClO and ClOOCl observa-tions (190 K<T <200 K). Prescribing theKeq value derivedby Cox and Haymanresults in aJscale/kf scale ratio of1.54±0.21. This ratio would also include such a combina-tion of J andkf as mentioned above, i.e.JJPL06andkf Trolier,to explain the ClO measurements.

Keq determined byPlenge et al.(2005) would lead to aJ/kf ratio of 1.75±0.51×(J/kf)JPL06. This result suggeststhat the photolysis frequency of the dimer is higher thancurrently recommended and lies within the range of 1.25 to2.25×JJPL06if kf JPL06 is correct. If the photolysis frequencydetermined by JPL06 is used, thenkf has to be smaller thancurrently recommended (between 45 % and 80 % ofkf JPL06).These results suggest that usingKeq Plengewould lead tohigher modelled ClO abundances than using the current JPLrecommendations.

If Keq is fixed to JPL06 then our results indicate thatJ/kf = 1.35±0.14×(J/kf)JPL06. Using JJPL06 requires asmallerkf value than currently recommended and our resultsshow thatkf must lie in the range of 0.6 to 0.95×kf JPL06 toexplain the measurements. Therefore, the results presentedby Bloss et al.(2001) andTrolier et al.(1990) for kf together

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with the JPL06 recommendation forJ andKeq are consistentwith the ClO measurements used in this study.

Using a combination ofKeq scale= 0.2 (which is at the low-est end of theKeq scalerange explored in this study) and aJ value obtained from theBurkholder et al.(1990) cross-sections, which agrees with the value ofJ found using cross-sections of the more recent study byPapanastasiou et al.(2009), requires akf scalevalue greater than 0.55 to be consis-tent with the ClO measurements. An increase in bothJ andkf relative to the JPL06 recommendation would lead to an in-crease in the calculated ozone loss by the ClO dimer cycle,because chlorine is cycled more quickly through the differentsteps of the catalytic cycle.

Night-time ClO measurements were used in the past to de-termine the equilibrium constant (e.g.,Stimpfle et al., 2004;von Hobe et al., 2005; Santee et al., 2010). Given thesestudies and studies performed in the laboratory (e.g.,Plengeet al., 2005), it is more likely thatKeq scalelies between 0.27and 0.5 than being far greater than recommended by JPL06.Furthermore, the study byvon Hobe et al.(2007) found thattheir stratospheric ClO observations were described well us-ing a similar scaling forKeq. The JPL09 recommendationalso provides a smallerKeq value (0.7×Keq JPL06) than pre-viously recommended in JPL06. The range ofKeq scalebe-tween 0.27 and 0.7, together with the results from our OEapproach, suggest thatJ/kf values lie between 1.75±0.29and 1.44±0.17×(J/kf)JPL06. The analyses presented aboveshow that using these combinations of the kinetic parameterswould includeJ andkf values which are consistent with theJPL06 recommendations within the given uncertainty rangesof JJPL06 andkf JPL06. Furthermore, this result would pre-clude J values smaller than currently recommended (e.g.,Pope et al., 2007) and would exclude the lower uncertaintyrange on theJJPL06value.

6 Summary and conclusions

Two methods, both using ground-based ClO measurementsmade during the period from 21 August to 20 September2005 in Antarctica, to derive the key kinetic parameters thatgovern the day-time partitioning between ClO and ClOOClwere presented. The day-time ClO profiles were retrievedfrom day minus night spectra, where the measured night-timespectrum was subtracted from the measured day-time spec-trum. As a result, the Antarctic ClO measurements mostlycontain information aboutJ/kf , whereJ is the photolysisfrequency andkf the ClO dimer formation rate. This studyaimed to deduce the bestJ/kf ratio, representing the optimalfit to the measurements. Rather than working with the kineticparameters explicitly, they are specified as scalings relativeto JPL06 recommendations. The retrievedJscale/kf scaleratiothen provides a range of combinations ofJscale andkf scalethat are consistent with the ClO measurements. Due to theday minus night subtraction performed in obtaining the mea-

sured ClO profile, no attempt was made to retrieve the equi-librium constantKeq. Rather, to allow a sensitivity study ofthe derivedJscale/kf scale ratios to a choice ofKeq, Keq wasvaried within physically plausible limits.

First, optimal estimation (OE) was applied to retrievethe optimalJ/kf ratio that corresponds to the minimum ofthe differences between measured and calculated ClO con-centrations. Nineteen optimal estimation runs were per-formed whereKeq was prescribed to values between 0.2 and2.0×Keq JPL06. To confirm the results from the optimal esti-mation, and to test how much more information can be de-rived when sampling the whole parameter space, one run wasperformed where the kinetic parameters and the ClOx pro-files were varied within physically plausible ranges to deter-mine the combination of these parameters that minimizes thesum of the squares of the differences between the modelledand the measured ClO profiles.

The results presented above confirm, as also shown inSchofield et al.(2008), that OE is a reliable method for in-vestigating the kinetics of the ClO dimer cycle. The resultsderived by exploring the whole parameter space agree withthe retrieved kinetics from the OE runs. OE has the advan-tage that it is much faster than sampling the parameter spaceand provides quantitative estimates of the uncertainties on thederived parameters. Furthermore, the OE retrieves a quanti-tative estimate of the daily ClOx abundances required to ex-plain the observed ClO concentrations. Exploring the whole4-D space is computationally expensive and changing ClOxindividually for every day would make it even more so. OEgives one set of parameters and, as shown above, these re-sults provide a reliable fit to the measurements.

The results presented above indicate that the retrievedJscale/kf scale ratios from all 19 OE runs agree with mostvalues reported in previous studies and lie within the lowerhalf of the large uncertainty range reported by JPL06. Therecently updated JPL09 recommendation reports a muchsmaller uncertainty range on the ClOOCl absorption cross-sections than JPL06. As a result, the uncertainty range onthe ClOOCl photolysis frequency (J ) is reduced, which inturn places tighter constraints on theJ/kf ratio than givenby JPL06. The retrievedJscale/kf scalefor prescribedKeq val-ues of 0.4 to 1.2 times JPL06, which correspond to 0.6 to1.7 times JPL09, lies within the upper part of the uncertaintyrange given forJ /kf by JPL09.

The 2005 ground-based microwave ClO measurementsmade over Scott Base, Antarctica, can be explained usingthe JPL06 recommendations ofJ , kf , andKeq with the givenrange of uncertainties (Fig. 2). Our study suggests a greatervalue ofJ/kf than the JPL06 value (i.e., either faster photol-ysis of ClOOCl, slower rate of formation of ClOOCl by theself reaction of ClO, or some combination of these two per-turbations), but the retrieved values lie within the rather largeuncertainty limits of the JPL recommendations.

The best fit to the ClO measurements is achieved by usinga higherKeq scalevalue (Keq= 2.0×Keq JPL06) than currently Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5183–5193, 2011

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recommended by JPL06/09, leading to aJscale/kf scalevalueof 1.23±0.11×(J/kf)JPL06. While this finding agrees withthe higherKeq values found byFerracci and Rowley(2010),we caution that our retrieved values ofKeq are not well con-strained by the measurements of ClO.

Keq governs the partitioning of ClO and its dimer primar-ily during the night. Therefore, ClO day-time measurementsare only weakly sensitive toKeq, which likely explains thesmall change in the RMS values over the relatively large pre-scribed range ofKeq scale(0.2 to 2.0). Night-time measure-ments of ClO are required to determine a reliable value ofKeq. Although this study does not provide a tight constraintonKeq, the retrievedJ/kf obtained here is robust against theuncertainty inKeq. However using both day-time and night-time measurements would provide a means to estimateKeqand an estimate ofJ/kf that would be largely independent ofKeq.

The results presented above are in basic agreement withearlier field and laboratory studies. In this study, a singlevalue forJ/kf could not be determined due to the lack ofnight-time ClO observations, rather a range ofJ/kf ratioswas provided depending on what is assumed forKeq. Thishighlights the need for a greater number of night-time ClOmeasurements under stratospheric conditions to derive inde-pendent information on the kinetic parameters governing theeffectiveness of the ClO dimer cycle.

Acknowledgements.We thank Alan Parrish for his significantinput in both the development of the ClO microwave radiometerand the initiation of the ground-based measurement program.We thank S. Wood, M. Kotkamp and Antarctica New Zealandfor their help in maintaining the ClO microwave radiometer andtheir help in obtaining the ClO measurements. The ground-basedmeasurement program is funded by NASA, grant NNX09AF40G.R. Schofield was funded by European Union (EU) project WaVES(MIF1-CT-2006-039646). The participation of R. Salawitch and T.Canty was supported by the NASA Aura and ACMAP programs.The SLIMCAT modelling work at Leeds was supported by NERCNCAS and the EU GEOMON project. S. Kremser thanks theGerman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for their supportthroughout the Doktorandenstipendium, which allowed this workto be conducted. We would like to thank Marc von Hobe andone anonymous reviewer for valuable comments and suggestionsthat contributed to a much improved manuscript following initialsubmission.

Edited by: W. Lahoz


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