rev. dr. rinaldo hernandez, district superintendent julie · fix your...

Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie Bullerdick, Business Administrator Sandy Voigt, Administrative Assistant Like us on FACEBOOK: South West District of the FL UMC August 2012 Living a Radical Christian Faith in a Radically Unchristian World Friends, my personal conviction is that Christian faith is to be lived “passionately” and radically in the midst of an increasing radically unchristian world. And by “unchristian” I mean a world that is progressively and aggressively choosing to live with no consideration or respect for Jesus’ teachings. People called Christians in large numbers are living a poor reflection of Jesus Christ’s values thus contributing to the general lack of appreciation for Christianity and institutionalized religion in America. I don’t believe it is possible to live a “light” version of Christianity if we truly care about making a difference and to produce Kingdom impact in this broken world. And we see so many people today trying to promote a “light” version of Christian faith nowadays! The Prosperity Gospel, pay-per-miracle and do-whatever-you-want-because-you-are-already-saved versions of Christianity have, in my estimation, a great deal of influence in the general disconnect from religion we see in America, especially among the younger generations. Equally negative is the resistance to change that is evident in many of our churches, particularly the ones so called “historic”, streamline religious organizations. Grasping to the past, doing mission as we were still living in the 1950’s, not giving up power and passing the baton to the younger generations, lack of ability to understand and apply to the Church’s life and operation what is meaningful and relevant for the people of this generation are some of the things that are making churches to become increasingly isolated and dysfunctional in our time. My friends, I believe “true discipleship” equals “radical faith”. I believe the reason for the decline in Christianity in America is largely due to the lack of passion in living Christian faith radically. People regard Christian faith as a “private matter” (“we don’t talk politics or religion”). I believe we have been taught otherwise by Christ as He talked both. I don’t believe there is such a thing as a “private” religion. That is probably what Wesley called “a nice summer religion” in his times! I don’t believe Christian faith is only to be lived out in our personal life, but also in the life of the society as a whole. That is why we are really interested in applying Christian principles in the making and functioning of the society -- that is called “politics”. For a great majority of “Christians” in America the Great Commission has really become “the great omission”. Christianity is all about faith-sharing and faith-lived-out in our daily lives.

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Page 1: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie Bullerdick, Business Administrator

Sandy Voigt, Administrative Assistant

Like us on FACEBOOK: South West District of the FL UMC

August 2012

Living a Radical Christian Faith in a Radically Unchristian World Friends, my personal conviction is that Christian faith is to be lived “passionately” and radically in the midst of an increasing radically unchristian world. And by “unchristian” I mean a world that is progressively and aggressively choosing to live with no consideration or respect for Jesus’ teachings. People called Christians in large numbers are living a poor reflection of Jesus Christ’s values thus contributing to the general lack of appreciation for Christianity and institutionalized religion in America. I don’t believe it is possible to live a “light” version of Christianity if we truly care about making a difference and to produce Kingdom impact in this broken world. And we see so many people today trying to promote a “light” version of Christian faith nowadays! The Prosperity Gospel, pay-per-miracle and do-whatever-you-want-because-you-are-already-saved versions of Christianity have, in my estimation, a great deal of influence in the general disconnect from religion we see in America, especially among the younger generations. Equally negative is the resistance to change that is evident in many of our churches, particularly the ones so called “historic”, streamline religious organizations. Grasping to the past, doing mission as we were still living in the 1950’s, not giving up power and passing the baton to the younger generations, lack of ability to understand and apply to the Church’s life and operation what is meaningful and relevant for the people of this generation are some of the things that are making churches to become increasingly isolated and dysfunctional in our time. My friends, I believe “true discipleship” equals “radical faith”. I believe the reason for the decline in Christianity in America is largely due to the lack of passion in living Christian faith radically. People regard Christian faith as a “private matter” (“we don’t talk politics or religion”). I believe we have been taught otherwise by Christ as He talked both. I don’t believe there is such a thing as a “private” religion. That is probably what Wesley called “a nice summer religion” in his times! I don’t believe Christian faith is only to be lived out in our personal life, but also in the life of the society as a whole. That is why we are really interested in applying Christian principles in the making and functioning of the society -- that is called “politics”. For a great majority of “Christians” in America the Great Commission has really become “the great omission”. Christianity is all about faith-sharing and faith-lived-out in our daily lives.

Page 2: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

I believe a profession of faith needs to be public because it affects all my relationships, needs to be shown through deeds and not just works, is meant to be shared with others (respectfully, but passionately shared) as it really is an “identity issue”. I feel like I also need to say that not everything considered today as “politically correct” in America is necessarily “theologically correct” or “biblically sounded”. My friends, what is “right or wrong” is not supposed to be defined by culture, trends, or socially acceptable behaviors, it is defined by Christ and contained in the historic teaching of the Church. My conviction is that “cultural correctness” is also killing the Church of Christ in America. Particularly relevant to this conversation is, at least for me, Paul’s teaching to the “culturally slave” Church in Rome: “Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you”, Romans 12:1-2 (The Message) In Jesus’ times it was culturally accepted to stone women found in adultery. He defied that and stated that even lustily looking at a person would make you an adulterer and a person in need of God’s redeeming and transforming grace in order to live, not to be killed. In Jesus’ times it was socially acceptable to silence and oppress women and children, but He was not conformed to that. He had women disciples, exalted children and even asked us to be like them. Faith, Scripture-grounded faith has to be “radical” in order to be “relevant” for ourselves and others, if we really care about making a difference in this world. I believe I have an understanding about what Christianity lived out radically really is, first of all, because that was what I saw in my parents. My father was sentenced to 6 years in prison in 1967, when I was 11 years old, for the crime of been a committed Christian and a well known lay leader in the Methodist Church in Cuba. Even in spite of that, he always encouraged me to publicly confess my faith, to be mindful of the way my life was reflecting (or not) Christ’s teachings and not to be ashamed of being recognized as a follower of Jesus. I was forced to make a “public profession of faith” at the age of 9, when asked in front of my whole classroom if I was a Christian. I was taught by my parents that we never denied God, under no circumstances. We don’t deny who makes us live! I had to make a choice about living the “light” or “radical” version of Christian faith when I was in High School and I was told “confessing” Christians would not be able to make it to college or any form of higher education. Again, I had to make a conscious decision for “radical Christianity” when I was feeling in my heart God’s call to be a pastor in atheist Cuba and had to make a decision between being an Architect or a Pastor, a builder of buildings or a builder of souls, knowing that making a choice for the second, I will have to face social rejection. I had the experience of having to ponder between “personal wellbeing” and “gospel responsibility”.

Page 3: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

Probably my strongest challenge in life was to be taken out of Seminary and sent to do forced labors for 2 years, cutting sugar cane from dawn to sunset, for being a Christian and for my decision to become a Pastor. I would not have survived that with a “light” approach to faith in Christ. My radical perspective of Christian life made me take advantage of that moment to share my faith with others in the middle of that adverse environment and to lead Bible studies without a Bible, reciting Bible passages I wouldn’t be able to repeat to you today. “Radical Christianity” made me take a radical approach to ministry also. I was not called to be a Chaplain, to maintain churches. I was called to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to be very intentional in designing worship and church business in a way that would be attractive to everyone, especially those unchurched. I strongly believe Scripture has to be the foundation of our thinking, acting and living. I believe in the illumination of “tradition”, the ways in which Christianity has been thought, acted upon and lived by an “endless chain of witnesses”. And, I also believe Scripture and tradition inform me to find a way to “experience” Christ today in a way that is both “relevant” and “challenging”, with the assistance of reason. “Radical Christianity” in my experience was not cheap grace. It was costly, and it still is, but it is worth the cost! In 1999, we made a decision as a family to come to this country. I immediately had a sense that it would be even more difficult for me to live my radical faith here than it was in my native country, because here in America Christian faith is not “socially accepted” anymore, because in America people get trapped by individualism and consumerism and because in America being a Christian is for many a “given”, or simply “not relevant” anymore. People are not challenged to make a public profession of faith, it’s a “personal matter” and it is the “religion of the older generations”. My apologies for too many “I”s. My intention has been to share with you where my heart is, why my convictions are so strong and for you to get to know me better as I start my second year as your District servant. The challenge for me, and for the Church of Christ in America I believe, is to live our Christian faith radically, not allowing the culture to dictate what the church has to preach and to stand for. I believe we need to repent and ask forgiveness for confining our faith to the realm of individuality, forgetting the socio-political dimension of our faith profession; for allowing the Great Commission to become the great omission and for not been able to relinquish power and allowing the younger generations to bring the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit to our congregations. I believe we need to continue proclaiming with words and deeds that Christ’s lifestyle is still pertinent, meaningful and the better life-changing alternative we know for this world’s craziness and dysfunctionality. Not the Christianity-light version, but the radical one!

Yours truly,

Rini Rev. Dr. Rinaldo (Rini) Hernandez


Page 4: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

The South West District is excited to host

"The Race To Reach Out" presented by Doug Anderson

Join us for a great day of learning with Doug Anderson! On August 27th Doug Anderson (from the Reuben Job Center) will be presenting the workshop “The Race to Reach Out”. This event is designed to help churches develop stronger ministries of hospitality and assimilation. Participants will learn practical skills, strategies, and models to be equipped for this essential ministry of connecting people to the church and to Christ in the race to reach out! Doug has been a regular visitor to the Florida Conference leading the Church By Size training and Effective Evangelism workshops. His events are entertaining, interactive, high energy and have been met with great enthusiasm by participants. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best! Join us on August 27th. Bring a team from your congregation. Make an impact on your community. Gathering begins at 9:00am with the event starting at 9:30am. This event is being sponsored by the South West District and the Florida Annual Conference Cost: $10 (cash or check made payable to the "South West District") payable at the door - this covers snacks and lunch To register: visit, select “Districts” on the left side of the homepage. Select “South West”. Then select “08/27/12: SW District - "Race to Reach Out" Event”



The last few weeks have been busy and wonderful as I have begun to orient myself to campus. I am beginning to network with students, faculty and staff and am in every step receiving confirmation from the Holy Spirit that we are in the right place at the right time! Our first major event will be to serve students, their families and the FGCU staff by providing volunteers for Freshman move-in on August 16th from 9am -noon. There will be over 1700 students moving into South Village (Freshman Housing) this Fall...that is 500 more than last year. Due to record numbers of students, the Residential Life Staff have invited us to participate. Since we are not yet official as a student organization, this is one of the few opportunities that has been extended to us, to be a noticeable presence during the opening of the Fall semester -- getting word out that Wesley is here! Volunteers are needed to help direct traffic, monitor parking lots, and assist students with unloading vehicles and moving their belongings into the buildings. Service Learning hours are available for student volunteers. I will be working on coming up with some kind of Wesley PR for us to wear as well. If you can participate, or if you have friends from your churches, offices or other friends who can help, please let me know ASAP so I can plan for enough "Wesley wear".

Page 5: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

If there is one thing I have learned from God in the last month its that the launch of this ministry is something significant God is trying to do for those he loves in SW Florida. It is for those who know they need God's living water, and those who have no idea right now that they will ever consider drinking from its streams. Isaiah 43:18-20 (The Message) says:

Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands. Wild animals will say 'Thank you!' —the coyotes and the buzzards— Because I provided water in the desert, rivers through the sun-baked earth, Drinking water for the people I chose, the people I made especially for myself, a people custom-made to praise me. I am so humbled that God is inviting me to watch Him do it -- to be part of what the Spirit is doing. What about you?

Contact Info: Christy Holden at [email protected] or at (727) 215-6760 Find Us on Facebook: Florida Gulf Coast Wesley Foundation


From the Desk of Gene Louise Fisher (South West District Director of Lay Servant Ministries):


August 17-19, 2012 Theme is: LAY SERVANTS: "STAND UP" Join us at the Life Enrichment Center for a weekend of great classes and fellowship. Classes offered are: Basic Course in English and Spanish Advanced Courses: Lay Servants Lead in Prayer – Rev. Harold Lewis

Lay Servants Lead in Worship – Rev. Kate Ling Disciple Making: Getting Personal

For more information please contact: Lynn Campbell at 407-292-6058 or at [email protected] To register: Contact: Gwen Dubé at [email protected] or 904-751-4912

Page 6: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

************************************* Lay Servant Ministry Classes in the South West District! 1. Basic – Local Lay Servant – Must be completed before taking the Advanced Course. Advanced Course – Certified Lay Servant- Let The Whole Church Say Amen. Both Courses are 10 hours. You must attend all 10 hours. Price is $35.00 – Covers Study Material, Lunch, etc. Make Check Payable to Gene Louise Fisher Mail to – 7872 Barrancas Ave., Bokeelia, Fl. 33922 by August 17 Location – Pine Level UMC, 9596 NW Pine Level Street, Arcadia FL 34266 Dates of Class – August 25, and September 1 Time – 8:30am.-3:30pm. both days. 2. Basic – Local Lay Servant – Must be completed before taking the Advanced Course. Advanced Course –Certified Lay Servant- Let The Whole Church Say Amen. Both Courses are 10 hours. You must attend all 10 hours. Price is $35.00 – Covers Study Material, Lunch, etc. Make Check Payable to Gene Louise Fisher Mail to – 7872 Barrancas Ave., Bokeelia, Fl. 33922 by September 17 Location – First UMC, 104 S Pineapple Avenue, Sarasota FL 34236 Dates of Class – Friday, September 28 Time – 6:30pm.-9:00pm. Saturday, September 29 Time 8:30am. - 5:30pm. Contact Info: Gene Louise Fisher, email: [email protected] or phone: 239-283-2386


The South West District staff is hitting the road for Church

Administrative Staff Appreciation and Training! This year we are once again inviting appointed clergy to join us! Our DS (Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez) will

open our session with a devotion and prayer. Some of the topics on the agenda for the Administrative

Staff are Charge Conference & Missional Vital Signs (I think there is a rule that we must always include

Charge Conference & MVS at every meeting ), brief review of Conference website, review of the

Church Administration Page on the Conference website, review of Church Administration Leaders and

Church Contact section and more.

We will be at the following 3 locations from 9:30am until approximately 3:00pm (a lunch will be





The training is free but we need you to register so we know how much lunch to order! You can select the

links above or go to the Conference website ( and select “Districts” on the left side of

the home page. Scroll down to select South West. On the right side of the South West page you can

then select the event you would like to attend.

Page 7: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Building the Beloved Community

Required Inclusivity Training for all Full Time Clergy

A letter of invitation was mailed from the Bishop's office regarding the mandated inclusivity training that all full-time clergy will need to attend in 2012. You will be able to use CE or RA funds for the cost and it will count for your continuing education requirements for 2012. Also, conference CE funds may also be available depending on whether or not you have used those funds recently. Here are the dates and regions: September 27-29: Christ UMC-Pompano Beach Campus, Pompano Beach, FL October 8-10: El Caribe Resort & Convention Center, 2125 S. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, FL October 15-17: First UMC of Brandon, 120 North Knights Avenue, Brandon, FL 33510

Every full-time clergy must attend one of these events, so please put one of these session dates on your calendar now and protect it.



Guest Speaker: David McIntyre

Location: Cleveland UMC, 28038 Cleveland Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33982 CLICK HERE to register


Guest Speaker: Jim Harnish Location: Cleveland UMC, 28038 Cleveland Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33982

CLICK HERE to register ______________________________________


This meeting will be from 9:30am until 3:30pm Guest Speaker: Bishop Dick Wills

Retreat Location: Boca Grande UMC Online registration available soon!


Clergy Team Meetings are mandatory for all full-time clergy.

Part-time clergy are encouraged to attend.




KINGSWAY COUNTRY CLUB (same wonderful place as last year!)


Online reservation (with entrée choices) begins in October.

Page 8: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what


September 15 – St. James UMC in Sarasota will be a simulcast site for Living Proof Live with Beth Moore and Travis Cottrell. Beth Moore's life-transforming Bible study challenges and inspires women of every age, everywhere. Joining Beth at this event is acclaimed worship leader Travis Cottrell and the Praise Team. Beth's focus will be on the Scripture that God lays on her heart for each individual Living Proof Live event - no two are the same. As she explores the Bible and how it applies to real life, you'll be amazed by her own experiences as a believer, and you'll be inspired to magnify and strengthen your own relationship with God. Ladies - grab your mom, sisters, daughters and friends this is going to be a great day! Doors will open at 8:30a.m. - Event 9:30a.m. - 4:00p.m. Tickets are $25.00 and include lunch. T shirts are available and must be ordered prior to the event. For registration or more information, visit or contact Debbie White, Ministry Manager, Saint James UMC - 941-377-6180.



Don’t forget to check the Conference website ( to find job postings, items for sale, donations, etc. Just select “Classifieds” on the left side of the homepage.

CALENDAR NOTES: Aug 9-10 – Willow Creek Leadership Summit, Grace-Cape Coral Aug 23 – dCOM, Location: First UMC, Punta Gorda Aug 25 – DNA Coaching (Transformation TRAINING), Location: First-Ft Meade (9am-11:30am) Aug 25 – DNA Coaching (Transformation TRAINING), Location: Vamo-Sarasota (1:30pm-4pm) Aug 27 – Race to Reach Out Event, Location: First-Punta Gorda (9:30am-3:30pm)

LOCATION CHANGE Aug 28 – DNA Coaching (Transformation COACHING), Location: Christ-Lehigh Acres (9am-11:30am)

Aug 28 – DNA Coaching (Transformation COACHING), Location: Myakka City (1:30pm-4pm) Sep 3 – Conference & District Offices closed in observance of Labor Day Sep 18 – Clergy Team Meeting. Location: Cleveland-Punta Gorda (9:30am-Noon) Sep 20 – Church Administrative Staff Training, Location: Estero UMC (9:30am-3pm) Sep 25 – Church Administrative Staff Training, Location: First UMC-Sebring (9:30am-3pm) Sep 27 – Church Administrative Staff Training, Location: Christ UMC-Venice (9:3am-3pm) Nov 10 – DNA Coaching (Transformation TRAINING), Location: First-Immokalee (9am-11:30am) Nov 10 – DNA Coaching (Transformation TRAINING), Location: Pleasant Hill-Arcadia (1:30pm-4pm) Nov 12 – Conference & District Offices closed in observance of Veterans Day Nov 15 – DNA Coaching (Transformation COACHING), Location: First-Wauchula (9am-11:30am) Nov 15 – DNA Coaching (Transformation COACHING), Location: Charlotte Harbor Trinity (1:30pm-4pm)

Page 9: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

Nov 22-23 – Conference & District Offices closed in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday Nov 27 – Clergy Team Meeting. Location: Cleveland-Punta Gorda (9:30am-Noon) Dec 2 – Clergy Christmas & Appreciation Dinner, Location: Kingsway Country Club, Lake Suzy Feb 26, 2013 – ALL DAY Clergy Team Meeting. Location: Boca Grande UMC (9:30am-3:30pm) This newsletter gives an overview of some of the activities of the South West District and the Conference. Please make a note of these events and encourage your lay ministers and church members to participate.


EXPLORING A CALL TO MINISTRY The Florida Conference, along with several other Annual Conferences in our jurisdiction, is co-sponsoring a discernment event for those who are exploring a call to ministry. It will be the first weekend in January, 2013. This is an all-ages event, not just for potential young clergy. We highly recommend this event to any of your potential candidates who are exploring a possible call to ordained ministry. This will not take the place of the required Candidacy Retreat, but would be excellent for those who are just first exploring their call. It would also be helpful for many who have already attended the Candidacy Retreat but may still need to clarify the details of their call. Click here for more information, or feel free to contact Rev. Emily Oliver for more details. or you can also "like" the Facebook page:

WORKSHOP ON NEW CHILDREN’S CURRICULUM OFFERED GROW, Proclaim, Serve is the new curriculum by Cokesbury, and it promises to help children grow their faith by leaps and bounds! First UMC Lakeland will host a GROW workshop for you to learn all about it on Saturday, August 18 from 9 am to 12 noon. The cost is $10 per person and includes lunch. You will also receive tips on discipline, child protection, VBS and more. Click here (please create a link to for more information and registration.

LEC PROGRAMS By now churches should have received a postcard and packet of information about some new and exciting programs going on at the Life Enrichment Center. Many have contacted them sharing your excitement about some of these great camps and retreats, and they look forward to seeing you this summer! However, if you have not yet taken a look at, please take a few minutes today and do so. You can also “Like” the “Life Enrichment Retreat Center” page on Facebook to get all our latest updates. Online registration is open for our summer and fall programs. And in case you missed it, here are some of our new and growing programs that we’ll be looking forward to seeing you at! Mom and Me Weekend – September 14-16, 2012 Dad and Me Weekend – In the early planning stages, April 2013 First Aid, CPR and Wilderness First Aid Training – at our site or yours! For more information, questions, or to register, you can contact Rev. Melissa Cooper at [email protected], or by phone at (352) 787-0313, ext. 4109.

Page 10: Rev. Dr. Rinaldo Hernandez, District Superintendent Julie · fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what

Free Webinars for Church Leaders from GBOD Oct 25-Principles for Church Renewal (for PASTORS) WHAT: Topics include defining Christian transformation, disciplines for Christian transformational leadership, leading a movement of hope, and introduction to a process to enable church transformation. Helpful to read "Does Your Church Have A Prayer?" before the webinar. WHEN: Oct 25 12:30 PM CDT Oct 27-2012 Plan Now to Meet Your 2012 Goals (for CHURCH COUNCIL LEADERS) WHAT: Turn the goals you have set for 2012 into actions and results. Planning strategies for implementation is the first step to reaching goals. General principles and specific strategies for meeting vitality goals you have set. WHEN: Oct 27 6:30 PM CDT Nov 10-Finishing the Year Financially Strong (for FINANCE LEADERS) WHAT: God's generous love sustains your church, and God provides all that is needed for God's purposes. Practical ideas for people entrusted with managing the funding. WHEN: Nov 10 6:30 PM CDT Register at