rev. francisco j. rodriguez – pastor

Rev. Francisco J. Rodriguez – Pastor [email protected] Rev. Mr. Preston Perez – Deacon Sr. Martine Pijanowski, CSSF –Pastoral Associate Sr. Lois Parente, CSSF-Business Manager [email protected] Judith Santlofer – Director of Religious Education Karina Ramirez-Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected] Rosa Maria de Leon– RCIA Director [email protected] Maria Elisa Vazquez – Secretary [email protected] Yesenia Marte – Secretary [email protected] Clarena Santamaria – Local Safe Environment Coordinator [email protected] Edgar Caraballo-Maintenance [email protected] Paul Weiner – Organist [email protected] Francia Polanco – Director of Spanish Music Alex Duran – Music Assistant Manuela Khoury– Liturgical Decorator of Worship Spaces Judith Schroeder – Trustee Joseph Capozzi – Trustee 125 Union Street, Lodi, N.J. 07644 Rectory#: 973-779-4330 Fax #: 973-779-8842 Emergency#: 201-730-1497 [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE AS OF NOV. 4, 7:30A.M. WEEK DAY MASS ARE GOING TO BE CELEBRATE AT THE CONVENT CHAPEL Sunday 11/03 -7:30a.m. English , 9:00a.m. Portuguese, 10:30a.m. English & 12p.m. Spanish Monday 11/04 -7:30a.m. Tuesday 11/05 -7:30a.m. Wednesday 11/06 -7:30a.m. Thursday 11/07 -7:30 a.m. 7:00p.m. Portuguese, 8:00p.m. Spanish Friday 11/08-7:30a.m. Saturday 11/09 8:00a.m.,5:00p.m. 7:00pm Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00p.m-5:00p.m. or by appointment Sacrament of Baptism Please call the rectory for Baptism Information Sacrament of Marriage Contact the Parish office 973-779-4330 at least one year in advance for arrangements. Sick & Home bound To all who may have a sick relative at home, in rehab, hospital or nursing home please notify the Parish office 973-779-4330 so we can arrange a time to visit them. We must meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says: "I will pray, and then I will understand." This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficul- ties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work. In meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in others. St Charles Borromeo

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Page 1: Rev. Francisco J. Rodriguez – Pastor

Rev. Francisco J. Rodriguez – Pastor [email protected] Rev. Mr. Preston Perez – Deacon Sr. Martine Pijanowski, CSSF –Pastoral Associate Sr. Lois Parente, CSSF-Business Manager [email protected] Judith Santlofer – Director of Religious Education Karina Ramirez-Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected] Rosa Maria de Leon– RCIA Director [email protected] Maria Elisa Vazquez – Secretary [email protected] Yesenia Marte – Secretary [email protected] Clarena Santamaria – Local Safe Environment Coordinator [email protected] Edgar Caraballo-Maintenance [email protected] Paul Weiner – Organist [email protected] Francia Polanco – Director of Spanish Music Alex Duran – Music Assistant Manuela Khoury– Liturgical Decorator of Worship Spaces Judith Schroeder – Trustee Joseph Capozzi – Trustee 125 Union Street, Lodi, N.J. 07644 Rectory#: 973-779-4330 Fax #: 973-779-8842


Sunday 11/03 -7:30a.m. English ,

9:00a.m. Portuguese, 10:30a.m. English

& 12p.m. Spanish

Monday 11/04 -7:30a.m.

Tuesday 11/05 -7:30a.m.

Wednesday 11/06 -7:30a.m.

Thursday 11/07 -7:30 a.m. 7:00p.m. Portuguese,

8:00p.m. Spanish Friday 11/08-7:30a.m.

Saturday 11/09 8:00a.m.,5:00p.m. 7:00pm Spanish

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday: 4:00p.m-5:00p.m. or by appointment

Sacrament of Baptism

Please call the rectory for Baptism Information

Sacrament of Marriage

Contact the Parish office 973-779-4330 at least one year in

advance for arrangements.

Sick & Home bound

To all who may have a sick relative at home, in rehab, hospital or nursing

home please notify the Parish office 973-779-4330 so we can arrange a time

to visit them.

We must meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says: "I will pray, and then I will understand." This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficul-ties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work. In meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in others. St Charles Borromeo

Page 2: Rev. Francisco J. Rodriguez – Pastor

Dear brothers and sisters,

As we just celebrated All Saints and All Souls, I want to leave you with a reflection of St. John Paul II:

Today I ask, in a quite special way, you who are gathered here to recite the "Angelus" with me, to stop for a moment to reflect on the mystery of the liturgy of the day. The Church lives in a great perspective. This perspective accompanies her always, molds her continually, and directs her towards eternity. The liturgy of the day highlights the eschatological reality, a reality which springs from the whole plan of salvation and at the same time from man's history, a reality which gives the very existence of the Church and her mission their ultimate meaning. That is why we live so intensely the solemnity of All Saints, as well as, tomorrow, the Commemoration of all the dead. These two days enclose, in a particu-lar way, faith in "eternal life" (the last words of the apostolic "Creed"). And although these two days put before the eyes of our soul the inevita-bility of death, they give, at the same time, a testimony of life. Man who, according to the laws of nature, is "condemned to death", man who lives in the perspective of the annihilation of his body, exists at the same time in the perspective of future life, and is called to joy. The solemni-ty of All Saints puts before the eyes of our faith all those who have already reached the fullness of their call to union with God. The day that commemorates the dead directs our thoughts towards those who, having left this world, are waiting in expiation to reach that fullness of love which union with God requires. These are two great days for the Church which, in a certain way, "prolongs her life" in her saints, and also in all those who have prepared for this life by serving truth and love. And therefore, the Church, in the first days of November, is united in a special way with her Redeemer who, through his death and his resurrection, brought us into the very reality of this life. And at the same time, he made us "a kingdom of priests" for his Father.

Saint Francis de Sales Pray for Us!

Queridos hermanos y hermanas:

Como acabamos de celebrar Todos los Santos y Todos los Fieles Difuntos, quiero dejarles una reflexión de San Juan Pablo II:

Hoy les pido, de una manera bastante especial, que se reúnan aquí para recitar el "Ángelus" conmigo, que se detengan por un momento a re-flexionar sobre el misterio de la liturgia del día. La Iglesia vive en una gran perspectiva. Esta perspectiva la acompaña siempre, la moldea conti-nuamente y la dirige hacia la eternidad. La liturgia del día resalta la realidad escatológica, una realidad que nace de todo el plan de salvación y, al mismo tiempo, de la historia del hombre, una realidad que le da a la existencia misma de la Iglesia y su misión su significado último. Es por eso por lo que vivimos tan intensamente la solemnidad de Todos los Santos, así como, mañana, la Conmemoración de todos los muertos. Estos dos días encierran, de una manera particular, la fe en la "vida eterna" (las últimas palabras del "Credo" apostólico). Y aunque estos dos días ponen ante los ojos de nuestra alma la inevitabilidad de la muerte, dan, al mismo tiempo, un testimonio de vida. El hombre que, según las leyes de la naturaleza, está "condenado a muerte", el hombre que vive en la perspectiva de la aniquilación de su cuerpo, existe al mismo tiempo en la perspectiva de la vida futura, y está llamado a la alegría. La solemnidad de Todos los Santos pone ante los ojos de nuestra fe a todos aquellos que ya han alcanzado la plenitud de su llamado a la unión con Dios. El día que conmemora a los muertos dirige nuestros pensamientos hacia aquellos que, después de haber dejado este mundo, están esperando en expiación para alcanzar esa plenitud de amor que requiere la unión con Dios. Estos son dos grandes días para la Iglesia que, de cierta manera, "prolonga su vida" en sus santos, y también en todos aquellos que se han preparado para esta vida sirviendo la verdad y el amor. Y, por lo tanto, la Iglesia, en los primeros días de noviembre, se une de manera especial con su Redentor que, a través de su muerte y su resurrección, nos trajo a la realidad de esta vida. Y al mismo tiempo, nos hizo "un reino de sacerdotes" para su Padre.

San Francisco de Sales ¡Ruega por nosotros!

Caros irmãos e irmãs

Como acabamos de celebrar Todos os Santos e Todos os Finados, quero deixar você com uma reflexão de São João Paulo II:

Hoje peço, de uma maneira bastante especial, a vocês que estão reunidos aqui para recitar comigo o "Angelus", para parar por um momento para refletir sobre o mistério da liturgia do dia. A Igreja vive em uma grande perspectiva. Essa perspectiva sempre a acompanha, a molda continuamente e a direciona para a eternidade. A liturgia do dia destaca a realidade escatológica, uma realidade que brota de todo o plano de salvação e, ao mesmo tempo, da história do homem, uma realidade que confere à própria existência da Igreja e sua missão seu significado último. É por isso que vivemos tão intensamente a solenidade de Todos os Santos, bem como, amanhã, a Comemoração de todos os mortos. Esses dois dias encerram, de uma maneira particular, a fé na "vida eterna" (as últimas palavras do "credo apostólico"). E, embora esses dois dias ponham diante dos olhos de nossa alma a inevitabilidade da morte, eles dão, ao mesmo tempo, um testemunho de vida. O homem que, de acordo com as leis da natureza, é "condenado à morte", homem que vive na perspectiva da aniquilação de seu corpo, existe ao mesmo tempo na perspectiva da vida futura e é chamado à alegria. A solenidade de Todos os Santos coloca diante dos olhos de nossa fé todos aqueles que já alcançaram a plenitude de seu chamado à união com Deus. O dia que comemora os mortos dirige nossos pensamentos para aqueles que, tendo saído deste mundo, aguardam expiação para alcançar a plenitude de amor que a união com Deus exige. Estes são dois grandes dias para a Igreja que, de certa maneira, "prolonga a vida" em seus santos, e também em todos os que se prepararam para esta vida servindo a verdade e o amor. E, portanto, a Igreja, nos primeiros dias de novembro, se une de maneira especial ao seu Redentor que, através de sua

morte e ressurreição, nos trouxe à própria realidade desta vida. E, ao mesmo tempo, ele nos fez "um reino de sacerdotes" para seu Pai.

São Francisco de Sales ora por nós!

Page 3: Rev. Francisco J. Rodriguez – Pastor


November 2-3

5:00p.m. Sue Maikisch Peter Christiano, Jean Canta, Sister Martine 7:30a.m. Bruce Masopust Charles Gibbons, Ron Marino, Dale Sipos 10:30a.m. Nancy Cardone Linda Stumper, Dolores Putt, Judy Schroeder, Estella Carrilho, Vilma Maikisch November 9-10 5:00p.m. Sister Lois Elizabeth Genaro, Lucy Rieger, Joe Capozzi 7:30a.m. Frank Steffens Ray Petrisin, Chris Fredericks, Ron Lombardi 10:30a.m. Alice Homler Judy Schroeder, Mary Scimeca, Mitch Santlofer, Vilma Maikisch, Linda Stumper November 16-17 5:00p.m. Lucy Rieger Joe Capozzi, Barbara Hughes, Barbara Lynch 7:30a.m. Frank Steffens Ron Lombardi, Ray Petrisin, Chris Fredericks 10:30a.m. Blanche Schrieks Jackie Zambrano, Vilma Maikisch, Dolores Putt, Mitch Santlofer Mary Scimeca

Weekly Readings November 2

Primera Lectura Carlos Castaneda

Segunda Lectura Johana Lozada

Ministros de Eucaristia Luis Altamirano, Jeannifer Vidal, Carmen Rosa,

Astete, Ana Mariano, Sonia Zhinin

November 3

Primera Lectura Josefina Brisita

Segunda Lectura Feliciana Santos

Ministros de Eucaristia Ambrosia Garcia, Graciela Giacomello, Maria

Altamirano, Edith Ramirez, Raffy Fontanillas

November 9 Primera Lectura Monica Leon

Segunda Lectura Luis Altamirano

Ministros de Eucaristia Nubia Cuesta, Maritza Alvarez, Zoraida Gonza

lez, Pilar Deleg, Rosa Quizhpi

November 10

Primera Lectura Maria Jose Biong Bil

Segunda Lectura Tony Sanchez

Ministros de Eucaristia Eugenia Velez, Jose Luis Ramirez, Carlos Rive

ra, Irma Villalobos, Jesus Mendez

November 3 Wis 11:22-12:2/ 2 Thes 1:11-2:2/ Lk 19:1-10 Novenber 10 2mc 7:1-2, 9-14; 2Thes 2:16-3:5, Lk 20:27-38

or Lk 20:27,34-38

Rita Bozzelli, Serafin Fernandes, Ellen Gibbons, Bob Goodwin, Joyce Kasperski,

Irene Luczyk, David Pilger, Beverlye Sogluizzo, Rose Tavolaro, Mary Zabrano,

Andy Mullins, Alfred Pelikan, Jacob Berard, Ann Tramuta, Glenn Russo Sr.

Liturgical Ministers Mass Intentions

Ministros de la Eucaristia &


SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2 8:00a.m. All Souls Novena 5:00p.m. All Souls Novena 7:00p.m. All Souls Novena SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. All Souls Novena 9:00 a.m. All Souls Novena 10:30a.m. All Souls Novena 12:00p.m. All Souls Novena AS OF MONDAY NOV. 4, 2019 7:30a.m. WEEK DAY MASS ARE GOING TO BE CELEBRATE AT THE CONVENT CHAPEL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop 7:30a.m. All Souls Novena

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Weekday 7:30a.m. All Souls Novena


7:30a.m. Andrew Luczyk r/b His wife Irene

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Weekday 7:30a.m. Daniel Cody r/b Dan Cody 7:00p.m. Albino Cascalheria, Esposa e Filhos r/b Joao e Esperansa Fernandez 8:00p.m. People of the Parish living and Deceased FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 7:30a.m. John Andes r/b Rosemary Andes SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 9 8:00a.m. “40th Anniversary” Erick Piper r/b Susan Maikisch 5:00p.m. Al & Mary Lefanto r/b Annette & Tom 7:00p.m. Rafael Mendez r/b His Family SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 10 7:30a.m. Kevin Marra r/b Lavelle Family 9:00a.m Joaquina Pires Enes e Esposo r/b Florinda Fernandez 10:30a.m. Marie Copozzi r/b Joe, Sue & Family 12:00p.m. La Virgen de las Mercedes r/b Julio Rodriguez

The Bread and Wine this week are

In Memory of Anne Schnepel The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week

In Memory of Anne Schnepel


For the deceased members of this Parish

Community, and for all the deceased for whom we have

celebrated their Funeral Mass in St. Francis de Sales


Page 4: Rev. Francisco J. Rodriguez – Pastor


Choir– Anyone who is interested in joining please see Paul after Mass.

-Weekday Mass As of November 4, 2019 all weekday 7:30a.m. Masses will

be celebrated in the Convent Chapel.

- DRE Meeting on Monday November 4, 12:30p.m. at Most Holy Name Catholic

Church 99 Marsellus PL. Garfield NJ 07026

- Mass for the Deceased Clergy On November 6, The Cathedral Basili-

ca of the Sacred Heart, 89 Ridge St. Newark NJ.

- The Saint Francis Rosary Society - On Tuesday November 5, will be held the

monthly meeting, following the Novena to the Miraculous Medal. New Members

are always welcomed.

Remember that annual Induction/Rededication Mass will be on Sunday, Novem-

ber 10, at 10:30am. All members are asked to attend wearing their St. Dominic

medals. Light refreshments will be served following the Mass in the Mother Angela


-St. John Vianney -On November 8 at 7p.m. & Saturday November 9 at 1 p.m. &

7P.m. , Felician University Breslin Hall in Lodi will be host to Vianney, a riveting one-man

drama performed by widely acclaimed actor Leonardo Defilippis of Saint Luke Pro-

ductions. We would like to invite St. Francis de Sales to join us for this inspiring drama

on the remarkable life of the Saint John Vianney, the patron of all parish priests and

model for all laity. Experience the gripping story of Saint John Vianney, the humble

priest who battled the devil to save souls. Filled with all of the elements of professional

theater, the production runs 90 minutes and is suitable for ages 9+. Admission is $25

and $15 for ages 8-14. For more information visit

Upcoming Events

-Knights of Columbus St. Michaels Council 2861 39 Spring St. Lodi invites you to at-

tend our 3rd Annual Fall all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner charity fundraiser on Friday,

November 15,2019 from 5pm-9pm.Tickets are $10 each and children under the age of

12 eat for half price. Tickets will be sold at the door or at St. Francis de Sales Rectory.

-Post Abortion Retreat: An "Entering Canaan" Men's "Day of Prayer & Healing" for

those men who are suffering as a result of losing a child to abortion will take place

Saturday, November 16, 2019 in Paterson, New Jersey. The day, hosted by The Francis-

can Friars of the Renewal, will consist of a witness, talks, video on healing, group, the

Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. For further infor-

mation and confidential reservations please call: Lumina/Hope & Healing after abor-

tion: 1-877-586-4621, or email at [email protected]

- Sacred Heart Home School Association - On January 17,2020, Annual Tricky Tray, at

Sacred Heart School, 620 Valley Brook Ave. Lyndhurst, doors open: 6pm– tickets are

non-refundable– NO ALCOHOLIC Beverages, Raffles are scheduled to Begin Approxi-

mately 8:15-8:30pm. Ticket include Coffee, Tea/dessert. $15.00 donation per person.

No one under 18 will be Admitted. For tickets or questions call Patty Pavlica at 201-803

-9580. ticket deadline is

January 5th.

Sharing God’s Blessings Archbishop’s Annual Appeal* Goal Amount

Updated 9/26/2019 $18,952.00

Donor Pledged $13,572.00

Pledges Received $10,571.47

Balance of Pledges $3,000.53

Balance of Goal $8,380.53

Weekly Offerings October 27,2019 Assessment

$2,225.00 $1,267.00



*CCD Home Formation ,

*CCD Level 2 in school 8:45a.m.

MONDAY 11/04

*CCD 7:00p.m. Confirmation

*Directiva de Monaguillos


*Circulo de Oracion 7:00p.m. in

the church

*Finance Council Officers

Meeting 7:00p.m.

*Bonds of Mariam love 7:30p.m.

Convent Chapel


*Recitation of Rosary/Novena

7:00P.M. at Church

*Talleres de Oracion y Vida

7:30p.m. Lennon Hall

*Rosarians 7:45p:m Mother

Angela Commons



* Baptismal Class English

7:00p.m. Mother Angela



*Portuguese Mass at 7:00p.m.

*Spanish Mass at 8:00p.m.

FRIDAY 11/08


SUNDAY 11/10

*ALL CCD in the School 8:45a.m.


The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all allegations of the clergy, Religious

and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of

sexual misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take the appropriate

action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse. Individuals

who wish to report allegation of misconduct may do so by calling the Archdiocesan

Office of Child and Youth Protection at 201-407-3256.


La Arquidiócesis toma muy en serio todas y cada una de las acusaciones del clero,

los religiosos y el personal laico de la Arquidiócesis. Animamos a cualquier persona

con conocimiento de un acto de mala conducta sexual a que nos informe de inme-

diato para que podamos tomar las medidas adecuadas para proteger a los demás y

brindar apoyo a las víctimas de abuso sexual. Las personas que deseen reportar

alegaciones de mala conducta pueden hacerlo llamando a la Oficina Arquidiocesa-

na de Protección de Niños y Jóvenes al 201-407-3256

Page 5: Rev. Francisco J. Rodriguez – Pastor

MASS BOOK 2020 Mass intentions for the year 2020 are taken on a first-come-first-served basis with the following rules:

1. In order to provide equal opportunity for all to have Masses offered for their loved ones, each person will be limited to three (3) Masses on a Sunday or Saturday Vigil Mass.

2. Masses during the week will be limited to five (5).

3. Donation for an announced Mass is $10 due on the time of booking. Intentions with a Mass card are $15.

4. NO telephone reservations will be accepted.

5. NO reservations for the Mass Intentions for All Souls’ Day and Novena of All Souls, for Special Masses (Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima,Spiritual Bouquet etc..) will be accepted.

IMPORTANT: Only those who are at the Rectory will be allowed to reserve Masses. Lists for other people will not be accept-ed. Please help us cut down the waiting time by observing these rules.

We are in great need of Fresh Foods;

which include but are not limited to

Turkey, Turkey Breast, Turkey Gravy, Fresh Vegetables,

Fresh potatoes, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, Canned

pumpkin, Pudding, fresh or frozen pies & pie crusts.


Food distribution will be

Saturday Nov. 23 & Sunday Nov. 24 2019

Food will be collected after all Masses until

12:00p.m. on Sunday. Please bring food by the

Rectory garage doors.

For any Additional Information contact

Barbara Hughes 201-845-9067

Happy Thanksgiving

“How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s

goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses

help? Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in

truth and action.” 1John 3:17-18

Saint Francis de Sales church

Annual Thanksgiving

Food Drive


The Annual Rosary Society Induction/

rededication mass will be on Sunday

November 10th, 2019 at 10:30a.m. Two new

members will be inducted and present

members will rededicate themselves to Our

Blessed Mother. All members are asked to

attend wearing their St. Dominic Medals

and assemble at the back of the church at

10:15a.m in order to process in together.

Light refreshments will be served following

the Mass in the mother Angela Commons.