revelation 12 heavenly sign pattern of virgo elestial

SEP 16 2015 SEP 11 2018 SEP 19 2020 Feet 2 of 3 © Composion & Some Graphics by Luis B. Vega [email protected] FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Jupiter ‘Birthed” on 9-9-2017 ~2 years ~2 years ~1 Year C H H NOV 03 2013 JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASONDJF T E T R A D +42 Months = Mar 20, 2022 SOLAR ECLIPSE PATTERN: 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 2 3 Perhaps the 7-Year Tribulation Period lies in-between the 2 Hybrids & the Central Blood Moon at center? Because of the symmetry of Eclipses, a Menorah pattern can easily be correlated as well. 2013 May 10 Annular 2013 Nov 03 Hybrid 2014 Apr 29 Annular 2014 Oct 23 Paral 2015 Mar 20 Total 2015 Sep 13 Paral 2016 Mar 09 Total 2016 Sep 01 Annular 2017 Feb 26 Annular 2017 Aug 21 Total 2018 Feb 15 Paral 2018 Jul 13 Paral 2018 Aug 11 Paral 2019 Jan 06 Paral 2019 Jul 02 Total 2019 Dec 26 Annular 2020 Jun 21 Annular 2020 Dec 14 Total 2021 Jun 10 Annular 2021 Dec 04 Total 2022 Apr 30 Paral 2022 Oct 25 Paral 2023 Apr 20 Hybrid 2023 Oct 14 Annular Head 1 2 3 6 5 7 4 8 9 10 12 11 Clothed with the Sun ‘Moon under Feet’ ‘Crown of 12 Stars’ SEPT 23, 2017 ‘Man-Child’ Raptured 16-11-19 Pattern mirrored 4 3 2 2 4 4 3 4 4 Central Blood Moon: JUL 28, 2018 Ί rao Ί rao Mar 20, 2015 Eclipse to 2018 Sign From Sep 20, 2018 date +42 Months = Sep 20, 2018 5776 2014 - 2018 ? The ‘KING’ Planet The ‘Red Dragon’ Tied to 13th Sign Ophiuchus With Saturn Planet ascribed as Chronos Father Time, Grim Reaper, that is also associated wit a snake, Satan Sep 23, 2017 ARR 20 2023 Holding ‘The BRANCH” The Messiah - Isaiah 11:1 20 Solar Eclipses The Number 20 In the Bible, the number 20 is been found to be associated with the 12 Tribes of Israel and the naon as a whole. It is of betrayal, travail and hardship. It speaks of conïŹ‚ict and preparedness. It can be seen a double ‘10’ & thus falling short of the perfect & complete 21 or (7-7-7) thus not a compleon. We ïŹrst come across this in the Bible with Joseph being sold for 20 pieces of Silver. Then Jacob spent 20 years travailing/ancipang with Laban. In the me of the Judges, Israel waited 20 years before Samson came on the scene to deliver Israel from oppression. 20 was the age the Israelites entered the army and the age a Levite could start priestly service. Yet prophecally, as Naonal Israel is not yet ‘perfected’ or completed in ‘faith’ perhaps this me period from 2013-2023 will see the Hand of LORD travail over Israel as it will be betrayed by the false ‘messiah’ and it will be characterized as ‘The Time of Jacob’s Troubles’ to purify and complete naonal Israel’s faith. 10 Lunar Eclipses The Number 10 In-between the 2 bookend Hybrid Solar Eclipses, there are a total of 10 Total Lunar Eclipses. The Number 10 represents GOD’s perfect order according to some that study the meaning of Biblical numbers. It is attributed to completeness thus when a new cycle is to begin. For example Noah was the 10 th generation from Adam when world wide judgment came upon the Earth and humanity. There were 10 Plagues in Egypt representing God’s complete Judgment upon the kingdom that held Israel in bondage. During the Tribulation, it is speculated that the 2 Witnesses will have the power to replicate such plagues as Moses NS Elijah made. Interestingly, the AntiChrist during the Tribulation will command a10 Nation confederation. As to Israel, the Old Testament records 10 Rebellions during the Wilderness journey to the Promised Land. Perhaps these 10 Lunar Eclipse that starts with the Tetrad will culminate with the judgment of the world as a type of ‘Sodom’ & the Last Battle, Armageddon. If this time period from 2013-2023 is where this ’Judgment’ NS ’Last Battle’ are to complete GOD’s judgment upon ‘rebellious’ Israel and the AntiChrist, then the astronomical occurrences alone provide a chilling omen of what is about to occur on Earth. GOD will judge the World, Jerusalem & Lucifer. (Acts 17) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Possible Timeline of Tribulation per some interpretations of the End Times: 2015: In Spring, ‘Sudden Destrucon’ instead ensues. Isaiah 17 Nuclear destrucon of Damascus. Followed by Psalm 83 War. Possible Rapture zone as with Sodom ns Flood typology of escape before destrucon. Sodom ‘type’ for Church that leaves, Flood ‘type’ for Israel that stays. 2016: The 3rd Temple is iniated with Daily SacriïŹces. Israel lives in ‘un-wall cies thereaïŹ…er, false peace then Ezekiel 38 War with subsequent 7 Year Peace ‘ConïŹrmaon’ with AnChrist. Taking 7 months to bury dead & 7 Years to burn nuclear weapons for fuel. Possibly corresponding to the Jubilee Year as per some calculaons on Yom Kippur and the Luciferian ‘Year of Light’ 5776. 2017: Revelaon 12 Heavenly Sign in Virgo; a ‘Rapture’ having preceded, then War in Heaven as Lucifer is evicted from Heaven to Earth to make way for Thrones and Powers given to the Bride of Christ aïŹ…er Bema Seat evaluaons of Saints. 2018: AnChrist sets up Mark 666 biometric worldwide currency. Worldwide persecuon, capital punishment. 2019: AnChrist sets of Abominaon and declares himself ‘messiah’ and ‘god” in Temple from the 3.5 half-way mark of 2015. Remnant of Israel ïŹ‚ees to wilderness (Petra) for the next 1260 days or 42 months that is described as the ‘Great Tribulaon’ or the Time of Jacob’s Troubles’. 2022: Possible end of 1260 days, Christ returns at Fall Feasts to set up Kingdom on Earth. This is aïŹ…er the Last Bale of Armageddon. HIGH 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 9 Month Ulmatum for a 2 State Soluon Dividing up Israel - Joel 3:2 Kerry Peace Initiative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Year Time Span ? IF the ‘ConïŹrming’ occurs Fall 2015 perhaps the very declaraon of the Jubilee Year. Speculave Timelines 7 Solar Eclipse grouping Menorah paern A RAPTURE RENDEZVOUS The charts seeks to identy astronomically when all of the components of the Revelaon 12 imagery occurs in Virgo, 2000-2025 having: 1. Moon under Feet 2. Sun clothed 3. Star Crown of 12 Stars 4. Birthing as with a ‘Planet’ 5. Dragon or Serpent afoot as with a ‘Planet’ Out of all the mes since 2000, that the Sun is in Virgo, only the 2017 conïŹguraon appears to match all. It might then be the case that if and when the Rapture does take place, it will be before the expulsion of Lucifer, the prince of the power of the ‘Air’ where in fact the Rapture Rendezvous of the Bride/Church and Jesus Christ will literally take place at. These could possibly give a clue as to when the Rapture of the Church is to take place - in the ‘Air’ ...IF it is chron- ologically presented and if in fact the Rev 12 typology corresponds to the Sun being in the constellaon Virgo either in Sept or Oct of a given year; realize Jesus was ‘Raptured in Spring . Perhaps then the Rapture is to occur on the such a me in the Fall, but not necessarily on any Jewish Feast days such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Tabernacles or the 8th Day Assembly. Given the number of eclipses, both solar and lunar in-between the 2 Hybrids of 2013 and 2023, the symmetry is such that it could constitute a ‘menorah’ pattern. It might be a stretch of the imagination but it is interesting to contemplate. Could such sequence of eclipses be hinting at the corresponding number of years the Tribulation is to be? The timeline in-between the 2 Hybrid eclipse, visually at least, appear to have a beginning with the Tetrad, a middle with the Triad of Eclipses and then an end with a composition of both types. Throughout this time period, there is a recurring pattern of 4s. The Triad is a 4, followed by 4 Solar Total Eclipses followed by 4 Partial Solar Eclipses in the ‘middle’ that then are mirrored after the Central Blood Moon in 2018 all the way to 2022. LEO ‘The Sphinx’ It would appear that this ‘Central’ Blood Moon is the center of this celestial astronomical ‘Menorah’ in more ways than one as it is also the center of the 3 Total Blood Moons. Perhaps this ‘zone’ is a sort of mid-point for the either the Tribulation to reach its mid point if you ascribe theologically to the 7th week of weeks that Daniel 9:27 alludes to or the interpretations based on having it be the start of the Tribulation with only 3.5 years remaining. Of course this is based on how some interpret a pre-Tribulation Rapture scenario. Here are some amazing symmetrical day counts that encompass this possible ‘celestial’ Menorah. From the September 16, 2015 one to the September 23, 2017, it is about 738 days. From the September 23, 2017 Virgo sign date to the Sept 11, 2018 Virgo sign is about 354 days. Then from that one to the Virgo sign on September 19, 2020 it is also about 739 days total. This would amount to about just a little over 5 years. Sphinx 10 Lunar Eclipses 20 Solar Eclipse Mirrored angle - Giza Planets = Pyramid size A A A A A A A JUPITER RETROGRADE Feb 6 - Jun 6, 2017 124 Days or ~41 Weeks ( A Gestaon Period ) ~9 months Retrograde Holding ‘ears of corn’ as in a ‘Harvest’ Jesus, LORD of the Harvest Mahew 9:38 And the coming Middle East & Celestial Wars PATTERN OF VIRGO CELESTIAL SIGNS FROM 2000 - 2025 REVELATION 12 HEAVENLY SIGN Per some interoperations of the End Times, this timeline is just one possible highlighted sequence of events that could happen. For one, such speculative dates are based off the Virgo celestial sign pattern, the solar and lunar Eclipse patterns and some particular time and date counts. The other factors for this possible timeline are based on what the current geo-political sequence of events has led the Middle East -with the Arab Spring, Egypt and now Syria to possibly be the long awaited occultic start to World War 3. It appears that Syria will be next in line to experience the New World Order’s ravaging of a sovereign country. This has been done to Iraq, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and now Syria. From an eschatological point of view, the LORD is allowing the chess board of political maneuvering to set the stage in the Middle East for the final Tribulation Period; foremost to discipline Israel and judge the nations at Armageddon. Astronomically, if the Tetrad, the 2 book-end Hybrids and the Virgo celestial signs are any indication of this coming time period, then the next few years, 2014-2019 in particular are to be looked at with great anticipation but with hope and horror of what is to come prophetically.

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Post on 23-Feb-2022




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SEP 16


SEP 11


SEP 19



2 of 3

© Composition & Some Graphics by

Luis B. Vega [email protected]



‘Birthed” on


~2 years ~2 years ~1 Year



NOV 03




+42 Months = Mar 20, 2022

SOLAR ECLIPSE PATTERN: 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 2 3 Perhaps the 7-Year Tribulation Period lies in-between

the 2 Hybrids & the Central Blood Moon at center?

Because of the symmetry of Eclipses, a Menorah

pattern can easily be correlated as well.

2013 May 10 Annular

2013 Nov 03 Hybrid

2014 Apr 29 Annular

2014 Oct 23 Partial

2015 Mar 20 Total

2015 Sep 13 Partial

2016 Mar 09 Total

2016 Sep 01 Annular

2017 Feb 26 Annular

2017 Aug 21 Total

2018 Feb 15 Partial

2018 Jul 13 Partial

2018 Aug 11 Partial

2019 Jan 06 Partial

2019 Jul 02 Total

2019 Dec 26 Annular

2020 Jun 21 Annular

2020 Dec 14 Total

2021 Jun 10 Annular

2021 Dec 04 Total

2022 Apr 30 Partial

2022 Oct 25 Partial

2023 Apr 20 Hybrid

2023 Oct 14 Annular














Clothed with

the Sun

‘Moon under Feet’

‘Crown of 12 Stars’

SEPT 23, 2017

‘Man-Child’ Raptured

16-11-19 Pattern mirrored

4 3

2 2



3 4


Central Blood Moon: JUL 28, 2018

Ί ratio Ί ratio

Mar 20, 2015 Eclipse to 2018 Sign From Sep 20, 2018 date

+42 Months = Sep 20, 2018


2014 - 2018 ?

The ‘KING’ Planet

The ‘Red Dragon’

Tied to 13th Sign Ophiuchus

With Saturn Planet

ascribed as Chronos

Father Time, Grim

Reaper, that is also

associated wit a snake,


Sep 23, 2017

ARR 20


Holding ‘The BRANCH”

The Messiah - Isaiah 11:1

20 Solar Eclipses

The Number 20 In the Bible, the number 20 is been found to be associated with the 12 Tribes of Israel and the nation as a whole. It is of betrayal, travail

and hardship. It speaks of conflict and preparedness. It can be seen a double ‘10’ & thus falling short of the perfect & complete 21 or

(7-7-7) thus not a completion.

We first come across this in the Bible with Joseph being sold for 20 pieces of Silver. Then Jacob spent 20 years travailing/anticipating

with Laban. In the time of the Judges, Israel waited 20 years before Samson came on the scene to deliver Israel from oppression.

20 was the age the Israelites entered the army and the age a Levite could start priestly service. Yet prophetically, as National Israel is

not yet ‘perfected’ or completed in ‘faith’ perhaps this time period from 2013-2023 will see the Hand of LORD travail over Israel as it will be betrayed by the false ‘messiah’ and it will be characterized as ‘The Time of Jacob’s Troubles’ to purify and complete national

Israel’s faith.

10 Lunar Eclipses

The Number 10

In-between the 2 bookend Hybrid Solar Eclipses, there are a total of 10 Total Lunar Eclipses. The Number 10

represents GOD’s perfect order according to some that study the meaning of Biblical numbers. It is

attributed to completeness thus when a new cycle is to begin. For example Noah was the 10th generation from Adam when world wide judgment came upon the Earth

and humanity. There were 10 Plagues in Egypt representing God’s complete Judgment upon the

kingdom that held Israel in bondage.

During the Tribulation, it is speculated that the 2 Witnesses will have the power to replicate such plagues as Moses NS

Elijah made. Interestingly, the AntiChrist during the Tribulation will command a10 Nation confederation. As to Israel, the Old

Testament records 10 Rebellions during the Wilderness journey to the Promised Land.

Perhaps these 10 Lunar Eclipse that starts with the Tetrad will

culminate with the judgment of the world as a type of ‘Sodom’ & the Last Battle, Armageddon. If this time period from 2013-2023 is where this ’Judgment’ NS ’Last Battle’ are to complete GOD’s judgment upon ‘rebellious’ Israel and the AntiChrist, then the

astronomical occurrences alone provide a chilling omen of what is about to occur on Earth. GOD will judge the World, Jerusalem &

Lucifer. (Acts 17)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Possible Timeline of Tribulation per some

interpretations of the End Times:

2015: In Spring, ‘Sudden Destruction’ instead

ensues. Isaiah 17 Nuclear destruction of Damascus.

Followed by Psalm 83 War. Possible Rapture zone

as with Sodom ns Flood typology of escape before

destruction. Sodom ‘type’ for Church that leaves,

Flood ‘type’ for Israel that stays.

2016: The 3rd Temple is initiated with Daily Sacrifices.

Israel lives in ‘un-wall cities thereafter, false peace then

Ezekiel 38 War with subsequent 7 Year Peace ‘Confirmation’

with AntiChrist. Taking 7 months to bury dead & 7 Years to

burn nuclear weapons for fuel. Possibly corresponding to the

Jubilee Year as per some calculations on Yom Kippur and the

Luciferian ‘Year of Light’ 5776.

2017: Revelation 12 Heavenly Sign in Virgo; a ‘Rapture’ having

preceded, then War in Heaven as Lucifer is evicted from Heaven to

Earth to make way for Thrones and Powers given to the Bride of Christ

after Bema Seat evaluations of Saints.

2018: AntiChrist sets up Mark 666 biometric worldwide currency. Worldwide

persecution, capital punishment.

2019: AntiChrist sets of Abomination and declares himself ‘messiah’ and ‘god” in Temple from

the 3.5 half-way mark of 2015. Remnant of Israel flees to wilderness (Petra) for the next 1260

days or 42 months that is described as the ‘Great Tribulation’ or the Time of Jacob’s Troubles’.

2022: Possible end of 1260 days, Christ returns at Fall Feasts to set up Kingdom on Earth. This is

after the Last Battle of Armageddon.


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

9 Month

Ultimatum for a 2 State Solution

Dividing up Israel - Joel 3:2

Kerry Peace Initiative

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Year Time Span ? IF the ‘Confirming’ occurs Fall 2015 perhaps the very declaration of the Jubilee Year. Speculative Timelines

7 Solar Eclipse grouping Menorah pattern


The charts seeks to identity astronomically

when all of the components of the Revelation

12 imagery occurs in Virgo, 2000-2025 having:

1. Moon under Feet

2. Sun clothed

3. Star Crown of 12 Stars

4. Birthing as with a ‘Planet’

5. Dragon or Serpent afoot as with a ‘Planet’

Out of all the times since 2000, that the Sun is in Virgo,

only the 2017 configuration appears to match all. It might

then be the case that if and when the Rapture does take

place, it will be before the expulsion of Lucifer, the prince

of the power of the ‘Air’ where in fact the Rapture

Rendezvous of the Bride/Church and Jesus Christ will

literally take place at.

These could possibly give a clue as to when the Rapture

of the Church is to take place - in the ‘Air’ ...IF it is chron-

ologically presented and if in fact the Rev 12 typology

corresponds to the Sun being in the

constellation Virgo either in Sept or Oct of a given year;

realize Jesus was ‘Raptured in Spring .

Perhaps then the Rapture is to occur on the such a time

in the Fall, but not necessarily on any Jewish Feast days

such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Tabernacles or the

8th Day Assembly.

Given the number of eclipses, both solar and lunar in-between the 2 Hybrids of 2013 and 2023, the symmetry is such that it could constitute a ‘menorah’ pattern.

It might be a stretch of the imagination but it is interesting to contemplate. Could such sequence of eclipses be hinting at the corresponding number of years the

Tribulation is to be? The timeline in-between the 2 Hybrid eclipse, visually at least, appear to have a beginning with the Tetrad, a middle with the Triad of Eclipses

and then an end with a composition of both types. Throughout this time period, there is a recurring pattern of 4s. The Triad is a 4, followed by 4 Solar Total Eclipses

followed by 4 Partial Solar Eclipses in the ‘middle’ that then are mirrored after the Central Blood Moon in 2018 all the way to 2022.

LEO ‘The Sphinx’

It would appear that this ‘Central’ Blood Moon is the center of this celestial astronomical ‘Menorah’ in more ways than one as it is also the center of the 3 Total Blood Moons. Perhaps this ‘zone’ is a sort of mid-point for the either the Tribulation to reach its mid point if you ascribe theologically to the 7th week of weeks that Daniel 9:27 alludes to or the interpretations based on having it be the start of the Tribulation with only 3.5 years remaining. Of course

this is based on how some interpret a pre-Tribulation Rapture scenario.

Here are some amazing symmetrical day counts that encompass this possible ‘celestial’ Menorah. From the September 16, 2015 one to the September 23, 2017, it is about 738 days.

From the September 23, 2017 Virgo sign date to the Sept 11, 2018 Virgo sign is about 354 days.

Then from that one to the Virgo sign on September 19, 2020 it is also about 739 days total. This would amount to about just a little over 5



10 Lunar Eclipses

20 Solar Eclipse

Mirrored angle - Giza

Planets = Pyramid size



Feb 6 - Jun 6, 2017

124 Days or ~41 Weeks

( A Gestation Period )

~9 months


Holding ‘ears of corn’

as in a ‘Harvest’

Jesus, LORD of the Harvest

Matthew 9:38

And the coming Middle East & Celestial Wars PATTERN OF VIRGO CELESTIAL SIGNS FROM 2000 - 2025


Per some interoperations of the End Times, this timeline is just one possible highlighted sequence of events that could happen. For one, such speculative dates are based off the Virgo celestial sign pattern, the solar and lunar Eclipse patterns and some particular time and date counts. The other factors for this possible timeline are based on what the current geo-political sequence of events has led the Middle East -with the Arab Spring, Egypt and now Syria to possibly be the long awaited occultic start to World War 3. It appears that Syria will be next in line to experience the New World Order’s ravaging of a sovereign country. This has been done to Iraq, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and now Syria. From an eschatological point of view, the LORD is allowing the chess board of political maneuvering to set the stage in the Middle East for the final Tribulation Period; foremost to discipline Israel and judge the nations at Armageddon. Astronomically, if the Tetrad, the 2 book-end Hybrids and the Virgo celestial signs are any indication of this coming time period, then the next few years, 2014-2019 in particular are to be looked at

with great anticipation but with hope and horror of what is to come prophetically.