revenue-neutral carbon fee & dividend march 31, 2015 company logo

Revenue-neutral Carbon Fee & Dividend March 31, 2015 Company LOGO

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Revenue-neutralCarbon Fee & Dividend

March 31, 2015

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Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s Focus• Lobby U.S. Congress to pass “carbon fee and

dividend” legislation

– Put a price on carbon

– Fossil fuel use declines

– Alternate energy economy grows

– Less carbon is emitted

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Carbon Fee and Dividend How it works:• Apply fee to all fossil fuels and other greenhouse gases


• Fee is $/ton of CO2 equivalent emissions and results in equal charges for each ton of CO2 equivalent emissions potential in each type of fuel or GHG

• Collect the fee as far upstream in the economy as practical

• Steadily increase the fee each year

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Carbon Fee and Dividend How it works (cont’d):• 100% of fee revenue is returned to households 

• Monthly dividends are in equal shares 

• 2/3 of Americans break even or come out


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Carbon Fee and Dividend Provides a price incentive:• Rising private investment in alternate energy,

energy efficiency 

• Falling investment in fossil fuels 

• Consumers switch to energy efficient products

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Carbon Fee and Dividend …and business:• Predictable fee simplifies business planning 

• Businesses pass along increased costs 

• Border adjustments protect domestic manufacturers and exporters


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Carbon Fee and Dividend

Border tax adjustments

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Price carbon

or pay a

border tariff

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Carbon Fee and Dividend …and government:• “Revenue neutral” with respect to federal budget 

• Administered by existing government agencies 

• Does not increase the size of government

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Carbon Fee and Dividend Bipartisan appeal:• Republicans like revenue neutrality 

• Republicans – like free market approach and dislike EPA regulation

• Democrats increasingly favor carbon fee 

• Democrats - accept revenue neutrality 

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Carbon Fee and Dividend Example: Fee starting at $15 per ton of CO2

• Gasoline price increases 14 cents per gallon 

• Electricity prices up .81 cents/kWh (8%) 

• Monthly dividend $54 per household

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Carbon Fee and Dividend Example Year 10:

Fee is $15/ton first year; increases $10/year

• Gasoline price up $1.08/gal after ten years 

• Electricity price up 3.61 cents/kWh (32%) 

• Monthly dividend $324 per household 

• CO2 emissions reduced to 69% of 1990 levels

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Carbon Fee and Dividend In ten years, clean energy becomes cheaper than carbon-based energy; electricity generation from coal phased out.

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REMI: Report

“The Economic, Climate, Fiscal, Power,

and Demographic Impact of a National

Fee-and-Dividend Carbon Tax”

By: Regional Economic Modeling Inc. (June 9, 2014)

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REMI: Report SummaryImpact of Carbon Fee and Dividend

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REMI: Report SummaryNo economic case against Carbon Fee

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● 2 million more jobs

● Reduces carbon dioxide

● Increases household incomes incomes

● Saves Lives

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Carbon Fee or Cap?

Citizens’ Climate Lobby supports:

• A Carbon Fee and Dividend policy proposal

• This approach has several advantages

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Advantages of a Carbon Fee

• A carbon fee lends predictability to energy prices, depending on hindsight rather than foresight

• Businesses and consumers can plan investments accordingly

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Advantages of a Carbon Fee

• Transparent and easily understandable

• Can be set up in a short time without additional bureaucracy

• Has low administration costs

• Less open to the opportunity for manipulation by special interests

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Advantages of a Carbon Fee

• Addresses emissions from every sector

• More easily lends itself to border adjustments between countries with different or no carbon fees

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Advantages of a Carbon Fee


• Republicans opposed to cap because of bureaucracy

• Democrats opposed to trading because it causes fluctuations in price of energy

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Advantages of a Carbon Fee

CCL believes a straight forward rising fee is a more

efficient mechanism for reducing emissions than a

declining cap, and that it has a better chance of

garnering bipartisan support.

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Federal Carbon Pricing Legislation*

Both revenue neutral and 100% of revenue

returned to citizens!

McDermott: Managed Carbon Price Act of 2015 • Pricing:  Secretary of Treasury and the EPA set the prices of

permits.• Where assessed: Midstream to upstream• Goal: Emissions 80% less than 2005 levels in 2056-2060• Revenues: Monthly dividend checks to individuals

* as of March 2015

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Jim McDermottRepresentative(D – WA)

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Federal Carbon Pricing Legislation*

Both revenue neutral and 100% of revenue

returned to citizens!

Van Hollen: Healthy Climate and Family Security Act of 2015 • Pricing: Secretary of Treasury and the EPA will determine

initial quantity of carbon permits to be auctioned (4 auctions a year). 

• Where assessed: Midstream to upstream• Goal: 80% less than 2005 levels in 2050• Revenues: Quarterly payments to individuals•

* as of March 2015

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Chris Van HollenRepresentative(D – MD)

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