revised paper 3

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Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Terrell WhitehurstAshely HumphriesENC 1101-0002

Celebrity AdvertisementSubway has undergone a campaign to try and make a legitimate claim that their food choices are fresh and healthy for all. To try and make their claim more legitimate, they chose to use celebrity advertisements in hopes of persuading their audience to believing their claim that you can eat fresh and healthy at Subway. Celebrity advertising is using a famous persons image to sell and or promote a product by focusing on his/her popularity, money, and fame. In the subway ad above they chose to use Johnny Manziel and Robert Griffin III.I want to spoof this ad because I do not like the idea of using Celebrity advertising. What many people seem to forget is celebrities are human just like everyone else. Since celebrities have fame and money, the media usually follows their everyday life and reports on anything interesting that happens in it. Because they have so much attention put on them, they carry so much influence with their words and or actions because they are so popular in society. Therefore, companies try and use their influence to convince buyers to buy their products when the celebrity does not know if the product is good or bad. They are being used as figureheads because of their position in society and I feel that is wrong because they probably dont know if the product theyre promoting is good or bad for the consumer.

In my anti ad I changed the text to tell the truth about the people in the ad. Johnny Manziel is a professional quarter-back for the Cleveland Browns. Also, Robert Griffin III is a profession quarter-back for the Washington Redskins. Professional athletes in general are the most elite group of athletes there are. They are required to play at a really high level efficiently and to do that they need to be able to perform day in and day out. To get the most out of their body, they have to put in the right amount of nutrients to stay healthy and keep their temple clean. Some have professional chiefs who cook every meal for them so they can make sure theyre eating as healthy as possible. Others might have meals delivered to them every day filled with all the nutrients that they need to perform at an extremely high level. In this anti ad I was aiming to tell the truth about celebrity advertising. Using a celebrity image to try and influence their supporters to buy a companys product that they are having the celebrity advertise is a commonly used method. Johnny Manziel has a very extensive fan base from being a Heisman Trophy winner in 2012, to receiving the Best Male College Athlete ESPY Award in 2013, to being drafted by the Cleveland Browns in 2014. Robert Griffin III also has a very extensive fan base from being a Heisman Trophy winner in 2011, to winning the Best Male College Athlete ESPY Award in 2012, to being drafted first round by the Washington Redskins in 2012 and winning the NFL Offensive Rookie of the year in 2013. Because of all of their achievement throughout their young careers, they are targeted by companies who are aiming to use their fame and popularity to endorse their products. Now of course the athletes do not know if their products are good or bad they are just being paid for their image. That could cause a problem because they are very influential and if they are advertising a bad product, it might cause there supporters to buy their bad product believing it is good because they are the face of that product.This ad is a perfect example. Two athletes are on the front of the advertisement, and the text below the advertisement says, train hard, eat fresh. Now of course the athletes in the advertisement train hard because they are professional athletes. Also, they eat healthy so they can get the most out of their bodies to perform at such a high level. Nutrition for professional athletes is crucial. Eating the right things can determine if they have a good performance and lead their team to victory. That includes not eating bad things for your body like fast food and sweets. Obviously, eating subway is not eating as clean and fresh as they advertise. The problem is the professional athletes on the subway advertisement usually do not know if subway is healthy or not. Furthermore, most of the celebrities dont know if what they are advertising is actually good or not. Here in lies the problem. Celebrities have a big fan base and can usually influence that fan base by what they say or do. The two athletes who are on the front of the subway are very influential people. They represent what the American dream is all about. Both of them were the 1% of people to make it all the way through to the professional level. Throughout their young careers each one of them has accumulated a very large fan base. It ranges from children who hope to one day be like them and make it to the pros, to anyone who loves to watch and support them and or the team that they play for. For the children, the athletes have a responsibility to be role models to the kids who look up to them because they influence them. Therefore, if these athletes are used in the context of the subway advertisement then the kids in the athletes fan base might think eating subway is healthy when they train because of the advertisement. This is the danger when celebrities are used in advertisements that might not be good for the consumer.For me this was the first time using Photoshop to edit an image and it was a fun experience. I was not aware of all the cool things one can do in Photoshop to change the image how you want. For me there were some constraints because of how to words are placed and the space on the image. If I had another chance to change the image I wouldnt do anything differently. The reason being, I feel what I changed in the ad was persuasive and got my point across. Where you place your ad is very important. If I were to place my anti-ad anywhere, it would have to be outside schools or anywhere where kids will see it very often.

WORK CITED:"Subway's Athlete Endorsements - Sports Speakers Bureau."Sports Speakers Bureau. 23 May 2014. Web. 24 Apr. 2015."Robert Griffin III."Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 24 Apr. 2015."Johnny Manziel."Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 24 Apr. 2015.