(revised regulations) the saskatchewan gazette, …

PART I/PARTIE I REGINA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1997/REGINA, MERCREDI, 24 DECEMBRE 1997 The Saskatchewan Gazette TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIÈRES PART I/PARTIE I PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN’S PRINTER No. 52/nº 52 Volume 93 APPOINTMENTS ............................................................... 1538 ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT ........................................ 1538 ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED ..................................... 1539 ACTS PROCLAIMED ........................................................ 1540 ORDERS IN COUNCIL ..................................................... 1541 The Urban Municipality Act, 1984 ....................................... 1541 MINISTER’S ORDERS ...................................................... 1544 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ....................................... 1544 CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ......................... 1547 The Business Corporations Act ............................................. 1547 The Business Names Registration Act ................................. 1555 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995 ................................ 1562 Corrections ............................................................................. 1563 PUBLIC NOTICES ............................................................. 1563 Notice to Creditors ................................................................ 1563 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ....................................... 1564 The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ........................................ 1565 Premier’s Notice of Gifts and Benefits ................................. 1565 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN ....................... 1566 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ........................................... 1566 SEASONS GREEGTINGS The staff of the Queen’s Printer wishes you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year Season’s Greetings The Queen’s Printer will be closed on the following days: December 25 & 26, 1997 and January 1, 1998 THIS ISSUE HAS NO PART II (REVISED REGULATIONS) OR PART III (REGULATIONS)

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The Saskatchewan Gazette



No. 52/nº 52Volume 93

APPOINTMENTS ............................................................... 1538

ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT ........................................ 1538

ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED ..................................... 1539

ACTS PROCLAIMED ........................................................ 1540

ORDERS IN COUNCIL ..................................................... 1541

The Urban Municipality Act, 1984 ....................................... 1541

MINISTER’S ORDERS ...................................................... 1544

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ....................................... 1544

CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ......................... 1547

The Business Corporations Act ............................................. 1547

The Business Names Registration Act ................................. 1555

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995 ................................ 1562

Corrections ............................................................................. 1563

PUBLIC NOTICES ............................................................. 1563

Notice to Creditors ................................................................ 1563

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act ....................................... 1564

The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ........................................ 1565

Premier’s Notice of Gifts and Benefits ................................. 1565


NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ........................................... 1566


The staff of the Queen’s Printer wishes you and your familya very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year

Season’s GreetingsThe Queen’s Printer will be closed on the following days: December 25 & 26, 1997 and January 1, 1998






DESIGNATION OF BREATHALYZER TECHNICIANSI, John D. Whyte, Deputy Attorney General, pursuant to

subsection 254(1) of the Criminal Code (Canada), hereby designateas being qualified to operate an approved instrument, the Intoxilyzer5000C, and therefore “qualified technician” in respect of breathsamples, the following persons:

R.C.M. Police —Cst. Theresa Cecile KueberCst. Chauntel Marie InmanCst. Boyd Frederick RichardsCst. Hugh James GordonCst. Steven Robert OustonCst. Rodney John LevesqueCst. Rhonda Marie CarlsonCst. Graeme Colin KlitCst. Curtis Bruce WhiteCst. Christopher Randolph deGaleCst. David Peter RolstonCst. Ursula Helga FinkelCst. Jason Paul SchellenbergCst. Robert Guy KeewatinCst. Laura Lee KellyCst. Trevor Randy MortonCst. Daniel Leslie HusbandCst. Mark Richard MathiasCst. Stuart John FalebrinzaCst. Eric Rashid Irani

Military Police, Canadian Military Base, Moose Jaw —Cpl. G. A. Russell

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 17, 1997.

John D. Whyte,Deputy Attorney General and

Deputy Minister of Justice.____________________________________________________________


Title: Chapter:The Agri-Food Amendment Act, 1997

Assented to May 21, 1997 27The Apprenticeship and Trade Certification

Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 28

The Appropriation Act, 1997 (No.1)Assented to April 7, 1997 1

The Appropriation Act, 1997 (No.2)Assented to May 21, 1997 29

The Archives Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 30

The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust CompanyAct, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 01

The Community Bonds Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 6

The Constituency Boundaries AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 31

The Corporation Capital Tax AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 8

The Crown Corporations AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 32

Title: Chapter:The Department of Health Amendment

Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 34

The Education Amendment Act, 1997/Loide 1997 modifiant la Loi sur l’éducationAssented to May 21, 1997 35

The Education and Health Tax AmendmentAct, 1997 (No. 2) 9

The Farm Financial Stability AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 36

The Gas Licensing Amendment Act, 1997Assented to April 28, 1997 4

The Health Districts Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 37

The Income Tax Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 39

The IPSCO Inc. and United Steelworkers ofAmerica, Local 5890, Collective BargainingAgreement ActAssented to April 8, 1997 2

The Local Government Election AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 40

The Lutheran Church-Canada, CentralDistrict ActAssented to May 9, 1997 02

The Meewasin Valley Authority AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 41

The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (RegulatoryReform) Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 12

The Multiculturalism ActAssented to April 28, 1997 M-23.01

The Municipal Board Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 13

The Municipal Employees’ PensionAmendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 14

The Municipal Revenue Sharing AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 42

The Municipal Tax Sharing (Potash)Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 15

The Northern Municipalities AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 43

The Personal Property Security AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 16

The Planning and Development AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 44

The Provincial Emblems and HonoursAmendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 17

The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 18

The Residential Services AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 47

The Residential Tenancies AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 19

The Rural Municipality AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 48



Title: Chapter:The Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation

Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 50

The Saskatchewan Pension Plan AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 20

The Superannuation (SupplementaryProvisions) Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 21

The TD Trust Company Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 03

The Teachers’ Federation AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 51

The Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 22

The Tourism Authority Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 23

The Urban Municipality AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 52

The Victims of Crime AmendmentAct, 1997/Loi de 1997 modifiant la Loisur les victimes d’actes criminelsAssented to May 9, 1997 24

The Wakamow Valley Authority ActAssented to May 21, 1997 53

The Wanuskewin Heritage Park Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 W-1.3

The Wascana Centre Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 54

The Water Corporation Amendment Act, 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 25

The Young Offenders’ Services AmendmentAct, 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 55



Title: Chapter:The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation

Act, 1997/ Loi de 1997 sur la réglementationdes boissons alcoolisées et des jeux dehasard, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 A-18.011

The Arts Board Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 A-28.001

The Children’s Law Act, 1997/Loi de 1997sur le droit de l’enfance, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 C-8.2

The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996sur les coopératives, S.S. 1996Assented to June 25, 1996 C-37.3

The Court Jurisdiction and ProceedingsTransfer Act/Loi sur la compétencetribunaux et le renvoi des instances, S.S. 1997Assented to April 28, 1997 C-41.1

The Crown Foundation for DistrictHealth Boards Act, S.S. 1996Assented to June 25, 1996 C-50.111

The Dental Disciplines Act, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 D-4.1

The Education Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996Comes into force on assent, June 25, 1996,sections 8 and 10 come into forceon proclamation 44

Title: Chapter:The Enforcement of Canadian Judgments Act/

Loi sur l’exécution des jugements canadiens,S.S. 1997Assented to April 28, 1997 E-9.101

The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnancesalimentaires, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 E-9.21

The Family Maintenance Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 surles prestations alimentaires familiales, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 F-6.2

The Health Facilities Licensing Act, S.S. 1996Assented to June 25, 1996 H-0.02

The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997Section 13, subsections 37(8), (9) and (13)not yet proclaimed. H-3.01

The Highway Traffic Act, 1996/Code dela route de, 1996, S.S. 1996Assented to June 25, 1996 H-3.2

The Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 1996,S.S. 1996Comes into force on assent, April 4, 1996,clause 3(a) comes into force on proclamation 4

The Highways and Transportation ConsequentialAmendment Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 portatmodification corrélative à la loi intituléeThe Highways and Transportation Act, 1997,S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 38

The Justices of the Peace AmendmentAct, 1997/Loi de 1997 modifiant la Loisur les juges de paix, S.S. 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 10

The Matrimonial Property Act, 1997/ Loi de 1997 sur les biens matrimoniaux, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 M-6.11

The Miscellaneous Statutes ConsequentialAmendments Act, 1997/Loi de 1997apportant des modifications corrélatives àcertaines lois, S.S. 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 11

The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (RegulatoryReform) Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 9, 1997, Sections 2 and 7come into force on proclamation 12

The Northern Municipalities AmendmentAct, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997,clause 10(b) not yet proclaimed. 43

The Optometry and Ophthalmic DispensersProfessions Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996Assented to May 28, 1996. 34

The Pharmacy Act, 1996, S.S. 1996Assented to April 30, 1996 P-9.1

The Police Amendment Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 45

The Private Investigators and Security GuardsAct, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 P-26.01

The Psychologists Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to April 28, 1997, sections 1 to 53,subsections 54(4), (5), (9) and (10), and section 55not yet proclaimed. P-36.01

The Psychologists Amendment Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 46



Title: Chapter:The Rural Municipality Amendment Act, 1997,

S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 14(b) comesinto force on proclamation. 48

The Saskatchewan Applied Science Technologistsand Technicians Act, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 S-6.01

The Saskatchewan Assistance AmendmentAct, 1997, S.S. 1997, sections 3 to 7, 9 to 13and 15 to 20 not yet proclaimed.Assented to May 21, 1997 49

The Small Claims Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 sur les petites créances, S.S. 1997Assented to May 9, 1997 S-50.11

The Snowmobile Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996Assented to May 28, 1996 39

The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997,S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997 T-22.2

The Trust and Loan Corporations AmendmentAct, 1996, S.S. 1996Assented to June 25, 1996 66

The Urban Municipality Amendment Act, 1997,S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 17(b) andsection 30 come into force on proclamation 52

The Wildlife Act, 1997, S.S. 1997Assented to May 21, 1997,section 89 not yet proclaimed. W-13.11



The following proclamations have been issued that are effective onor after January 1, 1997:

The Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan AmendmentAct, 1997, S.S. 1997, c26. Proclaimed in force September 22, 1997.

The Architects Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, cA-25.1. Proclaimed in forceApril 24, 1997.

The Archives Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, c2. Proclaimed inforce January 1, 1997.

The Cancer Foundation Amendment Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, c5.Proclaimed in force July 1, 1997.

The Condominium Property Amendment Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, c7.Sections 1 to 24, 28 and 29 proclaimed in force August 1, 1997.

The Conservation Easements Act, S.S. 1996, cC-27.01. Proclaimedin force January 31, 1997.

The Consumer Protection Act, S.S. 1996, cC-30.1. Proclaimed inforce January 1, 1997.

The Department of Agriculture Amendment Act, 1997, S.S. 1997,c33. Proclaimed in force September 22, 1997.

The Dependants’ Relief Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, cD-25.01. Proclaimedin force February 21, 1997/Loi de 1996 sur l’aide aux personnes àcharge, L.S. 1996, chD-25,01. Proclamée le 21 février 1997.

The Direct Sellers Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, c3. Proclaimedin force July 1, 1997.

The Education Act, 1995, S.S. 1995, cE-0.2. Proclaimed in forceJanuary 1, 1997/Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 1995, chE-0,2.Proclamée le 1er janvier 1997.

The Education Amendment Act, 1996 (No. 2), S.S. 1996, c45.Proclaimed in force January 1, 1997 except section 10/Loi no 2de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur l’éducation, L.S. 1996, ch45. Proclaméele 1er janvier 1997 sauf l’article 10.

The Election Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, cE-6.01. Proclaimed in forceJanuary 1, 1997 except sections 272 to 276.

The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders AmendmentAct, 1996, S.S. 1996, c15. That portion of section 5 that enactssections 31.1 to 31.6 of The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Actand 7 to 12 proclaimed in force August 1, 1997.

The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act, S.S. 1996,cE-9.3. Proclaimed in force March 7, 1997.

The Family Maintenance Amendment Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, c3.Proclaimed in force May 1, 1997.

The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 1996,S.S. 1996, c27. Proclaimed in force October 1, 1997.

The Forest Resources Management Act, S.S. 1996, cF-19.1.Section 1, clauses 2(a), (c) to (e), (k) to (m), (s), (y) and (z), sections 4and 5, subsections 21(1) to (5) and (7) to (9), subsections 22(1)to (5) and (7), section 36, clauses 99(1)(a), (1), (m), (mm), (nn) andsubsections 107(2), (4) and (5) proclaimed in force March 31, 1997.

The Health Care Directives and Substitute Health CareDecision Makers Act, S.S. 1997. cH-0.001. Proclaimed in forceSeptember 1, 1997.

The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997,cH-3.01. Sections 1 to 12, 14 to 36, subsections 37(1) to (7), (10) to (12),sections 38 to 78 and Schedule A proclaimed in force July 1, 1997.

The Intercountry Adoption (Hague Convention) ImplementationAct, S.S. 1995, cI-10.01. Proclaimed in force April 1, 1997.

The Interior Designers Act, S.S. 1995, cI-10.02. Proclaimed in forceJune 19, 1997.

The Irrigation Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, cI-14.1. Proclaimed in forceJanuary 1, 1997.

The Labour–sponsored Venture Capital Corporations AmendmentAct, 1996, S.S. 1996, c49. Proclaimed in force February 17, 1997.

The Land Surveyors and Professional Surveyors Act,S.S. 1995, cL-3.1. Proclaimed in force January 1, 1997.

The Land Titles Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, c30.Sections 13 to 15, 19 and 24 proclaimed in force August 1, 1997.

The Local Government Election Amendment Act, 1996,S.S. 1996, c16. Proclaimed in force January 1, 1997.

The Marriage Act, 1995, S.S. 1995, cM-4.1. Proclaimed in forceFebruary 21, 1997/Loi de 1995 sur le mariage, L.S. 1995, chM-4,1.Proclamée le 21 février 1997.

The Mental Health Services Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, c17.Proclaimed in force March 15, 1997.

The Northern Municipalities Amendment Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, c43.Sections 3, 5, 6 and 9 proclaimed in force September 1, 1997.

The Occupational Therapists Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, cO-1.11.Proclaimed in force August 15, 1997.

The Psychologists Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, cP-36.01. Subsections 54(1),(2), (3), (6), (7) and (8) proclaimed in force December 1, 1997.

The Public Employees Pension Plan Act, S.S. 1996, cP-36.2.Proclaimed in force July 1, 1997.

The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994, cP-37.1. Sections 1to 16, sections 18 to 25, clause 26(1)(a), sections 27 to 72, sub-sections 73(1), (3), (4), (6) and (7), and sections 74 to 78 proclaimed inforce January 1, 1997. Subsection 73(2) proclaimed in forceApril 15, 1997.

The Real Estate Act, S.S. 1995, cR-1.3. Proclaimed in forceJanuary 1, 1997.

The Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act, 1996,S.S. 1996, cR-3.1. Proclaimed in force March 1, 1997/Loi de 1996 surl’exécution réciproque des jugements, L.S. 1996, chR-3,1. Proclaméele 1er mars 1997.

The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance OrdersAct, 1996, S.S. 1996, cR-4.2. Proclaimed in force March 1, 1997/Loide 1996 sur l’exécution réciproque des ordonnances alimentaires,L.S. 1996, chR-4,2. Proclamée le 1er mars 1997.

The Regulations Act, 1995, S.S. 1995, cR-16.2. Proclaimed in forceMarch 1, 1997/Loi de 1995 sur les règlements, L.S. 1995 ,chR-16,2. Proclamée le 1er mars 1997.



The Saskatchewan Assistance Amendment Act, 1997, S.S. 1997,c49. Sections 8 and 14 proclaimed in force July 1, 1997.

The Tax Enforcement Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, c63.Proclaimed in force January 1, 1997.

The Victims of Crime Act, 1995, S.S. 1995, cV-6.011. Proclaimed inforce February 21, 1997/Loi de 1995 sur les victimes d’actes criminels,L.S. 1995, chV-6,011. Proclamée le 21 février 1997.

The Vital Statistics Act, 1995, S.S. 1995, cV-7.1. Proclaimed in forceApril 1, 1997/Loi de 1995 sur les services de l’état civil, LS 1995,chV-7,1. Proclamée le 1er avril 1997.

The Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, c68.Sections 4 to 6 and clause 7(a) proclaimed in force April 1, 1997/ Loide modifiant la Loi sur les services de l’état civil, LS 1996, ch68.Articles 4 à 6 et l’alinéa 7a) proclamée le 1er avril 1997.

The Wildlife Act, 1997, S.S. 1997, cW-13.11. Proclaimed in forceJuly 1, 1997 except section 89.

The Wills Act, 1996, S.S. 1996, cW-14.1. Proclaimed in forceAugust 1, 1997/Loi de 1996 sur les testaments, L.S. 1996, chW-14,1.Proclamée le 1er août 1997.

*Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time isindicated in bold print.



The Urban Municipality Act, 1984________

[O.C. 721/1997]26 November 1997

TO THE HONOURABLETHE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCILThe undersigned has the honour to report that:1 Sections 13, 14 and 24 of The Urban Municipality Act, 1984

provide, in part, as follows:13(1) In this section, “council” means:

(a) the council of an urban municipality that intends toapply for an alteration of its boundaries...

(7) The council may make an application for the alteration ofits boundaries ... in the form prescribed by the minister andshall submit:

(a) an application for the alteration of boundaries to:(i) the minister, if all other municipalities affected by theproposed alteration provide the council with thecomplementary resolutions mentioned in clause (e);

(b) ... ;together with:

(c) a map showing in detail the proposed alteration inboundaries ... and a brief explanation of the reasons for theproposal;

(d) a certified copy of a resolution of the council requestingthe proposed alteration ... ;

(e) ... a certified copy of a complementary resolution of thecouncil of each municipality affected by the proposedalteration;

(f) ... ; and(g) a written summary of any public meeting held... and a

copy of each written submission respecting the proposedalteration ... received by the council.

(10) The minister may recommend to the Lieutenant Governorin Council that an application made pursuant to this section beapproved, subject to any terms and conditions that the ministerconsiders appropriate, or rejected.

14(l) On the recommendation of the minister pursuant tosubsection 13(10)... the Lieutenant Governor in Council may,subject to any terms and conditions that he considers appropriate,by order:

(a) alter the boundaries of any urban municipality by:(i) adding territory that shares a common boundary withthe urban municipality to that urban municipality; ...

(b) alter the boundaries of any other municipality affectedby an order made pursuant to clause (a) so that they correspondto that order.

24 When making an order pursuant to this Part that resultsin the alteration of the boundaries of an urban municipality, theLieutenant Governor in Council ... shall:

(a) describe the actual alteration of the boundaries of theurban municipality; and

(b) describe the new boundaries of the urban municipality...;2 The Council of the Village of Margo has submitted an application

for an alteration of its boundaries to the Minister of MunicipalGovernment in the form prescribed by the minister together with:

(a) a map showing in detail the proposed alteration in boundarieswhich involves withdrawing territory from the Rural Municipalityof Sasman No. 336 for community development purposes;

(b) a certified copy of a resolution of the Council of the Village ofMargo requesting the proposed alteration; and

(c) a certified copy of a complementary resolution of the Councilof the Rural Municipality of Sasman No. 336, affected by theproposed alteration.

3 No written submissions objecting to the proposed alterationwere received by the Council of the Village of Margo.

4 As a result of the above, it is desirable to alter the boundaries ofthe Village of Margo and the Rural Municipality of Sasman No. 336.

The undersigned, therefore, has the honour to recommend thatYour Honour’s Order do issue pursuant to sections 13, 14 and 24 ofThe Urban Municipality Act,1984:

(a) altering the boundaries of the Village of Margo by adding tothe village and withdrawing from the Rural Municipality ofSasman No. 336, territory adjoining the village and described inthe attached “Schedule A”;

(b) altering the boundaries of the Rural Municipality of SasmanNo. 336, so that they correspond to this Order; and

(c) confirming that the alteration shall take effect on and fromthe date of this Order and that the attached “Schedule B” isconclusively deemed to be the legal description of the boundariesof the Village of Margo.

RECOMMENDED BY:Carol Teichrob,Minister of Municipal Government.

APPROVED BY:Dwain Lingenfelter,Acting President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY:John E. N. Wiebe,Lieutenant Governor.

Regina, Saskatchewan.SCHEDULE A

The boundaries of the Village of Margo are altered by adding to theVillage and withdrawing from the Rural Municipality of SasmanNo. 336 territory lying within:

Township 33, Range 10, West of the Second Meridian and describedas:



(1) that portion of the southwest quarter of Section 15 commencingat the intersection of the northerly limit of registered roadway PlanNo. 81HO1359 and the eastern boundary of said quarter Section,thence northerly along the eastern boundary Eight Hundred andEighty-five and Four Hundred and Fifty-six Thousandths (885.456)feet, thence westerly and parallel to the northerly limit of saidroadway plan Two Hundred and Ninety-five and Fifteen Hundredths(295.15) feet, thence southerly and parallel to the eastern boundaryto the northerly limit of said roadway plan, thence east along thenortherly limit to the point of commencement.

SCHEDULE BThe boundaries of the Village of Margo shall comprise the territory

in the Province of Saskatchewan in the Dominion of Canada lyingwithin:

Township 33, Range 10, West of the Second Meridian and describedas:

(1) the following portions of the northeast quarter of Section 10:(a) as shown on Registered Plans BG 1252 and BJ3900;

(2) the following portions of Section 15:(a) the southeast quarter; and(b) that portion of the southwest quarter commencing at the

intersection of the northerly limit of registered roadway PlanNo. 81HO1359 and the eastern boundary of said quarter Section,thence northerly along the eastern boundary Eight Hundred andEighty-five and Four Hundred and Fifty-six Thousandths (885.456)feet, thence westerly and parallel to the northerly limit of saidroadway plan Two Hundred and Ninety-five and FifteenHundredths (295.15) feet, thence southerly and parallel to theeastern boundary to the northerly limit of said roadway plan,thence east along the northerly limit to the point of commencement.

Unless otherwise specified and where applicable, each portion ofthe Sections described in the above Schedules includes the adjoiningsouth and west road allowances, intersections thereof and wideningsthereto by plan of survey.

For description purposes, the land acquired by plan of survey forwidening to an adjoining road allowance is deemed to be part of theroad allowance.

The said plans of survey are of record in the Land Titles Office forthe Humboldt Land Registration District at Humboldt, Saskatchewan.


[O.C. 722/1997]26 November 1997

TO THE HONOURABLETHE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCILThe undersigned has the honour to report that:1 Sections 13, 14 and 24 of The Urban Municipality Act, 1984

provide, in part, as follows:13(1) In this section, “council” means:

(a) the council of an urban municipality that intends toapply for an alteration of its boundaries...

(7) The council may make an application for the alteration ofits boundaries ... in the form prescribed by the minister andshall submit:

(a) an application for the alteration of boundaries to:(i) the minister, if all other municipalities affected by theproposed alteration provide the council with thecomplementary resolutions mentioned in clause (e);

(b) ... ;together with:

(c) a map showing in detail the proposed alteration inboundaries ... and a brief explanation of the reasons for theproposal;

(d) a certified copy of a resolution of the council requestingthe proposed alteration ... ;

(e) ... a certified copy of a complementary resolution of thecouncil of each municipality affected by the proposedalteration;

(f) ... ; and(g) a written summary of any public meeting held... and a

copy of each written submission respecting the proposedalteration ... received by the council.

(10) The minister may recommend to the Lieutenant Governorin Council that an application made pursuant to this section beapproved, subject to any terms and conditions that the ministerconsiders appropriate, or rejected.

14(l) On the recommendation of the minister pursuant tosubsection 13(10)... the Lieutenant Governor in Council may,subject to any terms and conditions that he considers appropriate,by order:

(a) alter the boundaries of any urban municipality by:(i) adding territory that shares a common boundary withthe urban municipality to that urban municipality; ...

(b) alter the boundaries of any other municipality affectedby an order made pursuant to clause (a) so that they correspondto that order.

24 When making an order pursuant to this Part that resultsin the alteration of the boundaries of an urban municipality, theLieutenant Governor in Council ... shall:

(a) describe the actual alteration of the boundaries of theurban municipality; and

(b) describe the new boundaries of the urban municipality...;2 The Council of the Village of St. Brieux has submitted an

application for an alteration of its boundaries to the Minister ofMunicipal Government in the form prescribed by the ministertogether with:

(a) a map showing in detail the proposed alteration in boundarieswhich involves withdrawing territory from the Rural Municipalityof Lake Lenore No. 399 for the purpose of providing land for longterm residential and commercial growth;

(b) a certified copy of a resolution of the Council of the Village ofSt. Brieux requesting the proposed alteration; and

(c) a certified copy of a complementary resolution of the Councilof the Rural Municipality of Lake Lenore No. 399, affected by theproposed alteration.

3 No written submissions objecting to the proposed alterationwere received by the Council of the Village of St. Brieux.

4 As a result of the above, it is desirable to alter the boundaries ofthe Village of St. Brieux and the Rural Municipality of Lake LenoreNo. 399.

The undersigned, therefore, has the honour to recommend thatYour Honour’s Order do issue pursuant to sections 13, 14 and 24 ofThe Urban Municipality Act, 1984:

(a) altering the boundaries of the Village of St. Brieux by addingto the village and withdrawing from the Rural Municipality ofLake Lenore No. 399, territory adjoining the village and describedin the attached “Schedule A”;

(b) altering the boundaries of the Rural Municipality of LakeLenore No. 399, so that they correspond to this Order; and

(c) confirming that the alteration shall take effect on and fromthe date of this Order and that the attached “Schedule B” isconclusively deemed to be the legal description of the boundariesof the Village of St. Brieux.

RECOMMENDED BY:Carol Teichrob,Minister of Municipal Government.

APPROVED BY:Dwain Lingenfelter,Acting President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY:John E. N. Wiebe,Lieutenant Governor.

Regina, Saskatchewan.



SCHEDULE AThe boundaries of the Village of St. Brieux are altered by adding to

the village and withdrawing from the Rural Municipality of LakeLenore No. 399 territory lying within:

Township 42, Range 21, West of the Second Meridian and describedas:

(1) the following portions of the southeast quarter of Section 24:(a) Parcel B, Plan No. CH4230; and(b) Parcel H, Plan No. 94PA15748; and

(2) the following portions of the southeast quarter of Section 25:(a) lying south of the production westerly of the northerly limit

and west of the westerly limit of Parcel G, Plan No. 90PA18661.Township 42, Range 20, West of the Second Meridian and described

as:(1) the following portions of the northwest quarter of Section 19:

(a) the most northerly 188.608 metres in perpendicular widththroughout; and

(2) the southwest quarter of Section 30.

SCHEDULE BThe boundaries of the Village of St. Brieux shall comprise the

territory in the Province of Saskatchewan in the Dominion of Canadalying within:

Township 42, Range 21, West of the 2nd Meridian and described as:(1) the following portions of Section 24:

(a) the northeast quarter; and(b) that portion of the southeast quarter shown as Parcel F on

Plan No. 83PA03289, Parcel B on Plan No. CH4230 and Parcel Hon Plan No. 94PA15748; and

(2) the following portions of the southeast quarter of Section 25:(a) the most southerly 91.440 metres in perpendicular width

throughout lying west of the eastern boundary of the CanadianNational Railways wye shown on Plan No. R2912;

(b) Third Street North and Parcel G shown on Plans No. CT5564and 90PA18661 respectively;

(c) that portion lying south of the production westerly of thenortherly limit and west of the westerly limit of Parcel G shown onPlan No. 90PA18661;

(d) that portion lying between the eastern boundary of theCanadian National Railways wye shown on Plan No. R2912 andthe western boundary of Buffer Strip PB4 and Frank BourgaultDrive shown on Plans No. 89PA03911 and 91PA11222 respectivelyand lying south of the southern boundary of the said wye;

(e) Parcels D, E, F, Buffer Strip PB4 and the service road shownon Plan No. 89PA03911; and

(f) Parcels G and H and Frank Bourgault Drive shown on PlanNo. 91PA11222.

Township 42, Range 20, West of the Second Meridian and describedas:

(1) the following portions of the northwest quarter of Section 19:(a) the most northerly 188.608 metres in perpendicular width

throughout; and(2) the southwest quarter of Section 30.Unless otherwise specified and where applicable, each portion of

the Sections described in the above Schedules includes the adjoiningsouth and west road allowances, intersections thereof and wideningsthereto by plan of survey.

For description purposes, the land acquired by plan of survey forwidening to an adjoining road allowance is deemed to be part of theroad allowance.

The said plans of survey are of record in the Land Titles Office forthe Prince Albert Land Registration District at Prince Albert,Saskatchewan.

[O.C. 753/1997]3 December 1997

TO THE HONOURABLETHE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCILThe undersigned has the honour to report that:1 Sections 13, 14 and 24 of The Urban Municipality Act, 1984

provide, in part, as follows:13(1) In this section, “council” means:

(a) the council of an urban municipality that intends toapply for an alteration of its boundaries...

(7) The council may make an application for the alteration ofits boundaries ... in the form prescribed by the minister andshall submit:

(a) an application for the alteration of boundaries to:(i) the minister, if all other municipalities affected by theproposed alteration provide the council with thecomplementary resolutions mentioned in clause (e);

(b) ... ;together with:

(c) a map showing in detail the proposed alteration inboundaries ... and a brief explanation of the reasons for theproposal;

(d) a certified copy of a resolution of the council requestingthe proposed alteration ... ;

(e) ... a certified copy of a complementary resolution of thecouncil of each municipality affected by the proposedalteration;

(f) ... ; and(g) a written summary of any public meeting held... and a

copy of each written submission respecting the proposedalteration ... received by the council.

(10) The minister may recommend to the Lieutenant Governorin Council that an application made pursuant to this section beapproved, subject to any terms and conditions that the ministerconsiders appropriate, or rejected.

14(l) On the recommendation of the minister pursuant tosubsection 13(10)... the Lieutenant Governor in Council may,subject to any terms and conditions that he considers appropriate,by order:

(a) alter the boundaries of any urban municipality by:(i) adding territory that shares a common boundary withthe urban municipality to that urban municipality; ...

(b) alter the boundaries of any other municipality affectedby an order made pursuant to clause (a) so that they correspondto that order.

24 When making an order pursuant to this Part that resultsin the alteration of the boundaries of an urban municipality, theLieutenant Governor in Council ... shall:

(a) describe the actual alteration of the boundaries of theurban municipality; and

(b) describe the new boundaries of the urban municipality...;2 The Council of the City of Swift Current has submitted an

application for an alteration of its boundaries to the Minister ofMunicipal Goverment in the form prescribed by the Minister togetherwith:

(a) a map showing in detail the proposed alteration in boundarieswhich involves withdrawing territory from the Rural Municipalityof Swift Current No. 137 for the purpose of developing balldiamonds, extending the cemetery, expanding the highwaycommercial district and industrial development for the City ofSwift Current;

(b) a certified copy of a resolution of the Council of the City ofSwift Current requesting the proposed alteration; and

(c) a certified copy of a complementary resolution of the Councilof the Rural Municipality of Swift Current No. 137, affected by theproposed alteration.



3 No written submissions objecting to the proposed alterations ofthe City of Swift Current were received.

4 As a result of the above, it is desirable to alter the boundaries ofthe City of Swift Current and the Rural Municipality of SwiftCurrent No. 137.

The undersigned, therefore, has the honour to recommend thatYour Honour’s Order do issue pursuant to sections 13, 14 and 24 ofThe Urban Municipality Act, 1984:

(a) altering the boundaries of the City of Swift Current bywithdrawing from the Rural Municipality of Swift Current No.137 and adding to the City of Swift Current, territory adjoining theCity as described in the attached “Schedule A”;

(b) altering the boundaries of the Rural Municipality of SwiftCurrent No. 137, so that they correspond to this Order; and

(c) confirming that the alteration shall take effect on and fromthe date of this Order and that the attached “Schedule B” isconclusively deemed to be the legal description of the boundariesof the City of Swift Current.

RECOMMENDED BY:Carol Teichrob,Minister of Municipal Government.

APPROVED BY:Roy Romanow,President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY:John E. N. Wiebe,Lieutenant Governor.

Regina, Saskatchewan.SCHEDULE A

The boundaries of the City of Swift Current are altered bywithdrawing from the rural municipality and adding to the City ofSwift Current, Saskatchewan territory lying within:

Township 15, Range 13, West of the Third Meridian and describedas:

(1) The following portions of Section 29 and Section 32;(a) as shown on Plan No. 97SCO3230.

SCHEDULE BThe boundaries of the City of Swift Current shall comprise the

territory in the Province of Saskatchewan lying within:Township 15, Range 13, West of the Third Meridian and described

as:(1) the northwest quarter of Section 18;(2) Section 19;(3) the following portions of Section 20:

(a) the southwest quarter;(b) the west half of the northwest quarter, INCLUDING the

adjoining road allowance lying north thereof;(4) that portion of Section 29 shown on Plan No. 97SCO3230;(5) Section 30, INCLUDING the adjoining road allowance thereto

lying east thereof;(6) Section 31, INCLUDING:

(a) the adjoining road allowance and widening thereto lying eastthereof;

(b) the adjoining road allowance and widening thereto and lyingnorth thereof,

(c) the intersection lying northeast thereof;(7) that portion of the southwest quarter Section 32 as shown on

Plan No. 97SCO3230.Township 16, Range 13, West of the Third Meridian and described

as:(a) the south half of Section 6.

Township 15, Range 14, West of the Third Meridian and describedas:

(1) the following portions of the north half of Section 13:

(a) that portion lying to the right of the right bank of the SwiftCurrent Creek; and

(b) that portion lying west of the western boundary of the roadshown on Plan No. E332;

(2) the northeast quarter of Section 23;(3) Sections 24 and 25 and the former road allowance lying between

the said Sections;(4) the following portions of Section 26:

(a) the east half, EXCEPT Parcel Y shown on Plan No. 96SCO4160;(b) that portion of the southwest quarter consisting of:

(i) Lot 1 in Block B shown on Plan No. 62SCO1510;(ii) Lot 1A in Block C on Plan No. 87SC15373 and adjoiningportion of Herbert Street shown on Plan No. 66SC12429;(iii) Lots 1B and 1C in Block C shown on Plan No. 87SC15373and 89SC16190 respectively and the adjoining portion of theroad, locally known as Chaplin Street, shown on Plan No.CG5869 and 66SC12429;

(5) the east half of Section 35; and(6) Section 36.Unless otherwise specified and where applicable, the Sections and

portions of Sections described in the above Schedules include theadjoining south and west road allowances, intersections thereof andwidenings thereto by plan of survey.

For description purposes, the land acquired by plan of survey forwidening to an adjoining road allowance is deemed to be part of theroad allowance.

The right and left bank of the Swift Current Creek is determinedby facing downstream at a point midstream.

The said plans of survey are of record in the Land Titles Office forthe Swift Current Land Registration District at the City of SwiftCurrent, Saskatchewan.



The Oil and Gas Conservation Act________

OTHER AREAS — OFF-TARGET WELLSMRO 1559/97 A 639. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, approval is granted to Newport PetroleumCorporation to drill an off-target gas well to be located at legalsubdivision 2-11-60-23 W3M, subject to the following:

1 The daily allowable will be calculated without penalty.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.


MRO 1561/97 A 640. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Tethys Energy Inc. to drillan off-target oil well located at 14-26-7-33 W1M, subject to thefollowing:

1 If, after issuing a Public Notice in The Saskatchewan Gazette, noobjections are received, the maximum allowable rate of productionwill be calculated without penalty.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.________


MRO 1565/97 A 641. Pursuant to sections 17 and 27 of The Oiland Gas Conservation Act, approval is granted to RenaissanceEnergy Ltd. to drill an off-target oil well located at D4-10-40-28W3M, subject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approved.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.



OTHER AREAS — OFF-TARGET WELLSMRO 1566/97 A 642. Pursuant to sections 17 and 27 of The Oil

and Gas Conservation Act, approval is granted to RenaissanceEnergy Ltd. to drill two off-target oil wells located at C16-3 andC9-4-40-28 W3M, subject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approved.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.



MRO 1567/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Wascana Energy Inc. tomodify a waterflood project in the Steelman Unit No. III. Permissionis granted to drill four infill oil wells on reduced well spacing inSections 26, 27 and 36-4-6 W2M, in accordance with plans filed withSaskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. P.M. 80.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.________


MRO 1568/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to CanNat Resources Inc. todrill and complete three horizontal wells in the Steelman UnitNo. IV, in accordance with plans filed with Saskatchewan Energyand Mines as Document No. H.W. 736 and subject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approved.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.


PINTO MIDALE BEDS POOL — OFF-TARGET WELLMRO 1569/97 A 643. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, approval is granted to Herc Oil Corp. to drill anoff-target oil well located at 9-34-1-5 W2M, subject to the following:

1 The maximum allowable rate of production will be calculatedwithout penalty.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.________

HANDSWORTH ALIDA BEDS POOLMRO 1570/97 PB 82. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, MRO 1324/96 PB 74, dated December 24, 1996, isrescinded and the following area is designated and identified as anoil and gas pool named the “Handsworth Alida Beds Pool”, effectiveJanuary 1, 1998:

Lands West of the Second Meridian:in Township 10, in Range 6: the north-west quarter of Section 17;

Sections 18 to 20;in Township 10, in Range 7: the north half of Section 12;

Sections 13 to 16; the south-east quarter and north half ofSection 20; Sections 21 to 24; the south-west quarter of Section 27;the south half of Section 28; and Section 29.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.________


MRO 1571/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to CanNat Resources Inc. todrill and complete three horizontal wells in the Steelman UnitNo. VI, in accordance with plans filed with Saskatchewan Energyand Mines as Document No. H.W. 737 and subject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approved.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.


MRO 1572/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Canadian Natural ResourcesLimited to drill and complete one horizontal well in the Lost HorseHill Frobisher-Alida Beds Voluntary Unit No. 1, in accordance withplans filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No.H.W. 149 and subject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approved.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.



MRO 1573/97. The application submitted by Renaissance EnergyLtd. to modify a waterflood project is approved pursuant tosection 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Permission isgranted to drill two infill wells on reduced well spacing and sixhorizontal wells in Sections 28 and 29-15-15 W3M, in accordancewith plans filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as DocumentNo. P.M. 1187.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.________

WEYBURN MIDALE BEDS POOL — OFF-TARGET WELLMRO 1574/97 A 644. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, approval is granted to Barrington Petroleum Ltd.to drill an off-target oil well located at 15-13-5-14 W2M, subject to thefollowing:

1 The maximum allowable rate of production will be calculatedwithout penalty.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.________

OTHER AREAS — OFF-TARGET WELLMRO 1575/97 A 645. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, approval is granted to Shawnee Oils Ltd. to drill anoff-target oil well located at 8-31-7-19 W3M, subject to the following:

1 The maximum allowable rate of production will be calculatedwithout penalty.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.________


MRO 1576/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Renaissance Energy Ltd. todrill and complete two horizontal wells in the Cantuar Sand underlyingSection 12-14-17 W3M, in accordance with plans filed withSaskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. 738 andsubject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approved.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.



MRO 1577/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Northstar EnergyCorporation to drill and complete nine horizontal wells in the FrobisherBeds underlying the south half of Section 20-5-3 W2M, in accordancewith plans filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as DocumentNo. H.W. 739 and subject to the following:

1 A maximum allowable rate of production shall be assigned.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.




MRO 1578/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Maxx Petroleum Ltd. to drilland complete four horizontal wells in the Frobisher-Alida Bedsunderlying Section 12-4-32 W1M, in accordance with plans filed withSaskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. H.W. 75 andsubject to the following:

1 A maximum allowable rate of production shall be assigned to thetwo proposed wells in the north half of Section 12-4-32 W1M.

2 Good production practice is approved for the two proposed wellsin the south half of Section 12-4-32 W1M.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.________


MRO 1579/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Canadian Natural ResourcesLimited to drill and complete four horizontal wells in The AlamedaEast Unit, in accordance with plans filed with Saskatchewan Energyand Mines as Document No. H.W. 740 and subject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approved for the proposed 3D2-14-4C12-11-3-2 and 7D2-14-3A13-13-3-2 wells.

2 A maximum allowable rate of production shall be assigned to theproposed 4C12-12-1C2-11-32 and 2C2-23-2C12-14-3-2 wells.

3 MRO 74/81 PO 17, dated December 31, 1981, does not apply.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.


OTHER AREAS — PRESSURE MAINTENANCEMRO 1580/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, approval is granted to Tri Link Resources Ltd. todispose of salt water recovered from oilfield production, by injectioninto the Tilston-Souris Valley Beds through the well Tri Link WBOGParkman 3-11-10-2 and Tri Link Flinton 4-6-11-6, in accordancewith plans filed with the Department as Document No. P.M.1210 andsubject to the following:

1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a fieldrepresentative of the Department prior to the commencement of saltwater injection and subsequent to any modifications to suchinstallations.

2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be limited to a maximumof 9 900 kilopascals (kPa).

3 All injection volumes shall be measured with a Departmentapproved method.

4 An application to plugback must be applied for and approvedthrough the Department field office prior to re-completing the abovewell for salt water disposal

This approval does not authorize the applicant to dispose of saltwater without the consent of all the mineral owners, other than theCrown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such disposal.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.________


MRO 1582/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Cimarron Petroleum Ltd. todrill and complete four horizontal wells in the Bakken Sand underlyingportions of Sections 4, 17 and 20-31-27 W3M, in accordance withplans filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No.H.W. 741 and subject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approvedDated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 12, 1997.

BUFFALO HEAD FROBISHER-ALIDA BEDS POOLMRO 1583/97 PB 83. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, MRO 280/95 PB 21, dated April 13, 1995, isrescinded and the following area is designated and identified as anoil and gas pool named the “Buffalo Head Frobisher-Alida BedsPool”, effective January 1, 1998:

Lands West of the Second Meridian:in Township 7, in Range 4: the west half of Section 17; Sections 18

and 19; the west half and north-east quarter of Section 20; thenorth half of Section 21; Sections 28 and 29; the east half ofSection 30; Section 31; the south half of Section 32; the south halfof Section 33;

in Township 7, in Range 5: the north half of Section 13; the southhalf of Section 24.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 15, 1997.________

OTHER AREAS — SALT WATER DISPOSALMRO 1584/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, approval is granted to Zargon Energy Corp. todispose of salt water recovered from oilfield production, by injectioninto the Tilston Beds through the well located on legal subdivision 10of Section 14-7-1 W2M, in accordance with plans filed with theDepartment as Document No. S.W.D. 620 and subject to the following:

1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a fieldrepresentative of the Department prior to the commencement of saltwater injection and subsequent to any modifications to suchinstallations.

2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be limited to a maximumof 9 900 kPa.

3 All injection volumes shall be measured with a Departmentapproved method.

4 An application to plugback must be applied for and approvedthrough the Department field office prior to re-completing the abovewell for salt water disposal.

This approval does not authorize the applicant to dispose of saltwater without the consent of all the mineral owners, other than theCrown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such disposal.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 15, 1997.________

OTHER AREAS — OFF-TARGET WELLSMRO 1585/97 A 646. Wascana Energy Inc. has submitted an

application to drill an off-target well because the on-target well isabandoned. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas ConservationAct, permission is granted to drill an off-target well to producefrom the Birdbear Formation located in legal subdivision 5 ofSection 28-8-32 W1M, subject to the following:

1 The net productive area used in calculating the maximumallowable rate of production shall be determined in accordance withsubsection 30(2) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 1985.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 9, 1997.________

MRO 1586/97 A 647. Elk Point Resources Inc. has submitted anapplication to drill an exploratory off-target well to verify seismicinterpretation. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas ConservationAct, permission is granted to drill an off-target well to produce fromthe Frobisher Beds located in legal subdivision 14 of Section 13-8-11W2M, subject to the following:

1 The net productive area used in calculating the maximumallowable rate of production shall be determined in accordance withsubsection 30(2) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 1985.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 9, 1997.



MRO 1588/97 A 649. Wascana Energy Inc. has submitted anapplication to drill an exploratory off-target well to verify seismicinterpretation. Pursuant to section 27 of The Oil and Gas ConservationAct, permission is granted to drill an off-target well to produce fromthe Basal Mannville located in legal subdivision 8 of Section 14-27-29W3M, subject to the following:

1 Good production practice is approved.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 11, 1997.



MRO 1589/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Upton Resources Inc. to drilland complete three horizontal wells in the Frobisher-Alida Bedsunderlying the north-east quarter of Section 32-5-3 W2M, inaccordance with plans filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines asDocument No. H.W. 113 and subject to the following:

1 A maximum allowable rate of production shall be assigned.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 15, 1997.



MRO 1590/97. Pursuant to section 17 of The Oil and GasConservation Act, approval is granted to Upton Resources Inc. toproduce the wells:

Upton Willmar HZ 2D8-34-2D6-34-5-3;Upton Willmar HZ 4A15-33-4D12-34-5-3,

according to good production practice.Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 15, 1997.


OTHER AREAS — PRESSURE MAINTENANCEMRO 1591/97. Pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil and Gas

Conservation Act, approval is granted to Upton Resources Inc. todispose of salt water recovered from oilfield production, by injectioninto the Tilston-Souris Valley Beds through the well Upton BarrWhite Bear 12-25-9-2, in accordance with plans filed with theDepartment as Document No. P.M. 1211 and subject to the following:

1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a fieldrepresentative of the Department prior to the commencement of saltwater injection and subsequent to any modifications to suchinstallations.

2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be limited to a maximumof 10 000 kPa.

3 All injection volumes shall be measured with a Departmentapproved method.

This approval does not authorize the applicant to dispose of saltwater without the consent of all the mineral owners, other than theCrown, that might reasonably be adversely affected by such disposal.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 15, 1997.________

Bruce W. Wilson, Executive Director,Petroleum and Natural Gas Division,

Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.



The Business Corporations Act________


Name: 6 M Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 27, 1997Mailing Address: 1000-1777 Victoria Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company

Name: 622687 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 3rd fl., 374-3rd Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622688 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 3rd fl., 374-3rd Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622689 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 10th fl., 1000-1783 Hamilton St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622690 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 10th fl., 1000-1783 Hamilton St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622691 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 10th fl., 1000-1783 Hamilton St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622692 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 10th fl., 1000-1783 Hamilton St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622704 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 1, 1997Mailing Address: 216, 3501-8th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622705 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 1, 1997Mailing Address: 216, 3501-8th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622708 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 28, 1997Mailing Address: 211 Centre St., Meadow LakeMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622718 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 72, HoeyMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622719 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2080, Meadow LakeMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622720 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: 2343 Broad St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company



Name: 622750 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 909, Moose JawMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622751 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1037, ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622752 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 11, 844-51st St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622753 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 4, 1997Mailing Address: 1816-9th Ave. N, ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622756 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 26, 1997Mailing Address: Box 483, BalcarresMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622760 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 609, EstevanMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622761 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 609, EstevanMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622767 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 700, 2103-11th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622768 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 700, 2103-11th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622769 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 700, 2103-11th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622770 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622771 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company

Name: 622772 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622773 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622774 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622775 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622776 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622777 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622778 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622779 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622784 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 8, 1997Mailing Address: Box 237, EastendMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622790 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 9, 1997Mailing Address: 1954 Angus St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622796 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 10, 1997Mailing Address: 2343 Broad St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622802 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company



Name: 622803 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622804 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622805 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622806 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622828 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622829 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622830 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 501, 224-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622831 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 610 Cynthia St., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622832 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 610 Cynthia St., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622833 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 610 Cynthia St., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622834 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: Box 550, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 622835 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: Box 550, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: holding company

Name: 622837 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 5, 1997Mailing Address: 400-1900 Albert St., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Agribuild Construction Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 1, 1997Mailing Address: 4072 Taylor St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: construct agricultural buildings


Name: Atlas Beverage Distribution Co. Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 1530-1855 Victoria Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: manufacture and produce various

beverages, etc.________

Name: Ron Baliski Realty Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 10, 1997Mailing Address: 1043-8th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: real estate brokerage


Name: M.A. Barth Trucking Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 4, 1997Mailing Address: Box 128, UnityMain Type of Business: haul crude oil


Name: Bijan Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: 8-1st Ave. N, YorktonMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Billco Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 5, 1997Mailing Address: Box 728, RosetownMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: BL Holdings Corp.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 27, 1997Mailing Address: Box 328, Blaine LakeMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Black Light Productions Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 307-103rd St., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: film and television production


Name: Blitz Appliance Service and Sales Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 400, 105-21st St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: repair and sell major appliances


Name: Broadbase Development (Sask.) Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 4, 1997Mailing Address: 127 Neusch Cres., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: investment real estate


Name: Carruthers Trucking Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 9, 1997Mailing Address: 617B Main St., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: trucking



Name: Choquer Agri-Tech & Trade: Catt Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1012, ReginaMain Type of Business: consultant


Name: Churchill Garment Care Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: drycleaning and garment care


Name: College Park Garment Care Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: drycleaning and garment care


Name: Cyberknight Media Creation CorporationDate of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 226-4th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: multimedia development for the internet

and CD-ROMS________

Name: D & Y Acres Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 300-533 Victoria Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Edna F. Dallyn Financial Services Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 301, 2114-11th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: investment and consultant


Name: DNS Innovative Systems Consulting Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 5, 1997Mailing Address: 700, 2103-11th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: computer consultant


Name: Dogs U Wash Regina Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 5, 1997Mailing Address: 100-2401 Saskatchewan Dr., ReginaMain Type of Business: self serve dog grooming facility, boarding


Name: Dryland Farms Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 610, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: farming


Name: E & J Stoney Acres Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 4, 1997Mailing Address: Box 610, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Enns Excavating Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 5, 1997Mailing Address: Box 462, LanghamMain Type of Business: pipeline excavation and consulting


Name: Family Oven Bakery Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: bakery

Name: Flog Enterprises IncorporatedDate of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 500, 402-21st St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: operate golf pro-shops and lounges


Name: R. Fortin Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: Box 394, Gull LakeMain Type of Business: oilfield consulting


Name: Garrison Enterprises Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 25, 1997Mailing Address: Box 36, KindersleyMain Type of Business: backhoe operations


Name: Boyd Godfrey Realty Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 9, 1997Mailing Address: 1043-8th St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: real estate


Name: Golden Opportunities Fund Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 8, 1997Mailing Address: 1210, 410-22nd St. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: labour fund


Name: Dennis Halvorson Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 11, 1997Mailing Address: Box 610, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Keith Halvorson Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 11, 1997Mailing Address: Box 610, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Industrial Machine & Mfg. Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 3315 Miners Ave., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: manufacturing


Name: Kal Promotions Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: 1719 Ave. C N, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: motor sports promotions and related

souvenir sales________

Name: Kamineski Deptuck Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 415, 220-3rd Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: property holdings


Name: Katsco Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: 1000-1777 Victoria Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: L & P Holdings Corp.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 8, 1997Mailing Address: Box 218, WilkieMain Type of Business: clean cereal crops, agricultural spraying, etc.



Name: LCR Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1567, KindersleyMain Type of Business: property holdings


Name: Lindsay Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 4, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1906, AssiniboiaMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Little Rock Ventures Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 4, 1997Mailing Address: Box 832, MartensvilleMain Type of Business: trucking


Name: Mawson Hotels (1997) Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 201, 1291-102nd St., North BattlefordMain Type of Business: investment and holding company


Name: McGillivray Holdings Corp.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: 1000-1777 Victoria Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Milette’s Dance Class Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 15, 1997Mailing Address: 104-1919 Rose St., ReginaMain Type of Business: dance school


Name: Norbert Georget Life Assemblies Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 1, 1997Mailing Address: 31-315 Bayview Cres., SaskatoonMain Type of Business: guest public speaker, promotions and

awareness, product sales________

Name: Opal Exploration Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 1500-1874 Scarth St., ReginaMain Type of Business: oil and gas exploration


Name: Paydirt Oil & Gas Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 325, 2550-15th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: wellsite geology


Name: Pine Country Meats Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 12, GS 302, R.R. 3, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: meat cutting


Name: Prosko Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 10, 1997Mailing Address: Box 383, Rose ValleyMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Raedar Resources Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 1712-91st St., North BattlefordMain Type of Business: oil and gas service work

Name: Redact Industries Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2594, KindersleyMain Type of Business: machinery and grainery assembly,

custom photo farming________

Name: Regina Airport Shuttle Services Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 400-1900 Albert St., ReginaMain Type of Business: airport shuttle services


Name: Remstein Holdings Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: Box 169, LanghamMain Type of Business: trucking


Name: Santif Accounting Services Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 9, 1997Mailing Address: Box 128, UnityMain Type of Business: accounting


Name: SE Tank Services Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 406, KiplingMain Type of Business: trucking


Name: Sheridan Office Services Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1277, LloydminsterMain Type of Business: secretarial


Name: Shinfield Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 5, 1997Mailing Address: Box 40, Glen EwenMain Type of Business: farming


Name: STB Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 325, 2550-15th Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Summit Petrographics Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 1530 Angus St., ReginaMain Type of Business: microscopic slides, rocks, geology


Name: Swamp Donkey Enterprises Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 10, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1277, LloydminsterMain Type of Business: trucking


Name: Tison Properties Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 702, La RongeMain Type of Business: property development


Name: Viking Acres Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 610, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: farming



Name: Warner Family Farm Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 9, 1997Mailing Address: Box 645, KiplingMain Type of Business: farming


Name: R & A Williamson Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 1, 1997Mailing Address: Box 610, Swift CurrentMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Wittig Farms Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: Box 878, HumboldtMain Type of Business: farming


Name: Yung Investments Ltd.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 9, 1997Mailing Address: 2719 Livingstone Bay, ReginaMain Type of Business: holding company



Name: 3005346 Nova Scotia LimitedDate of Registration: Nov. 12, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: Nova ScotiaHead or Registered Office: 2100-181 Bay St., Toronto ONMain Type of Business: distribute, repair and replace automotive


Name: 431357 B.C. Ltd.Date of Registration: Dec. 5, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaHead or Registered Office: Box 379, 9245 Main St., Chilliwack BCMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: 761703 Alberta Ltd.Date of Registration: Dec. 12, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 1303 Woodside Way, Airdrie ABMain Type of Business: oil and gas exploration and production


Name: Biocapital Management Inc./FRVRDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: QuebecHead or Registered Office: 910-2450 Daniel Johnson Blvd., Laval PQMain Type of Business: investment in biotechnology sector


Name: Boychuk Industries (Alberta) Ltd.Date of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 504-4600 Crowchild Tr. NW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: general contractor: pre-engineered steel


Name: Canadian Timber Management & Reforestations Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaHead or Registered Office: Box 49304, 3354-1055 Dunsmuir St.,

Vancouver BCMain Type of Business: timber and log brokerage: buy and sell

Name: Clearcut Construction (1997) Ltd.Date of Registration: Oct. 20, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 4807-51st St., Cold Lake ABMain Type of Business: construction


Name: Coors Canada Inc.Date of Registration: Dec. 8, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: CanadaHead or Registered Office: 3000 Toronto Dominion Centre,

Toronto ONMain Type of Business: distribute, sell and market beer


Name: Corporate Health Consultants Ltd.Date of Registration: Dec. 3, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 300-1599 Hurontario St., Mississauga ONMain Type of Business: employee assistance programs


Name: H.A. Davis (1996) Ltd.Date of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaHead or Registered Office: Box 124, Cassidy BCMain Type of Business: transportation of general merchandise


Name: Decor Contracting Ltd.Date of Registration: Nov. 12, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 5105-49th St., Lloydminster ABMain Type of Business: contracting


Name: Elite Swine Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: CanadaHead or Registered Office: 246 Main St., Landmark MBMain Type of Business: produce agricultural feed and livestock


Name: Equipment Dealers Credit Canada Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 3, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 3500-181 Bay St., Toronto ONMain Type of Business: asset finance


Name: Extreme Energy CorporationDate of Registration: Dec. 1, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 1600, 407-2nd St. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: oil and gas


Name: FBG Canada LimitedDate of Registration: Dec. 10, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 706-175 Bloor St. E, Toronto ONMain Type of Business: holding company


Name: Gallivan & Associates Insurance Intermediaries Inc.Date of Registration: Dec. 2, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 126 Avondale Ave. S, Waterloo ONMain Type of Business: life insurance brokers and related




Name: Herculene Investments LimitedDate of Registration: Dec. 3, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaHead or Registered Office: 208 Valencia Rd. NW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: investments


Name: The Independent Brokerage Group Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaHead or Registered Office: 703-1155 Robson St., Vancouver BCMain Type of Business: life insurance brokerage


Name: Kelsey’s Holdings Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 450 South Service Rd. W, Oakville ONMain Type of Business: licensed family restaurant


Name: Kelsey’s Restaurants Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 450 South Service Rd. W, Oakville ONMain Type of Business: licensed family restaurant


Name: Landmark Feeds Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: ManitobaHead or Registered Office: Box 9, Main St., Landmark MBMain Type of Business: agricultural feed


Name: The Landmark Group Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: CanadaHead or Registered Office: Box 9, Main St., Landmark MBMain Type of Business: produce agricultural feed and livestock


Name: NCE Mining Management (97) Corp.Date of Registration: Nov. 28, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioHead or Registered Office: 2850-130 King St. W, Toronto ONMain Type of Business: management of a limited partnership


Name: Production Praxair Canada Inc.Date of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: CanadaHead or Registered Office: 1200-1 City Centre Dr., Mississauga ONMain Type of Business: manufacture and sell industrial gases,

products, services, equipment________

Name: Railroad Controls (Canada) Ltd.Date of Registration: Dec. 10, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: ManitobaHead or Registered Office: 334 Ross Ave., The Pas MBMain Type of Business: railroad signal controls


Name: Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.Date of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaHead or Registered Office: 300-1111 Melville St., Vancouver BCMain Type of Business: structural engineering and structural

restoration, etc.

Name: Stantech Consulting Ltd.Date of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: CanadaHead or Registered Office: 200, 10160-112th St., Edmonton ABMain Type of Business: future professional consulting services


Name: Travelone Corp.Date of Registration: Dec. 1, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: ManitobaHead or Registered Office: 806-1661 Portage Ave., Winnipeg MBMain Type of Business: travel franchisor, sell travel products


Name: Willow Point Land Corp.Date of Registration: Dec. 2, 1997Incorporating Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaHead or Registered Office: 906 Island Hwy., Campbell River BCMain Type of Business: land development



Name of Amalgamated Corporation: 618520 Saskatchewan Ltd.Names of Amalgamating Corporations: 618520 Saskatchewan

Ltd., The Pill Pharm Ltd.Date of Amalgamation: Nov. 30, 1997Registered Office: 330 Main St. N, Moose JawMain Type of Business: pharmacy


Name of Amalgamated Corporation: P. W. Lorch & Associates Ltd.Names of Amalgamating Corporations: Sasdevel Capital

Corporation, P.W. Lorch & Associates Ltd., LMK ManagementLtd.

Date of Amalgamation: Oct. 31, 1997Registered Office: 2935 McCallum Ave., ReginaMain Type of Business: economic development consulting,

investment management________

Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Mural Industries Ltd.Names of Amalgamating Corporations: A.C. Manufacturing Ltd.,

Mural Industries Ltd.Date of Amalgamation: Oct. 31, 1997Registered Office: 333-728 Spadina Cres. E, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: distributor for Viking pumps


Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Powder Creek Farms Ltd.Names of Amalgamating Corporations: 571782 Saskatchewan

Ltd., Powder Creek Farms Ltd.Date of Amalgamation: Nov. 1, 1997Registered Office: 500, 128-4th Ave. S, SaskatoonMain Type of Business: farming



Name: 583454 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 6, 1997Amendment: changed name to Layne Holdings Ltd.


Name: 616873 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 4, 1997Amendment: changed name to Border Valley Farm Ltd.


Name: 618299 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 4, 1997Amendment: changed name to Den Holdings Ltd.



Name: 618436 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 31, 1997Amendment: changed name to D. & S. Building Maintenance Inc.


Name: 618749 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Dec. 4, 1997Amendment: changed name to Poundmaker Business

Management Inc.________

Name: 618933 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 30, 1997Amendment: changed name to KJ Gas Contracting Ltd.


Name: 619809 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Dec. 1, 1997Amendment: changed name to DMR Mechanical Ltd.


Name: 619964 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 24, 1997Amendment: changed name to Sorenson Contracting Ltd.


Name: 620430 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Dec. 1, 1997Amendment: changed name to Lakeview Place Ventures Ltd.


Name: 620537 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 31, 1997Amendment: changed name to Kennedy Marketing Inc.


Name: 620680 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 29, 1997Amendment: changed name to Dynamix Powder Coatings &

Robotic Weldments Incorporated________

Name: 620810 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 6, 1997Amendment: changed name to Vintage Corner Ltd.


Name: 621087 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 31, 1997Amendment: changed name to Pinnacle Salt Corporation


Name: 621207 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 4, 1997Amendment: changed name to Generation Farm Ltd.


Name: 621311 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 24, 1997Amendment: changed name to YH Truck & Trailer Repair Ltd.


Name: 621492 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 24, 1997Amendment: changed name to Tenco Management Ltd.


Name: 621511 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 6, 1997Amendment: changed name to Sutor Farms Ltd.


Name: 621678 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 31, 1997Amendment: changed name to Diplomat Apartments Inc.

Name: 621689 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 29, 1997Amendment: changed name to Four Leaf Inn Ltd.


Name: 622049 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 29, 1997Amendment: changed name to Wilee’s Oilfield Contracting Ltd.


Name: 622088 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 29, 1997Amendment: changed name to Dynasty Theatres Ltd.


Name: 622090 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 4, 1997Amendment: changed name to Norseman Construction Ltd.


Name: 622666 Saskatchewan Ltd.Date of Amendment: Dec. 9, 1997Amendment: changed name to 3 J Trucking Inc.


Name: Broadview Hardware LimitedDate of Amendment: Nov. 10, 1997Amendment: changed name to Broadview Insurance Ltd.


Name: Industrial Machine & Mfg. Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 18, 1997Amendment: changed name to Crowfoot Holdings Inc.


Name: Saxby Welding and Machine Shop Ltd.Date of Amendment: Nov. 6, 1997Amendment: changed name to George Saxby Holdings Ltd.


Name: Unity Transport Ltd.Date of Amendment: Dec. 13, 1997Amendment: changed name to Merv Slater Holdings Ltd.


CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT(Extra-provincial Corporations)

Name: 3012004 Nova Scotia Company and New VisionNutritionals Incorporated

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Nova ScotiaDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Oct. 1, 1997Amendment: amalgamated into New Vision Nutritionals Co.


Name: 745641 Alberta Ltd.Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Oct. 6, 1997Amendment: changed name to Tryton Tool Services Ltd.


Name: Abbotsbury Developments Ltd. and McCoy Bros. (1978) Ltd.Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Dec. 2, 1996Amendment: amalgamated into Abbotsbury Developments Ltd.


Name: Airgas Canada Inc. and Home Oxygen Services LimitedIncorporating Jurisdiction: CanadaDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Sept. 30, 1997Amendment: amalgamated into Airgas Canada Inc.



Name: Burlington Air Express (Canada) Ltd./FRVRIncorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Oct. 9, 1997Amendment: changed name to BAX Global (Canada) Ltd.


Name: Hongkong Bank Securities Inc. and M.K. WongManagement Ltd.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: CanadaDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Sept. 1, 1997Amendment: amalgamated into Hongkong Bank Securities Inc./

Société de Valeurs Mobiliers Banque Hongkong Inc.________

Name: New Vision Nutritionals Incorporated (formerly NewVision Nutritionals Inc.)

Incorporating Jurisdiction: CanadaDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Sept.22, 1997Amendment: changed jurisdiction to Nova Scotia


Name: Stade Exploration Inc.Incorporating Jurisdiction: AlbertaDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Jne. 11, 1997Amendment: changed name to Tessex Energy Inc.


Name: Superior Acceptance Corporation LimitedIncorporating Jurisdiction: OntarioDate of Amendment in Incorporating Jurisdiction: Oct. 9, 1990Amendment: changed name to Superior Acceptance Corporation



Name: Date:E.W. (Ed) Sikorski & Assoc. Mgmt. Inc. Oct. 29Edna & Sons Farms Ltd. Oct. 28Sk. Turbine Ltd. Nov. 28Weaver Park Holdings Ltd. Nov. 4



Inc.Name: Date: Juris.:313063 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 24 SK583454 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 5 SKAdvanced Petroleum Services Ltd. Oct. 21 SKApro Applied Robotics Inc. Oct. 24 SKB-J Holdings Ltd. Oct. 29 SKPeter Ballantyne Land Holding Company Inc. Dec. 2 SKCharlebois Roofing Ltd. Nov. 4 SKDecor Homes Ltd. Oct. 30 SKDiscovery Toys Canada, Inc./FRVR Dec. 5 ONG.D.E. Consultants Ltd. Oct. 24 SKMark & Ngai Holdings Ltd. Oct. 29 SKMedicine Wheel Nakota Ranch Ltd. Oct. 30 SKGlen Meyers Insurance Services Ltd. Nov. 3 SKParamount Truck Lines Ltd. Nov. 6 MBTobin Lake Development Corporation Oct. 31 SKTrollhaugen Management Inc. Dec. 4 SKUnity Transport Ltd. Dec. 12 SK



Name: Date: Juris.:Charlebois Roofing Ltd. Nov. 4, 1997 SK


Name: Juris.:Advanced Process Control Strategies Inc. SKBiovita Canada Manufacturing Ltd. SKDerrick Building Inc. SK


P. J. Flory,Director.


The Business Names Registration Act________


Place ofName: Date: Business:Azerty Nov. 7 Toronto ONBiggar Family Fun’n Fitness Centre Nov. 14 BiggarBlitz Appliance Nov. 14 SaskatoonBluestar Safety Education Nov. 12 SaskatoonCentury 21 Broadway Park Realty Dec. 2 YorktonChatters Food & Drink Kiosk Nov. 3 KindersleyChoquer Agri-Tech & Trade Catt Nov. 12 ReginaCompu-Redi Nov. 7 Toronto ONDacobusy Software Systems Nov. 13 HoeyDog Masters Training & Grooming Oct. 24 SaskatoonDogs-U-Wash, Regina Dec. 5 Pilot ButteE.R. Dumonceau – Contractor Nov. 12 Moose JawEnns Excavating Dec. 5 LanghamEnviro Shred Nov. 5 Swift

CurrentFrankie’s Restaurant Nov. 4 SaskatoonGeneration Farm Nov. 4 ColgateGolden Mile Promotions Nov. 17 Moose JawHi-Tech Laser Products Oct. 17 SaskatoonJV Specialty Services Dec. 2 LumsdenKham Janitorial Services Nov. 10 ReginaManor Landscaping Nov. 26 Prince

AlbertMary Jo’s Restaurant Nov. 18 KelvingtonMcDonald Building Supplies Oct. 22 ElroseMills Bros Confectionary Nov. 5 Prince

AlbertMKR Trucking Nov. 10 Porcupine

PlainPaydirt Oil & Gas Nov. 12 ReginaPMI Counselling & Rehabilitation

Services Nov. 10 SaskatoonPowerhouse Productions Nov. 13 Brandon MBPrairie Lily Manor Nov. 13 ReginaPrince Albert Medical Clinic Nov. 14 Prince

AlbertPro-Tech Carpet & Upholstery Care Nov. 19 ReginaProgressive Hearing Services Oct. 7 SaskatoonQuality Cleaners Nov. 6 KerrobertReality Bites Clothing Company Nov. 10 WeyburnSecond Debut Discount Clothing Oct. 20 North

BattlefordSyndicam Productions Nov. 3 ReginaSynergyn Oil of Saskatchewan Nov. 4 MacDowallVictorian Family Hair Centre Nov. 12 ReginaVIP Landscape Design Consulting &

Contracting Nov. 13 ReginaYH Truck & Trailer Repair Oct. 24 Biggar




Name: Date: Business:Geo Ven (Sask) Limited Partnership Oct. 23 Calgary AB



Name: B & I Country Kennels For Cats & CaninesDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2075, Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: boarding, grooming, pet supply


Name: Bake’s TrucksDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: 48 Hahn Cres., Kindersley SKMain Type of Business: oilfield truck supplier


Name: The Balloon Tree BouquetsDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: 43, 2001-8th St. E, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: balloon gifts, retail and decor


Name: Belvedere FarmsDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 699, Watson SKMain Type of Business: farm


Name: Berkley Educational CommunicationsDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 651 Swan Cres., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: educational communications (write

educational resources)________

Name: Better-Buy Food SupplyDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: 5-854 Marion St., Winnipeg MBMain Type of Business: bulk food service


Name: Big Gully Game FarmDate of Registration: Oct. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2242, Lloydminster SKMain Type of Business: elk farm


Name: Biggar BowlDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1180, Biggar SKMain Type of Business: bowling centre


Name: Bronzed BusinessesDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: 12 Fraser Cres., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: food consultant


Name: Bros. On 3rd Bistro & PubDate of Registration: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2080, 1102-1st Ave. W, Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: restaurant


Name: Buchholz ContractingDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 206 River St. E, Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: construction contracting

Name: C.M.S. Technical ContractingDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 1533 Ave. E N, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: install electrical devices in homes and


Name: Cam’s Moving & StorageDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 761 Branion Dr., Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: moving and storage


Name: Can-Cope Training & DevelopmentDate of Registration: Nov. 27, 1997Mailing Address: 2325 Taylor St. E, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: program development and training


Name: Canadian Applicators Insurance ReciprocalDate of Registration: Nov. 11, 1997Mailing Address: 300, 416-21st St. E, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: reciprocal insurance


Name: Cannon Oilfield ServicesDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: Box 447, Carnduff SKMain Type of Business: haul water and rent equipment


Name: The Cathedral Candy BanditDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: 3030A-13th Ave., Regina SKMain Type of Business: candy store


Name: Cattle-Ac Feeds Marketing & ConsultingDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 936, Swift Current SKMain Type of Business: market grain and sell feed


Name: CB TruckingDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 1219 Emerald Cres., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: trucking


Name: Century 21 Broadway Park RealtyDate of Registration: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2228, Melville SKMain Type of Business: real estate sales and management


Name: Chartell TruckingDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2080, Meadow Lake SKMain Type of Business: trucking


Name: Cindy Cherewyk Nutrition Consulting And ServicesDate of Registration: Nov. 25, 1997Mailing Address: 30 Dragan Cres., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: nutrition consultant and wellness


Name: Clan Chattan EnterprisesDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 1028A-7th St. E, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: supply and install internet and cable




Name: Comfort Heating And Air ConditioningDate of Registration: Nov. 27, 1997Mailing Address: 3919 Centennial Dr., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: heating and air-conditioning service


Name: Greg’s Computors PlusDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 672, Naicam SKMain Type of Business: sell and service computers


Name: Country House CollectionsDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 271, Lafleche SKMain Type of Business: furniture, antiques, art, etc.


Name: CPE Resource Management 1997 Limited PartnershipDate of Registration: Oct. 20, 1997Mailing Address: 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: oil/gas ventures (no expiry date)


Name: Cunninghams Custom Cattle ServiceDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 152, White Fox SKMain Type of Business: sell cattle breeding supplies, including

bull semen________

Name: D.P.K. CleaningDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 825 Edward St., Estevan SKMain Type of Business: cleaning/janitorial


Name: Dacobusy Software SystemsDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 72, Hoey SKMain Type of Business: computer software developer and

systems integrator________

Name: Dewdney East Medical ClinicDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 1689 Dewdney Ave. E, Regina SKMain Type of Business: medical clinic


Name: Dick’s Sampler’s For Grain BinsDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 41, Brock SKMain Type of Business: manufacture and vend grain samples


Name: Discount Travel Warehouse (Saskatoon)Date of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 2nd fl., 2003 Portage Ave., Winnipeg MBMain Type of Business: travel agency


Name: Don’s Welding And FabricationDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 252, White City SKMain Type of Business: welding and fabrication


Name: Earthgrowing SystemsDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 138 Fairford St., Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: private vocational computer software

education school

Name: K & L EnterprizeDate of Registration: Nov. 28, 1997Mailing Address: 2565 Albert St, Regina SKMain Type of Business: convenience store and gas bar


Name: Etosha Co. PetsDate of Registration: Oct. 31, 1997Mailing Address: Box 100, Sandy Bay SKMain Type of Business: pet supplier


Name: Eye And I Marketing ProductionsDate of Registration: Dec. 9, 1997Mailing Address: 505-1867 Hamilton St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: marketing consultant


Name: Garner’s Driver TrainingDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 206 Ash St., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: driver education instruction


Name: The General Ross Trading CompanyDate of Registration: Nov. 20, 1997Mailing Address: 45 Darlington St. E, Yorkton SKMain Type of Business: buy and sell Canadian and American


Name: George’s Auto RepairDate of Registration: Nov. 27, 1997Mailing Address: 728-20th St. W, Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: auto repair shop


Name: D.J. Gill DistributingDate of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: Box 17, Vanscoy SKMain Type of Business: distribute confectionary goods


Name: GM Investor–Net ConsultingDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 3018 Whitmore Ave., Regina SKMain Type of Business: investment/internet consulting


Name: Golden Mile PromotionsDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 53 Stadacona St. W, Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: craft show organizer


Name: John F. Graf AppraisalsDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 67 Schneider Cres., Regina SKMain Type of Business: real estate appraising and consultant


Name: Graphics North 97Date of Registration: Nov. 6, 1997Mailing Address: 1114 Central Ave., Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: screen printing and sell clothing


Name: Great Wall Restaurant – WakawDate of Registration: Nov. 28, 1997Mailing Address: 116-1st St. S, Wakaw SKMain Type of Business: restaurant



Name: Handyman Connection – SaskatoonDate of Registration: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 43-1736 Quebec Ave., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: renovation and repair: residential and


Name: Handyman Rental Centre (Regina)Date of Registration: Nov. 10, 1997Mailing Address: 600, 105-21st St., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: rent portable toilets and portable storage


Name: Harry’s Dutch BakeryDate of Registration: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 45 Mackenzie Dr., Yorkton SKMain Type of Business: bakery


Name: Hawthorne & Spencer Gift MerchantsDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: 2124 Robinson St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: gift store


Name: Heidt ConsultingDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: 202 Flavelle Cres., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: communication consultant, call centre,

inboard and outboard________

Name: Hi-Tech Laser ProductsDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 526 Laloche Rd., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: recycle toner cartridges


Name: I-Deal Discounts Advertising And Promotional ProductsDate of Registration: Nov. 20, 1997Mailing Address: 1304 Ave. I N, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: advertising and promo products, pad

printing, retail sales________

Name: L & A International Food CompanyDate of Registration: Dec. 5, 1997Mailing Address: 1751 St. John St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: international trade


Name: J S H And Son Easyloader Mfg. & SalesDate of Registration: Nov. 25, 1997Mailing Address: Box 387, Martensville SKMain Type of Business: light manufacturer


Name: J.V. Specialty ServicesDate of Registration: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: 923 Cook Cres., Regina SKMain Type of Business: sporting goods retailer


Name: Jarod PlaceDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 283, Blaine Lake SKMain Type of Business: bed and breakfast, tea room and R.V.


Name: Just Volleyball, 1997Date of Registration: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: 923 Cook Cres., Regina SKMain Type of Business: sporting goods retailer


Name: K.C. JanitorialDate of Registration: Nov. 20, 1997Mailing Address: Box 179, Warman SKMain Type of Business: janitorial


Name: Kevber PaintingDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 3215 Maxwell St., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: painting


Name: Kirkwall Moor RanchDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 747 Vaughan St. W, Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: ranching: horses, bison, mules


Name: Klippdee HoldingsDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2348, Swift Current SKMain Type of Business: rental property and general contracting


Name: La Pampa Sunrise AlpacasDate of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: Box 778, Wilkie SKMain Type of Business: alpaca breeders


Name: Lantech ConsultingDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 460, Martensville SKMain Type of Business: computer and network consultants


Name: Allan R. Lepp TruckingDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 1 Elmwood Ave., Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: owner/operator trucking


Name: Lucid Illusion GraphicsDate of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 321, 212-10th St. E, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: graphics, design, fonts, website design,

coding, update________

Name: Lytton Book ServiceDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 2309 Dufferin Ave., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: book wholesaler


Name: M & R Hoffmans TruckingDate of Registration: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: R.R. 1, Tisdale SKMain Type of Business: custom hauling


Name: M & M MotorsportsDate of Registration: Nov. 20, 1997Mailing Address: 233-510 Prairie Ave., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: automotive accessory retail sales



Name: M & M EnterprisesDate of Registration: Dec. 10, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2731, Tisdale SKMain Type of Business: retail


Name: Magical Bear PruductionsDate of Registration: Nov. 20, 1997Mailing Address: 28-1801 Broad St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: creative endeavours, arts and crafts


Name: The Mall At 1st & MainDate of Registration: Nov. 27, 1997Mailing Address: 2121 Saskatchewan Dr., Regina SKMain Type of Business: online merchant mall


Name: Marvelous MagnetsDate of Registration: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: 367 Wakaw Cres., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: distribute magnetic wellness essentials


Name: Medichair SouthsaskDate of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina SKMain Type of Business: home health care products


Name: Mike’s ConfectionaryDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: R.R. 2, Craven SKMain Type of Business: canned goods, hardware, coffee,

hamburgers, etc.________

Name: Mother’s Choice Baking Supplies And Food ProductsDate of Registration: Dec. 10, 1997Mailing Address: Box 236, Qu’Appelle SKMain Type of Business: bakery and supplies


Name: NCP ImportsDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: 201, 541-5th Ave. N, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: importing


Name: Nimble Corner RabbitryDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 165, R.R. 5, Site 23, Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: rabbitry


Name: Northern InteriorsDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1074, La Ronge SKMain Type of Business: sell and install floor and window


Name: Northern Bugle Elk RanchDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 2333-2nd Ave. W, Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: game farming


Name: Northwest EmbroideryDate of Registration: Nov. 7, 1997Mailing Address: 6-11204 Railway Ave., North Battleford SKMain Type of Business: embroidery

Name: Novagas Canada Limited PartnershipDate of Registration: Oct. 31, 1997Mailing Address: 800, 707-8th Ave. SW, Calgary ABMain Type of Business: market natural gas (no expiry date)


Name: Nu Ventures RecoveryDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1964, Kindersley SKMain Type of Business: sell used equipment


Name: Our Place Gifts & Bulk FoodsDate of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 905, 201-21st St. E, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: giftware and craft outlet, retailer of

canadian wild rice and food________

Name: ParagraphfxDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: 1265 Grace St., Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: desktop publishing


Name: Partners In FitnessDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 425 Birch Cres., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: personal fitness trainer


Name: Pasareno & Associates Financial ServicesDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 210-201 Cree Pl., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: bookkeeping service and financial


Name: Pennys RestaurantDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: Box 69, Chamberlain SKMain Type of Business: restaurant


Name: Pine Grove Resort, East Trout LakeDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 714 East Dr., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: outfitter


Name: B & J Plumbing & HeatingDate of Registration: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: 9 Dunfield Cres., Meadow Lake SKMain Type of Business: plumbing and heating


Name: Power Performance Group Dealer DevelopmentDate of Registration: Dec. 10, 1997Mailing Address: 104-2313 Hanselman Pl., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: outdoor product marketing and

development agents________

Name: Powerhouse ProductionsDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: 12-3511 Willowdale Cres., Brandon MBMain Type of Business: video productions and communications


Name: Precision OperatingDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 765, Moosomin SKMain Type of Business: contract oilwell operator



Name: Prince Albert Medical ClinicDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 681-15th St. W, Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: medical clinic


Name: Pro-Tech Carpet & Upholstery CareDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 1159 Robinson St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: carpet cleaning


Name: Pueblo Cultural Crafts And Sewing Machine ServicesDate of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: 1461 Empress St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: cultural crafts and sewing machine


Name: Pure & Simple AromatherapyDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: 1019-5th St. E, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: aromatherapist


Name: R & G Geodetic ConsultantsDate of Registration: Nov. 25, 1997Mailing Address: 3815 Lakeview Ave., Regina SKMain Type of Business: computer and internet consulting


Name: R & R Farago VenturesDate of Registration: Dec. 1, 1997Mailing Address: Box 157, Big River SKMain Type of Business: boat tours, raise horses, paintball,

logging, trapping________

Name: R.L. Freight ServicesDate of Registration: Nov. 20, 1997Mailing Address: 2081 McAra St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: air freight dispatcher


Name: R.L. Handywork’sDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: 317 Fairford St. W, Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: construction and bobcat work


Name: Radisson HotelDate of Registration: Nov. 25, 1997Mailing Address: Box 374, Radisson SKMain Type of Business: hotel


Name: Randy’s Computer Sales & ServiceDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1439, Canora SKMain Type of Business: sell and service computers


Name: Real CraftsDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1961, Prince Albert SKMain Type of Business: crafts

Name: Red Eagle TaxiDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: Box 328, Cochin SKMain Type of Business: medical transportation taxi


Name: River Ridge Spring WaterDate of Registration: Dec. 8, 1997Mailing Address: Box 118, Ile-à-la Crosse SKMain Type of Business: prepare bottled water


Name: Rolaine Elk FarmsDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 598, Wakaw SKMain Type of Business: elk farming


Name: Sask River TruckingDate of Registration: Dec. 3, 1997Mailing Address: Box 312, Outlook SKMain Type of Business: trucking company


Name: Second Debut Discount ClothingDate of Registration: Oct. 20, 1997Mailing Address: 103, 2741-99th St., North Battleford SKMain Type of Business: discount clothing and craft store


Name: Showgirls Exotic EntertainmentDate of Registration: Dec. 1, 1997Mailing Address: 710 Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: nightclub with exotic entertainment


Name: Si-Val Bison RanchDate of Registration: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: Box 338, Carrot River SKMain Type of Business: bison ranchers


Name: Silver Sage Marketing CentreDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: 2625 Victoria Ave., Regina SKMain Type of Business: grain handling and marketing supply


Name: Skyhawk TruckingDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: 101-103B Packham St., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: trucking freight


Name: Slake BreweryDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 1530-1855 Victoria Ave., Regina SKMain Type of Business: manufacture, produce and sell beer


Name: Solid Gold ProductionsDate of Registration: Dec. 3, 1997Mailing Address: 40 Houston Rd., Regina SKMain Type of Business: escort agency


Name: Soul Mates Introduction ServicesDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 411, 3301-8th St. E, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: introduction agency



Name: Sportlogo Marketing CanadaDate of Registration: Dec. 2, 1997Mailing Address: 230 Qu’Appelle Dr. W, Lumsden SKMain Type of Business: sporting goods retailer


Name: Steeltech Building SystemsDate of Registration: Nov. 10, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2161, Swift Current SKMain Type of Business: metal buildings, metal roofing, sales,

installation, consulting________

Name: Stewart BuildersDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 155 Fines Dr., Regina SKMain Type of Business: home builder (framer)


Name: Summit Motor ProductsDate of Registration: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1028, Rosetown SKMain Type of Business: automotive sales and repair service


Name: Sven’s Carpentry ShopDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 802, Battleford SKMain Type of Business: carpenter/cabinetmaker


Name: Take A Break VendingDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: 1234 Ave. J S, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: vending


Name: Thomas Cook TravelDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: 15th fl., 100 Yonge St., Toronto ONMain Type of Business: travel agency


Name: Tme ImagesDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 107, R.R. 4, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: computer images, photos transferred to

computer disk________

Name: Tomas The Cook Family Restaurant (Lawson Heights)Date of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1558, Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: restaurant


Name: Tri-Tech Antifreeze RecyclingDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 80 Procter Pl., Regina SKMain Type of Business: recycle antifreeze


Name: Triple R’s MarketingDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1784, Moose Jaw SKMain Type of Business: advertising sales


Name: Trius ArabiansDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: Box 201, Avonlea SKMain Type of Business: raise egyptian-bred arabian horses

Name: U-Pic-FlowersDate of Registration: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 46 Kootenay Dr., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: you-pick flower operation


Name: VIP Landscape Design Consulting & ContractingDate of Registration: Nov. 13, 1997Mailing Address: 98 Langley St., Regina SKMain Type of Business: landscaping design consulting


Name: VividworksDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 1202 Victoria Ave., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: newsmedia, website, CD-ROM


Name: W.T.L. Air And Water SystemsDate of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 213-610 Hilliard St. W, Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: sell alpine air and water purification


Name: Weighill ConsultingDate of Registration: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1028, Shaunavon SKMain Type of Business: internet sales and marketing consultant


Name: Weyburn Family FoodsDate of Registration: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: Box 127, Weyburn SKMain Type of Business: grocers


Name: Wild Onion Herbal Co.Date of Registration: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: 602 Centre St., Meadow Lake SKMain Type of Business: manufacture and distribute candle and

herbal products________

Name: Z & P International Export & ImportDate of Registration: Nov. 27, 1997Mailing Address: 843 Swan Cres., Saskatoon SKMain Type of Business: import and export consulting



Name: CPE Resource Management 1997 Limited PartnershipDate of Registration: Oct. 20, 1997Jurisdiction: British ColumbiaHead or Registered Office: 1300 Park Pl., 666 Burrard St.,

Vancouver BCMain Type of Business: syndicating and promoting oil and gas

ventures in Canada________


Name: Novagas Clearinghouse Limited PartnershipGeneral Partner: Novagas Canada Ltd.Date of Amendment: Oct. 31, 1997Amendment: changed name to Novagas Canada Limited


P. J. Flory,Registrar.



The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995________


Name: Amisk Lake Christian Fellowship Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 10, 1997Mailing Address: Box 101, Denare BeachMain Types of Activities: preach, publish and practice the Gospel

of Jesus Christ________

Name: Antler River Archers Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 7, 1997Mailing Address: Box 514, CarnduffMain Types of Activities: archery club


Name: Central Fire Training Centre Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 14, 1997Mailing Address: CFB Detachment Dundurn, DundurnMain Types of Activities: firefighter training


Name: Chocolate Moose Theatre Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 6, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2058, Moose JawMain Types of Activities: dramatic and musical entertainment


Name: Connaught Community Playground Project Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 25, 1997Mailing Address: 2168 Princess St., ReginaMain Types of Activities: playground development and


Name: Friends of Cypress Lake Recreation Site Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 20, 1997Mailing Address: Box 2, Site 4, ConsulMain Types of Activities: boating, swimming, fishing, camping,

sports activities, etc.________

Name: Harold Gerhart Foundation Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 28, 1997Mailing Address: 9-38 Spence St., ReginaMain Types of Activities: charitable, church organization,


Name: Keewatin Onitonikewuk Search and Rescue Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 19, 1997Mailing Address: Box 100, Air RongeMain Types of Activities: co-ordinate volunteer search and

rescue opeations in the North________

Name: Little Pine TLE Holding Co. Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 21, 1997Mailing Address: Box 70, PayntonMain Types of Activities: holding company for treaty land


Name: Lord of the Harvest Ministeries Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 18, 1997Mailing Address: Box 520, North BattlefordMain Types of Activities: church and gospel ministry

Name: Madeline Dumont Child (1997) Center Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 28, 1997Mailing Address: 3130 Laurier Dr., SaskatoonMain Types of Activities: child care centre


Name: Open Door Fellowship Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 3, 1997Mailing Address: Box 25, Green LakeMain Types of Activities: operate a church and related Christian


Name: Red Earth First Nation Arena Community Project Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 24, 1997Mailing Address: Box 109, Red EarthMain Types of Activities: collect and distribute charitable


Name: Saskatchewan Equine Promotional Group Inc.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 5, 1997Mailing Address: Box 155, GrandoraMain Types of Activities: promote the horse industry in


Name: The Saskatchewan First Nations Water Association Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 5, 1997Mailing Address: Box 641, KinistinoMain Types of Activities: promote water and sewage treatment

systems; provide a forum for discussion________

Name: The Saskatchewan New Media Developers Association Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 3, 1997Mailing Address: 202, 2255-13th Ave., ReginaMain Types of Activities: develop new media products


Name: Saskatoon Vietnamese Social Club Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 17, 1997Mailing Address: 336 Ave. E S, SaskatoonMain Types of Activities: social club


Name: Search and Rescue Saskatchewan Association ofVolunteers Inc.

Date of Incorporation: Nov. 7, 1997Mailing Address: Box 1240, MelvilleMain Types of Activities: association of search and rescue


Name: Twisted Pair Productions Inc.Date of Incorporation: Nov. 12, 1997Mailing Address: 2343 Broad St, ReginaMain Types of Activities: provide facilities, recreation, social and

like services________

Name: Viscount Community Non-profit Housing Board Corp.Date of Incorporation: Dec. 8, 1997Mailing Address: 319 Bangor, ViscountMain Types of Activities: provide low-cost housing for senior





Name: Juris.:Jim Brady Labour Development Corporation SKFrontier City Optimist Club of Swift Current Inc. SKThe Kinette Club of Norquay Inc. SKKinsmen Club of Maple Creek SKLakeside Country Club Inc. SKRegina Police Service Pipes & Drums Association Inc. SKRegina Salvadorean Association Inc. SKSaskatoon Rowing Club SKSturgis Curling Club SK


P. J. Flory,Director.



The Business Corporations Act________

CORPORATIONS STRUCK OFF THE REGISTERThat the name 576944 Saskatchewan Ltd., where it appeared in

The Saskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1067, column 2,line 11, should not have appeared.


That the name 601813 Saskatchewan Ltd., where it appeared inThe Saskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1067, column 2,line 22, should not have appeared.


That the name 602283 Saskatchewan Ltd., where it appeared inThe Saskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1067, column 2,line 23, should not have appeared.


That the name 924574 Ontario Ltd., where it appeared in TheSaskatchewan Gazette, July 4, 1997, page 880, column 1, line 16,should not have appeared.


That the name Berard Trucking Ltd., where it appeared in TheSaskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1067, column 2,line 61, should not have appeared.


That the name D2A Concepts Inc., where it appeared in TheSaskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1068, column 2,line 12, should not have appeared.


That the name Horizon Trading Corporation, where it appeared inThe Saskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1068, column 1,line 11, should not have appeared.


That the name J. P. L. Holdings Ltd., where it appeared in TheSaskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1068, column 2,line 12, should not have appeared.


That the name Patrick Knudsen Construction Ltd., where itappeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1068,column 2, line 12, should not have appeared.

That the name Sauer Construction (1985) Ltd., where it appearedin The Saskatchewan Gazette, July 4, 1997, page 881, column 1,line 36, should not have appeared.


That the name Stimson 96 Ranch Ltd., where it appeared in TheSaskatchewan Gazette, November 28, 1997, page 1452, column 2,line 4, should not have appeared.


That the name Sundog Travel Ltd., where it appeared in TheSaskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1067, column 1,line 36, should not have appeared.


That the name TDB Computer Consulting Ltd., where it appearedin The Saskatchewan Gazette, May 30, 1997, page 709, column 1,line 42, should not have appeared.


That the name Wildwood Holsteins Inc., where it appeared in TheSaskatchewan Gazette, August 22, 1997, page 1069, column 1,line 64, should not have appeared.____________________________________________________________

The Business Names Registration Act________

EXPIRATIONSThat the name Waylyn Signs, where it appeared in The

Saskatchewan Gazette, November 14, 1997, page 1408, column 1,line 28, should not have appeared.


REGISTRATIONSThat the name Classicuts Hair Salon, where it appeared in The

Saskatchewan Gazette, November 28, 1997, page 1453, column 1,line 34, should have read AB’s Classicuts____________________________________________________________

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995________

CORPORATIONS STRUCK OFF THE REGISTERThat the name River Heights Community Association Inc., where

it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, July 18, 1997, page 947,column 2, line 34, should not have appeared.


That the name Salvadorean Cultural Centre Corp., where itappeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, February 21, 1997, page 154,column 1, line 16, should not have appeared.



Notice to CreditorsIN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Walter Makasoff, late of the

Village of Benito, in the Province of Manitoba, deceased.Take notice that all claims against the above Estate must be filed

with the undersigned at Box 1238, 114-5th Ave. N, Swan River MBR0L 1Z0, on or before January 22, 1998, after which date the estatewill be distributed having regard only to claims of which the Executorsthen have notice.

Dated at Swan River, Manitoba, December 11, 1997.

Palsson & Gray Law Office,Per: Mr. B. Palsson,

Solicitor for the Executors.



The Oil and Gas Conservation Act________


The Department of Energy and Mines has received anapplication from Wascana Energy Inc. for approval of a plan todispose of salt water recovered from oilfield production, by injectioninto the Red River through the well located on legal subdivision 6 ofSection 28-3-12 W2M.

Objections to this application, complete with supportingtechnical data, received in writing by the Department on or beforeJanuary 16, 1998, will be considered. A copy of the objection must beprovided to the applicant.

Persons directly affected may obtain a copy of the application fromMr. James Catherwood, Wascana Energy Inc., 311 Kensington Ave.,Estevan SK S4A 2A5.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 16, 1997.________


The Department of Energy and Mines has received an applicationfrom Wascana Energy Inc. for approval of a plan to dispose of saltwater recovered from oilfield production, by injection into theFrobisher-Alida Beds through the well Saskoil et al. Ingoldsby UnitHZ B15-21-A6-21-4-31.

Objections to this application, complete with supportingtechnical data, received in writing by the Department on or beforeJanuary 16, 1998, will be considered. A copy of the objection must beprovided to the applicant.

Persons directly affected may obtain a copy of the application fromMr. Stewart Morton, Wascana Energy Inc., 311 Kensington Ave.,Estevan SK S4A 2A5.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 16, 1997.________

OTHER AREAS — OFF-TARGET WELLSThe Department of Energy and Mines has received an application

from Wascana Energy Inc. requesting approval to drill two off-targetgas wells to be located in legal subdivisions 7-30-65-22 W3M and12-18-68-22 W3M, with waiver of the off-target penalties.

Objections to this application, complete with supportingtechnical data, received in writing by the Department on or beforeJanuary 16, 1998, will be considered. A copy of the objection must beprovided to the applicant.

Copies of the application may be obtained from Mr. K. Polan,Wascana Energy Inc., Box 272, Station M, Calgary AB T2P 5C1, bypersons directly affected.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 16, 1997.________

The Department of Energy and Mines has received an applicationfrom Bellator Exploration Inc. requesting approval to produce gasfrom the well Bellator T’flags West C13-32-50-25, which is locatedwithin 50 m of the drainage unit boundary, with waiver of theoff-target penalty.

Objections to the penalty waiver or to the drilling of the off-targetwell, complete with supporting technical data, received in writing bythe Department on or before January 16, 1998, will be considered. Acopy of the objection must be provided to the applicant.

Persons directly affected may obtain copies of the application fromMr. Gary Anderson, Bellator Exploration Inc., 530, 550-6th Ave. SW,Calgary AB T2P 0S2.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 16, 1997.

OTHER AREAS — WATERFLOOD PROJECTThe Department of Energy and Mines has received an application

from Numac Energy Inc. requesting approval for a waterflood projectin Section 20-4-12 W2M.

Objections to this application, complete with supportingtechnical data, received in writing by the Department on or beforeJanuary 16, 1998, will be considered. A copy of the objection must besent to the applicant.

Persons directly affected may obtain copies of the application fromMr. Kelly Kostuik, Numac Energy Inc., 321-6th Ave. SW, Calgary ABT2P 3H3.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 16, 1997.________


The Department of Energy and Mines, in conjunction with anapplication from Pursuit Resources Corp, proposes reduced gas wellspacing of 129.5 hectares for certain lands located in and borderingthe Prairiedale East Viking Gas Pool. The lands are as follows:

Lands West of the Third Meridian:in Township 32, in Range 24: Sections 17 to 20, 29, 31, 32;in Township 32, in Range 25: Sections 13, 14, 21 and 28.

Objections to the application, complete with supportingtechnical data, received in writing by the Department on or beforeJanuary 16, 1998, will be considered. A copy of the objection must beprovided to the applicant.

Persons directly affected may obtain copies of the application fromMr. B. Ibbitson, Pursuit Resources Corp., 600, 333-5th Ave. SW,Calgary AB T2P 3B6.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 16, 1997.________


The Department of Energy and Mines has received an applicationfrom Maxx Petroleum Ltd. for approval of a plan to dispose of saltwater recovered from oilfield production, by injection into theFrobisher-Alida Beds through the well Maxx Silverton 9-31-3-32.

Objections to this application, complete with supportingtechnical data, received in writing by the Department on or beforeJanuary 16, 1998, will be considered. A copy of the objection must beprovided to the applicant.

Persons directly affected may obtain a copy of the application fromMr. Malcolm MacLeod, Maxx Petroleum Ltd., 900, 606-4th St. SW,Calgary AB T2P 1T1.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 16, 1997.________

NOMINATION OF CRUDE OILAll persons intending to purchase Saskatchewan crude oil during

the month of February, 1998 will be required to file a nominationwith Saskatchewan Energy and Mines on or before January 20, 1998.

Copies of the nomination form may be obtained from SaskatchewanEnergy and Mines.

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 22, 1997.________

Bruce W. Wilson, Executive Director,Petroleum and Natural Gas Division,

Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.



The Saskatchewan Insurance Act________

NOTICE OF AMALGAMATION OF BUSINESSNotice is hereby given that Cabot Insurance Company Limited and

Canadian General Insurance Company have amalgamated theirrespective business of insurance and the combined business ofinsurance, assets and liabilities will be continued under the name ofCanadian General Insurance Company, with Canadian Head Officeat 2206 Eglinton Ave. E, Scarborough, in the province of Ontario.

PREMIER’S NOTICE OF GIFTS AND BENEFITSFurther to the Provincial Auditor’s Special Report of April 21, 1992 requiring a public declaration of gifts and personal benefits, the following

gifts and personal benefits were received for the period August 1, 1996 to July 31, 1997:

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, December 19, 1997.

Honourable Roy Romanow, Q.C.,President of the Executive Council.


Honourable Roy Romanow Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Beaded moose hide jacket $ 1,500Painting “Finally Got One” $ 885 by Ken LonechildFlower arrangement $ 50

Saskatchewan Indian Gaining Commission Beaded moose hide gloves $ 400His Excellency Takashi Tajime,Ambassador of Japan 5 cloisonne plates with

serving forks $ 475Wascana Country Club Two memberships for 1997 $ 2,365Riverside Country Club Two memberships for 1997 $ 2,530The Saskatoon Club Membership for 1997 $ 589Mr. S.T. Shen, Director-General of the Tennis racket $ 300Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, VancouverRegina Symphony Orchestra 1997-98 season Tickets $ 671

Honourable Dwain Lingenfelter Obdulia Barreiro, Minister of Foreign Trade, Accommodation at “Government $ 800Havana, Cuba Guest House”Molson Breweries Four beer glasses & a coat $ 200SaskTel 6 tickets to “Grease” $ 321

6 tickets to “Roadside Attraction” $ 255

Honourable Robert Mitchell Women of the Dawn, Regina Designed Indian wool blanket $ 200

Honourable Patricia Atkinson Sturgeon Lake Central School Dreamcatcher $ 200

Honourable Eldon Lautermilch Ducks Unlimited Limited Edition “Ducks Unlimited” $ 300winter jacket

Pan Canadian Print by Michael Lonechild $ 200

Honourable Keith Goulet North West Saskatchewan Municipalities Beaded leather gloves $ 200Association & Metis Nations of Saskatchewan

Honourable Joanne Crofford Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Ken Lonechild painting $ 700Shawl $ 100

Honourable Eric Cline Black Lake Indian Band Otter mitts $ 100Fox hide $ 100

Honourable Clay Serby Saskatchewan Government Insurance Leather jacket $ 150Curling Classic

Sweatshirt $ 50

And take notice that the effective time and date of the amalgamationof the said companies will be June 16, 1997.

Dated at Scarborough, Ontario, September 11, 1997.

James D. Hewitt,Executive Vice-President and Secretary,Canadian General Insurance Company.






Rules Relating toPetitions and Private Bills

The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time for filingPetitions and Private Bills with the Clerk and other mattersrelating thereto can be obtained at any time by those interested, onapplication to:

Gwenn Ronyk,Clerk of the Legislative Assembly,

Room 239, Legislative Building,Regina, Sask. S4S 0B3.

* For further information regarding the Private Members’Bills Committee, visit the Committees pages of the LegislativeAssembly Web site at www.legassembly.sk.ca.



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Effective April 1, 1997, the minimum charge for publicationof notices not specified below is $20.00 for each notice, whichsum shall accompany the material when forwarded forpublication.

The following are minimum rates for advertising in TheSaskatchewan Gazette:

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Government of Saskatchewan Inquiry Lines

Department Minister Inquiry Line No. Location

Agriculture and Food Hon. E. Upshall (306) 787-5140 ReginaCrown Investments Corporation Hon. D. Lingenfelter (306) 787-6851 ReginaEconomic and Co-operative

Development Hon. J. MacKinnon (306) 787-2232 ReginaEducation Hon. P. Atkinson (306) 787-6030 Regina

(306) 933-5027 SaskatoonEnergy and Mines Hon. E. Lautermilch (306) 787-2526 ReginaEnvironment and Resource

Management Hon. Lorne Scott (306) 787-2700 ReginaExecutive Council Hon. R. Romanow, Q.C. (306) 787-7448 ReginaFinance Hon. E. Cline (306) 787-6768 ReginaHealth Hon. C. SerbyHighways and Transportation

and the Status of Women Hon. J. Bradley (306) 787-4800 ReginaIntergovernmental Relations

and Aboriginal Affairs Hon. B. Weins (306) 787-1643 ReginaJustice and Attorney General Hon. J. Nilson, Q.C. (306) 787-8971 ReginaLabour Hon. R. Mitchell, Q.C.Municipal Government Hon. C. Teichrob (306) 787-2635 ReginaNorthern Affairs Hon. K. Goulet (306) 425-4200 Prince AlbertPost-Secondary Education

and Skills Training/Gaming Hon. J. Crofford (306) 787-6030/(306) 787-1590 Regina

Provincial Secretary Hon. N. Shillington (306) 787-0375 ReginaSaskatchewan Property

Management Corporation Hon. M. Sonntag (306) 787-6911 ReginaSocial Services/ Responsible

for Seniors and DisabilitiesDirectorate Hon. L. Calvert (306) 787-3494 Regina

1-800-667-2757 Toll Free(mid May to August)

Queen’s Printer Inquiries

1-800 service 1-800-226-7302(toll free in Saskatchewan)

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