revolutions 5/2/11 mrmilewski

Revolutions 5/2/11 OBJECTIVE: Examine “Making Waves”. I. Administrative Stuff -Attendance II. The Day the Universe Changed -questions on episode#9 “Making Waves” III. Homework due Tomorrow! -Chapter#17 Review IV. Homework due Friday 5/6/11 -Chapter#18 Sections 1,2,&3 NOTICE: Chapter#17 Test Tomorrow!

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Revolutions 5/2/11 OBJECTIVE: Examine “Making Waves”. I. Administrative Stuff -Attendance II. The Day the Universe Changed -questions on episode#9 “Making Waves” III. Homework due Tomorrow! -Chapter#17 Review IV. Homework due Friday 5/6/11 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Revolutions 5/2/11

• OBJECTIVE: Examine “Making Waves”.

• I. Administrative Stuff-Attendance

• II. The Day the Universe Changed-questions on episode#9 “Making Waves”

• III. Homework due Tomorrow!-Chapter#17 Review

• IV. Homework due Friday 5/6/11-Chapter#18 Sections 1,2,&3

• NOTICE: Chapter#17 Test Tomorrow!

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Revolutions 5/3/11

• OBJECTIVE: Examine Philosophy in the Age of Reason.• I. Journal#18 pt.A

-Read Chapter outline p.454-What was the enlightenment?

• II. Journal#18 pt.B-notes on the Enlightenment

• III. Homework due Friday 5/6/111.) Read Chapter#18 section#1 p.456-460

-Answer questions (1-7)* p.4602.) Read Chapter#18 section#2 p. 461-465

-Answer questions (1-8)* p.4653.) Read Chapter#18 section#3 p.466-469

-Answer questions (1-6)* p.469*Pick 4 questions of your choice

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The Enlightenment• A movement to shine the light

of reason on traditional ideas about government and society.

• Thinkers fought against superstition, ignorance, intolerance, and tyranny.

• They promoted goals of social well-being, social justice, and worldly happiness.

• They rejected divine-right to rule, social hierarchy, and a better life in heaven.

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How it started.• It grew out of the

Scientific Revolution.• As human knowledge

about the world grew, so did the belief that nothing was out of reach of the human mind.

• Using the scientific method, reformers set out to combat the problems of society.

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Hobbes & Locke• In the 1600s, English

thinkers Thomas Hobbes & John Locke lived through the English Civil War and concluded different things.

• Hobbes said people were “naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish.”

• If people were not controlled they would, “fight, rob, & oppress one another.”

• Life in the state of nature would be brutish & short.

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Social Contract• Hobbes said in order to

escape horrific life in the state of nature, humans enter into a social contract.

• Social contract – an agreement by which people give up the state of nature for an organized society.

• He believed that ONLY a strong gov’t could ensure an orderly society.

• He supported the belief in absolute monarchy.

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Natural Rights• John Locke was more optimistic

about humans.• He believed that people were

“basically reasonable & moral.”• He believed that people had natural

rights, “life, liberty, & property.”• He argued that people had formed

governments to protect their natural rights & that the best gov’t was limited in power and accepted by all.

• He said that if a gov’t fails to protect people’s natural rights, the people had the right & the duty to over throw that gov’t.

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Montesquieu• Baron de Montesquieu, a

French guy, studied the governments of Europe.

• He concluded that the powers of government should be divided into 3 separate & equal branches.

• In 1748, he published The Spirit of the Laws in which he said: “The best way to protect liberty is to separate power.”

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Voltaire• Freedom of Speech –

“I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend your right to say it until my death.”

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Rousseau• 1762, The Social Contract.• He believed that people were

basically good, but are corrupted by society.

• In the perfect world people would make the laws & would also follow them.

• The general will will be directed towards the common good of the people.

• He put the good of society first and the individual second.

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Revolutions 5/4/11

• OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate Mastery of Chapter#17.

• I. Chapter#17 Test• II. Homework due Friday 5/6/11

1.) Read Chapter#18 section#1 p.456-460

-Answer questions (1-7)* p.460

2.) Read Chapter#18 section#2 p. 461-465

-Answer questions (1-8)* p.465

3.) Read Chapter#18 section#3 p.466-469

-Answer questions (1-6)* p.469

*Pick 4 questions of your choice

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Revolutions 5/5/11

• OBJECTIVE: Examine the concepts related to taxes.

• I. Chapter#18 Guided ReadingsComplete the following activities due today!-Chapter#18 section#1 Guided Reading-Chapter#18 section#2 Guided Reading-Chapter#18 section#3 Guided Reading-Chapter#18 section#4 Guided Reading

• II. Chapter#18 Homework-Complete homework for Chapter#18

• III. Homework due Thursday 5/12/111.) Read Chapter#18 section#4 p.470-473

-Answer questions (1-6)* p.4732.) Chapter#18 Review*Pick 4 questions of your choice

• NOTICE: Chapter#18 Test Thursday!

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Revolutions 5/6/11

• OBJECTIVE: Examine how European rulers reacted to the ideas of the Enlightenment.

• I. Journal#19 pt.A-Examine the picture on p.461-Answer the caption question on p.461

• II. Journal#19 pt.B-notes on the salon & Britain in the 1700s

• III. Homework Due Wednesday 5/11/111.) Read Chapter#18 section#4 p.470-473

-Answer questions (1-7)* p.4732.) Chapter#18 Review*Pick 4 questions of your choice

• NOTICE: Chapter#18 Test Wednesday!

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Adam Smith

• He is the father of Modern Economics

• He wrote the Wealth of Nations in 1776

• In it he said that governments need to stay out of the economy as much as possible. laissez-faire

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The Invisible Hand• People and business operate in their own self-

interest.• Competition acts like an invisible hand which

will allocate resources to ONLY their most productive uses.

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Salons• Salons – informal

social gatherings where writers, artists, philosophers, and others exchanged ideas.

• In the 1700s middle class women started holding salons in their homes were the middle class could mingle with the nobility and discuss ideas.

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Enlightened Despots

• Frederick the Great

• Catherine the Great

• Joseph II

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The Limeys• The British believed in

mercantilism• Mercantilism – a policy by

which nations sought to export more than it imported to increase their supply of gold & silver.

• At the same time the British out paced the Spanish in wealth & empire and the Dutch in terms of trading power they built a constitutional monarchy.

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The United Kingdom

• The 1707 Act of Union between England and Scotland saw the nations' individual Parliaments replaced by the new Parliament of Great Britain.

• After the 1800 Act of Union with Ireland, the Dublin Parliament was abolished and Irish MPs and Lords were represented in the Westminster Parliament.

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Whigs & Tories• The growth of political parties

occurred in the late 1600s.• Tories – conservative – landed

aristocrats who sought to preserve older traditions & supported royal authority & the Anglican Church.

• Whigs – liberals – they supported urban business interests, religious toleration for protestants, and supported Parliament over the crown.

• The Whigs controlled Parliament for most of the 1700s.

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Cabinet System• In 1714, the new King of

England wasn’t English, but German.

• To help King George I, who spoke no English, he relied on the leaders of Parliament to help him run the country.

• His son, who was also German born also used this system, King George II.

• This cabinet system gained official status.

• The head of the Cabinet is the Prime Minister.

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Parliamentary System

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Parliamentary System• By the 14th century two distinct Houses,

the Commons and the Lords, had developed.

• The Commons involved representatives from counties, towns and cities,

• The Lords consisted of members of the nobility and clergy.

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King George III• In 1760, King George III

begins his 60 year reign.• He was born in England,

unlike dad and grandpa.• He spoke English & loved

Britain.• He was eager to recover

powers lost by the crown and end Whig domination, chose his own ministers, and dissolve the cabinet system.

• Cabinet rule was restored in 1788 following the loss of the American colonies.