reynolds03 jssc vol38no9 pp1555-1560 adirectconvreceivericforwcdmamobilesystems

IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-ST ATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 38, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2003 1555 A Direct-Conversion Receiver IC for WCDMA Mobile Systems Scott K. Reynolds, Brian A. Floyd  , Member, IEEE , Troy Beukema, Thomas Zwick  , Member, IEEE , Ullrich Pfeiffer, and Herschel Ainspan  Abstract—A prototype design of a 2.7–3.3-V 14.5-mA SiGe di- rect-conversion receiver IC for use in third-generation wide-band code-division multiple-access (3G WCDMA) mobile cellular sys- tems has been completed and measured. The design includes a by- passable low-noise amplifie r (LNA), a quadrature downconverter , a local-oscillator frequency divider and quadrature generator , and variable-gain baseband amplifiers integrated on chip. The design achieves a cascaded, LNA-referred noise figure (including an in- terstage surface acoustic wave filter) of 4.0 dB, an in-band IIP3 of 18. 6 dBm, and local -os cil lat or lea kage at the LNA input of 112 dBm. The static sensitivity performance of the receiver IC is characterized using a software baseband processor to compute link bit-error rate.  Index T erms— code divi sion mult iacc ess, land mobi le radi o cellular systems, receivers, mixers, low noise amplifiers (LNAs), BiCMOS, direct conversion. I. INTRODUCTION A SINGL E-MODE 2.7–3.3-V wide- band code -di visi on mult iple-access (WCDMA) direct-conversion recei ver IC has bee n des ign ed and fabricated usin g a 0.24- m SiGe BiCMOS technology. The receiver design has been targeted to address the industry needs of high integration, low power, and low cost, while meeting all WCDMA RF system performance requirements [1] with design margi n. The prototy pe desi gn repr esent s a first step tow ard a full y inte grate d monol ithi c WCDMA/UMTS receiver system-on-chi p. II. ARCHITECTURE A hig h-lev el blo ck dia gra m of the rec ei ver is shown in Fig. 1. The direct-conversion architecture eliminates a second freq uenc y synt hesizer, remo ves the need for an off -chi p IF filter, reduces spurious mixer products, and has the potential to effici ently accommodate multiple radio standards. However , several difficulties arise in the design of a practical direct-con- vers ion rece ive r, including dc and low-fre quenc y dist orti on terms which fall on top of the desired signal at baseband. These distortion terms arise from local-oscillator (LO)-RF coupling and from second-order inte rmod ulat ion. The recei ver archi- tecture shown in Fig. 1 minimizes LO-RF leakage by driving the LO port of the IC at twice the desired channel frequency [2]. The 2 LO is divi ded on- chi p to gener ate di ff ere ntial qua dra tur e LO sig nals for the mix ers . Att enu ati on of any Manuscript received November 19, 2002; revised April 10, 2003. The authors are with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2003.815914 LO-RF leakage through the mixer circuitry to the mixer input is also provided by the low-noise amplifier (LNA2) reverse isolation. This design allows the LNA1 to be powered down and bypassed while keeping the LO power at the antenna well below WCDMA specification requirements. A 4-MHz pole on the output of the quadrature mixers attenuates high-frequency dist orti on terms such as the tran smit ter leakage signal and both in-b and and out- of-ba nd inter fere nce signa ls. Becau se the des ire d sig nal can still be rel ati vel y sma ll at the mix er output, a low-noise variable-gain amplifier (BBVGA1) is used to amplify the signal so that the input noise of the following active channel select filter does not degrade system sensitivity. The channel select filter and following VGAs have not been integrated onto the IC described in this paper. System performance requirements for the receiver include LNA-r efe rred noise fi gur e (NF ), second- and third-order linearity (IIP2, IIP3), input 1-dB compression point (ICP1-dB), quad ratur e accu racy , bala nce, in-c hanne l phase dist orti on, and LO phase noise. Because the front-end switch/RF filter characteristics can vary depending on vendor and design, the rece iv er perf orma nce requ irements such as NF , IIP2 , IIP3 , and ICP1-dB cannot be directly derived from the WCDMA specifica tion. Our system performance targets for some of these parameters are summarized in Table I. Out-of-band linearity req uir eme nts assu me 22-dBm transmit leaka ge at LNA1 input, with 50-dB transmit band attenuation and 2-dB receive band attenuation in the duplexer . NF requirements assume 4-dB duplexer loss. II I. CIRCUIT DESIGN The SiGe BiCMOS technolo gy in whi ch this chi p was fa bricated ha s n-p -n transi st or s wit h a peak of 47 GHz, CMOS field- eff ect tran sist ors (FETs ) with 0.24- m dra wn channel lengths, metal–insulator–metal (MIM) capacitors, and high - indu ctors u sing th ick fi nal alu minu m. Refe rrin g to the block diagram of Fig. 1, the switched-gain low-noise amplifier (LNA1) prov idesei ther 14 dB of gain or 4 dB of loss, de pe nding on the strength of the input signal level. Following LNA1, the 50- signal goes off chip to a ban d-s ele ct surf ace aco ust ic wave (SAW) filter, which attenuates RF signals outside the 2110–2170-MHz WCDMA band, easing linearity requirements further downstream. In particular , the SAW filter attenuates the handset’s own transmit signal in the 1920–1980-MHz band, which appears at the LNA1 input due to finite isolation in the duplexer. The output of the SAW filter comes back on chip to the 50 - input o f LNA2, whic h has 12 d B of gai n and ac ts as an active balun to provide differential signals to the two mixers. 0018-9200/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

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A Direct-Conversion Receiver IC for WCDMAMobile Systems

Scott K. Reynolds, Brian A. Floyd  , Member, IEEE , Troy Beukema, Thomas Zwick   , Member, IEEE , Ullrich Pfeiffer,and Herschel Ainspan

 Abstract—A prototype design of a 2.7–3.3-V 14.5-mA SiGe di-rect-conversion receiver IC for use in third-generation wide-bandcode-division multiple-access (3G WCDMA) mobile cellular sys-tems has been completed and measured. The design includes a by-passable low-noise amplifier (LNA), a quadrature downconverter,a local-oscillator frequency divider and quadrature generator, andvariable-gain baseband amplifiers integrated on chip. The designachieves a cascaded, LNA-referred noise figure (including an in-terstage surface acoustic wave filter) of 4.0 dB, an in-band IIP3of 18.6 dBm, and local-oscillator leakage at the LNA input of 

112 dBm. The static sensitivity performance of the receiver ICis characterized using a software baseband processor to computelink bit-error rate.

  Index Terms—code division multiaccess, land mobile radiocellular systems, receivers, mixers, low noise amplifiers (LNAs),BiCMOS, direct conversion.


ASINGLE-MODE 2.7–3.3-V wide-band code-division

multiple-access (WCDMA) direct-conversion receiver

IC has been designed and fabricated using a 0.24- m SiGe

BiCMOS technology. The receiver design has been targeted to

address the industry needs of high integration, low power, and

low cost, while meeting all WCDMA RF system performance

requirements [1] with design margin. The prototype design

represents a first step toward a fully integrated monolithic

WCDMA/UMTS receiver system-on-chip.


A high-level block diagram of the receiver is shown in

Fig. 1. The direct-conversion architecture eliminates a second

frequency synthesizer, removes the need for an off-chip IF

filter, reduces spurious mixer products, and has the potential to

efficiently accommodate multiple radio standards. However,

several difficulties arise in the design of a practical direct-con-

version receiver, including dc and low-frequency distortion

terms which fall on top of the desired signal at baseband. These

distortion terms arise from local-oscillator (LO)-RF couplingand from second-order intermodulation. The receiver archi-

tecture shown in Fig. 1 minimizes LO-RF leakage by driving

the LO port of the IC at twice the desired channel frequency

[2]. The 2 LO is divided on-chip to generate differential

quadrature LO signals for the mixers. Attenuation of any

Manuscript received November 19, 2002; revised April 10, 2003.The authors are with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown

Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2003.815914

LO-RF leakage through the mixer circuitry to the mixer input

is also provided by the low-noise amplifier (LNA2) reverse

isolation. This design allows the LNA1 to be powered down

and bypassed while keeping the LO power at the antenna well

below WCDMA specification requirements. A 4-MHz pole on

the output of the quadrature mixers attenuates high-frequency

distortion terms such as the transmitter leakage signal and

both in-band and out-of-band interference signals. Because

the desired signal can still be relatively small at the mixer

output, a low-noise variable-gain amplifier (BBVGA1) is used

to amplify the signal so that the input noise of the following

active channel select filter does not degrade system sensitivity.The channel select filter and following VGAs have not been

integrated onto the IC described in this paper.

System performance requirements for the receiver include

LNA-referred noise figure (NF), second- and third-order

linearity (IIP2, IIP3), input 1-dB compression point (ICP1-dB),

quadrature accuracy, balance, in-channel phase distortion,

and LO phase noise. Because the front-end switch/RF filter

characteristics can vary depending on vendor and design, the

receiver performance requirements such as NF, IIP2, IIP3,

and ICP1-dB cannot be directly derived from the WCDMA

specification. Our system performance targets for some of these

parameters are summarized in Table I. Out-of-band linearity

requirements assume 22-dBm transmit leakage at LNA1

input, with 50-dB transmit band attenuation and 2-dB receive

band attenuation in the duplexer. NF requirements assume 4-dB

duplexer loss.


The SiGe BiCMOS technology in which this chip was

fabricated has n-p-n transistors with a peak of 47 GHz,

CMOS field-effect transistors (FETs) with 0.24- m drawn

channel lengths, metal–insulator–metal (MIM) capacitors, and

high- inductors using thick final aluminum. Referring to the

block diagram of Fig. 1, the switched-gain low-noise amplifier

(LNA1) provides either 14 dB of gain or 4 dB of loss, dependingon the strength of the input signal level. Following LNA1, the

50- signal goes off chip to a band-select surface acoustic

wave (SAW) filter, which attenuates RF signals outside the

2110–2170-MHz WCDMA band, easing linearity requirements

further downstream. In particular, the SAW filter attenuates the

handset’s own transmit signal in the 1920–1980-MHz band,

which appears at the LNA1 input due to finite isolation in the

duplexer. The output of the SAW filter comes back on chip to

the 50- input of LNA2, which has 12 dB of gain and acts as

an active balun to provide differential signals to the two mixers.

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Fig. 1. Direct-conversion WCDMA FDD receiver system design.



The mixers have 6 dB of gain, and BBVGA1 has five selectable

gain states of 16 10 4 2, and 8 dB, respectively.

The receive chip uses no external components except for the

SAW filter shown in Fig. 1 (labeled BPF) and a dc blocking

capacitor at the LNA1 input. LNA1 uses bondwire inductances

for degeneration and impedance matching, as well as on-chipinductors. Total current consumption is 14.5 mA with LNA1

on and 10.5 mA with LNA1 off.

A simplified schematic of LNA1 is shown in Fig. 2. In

high-gain mode, the LNA is biased at 4 mA; in bypass mode,

the bias current for LNA1 is switched off and the signal is

routed around the gain stage through a MOSFET switch. In

both modes, the LNA is matched to 50 at the input and

output, targeted for a specification of dB and

dB. A proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT)

bias circuit derived from an on-chip bandgap reference in the

downconverter sets Q1’s transconductance approxi-

mately constant over temperature.

In high-gain mode, amplification is provided by a common-

emitter device (Q1) with inductive degeneration . Optimum

noise matching and power matching are obtained simultane-

ously [3], [4]. A small amount of feedback is used from the

base to the collector to ease the input match, as well as facil-

itate matching in bypass mode. As a result, the input bondwireinductance is enough to complete the 50- match. In bypass

mode, Q1 is powered down and M1 is switched on. This routes

the signal from the input matching network through ,

M1, and to the output matching network. Since the LNA

is passive in bypass mode, its linearity is very high. Due to the

on-resistance of switch M1 and the loss in the matching ele-

ments, there is approximately 4 dB of loss in the bypass mode.

The characteristics of LNA1 were measured on a receiver IC

which was directly bonded to the board (chip-on-board) with

the output SAW filter removed. The gain and NF results given

have the loss due to the input and output coplanar waveguides

de-embedded. In high-gain mode, the gain is 13.2 dB and

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Fig. 2. Simplifed schematic of LNA1.

the NF is 1.8 dB. Input and output return loss are 10.7 and

12 dB, respectively. The reverse isolation in high-gain mode

is 22 dB. The in-band IIP3 (10-MHz tone spacing) is 5.6 dBm,

the out-of-band IIP3 (70-MHz tone spacing) is 3.9 dBm, and

ICP1-dB is 11.5 dBm. In bypass mode, the gain and NF are

4.0 and 3.6 dB, respectively. The 0.4-dB discrepancy between

the measured gain and NF is due to the tolerance of the mea-

surements. Again, the LNA is matched input and output, with

and better than 12 dB. Finally, IIP3 is 20 dBm in

bypass mode.Referring to Fig. 1, the downconverter includes LNA2, the

mixers, and the quadrature divider. A simplified schematic of 

LNA2 is shown in Fig. 3. It employs inductive degeneration

(Le1 and Le2) to increase the linear range of a standard differ-

ential pair (Q1 and Q2). A tuned RLC  load is used so that the

gain peaks in the 2110–2170-MHz WCDMA band, but the cir-

cuit is kept low by resistors R1 and R2 so that the circuit gain

and frequency response are not sensitive to process variations.

Load capacitance of the mixers and interconnect can be ab-

sorbed into C1 and C2. Shunt feedback is applied through Rfb1

and Cfb1 to reduce distortion and make input matching easier,

and Rfb2 and Cfb2 are used to balance the output level of the

Fig. 3. Simplified schematic of LNA2.

inverting and noninverting outputs. Lmatch and Cmatch com-

prise an impedance matching network to match the unbalanced

input of LNA2 to 50 . The output of LNA2 is ac coupled to the

mixers. The combination of the load inductors L1 and L2 and

the ac-coupling capacitors (not shown) forms a second-order

high-pass filter which removes even-order distortion products

generated in LNA2 and prevents them from unbalancing themixers. All five inductors in LNA2 are fabricated on the chip.

LNA2 is biased at 3.2 mA.

A simplified schematic of the mixers is shown in Fig. 4. De-

vices Q8–Q11 form a conventional doubled-balanced Gilbert

cell mixer. The transconductor portion of the mixer (devices

Q4–Q7) uses a multi-tanh (orSchmook)cell to expand the linear

input range [5]. This cell gives a better tradeoff between noise

and linearity than a conventional resistively degenerated differ-

ential pair. Note that biasing circuitry is not shown in Fig. 4. The

mixers are biased at 1.2 mA each.

The quadrature divider is a conventional emitter-coupled

logic (ECL) D-flip-flop configured as a divide-by-two. The

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Fig. 4. Simplified schematic of the mixer. Biasing arrangements are notshown.

double-frequency LO signal comes onto the chip differentially

at approximately 10 dBm and is capacitor coupled into the

clock input of the ECL flip-flop. The flip-flop clock input

is matched to 100 at 4280 MHz. The flip-flop quadrature

outputs are buffered and applied to the mixer LO inputs. The

quadrature divider and LO buffer consume 2.05 mA.

The baseband variable-gain amplifier (BBVGA1 in Fig. 1)

consists of five transconductance cells sharing a common input

buffer, a common output buffer, and common load resistors.Only one of the transconductance cells is biased at a time and

the transconductance of that cell (together with the load resis-

tors) determines the gain of BBVGA1. An RC filter at the input

has a cutoff frequency of 4 MHz. The two ( and channel)

BBVGA1 amplifiers consume 2 mA total.

Measurements on the downconverter were made by wafer

probing of a breakout site. All downconverter measurement re-

sults refer to the 50- unbalanced input of LNA2. The down-

converter voltage gain is 17.4 dB, the NF is 10.5 dB, is

less than 18.6 dB, and the ICP1 dB is 16.2 dBm. The IIP3

of the downconverter is in the range of 5.7 to 6.3 dBm for

all twelve chips tested (using 10 and 19.5 MHz downconverted

tones). The IIP2 is greater than 44 dBm for all twelve samples(using 14.5 and 15.5 MHz downconverted tones). The ampli-

tude balance of the two quadrature channels is better than 0.1 dB

and the quadrature error is less than 1.5 for all twelve samples

tested. Ten of the twelve samples have quadrature error of less

than 0.8 .


The system test results of the RFIC on an evaluation board

including the SAW filter (but no duplexer) are presented in

Figs. 5–7 and Table I. The chip was packaged in a QFN-32

plastic package. The evaluation board (shown in Fig. 8) was

Fig. 5. Measured RFIC frequency response.

Fig. 6. Measured Rx band frequency response and NF.

2.8 cm 4.9 cm and fabricated from a low-loss Teflon-basedlaminate on top of an FR-4 carrier.

The measured frequency response of the system (shown in

Fig. 5) revealed that the transmit band suppression was only

21 dB at 1980 MHz, not nearly as good as the 35-dB or greater

suppression expected from the SAW filter specifications. This

problem was traced to a grounding error on our IC. The sub-

strate contacts in LNA1 were placed too close to substrate con-

tacts in the rest of the chip, so that the LNA1 ground was not

effectively isolated from the ground on the rest of the chip. This

allowed ground current from LNA1 to flow through the mutual

ground inductance, so that signals in LNA1 could partially by-

pass the SAW filter and be impressed on the LNA2 input. All

board-level measurement results presented in this paper includethe effect of this grounding error and the resulting reduction in

Tx band attenuation by the SAW filter. As will be seen later, the

RFIC is still within 1 dB of meeting all of our system perfor-

mance targets for out-of-band IIP3 and compression. The mea-

sured noise figure at all twelve WCDMA receive channels is

plotted together with the frequency response in Fig. 6. In the

worst case channel for NF (channel with lowest gain), a margin

of 1 dB is maintained below the required 5 dB.

Fig. 7 shows the measured IIP3 in the receive band for

10-MHz tone spacing for all of the twelve channels. The four

curves represent the two cases of placing the two tones below

or above the LO frequency for both baseband channel outputs

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Fig. 7. Measured Rx band IIP3.

Fig. 8. RFIC evaluation board.

( and ). The worst of all results is then compared with the

specification. For in-band IIP3, there is still 1 dB margin in the

worst case. For out-of-band IIP3, all possible combinations of 

LO frequencies and continuous-wave (CW) tones anywhere in

the Tx band and the receive blocker bands (1, 2, and 3 above

and below Tx) at outputs and have been used to determine

the worst case linearity point for each of the blocking bands.

The worst measurement results out of all possible combinations

of tones are summarized in Table I, which shows that under

nominal conditions the chip meets our system performancetargets for IIP3 except for two out-of-band IIP3 cases that

miss the design goal by about 1 dB. This is due to the poor

Tx suppression in the external SAW filter, as discussed above.

For the same reason, the chip slightly misses our target for

out-of-band IIP2, achieving 69 dBm Tx-band IIP2 (for the

worst measured combination of tones) versus a 72-dBm


Measurements with modulated WCDMA signals were also

performed. A sensitivity test according to the 3GPP specifica-

tion [1] was run for WCDMA Rx channel 6 (2137.5 MHz),

which has the worst NF in Fig. 5. The LNA-referred sensitivity

is 124.1 dBm at a bit-error rate (BER) of 0.1%, with an im-

Fig. 9. Die photograph of the chip. Die size is 2.07 mm 2  2.07 mm.

plementation loss of 0.37 dB in the software baseband demod-

ulator. Compared with the required sensitivity of 121 dBm,

there is a margin of over 3 dB. An LNA-referred BER sensitivity

of 123.3 dBmwas measured with a simultaneous1977.5-MHz

Tx interference signal of 22 dBm at the LNA input. Thus, the

receiver is desensed by 0.8 dB by thetransmitband blocker. This

desense will be reduced greatly when the Tx band attenuation

provided by the off-chip SAW filter is increased.

A die photograph of the chip is shown in Fig. 9. LNA1 is atthe lower left, while the five inductors of LNA2 are visible in the

upper half of the chip. The die size is 2.07 mm 2.07 mm to the

outside of the pad frame. About 40% of the area within the pad

frame is empty space that will be used in future prototypes.


A direct-conversion receiver optimized for application in

low-power WCDMA mobile systems has been described.

Key features of the design include a bypassable LNA which

saves 4 mA in low-gain mode and a single-ended-input active

downconverter which draws less than 8.5 mA from a 2.7–3.3-V

supply. The chip consumes 14.5 mA total in high-gain modeand uses only two external components: an interstage SAW

filter and a dc blocking capacitor at the LNA input. Out-of-band

linearity performance slightly misses some of our desired tar-

gets, but this is due to poor transmitter leakage attenuation

through the interstage SAW filter, a problem which has been

traced to a grounding error on our IC. Otherwise, the receiver

meets all needed WCDMA RF performance requirements

under nominal operating conditions.


[1] “UE RadioTransmissionand Reception (FDD),” Third-Generation Part-nership Project (3GPP), Tech. Spec. 25.101, v. 3.0.1, Apr. 2000.

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