rfotordain quickly. · 2017. 12. 20. · mr.bottnolongerpastor tiie baptistcouscil's decisiun....

MR. BOTT NO LONGER PASTOR TIIE BAPTIST COUSCIL'S DECISiuN. BOUND GC1LTY OP TiaeTtToN-HE BBVOSflf TO ACCi PT TBB DaKBfHOB, A conncil weapeaad al BwlaaMtaa froai tlio cbuchesol the Boutbero New-York Baptlat Aaaocia- ti,,,, to eVn.ider the Ta^aiJtoChBU^ held an BOJourned martiua in UUmv ' .»'»}"" Cl.urch. ia Weat 1 iftv-aari-mlt-»i.. rfotordain er- BOOB tlie ROV. Dr. Aniutaac arting as Modaru ot. } oat'atel thut the buaiueiw lirat in order waa ti.e aoo^tioTol tb. report ... &«**«&«$£ aDoointed at tho laat rneeting to go to li.itc oviiie Joexaniu'e n.hl.l.onul witue^vs. Tho^mmittee M-aa e..ni).oac.vd «.f tho Ror. Measra. 1 ogw>. >l« r* Sd liouine. und Meoara. V ^'"''Tb 1' \Nev iiuii Tho report was teuil 1>\ the Kev. naisey > , iv. clerk ot the counoiL Tbe l'arues to tha con- ?rovciav wero rauneatad to »HttitU»w vhttetto rci.ott w M belnf ....nsi-tered. aad tlie Kor. Mr. Botl and hia ifollowera on tlio one a.de. aud Uaooon Jolm Toruerand hia f.i< oda oa the other. iBtUBBL .ll,o report was iea-1. dlaoaaaod. aineiidedood adopted aHthbotona dtaaaBtinf vota. lt *ehuad that both tlie chorch ntlicera and the fonnei paator had baaa gaUtr ol rcpwbanaible coodact.tte^ttor eapaaially ao, lt a<t u.rth tbat wbeo Mr. Bott< amc t,,' tho ehurch be wroorfallJ w.ti.hHd unportaat facts C4.il. en.ii.ir Ina dirorce Irom bia IralB e and ba BUtrriBie to bia oreaent one, aud tli.it "evi.is BU.it!¦ot il ei.lmii alao that. tbpagh he elai.ucl to rJV.oVthonKhtfuh.i.lor of the ..hut. ...io »« not its pastor. and that he elmuld withuraw. 11 it " '.r, oiiiniel.ih <1 tbBt Bll tb? -nein ,.¦,« of tbe chur.-h co.tie tngether la a » r.t of mut . 1 '£¦>.*» aeaa, eoeh faftioa ooyfeaaloa apy wirooga bicait mixbl have conimltted, und tbat Mr. ll..ttc,.ntc^ hiai foedte, whereupon tne tbareb waBadYiaedto xratit him a lotter ol diaiiiiasioti. . ..__ gThen IboBB ln waitiug and a few snectatora. 81.1,mu' whoui was GeiMial Cooway. ot Bropklyo, Z< was tbefonnder of tho Totteiivule cliimh. were ail-.w.-d M n-e.ter Dr. Arorttaao rtatad vbal had ooearraoJiad tho dudingaof tbobooy wetVread l.y tl.o rl.ik. Dr. Armitajn thea turaed Totl. Pi.res.-.itativesof tho eharcb aod Inaaired of Clerk Avers whetl.oi th.y woald aeeeptaud abiilebr the advi.e giveo, To tbia mi affinnative Paa! ?wa.««di Kmlng ^ Mr Bott, wtafaco waa tlii.ahe.l with exeiteanoat, the kfoderator [>ut the ¦aaae aneetioo, and a/aaaoawered prumptiy: -No.air. How eaa If I woula dla flrat Mr Bott c,.i.8ti..ned tho trathfalneaa of tho report aal aaid he co.i.d eliow the C^lttae iTberein they were wrono. n*e oomm u-e a drew for ooiianltBinn and rotnrne.l 8000. Wben aaked what tber had to report they alBBply re. oftimie.l all that tlu-y had previoualy i.-i;.>itr.l. Axain Mr. llott was aaked whether he would airrro toahi.ie l.y the deciaion of tbe eoaaoil. to wblcb .No. eir." waa the ready. TaMreapoa the eaaaail a.ljouriiod aiar die._ GAS TROFITS OF BRVENTT PEU CENT. TIIK KXMAI1KABI.Y PB08PEBOUB CAREEK OF THE NKW-YOItK Cc.MPANY. Jamos Yalddi. the oxport BOponnUnt presoi.ted a loi of laets ami Bfaroa tothe rJaoatoGaa ,<'m,»^.,' yeaterday ahow.nl what 8 bUt honatt/.a ihe -New- Vork Gealighi Companv had foaad. le aald tbal the ccmpanv atartod lo ihe year 1^-M with a eap- itaiof*i.ooo.(KH) aad of thia aooi WOO.000 waa pa-.dinaliortly afterward. Tne paabcapiU waa patd 5. by iiintali.ic-i.ti. and by 1887lt had feached 8730.000, tho total aroounl ot caeb capitai bud- acniii-d by tho etiK-kl oldc rs. The capitai waa aoh- Be.iiie.itlv'incroasod toB^.OOO.iTOO oul oftheaur. pitiB pninta. Theae Borploa proaia were nomina v made npby api.rc-eiatKiii iu the va ue ofreal estale bai the ba'-usoTi which it waa mcreaaed ppald not be ascertaiiiod. On the amouat Invoa ed dividenda .aarairating 811.714.078 80 wore poid up totbe year 1*71. From 1*71 to 1884 laeNew-YoA Coni. pa.ivp.iid $:J,r»-J0,oi»O to ita sto,.kii.d..ei.a tn divi- de.i.la aud an ndditionul diYidood Bgtjregatiug S40.000 waait-iidout of tbeaaa t- oftbe oomBanv after eonsoliciatiou. Tlie atook aud BeaetaoftBe hew-York (Jompaiiy were uiv.-n to Ibe tonaolidated Cotupanv iu oxebaoEe tor |W,000.000 of aew atock. Altocetherthoatochholdaraol tlie New-York t .>iu- panvreeeived fiom th;ir orixinal investmenl <<f 8750,000 eaab and atock boneiita apiouuting to B22.171.330 69. This yaar tbe Btockholderii of the New-York Compaoy recetred m dlphlenila 8A20.200, equal to 7 per cent ou ita uomlnol con- loh lated capitai ol 87,000,000, bul eqiuvaleut to TOigiMroeatonitaMfuaicaaaMnital. liainel Palqjer. caabieroi the City Banh, teatifled that tha banh had hrojn tinM loUbhloiatle call h.uus to tbe Connolidated Compauy. Ibero waa a curreut loun ol 8300.0CO, guaranteed, made laat Oetober, whioh be bad cbarged to th depoait nc- countol tho Conaolidal«4l Compaoy eiiiccbercceivetl a aubpoHiB, a lew boora beforc <. teatifled. He diu Boi know whetber lhatloao hadbeeu mwletoon- al.ie tbeCouaolidatedCo iiuany lo aay il divideml. JaaMaW. 8uiitb, treaaurer ol tbe tonsolidatcd Couipativ. teatided that tbe oompauy bad paid oul iu dividends thia yaar aometbing uke 8l.loo.ooo. Qeaaral Tremain-PKl your dei.osit aoeoaal ln the Clty li.nik exoeed 8300,000 thia aiornlug t A.-I don t kunw. I l.reaume it .nd. a-Why waa that aote tor 8300,000 Tald tlua bmtb- inn t A.-l eouhl uot aay. Mr su-.ith aaid tbal tho comoaar had ¦aaoa out- aUodiog oaaouPtina to 8rBK».(KB), beartua mtereat ot -l perceutabeld by tbe City Itankauddi coti it.-d Slwatthraedayaaga II.aied thnt in borrow- iuK this iiu.ii.-v the oompaay bad antlclpated ita profita, aud aaid Itwoato be paid oal ol lutui* The .....uinittif will ateel again to-day at 11 a. m. at the Fnth Avi-uiK- RoteL LICKN'slNG DI8REPUT1BLE RE80RT8. .lohu N. Beeklej,City Attoineyof Koolieater.who uuderappoMitm-tit ofGoremor Hill iatakingtes- tiruooy regarding tbeohaigos bronghl by Vnyoi Uraoe afaiBsi tl.<- Excl ' -. »a« allday yeateiday iu one ol tue pnrloni ol tlwGiiaey II >ua liatemng to tbe evidenceof CommiaMoaer Monia. Tbe proeecution \m.> reprcBeuted byxranciaM. Bco'.t, uaaMied by G. Ji Oxden. i lliot 8«niliord oppeared for tbe Exciae Board, bul R b. New- eoaibe. Commiaaioni r fcitchelPacoauael, eonducted the eroae-examin itiot and .iui moal "t tbe object- iag. hc.liiit K. Deyo waa aieo presoni aa connael for Commiaeioner Morria, The apawial Biibjtx ol iiiqum waa the aeeood ol the three cbnrgea pre- tened agaiual tbe membera .,i tho i.\.i .. Board. aecuaiog Uommiaaiouera Bttcbell ami ll inxbtoa ..i Blxninglicoua alm placeaol ootoriutia ill reunt". Commiaaioner Boma; wbo refuaea to aign theap lieeoaea, wna tbe ooly importanl witac* exaioiuo4l. Mr. Boott opeued tbe aea icn i»y pattug bt evi- donce applicatioua for liceuae whioh bad i.e-n flle durhig ibe laat eixhtoi n montha by thepropuctora oi ilntt'-e" well-kuown diateputablc bar-rouma, and whteb bad all been granteti by Ibe TOtoaolC4>m- niis.'iouers Haughton aud IIitchell, notwitbataud- Big the proleal ol Commiaaiouer Morria. Among Ibe plaoea tbaa licenaed were " i.>m " (¦<»ni<l a, tbe Hayniarket, tbe Cremorne, aud tbe VYiudaoi Gnr- doua. Cotumuaiooci Morria ea'.ifled tbat be waa m tba hai.it ol uaking eertaiu iudorsemente apon tue applicationa lor liceueea win. h came before the h.i^r.i. Unloikiug <>v r the TAiioua applicatioas v li bad been pat iu erideuee, be found tbat iu Ibecaae of m<Mt ol theaj ihe indoraemente were di.toi! oo daya prior lo tae grautiag <<i the liceuaea, Arinc-li fael proYoa Ihal Couimiaaioner Morrtaa pro- toala moal hav eaoaa tothe aoiioeol tbe other aommlaaionera bcforo ihoy aoted .i|.<.:i the appli a- ti'.un. The applicatioua were then t:tk« o un one by oa". Commiaaiouer Motria t<«.c! what ei!.,n-, hi Bad made lo iuv.vtiaate paraonally the cbaracter of ih..- vatious nla.-es foi- whicb llceaaea were aaked. Io uianv e.iM-a be U.i.l fmud tbem t.. 1>. frequeuted bv diarepatable woaaeu. loothor eoaea he loand aaunbliBB-roama maintoined in the aomc boaae. Iu Trthnrnnaftt hti made oo poraooal iaYeatigatioa, bul koMad bmprotaet apoa lha onlaYorabki report <>t tue mapeetora and ih<- poiiee captaiua. Iu aplie of his |ii..i.-aiatheae \. aeaa had all been lloeaaed, .Mr. Ncwintiiiie 4,ii oroaaexaaioation pul m evi- deuc-i- a ietter writlen to the Excrtae Board by Hena- tor Gibbs, reeomraeoding the liceaaiug >,f " Tmii " Gooid'a plaoe, aud aiN" a kma petliion with nenrly OOOoaoMarcrpotTed by the Board, prayi in? for the Ueeuae .>i tba a ime plaoe. l he iBYeatlgation will bo couliuucd lo-day. FOIt IIFI.I'INt, A MUBDhRER TO E8CAPIS, ' Jaiues Mi-Shiiie. who was m the fcall of tiio l.m- w.Hid c'lub, at tha Grand Opera Honee, ..n Now Ye.u'.s i-ve, 1982, ik iu trouble, as aereral othera <>i that oompaay have beea. Jaaaee A. Browo. >.uc of Iho aaamoara ol tbccluh, qoarrelled with tbe Oxle brothers aboul aomamouoy lhat had been given to the cliiii. aud Browo waa Btabhad with a phvsiciaii a luuce aud dled. 1 ho C'oro- n.-r's jury baplleaied Saiuu.-i <)^!.-, aad ba was arreated. bgt sulii.-ie it erideooe ooald nol be fotii'd a^amst iii in and lu- was diacbarajed. Mean- while BoBhano, it is aaid, had taik.-il with aomeol tlie detectivea aud had giren iolofroatiou Bffaiuat Gesir^e Ogle, who ia uow uu.lc-r urieat t..r tbe tuur- d«T. He aaul that Rooera and Dopper, two men ¦who were preaent, eould alao give inf.iuiat .n aanBoat Geaanre Oale. Wtaaa the deteetiTea eu.ieavi.i. d taamal Oearaa Ogle it was foand tbal habadioaf i.'it tboeity, and inforaiation waa ob- iaiaedthal led thedeteetiToato belioTetbal Mc8haue gave the iiit'irinati'iii aud he alterward admitted Ft, aaymg that he did uot want Oale t.. be bangod aftor all. He then trtod to turow tha blame among Oglc'h ti'ieuilM of niviiitf iiiloriuati.Mi BOBinat him on ¦aajora and Hnppnr fJateoauM t.> ihiaeitylora aiUKie day a few montha utfo und waa ).H)in|.lly arraatad. ilBTihBna haa haan amployarl ia the PoatOfBoe Uti.ier ( llatodian l oniiy. Jletic-tive \',il e.y wi-nt to tbe Poat Offiee yeaterday altorooon and arreated biui on a oeueh waxiant ishucd by Jodaaj (.ilder- aioc ve. Asfistant Diatriet-Attornoy I'tirdy had OBOaed bim t" be iodieted as au aeoooBon utci" tho faet in the umrder of Oirje, baeauaa he ai.lod ihe murdarei toaaaape. MoBhana wiU ho arrahjaod aa Mouday beloro Judge Gil ter-leeve. 4>- SBLLISO (iOdl'S SKlZl.li K)H DUTiBM. Tbere wiwa larire i-alc ycsteiday lnornini: of Cuatc.in Moiiae aelauroa, couMatiuciuineipaily of llqnora ami tol-az-co. at Uie .nn tl.-u eslaa.laliu, ut ot Kii. y A AlvKILliiDy.No. <if) .N'aaaau-at. Tlie itood guality of tlie fiufelteil xoocl*. aa well um tlie larae ainonnt of Ibrea, attrai tml a uuuiber of e.ixer bl.lclera. About 40,000 eluiira were aold. pnnelpallr ilarana braada. I bc fclxheai bida (oiigtd fiom s>7 u> «}iio a haadred Baarlr 4.004> paarkaxea or Cabaa Bfaaratua were diapoaeit af, ai/<i a lile Miiicnnt of einoklnx tohare . Olu and rinu wre thejirluolpal llnuora aold. Auionx tlie otiier arti- Btaa aoid were aoiuo Aaaaaaao aud CUlueae guod, wUlch braajgM A-ooii aaaaa, gtoraa, Bllka, aatAerr.Jew^rr traaa Breaea, pipes, aud a laijroquanMty of drj kooub. BOLIBAT FBATVBBB IB T1IK BABEBTB. Tlie aiarketd are f.tll t<. orerftofiRf witJh hoii.iuy eaubtoa and the aarketaen kara abown » __\ par apint i-v deoorattng tlu ir atali* wltb e;'"«rneii«''"_* f, Qqueuofpapertn keapla* v.lth tbe fea1ra eeae .1n. Woooeock c.at fc. » palr. rabidte 50 and 80 eenta, J"1. pheaaanta |4 Scut.-n gTOlUe 88, P ..rtn.k-.-a *1 hii.I liw andaqnlrraiao aata a palr. Opoaaum etothodlantn iwo tncbea of ra can be kad for 75 oento and raeeoauta for82aaek Wlhltarkeys,eamlnxaalBeyda.fraa tba far West, do not t-ei kara la gewd enndltlon ; iney_____ t-etiti a pound. QtallMllforBa a itoaaa, »WFe#" lor tlie aame, aud u:a. ijnlr.l-und r.-c.lt.irda.50 *«..« 81 50 a do/aii. Wli.l itaobe B*a not ulriiUIu.,, andJje 1 from75cenUforema "hell-dlvcra" to *¦*» * '",,,' cawantacha. Weatora rentooii la 20[oenta . geand by tbe qnarter, but hutehera eharga 88 eenta fore 111 et-. oentaforleira.and 28 eenta for aad.Uea. £kejBaw/pro- bi'.iita tne kiiiintt "f doer nft er Deeeaber .>, eoaeeqaaatij tue aoaaou for eelling it will aoofliba Btera. Hot-lioiiao radubaatare worib cic.-ntsin imnch, eran- berrlea, h and 1 ."> eenta a eoai 11 aalatfr. 10 and > ¦'' . - abnncb; New-Ortoaae atrlna beaat, Ba a PdfjfjJ"!?" flowera.!*5and60eentaeaeb;tottaea3 and 10 eenta a lioad, und liol-iionac ciicilinl.ei..-, 50 anta f .l,'1'1' , <''' poutosa ai.- 20 aud 85 aaato a kaU-peek, aad hot-houae Bouahroame 81 85 a pannd. Beurre d'AAJoa pean are $2 ndozon. botfconae arapea B2 50 n poiind, atruaberry plneapplea 85 and aweenia eack, Relaga grapaa 25 and 5o aaato n poumi, and baiiiiuaa 40 rcnta a ilo/en. . , ,. Loren of trout will :>o gto I to laara tbal tbongh the M B'oncloaed for arlUnR tln-ae flafa 011 Btptoinbei' 1, rei ralnboa trout (aaireffNia/vntoiui/ia) froin tbe B^nlbaiaa Bporuaan'aClubt.UI be oiiaaioiu Pulton .Mainet i>\ .ir. niackford. Bla yeara aan Profeeaor Ba'rd aaaanted tbe club witb .'.00 trout egga from Califorma. Ihe.v nawe doneao wcii 1.1 tbo watcra of tka elnk aatearearowa tbem, so aeveral thoiiauud poumla »f ibe aurplua wil, Be aold. I-Tozeu itota' le^a an 50 eenta a puiuul, dliiuionit- back terrapla 842 a dtmn, aud liurdahcii aaaaa *J ov u illil.'llC 1. , , _!»__ Tho piieea for nark, aaato, amoked fi-l» aini imiiitiy an- not uncaneouable coueRtertng the expeetad I aratataB ilciuand. aar. abbett aiii.h ti1> wirn -t.v avsceps. Tbere haa been n romor afloal for Beveral week* that Ooveruor Abbett, ol Sew-Jeim v, ta_vtl laa frout aerlona brala troai.ip, aud 'lmt tlu- dla aaa aaa affeeted ina mlnd an aa to Ineapaeitato hlm from attond- iiiitio btooflU¦ .ii dnttoa. ftfr. Ftiuer, the Iaw partner 01 Qorarnor Abbett, aid t-> a rniBCXk anorter yeatcrday "All that tlnie la ln the rimior ia thia.tlie tiovrruor baa baaa worklua hard durlnyj tho lael yeer.wi kt. bualneaa, and tho time that ba mtobtkave bad to racuperaafrom bla labor haa i..cn Klwen tue performaneeof hlanutiea atTrcntou. Uealaotookaa aetlra part ln tka toal polil toal eampatan, and ti.o reanlt waa tbat from the arem unmberol thlnaa tbal waa praaaiag apou bla atiantion. and reqnirlng prempl aad eneraetlq aotlon, btophya ra ayaloin waa immii ont aml licclcl n net, Wbieh lic cuiil'l not tlud tnnetotakr. Wlillc iu thia low Btate OfkealttJ necaiiKh: a keary eold m tbe bead, and an abacea waa developed intiiualiy in one of hla <-ara. Ihis waanboiii tbree weekaafo. an.l tora aeek be <nd not eome to ina oflloe kera or attend toany publu' bnelneaa. He eame to Now-York ererj day, kowerer, aad rlalled a protulneiii aarapeotoUst'aottlce for treataaent, ihe abaeeaa, tbomen exci-ediiii-i)- p iinfiil, waa ncv.i eontldered aartoua, a-. 11 brbkeexarnally an.l aaa nol eampllcatod wltb any other .n-ea»e. il.- h..« baaa at ina otliio hani at «.nk erery day for tbe lul two warke, exoopt aken attenalng to kla dutiaa at TrailtOR, and kla iiu-nlal powera urc u.a atrougand rtgaroua m tfcej ewer aara.*' PBOBABLB DEATB OB TBICBIBOSIB. YICTIB8. Ileobera of Um Wcit/.l family, who liavt- tiocn anftVrtug from trleklnoata, wew rlalled by Dr. CyrnaEdaon, of the Banltary Bureau, m iba prtaitr li'uaii tal v«-aicriliiv. H>- fouiiii tlu-ui dauaeroualj 11. ana waalnclliied t.> beltorB ih.u aoaa of them conid not live. llc eonnted up aventeen peraoni who pai iakib ol hani aandwlohee tn the Wcltxol rooma al Ro. ! - Kinr-at. on Tbankaelrlng i:v.>. an.l ufco kara been aunenna Irom tricbitioala aince tben. H.mio of them wbo bare nol gnna to boapltals were aald t.< be groalna weakrr. i Dctiiiia Ferbea, who a ia leut '... tka Rew-iort Hoapitai rrom N.«. ~'.i Rtag-at. on Tknraday, waa aa better, Moaea Blmon, tbe Wooaicr-at. render, who Bppeanaa m berecowerluga week aaa, wi ni atbe Baultary Bureau yeatcrdav. Ile bad atormlng aymi t'.n.a an.l Dr. l.da.ni a.-nt him to tlie iiinitv Hoapitai. J.-'m Derlln, <.r RO. l-T i.rernc-at.. w..s ... iniica worae tbat bla n rooral t a hoapitai waa dlaeuaaed. Jam. a Kluc, a younaman who llvea lu weatThlrd-al vi-ii.-.l Oerlln an ooiniilatued of palnaaud dtulnea whlck he kad experleneed latelr. Tne ine.it iua|...-'..i.Ma,:.-d tlu- attentton of Dr. fcjlaon to tbo car.aa-ea of two bORB abUb tbe* hml aelZe.L Uotbaalmala bad kaen kiliedwiiile anffarlngfrom hog cholcra. POTATO BTABCB IB VOBTED AB FABiBA. IaforRiation traa peoentlr laid beforo the apeclal Tmaanry aaaaa al lb« Cnatom lloiiae that fla- arantabuara kad beeB practlaed npon the dealera and inaniif cturem of potato aurcb, and Ih* fjovrrnmeiil hni been rbeated ont of a ooualderal.le nuiount in ilutlea, tbroiiKh t">' Importation «.f 1-.1.I" atureh a* farlna. Doalera ln domeatle potato ataieb lu tb re.. ntlt dlacorcred that tbey were laina tbeli enatntn- era In Cbloago and otboi Wi if m rttiea, an le 11 Ibal Imported ttarck tka ceiito a ponu i. or ,11. ill ceul a pouu inere il.an ,, ,",., m .- m llln ¦.' irom :!"a ..¦ 1 uta pound. Imported itarcb In llambunt la worlfa 2 oeiila and the dutv la '.' .-ni-. The apo< lal aaenta r.. .. .1 1h.1t a Li....! deal ol -tnl labelled " ¦¦¦:¦¦ rlna a, ni from Ilainbnrk lo tba I.. A. DjvIi - w 11 Hupplj C'ompa' v. blcaeo. Bpecl . " wei t<> tbe Hamiiurg atcamera 111 II Ibe alltod f.ii.i.a wa- poiai.. atarcb, About :." la hawe been Mixcd, and It U tbat arrrata Wlll fO'lll follow -4>- BB7TRB PBICBB l <K UB. WJBBAB'B B Priceaware iini<'!i hitrher jreetertlai uft^rnoon al tbe Ktoeam Ulir ry au a ai Lrawltl a o. 1. ilon rooma tbau on Wediieada- 01 d-i- - ...y. .\ ber o! .-xi'.-n--.M-iv :: uatral -.1 uooka w< re f.-w cm ¦"¦¦;..a. Krdaaart'a "t'liroiil<|iii ." iillted bj Mine, DeR'HL broiwht afl 1*5. A rop) ¦.! ..Ba*" Blbha, Londou, 1551, wblrb au'iailtutnl "hni ir> a'- for the " terror hv iitoat," ln the xcl, I'aalin, aold foi B10 50. 0 ia b rtre 1.. .... v ,.,,. t;..(,i foi llii.nii lu: Im 1-." umca. Pbllln '¦. Hamertoir. "Ktchiiis and Kl< wi i.i lor 831. and bia "Uruplilc ArU, II - rationa, lor 881. A rurl. " >a "Tui l. fa and Tim. a of Bertran.l du tluaalln, by I>. I i»nn, of Hoith Carolinu, "rntered arconlhia lo acl of CouKieaa 1.1 tbe Confederale Btaten .-1 Inicrlra,' ln l-..;:. Ibe prlce iriren for It waa 8t 2\ "TbelJl iu .-- .,1 John Kellx, Tnbuue of Ihe I'ooj lo." w<-:.t lor ::.'> iciii-._ BCOXOBT /v TBE IU"'<''< l l Ti >! I Tbe atatemeut uubliahed in Thk Triruxk v, ,;, ,1.,. tliat 1 li. Walker, tbe ii.L-i-. «aa to :... retlred 011 Kebruary !. 11:11.¦ nt ,11111.¦ B "' ll"*" 11 .-... Mmv of iiii-iu were ludlitnanl when U.-v t;¦.-! Mr. W bad I een naked for, and tbat he waa to be retlred wllbont anj aumil-.y or conaiderutionafter bll »lxtoen y. ar- ol fiiltbful and ard 100a aei 1 '.'¦. almplt njion ihe pli a ol eonoim Mr. iv, ker*B -a'.ii v haa been 8>1.5oo. J. 11 Brnwn, foi ol tbe l i-.-.i-urv I'.-pattroeut, offered to take tba |K»ltlon at 81,250 for -.1 niontha with tbo un.leratandibg hiaaervirei ar. re .co ptable be v- ,- III n lo ,~.i,.1 11. .1-. Um: haa in-.-ii a.¦(.i-|.i. (I. Mr. Wnlk- r'a aaalataut kaa bad bla aalaiy n -".» i" T-',.'')¦ '- 1SVESIOBT OF WBBTBBB UXIOB PBOPBBTT. Under Shenff Aarona yeata nlay stntl in-a rnon to teain niukina an Invanlory of tbe pn.paity brlunnlna to tbe Western Uulon Tclograph t'oiup.tny ln tbli preparaary to oderhu the a ime for -.1 -. Tb. ln < h 1..¦:..-.!.. ln therrarol Trlmty Cbureb, n-.-iuaa f i.-iory i.v 11.1.npany. waa flrat t.ik-n lu baud. All tba uiovable irtlelea, Incladlng tbe ina liinery, were llated, but tbe w.lne la nol yel appralaed. i.iaviii.- oppr.ilaera wlll coutinoe tbalr work m Hi<> Broadwaj buildlna, Ibe iic.oj.i lartera '. iln- company. Mr. Aaruni aald tbat tna work woula probabl* ba eomplelad early ln the t-oming week, and tbe property duiy adrrrtlaed for aale uui^-s ihejudgment and Bhertfl'a feea w< re tal tk-'i by the eoap my. .v//.i if DUBU1BB IX VITt 8TRKI I l The Aldermeu yeateirday diacnaned Ihe re* porta of a eommlttee i.'i' and awalnai ihe rt-poaiofthe ordlnance allawina tbe nae nf ateam dumralea «n Ilud* aon, 1 analand n/eatBU. and Tenth-are. below'fhlrtieib- at. Tba ni.,)..I-¦ tv beld that lha olt* ii "l ma v b ruutraci with ih" il'i'i-'.i. Rlver Rallroail Company by lleenalns amnmtoa for aereral yaara paat, and tbal tho rompuuy naa to-en at much rxpenae in bulldtng lepota In conuee- tloa wltk tim roadway orer wbleb ine dnmalra ruu. The mlnority reeommended tbal th.Inauee ba n paatod. Tkaaattot waa toto owei anUI Thnraday. ABOTBEB BTATBB I8LAXD PBBBT. A mlnotitj report ol the Comiaitteeon Per- rina and Prauebiat-i In toror of eatabltaklng anotber .11(11 l-ll.-.l llli.1 uir li'idlii 11..1 .J" ..... ..... ti, v.f .-. anotber aale of the toaae, and tbal II would be praetl- a wtolatlnn <>r Iba contrael with Braatna B'tman, tbo lea-t-o of tlie jui-s.-iil icrry, aaatobllah unutber one. OPIVB IOIBTB is BALTIBOBP. Dr. Nagie, of the Burean of Vital StaUalitra, yeatertlay recelred a lal ar fr«m Preaidenl .1. a. ;iowai1 aud Reerttary J. B, Cartor, ..r :iu. Baitluiore Baard nl Healih,reqnestlng Infornattonmlattre t.> th.i la\\a of Ni--.v-v.uk far Um anppreeelon of nplnm Jolnto. They Btated tbat tha oplua dena In Baltlniore bad been in- ereaalax rapldly hihI tbal tbe atnoklna of oplum bad be» eome ao exanslve aa a ba a tkraaleulna evll, Tbere ia no iaw t<> problbll ii.<- keepora of opluat jo'tte la Baltl- 11,or.- fn.ui extondiiiit tln-ir daagemua bualnraa. Dr. Na.-i.- aenl BPeoj ..f Ibe iaw wblek deala wltb tka nplnm (iiioatloii 111 thia -tat-. » ?- nro WATOBSB yi>;t Mi:. BBBGBI /.'. When .Mr. Beeeherwaa robbedof lns raln- abto aold watcb by a ptokpockat lu Rew»Tork oa ateetIon nlxbt, ba kara tbe laa wltb ealmnea aml mhI be bad .notber one tbat he eould cet along aitklftke atolea otiewaaaal r.rerod. >Tke Rew-Yoib ladRa of the Beoerolenl 1 roteellre Ordoraf Lika baa aince repaired iba loae hjr tbe glft of n bandaome JOrgeuaen wateb to tboPlymouth paator, tha inanptlon thowlng tbat It la a 11.uk of i-at.-. in. Mr. Het-i iur to alflo lo gel BButbl r watcb, wortb 8215, from tbe tirant Buleay Commlttee oi Boatan, in tokon of tluir appreclationof bia a.ldreaa at tbe uiani iiiiiuoriai aeallng to thutcity. _-4>- BUBB1K0 AOBOVBD IB TBB BAT. The rteainer Btate <.t Alaimnin, while ooming nptke Hav laafagal Ba ." raaardajrcronnded on a shoal at tbe tinictlun of tlu- M;ln Bblp and Baash cliaii- ncla. The cBptaln latoaTapkad 10 Ihe atiiita that alm would probably workoffal blgk llde wttbout aalatai .-. but all effoila to hark kar <>fl were fi uillroa. Aa Ihe hoU toui Itoa la u ii> d of iiiiui, the raaeel "iii probably leeelre aa daaaaa nntll aoaa of her argo to reaawad ln wder to flu.it iur. Tba ataaarer waa froa Ulaaguw aud cauio o\c-r on nu cxtru ttlp willi frcicht ouly. ?- 11IK UBWABLIEM OITt OF BBUCO, Tke old woodea Bteamer ('ity af Mexko, wiiicn|w«H aald to in- tittinp oui forpnwateerlaa pnrpuai a, loiiki (1 aa nnllke a war >.r plrattoal rea« 1 aa any floatliia body poaatWy c.ul.1. The Cnatom iiouae afltern kara ¦at kaaa oriieraa t<> t.-.kc eharga af he* ar to Inb rfaw la aar way wltk ker loadlnc, exrept In ra«e y\n akaaki al toapl to v oluta ihe iMmtraiity lawa, Bbe v, ia tawa t" 1'ier No. 17 1 ..--l l.lic; I.i Untob toodlllg vwtli ln r ui. r eiiandisc aarga. HOaMK NEWS rr.oMlNKNT ABBITAIA Wm Avrnur HoUl.Senatof NeilBOBW.AU drtofc. of Bfcode laland onxrea»Man John w. Ble rart. of Vermout ; Judxe Wna.n.. BaOoB. o. Uie... J- 1*»* Bohertaoa, of Toronto, aud (* b^ MeAdar..a .... (./.rv ffowae-Oenatorileel Praacla ll.-ndiMki.... Byra- cnae Slurietant floaee-WUIIani H. Bueglee, N<« York'stateSuperinUndent of rm.lic Inatruetloa. i ,¦!,.,I i ',,1,1 ciiii.nel llenrr I* Alibot. l.>. Aini>. /; r // i/¦ ' "er.if M. B, UbuobII, of iodlana _.Jf«rrTpBO/HoW-l^eaaor U Clark eeelye, al Northaniplon. Maaa.. and llenry f. Roblaaon, of Bart- ford Ifotti «t Bora A. Loodon Bnowden. of Phlla- nVi.-u: .iw r /,..»«- V. ». n.l8BMBB,0f 2Ae Louu- rillt <<ii(rirr-Joitrif<t. WHAT 18 G01NG TO-DAY. c-;.ia farTBttlaatlrt OoaaMlltea, Kiftb Avearae iTotel, i;":ir.l'nf BxeBM Inveathratlon. OlMOy Hoii-e, 11 a. rn. Amiiial dinner of £Zd BaglBMBl oftitcra, Delttoulco a, ' Kx'oiiluatloii of Beary A. Hnilth beforo Tolleo Justlce ('anieron Peet, No. 70 preai iitatlon, LoxluRton Arcuuo Opera Boaae, B p aa. , .__.. I.ini.li Clty Atliletio Club boxltie touniatucnt, Parapa Hall, 8 p ui. NEW-YORK CITY. John F. B. Snrth haa beon appotate d PheritTs aactioneerby Bberiff-eled Grani Tha lr..nt wall of the old Unton Baah BaiMrog in Wall-st., adjoining the Atway Otike, waa tom dowu I eaterday. Id Maria Krau*. of Torf Cheater, was foand ta- aaoe al becoa i-ave. and Seventieth-et. <>n Ihurs- d iy ntghl aad waa i ml to BoUeTua UoapitaL Tbe poltce wero aaked yeoterdar t<> aearoa for David VVertheimcr. a hutcher ol No, 219 Knring-at. Mm wile Mid btriefl the hoaae earljr on Ihonaay w lii 11- ahe wa> aaleeo. HiiM-y POB TIIK OBABT BOBOBBBT FfM>. Tho Grant Monumant Cmnmlttea yeaterday re- rnvr.l aabacriptiooa amooatlag tofjlfj tltroafrh w. P. Heiiz from a nomber of anbacribera at Fifleld, VYia.. and 850 tbronah Mnch N. Canrn from John UcKeaaoo, nakang the ttrtal 8111,180 04, r\i.i.u> T4» BT. iimoihy's CHCBCB. The Kev. Bpralllea Bnrford, reotor "f Bt Mnrk'a Chiii.ii, Grand Raplda, Mi.-li.. baa aeeopted a eall to tbe rectoreblp ..f Bt. Timothj a Cburob, l.-ft vniatit hv ihe il.-ath ..f the Ber. Dr. Geer. Mr. Borford eipecte to tBhaoharxe about the middk ol Jaooary. PABSIVa A lAluir BTBABBB IB DIBTBBBP. Captain Zimmertnan, of the Amorican brig Pearl, whoanivad al Quarantiae yeaterday tr.uii B.n ba- does. ranorta tbal on VVedneaday ue paaaed a rour- mnatedateamer, aqnare rigged <>n fore aod main iini.si-, with reil iiiiine's, black topa, blowiug wlustii'saud aeemioffly ln dlatree* PAH.UBI I Of iiiv" wi:t-K. 'I he buei'ieaa failnrea throughonl the eonntry ln tbelaat aeven dayB, aereported to R, (.. m A Co ol ibe Mercautile Agency, onmber lor the rmted st it. i 233, nud for L'auada 23, aa againal 347 laatweek aud 330 tbe w---:< preriou* rhe VYeatern and Boiitbern Statea tarolah more tbaa one-balf of ti.e- total namber, CIKIBO llBO'B BfBOBBKB BKBABOBB POB TItlAl. Angnatine Rahell, who laaecnaedol hanngmar- derca CbongUng, the restanranl Cbinaman, waa i.-ikcTi beforo Jndge llonohno in the Kupreme Conri Chambora yealentay. Hls ronoael deuiauded bail ..ii un i.niii i.f uuiiemaaar) delnyaln Ihe caae, uot was rofnNMl by the Jadge. Kabell waa remanded I. i tn.-.l. DIXBKB Of TBB MIDOAT CLOB. TheMiddav Clnb held ira rogular manthly din¬ ner at !'. r;,/.'.-. N".'_':» inm, .i. yeeternar alter- niii.ii. The tablea were arranged in tba ahape nl tho lettor fl and eovc'T were aid for twentv-four. .| he elnh ia .-. mpoaeal nl brokera and but ineaa m- n who lind timo orcaaionall) lo meet togethei l"r a a. eial diui r. Kpee bi - were n adc by Charlea II. pkine, 1'. I. Gainea. I. inia Leib and otb :-. aa mi' x \i -..iu pbub 4 o ib( vi ii \ Mi>. Cathariue Cnrlonn waa fnnnd TOflei ng from o, jn ber boua nl So. 131 VVeal P.irty-flfth i.. y, iterday. II o ia 1" liered thal ahr c Ihe .!i.-.is- hy vieiting a lamily in VVeal r'orty- aixih--t.. anere Ihete wan a ronreale4l pttient. Several ininateaol a Hat-li4iu«e at rSixth-ave. and eightb-at. were \ ¦>¦¦. ><>¦ -t- .t ye lerday, two pei i.na wlw baalamallpoxhat ingbean qoaraotioed in ibe boo e. Mi. W1BTBR MABKH A COBRKlTTHI*. Eliaha VVioter, i ditor <>f i'>¦ /.<.'¦'¦ '.' tn corn t:l a pnb iwiil aal I.'- 'll '.!.t -' 1.1 Ibe ;;i...¦¦ ih .'.. 'l lo nno ti ii.miitera >l l> moal bulirr, ina; tho pnblic ii V1'- NV|!i" lt .! all ..': ut vi. -ii _. tln i :.i t ,- i-i. ui limc Urok no au< ,v Mi; .... I \ l'- tl..|.V lll I1K-I 11 y IU -II lll-C 4S|.'- f l, ,\ rui. u' » Cunmi ::. .. t whu h r, f.-ii, ,| 11 , er oi nol tln ( oinmoii Cnunoil haa ti.e nglil t- >¦">¦ lo Ibe whlow "f Oeui i.i Uranl th ri it Ut have hei h i. the aidei Mi ... «h;iml tdat .uniondi d ti.at Ihe Corpc latioti « uuii« ¦ pi. ;,,,, ,, . bmilletl !.. Ihe lai ur hi- .1 t". li;,.' .r.l.-i \ Cfclef Bglnec t i: le. ol Ibe Nt« im Kna p.iiini' nt i.f th Navi Vanl. wlll dlacfcarga Ihirij Bcb M .Mi Ibe ii. ijr. , . . I Dr. .... lli.l li- '. lalUL 1 he i-tee Clal ae .11, I Mi I'rc l.b ii III Ne'.\ .'¦ ,'1 aa « ll'-ie kl-lp- ¦< ' f«r .... in n, - lll, cablo B iii ..:¦.¦'¦ ri .!(.-.! prelje c illirl i ii i.\ lirl-','-1". f"i il.iliuaea :.'!.¦ lo bj ..- i.i'. .kl) U Lli i fl. Bnpr.. ih b lewyei i yaaic nl»y. ? CLOBJXQ im: .1/)'.¦/. v; BBKVtCEB. The Kev, W. Ilay Aitkou eUiaocI his aerica ol ;.i I'rialiy ( mi b yeal ,i a w eeka'aai ., ,d ,, ..,, ..f .;¦ ii ititereal t.. Iilmaolf, tha p-Clullj all" limt leeli li-iei.e.l tn wltb au atleii'.iini lhat be had never aw-n eico^ded In hla roliiUtrr. Hia in au itb, .i.i.- ii.nl ni.-t hero he waa not llkeiy loa.i«a«*4l.lile. Iie iiiL.-l aU !.. reineniii. r tli.t if tboi woukl part wltb I.i || -ii,-. (ln. a I, .at:., pOWtrlOahl tlii-lll .... v aii.- ii for ti.e aaktn.. ln he i-miiiii-M titken preaehed hla laat a nnoii tn in, I, it -t. i. -i i. "iv ..r t ba rhnrc h ..I with j unna B4Wi ti um ihe neieii,,..i),o...|. iii vi i.i'...ii- hacl been aent tlie Vi.»lty, iiiiiui, KmeWi ixMikor, an fi. .v-e..< i lubn and uia .v ,,; ,, ii.-i.,i.i- .,., |.ie .. ii.. Mr, Aia-.i 11U. -1. -. . i ri y i,,.,!; «i. i. nol derolodlotlierti n .a wandei ngalar. Cbriat inuat Im hla coniral orbit, or ba wlll ba aulijecied ln IlirlUelier. thal '. .1 i * bllB Ln tbi tnward cliacta, "II,.-. la lt with you all ui..i\" ha H-k-.i. " ara you alippine. drlfting away I Ai .1 .11-- liitearntlug and iMK'onilng auUJpcl lo theae diariudaiil ed niob ruiea iMjeaoae yoa ai broak- Ing away froM <>.).i l " l>l 4 i II Dl K TO SCBFOCATIOX Hirain M. Raynor, of Delovan, Minn., r< leredat n.e nlteilMati ¦ llutel, Kultouacd Miiterata , on iu and i.l ll .....'. loc k :..at ,-y, n., .,,t Uai |DK h .¦-, a. ii. tll r he le: n e.t, h a . nie ..)., ne.| a,i,| he WBa .,1'iinl ile.i.l. .. ;.ii l,li ileath, e. .|.l|,.,. a uie iiiftiM'atlou, arai aa l,;nail, he hod) \t.i- ik. n i.i i.i..iii k.-iiu. .ir'r. abop. lu l'aar!-at., :\ bereaa anlopay will i.e he,.i ibla allen.n. Iie iii raaecl mau ba b ia- ind it la -iij.|..-.-.i Ihathc bad beeavlalting frlanda on hona laland. .laiii. a Donnellr. aaalior. engaced a rooca al Nn. luT a*eat-at onTburaday nlgbt, aud biawoal tha gaa. iie waa al.'i I.iini'l di ad. tndrew llyioan nu.l ln» wlfe, ..f Patohoarue, I»ng laland, were fouud unronaeloaa ia Ihrli lied nn Tbura¬ day from i-.i.u t'.ia tha h .1 oaeapedfroutheparlor «lu\e. - ? hiii.i\<; TH)QH in <ii,ui in /.'/ 1/1 /). John II. Keillv, a iu»lic«nian, ahot ailogyca* terclar wlucli belenared '.> J. Bobaud, ol So,'llH Kaat Unr-liuailred-anct-alxlli-aL Ihe .ink- 1.11 John Parlnr.age aeren.ofBa 113 E at One-biiBdrnd-and-ttfth-al.be li.iii.i en l..laber !.*». Tlie wonnd waa allgbt, and I*r. alayer, wboattendrd tbe bor. tbetuthi the! Ibere v.,<.* ao danger of rables. Adogwbteh prohald) bad ut, imt wbleii waa n.-i e-'t ,i nf "Bnadii4>aa," waa kllled by a pollremau ln rroutol No. 433 '.\.--t Hi reaieeiilb-at. i ,,i,v Kiif.H-i, .,«.- >¦, ire, ..t 11......u. I,, waa bfttan by a dog. Th« wouad waa aauMrlaed and ina dug kllMd Veierlnary Hurgeon rattler, who araa btttea hj a doa ln Hontfa Oranaa laal wejk, wlll aail for Buropa ob lha Ktnirla, ol tba Cuaard l.mo, to-i.iy, to ha Iraated fcj l'a-ti ur. JfO TEARB ABOVT TBB < u.\ TTABOOCBl B, The MJail and Kxorett pnbliabed laal nirrlit a atnry that tfca ateamer Ibatttiboooboe, fl bteh ia t>> aail f.ii .-.i\ atinab tn-iia.y, bad broken bbb nf the bladea of ber propeller on tbe prevloos trtp, aad lhat asreral »r Iheerew wereapprebeaaireaa t,> n.e reeael k»\uk t.i aaa wltbonl iii-i beingrepairad. Boaaof laeerewooobl be fi.iiinl laat nijlit wh'i were apprebenalva aboul gotag i.» aaaoaber.aud ooa of n.e oiri.-i-ra bukM iho f,,i,,..vin^ atalemi nl .'.ui the lu«t trlp t.i BeW-Vork WB broke nne nf tho bladea ol tba propeller lu croMiua tbn bar al Tybea, u doea not eadauger tba aafaty of the reaaal ib aay way, and wlil make llttla dlfferenea la ker apeed. lu faet then ia¦..ui,! ii im .i..in.'er in gaiag urouinl the world witli Um aropeller aa u ia." TIIK BBA /.'// FOB » TLYA \ I DJ E I WBT. Tbfl Hfiirch for Uie rr.iz.y Fivndi wailcr, Syl- T.inl .le I.ant'1, Im atlll galBg OB vU'iir..iialy li.lt iinaii, BM- fuiiy. iie alwaya aaa ..r a aaviag dlspaaiUoa ami wkaa waa belag trled f.ir innai-y ai* ye.ua age bebad 11,000 la tha bank. Tba dateetirea aaoeita dnnk that be aow haa enonah Monay lokeen la hldlng for aoma tiine witiiniii tbe aeeeaalty ol aaakhig eiuplo) ineut. < m thla aecoont tue aearek foi blmlannch hMte dlfbealf tban 11 otlici »ikii wutihl he. VBIXO A I.i ¦.¦ i i:i i i; >.\ 4 nABEBBPBB, John .\lc-i.,f.ii,'-. iii.;.'iii -ii- n¦.c:t, al ii«m--tciii iii.ii lll lielb «l ., WBa lha e. I.I,,. || r 11 a-.Hlll lll.t lllatlt ' ii .' - - niit <> e II..,. ,: ,1 fplHl n-le il \Mth AlH-i.Mel .i Hll.livali. lue l«l ..;. hni.lB pieki-.l up a i.iiiii.'-!..i ....I -in k ibe b'n ¦. .. tiiu liead. bupuiiiiii .. h ... aiunuj Boou... ..j, u..a oiUereal tbe rtt«i*,S«rss2p,aM Baltk waaekargad wltk fetoatoaa aaaaait. BRW8FR0M THR 8UBVRB8. FMAM.l'OX ON LONO IBLARB. Pmalhur: baa broken tratafaia ln 1'°,1&T,1:]". Clty and' leara ara anwrtalnart tbal It aaj-Jkaeoaaaa ,,.;..,.., Three new eaeea * an M jt»ffli«f^ moatdenaelypoptilatcl part of tbeelty. ..B^.°: Uealtb baa lakeu no aetien lu tho caaa. and tho p. tlena were not remoyed. Commlatoaer o'llurrun aald IBjat ihe Board ha.i not baaa mformud af the new aaaaa raa diseaae ttrat appearcd aaaaa).two weeke<__£_!*__. famllyof Jamea F. Lynn. a \ertion-uie. frocer. BM yonngeat chiid dled aad two etaera reenrerad. Anot'.er Tlct.n. waa John llearna. a pl.imbor. who caiight th«i dla- aaaa whito flxlna B eaaplpa lu tho bouae. -.eBterday a babv a .1 au adult aan t.ken down with II tatkefaatto .f IMward Kctin.r. iu a bouae BdJolnlU Hynu ai. Tko otber new eaa la la tka faally of Jaaea pnan. »Tentb- ,i eereral otber eaa a are rapartad. Dr, Burnett aald tb...tbere ara Bveother __**^*^ + _*__f_____ who hav not I.n v iiilnatcd. Dr. Dculcr aald tbal be raccloatod tbe chiid about a eaak agetaal waataian Tba'auaatton of raectnatlM tbroatenato c-aime mticli troui.ieat OyatorBay. Two waeka aga .*&_.______' laaued an order to eompel tho vii.-rtni.tlon of all clilldr-Mi atandlna publle afcoola, Inatroettag teachora to r.-fuac admhulon to anyohlldan who were not yaceluai.-d Wltbln ten daya Many parente refueed to h.ive tbe r .1.11.Ir.n vacciuatod, and aent tliem to BOhOOl WltbOUt paylnx any b.I to the ord.-r. In llavwllle many of the oltlzeni ar.- oprmaed te raeelnatton, and they npplled to tlie Bebool Coamtoaloner for bla oplnlon. Aiterine ahlldren bad been aat bomebytbe teacheratho Lont- mlaalonerdeelded that tbe towa anthorlttoe bad no rtght to order Ihe retuaal of edu.-utional facintiet to any per- K.in. baaina bla aattaa on a dccielon «>f .*<tiuc Bupcrln- tendeiit Rugatoa. Tbo teaebcra aro now actltitf unacr thladcclaloU. JEKSi.v CITY. Adam Wolfe. aaa iilmteen, of South Itend, BT, J.. wub Berloaaly injarad by a traiu ucar tbo gaakeneaek Rridiro yi-.al.-r.lay, Tbnaaa I'owcra, who l.roke hla wlff. Jaw, waa aon- tenced y.aicnliy to ono year In tho Stnto priaon. HIB wifr liad vainly begged far in.-icy for her lu-utal l.n-- tiaiid, an.l.Tied ao bilieily ibatahe bad lo bo reuiovcd from tlie tomu. -.- nkw-ji;khi;v TORTta R*aai Orasor.Anewaaal efBee waa atabilabed on Tbnraday al tuia 11 wa <»u Tnaaday PranelaM. Kppiey wenl to Raahlitgtou aith a pention alaned by leading elilxena aakiua for tne new olil.i- and a peraonai letier from Uowa.r abbatl toRanator MoPberean. rMiuuua Condicl waaappoiutadpoataaaMr. iho poatoface aaa ll.CIl Il.lllll d Jl.-I I.-Ilau. Athrvia. Aa ratertklaaanl by the eblldraa (aaaiated by amatenr mecda) oi ihe Beformed Cburchi Bundtjy- achool tiii.-ii tbe ehurrh <»n Thurrday erenlng. ine programma waa creditably carrled ont, aml a neal aan waa malixed f-n a Ubrtataaa faatlraL Boaoai a, P. W. Laabarl wrlta t<> raa Tbibchb tbal ti... i-mui l.iint iihich Im rrorntly aaade befon tbe Cliy Councll, ebaraln*Dr.baauel A. liein-r. rlty phraiciai:. with condnct unbecomlna an <>it!"-r boldlna a uoaltlon ahlcb requlred the axerela ..f teuder aud binuaue qualltlea, w..a witbout eauac. He had been uiialnfonnad und regreta bia liaaty and uuprovo.l aitlon. I.o.Ni; LBLARD. PunraiRa-anperlntondeat L D. Bnrton,af thaLoag [Hand i:mr a I, baa been ronfinad to Ina bed for a areeh irom an attack al pat aaoala. ? RE8TCRB81 l-K CODRTT. ViRiiAMii'a I'msr. Patrtek Klng recrntly loat fmir borae. that bad beeo poiaoned. Carmon & .1. Lyon baa raluabte aray borae, the tecona one wltbln a li ii weeka. winii im iis-. -An Injunetlon wlll be apnltodfor to- ,l,v ¦ l»/ki uti, to uraranl tke .-.ti-«triic- i.f a m ii a lamlxed road Irom the elty laland road al Kortow lo r.-.u iiiim.i'-. adlatani.f three mllea. tbe .I to iinii'i ihe road kaa been awnrlod and tke toiui ot Pelkaa baaaaproprlatad 112,100 for th<; pur- poso. -4>- ALORGJ Uli: BOURIX Banwi. ort. .Iii.i-i- Baaford, In Buperlor Conrt, yc»- lenlay, di.miaao.1 tha demurrer liilerpoaad by w. B. II ». rntor, rrqulrlna the Rer. John nynnoti ioiii.ue.if.il dlai oaure «f property worth ai*o,<K)0, ¦-. :.. in mi br deed rrom bia .;., late ICer. 1 J. iyanott, of bt. AtiKuaticea ath .Ua » bureh. ? 8F.XTEXCLD FOB HCBDEBIXO UIB COBrAXIOX. T.n no, "lii". I>..'.. Is- Artbar ). Ororer wbo haa been ontrlalln w.l Countr Comroon I'leaa ( ...iu ut llowilna <«:. .'ii. r'-.n wltk the raurdrrof liraiiwille () I. aa to-dav io.I gullty of murder .ngetl. Ihe ai recrlie bla »elit« ra Bln. bln& On Ma] 1 Ibe V irtl .11) d. comp aed boilr .-f a m il f ...ii ,1 in :.. :.. il «tonj Rld Vi" "¦'..,u. I: n i* , iKimla rideiice waa B4M.U ol.l.ill ,1 wbl< (,,r Ibe V. - "¦"''' . diy t.,,,',-'i iu uri.e.1 isiu and and the facl tbal trtol ? rca.vf.iai r/< \go. Ciik ....... ]> r. ! .-.\ iu oplainl .!.¦.'. I -.¦;.!¦¦ of Bartincton, alloua ..f a parh "f 11 la kno. ten or t welre .i io be ... ,i ,, .- known at wnaM u aa " gaaa - ? /./.¦ ti Tlsisn rn i.n i 11 ;../» /" /.". t b*/ rr. I'ni. \...', I», . la Special). M.iiiir- \'i^*- i.a ii. played a gan.f foniU .¦-. B :..!:. ..-. l!.-r llltf y one an oret 100, and yi l .,,. r. .. ,i ,i . ba baa >>-i , .. - . ll ia ?.I.I. Bllil i ii ii. -..ni i- irom r-i.-11.-.- .la.-o - -ha'er played phe- in - |p i.nd in, ii iklna a .ii took ihlrty-one ? n /./1 \ // n 11 :\ pom < ." ipw. I'ivi-iiiui.li. il lota of .1 i|i;iii<-s.' nnd Indinn |,..i ,,,,:. 4, i- ,.-. i. bl " .' and '.. ina wi ¦.-', i - ii - .. letlon r.'..i...a, s... B4*> 111 ''"-. "f Ibe ,i ii'. |i oea nfferad w. re triil.-a wbieh brouiiht unyiblUaT from 50 i-.-hia tn iu rer, r ¦¦ from H i" inti i" -.-¦ - |. n ii v a- < nrlatmaa ,,i arnta " Iba I i il rer ptoa, It..<-»- uemled al prloaa ranglna from 75 I er wal -t x.;. ol Indlan d.- M.MUM. I \ I I; I. I.I <; IX a-:. ma: aa ai.-4isi". enartaea,7ia aeta.4 81 loa - . .. L34)Moon'Bage,da 18 III »U i..< :. i 1. ,4..tf. ib h ii il. B-ltiiiti la -. 7 :-. 11 -. ", I.. ....,....1.141.1-.. .'. 1 I-1.-..1 V 11 tUBEWS STEAAIEB9 DUR 1/ TtllS POBl > V K/»..r hY n. r<ru. ii: ... i .ni um.National I". i.i ni M ..i.n. -. ..i ...i.i ..i.Monareh Kpulll.I.in«. |i an . r..i ui. ,...ll imbui t Werr.i . Br. ni. ii an.l -.. . l.iu- <i i ii i-i .Neui ... lenfiu. ... Wai V SI X IV. I ¦.. i .I.ivrrtiool ..iiiii'.. Al iak i Liverii '"' '.'' >B Ln ii"- ii. h hlte -i ir N,, . Ilawn ' ;..; amda ....... \;->\ \ i i.i; 31. I..: aaaaa .uiaaaan.au. tmr .\iar.ii.i ii. .ni.... .Waraa UHlPPtX ' SR V< PORTOP RRW.YORK.PBIOAT. I.i:.'. IH. 1S8» v'.Mi \'i:i. Mteamar LodRate II.II lUri, Brown. I^mdnn Dee3, wltk m.i-. i" ir i..;< «.i:i i.i-I- An in .,i llarat 1 b m. dtlcUlr li'iir -. l.nci I.....I '¦.¦>¦ \ lUuoeuatowB .', inii' ih i-c .m.i p '. i-.c-i. iv i-i Wri.hl AHon. . r«- r. r. -I..!' 'l'i ill! ... V 4..II. ill'I.V.l ,. M 111 IIU'.B.' t .1 h ind. .i --.!. .\ii.i-'i ..i the B ii it II. ,-i -t ,:.¦ ,,; \ .'.I ial .1 l'i r '.".. .I.im im ¦.¦.- .'. aml ., ,. ,i ii:> iu,U, .,... ili ..-n,'.-i a lo AiihIiii l-.aniii .i. ,t . <i \i; n. ¦. at tlu Bar u su ¦ m m.'.iii,.'! iiiii.-i.i.i iii Uullman, Newcaatle Not¥9, wuh . ,'.. |,i. A a i. m. ,. .-i.-.i ... i.i..-.. i.-iii. Wlliia'iia Kernandiaa. Brunawtek, r. i. t .' ii,Ih IU ia t" . II Mul Ion .' <' M.Mnn-1 llenefa. tor, n a>u. \'i llniln :i. N('. :i iiava, witli i,,.|.' and ;'. ur.-rat.i VI in IM'Ird. Htrsmer Mauiiatun, Kfcrcaa, weat I'olal Va, and Nen port Newa witli mdae andpaaa aaera lo Old Doml i". "al ¦.,. ii.,, Kii.r, .iu. i.i.. .i*n'. i. Newpurl Nawa. ailucoal lo ( o l-.llll I..I on i>. Htamri ni ..-.;a. I'.i-naiil. r.irtl.in I, .Mlh in.li an.l p 14 M in:. i- I. 11.141;.. M.i¦-. 1.... ... .11 ., trw-Redfoid, D.vi.4. I'nii Itlrer, »un aada 1,, 11,11 len a Lorell. a .i.-.i aaila. Morton, Urerpool .'.t daya. wltb aaae tooiilci, reaeel 1,1 4uo« .1 ti-n..¦ «. -i 'I. 1.1..I r.i ,,1 \\ iu.:-.i.i c\H), Pottor. Mr.-mool 30 dara, witbaoit. ..ai. to order v.-.,. 1...1 M I'.rker .«¦ Uo, Khip ...in m.- 1--"I ol -.ni. .''ii Mu.rt, Lirerpool ni lim -. 1. it :i linlai lo "Hl. » i-.ii'i to \> I'llk, I .1 'I BORnarr.Wina aa taudr .i--a Uaht, WRWi etondj un,i foavr. Ai Wty Ia ,.m.I. Ilgbt, 8W1 (oL-«y. Han.tv 11 "... 1.1 -iii, a-1 ¦,- .nol. I'li.Tiiii >i 'ler, 411, v. um. m. 8 .HII.-4. MwetLUaht, 1:. Weatber. tolr. Arrtred >. ai.-r.iiv Hlricie' Mi-iiii. .i.-ri. lliinliur.' \..v »"». wIMi m.lac and aa«aemrsra i" I'he 1- Broa '. .... Arnv, <i nt tha 1141 ai m aieamei lyrlan Bri, ilaaaenateln tlenoa Oct :K), i.eatioin Nn ,. Naplea 11, Sorreuto 18, Oanta'JV. Valrncla'Jtiand (ilbraltar vtt), wltb mdao to llendaraoo Rroa, Arrived .1 tno l.ai al 10.46 p .... l'..i:\ltl-.i). Btoaaal aaratRr).Oaek,Llwarpeal Venaa iiitrowudt Hteaumr HeHu n.ini. ihomsen, Copenhagea t'hriatiuna, ,'.. 11 -i. ii. I'.iire .? Oa Mteamar Kl ailao m.). aekaiu, PToaraaa Rex.Thebaad Broa hieamer Emhledoo (iiri, Juun a, Cbartoatoa Buapaaa. Hpi III r A Yountf Mcamer BreaawatBT, Jei.ney, Newporl Newa and Norfoik IM.1 I..Illllll.ill a ,, Kipainer <H.I loininlon. Mniltli, Norlolk, Clty I'olnt aui III. Iiiiion.l- 1I1I I.ouiiu.ili SaCo. Baamei Joaepblne I'homaon. Roore, Balrlmura.J sKrcma. Bteamei Veapvr, Ilau. wiiiutii.tou l.ri Ablel Abbott. Mnp Mel.oiiKull illr .Davii, Aniw.ru J W l'lrkurdCv. BAILRD, Bfaaaara AaayrtafarOktagawi Otoaant, ParRaVa Aih.no I'orl-.ii. 1,',.. ..c. Aackared al ly laland booad eal sinp. iiepubliu for Vokokama; aal eugail, Antwara, IV IT4 vM'OlU POHI ION P IIITR LOSl - ..ii.-.i. -i.'.i,.-r Toaar lliii (iiri. Archer, for N.-a ^ un 8WABM4 ... :. ut. I. i.-a-i.-r Hiooklyn 1'ltT lllr), Fltt, for a»» i.uk, pjjaJL, rMalT-AarBaataiaaMar Balaraa QM% Rogera, from ^MAiYi?i>XTs--Arrive.i. BBaaaaar Euentla (Br), Turbock, fromi'biiiaanil Japnn. for New-Vork. »... I'ai.kum.... Dee U'-Saiied. ateamer Plcnan (Ur), Fraws., * iwrIliak*'i>ee IS-ffaeaai. ataaaaar Easington <»r>. ou ber way to Baw-YarB, _^^^^ ^ail./il.l-e ,1 "I'.-a BanaaTafBLL*! worltl-renowned Candips. Fino BBBBT A. Dasiels, M. D.. 1441>ilnfr'oii ave, between 2.»th and 30th ata. Honra -I to 1. to 7. Dlaoaaca af UM N.-rvoua svaiern. yenltoUriijary OrgiiL.a. Iuipoteuccajul aterUlty. HOMDAY (JOOD.-. fcMBfa wlnter Un.ler,ve .-. Seai ta. Tiea. JjapMidera. * , Haaitkerchteta. UreaaBblrta, lArttleaa jacaeta, B4 raauaan pilt-ea for bmBBBJ Tracje.^ ^^ ,uo fJrand.sU N. Y. How vTOMBB DiKKKU PBOM Mk.V. Atleaat three tiien.m tlie averaiw Jnry are bjM^MOia. aarca wltfc ibe real laatMafcew thal they ve aot tbeu owa um tuere la ao dlaaaraameat SS^SSZ^Vmn to the mariM of Or. IMercea .. layonlo ITea.-nptlon. 'aer l: au".,......ii..o.ia io .ro,....i.,cii,;.t ^.^..MweSaafeoB? wi.U.l tor all tl..nr.iiio ftaeaam waaaaaaBBoaaaooaa plataUpecallar to ihatr aaz. it t-i.i.aiorii c pale. fy« e..l. .liapi. ite.l WOUIBB lat on. or ,pa, W"'f *.*« lffl .? rlii?iLglauKlii.K.ni"i<-^iieauiir.-ine' ln tho happi BOaaB- hold. l.iqiiid Bread is a luxiiry trithin the mrans of an i romiiinea ,1,- rVfreablrar qnallUea * . jtUeaaal rtrink nn tln- InTtaor itlag 'jn iiiti.a of a pura mtlt extract. umi,. Klita aud grueera keep lt. ? Mad DOOB. A FACTWOtlTH KXOW150. TKR OBBATBaT I'aiN lULiavi kui tiik W'.rtt.n, I)R. TOBtAB' CBLBBBATBD VBXBTUB I.INI.M I.M. Applle.l lmme.lli.telv upoii nelair lii'fen. i-ra-lleaioa,.ilOenjrer .,f7[v.li..iili..l.:ae.ir.-xUtiag. PraM -j au I 50 ccnta. BH by iilhliu pylaM. ^ PiLBS.Blibd, BtEBDIBO and Itciiint.,. Portr yeara Dr. rjpbam'j Ve«etable BlMtnair {»a beea f" acknowledgertapeciactorthMBcliatreaalBa owiwlaiBM. so.d in iiiu iitiaia. Ctreolarafree. «u laut 4tu-at., >. ». Vnii c.in alwaya have bearty, robnat bealth in v..iir famllv al Uti ec¦¦>». '>... aatag Par tei'a T'.ni.v 11,.- p-.p.iliii fcalr pr.-purutloii ia I'arker'a llalr l.a aani. 1T0LIDAY GOODS IN FINE Maiiufaolured by the MERIDEHf ESITllflA CO., 4G EAST 14TII BTBEET, UXTION SQUARE. Thia i* Ihe nppcrm««l ojiiestl«ai in ererjr oncN minfJ al preuent, WE certatelj lhl»k fOateofour OVERCOATS <>r ftll.K Ll.\*-;ifc walkinci ok b»3u\ib: al- Ell,lcT COATS a rerjr taltahle »il1, and il vou waiif anylhlatf, ror Ihe llllle fblki OURSTORE, 7.10 aHt<V.C»«V..Y, i* j«»l a*t«' plaee t<> %ot our Btirlea of Bejrt' and Chlldren'o CJothinff beiaipT nneqiialled. .Iu»»t ffli/e n* a eall. Priceai vtfv nifNlerafe. Hrl SlolB 4 tell, 74G-750 BROADWAY, COBBKB t^T.ilt PLACB, OBB D OB BELOW BTH BI BBBT. SYPHER k 8SS Broadway, UnioR-squ2,rc A 17thst., are now opcn cvcning's. Aytfsti^j Ifoveltiefl fcr OH.RISTBIas oip t b from $3 to $1,030. EST & Opcn BTcatiatara I aa a II I'liz-isiisui-.j^l (IMI BTOCBOPf l.cil lll\4i I (llt Boys and Girls, HOrtlBBY, ULOVKK HIITEBM, COtaLABIt, H\\n. KKlti Hli:i>, IVOUHTBll U4MIIB4, H B 411 li- \M» 4 (ll.l.\l(-. Il\i''.. (U'a. HHOBM AM) LBG* <;i\4J->. JBWBLB1 .V. AtrTOBBej Tllli BBarT l\l ll.ITII-.-a POU si;|,|.t tim; ISKKI 1, Holiday Preseng. Ullll.i: 411 K TIIV HKI'tltTHKNT l> A\ RBPB4 I %!.- i.s aTTBACmVI PBATVBI OB Ol K i>tai:i.:sii. MtN I-\l.l..\T Very Ziow Friccs. KASKEL & KASKEL ¦VOOBBBOBa Ti) IHICHAELId 4k KA8KEL. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. BCaBBB AMI .11(1 KI.KIts, PI It-I.ISKl) iikivim; 4.I.OVIS, ii vm BOBBM, BBBHBJNta t;ii\VNH. BBBAatBAMff JAOBBfB, Ml.K MiiiiT BHIBTB, EVENING DRESS SHIRTS AM, BBABUBBB, I'ATI KIIVS. AND M'KOIAI.TIKs BBTBBOLO Kluxt BBatAIB "soi.ki.y " 1N uuii BANUa 20 Wcst 23d-st. ui QUIHINE. ASKINE NO INJbJRY. NO BAO EFFEGT. GURES QUICKLY. iCures Pleasantly; furcs P«rmanentlj, haskine Restorcs Perfeet Heallb. In liellcTu* Hoapitai. " Unlveraall? aneceaafnl." ., .... t "Kvery p.ttent treated r.lth t,aa In St. Francla Hoapitai} k,n, D,.en rtuic.,ai.v<t ured. Dr. L. R. Whlto. U. 8. fcx.mlnlng ttnrgeon, aaya i.¦ Kaa kiuet.taobeatniedlclnenia.te" i>r L. M.Otoaaei kaaaarad ararlM patienta with Km. kluo and aaya; " It ta uud.iuui-dly t.ie beat medkine er«i <UpLrof*vv'1V. Holcomb". M. O aaya ¦ Kaektne ubmiiertorta gulnin'e In 'ta apm-nlc pewer, an.l m-ver nroduoea the 'l.ln- e-t lulury t«i the beailaa or loaattfitl....."_ Uaedin theforruioat hn.a[.l:ale iu,d by tho moat miinout PRrBtolaaataearlagall feTera. M.i.na, BkaaaaaRraa, i.ivor. 1 ung acd KMney d.aeaaea, Dy.pepeia, NeirouBaeue aud ^H VhH'n'l'V RrflJICTRR IN THK WORLD TSA] DPBTBOTa THK 0BRR8 DiaBAfejR IN TIIlJ BLOoSvARtaJBTBRORARORRl TONIO EVKR UIR. send for the rreat liat of toti'n miala tunparalleled ln tba blatory of niediolaa l'ricoSl pcrhot.lo. Atnriu'ttataor by mail. C- R. WUTTRRtOR, Oan. a«u, 115 Fultoa at, R. T. - TIFFANY & CO., Union Square, will kecp thelr establish- rnent open in the evening from Monday, 14th inst., until Ghristmas. 1 pf -: ¦ jJj 37 UNION SQUARE, MAM'I'AI'TI 'i'EIWOF 1 !l TRVITK IRBRROTIOa Of :UEIU RXTRRBITR bT(XK OF TABLE V/ARE. WH ich RRTRRaXraa BvaRTTRTRO rkqiirku ron DBBOB DB0OBAT1OR OPTSRTABLR TUF.Y WOIL'. AXRO CALL AITarRTIOB TO TIIKI3 kAROB AaaORTMRRTOf BOVRXTIBR BJ Gxidized Silur, (t'old .nl?.id and lp-< plied WtriL Dnplicata WeSi "Preseiits. I3oaiIqii«*»rlrr««, 1.10 Uowerr. anrfl aHoaroAaaa rixucR with wkhmxii BILTKRWAJU Al ux HALF MANTFA. Ti'RKha* CO*T. lOOPAtaa IMAMONO BARRJRCiR F :om a RIBSra 810 PAIB TO MLAUMPIC£RT JtOaVATAtRRtlj Ra.n.j, iROPRoataiaa roaajaa kim.s. wYVBm, iira( LBlR.SCARRPlRft.a 0 I WATCHRR oi' i.vii'.v ik.-c'HIPTION BQRAXlat tow, a BTURR kii.i. Of fAAatOAIRR or evlry ub, BCRIFTIOR. IHM.IHt la Tl'ir. WATCHE8. a arai iai.iv. ¦JBPBJaTTRRR AR* BUKI KA< Tt HKifa. WATOHaa DiARORoa, rHAiHR, iii.ii jKv.Krur, ajrrj -ii.- BBWABR, BENEDICT BR08. A Keeaaen at :b<-1 kto Tlme. A *t&jri',e:iidk-t l;ui.di.m'. IT. i'r.^aw.r. cor. Oefl ^TF BRTARLWU O IR8L F. \V. BROWI R, No. 27 John St. DI A SYiOft DS. <;i:>i-i A BPRI ialty. PIANOS im <)i \i i i:o in Tone, Touch, Worfanaiiship and Durability, WM. KNABB & CO., \VAUL.UOO»h, llaf flaUfft i Bl dcfffs pwe halt wiisiei ts roa BAXB BY AU THB ULAOIRR FIWE GBOCESY klOlJSBfl IN TRTBOITT.AROCAa BRfOURB AT ANY Of n| MESSRS. PARK ft T.LFORO STORES. ruv a BOI ii.k a ii n ORDRBIRO TOUB nRfi QHOcaaiaa roo b/u,l m-.vi r oaa aw oiHoa h Good Health A destrable poteeatton for arlvaa an.l mother*? Thea reraemberthat WUloaa a\ Gtbba Aaka, m.i.nc Seainfj Machine is tlie only one tliat c.m ba uacl Brilaoai arioaa risk to health, WU1C02 & Gitbs 2. IL Co., CiS Src&iwaj, N. Z R. R. I II IDWAYf KBAaal ¦ Itf l.ll'l'. lnaui.t.v i.n.. v.-H .m.i aaaa aaraCwAia, awTareag, iiwn- chttia, l-l.uriav >t.it Neck. mu-.. ;<a i.ins.iuuUiflaiuiuAii'JJ* wbetbei ..f tl..-i.u,i«a, Ki.nn- . .i. UoweU. ic ii I ntATIRM, Ml IC\I.«JIA. Haataaka, Teetbaeke. Weaknea a Pato m lkaBaab.2*" ar iui a bj i..pplieailua. Iniorutlty iu w«i.-r '.". *J 'J. tern.l p.HiB. BatUleBCT, 11. ..iU.ui u -ic* ''""'"V..'."*Sl aaaa. .rrrananeaa. bieepl mu. - t»alpiaiton al t__ awaaa Otullaaad rnweraad Ratorta. Wa jBato. au..itio Dr. ltHil»a>'i -nrauimi-illlnii ____**_ * ior iiiei-uro oi .ii s. vewatoaa, BRto «."' "io"1 v*'.*4- IUJ. KAIItt¦AVf.lMM.a. i-'..rth.'('u.....f rwaaapetoaadaM aUaerAeraol tba __*"* LivL-i. HuaeiB.etc Ata Bkai. BoRl l»' all uruam*'*- ._..AN The Only Perlect Piano IVIade. IIAVIMi THK MAV " HARf fSTOP." WARER00M8, 146 5TH-AV

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Page 1: rfotordain QUICKLY. · 2017. 12. 20. · MR.BOTTNOLONGERPASTOR TIIE BAPTISTCOUSCIL'S DECISiuN. BOUND GC1LTY OPTiaeTtToN-HE BBVOSflf TO ACCiPT TBB DaKBfHOB, A conncil weapeaad al BwlaaMtaa



ACCi PT TBB DaKBfHOB,A conncil weapeaad al BwlaaMtaa froai tlio

cbuchesol the Boutbero New-York Baptlat Aaaocia-ti,,,, to eVn.ider the Ta^aiJtoChBU^held an BOJourned martiua in UUmv ' .»'»}""Cl.urch. ia Weat 1 iftv-aari-mlt-»i.. rfotordain er-

BOOB tlie ROV. Dr. Aniutaac arting as Modaru ot.

} oat'atel thut the buaiueiw lirat in order waa ti.eaoo^tioTol tb. report ... &«**«&«$£aDoointed at tho laat rneeting to go to li.itc oviiie

Joexaniu'e n.hl.l.onul witue^vs. Tho^mmitteeM-aa e..ni).oac.vd «.f tho Ror. Measra. 1 ogw>. >l« r*

Sd liouine. und Meoara. V ^'"''Tb 1' \Neviiuii Tho report was teuil 1>\ the Kev. naisey> , iv. clerk ot the counoiL Tbe l'arues to tha con-

?rovciav wero rauneatad to »HttitU»w vhttettorci.ott w M belnf ....nsi-tered. aad tlie Kor. Mr. Botland hia ifollowera on tlio one a.de. aud Uaooon JolmToruerand hia f.i< oda oa the other. iBtUBBL

.ll,o report was iea-1. dlaoaaaod. aineiidedoodadopted aHthbotona dtaaaBtinf vota. lt *ehuadthat both tlie chorch ntlicera and the fonnei paatorhad baaa gaUtr ol rcpwbanaible coodact.tte^ttoreapaaially ao, lt a<t u.rth tbat wbeo Mr. Bott< amc

t,,' tho ehurch be wroorfallJ w.ti.hHd unportaatfacts C4.il. en.ii.ir Ina dirorce Irom bia IralB e andba BUtrriBie to bia oreaent one, aud tli.it "evi.is

BU.it!¦ot il ei.lmii alao that. tbpagh he elai.ucl to

rJV.oVthonKhtfuh.i.lor of the ..hut. ...io »«not its pastor. and that he elmuld withuraw. 11 it" '.r, oiiiniel.ih <1 tbBt Bll tb? -nein ,.¦,« of tbechur.-h co.tie tngether la a » r.t of mut . 1 '£¦>.*»aeaa, eoeh faftioa ooyfeaaloa apy wirooga bicaitmixbl have conimltted, und tbat Mr. ll..ttc,.ntc^hiai foedte, whereupon tne tbareb waBadYiaedtoxratit him a lotter ol diaiiiiasioti. . ..__gThen IboBB ln waitiug and a few snectatora.81.1,mu' whoui was GeiMial Cooway. ot Bropklyo,Z< was tbefonnder of tho Totteiivule cliimh.were ail-.w.-d M n-e.ter Dr. Arorttaao rtatadvbal had ooearraoJiad tho dudingaof tbobooywetVread l.y tl.o rl.ik. Dr. Armitajn thea turaedTotl. Pi.res.-.itativesof tho eharcb aod Inaairedof Clerk Avers whetl.oi th.y woald aeeeptaudabiilebr the advi.e giveo, To tbia mi affinnativePaa! ?wa.««di Kmlng ^ Mr Bott, wtafacowaa tlii.ahe.l with exeiteanoat, the kfoderator [>ut the¦aaae aneetioo, and a/aaaoawered prumptiy:-No.air. How eaa If I woula dla flratMr Bott c,.i.8ti..ned tho trathfalneaa of tho

report aal aaid he co.i.d eliow the C^lttaeiTberein they were wrono. n*e oomm u-e a

drew for ooiianltBinn and rotnrne.l 8000. Wben

aaked what tber had to report they alBBply re.

oftimie.l all that tlu-y had previoualy i.-i;.>itr.l.Axain Mr. llott was aaked whether he would airrro

toahi.ie l.y the deciaion of tbe eoaaoil. to wblcb.No. eir." waa the ready. TaMreapoa the eaaaaila.ljouriiod aiar die._


NKW-YOItK Cc.MPANY.Jamos Yalddi. the oxport BOponnUnt presoi.ted a

loi of laets ami Bfaroa tothe rJaoatoGaa ,<'m,»^.,'yeaterday ahow.nl what 8 bUt honatt/.a ihe -New-Vork Gealighi Companv had foaad. le aald tbalthe ccmpanv atartod lo ihe year 1^-M with a eap-itaiof*i.ooo.(KH) aad of thia aooi WOO.000 waa

pa-.dinaliortly afterward. Tne paabcapiU waa patd5. by iiintali.ic-i.ti. and by 1887lt had feached8730.000, tho total aroounl ot caeb capitai bud-

acniii-d by tho etiK-kl oldc rs. The capitai waa aoh-Be.iiie.itlv'incroasod toB^.OOO.iTOO oul oftheaur.pitiB pninta. Theae Borploa proaia were nomina v

made npby api.rc-eiatKiii iu the va ue ofreal estalebai the ba'-usoTi which it waa mcreaaed ppald not

be ascertaiiiod. On the amouat Invoa ed dividenda.aarairating 811.714.078 80 wore poid up totbeyear 1*71. From 1*71 to 1884 laeNew-YoA Coni.pa.ivp.iid $:J,r»-J0,oi»O to ita sto,.kii.d..ei.a tn divi-de.i.la aud an ndditionul diYidood BgtjregatiugS40.000 waait-iidout of tbeaaa t- oftbe oomBanvafter eonsoliciatiou. Tlie atook aud BeaetaoftBehew-York (Jompaiiy were uiv.-n to Ibe tonaolidatedCotupanv iu oxebaoEe tor |W,000.000 of aew atock.Altocetherthoatochholdaraol tlie New-York t .>iu-

panvreeeived fiom th;ir orixinal investmenl <<f

8750,000 eaab and atock boneiita apiouuting toB22.171.330 69. This yaar tbe Btockholderii ofthe New-York Compaoy recetred m dlphlenila8A20.200, equal to 7 per cent ou ita uomlnol con-

loh lated capitai ol 87,000,000, bul eqiuvaleut to

TOigiMroeatonitaMfuaicaaaMnital.liainel Palqjer. caabieroi the City Banh, teatifled

that tha banh had hrojn tinM loUbhloiatle callh.uus to tbe Connolidated Compauy. Ibero waa a

curreut loun ol 8300.0CO, guaranteed, made laatOetober, whioh be bad cbarged to th depoait nc-

countol thoConaolidal«4l Compaoy eiiiccbercceivetla aubpoHiB, a lew boora beforc <. teatifled. He diuBoi know whetber lhatloao hadbeeu mwletoon-al.ie tbeCouaolidatedCo iiuany lo aay il divideml.JaaMaW. 8uiitb, treaaurer ol tbe tonsolidatcd

Couipativ. teatided that tbe oompauy bad paid ouliu dividends thia yaar aometbing uke 8l.loo.ooo.Qeaaral Tremain-PKl your dei.osit aoeoaal ln the

Clty li.nik exoeed 8300,000 thia aiornlug t A.-I don t

kunw. I l.reaume it .nd.a-Why waa that aote tor 8300,000 Tald tlua bmtb-

inn t A.-l eouhl uot aay.Mr su-.ith aaid tbal tho comoaar had ¦aaoa out-

aUodiog oaaouPtina to 8rBK».(KB), beartua mtereatot -l perceutabeld by tbe City Itankauddi coti it.-dSlwatthraedayaaga II.aied thnt in borrow-iuK this iiu.ii.-v the oompaay bad antlclpated itaprofita, aud aaid Itwoato be paid oal ol lutui*

The .....uinittif will ateel again to-day at 11 a. m.

at the Fnth Avi-uiK- RoteL

LICKN'slNG DI8REPUT1BLE RE80RT8..lohu N. Beeklej,City Attoineyof Koolieater.who

uuderappoMitm-tit ofGoremor Hill iatakingtes-tiruooy regarding tbeohaigos bronghl by VnyoiUraoe afaiBsi tl.<- Excl ' -. »a« alldayyeateiday iu one ol tue pnrloni ol tlwGiiaey II >ua

liatemng to tbe evidenceof CommiaMoaer Monia.Tbe proeecution \m.> reprcBeuted byxranciaM.Bco'.t, uaaMied by G. Ji Oxden. i lliot 8«niliordoppeared for tbe Exciae Board, bul R b. New-eoaibe. Commiaaioni r fcitchelPacoauael, eonductedthe eroae-examin itiot and .iui moal "t tbe object-iag. hc.liiit K. Deyo waa aieo presoni aa connaelfor Commiaeioner Morria, The apawial Biibjtx oliiiqum waa the aeeood ol the three cbnrgea pre-tened agaiual tbe membera .,i tho i.\.i .. Board.aecuaiog Uommiaaiouera Bttcbell ami ll inxbtoa ..i

Blxninglicoua alm placeaol ootoriutia ill reunt".Commiaaioner Boma; wbo refuaea to aign theaplieeoaea, wna tbe ooly importanl witac* exaioiuo4l.Mr. Boott opeued tbe aea icn i»y pattug bt evi-

donce applicatioua for liceuae whioh bad i.e-n flledurhig ibe laat eixhtoi n montha by thepropuctoraoi ilntt'-e" well-kuown diateputablc bar-rouma, andwhteb bad all been granteti by Ibe TOtoaolC4>m-niis.'iouers Haughton aud IIitchell, notwitbataud-Big the proleal ol Commiaaiouer Morria. AmongIbe plaoea tbaa licenaed were " i.>m

" (¦<»ni<l a, tbeHayniarket, tbe Cremorne, aud tbe VYiudaoi Gnr-doua. Cotumuaiooci Morria ea'.ifled tbat be waam tba hai.it ol uaking eertaiu iudorsemente apontue applicationa lor liceueea win. h came before theh.i^r.i. Unloikiug <>v r the TAiioua applicatioasv li bad been pat iu erideuee, be found tbat iuIbecaae of m<Mt ol theaj ihe indoraemente weredi.toi! oo daya prior lo tae grautiag <<i the liceuaea,Arinc-li fael proYoa Ihal Couimiaaioner Morrtaa pro-toala moal hav eaoaa tothe aoiioeol tbe otheraommlaaionera bcforo ihoy aoted .i|.<.:i the appli a-

ti'.un. The applicatioua were then t:tk« o un one byoa". Commiaaiouer Motria t<«.c! what ei!.,n-, hiBad made lo iuv.vtiaate paraonally the cbaracterof ih..- vatious nla.-es foi- whicb llceaaea were aaked.Io uianv e.iM-a be U.i.l fmud tbem t.. 1>. frequeutedbv diarepatable woaaeu. loothor eoaea he loandaaunbliBB-roama maintoined in the aomc boaae. IuTrthnrnnaftt hti made oo poraooal iaYeatigatioa, bulkoMad bmprotaet apoa lha onlaYorabki report <>ttue mapeetora and ih<- poiiee captaiua. Iu aplie ofhis |ii..i.-aiatheae \. aeaa had all been lloeaaed,

.Mr. Ncwintiiiie 4,ii oroaaexaaioation pul m evi-deuc-i- a ietter writlen to the Excrtae Board by Hena-tor Gibbs, reeomraeoding the liceaaiug >,f " Tmii "

Gooid'a plaoe, aud aiN" a kma petliion with nenrlyOOOoaoMarcrpotTed by the Board, prayi in? for theUeeuae .>i tba a ime plaoe. l he iBYeatlgation willbo couliuucd lo-day.


Jaiues Mi-Shiiie. who was m the fcall of tiio l.m-w.Hid c'lub, at tha Grand Opera Honee, ..n NowYe.u'.s i-ve, 1982, ik iu trouble, as aereral othera <>i

that oompaay have beea. Jaaaee A. Browo. >.uc ofIho aaamoara ol tbccluh, qoarrelled with tbe Oxlebrothers aboul aomamouoy lhat had been givento the cliiii. aud Browo waa Btabhad witha phvsiciaii a luuce aud dled. 1 ho C'oro-n.-r's jury baplleaied Saiuu.-i <)^!.-, aad bawas arreated. bgt sulii.-ie it erideooe ooald nol befotii'd a^amst iii in and lu- was diacbarajed. Mean-while BoBhano, it is aaid, had taik.-il with aomeoltlie detectivea aud had giren iolofroatiou BffaiuatGesir^e Ogle, who ia uow uu.lc-r urieat t..r tbe tuur-d«T. He aaul that Rooera and Dopper, two men

¦who were preaent, eould alao give inf.iuiat .n

aanBoat Geaanre Oale. Wtaaa the deteetiTeaeu.ieavi.i. d taamal Oearaa Ogle it was foand tbalhabadioaf i.'it tboeity, and inforaiation waa ob-iaiaedthal led thedeteetiToato belioTetbal Mc8hauegave the iiit'irinati'iii aud he alterward admittedFt, aaymg that he did uot want Oale t.. be bangodaftor all. He then trtod to turow tha blame amongOglc'h ti'ieuilM of niviiitf iiiloriuati.Mi BOBinat him on

¦aajora and Hnppnr fJateoauM t.> ihiaeityloraaiUKie day a few montha utfo und waa ).H)in|.llyarraatad.ilBTihBna haa haan amployarl ia the PoatOfBoeUti.ier ( llatodian l oniiy. Jletic-tive \',il e.y wi-ntto tbe Poat Offiee yeaterday altorooon and arreatedbiui on a oeueh waxiant ishucd by Jodaaj (.ilder-aioc ve.Asfistant Diatriet-Attornoy I'tirdy had OBOaed

bim t" be iodieted as au aeoooBon utci" tho faet inthe umrder of Oirje, baeauaa he ai.lod ihe murdareitoaaaape. MoBhana wiU ho arrahjaod aa Moudaybeloro Judge Gil ter-leeve.


SBLLISO (iOdl'S SKlZl.li K)H DUTiBM.Tbere wiwa larire i-alc ycsteiday lnornini: of

Cuatc.in Moiiae aelauroa, couMatiuciuineipaily of llqnoraami tol-az-co. at Uie .nn tl.-u eslaa.laliu, ut ot Kii. y AAlvKILliiDy.No. <if) .N'aaaau-at. Tlie itood guality of tliefiufelteil xoocl*. aa well um tlie larae ainonnt of Ibrea,attrai tml a uuuiber of e.ixer bl.lclera. About 40,000eluiira were aold. pnnelpallr ilarana braada. I bcfclxheai bida (oiigtd fiom s>7 u> «}iio a haadred Baarlr4.004> paarkaxea or Cabaa Bfaaratua were diapoaeit af,ai/<i a lile Miiicnnt of einoklnx tohare . Olu and rinuwre thejirluolpal llnuora aold. Auionx tlie otiier arti-Btaa aoid were aoiuo Aaaaaaao aud CUlueae guod, wUlch

braajgM A-ooii aaaaa, gtoraa, Bllka, aatAerr.Jew^rr traaaBreaea, pipes, aud a laijroquanMty of drj kooub.

BOLIBAT FBATVBBB IB T1IK BABEBTB.Tlie aiarketd are f.tll t<. orerftofiRf witJh

hoii.iuy eaubtoa and the aarketaen kara abown » __\par apint i-v deoorattng tlu ir atali* wltb e;'"«rneii«''"_*f, Qqueuofpapertn keapla* v.lth tbe fea1ra eeae .1n.

Woooeock c.at fc. » palr. rabidte 50 and 80 eenta, J"1.pheaaanta |4 Scut.-n gTOlUe 88, P ..rtn.k-.-a *1 hii.I liw

andaqnlrraiao aata a palr. Opoaaum etothodlantniwo tncbea of ra can be kad for 75 oento and raeeoautafor82aaek Wlhltarkeys,eamlnxaalBeyda.fraa tbafar West, do not t-ei kara la gewd enndltlon ; iney_____t-etiti a pound. QtallMllforBa a itoaaa, »WFe#"lor tlie aame, aud u:a. ijnlr.l-und r.-c.lt.irda.50 *«..«81 50 a do/aii. Wli.l itaobe B*a not ulriiUIu.,, andJje 1

from75cenUforema "hell-dlvcra" to *¦*» * '",,,'cawantacha. Weatora rentooii la 20[oenta . geand bytbe qnarter, but hutehera eharga 88 eenta fore 111 et-.

oentaforleira.and 28 eenta for aad.Uea. £kejBaw/pro-bi'.iita tne kiiiintt "f doer nft er Deeeaber .>, eoaeeqaaatijtue aoaaou for eelling it will aoofliba Btera.

Hot-lioiiao radubaatare worib cic.-ntsin imnch, eran-

berrlea, h and 1 ."> eenta a eoai 11 aalatfr. 10 and > ¦'' . -

abnncb; New-Ortoaae atrlna beaat, Ba a PdfjfjJ"!?"flowera.!*5and60eentaeaeb;tottaea3 and 10 eenta a

lioad, und liol-iionac ciicilinl.ei..-, 50 anta f .l,'1'1' ,<'''

poutosa ai.- 20 aud 85 aaato a kaU-peek, aad hot-houaeBouahroame 81 85 a pannd.Beurre d'AAJoa pean are $2 ndozon. botfconae arapea

B2 50 n poiind, atruaberry plneapplea 85 and aweenia

eack, Relaga grapaa 25 and 5o aaato n poumi, andbaiiiiuaa 40 rcnta a ilo/en. . , ,.Loren of trout will :>o gto I to laara tbal tbongh theM B'oncloaed for arlUnR tln-ae flafa 011 Btptoinbei' 1, reiralnboa trout (aaireffNia/vntoiui/ia) froin tbe B^nlbaiaaBporuaan'aClubt.UI be oiiaaioiu Pulton .Mainet i>\

.ir. niackford. Bla yeara aan Profeeaor Ba'rd aaaantedtbe club witb .'.00 trout egga from Califorma. Ihe.v nawedoneao wcii 1.1 tbo watcra of tka elnk aatearearowatbem, so aeveral thoiiauud poumla »f ibe aurplua wil, Be

aold. I-Tozeu itota' le^a an 50 eenta a puiuul, dliiuionit-back terrapla 842 a dtmn, aud liurdahcii aaaaa *J ov u

illil.'llC 1. , ,_!»__Tho piieea for nark, aaato, amoked fi-l» aini imiiitiy

an- not uncaneouable coueRtertng the expeetad I aratataBilciuand.

aar. abbett aiii.h ti1> wirn -t.v avsceps.

Tbere haa been n romor afloal for Beveralweek* that Ooveruor Abbett, ol Sew-Jeim v, *« ta_vtllaa frout aerlona brala troai.ip, aud 'lmt tlu- dla aaa aaaaffeeted ina mlnd an aa to Ineapaeitato hlm from attond-iiiitio btooflU¦ .ii dnttoa. ftfr. Ftiuer, the Iaw partner 01Qorarnor Abbett, aid t-> a rniBCXk anorter yeatcrday"All that tlnie la ln the rimior ia thia.tlie tiovrruor baabaaa worklua hard durlnyj tho lael yeer.wi kt. bualneaa,and tho time that ba mtobtkave bad to racuperaafrombla labor haa i..cn Klwen t« tue performaneeof hlanutieaatTrcntou. Uealaotookaa aetlra part ln tka toal poliltoal eampatan, and ti.o reanlt waa tbat from the aremunmberol thlnaa tbal waa praaaiag apou bla atiantion.and reqnirlng prempl aad eneraetlq aotlon, btophya ra

ayaloin waa immii ont aml licclcl n net, Wbieh lic cuiil'l

not tlud tnnetotakr. Wlillc iu thia low Btate OfkealttJnecaiiKh: a keary eold m tbe bead, and an abacea waa

developed intiiualiy in one of hla <-ara. Ihis waanboiiitbree weekaafo. an.l tora aeek be <nd not eome to inaoflloe kera or attend toany publu' bnelneaa. He eame toNow-York ererj day, kowerer, aad rlalled a protulneiiiaarapeotoUst'aottlce for treataaent, ihe abaeeaa, tbomenexci-ediiii-i)- p iinfiil, waa ncv.i eontldered aartoua, a-. 11

brbkeexarnally an.l aaa nol eampllcatod wltb any other.n-ea»e. il.- h..« baaa at ina otliio hani at «.nk ereryday for tbe lul two warke, exoopt aken attenalng tokla dutiaa at TrailtOR, and kla iiu-nlal powera urc u.a

atrougand rtgaroua m tfcej ewer aara.*'

PBOBABLB DEATB OB TBICBIBOSIB. YICTIB8.Ileobera of Um Wcit/.l family, who liavt-

tiocn anftVrtug from trleklnoata, wew rlalled by Dr.CyrnaEdaon, of the Banltary Bureau, m iba prtaitrli'uaii tal v«-aicriliiv. H>- fouiiii tlu-ui dauaeroualj 11. anawaalnclliied t.> beltorB ih.u aoaa of them conid notlive. llc eonnted up aventeen peraoni who pai iakib olhani aandwlohee tn the Wcltxol rooma al Ro. ! - Kinr-at.on Tbankaelrlng i:v.>. an.l ufco kara been aunennaIrom tricbitioala aince tben. H.mio of them wbo barenol gnna to boapltals were aald t.< be groalna weakrr. i

Dctiiiia Ferbea, who a ia leut '... tka Rew-iort Hoapitairrom N.«. ~'.i Rtag-at. on Tknraday, waa aa better,Moaea Blmon, tbe Wooaicr-at. render, who Bppeanaa mberecowerluga week aaa, wi ni atbe Baultary Bureauyeatcrdav. Ile bad atormlng aymi t'.n.a an.l Dr. l.da.ni

a.-nt him to tlie iiinitv Hoapitai. J.-'m Derlln, <.r RO.l-T i.rernc-at.. w..s ... iniica worae tbat bla n rooral t a

hoapitai waa dlaeuaaed. Jam. a Kluc, a younaman whollvea lu weatThlrd-al vi-ii.-.l Oerlln an ooiniilatued of

palnaaud dtulnea whlck he kad experleneed latelr.Tne ine.it iua|...-'..i.Ma,:.-d tlu- attentton of Dr. fcjlaon

to tbo car.aa-ea of two bORB abUb tbe* hml aelZe.LUotbaalmala bad kaen kiliedwiiile anffarlngfrom hogcholcra.

POTATO BTABCB IB VOBTED AB FABiBA.IaforRiation traa peoentlr laid beforo the

apeclal Tmaanry aaaaa al lb« Cnatom lloiiae that fla-arantabuara kad beeB practlaed npon the dealera andinaniif cturem of potato aurcb, and Ih* fjovrrnmeiilhni been rbeated ont of a ooualderal.le nuiount in

ilutlea, tbroiiKh t">' Importation «.f 1-.1.I" atureh a*

farlna. Doalera ln domeatle potato ataieb lu tbre.. ntlt dlacorcred that tbey were laina tbeli enatntn-era In Cbloago and otboi Wi if m rttiea, an le 11 IbalImported ttarck tkaceiito a ponu i. or ,11. ill ceul a pouu inere il.an,, ,",., m .- m llln ¦.' irom :!"a ..¦ 1 utapound. Imported itarcb In llambunt la worlfa 2 oeiilaand the dutv la '.' .-ni-. The apo< lal aaenta r.. .. .1 1h.1ta Li....! deal ol -tnl labelled " ¦¦¦:¦¦ rlnaa, ni from Ilainbnrk lo tba I.. A. DjvIi - w 11

Hupplj C'ompa' v. blcaeo. Bpecl . " wei

t<> tbe Hamiiurg atcamera 111 IIIbe alltod f.ii.i.a wa- poiai.. atarcb, About :."

la hawe been Mixcd, and It U tbat arrrataWlll fO'lll follow


BB7TRB PBICBB l <K UB. WJBBAB'B BPriceaware iini<'!i hitrher jreetertlai uft^rnoon

al tbe Ktoeam Ulir ry au a ai Lrawltl a o. 1. ilonrooma tbau on Wediieada- 01 d-i- - ...y. .\

ber o! .-xi'.-n--.M-iv :: uatral -.1 uooka w< ref.-w cm ¦"¦¦;..a. Krdaaart'a "t'liroiil<|iii ." iillted bjMine, DeR'HL broiwht afl 1*5. A rop) ¦.!..Ba*" Blbha, Londou, 1551, wblrb au'iailtutnl "hniir> a'- for the " terror hv iitoat," ln the xcl, I'aalin,aold foi B10 50. 0 ia b rtre 1.. ....

v ,.,,. t;..(,i foi llii.nii lu: Im 1-."umca. Pbllln '¦. Hamertoir. "Ktchiiis and Kl<wi i.i lor 831. and bia "Uruplilc ArU,II - rationa, lor 881. A rurl. " >a "Tuil. fa and Tim. a of Bertran.l du tluaalln, by I>. Ii»nn, of Hoith Carolinu, "rntered arconlhia lo acl ofCouKieaa 1.1 tbe Confederale Btaten .-1 Inicrlra,' lnl-..;:. Ibe prlce iriren for It waa 8t 2\ "TbelJliu .-- .,1 John Kellx, Tnbuue of Ihe I'ooj lo." w<-:.t lor

::.'> iciii-._BCOXOBT /v TBE IU"'<''< l l Ti >! I

Tbe atatemeut uubliahed in Thk Triruxkv, ,;, ,1.,. tliat 1 li. Walker, tbe

ii.L-i-. «aa to :... retlred 011 Kebruary !.11:11.¦ nt ,11111.¦ B "' ll"*"

11 .-... Mmv of iiii-iu were ludlitnanl when U.-vt;¦.-! Mr. W bad I een naked

for, and tbat he waa to be retlred wllbont anj aumil-.yor conaiderutionafter bll »lxtoen y. ar- ol fiiltbful andard 100a aei 1 '.'¦. almplt njion ihe pli a ol eonoim Mr.iv, ker*B -a'.ii v haa been 8>1.5oo. J. 11 Brnwn, foiol tbe l i-.-.i-urv I'.-pattroeut, offered to take tba |K»ltlonat 81,250 for -.1 niontha with tbo un.leratandibghiaaervirei ar. re .co ptable be v- ,- III n lo,~.i,.1 11. .1-. Um: haa in-.-ii a.¦(.i-|.i. (I. Mr. Wnlk-r'a aaalataut kaa bad bla aalaiy n -".» i"

T-',.'')¦ '-

1SVESIOBT OF WBBTBBB UXIOB PBOPBBTT.Under Shenff Aarona yeata nlay stntl in-a rnon

to teain niukina an Invanlory of tbe pn.paity brlunnlnato tbe Western Uulon Tclograph t'oiup.tny ln tblipreparaary to oderhu the a ime for -.1 -. Tb.ln < h 1..¦:..-.!.. ln therrarol Trlmty Cbureb, n-.-iuaaf i.-iory i.v 11.1.npany. waa flrat t.ik-n lu baud. Alltba uiovable irtlelea, Incladlng tbe ina liinery, werellated, but tbe w.lne la nol yel appralaed. i.iaviii.-oppr.ilaera wlll coutinoe tbalr work m Hi<> Broadwajbuildlna, Ibe iic.oj.i lartera '. iln- company. Mr. Aaruniaald tbat tna work woula probabl* ba eomplelad earlyln the t-oming week, and tbe property duiy adrrrtlaedfor aale uui^-s ihejudgment and Bhertfl'a feea w< re taltk-'i by the eoap my.

.v//.i if DUBU1BB IX VITt 8TRKI I lThe Aldermeu yeateirday diacnaned Ihe re*

porta of a eommlttee i.'i' and awalnai ihe rt-poaioftheordlnance allawina tbe nae nf ateam dumralea «n Ilud*aon, 1 analand n/eatBU. and Tenth-are. below'fhlrtieib-at. Tba ni.,)..I-¦ tv beld that lha olt* ii "l ma v b ruutraciwith ih" il'i'i-'.i. Rlver Rallroail Company by lleenalnsamnmtoa for aereral yaara paat, and tbal tho rompuuynaa to-en at much rxpenae in bulldtng lepota In conuee-tloa wltk tim roadway orer wbleb ine dnmalra ruu.The mlnority reeommended tbal th.Inauee ba npaatod. Tkaaattot waa toto owei anUI Thnraday.

ABOTBEB BTATBB I8LAXD PBBBT.A mlnotitj report ol the Comiaitteeon Per-

rina and Prauebiat-i In toror of eatabltaklng anotber

.11(11 l-ll.-.l llli.1 uir li'idlii 11..1 .J" ..... ..... ti, v.f .-.

anotber aale of the toaae, and tbal II would be praetl-a wtolatlnn <>r Iba contrael with Braatna B'tman,

tbo lea-t-o of tlie jui-s.-iil icrry, aaatobllah unutber one.

OPIVB IOIBTB is BALTIBOBP.Dr. Nagie, of the Burean of Vital StaUalitra,

yeatertlay recelred a lal ar fr«m Preaidenl .1. a. ;iowai1aud Reerttary J. B, Cartor, ..r :iu. Baitluiore Baard nlHealih,reqnestlng Infornattonmlattre t.> th.i la\\a ofNi--.v-v.uk far Um anppreeelon of nplnm Jolnto. TheyBtated tbat tha oplua dena In Baltlniore bad been in-ereaalax rapldly hihI tbal tbe atnoklna of oplum bad be»eome ao exanslve aa a ba a tkraaleulna evll, Tbere iano iaw t<> problbll ii.<- keepora of opluat jo'tte la Baltl-11,or.- fn.ui extondiiiit tln-ir daagemua bualnraa. Dr.Na.-i.- aenl BPeoj ..f Ibe iaw wblek deala wltb tka nplnm(iiioatloii 111 thia -tat-.» ?-

nro WATOBSB yi>;t Mi:. BBBGBI /.'.

When .Mr. Beeeherwaa robbedof lns raln-abto aold watcb by a ptokpockat lu Rew»Tork oa ateetIonnlxbt, ba kara tbe laa wltb ealmnea aml mhI be bad.notber one tbat he eould cet along aitklftke atoleaotiewaaaal r.rerod. >Tke Rew-Yoib ladRa of theBeoerolenl 1 roteellre Ordoraf Lika baa aince repairediba loae hjr tbe glft of n bandaome JOrgeuaen wateb totboPlymouth paator, tha inanptlon thowlng tbat It laa 11.uk of i-at.-. in. Mr. Het-i iur to alflo lo gel BButbl r

watcb, wortb 8215, from tbe tirant Buleay Commltteeoi Boatan, in tokon of tluir appreclationof bia a.ldreaaat tbe uiani iiiiiuoriai aeallng to thutcity.


BUBB1K0 AOBOVBD IB TBB BAT.The rteainer Btate <.t Alaimnin, while ooming

nptke Hav laafagal Ba ." raaardajrcronnded on a

shoal at tbe tinictlun of tlu- M;ln Bblp and Baash cliaii-ncla. The cBptaln latoaTapkad 10 Ihe atiiita that almwould probably workoffal blgk llde wttbout aalatai .-.

but all effoila to hark kar <>fl were fi uillroa. Aa Ihe hoUtoui Itoa la u ii> d of iiiiui, the raaeel "iii probably leeelreaa daaaaa nntll aoaa of her argo to reaawad ln wderto flu.it iur. Tba ataaarer waa froa Ulaaguw aud cauioo\c-r on nu cxtru ttlp willi frcicht ouly.


Tke old woodea Bteamer ('ity af Mexko,wiiicn|w«H aald to in- tittinp oui forpnwateerlaa pnrpuai a,loiiki (1 aa nnllke a war >.r plrattoal rea« 1 aa any floatliiabody poaatWy c.ul.1. The Cnatom iiouae afltern kara¦at kaaa oriieraa t<> t.-.kc eharga af he* ar to Inb rfaw laaar way wltk ker loadlnc, exrept In ra«e y\n akaaki altoapl to v oluta ihe iMmtraiity lawa, Bbe v, ia tawa t"1'ier No. 17 1 ..--l l.lic; I.i Untob toodlllg vwtli ln r ui. reiiandisc aarga.


Wm Avrnur HoUl.Senatof NeilBOBW.AUdrtofc. of Bfcode laland onxrea»Man John w. Ble rart.of Vermout ; Judxe Wna.n.. BaOoB. o. Uie... J- 1*»*Bohertaoa, of Toronto, aud (* b^ MeAdar..a ....

(./.rv ffowae-Oenatorileel Praacla ll.-ndiMki.... Byra-cnae Slurietant floaee-WUIIani H. Bueglee, N<«York'stateSuperinUndent of rm.lic Inatruetloa.i ,¦!,.,I i ',,1,1 ciiii.nel llenrr I* Alibot. l.>. Aini>./; r // i/¦

' "er.if M. B, UbuobII, of iodlana_.Jf«rrTpBO/HoW-l^eaaor U Clark eeelye, alNorthaniplon. Maaa.. and llenry f. Roblaaon, of Bart-ford Ifotti «t Bora A. Loodon Bnowden. of Phlla-nVi.-u: .iw r /,..»«- V. ». n.l8BMBB,0f 2Ae Louu-rillt <<ii(rirr-Joitrif<t.

WHAT 18 G01NG 0» TO-DAY.c-;.ia farTBttlaatlrt OoaaMlltea, Kiftb Avearae iTotel,

i;":ir.l'nf BxeBM Inveathratlon. OlMOy Hoii-e, 11 a. rn.

Amiiial dinner of £Zd BaglBMBl oftitcra, Delttoulco a,' Kx'oiiluatloii of Beary A. Hnilth beforo Tolleo Justlce

('anieron Peet, No. 70 preai iitatlon, LoxluRton ArcuuoOpera Boaae, B p aa. , .__..

I.ini.li .¦ Clty Atliletio Club boxltie touniatucnt, ParapaHall, 8 p ui.

NEW-YORK CITY.John F. B. Snrth haa beon appotate d PheritTs

aactioneerby Bberiff-eled GraniTha lr..nt wall of the old Unton Baah BaiMrog in

Wall-st., adjoining the Atway Otike, waa tom dowuI eaterday.

Id Maria Krau*. of Torf Cheater, was foand ta-aaoe al becoa i-ave. and Seventieth-et. <>n Ihurs-d iy ntghl aad waa i ml to BoUeTua UoapitaLTbe poltce wero aaked yeoterdar t<> aearoa for

David VVertheimcr. a hutcher ol No, 219 Knring-at.Mm wile Mid btriefl the hoaae earljr on Ihonaayw lii 11- ahe wa> aaleeo.

HiiM-y POB TIIK OBABT BOBOBBBT FfM>.Tho Grant Monumant Cmnmlttea yeaterday re-

rnvr.l aabacriptiooa amooatlag tofjlfj tltroafrh w.

P. Heiiz from a nomber of anbacribera at Fifleld,VYia.. and 850 tbronah Mnch N. Canrn from JohnUcKeaaoo, nakang the ttrtal 8111,180 04,

r\i.i.u> T4» BT. iimoihy's CHCBCB.The Kev. Bpralllea Bnrford, reotor "f Bt Mnrk'a

Chiii.ii, Grand Raplda, Mi.-li.. baa aeeopted a eallto tbe rectoreblp ..f Bt. Timothj a Cburob, l.-ftvniatit hv ihe il.-ath ..f the Ber. Dr. Geer. Mr.Borford eipecte to tBhaoharxe about the middk olJaooary.

PABSIVa A lAluir BTBABBB IB DIBTBBBP.Captain Zimmertnan, of the Amorican brig Pearl,

whoanivad al Quarantiae yeaterday tr.uii B.n ba-does. ranorta tbal on VVedneaday ue paaaed a rour-mnatedateamer, aqnare rigged <>n fore aod mainiini.si-, with reil iiiiine's, black topa, blowiugwlustii'saud aeemioffly ln dlatree*

PAH.UBI I Of iiiv" wi:t-K.'I he buei'ieaa failnrea throughonl the eonntry ln

tbelaat aeven dayB, aereported to R, (.. i» m ACo ol ibe Mercautile Agency, onmber lor thermted st it. i 233, nud for L'auada 23, aa againal347 laatweek aud 330 tbe w---:< preriou* rheVYeatern and Boiitbern Statea tarolah more tbaaone-balf of ti.e- total namber,CIKIBO llBO'B BfBOBBKB BKBABOBB POB TItlAl.Angnatine Rahell, who laaecnaedol hanngmar-

derca CbongUng, the restanranl Cbinaman, waa

i.-ikcTi beforo Jndge llonohno in the Kupreme ConriChambora yealentay. Hls ronoael deuiauded bail..ii un i.niii i.f uuiiemaaar) delnyaln Ihe caae, uotwas rofnNMl by the Jadge. Kabell waa remandedI. i tn.-.l.

DIXBKB Of TBB MIDOAT CLOB.TheMiddav Clnb held ira rogular manthly din¬

ner at !'. r;,/.'.-. N".'_':» inm, .i. yeeternar alter-niii.ii. The tablea were arranged in tba ahape nltho lettor fl and eovc'T were aid for twentv-four..| he elnh ia .-. mpoaeal nl brokera and but ineaa m- nwho lind timo orcaaionall) lo meet togethei l"r a

a. eial diui r. Kpee bi - were n adc by CharleaII. pkine, 1'. I. Gainea. I. inia Leib and otb :-.

aa mi' x \i -..iu pbub 4 o ib( vi ii \

Mi>. Cathariue Cnrlonn waa fnnnd TOflei ng fromo, jn ber boua nl So. 131 VVeal P.irty-flfth

i.. y, iterday. II o ia 1" liered thal ahr c

Ihe .!i.-.is- hy vieiting a lamily in VVeal r'orty-aixih--t.. anere Ihete wan a ronreale4l pttient.Several ininateaol a Hat-li4iu«e at rSixth-ave. and

eightb-at. were \ ¦>¦¦. ><>¦ -t- .t ye lerday, twopei i.na wlw baalamallpoxhat ingbean qoaraotioedin ibe boo e.

Mi. W1BTBR MABKH A COBRKlTTHI*.Eliaha VVioter, i ditor <>f i'>¦ /.<.'¦'¦ '.'

tn corn t:l a pnb iwiil aalI.'- 'll '.!.t -' 1.1

Ibe ;;i...¦¦ ih .'.. 'l lonno ti ii.miitera >l l> moal bulirr,ina; tho pnblic ii V1'- NV|!i"

lt .!

all ..': ut vi. -ii _. tln i :.i t ,- i-i. ui limcUrok no au<

,v Mi; .... I \ l'- tl..|.V lll I1K-I 11 y IU -II lll-C 4S|.'- fl, ,¦ ,\ rui. u' » Cunmi ::. .. t whu h

r, f.-ii, ,| 11 , er oi nol tln ( oinmoiiCnunoil haa ti.e nglil t- >¦">¦ lo Ibe whlow "fOeui i.i Uranl th ri it Ut have hei hi. the aidei Mi ... «h;iml tdat .uniondi dti.at Ihe Corpc latioti « uuii« ¦ pi.;,,,, ,, . bmilletl !.. Ihelai ur hi- .1 t".

li;,.' .r.l.-i \

Cfclef Bglnec t i: le. ol Ibe Nt« im Knap.iiini' nt i.f th Navi Vanl. wlll dlacfcarga Ihirij Bcb

M .Mi

Ibe ii. ijr., . . I Dr.


lli.l li- '.

lalUL1 hei-tee Clal ae .11, I Mi

I'rc l.b ii

III Ne'.\ .'¦ ,'1 aa « ll'-ie kl-lp- ¦< ' f«r.... in n, - lll, cablo B iii

..:¦.¦'¦ ri .!(.-.!prelje c illirl iii i.\ lirl-','-1". f"i il.iliuaea :.'!.¦ lobj ..- i.i'. .kl) U Lli i fl.

Bnpr..ih b lewyei i yaaic nl»y.


CLOBJXQ im: .1/)'.¦/. v; BBKVtCEB.The Kev, W. Ilay Aitkou eUiaocI his aerica ol

;.i I'rialiy ( mi b yeal,i a w eeka'aai

., ,d ,, ..,, ..f .;¦ ii ititereal t.. Iilmaolf, thap-Clullj all" limt leeli li-iei.e.l tn wltb au atleii'.iini

lhat be had never aw-n eico^ded In hla roliiUtrr. Hiain au itb, .i.i.-

ii.nl ni.-t hero he waa not llkeiy loa.i«a«*4l.lile. IieiiiL.-l aU !.. reineniii. r tli.t if tboi woukl part wltbI.i || -ii,-. (ln. a I, .at:., pOWtrlOahl tlii-lll .... v

aii.- ii for ti.e aaktn..ln he i-miiiii-M titken preaehed hla laat a nnoii tn

in, I, it -t. i. -i i. "iv ..r t ba rhnrc h..I with j unna B4Wi ti um ihe

neieii,,..i),o...|. iii vi i.i'...ii- hacl been aent tlie Vi.»lty,iiiiiui, KmeWi ixMikor, an fi. .v-e..< i lubn and uia .v,,; ,, ii.-i.,i.i- .,., .¦ |.ie .. ii.. Mr, Aia-.i 11U. -1. -. . i ri yi,,.,!; «i. i. nol derolodlotlierti n .a wandei ngalar.Cbriat inuat Im hla coniral orbit, or ba wlll ba aulijeciedln IlirlUelier. thal '. .1 i * bllB Ln tbitnward cliacta, "II,.-. la lt with you all i» ui..i\" haH-k-.i. " ara you alippine. drlfting away I Ai .1 .11--liitearntlug and iMK'onilng auUJpcl lo theae diariudaiil

ed niob ruiea iMjeaoae yoa ai broak-Ing away froM <>.).i l "

l>l 4 i II Dl K TO SCBFOCATIOXHirain M. Raynor, of Delovan, Minn., r<

leredat n.e nlteilMati ¦ llutel, Kultouacd Miiterata , oniu and i.l ll .....'. loc k :..at ,-y, n., .,,t Uai

|DK h .¦-, a. ii. tll r he le: n e.t, h a . nie ..)., ne.| a,i,|he WBa .,1'iinl ile.i.l. .. ;.ii l,li ileath, e. .|.l|,.,.a uie iiiftiM'atlou, arai aa l,;nail, he hod) \t.i- ik. n i.i

i.i..iii k.-iiu. .ir'r. abop. lu l'aar!-at., :\ bereaa anlopaywill i.e he,.i ibla allen.n. Iie iii raaecl mau ba b ia-

ind it la -iij.|..-.-.i Ihathc bad beeavlalting frlandaon hona laland.

.laiii. a Donnellr. aaalior. engaced a rooca al Nn. luTa*eat-at onTburaday nlgbt, aud biawoal tha gaa. iiewaa al.'i I.iini'l di ad.tndrew llyioan nu.l ln» wlfe, ..f Patohoarue, I»ng

laland, were fouud unronaeloaa ia Ihrli lied nn Tbura¬day from i-.i.u t'.ia tha h .1 oaeapedfroutheparlor«lu\e.

- ?

hiii.i\<; TH)QH in <ii,ui in /.'/ 1/1 /).

John II. Keillv, a iu»lic«nian, ahot ailogyca*terclar wlucli belenared '.> J. Bobaud, ol So,'llH KaatUnr-liuailred-anct-alxlli-aL Ihe .ink- 1.11 John Parlnr.ageaeren.ofBa 113 E at One-biiBdrnd-and-ttfth-al.beli.iii.i en l..laber !.*». Tlie wonnd waa allgbt, and I*r.alayer, wboattendrd tbe bor. tbetuthi the! Ibere v.,<.* aodanger of rables. Adogwbteh prohald) bad ut, imtwbleii waa n.-i e-'t ,i nf "Bnadii4>aa," waa kllled by a

pollremau ln rroutol No. 433 '.\.--t Hi reaieeiilb-at.i ,,i,v Kiif.H-i, .,«.- >¦, ire, ..t 11......u. I,, waa bfttan by a

dog. Th« wouad waa aauMrlaed and ina dug kllMdVeierlnary Hurgeon rattler, who araa btttea hj a doaln Hontfa Oranaa laal wejk, wlll aail for Buropa ob lhaKtnirla, ol tba Cuaard l.mo, to-i.iy, to ha Iraated fcjl'a-ti ur.

JfO TEARB ABOVT TBB < u.\ TTABOOCBl B,The MJail and Kxorett pnbliabed laal nirrlit

a atnry that tfca ateamer Ibatttiboooboe, fl bteh ia t>> aailf.ii .-.i\ atinab tn-iia.y, bad broken bbb nf the bladea ofber propeller on tbe prevloos trtp, aad lhat asreral »rIheerew wereapprebeaaireaa t,> n.e reeael k»\uk t.i aaawltbonl iii-i beingrepairad. Boaaof laeerewooobl befi.iiinl laat nijlit wh'i were apprebenalva aboul gotag i.»aaaoaber.aud ooa of n.e oiri.-i-ra bukM iho f,,i,,..vin^atalemi nl.'.ui the lu«t trlp t.i BeW-Vork WB broke nne nf tho

bladea ol tba propeller lu croMiua tbn bar al Tybea, udoea not eadauger tba aafaty of the reaaal ib aay way,and wlil make llttla dlfferenea la ker apeed. lu faetthen ia¦..ui,! ii im .i..in.'er in gaiag urouinl the worldwitli Um aropeller aa u ia."

TIIK BBA /.'// FOB » TLYA \ I DJ E I WBT.Tbfl Hfiirch for Uie rr.iz.y Fivndi wailcr, Syl-

T.inl .le I.ant'1, Im atlll galBg OB vU'iir..iialy li.lt iinaii, BM-fuiiy. iie alwaya aaa ..r a aaviag dlspaaiUoa ami wkaa

waa belag trled f.ir innai-y ai* ye.ua age bebad11,000 la tha bank. Tba dateetirea aaoeita dnnk thatbe aow haa enonah Monay lokeen la hldlng for aomatiine witiiniii tbe aeeeaalty ol aaakhig eiuplo) ineut. < mthla aecoont tue aearek foi blmlannch hMte dlfbealftban 11 otlici »ikii wutihl he.

VBIXO A I.i ¦.¦ i i:i i i; >.\ 4 nABEBBPBB,John .\lc-i.,f.ii,'-. iii.;.'iii -ii- n¦.c:t, al ii«m--tciii

iii.ii lll lielb «l ., WBa lha e. I.I,,. || r 11 a-.Hlll lll.tlllatlt ' ii .' - - niit <> e II..,. ,: ,1 fplHl n-le il \MthAlH-i.Mel .i Hll.livali. lue l«l ..;. hni.lB pieki-.l up ai.iiiii.'-!..i ....I -in k ibe b'n ¦. .. tiiu liead.bupuiiiiii .. h ... aiunuj Boou... ..j, u..a oiUereal tbe

rtt«i*,S«rss2p,aMBaltk waaekargad wltk fetoatoaa aaaaait.


Pmalhur: baa broken tratafaia ln 1'°,1&T,1:]".Clty and' leara ara anwrtalnart tbal It aaj-Jkaeoaaaa,,.;..,.., Three new eaeea * anM jt»ffli«f^ b°

moatdenaelypoptilatcl part of tbeelty. ..B^.°:Uealtb baa lakeu no aetien lu tho caaa. and tho p. tlena

were not remoyed. Commlatoaer o'llurrun aald IBjatihe Board ha.i not baaa mformud af the new aaaaa raa

diseaae ttrat appearcd aaaaa).two weeke<__£_!*__.famllyof Jamea F. Lynn. a \ertion-uie. frocer. BM

yonngeat chiid dled aad two etaera reenrerad. Anot'.erTlct.n. waa John llearna. a pl.imbor. who caiight th«i dla-aaaa whito flxlna B eaaplpa lu tho bouae. -.eBterday a

babv a .1 au adult aan t.ken down with II tatkefaatto.f IMward Kctin.r. iu a bouae BdJolnlU Hynu ai. Tkootber new eaa la la tka faally of Jaaea pnan. »Tentb-,i eereral otber eaa a are rapartad. Dr, Burnett aaldtb...tbere ara Bveother __**^*^+ _*__f_____who hav not I.n v iiilnatcd. Dr. Dculcr aald tbal beraccloatod tbe chiid about a eaak agetaal waataian

Tba'auaatton of raectnatlM tbroatenato c-aime mticlitroui.ieat OyatorBay. Two waeka aga .*&_.______'laaued an order to eompel tho vii.-rtni.tlon of all clilldr-Miatandlna publle afcoola, Inatroettag teachora to r.-fuacadmhulon to anyohlldan who were not yaceluai.-dWltbln ten daya Many parente refueed to h.ive tbe r

.1.11.Ir.n vacciuatod, and aent tliem to BOhOOl WltbOUtpaylnx any b.I to the ord.-r. In llavwllle many of theoltlzeni ar.- oprmaed te raeelnatton, and they npplled to

tlie Bebool Coamtoaloner for bla oplnlon. Aiterineahlldren bad been aat bomebytbe teacheratho Lont-mlaalonerdeelded that tbe towa anthorlttoe bad no rtghtto order Ihe retuaal of edu.-utional facintiet to any per-K.in. baaina bla aattaa on a dccielon «>f .*<tiuc Bupcrln-tendeiit Rugatoa. Tbo teaebcra aro now actltitf unacrthladcclaloU.

JEKSi.v CITY.Adam Wolfe. aaa iilmteen, of South Itend, BT, J.. wub

Berloaaly injarad by a traiu ucar tbo gaakeneaek Rridiroyi-.al.-r.lay,Tbnaaa I'owcra, who l.roke hla wlff. Jaw, waa aon-

tenced y.aicnliy to ono year In tho Stnto priaon. HIBwifr liad vainly begged far in.-icy for her lu-utal l.n--

tiaiid, an.l.Tied ao bilieily ibatahe bad lo bo reuiovcdfrom tlie tomu.


nkw-ji;khi;v TORTtaR*aai Orasor.Anewaaal efBee waa atabilabed on

Tbnraday al tuia 11 wa <»u Tnaaday PranelaM. Kppieywenl to Raahlitgtou aith a pention alaned by leadingelilxena aakiua for tne new olil.i- and a peraonai letierfrom Uowa.r abbatl toRanator MoPberean. rMiuuuaCondicl waaappoiutadpoataaaMr. iho poatoface aaall.CIl Il.lllll d Jl.-I I.-Ilau.Athrvia. Aa ratertklaaanl by the eblldraa (aaaiated

by amatenr mecda) oi ihe Beformed Cburchi Bundtjy-achool tiii.-ii tbe ehurrh <»n Thurrday erenlng. ine

programma waa creditably carrled ont, aml a neal aanwaa malixed f-n a Ubrtataaa faatlraLBoaoai a, P. W. Laabarl wrlta t<> raa Tbibchb tbal

ti... i-mui l.iint iihich Im rrorntly aaade befon tbe CliyCouncll, ebaraln*Dr.baauel A. liein-r. rlty phraiciai:.with condnct unbecomlna an <>it!"-r boldlna a uoaltlonahlcb requlred the axerela ..f teuder aud binuauequalltlea, w..a witbout eauac. He had been uiialnfonnadund regreta bia liaaty and uuprovo.l aitlon.

I.o.Ni; LBLARD.PunraiRa-anperlntondeat L D. Bnrton,af thaLoag

[Hand i:mr a I, baa been ronfinad to Ina bed for a areehirom an attack al pat aaoala.


RE8TCRB81 l-K CODRTT.ViRiiAMii'a I'msr. Patrtek Klng recrntly loat fmir

borae. that bad beeo poiaoned. Carmon & .1. Lyon baaraluabte aray borae, the tecona one wltbln a

li ii weeka.winii im iis-. -An Injunetlon wlll be apnltodfor to-

,l,v ¦ l»/ki uti, to uraranl tke .-.ti-«triic-i.f a m ii a lamlxed road Irom the elty laland road alKortow lo r.-.u iiiim.i'-. adlatani.f three mllea. tbe

.I to iinii'i ihe road kaa been awnrlod and tketoiui ot Pelkaa baaaaproprlatad 112,100 for th<; pur-poso.


Banwi. ort. .Iii.i-i- Baaford, In Buperlor Conrt, yc»-lenlay, di.miaao.1 tha demurrer liilerpoaad by w. B.II ». rntor, rrqulrlna the Rer. John nynnotiioiii.ue.if.il dlai oaure «f property worth ai*o,<K)0,

¦-. :.. in mi br deed rrom bia.;., late ICer. 1 J. iyanott, of bt. AtiKuaticea

ath .Ua » bureh.?

8F.XTEXCLD FOB HCBDEBIXO UIB COBrAXIOX.T.n no, "lii". I>..'.. Is- Artbar ). Ororer

wbo haa been ontrlalln w.l Countr Comroon I'leaa( ...iu ut llowilna <«:. .'ii. r'-.n >¦ wltk the raurdrrofliraiiwille () I. aa to-dav io.I gullty of murder

.ngetl. Iheai recrlie bla »elit« ra Bln. bln& On

Ma] 1 Ibe V irtl .11) d. comp aed boilr .-f a m ilf ...ii ,1 in :.. :.. il «tonj Rld Vi" "¦'..,u. I: n i*

, iKimla rideiice waa

B4M.U ol.l.ill ,1 wbl<(,,r Ibe V.- "¦"'''

. diy t.,,,',-'i iu uri.e.1 isiu andand the facl tbal



rca.vf.iai r/< \go.Ciik ....... ]> r.! .-.\ iu oplainl


I -.¦;.!¦¦ of Bartincton,alloua ..f a parh "f

11 la kno. ten or t welre

.i io be ...,i ,, .-

known atwnaM u aa " gaaa



/./.¦ ti Tlsisn rn i.n i 11 ;../» /" /.". t b*/ rr.I'ni. \...', I», . la Special). M.iiiir- \'i^*-

i.aii. played a gan.f foniU .¦-.

B :..!:. ..-. l!.-r llltfy one an oret 100, and yi l

.,,. r. .. ,i ,i . ba baa >>-i, ..- . ll ia ?.I.I. Bllil

i ii ii. -..ni i- iromr-i.-11.-.- .la.-o - -ha'er played phe-

in - |p i.nd in, ii iklna a.ii took ihlrty-one


n /./1 \ // n 11 :\ pom < ." ipw.I'ivi-iiiui.li. il lota of .1 i|i;iii<-s.' nnd Indinn

|,..i ,,,,:. 4, i- ,.-. i. bl " .' and '.. ina wi ¦.-', i- ii - .. letlon r.'..i...a, s...

B4*> 111 ''"-. "f Ibe ,i ii'. |i oea nfferadw. re triil.-a wbieh brouiiht unyiblUaT from 50 i-.-hia tn

iu rer, r ¦¦ from H i"inti i" -.-¦ - |. n ii v a- < nrlatmaa

,,i arnta " Iba I i il rer ptoa, It..<-»-uemled al prloaa ranglna from 75

I er wal -t x.;. ol Indlan d.-

M.MUM. I \ I I; I. I.I <; IX a-:.ma: aa ai.-4isi".

enartaea,7ia aeta.4 81 loa - . .. L34)Moon'Bage,da 18III »U i..< :. i 1.

,4..tf. ib h ii il. B-ltiiiti la -. 7 :-.11 -. ", I.. ....,....1.141.1-.. .'. 1 I-1.-..1 V 11


K/»..r hY n. r<ru.ii: ... i .ni um.National

I". i.i ni M ..i.n. -. ..i ...i.i ..i.MonarehKpulll.I.in«. |i an .

r..iui. ,...ll imbui tWerr.i . Br. ni. ii an.l -.. . l.iu- <i

i ii i-i .Neui... lenfiu. ... Wai V

SI X IV. I ¦..i .I.ivrrtiool ..iiiii'..Al iak i Liverii '"' '.'' >B

Ln ii"- ii. h hlte -i irN,, . Ilawn'

;..; amda .......

\;->\ \ i i.i; 31.I..: aaaaa .uiaaaan.au. tmr.\iar.ii.i ii. .ni.... .Waraa


v'.Mi \'i:i.

Mteamar LodRate II.II lUri, Brown. I^mdnn Dee3, wltkm.i-. i" ir i..;< «.i:i i.i-I- An in .,i llarat 1 b m.

dtlcUlr li'iir -. l.nci I.....I '¦.¦>¦ \ lUuoeuatowB.', inii' ih i-c .m.i p '. i-.c-i. iv i-i Wri.hl AHon.

. r«- r. r. -I..!' 'l'i ill! ... V 4..II. ill'I.V.l ,. M 111 IIU'.B.' t .1

h ind. .i --.!. .\ii.i-'i ..i the B ii it II.,-i -t ,:.¦ ,,; \ .'.I ial .1 l'i r '.".. .I.im im ¦.¦.- .'. aml

., ,. ,i ii:> iu,U, .,... ili ..-n,'.-i a lo AiihIiii l-.aniii .i. ,t . <i

\i; n. ¦. at tlu Bar u su ¦ mm.'.iii,.'! iiiii.-i.i.i iii Uullman, Newcaatle Not¥9, wuh

. ,'.. |,i. A a i. m. ,.

.-i.-.i ... i.i..-.. i.-iii. Wlliia'iia Kernandiaa. Brunawtek,r. i. t .' ii,Ih IU -¦ ia t" . II Mul

Ion .' <'M.Mnn-1 llenefa. tor, n a>u. \'i llniln :i. N('. :i iiava, witli

i,,.|.' and ;'. ur.-rat.i VI in IM'Ird.Htrsmer Mauiiatun, Kfcrcaa, weat I'olal Va, and Nen

port Newa witli mdae andpaaa aaera lo Old Doml i". "al¦.,. ii.,, Kii.r, .iu. i.i.. .i*n'. i. Newpurl Nawa. ailucoal lo

( o l-.llll I..I on i>.

Htamri ni ..-.;a. I'.i-naiil. r.irtl.in I, .Mlh in.li an.l p 14M in:. i- I. 11.141;.. M.i¦-.

1.... ... .11 ., trw-Redfoid, D.vi.4. I'nii Itlrer, »un aada1,, 11,11 len a Lorell.

a .i.-.i aaila. Morton, Urerpool .'.t daya. wltb aaaetooiilci, reaeel 1,1 4uo« .1 ti-n..¦ «.

-i 'I. 1.1..I r.i ,,1 \\ iu.:-.i.i c\H), Pottor. Mr.-mool 30 dara,witbaoit. ..ai. to order v.-.,. 1...1 M I'.rker .«¦ Uo,Khip ...in m.- 1--"I ol -.ni. .''ii Mu.rt, Lirerpool ni

lim -. 1. it :i linlai lo "Hl. » i-.ii'i to \> I'llk, I .1 'I

BORnarr.Wina aa taudr .i--a Uaht, WRWi etondj un,ifoavr. Ai Wty Ia ,.m.I. Ilgbt, 8W1 (oL-«y.Han.tv 11 "... 1.1 -iii, a-1 ¦,- .nol. I'li.Tiiii >i 'ler, 411,

v. um. m. 8 .HII.-4. MwetLUaht, 1:. Weatber. tolr.Arrtred >. ai.-r.iivHlricie' Mi-iiii. .i.-ri. lliinliur.' \..v »"». wIMi m.lac and

aa«aemrsra i" I'he 1- Broa '. .... Arnv, <i nt tha 1141 ai a » maieamei lyrlan Bri, ilaaaenateln tlenoa Oct :K), i.eatioinNn ,. Naplea 11, Sorreuto 18, Oanta'JV. Valrncla'Jtiand(ilbraltar vtt), wltb mdao to llendaraoo Rroa, Arrived .1 tnol.ai al 10.46 p ....

l'..i:\ltl-.i).Btoaaal aaratRr).Oaek,Llwarpeal Venaa iiitrowudtHteaumr HeHu n.ini. ihomsen, Copenhagea t'hriatiuna,

,'.. 11 -i. ii. I'.iire .? OaMteamar Kl ailao m.). aekaiu, PToaraaa Rex.Thebaad

Broahieamer Emhledoo (iiri, Juun a, Cbartoatoa Buapaaa.

Hpi III r A YountfMcamer BreaawatBT, Jei.ney, Newporl Newa and NorfoikIM.1 I..Illllll.ill a ,,

Kipainer <H.I loininlon. Mniltli, Norlolk, Clty I'olnt auiIII. Iiiiion.l- 1I1I I.ouiiu.ili SaCo.Baamei Joaepblne I'homaon. Roore, Balrlmura.J sKrcma.Bteamei Veapvr, Ilau. wiiiutii.tou l.ri Ablel Abbott.Mnp Mel.oiiKull illr .Davii, Aniw.ru J W l'lrkurdCv.

BAILRD,Bfaaaara AaayrtafarOktagawi Otoaant, ParRaVa Aih.no

I'orl-.ii. 1,',.. ..c.Aackared al ly laland booad eal sinp. iiepubliu for

Vokokama; aal eugail, Antwara,


LOSl - ..ii.-.i. -i.'.i,.-r Toaar lliii (iiri. Archer,for N.-a ^ un8WABM4 ... :. ut. I. i.-a-i.-r Hiooklyn 1'ltT lllr), Fltt,

for a»» i.uk,

pjjaJL, rMalT-AarBaataiaaMar Balaraa QM% Rogera, from

^MAiYi?i>XTs--Arrive.i. BBaaaaar Euentla (Br), Turbock,fromi'biiiaanil Japnn. for New-Vork. »...

I'ai.kum.... Dee U'-Saiied. ateamer Plcnan (Ur), Fraws.,* iwrIliak*'i>ee IS-ffaeaai. ataaaaar Easington <»r>. ou ber

way to Baw-YarB,_^^^^

^ail./il.l-e ,1 "I'.-a

BanaaTafBLL*! worltl-renowned Candips. Fino

BBBBT A. Dasiels, M. D..1441>ilnfr'oii ave, between 2.»th and 30th ata.

Honra -I to 1. to 7. Dlaoaaca af UM N.-rvoua svaiern.yenltoUriijary OrgiiL.a. Iuipoteuccajul aterUlty.

HOMDAY (JOOD.-.fcMBfa wlnter Un.ler,ve .-. Seai ta. Tiea. JjapMidera. * ,

Haaitkerchteta. UreaaBblrta, lArttleaa jacaeta, B4 raauaan

pilt-ea for bmBBBJ Tracje.^^^ ,uo fJrand.sU N. Y.

How vTOMBB DiKKKU PBOM Mk.V.Atleaat three tiien.m tlie averaiw Jnry are bjM^MOia.

aarca wltfc ibe real laatMafcew thal they ve aot w»tbeu owa um tuere la ao dlaaaraameat SS^SSZ^Vmnto the mariM of Or. IMercea .. layonlo ITea.-nptlon. 'aerl: au".,......ii..o.ia io .ro,....i.,cii,;.t ^.^..MweSaafeoB?wi.U.l tor all tl..nr.iiio ftaeaam waaaaaaBBoaaaooaaplataUpecallar to ihatr aaz. it t-i.i.aiorii c pale. fy«e..l. .liapi. ite.l WOUIBB lat on. or ,pa, W"'f *.*« lffl .?rlii?iLglauKlii.K.ni"i<-^iieauiir.-ine' ln tho happi BOaaB-hold.

l.iqiiid Bread is a luxiiry trithin the mrans ofan i romiiinea ,1,- rVfreablrar qnallUea * .jtUeaaal rtrinknn tln- InTtaor itlag 'jn iiiti.a of a pura mtlt extract. umi,.

Klita aud grueera keep lt.?



Applle.l lmme.lli.telv upoii nelair lii'fen. i-ra-lleaioa,.ilOenjrer.,f7[v.li..iili..l.:ae.ir.-xUtiag. PraM -j au I 50 ccnta. BHby iilhliu pylaM. ^

PiLBS.Blibd, BtEBDIBO and Itciiint.,.Portr yeara Dr. rjpbam'j Ve«etable BlMtnair {»a beea f"acknowledgertapeciactorthMBcliatreaalBa owiwlaiBM. so.din iiiu iitiaia. Ctreolarafree. «u laut 4tu-at., >. ».

Vnii c.in alwaya have bearty, robnat bealth inv..iir famllv al Uti ec¦¦>». '>... aatag Par tei'a T'.ni.v

11,.- p-.p.iliii fcalr pr.-purutloii ia I'arker'a llalr l.a aani.


Maiiufaolured by the



Thia i* Ihe nppcrm««l ojiiestl«aiin ererjr oncN minfJ al preuent,WE certatelj lhl»k fOateofour

OVERCOATS <>r ftll.K Ll.\*-;ifcwalkinci ok b»3u\ib: al-Ell,lcT COATS a rerjr taltahle»il1, and il vou waiif anylhlatf,ror Ihe llllle fblki OURSTORE,7.10 aHt<V.C»«V..Y, i* j«»l a*t«'

plaee t<> %ot our Btirlea of Bejrt'and Chlldren'o CJothinff beiaipTnneqiialled. .Iu»»t ffli/e n* a eall.Priceai vtfv nifNlerafe.

Hrl SlolB 4 tell,74G-750 BROADWAY,


SYPHER k8SS Broadway,

UnioR-squ2,rc A 17thst.,are now opcn cvcning's.Aytfsti^j Ifoveltiefl fcr

OH.RISTBIas oip t bfrom $3 to $1,030.


Opcn BTcatiatara I aa a II I'liz-isiisui-.j^l(IMI BTOCBOPf l.cil lll\4i I (llt

Boys and Girls,HOrtlBBY, ULOVKK HIITEBM, COtaLABIt, H\\n.KKlti Hli:i>, IVOUHTBll U4MIIB4, H B 411 li-\M» 4 (ll.l.\l(-. Il\i''.. (U'a. HHOBM AM) LBG*<;i\4J->. JBWBLB1 .V. AtrTOBBej Tllli BBarTl\l ll.ITII-.-a POU si;|,|.t tim; ISKKI 1,

Holiday Preseng.Ullll.i: 411 K TIIV HKI'tltTHKNT l> A\ RBPB4 I %!.-i.s aTTBACmVI PBATVBI OB Ol K i>tai:i.:sii.MtN I-\l.l..\T

Very Ziow Friccs.



BCaBBB AMI .11(1 KI.KIts,PI It-I.ISKl) iikivim; 4.I.OVIS,

ii vm BOBBM,BBBHBJNta t;ii\VNH.



20 Wcst 23d-st.


NO BAO EFFEGT.GURES QUICKLY.iCures Pleasantly;furcs P«rmanentlj,

haskine Restorcs Perfeet Heallb.In liellcTu* Hoapitai. " Unlveraall? aneceaafnl."

., .... t "Kvery p.ttent treated r.lth t,aaIn St. Francla Hoapitai} k,n, D,.en rtuic.,ai.v<t ured.

Dr. L. R. Whlto. U. 8. fcx.mlnlng ttnrgeon, aaya i.¦ Kaakiuet.taobeatniedlclnenia.te"

i>r L. M.Otoaaei kaaaarad ararlM patienta with Km.kluo and aaya; " It ta uud.iuui-dly t.ie beat medkine er«i

<UpLrof*vv'1V. Holcomb". M. O aaya ¦ Kaektne ubmiiertortagulnin'e In 'ta apm-nlc pewer, an.l m-ver nroduoea the 'l.ln-e-t lulury t«i the beailaa or loaattfitl....."_Uaedin theforruioat hn.a[.l:ale iu,d by tho moat miinout

PRrBtolaaataearlagall feTera. M.i.na, BkaaaaaRraa, i.ivor.1 ung acd KMney d.aeaaea, Dy.pepeia, NeirouBaeue aud


send for the rreat liat of toti'n miala tunparalleled ln tbablatory of niediolaal'ricoSl pcrhot.lo. Atnriu'ttataor by mail.

C- R. WUTTRRtOR, Oan. a«u, 115 Fultoa at, R. T. -

TIFFANY & CO.,Union Square,

will kecp thelr establish-rnent open in the eveningfrom Monday, 14th inst.,until Ghristmas.

1pf-: ¦








Gxidized Silur, (t'old .nl?.id and lp-<plied WtriL

Dnplicata WeSi "Preseiits.I3oaiIqii«*»rlrr««, 1.10 Uowerr.

anrfl aHoaroAaaa rixucR with wkhmxiiBILTKRWAJU Al ux HALF MANTFA. Ti'RKha*CO*T.lOOPAtaa IMAMONO BARRJRCiR F :om a RIBSra

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