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Feeding aquatic plants, according to nature • Light energy • Minerals • Carbon dioxide 67 guide

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Feeding aquatic plants, according to nature

• Light energy • Minerals• Carbondioxide

67 guide

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for photosynthesis; to ensure the plant

can take up carbon dioxide (page 4)

to form the plant body and to enhancethe breakdown of pollutants

(page 6)

that are taken-up through the roots and foliage

(page 14)

To help your plants do their work,

they need natural nutrition:

Plants play an essential

Light energy

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Mineral nutrients


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Without aquatic plants – no biological cycle can exist.

Together with the bacteria inhabiting thebottom gravel, plants form a powerfulpurification cycle.• Plants use the ammonium and nitrate

created from fish waste and other sources, thereby detoxifying the water.

• Plants withdraw the nutritional basisthat supports algae.

• During photosynthesis, plants use car-bon dioxide (CO2) as a nutrient and, inturn, enrich the water with oxygen,which is essential for the fish.

Plants provide shelter. Fish fry need dense-growing plants as well as finely shapedplants in which to hide from their hungryfellow inhabitants.

For all these reasons, and for the enjoy-ment of preserving a piece of nature inyour home – you’ll be pleased you took thetime to look after your plants well.

role in an aquarium


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Light energy

Just as in nature, plants need light to live.During photosynthesis, plants use lightenergy during the day to form carbohy-drates (= sugar) from CO2 and water for

growth, and they release oxygen duringthe night as a waste product, which is vitalfor the aquarium biotope.



(O2) ca

rbon dioxide (CO2)

water (H2 O


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sera plant color aquarium lamp. This lampemits a red and blue color light to improvephotosynthesis and to enhance the naturalcolors of both fish and plants.

The sera plant color, in combination withother sera lamps, provides optimal lightconditions for the specific requirements ofyour aquarium biotope.

Not all light is suitable for photosynthesis.In nature, plants use only the radiationrange that they can use productively. In anaquarium, we are able to supply this speci-fic and correct amount of light with the

carbon dioxide (CO2 )


2 )

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CO2 – The gas that makes plants grow

During photosynthesis, plants build the organic com-pounds needed for growth only if the CO2 supply in theaquarium is sufficient and correct lighting is available. Todo this, we need to ensure a constant supply of CO2, oftenthrough supplementation.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the waste product that human andanimals exhale. CO2 exhaled by the fish may be sufficient inaquariums with few plants and slow plant growth. In mostcases, however, there is not enough natural CO2 availablein an aquarium. What carbon dioxide there is, will alsoescape the water by the constant agitation of the filter oran air stone.

Lush growing, varied plant stock in the aquarium, inclu-ding fast-growing plants, usually requires an additionalCO2 source. Plants often grow poorly, fish lack oxygen, thepH value can rise too high, and snails can spread morerapidly when CO2 is low. CO2 also dissolves lime, makingsnail shells fragile and enabling fish to eat the snails. Themore robust the plants, the more algae-increasingnutrients they consume, thus sparing you from algae prob-lems in your aquarium. From this we can see how impor-tant CO2 is already.However, CO2 has even more positive effects on the aquar-ium biotope. It stabilizes carbonate hardness, and lowersand stabilizes the pH value.

Carbon dioxide require-ments depend on the plantspecies you have and canbe quite different fromaquarium to aquarium.Slow-growing plants, suchas Anubias, often requireonly a little CO2. Fast-grow-ing plants such as the verybeautiful Green Cabomba(Cabomba aquatica) or thedecorative Red Tiger Lotus(Nymphaea lotus) havevery high CO2 require-ments. A healthy aquariumbiotope requires fast-grow-ing plants; therefore, regu-lar CO2 fertilization is crucial.

Anubias barteri Cabomba aquatica Nymphaea lotus


carbon dioxide(CO2)


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sera CO2-Start consists of the sera CO2 Diffusion Reactorand the sera CO2-Tabs plus.

Dissolving one tablet of the sera CO2-Tabs plus releasestrace elements and activating substances along with thecarbon dioxide. The minerals immediately disperse in theaquarium water. As the CO2 slowly and evenly permeatesthrough the special plastic material of the sera CO2Diffusion Reactor, it becomes available to the plants forseveral hours. This allows sufficient time for all the plantsto take an optimal share.

sera CO2-Start

sera CO2 fertilization for small aquariums






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sera CO2 fertilization system

the market. From our basic set through toour precision electronic CO2 controlinstruments, sera has a CO2 fertilizationmethod that is ideal for your aquariumrequirements.

The sera CO2 fertilization system is our all-in-one carbon dioxide supply system withthe added benefit of as-needed expand-ability. The sera line of CO2 componentswere developed to integrate with eachother, and with most common brands on

Automatic CO2 supplementation with sera:


1 2


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1 sera CO2 pressure gas bottle sera CO2 pressure reducer Use together to supply the correctamount of CO2 to the water.

2 seramic CO2 control system (sold separately)For monitoring and controlling the CO2supply.Stabilizes the pH value in the aquarium.

3 sera CO2 reactorDissolves 100 % of the CO2 gas in theaquarium water.

4 sera pH electrode (sold separately)

5 sera T-piece

6 sera CO2 long-term indicatorFor continuous monitoring of the CO2level in the aquarium water.





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sera CO2 fertilization system The differentcomponents

sera CO2 basic setWorks with all pressure gas bottles when fit-ted with corresponding pressure reducer.

• sera CO2 reactor with integrated bubblecounter

• sera T-piece• sera CO2 long-term indicator• Hoses for connection• Suction cups and cleaning brush

sera CO2 fertilization system

The complete kit for mechanically control-led CO2 fertilization.

• Includes the same equipment as thesera CO2 basic set

• PLUS the sera CO2 pressure gas bottleand sera CO2 pressure reducer for inter-nal valves

seramic CO2 control system

The fully automatic electronic CO2 control

The seramic CO2 control system automati-cally controls the flow of CO2 and keepsthe pH value in the aquarium at a constantlevel. The seramic CO2 control systemallows precision adjustment of the pHvalue by comparing the actual value toyour adjusted value and automaticallybalancing the CO2 flow to achieve it.Included in the kit:

• Electronic CO2 control system andpower cord

• sera pH electrode• Wall holder and suction cups• CO2 hose – 3 m (9.8 ft.)• pH test solutions

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• Available in two sizes• Refillable

sera CO2 pressure reducer

Use for reducing the high CO2 pressure inthe gas bottle from its approximate 50 bar(725 psi) to 0.5 – 1 bar (7.25 – 14 psi). A fineadjustment valve allows for precise adjust-ment of the required minimum amount.For precise control, the sera CO2 pressurereducer with integrated fine adjustmentvalve is available for CO2 gas bottles withtheir own internal safety valve.

sera CO2 reactor

One hundred percent of the CO2 gas thatgoes through the reactor is dissolved anddispersed into the water. None is left toescape to the surface. The sera CO2 reactorwith integrated bubble counter can beconnected to a water pump or external fil-ter in aquariums up to 400 liters (100 gal-lons). Kit includes T-piece, 50 cm (19.7 in.)supply hose, and a non-return valve.

sera CO2 pressure gas bottle

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sera CO2 solenoid valve 2W

The solenoid valve is connected betweenthe pressure reducer and any additionalCO2 devices, and it acts as an automaticCO2 shut-off. During the night it is best tostop the CO2 flow while there is no light,and plants cannot consume the carbondioxide for photosynthesis. The sera CO2solenoid valve can be connected to mosthousehold timers.

sera pH electrodeEquipped with a BNC plug and a 2 m (6.5 ft.)electrical cord, the sera pH electrode iscompatible with the seramic CO2 controlsystem and most pH meters using a BNCsocket.

sera CO2 long-term indicatorFor continuous monitoring of the CO2 levelin the aquarium water.

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sera CO2 adapterwith external valveitem no. 8032

sera CO2 cleaning brushitem no. 8019

sera CO2 hose 4/6CO2-proof hose10 m (10.9 yd.)item no. 8022

sera water hose 6/8item no. 8026

sera reduction piece 10-6item no. 8024

sera T-piece2 x 12/16, 1 x 6/8 (adjustable)item no. 8027

sera T-piece2 x 16/22, 1 x 6/8 (adjustable)item no. 8028

sera non-return valveitem no. 8818


Additional sera CO2 equipment

sera CO2 protection capfor bottles with internal valveitem no. 8008

sera CO2 pressure gas bottle 500 g (17.6 oz.)with internal valveitem no. 8010

sera pressure gas bottle 2 kg (70.5 oz.)with external valveitem no. 8014

sera sealing ringfor CO2 bottle 500 g (17.6 oz.)item no. 8016

sera CO2 filling adapterfor bottles with internal valveitem no. 8020

sera CO2 bottle holder for bottles 500 g (17.6 oz.)item no. 8021

sera sealing ringfor filling adapter (item-No. 8020)item no. 8023

sera CO2 refillfor 500 g (17.6 oz.) bottle item no. 8011

sera CO2 refillfor 2 kg (70.5 oz.) bottleitem no. 8041

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Aquatic plants need relatively largeamounts of these nutrients:

• Nitrogen (N)• Phosphorus (P)• Sulfur (S)• Potassium (K)• Calcium (Ca)• Magnesium (Mg)

Plants take up nitrogen as nitrate (NO3) orammonia (NH4). Among other things, theyuse these for the synthesis of amino acidsand consequently proteins. Phosphorus istaken-up as phosphate (PO4 ), and it playsan important role in the energy cycle ofevery living cell. Through fish waste, nitrate and phosphatecan already be too high in the water, whichincreases algae growth. For this reason,sera plant fertilizers contain neither ofthese substances.

The other major nutrients, sulfur (S),potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium(Mg) are necessary for several enzymaticreactions, such as photosynthesis andmetabolism, which results in propergrowth. Misshapen or yellowish plant leavesare one of the symptoms of a deficiency inthe macro elements.

Mineral nutrients

Vital for plants

Major nutrients (macro elements):

Nitrogen (N)

Phosphorus (P)

Sulfur (S)

Potassium (K)

Calcium (Ca)

Magnesium (Mg)



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Although aquatic plants require only smallquantities of these trace elements, theyare just as important as the majornutrients for plant life.The most important trace elements are:

• Iron (Fe)• Copper (Cu)• Manganese (Mn)• Zinc (Zn)• Boron (B)• Molybdenum (Mo)• Vanadium (V)

Iron is part of a chlorophyll-synthesizingenzyme, although chlorophyll itself con-tains magnesium rather than iron. Similarto deficiencies in the macro elements, yel-lowed leaves (a lack of chlorophyll) is also asymptom of iron deficiency.• Molybdenum is responsible for the cru-

cial role of nitrate uptake. This enablesthe plants to contribute to pollutantbreakdown.

• Manganese and vanadium are responsi-ble for continuous enzyme activity.

Without these substances, plants would beunable to grow.

Aquatic plants require their minerals in dif-ferent quantities to their terrestrial coun-terparts. These nutrients are divided intotwo groups accordingly.

Trace elements (micro nutrients):

Iron (Fe)

Copper (Cu)

Manganese (Mn)

Zinc (Zn)

Boron (B)

Molybdenum (Mo)

Vanadium (V)

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Unlike terrestrial plants, aquatic plants can take upnutrients with their entire body surface – some predomi-nantly with their leaves and others through their roots.This means that providing a complete fertilization regi-men, as described below, is the best way to ensure thatyour plants are receiving all the nutrients they need forhealthy growth.

Plants with particularly fine leaves such asCabomba take up their nutrients through thefoliage. Liquid fertilizers, like sera florena, areneeded to provide nutrientsin an available form for theplants. This type of fertiliza-tion requires a constant gen-tle flow of water to ensurethe nutrients are dispersedevenly to all parts of theplant.

The roots of aquatic plantsstabilize the plant in theground, but they also take upand store nutrients for futureuse. Some plants, such as theCryptocoryne, Anubias andEchinodorus species, use theirroots as the main source ofacquiring nutrients. sera flo-redepot and sera florenette Aare ideal for these plants.

As a growth promoter, serafloreplus is ideal for optimal,rapid plant growth – especial-ly during the first weeks afterthe aquarium setup, afteradding new plants, or as anoccasional boost to helpstrengthen them.

How do plants take up the nutrients?


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A checklist of nutrients for aquatic plants

Deficiency symptoms

Leaves turn yellow (chlorosis)

Early loss of leaves

Growth problems, plants turn yellow

Leaf tips and edges turn yellow

Misshapen growing plant parts

Chlorosis, loss of color, loss of leaves

Leaves turn yellow

Abnormal growth, rapid withering, spiral

shaped leaves

Lack of iron, dying tissues between leaf


Yellow coloration between leaf veins,

growth inhibition, misshapen stems and


Transport problems, young leaves look


Nitrate enriches, yellow spots between

leaf veins

Growth inhibition















Tasks within the plant

Amino acid and protein synthesis

Energy balance

Synthesis of proteins, amino

acids, enzymes, coenzymes

Enzyme activator, osmosis,

charge balance

Enzyme reactions, metabolism

Enzyme activator, chlorophyll

component, ion transport

Enzyme systems, chlorophyll


Photosynthesis, protein meta-

bolism, distribution of carbohy-

drates, water balance

Enzyme reactions, photosyn-


Enzyme activator

Calcium utilization, growth

Nitrate utilization

Enzyme systems, mineral


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The sera nutrient concept


sera floredepot is distributed below thebottom gravel in planted areas, and isespecially essential in newly setup aquari-ums. • It creates the conditions for rapid growth,

strong roots, and lush green foliage.• Provides plenty of settling area for the

bacteria that break down pollutants.• Contains valuable humic acids and trace


• Is ideal for providing the nutrients plantsneed during the startup phase (4 – 6weeks).

• Helps activate the aquatic plant’s readi-ness to form side-shoots.

Regular fertilization can begin 4 – 6 weekslater.

sera gravel substrate – the basis for healthy plant growth

Accomplishing lush plant growth in youraquarium depends upon two things:• Giving your plants an optimal blend of

nutrients, and• Providing these nutrients through the

correct fertilization method. The sera line of fertilizers meets all therequirements for natural plant care, andsera plant fertilizers never contain nitratesor phosphates.

The sera laboratory on our web site:www.sera.de is the perfect place to reviewyour plants’ requirements and to help youtroubleshoot problems.

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for aquatic plants


sera florena is a liquid fertilizer thatdelivers a well-balanced supply ofminerals and trace elements foraquatic plants to take-up throughtheir leaves.• sera florena nutrients have been

manufactured to remain active inthe water until the plants consumethem. This gives you better controlover your plant fertilization regi-men.

• For a quick idea of the remainingnutrient levels in the water, checkthe iron level with the sera iron-Test about one hour after fertili-

zing. It should be 0.5 – 1 mg/l (ppm).If the iron level is low then it is quitelikely that the other nutrients arealso low, and you can safely add asecond dose of sera florena.

sera fertilizer – liquids for leaf nourishers

sera fertilizer – tablets for root nourishers

Targeting enhanced plant growth with sera floreplus!Even with well-balance nutrition youcan improve the growth of youraquarium plants. • Perhaps you need rapid growth to

enable the plants to take-on theirbiological tasks, or

• Perhaps the plants became defi-cient in nutrients and you need aboost to bring them back tostrength.

In both these instances, the “turbocharger” of growth promoters, sera

floreplus, can help. It contains allthe vital macro elements and fur-ther optimizes the effects of seraflorena and sera florenette A.This special blend of naturalgrowth-enhancing works ingre-dients works so well you can almostsee your plants grow stronger andgreener before your eyes!

• sera florenette A is a tablet fertili-zer that ensures the roots are ade-quately supplied with the correctnutrients, although these nutri-ents cannot be monitored as witha liquid fertilizer.

• The tablets were designed to pro-vide enough nutrient per three to

four plants over approximatelyfour weeks.

• sera florenette A helps preventthe dreaded appearance of Cryp-tocoryne Rot.