rha leadership seminar_final.pptx


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• Residence Hall Association

• Salem State University

• Fall In-Service Training

• New RHA Members

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A 3 hour workshop focusing on 3 important areas

• Leadership

• Communication Styles

• Conflict Management

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By addressing these areas we hope to give the new RHA Members a strong

foundation on which to build their skills within their roles

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What follows are highlights from the actual 3 hours presentation/workshop

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Quick Check In..

• What does leadership mean to you?

• What characteristics do leaders have?

• Why is it important to understand what kind of leader you are?

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“The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others. - Erik Erikson -

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Leadership is more than just “Being In Charge”

How does your personality affect your leadership style?

• People will have a different approach to leadership based on their personality traits

• In order to understand what kind of leader you are, you need to know yourself

• Learning about other personality types will help you grow and develop as a strong leader

Get to know yourself a little better with the:Color Code Personality Test

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What was your color?Reds: The Power Wielders• Reds are the power wielders of the world. Reds use logic, vision

and determination. From a Red perspective, emotion has nothing to do with completing tasks.

Blues: The Do-gooders• Life is a sequence of commitments for blues. They thrive on

relationships and willingly sacrifice personal gain. Blues are highly demanding perfectionists

Whites: The Peacekeepers• Motivated by Peace, Whites will do anything to avoid

confrontation. Their only demands from life are the things that make them feel comfortable

Yellows: The Fun Lovers• Yellows are motivated by Fun. They are here to have a great


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Next Steps

Now that you have taken your personality quiz, it’s time to assess your leadership style!

Lets take the:Compass Self-Assessment

This will help you to determine what style of leadership is your preferred method

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Why Is How You Communicate Important?

When working with a team, knowing your own, as well as others, communication styles will help the team to:

Work More Efficiently

Work More Effectively

Minimize (some) Conflict

Assure Everyone Is “On The Same Page”

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Before we get too deep into this… Lets have a snack!

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Self AssessmentComplete the questionnaire on the following


Consider each statement and answer yes or no.

Answer as yourself – not as you think you ought to be or would wish to be

Try to answer all of the questions.

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Task orientated

Introverted Extroverted Task orientated

• Reserved• Approaches work systematically• Pays attention to details• Focuses attention on immediate task• Prefers to stick to established guidelines• and practices• Likes to plan for change

Needs• High standards• Appreciation• Quality work

Fears• Criticism of work• Imperfection• Not having things adequately explained 


• Outgoing• Challenges status quo• Keen to get things done• Resists authority• Likes to take the lead• Takes action to bring about change

Needs• Results• Recognition• Challenges

Fears• Challenges to their authority• Lack of results from others 

People Oriented


• Reserved• Works well in a team• Accommodates others• Maintains status quo• Recovers slowly from hurt• Prefers steady rather than• sudden change

Needs• Security• Acceptance• Teamwork

Fears• Isolation• Standing out as better or worse• Unplanned challenges 


• Outgoing• Leads by enthusing others• Prefers a global approach• Steers away from details• Acts on impulse• Keen to promote change

Needs• Change acknowledgement• New trends and ideas

Fears• Disapproval• Stagnation• Detailed work•  

People Oriented

Introverted Extroverted  





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So.. How Does That Help Me

A leader must be able to communicate well with many

By knowing team members styles (as well as your own) you can be sure that what you are saying is being heard and responded to.

Understanding styles of communication will help you adapt your message and goals to different people & groups.

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Conscientious Communicator

• Speak thoughtfully & precisely with pauses for person to think and process the information.

• Don’t interrupt.

• Use Terms Like : It’s logical, reasonable, clear, precise, balanced... guarantee...specifically... judgement...critical...exactly... factual...qualified...professional... just...well thought out... planned detailed... quality...discerning

• Limit use of terms like: creative...risky...daring...generally...colourful...make it up ...chaotic ...experimental...fun...innovative...popular


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Direct Communicator

• They come to the point, in short, sharp sentences.

• They think and respond fast and have an impatient style.

• Keep the “fluff” to a minimum

Use Terms Like : Yes...OK...now...I’ll do X and you do Y…deadline….can do!

Limit use of terms like: I’ll look into it...we’ll have to discuss it...you must understand ...I’ll let you know...this needs a consensus decision... you’ll just have to be patient…

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Stabilizing Communicator

• Generally quietly spoken, a little shy but friendly, approachable.

• Give them space, don’t interrupt.

Use Terms Like: How do you feel about it?...it would be helpful...I need...I’d be grateful if...would you mind helping with…

Limit use of terms like: Do this... Now!...that’s not going to work...you could be the first person to...

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Influencing Communicator

• Bubbly, friendly, informal, they use creative language.

• You can talk over them and they’ll join in.

• Optimistic Don’t be overly critical

Use Terms Like : positive...great idea… innovative... fresh...easy…how do you see it? here are some choices... that’s easy….it’ll be fun ...enjoy it!

Limit use of terms like: No way! show me the numbers/data... traditional...it’s always been like that...I’m only doing my job

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Lastly, the key to being a good communicator, is to be an equally good


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Understanding The 5 Conflict Styles

According to Thomas & Kilmann there are 5 styles of conflict:






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A conflict resolution process

1. Set the scene (restate, paraphrase, summarize)

2. Gather information (listen with empathy and see the conflict from the other persons point of view,

3. Agree _____ is the/a problem

4. Brainstorm possible solutions

5. Negotiate a solution

Be Calm, Be Patient, Have Respect

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Practice Makes Perfect*(*nobody’s perfect)


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WGH Transplant: Ethical Dilemma

Groups of 4-5

Please take a few moments to read the case independently

Once everyone in the group has finished reading, regroup and discuss your choices

Remember, the decision must be a consensus, not a majority vote, and you must nominate someone in your group to explain your choice.

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DiscussionHow did the group come to a decision?

How did you feel about having to make this decision?

Did this activity cause conflict/disagreement between your group?

How do you think this relates to you in terms of leadership and your role within RHA?

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Wrap Up

Leadership Styles, Communication, and Conflict


We hope that we have provided you with some of the tools that you need in your leadership tool box. Each of these skills, independently and together, are necessary for thisgroup or any group to work together effectively and efficiently.

Beyond your role in this group, these skills can help you in your day to day life, at home, in class, etc.

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