rhildrcn >1jady, public imm.orally, cnjjageil manufactory ...the indians panacea. 1 forthe...

The Indians Panacea. 1 FOR the cute of Rheumatism Scrofula or Kind's Lvii, Gout, Sciatica, or Hip-Gout, lu« apicnt CSncors, Salt Khcuin, Syphilitic and Sler- curia! diseases, particularly Ulcer* and paintul af- llicliuti* of the boric*. Ulcerated Throat and >'<»*- IriU. Ulcers ol every d. scription, Fever turn* * and Internal Absc<-*ac«. Fistu'.us, Pile*, Scald- beaJ, Scurvey, Bile*, V-'hrunic, Sore Eyes, Eye rempolas Bloche*. «nd every variety ot'contagf nut Affectwn, Clie">ic Ualairh, Headache, ptocceun-jj from an acrid humor, I'am in the 6:mutch and . J'-» r'""> v.i.Atiun: Affections uyipcuwa, I*****iMI*.g t.v.M .... of the l.iver, Chronic liiflamaticm of tb«- Kidneys, and general debility, cauwd by a torpid action ol the vessel* of the skin. It is singularly cfiicacioiu by rcnovlliogtfaniic coiintiiuU<'ii« m IiicIi have been b.okcn down by injudicious moment, 4,r juvrrnlc irregularities. In genera^rrms, it is rvcomrrfcn- J ded to all those -liK-aar* which arises from trnurri- ' sod in U»e blood, viliation of the humors, ot w hat- j ever name or kind. Some of tlio abuse complaint* may require «onu trifling asixtant applications, which the circumstance* of the rase will dictate, but lor a pener* remedy ot /'srj/inttor, to rrmort the rouse. Tin ! * | VlX^ s i'x>acj.« will generally be f tund sullicn nL , To (he Puliiic. How tree it is, tliat modern l'hv»ician«.in their ambition to excel tu their |irnt>»iuii: to explore the voat fields of sirnce bv tin- a d «d Chiniutry. %nd neck out new re <i«d «! agents, in short to artire at perfection in tbc practice by mean* of ai-.t lone..overlook and « "gl«*rt, Is-neatli their j notice the nch s.id bouuleou* »U>rv» < ! medicine,, \chicii lb- aha £:'tr d t" »pring uul«»l th» cai'Ji in t Verv chine ' And n'>*» miKh mort Uue it in. that while the American I'hynrun lookat" for- _ eig-i couutiie» for many of h:« nio*t common and nrceuary article* pcrp* tualK eh .njuig as they arc ] the Uiclate* of fa»Ui»n r foil; lie i% uin>uhtlrd in hi* o * n country with an ndle*» proJustun The eoHgrm+ltly, rjjteimfv «nd «*rcrT > f fejr"- J tabic rctacdir* over mineral, may be ntwaird b* , eoaUMtin;- the ancient pi ar tier ur.th tin- ni«><L rn : or. to bring «t more immediately under «nr n crvauon, Uie Indian practice with that of the' Whitca. \Vh0t m America, ha* not known or lioaiti of repeated in*laur«>« where.u n-ine deer* , .tl, uoptrtcading :<-malc Indian (>v mean* of r »iui]>'c remedies alone, h»*.*-!fc< n <1 tin in"*l rapid and a-' torn thing cure*. after the whole MiUtim Modi' a of the common practice, directed in the u,.-; ikii'u! manner ha* failed' And who ha* not t«eeri purposed at beJiui-Jiag the comparative ca*c and facility trit^ which the Indian tree* himtt lf ot "afly d..»- CX*C\ and U»C alrnoal t"tai «t>*enee ol »-Ijt .Tiic <::* ea*r ttflon; them Who !u» ever *i of an In dian with a constitution broken *.»«i ruined bt ill treatment ( And can a doubt nut, that tin* happy Mftnplian of the mxgt from m >»t of lie ill* which the flcah ofcjrilucd man i«i h u to i»rln« r c ar in;* to the more and #afe r«-.iHtln * » hKh lue employ* Tim oloniJunj 4ill< imcc in Miffru, in a La<i rxciuplifj-ativn «»f the infinite upri-nt) j of the »i.np]f and »afe *n» -f cbi< h<<!> << <! haa cn-au-d for the hi-nr-tit «<f h:» rlnlcftrn, cvrt tbonc which the pniU an J the art of iuzu Laic i* *yT*n. j From a lonjj residence am on* a portion if thr botijjfioal inhabitant* of thf* c -oi.tr> , and an »nUmate acquaintance wtth t ho method*-f run" if' Misr of their rn >»t irerMfu! j»j* lionet*. the proprietor of tuc " Tm* I»r>;* > » i a. ' acfjtnrrd a knowledge of fif tiK-it potrcrlul and farora'de r-uiedir* From the** |«- »c'e«:tcd «u«-|> 1 a* *<*:« t-nicarijut at:ij tpjir-'j-'iau-, am* »;»» i vanoQ* vijvnui1 nt» to (r#| tiinr jAfitt'ipVa ar.«! (Traglh he ha* combiarcl th« t*» in .}»« Jt»sm prrMntcd, u ibc m<>M jic:>(t c:.4 !*i.r!.<.4i !i: the p Jtpovc fbr mhvch it ui roec* tl« <3 *1 b«* propt;<-is>r <>iT« xalr n !n the putlie, with tfie coMciouitiru 'ha! l.r ( !*« .tt^ *».;hm »L» tcarJi. a rfttKiJr r«j»al»!r "f rr!jr rinp man . -it hi* afiliru d frihw « bo ar^ *u?f«-ir.' utidrr u»c ranoii* chronic uid V»tita?«* f ft.'iwu It la lji|ii|ri .;« I null) it » I it |>l' >' tocnli.tiiahlr vaiuc. * t!i< ami Ui «».*::> > a »c» the onlv ttrri u i f j* '.a x ir r ti4f ;r jlTV-tu. s; re«t< tiiijj th<*m <mrc ific.r<- t 'vrsltti and !*»)* Tltt» i* a <t a eoiumnn Winnie, ti.at inat pfrvhtaT !* rijualli \u'.!i mat iik » ii"i la aw, ha! a* <»« w inch i a < ! » nii£ ' *' 1" Xnaov rstirtiir raxm. when a.! the usual re»>« *: r* tail Tii'Jiilht* diitu: tcpcaUsJli, and tin* lur reputation it ha* uhhuocd wbcrctc: it ha* been it« tJtxiuc*d j It i* onW about three year* *ir,rr thj* preparation *u urat prracntrd u* the |»utnir but in that abort apace af tunc amuc hundred® < f { rrroti* BU(bt bp found, mho *Miid e<U*r.inly dethtc that they belie red thai their Urea arm ui"! it it. mod in mMiCWi afVr the ) had tried tuany j»- i hs|M all the common m \ am tN bpf . r it u known it » rapidly Umnnf «r.to u*e, at. t lh:» afford* the irnrat aubatautial and fonvuicii.j proof Of ;<* tuprit*. The ralur of t!»«r Panacea. mosl ronapsr unu* in tboar long aland* nj andobabnalr »j pbi'itje arm (Cru:^»tu affection* mhirh harp tUiJed all othrr remrdwa, and particularly »n lb jw raw* uhenror*iir; ha* been a" larufilj c»*d a* U«c*i_»e d»». lnr»*ii>|f puna in llmb'-nr*. ruxhi. tti-r»;;r:al <il o#r», rangrtocnl of t.<e «ligr.»ttv t-r^a-n, A< Tbew it completely rcut"%'» «ud rn aii rw,|( entirely rndicatr* the iliwaw *n«l il.c iirrrisi, i mercury. nruoyaie* the c< nrtituuun, an«: irate the pmtaent mound and well In lUwumAtiro^ anJ in owrntrd more throat, it* happy effect* are not 1m apparent, (tiring iltno«l immediate relief. * j Taken in proper oi*». Tat I'ttirn openlca u an illcmtUtr, tod detergent; a diar-' poorrtic, diuretic and liatitr; an anupOamodic and anodyne, and in proper cw». aa a aloourlnc and emn»cn*foguc. Geocratlt ctpraaaed, it in-1 crrtm all the accretion* and carrtinoa, jpvea U>n» j to tbe etrijMch, and excifce action la tUr piand» in a particular manner. Fnun tiuv.- principle* >U operation nwj be andrrstood. I Tfcia medicine haa barn found in;h!v riwful io many ambiguoua diaeaae* not here »j<-i ijird, and it 1 haa been uwd with wonderful «ucc*» » a and fall puri/lrr, bjr iJhmp w iio are *ut»jcel to corn plain la Of tlie ctu*(. and » li'w <.vr»5itutl »n# ri quire new rij;'»r r>u«-n r»«ii» «ni'm »<.» * uae two «r Uiret- botlU iti »u«a!l ilnri Wfwrrrrr 1^1'/ l/ri«A C<>n*liil'rr'l »!< < rtjtt , thr J'»n»Cr», taken iq a ante!! A"f. * ill an«*xr ail »l« { arj>- »- ». in niorh Jr»« tiinr^ at !f»s « i j/eiiiK*, ami in a i at irv»ir> a ;»r«-iihU- in An He r, than t/tr «.<?uiir.' n «Jit t drink. The following if of t'.iln In which liiigtit [»n«r !: «£ t arc (»it«'I> t'» « . a the mf 'j* iir » l'i* c i ». in l.'.c tti * i<o* complaint* therein menu no/!. .»:> ! a)*-./ to < \ hibit in the trmat aatialartnrv mariner it.* iiwrtun ty orcr t^rtrrup* m common nw C A h'&S OF K11KU M A TIS M j t "it»a i i »? >», Nt/v. I."», 1 I I>utin£ t?n» la»( winter and ; ! iiji. I «n »flir Irtl with * v*iv tffrrc *r.i| dfntrcMt;!!^ lwK,vntati»u» »-^caj|Otw<i l»y cjpoauro »o had vrrilJwr I ik.w ' t iXr ^r» «! plcwuip in «ta!iisj. lii»t *u l>ott]^« of j lib' Indian'* f'anarca, rmdon-d ino to imtIioi ^ br»'!h. ond I mnfnirntly i*cf»itini»**d it to all »uuiiari» *iHirwd. JOHN KKHOl SON. Ki«r^f t t ii aki »«T"«. Match 5, JeaM. j 1 n wisfrl about (hrre vonr* *tncf Ailli a ili< (" fi'iij flVnmit'nin rtuwit hy taking a «<,vi,r»* ; ^ '<1 nhik* u'nlrr t'H> mflnrflir «>f nwrvurr, Aim u im h ln« <h«at.ir<| tne from i'M*inr»» *iir pvcr | hi w Ounti-f thu ? > ri'Ml I harr Inth a |-tlunl it* h In? >1 irinf II '<p ul m Ui's C'iiv. u'lta arjla of four! I ii mouth* nearly and tl.«* miw !< tiwlh of tim* in Un- r. i: * i. « i r j' i -ho--! rtrrr rrmf N », t. .»itli lnt> Ir-'U'-fit t Mi tf. I"th of (Vbruari /.\i> a! tf:at " r.r * « '. t ia v. j.-m u..», ), r-iiN-fir«, I r-ifiiiiifitri'il !.«" u*o of "| < Imluns I".' it.vp In onv i.''tit!i I ' ni. ! o'y«^}i T,t,r«-|y * :ured from lite pain, and am now happy to &Ute I bat 1 feci inynelf perfectly well. ,\VM. TUCKER, 13 Murkei.it. , Ct/RF FOR SCROFULOUS ULCERS. Ntn V«»hk, Sept 10. 1S30 ! This m*r certify, that in ibe tail ol 1 "J5, I va»! seized witii a swelling in my ucc!> aridUce, which' aflrrwar ulcerated and bee aim- large ebaMly ulrers in n»y neck Afl.r Irving wvera! Physicians I .--a!., i'ltiUili.lnl,,! mail nlircd to ltd anvanu » »»-«»»»*# » r. turacli under the carc o|' Un. l'hv *ic aud Licaeh, wlien, after repealed *aJi ration to no ed'ect, I w »« pronounced lotallv incutah'e Afterward* I t(,ok twenty lvotlic* of ^wain'a Panacea \nd right bottle* of Potter'a Catiiolicon. with no material he* L)e.«f>ar»ng ot life, which bad now liecnii ^r* tlicn to me, I relumed to my par« r.t# in « ^ < ;k in !***! , ami £avc myaolf np to a lin ing la Hearing of the great *u*c of T»i r Im>ii«'i however Vi can'% Minilar to luy < -vo, I wa< crauaded to trv it. a* a lA»t fi -'..rt. To m> great onpru"' w:f an salt1-; at li"li, i xkiii found iiivm-11 ran- ' ,ij nnd upon taking acvnn b tile*, the u tr< ifaied and iKTaiiirjerfielly well in the -r inn monih*. aiid have remained »o ever t " i make Mm* ftati-m. nl and wiah il jiubliahrd .' r the tHTvfil ot lljw « it »:« »iitlrrui{j undo Mmilir ncrufuloM# r>r arplnhtic afl'arttinna, thai Uicy may kn"H a* Ii.it ha* cured one who ha* Buffered crrrv thinjj hilt death, and who consider* hi* life wtvtl bjr. tlic aiwre frrop \VM It I.MIAN The above Medicine may '* had at WII.MAM lttiYWW.DS DRt;<; STt»RK. CAMDKN. S J "notice" ! Tho?c indebted to M'f'nskiH \ Ho'sor, on note or Jiccouut, for ISfcl '1 2nd \°> nro rc-j quested to make payment, a* it 13 doirablc to close the book:* 0! thai concern. \i-i K vie 11 r A «1 A V. April 9-11-if EI%G LI MI <r; .if? /;.v .s s:t;t> t 2^ 11«' ut»#rri{«*r» axe uow trrnvmg * »upvU . fl. ^ l.ard^n Serd* of tlnr jjron lh ol I-A.*> rvUdi ri>« » r»n trcomiiifltd tv,'a gfat torj!*:<! rn-.;> Sh-,1 ai;d a-» trmg fjor.!i and Vtu. iUi*. ' ; Ar "ji-z v- }'.< !. arc the fc!Jo*i:i{j Kar!v IJtV J> <ral'.»a^rf Harden I.-.'.. 11 « do < :3nI \«j.ifsjrf*j, 1 » \ York do . < .:r!od i'-vr.lrv, " >* ' *? lr»al do WjuU* Solid £<-)a\f l/ir^v 1J run:bred. do | I.ar^-r <»! '.«« Art«c!iv)>r, tlmmUui <5 » I - n* < >ranj«* v.#cccu li ifii . do lUrlyUi*n{<" Horn do Curled Savot , Sacuurcr Huih S«j«sa»!i C.jJwart or CoUariin, l'r<> k .Nrclirtl do * tj'lrd Switch Kal«» Red ("lorrr S-ed. Karlv Catjli.'lovvrr, l/in/ WhJtc llrhra Ijrlr *! » Sb> ,*t d> Uarlj w|.,t. Itrncoh, J'-.arA Jnr.* 1V;», i'ur ;i!r «i i harly ( h«rlton d<» l ir.r Kruii.tofw*. do Ksrlv Harden llMtpar K*m springTurnip* I Dwarf Marroutat l.at* »\ai Lk'ili <! > J do i! do IJjjh p Dwarf IV< !;fic \ " vc \] altr< do ' tj WJutc S'orfoik do Dwarf firrrn Imperial \ - ren < r Scotch do I)*nr P.* < d«» Kola IJa/a d<> Karh SperkVd Ik-ana i»arg«* «*lan>!>-r» S'psnabc J Mohawk «k> IV < i d > d > Dwarf IV--li!ir. wiutr do iv /.oiand do White kidney d-< l.-slij P j i'eet, Karl* * do K'*;.v 'i'j'f.rp do Kino l.mia Pole d> \ < !!' « hvjjf d » t'lin aiv Pule do l.tij'nii 'i i.< «.». «;o Karlr Maraja*» d.« J »« ..i.i . u^* .r ci i , PoJ «J» M .i.oj.- WnrtieH, F.tr,.-. Wimin.i d > .veiling S 1 ar-»:.fp, \ f.* -na I I-'tiitii'-nr «} <iorrnwt do Karl* White luacarora I o iv a r ii ! ivad.r.h. t'oin. S »: Ir . > . i , j. «i | :,t,td » \* .tul 0-» <W \\ lutr I iifiip «? > Kri| I'lan*. :ir* Onions lini ci-i «! » \ .1 « «! J'-.ark \V»nt« r do Lar!y < 'ibca^c Cuf.rd I »>d.»r. I^rSt !("< li:mt Cucumber. \V 1..tr C.;:Jr(i do l.ft'lv Jo l"*r do >A.nty "t \ rjrUtir ll:;<tr Teller Ho <J» »t/ f l>utrh i) i l'cpjv rfc*r»»», or Curled Magnum do < :»» «. j White Mu«:a;d Scrd Kmc 1 tjjlc! j»c .Vrlon I^argv T-crrat »-» Nubnry Jo l^iu! n Kla^ > J. < ?* « n i "itron d.» I Htn -»oth Ormjr iij I'u.r Apple du Rr.l c ininn SrrJ, I'rm.an «J<> \\ (4itrti-> S»-a rmoj. n U».»atJ I»»4l I'-ijrlinr p.ifiia"VPT-# ijhipea do 1 Thriiie iirll <So 'u:p!r K<jg I'lanl do l,i»rndrf Nu:<i:(iii:ii h-i Mvigolil Trnc T-.rt K'u?'>M t'atn.p r?»r Iptr* r»!«' irf O^rd fom;. r'fj ti»c £: » »rt,jvr.t <>f w«-ti I : Ihu rltmili', t<»' « itiph u ill a! vra\ lap kept on I.and »*<>! ! ! *' '!»r Lai p'.cn \ ul N' i M K V I N J UliOI.MKNTAI. OKI) Kit, ( ! i _ o.i i M tr. 4 I % it 111) 1UII, .'\UjL£U:M . w. T, A N rlrction i<» hereby ordered to be held ~ »t the respective mutter ground* of the Ilrat tompauie* in the upper Battalion on Friday the 30th September next, for Major to fill ih© vacancy occasioned by lite rcatgnalion of 1.1. Col. tjuinhn. Officer* commanding companies will cause this order to bo carried into exerti-j tion and return# made to the C "1 bi #0011 thereafter a* possible. By order of Col John ('he»i»ut. J I) M UK KAY. Adj't CJd Keg S C M Kv!r.viof the Jaw governing the rlec.. ... . .. \t ...r lion «l.l Thai w in n ihc commission of Major *hs!l heroine larant, the Colom-I, ami \( t hr r«* !>« n'» Co | llir fl'irrr nrxi in rumtn in-'I in thesaid r»i cut. shall r«i« r * arli. I C-i|>lain or r tniriiao- x ol n rouij-afii, loj r ill to lii*> a*"i#tanre tu*o ot hi* Mihaltrn oliifi-1 ?, or ot'n-r III ii:ul |<t < i x r*oii* In j or>. »i ,«io! hold ii null .it ii;r 4r r«-nrrli/» ! I I , inuftrr i'roiim!*, giving f< >r i v Aw, » notice,j l>v mlv rrtinin £ in tfin r puMir jij.ii hi tin IjoujuN of ih'ir ruinniuii'!, the .»ai«! maim l»f-r« -iiall I.el.J tlic poll on one «In v nt llu-ir I isu«l« r ^rolifnl, (folil « It w ll n rlm k iii thr , noriiinj.' until tluro o'clock in t!>c oft< r- loon , ami »!iu!l nirrt on the battalion miner or »iitnr public home m ar tin ninr. on tiir ti.iv follow inc. BIM' r"UMt orrr ^ hf vol oh an>! tlrrlarr the fiction. August .tf I I . xuhlli' ami ilarnnss .Making. TiiP MibiviiLcr mndrra his thank* to i!.p puMn" ct itv- mrourajrnjpnt hfrrtofhrp ntimlrd fohtin, n Li* piofi-»«;i>n. ami citc* notirr that h«- La* fto l'rna<j Htrort, a fY-wr li.x.ji ?»)«>*« Mm n 1 Adnn' M..t« I. v horp lie liopp* !>v ntv ami a ttpun«-n. Iv nMr t a continuance ol the patrviiagg < rvtvlvio rilvtii'til to h:n< J A MLS KOULfl'I'S '' \ light C.26-I ....t.ca.>...i» SOUTH CAROLINA Sl.VIER OISTHICT. | Jeremiah 1'itis applicant, vs. " j James Hninson. Joseph llrunsf.n, Mary Hrnn»o», (utie of Isaac Hrtin-ou, Juri'r.j i f deed,) M,iry lirllli&ou, ^wit ui i/umu Hnin* un <!r« d) iknjaiinn May, William W ill1* r «i (id Mary In* wilt*, llit i hildrcn of 1 111c 1 mihI .Margaret lluliady, J. J. Brunsoii, W asliinglun lirunsoii. James Hruuson niiii Sarah Beers, children ol .Mrs. Daintier. Jo).i, J. Banister. and children, t>l' Siisannh Banister. dcr'd. children i#|" Daniel and Mnrv Bruusun, children i-i Jeremiah and Yulcnliuc l'itts. and children of Lemuel 13. Davis, and Manilla hi.-, wife J<J»u M. D organ, guardiau aJoU-u; tor Minor* defendants. IT appearing to n v *nli«fnciinn t!iat Mary Hrunsnn u fe of Daniel Iirutison John Har.iMcr. Daniel Hollady, the rhildrcn of Daniel ami Marv llrnnson. also I In* children of Daniel ami Margaret If >1Jady, James I!rnn«"n, ami S.<rah liters (and other* if a:.v) of the legal heirs and representatives of Isaac f;rii::sn:i, rfen'r. 'dee'd Reside without litis Mate, it is then fore ordered, thai the; do appear anil uLjert to the ti<% i.sion or sale oj the rral K-tatc of Isaac Rruuson Srn'r on or hi- j fore the rimt .Moiniay in ortohcj n<\t. or | their ron-ci:i to the camr \»jll be » ftriil of recoil!. | willi.\M M:V. IS. f (>r:i:nttrv > J). July 30 .'J?.!i I liii-SH <;Alii)K.N SF-KDS. O'J34('M-JU iV 1 8 J » , rolt s m.i. :ii r iiii-,r..vin.\ j .. .an; » j * J"" * Uarlv \ :V CAilH At.L I"- «! do Dtjt. U>> I Hiriv Whitf head « i.'v Su^ar ioaf do j do Curl «1 d" ; do Savov do Sumner l«u»h Sl^l AMI Dmin !!< . i do do cr. k a < * «!< Late Iin:« d<» (*r»ok « I w.it*. I ififn io4;n| do Ifiin; (ircrn Cucnii»i> r, l-aigr Knj Savor do Uirir « » Kirlj L"i)d (Jsulidowcr, i'lickljr Gherkin*, I I-ate do (J >r p.cklc»,j Wiiitr Mrocolj, Georgia or Scotch h.»!e, Sea Itland Water ('olewart*. (a >r »j:jo Karlj Spring TURNIP, Apple xi-inl do fluta ltsga. ©r V\ inter Citr « !, \cliou Ku"ia do (! >f pirn-am;) l-»rge Norfolk field do Large Mu»* Melon l.ate I iat Dutch do Canwi ijv > A be rdot- .n or scotch d<» Nutmeg do \cMoor Malta do VcjjrtiWr t)jdrr, (choice kind! .Vwtnrtioii. Fled r.nd Wluie Onion, J.argc 11 .1 Pepper, While Ilnfflmli Murlard, Ca\onn«* d » Urou n do Round mooth i jnatoc* I I*!an.(.«r« QniriS 'e I #if,!rn (. ftip. i H<>uitd do I'l'i',* Prickly <!o (*ui!r<J I'mli'r, Nr» /.rjSind <]'» I < l''tt , l»ng W'lutr D'ura, "'aC", K.arlj bi««w<J Tuiniji liot-l llr«« <"! v«-r « < <!. .!«. do d.. V. v Mirr.,AU: I V l/injb!'<*I d K.'.v d » M a W -rt jr! of < a -. :n «! » tlarlt* Srafrjlr do Su d'» r:rs'n?p, n fiwsrt «t" 'turtiiKr do 1. I > M* .»"V» fc lir»m, 1 >tj £< ("art> '., < 'ii"5 i!t *! «!«i I, ti' Sca;l«t K.\ IJ1MI. d » K .'u-'. <:«' ;Sl» .»! toj. do d.. _ do > in -i So^-fior j- V «]o i nj i--K d<. \ if; ^atc«! I'.-wl* \W»it« I do do l-ar;'- I aliUagr Head Ka*l» Tu»c«ri>ra ('orn r.KTTl I K <:o f 0.. Mifiurr. K-'num do j, dj (iulden Sioux u 11 ch> ice kind,) A l>0. Pamphlet* on ^nr/fciiin^. Clii alitrd Ih tiir »ut>*«~rihrr. t'< an» *rl l"( I J*i den and the adjacent country, near the »ai;it lati I udr j /'The above Seed«*rr wsrranteil# S!><>it!d (intone find them otherwise. alter a fair trial, > thru a (11 h" given m their j.Iare, ,N.>v til ji st kkckivki>7. IN MX < ri.l.l'N I ('KM K. Fran .V link uiul Fliihult lj>fii<t, \ i t 11 *>tirit i r ri f. rrriirh \ ICngli*«li ( licinicnh, ToSot Iter viiili a large and iari<»u* a>;*ort men I ol Cupping <tnd Unrtmata Instrument* of \up<nar quality, downing the attention ol families an well an practitioner* of Medicine l)cc 11, *1.1/ K E Y.\OI.PS NOTICE During lb* absence of t!ic subscriber front canwlrn, Mr A. Hurr is my auillumed agent. wm u no i>/;.v AM .Ml C A ItPEIN'TElt'S Fluid F.i tract ^nixifinrilh. l'Ixtr«ci Huciiu. I xuati J-»l «j\ \ tr irti Du Aiiiiii, Sj ri)j« l.i»« rw »ri, Builcr's M »j m ( (M ficut, lkiitn i-f ' 'olkjiitUu. Hutiii*t's i t>rn i'la.ticr, llt-jian 1 *»!!-. 1 <i>(»* ri *1 II m Ow*. Mcactuug t" n niovr iri n niouKN ar,l ink *|V)tn (full) 111 *'11 1)«'U in^' s ( i 1111 i:t. I' r in«-iniuijj l»r»»k' n ^1 . < !m i . A. c J u i'.l * »* ati-r I ronl \ ari»i-h. AI.Mt. S;.l .Kruttic, 3*», (ituii Arabic, (jiini Son^al, Atr* it,*.!, (',11X111, Jlljlltx- I*a-t« . lulsl 1.1 /OljM'C Soda do. I.i'j'iomc nod Opium do IVpjwrmint do. it Imli.irli d . M < i a I iIron7.cc, and a randy of Sti'ijicil Instrument^, just rrccnrd, and lor salt* t»v VOl'\(i A M K AIN , March |-». 1-CMi. For Sak.\ A larjo nod cotumodiouc Sn.rr nnd 'ucllinif 11 mi so united. to wlurli i- : t nrlit.il rvrr\ «»tht IniiMin* ralculntri! l<» irry on «u r\imsHf w iioli'-M»lr m»»i m -| ail Mrrranulr «»n Hrn.ul >:ro«M. n Caiit.li n, in tl.r ci-iitre « l l.umir*-, «' >. lirahliy |i»rl «'l t lie low n, a * > i till in row* i' tc urdtj. I'ur terms aj»j !v at tins oi re I; \ upn«t JO.if 1 aa's*rs?5,s m mmmd U Uo^Waikwalx Has in si ror« ivr»l !f lre<h am! genuine tssoriMM- .1 (iOllflCIHCUH. Ii.ldirs and Children* BOOTS A: Sl lOMS, nf the hr-t nrt'l most fash;-jnablo stylo, ain'tu^ u ftir-h aro a laruc and beautiful ussorintcnt of Ladies French, Kill, Morocco and I*i I'Molla SLU*PB3I[IN. The above arm i< -h II sold as low a* :!.CV l.-tve ever be e i »ol 1 in 11»i-* market. W ll 1) \NIKLS. A ironsl f>. J-* -if. The subsrrib' i aU< r cc'.fuliy informs his customers ami public imm.orally, lhat he i*. noir cnjjageil in the manufactory Hegra C-Iioss at £1 pair, am! a* ! h.;s rai-rd 10 pr r fCllt ai.ui c I.i-v I'Tiiicr price, he pletl^c* !.i::'S( II t!un s,'..ui I>« n » » n.< >< rate rials nml in the ir i 1kin/»n-Jiij» in.Mttu r. at. ! a-- t.> trrngtli a:i<f durability, l!»*-v shall lie iniir'i Mij.rri.'T (<> run" t!i<*t Ja< > irr In e n }V< d in this market, ar.'J not inferior to am tl.it s- eft jn^ed in the -a'nr era ft. I' I.inter- are n^rj nested to haixi in their iiicjMjrcs early a- pos-SMr. \V II 1) A T. \fl»K 4 i-io* !rnt m!-:f'i' < : II"'" «. PaVM I r:»*v. «, a-.ii :: >-, mailt- lu r <i t. Jilt »t c r.tt ria », )< { I T Iff ' a »«In lafr'v i- « I .* II *j-j r»'W .1 ..! \ j tl«- A .t *t s ./.in It !oi a m |ir i,«i- > ! I.arni !'. -! .. j- *. f. a*- ! irn u i.« .< . ! ; « tIVwart ii I., it-. ; If n. ** > .* r< a! r..r ti it{fiitti ^r« it'/ an! r < <] t-> fi »jmr t' if : art; it v *1 i 1 t . 4fr jijkt J| rrt-.« <! Luf'i. a aI» I. ..I, atij if.li it- K'li) n . iii. I'/v. Wliitr I.ra«i am! C'alo-Tr^. \ LARlii1! 'i:-'p!v i I l!ir<r am >. « ;r t -v ! W> r:n .-. \ j -ti.i ' n h I all other* intlirlinc <tt(] a* ' )il, fIru»l;t-», \ l 1.1 iiu.'m ». Turjx r.t»n«, ».c nsu i « : NtOluUi' ICfi:.' '! ^ > I. . i « i: i/. no- '< \ i: : \ / > i /\ . > !. >1 \i «. > . ' I. ' >. ». )>Bk snn i:k huticl. " rpili: .Si.WrIl rr I r ! fr!cr. !s am! lltr |itii»i;<*, t!i.» - ' 1!. '! t.:i f I<iu*« 111r/*n« r I\ i»j ,i ! ! <. ! :: ! ami »::«*rt* ri rci;'.iv Im J. J. I a- t: Until in I hi* l'«)u li I .1 '.t U. aii.i mar *.»i:rI 11 »*i-t*, V. Jmto lie ! - j « j I j rnn « emit: m\, an ! r- Iiimim it ti:at IIJUM' U IKi I a » i i. 11»i (Mitt % will }»c .saSi*;.c 1 w ilii t!.« ir a«*ri»ini:uii!a« I iion-j. A. Ii- i'llA.. ! May C3.. I a inn's Hotel I V" l-'J tmltj >i 'HlJt i-J < nW.\." I n I <ik: s run.,' W'uTi ifir *w!»*rr il»er rosr.Witir* !n<» llntnc I I- if.irlhnit \ ! I»:i Vt'l * 11 ?: ! ? i fj #/ * ./ < » r\|>rr»»h 1 >r tin <u eon;;.. 4!.» cij »:r nj;crs. Ji<* ln»} « » t > be «!ili i." n I'tirr )u< guc!.ts con Jortal-If am! haj j \ , am! >.»}i* 11*» a continuance ol i Tiwr patronage..No rscrliom shall be « anting on lite part of ihc Subscriber. D\V!l> it \GINs. Jul; h»- 25.cm N. It. Mr. (\ Winget, my agent lor the house, will be in constant attendance. I). II. "* * T O 1J \ > I / |, 11!: i il»« r "'li'"' - r ».ii< In* «aliiabtr jilniiiuiinii, «-11 iln* \»« >:.!« «»f tin* W olcrrr rin r. anil i>n I mit!i *iii< * I SjUIM V a ( n-k. al> >.»i It' i. ll« * nl'u'f (* initio n. i ii*:* .1 < I »; \\ ' - it.OOO ;k rooi las:<I. T.'itrr »* alt.nit I'Htarn-ol t'prii latvl in tll» iraol, an t il»o Lulalirr well lin.lirrnJ ' uli.ini iiii-L.rv a in! liiii. In (lie irnci iliiTr » a larpe (>< !\ « ! li"' 1m >1 hind, nil- fleam!. Chi t!;« jifinn-i!» nrr nil the r«-H,a:y IjujIi!ui£>. am! in rwllcni re- , I nr Im .irr. in<: on an « \un-nr flaiila* Ion, nruJ ms|'| '\> uiili 11»«* I-1 water." < >n S.m \ '.« ( ei ufitiii'j.' through the 1 i.iml, tin t « "if mm. i wltiuMi ii ill m ;«t, .\mv | rM.n ni i urc!in.>injr, U i.nl.I well t<» \.ut nn thr prea- ' a j;r« l»«*|TalII inn*" I ' »cl. anil on lih. ral . i.-r»r»* A l.l.lvN STi:u AKT. June l<*--i»|..t| 1 ("niton Snw (iin>. I «> ttlii' rainiiair « > . in* ...... inifn| |.\ Ili<* u!v»« fin r. >! i ! ' ti'< f a In* 'i » n !!n^ iVm 'it ;i« *r'\ j»iacl r«» >. and Hun n: nii >! (»< Mm* '\ f< ' »' in;; t- 'i in »tii r V. w v..Ill : It-. < t If n ;i V iv i. Ii.k.i) ind t'..t -il<- I'V JOHN W OUK.MA.Y A11-'is; c- 'ir - An , , - ' MEDICINES THE Subscribers have jnst received and arc uow opening a full assortment of Medicines from the North, which can be recommended with great confidence, as far as regards their purity and genuineness, baviug been purchased from one of the oldest and most respectable houses in Philadelphia.. Physicians, Planters and others, are requested to c'11, previous to laying in their summer suppl cs, and cxamin e the quality of those now ottered tor sale; which we feel confiden in warranting and giving satisfaction to pur t chaser*. j Anions those lately received and now open ing. are lite following: j A|cohol, Sub. Carb. Soda, j C ultif Oil. Kltubaxb Root, Florcrfe«-. do. Calasayc Baik, Castile Jsvap, J Lobelia Herb, Ib>rax, I «lo in Powder, Turkey Opium, Slmpcry Kim I atk, Camphor. I ao. in Powder, Calomel, Fng. j Bole Armenia, Cinnamon, Ground. Mustard, CIotps, Powd. Cinnamon, Orris IUt, Arid (xunon Drops, l~4»lor, r nriua m.u, Chloride of S««a, Kiudcrs Ind. Ink, Fiakc Manna, Carpenter'* SaraspariMa (Sum Myrrh. ' Kit. Bucbu lV»r. d Gum Arabic, " Pink Root, < "ari». Iron, Compd. Cub. A. SarsaSu!j»h ({innine, pariUa, Morphia, T"1ju Acetate. «iu. Kreosol, S<jTi:II». G< nninc Pears Oil, (not r«!v CuWb«, perfumed,) Tamarinds, Naples Soap, flutW * ila^rvrjja, Mu*k Soap, Citric Ac:J, Macci®:iu:F, Tartaric, da Hair rowder, Ac. A great rarirtr nf article* too numrrmia to mrntion. in addition to tur above, a fill asjK.rUnent oi winch will always be iej»t on hand VOL N.", & M KAl.V-,W » W m mt m '.^m mmt a mj iii y. i: ( a .m i i. .11 .v t s. ^ n-fr]\ !T.TI ns \T.«I:T.\»:U: str.Dtf3X£ " 11. i l- i .. i i ~ ij a> (VM.1 fj y 1 U.v',A\ ) m *j< i !* » f. i u |v*» *»i r (.\n.ii , s;« ati«'. >\n;ncxk of rcwit-' voj.rtat.io imaciplo, srr unir^Ml't ,ac» l»no..*le«!;jc<J Im\c total I j « rhjix'ti lite prttfih »i"ri iiUvrfv thT rrutcdy, and MJij-erccdvir n«->-^!r»itv "i . i*i iy other r.' ^t «>i Urslntfoi, whfrt'Vf : t:." a! ,< «ii * «»< aro found to r\lii . « 1! a* j;. v ..cnt «. : tLc «nd i:: ./.. .;:do-{ ' Autotjo .'< icrrrtplotr » :f and Ibtti^ . (ti Mi'., srr 1'i at , » tfirflns «>» bu;u!Cgia t rt uurli ij.ohnc.ioiv . <l:ss;;Ttf'«b4c : i. " HI uii* istoutli. or-a*. i:t< IO..i:v <>t A?r+*tirj \ ii t.ij-1 :ac. »»« *«:. 1 « liter '.ifiprp «i*-1:. c lent. Uir»t. lc'.iA Lira (Ik naQ&l, r- ai.iji-.ta «>! the It. ae.d c'ttclalioits, j-alpitaif irrrgutsnly "| ike b*»*rr!*, I'tTS in on tiji* a:o..!a. ia a.'.rr juia in U;r Lrtd, , f!?s:!t< a> ... » ! rtiind. a.: undid w"."i i -vn i ! t;Hn<«r>. a v j j 'a 11 jf 'Li' b'-otcach nit- n i n: !..l i.e. . a: t; ! *;o|>l and brv " 11 » 'In* lui V Latiftiitjr J:*- c-w.I lnn<:». Iirnof, urcaa;in i.»o iii<«al. chough pi.si in toe t.iic or »?, »V c J lifix* i;',«rfniis have hern !* un»l m> effectual io :o .1 v i:i^ th** .Jij:|'<amu t> r w li eh they sic rYCC'IU* .< tli-i fx * »ir.siin Irrtricntlr liSMttg CXu _ 1 Ihn: to Kitic « r no puqx>»c. B>8i. P KTEK« ' A it(i Bilious I'HIN, There pill» an* roa.percd entirely of vegetable matter. ami w Iwn taken according to the direction* w U.rU iiTou piny tbrm, a.o highly Itrnc ficial io the cur? and prevrnlion of all bilious complcinia J.Vv art r-;*rc:ji)y tir*p->n the liver, * hra :u a toi,. d I cti.liii.'i) id:'a lar^e ijtnnUly of !»iie, tli** mtii.r ».r < ! i i cement tuncf lr* i». w h;rf» it »ti ft* <1 tn tr.iin in the rvilrn, *.\ ii! I jit niu * « itl»« r Jsuinltff, l.ivt-r t'« *: p.'aiot, H.ll.-'.;- Kt-vrr K* r< f c:*d Ajt:«*. vt ftve other r. v**u» bodih atlhcl.cn in a.l roar* ul torpor of (.* l~><%e'a, lite* ai l like a *1*310) .rt »»* .* »!, »pi'{rttc and dinner ptll User are no * i n: . .Manv person* who were »ul*jeet t*>rt<>: nta'.tark* « I *..« k headache have bces^ perhrctle I'lfn! hi i i. » u* rh» l*v their use. 1 hoar* ho are i*i! t ! * t a*. i).»tn-,.ri:ig complaint, ara-nitkr.cn !>. t «k*t*; a jN.rt.. n >r IkimI then* a lew day» pre- 1 *n- a* k.»«t«l ti e. ro*«c) n ' 1 lt^ «) 1 1UU< IU « III OH I A(U^ * »» UVMi U IMt «« I, . mo*t certain to rwapc it IVmalr* tan use ibrra at ail |* riod*. without incurring a/15 risk IVrwfi g «i.j» t aea <>r to » » 'U'.hcrn climate, should be all mean* lake acute oitlwar ptlla wtlh litem 1hnir t.rtura *tll remain unimpaired lor year* ID aov cfl mate .No familr should bo wilhonl tbrwr pi I la , a [Kittx 11 nf thrin, taken ocratiunallj, would be the >! pre»ruling much suffering Irom tirkocM it I* I j> :n neglect of keeping up * tegular j«ei istallic crti n I the «t'onaeJj and howrls. thua suffering to I*- and mingled with the Mood, unasstntila ted fluid*. tl^tl nm*t diseases are produced Dr J* teei* rontident that 110 person w ho gtvei thcra pi!!* a lair trial, w ill er»r allcr lee I willing to be wit hint the in I v c< train no particle of Mercury, or any ingr«d.« i:t thai dor* not at t in Iiahiiou) w itb health ami iijm'w disease * > 1 1 .1 Mr r »i !. « m manv unnrrmwa uwi ilv <* mil* ! « > iiri.il tpia iti»-n indrjierdrnt < 1 I.'m |"iri; i^bli'ilo. lli< \ .in- Imtli ti-iric fetid li. I.' i in ill. a> ! 11 g | ii tin- «. r 11 I up attii r *h«lI'Jlt iul.t II* lliim »ln I r" li> II Iijj tin* pain lit, wli.ii tin % n iif 1 <* i-iinli ii< in iim .NirJirinrii nlnrh p. ») nil .it |k r. r*r. j »irij* rntliart if q»slit r«. dc1'il.i.iti tin' j.itii ill, ntnl llinr rrjiralrd uw lava lhat Iniiiiilalinii ot a li ng cataln^uc 11 Chi cue discaH'l I'r I' having Ji m edur alcd under U.c jnoa iiiiik lit \ mi ri< nn ninl i.ur< an medical proles nir», am! piaetu-i <1 lu» j>r«>f«*»Mon nunv var? in ihc ' mill n Ik re iIkchwii i*1 the im-nt < i»rl:»»ate charac r prrrail. r«i.Aid«r» hu.ir«-lI mil qualified to ndjjvon tin nature i t incident to warn :!imatni Prepared ami «o'd i v Jo«ri.h Priestly 1'etrrs, M. I at Ilia Institution I >r the i ure <>f nhstinatr diaItv mean* «>( L't talde r jiucdir*, No. ItQ .ihrtty »tr«<t. w \ i*k, inventor and role prorM< r I'.vh I \ n!.a i e to pill*. price W cent*. Tie* .i!.a\< va!u»!>lr M. dir*nr« may t>e i-b'aned t II..- Itrtif Si.ue ..I ^ I 'I ,\<; & M KAlN. ("a.ii'ion M > \ ?, I ,!<. NOTICE. MK i'.l'Kli ifi our nuthorizod o gi .(i in < ii.i-ilrn. <% r ri MPBEU. 4* CO. August 13.if

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Page 1: rhildrcn >1Jady, public imm.orally, cnjjageil manufactory ...The Indians Panacea. 1 FORthe cutethe cute

The Indians Panacea. 1

FOR the cute of Rheumatism Scrofula or

Kind's Lvii, Gout, Sciatica, or Hip-Gout, lu«apicnt CSncors, Salt Khcuin, Syphilitic and Sler-curia! diseases, particularly Ulcer* and paintul af-

llicliuti* ofthe boric*. Ulcerated Throat and >'<»*-IriU. Ulcers ol every d. scription, Fever turn* *

and Internal Absc<-*ac«. Fistu'.us, Pile*, Scald-beaJ, Scurvey, Bile*, V-'hrunic, Sore Eyes, Eye rempolasBloche*. «nd every variety ot'contagfnutAffectwn, Clie">ic Ualairh, Headache, ptocceun-jjfrom an acrid humor, I'am in the 6:mutch and

. J'-» r'""> v.i.Atiun: Affectionsuyipcuwa, I*****iMI*.g t.v.M ....

of the l.iver, Chronic liiflamaticm of tb«- Kidneys,and general debility, cauwd by a torpid action ol

the vessel* of the skin. It is singularly cfiicacioiu

by rcnovlliogtfaniic coiintiiuU<'ii« m IiicIi have beenb.okcn down by injudicious moment, 4,r juvrrnlcirregularities. In genera^rrms, it is rvcomrrfcn- Jded to all those -liK-aar* which arises from trnurri- '

sod in U»e blood, viliation of the humors, ot w hat- jever name or kind.Some of tlio abuse complaint* may require «onu

trifling asixtant applications, which the circumstance*of the rase will dictate, but lor a pener*remedy ot /'srj/inttor, to rrmort the rouse. Tin ! * |VlX^ s i'x>acj.« will generally be ftund sullicn nL ,

To (he Puliiic.How tree it is, tliat modern l'hv»ician«.in their

ambition to excel tu their |irnt>»iuii: to explorethe voat fields of sirnce bv tin- a d «d Chiniutry.%nd neck out new re <i«d «! agents, in short to artireat perfection in tbc practice by mean* of ai-.t

lone..overlook and « "gl«*rt, a« Is-neatli their jnotice the nch s.id bouuleou* »U>rv» < ! medicine,,\chicii lb- aha £:'tr d t" »pring uul«»l th»cai'Ji in t Verv chine ' And n'>*» miKh mort Uue it

in. that while the American I'hynrun lookat" for-_

eig-i couutiie» for many of h:« nio*t common andnrceuary article* pcrp* tualK eh .njuig as they arc ]the Uiclate* of fa»Ui»n r foil; lie i% uin>uhtlrd in

hi* o * n country with an ndle*» proJustunThe eoHgrm+ltly, rjjteimfv «nd «*rcrT > f fejr"- J

tabic rctacdir* over mineral, may be ntwaird b* ,

eoaUMtin;- the ancient pi ar tier ur.th tin- ni«><L rn :

or. to bring «t more immediately under «nr o» n

crvauon, Uie Indian practice with that of the'Whitca. \Vh0t m America, ha* not known or lioaitiof repeated in*laur«>« where.u n-ine deer* , .tl, uoptrtcading:<-malc Indian (>v mean* of h« r »iui]>'cremedies alone, h»*.*-!fc< n <1 tin in"*l rapid and a-'tornthing cure*. after the whole MiUtim Modi' a of

the common practice, directed in the u,.-; ikii'u!manner ha* failed' And who ha* not t«eeri purposedat beJiui-Jiag the comparative ca*c and facilitytrit^ which the Indian tree* himtt lf ot "afly d..»-CX*C\ and U»C alrnoal t"tai «t>*enee ol »-Ijt .Tiic <::*

ea*r ttflon; them Who !u» ever *i of an Indian with a constitution broken *.»«i ruined bt illtreatment ( And can a doubt nut, that tin* happyMftnplian of the mxgt from m >»t of lie ill*which the flcah ofcjrilucd man i«i h u to i»rln« r

c ar in;* to the more and #afe r«-.iHtln * » hKhlue employ* Tim oloniJunj 4ill< imcc in Miffru,

in a La<i rxciuplifj-ativn «»f the infinite upri-nt) jof the »i.np]f and »afe m« *n» -f cbi< h<<!> << <!

haa cn-au-d for the hi-nr-tit «<f h:» rlnlcftrn, cvrt

tbonc which the pniU an J the art of iuzu Laic i*

*yT*n. jFrom a lonjj residence amon* a portion if thr

botijjfioal inhabitant* of thf* c -oi.tr> , and an »nUmateacquaintance wtth t ho method*-f run" if'Misr of their rn >»t irerMfu! j»j* lionet*. the proprietorof tuc " Tm* I»r>;* > » i a.

' acfjtnrrda knowledge of fif tiK-it potrcrlul andfarora'de r-uiedir* From the** |«- »c'e«:tcd «u«-|> 1

a* *<*:« t-nicarijut at:ij tpjir-'j-'iau-, am* »;»» i

vanoQ* vijvnui1 nt» to (r#| tiinr jAfitt'ipVa ar.«!(Traglh he ha* combiarcl th« t*» in .}»« Jt»sm

prrMntcd, u ibc m<>M jic:>(t c:.4 !*i.r!.<.4i !i:the p Jtpovc fbr mhvch it ui roec* tl« <3

*1 b«* propt;<-is>r <>iT« r» xalr n !n the putlie,with tfie coMciouitiru 'ha! l.r i» ( !*« .tt^ *».;hm»L» tcarJi. a rfttKiJr r«j»al»!r "f rr!jr rinp man . -ithi* afiliru d frihw « bo ar^ *u?f«-ir.' utidrru»c ranoii* chronic uid V»tita?«* f

t« ft.'iwu It la lji|ii|ri .;« I null) it » I it |>l' >'

tocnli.tiiahlr vaiuc. * t!i< ami Ui «».*::> > a

»c» the onlv ttrriu i f j* '.a x ir r ti4f ;r jlTV-tu. *« s;

re«t< tiiijj th<*m <mrc ific.r<- t 'vrsltti and !*»)*Tltt» i* a <t a» a eoiumnn Winnie, ti.at inat

pfrvhtaT !* rijualli \u'.!i mat iik » ii"i

la aw, ha! a* <»« w inch *» i a < ! » nii£ ' *' 1"

Xnaov rstirtiir raxm. when a.! the usual re»>« *: r*

tail Tii'Jiilht* diitu: tcpcaUsJli, and tin* i» lur

reputation it ha* uhhuocd wbcrctc: it ha* been it«

tJtxiuc*d jIt i* onW about three year* *ir,rr thj* preparation*u urat prracntrd u* the |»utnir but in that

abort apace af tunc amuc hundred® < f { rrroti*

BU(bt bp found, mho *Miid e<U*r.inly dethtc thatthey beliered thai their Urea arm ui"! it it.mod in mMiCWi afVr the ) had tried tuany j»- i

hs|M all the common m \ am tN bpf . r

it u known it » rapidly Umnnf «r.to u*e, at. t lh:»afford* the irnrat aubatautial and fonvuicii.j proofOf ;<* tuprit*.The ralur of t!»«r Panacea. :» mosl ronapsr unu*

in tboar long aland* nj andobabnalr »j pbi'itje arm

(Cru:^»tu affection* mhirh harp tUiJed all othrrremrdwa, and particularly »n lb jw raw* uhenror*iir;ha* been a" larufilj c»*d a* U«c*i_»e d»».

lnr»*ii>|f puna in llmb'-nr*. ruxhi. tti-r»;;r:al <ilo#r», d« rangrtocnl of t.<e «ligr.»ttv t-r^a-n, A<Tbew it completely rcut"%'» «ud rn aii rw,|(entirely rndicatr* the iliwaw *n«l il.c iirrrisi, i

mercury. nruoyaie* the c< nrtituuun, an«: iratethe pmtaent mound and well In lUwumAtiro^ anJin owrntrd more throat, it* happy effect* are not

1m apparent, (tiring iltno«l immediate relief. *

jTaken in proper oi*». Tat I'ttirn

openlca u an illcmtUtr, tod detergent; a diar-'poorrtic, diuretic and liatitr; an anupOamodicand anodyne, and in proper cw». aa a aloourlncand emn»cn*foguc. Geocratlt ctpraaaed, it in-1crrtm all the accretion* and carrtinoa, jpvea U>n» jto tbe etrijMch, and excifce action la tUr piand» in

a particular manner. Fnun tiuv.- principle* >U

operation nwj be andrrstood. ITfcia medicine haa barn found in;h!v riwful io

many ambiguoua diaeaae* not here »j<-i ijird, and it 1

haa been uwd with wonderful «ucc*» » a

and fall puri/lrr, bjr iJhmp w iio are *ut»jcel to corn

plainla Of tlie ctu*(. and » li'w <.vr»5itutl »n# ri

quire new rij;'»r r>u«-n p« r»«ii» «ni'm »<.»

* uae two «r Uiret- botlU iti »u«a!l ilnri Wfwrrrrr1^1'/ l/ri«A |« C<>n*liil'rr'l »!< < rtjtt , thr J'»n»Cr»,taken iq a ante!! A"f. * ill an«*xr ail »l« { arj>- »- ».

in niorh Jr»« tiinr^ at !f»s « i j/eiiiK*, ami in a i atirv»ir> a ;»r«-iihU- inAn He r, than t/tr «.<?uiir.' n «Jit t

drink.The following if of t'.iln

In which liiigtit !« [»n«r !: «£ t arc (»it«'I> t'» « . a

the mf 'j* iir » l'i* c i ». in l.'.c tti *

i<o* complaint* therein menu no/!. .»:> ! a)*-./ to < \

hibit in the trmat aatialartnrv mariner it.* iiwrtun

ty orcr t^rtrrup* m common nw

CA h'&S OF K11KUMATISM jt "it»a i i »? >», Nt/v. I."», 1 I

I>utin£ t?n» la»( winter and ; ! iiji. I «n »flirIrtl with * v*iv tffrrc *r.i| dfntrcMt;!!^ lwK,vntati»u»»-^caj|Otw<i l»y cjpoauro »o had vrrilJwr I ik.w '

t iXr ^r» «! plcwuip in «ta!iisj. lii»t *u l>ott]^« of jlib' Indian'* f'anarca, rmdon-d ino to imtIioi ^br»'!h. ond I mnfnirntly i*cf»itini»**d it to all »uuiiari»*iHirwd.

JOHN KKHOl SON. Ki«r^f tt ii aki »«T"«. Match 5, JeaM. j

1 n wisfrl about (hrre vonr* *tncf Ailli a ili<(" fi'iij flVnmit'nin rtuwit hy taking a «<,vi,r»* ; ^

'<1 nhik* u'nlrr t'H> mflnrflir «>f nwrvurr, Aimu im h ln« <h«at.ir<| tne from i'M*inr»» n« *iir pvcr |hiw Ounti-f thu ? > ri'Ml I harr Inth a |-tlunl it* hIn? >1 irinf II '<p ul m Ui's C'iiv. u'lta arjla of four! I iimouth* nearly and tl.«* miw !< tiwlh of tim* in Un- r.

i: * i. « i r j' i -ho--! rtrrr rrmf N», t. .»itli lnt> Ir-'U'-fit t Mi tf. I"th of (Vbruari/.\i> a! tf:at " r.r * .» « '. t ia v. j.-m u..», ),r-iiN-fir«, I r-ifiiiiifitri'il !.«" u*o of "| < ImlunsI".' it.vp In onv i.''tit!i I ' ni. ! o'y«^}i T,t,r«-|y


:ured from lite pain, and am now happy to &Ute I

bat 1 feci inynelfperfectly well.,\VM. TUCKER, 13 Murkei.it. ,

Ct/RF FOR SCROFULOUS ULCERS.Ntn V«»hk, Sept 10. 1S30 !

This m*r certify, that in ibe tail ol 1 "J5, I va»!

seized witii a swelling in my ucc!> aridUce, which'aflrrwar ulcerated and beeaim- large ebaMly ulrersin n»y neck Afl.r Irving wvera! Physicians

I .--a!., i'ltiUili.lnl,,! mail nlircdto ltd anvanu » »»-«»»»*# » r.

turacli under the carc o|' Un. l'hv *ic aud Licaeh,wlien, after repealed *aJi ration to no ed'ect, I w »«

pronounced lotallv incutah'e Afterward* I t(,ok

twenty lvotlic* of ^wain'a Panacea \nd right bottle*of Potter'a Catiiolicon. with no material he*

L)e.«f>ar»ng ot life, which bad now liecnii ^r*

tlicn to me, I relumed to my par« r.t# in *» « ^ < ;k

in !***! , ami £avc myaolf np to a lin ing la

Hearing of the great *u*c '« of T»i r Im>ii«'ihowever Vi can'% Minilar to luy < -vo, I wa<

crauaded to trv it. a* a lA»t fi -'..rt. To m> greatonpru"' w:f an salt1-; at li"li, i xkiii found iiivm-11ran- ' ,ij nnd upon taking acvnn b tile*,the u tr< ifaied and iKTaiiirjerfielly well in the-r inn monih*. aiid have remained »o ever

t" i make Mm* ftati-m. nl and wiah il jiubliahrd

.' r the tHTvfil ot lljw « it »:« »iitlrrui{j undoMmilirncrufuloM# r>r arplnhtic afl'arttinna, thai Uicymay kn"H a* Ii.it ha* cured one who ha* Bufferedcrrrv thinjj hilt death, and who consider* hi* life

wtvtl bjr. tlic aiwre frrop \VM It I.MIANThe above Medicine may '* had at


"notice" !Tho?c indebted to M'f'nskiH \ Ho'sor, on

note or Jiccouut, for ISfcl '1 2nd \°> nro rc-jquested to make payment, a* it 13 doirablcto close the book:* 0! thai concern.

r» \i-i K vie 11 rA «1 A V.

April 9-11-if

EI%G LI MI<r; .if? /;.v .s s:t;t>

t 2^ 11«' ut»#rri{«*r» axe uow trrnvmg * »upvU .

fl. ^ l.ard^n Serd* of tlnr jjron lh ol I-A.*>rvUdi ri>« » r»n trcomiiifltd tv,'a gfat torj!*:<! rn-.;>

Sh-,1ai;d a-» trmg fjor.!i andVtu. iUi*. ';

Ar "ji-z v- }'.< !. arc the fc!Jo*i:i{jKar!v IJtV J> <ral'.»a^rf HardenI.-.'.. 11 « do < :3nI \«j.ifsjrf*j,

1 » \ York do . < .:r!od i'-vr.lrv," >* ' *? lr»al do WjuU* Solid £<-)a\f

l/ir^v 1Jrun:bred. do | I.ar^-r <»! '.«« Art«c!iv)>r,tlmmUui <5 » I - n* < >ranj«*v.#cccu li ifii . do lUrlyUi*n{<" Horn do

Curled Savot , Sacuurcr Huih S«j«sa»!iC.jJwart or CoUariin, l'r<> k .Nrclirtl do* tj'lrd Switch Kal«» Red ("lorrr S-ed.Karlv Catjli.'lovvrr, l/in/ WhJtc llrhraIjrlr *! » Sb> ,*td>Uarlj w|.,t. Itrncoh, J'-.arA Jnr.* 1V;»,

i'ur ;i!r «i i harly ( h«rlton d<»l ir.r Kruii.tofw*. do Ksrlv Harden llMtparK*m springTurnip* I Dwarf Marroutatl.at* »\ai Lk'ili <! > Jdo

i! do IJjjh p Dwarf IV< !;fic\ "

vc \] altr< do 'tjWJutc S'orfoik do Dwarf firrrn Imperial\ - ren < r Scotch do I)*nr P.* < d«»

Kola IJa/a d<> Karh SperkVd Ik-anai»arg«* «*lan>!>-r» S'psnabc J Mohawk«k>IV < i d > d > Dwarf IV--li!ir. wiutr doN« iv /.oiand do White kidney d-<l.-slij P j i'eet, Karl* *doK'*;.v 'i'j'f.rp do Kino l.mia Pole d>\ < !!' « hvjjf d » t'lin aiv Pule dol.tij'nii 'i i.< «.». «;o Karlr Maraja*» d.«J »« ..i.i . u^* .r ci i , PoJ«J»M .i.oj.- WnrtieH, F.tr,.-. Wimin.id> .veiling S 1 ar-»:.fp, \ f.* -na I I-'tiitii'-nr «}

<iorrnwt do Karl* White luacaroraI o iv a r ii ! ivad.r.h. t'oin.S »: Ir . > . i , j. «i | :,t,td»\* .tul 0-» <W

\\ lutr I iifiip «? > Kri| I'lan*. :ir* Onionslini ci-i «! » \ .1 ««!J'-.ark \V»nt« r do Lar!y < 'ibca^cCuf.rd I »>d.»r. I^rSt !("<

li:mt Cucumber. \V 1..tr C.;:Jr(i dol.ft'lv Jo l"*rdo>A.nty "t \ rjrUtir ll:;<tr Teller Ho

<J»»t/ f l>utrh i) i

l'cpjv rfc*r»»», or Curled Magnum do< :»»«. j White Mu«:a;d Scrd

Kmc 1 tjjlc! j»c .Vrlon I^argv T-crrat »-»

Nubnry Jo l^iu! n Kla^ > J.< ?* « n i "itron d.» I Htn -»oth Ormjr iijI'u.r Apple du Rr.l c ininn SrrJ,

I'rm.an«J<> \\ (4itrti->S»-a rmoj. n U».»atJ I»»4l

I'-ijrlinrp.ifiia"VPT-# ijhipea do 1 Thriiieiirll <So'u:p!r K<jg I'lanl do l,i»rndrfNu:<i:(iii:ii h-i MvigolilTrnc T-.rt K'u?'>M t'atn.p

r?»r Iptr* r»!«' irf O^rd fom;. r'fj ti»c £:

» »rt,jvr.t <>f w«-ti I : Ihu rltmili', t<»'« itiph u ill a! vra\ lap kept on I.and »*<>! ! ! *' '!»r

Lai p'.cn \ ul N' i M K V I N JUliOI.MKNTAI. OKI) Kit, ( !

i _ o.i i M tr. 4 I% it 111) 1UII, .'\UjL£U:M . w.T,

A N rlrction i<» hereby ordered to be held~ »t the respective mutter ground* ofthe Ilrat tompauie* in the upper Battalionon Friday the 30th September next, for

Major to fill ih© vacancy occasioned by lite

rcatgnalion of 1.1. Col. tjuinhn.Officer* commanding companies will

cause this order to bo carried into exerti-jtion and return# made to the C "1 bi #0011

thereafter a* possible. By order of ColJohn ('he»i»ut.J I) M UK KAY. Adj't CJd Keg S C M

Kv!r.viof the Jaw governing the rlec..... . .. \t ...rlion «l.l

Thai w in n ihc commission of Major*hs!l heroine larant, the Colom-I, ami \(t hr r«* !>« n'» Co | llir fl'irrr nrxi in rumtn

in-'I in thesaid r»i i» cut. shall c« r«i« r * arli.I

C-i|>lain or r tniriiao- x ol n rouij-afii, lojr ill to lii*> a*"i#tanre tu*o ot hi* Mihaltrnoliifi-1 ?, or ot'n-r III ii:ul |<t < i x p» r*oii* In jor>. »i ,«io! hold ii null .it ii;r 4r r«-nrrli/» !

I I ,

inuftrr i'roiim!*, giving f< >r i v Aw, » notice,jl>v mlv rrtinin £ in tfin r puMir jij.ii r» hi tinIjoujuN of ih'ir ruinniuii'!, the .»ai«! maim

l»f-r« -iiall I.el.J tlic poll on one «In v nt llu-ir I

isu«l« r ^rolifnl, (folil « It w ll n rlm k iii thr ,

noriiinj.' until tluro o'clock in t!>c oft< r-

loon , ami »!iu!l nirrt on the battalion mineror »iitnr public home m ar tinninr. on tiir ti.iv follow inc. BIM' r"UMt orrr

^hf vol oh an>! tlrrlarr the fiction.August .tfI

I .

xuhlli' ami ilarnnss .Making.TiiP MibiviiLcr mndrra his thank* to i!.p puMn"

ct itv- mrourajrnjpnt hfrrtofhrp ntimlrd fohtin,n Li* piofi-»«;i>n. ami citc* notirr that h«- La* ftol'rna<j Htrort, a fY-wr li.x.ji ?»)«>*« Mm n

1 Adnn' M..t« I. v horp lie liopp* !>v ntv ami attpun«-n. Iv nMr t a continuance ol the patrviiagg< rvtvlvio rilvtii'til to h:n<


\ light C.26-I



Jeremiah 1'itis applicant,vs.

" jJames Hninson. Joseph llrunsf.n, Mary

Hrnn»o», (utie of Isaac Hrtin-ou, Juri'r.ji f

deed,) M,iry lirllli&ou, ^wit ui i/umu

Hnin* un <!r« d) iknjaiinn May, WilliamW ill1* r «i (id Mary In* wilt*, llit i hildrcn of1 111c 1 mihI .Margaret lluliady, J. J. Brunsoii,W asliinglun lirunsoii. James Hruusonniiii Sarah Beers, children ol .Mrs. Daintier.Jo).i, J. Banister. and children, t>l'Siisannh Banister. dcr'd. children i#|" Danieland Mnrv Bruusun, children i-i Jeremiahand Yulcnliuc l'itts. and childrenof Lemuel 13. Davis, and Manilla hi.-, wifeJ<J»u M. Dorgan, guardiau aJoU-u; tor

Minor* defendants.IT appearing to n v *nli«fnciinn t!iat

Mary Hrunsnn u fe of Daniel IirutisonJohn Har.iMcr. Daniel Hollady, the rhildrcnof Daniel ami Marv llrnnson. alsoI In* children of Daniel ami Margaret If >1Jady,James I!rnn«"n, ami S.<rah liters

(and other* if a:.v) of the legal heirs andrepresentatives of Isaac f;rii::sn:i, rfen'r.'dee'd Reside without litis Mate, it is

then fore ordered, thai the; do appear aniluLjert to the ti<% i.sion or sale oj the rralK-tatc of Isaac Rruuson Srn'r on or hi-

j fore the rimt .Moiniay in ortohcj n<\t. or

| their ron-ci:i to the camr \»jll be » ftriilof recoil!.

| willi.\M M:V. IS.f (>r:i:nttrv > J).

July 30.'J?.!i

I liii-SH <;Alii)K.N SF-KDS.O'J34('M-JU iV

1 8 J » ,rolt s m.i. :ii r iiii-,r..vin.\

j .. .an; » j * J"" *

Uarlv \ :V CAilHAt.L I"- «!do Dtjt. !» U>> I Hiriv Whitf head «

i.'v Su^ar ioaf do j do Curl «1 d"

; do Savov do Sumner l«u»h Sl^l AMIDmin !!< . i do do cr. k a < * «!<Late Iin:« d<» (*r»ok n« « <» I w.it*.

I ififn io4;n| do Ifiin; (ircrn Cucnii»i> r,

l-aigr Knj Savor do Uirir« »

Kirlj L"i)d (Jsulidowcr, i'lickljr Gherkin*,I I-atedo (J >r p.cklc»,j

Wiiitr Mrocolj, Georgia or

Scotch h.»!e, Sea Itland Water('olewart*. (a>r »j:jo

Karlj Spring TURNIP, Apple xi-inl do

fluta ltsga. ©r V\ inter Citr « !,\cliou Ku"ia do (! >f pirn-am;)l-»rge Norfolk field do Large Mu»* Melonl.ate I iat Dutch do Canwi ijv >

A be rdot- .n or scotch d<» Nutmeg do\cMoor Malta do VcjjrtiWr t)jdrr,

(choice kind! .Vwtnrtioii.Fled r.nd Wluie Onion, J.argc 11 .1 Pepper,While Ilnfflmli Murlard, Ca\onn«* d »

Urou n do Round mooth i jnatoc*I -» I*!an.(.«r« QniriS 'e I #if,!rn (. ftip.

iH<>uitd do I'l'i',*Prickly <!o (*ui!r<J I'mli'r,Nr» /.rjSind <]'» I < l''tt ,

l»ng W'lutr D'ura, "'aC",K.arlj bi««w<J Tuiniji liot-l llr«« <"! v«-r « < <!..!«. do d.. V. v Mirr.,AU: I V

l/injb!'<*I d K.'.vd»

M a W -rt jr! of < a -. :n «! »

tlarlt* Srafrjlr do Sud'»r:rs'n?p, nfiwsrt «t"

'turtiiKr do 1. I > M* .»"V» fc lir»m,1 >tj £< ("art> '., d» < 'ii"5 i!t *! «!«i

I, ti' Sca;l«t K.\ IJ1MI. d » K .'u-'. <:«'

;Sl» .»! toj. do d.._

do> in -i So^-fior j- V «]oi nj i--K d<. \ if; ^atc«! I'.-wl*\W»it« I dodo

l-ar;'- I aliUagr Head Ka*l» Tu»c«ri>ra ('ornr.KTTl I K <:o f 0..

Mifiurr. K-'num do j, dj (iulden Sioux u

11 ch> ice kind,)A l>0.

Pamphlet* on ^nr/fciiin^.Clii alitrd Ih tiir »ut>*«~rihrr. t'< an» *rl l"( I J*i

den and the adjacent country, near the »ai;it latiI udr

j /'The above Seed«*rr wsrranteil# S!><>it!d (intonefind them otherwise. alter a fair trial, > thrua (11 h" given m their j.Iare, ,N.>v til

ji st kkckivki>7.IN MX < ri.l.l'N I ('KM K.

Fran .V link uiul Fliihult lj>fii<t,\ i t 11 *>tirit i r

ri f.

rrriirh \ ICngli*«li ( licinicnh,ToSot Iter viiili a large and iari<»u* a>;*ort

men I ol Cupping <tnd Unrtmata Instrument*of \up<nar quality, downing the attention olfamilies an well an practitioner* of Medicine

l)cc 11, *1.1/ K E Y.\OI.PS

NOTICEDuring lb* absence of t!ic subscriber

front canwlrn, Mr A. Hurr is my auillumedagent.wm u no i>/;.v

AM .Ml

CA ItPEIN'TElt'SFluid F.i tract ^nixifinrilh.l'Ixtr«ci Huciiu. I xuati J-»l «j\ \ tr irti Du

Aiiiiii, Sj ri)j« l.i»« rw »ri, Builcr's M »j m

( (M ficut, lkiitn i-f ' 'olkjiitUu. Hutiii*t's i t>rn

i'la.ticr, llt-jian 1 *»!!-. 1 <i>(»* ri *1 II m Ow*.Mcactuug t" n niovr iri n niouKN ar,link *|V)tn (full) 111 *'11 1)«'U in^' s ( i 1111 i:t. I' r

in«-iniuijj l»r»»k' n ^1 v» . < !m i . A. c J u i'.l *

»* ati-r I ronl \ ari»i-h. AI.Mt. S;.l .Kruttic,3*», (ituii Arabic, (jiini Son^al, Atr*

it,*.!, (',11X111, Jlljlltx- I*a-t« . lulsl 1.1 /OljM'CSoda do. I.i'j'iomc nod Opium do IVpjwrmintdo. it Imli.irli d . M < i a I iIron7.cc, and a

randy of Sti'ijicil Instrument^, just rrccnrd,and lor salt* t»v

VOl'\(i A M K AIN ,

March |-». 1-CMi.

For Sak.\A larjo nod cotumodiouc Sn.rr nnd

'ucllinif 11 mi so united. to wlurli i- : t

nrlit.il rvrr\ «»tht IniiMin* ralculntri! l<»

irry on «u r\imsHf w iioli'-M»lr m»»i m -|ail Mrrranulr «»n Hrn.ul >:ro«M.n Caiit.li n, in tl.r ci-iitre « l l.umir*-, «' >.

lirahliy |i»rl «'l t lie low n, a * > i till in row* i'l« tc urdtj. I'ur terms aj»j !v at tins oire I;

\ upn«t JO.if 1

aa's*rs?5,sm mmmd U Uo^Waikwalx

Has in si ror« ivr»l !f lre<h am! genuinetssoriMM- .1 (iOllflCIHCUH. Ii.ldirsand Children*

BOOTS A: Sl lOMS,nf the hr-t nrt'l most fash;-jnablo stylo,ain'tu^ u ftir-h aro a laruc and beautiful ussorintcntof Ladies French, Kill, Morocco

and I*i I'Molla

SLU*PB3I[IN.The above arm i< -h II !» sold as low

a* :!.CV l.-tve ever be e i »ol 1 in 11»i-* market.W ll 1) \NIKLS.

A ironsl f>. J-* -if.The subsrrib' i aU< r cc'.fuliy informs

his customers ami i« public imm.orally,lhat he i*. noir cnjjageil in the manufactory

Hegra C-Iiossat £1 '« pair, am! a* ! .« h.;s rai-rd 10 pr r

fCllt ai.ui c I.i-v I'Tiiicr price, he pletl^c*!.i::'S( II t!un s,'..ui I>« n » » n.< ><

rate rials nml in the ir i 1kin/»n-Jiij»in.Mttu r. at. ! a-- t.> trrngtli a:i<f durability,l!»*-v shall lie iniir'i Mij.rri.'T (<> run" t!i<*tJa< > irr In e n }V< r« d in this market, ar.'Jnot inferior to am tl.it s- eft jn^ed in the-a'nr era ft. I' I.inter- are n^rj nested to haixiin their iiicjMjrcs a» early a- pos-SMr.

\V II 1)

A T. \fl»K 4 i-io* !rnt m!-:f'i' < : II"'" «. PaVMI r:»*v. «, a-.ii :: >-, mailt- lu r <i t.

Jilt »t c r.tt ria », )< { I T Iff'


»«In lafr'v i- « I .* II i«

*j-j r»'W .1 ..! \ j tl«- A .t *t s./.in

It !oi a m |ir i,«i- > ! I.arni !'. -! .. j- *. f. a*- !

irn u i» i.« .< . ! ; «tIVwartii I., it-. ; If t» n. ** > .* r< a!

r..r ti it{fiitti ^r« a« it'/ an! r < <]

t-> fi »jmr t' if : art; it v *1 i 1 t .

4fr jijkt J| rrt-.« <! Luf'i.a aI» I. ..I,

atij if.li it- K'li) n . iii. I'/v.

Wliitr I.ra«i am! C'alo-Tr^.\ LARlii1! 'i:-'p!v i I l!ir<r am >. « ;r t -v

! W> r:n .-. \ j -ti.i' nh

I all other* intlirlinc <tt(] a* ' )il, fIru»l;t-», \l 1.1

iiu.'m ». Turjx r.t»n«, ».cnsui « :

NtOluUi' ICfi:.' '! ^ > I. . i « i:

i/. no- '< \ i: : \ / >

i /\ . > !. >1 \i «. > .' I. ' >. ».

)>Bksnn i:k huticl.

" rpili: .Si.WrIl rr I r ! fr!cr. !sam! lltr |itii»i;<*, t!i.» - ' 1!. '! t.:i

f I<iu*« 111r/*n« r I\ i»j ,i ! ! <. ! :: !

ami »::«*rt* ri rci;'.iv Im J. J. I a- t:

Until in I hi* l'«)u li I .1 '.t U. aii.i marm« *.»i:rI 11 »*i-t*, V. Jmto lie ! - j « j I

j rnn « emit: m\, an ! r- Iiimim it ti:atIIJUM' U IKi I a » i i. 11»i (Mitt %

will }»c .saSi*;.c 1 w ilii t!.« ir a«*ri»ini:uii!a«I iion-j. A. Ii- i'llA..! May C3..

I ainn's Hotel

IV" l-'J tmltj >i 'HlJt i-J < nW.\." I t» n I <ik: s

run.,'W'uTi ifir *w!»*rr il»er rosr.Witir* !n<» llntnc

I I- if.irlhnit \ ! I»:i Vt'l * 11 ?: ! ? i fj #/ * ./ < »

r\|>rr»»h 1 >r tin <u eon;;.. 4!.» cij »:r nj;crs.Ji<* ln»} « » t > be «!ili i." n I'tirr )u<

guc!.ts con Jortal-If am! haj j \ , am! >.»}i* 11*»

a continuance ol i Tiwr patronage..Norscrliom shall be « anting on lite part ofihc Subscriber.

D\V!l> it \GINs.Jul; h»- 25.cmN. It. Mr. (\ Winget, my agent lor the

house, will be in constant attendance.I). II.

"* * T O

1J \ > I

/ |, 11!: i il»« r "'li'"' - r ».ii< In*«aliiabtrjilniiiuiinii, «-11 iln* \»« >:.!« «»f

tin* Wolcrrr rin r. anil i>n Imit!i *iii< * ISjUIM V a ( n-k. al> >.»i It' i. ll« * nl'u'f(* initio n. i ii*:* .1 < I »; \\ ' -

it.OOO ;k rooi las:<I.T.'itrr »* alt.nit I'Htarn-ol t'prii latvl intll» iraol, an t il»o Lulalirr well lin.lirrnJ' uli.ini iiii-L.rv a in! liiii. In (lie irnci

iliiTr » a larpe (>< !\ « ! li"' 1m >1 hind, nil-

fleam!. Chi t!;« jifinn-i!» nrr nil then» r«-H,a:y IjujIi!ui£>. am! in rwllcni re- ,

I nr Im .irr. in<: on an « \un-nr flaiila*Ion, nruJ ms|'| '\> uiili 11»«* I-1 water."

< >n S.m n« \ '.« ( ei ufitiii'j.' through the 1

i.iml, tin t « "if mm. i wltiuMi ii ill m ;«t,.\mv | rM.n ni i urc!in.>injr,

U i.nl.I well t<» \.ut nn thr prea-'

a j;r« l»«*|TalII inn*" I ' »cl. anil on lih. ral .

i.-r»r»* A l.l.lvN STi:u AKT.June l<*--i»|..t|


("niton Snw (iin>.I «> ttlii' rainiiair « > . in* ......

inifn| |.\ Ili<* u!v»« fin r. >! i ! ' ti'< f a In* 'i A» » n

!!n^ iVm 'it ;i« *r'\ n» j»iacl r«» >. and Hun n:

nii >! (»< Mm* '\ f< ' »' in;; t- 'i in »tii r

V. w v..Ill : It-. < t If n ;i V iv i. Ii.k.i)ind t'..t -il<- I'V JOHN W OUK.MA.YA11-'is; c- 'ir - An , ,

- '

MEDICINESTHE Subscribers have jnst received and

arc uow opening a full assortment of Medicinesfrom the North, which can be recommendedwith great confidence, as far as regardstheir purity and genuineness, baviugbeen purchased from one of the oldest andmost respectable houses in Philadelphia..Physicians, Planters and others, are requestedto c'11, previous to laying in their summersuppl cs, and cxamin e the quality of thosenow ottered tor sale; which we feel confidenin warranting and giving satisfaction to pur


j Anions those lately received and now opening. are lite following:

j A|cohol, Sub. Carb. Soda,j C ultif Oil. Kltubaxb Root,Florcrfe«-. do. Calasayc Baik,Castile Jsvap, J Lobelia Herb,Ib>rax, I «lo in Powder,Turkey Opium, Slmpcry Kim I atk,Camphor. I ao. in Powder,Calomel, Fng. j Bole Armenia,Cinnamon, Ground. Mustard,CIotps, Powd. Cinnamon,Orris IUt, Arid (xunon Drops,l~4»lor, r nriua m.u,Chloride of S««a, Kiudcrs Ind. Ink,Fiakc Manna, Carpenter'* SaraspariMa(Sum Myrrh. ' Kit. BucbulV»r. d Gum Arabic, " Pink Root,< "ari». Iron, Compd.Cub.A. SarsaSu!j»h({innine, pariUa,

Morphia, T"1juAcetate. «iu. Kreosol,S<jTi:II». G< nninc Pears Oil, (notr«!v CuWb«, perfumed,)Tamarinds, Naples Soap,flutW * ila^rvrjja, Mu*k Soap,Citric Ac:J, Macci®:iu:F,Tartaric, da Hair rowder, Ac.A great rarirtr nf article* too numrrmia to mrntion.in addition to tur above, a fill asjK.rUnent oi

winch will always be iej»t on handVOL N.", & M KAl.V-,W

» W m mt m '.^m mmt

a mjiii y. i: ( a .m i i. .11 .v t s. ^n-fr]\

!T.TI ns \T.«I:T.\»:U: str.Dtf3X£" 11. i l- i .. i i ~ ij a> (VM.1

fj y 1 U.v',A\ )m *j< r« i !* » f. i u |v*»

*»i r (.\n.ii , s;« ati«'. >\n;ncxk of rcwit-'voj.rtat.io imaciplo, srr unir^Ml't ,ac»

l»no..*le«!;jc<J Im\c total Ij « rhjix'ti lite prttfih»i"ri iiUvrfv thT rrutcdy, and MJij-erccdvirn«->-^!r»itv "i . i*i iy other r.' ^t «>i Urslntfoi,whfrt'Vf : t:." a! ,< «ii* «»< aro found to r\lii. « 1! a* j;. v ..cnt «. : tLc «ndi:: ./.. .;:do-{


Autotjo .'< icrrrtplotr » :f and Ibtti^ .

c» (ti Mi'., srr 1'i at , » tfirflns «>» bu;u!Cgiat rt uurli ij.ohnc.ioiv . <l:ss;;Ttf'«b4c: i. " HI uii* istoutli. or-a*. i:t< IO..i:v <>t A?r+*tirj

\ ii t.ij-1 :ac. »»« *«:. 1 « liter '.ifiprp«i*-1:. c lent. Uir»t. lc'.iA Lira(Ik naQ&l,

r- ai.iji-.ta «>! the It. ae.d c'ttclalioits, j-alpitaifirrrgutsnly "| ike b*»*rr!*, I'tTS

in on tiji* a:o..!a. ia a.'.rr juia in U;r Lrtd, ,

f!?s:!t< a> ... »! rtiind. a.: undidw"."i i -vn i ! t;Hn<«r>. a v j j 'a 11 jf 'Li' b'-otcachnit- n i n: !..l i.e. . a: t; ! *;o|>l and brv

"11 » 'In* lui V Latiftiitjr J:*-c-w.I lnn<:». Iirnof, urcaa;ini.»o iii<«al. chough pi.si in toe t.iic or

»?, »V c

J lifix* i;',«rfniis have hern !* un»l m> effectual io:o .1 v i:i^ th** .Jij:|'<amu t> r w li eh they sic rYCC'IU*

.< tli-i j» fx * »ir.siin Irrtricntlr liSMttgCXu_ 1 Ihn: to Kitic « r no puqx>»c.

B>8i. P KTEK« '

A it(i Bilious I'HIN,There pill» an* roa.percd entirely of vegetable

matter. ami w Iwn taken according to the direction*w U.rU iiTou piny tbrm, a.o highly Itrnc ficial iothe cur? and prevrnlion of all bilious complciniaJ.Vv art r-;*rc:ji)y tir*p->n the liver, * hra :u a

toi,. d I cti.liii.'i) id:'a lar^e ijtnnUly of!»iie, tli** mtii.r ».r < ! i icement tuncflr* i». w h;rf» it »ti ft* <1 tn r« tr.iin in the rvilrn,*.\ ii! I jit niu * « itl»« r Jsuinltff, l.ivt-r t'« *: p.'aiot,H.ll.-'.;- Kt-vrr K* r< f c:*d Ajt:«*. vt ftve otherr. v**u» bodih atlhcl.cn in a.l roar* ul torpor of

(.* l~><%e'a, lite* ai l like a *1*310)\» .rt »»* .* »!, »pi'{rttc and dinner ptll User are no

* i n: . .Manv person* who were »ul*jeet t*>rt<>:nta'.tark* « I *..« k headache have bces^ perhrctleI'lfn! hi i i. » u* rh» l*v their use. 1 hoar* ho arei*i! t ! * t a*. i).»tn-,.ri:ig complaint, ara-nitkr.cn!>. t «k*t*; a jN.rt.. n >r IkimI then* a lew day» pre-1 *n- a* k.»«t«l ti e. ro*«c) n

' 1 lt^ «)1 1UU< IU « III OH I A(U^ * »» UVMi U IMt «« I, .

mo*t certain to rwapc it IVmalr* tan use ibrraat ail |* riod*. without incurring a/15 risk IVrwfig «i.j» t aea <>r to » » 'U'.hcrn climate, should be allmean* lake acute oitlwar ptlla wtlh litem 1hnirt.rtura *tll remain unimpaired lor year* ID aov cflmate .No familr should bo wilhonl tbrwr pi I la , a

[Kittx 11 nf thrin, taken ocratiunallj, would be the>! pre»ruling much suffering Irom tirkocM

it I* I j> :n neglect of keeping up * tegular j«ei istalliccrti n I the «t'onaeJj and howrls. thua suffering to

I*- and mingled with the Mood, unasstntilated fluid*. tl^tl nm*t diseases are produced DrJ* teei* rontident that 110 person w ho gtvei thcrapi!!* a lair trial, w ill er»r allcr lee I willing to bewit hint the in

I !» v c< train no particle of Mercury, or any ingr«d.«i:t thai dor* not at t in Iiahiiou) w itb healthami iijm'w disease

* > 1 1 .1Mr r »i !. « m manv unnrrmwa uwi

ilv <* mil* ! « > iiri.il tpia iti»-n indrjierdrnt< 1 I.'m |"iri; i^bli'ilo. lli< \ .in- Imtli ti-iric fetidli. I.' i in ill. a> ! 11 g | ii tin- «. r 11 I up attii r*h«lI'Jlt

iul.t II* lliim »ln I r" li> II Iijj tin* pain lit,wli.ii tin % n iif 1 <* i-iinli ii< in iim .NirJirinrii nlnrhp. ») nil .it |k r. r*r. j »irij* rntliart if q»slit r«.dc1'il.i.iti

tin' j.itii ill, ntnl llinr rrjiralrd uw lava lhatIniiiiilalinii ot a li ng cataln^uc 11 Chi cue discaH'l

I'r I' having Ji m edur alcd under U.c jnoaiiiiik lit \ mi ri< nn ninl i.ur< an medical proles

nir», am! piaetu-i <1 lu» j>r«>f«*»Mon nunv var? in ihc' mill n Ik re iIkchwii i*1 the im-nt < i»rl:»»ate charac

r prrrail. r«i.Aid«r» hu.ir«-lI mil qualified to

ndjjvon tin nature i t incident to warn:!imatniPrepared ami «o'd i v Jo«ri.h Priestly 1'etrrs, M.

I at Ilia Institution I >r the i ure <>f nhstinatr diaItvmean* «>( v« L't talde r jiucdir*, No. ItQ.ihrtty »tr«<t. w \ i*k, inventor and role prorM<r I'.vh I \ n!.a i e to pill*. price W cent*.Tie* .i!.a\< va!u»!>lr M. dir*nr« may t>e i-b'aned

t II..- Itrtif Si.ue ..I ^ I 'I ,\<; & M KAlN.("a.ii'ion M > \ ?, I ,!<.

NOTICE.MK i'.l'Kli ifi our nuthorizod o

gi .(i in < ii.i-ilrn.<% r ri MPBEU. 4* CO.

August 13.if