rich people should open the doors to opportunities by helping others

Rich people should open the doors to opportunities by helping others. Do you agree or disagree? Rich/well-off/affluent/fortunate people= the rich/wealthy Help=assist=support=donate= give Others= the poor/the underprivileged/the unfortunate/ the needed= people in need Totally agree 1. sharing richness: create numerous opportunities for the poor in several aspects

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Post on 26-Nov-2015




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Rich people should open the doors to opportunities by helping others

Rich people should open the doors to opportunities by helping others. Do you agree or disagree?Rich/well-off/affluent/fortunate people= the rich/wealthy

Help=assist=support=donate= give

Others= the poor/the underprivileged/the unfortunate/ the needed= people in need

Totally agree

1. sharing richness: create numerous opportunities for the poor in several aspects

generate jobs: build more factories

support poor students to school by rewards, scholarship -> a chance to be exposed to education

...-> increase living standard

2. financial assistance: life opportunities:

patients: suffer fatal illnesses- heart, cancer..-> money: save life

natural victims: experience starvations, homelessness, desperation-> money: sustain life, lift their spirit

3. against: over-rely on donation normally: donation: at subsistence level-> want to lead a better life: make strong efforts themselves

1. Even though developing countries receive financial help, poverty is still an issue. Some say they should be receiving other kind of help, to eliminate poverty. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples and suggest what other form of help can be offered.Eliminate= eradicate=release= get rid of=decelerate= wipe out

2. We cannot help everyone in the world that needs help. Therefore we should only be concerned with our own communities or countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement above?