richard dyer’s star theory

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Post on 22-May-2015



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  • 1. By Connor Truelove Richard Dyers Star Theory

2. Introduction Richard Dyers star theory can be split into three areas: The star as a construction The star as a commodity The star as an ideology Richard Dyer also proposed the paradox of the star 3. The star as a construction Richard Dyer states that the star is a construction and not a real person. This star is constructed through music videos, magazines, advertising etc. For example Miley Cyrus has become famous for her twerking and riding on a wrecking ball naked however she wouldnt do any of this stuff in the privacy of her own home meaning that the person Miley Cyrus and the star are two different people. 4. The star as a commodity Stars are produced to create a profit off of related merchandise e.g. t-shirts, posters and the like. Record labels will create similar stars as they know certain patterns and trends will work to generate them money. This is why we get so many boy bands who are very similar e.g. one direction and the wanted. 5. The star as an ideology Stars will represent certain social groups and views and will therefore create certain ideologies. As a result fans of the star will often copy their style and share the same views as them. Many fans of Beyonc will share her view on women and how they are independent and shouldnt be controlled by men. 6. Paradox of the star Richard Dyer explains that there is a paradox of the star. The paradox is as follows: The star must be both ordinary and extraordinary The star must be both present and absent 7. The star must be both ordinary and extraordinary This part of the theory means the star needs to be ordinary to allow the audience to relate to the audience but posses an extraordinary talent or quality which will make them be idolised by the general public. For example Adele is an ordinary woman from London who speaks and acts like most people, however she has an amazing voice which people will idolise. This allows her to be the star that she is. 8. The star must be both present and absent The second half of the theory explains that the star must be present in our lives whether it is through their merchandise, social media or involved in chat between friends but also absent in the fact that they are not actually there or are out of reach This is shown by Harry Styles, he is a key part to most teenage and young girls lives, they may have his poster or other merchandise however he is not obtainable to them allowing him to be present and absent at the same time.