richmond climax · ical storm center spread from tha...

L THE RICHMOND CLIMAX I I c i t vLUllE 30 RICHMOND MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY i JANUARY 27 1904 PHONE 80 k 71 i1 j 71 71 7r 7171 7I V 1 ROOM NEEDED ml I AT THE t i Hustling eash Store i FOR THEIR + S Spring Stock I ALL i ir r = 1 I Winter Weight Goodsj1 J = IA 71 Cloaks Clothing Overcoats Heavy Boots and Shoes Are marked down andmarked to 71g SELL fSffi ir 0 Sail and Secure a Bargain 71 Very truly Lackey4c 71 irJ 15 7W I iII7 e cIlp JJ tre W L CRUTCH Ell G W EVANS JR u Jl e Firm AND A Magnificient Stock of Goods t Everything for the home beautiful c can be found in our store u Iand our prices will suit j eJP Weare at home at Joplins old standon fA Main street and we guarantee the best and most polite attention Jl ggive us a call l g Crutcher v e 4 5 larfii Stays 12 r c cMain Street Richmond Ky < I B HACffLFQD L ElO Have iust received car loads HEADQUARTERS FOR- AMERICAN FIELD AND HOG FENCE Io1flat Special StyleI In in of 1azge stng high mde steel wires heavily galvanized provides fqretniioiM contraction Is practicallyever jr Neve goa wiops HID matter how great strain is on it mutilate but does efficiently turn cattle horses hogs pigs > EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED f by the manufacturers and us Gall and see it Can show you how it save ybu money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced The price will advance in 60 days D1 i Shockelford Co For Rent v fOtjApply + jf6r Sic On utt 1t Y3ill fiirnitir fnr piec i OO Will w II for Tooiar f6i bpri room In nf home ClRniTfJleeeh it Sliver ftaek Plione Np ij1i6rfjrfngr five 1W 7 tI G W GATES Evans Hoe Horse And Cattle Stays 13 or 6 tole y a put not by will 4 SliK Whats in a Name f Evprvthnjf is in a name whnn itl- CCIUI1t tn Witch Huzel Salve E r Coof Chicago discovered years ago how to maku a salve WitiIi Hnz I that i ARpfcincfor For hliiKl blotdine Itching IlPJlelf protrndtne Piles cznina cuts Ihurnll and all skin df8 upf DttWftts Salve has no eqnal This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits Auk lor DeWitta fde jfBiiume Sold by E O Wiucs 1m EC WINES DRUG STORE IF Announcements FOR CONGRESs We are authorized to nnnonnde Hon D I forCongress ofI solicited FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY We are authorized to nnnounce W R AttOrlllY party HOROOKE subject to the action of I hN Democratic party We are authorized to announce ty R Attorney ¬ the Democratic party FOR SHERIFF We are anthorzed to announce JNO W MadisonCounty ic PartyWe authorized to announce B B Million subject ¬ COtYIR ty subject to the action of the Uemocrntic party FOR JAILER We are authorized to announce F J PER ¬ orMadisoncounty Democratic party WDERI county snblec to the action of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce D C MadisonCOUnty cratic party We Are authorized to announce N B JONES sublect We are authorized to announceJ B DOZIER snbject ¬ We are authorized to announce A J ROSS a candidate for Jailer of Madison county sub- St fo the act n of the Dem catle party MORGANTAYWa Democraticparty We are authorized to announce PETER 0 Madjsoucontity party ANDERSONLAKES Jailer of Madison county subject lo the action n f the Democratic tarty We are authorized to anno nee J H Richmondas sublect to the action of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce BUCK MadisonOonnty ic Party H e are authorized to announce JRPARKE countysubject TERRILl county subject to the action of the Democratic partyWe are authorized to announce W T Madisoncounty party FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT BENTON ¬ lic Mchools of Madison rtobject to the nction of the Democratic party FEOWAItDS tothe JOHNNOLANO tothe FOR ASSESSOR DAKERof Democraticparty DUNNa partyWe GOLDEN a candidate for Assessor of Madison county subject to the action of the Demo- cratic party TO CUBE A GOLD IN ONE DAT Take Lsfccatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets All ilrugglsts refund tire If it fails to euro E W Groves signature I a on each boy 25 cents There are officeholders who would not take boodle if they had no chance Cured Af fer Suffering JO Years- B F Hare J upt Mima Oyrle 1 1rgCo Middlntown 0 stiflered for ten years with dyspepsia Hspellt luindreJH of dollars for medicine and with doctors without recuivlng any OnlulJrht I wan about to throw dawn the evening paper when I saw an item In the paper regarding tho merits of Kodol DyapepI ftia Cure I concluded to try while I had no faith in it I ftbettera- ftertlIesecolld dose After nalnu two Iihave Kortol Dyspepsia Cure to my Irlends- audRCqQailltance suffering from stom- ach trouble byLO Winos 1m i I Kentucky PickUps KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE Beckrvam Is Out of the Race for United States Senator Frankfort Ky Jan 19Tho poUt ¬ ical storm center spread from tha scn ate to the house Monday and two farts dol4gfirst race for United States Senator and second that a large majority of the house favors the Cantrlll book bill and will pass it as soon as a vote on it can be forced As soon as the house con- vened at noon a report from the senate was made by Senators Cantrill and Gil len announcing the passage of the CantrJH book bill by the senate and asking the house to concur A letter was then read from Qov Beckham scoring Cantrill for his speech in tha senate A hot discussion followed the reading of the letter but no action on the school bill was taken In the senate Senator Ward as chairman of the committee for that purpose reported appropriate resolu- tions on the death of exGov John anI Carroll Hickman and FarrIs and the senate adjourned after adopting the resolutions KENTUCKYS DIAMOND FIELDS A Company Will Begin Operations Early In the Spring Greenup Ky Jan 19M E Bry ¬ ant of Minneapolis Minn passed through here on his way to Elliott county In the Interest of the Kentucky Diamond Mining and Development Co The business office of this company is Minneapolis and the firm has a capital stock of 5000000 The company Is arranging to begin work in the spring and has contracted for 50000 for machinery John S Dll lard of the United States geological survey says officially that the Elliott county Ky diamond fields are Identi ¬ cal with that of Kimberley South Af rica Crystals of various kinds are found in abundance also sliver mer- cury ¬ and ollbearinc rock but this co- mP ¬ ny is after diamonds and does not expect to pay any attention to any- thing j else A railroad is being talked promIIses Among the Killed j Owingsville Ky Jan 19John Sor roll of this county was a victim of the Iroquois theater fire in Chicago December 30 He was a member of a grain crew and is known to have at tended that theater on that day He was 28 years old and was formerly a United States soldier In tho Philippine j islands New Timber and Coal Co Jackson Ky Jan 19The Conti ¬ nental Realty Co recently Incorporat- ed with C J Little as president has opened general offices hero It is the purpose of tho corporation to deal in the great tracts of coal and timber i lands lying on the North Fork and the Middle Fork of the Kentucky river Elopement With a Kentucky Girl Frankfort Ky Jan 19C W Speckerman of Cincinnati member of the Diem Wing Co was married here Monday evening to Miss Laura Lewis daughter of John C Lewis the millionaire dry goods merchant of Lou isville Miss Lewis parents objected so an elopement was planned Portrait of Bronston Lexington Ky Jan 19The mem bers of the local bar Monday morning presented to the circuit and fiscal courts a life size portrait in oil of the late Walter S Bronston whose prom Ising carqer was so tragically ended by accidentally killing himself about a year ago She Secured a Divorce Lexington Ky Jan 19Mrs Emily Greene was granted a divorce from Rev George Varden Monday He is one of the most eminent and scholarly ministers in the Baptist denomination in the state She is the daughter of a prominent family She alleges cru- elty ¬ Bonded Their Interests Lexington Ky Jan 19The Blue grass Traction Co operating GeorgetownLexington and the theI Lexington traction lines have bonded their interests and the Southern Mu ¬ tual Investment Co of this city has purchased 100000 worth of the bonds Race For County Offices Wllllamstown Ky Jan 19Tho race for county offices In Grant is growing interesting principally from the fact that the general election does not occur until November 1905 The county primary however will be held April 2 1904- Dropped Dead of Heart Disease Ellzabethtown Ky Jan 19Mrs Harry Mantel the only daughter of S D Glasscock a former sheriff of this county dropped dead of heart disease I She was 30 years old A husband and I two children survive her Ellis Remarkable Fln lI Rockport Ky Jan 19Will Ellis killed a large hen and was much sur prised to find it contained a chick j rormed1He ILawrenceburg Seymour who has been manager of the East Tennessee Telephone Co j here for the last year has resigned and will be succeeded by LE Simp- son of Louisvill- eSaved r From Terrible Time family of Mrs M L DeathI Bargerton Tenn saw her wnre powerless to save her The most skillful physicians and every remedy used conxnraplinn was slowly but surely taklne herlife In this terrible hour Dr Kings New Difi despairintejoy I m use completely cured her Its the most certain cure in the world for all throat und lung troubles Guaranteed bottles 5Oc and Si Trial bottles free lit aU drugstores im If a blnd mans wife is enterprising she can tnr q > ft UR r Wuw Ie Ja displayed by many a man endur tug pains of Outs Wounds Bruises Burns Scalds Sore Fet or Stiff Joints But theres no need for It Bucklens Arnica Salve will kill the pain anti care the trouble Its the bst Salve on earth for Piles tOo 25 cents at all druggist 1m u A8EMBLVI The FarrIs Election Sill Passed in the Senate Frankfort Jan EOSenatrho senate Tuesday passed the Farris election bill which is the same bill that was passed by both houses two years ago but was lost or abstracted after It was enrolled It extends reg- Istration ¬ to fifthclass towns and re- quires a voter to present a registra- tion ¬ certificate before he can vote Senator Coxs bill to repeal the state tax on tobacco and cigars manufac tured In this state passed unanimous ly The bill creating the new county of Beckham won reported favorably by the committee on propositions and grievances and made a special order for Wednesday at 1035 oclock The joint resolution to pay extra clerks and messengers in the house and sen ¬ ate was adopted Senator Byron pre- sented President Tuorne with a gavel from the manual training school at FrankfortHouseMr Kennedy presented a resolution to limit the number of bills to 100 that JD8Tbe introduced by one member He was hitting at Judge Guffy who has already offered over half a hundred The committee on ed ¬ ucation reported favorably the Can trill school book bill with some amendments which have heretofore been mentioned and it was read tie first time The capitol appropriation bill was advanced on the calendar When the house was informed that the joint resolution had passed the senate inviting Senator Gorman of Maryland to address tho legislature the speaker appointed Messrs Alverson Carl Day and Barton to arrange for the date of the address if Gorman accepts The Rogers resolution inviting Senator Mark Hanna to address the legisla- ture was adopted Resolutions to in- vite ¬ Grover Cleveland and Judge A B Parker were offered but lie over j KUKLUX GANGS DEED i Sprinkled Salt In Wounds on Her Back After Whipping HerI kuIklux bed and whIpped her unmercifully with switches sprinkling her naked back with salt after the lashes had drawn bloodThe kuklux were attacked while at their ghastly work by a posse of neigh bors led by James Mullins a brother lnlaw of the widow and a desperate fight with revolvers and Winchesters followed Mullins and one of his fol ¬ lowers Harvey Moore were killed Two of the kuklux klan whose names are said to be Hooker Smith and Haley are members of a notorious Cumberland mountain gang Both were wounded and taken prisoners They were bound to a stake and a fire started under them causing them to reveal the names of their associates who were recognized as among tho i most desperate of mountain outlaws They made for the Cumberland mount alas and a posse Is now in pursuit Scandalmongers had connected the name of Mrs Mulling with that of one of her hired men but as shown by developments of the battle the theI bors took up for her Her were people who came from at least 30 miles up the country It is said the officers in pursuit will be killed If they corner the men of whom there are ten His Body Severed I Louisville Ky Jan 20Squire J Humphrey a track foreman for the Illinois Central railroad was standing on a pile of sand beside tho track Tuesday morning Inspecting a cut of cars when the sand shifted and ho slipped between two cars His body was severedI clSwift died Tuesday He had been In office ever since Lincolns presidency being appointed by Postmaster L B Todd a kinsman of Back LincolnI Louisville Ky Jan 20 ExGov W O Bradley has returned to as the champion of President Roosevelt He Tuesday announced that he would be a candidate at large to the coming republican national convention to be held in ChicagoI Boy Accidentally Killed Vewailles Ky Jan 20 Richard Bhipp the oldest son of J Vandografl Bhipp a wellknown breeder of thor ¬ oughbred horses was almost Instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a 22callber revolver at Sunny Slope stock farm I Celebrated Gen Lees Birth Hopklnsvllle Ky Jan 20Tho birthday of Gen Robert E Lee was celebrated here Tuesday The Chris- tian county chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy conferred iron crosses of honor on 27 veterans in Odd Fellows hall I Bride Dropped Dead Lancaster Ky Jan 20 While pre paring breakfast Mrs John Holtzclatt jr of Treachersvllleln Lincoln coun ty near here dropped dead She was highly connected in this county and had been married only a short while I Theatrical Manager InjuredI Mt Sterling Ky Jan Wilkorson manager of opera I house fell from the stage at Masonic Temple and sustained serious injuries He was at first thought to be danger ously hurt but willrecover Men have more acute sense of smell than women Domestic Troubles It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally but these can be lessened by having Dr Kings New Life Pills bythlr youbut I A cat has nine lives because U has to associate with little girls andioya A Very Close Call UI stuck to tor engine ltonghev err joint aehrd mid every nerve wau with pain writes OW Bella BurlingtonIowa any appetite and all tun down As I was about tn give up 1 got a bottle of I ElRctric Bitter and after taking it I felt KB well as I ever did mv life Weak sickly run down people always gain new life strength and vigor from their use Try them Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists Price 60 cents M 1m I j COUNTY OF BECKHAM It Is To Be Carved Out of Carter Lewis and Elliott Counties I I Frankfort Jan 21SenateThe senate passed the bill creating the now county of Beckham to be carved out of the counties of Carter Lewis and Elliott Both the democrats and re ¬ publican nominee for the senate agreed by a five to three vote Wednes- day ¬ afternoon to report favorably tho Heflln bill to eliminate the Negro vote by enacting the grandfathers clause An amendment was approved provid ¬ ing that after the year 1910 the law should apply to both whites and blacks The democratic Joint caucus practical ¬ ly settled tho school book fight Wed ¬ nesday night by adopting all the amendments to the Cantrill bill pro- posed by the caucus committee of nine that has had the bill under considera ¬ tion since last week Nearly all the amendments were to correct the ver blageand remove the ambiguity from several sentences and alt are entirely I acceptable to Senator Cantrill House The first bill was the Brad ¬ ley hill requiring registration certifi ¬ cates to be exhibited at the poUaa duplicate of the FarrIs bill passed on Tuesday in the senate except that it requires registration in both fifth and j sixth class towns Rogers rep of ¬ feted an amendment exempting fifth class towns Bradley defended his bill and spoke against the amendment saying that the Rogers amendmentI Vas to offer an porting Negroes Rogers withdrew his amendment after being assured that i the bill did not require registration In tho county Judge Guff y of ¬ regIsItratlon amendment not being in proper form it was withdrawn and a motion by Guffey to recommit the bill lost na rep offered amendment to Hanj vide fines and disfranchisement years for buying or selling registra- tion certificates The Guffey amend- ment ¬ was defeated The Hanna strictj by a vote of 70 to 20 NEW CAPITOL BUILDING I The Kentucky House of Representa ¬ tives Passes the Bill Frankfort Ky Jan 21When the state capitol appropriation bill came up In the house Wednesday Barton of Pendleton led the debate favoring It Black of Knox leader of the republic- an minority spoke for the bill He said the new capitol should be built with a statue of Lincoln on one side and one of Jefferson Davis on the oth- er ¬ typifying southern unity Bartons amendment providing that at least four of the five commissioners must be present at a meeting when con ¬ tracts are let was adopted The bill then passed yeas 91 nay 1 Thomp- son of Bourbon cast the only negative vote The bill appropriates 1000000 and makes the state board of sinking fund commissioners a board of state house commissioners The passage of the bill in the house insures Its becom ing a law and thus settles a contro- versy of a centurys standing I Want Senator Hanna Too Frankfort Ky Jan 2LThe senate Wednesday concurred in the house joint resolution inviting Senator Mar- cus A Hanna of OhIo to address the general Assembly of Kentucky By a previous resolution Senator Gorman of Maryland has been invited to ad ¬ dress the legislatureI Valuable Colt Dead Paris Ky Jan 21Clay Bros ot Coldstream farm lost by death a fino 2yearold colt by Sir Dixon out of St Veronica This colt was considered- one of the best in their stable and they were preparing to send him east X big price had been offered for him Robbing Cars Jackson Ky Jan 21J Lexing ¬ ton Eastern Railway Co whose road runs from Lexington to Jackson has been annoyed for the last two weeks by BreathItt county thieves who seem to have organized for the pur- pose of stealing from the cars Old Covington Resident Dead Covington Ky Jan 21Robert Walter 71 bookkeeper for the Mont ¬ gomery Coal Co for the past 33 years died suddenly Wednesday night at home 60 East Fifth street Walter had been ailing for some weeks past with neuralgia of the heart A Golden Keepsake Lexington Ky Jan 21 Thirty two years ago Curtis Dedman received from his father a fivedollar gold piece as a keepsake and Wednesday the coin was introduced in evidence In the circuit court during a contested will case Judge Zach Gibbons Dies Suddenly Lexington Ky Jan 21 Judge Zach Gibbons 74 years old one of the best known attorneys In central Kentucky died suddenly at hie home here Wed ¬ nesday night after two days Illness He had been a member of this bar 34 years Lee Turner Was Acquitted MIddlesboro Ky Jan 21Lee Tur- ner proprietor of the Quarter House who was charged with killing Deputy Sheriff Charles Cecil in a famous bat- tle was acquitted by a Jury Wednes- day ¬ Sustained Broken Arm Mt Sterling Ky Jan 21Dr B F Thompson full on tho pavement and broke his right arm He had just rec- overed from an attack of appendici ¬ Us and serious results are feared Iowa pays women schoolteachers less than any other state Just One Minute One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute because it kills the mI- crobe ¬ winch tickles the mucous mem- brane ¬ causing tha rough and at the Maine time clears the phlegm and draws out the inflammation and heals and soothes the affected parts One Min ¬ ute Cough Cure strengthens the lung words off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cnre in all curable CroupOne take harmless and good alike for young and told Sold bv E C Wines 1m Laztnessfjs a disease that is responsi- ble foraloif of chronic invalids When yiiu have observed some ones I fault see if you cant find a virtue top A womans ideabf a secret is eomer thing worth telling Its surprising how bard afat eof l woman can 1e ia polg J I L j FINE QLOTHIIG is on and Every any sold has I I is known allover world for its its fitting and natty styles We carry the celebrated Schloss Biltiinore anti every with their name on the label is guaranteed in as much work a ischlosa ISros Suit as there is in that comes from the mer¬ chant tailors We carry a well stock this clothing known everywhere as the in I If Schloss is on the you art safe I t see us our on all You as fast for we are very DONT throw your money for the kind of that is as hard to burn as i building Tis bet ¬ ter for you to buy from us and be certain of getting the S At Price We have the Mountain Ash Jellico and the Black Raven WE ALSO KEEP Bnltvvillo R 184 A Doctor Never the way no trouble to car ry easy to take pleasant and never tailing in results are Little Emiy Risers A vial of these little pills in the vest pocket is a guarantee against headache bilious ness topid liver and all of tbe ills re ¬ suiting from constipation They tonic strengthen the liver Sold by 0 Wines 1m A successful author one who discovered a new fake and learned how to use it Tour of Old Mexico ViaB O S W wider personal es- cort ¬ The American Tourist Associa ¬ lion Clientele Limited < All exclusive privileges independent trav ¬ Special Pullman Vestibuled Train Baggage Room Compaitr ment Library and Music Room and the famous open top Observation Car OhililitU Tickets including all ex- penses Leaves January 26J9ftL For information address oP McCarty ciPA B fcO S W OinCinnt1o j KaolBtioa i 3y agreement the firm of Taylor Bros haa dissolved partnership Jfr Calvin Taylor retiring Irvin the business All owing said firm are requested to call at once andKettl raJ4t BBOB t Jt = q 36t COR MAIN FIRST GREATEST SACRIFICE SALE Of Fall and Merchandise that has- p ever been seen in Richmond now at the < < Busy Bee Gash Store Main Street opposite Court House Every Cloak and Wrap of any description childrenEvery Every picee of Underwear for men women children Every Blanket and Comfort Every Buggy Robe and Horse Blanket Every Rant Coat pair of Shoes for men women and children Everv piece of Flannel Outing Flannel Jeans Everything pertaining to Fall aud Winter Stuff of description will be at prices cut alm- ostHalf In Two Not a single article but what felt the stingof the cold steel when our knife was buried to the hilt in every partment J a s Jfi deI IIsave OUR CLOTHING the workmanship qualities nobby Bros Clotlitnir of Maryland garment There in any suit selected of handtailored Kind that helps you along the World label Calland get closing halfintwo prides kinds merchandiser cant make money any other way Thanking you past patronage resptI W D OLDHAM QO away COAL fireproof Right Kind the Right 1ta avA Corxv Coil G- oD Freeman Mgr Telephone VestPocket in certain and E is has Selected el Drawing everywhere Notice mutual parties TAYLOR > Winter going and boysEverything out1cut O I Big Hill Coal Co I ORLANDO KY Shippers of Alnite Coali w 4 + ++ + +++ + + 4 ++++ ++ ++ ++ ++++ + iII iJ + + +++ + ++ + ++ + + + ++++ + +++ A Reminder That we are right in the push with our superb stock ofat s t Dry Goods We carry a complete line of Notions beautiful Laces Hamburgs also the best quality of Mat tings Give us a call and we will give you satisfaction White Gibson Corner Main and Second RICHMOND KENTUCKY r RLOUllJ Where are you going my pretty maid To purchase flour kind sir she said What kind of flout my pretty maid Why Elliston Patent of course kind sir she said Then Ill go with you my pretty maid Youll never repent it sir she said And he never repented in alfhis life 5For he took Elliston Patent Flour home to hiwife r MAti- r t yo < Elliston fe II Company c Phoc 563 WACO > KY l Wool Carding in Season 1

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Page 1: RICHMOND CLIMAX · ical storm center spread from tha scn atedol4gfirstto the house Monday and two farts race for United States Senator


c i t


JANUARY 27 1904

PHONE 80k71 i1 j 71 71 7r 71717IV



iHustling eash StoreiFOR THEIR+S Spring Stock


iir r =

1 I Winter Weight Goodsj1J= IA

71 Cloaks Clothing OvercoatsHeavy Boots and Shoes

Are marked down andmarked to71g SELL fSffiir0 Sail and Secure a Bargain

71Very trulyLackey4c 71irJ15 7W I iII7ecIlp JJ tre


Jl e FirmAND

A Magnificient Stock of Goods

t Everything for the home beautifulc can be found in our store


Iand our prices will suit jeJPWeare at home at Joplins old standonfA Main street and we guarantee the best

and most polite attention Jl

ggive us a calllg Crutcherv

e 4


larfiiStays 12

r c

cMain Street Richmond Ky


Have iust received car loads



Io1flatSpecial StyleIIn in

of 1azge stng high mde steel wires heavily galvanizedprovides fqretniioiM contraction Is practicallyever

jr Neve goa wiops HID matter how great strain is on itmutilate but does efficiently turn cattle horses hogs



by the manufacturers and us Gall and see it Can show you howit save ybu money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced

The price will advance in 60 days

D1 i Shockelford Co

For Rentv

fOtjApply+ jf6rSic

On utt1t Y3ill fiirnitirfnr piec i OO Will w II for

Tooiar f6i bpri room In nfhome ClRniTfJleeeh it Sliver ftaekPlione N p ij1i6rfjrfngr five 1W



Hoe Horse And CattleStays 13 or 6


a putnot




Whats in a Namef Evprvthnjf is in a name whnn itl-


tn Witch Huzel Salve E rCoof Chicago discovered

years ago how to maku a salveWitiIi Hnz I that i ARpfcincfor

For hliiKl blotdine ItchingIlPJlelf protrndtne Piles cznina cutsIhurnll and all skin df8 upfDttWftts Salve has no eqnal This hasgiven rise to numerous worthlesscounterfeits Auk lor DeWitta fdejfBiiume Sold by E O Wiucs 1m



AnnouncementsFOR CONGRESs

We are authorized to nnnonnde Hon D IforCongressofIsolicitedFOR COUNTY ATTORNEY

We are authorized to nnnounce W RAttOrlllYparty

HOROOKEsubject to the action of I hN Democratic partyWe are authorized to announce ty RAttorney ¬

the Democratic partyFOR SHERIFF

We are anthorzed to announce JNO WMadisonCountyic


authorized to announce B B Millionsubject ¬

COtYIRty subject to the action of the Uemocrnticparty

FOR JAILERWe are authorized to announce F J PER ¬

orMadisoncountyDemocratic party

WDERIcounty snblec to the action of the DemocraticpartyWe are authorized to announce D CMadisonCOUnty

cratic partyWe Are authorized to announce N B JONESsublectWe are authorized to announceJ B DOZIERsnbject ¬

We are authorized to announce A J ROSSa candidate for Jailer of Madison county sub-St fo the act n of the Dem catle party

MORGANTAYWaDemocraticpartyWe are authorized to announce PETER 0Madjsoucontityparty

ANDERSONLAKESJailer of Madison county subject lo the actionn f the Democratic tarty

We are authorized to anno nee J HRichmondassublect to the action of the Democratic partyWe are authorized to announce BUCKMadisonOonnty

ic PartyH e are authorized to announce JRPARKEcountysubjectTERRILlcounty subject to the action of the DemocraticpartyWe

are authorized to announce W TMadisoncountypartyFOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT

BENTON¬lic Mchools of Madison rtobject to thenction of the Democratic party


DAKERofDemocraticpartyDUNNapartyWeGOLDEN a candidate for Assessor of Madisoncounty subject to the action of the Demo-cratic party

TO CUBE A GOLD IN ONE DATTake Lsfccatlve Bromo Quinine TabletsAll ilrugglsts refund tire If itfails to euro E W Groves signature I

a on each boy 25 cents

There are officeholders who wouldnot take boodle if they had no chance

Cured Af fer Suffering JO Years-B F Hare J upt Mima Oyrle 1

1rgCo Middlntown 0 stiflered forten years with dyspepsia HspelltluindreJH of dollars for medicine andwith doctors without recuivlng any

OnlulJrhtI wan about to throw dawn the eveningpaper when I saw an item In the paperregarding tho merits of Kodol DyapepIftia Cure I concluded to trywhile I had no faith in it I ftbettera-ftertlIesecolld dose After nalnu twoIihaveKortol Dyspepsia Cure to my Irlends-audRCqQailltance suffering from stom-ach trouble byLO Winos

1m i


Beckrvam Is Out of the Race for UnitedStates Senator

Frankfort Ky Jan 19Tho poUt¬

ical storm center spread from tha scnate to the house Monday and two fartsdol4gfirstrace for United States Senator andsecond that a large majority of thehouse favors the Cantrlll book bill andwill pass it as soon as a vote on it canbe forced As soon as the house con-

vened at noon a report from the senatewas made by Senators Cantrill and Gillen announcing the passage of theCantrJH book bill by the senate andasking the house to concur A letterwas then read from Qov Beckhamscoring Cantrill for his speech in thasenate A hot discussion followed thereading of the letter but no action onthe school bill was taken

In the senate Senator Ward aschairman of the committee for thatpurpose reported appropriate resolu-tions on the death of exGov JohnanICarroll Hickman and FarrIs and thesenate adjourned after adopting theresolutions


A Company Will Begin OperationsEarly In the Spring

Greenup Ky Jan 19M E Bry ¬

ant of Minneapolis Minn passedthrough here on his way to Elliottcounty In the Interest of the KentuckyDiamond Mining and Development CoThe business office of this company isMinneapolis and the firm has a capitalstock of 5000000

The company Is arranging to beginwork in the spring and has contractedfor 50000 for machinery John S Dlllard of the United States geologicalsurvey says officially that the Elliottcounty Ky diamond fields are Identi ¬

cal with that of Kimberley South Africa Crystals of various kinds arefound in abundance also sliver mer-cury


and ollbearinc rock but this co-mP


ny is after diamonds and does notexpect to pay any attention to any-thing


else A railroad is being talkedpromIIsesAmong the Killed j

Owingsville Ky Jan 19John Sorroll of this county was a victim ofthe Iroquois theater fire in ChicagoDecember 30 He was a member of agrain crew and is known to have attended that theater on that day Hewas 28 years old and was formerly aUnited States soldier In tho Philippine j


New Timber and Coal CoJackson Ky Jan 19The Conti ¬

nental Realty Co recently Incorporat-ed with C J Little as president hasopened general offices hero It is thepurpose of tho corporation to deal inthe great tracts of coal and timber i

lands lying on the North Fork and theMiddle Fork of the Kentucky river

Elopement With a Kentucky GirlFrankfort Ky Jan 19C W

Speckerman of Cincinnati member ofthe Diem Wing Co was marriedhere Monday evening to Miss LauraLewis daughter of John C Lewis themillionaire dry goods merchant of Louisville Miss Lewis parents objectedso an elopement was planned

Portrait of BronstonLexington Ky Jan 19The mem

bers of the local bar Monday morningpresented to the circuit and fiscalcourts a life size portrait in oil of thelate Walter S Bronston whose promIsing carqer was so tragically endedby accidentally killing himself abouta year ago

She Secured a DivorceLexington Ky Jan 19Mrs Emily

Greene was granted a divorce fromRev George Varden Monday He isone of the most eminent and scholarlyministers in the Baptist denominationin the state She is the daughter ofa prominent family She alleges cru-elty


Bonded Their InterestsLexington Ky Jan 19The Blue

grass Traction Co operatingGeorgetownLexington and the theILexington traction lines have bondedtheir interests and the Southern Mu ¬

tual Investment Co of this city haspurchased 100000 worth of the bonds

Race For County OfficesWllllamstown Ky Jan 19Tho

race for county offices In Grant isgrowing interesting principally fromthe fact that the general election doesnot occur until November 1905 Thecounty primary however will be heldApril 2 1904-

Dropped Dead of Heart DiseaseEllzabethtown Ky Jan 19Mrs

Harry Mantel the only daughter of SD Glasscock a former sheriff of thiscounty dropped dead of heart disease I

She was 30 years old A husband andItwo children survive her

Ellis Remarkable FlnlIRockport Ky Jan 19Will Elliskilled a large hen and was much surprised to find it contained a chick j


Seymour who has been manager ofthe East Tennessee Telephone Co j

here for the last year has resignedand will be succeeded by L E Simp-son of Louisvill-



From TerribleTime family of Mrs M L DeathI

Bargerton Tenn saw herwnre powerless to save her The mostskillful physicians and every remedyused conxnraplinn wasslowly but surely taklne herlife Inthis terrible hour Dr Kings New Difi

despairintejoy I

m usecompletely cured her Its the mostcertain cure in the world for all throatund lung troubles Guaranteed bottles5Oc and Si Trial bottles free lit aUdrugstores im

If a blnd mans wife is enterprisingshe can tnr q > ft UR


Wuw IeJa displayed by many a man endur

tug pains of Outs Wounds BruisesBurns Scalds Sore Fet or Stiff JointsBut theres no need for It BucklensArnica Salve will kill the pain anti carethe trouble Its the bst Salve onearth for Piles tOo 25 cents at alldruggist 1m


A8EMBLVIThe FarrIs Election Sill Passed in

the Senate

Frankfort Jan EOSenatrhosenate Tuesday passed the Farriselection bill which is the same billthat was passed by both houses twoyears ago but was lost or abstractedafter It was enrolled It extends reg-Istration


to fifthclass towns and re-quires a voter to present a registra-tion


certificate before he can voteSenator Coxs bill to repeal the statetax on tobacco and cigars manufactured In this state passed unanimously The bill creating the new countyof Beckham won reported favorably bythe committee on propositions andgrievances and made a special orderfor Wednesday at 1035 oclock Thejoint resolution to pay extra clerksand messengers in the house and sen ¬

ate was adopted Senator Byron pre-sented President Tuorne with a gavelfrom the manual training school atFrankfortHouseMr

Kennedy presented aresolution to limit the number of billsto 100 that JD8Tbe introduced by onemember He was hitting at JudgeGuffy who has already offered overhalf a hundred The committee on ed¬

ucation reported favorably the Cantrill school book bill with someamendments which have heretoforebeen mentioned and it was read tiefirst time The capitol appropriationbill was advanced on the calendarWhen the house was informed that thejoint resolution had passed the senateinviting Senator Gorman of Marylandto address tho legislature the speakerappointed Messrs Alverson Carl Dayand Barton to arrange for the dateof the address if Gorman accepts TheRogers resolution inviting SenatorMark Hanna to address the legisla-ture was adopted Resolutions to in-


Grover Cleveland and Judge AB Parker were offered but lie over j


Sprinkled Salt In Wounds on HerBack After Whipping HerI

kuIkluxbed and whIpped her unmercifully withswitches sprinkling her naked backwith salt after the lashes had drawnbloodThe

kuklux were attacked while attheir ghastly work by a posse of neighbors led by James Mullins a brotherlnlaw of the widow and a desperatefight with revolvers and Winchestersfollowed Mullins and one of his fol ¬

lowers Harvey Moore were killedTwo of the kuklux klan whose

names are said to be Hooker Smithand Haley are members of a notoriousCumberland mountain gang Bothwere wounded and taken prisonersThey were bound to a stake and a firestarted under them causing them toreveal the names of their associateswho were recognized as among tho i

most desperate of mountain outlawsThey made for the Cumberland mountalas and a posse Is now in pursuitScandalmongers had connected thename of Mrs Mulling with that of oneof her hired men but as shown bydevelopments of the battle the theIbors took up for her Herwere people who came from at least30 miles up the country It is said theofficers in pursuit will be killed If theycorner the men of whom there are ten

His Body Severed I

Louisville Ky Jan 20Squire JHumphrey a track foreman for theIllinois Central railroad was standingon a pile of sand beside tho trackTuesday morning Inspecting a cut ofcars when the sand shifted and hoslipped between two cars His bodywas severedIclSwiftdied Tuesday He had been In officeever since Lincolns presidency beingappointed by Postmaster L B Todda kinsman of

BackLincolnILouisville Ky Jan 20 ExGov W

O Bradley has returned to asthe champion of President RooseveltHe Tuesday announced that he wouldbe a candidate at large to the comingrepublican national convention to beheld in ChicagoI

Boy Accidentally KilledVewailles Ky Jan 20 Richard

Bhipp the oldest son of J VandograflBhipp a wellknown breeder of thor¬

oughbred horses was almost Instantlykilled by the accidental discharge of a22callber revolver at Sunny Slopestock farm I

Celebrated Gen Lees BirthHopklnsvllle Ky Jan 20Tho

birthday of Gen Robert E Lee wascelebrated here Tuesday The Chris-tian county chapter of Daughters of theConfederacy conferred iron crosses ofhonor on 27 veterans in Odd Fellowshall I

Bride Dropped DeadLancaster Ky Jan 20 While pre

paring breakfast Mrs John Holtzclattjr of Treachersvllleln Lincoln county near here dropped dead She washighly connected in this county andhad been married only a short while I

Theatrical Manager InjuredIMt Sterling Ky JanWilkorson manager of opera Ihouse fell from the stage at MasonicTemple and sustained serious injuriesHe was at first thought to be dangerously hurt but willrecover

Men have more acute sense of smellthan women

Domestic TroublesIt is exceptional to find a family

where there are no domestic rupturesoccasionally but these can be lessenedby having Dr Kings New Life Pillsbythlryoubut I

A cat has nine lives because U has toassociate with little girls andioya

A Very Close CallUI stuck to tor engine ltonghev

err joint aehrd mid every nerve wauwith pain writes OW Bella

BurlingtonIowaany appetite and all tun down As Iwas about tn give up 1 got a bottle of I

ElRctric Bitter and after taking it Ifelt KB well as I ever did mv lifeWeak sickly run down people alwaysgain new life strength and vigor fromtheir use Try them Satisfactionguaranteed by all druggists Price 60cents M 1m I


It Is To Be Carved Out of CarterLewis and Elliott Counties


I Frankfort Jan 21SenateThesenate passed the bill creating the nowcounty of Beckham to be carved outof the counties of Carter Lewis andElliott Both the democrats and re¬

publican nominee for the senateagreed by a five to three vote Wednes-day


afternoon to report favorably thoHeflln bill to eliminate the Negro voteby enacting the grandfathers clauseAn amendment was approved provid ¬

ing that after the year 1910 the lawshould apply to both whites and blacksThe democratic Joint caucus practical ¬

ly settled tho school book fight Wed ¬

nesday night by adopting all theamendments to the Cantrill bill pro-posed by the caucus committee of ninethat has had the bill under considera ¬

tion since last week Nearly all theamendments were to correct the verblageand remove the ambiguity fromseveral sentences and alt are entirely I

acceptable to Senator CantrillHouse The first bill was the Brad ¬

ley hill requiring registration certifi ¬

cates to be exhibited at the poUaaduplicate of the FarrIs bill passed onTuesday in the senate except that itrequires registration in both fifth and j

sixth class towns Rogers rep of¬

feted an amendment exempting fifthclass towns Bradley defended his billand spoke against the amendmentsaying that the Rogers

amendmentIVas to offer anporting Negroes Rogers withdrew hisamendment after being assured that i

the bill did not require registration Intho county Judge Guff y of¬regIsItratlonamendment not being in proper formit was withdrawn and a motion byGuffey to recommit the bill lostna rep offered amendment to Hanjvide fines and disfranchisementyears for buying or selling registra-tion certificates The Guffey amend-ment


was defeated The Hannastrictjby a vote of 70 to 20


The Kentucky House of Representa ¬

tives Passes the Bill

Frankfort Ky Jan 21When thestate capitol appropriation bill cameup In the house Wednesday Barton ofPendleton led the debate favoring ItBlack of Knox leader of the republic-an minority spoke for the bill Hesaid the new capitol should be builtwith a statue of Lincoln on one sideand one of Jefferson Davis on the oth-er


typifying southern unity Bartonsamendment providing that at leastfour of the five commissioners mustbe present at a meeting when con ¬

tracts are let was adopted The billthen passed yeas 91 nay 1 Thomp-son of Bourbon cast the only negativevote The bill appropriates 1000000and makes the state board of sinkingfund commissioners a board of statehouse commissioners The passage ofthe bill in the house insures Its becoming a law and thus settles a contro-versy of a centurys standing I

Want Senator Hanna TooFrankfort Ky Jan 2LThe senate

Wednesday concurred in the housejoint resolution inviting Senator Mar-cus A Hanna of OhIo to address thegeneral Assembly of Kentucky By aprevious resolution Senator Gormanof Maryland has been invited to ad ¬

dress the legislatureIValuable Colt Dead

Paris Ky Jan 21Clay Bros otColdstream farm lost by death a fino2yearold colt by Sir Dixon out of StVeronica This colt was considered-one of the best in their stable andthey were preparing to send him eastX big price had been offered for him

Robbing CarsJackson Ky Jan 21J Lexing ¬

ton Eastern Railway Co whoseroad runs from Lexington to Jacksonhas been annoyed for the last twoweeks by BreathItt county thieves whoseem to have organized for the pur-pose of stealing from the cars

Old Covington Resident DeadCovington Ky Jan 21Robert

Walter 71 bookkeeper for the Mont¬

gomery Coal Co for the past 33 yearsdied suddenly Wednesday night athome 60 East Fifth street Walter hadbeen ailing for some weeks past withneuralgia of the heart

A Golden KeepsakeLexington Ky Jan 21 Thirty

two years ago Curtis Dedman receivedfrom his father a fivedollar gold pieceas a keepsake and Wednesday thecoin was introduced in evidence Inthe circuit court during a contestedwill case

Judge Zach Gibbons Dies SuddenlyLexington Ky Jan 21 Judge Zach

Gibbons 74 years old one of the bestknown attorneys In central Kentuckydied suddenly at hie home here Wed ¬

nesday night after two days IllnessHe had been a member of this bar 34years

Lee Turner Was AcquittedMIddlesboro Ky Jan 21Lee Tur-

ner proprietor of the Quarter Housewho was charged with killing DeputySheriff Charles Cecil in a famous bat-tle was acquitted by a Jury Wednes-day


Sustained Broken ArmMt Sterling Ky Jan 21Dr B F

Thompson full on tho pavement andbroke his right arm He had just rec-

overed from an attack of appendici ¬

Us and serious results are feared

Iowa pays women schoolteachersless than any other state

Just One MinuteOne Minute Cough Cure gives relief

in one minute because it kills the mI-crobe


winch tickles the mucous mem-brane


causing tha rough and at theMaine time clears the phlegm and drawsout the inflammation and heals andsoothes the affected parts One Min ¬

ute Cough Cure strengthens the lungwords off pneumonia and is a harmlessand never failing cnre in all curableCroupOnetake harmless and good alike foryoung and told Sold bv E C Wines


Laztnessfjs a disease that is responsi-

ble foraloif of chronic invalids

When yiiu have observed some ones I

fault see if you cant find a virtue top

A womans ideabf a secret is eomerthing worth telling

Its surprising how bard afat eof l

woman can 1e ia polg J

I Lj








is known allover world for its its fitting and natty styles We carry thecelebrated Schloss Biltiinore anti every with their name on the label isguaranteed in as much work a ischlosa ISros Suit as there is in that comes from the mer¬chant tailors We carry a well stock this clothing known everywhere as the


I If Schloss is on the you art safe I tsee us our on all

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fast for

we are very

DONTthrow your money for

the kind of

that is as hard to burn as i

building Tis bet¬

ter for you to buy from usand be certain of getting the


At Price

We have the MountainAsh Jellico and theBlack Raven




A DoctorNever the way no trouble to car

ry easy to take pleasant and nevertailing in results are LittleEmiy Risers A vial of these littlepills in the vest pocket is aguarantee against headache biliousness topid liver and all of tbe ills re ¬

suiting from constipation They tonicstrengthen the liver Sold by

0 Wines 1m

A successful author one whodiscovered a new fake and learned howto use it

Tour of Old Mexico

ViaB O S W wider personal es-


The American Tourist Associa ¬

lion Clientele Limited < All

exclusive privileges independent trav¬

Special Pullman Vestibuled TrainBaggage Room Compaitrment Library and Music Room andthe famous open top Observation CarOhililitU Tickets including all ex-penses Leaves January26J9ftL For information address

oP McCarty ciPAB fcO S W OinCinnt1o j

KaolBtioa i3y agreement the firm of

Taylor Bros haa dissolved partnershipJfr Calvin Taylor retiring Irvin thebusiness All owing said firmare requested to call at once andKettlraJ4t BBOBt




Of Fall and Merchandise that has-p

ever been seen in Richmond nowat the < <

Busy Bee Gash StoreMain Street opposite Court House

Every Cloak and Wrap of any descriptionchildrenEveryEvery picee of Underwear for men women childrenEvery Blanket and ComfortEvery Buggy Robe and Horse BlanketEvery Rant Coat

pair of Shoes for men women and childrenEverv piece of Flannel Outing Flannel Jeans

Everything pertaining to Fall aud Winter Stuff of description willbe at prices cut alm-

ostHalf In TwoNot a single article but what felt the stingof the coldsteel when our knife was buried to the hilt in everypartment Ja s Jfi deIIIsaveOUR CLOTHING

the workmanship qualities nobbyBros Clotlitnir of Maryland garment

There in any suitselected of handtailored

Kind that helps you

along the Worldlabel

Calland get closing halfintwo prides

kinds merchandiser cant make money

any other way Thanking you

past patronage resptIW D OLDHAM QO



Right Kind

the Right

1ta avA Corxv

Coil G-

oD Freeman MgrTelephone



and E

is has













I Big Hill Coal Co IORLANDO KY

Shippers of

Alnite Coaliw

4 + ++ ++++++4++++++++ ++ +++++iIIiJ+ ++ + + ++++++++++++++ +++

A ReminderThat we are right in the push with our superbstock ofat s t

Dry GoodsWe carry a complete line of Notions beautifulLaces Hamburgs also the best quality of Mattings Give us a call and we will give yousatisfaction

White GibsonCorner Main and Second


r RLOUllJWhere are you going my pretty maid

To purchase flour kind sir she saidWhat kind of flout my pretty maid

Why Elliston Patent of course kind sir she saidThen Ill go with you my pretty maid

Youll never repent it sir she saidAnd he never repented in alfhis life

5For he took Elliston Patent Flour home to hiwifer MAti-




Elliston feII

Company c

Phoc 563 WACO > KYl Wool Carding in Season