richmond planet.(richmond, va) 1898-02-19. · saturday, feb. 19 fromthewestend. i religious news....

SATURDAY, FEB. 19 FROM THE WEST END. I Religious News. GLEAHING8 PROM HOME AND AfcROAD. Good Thinea in Store.The Hand of Death Seeu.Persooals. l*y, tht-* At , was a day beamed forth exceedingly brilliant and il were out in large num¬ bers in KiH'U style and almost and fashion. The sir was j-i**t bracing enough to make ene st* p t*l stu* and nimbi (.burches and Sunday ?. were rrowdttf to ovei ll >w. Many we«e out to ai'.end the funeral of dear ont s gone b»f'>re. At the 6th Baptist Church, the fun¬ eral vi .Mi-s Wil'.iana Brown took p a«.*e at ll tdO. aril was attend d by a Dumb r of relatives ami fti«nds She was a .faithful member of the Ki'th The Bible -he was a member pass¬ ed snd r nd tn bot'n the school and chun ajolutlons in respect amory »f their associate and fuith in Christ rom th.- date of her fun¬ eral Th< Ret H. Powell .lied a very sympathetic and in- '*i*-geiy up¬ on the amiable qualities and i.**autiful life and of the dei Based P M , \'-.r >pas ot preached by re- 21:12-18. Bab* "Christ Cleansing the Temple." k-eneral v-nln't of th* people is that it waa the grandest and most con- vincing effort of the" pastor for s.mie- l i s compliment worthy of note. o'clock, the polished and schol¬ arly Rev. J. W. kirby preached from Acts oM h ina >thy "J-.8-1."; rab- ject . ' Qualifications MM Duty o l>**a- cons." The discourse was abla*. clear, eloquent ¦ ive- As ihe divine d up lo the subject matter, he scattered sledge hammerlike blows bot h right .and left, sparing neither tl e ^n en r:p>. As the hvpocrites I witch and fall back, the old saints w. ud cry out in loud Amen. On deacons who carry two fae >sf hjpo- eri'ieal. ii those with a lying, deceitful deacon wa- D Dough to hide their LeopaBrdlike spotted carcass. The wretel of the homes and dis- ildren was held up to vi iv. n- ed out lb suit "tl. r 'hat is afloat that the 5th ¦ num¬ ber of h r d rue. The ehurcn. In- - in regular orde. ¦mind con¬ ni B Fifth Thursday A j nnl efl rt wi 1 of the Rapt this i 'tm ireh at 3:30 I ary A. John- ii cd by her hosbai d' ter and a of relatives and friends. The ehurel I capa- D - ft""UI Of this city ai d Mane to do honor to a fallen mot who had walk¬ ed before lb.-: I a member, of the ehureh for s She was trul* eted by all who ! r. Z. D Lew. ii nt ser¬ mon from * h 14:13. The Et. H. Mayo and li plaee Ol Januaiy 19ih at* I nee of Ch» brid.*, near u OouOtj at ll o'clock. Thev left on the ll o'eloek train on u bridal tour t<> vlsi: the father of i na in Powhatai Comry, where they were feasted wined and dined upon the very bes luxurious of the season. They w*r< the happy t of many presents and kindest consideration of all. Tht groom and fri itly enjoyed thi sport of hunting abundant gam Mayo is a business man and very popu lar among bis friends. The couple wil resMe on Richie near Taylor St. Ou .tt their pathway of lifi will ever be smooth. ' tn. Misi Staggie l? ivis of Philadelphi arriw, d .n iii* city last week visitin her friend, Mis E il. Moss, 1828 Tay lor 3 We hope U af Johnsen wi paid-in Q .lediiej in >.. n oar last s We know SOO are the be't*- half, for Af r-told us it was a fin boy. Mr. S G. Would rid.ire is from Wi minston. Delaware ¦ id not Washin| ton, DO Mr. H. G. Wooldridge, the wei known l:... d Comedis of Wilmington, Delaware who has bee in >thi| c visiting h parents M ad Mrs. B i* Woo diivlge of 1215 W Chaffin St.. wa*? ro; ally enteriained by his cousins, M and Mrs CB; Wooldridge last Thur day evening. February 3id at the in Fulton Thc parlor wi nicely d with tb.iwera ar plant Magnolia Hando lin at Gaiter Club furnished musia for tl occasion. The tabla was grandly decorate with tl - mid shuded iamj Tbe i lett, consi ting of Blue aime' Sou Fillet Bee. t iGoulet Maecar.» with Pen Ka n Tom and 1 Turke Cranberry H Chat pay t -r Pu Cak* cheese, brandy, claret punch, c fTc cigars During the ev. nina Mr S G Wot dri^' Hoi - all pre*. al.-o Ike pt them ir contn.u w laugh ull the even ng wi wicty ard fanny ssj Ogs. Arno those pr 11 .tunah Fi I of N w Y* rk. Miss Alice Carl of B ar er Wsshing .n, D. G ,Mr. J. W Hum of i. . Wo drid-^e at Wilmingt n, Delaware a several Idridgs w leave about the 21st for his ho;. Ajax Two Good Things. "77" for Grip and Colds; number, or Djatpeesis Indigestion and Wi Stomach ; 2b*. at. all rtrneffists. TULTON NOTES The attendance at thc Mount Cal ry Baptist Munday on the 6th inst.. \ good,as m Ths t ihe Rising Moi ere v interest ing a", h »ugh the stt was small i .Hi rei d ired s nt > Mi of the yoong -dort among which Mr. W. H. Ba deliver, il at. ams addr moi* sn some nddr ssei the >f which hours Og" called to j* I 'V Seminary ed tne pulpit at ll :4ft a m. I he g ©et of hisoiscourse wss humiliat ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ i-ggpi Ke gave his audience the divine truth ti all its purity. At 8:30 P. M . Rev. Munford of the nary preached. He drew any instructive lesson* fer hia hearer*. Kev. Archer Ferguson, the beloved of the Mount Calvary Baptist h has been sick for a week. He w!y convalescing. Vie hope that will wholly recover .soon. In his absence last Sunday, Rt»v. Wil¬ liams of the Fountain Bapt ist Church, Church Hill, administered tho Lord's t to a crowded hou e. Sacra- .\I services will take plsee at the Hising Mount 'Alon Baptist Church next Sunday at 3:30 P. M. FROM HAC1KEN8A0X HaCKB.N'saCK, N. J., Feb 7ih, 1898. Last Sunday the churches vere well attended At 8:30 communion ser- k place at Mt. Oliv? Phurnh, Last week the thermometer bm below Mr. Kizerdied last week ifter two months of illness. Hs was 72 years of age and leaves a son, daughter and wife to mourn their loss. He died out ¦»f Christ. .*E. Brown and others of New York were visiting friends Hid rela¬ tives in Hackensack last week. >lttss Virginia Childress on lust Thurs day gave a grand soiree at her resi¬ dence, 25 Clay St. All reported hav¬ ing a good tim>*. Mrs. Pencer is out again after a week's ni*; >rge Howard is very sick at his residence at Tenck. What's the matter with the True Reformer? here? They seem to be get¬ ting ice-co'd. The W. W.S. raised $175 last year and banked it in the behalf of Mount Olive Church, making the church's income for last year $074 or more. B T PU. The meeting of the Baptiit Young People's Union of the Fifth Street Rapt ist Church was held on last Sun¬ day afternoon The attendance was very large and the very excellent pro¬ gramme rendered. Meeting opened by singing hymn "Only Trust Him ;" Scripture Reading Romans 10:8 18; Prayer by Brother Paul Pollsrd ; Song, 'At the Cross;" Subject for discussion "The Way of Life." Romans 10:8-13. The subject was beautifully opened by Mrs. Lillie V Taylor, who wad a very excellent paper on ths subject, lt showed that she had given much time and thought to its composition. Brother Vant) of the Ebenezer B. Y. P. U led off in the discussion, and ths members and friends found no troub'e in discussing this very important sub¬ ject Song, "Carried by the Angels;" Sentence prayer. Song, "8t»nd up for Jesos;" Brother John Gravel led the song '"I am the Way" which was very beautiful and appropriate to tbe sub- tees. Song, "When God the Way of Life would Teach, Miss Marie J wil¬ liams sang a very beautiful solo, "*Tu*n thee. Lost One." Collection. Suns, "Fading Away." Benediction by Rev. 1) H. <'namberleyne. Members and friends come out on next Sunday afternoon and hilp to dis¬ cuss the sobject "Law of Love " Thie subject will be opened by Rev. D. H. Chamberlayne Come out snd hear the yeung divine. Our meetings are held every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock Come and . pend an hour with us, and you will be benefitted by it There ie a standing invitation to all who will conic. We are proud to note the following visitors who were with us on last Sunday after¬ noon were Brothers Thomas Wann, Paul Pollard and Benjamin Adams, all of the Ebenezer B Y. P U. Come again, brethren and bring your friends Don't forget the subject on next Sun¬ day afternoon. "Law of Love." Ho¬ mans 15 :l-3. Miss An nih B Haskins, President Mks. Li-cv Walkbu Bevk'LT, ^ec'?. B. II. Pbyton, Reporter. ttrmmyxmaAf ***i-» **»o. a c, Um moat won ' ailie ««<*, picas til'- tn*'*', arl cent ij * liver and bowels - tem, dlipasi collis 'ever, habitual constipation - nest iy and try a box Of C. CC to .lay; !0, Z\ 50 cent*. ".ieid aii^ cuHrant-ood to cuni bv alt lixugciiia Pennsylvania "*.' fbnventton. Altoonn. Pa., Fab. 16..Theconventlen of coal miners represent lng tha central Pennsylvania district waa called tc order yesterday by l'res'.ih'iU Patrica Dulan, of Pittsburg. There are ICM delegates present, a number being from the anthracite district. President Do- lan said the object of tha meet Ina; wan to place the miners of central Pennsyl¬ vania in a position to enjoy ihe Chicagc settlement, an advance ot ten centi a ton in the rate of mlninr and .lg).' heurs for a day's work. The conven tion will probably be In session unti Thursday evening:. va- vas ant ery nee my ad- nks of sf Mr til! ub- ion Expelled From the Navy. Washington. Feb. 16..Luther Q. Bil lings, pay directer In the United Stats: navy, has been found guilt*/ By a cour martial of falsehood and scandalou conduct, and has bsen aentencad to dis mUsal from the navy. Ths result e the trial caused the greatest aurpris In naval circles. The accused hsld th highest rank in the naval Bay corpi haa a host of friends, and never befor has been suspected ef misconduct. Th offense charged against Hm was i connection with the supply to the nav of an emergsney ration. Pilton of Sliver Force* TJrired. Washington, Feb. 18..The address? on behalf ef the Democratic, Populls and Silver Republican parties, whic are the result of the conferences whic have baen in progress among the lead ers of those parties at thc capital fe the past few weeks, wera issued yes terday. They seek to unit* the meir bera of the three parties in future ele< tions upon the financial issue aa th tuestlon of paramount Importance, an are separate appeals to tach of tl part'.?*: to consolidate all along tt lines for this purpose. Exterminating the Gypsy Moth. Boston. FeB. 16..After a short inte val the work of exterminating the gy] ey moth has been resumed by the sta board of agriculture with the erne gency appropriation of $26,000 that tl legislature granted to carry on tl work until the full appropriation cs be acted upon. Between 150 and 2 men who were laid off on Feb. 1, b cause last year'e appropriation lu given out, have been reinstated, ar they are now distributed among the li fested districts to destroy the insect. Twenty Fishermen Probably 1-ost Buffalo, Feb. 16..A number of me estimated at between 20 and 30, w] were fishing through the ice on Lal Erie, several miles up the lake, are b lleved to have lost their lives or a adrift on the ice on the lake. A bea' wind blowing from the eait caused t Ice to break away from the shore ai nothing can now be seen or heard fm% men. When Yon Are Sick Pure and Fresh Medicines oe ly w cure you then purchase your Drugs and Medicine from Leonard's Reliable Prescription Drug Stot 724. North Second Street. [Between Jackson and Duval Stres A. S. BINQ1ETQ3 No. 1328 E. Franklin St. General Merchandise, FINE GROCERIES, CIGARS & TOBACC Country Produce, Wood a Coal. Goods Delivered Fi ec Richmond, Va ff ASHINGTON LETTER HIE DE LOME EPISODE Will Thorp Be Seated? Tht* Hawaii Treaty Still the Centre of Attraction. [From Our Regular Correspondent.] Washington, Feb. 14, 1898 uso tow. Keb 14, President McKinley has never justi¬ fied the confidence reposed in him by the American people to a more marked extent than Senor de Lome, late Span, ¦sh Minister to the United States. In thst letter Senor de Lcm« personally insulted the President, as well bs hie own government. When Washington was in a ferment of excitement and men of prominence who are usually cool headed were advising all sorts of hot-headed steps cn the part of this government, President McKinley nev¬ er for s moment lost the coolness whieh has always marked his acts ai critical periods, although there isn't the slightest doubt that his blood fair¬ ly boiled at De Lome's insults. Like the true patriot that he is, he sunk his individuality and acted only ss th country's executive. He merely re¬ quested the Spanish through the America'; M in ister at If ad rid, to recall De .-onie Senor de Loin. had anticipated that and csbied his resignation, and it was accepted by h** govt rnmeut before the r for his recall was presented Ti dom of this moderation on the n*-rt o the President is daily beeomi* *: more apparent. There was another Ibo ant feature of De Lome's Utter, in- which he declared that autonomy foi Cuba and negotiations for reciprocitj treaty were only shams. THB REBCLT Had this letter been made public ir a legitimate manner, it* ontents would have justified the mont extr m measures upon the part of this govern ment. but it was sto'en, and that wa- not mitigated in the leaat by the ac¬ knowledgement of its authorship by De Lome. The government of Snain by accepting De Lome's resignation has relieved this government of the disagreable contingency of taking I fleial cognizance of a stolen letter. and at tbe same time has placed itsef in a position from which it cannot es¬ cape without renouncing responsibility for the contents of the letter and apol¬ ogizing for its having written, within? losing the respect of this and every other civilized nation Io fact, tne Spanish government has either got to call De Lome a liar or acknowledge it¬ self to be both, liar and hyp Surely there is nothing in this situa¬ tion i,o cause any patriotic American to feel otherwise than proud of his *Pi*dsI dent. THE gyFECr STARLIT No statement or apology from Spain can remove the effect of its minister'- assertions concerning autonomy and reciprocity ; therefore Senor de Lome'r letter is likely to be a factor in deter¬ mining the future relations of thi- government toward Cuba. There is little doubt that Pretident McKinley would have taken steps before now ti. have brought the war in Cuba to a close, had it not been for Spain's au¬ tonomy scheme. Although he did not probably have more faith in the suc¬ cess of autonomy than the average man familiar with the situati »n in tuba. President McKinley felt bound to accept the claim of Spain that it was honest in its offer of autonomy, and to allow sufi'icitu* t me to demon- trate its success or failure to elapse before taking action. Regardless of what Spain maydoor notdo.deLome's letter hss changed the whole situation. and it is not now thought in Washing¬ ton that anything short of Spain's de¬ veloping an unexpected ability to bring the war in Cuba to an end her¬ self aili prevent early action on tht- pait of this government. Cot deserves credit for having kepi and allowed the President to manage this affair. thobi* conti: The majority rep *rt of the KLction- Committee of the House in favor ol seating Thorp, the republican contest* ant from the 4th Virginia district, con¬ tains a scathing arraignment of tht . lection laws of that state, and sf th*- methods employed in that particulai district, whielj. was designedly overwhelmingly republican by a j*-rry mander mads by a democratic le ture. There is no doubt abjut tin seating of Thorp. NBW DEPARTMENT. The House Committee on Interstati aad Foreign Commerce will this wee! give public hearings on the Hephun bill for the establishment of a new exe cutive department, to be known as t ii Department of Industry and Com meroe, the head of which shall be member of the Cabinet, and upon th National Quarantine bill. THAT TBBATT. In order to learn definitely whethe the time now being devoted to th discussion of the treaty for the annex ation of Hawaii is being thrown awaj the Committee on Foreign Relation will, this week ascertain the fu! strength of the treaty in thi Senait by bringing about a vote that wi serve as a test. Should the vote shu that the treaty is short of the necei Bary two-thirds, it will at once I abandoned, and the efforts of the cou mittee be devoted to pushing a joii resolution providing for annexation t a vote. Members of the Committ* have not the slightest doubt of anne] ation at this session of t ongresB ; onl they deeire to be absolutely certai that it cannot be secured by a ratifici tion of the treaty, before starting up.: the other route. NOTIOE. Horace S. Davis is no longer emplo ed at the Leigh Street Studio, 34 Wv Leigh St , and is not authorized to s licit orders or collect bills for the St dio, tf JXBOMR ET GIB. Supreme Assembly ORAND UNITED ORDE OF WATCHMEN, e. ¦ts Uhitt, Protection ano Equity. MAIN CFFICE: 506 East Broad Street nd The Supreme Assembly, Grand Ur ed Ord»r of Watchmen -is a Frateri Benevolent and Charitable Ord with Lodge and Representative fo of Government, incorporated um the laws of Virginia, 1897. PERSONS ADMITTED FRC 3 TO G5 YEARS OF AGE. Joining Fees from $1 25 to $5 60. Monthly dues from 2.5c to 50c. Sick benefits from ti 50 to $3 00. Death benefits rrom $75 to $150. All new numbers organized wit the next OO days will have I ducements. J. E. Byrd, Supreme Pre S. T. Hu.i., Supreme Secreter Wise Ellis, »"- . i eas.. John F. lt kow me K Vice-president and Manager. For further particulars apply to maaager. 10,9-8 CANDY CATHARTIC V ^ CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION 10c 25c 50c ALL DRUGGISTS The Reign of Lawlessness U)\l LYM BLOODY WORK A Fearful Record. - The Law Sleeps. "Shall this barbarity continue until the God of retribution marshals his strength against the barbarians ?" Color Colored 1897 Nar JaH 5, Lawrence Brown mon Coo, .lan 16, Unknown msn ' .lan 18, Pete Henderson " Jan 19, John Johnson .lan 19, Ar(h.)o*,n*r Jan ll .lan 21, syth Jan 21, u lington" Jan M Taylor Jan 25 -Porter White Jan 27. Janies Ju* Alleged Crime Arson Murder Feb. 3, Rob .March 15, >\ '* .. -j i. R Struck a white man Murder Rape Attempted Rape Criminal Assault Place Lynched No near Cranbury SC 1 near Sumter S 0 near Doaksville Tex near Itabena Miss .near Amite City Ls JefTersonville Gs ii M Bryan Tex Tallahassee Fla Morgan Co Tenn Bibo Co Ala rion, Colored Writing Insulting Letter, Rockfield. Ky. . .lenient, *' Striking white man. Cambell Co., Va. 1 -ie M Nothing, Brookside, Ala. 1 rn W. Brannon, Innocent. April '23, 1, Fornication, April 29, Lo lured, Murder, Aar* .' " M James Thomas, " *' '.J naa. Six Miles Bibb Co.. Ala. 1 Alexandria, Va. Sunnyside, Texas, May 12, May 13, .. .. 1 Mollie Smith, Attempted Mumer Jefferson, Ala 1 .inda Franks, " " " "1 lored. Attempted Assault. Roseland Texas, 1 ima, ' " '* 1 May 18, May 31, Julie 4, June 5, Jum Junt lu y 15, July 17, July 19, July 19, July 19, Jul} aa, art, " \\ va white, Willi. il. "no Charles Muehell, Cuiored, Isaac Ba: t William Murder, charge. (Viminal Assault, Murder, Tyler, Texas, Lee, Ark. Urbana. Ohio, Orangedale, Fla. 1 Feloi ious Assault,!Princess Anne, Md. 1 John Moses Colored Murder Crystal Springs, Miss! Parry Gilliam " Robbery A Attempted Assualt. Monrock " 1 Anthony Williams. Ool , Criminal Assault, West Point, Tenn., I reil, Colored " " Near Elba, Ala,, 1 Rev..Edmondson, None Florence, Ala., 1 -*' Attempted Rape Riverton, Ala , 1 iel, *' " Goodwater, Ala., 1 Color.d, Attemped Assault. Griffin, Ga,l rinkley, ,, None, Madisonvilie, Ky,l Simple Assault, Union, Mo, 1 Murder, Pitteboro, Miss, 1 Horse stealing Scott A Yell Co Ark. 1 if fi -t Entered Lady's Room Harris Ala, Murder Brunswick Miss Bnsh Creeb Ky Glenwood Ga. July, ld, Er w J uly , July 27.-Crownover White _ Beach " v ugust 5 lured " S, 1. " ft, Jack Williams, Wh 9, Nat natl iel Mason Colored Criminal Assault Rape None Stealing Criminal Assault Talked Too Much Fighting Sept 2, Sept12, Sept. 16, ll, Bob Krackett * olored 12.-" 16, John E Nowiin. White 19,- 21, Frank Smith, colored 21,-Col* 22, Caney Sullivan, white Criminal Assault 2h,-Bonner Criminal Assault X Wiley Johnson " Attempting Assault 2ti, Jack Pharr, " Striking White Man 2, Charley Gibson Colored murder - Colored murder whtia stealing Terrell's Statien N C Red Hills, Va Runneba g Va Manhsim 111 Abbeville Ala Kendall Ark Whitley Co Ky Bellvif**, Texas Mooreville Tex Camden Ala Macon Ga Exeell Aia Versailles, Ind. Lyle Levi William Jenkins " Henry Shutter " Bert Andrews " Cliff Gordon, Sept 26 Seym< rou Colored Criminal Assault near Hawesville Ky 1 ii nenry -Jruwer Oct 17 - P^nn .i ii Nov 27, Hicks Pr Mmes Murray Dee. 9, Charles Lewis, Dec 13.-. Colored Colored ii Colored, White. Fornication Arson n Assault, None. Murder, Murder, Murder. Murder, Hermandi Miss 1 Somersville Ga 1 1 Starks. Fla 1 Jenny Lynd, Ark 1 near Wassoa Miss 1 White Castle La 1 St Gabriel La 1 St. Gabriel La 2 :, Joe Thomas !, Joe and Charles Alexander Nov. 14, '97,-Holytrack, Indian, half-breed j.murder, near Bismark,S. D. -Irel No. Lynched and Names not Reported, 1898 Jan 7, Lincoln McGelsey, Devoe, colored, assault, ._ .. " - '* murder, Maude P. O ,0. T. Pearken, Ark. Jan Marshall Chadwick, " suspected of murder, Colfax, WTash. - -colored , suspected cf stealing a $2 nog, Cleveland Ce. Ark. Total.17- Not dead FOR THE HOLIDAYS I OFFER TO SELL Ladies' Fine Storm Rubbers, 25( AT THE kit tal, er, rm ler NEW STORE 428 East Broad St., Cor. 5th St bin in- nt, J. rer, ir at the mo. Albert Stein, A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF BOOTS Al OF ALL STYLES. Ladies' Dong Pat Tip Springheel 2^-8 Button, at Ladies' Dong Pat Tip-Spring}] .8 Lace, Lau *ag Button Com 'lue Pat Tip, Ladies' Dongola Button Common Sense, Boys' Shoes, 75c Men's Buff Bals, J! BUSINESS MEDIUM MRS. MARTH, the world renowned and highly celebrated business snd test Medium reveals everything. No imposition. Can beeounsulted upon all affairs of life, business, love snd marriage a specialty. Every mystery revealed, also of absent, deceased and living friends. Removes all troubles snd estrangements, challenges any Medium who ean exceed her in start¬ ling revelations of the psst, present and future events of one's life. Re¬ member she will not for sny price Hat¬ ter you ; you may rest aasurea you will gain facts without nonsense. She can be consulted upon all affairs of Life, Love, Courtship, Marriage, Friends, Sato., with description of future com¬ panion. She is very accurate in de¬ scribing missing friends, enemies etc., He«- advice upon sickness, change of business, law suits, journeys, contest¬ ed wills, divorce and speculation is valuable and reliable. She reads your destiny.good orbed; she withholds nothing. MRS. MARTH tells yonr entire life past, present and future in a DEAD TRANCE, the power of any two Mediums you ever mst. In tests shs tells ysur mother's full nama before marriage, the names of all your family their ages and description, the nama and business of your present husband, the name of your next if you are to have one, the name of the young mas who now calls on you. the nama of your future husband, and the day, month and year of your marriage, how many children you have or will have *, wheth¬ er your present sweetheart will be trus to you and if he will marry you; if you have no sweetheart shs will tall you when you will have and his nams, business and data of acquaintance. All your future will be told in an honest, clear and plain manner and in a dead trance. Mothers should knaw tha suc¬ cess of their husbands and children young ladies shauld know everything about their swssthsarts or intended husband. Do not keep company, mar¬ ry or go int* business until you know all, do net lot silly religious scruples prevent your consulting. Madame is the only one is ths world who can tell you the FULL NAME of your future husband, with age and dats of marri age, and tails whs thar ths ons you love is trus or fslss. There are some persons who bslisve that there is no truth to bs gained from consulting a Medium, but sueh beliefs are contrary to ths truth. It is only from the lack of discrimination that such a conclusion can be reached, It is not every one who placards himself or herself ss a medium that ean stand a test of what be or she claims. And a person of an enquiring mind may ask the reason why. It is simply that these advisers do not take the trouble to study nature. They do not spend their thoughts for a mo¬ rn tnt with acquiring the art af phass- ology and kindred branches that will have a tendency to make the pathway to the road of the business clear and devoid of ail obstacles. It is an undeniable fact that persons will come for advice in full knowledge ef what they want to know, and yet as soon as they confront a Medium thsy try their utmost endeavor to dispel from their minds what they know so as to hear if it will be rehearsed by the Medium. To get the secret out ot a person by "pumping" in no few eases is the art used by many unprincipled mediums, but to take hold of the head and gain control of the mind thereby is a matter of impossibility to most of them. And yet this can be dons and by consulting Mrs, Marth the seeming mystery becomes a realization. Thia subject has received no little attention by eminent men and even college professors. So it provss con¬ clusively that although there are in¬ fringer* in our midst with oily tongues perhaps the gates of wisdom have not been closed to the entire profession. It takes s great deal of study to be¬ come an accomplished medium and by a continuous and untiring effort, the key to the well of apparently unfathom able mysteries has been secured by MKS. MARTH for the benefit of hu¬ manity. ADVICE BY LETTER, |1.00 HOURS FBOM 10 A. M., TO 9 T. M. MRS. M. B. MARTH. 202 West 81st Street, Nsw Tork Citj Enclose stamp for reply. Please mention the Planxt" THE FAEMEI'S H OEM AL SCHOOL Wintebfocb, Ohbstbsfibld Co., Va The aoove named school will open 01 Jae nary 1, 1896. Thorough instruc tion will be given in all the branchal usually taught in Normal sehools o high grade. Tuition and board, $8 Ol per month. An opportunity will be given stn dents to learn trades such as Machin ist. Blacksmith, Carpenter, Mason Tailor, also Farming. The girls will b taught needle work and dress-making For application blanks, circulars am other information, address at once Rsv. P. A.Tylbb. General Manager, Wintsrpock, P. C M. A. ILikris, Principal, Farmers' Normal Schoo Mannsboro, Ya. WHAT ABOUT THB FARMER'S NORMA SCHOOL? When your daughter or ion eon: heme from school and say to yoi Mother, the teacher says I caani come to her school any longer, I mu go to a higher school in the city. WI daughter or ton I can't sesd you. Wt mother? Because that five cent di mestic dress, seventy-five cent shoe thirty cent hat and %l 00 doak th you wear to the public school her you could not wear the same at a hi j school in the city, and I would have payj$6 a month for your board, and am not able to do that. Why no mother? Beeaase the general man ger will not receive my eggs, butt and chiekens, wheat and corn as pi for your month's board. But if y< send your son or daughter to tl Farmer's Normal School, tbe san dresses and bo on they wear to t county school, they can w»m to t Farmer's Normal School, and ws w take what money you may have, yo eggs, butter, chickens, and anythi that you may have saleable. I w come to your church, when asked to so and lecture on this work. Addrt for information, tf Rbv. P. A.Ttlbb A UiiAU*. SKIfl REMOVES. Tbe Negro Heed Not Oemnlain A Longer of Black 8kia, This preperation, if used as direct will turn the skin of a black pen four or five shades whiter, and thal mulattoes perfectly white. It also moves wrinkles from the face i makai the skin beautiful. Any per using it esn tee the result in foi eight hours. It does not turn the skin in sp but bleaches out white. It is s v geed thing for weak eyes if allowed get in the eye while washing th* 1 One box of this powder is all tha S required, if used ss directed, the i remaining beautiful without enntir use, and fa perfectly harmless. Direction and preparation wil! sent to any address on receip $2.00 or 0. O. D. IHOMAS BBARr, 'MlMH W. trotfftrMt, Kittani nd< JD oAUNUAniS-RlYB* *tVTTB\ UDVO» KATia. BEIT PiUIIflt AHD FRS1«nT RNvrn mt wm »i«i mo sd. ANO THB WORTH TIA THE . TRAM IR Y1RMINIA. TTJESIAY, TMUMDAY AN» iAT- URMAY. Lt. Richmond (Re*k*tts).I SS p rn Lt. Old mint Comfort .lt Mp-a Lt. Baltimore (Mfa Lt. B«lM****r* (B A © R R (Hm Lt. r hi 1*4*1 »*1*<B AO ll) » .**» mrnen .Vr. New fork (B A O A A).1 IS p rn trrrv* lai*i -ll SS p m irrlT* W***tag**n B A O R A).ll * a m >*v* B*i»cm*r** tr a a). an pm L**v,* ralladelpata (¦*¦> a a)._.HW p m IrrtTV Mew York (ram) .I SS p m MONDAT. WIHHEIPAT, AMD aTBI»AT. Lmmrm Sow York B A O & B).ll Mam LMTtNttTirk(rii) .nooam >av* philadelphia (B 4 O R R-,.1 Wpm L**v* rhlladc'.pht* (ran .I na p tm Leave Baltimore (Ba* Line) ¦.........4Dtpro trrlve Richmond . 10 09 . ia The trip By this itnmfr affords a mom en oyable sall on tha James rlrer and Chesapeake Bm*', passing Duteh <->ap. Be rm od*. Hundred. Jlty rolnt, Newport News, Ham pto-**, .and Old rolnt, and through Han-pto a Roades. The mer¬ riot offered ls u ns ur pa-wed la every particular. Large and luxuriantly furnished saloons and >t*te-rooms. heated by steam, aud lighted bj electricity. Tickets sold to all polnta North. East and Wrest, and baggage checked to destination, ¦".tate-roorns reserved upon appllcaMon In per ion at the company's offloe No. SM east Main ttreet, or on board steamer. For farther In formation apply to H. M. BOYKIN, General Agent. QLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. ILY LINK FOR NEW YORK, ftssengers caa leave Richmond DAILY Tis Cnesapeaka aad Ohio raliway, at 8 bo A. M., Oi KlchmonS aad Petersburg railroad. (Norfolk »n4 Rester* route) tfit A. M., *ooanectlng at Norfolk with Old Dominion-Line steamer, sall Lng aame evening for New York. ALI, WITH KOUT**. Steamship Old Dominion leaves Richmond every Mea day at 6:00 F. M.. for New York via ¦lamea River. Tickets en sale at Richmond Transfer Com pany's, SOB east Maia Street. Chesapeake and Ohio railway and Ktchmosd and Petersburg railroad depots, and at oomnany's offloe, ISL' east Main Street. Richmond Baggage checked through. rasia ht. for New York and all polnta beyond can ot shipped by direct steamers, sailing from Rich mond eTery MONDAY AN FRIDAY. 6:00 H. M Also hy steamer leaving Riehmond WV DAY 6 F. M. for Norfolk oonnecting with steam¬ er for New York. Manifest cloaed ene hoar before sailing time Freight received and forwarded and through bills of lading Issued for all northern, easters and foreign points. FROM Haw TORK. Ps ssf Sagers can leay*** daily except Sunda; to Norfolk or Old Fol at Comfort, connecting with Norfolk aad Western railroad or Chea* peaks and Ohio railway. Direct ste*me rs (Tia James-River rorie). leaTe eTery BATT' RDA Y (Passenger and freight and MONDAY, (freight only. Sailing from company's pier. No. 36. North River foot of Beach Street, at 8.-00 P. M.; Sat urday 4.-M P. M. y For farther information apply to JOHN F AYER. A CO. gen ts. 1313 east Main street. Richmond. Ya W. L. Gulllaudaa, Vloe-Frea-udent and Traffic Manager. Nsw York. yiRaiNIA NAVIGATION COMPANY'S JAMKS-RIVKR LINK To Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Polat, Newport- News. Claremoaat, aad James River iandfngH. axS eoaaeetlng at Old Polat and Norfolk For Washington. Baltimore aad tha North. Stbambb PscAisuTii Lb4 vcs Mondat, Wid UMiiT ari Fm sat at 7 A. M. Kleetrie-cars direct to wharf. Fare only »1.6i asd tl.M to Norfolk, Portsmouth. Old Point asd Newport Newa. Music by a grand Orche? trios. Freight received daily from abov.*-namar-u places and all points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN WEISIGER. Superintendent. EDWARD X. BARNEY President. Usssral Offices: Plan Mrs' Bank Building. SEABOARD AIRLINE SAL. VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS SOUTH. ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS, MACON, CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, MEM¬ PHIS, TEXAS. NO EXTRA PARC ON ANY TRAIN No. 4S.-'*Tkt A aaa ta Special" leaven Ricb- ¦soad. Bally, at HM night, for Heuderaou. (arrlTO Parham dally, except Sunday) Raleigh Sanford.-Sou thor ri ties. Wilmington, Wades- *»oro. Monro*. Charlotte. Linc.Inion, Shelby, Rutherford****. Chester Clinton, Greenwood, At»fe*rvlUe,Klherton, Athens, atlanta, augus¬ ta, Maooa,ChattanTOaga, Nashville, Memphis. *>xas, Mexico, California, and the West (Tia Memphis). Solid Limited Train, with milman LuSot Sleepers and Vestibuled Coaches. No. 41.."The S. A. L. Express*' leaves Rich¬ mond, datly, at 9;06 a. M., for Henderson, (Dur¬ ham, dally, except Sunday) Raleigh, Sanford, Southern Tines, wilmington. Wades boro. Mon¬ roe, Charlotte. Chester, Clinton, Greenwood, a bb*villa. Elberton, Athens atlanta. Macon, rensaoola. Chattanooga, Nashville. Mmphls. iioatagomery. New Orleans, Texas Mexico, and the Southwest (Tia New Orleans) Solid Train wtth pullman sleepers and coaches; and Sleep .r Hamlet to Wilmington, an ive Richmond, «;30 a. m.,6;40 T. M., dally For tickets, baggage checks, sleeping cai lOaservaUons, *tc., .apply to H M BOYKIN, Sole Pass'r Agent 830 East Main tit Riohmond Ya a st. john, Viaoe-rrealdent and aen'l Manager T. t. seem, General Sepe ri u tendent. h. w. a. mvormm, B. J. aHsaaaoH, v.**Ma s»uMt. aaaaral raa'r ah ,L A TLANTIC COAST UNI 8CHKDULK KFFKCTIVK U DAY, M Y IS. lott TRAIN LKAVK RICHMOND.UNION DKPO 9-00 A. M., Arrives Petersburg, 9-Bl A. M., Noi folk ll :36 A. M. Stops only at Pe ersburg. Waverly and Suflolk, Va. . -OS A. M., ArriTes Petersburg 9:60 A. M., We don 11-4S A.M., Fayetteville 1:: P. M., Charleston 10:30 Savanna 13:60 A. M.. Jacksonville 7.80 A. i Port Tampa 6:30 P. M. Cou nee at Wilson with No. 4T, ArriTing i Goldaboro 8:10 P. M., Wllmingtc 6:46 P. M. Pullman Sleeper Ns York to Jacksonville. 'At T. M., Local, Arrives Petersburg 3:43 P. 1 Makes all stops, i JO P. M., Arrives Petersburg 6:IB P. tt Makes local stops K. A P. rail ros 7-BO P. M., Arrives Petersburg8:04 P. M., coi neeta with N. and W. for Norfo and immediate points. Einnor 9:10 (eonnests with A. and D. f* stations between Emporia ai LawreneeTllle), Weldon 4:43 p FayetteSTllle 1:07 a. m., Cnarlc ton 003 a. m., Savannah S lt a, n JacksonTllle 1 SO p, m.. Port Tam] 9 46 p. m. NKW LINK TO MIDDLK GKORGlA POINTS 7-33 A. M., ArriTing at Aiken, 7:38 A.M., A gusta 8 19 A. M..Macon ll a. m.. A "ant* 13:16 P.M. Pullman Sleep* New York to Wilmington Jacks. Tilla, Poit Tampa, Aiken, Angus and Macon. 8-SSP M., Dally, arrives Petersburg 9:81 M., Weldon ll ;30 P. M., Makes 1 eal stops between Petersburg ai Weldon, ll-SO P. M., Arrtvea Petersburg 13:86 A. 1 l.ynchburg t :S0 A. M., Roanoke 7 Bristol 1:16 A.M. Pullman Sle er Richmond to Lynchburg. 7 MA. M., Sanday Accommodation mat all stops Richmond and Pater ib railroad. 4 -40 P. M., Sanday Accommodation make, stops Richmond and PeteraU* railroad. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 4-30 A. M , Dally from JacksonTllle, SaTanni Charleston. Atlanta, Macoic, Aug ta, and all points South. 8-1* A. M., Daily except Sunday At'.an Athena, and Raleigh, Handers. Lynchburg an d the West, 8:43 A. M., Petersburg Local. 8-00 A. M., Sunday oaly. From Atlanta, A ens, and Raleigh, and Headers* Lynchburg, and th* West. 11:06 A.M., Dally. Nor.olk, Suffolk and tersburg. 8-MP M., Daily. JacksonTllle, Savana Charleston, Wllmlng ton, Goldsb* and points (South. 7 *00 P. M.. Daily. Norfolk, Suffolk, Wave and Petersburg 8 mt F. M.. Dally. Peteraburg, Lynchburg i and West. 9:40 A.. M., Sunday Accommodation. 7-36 P.M.. Sunday Accommodation. '. ' * T.M. KMIRSON, J. R. KKNLKY, Trafflo Manar* General Manager. 8>c#CAMmIiLt Dlviaion Passenger Ag ie Ll. St . t iy >i L>- IS at A, lh to I 't, a- M »y Ml he ne he he ill ur 35 do N&WNorfolk&Weste- ¦ *A J.* c*^ la emmet nf Schedule in Effect jolt 4, mm. LKAVB aiCHMOND, BTMD 8Taa»T STATIOH 9-00 A. M., Dally.Richmond and Norfolk ' tlbule limited. Second class ucl not accepted for passage on trala. _ 9-Ot A. M.. Dally, 'The Chicago Express" Lynchburg, Roanoke, Colnm and Chicago. Pullman Sleeper F oke to Columbus also for Radf Bristol. Knoxville. Chattan. and Intermediate points. 7-80 r H. Daily for Norfolk, Suffolk and ter media te stations. 11-iOP M Dally, for Lynchburg and Roar Connects at Roanoke with W Ington and Chattanooga Lim yieeoers Roanoke to » Shis and New Orleans, rall leeper between Richmond l.yachburg, and berths read occupancy at 9.oo r. M. Also t ll I u*n Sleeper re tere burg: ikin Trains arrlye at Richmond from Lyne)* mal and the weat daily, t.ltm. m., aad 8:6«; IUlU from Norfolk and the east 11:06 a. m. an^ tibuled Limited 7:00 p. m. Offloe : SB* lbel 8Ueet- R.W.COCRTNKY ni ¦son (Ol re¬ in d son ty- tots ery to 'ace t of Ml District Passenger Agri W.B.BKVILL General Pasvngsr Ag*) «9Bsral OAoss: Boaaoke Va. SonUterfl Railway SCHEDULE in effect Oct. 3.1897. S-SS HOCTHERNEXPRK dally foi Atlanta, august* and points Sooth. Bleeper Richmond. t*v Danville .Green* boro, al labu ry. and charlotte Sl-sep er open 9:Su p u - at Dar.v'lie. Salisbury and Charlotte with the Waah lag tori aud -.ern Lim¬ ited (No 17» carrying sleeper* New York to Ashville. Hot Springs Chattanooga aid NaMnvtllo: New York to Memphis. New York to New Orleans New York to Tamp*, and Srst-claas day coach between Wa*>hlngtoa and Memphis. Connections are made (oral) point* lu Texas iud California. Bleeper open for occupancy ml WAU r. M. 13.-00 n»on. i train dally for Char lotte, N C. i at Moseley wltb Farm vt Ile and 1 owbatan railroad ai Keysvllle for Clarkville. Oxford. Hen der ,>n and Durham and at Gr***a**borc for Durham. Raleigh, and W ic->ton- Salem : at Danville with no. SA I'ul ted Slates Fast Vail. t*>olid train, dally fo* New Orleans and i><>iu ls South, which «*a carries sleeper* New York to New Or leans una to Jacksonville Through * y. Nashville. "irepmr every .*hlt.gtou to San Fra; mut change. 8*00 r. M., No 17, uk. al. dally avu-ept Sanday for Kev*svill**nd Id icrniediate points TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. 6-00 A. SI. 8:36r. m.. from Atisnta Augusta, Asheville .nd Nashville. 8:40 . M., from Keysvllle. al ra-tivuTTaaiNA. hos. Si and 63. between Manchester and apolis. Va. York Kiver LineVTIA wkstpoini THE fAVORITJlToaTE HORTH. LIATI BIOHMOND Train No. 10,4 :«0 r. M. Baltimokx Limited. Dally, except San day, for Weat Point, there making close con nectlon. Mondays. W edin -days sud Friday* with steamer for Baltimore, also with stag* at Manor for Walkerton on Thursday* and Saturdays. Train No. 10. 3:80 T. H. localKXraass, Monday.'. Wednesdays and Fridays tor West > ointand intermediate su lions, conuectawith stage at Lefter Manor fo* Walkerton: also atTappahannock with steam¬ ers for Ballimore, atop* at all stations Train No. 46. 6*00 a. h. local mixed, leaves daily, except Sunda* from Virginia-Street Station for West foin) and intermediate stations, connecting with stage at Lester Manor for Walberton aud Tap pahannock. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND 9:17 a. m. Dally.except Monday. t0;40 *. m., mondays, Wednesdays,and Friday*- 6;S0 p. m.. Dally, civtut sunday from Wc*.! anoint and intermediate stall.ann. Steamers leave West Pola! at 6;00 p. m.. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Bal timore at 6:00 p. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays anr Saturdays. Ticket-office at station, foot of Virginia St Open from 9 a. m., to8 r. m. andi from ,40 i*. m to 3 A. M. City tlc et office, 90S east Main street. J. M. CULT, W. A. Turk, Traffic Manager. een. raes. Agt C. W. WESTBURY, Travelling Passenger Agent, 93() E. uain St. Richmond. Va Chesapeake ano Ohio Railway. O.fcO, ROUTE. EFFECTIVE JAN. 1, 1898. TRAINS LEAVE RIC HM OND, BROAD-STREET .STATION 8:60 . M., Daily, wUh chair-car. tor Norfolk For Union i li. O'S Point. Newpori News auu principle stations, neets Baily vuth Old Domlalou steamsnipa tor New York. 8;40 P. M., Dally wita I'uiirnan. for local stations, Newport news, Old Point Norfolk ur ulb. 10-00 A. M., Local train ncrpt Sunda* fer West clifton Forge e^nu^ta Gordonville tor orange. Cuipep er. Calvertou. Ma ii a ssas. Alexan dna, and Washingta.u, at I Station. Char for Lynch burg: at Basic for K.tgerstow*. 3.16 P. M., Daily, with Pullmans io Cinclnna tl. Louisville and M. f..«f oaly at important stations, ned!- at Covington for Ya. Hot bp rings. Meals serred on Dining cart No. 7 Locai 1 rains except Sun day, following above train frou: 1,. 6:8u P. M., Aecomodatlou, except Munday foi Cuar. 10-80 p. m.. Daily, for i lncianatl, with Pull- ma* ii W. Va., and Gor donsTllle to Cincinnati and Lau lSTille. Meals served on Dlniu*- Cars. Connects at Maunton (ex¬ oept Sunday'for Winchester, Ya., and at Covington. Ya. daily for Virginia Hot .St rings. TRAINS LEAVE EIGHTH-STREET STATION, ll-BO A. M., Dally, for L>i.mburg. and Cllf ;ecUat Bre m.* ll.all Baa for l.exilijf lon, and at W Forge with No. I. f.-r ( l i.nunan. COO r. m.. Except Sanday. Local accomoda tion for Co'umbia. TRAINS AK RIVE AT RICHMOND, BROAD-STREET STATION. 8:30 a. M.. Dally rrom Cincinnati ano Louis¬ ville. 11:16 a. m., Dally from Norfolk aad Old Point. 8-JO e. M., Dally, from Cincinnati and Leuia- Tilie. 6:60 r. M.. Dally, from Norfolk, and Old rolnt. 7 46 r. m.. Except Sunday, from W. Clifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH STREET STATION. 8:60 a. m., Except Sunday f.oni Columbia. 6-Bur. a.. Dally from Lynchburg, and CUL ton Forge ami except sunday, from Lexington and Arro JOHN D POTTS, Ass't General Pads ?nger Agent. id t>a RICHMOND FREDERICKS BURG J POTOMAC RAIL-ROAD. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT Apr. 16, 1897. LXAVE BYRD-STREET STATION. 4 :10 A. M., Dally, for Waahlngton end Point North st..',.** onlj st Milf.-.r ami Frederlcksburg 1'ulluia to Nea 1 8 JO a M., Sunday only, foi Washington an points North, stops at Kihi Ashlano .le, Doswel Ruther, *. la, Million Glen All.-. l.Woodalan, Guinea. KreUrriCKslaurg, Brook and Widewatei pullman oar. 8:46 A.M.. Dally except Suuday, (or Waal N..ri ington' and points North. Stol at Elba, Ashland, Taylorsvlll -well, Ruther ijlt-n. Pei ola, Milford, Woodslaue, Guii ea. Summit, Frederlcksbur Brooke, Widewater pullman et 9:06 A. m., Commencing January 90th, .Iai Waahlngto Ballimore, r hiltidelphta. .ir \ .ark and Florida composed entirely ..( i ping-, dining,and a. extra charge .*tii than regular rut 1 mai:' (are. Do not-stop at Kliaa. 13:00 M., Dally, except sunday, for Was ington and points North. 8 to at Elba, Glen Allen, Ashlab Doswell, Milford, Frederic! burg, Brooke, and Widewau ParYar-car. Aldo connects wi .Congressional Limited at Was Ington. ug I 7 .SJ. p. m., Daily for Washington and poll North. Slop*) at Elba, a sh lac Doswell, Milford, Frederic! burg. Brooke, and Widewab and other stations .Sun da j *tmond to New Yo th. u.- ta. ju, Ch¬ un, Pe- ab, oro ny md tel ent rn i es nets thU for baa, Loan ord, mm* ln- ioke. anh lted. lem- ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION. 8;40 A. M., Daily. Stops at VMdewat* Br* iicksburg:Mllfoi Doswell Axhlaud Elba and otli stat a.. a. Sleeper, Bi York to K. BS 3:46 P. M.. Daily, except .sunday. Stops Wide*AHU-r, Br.* burg. . Wooi lane,. Milford. P Glen. land. mitti hlba. Fi lorCar from Wa- 7:10 P. M.. Daily. i" ai Frederic] burg, Dobwt-ll. and Ashiai Puliman-Curs from New Ye and Washington. 8;86 P. M., Daily. Slops at Wldewat Brooke, I .ifK. Su silt. Guinea, Wood.sU ....en. Doswi ashland. Glen allen, and El 9:50 p m. t o.uary 17th, da Dova Sta.*,. FRRDERICRSBURG ACCOMMODATI01 (Dally,exoept Sunday.) 4-OO P. M., Leaven et Station. 8-80 A. M., Arrives Bvrd-Street sutton. (Daily. exoept Sunday.) 6.43 A. m., Leaves Elba. 6:30 P. m.. Lea. 6:40 A. m., Arrives Elba. 6.00 P. m., Arrived Elba. 0" A. TAY LOR. Traffic Manag **. T. D. MYER8 Prssident. Y. M, Gwatuiey, 7% 220 N. 17th S rull- noke. I _. , ibnrg j Dealar in p. m., I Main j Choice Wines, Liquors, it. bacco aud|Cigars. ¦*. a2«-8i w $ 1,000 REWARD. DR SHEA. MARVELOUS MSOIU.H Glvoa tne names of dome aad living mends iel ls wbo and when you will marry, alao ol journeys, lawsuits, abaent friends. n or anything you know, no matter wast tis. He can cali up your spirit frtenae aaa ib.-w them to yoa. Can malts thea* ran aB I the room. Be asks ao q anette***, doa'I isa yoa to writ* name* for him. Don't try ta lump you In any way, but tells rou right otu Be ls thoroughly endorsed by leading spintosu** ¦ts everywhere, received from thom a gold nedai ana spec, nense to practloe hi* woa- lcrfui powers, credentials so oae *ls***n ihow au give thousands of reierenees to bola walla axno coloi-ea patrons. Twenty rive years prae¬ in Brooklyn.will show yon that ae can do ali that he tao tell ot. Caa tell what »usln*e« ls best for you ana where, how to wla ipeedy marriage with ihe one you lev*. Hew *> be aaooBesfm in all your doings la short >rhat ls best to Oo. He succeed* when ali eta- Poeiilve mus'action or ne pey. Call ind see. You will fina lt lucky to eoasait tala J bria Han gentleman. He h*4 a meaioin* that ¦sm cure arunxeuneass, e*n ¦* given patients aol knowing it. Ihouaanoa th rouge blas ara now RICH. HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL with all their undertakings, while tho** who ueglect his advice ar* still laoorin" ara tn lt t>over.y. Througn his perfect cnowl*<Ige ef chemistry, he cai* impart to you a .secret th**t will overcome you eaemles aad wla yea rrienas. His aid ana advice has often Sasa mm- liciteo; the result has ai ways Been tn* securing of speedy ana happy marriages aad ali yee* wisnes. In love attain ne never talla. Bo has the secret ot winning th* affections et Ute opposite sex. Lt is tu* parse ot J* pl ritualism mat in ail large cities there are a class wf mea and women wno ciaim powers they do no. pmm- sesa Ttoey have nei ther gift*, credential*, ne* reierenees. Surety the ooiwreo pe-apie ate set ao wan .Ung in stnse as to throw meir usn* aad money away on sucn. Dr. Ahe* refers te tae Hon. Winiam Denmore, Architect *ud bun oar 4? Cleveland Ave. ana Mi. Fre*a. Lempe, groosr, 641 Fulton street. Brooklyn. Ail have kaowa him for the past seven years. Be gives a tree lest ot his power io alt. The doctor ha* practic¬ ed ave years in New Orleans, et. ixnuie. Mesa- phis ana Louisville; understands tnoreugtUj the disease*, spells or influences the race la aaa* iect to. Be ls n*»w ana always aaa a large pa nonage from them. PLEASE BEAD THE FOLLOWLNtt: dro*k'.yh. Aug. 16, INL-Tnia is ie eertttr that I oame io New Yarx ir**m AJu**ay. i waa a stranaer in a strang* etty, out *f work and ow. of money. 1 had n* luck in anything I ua*a*r- took. W hat te do 1 dla not knew. A mena ad¬ visee rn* to go an* see Dr. Bhea. 1 mid. He told me the cause ef my tn»u*les; he toek sae la and treated me a* a brosher. Through ai. I gola gooa position that very week. 1 Maa* bri sa to otners; taey toot my money aaa dla ame ae good, i bless *be day 1 Brat met Dr. B fi atc ] wouiu *dvis< .il in baa lack, slsk or la kreabto to gro to him at once. Sincerely Albert Ayers. SM? Allanue At*. Brooklya, A ag. lt. IStl.-Thls letter U to certify that my aasbana had gene away aad had Been a*t*eent two years, 1 moarn*ea tor him night ead day. 1 gave him up. aa dead. Hearing et ta* wondenul laings Dr. Shea was **lng l resolved to ooueult bim. Be laid me .that *ay knob* ill waa alive ana well, end where he was. teld ate ae woula come hume and when. To my Joy ali ai lt came true. He la home now, oem* oack Uk* »ne from the 4eac 1 alao crlaa lo **>y .kat this menin 1 lost tao. 1 sa s jhiiji roast and i was almost inaaae. 1 went to Dr. na*** and be tola me i woula Rna my money sag to ray intense joy i dla Bcd lt as h* tola ma I '.nan k Ooo tlier* ls a mau s* gifted in oar atlast .nat ca*n help people and tell them what to do. Sincerely, Mra. Barrett. lxl-SCre* SUM! A SENSATION IN BROOKLYN..A MIMI*- TKB'S STATBMiCN'A. 1 wish to state that oae of mr a*riahoaer« was sick and in trouble for a long tim*. Mra. Brown, n. tiny Street. Boen* seemed to aa- ac rs lana her case. She aaa several doctors,eal none ot mem *eem*ed to know wkat wa* ta* cia lier. None could do her any good, lt waa my aulv as uer pastor locai, aaa see Uer. Hear. mc oi the woudertui work Being dene by Dr. .-.nea the lat»t lew years, 1 tn*ognt 1 would sall ana **ee him myseii. 1 fount him a kind aynt- pauietic geuilemac. Be gave me a wonderful ; his p«wers: tola rn* to send him. * look ol patient s hair, which i .did hy Mer daughter. ile i<*ia at once what waa ta* matter and la a abort time cu.ed her sauna ana well, lier faxn- i.y had seemingly been nader a cloud. Newall tscbanged. A.. are well and prosperooa. loaa truiv and heartily recommend D.. Shea, to mit those in mckueas or distress oi- say kind, BOT. am Joimson, Pastor Lebanon CharaB, Brooklyn. Dr. Sh*e* can show thousands such aa tha a- bov<a. DB.SHBA has been earef ully educated in the B omoepatitle and Eclectic Schools of Medicine. His suoeeaa ls wonderful in curing paralysis. Rheumatism, Asthma. Sore Kyrt. Tumors, Cancers. Coastlp*- Ague, Dyspepsia, Tape Worm*. LdTer Coat- plaints. Deafness, Caiarrn. Drepey. Pile*, Nerv¬ ous Debility. Heart Disease, Consumption. Dl- jirxaoa of women and children. Pita, Kidney Dt- scaast* and ali strange mysterious dlsesesa whieh emera don't understand. Ali <nl*eaeea, no matter wha' they be. Nothing net honora¬ ble treaimeat. He *san aad will honestly tell you lt you can Be aurea. Has ali new remedlea and new ancoeea. Mas had ample ex perten ce iu public hospital aad private elmic*. Ma trilling with human life. Cai. at once. Do not delay. D Ipi ainag hang in parlors. B registered physioian. A new remedy i*r rhe Hiaiism just dlseovere*. net a unameat. Hop leen oaaes ana these that ataeis *ann*t cure so Helled to can. Fat folks thin, th* childless mada parents. All lette rs most eeaUln $Loa, twa stamps, age, lock o. Iiair. For *onsalt*Uoa, .ad- vlce and diagnose*, ^o postal cara*. Charge* lor rasBloal tr^tment only. Maa tion this papcr^^^^ Open Sanders. BROOKLYN BT T. la rr- dh tr- ts- id. ark .rd l>a. aria E. J CRANE, WATCH MAKER The only colored man in the south mrmx known to MAKE A WATCH OUT AND OUT r Send your watches by Mail or Express and have them repaired. United we stand, d vided we fall 122^ W. Broad tit. Richmond. Va. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Curly Hair Made Straight By TAKaTN ar»Ot* Liar*-. srrOftt ANO Arris T"*atAT*>«arH-", '^a 12 OZONIZED OX MARROW (oo**Twe*rr«».) Thu wonderful hair pornada «. «*. only a*.f* proration ih the world that makes kinky h*lr .tralsht aa *h..wn above. It render* th» bair aVoTt, pliable and *:*d by o>ttir\»Muji^OtmT^m Impart* now life and vljror. tRlejrantly I-*'".""^ t)/onl««-d O* Marrow ts m«nofacti,red only toy Tka. "- M*rraw Co. (formerly Bock « reputation is a ¦".uaraotea taat *»^^»*k**rS\rn%ir*7a2 and geotlaB-nea, anginal OsontfSB dir*eUon«^rit h a»*Jry *»«'< '"'* ** mattm all .l«al*rs In Aricia-***^^g**; .^rwewill»sn:l you, expressVAIA, 9 toomss* for Si*0 or S f«r S8.60. Alwaysj>?el-^J* nee money ordsr «* wed, ^ Malted* Write your .address and nam* plainly. K 11 ..! A ri (jet th* a*n,|ln'" + I OZONIZED OX MARROW CO., ts Washington St., Chicago. Dos't »«>d .Smoko lour ure A wsy. XO- , To quit tobacco easily and forever, be ma**- ue No-Ta* ltac, the won. make* weak mea strong. Ail druggist*, 40c or tl. dre aueran- teed. Booklet and sample tree. Addreaa 1 *Af»Sg BstBaSdt Co. GMcaa-o or Nsw YorH

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Page 1: Richmond Planet.(Richmond, VA) 1898-02-19. · SATURDAY, FEB. 19 FROMTHEWESTEND. I Religious News. GLEAHING8 PROM HOME AND AfcROAD. Good Thinea in Store.The Hand of DeathSeeu.Persooals


FROM THE WEST END.I Religious News.


Good Thinea in Store.The Hand ofDeath Seeu.Persooals.

l*y, tht-* At , was a daybeamed forth exceedingly brilliantand il were out in large num¬bers in KiH'U style and almost

and fashion. Thesir was j-i**t bracing enough to makeene st* p t*l stu* and nimbi

(.burches and Sunday ?.were rrowdttf to ovei ll >w. Many we«eout to ai'.end the funeral of dear ont s

gone b»f'>re.At the 6th Baptist Church, the fun¬

eral vi .Mi-s Wil'.iana Brown tookp a«.*e at ll tdO. aril was attend d by a

Dumb r of relatives ami fti«ndsShe was a .faithful member of the Ki'th

The Bible-he was a member pass¬

ed snd r nd tn bot'n the school andchun ajolutlons in respect

amory »f their associate andfuith in Christ

rom th.- date of her fun¬eral Th< Ret H. Powell

.lied a very sympathetic and in-'*i*-geiy up¬

on the amiable qualities and i.**autifullife and of the dei Based

P M , \'-.r >pas ot preached by re-

21:12-18. Bab*"Christ Cleansing the Temple."k-eneral v-nln't of th* people is

that it waa the grandest and most con-

vincing effort of the" pastor for s.mie-l i s compliment worthy of

note.o'clock, the polished and schol¬

arly Rev. J. W. kirby preached fromActs oM h ina >thy "J-.8-1."; rab-ject . ' QualificationsMM Duty o l>**a-cons." The discourse was abla*. clear,eloquent ¦ ive- As ihe divine

d up lo the subject matter, hescattered sledge hammerlike blowsbot h right .and left, sparing neither tl e^n en r:p>. As the hvpocrites

I witch and fall back, the oldsaints w. ud cry out in loud Amen.On deacons who carry two fae >sf hjpo-eri'ieal. ii those with

a lying, deceitful deaconwa- D Dough to hidetheir LeopaBrdlike spotted carcass. Thewretel of the homes and dis-

ildren was heldup to vi iv. n- ed out lbsuit "tl.

r 'hat is afloat that the 5th¦ num¬

ber of h r d rue. Theehurcn. In- - in regularorde.

¦mind con¬ni

B FifthThursday

A j nnl efl rt wi 1of the

Raptthis i 'tm

ireh at 3:30I ary A.

John- ii cd by herhosbai d' ter and a

of relatives and friends. Theehurel I capa-

D - ft""UI Of thiscity ai d Mane to do honor to a

fallen mot who had walk¬ed before lb.-: I a member,of the ehureh for s Shewas trul* eted by allwho ! r. Z. DLew. ii nt ser¬mon from * h 14:13.

The Et. H. Mayo andli plaee Ol

Januaiy 19ih at* I nee of Ch»brid.*, near u OouOtjat ll o'clock. Thev left on the llo'eloek train on u bridal tour t<> vlsi:the father of i na in PowhataiComry, where they were feastedwined and dined upon the very besluxurious of the season. They w*r<

the happy t of many presentsand kindest consideration of all. Thtgroom and fri itly enjoyed thisport of hunting abundant gamMayo is a business man and very popular among bis friends. The couple wilresMe on Richie near Taylor St. Ou

.tt their pathway of lifiwill ever be smooth.

' tn.

Misi Staggie l? ivis of Philadelphiarriw, d .n iii* city last week visitinher friend, Mis E il. Moss, 1828 Taylor 3We hope U af Johnsen wipaid-in Q .lediiejin>.. n oar last

s We know SOO are the be't*-half, for Afr-told us it was a finboy.Mr. S G. Would rid.ire is from Wi

minston. Delaware ¦ id not Washin|ton, DOMr. H. G. Wooldridge, the wei

known l:... d Comedisof Wilmington, Delaware who has beein >thi| c visiting hparents M ad Mrs. B i* Woodiivlge of 1215 W Chaffin St.. wa*? ro;ally enteriained by his cousins, Mand Mrs CB; Wooldridge last Thurday evening. February 3id at in Fulton Thc parlor wi

nicely d with tb.iwera ar

plant Magnolia Handolin at

Gaiter Club furnished musia for tloccasion.The tabla was grandly decorate

with tl - mid shuded iamjTbe i lett, consi

ting of Blue aime' SouFillet

Bee. t iGouletMaecar.» with Pen

Ka n Tom and 1 TurkeCranberry H Chat

pay t -r Pu

Cak*cheese, brandy, claret punch, c fTccigarsDuring the ev. nina Mr S G Wot

dri^'Hoi -

all pre*. al.-o Ike pt them ircontn.u w laugh ull the even ng wiwicty ard fanny ssj Ogs. Arnothose pr 11 .tunah Fi

I of N w Y* rk. Miss Alice Carlof B ar er

Wsshing .n, D. G ,Mr. J. W Humof i. . Wodrid-^e at Wilmingt n, Delaware a

several Idridgs w

leave about the 21st for his ho;.Ajax

Two Good Things."77" for Grip and Colds; number,

or Djatpeesis Indigestion and WiStomach ; 2b*. at. all rtrneffists.


The attendance at thc Mount Calry Baptist Munday on the 6th inst.. \

good,as mThs t ihe Rising Moi

ere v

interest ing a", h »ugh the sttwas small i .Hirei d ired s nt > Miof the yoong -dort

among which Mr. W. H. Badeliver, il at. ams addrmoi* sn some nddr ssei

the >f which hours

Og" calledto j* I 'V Seminaryed tne pulpit at ll :4ft a m. I he g©et of hisoiscourse wss humiliat

¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ i-ggpiKe gave his audience the divine truthti all its purity.At 8:30 P. M . Rev. Munford of the

nary preached. He drewany instructive lesson* fer hia

hearer*.Kev. Archer Ferguson, the beloved

of the Mount Calvary Baptisth has been sick for a week. Hew!y convalescing. Vie hope

that h« will wholly recover .soon. Inhis absence last Sunday, Rt»v. Wil¬liams of the Fountain Bapt ist Church,Church Hill, administered tho Lord's

t to a crowded hou e. Sacra-.\I services will take plsee at the

Hising Mount 'Alon Baptist Churchnext Sunday at 3:30 P. M.


HaCKB.N'saCK, N. J., Feb 7ih, 1898.Last Sunday the churches vere well

attended At 8:30 communion ser-k place at Mt. Oliv? Phurnh,

Last week the thermometer bm below

Mr. Kizerdied last week ifter twomonths of illness. Hs was 72 years ofage and leaves a son, daughter andwife to mourn their loss. He died out¦»f Christ.

.*E. Brown and others of NewYork were visiting friends Hid rela¬tives in Hackensack last week.

>lttss Virginia Childress on lust Thursday gave a grand soiree at her resi¬dence, 25 Clay St. All reported hav¬ing a good tim>*.Mrs. Pencer is out again after a

week's ni*;>rge Howard is very sick at

his residence at Tenck.What's the matter with the True

Reformer? here? They seem to be get¬ting ice-co'd.The W. W.S. raised $175 last year

and banked it in the behalf of MountOlive Church, making the church'sincome for last year $074 or more.

B T PU.The meeting of the Baptiit Young

People's Union of the Fifth StreetRapt ist Church was held on last Sun¬day afternoon The attendance was

very large and the very excellent pro¬gramme rendered. Meeting openedby singing hymn "Only Trust Him ;"Scripture Reading Romans 10:8 18;Prayer by Brother Paul Pollsrd ; Song,'At the Cross;" Subject for discussion"The Way of Life." Romans 10:8-13.The subject was beautifully opened byMrs. Lillie V Taylor, who wad a veryexcellent paper on ths subject, ltshowed that she had given much timeand thought to its composition.Brother Vant) of the Ebenezer B. Y.

P. U led off in the discussion, and thsmembers and friends found no troub'ein discussing this very important sub¬ject Song, "Carried by the Angels;"Sentence prayer. Song, "8t»nd up forJesos;" Brother John Gravel led thesong '"I am the Way" which was verybeautiful and appropriate to tbe sub-tees. Song, "When God the Way ofLife would Teach, Miss Marie J wil¬liams sang a very beautiful solo, "*Tu*nthee. Lost One." Collection. Suns,"Fading Away." Benediction by Rev.1) H. <'namberleyne.Members and friends come out on

next Sunday afternoon and hilp to dis¬cuss the sobject "Law of Love " Thiesubject will be opened by Rev. D. H.Chamberlayne Come out snd hearthe yeung divine.Our meetings are held every Sunday

afternoon at 4 o'clock Come and. pend an hour with us, and you will bebenefitted by it There ie a standinginvitation to all who will conic. Weare proud to note the following visitorswho were with us on last Sunday after¬noon were Brothers Thomas Wann,Paul Pollard and Benjamin Adams, allof the Ebenezer B Y. P U. Comeagain, brethren and bring your friendsDon't forget the subject on next Sun¬

day afternoon. "Law of Love." Ho¬mans 15 :l-3.

Miss An nih B Haskins, PresidentMks. Li-cv Walkbu Bevk'LT, ^ec'?.B. II. Pbyton, Reporter.

ttrmmyxmaAf ***i-» **»o.

a c, Um moat won' ailie ««<*, picas

til'- tn*'*', arl cent ij* liver and bowels

- tem, dlipasi collis'ever, habitual constipation

- nest iy and try a boxOf C.CC to .lay; !0, Z\ 50 cent*. ".ieid aii^cuHrant-ood to cuni bv alt lixugciiia

Pennsylvania "*.' fbnventton.Altoonn. Pa., Fab. 16..Theconventlen

of coal miners represent lng tha centralPennsylvania district waa called tcorder yesterday by l'res'.ih'iU PatricaDulan, of Pittsburg. There are ICMdelegates present, a number being fromthe anthracite district. President Do-lan said the object of tha meet Ina; wanto place the miners of central Pennsyl¬vania in a position to enjoy ihe Chicagcsettlement, an advance ot ten centia ton in the rate of mlninr and .lg).'heurs for a day's work. The conven

tion will probably be In session untiThursday evening:.






Expelled From the Navy.Washington. Feb. 16..Luther Q. Bil

lings, pay directer In the United Stats:navy, has been found guilt*/ By a cour

martial of falsehood and scandalouconduct, and has bsen aentencad to dismUsal from the navy. Ths result ethe trial caused the greatest aurprisIn naval circles. The accused hsld thhighest rank in the naval Bay corpihaa a host of friends, and never beforhas been suspected ef misconduct. Thoffense charged against Hm was iconnection with the supply to the navof an emergsney ration.

Pilton of Sliver Force* TJrired.Washington, Feb. 18..The address?

on behalf ef the Democratic, Popullsand Silver Republican parties, whicare the result of the conferences whichave baen in progress among the leaders of those parties at thc capital fethe past few weeks, wera issued yesterday. They seek to unit* the meirbera of the three parties in future ele<tions upon the financial issue aa thtuestlon of paramount Importance, anare separate appeals to tach of tlpart'.?*: to consolidate all along ttlines for this purpose.

Exterminating the Gypsy Moth.Boston. FeB. 16..After a short inte

val the work of exterminating the gy]ey moth has been resumed by the staboard of agriculture with the erne

gency appropriation of $26,000 that tllegislature granted to carry on tlwork until the full appropriation csbe acted upon. Between 150 and 2men who were laid off on Feb. 1, bcause last year'e appropriation lugiven out, have been reinstated, ar

they are now distributed among the lifested districts to destroy the insect.

Twenty Fishermen Probably 1-ostBuffalo, Feb. 16..A number of me

estimated at between 20 and 30, w]were fishing through the ice on LalErie, several miles up the lake, are blleved to have lost their lives or aadrift on the ice on the lake. A bea'wind blowing from the eait caused tIce to break away from the shore ainothing can now be seen or heard fm%men.

When Yon Are SickPure and Fresh Medicines oe ly w

cure you then purchase yourDrugs and Medicine from


PrescriptionDrug Stot

724. North Second Street.[Between Jackson and Duval Stres

A. S. BINQ1ETQ3No. 1328 E. Franklin St.

General Merchandise,FINE GROCERIES,

CIGARS & TOBACCCountry Produce, Wood a

Coal. Goods DeliveredFi ec Richmond, Va


Will Thorp Be Seated?

Tht* Hawaii Treaty Still theCentre of Attraction.

[From Our Regular Correspondent.]Washington, Feb. 14, 1898

uso tow. Keb 14,President McKinley has never justi¬

fied the confidence reposed in him bythe American people to a more markedextent than Senor de Lome, late Span,¦sh Minister to the United States. Inthst letter Senor de Lcm« personallyinsulted the President, as well bs hieown government. When Washingtonwas in a ferment of excitement andmen of prominence who are usuallycool headed were advising all sorts ofhot-headed steps cn the part of thisgovernment, President McKinley nev¬

er for s moment lost the coolnesswhieh has always marked his acts aicritical periods, although there isn'tthe slightest doubt that his blood fair¬ly boiled at De Lome's insults. Likethe true patriot that he is, he sunk hisindividuality and acted only ss thcountry's executive. He merely re¬

quested the Spanishthrough the America'; M in ister at Ifadrid, to recall De .-onie Senor de Loin.had anticipated that and csbiedhis resignation, and it was acceptedby h** govt rnmeut before the r

for his recall was presented Tidom of this moderation on the n*-rt othe President is daily beeomi* *: moreapparent. There was another Iboant feature of De Lome's Utter, in-which he declared that autonomy foiCuba and negotiations for reciprocitjtreaty were only shams.


Had this letter been made public ira legitimate manner, it* ontentswould have justified the mont extr mmeasures upon the part of this government. but it was sto'en, and that wa-

not mitigated in the leaat by the ac¬

knowledgement of its authorship byDe Lome. The government of Snainby accepting De Lome's resignationhas relieved this government of thedisagreable contingency of taking Ifleial cognizance of a stolen letter.and at tbe same time has placed itsefin a position from which it cannot es¬

cape without renouncing responsibilityfor the contents of the letter and apol¬ogizing for its having written, within?losing the respect of this and everyother civilized nation Io fact, tneSpanish government has either got tocall De Lome a liar or acknowledge it¬self to be both, liar and hypSurely there is nothing in this situa¬tion i,o cause any patriotic American tofeel otherwise than proud of his *Pi*dsIdent.


No statement or apology from Spaincan remove the effect of its minister'-assertions concerning autonomy andreciprocity ; therefore Senor de Lome'rletter is likely to be a factor in deter¬mining the future relations of thi-government toward Cuba. There islittle doubt that Pretident McKinleywould have taken steps before now ti.have brought the war in Cuba to a

close, had it not been for Spain's au¬

tonomy scheme. Although he did not

probably have more faith in the suc¬cess of autonomy than the averageman familiar with the situati »n intuba. President McKinley felt boundto accept the claim of Spain that itwas honest in its offer of autonomy,and to allow sufi'icitu* t me to demon-trate its success or failure to elapsebefore taking action. Regardless ofwhat Spain maydoor notdo.deLome'sletter hss changed the whole situation.and it is not now thought in Washing¬ton that anything short of Spain's de¬veloping an unexpected ability tobring the war in Cuba to an end her¬self aili prevent early action on tht-pait of this government. Cotdeserves credit for having kepiand allowed the President to managethis affair.

thobi* conti:

The majority rep *rt of the KLction-Committee of the House in favor ol

seating Thorp, the republican contest*ant from the 4th Virginia district, con¬tains a scathing arraignment of tht. lection laws of that state, and sf th*-methods employed in that particulaidistrict, whielj. was designedlyoverwhelmingly republican by a j*-rrymander mads by a democratic leture. There is no doubt abjut tinseating of Thorp.


The House Committee on Interstatiaad Foreign Commerce will this wee!give public hearings on the Hephunbill for the establishment of a new executive department, to be known as t ii

Department of Industry and Commeroe, the head of which shall bemember of the Cabinet, and upon thNational Quarantine bill.


In order to learn definitely whethethe time now being devoted to thdiscussion of the treaty for the annexation of Hawaii is being thrown awajthe Committee on Foreign Relationwill, this week ascertain the fu!strength of the treaty in thi Senaitby bringing about a vote that wiserve as a test. Should the vote shuthat the treaty is short of the neceiBary two-thirds, it will at once Iabandoned, and the efforts of the cou

mittee be devoted to pushing a joiiresolution providing for annexation ta vote. Members of the Committ*have not the slightest doubt of anne]ation at this session of t ongresB ; onlthey deeire to be absolutely certaithat it cannot be secured by a ratificition of the treaty, before starting up.:the other route.

NOTIOE.Horace S. Davis is no longer emplo

ed at the Leigh Street Studio, 34 WvLeigh St , and is not authorized to s

licit orders or collect bills for the Stdio,






Uhitt, Protection ano Equity.

MAIN CFFICE:506 East Broad Street


The Supreme Assembly, Grand Ured Ord»r of Watchmen -is a FrateriBenevolent and Charitable Ordwith Lodge and Representative foof Government, incorporated umthe laws of Virginia, 1897.PERSONS ADMITTED FRC

3 TO G5 YEARS OF AGE.Joining Fees from $1 25 to $5 60.Monthly dues from 2.5c to 50c.Sick benefits from ti 50 to $3 00.Death benefits rrom $75 to $150.

All new numbers organized witthe next OO days will have Iducements.

J. E. Byrd, Supreme PreS. T. Hu.i., Supreme SecreterWise Ellis, »"- . i eas..

John F. lt kow me KVice-president and Manager.For further particulars apply to

maaager. 10,9-8



25c 50cALL


The Reign of Lawlessness

U)\l LYM BLOODY WORKA Fearful Record. - The Law Sleeps."Shall this barbarity continue until the God of retribution

marshals his strength against the barbarians ?"


1897 NarJaH 5, Lawrence Brown

mon Coo,.lan 16, Unknown msn '

.lan 18, Pete Henderson "

Jan 19, John Johnson.lan 19, Ar(h.)o*,n*rJan ll.lan 21, sythJan 21, u

lington"Jan M TaylorJan 25 -Porter WhiteJan 27. Janies Ju*

Alleged CrimeArsonMurder

Feb. 3, Rob.March 15, >\


.. -ji. R

Struck a white manMurder

RapeAttempted Rape

Criminal Assault

Place Lynched Nonear Cranbury SC 1near Sumter S 0

near Doaksville Texnear Itabena Miss

.near Amite City Ls

JefTersonville Gsii M

Bryan TexTallahassee FlaMorgan Co Tenn

Bibo Co Alarion, Colored Writing Insulting Letter, Rockfield. Ky.. .lenient, *' Striking white man. Cambell Co., Va. 1

-ie M Nothing, Brookside, Ala. 1

rn W. Brannon, Innocent.April'23, 1, Fornication,April 29, Lo lured, Murder,

Aar* .'

" M James Thomas, " *'

'.J naa.

Six Miles Bibb Co.. Ala. 1Alexandria, Va.Sunnyside, Texas,

May 12,

May 13,

.. '« .. 1Mollie Smith, Attempted Mumer Jefferson, Ala 1

.inda Franks, " " " "1lored. Attempted Assault. Roseland Texas, 1

ima, ' " '* 1

May 18,May 31,Julie 4,June 5,JumJuntlu y 15,July 17,July 19,July 19,July 19,Jul} aa,


\\ va white,Willi. il. "noCharles Muehell, Cuiored,Isaac Ba: tWilliam


(Viminal Assault,Murder,

Tyler, Texas,Lee, Ark.

Urbana. Ohio,Orangedale, Fla. 1

Feloi ious Assault,!Princess Anne, Md. 1John Moses Colored Murder Crystal Springs, Miss!Parry Gilliam " Robbery A Attempted Assualt. Monrock " 1Anthony Williams. Ool , Criminal Assault, West Point, Tenn., I

reil, Colored "" Near Elba, Ala,, 1Rev..Edmondson, None Florence, Ala., 1

-*' Attempted Rape Riverton, Ala , 1iel,*' " Goodwater, Ala., 1

Color.d, Attemped Assault. Griffin, Ga,lrinkley, ,, None, Madisonvilie, Ky,l

Simple Assault, Union, Mo, 1Murder, Pitteboro, Miss, 1

Horse stealing Scott A Yell Co Ark. 1if fi -t

Entered Lady's Room Harris Ala,Murder Brunswick Miss

Bnsh Creeb KyGlenwood Ga.

July, ld, Er wJ uly ,

July 27.-Crownover Whitei»_ Beach "

v ugust 5 lured" S, 1." ft, Jack Williams, Wh

9, Nat natl iel Mason Colored Criminal AssaultRapeNone

StealingCriminal Assault

Talked Too MuchFighting

Sept 2,Sept12,Sept. 16,

ll, Bob Krackett * olored12.-"16, John E Nowiin. White19,-21, Frank Smith, colored21,-Col*

22, Caney Sullivan, white Criminal Assault2h,-Bonner Criminal AssaultX Wiley Johnson " Attempting Assault2ti, Jack Pharr, " Striking White Man2, Charley Gibson Colored murder

-Colored murderwhtia stealing

Terrell's Statien N CRed Hills, VaRunneba g VaManhsim 111

Abbeville AlaKendall Ark

Whitley Co KyBellvif**, TexasMooreville Tex

Camden AlaMacon GaExeell Aia

Versailles, Ind.Lyle LeviWilliam Jenkins

" Henry Shutter" Bert Andrews" Cliff Gordon,

Sept 26 Seym< rou Colored Criminal Assault near Hawesville Ky 1ii nenry -Jruwer

Oct 17 - P^nn. i ii

Nov 27, Hicks PrMmes Murray

Dee. 9, Charles Lewis,Dec 13.-.







Hermandi Miss 1Somersville Ga 1

1Starks. Fla 1

Jenny Lynd, Ark 1near Wassoa Miss 1White Castle La 1St Gabriel La 1St. Gabriel La 2

:, Joe Thomas!, Joe and Charles Alexander

Nov. 14, '97,-Holytrack, Indian, half-breed j.murder, near Bismark,S. D.-Irel

No. Lynched and Names not Reported,1898

Jan 7, Lincoln McGelsey,Devoe, colored, assault,._ .. "

-'* murder,

Maude P. O ,0. T.

Pearken, Ark.

JanMarshall Chadwick, " suspected of murder, Colfax, WTash.- -colored , suspected cf stealing a $2 nog, Cleveland Ce. Ark.

Total.17-Not dead


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OF ALL STYLES.Ladies' Dong Pat Tip Springheel 2^-8 Button, atLadies' Dong Pat Tip-Spring}] .8 Lace,Lau *ag Button Com 'lue Pat Tip,Ladies' Dongola Button Common Sense,

Boys' Shoes, 75c Men's Buff Bals,J!


MRS. MARTH, the world renownedand highly celebrated business sndtest Medium reveals everything. Noimposition. Can beeounsulted uponall affairs of life, business, love sndmarriage a specialty. Every mysteryrevealed, also of absent, deceased andliving friends. Removes all troublessnd estrangements, challenges anyMedium who ean exceed her in start¬ling revelations of the psst, presentand future events of one's life. Re¬member she will not for sny price Hat¬ter you ; you may rest aasurea you willgain facts without nonsense. She canbe consulted upon all affairs of Life,Love, Courtship, Marriage, Friends,Sato., with description of future com¬panion. She is very accurate in de¬scribing missing friends, enemies etc.,He«- advice upon sickness, change ofbusiness, law suits, journeys, contest¬ed wills, divorce and speculation isvaluable and reliable. She reads yourdestiny.good orbed; she withholdsnothing.MRS. MARTH tells yonr entire life

past, present and future in a DEADTRANCE, the power of any twoMediums you ever mst. In tests shstells ysur mother's full nama beforemarriage, the names of all your familytheir ages and description, the namaand business of your present husband,the name of your next if you are tohave one, the name of the young maswho now calls on you. the nama of yourfuture husband, and the day, monthand year of your marriage, how manychildren you have or will have *, wheth¬er your present sweetheart will be trusto you and if he will marry you; ifyou have no sweetheart shs will tallyou when you will have and his nams,business and data of acquaintance. Allyour future will be told in an honest,clear and plain manner and in a deadtrance. Mothers should knaw tha suc¬cess of their husbands and childrenyoung ladies shauld know everythingabout their swssthsarts or intendedhusband. Do not keep company, mar¬ry or go int* business until you knowall, do net lot silly religious scruplesprevent your consulting.Madame is the only one is ths world

who can tell you the FULL NAME ofyour future husband, with age anddats of marri age, and tails whstharths ons you love is trus or fslss.There are some persons who bslisve

that there is no truth to bs gained fromconsulting a Medium, but sueh beliefsare contrary to ths truth. It is onlyfrom the lack of discrimination thatsuch a conclusion can be reached, Itis not every one who placards himselfor herself ss a medium that ean standa test of what be or she claims.And a person of an enquiring mind

may ask the reason why. It is simplythat these advisers do not take thetrouble to study nature. Theydo not spend their thoughts for a mo¬rn tnt with acquiring the art af phass-ology and kindred branches that willhave a tendency to make the pathwayto the road of the business clear anddevoid of ail obstacles.

It is an undeniable fact that personswill come for advice in full knowledgeef what they want to know, and yetas soon as they confront a Medium thsytry their utmost endeavor to dispelfrom their minds what they know so asto hear if it will be rehearsed by theMedium. To get the secret out ot a

person by "pumping" in no few easesis the art used by many unprincipledmediums, but to take hold of the headand gain control of the mind thereby isa matter of impossibility to most ofthem. And yet this can be dons andby consulting Mrs, Marth the seemingmystery becomes a realization.Thia subject has received no little

attention by eminent men and evencollege professors. So it provss con¬clusively that although there are in¬fringer* in our midst with oily tonguesperhaps the gates of wisdom have notbeen closed to the entire profession.

It takes s great deal of study to be¬come an accomplished medium and bya continuous and untiring effort, thekey to the well of apparently unfathomable mysteries has been secured byMKS. MARTH for the benefit of hu¬manity.


MRS. M. B. MARTH.202 West 81st Street, Nsw Tork Citj

Enclose stamp for reply.Please mention the Planxt"


Wintebfocb, Ohbstbsfibld Co., VaThe aoove named school will open 01

Jae nary 1, 1896. Thorough instruction will be given in all the branchalusually taught in Normal sehools o

high grade. Tuition and board, $8 Olper month.An opportunity will be given stn

dents to learn trades such as Machinist. Blacksmith, Carpenter, MasonTailor, also Farming. The girls will btaught needle work and dress-makingFor application blanks, circulars am

other information, address at onceRsv. P. A.Tylbb.

General Manager, Wintsrpock, P. CM. A. ILikris,

Principal, Farmers' Normal SchooMannsboro, Ya.WHAT ABOUT THB FARMER'S NORMA


When your daughter or ion eon:heme from school and say to yoiMother, the teacher says I caanicome to her school any longer, I mugo to a higher school in the city. WIdaughter or ton I can't sesd you. Wtmother? Because that five cent dimestic dress, seventy-five cent shoethirty cent hat and %l 00 doak thyou wear to the public school heryou could not wear the same at a hi jschool in the city, and I would havepayj$6 a month for your board, andam not able to do that. Why nomother? Beeaase the general man

ger will not receive my eggs, buttand chiekens, wheat and corn as pifor your month's board. But if y<send your son or daughter to tlFarmer's Normal School, tbe sandresses and bo on they wear to tcounty school, they can w»m to tFarmer's Normal School, and ws wtake what money you may have, yoeggs, butter, chickens, and anythithat you may have saleable. I wcome to your church, when asked toso and lecture on this work. Addrtfor information,

tf Rbv. P. A.Ttlbb


Tbe Negro Heed Not Oemnlain ALonger of Black 8kia,

This preperation, if used as directwill turn the skin of a black penfour or five shades whiter, and thalmulattoes perfectly white. It alsomoves wrinkles from the face i

makai the skin beautiful. Any perusing it esn tee the result in foieight hours.It does not turn the skin in sp

but bleaches out white. It is s v

geed thing for weak eyes if allowedget in the eye while washing th* 1One box of this powder is all tha

S required, if used ss directed, the iremaining beautiful without enntiruse, and fa perfectly harmless.Direction and preparation wil!

sent to any address on receip$2.00 or 0. O. D.

IHOMAS BBARr,'MlMH W. trotfftrMt, Kittani nd<






Lt. Richmond (Re*k*tts).I SS p rnLt. Old mint Comfort .lt Mp-aLt. Baltimore (MfaLt. B«lM****r* (B A © R R (HmLt. rhi 1*4*1»*1*<B AO ll) » .**» mrnen.Vr. New fork (B A O A A).1 IS p rntrrrv* lai*i-ll SS p mirrlT* W***tag**n B A O R A).ll * a m>*v* B*i»cm*r** tr a a). an pmL**v,* ralladelpata (¦*¦> a a)._.HW p mIrrtTV Mew York (ram) .ISS p m

MONDAT. WIHHEIPAT, AMD aTBI»AT.Lmmrm Sow York B A O & B).ll MamLMTtNttTirk(rii) .nooam>av* philadelphia (B 4 O R R-,.1WpmL**v* rhlladc'.pht* (ran .I na p tmLeave Baltimore (Ba* Line) ¦.........4Dtprotrrlve Richmond . 1009 . iaThe trip By this itnmfr affords a mom enoyable sall on tha James rlrer and ChesapeakeBm*', passing Duteh <->ap. Bermod*. Hundred.Jlty rolnt, Newport News, Ham pto-**, .and Oldrolnt, and through Han-ptoa Roades. The mer¬riot offered ls u nsurpa-wed la every particular.Large and luxuriantly furnished saloons and>t*te-rooms. heated by steam, aud lighted bjelectricity.Tickets sold to all polnta North. East andWrest, and baggage checked to destination,

¦".tate-roorns reserved upon appllcaMon In perion at the company's offloe No. SM east Mainttreet, or on board steamer. For farther Information apply to

H. M. BOYKIN,General Agent.


ftssengers caa leave Richmond DAILY TisCnesapeaka aad Ohio raliway, at 8 bo A. M., OiKlchmonS aad Petersburg railroad. (Norfolk»n4 Rester* route) tfit A. M., *ooanectlng atNorfolk with Old Dominion-Line steamer, sallLng aame evening for New York.

ALI, WITH KOUT**.Steamship Old Dominion leaves Richmond

every Meaday at 6:00 F. M.. for New York via¦lamea River.Tickets en sale at Richmond Transfer Com

pany's, SOB east Maia Street. Chesapeake andOhio railway and Ktchmosd and Petersburgrailroad depots, and at oomnany's offloe, ISL'east Main Street. Richmond Baggage checkedthrough.

rasiaht.for New York and all polnta beyond can otshipped by direct steamers, sailing from Richmond eTery MONDAY AN FRIDAY. 6:00 H. MAlso hy steamer leaving Riehmond WVDAY 6 F. M. for Norfolk oonnecting with steam¬er for New York.Manifest cloaed ene hoar before sailing time

Freight received and forwarded and throughbills of lading Issued for all northern, eastersand foreign points.

FROM Haw TORK.Ps ssfSagers can leay*** daily except Sunda;to Norfolk or Old Fol at Comfort, connectingwith Norfolk aad Western railroad or Chea*

peaks and Ohio railway.Direct ste*mers (Tia James-River rorie).leaTe eTery BATT' RDA Y (Passenger and freightand MONDAY, (freight only.Sailing from company's pier. No. 36. NorthRiver foot of Beach Street, at 8.-00 P. M.; Saturday 4.-M P. M. yFor farther information apply toJOHN F AYER. A CO. gen ts.

1313 east Main street.Richmond. Ya

W. L. Gulllaudaa, Vloe-Frea-udent and TrafficManager. Nsw York.


To Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Polat, Newport-News. Claremoaat, aad James River iandfngH.axS eoaaeetlng at Old Polat and Norfolk ForWashington. Baltimore aad tha North.Stbambb PscAisuTii Lb4 vcs Mondat, Wid

UMiiT ari Fm sat at 7 A. M.Kleetrie-cars direct to wharf. Fare only »1.6iasd tl.M to Norfolk, Portsmouth. Old Pointasd Newport Newa. Music by a grand Orche?trios.Freight received daily from abov.*-namar-uplaces and all points In Eastern Virginia andNorth Carolina.

IRVIN WEISIGER.Superintendent.


Usssral Offices: Plan Mrs' Bank Building.





NO EXTRA PARC ON ANY TRAINNo. 4S.-'*Tkt A aaa ta Special" leaven Ricb-

¦soad. Bally, at HM night, for Heuderaou.(arrlTO Parham dally, except Sunday) RaleighSanford.-Southor ri ties. Wilmington, Wades-*»oro. Monro*. Charlotte. Linc.Inion, Shelby,Rutherford****. Chester Clinton, Greenwood,At»fe*rvlUe,Klherton, Athens, atlanta, augus¬ta, Maooa,ChattanTOaga, Nashville, Memphis.*>xas, Mexico, California, and the West (TiaMemphis). Solid Limited Train, with milmanLuSot Sleepers and Vestibuled Coaches.No. 41.."The S. A. L. Express*' leaves Rich¬

mond, datly, at 9;06 a. M., for Henderson, (Dur¬ham, dally, except Sunday) Raleigh, Sanford,Southern Tines, wilmington. Wadesboro. Mon¬roe, Charlotte. Chester, Clinton, Greenwood,abb*villa. Elberton, Athens atlanta. Macon,rensaoola. Chattanooga, Nashville. Mmphls.iioatagomery. New Orleans, Texas Mexico, andthe Southwest (Tia New Orleans) Solid Trainwtth pullman sleepers and coaches; and Sleep.r Hamlet to Wilmington,an ive Richmond, «;30 a. m.,6;40 T. M., dallyFor tickets, baggage checks, sleeping cai

lOaservaUons, *tc., .apply toH M BOYKIN, Sole Pass'r Agent830 East Main tit Riohmond Ya

a st. john, Viaoe-rrealdent and aen'l ManagerT. t. seem, General Sepe riu tendent.h. w. a. mvormm, B. J. aHsaaaoH,

v.**Ma s»uMt. aaaaral raa'r ah




TRAIN LKAVK RICHMOND.UNION DKPO9-00 A. M., Arrives Petersburg, 9-Bl A. M., Noi

folk ll :36 A. M. Stops only at Peersburg. Waverly and Suflolk, Va.

. -OS A. M., ArriTes Petersburg 9:60 A. M., Wedon 11-4S A.M., Fayetteville 1::P. M., Charleston 10:30 Savanna13:60 A. M.. Jacksonville 7.80 A. iPort Tampa 6:30 P. M. Couneeat Wilson with No. 4T, ArriTing iGoldaboro 8:10 P. M., Wllmingtc6:46 P. M. Pullman Sleeper NsYork to Jacksonville.

'At T. M., Local, Arrives Petersburg 3:43 P. 1Makes all stops,

i JO P. M., Arrives Petersburg 6:IB P. ttMakes local stops K. A P. rail ros

7-BO P. M., Arrives Petersburg8:04 P. M., coineeta with N. and W. for Norfoand immediate points. Einnor9:10 (eonnests with A. and D. f*stations between Emporia aiLawreneeTllle), Weldon 4:43 pFayetteSTllle 1:07 a. m., Cnarlcton 003 a. m., Savannah S lt a, nJacksonTllle 1 SO p, m.. Port Tam]9 46 p. m.

NKW LINK TO MIDDLK GKORGlA POINTS7-33 A. M., ArriTing at Aiken, 7:38 A.M., A

gusta 8 19 A. M..Macon ll a. m.. A"ant* 13:16 P.M. Pullman Sleep*New York to Wilmington Jacks.Tilla, Poit Tampa, Aiken, Angusand Macon.

8-SSP M., Dally, arrives Petersburg 9:81M., Weldon ll ;30 P. M., Makes 1eal stops between Petersburg aiWeldon,

ll-SO P. M., Arrtvea Petersburg 13:86 A. 1l.ynchburg t :S0 A. M., Roanoke 7Bristol 1:16 A.M. Pullman Sleer Richmond to Lynchburg.

7 MA. M., Sanday Accommodation matall stops Richmond and Pater ibrailroad.

4 -40 P. M., Sanday Accommodation make,stops Richmond and PeteraU*railroad.

TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND.4-30 A. M , Dally from JacksonTllle, SaTanni

Charleston. Atlanta, Macoic,Augta, and all points South.

8-1* A. M., Daily except Sunday At'.anAthena, and Raleigh, Handers.Lynchburg an d the West,

8:43 A. M., Petersburg Local.8-00 A. M., Sunday oaly. From Atlanta, A

ens, and Raleigh, and Headers*Lynchburg, and th* West.

11:06 A.M., Dally. Nor.olk, Suffolk andtersburg.

8-MP M., Daily. JacksonTllle, SavanaCharleston, Wllmlngton, Goldsb*and points (South.

7 *00 P. M.. Daily. Norfolk, Suffolk, Waveand Petersburg

8 mt F. M.. Dally. Peteraburg, Lynchburg iand West.

9:40 A.. M., Sunday Accommodation.7-36 P.M.. Sunday Accommodation.'. ' *

T.M. KMIRSON,J. R. KKNLKY, Trafflo Manar*General Manager.

8>c#CAMmIiLtDlviaion Passenger Ag






N&WNorfolk&Weste-¦ *A J.* c*^ la emmet


Schedule in Effectjolt 4, mm.

LKAVB aiCHMOND, BTMD 8Taa»T STATIOH9-00 A. M., Dally.Richmond and Norfolk '

tlbule limited. Second class uclnot accepted for passage ontrala.


9-Ot A. M.. Dally, 'The Chicago Express"Lynchburg, Roanoke, Colnmand Chicago. Pullman Sleeper Foke to Columbus also for RadfBristol. Knoxville. Chattan.and Intermediate points.

7-80 r H. Daily for Norfolk, Suffolk andtermediate stations.

11-iOP M Dally, for Lynchburg and RoarConnects at Roanoke with WIngton and Chattanooga Limyieeoers Roanoke to »

Shis and New Orleans, rallleeper between Richmond

l.yachburg, and berths readoccupancy at 9.oo r. M. Also

t ll I u*n Sleeper re tere burg:ikin Trains arrlye at Richmond from Lyne)*mal and the weat daily, t.ltm. m., aad 8:6«;IUlU

from Norfolk and the east 11:06 a. m. an^tibuled Limited 7:00 p. m. Offloe : SB*

lbel 8Ueet-R.W.COCRTNKY

ni¦son(Olre¬in dsonty-totseryto


t of

MlDistrict Passenger Agri

W.B.BKVILLGeneral Pasvngsr Ag*)

«9Bsral OAoss: Boaaoke Va.

SonUterfl RailwaySCHEDULE

in effect Oct. 3.1897.S-SS HOCTHERNEXPRK dally foi

Atlanta, august* and points Sooth.Bleeper Richmond. t*v Danville .Green*boro, al labu ry. and charlotte Sl-seper open 9:Su p u - at Dar.v'lie.Salisbury and Charlotte with the Waahlag tori aud -.ern Lim¬ited (No 17» carrying sleeper*New York to Ashville. Hot SpringsChattanooga aid NaMnvtllo: New Yorkto Memphis. New York to New OrleansNew York to Tamp*, and Srst-claasday coach between Wa*>hlngtoa andMemphis. Connections are made (oral)point* lu Texas iud California. Bleeperopen for occupancy ml WAU r. M.

13.-00 n»on. i train dally for Charlotte, N C. i at Moseley wltbFarm vt Ile and 1 owbatan railroad aiKeysvllle for Clarkville. Oxford. Hender ,>n and Durham and at Gr***a**borcfor Durham. Raleigh, and W ic->ton-Salem : at Danville with no. SA I'ul tedSlates Fast Vail. t*>olid train, dally fo*New Orleans and i><>iu ls South, which

«*a carries sleeper* New York to New Orleans una to JacksonvilleThrough * y. Nashville.

"irepmrevery .*hlt.gtou to SanFra; mut change.

8*00 r. M., No 17, uk. al. dally avu-ept Sandayfor Kev*svill**nd Id icrniediate points

TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND.6-00 A. SI.8:36r. m.. from Atisnta Augusta, Asheville

.nd Nashville.8:40 . M., from Keysvllle.

al ra-tivuTTaaiNA.hos. Si and 63. between Manchester and n»

apolis. Va.

York Kiver LineVTIA wkstpoini


Train No. 10,4 :«0 r. M.Baltimokx Limited. Dally, except San

day, for Weat Point, there making close connectlon. Mondays. W edin -days sud Friday*with steamer for Baltimore, also with stag* at

Manor for Walkerton on Thursday*and Saturdays.

Train No. 10. 3:80 T. H.localKXraass, Monday.'. Wednesdays and

Fridays tor West > ointand intermediate sulions, conuectawith stage at Lefter Manor fo*Walkerton: also atTappahannock with steam¬ers for Ballimore, atop* at all stations

Train No. 46. 6*00 a. h.

local mixed, leaves daily, except Sunda*from Virginia-Street Station for West foin)and intermediate stations, connecting withstage at Lester Manor for Walberton aud Tappahannock.TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND

9:17 a. m. Dally.except Monday.t0;40 *. m., mondays, Wednesdays,and Friday*-6;S0 p. m.. Dally, civtut sunday from Wc*.!anoint and intermediate stall.ann.Steamers leave West Pola! at 6;00 p. m..

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Baltimore at 6:00 p. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays anrSaturdays.Ticket-office at station, foot of Virginia St

Open from 9 a. m., to8 r. m. andi from ,40 i*. mto 3 A. M.City tlc et office, 90S east Main street.

J. M. CULT, W. A. Turk,Traffic Manager. een. raes. Agt

C. W. WESTBURY,Travelling Passenger Agent,

93() E. uain St. Richmond. Va

Chesapeake anoOhio Railway.O.fcO,



BROAD-STREET .STATION8:60 . M., Daily, wUh chair-car. tor Norfolk

For Union i li. O'S Point. NewporiNews auu principle stations,neets Baily vuth Old Domlalousteamsnipa tor New York.

8;40 P. M., Dally wita I'uiirnan. for localstations, Newport news, Old PointNorfolk ur ulb.

10-00 A. M., Local train ncrpt Sunda*fer West clifton Forge e^nu^taGordonville tor orange. Cuipeper. Calvertou. Ma ii a ssas. Alexandna, and Washingta.u, at IStation. Char for Lynchburg: at Basic for K.tgerstow*.

3.16 P. M., Daily, with Pullmans io Cinclnnatl. Louisville and M. f..«foaly at important stations,ned!- at Covington for Ya. Hotbp rings.Meals serred on Dining cartNo. 7 Locai 1 rains except Sunday, following above train frou:1,.

6:8u P. M., Aecomodatlou, except Munday foiCuar.

10-80 p. m.. Daily, for i lncianatl, with Pull-ma* ii W. Va., and GordonsTllle to Cincinnati and LaulSTille. Meals served on Dlniu*-Cars. Connects at Maunton (ex¬oept Sunday'for Winchester, Ya.,and at Covington. Ya. daily forVirginia Hot .St rings.


ll-BO A. M., Dally, for L>i.mburg.and Cllf ;ecUat Bre

m.* ll.allBaa for l.exilijf

lon, and at W Forge withNo. I. f.-r ( l i.nunan.

COO r. m.. Except Sanday. Local accomodation for Co'umbia.


8:30 a. M.. Dally rrom Cincinnati ano Louis¬ville.

11:16 a. m., Dally from Norfolk aad OldPoint.

8-JO e. M., Dally, from Cincinnati and Leuia-Tilie.

6:60 r. M.. Dally, from Norfolk, and Oldrolnt.

7 46 r. m.. Except Sunday, from W. CliftonForge.


8:60 a. m., Except Sunday f.oni Columbia.6-Bur. a.. Dally from Lynchburg, and CUL

ton Forge ami except sunday, fromLexington and Arro

JOHN D POTTS,Ass't General Pads ?nger Agent.





LXAVE BYRD-STREET STATION.4 :10 A. M., Dally, for Waahlngton end Point

North st..',.** onlj st Milf.-.rami Frederlcksburg 1'ulluia

to Nea 18 JO a M., Sunday only, foi Washington an

points North, stops at KihiAshlano .le, DoswelRuther, *. la, MillionGlen All.-. l.Woodalan,Guinea. KreUrriCKslaurg, Brookand Widewatei pullman oar.

8:46 A.M.. Dally except Suuday, (or WaalN..riington' and points North. Stol

at Elba, Ashland, Taylorsvlll-well, Ruther ijlt-n. Pei

ola, Milford, Woodslaue, Guiiea. Summit, FrederlcksburBrooke, Widewater pullman et

9:06 A. m., Commencing January 90th, .IaiWaahlngto

Ballimore, r hiltidelphta. .ir\ .ark and Florida

composed entirely ..( i

ping-, dining,and a.

extra charge .*tiithan regular rut 1 mai:' (are. Donot-stop at Kliaa.

13:00 M., Dally, except sunday, for Wasington and points North. 8toat Elba, Glen Allen, AshlabDoswell, Milford, Frederic!burg, Brooke, and WidewauParYar-car. Aldo connects wi.Congressional Limited at WasIngton.

ug I 7 .SJ. p. m., Daily for Washington and pollNorth. Slop*) at Elba, a sh lacDoswell, Milford, Frederic!burg. Brooke, and Widewaband other stations .Sun da j

*tmond to New Yoth.u.-













8;40 A. M., Daily. Stops at VMdewat*Br* iicksburg:MllfoiDoswell Axhlaud Elba and otlistat a.. a. Sleeper, BiYork to K. BS

3:46 P. M.. Daily, except .sunday. StopsWide*AHU-r, Br.*burg. . Wooilane,. Milford. mitti hlba. FilorCar from Wa-

7:10 P. M.. Daily. i" ai Frederic]burg, Dobwt-ll. and AshiaiPuliman-Curs from New Yeand Washington.

8;86 P. M., Daily. Slops at WldewatBrooke, I .ifK. Susilt. Guinea, Wood.sU

....en. Doswiashland. Glen allen, and El

9:50 p m. t o.uary 17th, da



4-OO P. M., Leaven et Station.8-80 A. M., Arrives Bvrd-Street sutton.

(Daily. exoept Sunday.)6.43 A. m., Leaves Elba.6:30 P. m.. Lea.6:40 A. m., Arrives Elba.6.00 P. m., Arrived Elba.

0" A. TAY LOR. Traffic Manag**. T. D. MYER8 Prssident. f«

Y. M, Gwatuiey,7% 220 N. 17th Srull-noke. I _. ,

ibnrg j Dealar in

p. m., IMain j Choice Wines, Liquors,it. bacco aud|Cigars.

¦*. a2«-8i


$ 1,000 REWARD.DR SHEA. MARVELOUS MSOIU.HGlvoa tne names of dome aad living mendsiel ls wbo and when you will marry, alao ol journeys, lawsuits, abaent friends.n or anything you know, no matter wasttis. He can cali up your spirit frtenae aaaib.-w them to yoa. Can malts thea* ran aBI the room. Be asks ao qanette***, doa'Iisa yoa to writ* name* for him. Don't try talump you In any way, but tells rou right otuBe ls thoroughly endorsed by leading spintosu**¦ts everywhere, received from thom a goldnedai ana spec, nense to practloe hi* woa-lcrfui powers, credentials so oae *ls***n ihowau give thousands of reierenees to bola wallaaxno coloi-ea patrons. Twenty rive years prae¬ in Brooklyn.will show yon thatae can do ali that he tao tell ot. Caa tell what»usln*e« ls best for you ana where, how to wlaipeedy marriage with ihe one you lev*. Hew*> be aaooBesfm in all your doings la short>rhat ls best to Oo. He succeed* when ali eta-Poeiilve mus'action or ne pey. Callind see. You will fina lt lucky to eoasait talaJ briaHan gentleman. He h*4 a meaioin* that¦sm cure arunxeuneass, e*n ¦* given patientsaol knowing it. Ihouaanoa througe blas aranow

RICH. HAPPY AND SUCCESSFULwith all their undertakings, while tho** whoueglect his advice ar* still laoorin" aratnltt>over.y. Througn his perfect cnowl*<Ige efchemistry, he cai* impart to you a .secret th**twill overcome you eaemles aad wla yearrienas. His aid ana advice has often Sasa mm-liciteo; the result has ai ways Been tn* securingof speedy ana happy marriages aad ali yee*wisnes. In love attain ne never talla. Bohas the secret ot winning th* affections et Uteopposite sex. Lt is tu* parse ot J*plritualismmat in ail large cities there are a class wf meaand women wno ciaim powers they do no. pmm-sesa Ttoey have nei ther gift*, credential*, ne*reierenees. Surety the ooiwreo pe-apie ate setao wan .Ung in stnse as to throw meir usn* aadmoney away on sucn. Dr. Ahe* refers te taeHon. Winiam Denmore, Architect *ud bunoar4? Cleveland Ave. ana Mi. Fre*a. Lempe, groosr,641 Fulton street. Brooklyn. Ail have kaowahim for the past seven years. Be gives a treelest ot his power io alt. The doctor ha* practic¬ed ave years in New Orleans, et. ixnuie. Mesa-phis ana Louisville; understands tnoreugtUjthe disease*, spells or influences the race la aaa*iect to. Be ls n*»w ana always aaa a large panonage from them.


dro*k'.yh. Aug. 16, INL-Tnia is ie eertttr that Ioame io New Yarx ir**m AJu**ay. i waa astranaer in a strang* etty, out *f work and ow.of money. 1 had n* luck in anything I ua*a*r-took. W hat te do 1 dla not knew. A mena ad¬visee rn* to go an* see Dr. Bhea. 1 mid. Hetold me the cause ef my tn»u*les; he toek sae laand treated me a* a brosher. Through ai. Igola gooa position that very week. 1 Maa* brisato otners; taey toot my money aaa dla ame aegood, i bless *be day 1 Brat met Dr. Bfiatc ]wouiu *dvis< .il in baa lack, slsk or la kreabtoto gro to him at once. SincerelyAlbert Ayers. SM? Allanue At*.

Brooklya, A ag. lt. IStl.-Thls letter U to certifythat my aasbana had gene away aad had Beena*t*eent two years, 1 moarn*ea tor him night eadday. 1 gave him up. aa dead. Hearing et ta*wondenul laings Dr. Shea was **lng l resolvedto ooueult bim. Be laid me .that *ay knob* illwaa alive ana well, end where he was. teld ateae woula come hume and when. To my Joyali ai lt came true. He la home now, oem*oack Uk* »ne from the 4eac 1 alao crlaa lo **>y.kat this menin 1 lost tao. 1 sa s jhiiji roastand i was almost inaaae. 1 went to Dr. na***and be tola me i woula Rna my money sag toray intense joy i dla Bcd lt as h* tola ma I'.nan k Ooo tlier* ls a mau s* gifted in oar atlast.nat ca*n help people and tell them what to do.Sincerely, Mra. Barrett.lxl-SCre* SUM!

A SENSATION IN BROOKLYN..A MIMI*-TKB'S STATBMiCN'A.1 wish to state that oae of mr a*riahoaer«was sick and in trouble for a long tim*. Mra.Brown, n. tiny Street. Boen* seemed to aa-ac rs lana her case. She aaa several doctors,ealnone ot mem *eem*ed to know wkat wa* ta*

cia lier. None could do her any good, lt waamy aulv as uer pastor locai, aaa see Uer. oi the woudertui work Being dene by Dr..-.nea the lat»t lew years, 1 tn*ognt 1 would sallana **ee him myseii. 1 fount him a kind aynt-pauietic geuilemac. Be gave me a wonderful

; his p«wers: tola rn* to send him. * lookol patient s hair, which i .did hy Mer daughter.ile i<*ia at once what waa ta* matter and la aabort time cu.ed her sauna ana well, lier faxn-i.y had seemingly been nader a cloud. Newalltscbanged. A.. are well and prosperooa. loaatruiv and heartily recommend D.. Shea, to mitthose in mckueas or distress oi- say kind, BOT.

am Joimson, Pastor Lebanon CharaB,Brooklyn.Dr. Sh*e* can show thousands such aa tha a-


has been earefully educated in the Bomoepatitleand Eclectic Schools of Medicine. His suoeeaals wonderful in curing paralysis. Rheumatism,Asthma. Sore Kyrt. Tumors, Cancers. Coastlp*-

Ague, Dyspepsia, Tape Worm*. LdTer Coat-plaints. Deafness, Caiarrn. Drepey. Pile*, Nerv¬ous Debility. Heart Disease, Consumption. Dl-jirxaoa of women and children. Pita, Kidney Dt-scaast* and ali strange mysterious dlsesesawhieh emera don't understand. Ali <nl*eaeea,no matter wha' they be. Nothing net honora¬ble treaimeat. He *san aad will honestly tellyou lt you can Be aurea. Has ali new remedleaand new ancoeea. Mas had ample expertenceiu public hospital aad private elmic*. Matrilling with human life. Cai. at once.Do not delay. D Ipiainag hang in parlors.

B registered physioian. A new remedy i*r rheHiaiism just dlseovere*. net a unameat. Hopleen oaaes ana these that ataeis *ann*t cure soHelled to can. Fat folks thin, th* childless madaparents. All lette rs most eeaUln $Loa, twastamps, age, lock o. Iiair. For *onsalt*Uoa, .ad-vlce and diagnose*, ^o postal cara*.Charge* lor rasBloal tr^tment only. Maa

tion this papcr^^^^Open Sanders. BROOKLYN BT T.





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