rick presentation about central artery for stephaine pollocks class

Boston’s “Big Dig” & the Creation of the Artery Business Committee Rick Dimino President & CEO, A Better City

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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Bostons Big Dig & the Creation of the Artery Business Committee
    Rick Dimino
    President & CEO, A Better City

2. The Artery Business Committee
Served as the independent eyes, ear and voice of Greater Bostons business community in relation to the Central Artery/Tunnel Project
Was a coalition of executives who shared a strong commitment to a timely completion of Americas largest and most complex public works development
Worked to ensure that downtown Boston stayed open for business during construction
3. Big Dig basics
Largest civic engineering project in history of the United States
There are 160 miles of lane; this completes the I-90 corridor spanning from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans
Total length of project is 18,480 feet; approximately 3.5 miles
Complete cost estimates exceed $14.6 billion
Construction began in 1991 and ended in 2006
Project improved access to Logan International Airport
Increased interstate capacity and decreased travel time
Provides opportunity for further economic growth by making downtown core and accessible destination point
Created approximately 200 acres of open space
4. Why undertake a mammoth of a project like the Big Dig?
5. Highway created an urban Scar
6. Big Dig back storyconstruction & demolition of an elevated highway
In the 1940s, Boston city planners proposed constructing a centrally located, elevated highway as a way to alleviate chronic automobile congestion present in the downtown core
1951, demolition begins as buildings are leveled to make way for the highway
1,000+ buildings torn down
20,000 residents displaced
Elevated roadway completed in 1958
Project intact for 20+ years and then in the early 80s urban design conversation shifts towards leveling the roadway and placing infrastructure underground
7. Construction continued for seven years.
1954, highway isolates North End from rest of City
1954, facing South toward Atlantic Avenue; concrete piersin place to support a six-lane elevated highway
Project hailed as solution to Bostons traffic problems
8. 9. 190,000 Vehicles
10. By 1980s process in motion to bury Artery
11. Turnpike Authoritys role
City of Bostons role

  • Supported traffic management

12. Participated in outreach efforts 13. Created designated staff positions specifically for Artery work; this was funded by the Project 14. Managed the design, construction, utility relocation, and construction mitigation 15. Worked with the City of Boston and ABC to manage traffic impacts 16. Managed neighborhood outreach process