rid 3132 dml pratibimba, issue 1


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WHAT’S INSIDEDRR’s Monthly Letter, July 2015

Dear Readers,

The Rotary Wheel has moved again. Wel-come to a new Rotary — Rotaract yearand Season's Greetings!

After experiencing a year full of multipleand significant events, we are embarkingon the 8th successive year of Rotaract inR. I. District 3132.

Friends, New year comes with new hopesand new challenges for club leaders. Itenables new leaders to develop andemerge and it cultivates new ideas, newprojects and new approaches within thisgreat organization.

I wish good luck to you all, for volunteer-ing such a wonderful organization. Let’senjoy Rotaract together and be the one formaking visibility of Rotaract across Globe!

Happy Readings!

P. S. Ping me anytime if you have somestuff, worth sharing in DML ’Pratibimba’.

Awaiting for your feedbacks, messages,articles. Till the time stay connected.

Rtr. Shivraj Marathe,District Editor, 2015 – 16

R. I. District 3132

The Four Way Test … 2

Rotaract Invocation … 3

Message From District Governor … 4

Message From District Rotaract Committee Chair … 5

Massage From District Rotaract Representative … 6

About District Theme — Let’s Be the One! … 7

Once A Rotaractor, Always A Rotaractor! … 8

Rotaract Wiki … 10

The Tech Corner … 11

Know Your Council Members … 12

News - Fast Track … 14

District Council For R. I. Year 2015 – 16 … 15

Zone Structure For R. I. Year 2015 – 16 … 16

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The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarianethical guide for Rotarian & Rotaractors to use for a

personal and professional relationships.

Of the things we think, say or do

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The Four-Way Test

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O God! Our Almighty Father andRuler of the universe,

We thank thee for the inspirationyou have given us

for the Rotaract Movementbased upon fellowship through service.

We humbly beg youto continue thy

grace to enable usto do our service to ourselves and

to our neighbours andto the honour and glory of the holy name.

Rotaract Invocation

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Dear Friends,Rotary Greetings!

Congratulation! Rtn. Dr. Sucheta joins me to wish youall the best for year 2015-16.

Our R. I. District 3132 is a vibrant District of Rotarac-tors with full of enthusiasm and a great potential. Ibelieve that these young people who are serving inRotaract, and participating in various Rotary YouthPrograms, are the Rotarians of tomorrow. I wish tosee a new energy in Rotaractors this year, throughtheir unique projects & visibility of Rotary-Rotaract.

Friends, Bulletins are mirror of our day to day activity. Today there is plethora of communica-tion tools e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, mails and so on. Do we still need print mediato spread a word to each Rotaractor? Answer is yes, because it is the effective communica-tion tool today also.

Any publication is always useful to build good public image of the organization. The bulletingives opportunity to members to show their hidden skills. I hope the content of Pratibimbawill add beneficiary subscribers and make them familiar to Rotaract club in our District. Addi-tionally, Pratibimba can become an effective communication medium to guide rotaractorsabout Personality Development, Career opportunities, Club Activities, District Events, andHappenings in the clubs & district. I appreciate the efforts taken by Team Pratibimba. I ex-pect similar issues of Pratibimba in year ahead.

Our R. I. President K. R. Ravindran has given a theme for the year 2015-16. Be a gift tothe world.

Let us light up ourselves with more Rotary - Rotaract Activities and Let’s be the one to bea gift to the world!

DG, 2015—16R. I. District 3132

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Dear Rotaractors,

It gives me immense pleas-ure to address Dear Rotarac-tors through this first issue ofDRO News Letter.

This is my second term asDRCC. I am thankful to DGRtn Deepak for showing faithin me and bestowing uponme this important portfolio.My love and affection to-wards Rotaract movementand Rotaractivity is wellknown in Rotary-RotaractFamily of RID 3132.

So Dear friends, here weare again together. Verysoon we will enter in newRotary Year. DRRE RtrSagar has been workinghard to plan, bring freshenergy and ideas to theRotaractivity of RID 3132.Let us all join tostrengthen his hands.

DRR Abheejit had a goodyear. He gave his best tokeep up the good work inthe District. I congratulateand thank him for his lead-ership and contribution to theRotaract movement in RID3132.

Dear friends, my message foryou will be very loud andclear. Please focus and investall your energy in makingyour Club strong. Please takeserious note of the fact thatRotary-Rotaract Organiza-tions exist at Club Level. RIand District Administration

are only there to administer,train, guide and support theClubs.

Only strong Clubs makesStrong District. SuccessfulClub Leaders make successfulDistrict Leaders.

Real challenges in front ofevery Rotaractor today are asfollows. Please understandthem and adapt to be a trueRotaractor.

1. Be an active member ofyour own Club.

2. Understand your organiza-tion.

3. Read Hand Book, Manuals,Constitution, By Laws and allother important documents.

4. Pay Club and District duespromptly and timely.

5. Make and keep your Clubvibrant with good activities,

projects and programs.

6. Invent and discover newactivities.

7. Plan and execute themprofessionally with entireTeam.

8. Take initiative, participatein maximum activities.

9. Learn to be a positive andactive Team Member.

10. Keep bringing new mem-bers in the Club.

11. Involve them in the Clubactivities.

12. Introduce them to thiswonderful International or-ganization.

13. Create leaders in theClub.

14. Motivate and Supportthem in completing theirtasks at the Club level.

15. Help them to lead yourClub successfully.

16. Accept Leadership at ap-propriate time and lead yourClub and District.

17. Participate in maximumDistrict and Internationalactivities.

18. Always apply “Four WayTest” for the things youThink, Say or Do.

DRCC, 2015—16R. I. District 3132

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Dear Rotaractors,Warm Rotaract Greetingsto all.

I hope you all are doinggreat in your personal andprofessional life. First ofall, I would like to con-gratulate Rotaract Club ofTechplorers and RotaractClub of AurangabadWest for efficaciouslyhosting Rotaract DistrictAssembly Nirvana 2015.

Further, I congratulateall the outgoing leadersand council members forsuccessfully completingtheir tenure and whish agood luck to upcomingleaders.

Readers, R. I. Year 2015-16 will be the 8th year ofR.I.D. 3132. Past 7 leadershave taken very good de-cisions, and tried theirbest to shape our Districtin the right way. Everyonehas set some new bench-marks in various frontsduring their tenure. But,as every coin has two

sides, there were someflaws too. Well someonehas rightly said, "Positivethinking lets you to doeverything better thannegative thinking does".So what's more importantis positive thinking, andpositive outcomes!

Well, Being a DRR, as theface of DRO, I haveplanned a wonderful yearahead. It is rightly saidthat," The most importantis to try and inspire peopleso that they can be greatin whatever they want todo ". Likewise, whole DROteam is ready to guide youat every step.

I hope you are completelyaware of the fact that,Rotaract is a very goodplatform to develop ourprofessionalism and per-sonality. It is rightly saidby J. P. Morgon, "A manalways has two reasonsfor doing anything- a goodreason and the real rea-son. " I must say, the realreason should be to follow4 - WAY TEST.

Friends, sometimes wefeel that we won't be ableto win, but we should notloose the hope. We haveto keep on trying and wewill win ultimately. Changewill not come if we waitfor some other person, orif we wait for some othertime. We are the ones wehave been waiting for. Weare the change we seek.

So...Let's be the one...!

DRR, 2015—16R. I. District 3132

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Gandhiji has rightly said, “Be the change youwant to see in the world”. Everything starts withthe word “me or I”. We are the only creator ofour destiny, our self as well as the surroundingin which we live! Change is ultimate and no onecan stop it. But yes, we can control it and mouldit as per our wish.

The only thing we have to do is to take a stepahead and to initiate a change which we wish tosee! “There is our chance to answer the call.This is our moment. This is our time to put our-selves back to work and open doors of opportu-nities for all”.

“The world as we have created, it is a process ofour thinking; it cannot be changed withoutchanging our thinking”. “Never doubt that asmall group of thoughtful, committed peoplecan change the world. Indeed, it is the onlything that ever has”.

It is we, who have to initiate the change. Andone day, we will definitely see this change nur-turing around us in our surrounding.

“We have to believe in ourselves,We have to lead the crowd andWe have to make the changes”.

“You cannot stop the future, you cannot rewindthe past, and the only way to learn the secret isto press play…” Start living in present by takinglessons from past and by keeping touch with thefuture”.

“I and all my friends we are all misunderstood,they say we stand for nothing and there is noway we ever could: Now we see everything isgoing is going wrong with the world and thosewho lead it. We just feel, we do not have themeans, to rise above and beat it”. The song de-picts today’s reality.

There is lot of to change but the world is verycruel to those who lead the change. We some-times feel that we will not able to win, but wedo not have to lose the hope. We have to keepon trying and we will win ultimately.

“Change will not come if we wait forsome other person, or if we wait forsome other time. We are the ones wehave been waiting for. We are thechange we seek.” So let’s be the one!

Let’s be the one!Let’s be the one to motivate!Let’s be the one to innovate!Let’s be the one to integrate!

Let’s be the one to unite!Let’s be the one to ignite!

Let’s be the one to revolutionize!Let’s be the one to lead!Let’s be the one to feed!

Let’s be the one to succeed!Let’s be the one to live!

Let’s be the one to believe!Let’s be the one to achieve!Let’s be the one to make!Let’s be the one to break!Let’s be the one to check!Let’s be the one to rise!

Let’s be the one to devise!Let’s be the one to improvise!

Let’s be the one to arrange!Let’s be the one to exchange!

Let’s be the one to change!Let’s be the one to change!

Let’s be the one!Just a breath away to make a change,

one voice can make a difference,Just a breath away to make a change,

one voice can make a difference,One voice can make a difference…

Let’s be the one voice!

Let’s be the one!

Let’s be the one! District theme for R. I. Year 2015 -16

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“It has been a great journey of 7 years,a journey packed with lots of

enthusiasm, experiences and rotaraction”.To celebrate Rotaract in 3132

we interviewed some faces in 3132.So guys, meet some of the well known rotaractors

from RI District 3132 only at

Once a Rotaractor,Always a Rotaractor!

Rtr. Aditya Kulkarni,Imm. Past President of Rotaract Club of AurangabadWest, Medical student by profession, a tech-savvyguy. He talks about Rotaract and his experiences…

Q: Since how long you are a member of Rotaract?ADITYA: I have been a Rotaractor since 2 years now.

Q: Which words would you use to describe Rotaract?ADITYA: Platform to make yourself and others moreCapable, Efficient, Understanding, Mature and mostimportantly A Better Human Being.

Q: What do you enjoy about being a member of Rota-ract?ADITYA: I simply enjoy everything it offers. But mostof all I enjoy the fact that here I could make myself amuch better person.

Q: What type of activities did your club get involved in?ADITYA: We got involved in Organization, Social Ser-vice, Self Development etc.

“I have always feltthat there should be

a wayto improve myselfand to help others.

This led me toRotaract”

Q: What type of activities did your clubget involved in?ADITYA: We got involved in Organiza-tion, Social Service, Self Development etc

Q: What are your highlights as a Rota-ractor?ADITYA: My highlights are the projectsthat our club has taken. It meant a lot tobuild these new bonds, help peoplearound me and along with that… helpmyself as well.

Pratibimba —–—

“It has been a great journey of 7 years,a journey packed with lots of

enthusiasm, experiences and rotaraction”.To celebrate Rotaract in 3132

we interviewed some faces in 3132.So guys, meet some of the well known rotaractors

from RI District 3132 only at

Once a Rotaractor,Always a Rotaractor!

Rtr. Sumeet Yekhande,Mechanical Engineer by profession, Senior Officerat Bosch Limited, one of the most experiencedrotaractor from Rotaract Club of Aurangabad Air-port. He talks about Rotaract and his experi-ences…

Q: Since how long you are a member of Rotaract?SUMEET: I have joined Rotaract in 2010.

Q: Which words would you use to describe Rotaract?SUMEET: Friendship through fellowship, Great-est Platform for youth to carve themselves in a betterhuman being socially, politically, economically & techni-cally; One of the best media to increase friends circle,contacts & eventually self-public relations. One of thebest International organizations with a frameworkor set of equal ethics &structure, a development toolwhich I expect every youth should possess.

Q: What did you enjoyed about being a member of Ro-taract?SUMEET: As I moved out of Aurangabad approxi-mately 2 years ago, I was idle member & got isolatedfrom Rotaract for a while. Then, I realized what all posi-tive changes Rotaract brought in me. I feel I am a better

person with a Rotaractor in me. Rotaract helped me to make myself strong in areas where I needed im-provements like for an example public speaking. This skill of mine drastically improved because of Rotaract.I can list many qualities that developed me which are solely due to presence of Rotaract in my life.

Q: Your time in Rotaract! (?)SUMEET: It was great. I would say Memorable. During my active involvement when I was in Aurangabad,we, together as a team crossed many heights of success for Rotaract Club of Aurangabad Airport. We stillare crossing many milestones & much more yet to follow. But during my tenure, I remember many things,many projects, many fellowships, many zonal/district event that made my Rotaract career a memorableone. I was Star Rotaractor of Rotaract Club of Aurangabad Airport for R. I. year 2011-12 & Best Club ServiceDirector of R. I. District 3132 during the same year. These few endeavors out of many which I personallyachieved during my tenure. Again many event like CLAP, Ensemble 2k12, Filmy RYLA… and the List goeson...Lastly I would conclude that I am very lucky to be a part of such a big, great Rotaract family which showereda lot of love on me. I owe so much to my home club Rotaract Club of Aurangabad Airport also. “I am verylucky to be a part of such a big, great Rotaract family which showered a lot of love on me”Proud to be a Rotaractor..!Gracias! Adios Amigos!

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Active MemberA member of a club who has been elected to membership in the club and who has all theobligations, responsibilities, and privileges of membership as provided in the standardRotaract constitution and bylaws.

Admission FeeFee paid to a club by an applicant for membership in the club. The fee varies according tothe amount specified by each club in its bylaws.

Assembly, ClubMeeting of all club officers, directors, and committee chairs, held for the purpose of con-ferring on the program and activities of the club.

Assembly, DistrictA training meeting conducted annually, preferably in July, of club presidents-elect andmembers of clubs assigned by the club president-elect to serve in key leadership roles inthe upcoming year. It provides a program of instruction to develop club leaders who havethe necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to improve club effectiveness as definedby the RI Board as well as an opportunity to share local and district plans and objectives.

Board of Directors, ClubGoverning body of a Rotaract club, to be constituted as the bylaws of the club may pro-vide.

Board of Directors, DistrictGoverning body of a Rotaract district, to be constituted as the bylaws of the district mayprovide.

Charter MemberA founding member of a Rotaract club.

Club ServiceRotary's first Avenue of Service involves actions a Rotarian and / or Rotaractor must takewithin the club to help it function successfully.

Community ServiceRotary's third Avenue of Service comprises varied efforts that Rotarians and / or Rotarac-tors make, to improve the quality of life for those who live within their club's locality ormunicipality.

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Now access Messen-ger without a Face-book account“Facebook is rolling out anew update that will allownon-Facebook users touse Messenger by regis-tering with their phonenumbers”.

Facebook’s latest updatesays that you can now useits Messenger app even with-out syncing it to your Face-book account. Users can nowdownload the Messenger appvia Play Store, click on the‘Not on Facebook’ option,and sign up with their phonenumbers.Facebook says, by allowingits vast user base to joinMessenger even without anaccount on Facebook, theexperience will be like anunending trial period for thenon-Facebook users. Mes-senger presently offers ahost of services like regularmessages, group messaging,voice and video calling.

Facebook's new tooldetects malicioussoftware on your PC“Facebook has partneredwith Kaspersky to developa malicious software re-moval tool that detectsmalicious software onyour PC”.

Facebook has revealed that ithas with major security com-panies like Kaspersky to de-velop a new malicious soft-ware removal tool. The com-pany announced that it hasbeen using the said tool toremove malicious softwarefrom the computers of usersconnected to the social net-work. However, unlike Face-book’s earlier social experi-ments, all this was done withthe users' consent.

Gmail's 'Undo Send'option is now official“The undo send optionhas existed in Gmail's

Labs for six years now,but has only just beenmade a part of Gmail offi-cially”.

Google’s ‘undo send’ optionfor Gmail is now officiallyavailable to all users, bothenterprise and individuals. Asthe name suggests, it allowsusers to unsend an emailthat they’ve already sent tosomeone, by mistake or oth-erwise. The undo send linkwill appear at the top of thescreen after you have sentan email accompanied by a'view message' link. Userscan pick a time period, whichranges between five and 30seconds, for clicking on thislink. In case you’re wonder-ing, after clicking send, youremail won’t actually be sentbefore this time period isover. Once you click undo,the email appears again in a'Compose' box on your Gmailscreen, and you can decidewhat to do with it.



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Date of Birth : 06/03/1990Home Club : Rotaract Club of AchieversDetail PostalAddress

: Plot No. 38, Lane no.9, Near TanashreeSchool, Jai Bhavani Nagar, N4, CIDCO, A’ BAD

Mobile No. : 9028033032,9028093032Email Address : [email protected](s)Spoken

: Marathi, English , Hindi

Hobbies : Watching Movies, TeachingArea of Interest : Teaching PhysicsEducation : BEOccupation : TEACHINGPost(s) servedat club level

: Character President of RaC Achievers, Editor

Post(s) servedat district level

: Club Service Director

Awards & Rec-ognitions

: 1. Best Supporting DRR at Rotasia Kalinga, 2014-2015


Date of Birth : 18TH MAY 1969 Blood Group : A +VEHome Club : Rotary Club of Aurangabad WestDetail Postal Ad-dress

: “Ruturaj” Plot No. 14, Vidyaniketan Colony, Opp. Saint FrancisHigh School, Jalna Road, Aurangabad 431 001 MS, INDIA.

Mobile No. : 09890450783Email Address : [email protected](s) Spo-ken

: Marathi, Hindi, English

Hobbies : Music, Movies, Singing, Poetry (Urdu), Travelling, Driving, Pho-tography, Reading, Cricket.

Area of Interest : Anything and Everything which is New, Learning and positiveEducation : Bachelor of Commerce and Diploma in Business ManagementOccupation : ServicePost(s) served atclub level

: Secretary, President, IPP, Treasurer, Club Trainer, FoundationChair

Post(s) served atdistrict level

: DRCC, RI Convention Chair, Director New Generation, RYE Chair,Assistant Governor

Awards & Recog-nitions

: 1. Outstanding Rotaract President RID 3131, 1991-92.2. Recognition of RI President for outstanding work in Five Ave-

nues of Service, Outstanding District Officer.3. Paul Harris Fellow.4. RI Presidential Citation during Presidential Year etc.



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Date of Birth : 29/11/1991Home Club : Rotaract Club of TechplorersDetail Postal Address : Plot No: 04, Sector – E, Near MSEB Power Substation, N-4,

Cidco, Aurangabad 431003Mobile No. : 09764448004Email Address : [email protected](s) Spoken : Marathi, Hindi, EnglishHobbies : Riding Bike, Exploring and travelling new places, Listening

Music, Organizing Events, Social WorkArea of Interest : Business Development, EntrepreneurshipEducation : B.E. (Civil), M.E. ( Construction Management )Occupation : StudentPost(s) served at clublevel

: Secretary, President, Treasurer, International Service Direc-tor

Post(s) served at dis-trict level

: Secretary (Reporting), Secretary ( Admin)

Awards & Recogni-tions

: 1. Awarded with Presidential Citation from Rotary Interna-tional President and Rotary District Governor of RotaryInternational District 3132 on 5 May 2014.

2. Awarded as Best Club Secretary of Rotaract District3132 on 13 July 2013.

3. Won 1st Prize in Talent Night at Rotary Youth LeadershipAwards (RYLA), 14 – 16 October 2011.


Date of Birth : 14/10/1991Home Club : Rotaract Club of Aurangabad AirportDetail Postal Ad-dress

: Flat No. 5, GOLU Appt. New SBH Colony,Jyoti Nagar, A’bad – 431001 (MH) INDIA

Mobile No. : 09637453742Email Address : [email protected](s) Spo-ken

: Marathi, Hindi, English

Hobbies : Singing, filming, reading biographies of business leaders.Area of Interest : Business development, Social Entrepreneurship, Information

Technology, Farming, Rural development.Education : B.E. – E&TC, Diploma – Software TestingOccupation : Business : InCrePePost(s) served atclub level

: Editor, President, Rotary-Rotaract Relationship officer

Post(s) served atdistrict level

: Secretary (Reporting), Secretary ( Admin), DZR – Zone 1

Awards & Recogni-tions

: 1. Recipient of ‘President Award’ from Bharat Scout & Guideby former President of India Smt. Pratibhatai Patil in2008.

2. In 2011-12 also got the Governor’s Special Citation fromPDG Mohan Deshpande, RID 3132 as. Best Club &Changemaker Award from RI President Kalyan Banergee.

3. Won the most prestigious award on Dist. level i.e. BESTROTARACTOR of District 3132 in RI Year 2013-14.

Blood Group : O +VE


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जीवेत ् शरदः शतम ्!!Rtr. Santosh Shinde, 25th July

Rtr. Narendra Shelar, 7th August


We whole heartedly welcomesIDYE team from R. I. District3202 in District Assembly 2015 —Nirvana.

Many congratulations to DRR R.M. Chandrasekar and Rtr. Prati-bagowri S, District ISD (RID3202) for taking an initiative tostrengthen the bond between bothdistricts and to create platform forexchanging our rotaract ideologies.

Kindly pay your district dues by 31stAugust, 2015 – says Rtr. RahulAgrawal, District Treasurer 2015-16

For whom are you waiting for! Get regis-tered for the biggest rotaractivity in SouthAsia , viz. ROTASIA.

ROTASIA Sri Lanka 2016’s first slabwill end on 15th July, 2015.For more details contact,Rtr. Suyog Pote, District ISDM: +91 902 825 9233

DRO 3132 wishes best of luck to outboundIDYE team which will head towards RID3202 on 1st August 2015.

Guys, enjoy 3202’s District Assembly -Reach’15.Cheers to rotaractivity!

Have happy times!

“High expectations are the key to absolutely everything.”

DRO 3132 Congratulates to…

Rtr. Amit Bodhe & his director’s for taking charge of RaC Panchgani.Rtr. Pritesh Malpani & his director’s for taking charge of RaC Jalna.

Rtr. Pritish Govindpurkar & his director’s for taking charge ofRaC Latur Midtown.

Rtr. Vijay Shelar & his director’s for taking charge ofRaC Satara Youth Camp.

And expects that your unique rotaractivities will propel Rotaract visibility to a speedso fast that good luck has no choice but to achieve new milestones in Rotaractivity.

All the best for R. I. Year 2015-16.

Under Rotary India Literacy Mis-sion (rotaryteach.org), each Ro-taract club is supposed to form a clubliteracy committee & appoint a ClubLiteracy Committee Chair (CLCC)For Details contact — Rtr. Shantanu,DRR(E) & DLCCM: +91 963 745 3742

Want to send articles for Pratibimba! Then make sure yourarticles will reach to Rtr. Shivraj, before 21st of each month.

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Designation Name Contact No. Email ID

DG Rtn. Deepak Pophale - -

DRCC Rtn. Hemant Landge 9890450783 [email protected]

DRR Rtr. Sagar R. Kharade 9764448004 [email protected] & DistrictLiteracy CommitteeChairperson

Rtr. Shantanu Khalikar 9637453742 [email protected]

IPDRR Rtr. Abhijeet Peshkar 9028033032 /9028093032 [email protected]

District SecretaryAdmin & DistrictEditor

Rtr. Shivraj Marathe 8793869918 [email protected]

District SecretaryReporting Rtr. Shakib Shaikh 9762376576 /

8087318319 [email protected]

District SecretaryEvent

Rtr. Arvindjeet SinghChabda 9657540150 [email protected]

District Treasurer Rtr. Rahul Agrawal 8149858498 /8485030883 [email protected]

District Club ServiceDirector

Rtr. Aditya Deshpande 9028969575 /7507771530

[email protected]

Rtr. Aishwarya Sury-awanshi 8888726346 [email protected]

District CommunityService Director &District PRO

Rtr. Pratik V. Mane 8983496747 /9643907282 [email protected]

District ProfessionalService Director

Rtr. Khushboo Brah-mankar

9096226425 /8554039239

[email protected]

District InternationalService Director Rtr. Suyog Pote 9028259233 [email protected]

District FinanceDirector

Rtr. Sagar Mittal 9923877999 [email protected]

Rtr. Pratik Desai 9004345610 [email protected] –MembershipDevelopment

Rtr. Sukanya Patil 8698057157 /9049246425 [email protected]

Director IDYE andInternational ClubFormations

Rtr. Santosh Shinde 9922136060 [email protected]


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—————————————————–—————————————————————— Pratibimba —————–—–———————————————————————————————

Designation Name Contact No. Email ID

District Sergeantat Arms Rtr. Akshay Joshi 9028089531 /

8796316492 [email protected]

DZR Zone - 01 Rtr. Noman Shaikh 8087195315 /8796531039 [email protected]

DZR Zone - 02 Rtr. Rohit Kulkarni 7588547694 [email protected]

DZR Zone - 03 Rtr. Yuvraj Ransing 9890253494 [email protected]

DZR Zone - 04 Rtr. Narendra Shelar 8888833985 /8550933985 [email protected]

Advisor - ClubService Avenue PDRR Rtn. Ashwin Balekar 9325381079 [email protected]

Advisor -InternationalService Avenue

PDRR Rtn. Sachin Kothari 9423589707 [email protected]

Advisor -ProfessionalService Avenue

PDRR Maitreya Mudkavi 9325212691 [email protected]


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