rid~along w:'·j~ jtttvs btuitw - greenbelt news revie · to .rmg • out · t e h v oters h ....

itetnbtlt Jtttvs Btuitw AN INO'IPINDIN1' NIWSPAPII · · · by '. "1',6'12.: . ' ' . ' Citj Public Workl Attlak ftu.t OD llcmday, October ._ ...... Or ..... _ Buddy, which aulta him far IIIGiiil:U.. ,.., Gill* ..... , JNW' up · With thla town. Me was hoi( filii ·• --. · -.bll!b WM tile In& _ property to be aold tO aov .,t 1lull4 tbe eJty, Oae of hla l1'lt joba was servln1 u pJIIIill6 llillllaW OD tile crew buildiq the orlainal ...... _ .& WM lata' oae of the clty'a ftrat pollee olftcera, tbiila- ....... - ,..._ dMf uacl :taaea Volume 41, Number 110 GRIINBJI:LT, :MARYLAND Thuradaz, November 2, 18'18 ftre c:hlet, and for the last 23 ,...- ._ I!M ._..the pubUe WOI'b H tl C . d s h I B · d R · dJrector. Buddy lw worked ati--allout enq job lD the city. 0 y on teste c 00 - oar ace as city mana ... tbe lll8ll8pr .... 0\4 . E d B • · h v H Oa one of hl1 lut daya In olllce "GoiMt JlaiJiia& 0o0111 ...... _, .. . xpecte. to .rmg out t e oters . ere befoN hla I hid the ., ....... ·pod,looldlltr. ·811011!"' prl\filep of rldlq alon1 With him ..... tllat · 1... llalD Skobilk I ln. hla teeP u he lupeeted the city. ' Be *' ... 411t llaow eft17GM. He .A hotly conteated race between .Greenbelt rut- lftrll.l Our lnt atop wu at the Nation-· M paapla, uad dent. Lesley Kreimer and Muriel Weidenfeld Ia expected to leD\" by Blaine 8kelalk . eiJout each erate•a voter turnout m the city next Tueaday, November 7. In addition to cutlnl bellotll oi!Oaa the IOU from the Sprlnlhlll . rlilll1!ia.-.. ..... , u pointed ConHquently, it Ia anticipated that. Democratic candldatei will for candidates, Greenbelt yoWrt Lake Apartmenta. Budd)' wanted · oy&li:"pla. wbne u o111 oa11 had take advanta1e of their party's 3 to 1 edte In retlatratlon In the will have the chore of a:pprov- to the propeu In conatruc- .wo4. rt had beeJ1 a trw. ballotlnl Ia Greenbelt, althouah the contest for the County Exec- inl or_ d18approv1111 aeven pro-. . tton of the buUdlnl and follow and wu .the olllJ' ..-bnuule v6 utlve aeat between Democratic -incumbent Wlnfteld Kelly and poaed county charter chanCel, a tbi'OIIIh on 110me complalnll about· .tile .A.ttlelc. f-. 'l'be Jfa&kmwldtt Republican Larry Ho11an appeara to be a close one. . county referendum pl'OJIOIIl 4Unale to the eXIt ramp from Ed- IMdl._ wu ...... u.t It wOuld County Hlltorlcal Society. . and twelve. propoaed .Ute con- monaton to· Kenilworth Ave., but .... tliM trw. at Juat WoN -- Of Greenbelt'• 8,1172 ella1ble vo- .. Bldward T. ·ConrO)' Ia unoppoa84 atitutional amendment.. the vlllt wu aplced with anecdotea atroetta ..... _ tile UW w ,._. tara, '11,471 !l1't! Democrata, l,INil are In hla bid for l'eflectton to the Votmt)t . about lila earl7 life. · 1111 lie· retten ·11111 had to 11e taan Republlcana and 1,2114 are unallll- State Senate. Greenbeltara will a1ao Probably of the mo.t local In· The buildlnl reall on land that c1oWJ1. . lated In the November lBn off· be \'OtiDI for the 8tate• 1 Comptrol· 'tlreat II a proPQial petitioned to wu a part of the Attlck farm. He · Qur .DAt atop ..,.. Cllftr7- prealdentlal election. Greenbelt had ler - Democrat Loula L. GQidateln referendum b)' a cltll8ft poup, tbat noted Iii we drove In that tb8 en- woOd Luae, PIIPOO ..- tn- e,eet e1Ja1ble voten and JJi.the 1818 .. alnat Republican Donald J. De- would frceae the amount of 11101187 trance to the parldn1 lot from tbat prealdentlal election there war.. vine - and ·tor Attome)' General that oould be collected from t1111 Bldmonatori Ia altuated exactly the alb' IIIMI -u.a.s for. 8,800 realltered vottra In the city Democrat stephen H. Bache a- real Jlropert)t tax to the whir. their drlvew.., hid been - a Jiaw 1J'pe of DPt for the altr. <population liO,OOO). pb11t Republican Warnn K. Rich. colleotedln IIOal ,...,. 1918 <Quea- · whell lldmonaton wail Juat a dirt .adllaa ytpor, ud - ........ .. 'The polla will be open on Tuea- For the Gfth Coqrealonal HoUle tlon Q). Any - would be apo road. operatli l!.flit Pt - .... .,_ day,· Nov,mber · T., betwHn tile -t, ·lnoumbe11t Delllocnft Qlad)ll piled to the nlrxt '-'· . The utual fumhouae · ltoocl a per ...... ICial ( .. liriCbter) .... houn of t a.m. and 8 p.m. Thla Noon llilellinan 11· upected to wtn Votera wm alao to vote few hUIIdNd J'ucla aWQ on a hill tile .... ,., ..... 111111a «M ... vear Greenbelt will b. eull' ovo.r her Republlcan.challen· for or 8l'aJllat a oUrtet o11anp wMre Kenllwvrtb_Ave. now ruu. ·now. vot1n1 In four polllq placea:. Cen• 1er Saul J. Harrla. that would r.quln that futllle Me· 'l'hl luad - mUCh hllher. In mnt.• ter School <third PNelnot); North The h!)tte•t race It the counq ti'o a,.tala <W&ablqtoa :ar.- U... d.,S. and In fact. be laid, "Good .,...,..,.!" lllnd School (abcth PI'ICJnot), level II for the County polltan Area Tranatt .A,IithorltJ') ho. the bedroom. wlndoWII you to Sprlnlblll Lake School <•ilhth pie- nat, wh•ra Incumbent ICtiJF. Iii 8jiDdl or obllaaUona av tO pulllla oauld.laolc out and ... tile Wlllh- •••• •• · clnotl: and Rooaevelt Hilh labool belnl ollaUeftllld b)' 11op11. Voten ·ielei'Pdum <QueaUon .. .). Aloq bi,ton :Monument and the Capitol <thirteenth preclnotl. The nftrl7 will a11o cut ballot. for h GOUIIb' w1t1a Metro bu beeD ..., · Dome on a . 1 'j 1 "!! i! .·.' "' .•. oflaniled · thirteenth PNelnof Ia councU -bera for four J'Mr •Ill, lwo&UA WMATA ill ..... ,. tblrd aoor of mue up of tile -UIIItlel of WI'IIIL · · 'lfl..... :."'I'll• -nty · WUJ baYe to. tq, wblaJa 11· Greenbriar, Wtadlor Green, Cbel• .. _...... ..... .... _ .... ... •• _ meet, . •• .airactural · o'b"-•....- -.· ."" .- u tar,. ., · .. ,. · II& Bne Blook, ;,;; ..... -:;. ... WK.\TA -= t;J"iAru, 1tJ .... .. ,.-- ,._ Spaoe vu .... _. llulltlq Rl ..... .... __ _ ·:.::.t: .. . .............. . .. . .. ...... ,,, ·. . .... - '. . . . .• _.. .... a - · Wt-...r!"::'';.::: liu. aotlftl7 =• n.:.::.:-:J:.: , · au lour · participated In civic and eduoe.- B. Francola, David a. Hartllwe. -oil-.., lltllond eliUIIIII · .... a.t: and two '*'I O&'pnlaatlona, and llnantlal. Barab Ma ..... .,. and l'loJ'4 B. acta llld .. not ........... _..,. the IIIIUtiU:PII•. · 8lle held cdae Ill tile · wnaon who ue lnoum.belltl and to do tbll; (J) ........ tile perao1111 wu ·a 1arp '- .......... 8JII'IiiPlll Lake lll_.,.tar1llollool Debol'lh Rqtaad uad au. . _, ..... IIJ' · ....... _.-t.raalnlDI In ..., - for JITA ad· - tile Tull htc. V. KIDa.. . ..--.. wttla a jirlevance pre.- Budlb" 'INW up wltb eJatil ..... for Blleanor a-tt Hilh Bohool. Runnlq ·from the live council- oeciUN be .., ........ II)' thllt pro- clllldfta: u o1t1ft Kreimer, a raeld'ent of OfMI!belt'l 111i.n1,c dlatrlota. are n.aoora&, In·· oeduN D), P-.tl. · J. J'OUIIPI' and.· .. ,neweat r.!ftntlal ·. dneiepalent cumbent J'rank Cuul&,.. Repa-., emploJ'- tbe.tlftion to eltll· 0.0,.. .<-. ., ...... ,, _ .... . Win._. G...-. - ant elected Ucait Jon Buck. •DIItrfet 1)1 o.ao- er 1!M tU Cir DeOoune, Jllolleit ...... to .the lahool a-d Ia 11ft,' A for· crat Incumbent Parile IIIP'8I to' tile' , JIO&Idl (I) ·awr a ,_., weifia -..,, ....... mer teacher and oounalor In the 1n1 VI, Republican John K. ·lAnd- •larlfJ 1114 1 nddiii .811!1 :Mur .. IIIIUIIIIt, Ulll ..... _., cOiintJ ., ...... , 111M ill vice- ..,. <DI•trlct 1>; De-rat lnaua- 11HaJ PI'CIIedull II '111!!11 u ....... Ulll' aa Older llalf ..... _ w,.u· pnlldent ot tJI!I Ketropolltan Area bent Gerard T. KADrioulh ... Reo In tile ....... aalelldar _. · . · Boardl ur as,.c;auon 8114 a publican l)rlnRir VAwdana \Dial- ._ with. Cliluaell BID .. Uta 'l'!le _,. a1 Mlped - 08 tile . be. r of tile ll:xeGutlve. Board of tile rlct II, Demoe.rat Annft.Uctr,. Lom• (Queltlon 0). ·<•> llll'lnlt f- willie..._ .,.,lliowtM;IIa Count; Council ol, PT4'1. bardl VI, _ ...... . 0bar1ea .L. . luppleaata 1111 be a..l. .aa tMir 11M Sinalalii.P Ja dMr dltrtNn.,.. of-vplnlon' on lllllott <DhltftoC t) and n..oarat -ra thUI ClftOI , ..... , llerwJ'a. 'l'lllt 11110 llllilili 1Nt 1 wtu. the lauea .have not -.qed In, lncumben,t Wlllllolll B. Anlonllt n. B) 8114 0 (I) ,.._. tile obartar to _ ......... •·* ·lit..,_ the contllt and the noe wlH pro- debe tllaiiW !Y .._.. -bend ..... _ I'IIIUdlit ._ · baltiJ'' be decided on the buill of lee ........ P. 1 " IIIII. 1 lee ....... ,.. .._ U. IIIII. I tha 'tar. Ill - ... W. .,.__ · !M..-1 lo)raltl-. the ouadklate'a --...- bul.lt a » loa& .IIIJia1 ...-. ._.. lllld Oftrall WHAT GOIS ON 'Green ...... down .Ill a_..., .... _ _. ..._ .. u.- In maldlll their deeiiiiOn, .., ... _.. fed IIJ' ...... ...- .... ; 'ftl ..... to M-., Nw. I,, .. p.alprint· · . - Y · __ ..._. . ..,Ito tile.,.. .... . tu uad hill Lake.._..._..,. PTA · uaa ,._.,.., .... ,..-. ._,...,, .._ iUdiM ....... - thll -11: ol ...... . .,.. ..rraotl ....... ltoeid -- 1110 ...... ClQo Colmoll· Jlleat.- to ................. llat ac- .... . of Board of lldaGa· IDI, MUIIlclpal IIIIUdlq . ........ ..... Jlolll• K. 11111n11 81 tlall' __.til 111 on U.. D at Oliat. . ..., a1ao be. tilt the ....... rilbt baild portion of .,._, ' ......... ..... .,. .... II» ..... .., aecea. . ............... tile btlloU OeneNI -..eloa .'i'lae .... llai ,..ned thrw pat.;•"''llllr '.. · ...... ..- · a....a.:e..:. I JUlio w;;' 2 ar· JDr .-.entl who ..-ct daa& ,_. ·Smith-.-118115 •• ...... .... -..:.., o1 J. Qlelula.tl, Jr.-Arla T. CltJ v-..:..- ........ It .oa- ......... p.a. pullllo _... ....... , ' - ' of " ... ·x.t,. •. , LID. It ......_ ,_......_. ol ... .a. aild tile· t1e11tt hu appolat!M ca-p ... u. ol tile ..W.: .... . NO!. .... ,. Rual!• ... 1111 . W. 8ollq Brlcktowii"W. 1.... ,"" be 'DI...- a& 1 · · a& .- .... __,11 LaJui ::::-- ...- .....:::"':.::"' for 11M tour-,.... ·IUbeftlat,Cirlal tor· flf 'Pultlle • .... _ Be w1l - ·· a.J:iit. __... -- - - tel'& . awn• ..... _. . ol .eaa. Pldllkl . . . . . Cilia ad on- IUid tile . '1'111 _ .... r 011 tile til- MII'J'· Worlll ., .... _..., lfw. I, aftar' ...... ..._ ere Dei!!Pte -te rro. Buddr AWIII'I ..u; ..... . till ..a Lc.llllll" .,._.... will ... ltll .. 'llet ....... ,. _.._,. :. ·.pit D•alllldl OeiUd . 1'. DaYila lellce In aimn a 1ltUI . . ·--·0· ...... .... 8114 priiiiUJ' .................... : . I . .,.. ( ....... t, lillY- tiOII uad • .,. ]' Be llu .. ................. ···-t NOentiJ' ...................... , ........ _ ........... ., .... , .............. ·. · .• ····- ._, . ._ ..... , .. :41tcr Ulllllr-lllltll Jlalt : ............ ,;.,..,.. ..... ...... . i, ..... AlBa .. ftta; "*' a ' Ill... 4::::.::: .... 1'' ...... _. .... _., Ia tile iJC lilt ...... ... ·-· ............ ., ......... . ............. ............ .... ·' lit'tie..,. fli,...,. .. ........ , lllcluded' ....... , .... ..... . '. ........... cpeRtloa ll!lli! 11f ._ ......... '-!oo--""""..-.•---.J L OIIOAJQZA.'l'IOJf j' . I. 0111 to Ordll' .. Roll Call I, a. , . ........ : ' -·-,.. . . ' '- I · 6. Klnutce of Council Keet- . ,tap : r. to ..-.. II)' , CluaUaea Ul4 Mallapr D. ..: Pltltlona and . · 't. Reporta '··' ..... Oamlttll Reporta & OLD a. a.otuUon to 1'raMf•r , ·.,_dl -tl ._, •1.oqo lecond . : ....... lnl .·· . Petltlch A- ': , • · -- lallth Ewinr rw. ' , ') l!llfar - A4MIOI'Y Plan-, .. · . ...... Board Report .#IDI I •.: j j.o '

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Rid~along w:'·J~ · · · by '. ;j:-;~ "1',6'12.: . ' ' . '

Citj Public Workl D=~== ~) Attlak ftu.t OD llcmday, October 30~ ._ .~,.._, ...... -~ Or....._ Buddy, which aulta him far IIIGiiil:U.. ,.., Gill* ....., JNW' up

· With thla town. Me was hoi( filii ·• --. · -.bll!b WM tile In& _ property to be aold tO ~e aov • .,t • 1lull4 tbe eJty, Oae of

hla l1'lt joba was servln1 u pJIIIill6 llillllaW OD tile ~ crew buildiq the orlainal G~ ......_ .& WM lata' oae of the clty'a ftrat pollee olftcera, tbiila-.......- ,..._ dMf uacl :taaea

Volume 41, Number 110 GRIINBJI:LT, :MARYLAND Thuradaz, November 2, 18'18 ftre c:hlet, and for the last 23 ,...- ._ I!M ._..the pubUe WOI'b

H tl C. d s h I B · d R · dJrector. Buddy lw worked ati--allout enq job lD the city. 0 y on teste c 00 - oar ace :~a::·~· as city mana ... ~ tbe ~ lll8ll8pr .... 0\4

. E d B • · h v H Oa one of hl1 lut daya In olllce "GoiMt JlaiJiia& 0o0111 ......_, .. . xpecte. to .rmg out t e oters . ere befoN hla N~rement, I hid the ., ....... ·pod,looldlltr. ·811011!"' prl\filep of rldlq alon1 With him ~ ..... ~ tllat ~.

· 1... llalD Skobilk I ln. hla teeP u he lupeeted the city. ' Be *' ... 411t llaow eft17GM. He .A hotly conteated S~ool Bo~rd race between .Greenbelt rut- lftrll.l Our lnt atop wu at the Nation-· M .~to paapla, uad ~

dent. Lesley Kreimer and Muriel Weidenfeld Ia expected to leD\" by Blaine 8kelalk ::c!:ur:ce~~:'t!:'::.:o::: . ~aW;i ~ ..::~ll!l~n• eiJout each erate•a l~p voter turnout m the city next Tueaday, November 7. In addition to cutlnl bellotll oi!Oaa the IOU from the Sprlnlhlll . rlilll1!ia.-.. ....., u pointed ConHquently, it Ia anticipated that. Democratic candldatei will for candidates, Greenbelt yoWrt Lake Apartmenta. Budd)' wanted · oy&li:"pla. wbne u o111 oa11 had take advanta1e of their party's 3 to 1 edte In retlatratlon In the will have the chore of a:pprov- to lllllpee~ the propeu In conatruc- .wo4. rt had beeJ1 a ~ trw. ballotlnl Ia Greenbelt, althouah the contest for the County Exec- inl or_ d18approv1111 aeven pro-. . tton of the buUdlnl and follow and wu .the olllJ' ..-bnuule v6 utlve aeat between Democratic -incumbent Wlnfteld Kelly and poaed county charter chanCel, a tbi'OIIIh on 110me complalnll about· .tile .A.ttlelc. f-. 'l'be Jfa&kmwldtt Republican Larry Ho11an appeara to be a close one. . county referendum pl'OJIOIIl 4Unale to the eXIt ramp from Ed- IMdl._ wu ...... u.t It wOuld

County Hlltorlcal Society. . and twelve. propoaed .Ute con- monaton to· Kenilworth Ave., but .... tliM trw. at Juat WoN --Of Greenbelt'• 8,1172 ella1ble vo- .. Bldward T. ·ConrO)' Ia unoppoa84 atitutional amendment.. the vlllt wu aplced with anecdotea atroetta ....._ tile UW w ,._.

tara, '11,471 !l1't! Democrata, l,INil are In hla bid for l'eflectton to the Votmt)t . about lila earl7 life. · 1111 lie· retten ·11111 had to 11e taan Republlcana and 1,2114 are unallll- State Senate. Greenbeltara will a1ao Probably of the mo.t local In· The buildlnl reall on land that c1oWJ1. . lated In the November lBn off· be \'OtiDI for the 8tate•1 Comptrol· 'tlreat II a proPQial petitioned to wu a part of the Attlck farm. He · Qur .DAt atop ..,.. ~ Cllftr7-prealdentlal election. Greenbelt had ler - Democrat Loula L. GQidateln referendum b)' a cltll8ft poup, tbat noted Iii we drove In that tb8 en- woOd Luae, w~~ere· PIIPOO ..- tn-e,eet e1Ja1ble voten and JJi.the 1818 .. alnat Republican Donald J. De- would frceae the amount of 11101187 trance to the parldn1 lot from 8ta~J~a~liome 11ft~ tbat prealdentlal election there war.. vine - and ·tor Attome)' General that oould be collected from t1111 Bldmonatori Ia altuated exactly the alb' IIIMI -u.a.s for. ~ 8,800 realltered vottra In the city ~ Democrat stephen H. Bache a- real Jlropert)t tax to the ~ount whir. their drlvew.., hid been - a Jiaw 1J'pe of DPt for the altr. <population liO,OOO). pb11t Republican Warnn K. Rich. colleotedln IIOal ,...,. 1918 <Quea- · whell lldmonaton wail Juat a dirt .adllaa ytpor, ud - ........ ..

'The polla will be open on Tuea- For the Gfth Coqrealonal HoUle tlon Q). Any - would be apo road. operatli l!.flit Pt - .... .,_ day,· Nov,mber · T., betwHn tile -t, ·lnoumbe11t Delllocnft Qlad)ll piled to the nlrxt '-'· . The utual fumhouae · ltoocl a per ...... ICial ( .. liriCbter) .... houn of t a.m. and 8 p.m. Thla Noon llilellinan 11· upected to wtn Votera wm alao he·~ to vote few hUIIdNd J'ucla aWQ on a hill tile .... ,.,..... 111111a «M ~ ... vear Greenbelt r.lden&~o will b. eull' ovo.r her Republlcan.challen· for or 8l'aJllat a oUrtet o11anp wMre Kenllwvrtb_Ave. now ruu. ·now. ~OIIIkU...•ua...,.._ vot1n1 In four polllq placea:. Cen• 1er Saul J. Harrla. that would r.quln that futllle Me· 'l'hl luad - mUCh hllher. In mnt.• ter School <third PNelnot); North The h!)tte•t race It the counq ti'o a,.tala <W&ablqtoa :ar.- U... d.,S. and In fact. be laid, "Good .,...,..,.!" lllnd School (abcth PI'ICJnot), level II for the County IDx~eutlve polltan Area Tranatt .A,IithorltJ') ho. the bedroom. wlndoWII you to Sprlnlblll Lake School <•ilhth pie- nat, wh•ra Incumbent ICtiJF. Iii 8jiDdl or obllaaUona av tO pulllla oauld.laolc out and ... tile Wlllh- •••• ••

· clnotl: and Rooaevelt Hilh labool belnl ollaUeftllld b)' 11op11. Voten ·ielei'Pdum <QueaUon .. .). Aloq bi,ton :Monument and the Capitol <thirteenth preclnotl. The nftrl7 will a11o cut ballot. for h GOUIIb' w1t1a ~ Metro bu beeD ..., · Dome on a

. 1 'j 1



-~, .·.' "'

.•. oflaniled · thirteenth PNelnof Ia councU -bera for four J'Mr •Ill, lwo&UA WMATA ill .....,. tblrd aoor of mue up of tile -UIIItlel of WI'IIIL · · • 'lfl ..... :."'I'll• -nty · WUJ baYe to. tq, wblaJa 11· Greenbriar, Wtadlor Green, Cbel• .. _...... ..... .... _ .... ... •• _ meet, . •• .airactural · o'b"-•...._· - -.· ."" .- u tar,. • ., · .. ,. · "~ II& W~ Bne Blook, ~ ~~..;;; ;,;;.....-:;. ... WK.\TA =· -= t;J"iAru, 1tJ .~-.l!!lit' ll-....,-~.._ .... ~~~~~~,--; .. ,.-- ·~ ,._ Spaoe vu .... _. llulltlq Rl ..... -~~ ~~~ ~ B!'l'IP.~ .... __ _ ·:.::.t: .. -,;:.;J··=·t~·l~:t.ai\il.rf . .............. . .. . ·':~~ .. ~ ...... ,~.w. ,,, ·. .

.... - '. . . . .• -~~"04!~ -...a~~~;, _.. .... ,~._...._. a - · Wt-...r!"::'';.::: ~ liu. aotlftl7 ~:~· =• n.:.::.:-:J:.: , :~*~ta~·=' · au lour

· participated In civic and eduoe.- B. Francola, David a. Hartllwe. -oil-.., lltllond eliUIIIII ·....a.t: and two '*'I O&'pnlaatlona, and llnantlal. Barab Ma ..... .,. and l'loJ'4 B. acta ~. llld .. not........... d·~ _..,. • the IIIIUtiU:PII•. · 8lle held cdae Ill tile · wnaon who ue lnoum.belltl and to do tbll; (J) ........ tile perao1111 wu ·a 1arp '- .......... 8JII'IiiPlll Lake lll_.,.tar1llollool Debol'lh Rqtaad ~ uad au. . _,..... IIJ' · ......._.-t.raalnlDI ft~ In ..., - for • JITA ad· - • tile Tull htc. V. KIDa.. . ..--.. wttla a jirlevance pre.- Budlb" 'INW up wltb eJatil ..... for Blleanor a-tt Hilh Bohool. Runnlq ·from the live council- oeciUN be ..,........ II)' thllt pro- clllldfta: u o1t1ft ~ ~

Kreimer, a raeld'ent of OfMI!belt'l 111i.n1,c dlatrlota. are n.aoora&, In·· oeduN (~ D), P-.tl. · J. J'OUIIPI' ~ and.· ~: .. ,neweat r.!ftntlal ·. dneiepalent cumbent J'rank Cuul&,.. Repa-., emploJ'- ~,. tbe.tlftion to eltll· 0.0,.. .<-. .,......,, _.... . Win._. G...-. - ant elected Ucait Jon Buck. •DIItrfet 1)1 o.ao- er 1!M tU ~"!:Jrooedun Cir DeOoune, Jllolleit (~.J!Ijt ...... to .the lahool a-d Ia 11ft,' A for· crat Incumbent Parile If.-~- IIIP'8I to' tile' , JIO&Idl (I) ·awr a ,_., weifia -..,, ....... mer teacher and oounalor In the 1n1 VI, Republican John K. ·lAnd- •larlfJ 11141 nddiii ~ .811!1 :Mur .. IIIIUIIIIt, Ulll ~ ....._., cOiintJ ae!~Qj)l .,......, 111M ill vice- ..,. <DI•trlct 1>; De-rat lnaua- 11HaJ PI'CIIedull II '111!!11 u....... Ulll' aa Older llalf....._ w,.u· pnlldent ot tJI!I Ketropolltan Area bent Gerard T. KADrioulh ... Reo • In tile ....... aalelldar I~ _. ,V~~~~tp~W. · . · Boardl ur as,.c;auon 8114 a -· publican l)rlnRir VAwdana \Dial- ._ with. Cliluaell BID .. Uta 'l'!le _,. a1 Mlped - 08 tile . be. r of tile ll:xeGutlve. Board of tile rlct II, Demoe.rat Annft.Uctr,. Lom• (Queltlon 0). ·<•> llll'lnlt 001111~' f- willie..._ .,.,lliowtM;IIa Count; Council ol, PT4'1. bardl VI, _...... . 0bar1ea .L. . ~ luppleaata 1111 be a..l. .aa tMir ~ 11M • Sinalalii.P Ja

dMr dltrtNn.,.. of-vplnlon' on lllllott <DhltftoC t) and n..oarat -ra thUI ClftOI ,....., (~ llerwJ'a. 'l'lllt 11110 llllilili 1Nt1wtu.

the lauea .have not -.qed In, lncumben,t Wlllllolll B. Anlonllt n. B) 81140 (I) ,.._. tile obartar to _......... •·* ~ ·lit..,_ the contllt and the noe wlH pro- debe tllaiiW .,..~ !Y .._.. -bend ....._ I'IIIUdlit ._ · baltiJ'' be decided on the buill of lee ........ P.

1" IIIII. 1

lee.......,.. .._ U. IIIII. I • tha 'tar. Ill - ... W. .,.__ · !M..-1 lo)raltl-. the ouadklate'a --...- bul.lt a » loa& .IIIJia1 ...-. ~-' ._.. lllld Oftrall -pa~p elf~e- WHAT GOIS ON 'Green ...... ~.. down .Ill a_..., ...._ _. ..._ .. u.- In maldlll their deeiiiiOn, ~ .., ... _.. fed IIJ' ...... ...-....; 'ftl ..... ~· an·aJaD·~ to -~~h M-., Nw. I,, .. p.alprint· · . - Y · __ ..._. . ..,Ito tile.,.. ....

. tu oaadlclaMI'.•ualll~ uad hill Lake.._..._..,. PTA · ~ror<ireea uaa ,._.,..,....,..-. ._,...,, .._ iUdiM ....... - thll -11: ol ...... . .,..

..rraotl ....... ltoeid -- 1110 ...... ClQo Colmoll· Jlleat.- to ................. llat ac- .... . ~Pl-at of Board of lldaGa· IDI, MUIIlclpal IIIIUdlq . ........ to~ ..... Jlolll• K. 11111n11


tlall' __.til 111 on U.. D at Oliat. ~ . ..., a1ao be. tilt the ....... rilbt baild portion of .,._, ~... '· ' ......... ..... .,. .... II» ..... .., aecea. . ............... --==~~~ tile btlloU OeneNI -..eloa .'i'lae -~ .... llai ,..ned thrw pat.;•"''llllr '..

· ...... ..- · a....a.:e..:. I JUlio w;;' 2 ar· JDr .-.entl who ..-ct daa& ,_.

·m~\::.~~o;:...:: ·Smith-.-118115 •• ...... nM=r~r.:=: ==-.~::. .... -..:.., ~ o1 J. Qlelula.tl, Jr.-Arla T. CltJ v-..:..- ........ It .oa- ~ ......... r.~:IO p.a. pullllo _... ....... , ' - ' of -~ " ... ·x.t,. •. , LID. It ......_ ,_......_. ol -~~ ... =-:~~~= .a. aild tile· o-ootat~e. t1e11tt hu appolat!M ca-p ... u. ol tile .· ..W.:.... . NO!. ....~:.:..-~.:...-....,. Rual!• ... 1111 . W. 8ollq Brlcktowii"W. 1....,"" be 'DI...- a& 1 · · a& .- ....__,11 LaJui ::::--... - .....:::"':.::"' for 11M tour-,.... ·IUbeftlat,Cirlal tor· flf 'Pultlle • ...._ Be w1l - · · a.J:iit. __... - - - -tel'& . awn• ....._. . ol .eaa. Pldllkl . • . . . . Cilia ad on- IUid tile

. '1'111 _.... r011 tile til- MII'J'· Worlll .,...._..., lfw. I, aftar' i~-~li::w~"::::---1 :· ...... ..._ ere Dei!!Pte -te rro. Buddr AWIII'I ..u;..... . till ..a Lc.llllll" .,._.... will ... ltll .. 'llet .......,. _.._,. :. ·.pit D•alllldl OeiUd . 1'. DaYila lellce In ~ aimn a 1ltUI . . ·--·0· ...... .... 8114 priiiiUJ' .................... : . ·~ I . .,.. ( ....... t, lillY- tiOII uad • .,. ]' • Be llu .. ................. ···-t NOentiJ' ...................... , ........ _ ........... ., .... , .............. =· ·.

· .• ····- ._, . ._....., .. :41tcr Ulllllr-lllltll Jlalt : ~ ............ ,;.,..,.. ..... ...... . i, ..... AlBa .. ftta; "*' a ' Ill... 4::::.::: .... 1''......_. .... _., Ia tile iJC lilt ...... ~

~~,.....aN.··-·· ... ·-· ~~~ ............ ., ......... . -~ ............. ~ town.~ ............ .... ·' lit'tie..,. fli,...,. .. ........ , lllcluded' ....... ~ ,.... ..... . '. ,.'!'~-~fl ........... ~ cpeRtloa .~ ll!lli! 11f ._ ......... '-!oo--""""..-.•---.J


j' . I. 0111 to Ordll'

.. Roll Call

I, a. ~Wttattaa , . .-1~ ·~of ........ : ' -·-,.. . . '

• '- I · 6. Klnutce of Council Keet-

. ,tap : •

r. 4d41~ to ..-.. II)' , CluaUaea Ul4 Mallapr

D. ~Jd(UNICATlO~ ..: Pltltlona and ~u.atl

. · 't. ~latraUve Reporta '··' ..... Oamlttll Reporta

& OLD BU~ a. a.otuUon to 1'raMf•r

, ·.,_dl Within.~­-tl ._, •1.oqo lecond

. : ....... lnl .·· . ~~IIIII Petltlch A-

': , • · -- lallth Ewinr rw. ' , ') l!llfar - A4MIOI'Y Plan-,

.. · . ...... Board Report .#IDI



j j.o




Paae 2 G


AUIIIO IL IIIOLHik, ,.,......,, __ 1-1177 ldltor: II"'J Lou WIIJJ~!!~IL..., ..... H ... . 14110r: llolnt ~ ......

co., ec~~tara: ~=r~r • ......._:..._ . . -... STAPP . ';?.

Banctra Bernet, Su11nne Batrr~. Edilh IWauctllmJ, Clint louthell, Linda Braun, argJer:l autter Ann Marie Charter Carl Chooer, Corrine Comul•da. Jean Marie Gainey, u 'I Qo:ldlietn, Marlon Hemson: J1n11 Jemtt. MlchMI -IOMI. 'lemlce Kutner, .Sicl ~''""' Martita Kaulman Ketherlrt Keene, Dorothy Lauber,. Loretta leVHQue, Larry Levlnt, Leta Uacll Irene Mttne111 Linda Orentteln, JO:h" .-eL.. Loll. ·Schrom, Pearl Slea••· JtmH Slmoft,· Jann• Tucker: Jean Turk•ewlcz. Olt•lll VM .Nllln, lvel)tft. Wagner. . ~~ar~--•u ...._.. MIUflr; BIHY Aggaon; ctrculetlon&iMIQ Janw, 414o8001, lt4-<'•'" Lallie C&rculatl•n: 8erb11r1 Clawson, t7+45.t1. NIWI ~rtno machine: 4 4-4131.

"'.ltUIIIod ... ., "'"""'' ..,1gr.::b:= Dill 1 Uolol .. Aouoi.U,o, I.H· ~'"'• Elaine 811?1nlk': VIet Pr811., Sid . Klltf'ler. leo., 8at'bara LIIIOwe.-; Trtu.. VIrginia

=tch:~:s~:~;T~~~~: $15 per year. Advertle1ng .,;d newa ariiCin may biJ! mailed (lox ee Gr .. nbelt)· deposited •n our box 1t tht Twin PinH Office before 4:00 p.m. TUHday: or deliveuid to lhe editorial oHice In the beltftt¥1 Qt 15 hrkwey .. ~~47d~~1311)i The ofti'ce will be open Monday after 8 pm tor lllaplJIY ed'lerUiinD. only; -• "' . 10 pm. Ne•• _erticlea aod claaailied ada wiU bW• tcOiidad lfltr I pm on TuHday. .S.IdUne Ia 10 om.

Volume 41, Number 50 . Thursday, November 2, 1978

A Friendly Wa~e:·,an~ A Hearty ('('Go~d Morning"

When a man has stayed with a job as long as Buddy A~tic.k . has done--growing with it, learning all ib corners and peculiari­ties we call him an institution. Buddy was here even before Gre'enbelt existed. He grew up on a fanu whera the Nationwide building now stands on Edmonston Rd. In m.ore ways than o!le, he helped to build Greenbelt. He worked w1th the con~tructl.on crew that put up the first houses. Later he was the city s poh~e oft\cer. For many years he has headed the Department of Public Works .. Often he has served as acting city manager.

But the wor<l institution does not ftt the way Greenbelters feel about Buddy.· Friend is better. People with problems found that he really listened. When he sug1ested solutions, he followed thro~gh, checking. back t? s~ if the p~oblem had indeed dis~p­peared; If you met him m h1s yellow Jeep as h~, toured the. cit;,; you could count on a friendly wave ·and a hearty, Good mornmg. Aa the head of a major department within the city, he was of course a bureaucrat. But he hails back .to the era of .fa~ life when people helped each other and knew one· another as fnends and neighbors. He never got ove~ the manner. And who can eay how much of that rubbed off on the rest of us, helping_ to. make Greenbelt so lrieQdly a place? . .

We don't expect w miss him exactly. We expect to see him around ·the city, chattmg with this one, smiling at that. In our imaginations we see him in a kind of p.erpetual golden autumn like these last few weeks. -W.I! hope his retirement Is full of pleuuree. · '

· And we want him to know that \'e. made a.dUieftlt.C'.

~ ,.., • your,.,.,._ . Glw upNalon to yodr faltlt.

Let Goers Word spealr to your IHe. . GIEENI·ELt IAPTUT CHURCH

Bailie a..s, lor 1111 .... <llmi) · · e:a a;a Wanlllp ..mn. I U:OO - All f:OO .-. lll4l-wwll PI'QU ..moe<~..,, a:oo·.-

._ IIIII tnMportatlon, ~I Cllurall 1111110!1 1:10-IJ:IO ~

G.wmWt Communitv Church. - --lUnlted Chureh of e~~;bt) ·

. . • J '

JI!]Jilde and C~nt Roada,- Phone 474-1171 (momlllp)

Sunctay Church School for all • 9145 Worahlp SerVice •. 1 1 aa. K~ prOYI4Id at JB ~

-..~'farler ....... &...,--.~ ......

.•.. ,.: .. ( . ·/t .,. . . . ' .' ..

.u,II:.·.CZ. La~ q.ell '(<' ~'''Wl;: : MOS ......... .....

.. ,.~ .. ,.· .-..........,, ... _.ut'll-. ....................... ,. ............. MI•aa .............

Thursday, November 2, 1878

Good Repre•ntation 'J'o tht t;datar:

'il>e acts of Coqreu ,on enero and ·of tho reoept QHI -ber­HhiJ> meeting on rehabilitation of cur h11rnes. have conneet,lona not tul'«d about at tbat GHI meetiq,

Announcement on Sunday, November .12,

1D78 the · Greenbelt City 'Council · will dedicate Caa· Dlq Terraee in Windsor Green in honor of Thomas J. Cannln1, tormer Mayor and councilman, who aerved from 1847-1883. The' dedication ceremony will be held at half past four o'clOGk 11t c.nning Terrace and Mandan Road. ·

Charter -Amendment, Tapta To the Edllorl

Nut TIIHday the · voten ot Prince GeorPti Cou1lt)' bave an op­port\Ultey to vote on a 'Ch.arter A­mendlllent 4eallq with taxa. It -- a '~~~elul · time to look at where we are.

Par! of lhe lecl•latlve packqe provide• fer 10% annual Income­Ins crrdits on eltpendlture. a home­owner 1 includlq a cooperative) may make, up to P,OOO or expendl-1 u rc~ or $300. of taX credlt1 for cer­tai 11 l••nergy-savlnc purpo11ea on the taxp~<yor·• "principal , re~ldence." Woman· 's Club .. · New. 5 t;ligible expenditure• . are thoae mad• between April 20, 1817, and The monthly meetlq of the Wom· Dec. 31, 1985, for luch thlnp u In-. an'• Clllb or Greenbelt will be •ulation, r<PI&eelll~nt burnere or h•ld on ThuradQ' :M'ovember 9, . It automatic iJnitlon.• for furnacea, 7:80 p.m. In the SoCial Hall of the exterior storm' or thermal doora or Greenbelt Communley Church. The windows, exterior : oaulklne or procram will be apon80red by the weatherotrlpptq, etc, . Blducatlon Department, Belva Wei-

Our cCIUllt)' hal had a lon1, pain­ful blltol')', one that led to a poor reputation In the Waablncton a­and In the ·ftnancfal world. Den~e development of apartmiombi without needed pu1JUc 1e.rvlcei. Inadequate lnapectlon of· !'ew bulldlnp, bbpro-· . ~r conneetlolul IN!.hveen bullclen and public olllclall, deftelent public 1choola, ·bitter dlipUlel over bUIIRJ, and • lick 91 ,jo~,.tmd ahoppiRJ facllltlea for aplddle-lncome retol-denta. . · . . · ·<

Some ellslble ~pendlture• are to. • 1

Ch 1

, . be made by GHI In ·what we au- · •e ' a rman.

Solution• ~P m01t. o( tlleae prob­lema have . been started and auo- . ceaatul chanpa are perceptible, Thl8 18 partly d!ifl to Jood manqe­mellt that }1 wtllinl, to work on our lona-ranl[e needs and , not juat on lliua~maklnc.

thorlzed the Gtber nlcht. Some have

been made b)' GHI (mOIIti)'· In the Spect'al D..ogr· .•. Meeting· frames! In 1t7T-78 and may be re-. l"f' ported by GHI member~ next April when filing their 11178. fe9eral !I)­

Unfortunately, the~e are 110111e charlat&JI.I afoot. who have an at­·tractlve bandWIIJIIR .., .a celllns on real eatate' taxe1. They demand an end tci' lnftatlon. We ... 1 )'O.arn for· a 1impler life, and, therefore, ftnd

come tax retum1. Clearly, lt waa JOOd timlq to aP­

prove the rehab prorram now, because (1) It llh~uld further cut· our fuel use wben fuel coeta will rise and ·c2l we will be able u In­dividuals to reduce our federlll ln-

. come taxes by V&l')'IQ amounts, up to $ao0 per ;year lor the next few years, dependlnc on elllrible ex­pendlturea.

One more point. Laat year I began to worey a)lout whetl)er we In GHI would be elllrible for theae credits, becau11e the new•papeu .. re­ferred to them u belnl for home-· owners and tenanta and we In GHI aren't either aa· the•e worde. com-. monl)' are underiotood. I phoned the olllcea of U.S. Sen. Paul Sar­banea and Rfp. Glad)'l Spellman to explain IDll conem. I put them In touch with GHI manaaement to confer on pertinent lqlalatlve tanpqe and GHI'* precl~~e eetup.

The Greenbelt Park and Recrea­tion Advlaoey Board le aponaorlns a Public Information MeetinJ to hear cltlsenl' lllfteltlone for rec­reation pro1foam1 to be olfered to "Special Populatloni." The•e will be ProliriUII.I deelped to provide lelaure 'actlvltiea for the clt;y'a 1pe• clal population Jl'OUP• Cl.e. men~ tally retarded, deal . and hearlnl Impaired, per1011.1 with develop­ment probleiU, etc.).

The objoctlve ot thl1 meetinll' 11 to Identify need1 In ·the community for "•peelal" prorrama and to belrin coordlnatlnl ·effol18 to Implement future PI'OJI'&m otrerlnp, · Thoee lntereated · 1hould attend and make thel~: vi&Wpoln~ known.

The meetlnc · 11 llilbeduled for Thura., Nov.ll, 8 p.m., at the Green· belt :&runleipal Bulldlnc, City Coun· cll Room. Written •uaeati<!JI.I will be accepted from thoee who· can· not attend. PI- addreu all com­menta to: Cley ot ~reenbelt, Re­creation De~t-8peelal Pop.

, almpllatic tax aproach'• attnctlve. However, we know that the moot etreetlve IOlutlono to our complex proble111.1 will be accompliahed by IJOOd. decision• made by coneclen­tlouo manasera over lon1 period• of time.

We are belrinnlnll' to see prosre•• In man)' areu, lncludiJII desirable chan1ee In ·our tax 1tructure. Hori­

, e•t elfort. a.re belnc made to lm­pi'GVe our county and they need our aupport. ·

RQ&l'llleu of which candldatos you· vote for next Tueaday, reapon­llble cltl~ena· ahould vote. NO on Charter Amendment a.

David Lanp

ul&tloll.l, 211 Creacent Road, Green­belt, Mai')'land 20770 : The Greenbelt Municipal Build· lq 18 accea1ible to the , hand!· capped.

The llpellmall and Sarbanu ~tal~\~ did · eonfer , repeated!)' with GH;J. and with '(he Coqreulonal tax- 1

wrttlq comq.tttee1, an.d I wu Jlv- 1 For the put· 5 yean LBSLBY DB1MEB bu iu,poltecl IIDU1l4 en to undentand that 10111~hlq 1

waa done on l&nJUqe to make •ure we'd be covered.

Recalltl7 we were In touch qaln with Olad)'a Spellman'• olllee to inake lllN that we hadn't loet out under the reviled bUI. We cot. I thtnlr, .tod repreaentation from

. SUIIU• and Spellman In ~18 mat­(fr.

Mat Alllbera

Boys anci_Girl's ~ul» BaalletUII ' llcn-up will ta!Ce

._. lilt., Nov. • and Sat.; Nov. 11 lrca noon till a p& at the Youth 08nter IUid Sprlqlllll Lake Recrea­tion Oemer. Thle will be the pnly licll-UP. ll'or acre lnforaiation call JUok lltark-ther, 14&-1811 or Pat Gainor, .,...,..,,

Due to the lncreuecl memberihlp and the l'lllcnatlon ol -ral pee-.. pie the club 11 In d•pera" need of voluateen to .. ,.,. on tbe Board llt' DlteOton <electlona cO.Inc up In 0.0.1, aulltant lliultetllall -mle-111--. w~• and meana chairman, -lleNhlp -NtillrJ and and lilY-· eral Gtller capacltl... Thoee who - llelp, pi- call Pat Gainor .,._..., .

IT. JOHN'S atU1CM ..... -.:••If·'. . . ...... ............ : ............. ., ................ Cllllr a. I•• • ......, ....... ...., .......

' ........ Q, ....... ·--· '

edueatlonal pro~rame: W• aupport her B£rELBCTION to t~e

ScROOL .BOARD November 7. P1JLL LBVBR 37·0

I . Darwin and Shari· Beck. ~palll ad)



Th'~ City of Greenbelt wiah11 to· announce that preliminary applications for apartment unite are available for aenlor cltl· zenl 82 years of a~re or older or handieapped lnd.\viduals or couple• at Green Ridle HOUH Apartment., . Greenbelt, Mary­land. All units are eli1lble ior Sec!tion 8 HouainJ Aalstance Payments frdl'n HUb for quallfylnl indlvlduala. · AppUcatlODI are avail111ble at the·Ctty Manapr'a OIIIN, Cree. nl:!elt Municipal Buildl'i'g, 25 Crescent Road; Greenbelt, Maeyland J0770, or by writlnll to the City Mana,.r'l 0111ee or by ~honlnJ 474-8002. All appllcanta will . be COIIIldered lrrapee\ive of race, color, religion, aex, or netlonal orlaln. ·· 1 ·

Notice Ot APPH-tlan Worlcihopa ror· thoR wtlo wtah mom Information or ualatanca . In.

c:omplltlnl their sn~ appUeatlon, tlu'W worklhopl will · bt held ill November OR the toilowinl detel lftd m the fDUOW~ Inc lDc:atlonli . .

w....,; Ncm.lael'l •:ao p.m.

·~":.~~:~: ....... pool) 'nlunclay,_N~ I 11 • 1:00 p.m. 8prlftlbi11 1.11111 ..... UoD. c.ter . . .

. I

ThC_u-.:~· !! ... Lov.._ema;;;,;;bedr;..;;2,:.;.;18-78_S_~-~~;;;;,;re~Y!' ... Nomw ... -.:huvu:w_r--...l ---.-.,-.-•• -.-•• -n:.;:!~--.·--· . . To lWfh. ~ "'7 e ers ., u~ ru •• Iiiii .... . !,' .. llftrJalt)'hultreeta. Some~-... .._

Memories. About: tuddy At:ti.ck "''" b,.!~;.... · · .,--·=: =t,IO.:::.:ec1· -~~-~--Budd)' Attlcll I• dllfaiW ., a· llo1IM have blllew&JB, 80me 11....._,,.

by U... Oleutala man no 1- lmportaat for ,. aldJl- And - In 10111e children m:n plq ....... "It's hard to. ftnd aomeona that no one complains about," 11)'1 ey to work with peopll .....,. for mn17 town hu a ~quare - Well, ...._ ..,_.., - ..

Mayor Ric~ard R. Pllakl, but, he 1tatet, Buddy Attlclc Is that per- hll PJ'ol-loftlll okllll _. .laiOWI- · WuaJI7 rtcllt tn the middle of town. · · SOIL Pilski referred to .Mtlek Ulina the phrase ''plUar of the edp by Charla Jla~ Uul loQie are nole)', 80me quiet; community" and called hi1Q a pinonable man who hu dedicated .J-q Gle~~e, two ol u.· iiltir. aaan-. llome !lave treea, 101ae have ftowen .:. forty )'lafl to the coinmunlt)' and hu made an Impact on iL &. apn under whom :be I1U .-..tL l'or rwtlq, lor walllln1. f~ fun. · · hu alwa)'a been dedklated to hia :men and lOOked out for their AWcll, Greenbelt diNOtor 0'1 Puldle llvel7 oltJ hu bouee1• 8'ome are ..all,.- are aq; well beinl, related the mqoor. worltl, retired October II, after to And .eub houee hu a 1to17 to tell.

PIJW .... _'ben that the IIDUII­cll lllllaJbr. aoetpted 'Bi1dd)' AWck'1 PNIIIItafiiOU, - Wilen theft waa a ttcbt bud&wt, beaaUM be - ai­WIP bontet abolit hll departaMmt'• needl. a. kept hll bu~ lll1aiJ, not lndulclna In atten .... confer- · encea; but kept blm.ll .,.pped up In tbe cltJ and 1m- what It aeed­er. Altholich AWclc wiD -In Ylllble tn the -unltJ, Plllld IIlii tbat he wiD mlu him. He 11 a man who cannot be nplaoed and It will be dlllloult for the ·man who 11111 hla job. Accol'dtna to the 1118)'­or, "Politician• .;ome . and p, but there'• only one Budd7 Attlcll." ·

when· Attlck wu the town pollee- liMN or aemce. ._ full ot taucbtar, man. a. rem-INore 111m aa110me- ''117 buddy, BuddJ'," Wll - of Willie othen are quiet-cae Jtot u old u • puut, . ,.t the llrlt !*Jple fo .... r elt)' -- 'llut eull run ol life tbat'l unique. -e 1111 the eblldm. could 10 IV Chari .. T. McDonald !llllWiita to for taelp. "lllvel7thlnc :rou re- be arrived In a-bait allaut 10 Alld, -h ~ hu an attlcll. Well, _.. 1811ft. -· -• allout 111m 11 pl..m, M ;.an qo. Mci:>onald arrlftd 111 It'• l1lllalb' under the root. ' · · · · · · · liP Nanna, who calli bJm a "CNat 1NT u a malntaaanot ......... 8oDM are dull. - are bricbt; · · · ·. · • · CU'I·" · for tilt Public HOUIIq .A,IItllorlt)' 1om. IP't eluttered, -neat; c

Remlnlaalnc, Nona tallced .about <PHAl. lte moved Into a . ..._ on lome are oold, and.IIOme warm from 'tile -. _ . · A.ttlok patro!Uq the Lake Pull on Gudl!lway, which - ricllt - 'l'lleN'e a elt)' X luijnr, It'1 not fu rn.,a..~ lloreaback; 8ucld7 drtYIDJ the ltldlt the atreet from Attiok. Ill • ·llllrlt It hu 1111 ot thNe tblnp In 118 mldlt. · ~ : '\ ·· · back and forth from hlch IIOhool; ·ot nellhborlln-, AWO belptcl the And, then, It hu -e thlnp -8Udcl7 - - all the lddlt' buddy. KoDonalde move Ill.· lloDDDalll Otller eiU.. bave not -He ohuolded u he recalled the caUed Atticll a "veJ7 ~ ·frllall Tllat'1 a charm ollu own worth to-ua11111 railohlef and prankl. Attick of mine for many ,..n.• . .,._ . · .. handled that, like evel')'thlnc elle, they met, Atttck wu a paltot ollaec · It baa parkl. It bu baiUielda and ~da ....... wttH • IIIDilt, Nanna laulhed u and the pollee depertraut - 11111t It hu tlllnt8 courta, 8Wimmlq pooJe.:toc .· , .. ', he related the time when he him- to J,fcDonald'• olllce. ... tudU .. ' Tldap to do for the )'OWIJ ''"· 'r

Mayor Pro Telll 011 Weldenleld expreued hla fHIInp about. Bucldy Attick In the1e lin•: "Buddy At­tick· Ia Greenbelt'• book ol knowl­edse. He know• evel')'thlq that'a worth lmowln1 about Greenbelt.

eelt wu rMCued. He wu on tho moved to Woodland 111111 whea It AI Well aa the old. lake, which w .. IUppoHdly froaen. wu d,veloped. MoDollalll ur- lie I don't know how we could uk for more. Duclul bad evidently made a bole alwl)'ll 1eta a hoot (rom· ~ttlok u Tb1l city 18 "Greenbelt" I AD unuual towD In the middle of. the lake, but Nan:.. he ~ on hla wq to worll. 1o jiiUIIUit In 111U17 quaint W&7L na didn't know It, went too clOQ, In .July 11N8, McDOnald beouile And - thl.l town had an "ATTICK" and fell lt. It was Budcl7 ·Attlck toWlt manqer. Aftar AWck'e 10ft Before houaea and •tfeeta. · · Allo Buddy 1eta aloq 10 well with

the cltisena of Greenbeit hla title ahould really be 'Greenbelt'• Aln­bauador of Goodwill' rather than Dlrec.tor of Public Worka."

who came to hi• aid, .baullnc him, wu killed tn an auto aocldent, Ko-· I taU liOU. lt'a. a place of renown. nearly frozen, to lafety . "He wu Donald Invited Atttck to beclome dl- An IIATTICK" without hou~~e! An lmpou,lble thlql a 1ecurlt:r blanket", Nanna uld, rector of public worlul In order to And, :vet, It 18 true, I. dare say. · "alwa:r• · around It an)'thlnl · haJ>'- 1et him away from accldentl and Quite atracirdlnal')' , ·

Councilman Richard , Cutaldl ~rrew up In Greenbelt and 1&)'1 that ·he moat vividly rcmembera Buddy Attlck'a whole attitude and· hla re­l&tiOJiahlp to the people of Green­belt. He uses the word "Jovial" In his deacrlpUon of him ·and aaya

paned." · ' pollee work. · Tb1l "ATTICK'· we have. Becauae of hil 81CP8rlellot,- Ko- It can only fame to ua brlnJ.

Buddy A~ck CaUed "Institution" IJy White

.that Attlck dldn't talk down to the ''Jie'a more than juat a public kids, but got them to do what he worka director," Greenbelt Council· wanted in hla own way. ma·n Th~maa X. White aald of re-

Cutaldl ·rememllered the prank- · centl)' •·cured Albert 8. "Buddy" l~h. duck hou"" Incident witl\,&[eat! AUick., "He'• ·an Institution. He's clarit)'. Two lyounpt~ra. who ahall , ;srown "AP with the .city from the re~aln namelen, WC!IIt-OIIt onto 1the i time I~ was .farJQiand. - I'Ye lived frolen t•ke and broke thj! 'l!ble nlix\ door to thla tremendoua man that aupdorted thr duck ho'!M'· Thr for the pus! 10 )-care. an"! I'll al· houRe promptly Mank, but Buddy WBYfl rf'ntf'mb"r him, eapecially u and the brother• or th•· two boy• I en extremely, helpf~i ncli'hbor,"

• p~iiod it oul. :. Th<• nlf!lor boya ret "Many tlmea," Whit" continues, <'t•ivt•d .c<•mm•·t

1ulallons for .their Pf. "ht·'IJ s~t· mf" workl~g on my ~•r

~ fortH, a?d, arcording · tn, Castaldi, ~t.nd stroH. ove:r for a neighborly • Attlck never d~a<·<lvor•·u who had chRt Hr ondo up puttinll in two ' •napped thr <·a~t ... l · or threr hours of heavy wo~k under I T)1e cou~ci.lman ilk.j.• Buddy At. ~he h?.od, ·.or rvcn on tho ·around tick to Cart•ln Dkk Mansfield, " , below, •·rt.~ll• Whlt.e. man 'he ~•·moniber• ·~ololng on ;teh• . "When Bud~y rut• his lawn t.nd villon who A('rv.t·~ aR·,~,pllbllc rela

1 knows m)'.~ower I.R brokton, hl•.jult

tlpn• m.an Cot th•• pollc~ yc•r• ago. kr<·ps on I!Oin!l, Oniahlnll- my lawn. Manafleld'• lmasr wa• that .of R t•"· And· ~hen, In thn winter, when. tri~mlly prnf•solonal repreaentin11 I hear hla frur.wheel drive truck th1j poih'<' "ul1

1 ,aut'lorltiH to th<'' crank up I? . the n:ll~dl• ol the

kido, trn<·hlnlil 1tht'm what the)'; night, l kl\ow IV• anbwinl( outatde. nPrd•d to> kn,w .. <(a~taidi !le.llcelvell Hu~~cty and hla public worka troopa · At tick lu t hi• way, 1110 a public will bP. ,out there sal tins and plow-relation• nian fnr Gro>enbl!lt, a p11rt lng it

1awa.v:: .

of the community. "Proflc will r•membrr· him for When ~:mmott Nanna, Green theae 40 full :reara· of faithful aer ·

belt1' City dolidtor, Ialka about · vice," White concludel. "The City· Buddy Attlfk, he recall• hla rela I of Greenbelt owee Buddy Attlck a tlonahlp to him &II t1, :vouns~er t1emendo\11 ~ebt." _


. by lean Marie Galae, · · Albert S. "Buddy" Atllck Ia retlrlnl after forty yeara of Hr•

vice with Greenbelt, ind Mr~. Winfield McCamy, who hu knDWD. him .the entire time, ln. ref.r~peet de•eribed Attiek •• a mua "alway• ready to h•lp anyri. I· · .

xn. Mecamy, who wu ·Green· tick u a. ~Un olllcer, and how )lelt'' City Clel'le and Plirchulnl handlomt he loolced In hi• uniform. Apnt, met Attlck when 1he IQOVed She did 01\1 ~ Blldea. ~lud out to Gl'eenbelt. forty yeau .,..., ·Ill hi• window &lid I&W Attldk •t.rolllnl Ju o1 1188 Attlck and J:nlle lhund the ~ter. "Lllok &\ At··, w~~er were' dellverlnl' furniture · Ucll out thtre," lit Aiel-; "he hal11't for ,Greenbelt durtnc Ita cilmatl'llc· arre~ted I• elqt. penon llut ht'l tton and whel\ thtJ delivered Mr1. wclrth t11\lf1 ~nt WI ,., 111m, Jlllt McCaaiT• furnlturt, •h• 11id, "I to dreu lip In 1111 unllona." . can't put the bed topthtr.~ Tblnklnl' ~t lit WO!IId 1ooll tftll

Attlolr·IMIId, "We're Ju8t 1t1ppceed mor, ban.._• on a. h-. Mn. ·

Donald found Atticll relied an hlill to become adSuated to lia·new job .. Thl1 1'ATTICK" 11 known by·each woman·and.man.· "He wu ·a lrery apt ltudent," Me- By each chlld e'er lived In thla town, Donald deolared. The two attended Th18 "ATTICK" 11 ·full meetinp and became famlllar ·With Of plain wondetful tlllns•. public worlul throushout Maeyland- And I think I know how It besan. 110 much 10 that Attlck quite often Thla "ATTICK'' besan on 110111e land on 'a farm became In advisor to other munlcl- W~ere the Beltway and K<!nUworth meet. palltiel. Under his direction, Green- Not the u1ual "ATTICK'' belt developed the llnt Maryland But a cute lltt~ bof, · landftll at. the pre~H~nt Sweetaum Who ~rrew up to lit~ ant warm. Picnic area located In Gnen~ I · t ·~. Par\<·.·, AI .. MODnd ,landfll~ .locate41 · •·f81ln1man who IIMw '"'"'• JGDd tt-,.and hard~ at Uie end ot North\ftay, I• preaentl)' Who atayec:t ciON to h..ae to-'4J<~',;, ... belnl developed aa a ballfield. In the bulldin• of "Gret>nbelt",

It1 hau1N1 and Streets. McDonald pralaed Attick for hi• Never once his dutiea to •hlrk.

coapel'atlon and wlllinl!ne•• to work . \ ''mornins, noon or night." He •um Thl• "ATTICK" Ia "BUDDY"! A man wr all know,

·!lied up Attick'a contnhution a• th• Who haa be•n, and lo, ever10ft8'1 fl'lend; · "build1ip of the . pub iii' work• de Who's full of thp •ecr~t• . pa.rtment to an exceller\t opf•ratlng. Of tht• town that h(' IOVI!Ij ·~ft; he lcnew how to hRndir m<•n Who's watchrd It to chanre ,an~~!'~. and ret alonr with them." Who know• eli~ry house; evell)' patll, aU the strt'<>lA;

The pruenl city mana&••r, Jam•·• Every waterline and manhole th•re II: . Oleae, al80 empliallled that Atti<'k Evrry nook, CVP.ry ·cra.,n:r; . waa Vel')' ·well liked by hi" ""~" •;v~ry pothole In town; date1. Glee felt that ~omt"• pPnph· And who lovr1 @VPry per .. on be ......_ . did not like taklnl thPil ··omplainl" to Attlck .btj:fU•e aft~r talking" ltl1 hlm th'le trilll~lduala oftl'll ftirKot ther had .. a· -Riaint.

Con&rtbutlona Ole .. found It hard to rv<·n brgln

to ·tell of' A:ttick'a contribution• to the city; AI public work• director, he hu bl!en In charp of thr larrnst department In lthe cit¥. althoush when he auumed reapon•lb'llity lor the department It wu hall It• prr Mnt alae. GleH cited hi• wllllnll

. neu to tl')' new lcleaa and hi• in-­dividual elrol'tf tD advancr knowi ..,. of pubUe worP, H• also help­ed build tilt eltJ' and oerVl'd ·as a pollee oalcer. .

Attlalr pew up on a farm IO<'at•d 011 .. 11 ~ known a• tM Qolllilil Tri&IIP. Recently ob•er: 'filii· UW .ate. Of the drlvewL, .. &a'uce · to U.. IUdham Nalion­wldt llllildlnc. AWolc recalled tllat Ule drlv..., to hll old larmho.uoe wu In p!'MUIIIII)' till Nme 1!'<1.• Uot\. ·

'l'hl• ':A'M'lC:K" io brisht and warm like th•· sun, And hP's ftllod with thP Atorlea of yore _: ·. F'lll<•d with kno.wli!CIJI' and )'&rna That t•ll u~ about . pr•enbclt.'• Pt'OPII'- th .. lr 80rrowa'and tun.

Thl~ "ATTICK", our "BUDDY", hu been faithful and· tl'lll'l To thl• city· r~ tortJ lone ,.. ... ·- · A• • workor, polio-.n; · ·,~· ··: Dl,....ctor and .,.,_, Of the. hard-worki~J Public Worlia crew,

. "" never 1r•w old, 'juat added' ai lilt • or a aparP room to hla lirth, to ~· The accumulation . ·; · · · · Of all .that. be knowa. . Whllt a wonderful '.'AT'I'ICK" thl1 181 ·

What t. fibber al)d lclddtrl ·w;~Mtt &ellaniOter, he! AIW&)'I lllllliq and ,... to' livt _ . · "You're looklnl lood tofql" .~' . "What can' I do?" .·:· -~

~ f. I.

And,' qulekl;r, c 1one Ill ..... !1.1. 'i> •"!ff~ ;. . He may now leaft hll.iOJ!. .!lifut WJi,,..,.~ u1. HI• heart 18 tile heart ol tllll ~·· l· · .;. · He'1 thle clt)"a "A'tTJCIC" - . ·~ ,:..( _.:;.,1 . Like 111 miU'ftloUI plaoe - .·. ·- ,,.,,. • Full of -rata. &lid ......... ·~-·• . ... . ..

'Glt.. Aid Att•ck doean't em llarr&ll HIIIJ, H-r, he rrc:alled an Incident •• AUick dro"!' Ole .. and Mnrill IDIII!OIImen onto Who hu HfYIII • IDr ,lilt)' ..... ,..... tiM Did liltJ .._. to look 11 the Whom .we loft, wllO '"---~-·;.:....._

our "ATTICK"I OUr ~J-~ ONJ:"!


.I to dtllwr the furnture, not put It 'McCamT llli, tbeJ IIDalbt ,IIDII a tocetller·" IDle told him ehe d'!ln't hOne &lid lit .•rvld u tile dltJ'•· han a hunmer, and- "the nat thlnl 1110unted PDboe ·ollcer IDJ lltfti'U

~-........... . Parkway WhOID we Wlab •AJ.L .,.,_ looAU!Iu. AWol! wu· em- ' FOR ~ Ala> llllrnMII u hll i-wtiJa) drive ~ro-- ' · ' bl'ht ...._ ..... lllllllelp had to ~~~~~~~~~~~P!"-!j~,....----~~~ ...... _ _. ~ •. poliCe do--

)'OU lmilw, bt wu puttiq blrttd )'ftrl. . . ' topt1M for ••· Ht'e ..,.,. liHn Mn. ·Meeam, Riel t~.t

·n11e &Wt. WIMII -etblq neecled hi• ltmft to 0ft8nbelt, . ~ 1 to be llont, Itt did tL;, neve~ had u ...,, He. Wll lond

Jil,., MICUIT -illlbered when b:r ever,oM, and lltll,! 111, IIIII -

at, Jilanapr ~ aracln .bind .At• alwa:r• ...., to llelp. . ' . • .

....... * ca... 1111D .· . • · IJilliltor:r of a lililllWI!o . . ---~th .. baJ

. fta. tilt .......... d let It Weeldtiiii& ... W:• he went ~p to~ ........-,.llldtttunate)J,

~.':. · .. '


r I


. . !.






I fllit Oar la-Store l'lllnUc, Beer&: \fme Sale II s-tay ' .



· . GOLDIN DILIII9uJ , . · •· ... _.. APP :~,, .. .'. .. · 3·~·






LEAN .. ·

-ltCUBE· SIIAKS._ t.97


AWAKE .·12-oz.···48· c'

.CAN' . BIRDIIHm Ll'l"I'Lil IIIAR8 . '-'tar pq.

Com on Cob 88c

CO-OP YILLOW · · . .

Attt ....... l ...

·~.1.25 llO-OP vftAIIJM. D .

tfOmoJ. Milk KIHO IIIOO'l'HJJI: IMI't'ATION l-os. ctn.

CreaiD Cheeae .. ate .NOV. i•7,"1~1:

,•:•. · Tbundir¥, NOftlld!lit !, um


Gl •..

~~: 1.48 . SHANK P~ION




Steaks TAILLESS lb. 2.58 .· ' GWALTNICY 1-lb. pk ••

SHcecl Bologna . 1.36 OLD TOWNE l-Ib. pk1.

Sliced Bacon 1.37 J{YGRADIIl MEAT or BEEF 1-lb. pq.

HotDogs · 1.08·



~ 1.08 I


· FRUIT. COCKTAIL .. f-•.. c

. 17-oL . ' ; ' can ·


LIPTON lt-oL pq.l

Noodle Soup MRa B1J'fTIIRWOBTIJ'a <,.__ btl.)

Pancake Sjrup IIAXWIIlU. HOUII! u•a&. jar)

Instant Colee

·.12t~WAY Ope.. Dad, 1-t,Saa,clar IN

Re-llect. To Tit• iL4~-J. -·-';

She II the eB~T e~~~Mdete wbo .will ;llave I ohl1dmi In the publJc ldlooll at the eo4 ot the 'COmipl· • year term. Slla worb very bard on the aciiOOI boucl IQ that we· and all the children In PriDol Otoraa'a CouDty will 'llave · the very best educatlcm.

She knows your concema.

AJm6e and A11aa Krelmar

Gr .. •ltelt residents IHW- a to 80 to the pola>aext

The re•on Is •a• . .

Greenbelt will get a chance to pick Its state delegates next Tuesday. This Is an lmportcant election for us. hi the next four yeart, Ore•nbelt will face many ~t:•o.•• C~Q.·Ie .....

TheM are tough chall.,...._,

T~ l,Jief. We cannot continue to . .;uow ........ honleowners to be doubly taxed for· the s81'Yices they receive~ · . ·:··: · .' . ·. ·

Corruptioll. We nMd str~n, -~· ·~ 1 .. ~ . · 'i···~• an4

ethlcsleglslcitlon to clea~, ~.f·'he ~ .. ·.·. 1

• ·"u'.~~. . ~ . our party. · .. ~ ,_.a •.. J :·~ .~ . 1 !,~~/~l:lYV. · ;:;

i~. We~~ ...... :m~· ... .;;c~-~1 a.-.rs are c.:C.cklng down on r~ay lncreaMs by NPCO and WISC.

;, ,. 1 Rediatrictina, .so 'that G~~ •. ftnaHy have a delegate It can caU.Its own. · · · ·, . : . ·

. ·To meet them, we'l.l need delegates who are •••rnecl wlth.G,..niMif#s Interests aiMI _.the s~lal ln-.......... ~ l_,. .·

f : ~

That' a why Jean Pltlcln won ~e Primary all on her own. She haan't sou1ht any fav~ made .oay ..... When "-'• electecl, lhe won't owe·aftythfne to anyOM-except YOU. ::·.,:" ·

. On Novem ... r 7, we Ui'l~ you:to. think about who'wlll do the IM•t lob ...... ~"~ vete;:"'~ .. PltlclnfWclel...... . · . . : . . . · ·. '· ... t ... , · · . ·

1 Rlcbald Pllald ~ lllllen All•n Ianford <:lDrMtt · Huah Mci:Yor · · .r-.. Oonl~ a.lre PllRI Murl• ·Berrent wuliaa CorMt& ·.r.-.. D. Wall•, lr. ·' 1 · · MaN Wlllte ' .Tolla llennt lllleelleUa .._._ c, Kcmlchlll . ftutll w.wn ~ ..,._t 1r1u1o ...,.._ Allft ICGftlohllr .Julr·W.._. ,...._ llllfalb' . WJ111ea r. Dll-.. .Jr. DorotQ Verda AM O'llaau Pautida eutw.u PaUtet, ~ ... ...,. MeKnMJ Doria 8iawll Herol4 Llcllcl ' a.. DuttGII ,..._ Crl...a ~ l'alalettO!l . .r ... Llold . ........ ..... Cupultntollllo ........... et.pllulaCIDrnett ~...... .Jd~ .........

·HA8RY ' '•, .....

JOAN: A' go" iea: a fOr 41reelillelt

. '

·Vole .. .CONROY ·DEvLIN • .

' .

I . I


' . ' I

f f.


., .,


' .\


' .. 1

Pa .. l


..,. KaNJI sam. A new and exciting learnlna ~x

pcrience In science wlll be avail• ble to Prince Georges County stu­denta once the Howard B. Owe~•• Science Center Is In full swing. Tbe anticipated mid-September op erllng of the center WIUI delayed and a tlt~et date or October 30 WAS set for the official openlni. accord ina to H. B. Lantz, center roordin · a tor.

Tbe center, located at 9601 Green belt Rd. has been under1oing both major and minor construction.

"The purpoee of the center I• to­extend and to enrich tht• exlstin~ science proaram that th" ~·ounty now does have," said Lantz. "Wp'J\ bring the atudents In for spcclali-. ed. actlvltlea •.. to ilve th•m Mom•· experience• that are hlihly varlet! and are beyond what they normal Jy could 1et.

"uur prol't&m ~rre in scirncc :s a very broad one· in that wr. arP golnl" to attempt to to~ch on all areas of science. We'll be working a 1reat deal In life sclrnce . . . We have laboratorlea that arl> set up for studying lire science con cept• and principles.

"We biRo have physi<al sclcncP labs that are primarily desianed for chemistry,. physics, earth .science and 1eneral aclence teaching. W• have a planetarium that I» prlmar · ily used for allttonOI!IY·"

Sume or tlic other unique rcaturos of thf" ·center o.rr a JrCturf'·-dPmon·· ~t ration ph art•a whl'ff. prcsPnla lions might be giYt'n, o: fair amount or rxh1blt apace, and an obsrrvallon d·rek on the too( wh:rh wHl hOIIMC weather 'and air •allll'linJ lhstru mentation. Blue prinl• for o. •mall solar heiated III'I'Pnhoullt' ha"Vr al-ready bet>n ,drawn up. i ·

GREENBi:I.Jr NEWS REVIEW The eclimoe · eentit hal been un

the drawlq board. tor a number or Ye&tl, alnce the late ·191i0'a and early ·li8o'a, when Dr. Howard B. owena wu the aecondary iclener •upem.ot for the . Prince Georgr•s l 'ount:r Schools. The aelence cen­ter wu Initially envisioned by Dr. Owen,. ~~r. Owens was a vrry broad tblnldq, open minded Indi­vidual," •ld L.antz ..

Once the P. G. Cnunty schonl owned center dOes open, It .wlll flrst addreaa the fifth and sixth grades. Once In full operation, the pr!mAry area of emphasill will be on drvrlop

in,l the elemt"ntary instrul·tlm:.

kindergarten thtDUih sixth grad~s. but all grade level• and members of

the ooman,mlt): will .be encouraged

Thursday, November 2, 1978 EBBS tGneert to make use of the center, and ape- . clal pro1rams will be dealrned to ~r:commod8~E' ,;{~ 8f0Upl.

Thr center will D,e oPen durlnl r~gular :-wh(>ol huun, ftve daya a week, frnm ~ a.m. to 5 p.m. 'We do antldpat(l hR\'ing eventnr hours that would al·rommodate pro1rama for th,.. ('ommunity and allow atud­(•nt~ with special lntereata to come in, and £'VPntual.ly have some week­t•Jirl program:-; too," aald Lanb.

Currently th<•rr are 12 people on .staff at thf' C'rnter, two of whom an• in..,trut'!Jorutl aidea who. instruct tNwh .... rs. As thf• center. aets un~

dt·rway, anti the number of per-· sons U!->ing :t in('i"eaar.e, Lantz said thr staff will br &\18Dlented to R<'­

commodotr them.


. County Council 5th District

JANET MAUS WILL BRING Openness, Iadepentleet~ and

Creative Thlnkin&' t& Solve

County Problem~.


Citizens With a Voice Committee Luclll• Pott,, Chairman

e Every rerlHtrrr.d votrr in Pri·nte Cir-org,.·~ County can vote for Janet N. Maua on November 7.

Call Janet with_ your views & ideas • 297-4666 by auth. Brian, Mau1, Trea•., 7408 Berkshire Dr., Clinton; Md. 2073~

PORTER'S UQUORS 1180 ..... '81911. ........ tnu.t to MoDoaal4'a Ill Coll9

Park I we bave the ~ Mleatlaa Dl Will• from &IOIIDd . tilt wwld. Special prloee un cau P~


AnY queatiOIII about Wl­welllOIIIed

Glad . .!ll'·s~ .Spellman Greenbelt Needs a Delegate in Annapolis this ia the year to elect one!

·She Still



In Congress.



Nev. 7,.1971

ClliRftl. fOr.IIP"llRian O'lnlllllttee,

1800 OrnniiPIL Rd .. Omnbrlt, Kd.

limO. A eopp of our re,ort Ia lllecl Jtrltll tile ,...... IIIM!t!On (..__

· ~al.lrilon, aft4 ~ aftll~fll!o f-tr pur~ eii&M fro• tile J'edr:r11l Nlcc:lqtt~

cc-1111cn,. 'l'ull!n~:on. . o.a !lOICII. B:r Aut"orl:,,or 'J,,..·!Jh V. McBride, 'l'reuu,.r

Alan Virta for-l-lou$e of Del~gates Alan Vlrta: His Qualifications

-The only Greenbelt candidate In the race.

-Graduate of DuVal Senior High 'School

-:Graduate of Unlveralty ot Maryland

· -~mRloyed at Library of Congreu In the field of American Htawry

-.Member, Cheaape~ke Bay Foundation

-Prince George•a County Hiatorlcal Society: Editor (1974-preMnt) and-director ( 1977-pl'ellllt)

-Parliamentarian, Republican county. committee, 1171-77

-Delegate, Republican l:'lltloiial ~nvention, 1178

-OutRtandlnll Youn11 ~en of America Award, 1178

. ~· ,.,.rt, tax:


a ... -.. ethle•:

Alan Vlrta; On the laues We need both tu relief ... tu reform In llarJland. We muat &mil a •ecure lid on the tu nte and maintlln 11tr1ct a.trol over ~ta. We mult lnatltute ~~Conomy In governn..t by trlmmiDI whire we cu. And we muat begin to work to 1eaaen U.. State'a reliance OD the pr0partr tu. · ·

.Maryla;d neecb a truly proareaatve,JRC~Uated lllCIGIM tu:, .,._.on tha

~bllily to IIIJ. . . I · ·

One of the General Auetnbly'a II'Utalt tallutei tWa ,.U wu tile tallun . to P8ll an ethica btU; · Marylancl ..a. a CICIIIIOlldltld athlca ~on;

atrlet dlaclONre an• eonlll~ ol.lntered !awl; a4 a ed to lollb)'lat 11ft ~vmt. ·

. .,.. aWarlJ': A IOdaty ean t.e juqed by th~ way It u.u ltl eldlrl7. Conlr·· rtaa. care, aft41 concern ....e IIDIItrU. out ,..._ tor ~ MDiGr .elh. .....

,.. Gi'Hnllelter has IVa been elected .. the'Leilllature. , . lan't. thle the .,.ar .... It lhouW Mftll • D•l•l* .& Amllpaltt

AI. an· Virt:a· for J.louse oE ... [)~legates

Thunday, November I, 1178

~tlgld Featares SChool Boanl- P.G. Coancil

., ......... UJalwlld Candldatea I'1WliDI' for ICbool

board from the eecbnd dletll'lat and · C&lldldlltel runnlq for the 0011\llJ O'ouDal1 took part In an lull• and UI8Wen program at Oreenllelt'a li­brary Jlonday night, October liL CcHpouored b;r the ~ Dl Women Voten and the oount)' lib­rary e;ptem, the program attraeted veey r- Oreenbeltel'll. Dpptte the Ulall audience tbe eandldatea pre­aeiK gave their views on •vera! tuu• but e.ipeclall:r on the main qu•tlona uked b:r thll aponaon of the forum.


School board aandldatea were uked what amount of decreue In the· acbool budl'et they would p~ poae.

Incumbent lAIIey .Kreimer pre>­poaed maldq broaAl aute aorou the board. lbe eald abe wouM Uke tbe leut to eea auto In the n11111ber 01 otuaroom teaohen alid In anu dlreatly all'ectlnJ the etlidente but rather would look at areu not di­rectly alfectlng atudenta, Although ahe thought aupervleory penonnel were neceuary abe thoqht aome cull ml1ht be made there. She. would try not to cut lnetructtonal mater! ale. and auppllet. Colt savlnp, that II fixed cO.te, 111ch · aa how In'·. aurance or fuel It purchu8d might be. another way to cut a011t.e, ahe l&ld.

Ghallenger Muriel. Weldenfeld al­so would not wll.nt to cut tervlce•, personnel or material&. Weldenfeld ·mentioned uolng potential echool cl011lnp u one way to nve money. She would ajao like to take a .. look at the amouJjt of money .the county w&i now ependln. io move children around the count:r. Whlle·•taylq within the Integration guideline•, Weldenfeld felt . a· lot of unnece._ aary bualng could be done away

'.with. Shll mentioned, .aJ.o. that abe felt there wu a lot of extra weight In the central o111ce -*aft. · 8be felt that that aatr, If. n« Cl!t. eould at 1eat befroun. ·

l'ollowtnr the .ahool board oan-dlda&ett · were candldatea for the jaunt)' council: Jan Buok, tft.epllb­llcan, Ol!un~ll dlltrlat 1; Gerard T. KoDonoqh, n.-rat, , d~rlat a: J. X. Un~; R., . dlltrlot 1: Cllarte. L. lllllott, R., Ann tioiabar­dl, D. dletrtat 4; Janet N. Maut, R., dlatrlat II. ~ pi'Hent were tilt .folloWinl

oaadl~larp;: Republican• John BIIHIIua, OarNIIL Clearwa­ter, Helen Chu.tt, X.U.. L. liar­tin. Ana 8lloak and Nor,~& ~ and Dem.-., ~· l'l'uleoll, Deliou Jfraftl~~a~t; o..td o. ,Jiart-. lOft and .,.,. ... Jr.

can you lose?

lla:rbe ... ,w.,· ,.,., -...._, Dl lin,' theft, .

atorm or JanuiL ,

Call - tcl\llr. ~~~ 1llle to teD ,au. about Natlonwlda'l

~lal, ·-- Tellant'l Pollq.


...... Oillllr ......... ................. -~-­... ., ....

Tba -tt·. OOUIIOJI ......... ...... uked how thq WOIIld ...... IDOII8I' to au.n .. Katro.

:ira.t Dl the eantlld&taa felt that aa lltNOh of the f11114111r u Ji10U111e tthould - ,_ the rtdenbill tblolllh tilt faNboll, with "dnor aclvooatlq a fare ina-. Tbe ~rlty &lao --- to f"l that other meana of flllldlq would bave to be found. Nca b)' property tax lntlated Lombardi and :McDOnoqh ~or b:r new taxa. lrutlated Burcham

~· Karttn. IJ'avorlnf the Ull of the preunt

guollne tu: but n« · tnareulq It were Bu~llua, ll)'dnor, lllcDon-011111. Hartlove and ClearwatAtr. Buok expi'Uied the belief that bet-

·--·--.----- ·--.

ter lll8lla&ement would .,.. flllldi: -= _.. lottery u.a.te a ~ .. fw :W.UO "Ltt'• cut the·"'* ou& t.F tiGIIIta 111114 Ia Pita. a-a- • of tilt Qltem," he ..... '· • . ~~ ., llau .... Jlaltba; -

.... -- tu, Kartta; Capital 0~ -;:o::r'.J! . ~ .. Jlutba, ...... reaaptaH~ aball and ,.~0011 wU . .,._., · taal, ~; UIIN and llldlll- ~I KanhaU and l'ranoala ........_. · ·tl7 tllr. Buak, and ...., P&l'kiDr

1 1t1tte aid u wen. WllaCID, J'Na- · authari!J tu, Kaut. ' COli .and Lombardi felt Gle wtao1e A referendum Oft Xetro WU ad- t area tbould thare the 1oa4 of Jlet,.. voca&ed b:r Llndtay, EUlott felt c ro with Wllaon a..,..unc 11, re- · that there might have to be BODle .J glonal taa. Llnd.lay felt eddltlOilal outll In Ketro. 1 tu:ea would be a..-r:r but

1 thou1ht aounell obould be honelt Comlnr out qalntt x.tro wu eno111h to call It a Ketro tu, ud iboiib wbo wondued whether tbe not bide It beblnd IOIU other tu: UDOIUlt of minute& •ved on a ride 1

euch u the IJ&IOilne tax. - worth the prioe. She ougptt-Other monleo •uaeated that 8d revrunplng the bua ayatem ln­

mlgbt be Uled to pay tor :ar.tro atead.



Francie II. Franco!• At-Large

,. Sarah Ad8 Koonce


The County Council Is a ~ job. · It .. requires dedicated. iRcf We men and women, like your Democratic Candidates~

"Cho$en through a primary . election process in which 62,528 Prince Georgian's voted. we pledge to work together for a . better county. Specifically, we . pledge: ·

• Continuing effort to hold down the cost of govern~ent. . . '

• Mbre efficient delvery•of vltat • services. · .

• Further reduction of ouneliance on the property. tax.

• Responsible planning and zoning, to manage growth and 1

correct past errors. ' • A· sound educational sy~tem. at

a price we ~an affor.d. . . ' • .Special attention ·toward· solvrng

the problems of Individuals, especially · our senior and handicappe~ citizens.

• EqUitable treatment for all Prince Georgians.

. -1


·YGTe~ ~~DEMOGM1 '\ • ' ... ' ~4: ' ~ ' t, •, ' • ' ' '•

0 • l I


.......... of .... :

' tile pNIIIIII wQl --. "' ............ ........., , ......... ....... • ~ ·"' onblllill


....... ...


' .

. •

i •

... : ....,. _____ _

. ...... ~ . The fo~lowlng educators of the 8eeond Sdiool 'Board Dlatrl~ representing a diverse span of mvolvement In e~ucatlon, urge you to vote for MURIEL WEIDENFELD for School Board because of her:

Senior Citizens of Greenbelt . ' .

·For Muriel Weidenfeld We the uncWi'altned aupport MURIEL WEIDENI'ELD

A lolil•tlme · rftident of Greenbelt. very active in achool committee actlvltlel

- molt • .,., md qualifted penqn for the 8daoo1 Board rep­l'IMJltiDI the lad Dlatrlct of Prlnee .. ,GeOrae'a CountJ .



... fOrd.

• altb

-.. I

• .... ... ... • ..... • ... rlrtll

~· .. .... .er

... II.IGia ...... , IP

, .. -

IMIIIIInl 'rllllt. ..... , .. .. ... ' IU .... .... • ... " -,. .. •

.... 10

· BICTION, con't fr. p. 1 .a.tu~~~MD Jua& H. lla118 (blmlct 1), . Altlloulh Oreenbell II 1ocate4 · 1ft .D!ItrtoU,.ONtDlltlt :YIIleN wiD GUt bellota lor all tile eouncll -tL

Other OOUDIJ' CODteWI pit Demo­tNt J-• V. Alulll aplnat Re­pubUO&D Kenneth P. Monti for 8berUr and Democrat Norman L. Pritchett VL Republican Gerd R. Oochron for. Oerk of the Circuit Court. VoteN mq vote for three Judpa of the Orpllan'a Court - Democnta C. PbllUp Nlcbot. Jr., Kar)r T. O'Hare and Steven I. Platt and lone Republican In the '· nee, Jo Ann :M. Jurel. Incumbent Democrat . Arthur A. · Mara~~ &.tea Attorney 11 unoppoaed u lit o-ocrat Callie Mae Heffron, Her­later ot Willa.

Beeauu tbere are 20 referendum­VPe queettona Ceee eeparate atoeyl

· oa the ~ election olllclat. are uqtnao cltlae118 to vote durlnr the 4a7 to avoid the evenlnr ruah. Votere have eeven mlnutea to cut 'lbelr votH. Under poUlnr rules, "VOten waltlnr In line at 8 p.m. are . permitted to vote, but any votera jolnlnr the line after that time will not be mble to vote.

An Evening of Mosie The Greenbelt-Lanham Chorale,

under the direction of Ed Lewla, will preaent Handel'• Coronation .\nth•ma I No. 2 and No. 4l and the Jl'aure Requiem on Sunday, N'ov. · 12. 8 p.m at Holy Croaa. Lutheran , Church, ti900 Greenbelt Road. .

The ptlbl!c Ia cordially Invited t6 . attend. No· ad1nlu!on will· be ~harr-ed. .

paid ad

School Board Endorseme-.t

We are fortunate that a felloW l()reenbelt realdent, Lealey Krel­.mer, t. -ldnr ,...!Htlan u .-• rep-atlve on the Prince a-a.'a.-Couat, 8oud ol JDn.. cation. x..a., otrm a depth ol _,. .... -. knowledp and -

.81tment that - ..... oil the Board. . . bunnr her Ant lift ,.... Gil

tha 'Board ahe hal d~ ._.nhlp · In ......-ntlnr Onenbelt .and Greenbelt .-s.. dentl 111 helplnr to keep a-­.. l.t eleme11ta17 aebool8 ope, "' belptnr to naalnWn ..._ .._,.It u a ecimpreheulft ~r hlP ~ ...s.r Oreenbelt·atudeiU ad~ .... dM . ...- ..... -.,& to allnlate tM .......... GllOnr dlltance ~na~~~nr. .

Laaley hu ......... -...... ~ eacll ,UIIl _,.-a­llelt . ..,...t; abe hu ........... .. Wleplloae n_._, ........., 'ilolcle -.tlql • •

l"fllr.alllllt' Ulna.,, and 111M op-...s·.her ..,_to ... ..... -toll to II& .... Will W1Ul .. . • J'w tlllile .......... ....... llletlltlle .. -~ ...... ..._ _. ..._ our lllllfpoft. ...... ,..to ......... . .. _..._,..._........,. • ...., a... to .. _. ..... u.. .... ol1141111111oa. ...,. ........... ~ ......

30% off by Sanitas, VVa//tex, Birge, Imperial in e Flocks e Ready Pasted e Vlnyla

• Scenlca· e foils e T~xtures

e Matching Fabrics e GraaCioth

'fn more than 25,000 paHerns which ore available cit DlstOUNT PRICES.

Pre• Wallpaper Hangfng Claa On November 8, 18ft, at T p.m. Willi offera Oreeilbelt r.ldata

a unique opportunlt7 to han1 different typea of WALLPAPD. Thll demonatratlon Ia enhanced by the preeentatlon of a llltD and a mobfle wall which Ia nt up to ahow how 11aay wallpaper h~ aan be. · ·

lleaMnr II llinlte4. To -rve your aeat, call WID'a at 18'7-ITU.

Will's Hardware . Home Decorating Center

CALL 937-3733 10502 Blltimofe Ave.


Take Beltway Exit 71 North · to Cheatnut Hill Shopplnl

Center • OPJ11N DAILY 1-T, SATtJlu>AY 1-t, SUNDAY 10-4.

QUALI,ID CANDJDAJI? Laet wHk's News l.v1ew eonlal~ a paid d

IUII.tdiiSJ that the p....m School Board "'ember Ia

"the qualified candidate" ltecauH ehe has been Instru­

mental" lnz

---------~----------------------. • "Keeplnr all OneDbelt elemental7 ~. open"

BtJTI 01111 the North 1:114 ~tarJ lollool ID Greenbelt hu J...n JII'OP(IHd for cloatnl· Jlencinr, the 'OrMAbelt 8obool · ~ eo.mlttee and tha Clt' OouncU IH'tlle liPt apiJYt the n.­rraphlo AltemaU,_ ltud)o which reaultod In keeplq NDI'Jh J:nd oplll •

. . .

--~-~-----------~---------------• "Kalnlalnllll ll:leanor Rooailftlt u a oompreh-lve .nlor

hlrh aehool that .. ..,.. Or.nbelt atudenta" ·

BtJT: WbHe ahe hel....S. tha Onenbelt Cltllena ConuDIIUe for U.. 111-or ~t HIP lobool, tile OnenMlt a&,.OounoU 11114 former lcbool Board _...,.Maureen lltalneou, pl'G\'1._. tile leaderahlp an4 deotl- ID brlnrtnr allout the p-t atotu1 of .IDieanor ~t llliti llollool. ·

---------~-----------~-~-------~ • • "-lrnlnr · Onenbrlar atudaftta to e.nt.r lohool, not one out

ol tha oltJ" 0

avr: The ..;or o1 olwn"-Jt ..,....,.. w- the lollOol lloard and fllll,u.tad tbat Onenllllar ltfldenta not be bued out of the olt:r u ~ INt tnMpolrtad to Center lohool.

~---~---------.--~----~---~-:..---.• "1Atroluol~ tl!le ......... ........ -..& to allnlata the

llu:*blp , .................... .

atl'r: ;,.. ..... •llaol -- - ....... "' ... ~~m Gl the O...IMII& lolloll ..., ea. • ..._ • • alterneuw to .._ .. lfortla .......... ..,_,- plan ..,. 110& ....... ... ., ......... tile-.,.~ 111111 ... witat ...... .., ............. ~ .

'W..f' v. . '

1 uflt your support for


County Executive Mary Clarice

Paid Ad

~L---1 ... -'t .;wpusbe ·~.


• ~.FIRST FEDERAL. 'SAVINGS '6f&:I.AJuAR.ciAnnapollsr. ANNAPOIJik MaiD Oftlce; 2024 Will SINd, S7881

.GRDNBBLT1 Blltwa)o Plazl Shopplnl Center, ,'14-1004


·Grelibelters Speak Out For RYAN: .1l· • ( ..•

I've bee~ impfelte!l with '!Buzz" Ry~'a commitment to human Hrvieea, especially th01e for mentally Ill. cd handicapped children •

Ilea Bodpn - mental h•ltlt atlvOCIIte

No one baa .been more wllllnl. to. help Hnior cltlzena , , • hil ciftlce (when l:zeeutlve .j\alatant to the Gonmor) llalped me MCUre aid for tho. who ·came to me for aulatance. . Ha Ia truly a friend of ~enlor citizens.

Robert P. Dove- Malar cltlua actl~

unique combination of .praetlcal' 1114 'theoretical knowledae ot polltlca .~lm eapeclally qualifted tel atrve ·In the Maryland Auembly. 1 · . · .

a.tt)' M_.- edaeator

onharly, children wantlna to enter maJor track meeti had tnnl areat cllataricea. "Bua" Ryu hllocletl I IJ'OUP that bePD promotlnl both local indoor mett1 ud a rellonal meet - the

-'CoMt Tra~ IJlCl l'leld Meet.· ·

La1t7 Neal ....,. riiDill,ai dlelal u• -eb

Experienced ln aovernment, he'a tNitworUar and worb bard for ~ people ln 1m dlatrlet •

• .... Wblta ~ a...- GreiD1ta1t ..... 'I'IDI• GaaJIIaJI' JUIOIIIIOIUI lOIN IN VIIOINO Y~

TO von roa D-..oA'I'II ~ .C"'RJZr.) 1. ft.A}I(

ON NOV. f1 '.

._Ra••-111 Cbutle ... Alii JleDaMIII ....... ..... Ciarla ou.te...,. ............. ;.·=--~---­........ . - .. ., o.e.· ·.--...... ..................


' .•.



I. L


Pale 11

ATTICIC, con't fr. p. · 1 - Mlde. IJurpJUed to - a 111'1 -ldq up on one or tile polel,; be ..n.d out a he&ltJ, "'oocc mont-

. Ull• How'N ;ruu dolnl'"' to hero 8be reeponcleit oquall:r u l'ood ,_ tundJJ, People couldn't help ....._htenl,. when Buddy aald "hel­lo" to th-.

Nut - • ..,;yq ·IIJ the nln&-hole pll COIII'M In Sprlqhlll Lake. Ao­&uaiJ7, It Ia oniJ a aeven-hole eauneo Jludd7 explained, heoaiiH two ~ were leat when the Sprl,.~ ldll Lake Recreation Center wu JlaiiL The ~ltJ Ia currentl7 llulldlftl' a new brldp on the _,.. for maintenance truckL · 'l'lleJ are ualnl' old be a.,.. from the fonDer Lutheran Church on Rldp ltaM, which became the Rldp :a..d Center, and which wu ul­tmlateiJ tom down to build Green ltldp Houae, the elderly houalnl' fMUlt;r, "We recycle ever;rthlnl',". :Buddy II&YJI, and one believe• him.

Aa we drove thro ... h Sprlnrhlll Lake on our wa;r out, Buddy poln­Ud out all the tree•. He could re­call which t:ypea pf treea were planted alonr the edres of the atreeta. "When I ride around town .nd ..., all the trees we planted-It ... ma like just a few :rears aro," he uld. He thinks the trees were actually plantd 10-IS years ago, just .rter Springhill Lake wu built. It's obvious the:r give him pleasure;

Sprtnrhlll Lake North Is now un­der construction on the other side of the Beltway 1111d the Maryland llll'hwa:r Admtnlatratlon Bulldlnl', ucl we drove In there for an tn­apectlon. . A wide swath hu been cut between. the trees and the dirt

~ IQWI DVDW Thunda1, Noftlllbv I, 1t'l8 Pllllbd dowa to J.e pawd over .. --• .:.tra:::;ted;:;;;at;:.:..~;;;·-.,:;Jut;:;:=llto:..:p,&o.:. (Jieen:.::!:... u ea$naoe IOIIIL Tbe .........,t RJclp HoU&8o , ·• ~ fW alarp ._ lllllldiDI wu . When the eklttt,r ~ fM111.. belq · JIIIUftd. Tbe 1NIIdl,. will t:r wu ent wulu .......... u .~ . .W atot.IIIL.R. • .fMt taU old aewer UH 1NI ..__. u4 when IIDlelled. It'wu Dloel)o altua- had to be reniiiiH.~~ ted, quite a ~ Ia f- Kenll- tton crew for tbt ~ ~ b&Ye wortbllldllloutoa ltd., and naatled done the Nftllltlq at a11out die In -. the ~ When oom- aame ceat u tile. oltl' WOUld llaYe pleted it abollld be above the tree- had to do It ~ But the Une, ho-r. line had to be dlnoted In lletwwJl

l....all . two row• of ~·In ll -rt at Nat - took & loolr at the new Rtclp. Buddy -.4 that the

MIUie14 wber~~ the . lalldftll wu private conatruattoa llr1ll WOUld tl7 Oil North~ Ddended. Half the to do the job u rapidl7 u JiMalllle hid - belna aeeded and, l..,.led, to keep their o.te to a mlnlmiiJL the other half ll&vt,. been done last He worried tbat the NiddeDta WOIIId ,...., When lbilabed, It wlll be two be dtarupted and WUted to 1naure bueball dl&mondll. or one football that It cauae them Ul UW. ~~~-­lleld. Bllddy wu tl')'lnl' eeveral venlence u poulllle. He fait that aperlmente wtth the fteld. One wu atnce ••we bave ~ 11ft wtth thae to - t- t7PU of fertlltaer. The:r people" the city ma.ht take a UWe 'ihre u.lnw leaf mulch tll&t baa more care to - tll&t the re81denta' been m&de wtth leavea and branch- wlshea were aoCOIIIIIIOdated. In faot u the parka crew picked up durlnl It did mean teulq up the wa11nra7

:the · :rHr on one half of the re- between the row., and the buahH mallllq fteld, On the other half, on either aide~ When they were the;r were ual,. a epeclal aludp done, they replaced a cbaln.,.ltnk oompeat that Ia belnl experimented fence on one pe-'• prop&rtJ that with at Beltavllle Farm. Another the:r had had to tear. up, and re­upertment Ia to tr:r. 'to aolve a planted the buahea where the real­problem they had laat :rear with tho dents requested. ftnt. half of the fteld. Kids r<ide It Is this kind of thoqhtfulneu minibikes, .or motorc;rclea on the that Is typical of Buddy. . fteld just after It had. been aeeded, tea~ln1 It up. . It happened several paid llCl um••· neceasttaun, that much of Fooasoa•-heoll ... ,. the work be done over aratn. This G8 :rear the crews have placed plies of broken up concrete at every ac- I think moat··oreenbelten will ceas point until the l'riUIII hil.a l'fOWn a1r•e that Incumbent candidate up aufllclentl;r, In hopes of deterrlnll Lesley Kreimer deaarvea to ~ the )"OIIJli'Bien. Thla Ia juat one re-elected to her poaltton u wa:r Budd;r takea apeclal paine to achool board member repreoent-thlnk nt people or deal with human ln1 the 2nd DlatrlcL

Another wu demon- l.aat week ·1n .·theae columna,

CHARLESTOWN£ VILLAGE I expreased how Important It Ia for everyone In the communit;r to take an lntereat In and par-

• tlclpate In the aelactlon of 1>1lr achool board repreaentatlve.


.SurcJay ; Beautiful 2 ~R 1errace· unit, that's ~rrounded by wOods. lnc,ludes.washer and d!Yer1 CAC, w/w cai'P,et, dining room, dfsposaf. $31,900 7988 Lakecrest Drlw; 1

RENTAL N.lee 2BR terrace. ~it. $325 per month, Includes all but electricity, Call for appointment to. aee.


lale7 Ia re&poiUIYe ._.., .. IIA!Oelllble lale:r ta erreetm X.Ule:v Kreimer Ia the candi­

date wlth a Ptocram daalped to imp!r" ~r ec¥"l ll7•~m. PI- 1lve her :your aupp0rt on Tueacla;r.

Thomos X. White paid ad

Paid Ad .. Tt ........ l.n:

I Wlilh to up 'ioten ·to ,......t LaaJq xm- to tha lloboo1 BauiL There la-110 mutt In DheDpq OUI' repiWIIIIta&lw Oil the IICibaOl !laud maraJ:r ID·malle a ohaDp. Blace X.. ~ llaa eernd with · lntecrttl'. lntalllpDoa, and oollftP throuah ftYe 4UIIoult ,_.., aa d-I'Yel our aupport.

l'vrther, ehe la the 0111)' cudldate for tllla dlatrlot to 'have ~ mdoreed 111 the _.,.-, U.Cbera tlll'oqh PACIII, tile -uoa of'the .lldi!OIIton· A-.latlall that aamlnea caadldatll uad II!Ailu Noominan­datlou to thl votel'l to eupport them, or nl>t to do ..,

Katherine KHne

Paid Ad

lree•IIIH Pizza-lab IMp CAUON DRINKS sTART AT $1.19 FRIDAY & SATURDAY- ~rge Pepperoni Plaa ............ $2.95 SATURDAY ONLY- HOT·PASTRAMI SUI-................. $1.25 Turkey Sub .............................................................................. : ........... $1.35 Meatball Sub ..................... .' ............... , .............................................. ~.$1.25

107 CINTIRWAY 474-4998

CHRISTMAS WORKSHOPS offered by the Greenbelt Recreation Dep~rtment

You tnay register In person at the Greenbelt Youth Center Business Oftlce, Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.rn. br by phone, 474-88'78.

BATIK 2 - Three Hour Sessions - $8 • .

Learn the traditional method of wax resist dying on fabric. Workshop will cover the basic introduction to Batlk.and some

· more modern. techniques which will give variety and style to your creations.

YC ' Wed., Nov .. 15 & 29 7:30-10:30 p.m.

*Plus materials ·

CHRISTMAS .DECORATIONS 2 -Three and ~e 1falf l;loif,r Seuiona • $7.*

Exp~ore some of the IWI~nt typea ·of erafta for· Christmas iuch u bread dough omamenta and baskets; ceramic ornament&, pine cone and natural dried wreaths. •

YC Sat., Nov. lllc18 9:30a.m. -.1:00 p.m. •p)ua materiala


Thla 3 BR tnrne townhouae !a . deft~ltely ,o,_. of the ~lc:at p....-belt. '* to eft••\ Model eat-In kitchen· with qe level ~ &'IIIID~ top ~*e, aolld oak cablneta, IQlarium ftcior, dlallwMblr. Utillt)' room w/wuher and "dryer. W/W carpet. ~ Yard with beautiful 1hed •--·-·•-•· tJ~,OOO . •nurr.., .... w, Winfield M. Kelly, Jr.

' .

OIEVERLYi · · Cutt.m ""h

. 3Bi, I beth, rambler with country kitchen, form.i .cUnina -, nc. 1'011111 W/offtce, wltrluhop and. laW.,; W/W .,.,._ llaM -i*.d fireplace, 2-1 car pra,.. ancl 1 .eonftl'tl to ~ banquet room. •eo.ooo. . :

'&; :-· • • . ' .

'··: - 474-1. ~ ... n.~ • ' "1''~'. ' C..taway. I,

~ .... -......:· 1.·

~ '.

. "Bia·record Ia one of nann.lna the IOftl'lliMIIt iDa raUcmal, pragmatic, 'bulin-·llke Wll)', and

In the proeeaa, mov1n1.Prl~ a.or,... Cowlt7 towlld ~'!Ala that many po\lticlana have talked

bout ln the paat but ~ve lleVtr been able to aehieve." .. 1

...... ! PriMe . ..._.,, hntlnel

October 21, 1171


'"!be polltl~al televlalen debates of i..wrenr:e Ho~.,; and· Winfield Kelly ~ve been aired .;,d: · it's calilu .obvloua that Mr. Kelly lulowa mora' about ruialnl.the CoWl\ than M Jio · Coull I . . Y r. lan ..•.

.' t7 xecutlve Kell1 hu performed well enoulh that there ~·t a~ 1'1111 taaun."

' UU.T fOR COUJn"f IIXJicuonv11 ooJoaTTUI . llr 'authorU:r W. ltanle:r Machen, T~r .

: D1 ~·ton •'"'-. w. H7&ttmlle,-...,.

The Courier Octoller 21, 1178


.. ,~

Thursday, November 2, 11'78 .....-bma.T Dws UVDW · · r.p la

Council Vetes te Drep v~~~~~•tr:r or. ReereatioaRetiew .. n.. ... _ U •• l • • .,. Plaa PrlDoe Oeorpa CountJ need& vol- Chl'lalmaa Clnft Show ......... UBC""maart~• unteen to work wlth the Depart- Do :rou have an appllalatiOil to IAII·IIC.

~-·~~.~ ·-~-r---i .--.: ___ ·._. _. ·-.::!lii!... bJ' ............... 1ll8llt ot IJoatlll· Berv.left, lll&klq enter. )'our enft In the ........_ The a-nbel:.:t: councU at ita appolntmente for people wbo n·_, Annual Greenbelt ChrtatmU Olllft

Qct<>ber 28 m e4oPted the --. 8h · Elderl:r Floualns •Advtaor:r Commlt> .. food lt&mpa and or Medlcald. ow and Sale! BPJMiea are-&

tee ( J!:HAC) report nqt tO 1111a1ut · · · Communitl' Klnlatr:r baa an otBce able now, but don't take a· .

One meal a dev dDIII_,,...._ at Oreen locatad Ia the l'lnt Ulllted Keth&- · and be l.oo late. Bpo1110red 'lit

... ..-. d1at ......... _h of "'-t·-~n v • Greenbelt Recreation o.---•.t. Rldl'e

Houae. :roee· :Mol'lilel. oflit.lr- ""'"'~ -· .... e. o.un- _ __, •-n -·v ch th 1 ho. the •bow will be beld on oecemller man of U:HAC aald that the l!Om• ..,.. - ooae e r own un.

mlttee v1>ted alx-to-one in oppoal· For molie information call Jo or 1, 2, and a at the a-nbelt Youth

t.:rnn at :nt-21TI Center. Pick up :your entr:r blank tton to a requirement for a ooill- ' at the Youth Center BullaeU Ollloe pulaOr:r meal per c!Q, . · ------------ or call 4U·88'18.

CIInlpullllllld ......

Oouncll puaed the &dvtaor;r GOlD· llave a ~holce: where the;r can de· 81rat1D1 at (leoter IJehool mlttee'a .• report_ ..,...._ not to cide; ·It the, want bot meala." Tbe Greenbelt Center mtameDtar:r make a meal, per day -puliOI')' at Ronald A.~ 108 Roaewood Dr, School Ia the acene of ,OUJII&leN Green~· PIO)II-. auch .1.' ..... at Ule ailuDcU meetlns· that on wheela. Sponaoracl bJ' U.. a--

. whetber , liitl"lllcOle:: aepuu ooul4 11o olmpulaor:r 811&1 per da;r can lie reatlon Department; Rollel' llkatlnlr atrord the uttma&cl ..,.., oharp a ''aecurtt:r meeaure." He a&ld that Ia held from 4:&o-e p.m. Oil WedD• for the food nrvtce lllld Whether If -ne doea not come to the da;ra. for the lit thru lid·~ toO tenant& could euppl>i't the ~ meal, aomeone wtn 10 and tciok for and J'rtda;ra. for 4th thN 8th II&" . vtce when It baa ·been eatlmated the mlaal,. penon. ''Problema Ia den. U you don't ll&ve :rour own that 1110·300 tenant& are needed to · an elderl;r houalnr complex are dlf· rink akatea. rent ourL A nominal make .It economloalb' dloiMlt, aid- fereat from ~ In a rep1ar ap· fee Ia charpd at the dooi'.

A'M'ENTION VETERANS! Did ,JOU .T ... Tbat now with lea than 180 da;r111 of mlllt&IT_..,,_" :matlfbe llllidJilll·1 for a VA loan with no down p&JIIllllt 1114 •• alllllibll!ld already bouaht a home on VA terms, J0U C111 atll1 bar. Call ua .for new improved ways to bur, • .~ CJil· V,A or . terma. · " ·

ed the council'• declllon. The &dvla- artment ceomplex," Ott aaid. SUD4a;r Open O)'lll . or:r committee wanted the meal Council decided ·that laltlall:r Bellnnlftl' IJimclay, N-ber II, aerillce cll&r1e coupled wlth the rent there wlU be no compulaor:r. meal from 2-6 p.m., the Greenbelt Jun· charp, but oniJ If a penon recelv- per day at Green RlldP. But eoun- lor Hlrh School wU1 be opeD for tn1 Social Securlt:r Supplemental ell wamed that therio Ia a poulbll- the Adult Winter Supe"laed O;rlll inoome <881l would have fli!O a t:r that a compulaor:r meal prol'f&ID Prorram. Participant& are req,ulr­month remalnlnl' after payins for · coUI-, lie Implemented In the future, eel to brl"'' their o- IQUipmea~ rent and food aervlce.

Moralea aald at the <lQuncll meet­Ing that the advtaor:r committee could not get 881 Information on people In Greenbelt becauae It . ia ·eonftdentlal Information. Council­men Charlee Schwan and Caataldl iatd that Green Rldae Houae ahoul4 not require a tenant to eat one meal per 'da;r. Cutaldl a aid, ''There are kitchen facllltleo available, and the county "Meala on Wbeela" prorram could auppl:r meals to tenant& who do not want .to or cann~ cook.''

Charlel U:. Welle, l·B Parkwa:r and Deputy Aaloclate Commlulon­er for proaram operation• et the Administration on Acini, aald MondeY that he aent lettera with "fact aheeta" lletalllnl nutrition PrDI'rama for the &led to Ma;ror Richard Pllakl and Oleae. Welle,

1 who waa alao preaent at the ·coun· ell meet1n1, a&ld he waa tired of hearlnl' people talk about the aaed without knowln1· the facta. He Ia

RE-ELECT LESLEY KREIMER We who are parents of children at the Greenbelt Coop­.erative Nursery School are concerned about the future education of our children and therefore the .thoal boarcl election. We have studied the issues and evaluated both candidatH; . Lesley Kreimer Is the obvious choice. Her qualiftCatlona, past performance and concern for all children fed us to this decision. We urge all concerned a,bout educotlon to v:ote to , .... rect Lesley Kreimer.

LIVER 37 D Jackie and Bob Morrleon Pat and VIctory Buill Stephen and Lynn Smith Harry and Sherry Taylor Jrranclne &ltd Thoma& Tredwa:r :Marjorl~ and Gu7 Sparloa o\driaJUle and And;r ;Milman B&rb&Ta ·and WlHiam Van


Marilyn and Corl Haber Ka:r and Yunl RO)< Kim JPhn and Diane Hosrefe Lana and Francia Krawlzel Elihu and 'Yvette Boldt B7lvla Lanl'f!>rd · Nanc:r and WIUidt 'B;refl:r Patricia Leaaue ·

! not .tn favor of a compul1ory meal per da;r at Orren l'tldlc· "Older Dora and D .. en Harper people value their Independence," Gall and Robert Smith

Paul and Karen Klem Earl and ThereM Hepler Susan ~nd Donald Soule

he declared. "I'pt tn favor of a vol- . Auth. D. A. F'.od1en, treaa. unteey 'JII'Oiram whrre the tenantl · . I · · · · . ...... "'""'•o)••••••••n•m:urmum:unn••••••••••••••••••+++

RYA.N~GATE Lever 8A education

A IITaduate of Qeor~

· Unlveralty with a BA ln . 'Foreign. Aftalr•, I alao llold

a Maaten DeiP'ft from ~ Unlvenlty ~f Maryland in Urban Aftaln and am a doc•.

toral ciandldate at the unl~er­

alty In Urban 'Affairs. I am

alao a ~taduate ·or eounn

teken at tWe U.S. State De· partment and the Hatvant

School of Bualn111.

community I have been active In

numei'OCII civic · and youth

actlvltia ·and am a director

of the .Bowie YMCA, a direc­

tOr of. the Prlnee Glorae'• .

llantal Hnlth 'AIIOCWUOIIr

. oba1rn1aD of • iu x...,tand Tract anct'.l'ltld neveJOs,m.nt ~tloll, a director of the

~-a. ... ~~ ht The Support Of The Handl­caPPM. a dlrec!tor of thit Pa· · tllftllt Rllkmll Boy Scout'

Auoclation, a fonner mem­

ber of the .Prince Qeorge'a ·

Coililt)' Human Relations


Currently I am a member

... of the Maryland Houae of

Delegate• from the 24th Dla­

tdct end an lllltructor of

Political · Science at Prince

Glori•'• Com~unlty College.

· PrlOI: to 1117 appointment as a

member of the House of

. '.DeliJattl, i wu employed

aa Prln~ .Qeorp·~ County

l.Jalaon (or- ~. Maryland

Jbecutlve · Department and

have belil polltlOI\1 as Staft.

Aide ~ Senator Edmund s. lluakle, u·Zxecutlve Director

of the LawYer~ Committee

' for· .Civil Rl.h~ and special

A~iatant plllti Jn the u.s . Departmenil. of Labor and


5 IIDIMS. • ft IA~I .•. Alao featuring den with ftreit~ •. ~ room ln baleiii8Dft

cent a/c w/w carpet and fully eq~ moclem kitcllen. tocate41., In very liard to 1et Boxwood Vll ..... Qre~Dbelt. Call 3411-211 and move quickly, Alk for Don MCCaUJhl1•

3IIORMS.- ALL.IIICK (3t,9QO) · This home 11 located In nearby atvetdale, and alao oflertl

full buement, washer, dryer, w/w _.t, patio ancl.f~ceclyard; you can buy this home with only •110.00 down payment on I'lL\ terms. Ask for Mr. Bryan Tedder. Mll-2151.

VAIUYBS EXCELLENT OPFORTUNITY; for a man who doean't mind

a little .work, we have a 3 bedrm. brick rambler in Lewildalil, with full baaement. VA .appr.U..d at •48,000. We will ~ you this house and do some work for you, and If yolt wilh. ._. will help you with closing cost, If yoU· want to do aome of tilt work yQurself. Call Rudy Guerre or Howard Kalh: 3411-21111. Move fast.

4006 .allii1'0M ao. · OPEN l2-to-5 SUNDAY

Located 1 block oft Montaomtl')' Rei. •. In Beltavllle. 3 beltrma~· 2'.t bath cualPIIl built all brlcl rambler, wlih 21\replactl, formal din. room, w /w carpet, bil rec: room, large IICreelled pord:l ancl located on J,t acre lot with privacy. Drive out to ... thll beaU• tifut' boule. .Fann Kalh your boateaa wiU be aJad to ~·fOil oft a to\ll" of \hla 1ovel7 ptol)tr\1· 341-lllll. . ' .

-~* .... """'' -· .' . ' LG, MDiriON WITH ~ IUININO SYOVI

:Prlcled to aell In the mid 40'a on ~ ~eljllll~ Allo featured 're 3 bedrtns., 2 full batha "'d large comer fen!*f yard. Alk for Collette Baker, she Will 'help )'OUr famUy !become h!iml<!\\lften. 345-2Ul. . I

I . , AssuME v~ LOA'!' . • And yo11 will · 11et thla 4 bedrm. Cape Cod home with full

basement al'\d rec. room, plue T/S kitchen 11nd Iota .f!f extru. No qualifylnll and you cap move ln. 311 d,ys. 'total tfii,IIOO. ' ·

' · 2 ,IUP~CIS ··r · · Plus all brick: 3 bedrn!a., 2 fullbetha,lhome'in ConePPark,;

also offering big formal din. rooin, overlllzed pr .... llftll aoo foot fenced yard. Prlceti to till fait IJ! the mid ~~~~. ~ for Rudy Gl!erre. 3411-215


1 ·. . 1 \: ·

ltAMIL' :t ~ PRIVATI' LOT . . ' . I

1 With plel'ty of trr< .. and IICJ'Mned pcireb. 'A~ f\replace In itv. room, rec. roem ·1n ~t.'.ancl 4 '*Irma· ~ltb I batbl1 Uncle~ 10-K. Call Roger Wrlpt to ftncl out h~ tU)' you ean own this .home. i . ::' i

5 imaM. SPUT~'iiVIL . I

Vacant for fast poe•ion. · rec. room. eent l/r: and 1oadett with extras. very convenlenUy loc~. call tci. ;I"Jpect· Under ~~· ·r. , ·


4 bedrm., 2'.t beth S)Sllt-tml, Excellent COftdltlon ancl hu .all the extraa, juat a ftne home for •IUOO. Call ~ud:r Guerre, 345·21111. ' t· '


! . '

l I } I



GR ELl ·DEY LIM "Del. Gerard F. Devlin hu earned the support of every member of the community. He certainly has mlrfe ••• "

• Mayor Richard I. Pdskl

"Jerry Devlin has provided Greenbelt· with a level ot representation enjoyed by no other city In Maryland ••• " . • Councilman Chari• F. Schwan, Jr.

"Jerry Devlin has proved that he understands and will respond to the special needs of GHI. His presence In the Assembly during the next four years will Quarantee that GHI has the moat effective voice possible in our efforts to achieve tax reduction and other reforms. 1 urge ali my fellow GHI mem­bers to vote for Del. Gerard F. Devlin. He has earned re-election ... "

.t-- Mary Clarke • 5C Laurel Hill Road, former GHI Director

. "I am a Republican butt put my community first before party affiliation. Jerry Devlin has shown that he Is head and shoulders above the rest. Greenbelt needs him in Annapolis ... "

• Bill ·Mayhew • 65c:; ~ldge Road

"Jerry Devlin understands senior citizens' problems and has worked to find solutions. He has my strongest support ... " • Bob Dove, President Greenbelt Golden Age Club

"I am a teacher. and a n of children in our school system. I have worked at Annapolis on education problems. No one knows more about or cares more about education: , ry Devlin's dedication, integrity and intellect are needed in the House ... ".

Natalie Nugen.t, 17 .Lakeside Drive, elementary school teacher, member Board of Directors, Prince George's Educators Auoclation


Authorltlo': Charles F.' Schwan, Jr.

.. I


AU I)~R·EY·. .· : ' t , . '.


, . , , •• , I.

. r

ff04JSI ·oF .DUCJArES . 24th tloJSIAtW1

.. _.l'_·.·.. .·. . .


••. !-. --~ ... ~· ~--------~-----------....l.;.~--~~· ......

. . . ·ctA·S.SIFlEb···SHLPTAMeetiftg

r4 lllbiliDWL 2011 Parenta, mark J'CIQr calendan $l.BO ::d~!::J'!rord. Suballt lldll now for the 2nd Bprln&hiU Lake each -·-'ed b ouh Bllementaey School PTA meeu111 IJ;l wriUnr, acCOIII_. ~ ot- on Monday, Nov, e at 7:10 p.dt. In p&lfment t~ t~:wl'f~cmt 10 the achool'a lnuiU-purpoae room. lice at 10 VI . ~ . lfltt 'l'eaehera will be on hand and the of the Tut eatd~&lf !.&..' .._.!! drop achool, hopea that parents wlU lie, tlon, or o ~ .. -- -:-.-r.: .... too • · box In the · •,, flat~ BaVIAp .. ·,.,.;.., · · ' -Loan offtce JJVo,. 4110' p.lil. TUa-: . ' iUii BALI!l - ~lahwaaher - Porta-. dalf. There 1jr no llhlljp. f~i ~ . ble G.E., . excellent cond, $111. Ml'>-ttems that :~·:_:foiJ!Id .. JI6XBID.~ 281L.. · . ADS: $8.00 minimum for a 1.~ lnob, Child care wanted for 11111 lfr. old 1 column box; $1.00 each addition- In mlf home. 7:111-8 Lm., M-P', and at' half Inch. Jtaxlmum a4 for tb1l occaalonalllf all· dalf (7:11H:OOl. section Is three Inches, and all a4l •74-4M7 after o. muat,IJ9oprepai!L·.• . .'1 ,, . ·· •• ,-----------,

c.w>WJDLI./8 . WASHIIR 8111RV- ARTISAN ICE. All makll expertiJ tePa!~ Author~d •. Wfllllpoo! .. 4eel!l'• mt 4-MlB. . .

PIANO TUNING AND RllPAIR -JCxpert and Reilabla Pl&~~o . l!ervlce to Greenbelt .alnce 1880. BenJamin Berkohky 47....al94.

CONTRACOORS, INC. , ....... Electrical Services and


·.• HeaV)'-upa Our Specialty

Free ll:stlmatee

9374684 LlceiUied-Bonded-Inaund

.Atu-.1:J~~t . ·I..OST - Cat, black/white tlpr striped, loqhalr, tlully tall, white fle11 collar. From 1-E Northway Sat. nlflht, 10-21. Name "Cheater­·tleld.". Very .sociable. Call Mar,. Kimmel. 474-SIKB.

An cunelidment extremely Im­portant to Prince .Geol'l"l County Is Question # t which would allow our local charter to be ch&llled ao . · · . -~-A .· that It may apeclfy that county CIAL .,.._ ..... ~;un:!~ m;:beo7 f:reeto ~;.= SPE ~';6':J·.···~·· 474-5040

s, s~-se~ <MARIE'S POODLE GROOMING! make your appointments tod&lf •. Call 474-3219.

Tn'BlWRITER REPAIR- Electric, atandard, 'IUld portable. Call 474-


· Aerobic Dancing Daytimr Classes on

Mond&lfS & Wednellflalfl In Greenbelt

Starting Mon., Nov. 6 Call Now

490-1980 490-0636

PAJN'ONG- • · Intarlo~, exterlo~, 10 rean a:p. Do my own work. Cla1l Bob Neal, 176-IIHL

TYPII\VlUTmR OR ADDING IIUCHINJII $80 A up. BAinrd'l T1pewrlter Co.. 11101 BdlmoN An., J17attaYW., lid. m--

HILPI Want to rent p.rqe to atore

amall car for winter, ~re,enblllt

vlclnltlf. Will .. Pall' NUonable


Gal')'- M&-1121

methods, namellf, by councilmanic tl 11 A Y district, by the voter~ of the dUre $5.00 0 . on a D&IW' tZ 0.U '1111 .....,~

LIGHT HAULING, w/ plc)l·up Truck. Call Mike after 4:10, 474-MOl.

countlf, or blo' a combination of Repair Jobs -· ~. . ... these methods of election. All of ---the council members are prftently With This Ad CJOIIwa .• ...., ..... . chosen by all of the county'a vcitera . . · ~ ....... '

and the amendment .would permit 1 ... .:CJ:•:.U.:.:44~1;-9~1~1~6;_ __ IIII ... "!!~~-=-----r University Boutique

lnternatloncll, Inc. Beautiful, natural clothln8 and exqullllte told and 11lver ~eweb7 for women " mell

Sl'l"l''DR NlllllD'IIID b Hbaol-oeae cblld. Call ~-11"1'· or 414-ml..,.., FOUND at Lake 16122 - Car rl: ho\I.H keya. 414-84'11.

Coli ... Park

llectrle le"l• --t, -..,;,,. ..... .......... ~ .... folie·--Mr. Brown

93roHII 47~111

cllan&ea . so that aome memben of · l= county cour.cll could be elected aoleo ly by the votera of their dlatrlct.

Other emendmenta ol: tnteretlt to · Greenbelt are· (11 Queetlon G, which repeala the authority ., the General Aaiembly to e~~~Ct. Jaslata­tlon provldln& for the Immediate takln1 of private property (''quick•

Bmltb Coro~ Super 12 electric tlfp&Wrltar boqht for PIT on 112lf'rl. Will aen for •1110. u..a ODlJ 1 boun. lnolud" earton. Call '7....aol after ,.....,_ YABD MUt - .. t., Jfr19. t, 10 - I.· 12-A Laurel mu. PART-'J'J:MII or ~TIMBl book­keeper needed. Houn I ~ - 2 p.m. or 1 a.m. - 11 p.m. Bome tnlilll and allllltr to talk lntell!pntly to .cw;.­tomen. Allen Prlntllll Service, IN-IIM4. .


OU&P #I l!aL • !lull. lt a,ni. - 4 p.m.

~ . ' . .

GQOD LQV'ING CARIII for Mr cldld, m; liome. 10 rean a:perlence.

Sewlnl machine, chain. ,.._ dlo, . rura. recorder, walkie­talkie, · Bobwlnn bike. camera, •t• alumlnu• door A ahuttetl. Clotblq • A "LO'l'SA BAR-0~" , 846-1110. .

. II'Oit ilL1i - II Inch eiiGtl'io ranp · '---------~~· _ fTL .........-alter ·1 p.m. , GOOD j:»IIJ'Ol\TABt..E aofa wu-CHIRl .: BIU11, 1 . Pl-.. ahdtq tad. 4T4-IIII.' tlul 40on on top ...... 161-4110. BIKII ~: Oold, &-apea4 lrlrl'a m nnw (one a iLiiil> ... bike, banana M&t. .. , sood. J'RIIIl to PlOd . ...-. 414-~. · .-.oo. Blacill, s-apeed men'• W

Ribll wMID Weiftiti l'hi I I . :.~ w -:=· coaater bnk-. · N.W. ~ W:IO. Will PAT. ·,a_ oarf71q ~keta. $10.00. M6-' "11-tll. Call . .......,. after I ft p.m. ~~-------------,

OW1I ,.., OWil lti&Utlful .l­

and l'ulllola ilaop, oll'•rlatl tiM

'JattK In ........ .Jeana. lpo!U-

-· ...... Apparel, Oc*-.JeNr1, u11 .-r related faab--

- ........ .., Mleot JOUr .._

1111111111 ~ f,_ cmr lll

N.u-u.-....III'UI.ia. n...­~ . ............ lnftlltor1o

~'iii..,,... ~ou ...,, llaft,.., .... .,. In u mtle.

• " ..,.. Clll OII1Hl for Ill. ~~.-;..-







. --,

L· I t

Pice 18

lYerly BoasiD1 Pet Vote Defered


Did.tll ....... ,... IJIIbent -.... 11 ncautnd by

-*-~-ad •• JM dona at • b7 BID LDtnbudl IM8t ODI time eMh J'MI'. When a

The Greenbelt city council at IU 11ft ~NIIt II te.t.H. tbe -tar be­October 28 meeUnir deferred uqUJ lair lllld an.n caalee •Wed par­the next meeting the question of tlU. Ia tbe Un• to llecome aua­whether i:O allow pets In the elderl)r •· · pqdad !a . tbe water. Therefore, houlng facility. Joae Moralea, bloWn oaloftd wUer II often taken chairman of the Elderly Houalftl lat'o tbe ~ llllortl)r after teatlng Advisory Commltee <EHACJ, laid II done. In onlv to prevent any that the advlaory committee voted problema with -.h claya. the four-to-three on October 11 to rae- Greenbelt l'lre Department wiU on­ommend a policy permlttl~g small ~.;;,t llre ~te on· TUEB-peta presently owned by the appll- After .U b)odrant teatlng canto. Ia -plated, we will notify you so

City Manager James K Gleae you mq continue to -h clothes on Tu&edQa II yoU wish. The

had proJ>ORCI a pet policy to the brown oolond water Ia safe to advisory committee that would al· drink and will eauee no harm. low a"'all peta that do not have to be allowed outdoors. and peta that are·· not a nuisance or caulle M.JalaJca Ji ,.. odora; once the pet dies, however, n . ora no other pet would bP allowed .. Gleae's policy also stated that dur­lng the application review pl'oceaa for tenants, a determlnation would be made as to whether the prt would be allowed.

Council deferred Ita- decision on the maltor. llecauat It had a prob­

·rem deftnlng a small pet. Since Giese was out of town during th~ meeting, Council members thought they would walt until he made the wording clear. and · concloc. Coun­cilman Richard Castaldi noted that alnc~ the wording Ia not clear, the policy would not be clear to appll­canta or t:> the people enforcing lt. "We cannot support the vque­neu," be raid. ''The deelalon wiD have to b~ held. over until the next meeting.•

Moi-aleo was concerned about council'• deelaton to pootpona a vole to allow . amall peta beeauoe, he aid, c.ppllcatlona to proapectlve tenantl In Green Ridge are golna to be mailed out In .euly November.

"Tenanta want to know If IIJDall

The Mlahkan Torah eongreaatlon will welcome new memb&ra on: Fri­day, _Nov. 8 tt 8 p.m.

-On 8\!ftday, Nov. & there will be a· pnetal membenblp meeting at 7:80p.m.

A free IIIQYie will be shown. on Thur&day, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m.

diltra that han been trained to otay ht" will be allowed, be laid at the council_ meeting, Contacted on Mondq, however, Motaleo aald be ·wu aure that council will pus the adVIaory eommJttee'• report. "I'm oure · the pat policy will puo througb the council, but It (the de· c .. lonl abould have been made Jut week" at the IDeating, he aaaerted.

Gl- laid Monday that It wu 111• Intention to· Include omall dop that are trained to ata.Y ln!loon · 011 the tenant poUcy. He aald he baa not ,.& oltarly dellned 1maU pate, but noted that the_ l"'t p)'Oblem wW be put on the neat oounolf agen.Sa and he will dealda what to dci after he 'Uatena to -aoll.

'~r-i .··---, ATE

trl\ \!fl

. • I

Compo~ncled ·Dcallly . from cl~ of •posit


lthctM ....... ·view • 6.27% ·

1-12 ... ·-·

, ........ , ..... .· . , .. Cenlitwav -~···lit, MIL 2l6no .. - .... ,.,___._ •c •.·,-\-p-· _ _.11j,.,

........... t! , .............. ,_ !~'If:~• .. ·-··--

-~~---····· ..................... [ . (~IIM!I ........ , .. , ....


Sundaj, November 12



ROM BOIIGW&IID~ 1ai1. lalllmqN IIVd, ·

Calllle Palll, Mtl. IIIND caa u.a. 1 attlla lllhllfl . ..,....

..... , .. -Ciofliior·. -OIIIm:......,_



Lever 9B LJ:\RRY HOGAN • County Executive • ·Big Winner

Lever· SA ED CONROY· State Senator~ Strong._Ooser

Lever 37D· LESLEY KREIMER • School Board •


and ·I

Lever 7A JOAN PITKIN • State Legisl~tUre • ·Better than-Reat-


HELEN GULLET • Co~ty CoUncil. Coulcl -

Surprise (paid pollUoal ad - Leo Gerton)

Vote -Novenia,.. 7 for ·

AI·N. SHOOI for C11nty · Co1ndl (at large)

. . t ~· ' . "

LEVER 14-B . tr... a nullo presentation 1lv•n by Ann Shoch In -~-

1 aupport * ,_ on proPert, ~ r. aa Und u you are ol tllll - lnoreulag _.tJ llureauoriiOJ. Our u.. an raoreaam. • .. ~ 1Nr.aon107 ~~o-. r. -9lnoed that u -. u u.. ..., ....,. -•na Ia without lllalt - tbe OaoulltJ wllllleap 411..._ - ,..._. aad _,.to apend It- without llaiL I W.W.ti•a ~ .. ...,. the pendul- lwlllllng bl tiM oUier diNatloft. .

. Wltb - and - -e, IJ*It on ediiGatloll tbe qU.UtJ · IIIIIIU!4 ._,_, A retura to '-..._ ol llula llldlla, 1J alllolutebr --"• Our '-lben are wor111q llardir t11aa -: ~ ilile8NIISiltoo....._ WeaandoWter. ·

a-·llflllll'\ a_,.... -,b.. 1111-~~-- ... ·au C! ; R .,...._ l doa'i ~ 11ow w - _,.. __.... .0 ......, Ia tbe OoantJ willa~ are........._- -.sa _._.. ·ra~e~na u.. ...., "'_,...... u.., '--. .x, ·fatllft ............. If ... ,.... ..... ...,, ..... Ill ..,.u.t a& W11at 11M ....... t. til! OCllt 1111 '--!' u a ·,..a o1 U........., We

...... llllter. . ..

, , ·.,. tllle to taM a - 10o11 8t .. , ~ ,._. • ._t llld a& ....... __,II .... ~ ............... t.U.Cloulltr Clr!t*fl ftc~ Ia - ........ - tlia& theN ... - ......... ..... ord. .

.- Hill not put .. u.. - ....... ..... I lllpa that Gil Mo­. Z: '· )IOU Wilt--- .._ :"l''la c-e:, O.UUU M~ a

' 6 IIIUilllau . . . . ., . ................. •l'lra-••111 I ft ........... ,......., __ ·~-· .

·-----.. ~. ~...,..........-_- -

1 iree.nbelt · ~•moe,._~,:~ ..... , .Kr.,~

Itt . .• ~: . , . · llg Wlnft~'ore...Wt . . ws· .·. :.- . ... .· Inkeel)iD&Wttb'tba .... _·. =:·tread,a_!:J.._·."·_· ·_ . . . ;· . . . . . . . . . ' .. -... -· .. -' ·_ .·. . - pve tile DemlleriUc ~· ...... *tGrJ•la~ eral El,ectiOJL The ~-~ to break; the l'l*bl ...

Lawrence Boaan who euur~~ Demoaratlc ~-.

=-=--~------....:;:AN::;,..::;INDIP:::;.:IND::::INf::::., . .:.N::IWIP:.::.::· :.:»~•=-__ ......_ ____ __.~' field Kelly by a 2,820 to~-~"*'-- 1111 Gnenbel\ raqblaf ..... I..,{ J&W ear)T li8na that be WoU.f.&'llaftJGO cW!Jculty Ia ~ ..

,. .... 41, ll1laber 51 GBDNBELT, MARYLAND Thuraclay, November e; 18'19· county which be did by lMJ.t.:. . - -~. ,,

S I r · ' r f . Of ~rUt intereat to~ wu a.-~-... .... a e or_ GDC Property ror ·Post· 0 fice :~= ~~:~~~.~... · ~,:;

w .. 15,'1411, We14enfeld'l- a;HS; .. .

Site W.ins 61-11 Member Approvall65-99 ln~.~Da=:l: t.)" Lata Baeh- ed that OBI had bei'UJl 411c!u.u10illl to the oouney, and &tate; If 110 jub- ..-woiiiU Ola41l llpalbllia ._lf: '

A IIIDa11 grc)up of Greenbelt with ule po~tal aervtca three,_,. llo olllolall wanted the pJOPUt7, lt ::'J~ =adl!';a-.:: ......_. . Hom-. lDc. (GBI) memberl aao but tllat a deolllloD wu put o1r would then ao to auettOD. Tbe land Bpellmaa'a tlltAIID 81!1! M ;:.::;:::;:~~.,.,;;;~~_,..,~~ '· appeared a\ an informal mem- until. the ]JOtlta1 lemce n8114a4 to Ia p1'81n~ -ed hlp·rllll. wu ..... WlthBintl ,..._. ._, .~..,.;..;......J.,.~-*'+14!olli benbJp 1u1UJD1 Wedilelcla7 fiV~ Dl*ke budaet ocmunlPilenta On' lap- -Denn!:'J= ~ Park- In tbe ~ -.

November 1. to expreu telnber 80. The bolll'd had alw~ way .tte 11

espected to 111

b~ en- Greenbeltera pva ~ _... eir CDilcerDII about the aale hoped tllat lOme ot,ber meana would oon•h for twen ... v ... -. Tbep..... dlclata lllll'r1 ~ ........ G ... _,. Dev ,_ t C be found to ualat the polt ~ In - ..., •w-• .~ an4 ahalleupr· J; Q1aUa a.a, .D. reen...,.. ewpmen or- relocating. , JuJ lle put It,. W. uall 110184 bulldlq Would llavit II,Hb 9'11 vote.. . ~ Loula QqJ4o. atkm · (GDC) 1aDd to the wanted to do thla after aom10ne 1quare feet and would aooomma- .te1n · aud lltep1Min· lulil -

. lied States POital Service for elae.8 date the poat olllce n-. for ten their eonta.ta tor oompt.roDar u4 · lmltl. · · · · .· ·· · · • ,000. Post oftlce oftl.ciala &ard memller :Marpret Hopn• yean, · after whlch tbe buBdlna' Attorney 0anera1 twpeOiifttb. Houle of. o-il• ........ ~ preaent to attempt to ana- aen explalnel that _lllle waa ~ oould be expan~ecl. The p-ent a- e1 .,........ · -~ ,. Dftla l..,__l{ ~-::t. ch memberahip questions convinced old 'Greenbelt would lou bulld.lnl' Ia 4,881 aquare feat. In the oabteat tor· the Boule or . · a

8 .· j · ._ ! , , i· . -~·- ·_,' ._-.·_.·

as e need for \he aale and the the Polt om-c. II thl1 land wu not Greenbelt ~tmutar llm017 Deteptea, the Demooratla tSoiiMt • • uaey of other sites. Of aold. She felt the post o~oe wu Harmon deocrlbe,d the pre~ent fa- of Gerard Devlin, Jou. Pitkin ud 264 . GHI ·memben h v ted a 1ervlce to the people and that • clllty u Inadequate, notlq that It Charlel ft¥an. won ~ An . -1 I . ~

'· w 0 0 number of older cltlsena · without ha.d been ao for !ltteen. :yeara. Be Greenbelt with Pitkin ~ liP -oil--,~ l idl 1 .. -.; tha~ I&Vening and the next day, ·can dQended on hiJVina. It within aald there were not enouah tolleta 2,8011 votea, Devlln. 2.112 and ~ Tatal 1 ·:r~~~·. l- .• -,I ••. 1615 •pproved the sale ot 1.39 walklna dlatance. and no urinals. He ...0 Q)d tbe an 2,7111 (lee aeparate bolt). OoUD- · ·~ ..-. ...,... _..... -..r acre~~. on· the southwestertunost Gln memllera pre~~ent 1ugpate4 roof wu falllnl' In aoine lpota and ty-wlde, Devllll W.. hlP man, fo1.. ~ l1adtl . t •

comer of Crescent and Parkway ,.- atternatlveo a bu.* to help thoae that truclul were jammed t~Jaetber. · lowed by Ryan and Pitkin. ~- · . · Roa~ and 99 did not. aenlor cltl~ena .or ~tamp maomnea In a.ddltlon, he felt· the lobbJ wu baiter .Alan Vlrta wu tJ1 8fth .. vlolior wltb ~...._;"__. ...

ODe !If the :tlrat quMtli:IM uked 1J1 the etores at the Center. An- ·Inadequate because there wu no P'- with 1,1M vot& State llall· trlet. ParrJI CU.....,...., U. .. at tbe meeting W.. • wh7 itell the other member aaked about a kloak room for dlaplaya and not enoul'h ator Edward T. OOn!oy~ 'WIIo re. rard ~...;.~.!..t::' =:. lane!. am President Jamee Smith for the center. The !ioatal oervlce See P08T OFFI(JE, p.4, cot: 1 cclved 8,282 votea waa unoppo<lfd. trlot.flf ... ... "":::_.,. p~ B..-....... . replied Uiat the GHI board! did not representative, · George Denn(IIOn, Demoerate niept all elevea ... ....,......,. ._

want to ~~en the Jan4 per 1e, but JePIIed that the poatsi service WHAT GO&S ON ::?n :';!n::--~~ . o:;· :.;,.~lf4.ul · -wanted to keep the poet o!Bce fpr could consider a kloak, but many Th~ Nov. 1, a p.m. PR.AB FrancQia <2,TM), Sue M!Ua (Wl). a,m. ,_.. tftlld181l.to ._ .... COfiTellience and to mBtntaln. the locations have requeeted them and . Meetllll' on l\eore&tlon for·the Sara Ada Koonce (2,281),. DaVId thla ,..r. ··- lower .tllaa. --

l ablll"- f ... _ Ce te H ' I certain criteria have to be met. Hit.ndloa......o, Munlolpal Bldg. H" .. love' <"••••, Deborah ,. __ , __ d 119... (1, ... out a~· .... ) ~a·--" II: ..,. 0 "'"' n r. e expaa n- However, another lnctlvldue.l felt ,.....,.. ..... ..,,...... ·--· .,., """'I. a kiosk was not oultable becauae ~.Jn~~ Meetlnf, Mar•hall <2,1118), Uld Floy4 Wll· 197• I olf·:J"U eleotlan. ~ BULLETIN ..,_,., aon <2om In the ftrat dlatnet wide aT" Gl ttac. 1'101'111-• • there walild be no perf10nal contact ...... Nov. 1' 10 a.m. Memorial. G ;...It)...... •-··.-. •• Ia ... 210...., ...........

'l'be Greenbelt City Council on November 6 voted to ""make· an at\empt to exhaust all pouible remedi81 110 Ula. Ule II88U of tho Greenbelt Potrt Oft\ee branch could be met in or contiguous to the G~nbett Center.~· Falling thla; countU will work to se­cure a cuatoiner service facil­ity in th~ center. City Man­ager Jamea--x-;-- Giese was di,rected to secure an early

·meeting date with postal of­fl~iall.

&h4 it would .. not provide comptete·' "S;rvlcee, War . Memorial, 1 reen..., .. •an• ..._u , ..... e ,_. ~

=~e. th~: :S.!'ec~ ··,:~~y h: · ..:;.:·:~~ tllo ~ DediC&- Canning T lr1ace . Dfdlctt.,.. S... · aub-atatlon lo ilot economical. uon of Oannllll' Te~e. can- Former llaJer -.us ~ ~ ...... .,.... ... -~·

Jllembel'l aaked about bu)'tnl' the · 1itn~ Terrace .,. •• :Mi.a4an n- J. o.n~ w1u "' tt. · ._;_. _. -IWflllfi)'; ..... property back. Smith repUed that Road I'Uel!t of honor at a· brief ceremony · tile flllldll -''*' "- tile .,._. ·a letter baa been received from poe- M;on .. Nov. 18, I p.m. Olty Coun- next Sunday, November 12, 1178, aalelitupplemente4 wltb bond ..... tal officials stating tb&t If the postal ell Work Seulon, Municipal decHcatlnl' the ftl'llt new lltraet lit the Clcy undertoolf the _.....,... facility Is not built, GHI would have Biela. the Windsor Green developm8!lt In of the J'OUth center, tile lire ...._ th" ftret option to buy the land back or-., Nov. u, l a.m. _ 2 p.m. bls name In recoanJA)Ion of hla 1ona and_ tile municipal W~lll'· MID, at tta preaent price. In answer to Open Hem. at Bethune ·Jr. career of' dlatingulahed aemce to w'hiJe a -ber ot U. OOwuiM, • 'Bettie Denson's question about the Htllh the Olty ... Partlclpatlnl' will ba the ftnt

1prlvate dewklpmeatl. Ia ...

-eventuality of the faclllty'a belnl' . 1 p.m. at7 Oouncll Work 1~s- Greenbelt Cit)'. Oounoll, frtencle, ~ :tftre u~·l 1' , buUt and the postal aervlc~: later alon, :aruntolpal Bldt. . .. n\l&tlm and other lntereeted ciltl- Woodland HW., IAki!WOOd. ~-vacating the building; Smith told w• Nov. :us, Open House at. zenl. The ceranoft7 II IIOheduled . hill Lake, IAkslde North, IJcJ&-s her the property would be otrerect m . .aoo.evelt Hilh School for •:~ In .the afternoon ~t tht In- tiDd the Beltwai Plu& ~ flrat to the locjl.l jurisdiction, then teriN!Cldon of Cannlnl' ~d o.nter.


Green~~,t. rblice Dispatchers· Disco_ ver ·1 · . ~:"::ft ~ ~ !~ "'f.b:~:: ~edlth~tJ;n..;:,~-·

the Eleanor It "II'JL~hool ·~treat-~ ala'n and tile cuttllll' o1

Tension, Variety, Excitement .in Day's Work · :n:,r:~~:a~rore:.:.~at~~- :~~~tMhel~=~ ~ lalla .... · .... 7 · . · cller'a nlgbtmar~. "Ofll'cers . I've !rom Canning Hrved elg_ht con- · ~ Green Se.lee · Offtee a&

aecutiw. two year tenna on -the City . wblob refl'Mbmenta wtU be ee~ The work abift btgiJ11 a\ 11 Probab)J beoa~ that Ia ~ .. known for :yeara l'cl out on a dan- CouiiCII havlq ~ ftrlt electr<l Au lntereated penon~ . are tnY!ted,

p.m. and ends a\ seven f,he next what aile Ia ti'J')nl' to do and more~ aerous call and I worry. I. fear a, In September, 1047. For three of· and the J"'lllldrite at Oannllll TH­mon&Jna, · ·She AI alone. Unleu K0<1t of the time, a. dtlpatchar hell of a lot for their Mfety. There theH tel'llll he wu elected by the ._ are partfoularl7 IIJ'I'Id to ... a trien. d reU- ,_ for a few kee~ a wide epan of what llv.-year Ia a prof-lonal an~ per•nnal con- other members of the Council to be, ........

10 t"-• .,_ wtn ....,_ ..............

~-·~• ... .- . vetel'&ll Lllida Sc!arlata tanlll "'piSt cern- they're. more than car'num- ....... ,_, .. ~, -~- -,..,-~lnutea, ~e II forbidden-to ett· attentlciD" and probably only ulul bare." th_e Olty'a Mayor. He reall'fted from . pOrtllnit1 ol IIUI8C!Ill' the -~ cape tor a cup of ~ or even for 081'1:&1n lnfonutlon to q'lllakl7 P•ullne Bordu, ~ho ltarted with CouncU in 1

H8 wtlen he moved '"- - U..a atreer __.,_ a ....... of tretb air. . well'h. 1•• lmportanoe cciai .. •re4 •- .Greenbelt In l... added. "You l'l'om f.he Clt;r. He ltill ·holdl the .._ .,__,. ,. .... ... dllt1ncdon ot l)a"ll~ Ml"fttd lonrr

If• job? It demandl effec- current prlorltleil. could M7 our motto II 'Hope for on the Oreanbelt a 17 Council than r-------------1

Uve c:ommunlcstioa, . quick ll'rabl. tha IDIOb-flllacl. l'tound twll!-t.bea' '' t attar _dllpa&chinl the .MJ' .other Individual. __ _.., , -· Memorial S.IYbr thlDidn8. swift .r-.::wont, com- lloor cubicle In tha inunloipal bllilld- Scarlata ..-, ·"We are aubjeot . He - a ••bet ol Oowloll dur-petcmt perfoi'III&JlCe \IJidmo ltreal, llil'. lbe mq dlreot i&p to four to IDUI7 lataue lalDIItel of walt- 11111 tlla U.. ~ .ll'a4aral ~m-- Tbe American Le_ liOn 138 autborit7; l'tlpONlbWtJ, and, GNiaara at a time, P- lafonaa- . · . . ..t 11014 oil QNaalle1t e.a t 4edte~~- · -- ._... • ............ , to --·- tlon lato and fl'OID • aCimp· uter and 1"'· but '"' ... tciCIIIJ blind to t-.s IDUoh ol tM - - to the and AwdUaey and Dllabllt ._, _., - _... ........... . what 111&7 lie ~... I . ··-· American Vetere~ wlD buill oool, calm and aon.ittd. IIIIIWV -I'IUCIJ' and .---..r- BorcSu -tlaued, · "!'ou need a ~.' He - m~ In the ..- 1 • •

a.. JQbf .. ~ In&- pnq phon•. Other tu111 lnalucla hlrh Ina! . ., totaranee lit 1 tb . . piCI)'IMD,t ot two qcy· Jlanal'e ..... - Veteran• Da1 8erYicel • lllta CiiiiiiDIIi 11 -.foatloa. ~ dally lop. roll oa1llt, o61an' alone" t ng e"". Charlie T. MoDoaa1d and Jam• K. Sal, Nov. 11, at 10 a.m. ..-... IICIIIItan a1 ·6ald aotPtUe1,. teporU, arrut reoordll and inpr- A ·btrh t..el ~ Ot.a. 'Mdla I» wu aa Ooundl, the ~the War Memorial In G..._.· ......,_ u4.~ 'fttlll ...,.._. ·Print oarda, an~ IUUIDI' tllayole,_ "We IMid a 11-. oitolndow lnatalled ~ - 111- u4 11014 CO ttta llelt center. · _...._ IIID 't • wet- -w.... &llialal, and llrtUID ,1'81;11tratlolll. owr th.- eauater ......._ e --'n• _•Board;:::::,..,:ol:..,::lll4ll..elaa::;:::...:U.:..;O.:=!n:.:;ter:..,...;. •• ._ •. .,..------"4 ~ ....... --..~ ~ Wlaaa Do female ollla_. Ia .. ,ua.: I _ _. · ~~ !0111 ._.... I' - I ...,.. . -··~ _. "lila, •if•al• dlapat4bar II reqi.et:-. •an u..,.... O:W with bll. lllt . . • . . MDIIERSJ. . ,_.. ~ tlllepllaMI·IIIIIaJIJ' . 84 to atrlp-4111}'-aaroh t•ala ..:, alloW 1111 bMd, lloidaa recount•, A 'J1'EN110N I'!'ID · · . . ln..,. 1let Willa ... tJp8il CIIIJt II80tl. An un~t expa.._ae · "' dropJIIId ~ ud puabad .. , ~ . . . ddl'.~ .AialltU.. duJee, * wtlell dutJ oatil. IIMII: In,._, ~t 1111 Glib' threw a· , · . .·. . . _...,,... _,...,......... ... ot ...... -~ . .._;....... paolcap ol ~ He aot ~ ""-- Membe..LJ.. Hearl ... · ilia_... . ... aplte .... ,......._.._.. Mrrr aU cr1 a~". ~ ,....,. . JIGo JolriT · A b1ftlll _.... t1lnll .Mid llllde~pql~ ~ ol Tit IIIOtMr -.,.OM lady ohed

1llto ~ ~ .....-... tM profeallon, ~da loM'Iata IUU all a1 ·,lae&' aloUWia lD u.e b ... lway. · 4IOIIItaatlr ._. .. _ ... ......._ 1IMI tbe work. 'The 'Ntl~ a( "People doft't Deed..._ tor what

... 11M to.lllilot .. flit- ol· dlaijea Uld COiltaat 'With,. oiU.U. th&J: do ~.• ....... DlUied, tlie ON8It1lelt Pollae ~t IDab the Job lntelltatl~, lhe N- llnae JICIItolDI ,II a ~hour Job, - 1 0 ?RL . · ......., However, til- lntareltlnl'. 10 ill 41apa+olllnt. - ame aoelal ..,.. ,_ · Ontnllelt .._.. II 41itlaana" IODietlm• "ollll 1Dt out" ~tllllllll ,...lft;bleDla t:r-'

, .,.._ 111to, ...., do J* ..UT laa. for leaYinl' them OD ~ tor ttiO plaal ot au oewa-'11& .. 10 aftltat tJae ._., i: Jl d tltloller • ,.._ loq. "I have to vent IDJ' boM11.U• a dlapatohtr, . ~. the Green-...__ ..,. ~ Blat tbla prlftte)J, 10 I 01111 out thele Ill,.._ llalt .crew· aiM..., loukt10 whCIH_ ......_ .....,. tJie ...... ~ *-." aha la\11'31'1 a4JI\Ita, b~ ia a poll._.. with tbe a.· fNMio, trwla Ill• • flil6d t*laU~ IIIOIIIId ·to · te, mo4arn OOUA~, DOt.le~ ..,.... ._ey of oltu­CIIIIIn, .... .- .._. ......... ~r tai'IDiaal and· e ancient., at!Ciftl 1111pr _._tilt i)tb likeable.

· M4 ~ m·. . . . ~'--. . 4UtJ pollee ra41o. . .· ' I Ulla tbe.a~-;·:.cltl•enl, ..... • ..... . . .. ~.' ... ~ •IIIUI7 ~ ~ '.Tbare~ a .. *•" partlo-

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